wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Zalu Faran, 2023
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krizste · 2 years
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kitt13cat · 4 months
mam takie wrazenie ze siedzenie w anie jest fajne i nie chce z tego wychodzic dopoki nie uderza te wyrzuty sumienia po jedzeniu i ten bol w zoladku z zalu
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kittycatcrackhead · 17 days
shane x farmer headcanon
TW: Alcoholism, EDs and body dysmorphia, and mentions of being suicidal.
Here's some headcanon stuff before i get to the depressing shit
Leon is 5'5", and Shane is 5'6" (funnily enough, leon was made to be short because i wanted him to be slightly shorter than shane, and i've always headcanoned shane as 5'6")
Neither one can cook. Leon has literally burnt down his kitchen before.
Leon is 27, and Shane is 34
Leon is horrible with kids, but Shane is surprisingly good with them (it's cause he tries to be a good uncle to jas)
Leon doesn't understand a thing about gridball, but it's fine cause shane loves to ramble and explain it.
Shane is transmasc, and uses he/they pronouns.
Leon uses he/him pronouns.
Shane wears exclusively crocs, even at work. It drives leon insane (he despises crocs).
Leon and Shane are both slobs, and it drives Leon's bodyguard Phillip (who also lives with them) fucking nuts. (phil is a part of their relationship, but i want to focus on leon and shane's dynamic here. i'll eventually make a post about a phil x shane dynamic)
Leon is somehow still a certified accountant (even after getting fired from his last job for accused fraud. he was set up tho), and handles the finances for the farm, and deals with tax stuff. He often rambles about accountant stuff to Shane, who doesn't understand a lick of it.
Leon is allergic to cats, but they still keep a cat around the farm.
Leon's full name is Leonard Valentine Locke. DO NOT call him Leonard, he despises his full name.
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^ This is leon :3
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^ this is his sdv sprite i made :3 (pixel art is a pain in the ass in procreate btw T_T)
ok sad shit below this, read at your own risk.
So shane has always been a big influence on my oc, Leon (it was mostly subconscious, I didn't realize Leon was so similar to Shane until a couple of months ago)
They're both suicidally depressed and alcoholics, and both struggle with their sense of self-worth.
I believe that Shane drinks because he lost two close friends who meant a lot to him (Jas' parents), and didn't know how to deal with the grief. He'd already had a bit of an issue with alcohol before, but nothing like it would become.
Leon drinks because he had a shit childhood and a shit life. He hates himself, and struggles with major depression. He's on antidepressants, and meds for bipolar 2, which react poorly with the alcohol, worsening his symptoms, and making him heavily suicidal. He always had a problem with alcohol, but it became significantly worse when he shot and killed his father. While it was self-defense, his now boss, Zalu Merriweather, used it against him to get Leon to work for them. That sent Leon into a downward spiral, and he ended up nearly dying multiple times.
He ended up in Stardew Valley with his bodyguard, Phillip, because of some lore thing idk. what happens in stardew valley isn't canon to my story, so i haven't put too much though as to why Leon ends up there lmao
But Leon finds shane, and they are two drunk peas in a pod. They get along well, (perhaps too well), and are both worsening the other's alcoholism, since Shane now has a drinking buddy, and leon thinks shane's hot af, but leon prefers to be drunk when he sleeps with someone.
Then shane's six-heart event rolls around, and leon doesn't want to shane to end up like him. Shane decides he's going to get his shit together.
Leon doesn't get sober yet, tho. He's still drinking and struggling, but with Shane now being sober, he doesn't want to be a bad influence.
Eventually, shane and phil are able to help leon give up alcohol.
Leon gives it up entirely, but Shane is able to have a few beers every now and then.
Leon gains weight after quitting alcohol, and it really fucks with him. He had an ED when he was younger, and has bad body dysmorphia. Seeing his body become "ugly" by his standards almost makes Leon relapse, but he works through it.
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simps-every-tuesday · 3 months
This is Zalu my zora oc. She is a princess from a domain far away from hyrule somewhere in the ocean. She is visiting zoras domain in hyrule for the first time.
My story for her is on deviantart, or should I post her story somewhere else?
