#yukimura act 2
krys-loves-otome · 2 years
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Do have every intention of taking Mitsunari's route, but this lil shit muffin is making me morbidly curious.
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dorokora · 10 months
Toji’s AR Dungeon Part 1-2:
In Part 1, we start with Toji, Tadatomo, and MC entering the dungeon in Roppongi. There are presence of demons in the dungeon. Furufumi shows but it was demon disguise as Furufumi. After it was dealt with the real Furufumi shows up, here once again to act as a guide since this is a job Mononobe ask him to do. Toji cuts down a wondering Oni and sees into a past loop memory. In this loop, the public security organization is still around with Kresnik, Masanori, and Toji working together. Their job is to deal with the stray transients causing problems in the area and also to learn about the suspicious game that has been spreading in Tokyo. Toji was almost decapitated by Shino, who is currently guarding MC. After that memory, Toji was surprised to see the public security organization was around in that loop. Since they are pretty much gone in the current loop. Yukimura, the exception from CH6, appears and say he will help.
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In Part 2, we continue off in the past loop memory. Shino explain the situation to the public security organization. MC life is being targeted by the players of the game. Masanori is surprised to see Yatsufusa. Shino ask if he was expecting something else. Masanori said no, he’s just glad to see that he’s a descendants of dogs and not something else. Toji says it must be nice to have someone to call father. Toji said they need more support to learn about this game and protect MC. Masanori suggest that they recruit the other Hakkenshi. The first one on their list is Nobumichi, who said he’ll be glad to help.
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selenacosmic · 10 months
A sugared birthday.
Birthday special. pt. (2/2).
The special gift - nsfw (minors dni).
Lightly inspired by the story event “dancing queen” from his birthday event. This got longer than I thought it would.
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A few days have gone by since the meeting I had with the warlords from Kasugayama, ever since then we were all preparing for Shingen’s birthday in secret. Kenshin and Yukimura would be responsible for organizing the party, Sasuke was in charge of making sure Kenshin wouldn’t go overboard with ordering the sake. He also volunteered to enhance the security of the castle, although I doubt anyone would try harming Shingen, it was better to be sure rather than sorry.
Yoshimoto would be helping me practice for my personal gift to Shingen, since it was mostly his idea. And besides, he is very knowledgeable about art and beauty, specially about Shingen’s preferences. If I really was going to pretend to be a celestial maiden, I would need to know how to act and move, what expressions I should make while talking to him etc. to make everything more immersive.
But learning how to act like a celestial maiden would soon be proven to be a difficult task.
“Not like that, you will knock the cup down if you move your hand like that.” Yoshimoto’s voice carried a sigh, he was being patient as he taught me how to act gracefully. His hands held mine and gently fixed its position, as well as fixing the sleeve from the robe.
“I am sorry, but it’s hard moving gracefully with this. The wings get in the way of my movements.” The robe i would be using for the acting was almost done, missing just a few final touches that would make it look heavenly. But I still needed to learn how to move on it.
“Practice and time will help you, you must stay calm and pay attention to every movement you make. As long as you keep your mind focused, the sleeves and wings won’t get in your way. Besides, I predict you won’t be using the robe for long.” His comment made me blush, sometimes I forget how casually Yoshimoto’s words may sound.
“A-anyway, what else should I do?” Trying to change the topic, I turned to him with that question. I wasn’t confident that the acting would last for very long, eventually i would just fall back into being myself.
“Like I said, it would be good to pour sake for him, as well as feed him the sweets yourself. You won’t have to do much.” He moved away, letting me go back to practice pouring sake elegantly. I focused, like he said, on the position my fingers were around the bottle of sake, how my arms moved as a tilted it over the cup.
I suddenly felt his finger touch between my eyebrows, rubbing the area lightly “don’t frown while you concentrate. While it’s cute, a celestial maiden would keep a serene and calm expression.”
“Got it!” Despite agreeing with him, I believe it would take a lot of effort to control my face. If it is for shingen, I should do my best.
“I believe that’s enough for today, you should try practicing in front of a mirror to help you know what expression you should make. Go rest now, otherwise my cousin will be looking for you.” Yoshimoto patted my shoulder, gracefully getting up to leave the room, as a way to give me privacy to change my clothes. I put the bottle of sake down on the table, feeling my muscles relax.
“Thank you for helping me with this, it means a lot to be able to do this for his birthday.” I showed my gratitude to him before he could slide the door open. Yoshimoto stopped for a few seconds before turning to me with a smile.
“If it’s for my cousin, I will gladly help. We will meet again tomorrow.” With that, Yoshimoto left the room. Despite the fact that he told me to rest for now, I kept practicing in that room for another hour or so. While it’s true that I am pushing my limits, I didn’t want to do a sloppy job while acting on his birthday. After I was tired to the point where my muscles were sore from forcing elegant movements, I decided to take a rest, for real this time.
It might not look like at first, but making graceful movements took a lot of effort, my arms hurted a bit. I took off the robe carefully and put my regular kimono back on, leaving the room with the robes carefully wrapped on my arms.
The room in question was in an inn we rented to use as a practice room. Every day we would meet here so that I could train my acting and perfect it. Shingen noticed I am going out frequently, so I had to use the excuse that I was going out to shop for his birthday party. I hope he doesn’t get too suspicious, though I think he knows something is going on.
Sasuke once mentioned that I give things away too easily through my expressions, which was something I was clueless to. Huh, perhaps I should work on that.
The moment I stepped inside the castle, I noticed an abundance of people walking through the halls in a hurry, carrying what i would assume to be the decorations for the party. Wow, Yukimura and Kenshin really went all out on organizing the banquet, though i can only imagine the conflict those two must have had preparing everything together.
It was already close to dusk, the sky was tinged by a mix of purple and yellow. I should be getting back to the bedroom shingen and I share, otherwise he might get find my lateness strange. But before that…
The robe.
The seamstresses aren’t done finishing the robe, they only allowed me to borrow it for the practice. I should return it to them before I go back, i hugged the wrapped robe against my chest, trying to make it less noticeable as I made my way to return it. Even though the others wouldn’t find it suspicious, I wanted to keep the costume as secret as possible.
Once I had returned it, I was finally able to go rest in my bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief as I reached the door, I really miss the covers of the futon right now. As I slide the door open, two strong arms pull me inside, sliding the door shut once I was pulled flush into a sturdy chest.
I felt embarrassed by the little ‘yep!’ I let out, my arms instantly wrapping around the torso of the person who pulled me, since I knew exactly who it was.
“My goddess finally returns to my arms, illuminating my night with her glow.” That honeyed voice was enough to make me melt, I snuggled up at him while looking up.
“You shouldn’t surprise me like this, one of these days I might hit you.” Which could very well happen, what if it was a kidnapper? Or perhaps an intruder? I doubt i would actually hurt him, but i would prefer to avoid such a scenario.
His laugh filled the room, there was a twinkle of mischief in his gray eyes. I could visibly see his shoulders shaking a little. “I suppose I will deserve that. This lowly mortal accepts his goddess’ wrath.”
“You are being awfully theatrical today, did something get you in a good mood?” While it’s true that he is a flirt, he isn’t usually this… honeyed.
“On to me, aren’t you? I have heard from a certain someone that I might get a very special gift.” Oh. Oh no! How could he know? Did one of his ninjas investigate us and figured out what we were planning?
Before I could panic, I felt his warm hand over my cheek, his thumb caressing my skin. “Don’t worry, I don’t know much. I asked Yuki if there was something going on for you to be going out every day to the market. He ended up telling me that you must be preparing something for me.”
