#younglings arc
Bariss as a terrorist is not problematic just because a good and kind character get assasinated to prop up the MC without any preparation, or bc we lost a good example of a good Master-Padawan relationship, hence giving ammunition to anti-jedi. It’s also, and mostly, because of racism. 
The Mirialans are Muslim-coded, they are all women who wear the veil. It doesn't come out of nowhere if fans think that. In the West, if we think “veiled women”, we think Muslims. If the news talks about the problem of the veil, they are talking about the Muslim veil, not the Hindu veil, not the Amish veil, not the Christian veil, and no one hearing them will think for a second that they are talking about things other than the veil Muslim. The veil is a very characteristic element of Muslims for an average person.
(In the movies, Luminara and Bariss aren't even played by white actresses, so we can't say it's 'just a veil, nothing deeper behind'.)
The West has a history with Muslims and terrorism. 9/11 still has an impact today, even more so during the making of TCW. So using a veiled woman as a terrorist is clumsy at best, and not having bad intentions doesn’t erase the impact this representation has. 
This reinforces the stereotype of the Muslim terrorist used to harass and oppress members of this religion. I don’t make this “shortcut” between Bariss Muslim-coded and terrorism because I think all Muslims are terrorists. I do it because I live in a country where the veil is considered a symbol of evil, where women who wear it are insulted and attacked, where laws are created to prohibit them from displaying their religion and/or culture.
The fact that the writers chose Bariss to play this role is certainly intellectual laziness, but they could, and should, have thought about what that entailed. “Think before you act” is not a lesson that only applies to Jedi.
Never heard of ‘queer-coded villains’? This is when authors attribute traits associated with queer people to bad guys, hence demonizing these traits. Did these authors think their villains were queer? In the vast majority of cases, no. They simply used traits often associated with villains to emphasize the evil side of theirs without thinking more than that. The absence of bad intentions does not cancel out the damage it causes.
And all this reflection is based on the principle that the parallel between the Mirialans and the Muslims is involuntary. I haven't seen a quote from LucasFilm saying anything, but I find it hard to believe. The Jedi were created to be extremely diverse, in direct opposition to the Empire made up of mostly old white human men, and this is not the first time that Lucas has drawn inspiration from cultures and religions existing in our world, especially Arab populations. There is no reason to think that he did not intentionally use Muslims to create Bariss and Luminara.
The most absurd thing is to think that LucasFilm is incapable of being racist. These are the same people who whitewashed the clones, who used Arab populations as very clear inspiration for a group of violent slavers who communicate only through pig squeals and will be massacred by a white man without any real consequences. The same people who, after being acquired by Disney, will replace a black character with his white neo-Nazi abuser in his role as main character/love interest, who will whitewash an already animated character, who will create clones superior to the others who are incidentally more white, who will cast a white actress for a character who clearly had Arab features in animation.
So no, we don’t have a problem with Bariss being Muslim-coded bc we think Muslims are terrorists, but bc the stereotype of Muslims being terrorists exists and is extremely harmful to the Muslim community. 
If you can’t see that, check your own bias and bigotry. 
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olives-and-lilies · 17 days
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Hey you remember that ARC Bingo I told you about? I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. Some fills aren’t tumblr approved, so you’ll just have to pop over to AO3 to see them. Maybe. If I remember to post them there. Should I post them there?
Anyway! Thank you @clonefandomevents for hosting such fun bingos! I’ll finish the OC one soon
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bapydemonprincess · 2 months
I have a concerned gentle mumbastian icon now uwu
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I feel like May the 4th is the day to watch all the fun me exciting Star Wars moments you love and revenge of the 5th is the day to watch the angstiest must hurtful Star Wars moments you love
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thepatchycat · 2 years
Commanders and Children
So @existentialscientist, you mentioned the youngling arc of TCW a while back; took longer to get around to this than I intended, but here's a rough outline of a Youngling Arc AU where Cody actually gets to go pick up the Jedi kids and inevitably gets drawing into the shenanigans!
Plot Stuff:
-Unlike in the show, Cody manages to set out with the pick-up car shuttle before Grievous pops out of hyperspace, but Grievous does still show up to cause problems for the fleet. This prevents Cody from simply returning to the Negotiator with the kids in tow, because it's not a good idea to bring children straight to an active warzone.
-However, it would take a lot longer to get them all the way back to the Temple or the next-nearest Jedi not currently in active combat, and Ahsoka is still stuck with the pirates, so Cody decides to wait for word from the battalion (since the combat could potentially end in just a couple hours, making the original plan still feasible) and help the kids try to fix their ship in the meantime.
-Said ship is still venting coolant and needs to land. On Florrum. Cody is not thrilled by this, and he does his best to make sure they're not close to the pirate base, but the pirates don't exactly broadcast their location so they probably end up landing about where they did in the show.
-The kids want to go rescue Ahsoka. Cody tells them firmly that they are not to perform any heroics and his first priority is to get them home safely, though in the back of his head he's strongly considering sending them to safety on the shuttle he arrived with because he knows R2 is a remarkably capable little droid that could probably pilot that one a lot more easily than the old Jedi ship, and also if they get Professor Huyang fixed they'll have a responsible adult chaperone. Cody could stay on Florrum and start on some recon, because Rex would kill him if he was here and didn't do anything to try to help Ahsoka. Cody himself also does not want to leave Ahsoka with the pirates longer than necessary if there's something he could do about it.