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"Wow, this place is so bright during the day. I'm sure it's just as beautiful during the night"
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The Body in Vulcan - Ak'shem t'Vuhlkansu
Abdomen - Feshek Adenoid - Za-han-pi'nafek Adrenal gland - Abru-kapol-nafek Ankle - Mal-nik Anus - Pekh-razh / Hul'a Areola - Kur-kuv Arm - Kar Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev Auditory canal - Zhu-ur
Back - Pla’dor Ball and Socket Joint - Dukal-guf-iesek Bicuspid - Dah-sfekik Birthmark - Keshtan-kur-vel Bladder - Vazhaf / Vazh-sa'haf (modern/traditional) Blood - Khaf Blood plasma - (bosh-)khaf-masu Blood vessel - Khaf-mev Body - Ak'shem Bone - Hinek / Khim'ip Bone marrow - Hinek-masu Brain - Shad / Shi'nahp Breast - A'dle'ad / Thasek Buttock - Pla'kruslar / Koi'a
Calf - Vaukh Callus - Stein Capillary - Pi'khat-mev Cataract - Bezhun-ripa'shaya Central Nervous System - Nen-wel-torektra Cerebellum - Dvunek-tash-svitan Cerebral cortex - si-tin t'nahp-tash-svitan Cerebrum - Nahp-tash-svitan Cervix - Sudef-talu Cheek - Nak Chest - Tuf / E’ksedj Circulatory System - Da-kuvau-torektra Clavicle - Dol-hinek Clitoris - Ko-lok Coccyx - Harr-hinektra Cochlea - Tvi-sau-torektra Colon - Pekh-mev Cornea - Bezhun-wadi Coronary Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev t'khaf-spol Cranium - Patam-hinektra
Diaphram - Esh-dvunek
Ear - Kaluk Eardrum - Zhu-nalatra-tin Earlobe - Ne-kaluk Elbow - Kar-nef Enzyme - Zalu Esophagus - Yokul-mev Estrogen - Ko-dau-tukh Eustachian tubes - Kaluk-mev Eye - Bezhun / Ak Eyebrow - Ezhun-zehl Eyelash - Bezhun-isach
Face - Limuk Femoral Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev t'abru-mal Femur - Abru-mal-hinek Fibula - Vaukh-hinek Finger - Ozh Index Finger - Kehr-ozh Middle Finger - Rehr-ozh Pinky Finger - Wuhr-ozh Ring Finger - Dahr-ozh Thumb - Kaur-ozh Fingers - Ozhlar Fist - Ozh-dukal Follicle - Pi'haf Foot - Ash’ya Forearm - Ne-kar Forehead - Fa-patam
Gallbladder - Thel'a-zalu-nafek Gastrointestinal (GI) tract - Neik-skaun-ek'ur Gland - Pi'nafek Groin - Neikah Gums - Zud-wadi
Hair - Isach (single hair) Isachya (multiple hairs) Hand - El’ru Head - Patam Heart - Khaf-spol Heart Valve - Khaf-spol-spunek Heel - Timut Hip - Gaf Humerus - Abru-kar-hinek Hypothalamus - Is-lof-svitan
Iliac Artery - Uzh-khaf-mev t'neik-vukhut Immune System - Tefosh-torektra Intestine - Pekh-mev Iris - Kurak
Jaw - Ahs
Knee - Mal-nef
Larynx - Shi'spes Leg - Mal Ligament - Hinek-tersayek Lip - Bru Liver - Nehasamek Lung - Eshaf / Esh-sa'haf (modern/traditional) Lymph node - Yak-kal
Mandible - Neik-ahs(-hinek) Molar - Nal-zud Mouth - Ru’lut Muscle - Dvunek
Nail - Felu Navel - Slakh Neck - Talu Nerve - To'tsu Nipple - Thasek-gonaf Nose - Han Nostrils - Han-sharular
Ovary - Yukal
Palm - Ku Pancreas - Zalu-nafek Patella - Mal-nef-hinek Pelvis - Dafel Penis - Lok Phalanges - Uk-hineklar Pharynx - Drahk Pineal gland - Sofar-pi'nafek Pinna - Si-kaluk Pituitary gland - Dau-tukh-pi'nafek Pore - Wadi-sharu Pupil - Glan-sharu
Radius - Sik ne'kar-hinek Respiratory Tract - Pa'kizh-ek'ur Retina - Glan-nalatra-tin Rib - Bak
Scalp - Patam-ek'wadi Scapula - Tipan-hinek Sciatic Nerve - Nen-mal-wel Sclera - Bezhun-wan Scrotum - Sakal-sa'haf Septum - Temok Shin - Ne-mal Shoulder - Tipan Skeleton - Hinek-teraya Skin - Wadi Skull - Grat Sole (foot) - Lad Spinal cord - Plat-wel-elakh Spine - Plat Spleen - Khaf-nafek Stomach - Skaun-sa’haf
Taste Bud - Zahvek Tear Duct - Bezhun-masu-mev Testes - Sakal Testosterone - Sa-dau-tukh Tendon - Dvunek-tersayek Thalamus - Zhaitra Thigh - Abru-mal Throat - Drahk Thumb - Kaur-ozh Thyroid - Drahk-pi-nafek Tibia - Ne-mal-hinek Toe - Gof Tongue - Lahv Tooth - Zud Trachea - Esh mev Tumor - Gnal
Ulna - Tvik ne-kar-hinek Ureter - Kapol-nafek-mev Urethra - Vazh-mev Uterus - Sudef
Vagina - Keshtan-ur Vertebra - Plat-hinek Vocal Cord - Spesek Vulva - Kotik
Waist - San Wart - Gakh Wrist - Kar-nik
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chimerqa · 10 months
Zrobilam interes zycia, czyli przeplacam 2x.