Of course it was Yukimura… though, I can’t blame him completely, he probably had to say something to shingen so that he wouldn’t investigate us, which would end up ruining the surprise.
Still, I will kick his knees for this.
“Well… that’s all you will be able to know for now. This is a surprise, you know?” I placed my hands over my hips, shooting a scolding gaze at him.
“Alright, very well. I will content myself with this little knowledge to keep my wife happy.” I smile at that, at least I know he wouldn’t want to ruin his surprise. “But-“
“W-woah!” I wrapped my arms around his neck on impulse as I felt him lifting my up in his strong arms, carrying me towards our futon.
“To distract myself from trying to find out this secret you are keeping, I will be demanding something else.” His face was close to mine, a sweet yet dark smile on his face.
I gulped lightly, knowing I wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. Hopefully I will still be able to walk well tomorrow for practice.
On the night of December 1st…
The day had started a bit hectic, everyone had to get up early to prepare the castle for the party. Shingen would be distracted with his work, he insisted that he shouldn’t neglect his duties just because it’s his birthday, specially not when the weather was getting terribly cold. He had his people to look after. Yukimura scolded him, saying he should get more rest during his birthday, but shingen gave him a simple answer.
‘I should prioritize the well-being of those under my protection, my birthday isn’t more important than the life of others’
While I did worry about shingen working to the point of exhaustion, I also understood that he couldn’t just take a break, even if it was for a day. Besides, I believe that both the banquet and my gift to him will be of great enjoyment. With shingen distracted with work, the others and I had time to set everything up for his birthday.
Currently, the others will drag shingen to the main hall so that he can enjoy the feast, talk with his old friends and drink. Meanwhile, I would be getting ready to act. Yoshimoto ordered two maids to help me into the finished costume, the table with sake and sweets was already prepared. All I had to do was wait for them to send shingen here for my part of the gift.
I just hope I can do everything perfectly.
Some time had passed, I was sitting perfectly straight with my hands over my legs. I knew it would take a while, but my knees are starting to ache from staying in this position. And I was getting hungry…
I wish I could have joined the banquet, but the idea was to keep me hidden until it was time for him to come. I heard my stomach grumbling at the thought of all the food that would be present at the party.
Maybe a little bite of the sweets wouldn’t hurt… I reached out to take a chestnut bun, biting a small piece of it. However, I was caught by surprise when the door suddenly opened as I was mid-biting into a sweet bun.
“Selena, i heard you were sick. Are you-!” When shingen fully opened the door and saw me, his eyes widened in surprise. I could feel his intense gaze all over me.
Oh no, I should have waited just a bit more! Is there any way to save this? I thought of something quickly and slowly pulled the bun away from my lips, smiling at shingen with a trained expression.
“My lord, you have finally arrived. I was eagerly waiting your arrival to wish you a happy birthday. I had to wait so much for you that I started to crave the buns.” I carefully set the bitten bun down, trying to keep my poise and posture. “I hope you will accept being served by me as a birthday gift.”
He stood there as I spoke, his gaze turning dark and intense with desire. Shingen made his way towards me, that charming smile finally appeared on his face. “A heavenly maiden comes to wish me a happy birthday? I must truly be blessed.”
He took a seat beside me, his arm wrapping around my waist to pull me closer to him. I had to hold back my desire to throw my arms around him, for the sake of the roleplay! Using the skills Yoshimoto taught me during our acting classes, I gracefully poured sake on a cup for him.
Every movement I made was carefully thought, I gently set the bottle down on the table. Looking up at him with a dazzling smile, I could see the corners of his ears turning red.
Shingen picked up the cup filled with sake and took a sip, letting out a satisfied hum as the sweet liquid ran through his tongue. “A drink poured to me by such a beautiful being tastes like heaven.” His gaze was glued to me, I could feel his hand on my waist slowly going down.
“Not so fast, my lord. You still didn’t let me serve you properly, I had so many sweets prepared for you.” I couldn’t let him rush this so soon, I gently pushed him away as a way to tease him a bit.
Those eyes were showing a hidden feral need, he was getting impatient with waiting. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle not touching me, but I had to play this role just a while longer.
“If this celestial maiden wants to serve me properly… allow me to finish eating the bun that you took a bite of.” I was surprised that he wanted that bun specifically, there were many others that were bigger and probably sweeter.
But I wouldn’t argue with his demand, I picked up the chestnut bun I had taken a bite of and offered to him. His lips opened wide to eat the sweet, his tongue sensually caressing my fingers in the process. Another deep hum of satisfaction could be heard. “This must be the sweetest bun I have ever had, perhaps because it was touched by your lips.” He pulled me close yet again, showing his impatience through his greedy touches. “It makes me wonder how sweet your lips must taste.”
At this point his lips were almost touching mine, a growing ache for his warmth couldn’t stay ignored any longer.
I need him.
“If my lord is so curious, you should try them.” That was all It took for us to fall on the floor together, our lips crashed against each other. My back was pressed against the floor while shingen hovered on top of me, his arms and knees keeping his body balanced. His tongue pushed past my lips, making me moan when I felt him exploring my mouth deeper.
My voice was muffled by his kisses, leaving me panting once our lips had to separate from each other. His face was still close, his cheeks flushed red from our kiss. “It feels sinful of me to want more, but I don’t think there is any coming back from this.”
The sweets and drink was soon forgotten, our passion taking place as far more important. His hands tugged at the collar of the costume, showing my collarbone. Those lips were back on my skin, I could feel his teeth gently biting my shoulder, leaving a love mark there. Shingen seemed satisfied with it, the color was very visible. He moved his kisses downwards, leaving a trail of marks until it reach the top of my chest. “It looks like your body is covered by petals.” His voice was sweet and low, enough to make me melt.
His hands open the robe more, revealing my breasts openly to the cold air of the room. “You are far too lovely, maiden. I must cover you in more petals of love.” He resumed his kisses, gently sucking on the skin of my breasts to leave more love bites. My voice, no longer muffled from his kisses, could be heard more clearly now. My fingers bury in his hair, pulling on it gently, I needed to have him closer to me.
His kisses suddenly stopped, making me look at him impatiently. His arms wrapped around my back, lifting me up gently. “I might be in need of your warmth, but I cannot take you on the floor. A goddess deserves only the best.” With his long strides, he moved us quickly to our bed. He carefully laid me down before going back to kissing me, his teeth gently tugging on my lower lip as he pulled back.
He fully took the robes I was wearing off, though his hands lingered on the wings of the costume. “We cannot have this here, otherwise you might fly away before I can properly love you.” He took the wings carefully, putting them away far from our bed. He took off his own clothes, letting them pool around him on the ground
His hands were all over my body, caressing me between my legs as he positioned himself on top of me. My arms pulled him closer so that I could kiss his neck, making him inhale sharply. He marked me so much around the neck and chest area, it’s only right I leave my own mark on him. And because I want him to enjoy himself too. “You are torturing me like this, Selena.” Oh, he was back to calling my name, I guess the acting didn’t last for long.
“You are doing- ahn! the same to me.” His fingers went deep inside me, making me throw my head back as I melted against him. With my neck exposed, he kissed my throat passionately, adding to the pleasure.
This was feeling so good yet it was so torturous to wait, but the torture didn’t last for too long. Perhaps he also became impatient, because he entered me fast. I gasped, feeling his hand stroking my breasts he filled me completely inside.
Our bodies were pressed together as one, his arms were holding me tightly as his hips moved. My lips crashed against his once again, giving myself completely to him. In the end I really just retuned to being myself, but it was fun roleplaying with him.
