the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
Well, looks like Matilda Jones, aged seven, is the new ruler of Great Britain sorry I don’t make the rules.
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
A Twist in The Tale - Chapter Three
As always, I do not own any of the characters, places etc etc. They belong to Nintendo.
This chapter contains: Threats of Violence, Subtle Violence (Rough grabs etc.)
                                                    Chapter Three.
Zelda slammed the doors of her chambers shut, leaving the Darknuts outside. She paced up and down, mumbling to herself, her brow furrowed and her lips down turned into the biggest frown she had ever mustered. Her fists were clenched by her sides as she desperately tried to think of a plan.
A rumble of thunder made her look out of the window, towards the dark clouds and she watched as raindrops started to bounce against her windows. She relaxed her face and peered over her shoulder, at one of her wardrobes. Her eyes dropped to the floor as she thought.
Could I? Or should I leave it until I can think things through properly?
Another rumble of thunder made her close her eyes and she turned around to her wardrobe once more.
Now might be my only chance.
She hurried to her wardrobe, pulling the doors open. Before anything else, Zelda grabbed a pair of linen trousers and a loose shirt from a shelf. She was quick to slip out of her birthday gown, replacing it with her trousers and shirt. She placed the dress and her diadem on to the bed and reached under it, pulling out a pair of leather boots. They were her riding boots. She slipped her feet into them and returned to her wardrobe where she climbed in. Taking the key out of the front lock, Zelda closed herself in and locked the door from the inside. In the dark, she crouched down and felt the flooring of her wardrobe, until the Triforce on her hand shone brightly. A light illuminated around the edges of a section of flooring and Zelda gently wriggled it and lifted it from the ground to reveal a tunnel that she could access after a small jump down.
She dangled one leg in the hole, then heard someone turning the handle of her door. She gasped lightly having not expected anyone to enter her room. She turned her head to peer through the keyhole of her wardrobe. In strolled a Darknut, who lingered for a moment before taking a step towards Zelda’s bed noticing her diadem laying there, with her nowhere to be seen. He quickly turned and rushed back out and Zelda could hear him clanking down the hallway.
Zelda sighed again, realising she couldn’t do this. Not now. The Darknut had surely gone to fetch its master and if Ganondorf found out she was missing, he would have the whole castle ripped apart to find her. She couldn’t risk that. She climbed out of the hole and replaced the wooden flooring. Her Triforce shone as she hovered her hand over it, sealing it once more. She quickly unlocked the door and came out of the wardrobe, making sure to close and lock it again. After pulling off her boots and hiding them back under the bed, she hurried to her bay window and leant back into the cushions. She looked out of the window while she awaited the inevitable arrival of her captor.
Sure enough, the sounds of pounding footsteps soon invaded her ears and through her doors burst a large, angry Ganondorf. He snarled until he noticed Zelda sat at her window. Zelda turned her head with a scowl on her face.
“I was told you had gone missing.”
Zelda lowered her legs from the window seat and stood. She stayed still and kept her distance from him.
“With guards outside my chambers? And no other possible way out?”
Ganondorf straightened himself out, the red in his face fading as he calmed down.
“It would seem my men are idiots.”
Zelda crossed her arms and took a few steps towards him, until she was stood before him. She frowned up at him and tried to stay as angry as possible. But she couldn’t help but smirk at that last comment Ganondorf had made. She was quick to readjust her features before replying. Her arms still crossed and her neck still craned up to meet his eyes.
“Yes. They are.”
Ganondorf grabbed her by the upper arm and squeezed it tightly. She winced slightly but tried her best not to let the pain show on her face. She would rise above it. He pulled her closer to him and leaned closer, tempted to plant his lips on top of hers. But he didn’t. He hovered over them and snarled.
“Let me warn you now, Princess. If I find out that you are planning an escape, I won’t hesitate to destroy your entire land and everyone that lives in it. Including your beloved Impa. Do I make myself clear?”