-He's still weighing his options while working on ship repairs (assisted by the tech-savvy Nautolan child while the others work on fixing Huyang or building their lightsabers) and waiting for word from the battalion. At some point he realizes it's gotten suspiciously quiet and his Someone's Getting Up to Trouble Sense is tingling, so he goes back inside the ship proper to find that the kids, naturally, have decided to run off and rescue Ahsoka themselves.
-Cody, naturally, sets out after them. He probably takes the shuttle at least part of the way and hides it in an outcropping as soon as he gets close to any other visible beings.
-Now, one of two things could happen here:
A) Cody catches up just as the kids are convincing the troupe leader that they're a group of acrobats. He claims to be their manager because revealing them as a group of (vulnerable and inexperienced) Force-sensitives and himself as a Republic officer might have Consequences and also he's kind of used to rolling with Jedi Shenanigans. Still, he Does Not Like This Plan. He's very skilled in living up to certain roles, but "acrobat manager" is not one of them, and these are actual children heading straight into the pirates' den. Jedi children, yes, but that just means he has no idea what kind of training they do or do not have. At least with clone cadets he'd know their respective capabilities! But Jedi pull off some wild feats, so there's a possibility this will actually work. He's very insistent that the kids stick strictly to performing and let him go find Ahsoka, which he does by either pretending to help the troupe serve drinks or pretending to join the audience.
B) Cody's just a little too late, finding the point where the kids' tracks end and the troupe's trail keeps going. He follows the troupe to the pirates' base and has to sneak in commando-style. Cue long-suffering facepalm when he sees what the kids are doing, but blowing their cover would be literally the worst course of action so he just makes his way to Ahsoka.
-Option A has more comedy potential, while Option B seems a little more like what Cody might actually do and plays better to his skillset. Also, unless Cody leaves his armor on the ship when setting out after the kids, he'd probably have to either ditch it with the troupe (Not Ideal) or disguise it with a costume coat (or possibly a very large poncho, Rex-style) and mask (in case anyone knows what a clone's face looks like). Option B has him being sneaky anyway, so this is at least somewhat less of a problem--and he could probably steal a guard's coat for camouflage.
-Either way, he makes it to Ahsoka, who senses him and manages to shuffle back behind a crate while the pirates are distracted. He frees her, and they see the kids manage to get the lightsabers, so they start sneaking around and quietly picking out an escape vehicle that they'll inevitably need to steal when the pirates notice Ahsoka is missing.
-The ensuing getaway goes mostly the same in the show, except they actually succeed in outrunning the pirates because with two Commanders around their pursuers don't stand a chance and the transport doesn't crash. Also, Cody and Ahsoka may or may not have performed a little more preemptive interference of the explosive kind on a couple of the vehicles they did not use, if Cody had detonators with him. He might not have brought any for what should've just been a pick-up, but maybe he simply likes to be prepared.
-Anyways, they make it (and Hondo gets to deal with Grievous on his own, not that they know that, but the wily pirate probably manages to escape somehow) back to Cody's shuttle, and the expedition ship meets them somewhere either on-planet or back out in space. The repairs are sufficient to get them to a rendezvous with the Republic fleet, which has made its retreat and given them coordinates to return to. And there's probably some conversations along the way, definitely including a little bonding between the Commanders; I'm a firm believer in the idea that they enjoy addressing each other by rank as a bit, and I wish we got to see them interact in the show.
-At least a few of the kids probably fall asleep on the ride home. Ahsoka definitely needs a nap, but she's probably reluctant to sleep before the kids are safely back. Still, she might doze off in the co-pilot seat.
-The Negotiator still got blown up, sadly, and Obi-Wan might be slightly worse off since Cody wasn't there to help him delay Grievous (rip the cool barrel shot) but not by much; Hondo is not here to demand payment for any generous services, but the kids probably have fun recounting the tale of what happened.
-The kids would probably be a lot more divided about running off to rescue Ahsoka, since help did actually come and at least a couple of them would probably be inclined to listen to the adult in charge. Katooni seems like a responsible type, and Byph seems like an anxious sort, but they might both go to try and keep the others out of trouble (and because I don't really wanna leave any of the kids out). Ganodi is still staying behind as back-up pilot and/or to provide distractions to delay Cody's inevitable pursuit. She does not last long against the Big Brother Commander Look, but she tries. She does finish fixing Professor Huyang, and she and the professor and R2 get the expedition ship to rendezvous with the shuttle.
-Is Cody good with kids? I like to think he's got good communication/social skills and experience being an ori'vod, so he's not terrible with them. He's not doting the way Waxer would be, but he's at least used to adjusting his demeanor for different audiences (shinies vs. veterans vs. superior officers). However, he might end up spooking the kids a little by being blunt about the kinds of risks they should not be attempting, even when trying to avoid being pessimistic. It's not easy to balance keeping up morale with imparting seriousness of a situation. There's a moment in the show where Petro brags about how he's going to defeat Obi-Wan Kenobi and also Grievous with his new lightsaber, and I think Cody understands that it's youthful bluster but he's still like "until you have defeated General Kenobi in a lightsaber duel, if you ever see Grievous, you run, do I make myself clear?"
-Cody probably scolds R2 for not stopping the kids from running off, and he also suspects that R2 is the reason their hyperspace jump landed them near Florrum in the first place; R2 whistles, innocent as anything (stranding the kids near Florrum did ensure they got in contact with whichever Jedi was closest to the kidnapped Ahsoka)
-Dunno if I have any further relevant thoughts to include here, but I'd be delighted to hear other ideas about how this arc would go down!
