taymani · 6 years
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im crying
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taymani · 6 years
If game of thrones characters had social network…
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taymani · 6 years
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taymani · 6 years
me spending every tour night watching blurry videos of Taylor performing:
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taymani · 6 years
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taymani · 6 years
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taymani · 6 years
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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taymani · 6 years
HC that the spider bite made Peter even lighter.
you’d think it would make him heavier, what with the new muscle and (perhaps) a denser bone structure.
but what if the bite changed his bone structure to be less dense? more light so he could easily swing himself around, make his footsteps even quieter for stealth, and add to his flexibility.
i just thought it would be funny if
tony goes to help peter up when he falls (like, grab his hand to hoist him off the ground) and completely underestimates how much strength to use and sends the poor kid flying.
Aunt May and Peter are watching a movie with Peter’s head in her lap, she tries to get up to get something to drink & Peter - joking around - holds onto her, not letting her up. May laughs and once again, underestimating how light he is, she jerks herself up and yanks Peter with her - so she stands there with Peter easily clinging to her like a koala. “Peter what the fu-“
(in the end she just easily walks to the kitchen with Peter wrapped around her , giggling the whole way because she still wants her drink and no feather light spider-kid is gonna stop her)
Peter wanting to prank Tony by tackling him - but as he jumps onto his back the man doesn’t even budge, so Peter just awkwardly sits on Tony’s back.
“kid it literally feels like i’m wearing a backpack do you even eat”
anyway someone write about this please
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taymani · 6 years
Marisa Tomei never ages, long post
So maybe you know her as Aunt May in the MCU
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And how old do you think she is?
Uh, late 30s early 40s, right?
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homegirl is 53!!!
and guess what?
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And you know what else???
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These are from around 1992-ish
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She old enough to be my grandmother. YES YOU HEARD ME, MY GRANDMOTHER. (It’s a stretch but I need some emphasis)
Y’all talking about how Paul Rudd never ages???? Have???yall???ever???seen???Marisa????????
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Homegirl needs to drop a skin care routine right this fucking minute
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taymani · 6 years
i can’t believe mac died of an unbelievably tragic drug overdose and the media won’t even honor his existence as an individual in the headlines… he’s not just “ariana grande’s ex” he is a real person with a career and a family and a life. he was mac miller WAY before he was with ariana grande.
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taymani · 8 years
What's your top 3 favorite Taylor RS?
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taymani · 8 years
I thought I was done with this blog.
no he flew all the way to stunt because taymani was gonna happen wake up people
here we fucking go again
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taymani · 8 years
Proof of Taymani.
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taymani · 8 years
K@ylornation started a k@ylor evidence blog... Waiting for the taymani evidence blog now lol
@rhodyswift where you at though
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taymani · 8 years
Taymani part 1: first meeting, first date
It all started back on the red tour, Kimani had managed to get a meet and greet with the one and only Taylor Swift. The M&g started like any other Taylor was chatting with adoring fans when she met a pair of pitch black eyes across the room, little did they know life as they knew it was about to change forever. Kimani knew the stunning blue eyes she saw belonged to her idol, but for some reason she was overwhelmed with this feeling in her throat unlike any feeling she had ever felt. Putting it down to nerves Kimani watched as Taylor made her way over to her. Taylor was used to other people feeling nervous and would make conversation to make for it and almost make them forget about their nerves. This was so very different. As Taylor approached she took in Kimanis height. She was taller than Taylor. Something Taylor caught herself thinking how she liked to be shorter than her partners. She saw a book in Kimanis hands and reminded herself to ask about it later. The pair started chatting, conversation flowing so easily the pair soon lost track of time but with other fans waiting Taylor had to go. But before she did asked Kimani about the book. Kimani was an artist and showed Taylor the book full of amazing drawings. A page with pictures of lips was her favorite. Without even thinking Taylor asked if she could keep it. Kimani mumbled something about her math homework before quickly agreeing and handing Taylor the book. Taylor then did something she has never done before and not only gave a fan her mobile number, but made Kimani promise to use it. Taylor couldn't have this be the last time they ever saw each other. Kimani lay on her bed looking at the scrap of paper in her hand wondering if it was really Taylor's number. It could just be a random number. It probably was Kimani decided as she threw it across the room in a huff. Her roommate Sam looked at her out of the corner of her eye. "You should call it, ya know, just incase" "why? it's probably just a random number she gives all her fans with a machine or some crap on the other end" Sam walks over to the scrap of paper on the floor and starts dialing the number "if you're not going to call it I will" Kimanis shot up and snatched the paper back