You think your skin is thick, until you press a blade to it and it flakes away like the cotton candy and ace bandages it is.
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I’m gona cut every inch of my body to show you how much you hurt me
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It has been a month since I last cut, but today sucked so bad I thought about cutting all day, and ran a bath right after I finished my homework. I didn't stop after a few cuts, I stopped when the water turned murky and I felt lightheaded. I feel like shit but only because now I feel guilty like I just committed a crime against humanity.
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I'm this is fine for sure
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Tag yourself I’m Aesthetic
Idk if this has been done before
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please watch this
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Reblog if its ok to send you meanspo
I need motivation to reach my goals
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I hate myself
Today I have been switching between 130.2 and 130.0. I hate it because I haven't eaten so why am I still somehow gaining weight. Tomorrow is a fast for sure, with the added 20 minute ice bath and excessive excersise. So I will probably go water fast until Monday morning when I'll allow myself a cup of low calorie smoothie and then back to the water fast. Tuesday I will bring back solids but nothing more than 250 calories. And if I am not under 130 after Tuesday I will fast again. (DISCLAIMER!!! I do not encourage or condone anyone doing this. This is extreme and unnecessary)
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Check in Cw:130.0
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This is Paul my air plant friend in his newly designed terrarium😍😍😍
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And my Spirit Falters
You said I was disgusting I loved you And you said I was fat and worthless Well jokes on you As you take a swig Water is my alcohol Excersise is my friend And starving is my chocolate cake But now you are concerned As if you haven't learned That as I kill myself slowly All I want is for the words "skinny" or "beautiful" to slip from your lips
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🍂this will be me🍂
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Dear God, even though I don't believe in you, I pray my legs become twigs like this lucky girl
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Personal meanspo*** Look at you, you're disgusting. So much fat on your cheeks so little bones rising from your flesh. Talk about a pig, no wonder no one likes you. I don't care how hungry you are, you aren't eating for the rest of today, fuck it, and tomorrow. Because what do you really want, to stuff your face with that doughnut or to have a defined neck, collarbones and jawline. Do you want to eat all that or have a beautiful and delicate body, with a thigh gap so wide you'll look good in anything and everything. Yeah, I didn't think so. So put it down, drink a cup of water and walk away from the kitchen.
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My new air plant Paul. I am going to try taking care of something to learn how to take care of myself. Ignore my ugly ass whale thighs.😢😢😢
(Don’t remove my caption) Stay safe lovelies❤
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School Sucks
I go to a small art immersion school and they always have high calorie snacks out. I was so excited for school because I would be away from food. Like yesterday I ate five donuts because I was stress eating and it made me want to die. Today I have had two baby cinnamon rolls, but that still makes me upset because I hit a goal weight and then gained back three pounds. I feel disgusting and like I'll never be skinny, especially with snacks near me all day at school.
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