#yugioh scripted duels
inkblackorchid · 4 months
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Fuck, now I need to hack this duel to pieces and put it in separate chapters after all, this is way too long...
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charizardgirl13 · 14 days
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I thought this was really funny.
I am so glad Dennis and Sylvio get to interact more in Duel Links because they had so much comedic potential in Arc-V that was never really utilized.
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millenniumcomics · 2 months
Ext, Domino Café, dehor. MUSIC: Lo-fi Main Yu-Gi-Oh theme.
Atem and Kaiba are having coffee and fixing their decks over coffee.
FRAMING Kaiba's hands keep flipping through the cards. Atem’s hand picking up his own deck. Atem's hand starting to flip through his own cards.
FRAMING Atem, with his head bowed over his cards.
"Kaiba, what's your favorite card?"
Kaiba is not looking at Atem.
"What a dumb question."
Atem raises his head and looks at Kaiba, a bit upset.
"I know it's Blue-Eyes White Dragon! But… The White Dragon is outside of you. What is the card you feel the most inside of you?"
Kaiba raises his head.
FRAMING Kaiba with a raised eyebrow. He is thinking about it.
KAIBA, taking time:
"Why don't you tell me yours first?"
Atem smiles with his eyes closed, he has no doubt.
"Hikari no Gofuken."
Atem raises the card, and shows it to Kaiba.
"Swords of revealing Light."
Kaiba turns his face away, as if the sight of the card is causing him discomfort.
"It's a trapping card. No wonder you like it."
"It's a revealing card! When others see you and you can't escape, your true nature comes out."
"Holy Barrier."
ATEM, surprised:
KAIBA, with a hint of sadness:
"My favorite card. Mirror Force."
FRAMING Let's widen the frame a little bit, so that we can show that they are still sitting there at the cafe table. Atem is still surprised.
"When you are forced to look at yourself in the mirror, if you are not ready, you will be destroyed."
Fade to black.
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blackfeatherdragon · 7 months
I have so many good ideas for ygo fic...but if only i had the confidence to script duels...
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yugiohcardsdaily · 1 year
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Abyss Script - Dramatic Story
"Target 1 'Abyss Actor' Pendulum Monster you control; Special Summon 1 'Abyss Actor' monster from your Deck with a different name, then place the targeted monster in your Pendulum Zone or destroy it. If this Set card in its owner's control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect, and you have a face-up 'Abyss Actor' Pendulum Monster in your Extra Deck: You can return up to 2 cards on the field to the hand. You can only activate 1 'Abyss Script - Dramatic Story' per turn."
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
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GX Finalized-Subs!91 Preview 1
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Honestly I'd love to see more non-traditional duels in Yugioh (even just in fanfiction) like the one Yusei had when he, Bruno, and Sherry broke into the ME facility. They're just plain entertaining to watch.
This post brought to you by: the folks at Cardmarket playing UNO with yugioh cards and the folks at Team APS playing actual yugioh but where they had an extra rule at random imposed on every turn such as skipping your battle phase or swapping LP with your opponent.
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violetganache42 · 2 years
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Of course you can. Just ask Yugi, Yami, and Pegasus.
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enneadau · 2 years
While I'm on break I'll try to answer the question of how I write duels.
To start with I write a deck list, like the one below so I know what cards the characters have to hand.
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(Yes, there is an Ennead server. No, it's not public right now because I have all my notes in there and I wouldn't want to spoil anything for you guys)
Once that is done, I start working on a script for the duel I want to write. This script will change depending on who I want to win and how balanced I want the duel to be.
Sometimes they're 3 turns because I see a combination that one char had to break the opponent's deck and sometimes it's 9 turns because it's a tougher duel.
You have no idea how many times I've tried to script a Kaiba duel and then had to rewrite the script because if you actually look at his canon deck, it has holes in it a mile wide.