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bluebellhairpin · 2 years
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local master/padawan duo take younglings out on a unauthorized space mcdonalds run.
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iccarian · 1 year
@waytelem: ❛ we can make our own way. please, come with me. ❜ gib the platonic obiani.
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 ‍ when he breathes, he breathes fire –– from the crevice of his furnace heart, where the dragon nestles within. vader was brought forth to slay it, and he has slayed many already, so why does he still burn? he burns when he looks at obi-wan across from him, lit by the luminescent lights of coruscant — and the blaring red of blaster fire in the distance. master, friend, brother. he wasn't supposed to be here. he wasn't supposed to be alive — anakin wasn't supposed to face him.
 ‍ 〝 there is no other way. 〞 fingers tight around the hilt of his saber, deactivated for now, he pulls his gaze away from the jedi and tries to inhale through the fumes swirling in his lungs. in doing so, he looks at the younglings. huddled in the far corners of the room, confused and petrified. the force — it cries out, overwhelming. the only other time he's felt so much pain was when his mother died. when he knelt before darth sidious and promised himself his apprentice. unbidden, his eyes are drawn back to obi-wan. 〝 what other way? 〞 demanding, pleading. how can he turn back now?
 ‍ 〝 obi-wan — 〞 and his voice catches here, wheezes through the smoke spewing from him. and then it quiets, a twisted remnant of the desperate boy he was, and is. there is no dragon. there is no vader. there is only you. 〝 if I don't save padmé . . . 〞
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masterkeynobi · 2 years
fucked up if practical that the republic canonically doesn't pay ransom for jedi. like it makes sense but at the same time imagine youre a knight and your snot-nosed fresh-out-of-the-crèche intern gets themself into a mess because theyre little and stupid and it's just between you and the force now. shit sucks
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trickstercaptain · 1 year
       If the fact that he was the leader of a cult didn't make him unsettling enough, Baron Afanas's entire... disposition would certainly do it. Jack didn't like him. He'd decided that rather early on, and being caught like some naughty Eton schoolboy after attempting to leave the coven and regain some autonomy over the direction of this undead existence was a good example of precisely what he disliked. Jack could concede that he'd needed some guidance to start with — none of this dweller of the night nonsense came with a rulebook — but he disliked the way that he was belittled for being so new to it. The way Baron looked at him, the firm grip of his hand on his shoulder, the oddly erotic trail of his fingers across skin... it all reminded him of Teague, of Bainbridge, of Beckett. He was a grown man, not a child. It all made him want to flap his wings just that little harder out of spite.
       Jack's patience was starting to wear thin, but he kept his voice level. Even managed a small, humourless smile. “ I am — was — a pirate. I am, by definition, already feral. I don't think that's something you can fix. ”
@shadowcovcn cont.
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shadowglens · 1 year
i’m thinking of giving ione a padawan 🧐
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suiana · 3 months
could i ask for a yan!childhood friend. but the childhood friend is the friend of our daughter and we’re her parent. (we think he likes her but he likes us. 18+ obviously) the darling is like a milf or whatever. pretty please with a cherry on top :)
SHUT UPP i love this idea, childhood friend redemption arc?!!?! maybe he wont be my most hated yan anymore!?
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(yandere! childhood friend x gn! parent reader)
"my dear, you need to calm down. you don't like me, it's just the hormones-"
"please! pleasepleaseplease just give me one chance! i know you and your spouse aren't together anymore so just give me a chance. i may be younger but i promise i'll treat you so good that you won't regret choosing me!"
the male whines, his hands clasped together in front of his face as he begs you to accept his confession.
obviously you weren't going to accept. why would you? you practically watched him grow up alongisde your daughter! and yes, you knew he's had a little bit of an obsession since he was young but you always thought it was just a kid thing. you never encouraged it, always politely told him that he'd grow up, find someone else his age he'd truly love, maybe someone like your daughter.
what you never expected was for him to continue his obsession well into his early adulthood. especially when it's on you, a 40 something year old that was the parent of his best friend.
you knew you were attractive. you've had lots of people tell you that since forever, and the compliments only rose after you became a parent. you've even heard some kids nowadays call you a... parent they'd like to fuck? was it? you always found it weird. but either way, you never entertained any of their words, especially confessions as you had not wanted any of them to get the wrong idea.
most of them moved on. unfortunately not this boy.
"you're literally the only one for me! i don't care if you're almost 50! it's only like... 20 something years! i'm legal already!"
he continues to beg, hands caging you against a nearby wall. you merely let out a sigh, shaking your head as the male continues to ramble on about how much he adores you.
"my dear, i will not get with you no matter what."
you merely reply to his heartfelt words with a simple sentece, patting his shoulder before you try to push him away. though, you could only freeze in place as you feel the air around you drop in temperature, the aura around the young man changing in an instant.
"if you don't go out with me i'll kill myself in front of you and change the trajectory of your life forever."
ah, younglings and their passion for older people. how fun! not for you though.
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roseaesynstylae · 4 months
A Collection of Posts about the Jedi, Part 1
I am pro-Jedi and interested in worldbuilding. Here are some a lot of posts I've found on Tumblr. Some are long, some are short, all are interesting. Hopefully you'll find them helpful, inspiring, and/or useful. There's also my collection of fics, My Favorites of Jedi Appreciation.
They're not really in any order, but they are roughly grouped by subject.
Edit: I'm just going to keep updating and organizing this with any interesting posts I find.