from Sam. "Fine I'll do it" "Hello?" Taylor asked not recognizing Kimanis number when it popped up. "Uh...." Was all Kimani could mutter before hanging up "ohmygodwhathaveidone?" Flew out of Kimanis mouth just as her phone started ringing mere seconds later. It was Taylor. "Answer it!" Sam said sitting so close to Kimani she was practically on her knee. K- hello? T- hi K- uh Taylor? T- yeah K- oh hi it's Kimani uhh ... You.. Um gave me your number in the M&g yesterday. T- oh hi Kimani how are you? do you want to meet up while I'm still in town? K- um uh yeah ok sounds great when? T-nows good where are you? I'll come get you 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Kimani and Sam looked at each other with sheer panic in their eyes before both going over to open the door. Both girls were surprised to see the actual real life Taylor Swift standing on the other side. "Hi ....." As the girls stood and stared "um Can I come in?" Taylor said as the girls still were stood staring in amazement that it was really her. "Uh hi. Yeah come in sorry um this is my roommate Sam" while Taylor and Sam exchanged pleasantries Kimani got some things together because Taylor wanted to go get dinner. "Ok shall we go?" Taylor said seeing Kimani was ready. "Yeah let's" "Where's the nearest in and out?" Taylor asked as Kimani realized for the first time that Taylor had no security with her and they were actually alone "just three blocks" Kimani said as they relaxed into peaceful conversation. They got their burgers and ate them on the lakeside, sitting on a blanket. If Kimani didn't know better she would have thought it was a date. As they ate they watched the sunset over the city skyline. Kimani felt Taylor's arm sweep around her lower back, thinking it was a friendly gesture Kimani did the same back. Taylor however confident took this as permission and reached to turn Kimanis face towards her with her other hand. Their eyes locked as Kimani recognized the same feeling in her throat as in the M&g yesterday. She knew what it was now. It was desire. Taylor had felt it too and had spent the last 24 hours waiting for this moment. As Taylor lent in for the kiss she paused an inch away from Kimanis face. As their eyes closed Kimani crashed her lips onto Taylor's not wanting to wait a second longer. The taste of Taylor's lips rushing through her mouth as their tongues blended together. They couldn't get enough of each other, their hands everywhere and before they knew it they were rolling around on the blanket clothes a mess. They had both only been with men before but for some reason had an instant attraction to each other. As they made out this only became more apparent. The two separated for air looking anywhere but each other, for fear of what might happen. "I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" Taylor started but Kimani interrupted her with her own apology followed by another pause. both girls not really sure what was happening as Taylor realized Kimani had undone her bra. "Shall we head back?" Taylor asked "if you want, I'm ok here for now if you are though" Kimani responded. "Okay" Taylor responded trying and failing to stifle a smile. The pair lay on the lake side untill the sun started to dawn behind them switching between sharing stories and hard make out sessions. When Kimani finally made it back home at 8am, she found Sam asleep on the couch, having fallen asleep after trying to wait up for Kimani to get home. Kimani, too excited to wait shook Sam awake. S: dude you should've woken me when you got home! How'd it go?! K: we were out all night Sam! It was amazing she's amazing she offered to send her jet to come get me on my next free weekend so we can see eachother again! Oh my god she's amazing. S: wow. What happened on this dinner trip exactly? K: oh. Um. Actually I dunno if I'm allowed to tell you? Fuck it you're my best friend. Um I think me and Taylor swift are dating. If that makes sense. S: wait. What? I don't understand. You're straight aren't you? K: well.. I thought I was. But maybe I'm not entirely. I dunno we just met eyes and we had this connection and she made the first move and it was amazing. We made out and told stories and made out some more and oh my god I can't stop thinking about her. S: what. wow Kimani this is. Wow I don't even know what to say. When Taylor made it back to the hotel she opened the door to find her parents both on the phone in what looked like very tense conversation. "G-morning" Taylor mumbles the lack of sleep catching up with her. Andrea and Scott spin around so quick before sighing and telling the people on the phones no to worry she's turned up. "Oh my goodness. Where have you been?!" Andrea said while giving Taylor a huge hug. "Out" replied Taylor who was becoming somewhat annoyed with constantly needing to be in touch with someone weather it be her parents or her publicist Tree or some form of security. Andrea had learnt when to stop asking questions and knew when to drop something, a skill Scott had yet to pick up on. "Let us know where you're going next time, anything could have happened. We thought you had been kidnapped." Andrea said although her words were muffled by Taylor's shoulder as she was still honking on to Taylor for dear life. Taylor could tell Scott wasn't satisfied with not knowing where she went so she muttered something about needing a shower before heading off in the direction of the bathroom. Once there she called Kimani. Deciding that waiting until Kimani had a free weekend wasn't going to be soon enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Actually the first fic I've ever written. Hope it's ok. I haven't got access to a computer but as soon as I do I'll turn my asks on and you can let me know what you think! (Please do!) or just let me know in replies or something. planning for this to have multiple parts if y'all like it. @blame1989 I know you hate me but I love you! x
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taymani · 8 years
It's been 12 hours 😈
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taymani · 8 years
Fic will be up in 12 hours
@anon writing the taymani fic, where you at? i want it.
@anon writing the taymani fic love yourself and stop what you’re doing this second
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