Scripting allows me to make sure life points are mathed put correctly, hand numbers are right for things like Osiris and attack point additions don't get lost.
Below is an example of the Yugi vs Atem duel that was at the end of my clanverse series, back before I really knew where the end was going to go.
It lays out what they're playing and what they've summoned and the monster attack points.
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This duel actually ends in a draw because of how I wanted the story to go at the time but below you can see how I handle life point deduction.
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I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to send them
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mysticjourneys · 14 days
// I have a question to the Yugioh RP community, which I have been seeing a healthy amount recently. I want to know, how do you guys go about starting RPs in the Yugioh universe without resorting to card games?
Or, do you actually try a scripted duel or a simulation?
I'm tagging @frogsonalotusleaf because they're the only Kaiba I know and if they can spread the word that would be nice. I genuinely want to get into the community as a long time yugioh fan.
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bakawitch · 2 months
Scripting yugioh duels is so fun! It's very entertaining to come up with combos and how specific decks would clash! It can be a bit mentally draining, though XD
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inkblackorchid · 2 months
Feel free to ignore this if it’s going to be covered in your duel scripting discussion, but I had another question pop into my head while thinking back to your stories (I think about them a totally normal amount I swear).
One of the things I love that you do with Carly and a lesser extent Aki is you show them actually getting new cards and tweaking their decks on the fly
And my question is: when the characters are adjusting their decks, how do you as an author keep track of that?
I know I kept a list of cards I wanted to see used and would finalize the deck list only alongside or after scripting out the duels (the number of times I had to add generic draw spells to get things to work…) but I’m curious what you do
Unfortunately took me a while to get back to this, but letting characters acquire cards actually won't be covered in my guide, so I'll go ahead and answer that here! (Also, there's no greater compliment than that my stories live rent-free in your head, thank you ^^)
How I keep track of people's decks may not be that different from what you describe you did. Allow me to show you my notes on Aki's deck.
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This is the full deck list I keep for Aki! Bit of a caveat: I'm not always great at keeping up with editing this, which means that as of this moment, there are two or three cards I haven't noted in here yet because they were added during later edits of past duels. You may also notice that with Aki's basic monsters, I at first noted whether they're in her base deck (which means already available to her during To Bloom or To Wilt) or whether she added them later. The reason I didn't do that for every card is because I ran out of energy and got distracted writing the next fic. (On several occasions.) Also, the cards that are (poorly) blotted out in pink are cards I'm already planning on letting her acquire in future stories so, you know, spoilers. I also marked cards I imagine Aki switches in and out of her deck depending on how she's feeling with an asterisk, in order to keep the number of cards in her deck at least close-ish to the standard 40 card decks I referenced in Snapping Jaws.
As for how I keep track which card is added during which fic, that's significantly more chaotic. Part of it is written down in my duel outlines, a lot of it I remember by heart because my memory is good for one thing and one thing only, and that's remembering fic writing details. The ideal scenario, which I meant to get back to a while ago, would have been if I'd gone back and added notes about which card was acquired when in the deck list you see above, but then I got distracted writing the main stories again, so... yeah, those notes still aren't there. I consider them members of the "eventually"-section of my to-do list.
I also tend to write down cards I want to see used in the duel outlines themselves, but many of them already come from the card pool seen above and are simply re-arranged into different combos. That said, I'm no stranger to supplementing cards to make duels work. Usually, I try to add cards that make sense for the character or that I can tie into their (back)story somehow. See Graceful Charity, which was an addition to make a specific combo happen with Aki's deck for one moment, but which I tied into Fields of Arcadia by letting it be a legacy card she got as a child and dug up again from her room. But supplementing cards will be covered in the guide, so yeah! This is how I keep track of decks for specific characters.
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team-frightfur · 8 months
The more I watch Zexal, the more I begin to slowly, unironically believe that A5 may actually be the second best Gallop Yugioh series.