Here is Part Two, as Tumblr made me split it.
Jedi Defense
why the jedi couldn't walk away from the republic
Debunking more myths in the GFFA: the Jedi and the clones.
Mace Windu
before the acolyte releases
agape love
i would not want a romantic relationship if i was a jedi
the jedi did everything they could
jedi are aro
When a Star Wars writer engages with the material but not the narrative.
jedi and attachment
jedi and attachment 2
jedi and dbt
in defense of the jedi
the je'daii order
shmi skywalker adhered to the jedi code more than anakin ever did
Attachment Theory and Master Yoda - the Jedi Way to Security
The Parallels Between Antisemitism and Certain Arguments Against the Jedi
Jedi do not steal children
Some basic points to remember
Color and Jedi
Jedi as peacekeepers
Three flaws in the Jedi order you can concede
in defense of the jedi 2
The Jedi Council were reasonable in the Wrong Jedi Arc actually
The Jedi are not out of touch
An analogy
A defense of Ki-Adi-Mundi
Every instance of touch between a Jedi and another physical being
Jedi are allowed to visit their families
Jedi are allowed to leave the order
Jedi do not steal children 2
Kanan and Hera are not against the rules
Mace and his troops
Jedi do not steal children 3
Why the Council couldnt've prevented Order 66
1000 Jedi isn't a lot
The Jedi aren't corrupt & slavery isn't their fault
Padme, the Jedi and slavery
Prosset Dibs is a moron
"Jedi-Friendly" bashing of the Council is not a thing
Yes, the Jedi have flaws (everything has flaws)
Jedi and compassion (+ Ki-Adi-Mundi)
Mace Windu is a compassionate person
The Jedi aren't eugenicists (that's the Kaminoans)
Padawans are not child soldiers
Debunking the lightsaber vs bullet thing
Legends!Luke is not better than the PT Jedi
Jedi Culture
jedi culture
martial arts
Guide to Jedi Ranking Terminology
jedi "labels"
jedi melting pot
jedi gifts
jedi healers
jedi culture 2
young jedi
jedi and taxes
jedi sects
jedi weddings
jedi robes
jedi order corps and subdivisions
jedi order bureaucratic structure
Jedi robe significations
Jedi clothing
Jedi Temple Guards
Jedi culture 3
Feelings soaking in
Jedi and teaching
Jedi are empaths
Bag of flour and the 212th
Plo Koon
Jedi debates
Jedi views on blood ties in Lucasfilm canon
Other faiths in the order
Jedi meeting their bio families
Different adoption scenarios
Jedi music
Jedi healers
Jedi and emotions
Padawan attire and conduct
Jedi younglings
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starlit-typewriter · 3 months
Genshin SAGAU, Creator of Teyvat, but not Humanity Part 10
Sorry this took so long guys, I really wanted to take my time to prepare for the next big arc that's coming soon.
Also life got in the way.
But here it is,
Part 10!
Doing something a lil different this time, let me know what you guys think! Masterlist | Prev Part | Next Part
It’s a lot quieter these days. More peaceful.
Not that wasn’t peaceful before, but that peace was different, more charged.
Back then, he was recovering from Durin’s poison after all.
He lay alone in the ruins of Decarabian, waiting for his wounds to heal.
He may have been the Dragon of the East of Mondstadt's Four Winds.
But it was still painfully slow.
Emphasis on slow.
Even after the war was done and the battle had passed.
The mental wounds heal much slower than the physical ones.
So no, it was never truly peaceful, even when it was quiet.
He was asleep most of the time, but it didn't stop him from feeling the passage of time.
Didn't stop him from reliving that battle in his dreams.
That battle had been painful beyond words.
And not just from the poisonous blood.
Durin was a dragon.
Not a true dragon mind you, his form was synthetic and his powers false.
He was still draconic, in a sense.
Far more draconic than the Vishaps that his people became.
And, well.
He was so young.
Even when they fought, he could tell that Durin was not used to flight.
Nor to the winds and freedoms of Mondstadt. 
If it weren’t for the fact that his poisonous blood had already wreaked so much havoc, Dvalin would’ve tried reasoning with him.
Not that he didn’t in the first place.
For he did, 
And, well
Durin was so painfully young,
So obviously innocent and clueless to the ways of the world.
He didn’t know that he was causing pain to those around him.
He didn’t even know that he himself was getting injured when they fought.
At the time it was infuriating.
This young arrogant creature causing havoc and fear all the whilst singing about a dance with him and the people of Mondstadt. 
It wasn’t until they had started landing blows, when he realized the truth.
Durin didn’t know kindness from pain.
His cursed creator never bothered to give him the chance to learn what singing and dancing was.
No opportunities to know life without pain, without injury.
At first he thought they enjoyed the adrenaline of battle, the thrill of landing and receiving blows from a worthy opponent.
He soon realized that their fight may have been one of the only times that Durin had been touched.
That his heavy blows may have been the first bit of warmth this youngling had ever felt.
A child who’d never known love, would think violence and pain was the norm.
Unknowingly hurting those around him in search of connection.
He never had a chance.
When Davlin bit into his neck, he bit deep and he bit hard.
Hoping that it would make this quick and painless.
Hoping that after all this, Durin might be able to find some peace.
That they could perhaps find a new form to see the world.
To learn what it truly means to sing and dance with the people of Mondstadt.
He had wept for Durin, 
Privately of course.
Whilst he did not want to hide Durin’s true nature from the world, he also knew that minds were difficult to change. 
