avocado-writing · 1 year
Hello! Can I get crowly with an s/o who is dyslexic and gets so frustrated and discouraged when they struggle to read something that start crying most of the time.
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notes: thank you to @ziggystardust8675 for reading over this to make sure my portrayal of dyslexia was okay, I truly appreciate it!
pairing: crowley x reader
rating: T
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Tears in your eyes, again, you slam your book shut and cover your face with your hands. 
It’s so frustrating. The words are swimming on the page, and no matter how you want to trap them down they’re like butterflies escaping a pin. Every time. Over and over. And you end up with the worst headache at the end of it, rendering it all utterly pointless. 
Crowley finds you like that, mentally self flagellating, and he knows why. Pride and Prejudice sits on the table, face down, the pages crumpled; almost guilty in its abandonment. He has tried to help, but most of his ideas end with “threaten the words to stay still on the page”, and even that didn’t work for long. 
However, he has had another idea. 
Torn between comforting you and pretending everything’s fine to save you the embarrassment, he puts the box on the table. 
“I, er, got Aziraphale to order these in,” he sniffs, “a little present thing.”
You look up at him, confused when you see it’s books; and you’re about to ask him if this is some terrible joke when you notice the font. 
Carefully reaching out, you take one of them in your hands and open it. It’s in Dyslexie. Your brows knit themselves together and this time as tears streak your cheeks it’s from affection. 
“Oh, Crowley,” you whisper. 
“And if you don’t like them or they don’t work we could always get drunk and burn them. Could be quite therapeutic.”
You reach up and throw your arms around him, causing him to stagger back. 
“You’re an angel,” you say into his ear. 
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crazypossumman · 7 months
@ziggystardust8675 just said to me that dr steins only weakness would be a seam ripper and I’m on my fucking KNEES
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lemonsprite · 1 year
Neville POV- the other night I saw Harry and Draco in Professor Snape’s room after hours. Before I could say anything, Snape stopped me and told me to just “walk away.” I haven’t seen Draco, Harry, and Snape in the same room since. Snape won’t Look Draco in the eye.
Luna POV- The other day I saw Harry and Draco in the forbidden forest doing things only animals would do. Harry told me not to tell anyone and if I did promise not to he would still be my friend.
Ron POV- I saw Harry and his sworn enemy sneaking around in the library, specifically the forbidden section. We promised not to go there after first year, but here he was! Breaking that promise… Hermiones said it was just my imagination, but… I don’t think my imagination could come up with that.
Hermione POV- I saw Harry take Draco under the invisibility cloak. I was under the impression he was taking Draco down to the dueling grounds for practice but after hearing some strange noises… I’m not so sure…
Moaning Myrtle POV- I saw Harry and Draco in the girls 2nd floor bathroom and in all my years at this school… I’ve never seen something like… *that*… it was quite entertaining enough but they caught me and Harry went very red. I laughed and laughed and went back to thinking about Cedric and death
Oliver Wood POV- After a Brief qudditch Match, I Found Harry and Draco under the stands together. Draco and Harry had gotten into an altercation over the golden snitch. Draco pushed Harry against the wall and whispered, in quite a sultry voice may I add “you think you’re gonna get away with this, just wait until later.” And then Harry smirked.
Goyle POV- Goyle thinks it’s weird that Draco is hiding something from Goyle. Goyle keeps seeing Harry sneak in to the Sylterin boys dormitory. Goyle keeps hearing weird noises…
Voldemort POV- during the final battle after I cursed the Potter boy, that Malfoy child came running. He gave the wand back to Potter, and after some oddly close interactions and some strange caressing, Potter sat back up as if nothing had ever happened. I don’t know what kind of spell that spawn of Lucius cast but as far as I’m concerned that whole Malfoy clan is no longer apart of my ranks.