Generalnie serio mam w dupie Black Friday od zawsze, ale tym razem uleglam. Ale od poczatku!
Rok temu (ponad) posypalo mi sie zdrowie i przestalam chodzic na swoja ukochana silownie. W calej swojej glupocie wzielam i sie wypisalam... az tu nagle podniesli ceny karnetu dla nowych o 100%! Az mnie skrecilo z zalu. No chuj, postanowilam znalezc inna silownie. Znalazlam, ceny mnie urzekly, do tego za 30 PLn dodatkowo picie bez ograniczen... Jedne zajecia slabo, drugie slabo, trzecie: widze powazne niedociagniecia ze strony kadry, ogolnie nie lezy mi muzyka, na sztangach sie nudzilam, na innych zajeciach wkurwialam. Wiedzialam, ze musze szukac czegos innego.
Az tu widze: Karnecik w mojej dawnej silce za 160 PLN <3 Pobieglam do domu, wykupilam, co prawda teraz bede placic 21 PLN wiecej niz kiedys, ale juz nie 235 na litosc boska!
Jaram sie, ze zobacze co najmniej 3 ulubione trenerki, pocwicze do fajnej muzyki i nie bede gonila z pracy na zlamanie karku na ulubione zajecia!
A i jeszcze musze wypowiedziec umowe w obecnej silowni, z ktorej nie korzystam i jestem niezadowolona. Szczesliwie pierwszy miesiac w FA bedzie mnie kosztowal 0PLN, wiec moze nawet nie odczuje :D
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levetamere · 3 months
Zalu les jennnnnn @ntclaire
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aalinaaaaaa · 3 months
Dramatis Personae
A masterlist of all my characters from my various WIPs and short stories, updated with links to relevant posts. Listed in no particular order.
Estyia Verlova
Emir Kerrasova
Aurandra Verlova
Cordelia Verlova
Andreas Verlova
Helian Verlova
Callabiem Kerrasova
Omar Kerrasova
Zalus Calentova
Oszmir Iskrazhen
The Recordkeeper
Maolan O'Duibhíorma
Selendyia Delakarre
Silvas Seracout
Faiske Estellerit
The Silkweaver
Rika Edernisz
Obsidian Sapphires
(Currently being edited and re-drafted, so the title and/or cast may change)
Alycja Cartovierta
Cheyoria Faison
Jabari Ivolognie
Damien Rosewood
High Councillors Faison, Emar, Varesh, Sarivauke, Ailkouri, Melaushe, Darüven
Karina Jastilise
Emila Cartovierta
Jerdina Varkaikh
Sharigan Eschredaine
Caointe na Mná — The Lady's Lament
Eoghain O'Rourke
Saoirse O'Rourke
Aoife Ní Mhuircheartaigh
Kerrigan Montague
Ruadhán O' Conchubair
Roibhe Ní Fhlaithbheartaigh
The Lady of the Court of Tears
Anira Jalsourde
High Councillors Melaushe, Allotière, Emar, Larait, Varesh, Ailkouri, Darüven
Seras Culscovier
Warden of the Underground
The Bloodcarver
Other Noteworthy Individuals
Warden of the Woods
Desemir Eschredaine
Charimone Eschredaine
Damien Zharova
Zaya-May Saratriel
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cryb4by2k23 · 1 year
w sumie to zjadlambym...