The people of Mondstadt saw only a terrifying beast with poison for blood. 
A monster that had razed their lands and hurt their people.
How could he even begin to explain how none of it was intentional.
That Durin just wanted to make friends.
They would not believe him,
Or even if they did, they would not understand, could not understand.
They were simply too human to see the woes of a dragon.
It was easier for everyone if,
If he kept his mouth shut,
And let the humans spin their tales as they see fit.
The trust of humans is hard won, especially for a dragon. 
He had only received their trust at the word of their Archon, he could not afford to shake it, not during such turbulent times.
Barbatos’s word is powerful, but not all encompassing.
That is by choice,
He would not order his people to trust or accept anyone. 
He would simply offer protection to those he deemed worthy.
Durin was not worthy.
To this day he is still unsure whether Barbatos knew of Durin’s true nature.
And well,
He doesn't want to.
Because, well. 
He doesn’t know which would be worse.
If he didn’t, then that means one more person sees Durin as nothing more than a bloodthirsty evil dragon.
If he did,
Dvalin doesn’t want to jump to conclusions.
However, he can’t deny that he was far from peaceful back when he and Barbatos met.
He was nowhere the force of destruction Durin was, mind you.
It was simply that he had no love for humans.
They were no more important to him than the nearest squirrel or hog.
Barbatos was the one that taught him about the beauty in humanity.
As well as how to use his abilities to protect them.
If it weren’t for Barbatos giving him a chance.
Would he have ended up like Durin?
Would Barbatos have killed him, like he did to Durin?
Those were questions that plagued his mind whilst he was recovering.
The pain from his wounds and the poison didn’t help.
Not to mention Barbados had gone to sleep.
It was lonely.
His mental barriers were down, and that’s when the Abyss Order had decided to strike.
Taking advantage of his weakened state, and his doubts in his friends.
They turned him into what he feared he would become.
An evil dragon.
Just like Durin.
He thought Barbatos would abandon him.
Would order his death like he did Durin.
But he didn’t,
He trusted him.
Helped him.
Healed him.
Things are better now,
Barbatos visits,
He never got the answer to his question, and he still daren’t ask.
But that’s alright.
Because Dvalin is not Durin.
Becuase he met Barbatos, and learned about humans.
Because he gained their trust and respect.
Because when he fell, they came and saved him.
Davlin no longer worries about having to prove himself worthy of their trust.
He is, 
At peace.
A bit too peaceful actually.
The days of the Archon war were filled with patrols and meetings and well,
There was always something to do.
Barbatos may not be sleeping, but he rarely visits.
Andrius is occupied with his wolf pack.
Davlin is alone most of the time.
Barring the occasional adventurous human who travel to the ruins in order to gawk at him.
They should of course, he is magnificent.
But, well, 
He wouldn’t be terribly upset if they’d gone up to him and struck up a conversation.
Not that he wants to converse with someone.
He is the mighty Dvalin, Erstwhile King of the Skies. 
Not that there’s really much to rule over.
They are at peace after all
He can’t deny he missed the days of the action war, when he’d fly amongst the people and spend time with Barbados and Andrius and the rest.
Now that is all ancient history.
Not a living human remembers that time.
Depending on your definition of human.
Dvalin sighs, his breath echoing through the ruins of Decerrbian.
He could hear the bright chattering of hilichurls.
It seems that a couple more encampments have been set up during his last flight.
Hilichurls lack many qualities, but persistence was never one of them.
His ear twitched as he considered his next course of action.
He could chase them off.
Wouldn’t be hard at all, considering his power and their frailty. 
But it wouldn’t solve anything would it, not in the long term.
They’d just be back again before long.
The tip of his tail twitched slightly with irritation.
From the outside, he looked the very picture of a sleeping dragon. His azure body curled up in an elegant sprawl, with his head resting on claws.
His eyes were closed, not that he needed them open to monitor the world around him.
As a creature of Anemo, the wind itself were his eyes. He could feel the vibrations of the world around him, it’s humming giving him a perfect sense of what is happening.
And it seems that one foolish hilichurl decided to try its luck today.
He felt the pitter patter of its feet as it approached his resting form.
The former Dragon of the East feigned sleep, and allowed the creature to lower its guard.
He let his breaths slow down, feigning sleep.
The light steps of a particularly adventurous hilichurl approaches his ears.
If he concentrates, he can feel the hum of the celestial curse placed on their body.
He always found it so ironic, that the biggest enemies humanity had to face were those that they created themselves.
A species so desperate for survival, whose greatest strength is in their tenacity and ability to cooperate.
A species whose greatest enemy is ultimately themselves.
Not that dragons did not have their own disputes.
At least, he’s fairly sure that they did.
He was never involved in any himself, having been born near the end of the war between Celestia and dragonkind.
Perhaps that’s what made him so different from the rest of his kin, beside the whole being alive and unsealed part.
He was too young to truly remember what life in Teyvat under the rule of dragons was like.
He remembers some things.
The air was much different, much wilder and ferocious, flying these days is akin to gliding. 
Back then, the ability to fly was one hard fought and learned, one had to prove themselves to the wind that they were worthy of using their power. 
The landscape was more jagged, more free. No neatly trimmed paths or smooth top mountains.
Most of all, the sky.
The sky was different.
There were no stars in the land of dragons.
Only the moon and sun.
A truly different time to be sure.
The sound of footsteps bring him out of his thoughts
Ah, yes the little monster approaches.