Zelda attempted to pull back, her brow furrowed and her teeth snarling in rebellion. But, he overpowered her. She yanked her arm away one last time and Ganondorf reluctantly let go. Zelda glared at him as she straightened herself out and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You have my word Ganondorf. I will not try to escape. Although I still think this marriage idea of yours is ridiculous. I have no choice but to go along with it. I will not risk my people by defying you. Not when I know that no matter how hard you try, you WILL be defeated by the Hero of Courage.”
Ganondorf growled, his face turning red again as he grabbed Zelda once more, this time both hands wrapped around each upper arm. He gave her a shake in his rage and roared over her.
After realising his outburst, Ganondorf loosened his grip on the princess and relaxed his face. He stared at her for a moment, she showed no signs of being frightened or even remotely effected by his anger and this caused him to let her go completely. Frightening her into submission would not be the way to go in this life time, for this Zelda simply wasn’t afraid of him.
“He will not defeat me Princess. Not this time. It is finally my time to win this battle. Now,”
He straightened his armour and brushed back his hair with his fingers, calming himself down.
“I have many things to tend to. Until I am done, you will remain in your chambers.”
“So, I am not even permitted to roam my own home?”
“Not tonight. Not until I have replaced every single one of your guards with my own. Not until every inch of this castle is working under my rule. I will reduce the servants and replace your people with my own where I can, until I am certain that there is no chance of you conspiring to escape, or worse.”
Zelda’s strong and straight composure slumped and she wrapped her arms around herself, taking a step back from the Demon King who was beginning to worry her. He had it all planned so well. Everything was thought out and Zelda was beginning to wonder if the Ganondorf of this lifetime could actually win. But she had to believe that the Hero of Courage would vanquish him as he had done in so many lifetimes before this one. She recomposed herself and turned away from Ganondorf, heading back to her window seat where she would be able to watch over the town.
“It sounds like you have a lot of work to attend to then, Ganondorf. I’m sure you can see yourself out.”
Zelda could hear the nasally sigh Ganondorf let out as she sat back down on her bay window and kept her sight on the town below. She could hear his footsteps as he strode towards her. She felt his breath as he leaned forward and took a strand of her hair in his fingers. His lips almost touched her ear as he leaned in as close as possible and it made Zelda shiver, which if asked, she would pretend was a reaction to the cold breeze from the open window.
“Perhaps you could take this time to think about our… wedding arrangements.”
Zelda couldn’t hold back a scowl as Ganondorf backed away and promptly left the room, closing and locking the doors behind him. Zelda took in a deep breath and wrapped her arms tighter around herself. She stared out at the town for a little longer, but as she finished counting the number of smoke trails she could see, rising from rooftops, she turned away and climbed down from the window. After closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in, Zelda took the few steps it took to reach her bed and climbed in. She tucked herself tightly under the covers and wrapped her arms around her pillow as she pressed her face into it and let out a sigh. Now that she was alone and there was no need for her to keep up appearances, she let herself cry, over the death of her father. During her sobs, Zelda slowly drifted off to sleep as her mind wandered to nightmares of what could happen to her country and her people.
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
A Twist in The Tale - Chapter Three
As always, I do not own any of the characters, places etc etc. They belong to Nintendo.
This chapter contains: Threats of Violence, Subtle Violence (Rough grabs etc.)
                                                    Chapter Three.
Zelda slammed the doors of her chambers shut, leaving the Darknuts outside. She paced up and down, mumbling to herself, her brow furrowed and her lips down turned into the biggest frown she had ever mustered. Her fists were clenched by her sides as she desperately tried to think of a plan.
A rumble of thunder made her look out of the window, towards the dark clouds and she watched as raindrops started to bounce against her windows. She relaxed her face and peered over her shoulder, at one of her wardrobes. Her eyes dropped to the floor as she thought.
Could I? Or should I leave it until I can think things through properly?
Another rumble of thunder made her close her eyes and she turned around to her wardrobe once more.
Now might be my only chance.