Lucius POV- I always thought that Draco was all talk when it came to Potter, I mean I’ve heard it, *believe me*. That boys been rambling about him since year one. But it all came to a head when I was going to ask Draco a question but he’d already turned in for the night, and from my dear sons room I heard a cursed name. “*potter*”
@ziggystardust8675 >:]
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Hello 👋 I was just wondering if I could get a ship for MASH, Marvel, and the marauders please? I’m a 5”1 girl who’s bisexual (but I’d prefer a male ship) I’m an INFP, I’m in tune with my emotions but I’m really bad at expressing them, I’d much rather just crack a joke instead. I like to read, do art, listen to classic rock or a murder podcast. I have dirty blond short curly hair that is a mess 90% of the time and I always dress casual. I really like physical touch but I’m also touch starved 1/2
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I am the same with my emotions lol, it’s frustrating some times isn’t it? I hope you like them!~
I ship you with John Trapper. 
I think you two are pretty similar. He expresses his emotions with jokes as well, so I think you two would develop your own ‘love language’, and I think it would be really cute, and that you would mash really well (Get it? Mash?? haha, I’m so punny).
There is definitely a height difference here, but I think he would LOVE how short you are compared to him, and would often joke about it. 
You two often love to watch old classic movies together, while lounging around, cuddled close together. 
Even though you both tend to express your emotions silently; there are moments when he does truly tell you how much he cares and love you.
You both help each other to become more comfortable expressing your feelings verbally; though you both know each other so well that is is not necessary. 
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I ship you with Steve Rogers. 
Steve is quite a bit different than Trapper, but I think that you could mesh well with both types. Steve is very loving and though he can be awkward with his feelings he can express them pretty well in whatever way he needs, especially with you.
Again, cute ass height difference lol
Steve is very caring and has no problem being physically close (though not in public, that’s embarrassing to him lol) .
He loves to show you old shows and movies that he grew up watching as he knows you will appreciate them much more than some others. 
Steve didn’t like the idea of murder related docs/movies, etc, but once he overheard you listening/watching one and it got him hooked. 
Steve might chastise you on occasion for putting other before yourself; but you can always flip this on him, because he does the same thing lol. 
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I ship you with Remus.
Maybe you saw this coming, idk lol. But I think you two would work well together because of how emotionally in-tune you are, as well as the similarity in your interests. 
It might take a while for Remus to get used to being physically intimate (hugs, cuddles, hand holding, etc.) but once he did get used to it, it became one of his favorite ways to express how he feels. 
Surprise hugs, random hand-holding, kisses to the back of your hand or head, etc. He just likes being around you and close to you. 
He is definitely interested in murder podcasts and old movies/shows, and is not against just laying around and listening to/watching them in the evenings or on the weekends. 
Remus thinks it is very cool that you act in theater, and any time you might be in a play he will definitely be there. 
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Andrew Garfield and young Remus f.c.
xx Read post about ship requests here xx
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ded-rat-whore · 2 years
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Someone keeps pestering me to draw so I am gettin back into it.. 😎🤙
@ziggystardust8675 any requests or prompts Shawty??
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tropicalfreckles · 4 years
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I lied about working on these next week I kind of just jumped into the first two people that responded  to wanting pics with the bugman lmaaaaooo not sorry. Look at this demon with these lovely folks get it beej Beetlejucie is also picking up Riley, the top doodle oc since she’s shorter than him lmao SHOUTOUT to @ziggystardust8675 with lovely Riley, and bottom is beetlejuice hitting on his parole officer (cause come on folks he would), Grace, who belongs to @wall-whisperer !! Also I know it’s cause it’s shorter but he’s wearing his big ol’ messy coat over his suit.
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crazypossumman · 5 months
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Spot the difference: Chance (aka Burger) vs the Purrito
(Photo taken by @ziggystardust8675)
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crazypossumman · 1 year
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We only have the finest art in our house
(Credit to me and @ziggystardust8675 as we are hilarious)
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crazypossumman · 2 years
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Enjoy this lovely photo of my cat with the cowboy filter taken by my friend @ziggystardust8675
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