Shingen pulled away from the kiss, holding me so that our eyes met as we were getting close to melting into each other. “Even if you aren’t dressed as one, you will always be my goddess. Thank you for your gift to me, Selena.”
A smile rose on my lips, I held his face and gave him a deep kiss as we reached our high, our bodies relaxing after that intense activity. “Happy birthday, my love.”
That night didn’t end there, my gift to him lasted for quite a while. I am sure my gift to shingen made him very happy, I know I was happy as well at the end of it.
The end.
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shatcey · 7 months
Ikemen Sengoku
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Main routes
Yoshimoto: Ranmaru&Sasuke Unpredictable Mai's humor Red eyes) Ranmaru Bickering GOAT Motonari How Motonari 2 Kenshin's threats Dummy
Shingen: I love Mai Best boss Sweet Kenshin Nobunaga Collection jokes
Sasuke: Ranmaru Bli-wink Fun chapter Motonari
Kenshin: Overprotection Ghost Shingen Mitsunari is a love rival Painful topic Why a dog? Kissable blush
Keiji: Keiji His acting Jisei Quoting That guy Flashy appearance Kennyo DE (Ieyasu)
Kicho: Kicho Cousins Love rival Motonari
Ieyasu: Knowing smile Sudden appearance Daddy is angry Ieyasu DE
Kanetsugu: Modern joke Mai Geisha Shocking news Mitsu and Ranmaru Experiment Kanetsugu's route
Yukimura: So cute
Motonari: Damn you Relatives Not just looks Confession This is destiny 2 A rat Two options
Kennyo: That a wording!
Disciplined by my darling (Yuki)
The locked up princess: Kicho Kenshin
Double or nothing: Mitsuhide Ieyasu Nobunaga
Motonari + Mitsunari
Forever I do: I lost Motonari
Work week: Mitsuhide
Heist of the heart: Election 15th place
His twisted affection: Just once Mitsu
24/7 (Mitsuhide) 31/01 (Ieyasu) 18/02 (Kenshin) 03/03 (Keiji) 12/05 (Nobunaga) 07/07 (Yukimura)
Play on words Gacha stories Ieyasu name Sign Day of screenshots Long maintenance His food 7an (cards) Masamune (food!) New weapon Boyish humor
🔝 Start page 🔝
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I Will Take You Tonight (Part 2)
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate. Spoilers under the cut.
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The warlords returned to the dressing room.
Yukimura: “There’s no time to waste. We need to hurry and go help her.”
Shingen: “Acting without a plan is not a wise choice. This is not the time to act willy-nilly.”
Nobunaga: “You guys, write this first.”
Nobunaga showed everyone the notice the staff had just given him.
Kennyo: “What’s the point of writing it if we don’t know who the enemy is?”
Kicho: “Don’t tell me you’ll use the TV station?”
Everyone: “!”
Nobunaga: “That’s right. I already talked with the staff earlier.”
Nobunaga: “We’ll use the tv to declare war on those who have kidnapped Mai and save her as a phantom thief while watching for their move.”
Mitsuhide: “The tv station is willing to cooperate as long as they can capture exciting footage of the renowned phantom thieves.”
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Sasuke: “If that’s the case, let’s write a warning letter first.”
And so each person let their pen run across the paper as they wrote their warnings.
Yoshimoto: “I think that’s enough for all of us.”
Sasuke: “Seventeen warning letters are overwhelming. I think some of them even contain threats.”
Ranmaru: “Some of them are a little scary because they’re worried about Lady Mai.”
Kenshin: “Staff, take this.”
The staff member who received the letters from Kenshin proceeded to respond. Shortly after, they received a response from the culprit.
Staff: “I received an email.”
Mitsunari: “I will keep this woman as my treasure. He’s provoking us.”
Kenshin: “I’m gonna kill him right now.”
Kicho: “You have every right to be angry, but you need to calm down. We have a lot of work to do.”
Kicho: “Sasuke, you’re a ninja, right?”
Sasuke: “Yeah. I know how to do a reverse tracing.”
Sasuke: “Excuse me, staff.”
Sasuke started doing something with the laptop.
Yukimura: “Wow. I have no idea what you’re doing.”
Sasuke: “Thanks. Oh, it’s done.”
He adjusted the laptop so everyone could see the map on the screen.
Sasuke: "I traced the email successfully. I've identified the source and where it was sent."
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Keiji: "Let's go there right away."
Mitsuhide: "No, wait. The culprits have sent us a provoking message. They may be a well-prepared group."
Nobunaga: "Yeah. We'll split up into teams from here."
Nobunaga: "Sapphire will secure a route to sneak into the building, Ruby will eliminate the guards, while diamond will secure Mai."
Ieyasu: “What if Sapphire and Ruby find Mai first?”
Kicho: “After infiltrating it, it’d be best for each individual to make their own judgment and proceed with the rescue.”
Kicho: “How about we call your plan “A” and “B” for Diamond’s plan?”
Mitsunari: “That sounds good.”
Nobunaga: “Ours is plan A. Our priority is to protect her.”
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The building that Sasuke identified turned out to be an exclusive luxury hotel.
Hideyoshi: “So far, so good.”
Ieyasu: “This lounge was open to non-members as well.”
Mitsunari: “Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Ieyasu.”
Shingen: “We’ve got some information.”
Mitsunari and Shingen, who were out gathering information, returned.
Hideyoshi: “You’re fast.”
Mitsunari: “I got the room number used by the person who runs this hotel.”
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Nobunaga: “Our mission here is also complete.”
Nobunaga joined the four of them, and at that moment, he received a message.
Nobunaga: “It’s from Yoshimoto. He went in from the back, disguised as a contractor.”
Nobunaga: “He said he successfully infiltrated. We’re going to join him.”
Ieyasu: “Did you get what we were looking for?”
Nobunaga: “I told you the mission is complete.”
He smiled and tossed the membership cards for six people onto the desk.
Hideyoshi: “As expected of Lord Nobunaga! With this, we can infiltrate even beyond the lobby.”
Nobunaga: “Yeah, from the lobby and beyond.”
Nobunaga: “I sent Yoshimoto there because I believe there’s a route that can’t be accessed from the guest side.”
Shingen: “I don’t see this going down easily.”
The five used their membership cards to sneak inside the hotel.
Afterward, they received a message from Yoshimoto and met in a deserted hallway.
Yoshimoto: “As I thought, there’s a floor that is inaccessible to both guests and employees.”
Shingen: “I heard that the hotel manager’s private floor is on the top floor, the 33rd floor.”
Shingen: “Where is the floor that we can’t enter?”
Yoshimoto: “This building is actually 34 stories high.”
Mitsunari: “Then the owner’s actual residence is on the 34th floor.”
Yoshimoto: “Probably. But the elevator only goes up to the 33rd floor.”
Ieyasu: “Is there a staircase?
Yoshimoto: “It looks like someone tampered with the elevator.”
Yoshimoto: “You can only get to the 34th floor by inserting a key that only some of the staff have.”
Yoshimoto: “But there are surveillance cameras.”
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Yoshimoto: “We need to do something about it, or the alarm will go off immediately.”
Yoshimoto: “Even if we reach the 34th floor, there’ll be a commotion right away.”
Mitsunari: “If we have that much information, then we can split up and solve the problem.”
Shingen: “Yoshimoto and I will get the key.”
Nobunaga: “We’ll handle the surveillance cameras.”
Nodding to each other, Nobunaga and the others split into two groups.
A few minutes later一
Nobunaga: “Looks like you got the key.”
Shingen: “Of course. Looks like you took care of the surveillance cameras.”
Mitsunari: “We tampered with them to make the recorded footage loop.”
Ieyasu: “We can now infiltrate the top floor.”