He is quite curious on what it plans to do, after all this was no abyss mage, simply a hilichurl, a cursed human.
A trespasser that he was free to deal with as he deems fit.
He can feel it getting closer, the faint hum of the celestial curse on their body gets stronger with every movement it makes.
The desire to tense in anticipation is strong, however the image of a peaceful sleeping dragon is integral for this ruse, tensing up would be too noticeable, especially at this distance.
A moment passes,
Then two.
What is the hilichurl even doing, they’re close enough to touch, yet they just stand their idly as if-
A diary hand reaches out and yanks on his whiskers.
Dvalin’s eyes fly open as he roars, flinging his head up in the air, the hilichurl with it.
His tail lashes out, smacking into one of the collapsed walls, sending puffs of dust and rock raining down.
He leaps to his feet, all pretense of sleep gone. It seems that that daring little monster decided it wanted to pull on his whiskers.
He could still see it dangling onto his through the corner of his eye. 
Growling with anger, the Anemo dragon shakes his head furiously, summoning Anemo power to get this unwanted pest off of his body. 
With a mighty gust, the hilichurl is dislodged, flying off of Dvalin’s whisker.
The screech of the hilichurl that pulled on his whiskers fades into the distance, as its body fades from view.
It seems he had flung it a lot farther than he thought. Considering his remarkable senses, the fact that he can no longer see, nor hear the little monster, well-
 It was their decision to poke a sleeping dragon, or well, pull on one.
The other hilichurls, presumably from that same hilichurl’s camp, all scramble. Their screeches and grunts of panic filling the air.
No doubt hearing his rage at having his appendage pulled. 
And rightfully so, the audacity to disturb the rest of the Erstwhile King of the Skies deserves nothing less than his anger.
He ignores the fact that technically he did allow it to get this close. As well as pretended to be asleep just to see what it would do. 
Even so, the sheer disrespect cannot be overlooked.
With a couple beats of his wings, Dvalin takes to the sky, intent on scattering the rest of the hilichurls that have gathered in the ruins of Decarabian.
He does a couple of loops around the ruins, idly scattering the tribes that have settled there.
It didn’t take long before it was quiet once more.
Nothing more than the sounds of nature to fill his ears.
Quiet once more,
Until a small spark of energy catches his attention.
He peers over the edge of his platform to see the Barbatos and the blonde traveler with their flying companion. 
How they managed to get here without him noticing is truly beyond him.
Regardless, it would be difficult for them to navigate up to him, from their position besides Barbato’s Statue of the Seven
The traveler turned their head to nod at him, whilst Barbatos leaned heavily on his statue, an empty wine bottle clutched in his arms.
He glides down to meet them, careful not to knock them off the platform with the wind.
As he approaches, he can smell the stench of alcohol wafting off of Barbatos.
Dvalin turned to the blonde traveler, “How much did he drink?”
They turned to him with dead eyes. 
“He chugged the entire bottle,”
Dvalin sighed, the air hitting Barbatos, sending his cape into his face.
The wind spirit sputtered, waving his arms at Dvalin in annoyance. 
“Hey, don’t judge me, I’ve had a difficult day,” he whined, face still flushed from the alcohol.
“Oh,” Davlin hummed judgmentally, “I can’t imagine what difficulties you must be facing,”
“He’s not wrong,” the Traveler defended, stepping forward.
The dragon turned his gaze to them.
The blonde haired figure sighed, most likely realizing that Barbatos was too drunk to participate in this conversation.
They opened their mouth and began to explain.
And the world, as he knew it
Masterlist | Prev Part | Next Part
I honestly love the story of Durin and Dvalin, made me cry the first time I read it.
Durin's just such a tragic character, all of Gold's creations are to an extent.
This chapter truly is, the calm before the storm.
Ah well, as always my askbox is always open!
Thank you guys so much for reading!
@bunniotomia,@lucid-stories, @ymechi, @chocogi,  @ra404, @ash1, @esthelily, @tottybear, @mmeatt, @quacking-simp, @reemthetheme, @universallyenthusiastsage, @resident-cryptid, @fantasyhopperhea, @thedevioussmirk, @etherisy, @naynayaa ,@mel-star636, @chericia, @aithane, @mmeatt, @xrosegorex, @amidst-the-tempest, @8-sinner-8, @reapersan, @elementalia ,@strangeygirl, @chaoticfivesworld, @scalyalpaca, @avalordream ,@ranshin03, @vvyeislazzy, @wishicouldart, @raykayrei,@izzieg3987, @time-shardz, @nugsanart09, @mavix,@beary-kalkus, @lunarapple, @keirennyx
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
Okay, okay, I might be losing my mind a little bit, BUT I think there was an episode in rebels???? (maybe clone wars I'm not sure) where some characters were part of a travelling circus because they needed to go somewhere.
Anyways, love your art. Especially the last 4 jedi
you're not going insane! you're thinking of that episode of clone wars where ahsoka and the younglings pretend to be in a circus in that ilum/kyber heist arc loll
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wisteriaw0rld · 1 year
Your writings are literally so good like omgg and I love the way you write the characters!
That's why I have a scenario about Muichiro x fem reader with Kokushibo. How Kokushibo will react about his offspring has a lover (like he just know when he saw them)? Especially when she's an offspring of someone he knew (the first stone pillar), will Muichiro and the reader ended up die if the situation is different? (of course I hope they will survive:"))
-ˋˏ ༻muichiro x fem! reader༺ ˎˊ-
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||Synopsis: Becoming a hashira, you knew this day would eventually come. Fighting Muzan and the three upper moons along side your fellow pillars. But everything that the upper moon one, Kokushibo, had been telling both you and Muichiro was something you didn’t expect.