She hurried to her wardrobe, pulling the doors open. Before anything else, Zelda grabbed a pair of linen trousers and a loose shirt from a shelf. She was quick to slip out of her birthday gown, replacing it with her trousers and shirt. She placed the dress and her diadem on to the bed and reached under it, pulling out a pair of leather boots. They were her riding boots. She slipped her feet into them and returned to her wardrobe where she climbed in. Taking the key out of the front lock, Zelda closed herself in and locked the door from the inside. In the dark, she crouched down and felt the flooring of her wardrobe, until the Triforce on her hand shone brightly. A light illuminated around the edges of a section of flooring and Zelda gently wriggled it and lifted it from the ground to reveal a tunnel that she could access after a small jump down.
She dangled one leg in the hole, then heard someone turning the handle of her door. She gasped lightly having not expected anyone to enter her room. She turned her head to peer through the keyhole of her wardrobe. In strolled a Darknut, who lingered for a moment before taking a step towards Zelda’s bed noticing her diadem laying there, with her nowhere to be seen. He quickly turned and rushed back out and Zelda could hear him clanking down the hallway.
Zelda sighed again, realising she couldn’t do this. Not now. The Darknut had surely gone to fetch its master and if Ganondorf found out she was missing, he would have the whole castle ripped apart to find her. She couldn’t risk that. She climbed out of the hole and replaced the wooden flooring. Her Triforce shone as she hovered her hand over it, sealing it once more. She quickly unlocked the door and came out of the wardrobe, making sure to close and lock it again. After pulling off her boots and hiding them back under the bed, she hurried to her bay window and leant back into the cushions. She looked out of the window while she awaited the inevitable arrival of her captor.
Sure enough, the sounds of pounding footsteps soon invaded her ears and through her doors burst a large, angry Ganondorf. He snarled until he noticed Zelda sat at her window. Zelda turned her head with a scowl on her face.
“I was told you had gone missing.”
Zelda lowered her legs from the window seat and stood. She stayed still and kept her distance from him.
“With guards outside my chambers? And no other possible way out?”
Ganondorf straightened himself out, the red in his face fading as he calmed down.
“It would seem my men are idiots.”
Zelda crossed her arms and took a few steps towards him, until she was stood before him. She frowned up at him and tried to stay as angry as possible. But she couldn’t help but smirk at that last comment Ganondorf had made. She was quick to readjust her features before replying. Her arms still crossed and her neck still craned up to meet his eyes.
“Yes. They are.”
Ganondorf grabbed her by the upper arm and squeezed it tightly. She winced slightly but tried her best not to let the pain show on her face. She would rise above it. He pulled her closer to him and leaned closer, tempted to plant his lips on top of hers. But he didn’t. He hovered over them and snarled.
“Let me warn you now, Princess. If I find out that you are planning an escape, I won’t hesitate to destroy your entire land and everyone that lives in it. Including your beloved Impa. Do I make myself clear?”
Zelda attempted to pull back, her brow furrowed and her teeth snarling in rebellion. But, he overpowered her. She yanked her arm away one last time and Ganondorf reluctantly let go. Zelda glared at him as she straightened herself out and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You have my word Ganondorf. I will not try to escape. Although I still think this marriage idea of yours is ridiculous. I have no choice but to go along with it. I will not risk my people by defying you. Not when I know that no matter how hard you try, you WILL be defeated by the Hero of Courage.”
Ganondorf growled, his face turning red again as he grabbed Zelda once more, this time both hands wrapped around each upper arm. He gave her a shake in his rage and roared over her.
After realising his outburst, Ganondorf loosened his grip on the princess and relaxed his face. He stared at her for a moment, she showed no signs of being frightened or even remotely effected by his anger and this caused him to let her go completely. Frightening her into submission would not be the way to go in this life time, for this Zelda simply wasn’t afraid of him.
“He will not defeat me Princess. Not this time. It is finally my time to win this battle. Now,”
He straightened his armour and brushed back his hair with his fingers, calming himself down.
“I have many things to tend to. Until I am done, you will remain in your chambers.”
“So, I am not even permitted to roam my own home?”
“Not tonight. Not until I have replaced every single one of your guards with my own. Not until every inch of this castle is working under my rule. I will reduce the servants and replace your people with my own where I can, until I am certain that there is no chance of you conspiring to escape, or worse.”