Hideyoshi: “Let’s hurry and get there.”
And so the five of them boarded the elevator.
Meanwhile, the warlords of Team Ruby were waiting on the roof.
Masamune checked his phone as he received a message.
Masamune: “Sapphire has secured the route to infiltrate the floor owned by the kidnapper.”
Keiji: “As expected of Lord Nobunaga.”
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Kanetsugu: “And where is it?”
Masamune: “The top floor, but apparently, there are a lot of security guards there.”
Yukimura: “I see. So we just need to take care of them.”
Masamune: “Exactly.”
Then Ranmaru and Sasuke returned. Both were looking for other ways to infiltrate the hotel.
Ranmaru: “I found a way through the vent, but it was pretty narrow. I think I’m the only one who could fit in there.”
Sasuke: “The route from it is connected to the top floor.”
Keiji: “Why don’t we see if we can enter through the window?”
Kanetsugu: “We’ll attract attention if we go in a large group. Yukimura and I will use the wire gun and check it.”
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Masamune: “I’m counting on you.”
Kanetsugu and Yukimura deftly used the wire guns, suspending themselves from the rooftop and maneuvering along the windows.
Sasuke: “Yukimura, Kanetsugu. Are you guys all right?”
Sasuke and the others watched them from the rooftop and called out to them.
Kanetsugu: “It’s windy, but no problem.”
Yukimura: “There’s a room with no lights on. Let’s try entering from there.”
The two nodded at each other and placed their feet on the window’s ledge.
Then, Yukimura lightly tapped on the glass and shook his head.
Sasuke: “It’s probably coated with a special coating.”
Ranmaru: “I’ll try to break in through the vent.”
Keiji: “We’ll just have to find a window somewhere to break in.”
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As they investigated, Yukimura and the others finally found a window that could be broken.
Kanetsugu: “If we break it, people will immediately rush to it. Sasuke, the thing.”
Sasuke: “Got it. We’ll use this glass cutter to cut it.”
Kanetsugu disconnected the glass, making sure not to drop it.
At that moment, Masamune's cell phone rang, and he received a call from Ranmaru.
Masamune: "Yeah, okay."
Masamune: "According to Ranmaru, there are thirty guards."
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Sasuke: "That's five guards each."
Keiji: "I'll take ten."
Masamune: "You think I'll back down?"
While they argued, Kanetsugu and Yukimura managed to sneak into the restroom.
Yukimura: "Hey, you guys come down too."
Keiji: "Coming!"
Masamune and the others also used wire guns from the rooftop to get down to the restroom.
The five men exited the restroom and moved to a nearby warehouse.
Ranmaru: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Peeking out of the vent, Ranmaru landed on his feet and quickly pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, revealing a floor plan.
Ranmaru: "There are 30 guards. And then here..."
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Ranmaru: "There's one room that's heavily guarded."
Keiji: "That's where Mai would be."
Sasuke: "We should go there as soon as possible."
Yukimura: "She's waiting for us."
Masamune: "Yeah, I won't let anyone hurt her."
Kanetsugu: "We'll get her back ourselves."
Ranmaru: "Yeah, let's go!"
Meanwhile, the warlords of Team Diamond一
Motonari: "I hope you're ready for me to steal you away."
Motonari turned towards the camera and dramatically flipped his cape.
Kicho: "You're not doing a good job flipping the cape. Let's start over."
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Motonari: ".........."
Staff 1: "E-Excuse me! You were still cool!"
The staff hurriedly followed up on Motonari's moody air.
Motonari: "I'll do it again. Hey, start rolling the camera!"
Staff 1: "O-Okay!"
Kennyo: "This is not the time for this."
Kenshin: "End this farce immediately."
The warlords of Team Diamond were filming a scene in which a phantom thief announced himself at the request of the TV station.
Mitsuhide: "There's no need to rush. The preparations are complete."
Mitsuhide checked his phone and smirked.
Mitsuhide: "Alright, staff, let's proceed."
Kicho: "Is everything ready?"
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Mitsuhide: "Yeah. Let's get this show started."
Mitsuhide and the others boldly entered the hotel in their phantom thief costumes, making a grand entrance.
Guest 1: “What’s with those guys?
Guest 2: “Cameras are rolling. Maybe they’re filming something. It’s nice.”
Some people were suspicious, while others were admiring.
Kenshin: “Make way for us, please.”
Motonari: “This is getting interesting.”
Kicho: “Why don’t you look a little more like a thief?”
Kennyo: “We’re attracting too much attention. This will make the enemies wary of us.”
Mitsuhide: “That’s the concept of this team.”
Kenshin: “Yeah. If we make a flashy frontal breakthrough as part of the filming, the security’s attention will turn to us.”
Motonari: “If Sapphire and Ruby are already inside, it could serve as a diversionary tactic.”
Hotel staff: “Sir, you’re bothering the guests.”
Hearing the commotion, the hotel staff stood in the way of Mitsuhide and the others.
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Kennyo: “Sorry, but we’re in a hurry.”
Kenshin: “I’m the one who will rescue Mai.”
Hotel staff: “Our hotel is for members only. If you don’t have a membership card一”
Motonari: “You mean this thing?”
Motonari handed the membership cards for each member to the hotel staff, grinning.
Kicho: “You work fast.”
Mitsuhide: “The plan is going well. Let’s continue.”
Mitsuhide and the others, having infiltrated the hotel’s interior, used their smartphones to check the status of the other teams.
Motonari: “Is Sapphire heading to the top floor using the elevator?”
Kennyo: "Ruby is entering through the window and dealing with the security guards, yes?"
Kicho: "We still have two unfinished tasks."
Kicho: "To secure an escape route and to get the key to the room where Mai is."
Mitsuhide: "I arranged an escape route through the window and asked the tv station for a helicopter."
Motonari: "I've got a hang glider, too, so that's not a problem."
Kicho: "I'll get the keys. I just wish I had a floor plan of the inside of this hotel."
Kennyo: "Then I'll get the floor plan."
Kenshin: "I'll create a diversion."
Motonari: "Then I'll also create a diversion. It's better to keep the enemy's attention divided as much as possible."
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Mitsuhide: "Alright, everyone. I'll gather some information. Contact me if anything comes up."
The warlords of Team Diamond left to do their part.
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(Where am I?)
Mai: "----!"
I woke up and found myself in a room full of artwork and jewelry.
(Someone attacked me back at the TV station.)
Man: "Did you wake up?"
Mai: "Who the hell are you?"
A man dressed in expensive clothes was looking down at me.
I also noticed several men guarding the room.
Mai: "Why did you...?"
Man: "I'm a collector with a lot of money and time on my hands."
Man: "I only kidnapped you because I happen to like you. And to add you to my collection."
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Mai: "I refuse! Please let me go!"
Man: "I like that competitive spirit. It's getting harder and harder for me to let you go."
(W-What should I do?)
I looked around to see if there was any place I could escape to, but一
(There are too many guards. There's no way out.)
(I'm sure everyone will come to help me.)
(There's no way they will lose to these people.)
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When Nobunaga and the others took the elevator to the top floor, they found Masamune and the others fighting with the security guards.
Masamune: "Too late. Oops."
Masamune intercepted the guard who attacked him and chuckled.
Nobunaga: "You guys are going all out."
Keiji: "Nah, the security guys just keep coming one after the other."
Ieyasu: "Well, I'm sure they already expected us to come."
Hideyoshi: "We'll help you too."
Nobunaga and the others were about to join the battle when一
Mitsuhide: "Well, well, well. I didn't realize we were all stuck together."
Motonari: "We've reduced their numbers during the diversion."