Now, I say this and you think "HUH!? But Xyz Arc!!!! Most of Fusion!!! Synchro's Length!!! The poor Time Management!!!! The poor use of the Side Cast!!! How can you defend that!?!?!?!?"
I'm not defending it. That's all true. Thing is, Zexal, GX, and 5ds all use their casts just as poorly, have just as much filler, manage their time with just as much incompetence, and have just as much nonsense going on.
Remember when GX just killed off half its sidecast for a season? Remember how Aki was relegated to benchwarmer and Ruka and Leo got sub 10 duels over 142 episodes? Remember how Zexal brainwashed and hostaged the numbers club 5 separate times?
Remember the 30-episode gap between 5ds Dark Signers finale and the WRGP where nothing of value happens? Remember, like, the entirety of Zexal I, the temple run arc of Zexal II, and the fuckin Mr Heartland and his miniboss-trio-mini-arc created purely to clumsily jam the Tron bros back into the script? Remember GX season 1 and 2?
You know what A5 has that all those series don't have? A single continuous narrative that doesn't awkwardly jump between seventeen tenuously connected arcs. A final boss that is foreshadowed in Episode 1. An established, if lame as fuck, main villain. An emphasis on card games that doesn't occasionally leap into people fighting monsters with swords. A consistent, if shitty as fuck, set of themes.
I, myself, cannot believe I'm saying this, but I think A5 is genuinely, like, one of the good eggs.
What is this franchise...
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the-a-j-universe · 4 months
It was really bold of Kishimoto to script Sasuke vs Itachi like a turn-based RPG. Or a Yugioh duel.
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Yugioh dubs ranked from most tolerable to most deserving of a punch in the face
(No Sevens cuz the dub isn’t finished)
Best: 5Ds
Yes, it’s incomplete. Yes, the censorship is absurdly bad and confusing. Yes, it’s stupid as shit sometimes. But you know what? The dub is the only way I will willingly watch 90% of 5Ds because the sub is so terribly boring and lifeless. The dub actors and script breathed life into the characters, giving them and the series a personality and making the story instantly more compelling than it was in sub.
2nd most tolerable: Arc V
Not my favourite series and I generally prefer the sub voices but it’s this high up for one simple reason: there are no major story changes. At all. The most major issue I noticed when watching this dub was a poor interpretation of a previously impactful scene. So overall, a solid dub.
3rd most tolerable: Zexal
Honestly? For the first two thirds, this is a very faithful and highly enjoyable dub with some good voice acting and an enjoyable sense of humour that didn’t clash with the tone of the show, since Zexal was goofy even in sub. There were definitely problems, and some stupid edits/censorships but apart from cutting Alito’s implied bi-ness, none of the censorship made me upset... until we got the barian backstories, which are so beyond butchered it muddles the story, weakens most of and even downright ruins one of the Barians’ characters, and are a worse dumber story overall. Apart from that though, I do admittedly enjoy this dub. Maybe it’s just my enjoyment of Zexal, and the fact that unlike my other two favourites, its dub actually gave a shit but I did enjoy watching this dub.
Mid: Duel Monsters
I’m torn. Because on the one hand, this is the show that introduced me to the concept that dubs could be lying censoring americanising pieces of shit that actively tarnish the show they’re adapting. But at the same time... there are things about the dub I genuinely prefer. The plotpoint that got me attached to Yugioh (Yugi not being able to trust Atem after his attempted murder on Kaiba) was dub exclusive. For every shitty terribly adapted scene this show has, it does one other thing right. So... I’m a little undecided. I don’t really want to go back and fully watch this show in sub, and I’m glad I saw it in dub as that allowed me to get sucked into it naturally, but at the same... some of those dub scenes are genuinely hard to watch. So overall, don’t hate this dub, but it’s not good.