Zelda’s strong and straight composure slumped and she wrapped her arms around herself, taking a step back from the Demon King who was beginning to worry her. He had it all planned so well. Everything was thought out and Zelda was beginning to wonder if the Ganondorf of this lifetime could actually win. But she had to believe that the Hero of Courage would vanquish him as he had done in so many lifetimes before this one. She recomposed herself and turned away from Ganondorf, heading back to her window seat where she would be able to watch over the town.
“It sounds like you have a lot of work to attend to then, Ganondorf. I’m sure you can see yourself out.”
Zelda could hear the nasally sigh Ganondorf let out as she sat back down on her bay window and kept her sight on the town below. She could hear his footsteps as he strode towards her. She felt his breath as he leaned forward and took a strand of her hair in his fingers. His lips almost touched her ear as he leaned in as close as possible and it made Zelda shiver, which if asked, she would pretend was a reaction to the cold breeze from the open window.
“Perhaps you could take this time to think about our… wedding arrangements.”
Zelda couldn’t hold back a scowl as Ganondorf backed away and promptly left the room, closing and locking the doors behind him. Zelda took in a deep breath and wrapped her arms tighter around herself. She stared out at the town for a little longer, but as she finished counting the number of smoke trails she could see, rising from rooftops, she turned away and climbed down from the window. After closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in, Zelda took the few steps it took to reach her bed and climbed in. She tucked herself tightly under the covers and wrapped her arms around her pillow as she pressed her face into it and let out a sigh. Now that she was alone and there was no need for her to keep up appearances, she let herself cry, over the death of her father. During her sobs, Zelda slowly drifted off to sleep as her mind wandered to nightmares of what could happen to her country and her people.
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
A Twist in The Tale: Chapter Two
Here’s the next chapter of my TLOZ fan fiction! Ganondorf is mean and likes to laugh about everything. Zelda is already annoyed of his attitude.
This chapter contains: Threats of violence
Chapter Two - Negotiations.
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I apologise for the weird layout. I don’t know what Tumblr has done.
Links to individual chapters: 1 ~ 2
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
The Legend of Zelda Fan Fiction.
I plan to have some NSFW scenes in this fan fiction and trigger warnings will be posted at the beginning of each chapter. I will also be posting a clean version on my professional blog, which I’ll include the link to at the beginning of each post. 
Originally posted on Fanfiction.net
This is obvious, but I do not own any of the characters, items or places mentioned in this FanFiction. That all belongs to Nintendo.
This Chapter contains: Non-Major Character Death and Hinted Violence
Chapter One
A beautiful day in Hyrule, was not something uncommon, but today the beauty shone brighter. For to celebrate the birthday of Princess Zelda, a great ball was being held in the castle. The young princess was now eighteen and rumours that she would choose a suitor that night swept across the lands. Many princes and noblemen alike were arriving from every corner of the world to offer their hand in marriage and with it, an allegiance between countries. Across Castle Town and throughout the castle, people were decorating and dancing as the celebrations began.
Princess Zelda awoke in a delighted mood. To celebrate the day of her birth, was always a joyous occasion. She stretched her arms out and took a moment to listen to the birds whistle their morning song, until the echoes of music reached her ears. She always loved how Hyrule's people would celebrate today as if it were their own birthday and as she climbed out of her sheets, Zelda peered through her window, down at Castle Town where people all dressed in bright colours were beginning the festivities. A smile lifted at the corners of her lips and she chuckled as she saw the many carriages worming their ways through the streets, towards the castle. No doubt each one filled with a potential suitor. Princess Zelda had no intention of picking a suitor tonight, or the next day, or the day after that. In fact, Zelda had promised her heart that she would wait until she found love, before she married. For as heir to the throne of Hyrule, Zelda did not need a husband and she fully intended on ruling by herself. At least, for a while anyway. But oh, how amusing she always found it when suitors came to town, each one attempting to flatter her. She made a sort of game of it and quite enjoyed it.
A knock on her door and Zelda remembered that she had not even dressed yet. She beckoned for her ladies to enter and greeted them as she did every morning.
"Oh, come now your highness, your bath has been ready for the past fifteen minutes. Any longer and it'll simply go cold."