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Kenshin: "I don't care how many people are there. I'll get rid of anyone who gets in my way."
Guard: "I won't let you go!"
Ranmaru: "Back off! I won't show any mercy."
Ranmaru swiftly kicked the gun-wielding man's hand and quickly brought him down.
Kanetsugu: "There's one secure door at the end of this hallway."
Kennyo: "That's where we'll find Mai."
Yukimura: "I guess we'll just have to kick them all out!"
Three enemies leaped at Yukimura together, but he jumped back.
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Mitsunari: "Even if we could get through here, can we safely escape with this number of guards?"
Kicho: "That's not a problem. We've secured several escape routes."
Keiji: "Then all we have to do is break through here!"
Yoshimoto: "But still, they're pretty tough. I can't believe we're having such a hard time together."
Sasuke: "I think they have special training."
Kicho: "They must be bodyguards for important people."
Sasuke: "They're probably not ordinary individuals, especially considering they are armed."
Shingen: "Just like them, we're not ordinary either."
Shingen, with a fearless smile, knocked the man, targeting them from the shadows of the hallway.
Yoshimoto: "That's true. I feel sorry for them."
Kenshin: "There's no room for pity."
Nobunaga: "Yeah."
Kanetsugu: "I'm gonna make them regret messing with our treasure."
Mitsuhide: "Guns of this era are quite interesting."
Guard: "Guh!"
Mitsuhide knocked down the man holding the pistol and took the gun from him.
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Mitsuhide: “How does it feel to be on the receiving end? You’re prepared to face retribution, right?”
Nobunaga: “You guys! If this continues, there’s no way out of this. Each of you will do your best to get Mai back.”
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(The commotion is getting louder and louder.)
There had been a lot of noise behind the door since a while ago.
(Could it be?)
(Maybe everyone came to help!)
Hoping this, the culprit, frustrated, shouted.
After looking around for a while, the culprit also left the room.
(I might be able to escape now.)
Just when I was thinking that一
???: “Mai!”
I heard his voice calling me.
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Previous Part
➟ Kenshin, Mitsuhide, Motonari, Kennyo
➟ Keiji, Ranmaru, Masamune
➟ Kanetsugu, Sasuke, Yukimura
➟ Ieyasu, Shingen, Hideyoshi
➟ Nobunaga, Yoshimoto, Mitsunari
➟ Kicho
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Round 1A
Hopediah "Hop Pop" Plantar, Amphibia vs Lito Rodriguez, Sense8
Lee Marvin, Welcome To Night Vale vs Louis, Beastars
Zidane, Final Fantasy IX vs Aijou Karen, Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Johnny Cage, Mortal Kombat vs Mitsuki Akika, Actors -Song Connection
Nick Bottom, A Midsummer Night's Dream vs Vermouth, Detective Conan
Mr. Peanutbutter, Bojack Horseman vs Nichelle Ladonna, Total Drama
Detective Chloe Decker, Lucifer (TV) vs Admiring Actor, Sky: Children of the Light
Fuya Okudaira, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal vs Hibiki Wataru, Ensemble Stars
Round 1B
Matt Engarde, Ace Attorney: Justice for All vs Muppets, THE MUPPETS
Tobias Funke, Arrested Development vs Mark Cardigan, His Kind Of Woman
Hermie the Unworthy, Dungeons and Daddies vs The Player, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Tomblain Belaroth, Hello from the Magic Tavern vs Rainbow Parakeet, Rainbow Parakeet
Barbie Roberts, Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale vs Eugene, Guardian Tales
Tenma Sumeragi, A3! vs Annie of the stars, Skullgirls
Juza Hyodo, A3! vs Mikey Simon, Kappa Mikey
Shiguru Oshikiri, Mashin Sentai Kiramager vs Lou jitsu, Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
Round 1C
Misa Amane, Death Note vs Count Olaf, A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Judith Ward, The Sims 4 vs Wayne, Mistborn era 2
Copia/Papa Emeritus IV, The Band Ghost vs Daiba Nana, Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Ruby Barker, Double Act vs Hembry, The Silt Verses
Edward Kendal Sheridan Lionheart, Theatre of Blood vs Shadow Girls (A-ko and B-ko), Revolutionary Girl Utena
Actor Mark, Who Killed Markiplier, A Date/Heist/In Space With Markiplier vs Aqua Hoshino, Oshi no ko
Tsumugi Tsukioka, A3! vs Barry Berkman, Barry
Ponjirou, I’m Kinda Chubby, And I’m Your Hero vs Akari Yukimura, Assassination Classroom
Round 1D
Locke Lamora, Gentlemen Bastards vs Tsukasa Tenma, Project Sekai
Akane Kurokawa, Oshi no Ko vs Cordelia Chase, Buffy
Evelyn Hugo, The Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo vs Halpert Evans, Movies Musicals & Me
Tendou Maya, Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight vs Poet, Creature Court
Josef Tura, To Be Or Not To Be (1942) vs Sophie Devereaux, Leverage
Banri Settsu, A3! vs ZEN, Mystic Messenger
Christine Canigula, Be More Chill vs Sakuya Sakuma, A3!
Mettaton, Undertale vs Bojack Horseman, Bojack Horseman
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victorrs · 5 months
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fefuckability · 1 year
The Fates Bracket Qualifier! Starts September 11th at 3pm EDT
Here's how it's going to work:
There are going to be 10 qualifying polls (six for the men, four for the women)
Pick your favorite from each poll
Polls will run for one week (I’d prefer 3 days but alas Tumblr doesn’t offer the option yet)
The top 32 male characters and the top 32 female characters will qualify for the men’s and women’s brackets
Qualifier 1 (F!Corrin, Azura, Felicia, Flora, Mozu, Lilith, Anna, Rinkah, Charlotte)
Qualifier 2 (Hinoka, Kagero, Setsuna, Oboro, Camilla, Peri, Selena, Beruka, Nyx*)
Qualifier 3 (Sophie, Mitama, Caeldori, Rhajat, Selkie, Soleil, Ophelia, Nina, Velouria)
Qualifier 4 (Candace, Daniela, Mikoto, Layla, Cassita, Arete, Reina, Orochi, Scarlet)
Qualifier 5 (M!Corrin, Jakob, Silas, Kaze, Shura, Gunter, Lloyd, Llewlyn)
Qualifier 6 (Ryoma, Saizo, Azama, Xander, Laslow, Odin, Haitaka, Kumagera, Tarba)
Qualifier 7 (Takumi, Hinata, Subaki, Leo, Niles, Arthur, Senno, Omozu, Zhara)
Qualifier 8 (Kaden, Keaton, Benny, Kotaro, Kilma, Funke, Daichi, Gazak, Nichol)
Qualifier 9 (Shigure, Dwyer, Shiro, Asugi, Hisame, Siegbert, Forrest**, Ignatius, Rainbow Sage)
Qualifier 10 (Yukimura, Izana, Fuga, Sumeragi, Garon, Anankos, Hans, Iago, Zola)
I am also adding a Google Form to submit characters for an enby bracket so Limstella, Kyza, and Bramimond don't get left out. These can be characters from any game as long as there is canon basis for them being nonbinary.