(thank you for requesting!)
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“Say yes to heaven, say yes to me.” -Lana Del Rey
It had been a coincidence. An interesting one, at that. Out of the different Hashira’s in the demon slayer corps, the first upper moon had essentially encountered two younglings. A young boy, black hair with turquoise tips who he had then found out was his offspring. A girl, seemingly his age, accompanied him. The offspring of someone he knew. The first stone pillar in the sengoku era. The way the two of you seemed to care so deeply for each other made the love between the two of you obvious.
“Your skills were expected as a descendant from the first stone hashira.” The Upper Moon spoke in a low tone as you attempted to attack from behind, only for yourself to get kicked back. A groan left your lips as you stood up almost the very same moment you fell. “Two descendants from powerful successors must make a great duo.” Kokushibo spoke in an almost sarcastic sounding voice. But of course it had been hard to tell with his cold tone.
The demon had been rather intrigued in the relationship between both you and the most pillar. You had already known why. Throughout the battle with him, he mentioned about how you were a descendant of someone you knew. The first stone pillar. And while he told you that, he informed Muichiro that he was his own offspring. Everything had felt vague.
Up and up, again and again. Slowly, your energy had been draining in the way you had to constantly trying to land a blow on Kokushibo. It seemed impossible almost. 
“MUICHIRO!” You yelled loudly, attempting to tell the boy to turn the other way and dodge Kokushibo’s attack. Suddenly, the upper moon did a quick turn, placing the attack on you instead. Your eyes widened although your body hadn’t reacted quickly enough. From a distance, you saw Gyomei appear. Then, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach, making you cough up blood. 
Before you knew it, you were laying on the floor, your arms supporting you up. Kokushibo’s sword was still in your stomach as his hand rested on the handle of the katana.
“Y/n!” Your tired gaze moved away from the sword pierced in your upper abdomen and over to Muichiro who was running to you in fear for your health. Almost immediately, the katana was pulled out of your stomach in a quick manner, making more blood escape your mouth with wide eyes. 
“You care too much about each other.” You heard Kokushibo say, drawing his blade at Muichiro once more. Your vision was slowly becoming a haze as your ears began ringing.
“My child… apply pressure to the wound of yours. The blade didn’t fully pierce through you.” A large folded green haori was handed to you as the comforting voice of Gyomei overpowered the unending ringing in your ears.
Your shaky hand reached out to the haori before you grabbed it and pushed it against your wound. A groan escapes your lips once more as something Kokushibo had previously told you wouldn’t leave your mind. “A descendent from such a powerful pillar. Your only weakness might just be your love for my offspring.”
An opening. Despite hardly being able to see anything, you saw a small opening as Gyomei, Muichiro and Sanemi each struggled fighting the upper moon number one. With one hand pressing the haori against your gash, you slowly reached out your shaky one to your f/c katana at your side. 
With the little strength you had stored up, you closed one eye, aiming right at the demons stomach for a distraction. He was already fending off three pillars. He wouldn’t see this attack right?
You threw your blade as hard as you could, and as you expected it pierced right through his stomach, enough to distract him. You couldn’t really see the rest yourself as you felt yourself slowly losing consciousness.
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Your waist felt ever so slightly wet. A single arm was laid across your stomach as small weeps were heard. A few voices were heard as well. Each of which were muffled. Slowly by the second they became more clear.
“I’m sorry, Tokito. But i…I’m not sure if she’ll wake up. I’m just used to shinobu helping me..” You heard the familiar voice of Aoi Kanzaki. She sounded upset as she whispered the last part. “She’s been like this for two days already. If she doesn’t wake up by tomorrow I don’t know if-“ The girl cut herself off as she looked over at you. Your eyes were closed.
Despite being awake now, you felt drained. It felt as if you couldn’t get even open your eyes. 
“Tokito, you’ve been here for a while. I need to check up on Y/n, now.” The voices went back to being muffled. The arm that was left around your waist got off. You heard small footsteps coming towards you.
A small warmth that was previously with you disappeared as you felt what assumed to be a blanket get pulled off of you. Your shirt got pulled up only to reveal your stomach that had been bandaged up very carefully.
A hand dragged itself against the bloody bandage wrap on your stomach. Fortunately it hadn’t been too bloody as the young blue eyed girl made sure to change it often.
“Aoi..?” You questioned, hoping you were correct about the voice as your eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the light.
The hand touching your bandage paused. You squinted your eyes at the girl. You were right. Aoi. Her eyes were wide and she almost dropped the cup of medicine she had been holding in her other hand for a patient.
“Y/n…?” She asked gently, looking at you as if it had been a miracle you were awake. “Y/n!” She repeated, carelessly setting the cup on the small table at your side making it fall over and spill. 
Aoi gave you a gentle hug, afraid of only making your wound worse. “Y/n, wait here. I need to get everyone else.” Aoi let go of you, quickly running off likely to find the remaining three Hashira’s and the rest of your friends.
Although your mind had been set on one person only. Muichiro. You looked down at the bandage on your stomach. It didn’t hurt too much. And you noticed the right side of the bandage was wet. You remembered Muichiro being here. His tears are what had gotten it damp. 
Ignoring Aoi’s instructions, you pulled your shirt down to cover your obvious stomach wound. You hopped out of the bed, your stomach scar thankfully still not hurting. 