Zelda's eldest lady in waiting, Miss Thalia was quick to usher the princess into her bathing chambers and whilst complying, Zelda simply chuckled.
"Quickly now child, we don't want to be late."
Miss Thalia had known Zelda since she was a child and had been her nanny from the moment she was born. Now, she was her lady but the two had developed a close bond throughout the years. Zelda was quick to slip from her night gown and step into the marble pool which had been built into the floor of her bathing chambers. It was spacious and beautiful, fit for a princess.
"Please don't worry Miss Thalia, I cannot be late to my own party, for the celebrations do not start until I am there."
"Your father would say quite otherwise my child, now be quick, we must get on guests are already arriving."
Zelda chuckled again but obliged.
Zelda's ladies spent a good few hours bathing her, dressing her, styling her hair and all the while they gossiped about all the eligible suitors who had come seeking Zelda's hand in marriage. Soon, the princess was ready. She wore a simply dress which did not flare too much, much like her everyday dresses. It was white, with a sheer purple overlay which separated at her waist and fell to her sides. Upon her shoulders sat two silver pauldrons, each delicate and detailed as if a spider had spun them from silk, on to her shoulders. From these pauldrons hung a length of pink sash which flowed over her upper arm and reached the floor, connecting at the back. She wore long white gloves reaching past her elbow, which connected with the pauldrons through a bejewelled chain. A similar chain sat neatly across her chest, eliminating the need for a necklace. Her hair was pinned up into an elegant bun which allowed many curls to cascade down the back of her neck and a curl in front of each ear, framing her face. Of course, her outfit would not be complete without her signature diadem perched delicately on her forehead and her pointed ears wore the triforce earrings which once belonged to her mother, as they did every day.
She watched herself in the mirror for a while, as her ladies had disappeared to ready themselves and she awaited her father's arrival at her chambers. It was here, that Zelda felt a wave of unease flow through her. She lifted her right hand and as she watched the triforce shine brighter than it usually did, she could have sworn that in that moment, she saw fire in her reflection. She knew that the reaction of her triforce could mean only one thing. The Triforce of Courage had been awoken and the cycle had once again, begun. It was now only a matter of time before the bearer of Power would seek out Wisdom.
Her train of thought was interrupted as a knock on her door pulled her back to reality.
"Zelda my dear, are you ready? It's time, the celebration is about to begin."
"Yes father, I'm coming!" Zelda had called out to her father without even realising and she took one last moment to watch the triforce on her hand glow, before shaking it from her mind for the rest of the day. It would not spoil the celebration that the people of Hyrule had been looking forward to for months. She turned from her mirror, just as the doors were opened and her father took a step inside her chambers.
"Ah my dear, with each year that passes, you grow to look more and more like your mother."
Zelda gave her father a quick bow of her head before stepping towards him.
"You are too kind to me father. Are we to see her? Before the ball?"
Her father offered his arm for her to take and she took it eagerly.
"Of course, my dear. As we do every year."
It had become somewhat of a tradition for the pair to visit the grave of Zelda's mother on the day of her birth. For it was not just the day of Zelda's birth, but also the day of her mother's death. As they strolled down the hallway, heading for the steps which would take them to the gardens, Zelda could not shake this feeling of chaos from the back of her mind. She knew it would come, but she had not expected it quite so soon.
The pair enjoyed the warm sunlight and the cool breeze as they strolled through the garden and once at her mother's grave, Zelda perched herself by the stone and placed a hand on it as her father did the same. They knelt there for a few minutes before King Daphnes smiled at his daughter and stood, offering her his hand so she may stand too.
The two headed back inside and down several lengthy hallways, towards the throne room where many balls had been held throughout the years. Not only was today the celebration of her birth, but as her eighteenth birthday Zelda was expected to give a speech thanking her people and promising that when her time comes, she will rule the kingdom just as her father did. She had spoken to the public before and was not as nervous as she thought she would be. In fact, the only thing making her nervous was knowing that before long, Hyrule could and most likely would, fall into panic and chaos until the Hero could be found. She perked her head up in realisation then, as the doors to the throne room were opened and the King and his daughter were announced to the room.