Extra notes under the cut
Characters who are excluded from voting:
Anyone who obviously both looks and acts like a literal child. Some characters are borderline so discretion may be used
Anyone who lacks either a portrait or a unique name
Characters not in human form (e.g. Human!Anankos is included but Dragon!Anankos is not)
Characters who are technically included in Fates via Einherjar or Amiibo, but would fit better with another game's poll (e.g. Marth)
*Yes I know Nyx looks young, but considering she's canonically very old + her entire thing is that she actually acts her age even if she doesn't look it, I've decided to allow her
**Forrest canonically refers to himself as a man so he's going with the men
***Hana and Effie are not included because they are canonically supposed to be around the same age as Sakura and Elise respectively. Given the absolute oldest Sakura can possibly be is ~15 (and Elise is likely younger) it seemed fair to exclude them too.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Drama CD Book Volume 6 Kazama
this is likely going to be my last hakuoki translation for the year. next month i mostly plan to focus on subtitling, getting a start on filling up my queue with yuugiroku content, and hopefully catching up to the deemo manga raws... 
also.... hakumyu sannan-hen. really? 
I know he’s popular, but i rank sannan below souji and heisuke... and as i’ve still yet to watch okita-hen (most i’ve seen is certain clips) and toudou-hen, i don’t know if i’ll be interested in watching sannan’s route. 
in my defence, i did saito’s route first (sannan betraying the Shinsengumi and I don’t like traitors), harada’s second (sannan being creepy because of him wanting chizuru’s blood), and then hijikata’s route (i rarely do the ‘official route’ first). lol. i can’t help that i don’t like him. hahahahaha. suppose this just means i’m more likely to look at getting live 3.
anyway, enjoy!
Hakuoki Drama CD Book Volume 6 Kazama Chikage-hen - Edo Higan
Translation by KumoriYami
Act 1
Time: morning
SE: sound of a door opening
Kazama: Hey, do you have any plans for today?
Yukimura: Nothing in particular... is something wrong?
Kazama: I have something to show you, so come with me.
Yukimura: You want to show me something... ah, wait.
Kazama: You'll understand when you see it, hurry up before the sun goes down.
SE: the sound of two people's footsteps
Location: In the oni clan's mountains
SE: sound of two people walking [kinda redundant, but that's what it says]
Yukimura; So, exactly where are we going? If you're wanting to go somewhere where you'll return home in the late evening, you should tell everyone else about it...
Kazama: Don't complain, now is the perfect time to go see that.
Yukimura: The perfect time.... Ah..... could it be that, we're going sakura viewing?
Kazama: I didn't say that. But, if that's the case, then so what if it is?
Yukimura:  I'd be delighted if I could view sakura in full bloom. After all,  would be very happy to view the cherry blossoms that are in full bloom. After all, they're the flowers I have profound memories of... Do yo it is a flower that I am very impressed with ....... Did you know that I like sakura?
Kazama: Don't you remember...? Could it be that you've already forgotten the determination you spoke of that day?
Yukimura; Determination..? Um, if you can, please tell me about it so that I can remember!
Kazama:....No, forget it. For you, it might be a painful memory.
Yukimura:...Even if that's the case, please tell me. For me to forget something that Chikage-san still remembers is painful.
Yukimura: And if has something to do with Yukimura Kodo?
Yukimura:.....Something to dow with y father.....Ah, perhaps...
Kazama: It appears that you've recalled?
Yukimura:....What happened that day isn't a painful memory. It was something that i had to overcome.
Kazama: You don't think that was painful?..... There's still some distance between where we left and where we're going. It'd be nice to look back together on that day with you...
Yukimura: I think so too.
Kazama: Is that so, then, allow me to tell you about it. So——
Act 2
Time: morning
Location: Chizuru's home in Edo
Kazama (narrated): It was a few days after I killed your father, Yukimura Kodo, and after considering how you might feel uneasy about being around the man who killed your father, I found a different hotel and had Amagiri monitor your whereabouts from nearby. After hearing from him that you hardly left your house, I went to your house that day. There, you were blankly looking at the sky——
Chikei Kazama: I was wondering what had happened, and it turned out exactly as I expected.
Yukimura: Eh...?
Kazama: You won't feel sad/You couldn't help but feel sad [check game to clarify this. I don't remember Kazama's route that well]. isn't that what you said then?
Kazama: To feel those things, it's only natural for you to be like this.  However, the situation of the war northeast is not optimistic.
Yukimura:...Is it already time to go?
Kazama: Yes. The Shinsengumi has already left Edo. Furthermore, the next battle to break out will be in Aizu. In order to see their, no, the end of this pointless war, it is it is necessary to keep moving. If you don't want to leave yet, I'll have Amagiri stay——
Yukimura: I want to go, please take me with you.
Kazama: You responded rather quickly.
Yukimura: I returned to Edo, originally to meet up with everyone in the Shinsengumi...
Kazama: That is a suitable response, but in my opinion, it's an absurd response being made because you are incapable of seeing your own heart/thoughts, isn't it?
Kazama:...I'll come back tomorrow to hear your answer. Think it over again before coming to a conclusion.
SE: The sound of Kazama stepping away
Yukimura: Please wait! I.... my response still won't change today or tomorrow. I need to catch up to everyone in the Shinsengumi before the end, so please take me with you, please.
Kazama:  Right you appear to trying to put on a strong front. Isn't that because you just lost your father and you're just forcing yourself to do other things so you don't think about it? Moreover... don't you hate me, who killed Kodo? Wouldn't it be painful to stay with me and travel with me?
Yukimura: That's——
Kazama: Face your heart again, Yukimura Chizuru.
Kazama: If you go to the battlefield with this half-hearted attitude, I won't be able to protect you. You will only end up dying midway  I don't think you're a fool who can't even understand that. Don't let me down.
SE: sound of Kazama's footsteps as he leaves
Kazama:....Draw out the determination you have to leave Kyoto for Edo.
Kazama (narrated): At the time, I was also unable to clearly arrange my thoughts, and watching you only focus on what was in front of you, I felt anxious. Even though as a woman, you were rushing to follow the Shinsengumi into battle, I always concerned about you, and thought perhaps that I judged humans wrongly. If nothing changed the next day, I was going to leave you in Edo like that but——
Act 3
Time: morning
Location: Chizuru's home in Edo
Kazama: As promised, I came to hear your answer.
Yukimura: Um, before responding.... I sincerely apologize.
Kazama: What do you mean?
Yukimura: As Kazama-san said, I hadn't come to terms with everything and just wanted to run away... The death of my father, and the life he lead... It all made me feel sorrowful. That's why, me wanting to forget about my father.... I realized that I was running away.
Kazama:....Permit me to hear why you came to such a conclusion.
Yukimura:...Although we weren't related, I am my father's daughter——Yukimura Chizuru. So as my father's daugher... and as someone from the Yukimura family, I must thank Kazama-san for stopping my father.... To you who stopped my father.... Thank you very much. What sins my father committed are crimes that can never be forgiven. That's why, to stop him from conducting even more heinous crimes... As the daughter of Yukimura Kodo, I must express my gratitude.
Kazama:...Raise your head.
Yukimura: U-Um..... Kazama-san?
Kazama: Indeed from an oni clan... the bloodline of the Yukimura family.
SE: the sound of Kazama approaching Chizuru
Yukimura: !?
Kazama: I admire you.
Yukimura: Kazama-san, your face, it's too close! Please get away from me!
Kazama: You'll have to get over this sense of shame sooner or later.
Yukimura: Huh...?
Kazama: Because from now on, we must be walking together, no?
Yukimura: Wh-What does that mean?
Kazama: What foolish reason... is there to stay for? Although it is not my intention to follow them with you, I will certainly fulfill the promise I made with you, who is also an oni.
Yukimura: Kazama-san...
Kazama: Make youre preparations immediately, when you're ready, we'll be leaving right away.
Kazama: Don't look so stunned, hurry up with your luggage, or I'll leave you here.
Yukimura: I, I already sorted it out earlier!
Kazama: Oh... Good thinking. Then let's go.