ale jest juz po 20...
kochana, jest po 20 i wiesz co to oznacza, ze jesli zjesz twoj brzuch bedzie jak balon i nie bedziesz w stanie spac, pamietasz przeciez ten dyskomfort?
jesli zjesz to bedziesz zalowac, ale jesli nie to nie bedziesz zalowac. przeciez nie chcesz miec zalu
do siebie
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pamietnik-narcyza · 2 years
boje sie osob, ktore rozmantyzuja:
choroby psychiczne,
psychiatre i psychologa,
boje sie osob, ktore na sile szukaja problemu, zeby pozniej diagle o tym nawiajx w kolko, ale w srodku nie czuja zalu.
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kittxvt · 1 month
jakby ktos mi powiedzial ze wygladam jakbym mial anoreksje to bym sie poplakal ale nie wiem czy ze szczescia czy z zalu do siebie
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cyberbenb · 2 months
Zelensky arrives in UK, meets Zaluzhnyi
President Volodymyr Zelensky landed in the U.K. on July 18, where immediately met Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine’s former commander-in-chief and recently-appointed ambassador to the U.K. Zelensky and Zalu Source : kyivindependent.com/zelensky-…
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dapurinthos · 4 months
*accidentally constructs half a pantheon for the ancient coruscanti*
original names in italics:
koru, umate, voru: the sun, the moon, the stars
nātarai & manarai & matar(a)i: 'earth', fire, sky
via & onrai: fertility & death
zoru: tutelary deity
notes on names: umate (āmbatai —> umatai —> umate). the construction of the word just makes me think of moon and months. secrets and politics naturally go together.
voru (kwhāryu —> bāryu —> vāryu —> vāru —> voru) is one of lina soh's targons so i wanted varu and matari to have something in common, so the pair becomes the stars and the sky. and since this is a space-faring galaxy, voru also gets industry and craft. and the cosmic force.
manarai (mbanarai —> manarai) & matari (mbatarai —> matarai —> matari) are older deities, probably the oldest of them all. manarai is fire and victory and more about the individual; matari is about healing the entirety of society, and oracles, i think. no one can agree on what gender they were, if any (manarai would totally be the sith god if the sith worshipped an indigenous coruscanti deity). they are twins and/or lovers.
via, (khwiya —> biya —> viya —> via) & onrai (ānbarai —> ānarai —> ānrai —> onrai): had a bit of fun here with the good parent/evil parent trope that abeloth plays into, so they get to technically be the same deity, which is of transformation and fertility, but also they're parent and child (most scholarship will show they're mother/daughter but there is a subset of mother/son, father/daughter versions, and sometimes a hermaphroditic pairing), and life and death. which one is which? it depended on which hemisphere you lived in.
original ones: koru (khāryu —> khārru —> khāru —> koru) is taken both from the name of [k]oruscant and 'duel of the fates', since the opening line is 'korah matah' and i thought it would be funny. she's the sun, destiny, and sorcery. if you want to push it specifically, she's the living force, as well.
nātarai (—> nātrai —> notrai) becomes the root for notron, the original name for coruscant. it's the planet, it's a local deity. like the sun goddess of arinna. but a planet. tutelary deity. constantly changing form.
zoru (dzālyu —> zhālyu —> zhāllu —> zalu/zaru —> zoru) is also the root of the word that becomes zhell, the 'origin species' of humans on coruscant. he is the 'patron saint' of the city of great zhell, but evolved into more of a general war god as the taung vs zhell conflict continued.
other the indigenous coruscanti loved them some trios. yes, via & onrai are missing a third. no, it's not zoru. historians only know that the name does end with the -ālyu suffix, though a very small subset of scholars believes it should be ambālyu (—> amālu/abālu). at a conference, someone once suggested it should be katamarai and got shouted down. other contenders are mbālyu —> moru/boru/baru.
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xhsnzks · 5 months
chciałabym ostatni raz porozmawiać o tym wszystkim co się wydarzyło, na spokojnie, bez nerwow, zalu
ale sie to nigdy nie wydarzy
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babyzenah · 5 months
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