Of course. The hero. It'll be up to me to find him. She had almost forgotten, that it was her duty to find the hero that would be able to stop the bearer of Power, as it has been in countless past times before.
Princess Zelda was rather enjoying her celebration. She had danced, talked and then feasted at dinner before dancing and talking some more. She had been introduced to all the suitors and found it quite amusing how they would all try to sway her at once. Now, it was almost time for her speech and she was sat in her throne, twiddling her fingers in her lap for the throne next to her, belonging to her father was empty. He must have gone outside for some air. She thought. She had planned to wait for him, but she knew the etiquette she must follow even if he did not appear and when the bells chimed for midnight, she knew she could not wait any longer. So, she rose from her throne and as she stood, the room quickly grew quiet and all eyes were on her. She took a deep breath and wetted her lips before smiling towards the crowd of people.
"People of Hyrule, I thank-"
She was cut short, as a blood curdling scream ripped through the windows from Castle Town, followed by many more. Before anyone could even react, the double doors at the entrance of the hall swung open, crashing into the walls. Many different monsters swarmed the hall. Some with clubs, some with swords, all hideous and terrifying. People began to scream and panic as these intruders cornered civilians and pushed them to the side creating a pathway down the middle of the hall leading to the thrones. Zelda knew this was the work of the bearer of power. She knew he had returned but she thought not, that he would attack so quickly. She brought a hand up to her lips as she watched her father, stagger into the hall. He held his waist and his back hunched as he stumbled down the path. The crowds of people grew silent as they watched in horror, their king making agonising noises.
Zelda picked up the front of her dress and scurried down the three steps of the throne platform and towards her father. She dropped down to her knees as her father collapsed in front of her and she took his head in her lap. King Daphnes looked up at his only child with fear and sorrow in his eyes as blood trickled down his chin.
"Zelda… My dear… sweet…"
"Father, who did this to you?"
The two simply stared at each other for a moment as Zelda's eyes brimmed with tears. Her father ushered her to come closer so that he may whisper and Zelda lowered her head to his mouth so she might hear the final words of King Daphnes before he closed his eyes, never to open them again.
Links to individual Chapters: 1 ~ 2
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 7 years
“I’m in bed with Bianca Del Rio” 😍😍😍
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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Part 87 of  “A Tale of Two Rulers” (Dec-12-2016)
—★ New comic comes out every Monday!
Thanks so much to all my amazing supporters on Patreon that help make this fan-comic happen! ♥ (If is wasn’t for you it would be a lot harder for me to have time to work on this and keep up with the bills so I’m super grateful)
If you would like to help out as well the link is here and, again, thanks so much! :)
—★Archive below
Read the comic from the start on one continuous page Here (*if you’re on a computer. It doesn’t seem to work on mobile)
or jump to a specific page with the links below!  
Pages     1  -   2   -  3  -  4  -  5  -  6   -  7   -  8   -  9   -  10   -  11  -   12   -  13  -   14  -   15   -   16   -   17   -  18   -   19   -   20  -   21   -    22   -   23   -   24   -    25   -   26   -   27   -   28   -   29   -   30    -    31   -    32     -    33    -     34  -  35  -  36  -  37  -  38   -  39   -   40  -     41    -   42  -  43   -   44   -   45  -   46   -   47   -    48   -    49   -   50   -    51  -  52   -    53    -   54   -   55  -   56  -   57  -   58    -   59  -   60   -  61  -  62    -   63  -   64   -   65  -  66  -   67  -   68  -   69  -   70  -   71    -   72  -   73   -   74  -   75  -  76  -   77   -  78   -    79   -  80   -    81  -  82   -   83   -   84    -   85   -   86 
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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Japan: Kawachi wisteria garden, Fukuoka
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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My new septum arrived :3 It’s so sparkly <3
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
Because who doesn’t want a poster that swears at you?
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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16 year old emo me is screaming right now.
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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I got new plugs and I thought it was important that you all knew. They are beautiful.
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
Because who doesn’t want a poster that swears at you?
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the-fantasy-fanatic · 8 years
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Ethereal Silence by Joni Niemelä
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