Yukimura: Yes!
SE: the two's footsteps
SE: the sound of the wind blowing
Yukimura: Wow, the day of our departure coincides with the coincides with the start of the sakura season.
Kazama: You really love sakura?
Yukimura: yes!
Kazama (narrated): After hearing your answer, the anxiety in my heart did not dissipate, but rather became more elevated. I no longer thought of you as just a female pureblooded oni, and instead regarded you as the official head of the Yukimura family. It was starting from that day that I became interested in you on that day. The you who was admiring sakura that day, will always  think that you are just a female ghost of blood, but officially treat you as the leader of the Yukimura family. I became interested in you from that day. I will always remember how you admired the sakura that day.
Act 4
Time: Daytime
Location: In the oni clan's mountains
Kazama: That's all I have to say.
Yukimura: I still remember... the determination I felt that day, I still feel it inside my heart. Although I hadn't been able to say it then, it's truly great that Chikage-san was with me that day.
Kazama: At that time, you were really not honest, and while you obviously had a good impression of me, you never admitted it until I went to pick you up. Well, you're not honest now.
Yukimura: At the time, it wasn't that I didn't have a good impression of Chikage-san, but even if I wanted to be a bit honest, Chikage-san would definitely say something annoying...
SE: the sound of stepping on earth
Kazama: Hey, raise your head/look up, we're here.
Yukimura: Wow...! As expected, it's very beautiful...
Kazama: Nn, it's the same expression as that day. I saw the smile that was able to capture my heart again.
SE: sound of the wind blowing
Yukimura: Chikage-san...
Kazama: Only you are able to move my heart. This will not change until I die... No, it will not change even if I die.
Yukimura: It's be inconvenient if that changed... Chikage-san, can we come here again next year?
Kazama: Not only next year, I will bring you to enjoy the sakura here every year. No matter what happens, I will bring you here so be prepare yourself.
Yukimura: Hehe, alright, I understand.
Starring: Kazama Chikage... Tsuda Kenjiro ---end---
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🎉Kira Week 2022 is finally here!🎉 We’re cheering you all to the finish line as your creations come together. We’re so excited to share all of your incredible Kira works! The event will run from M 10/24-Su 10/30 with late submissions accepted until Su 11/6.
To participate, simply create Kira-centric content during the week and use the tag #KiraWeek2022 and/or tag us in the post (@kirayukimuraappreciation​). All ships, gen content, themes, etc. are welcome, so long as Kira is the main focus.  
Submission guidelines:
All submissions will be reviewed by a moderator. If we don’t share your post within the week, feel free to send us a message! 
No content detailing non-consensual sex acts, incest, or pedophilia will be shared on this page. You must be 18 years or older to create and share NSFW content. 
No hate, character bashing, or ship bashing tolerated. Remember, though darker themes are allowed, this is an overall positive event! 
Be sure to tag your work appropriately, including any necessary warnings/triggers.
Written works should include a brief description, general information (e.g. rating, length, characters/relationships, relevant tags), and a link if posted on another platform. For content 400+ words, include a “read more” page break.
Written works can also be submitted to the event’s Ao3 collection.
For more detail, you can check out our rules, submission info, and themes pages. Suggested daily prompts below the cut.
Writing Prompts
Day 1, You Wanted to Be Noticed: Kira as the new girl Day 2, It’s Alright to Cry: Trauma exploration Day 3, What If Wednesday: AU’s, fix-it’s, missing scenes, etc. Day 4, You Don’t Know Them Like I Do: Relationships & pack Day 5, Yukimura Family Feels: Yukimura Family Day 6, The Fox Inside You: Kira & her fox spirit Day 7, Trickster-or-Treat: Mischief, shenanigans, trickery, etc.
Alt 1, Trying to Win: Kira and hobbies Alt 2, Another One Fights the Dust: Kira & the Skinwalkers/post-canon Alt 3, Everyone's Got a Backstory: Kira’s backstory/pre-Beacon Hills
Visual Prompts
Day 1: Lyrics/Poetry OR Fav Dynamic(s)
Day 2: Hurt OR Comfort
Day 3: AU OR Dealer’s Choice
Day 4: Colors OR Fav Look(s)
Day 5: Quotes OR Fav Scene(s)
Day 6: Parallels OR Kitsune Spirit/Abilities
Day 7: Kira + Mischief OR Kira + Hobbies
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scilessweetheart · 2 years
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I posted 148 times in 2022
97 posts created (66%)
51 posts reblogged (34%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 138 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#teen wolf - 113 posts
#stiles stilinski - 34 posts
#scott mccall - 28 posts
#teen wolf moodboard - 17 posts
#malia tate - 14 posts
#allison argent - 12 posts
#lydia martin - 11 posts
#kira yukimura - 10 posts
#liam dunbar - 8 posts
#derek hale - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#this was written all the way before endgame so basically there’s no spoilers for anything after spider-man:homecoming
My Top Posts in 2022:
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teen wolf character moodboards: isaac lahey
96 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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teen wolf character moodboards: kira yukimura
104 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
i love how scott and stiles embody the phrase “sharing a brain cell.” their movements are so in sync all the time, which is baffling, because they barely make sense on one person. the pointing to accuse the other of trouble, the way they make the same facial expressions at the same time, the way neither has any grasp of coordination. they grew up together and somehow neither one picked up on how to act like a human, so they feed off of each other and it’s incredible.
117 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
there’s something so soft about how stiles brings his dad dinner. they eat in the cop car when his dad takes him along on patrols, when the sheriff is working long nights and stiles sits across from his desk. the fact that stiles brings him healthy food because he wants to extend his life and have him around as long as possible because he already lost his mom.
158 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
people will be like “awww my comfort character!! my little baby boy!!”
and it’s the most feral, bat-wielding twink you’ve ever seen
240 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
Hello!!! Sorry if I'm bothering you, I was wondering if there are routes in Ikesen where Kicho appears. I wanna know, thank you!
Hello! I believe he appears in all the routes in Act 2? So in EN:
Sequel route for Nobunaga, Masamune, Ieyasu, and Yukimura
Motonari and Keiji
Kennyo’s whose route is like a transition from act 1 to act 2
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I Know, I Stole That Line (I Steal All My Lines from This Guy Named Brian)
i know, i stole that line (i steal all my lines from this guy named brian) by Buttercup ghost
“Is anything about you sincere?” Nagisa asks, perfectly bland and curious.
“Of course,” Kaede lies, smiling wide and pleasant, fake name burning. - Akari Yukimura had warmth. She had a sister she adored, a successful acting career, and a feeble, dawning hope; a desperation she'd clasp. She had—trembling, blazing, glorious—life.
Kaede Kayano had none of that.
Until, suddenly... She did.
(Snippets of Nagisa and Kaede, and how their relationship develops.)
Words: 648, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Shiota Nagisa, Kayano Kaede, Yukimura Akari
Relationships: Kayano Kaede/Shiota Nagisa, Kayano Kaede & Shiota Nagisa, Shiota Nagisa/Yukimura Akari
Additional Tags: Underage Smoking, Smoking, I do not endorse cigarettes, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Mental Health Issues, Kaede Kayano-centric, Shiota Nagisa Needs a Hug, Alternate Character Interpretation, Character Study, Relationship Study, I love these 2
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43237179
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yeonchi · 5 months
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 2.2: Shu Side Stages
Some conditions in this have been made easier than in the original game, particularly with Musashi.
Chapter 2-X: Ambush at Nanzhong 南中突破戦 (uses DW5 Battle of Nanzhong map)
Coalition Army and Jiang Wei Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Zhao Yun, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Toyohisa Shimazu, Ginchiyo Tachibana Third-party characters: Jiang Wei Enemy characters: Zhang He, Daqiao
Unlockable character: Jiang Wei
Clear Chapter 1 to unlock this stage.