Now, for the two dubs I do hate:
2nd most deserving of a punch in the face: VRAINS
*deep breath* Compliments first. 1) Ai and Spectre’s dub voices are legendary, and while I prefer the sub voices, the other voice actors generally do a good job. 2) The running joke about hot dogs is legitimately funny, I kept it going in my post VRAINS fic that otherwise follows sub continuity because I loved it that much. NEARLY EVERY OTHER ATTEMPT AT HUMOUR IN THIS JOKE OF A DUB FUCKING SUCKS. Most of it it shitty cringe inducing Internet references or stupid quips right of a shitty MCU movie, the kind from late phase three and all of phase four that kill whatever semblance of tension or atmosphere there was every five seconds for an attempt at comedy. And don’t even get me started on the final duel. Playmaker insulting a dying man he spent the entire show with isn’t funny, it’s fucking twisted and disgusting. And the gay erasure is actually blatant here. The dub actively created romantic hints between Yusaku and Aoi and actively took those hints that away from Yusaku and Ai, WHO HAD A CANON AT THE VERY LEAST ONE SIDED LOVE CONFESSION AT THE END OF THE SERIES THAT THE DUB ALSO CENSORED. This isn’t me overanalysing or pushing a ship, Ai having romantic feelings for Yusaku was very intentional in the narrative of the sub and the dub censoring that is something I can only see as malicious and disgusting.
Most deserving of a punch in the face: GX
Take everything I said about the VRAINS dub only subtract the good voice acting. The GX dub voice actors honestly sound bored. I don’t blame anyone who couldn’t get into this show through the dub because how can anyone be invested in the characters and their plights if the characters aren’t even invested? Or are constantly and very distractingly breaking the fourth wall, completely ruining the grounded down to earth feel of the original. The name changes? The worst of any series. Manjome is turned into a complete joke despite being well rounded character, Rei’s name change completely ruins her introduction episode by making the twist way too obvious to at least american audiences (which the dub was made with in mind), and the others are the most americanized schlock I’ve seen in my life. The third season, the best season in sub? The dub doesn’t resemble it in the slightest. It can’t take jackshit seriously. It can’t treat its characters, who were compelling in the sub, as anything more than stupid jokes, and the same goes for the narrative as a whole. Yubel went from a complex terrifying antagonist so twisted and traumatised the only way they knew how to show love was through torment to a whiny little baby with the more ear-piercing obnoxious voice in any of these dubs. Yes, that includes Z-Arc. Not to mention “censoring” their body to make them fully female because god forbid children be forced to witness a gender ambiguous person. And god forbid they see a romance involving that gender ambiguous person. How filthy and wrong to exist and not fit into the gender binary. Great fucking job 4Kids. Oh, and great job making an entire generation of kids think the loveable happy go lucky protagonist (who never developed past that baseline personality in your shitty ass dub because character depth, what’s that?!) of your shitty ass dub died in the end because he inexplicably wanted to save the villain who’d been torturing him for an entire season. GREAT FUCKING WORK.
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
I mean this in the most appreciative tone possible, but Yugioh GX feels like the writers had no idea the show they wrote would ever be seen by anyone. Like they dumped a dozen people in a room, told them to write scripts, and then published whatever came out, but no one bothered to inform the people in the room that what they were making was actually being turned into an anime.
The stereotypical early episodes. The gradual dissection and destruction of tropes. The wild tone changes. The hecking MONKEY. That feel when you make your first oc and then meet up with your friends and they ALSO have their own ocs and you decided to make them all into a team and have to figure out how their lore fits together. The weirdly accurate alchemy duel that precisely follows the steps to make a philosophers stone that isn’t given more than a casual nod.
And then with the dub, we get even MORE nonsense layered on top of that. Belowski’s name being a reference to a 1998 vulgar cult film. A running gag meant to parody Young Frankenstein. Axel being named after a the main character in Beverly Hills Cop.
Strong energy of a bunch of middle schoolers in the computer lab blowing off the days assignment and instead improv-ing an entire story in google docs with every author typing in a different color and font.
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