Racing through the estate, all the people that saw you seemed shocked. Especially when you passed a certain room that Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi had been in. As shocked as they were to see you awake, there first thoughts were to get you to go back to bed. But you were a hashira. Of course it was hard for them to catch up to you, even in your injured form.
“Y/n, please!” The three little girls yelled in unison as they chased you down the halls of the butterfly estate. While running, you ran past a room. The same room Aoi was in, informing kanao and tanjiro that you had woken up.
“Y/n!! Slow down!!” Kilo’s pleading voice grabbed the attention of Aoi, Kanao and Tanjiro. Next thing you knew you had all of them chasing after you yelling for you to slow down.
“Muichiro!” You yelled loudly, turning a corner and almost slipping while doing so. Your voice was quick to catch the mist pillars attention. He turned around, seeing you awake and running over to him as fast as you could with a small group behind you.
Almost immediately, you jumped into Muichiro’s arms, the two of you in each others warm embrace once again.
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Time for a Taisho Secret!: The two days that you were healing from the battle with Kokushibo, Muichiro refused to leave your bed side. It got so bad to the point Tanjiro and Kanao had to both drag him out of the room and force him to eat Aoi’s cooking. Although throughout the entire time he was eating with them, he would constantly be asking questions about you or simply bringing you up.
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mymelodymia · 1 year
Oh!! Oh!!! How about the Avengers meeting Tony’s kid for the first time? Maybe she isn’t that old yet (youngling, pre-teen maybe?) and they’re all like how can this be Tony’s kid (in a good way)? But then she starts getting sassy and cocky like her Dad, and they’re like, nevermind
I fantasize about this kinda stuff happening constantly LMAO
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Summary: your a young stark, but already act exactly like your father.
Warnings: Y/N being sarcastic, Y/N being a little mean, slight mention of tony being a dumbass 🙄
A/N: I honestly loved this request so much, and to all the other people who requested, it might take me a minute to get to some of them, but I'll try to be fast with it <3
You were around 11 when new york went down, and 12 when the Malibu house said bye-bye, and now you live at the tower, your father tony, knew you weren't so good with new people. So him being the dumbass he is, introduced you to everyone at the same time, oof.
He made sure that everyone knew at the same time and that if they step out of line, they'd have it coming for them. You were used to tonys overprotective-ness but he really just wanted you to be protected and feel safe,
"So this is my daughter Y/N" and then he went on and on for like 2 minutes straight taking bout "you even look at her the wrong way you wil-"
"Dad, i think they get it." You looked quite shy and quiet, (you weren't) It was around 7 when you all ate dinner together, you had met nat before (the whole natalie rushman thing) but you didn't know her personally, yet.
You went to your room after dinner, and turned on whatever movie you saw first, tangled, you and your dad LOVED disney movies, it had become a tradition to have a Disney movie marathon at least once a week, it had been about 30 minutes of you being in your room there was a knock at your door,
"Come in" you said flatly not taking your eyes of the screen, tony poked his head through the door and spoke up
"Y/N/N" he said walking deeper into the dark room
"Hmm" you hummed waiting for him to continue,
"Sorry i put you on the spot like that earlier, i know you aren't good with new people" he said with slight guilt in his eyes, coming toward you, sitting down on the bed,
"It's fine, i always knew you didn't love me..."
"What?? I never said that i..."
"I know :')" you said laying back, your father putting his arm around you before you could. You snuggled into him, your head resting softly on his shoulder, continuing to watch your movie, with your dad this time <3
Eventually you fell into a deep slumber, your chest rising and falling continuously, tony putting a blanket over you two, when the movie ended he looked down at you, sleeping peacefully against his shoulder.
He tried to slip his arm out from under you, this made you stir from your slumber, he tried this continuously for about 10 minutes, you holding onto him tighter each time he did. Eventually he gave up and got comfortable, he was clearly sleeping there.
The next morning you woke up at around 9:27 exactly. Hopping out of bed, you walked into your bathroom, did your business, grabbed your book and walked downstairs to be greeted by the sweet sweet smell of omelets, you walked into the kitchen and saw Steve cooking, everyone else was sitting in the living room or at the dining table.
"Hi steve" you said walking by, smiling and waving to him.
"Morning Y/N" he replied just as tony walked in, heading straight to the coffee ☕️ but when his eyes fell on you, he wrapped you in a hug,
"Hey baby, how'd you sleep?"
"Fine even though there was a peasant in my bed" you said sarcastically, smiling up at your father, your chin resting on his arc reactor, in that moment everyone turned their heads to you, having not expected that, since you had seemed so shy and quiet the night before.
A few minutes later, you made another comment, after Steve had finished eating breakfast, you looked up at him and sighed,
"Steve stop thinking you're ugly" you said with (fake) sympathy,
"I mean, you are ugly, but dont think about it.."
tony was cackling in the back as you walked away.
you were ranting about sm stupid, doing the classic tony walk, (you know the one where he has his chest puffed out and his lower back arched and one of his hands floating in the air using a whole bunch of hand gestures)
Everyone just staring at you, realizing how wrong they were when they thought you were shy and quiet. Your father was smirking at this. When you realized they were staring, you paused
"Why are you looking at me like that" not even realizing how out of breath you were from your ranting
"You really are a mini tony" Natasha spoke up, eyebrows raised. Tony laughed at this and made a comment, showing where you get it.
"Told you, keep going Y/N/N"
*title is mini stark*
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