Hearing that Zhao Yun has escaped Ueda Castle, Jiang Wei offers to join him. They meet at Nanzhong, where Jiang Wei tells Zhao Yun that the road ahead is blocked by the Orochi Army. Yoshihiro suggests luring them out and Jiang Wei decides to follow this plan. Jiang Wei retreats, leaving Zhao Yun and Yoshihiro to act as bait, luring the enemy units from the west and east.
Be careful not to attack the enemy, otherwise the ambush will fail and enemy pursuit units will arrive from Ueda Castle to reinforce the enemy. If the ambush succeeds, Jiang Wei will be unlocked. Defeat Zhang He and Daqiao to win the battle.
Chapter 3-X: Battle of Shizugatake 賤ヶ岳の戦い
Coalition Army and Hōjō Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Yukimura Sanada, Nobuyuki Sanada, Wei Yan, Yueying Third-party characters: Ujimasa Hōjō, Ujinori Uesugi, Ujinao Hōjō, Norihide Matsuda, Ujiteru Hōjō Enemy characters: Pang De, Cao Ren, Jia Xu, Diamondback
Unlockable character: Pang De
Clear Chapter 3 to unlock this stage.
An uprising led by the Hōjō Army was being forcibly suppressed by the Orochi Army, led by Pang De. Seeing the struggle firsthand, Pang De was ashamed at his cowardice.
Nobuyuki Sanada replaces Teruzumi Akashi in this battle.
On the battlefield, the Hōjō Army will be in the east as enemy ambush troops attack them. Ujimasa and his troops are wavering on whether to stand their ground or surrender to Orochi.
To unlock Pang De, the player needs to rescue at least three Hōjō officers before defeating him.
Chapter 4-X: Escape from Chibi 赤壁逃亡戦
Coalition Army and Okuni Troop vs. Brigand Army Allied characters: Wei Yan, Xingcai Third-party characters: Okuni Enemy characters: Goemon Ishikawa, Kotarō Fūma, Musashi Miyamoto
Unlockable character: Goemon Ishikawa
Clear Chapter 3-X to unlock this stage.
Wei Yan’s treasure was stolen by the master thief Goemon Ishikawa. The treasure was a gift from Liu Bei and was valued by Wei Yan. Wei Yan enlists Xingcai’s help and they set off to the Huarong Pass near the cliffs of Chibi.
Shigekata Tōgō replaces Munenori Yagyū in this battle.
To unlock Goemon, destroy all ten treasure boxes before defeating him. Every time one is destroyed, Goemon will slow down. Goemon’s miscreants along with Kotarō Fūma will stop the player along the way. Okuni will also slow Goemon down as he reaches the ships in the south, forcing him to turn back and head to the ships in the southwest. Musashi will also help Goemon, but upon his defeat, Wei Yan tells him that Goemon stole his treasure, leading him to defect and help to stop Goemon.
Chapter 5-X: Battle of Jieting 街亭の戦い
Coalition Army and Gracia Troop vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Magoichi Saika, Zhurong, Xingcai Third-party characters: Gracia Enemy characters: Masamune Date, Sun Shangxiang, Lianshi, Kojūrō Katakura, Hisahide Matsunaga, Munenori Yagyū
Unlockable character: Gracia
Clear Chapter 4 to unlock this stage.
Masamune Date set up his camp in Jieting, hoping to force the surrender of Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun sends out Magoichi to lead the battle, accompanied by Zhurong and Xingcai. When they got there, Magoichi sees Gracia and goes to her rescue; in return for finding her, Gracia decides to help Magoichi in this battle.
This is one of few stages where the unlockable character is different from the original. This was done to maintain Masamune’s status as a staunch officer of the Orochi Army (and to account for future appearances in other stories).
More enemy officers will appear around the battlefield, with the addition of playable officers Lianshi, Hisahide Matsunaga and Munenori Yagyū. Lianshi appears in place of Dong Xi, while Hisahide and Munenori are in the south and east respectively.
To unlock Gracia, finish the battle with the pincer attack successful. Otherwise, she will farewell Magoichi and continue wandering the land on her own.
Chapter 6-X: Battle of Tetorigawa 手取川の戦い
Coalition Army and Swordsman Troop vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Meng Huo, Zhurong Third-party characters: Musashi Miyamoto Enemy characters: Mitsunari Ishida, Lu Bu, Zhang He, Ina, Lu Lingqi, Jia Xu, Kojirō Sasaki
Unlockable character: Musashi Miyamoto
Clear Chapter 6 to unlock this stage.
Meng Huo and Zhurong were sent to Tetorigawa to find Liu Bei, but they discovered a band of swordsmen fighting against Orochi’s forces. The swordsmen were led by the mighty warrior Musashi Miyamoto. Meng Huo and Zhurong rush to his aid.
Lu Lingqi appears in place of Yue Jin in this battle. Shigekata Tōgō replaces Munenori Yagyū in this battle. Jia Xu and Kojirō Sasaki will appear with the enemy reinforcements that Mitsunari sends out.
The unlock conditions for Musashi are easier than in the original game. Open the floodgate within 8 minutes of the start of the battle; his allies can be defeated but Musashi must stay alive.
Chapter 7-X: Battle of Xiliang 西涼の戦い
Coalition Army and Honda Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Yukimura Sanada, Nobuyuki Sanada, Peasant (x3) Third-party characters: Tadakatsu Honda Enemy characters: Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Diamondback
Unlockable character: Tadakatsu Honda (1/4)
Clear Chapter 6-X to unlock this stage.
Across the land, people were fleeing from Orochi-controlled territories to escape his rule. Dong Zhuo declared that any caught fleeing would be executed. To demonstrate his point, Dong Zhuo launched an attack on Xiliang. Hearing news of this, Yukimura Sanada rushed to Xiliang to defend the innocent people from slaughter.
Nobuyuki appears alongside his brother in this battle.
This is one of four battles required to unlock Tadakatsu Honda. To impress him, allow all three peasants to escape. A good strategy is to follow them during their advance.
Chapter 8-X: Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い
Coalition Army and Zuo Ci Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo, Xingcai, Bao Sanniang, Guan Yinping, Fa Zheng Third-party characters: Zuo Ci, Xiahou Dun Enemy characters: Orochi, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu, Chen Gong, Diamondback
Unlockable character: Lu Bu (1/4)
In Chapter 7, escape Edo Castle with your allies within 3 minutes (originally 2) after the fire attack starts to unlock this stage.
After the battle of Edo Castle, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei turned upon Orochi to atone for their past sins. Following them were their children, accompanied by the strategist Fa Zheng. In response, Orochi sent Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu to put down this insurrection.
The only allied generic officer on the battlefield is Zhou Cang. With the exception of Fa Zheng, all other generic officers have been replaced with the Guan/Zhang babies and Bao Sanniang.
Orochi will appear in this battle if Chapter 8 has been cleared.
This is one of four battles required to unlock Lu Bu. To impress him, just defeat him without running away from him.
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catoru · 10 months
Merry Sengoku Christmas! Santa-in-Training Miracle
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It’s the warlord’s first Christmas! 🎄 But Toshiie and Yukimura are busy running around acting as Santa and getting gifts for the other warlords…!?🎅
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saizoswifey · 5 years
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I’m laughing omg I’m rereading Yukimuras Act 2 epilogue and forgot that the sniffing kink MC and Yukimura have for each other carries over to modern times, it hits her when she steps into his apartment lolol
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