#young breezy
banished-away · 5 months
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i bet in a modern au, drizzt would be the realm's n1 victim of those black and white out of context quotes
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Breezy Stories (June1948)
Art by Enoch Bolles
Young Publications
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lil-skelly-bones · 9 months
Why is young Gecko Moria kinda… 👀
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WHAT who said that?! 🫣
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stanforbreezy · 14 days
City Girls - Chris Brown & Young Thug
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boogietitia · 2 months
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mottinthemainpot · 1 month
Not me making up backstories for people on the bus 😭😭😭
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wonderkat11 · 7 months
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TLOZxSSBU || Young Link and Toon Link (Fanart)
It's a very nice day for me to draw Young Link & Toon Link just having fun breezing in the air out in the fields, & believe it, it's spring so it is time for me to do this seasonal theme for them, so they would believe in spring when it's on its way, & in springtime, a brand new day has begun!
To the Links in many Zelda games, they wanna have fun but for mine, I have Young Link & Toon Link having fun breezing in the air out in the fields like having fun out in the meadows, but they're in the fields, so I hope you like it! Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker. Rules: DO NOT STEAL MY ART! No Rude Comments please. Young Link & Toon Link both belong to The Legend of Zelda & Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo). See also:  SpeedPaint: www.youtube.com/watch?v=96beF-…
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||Rescuing her fallen knight||
Hello everyone, peahen mom here but I just had a short idea for a drabble. If your curious to what it is, I'll let you read to see it involves the cursed hurricane and her beloved metal destroyer knight. With this said, lets see what this story is about.
||Drabble summary||
Breezy has been caught before by the enemy of the Nagu vampires back in the past that made Rust lose it almost destroying everything there. However, now it seems the tables has turned. What could this mean? Read to find out.
~Dark theme is in this drabble
~Blood/Gore will be present
~Biting will be present
||Guests in Drabble||
Rust Knight along with some members on the DBT belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Breezy Hurricane along with her fraction belongs to me.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Breezy always was happy hanging out with her friends and team. It was always good for her even through the bad times. Though, it was still just as good when it came to spending time with her boyfriend.
Rust Knight. Member of the DBT.
She always was happy when it came to him. From the first day they met, to hanging out, having fun. Even to their sparing matches. Things were good for them. She always was happy to see him and nothing would stop her from being there for him.
That is..till today.
She was looking worried when she was with her team trying to help find a missing Rust knight when Ink and the others asked Jinx if they saw Rust anywhere. He was out getting some things before they didn't a single word from him after. It's been a few hours and Rust would have called them. Or her.
All she knew that either he was doing something at that time when she texted him or something was wrong resulting in him not responding for so long. So, the cursed vixens would keep a eye out for him while the DBT did the same. Right now, she was looking around with her team hoping to find him but nothing yet. This really worried the hurricane. She did check her cell phone again to see if he texted her but nothing.
The last text was a few hours ago with her telling him to have a great day but he never texted back.
'Rust..where are you?' she thought looking around but even her team knew she was dead worried about him. Even so, they would help trying to find him. Seeing this, Mouse touches her shoulder to see Breezy look at her. She can tell she was deeply worried about him.
"Don't worry Breezy, we'll find him." she said but Breezy only looks down to nod even gripping the silver cloud necklace he gave her.
"Y..Yeah......." She hopes he will be alright. So, they keep looking for him but stays on their guard in case. For that time, they keep looking around for clues but Breezy was looking around hoping to find him.
While she was looking about in some area, it felt a lot more quiet here that got her wondering. Did something happen here or was their some sort of disturbance? She looks around for a while longer for clues when feeling like someone was watching her.
Shifting her gunpowder blue eyes left and right, she saw nothing happening but she did know someone was watching her from a distance.
"......." She didn't say a single word, staying on her guard. Seconds later, something was heard rustling near by in some bushes to quickly jumps out at her.
"!!!!" Breezy quickly sends a strong gust of wind out to knock who it was back hard into the ground. She turns to quickly look and see it was a Nagu vampire. It seems to be coughing from the hit only for Breezy to look at it. She held her up at ready to fight as it gets up hissing at her to try tackling her. Right away, she kicks it back in the face right into a brick wall as it winces from feeling it's nose broken.
"Tch!" She quickly got ready to heat up the wind to burn this sick monster to ashes. "Hey, what's the big idea you punk! You know trying to jump me will get ya burned!" she said walking over to it as it hisses about to get up but she stops it again with another kick.
As Breezy begins raising her fist to finish it, she stops. Her eyes noticed something was in the Nagu's hand. "Huh?" Now what could that be? She looks closer to get a better look at it.
She looks seeing it was some sort of grey ripped piece of clothing. Maybe from a jacket? Breezy only keeps it down as it hisses at her but she snatches the piece to look at it. When getting a close inspection of it, her eyes widen slowly.
The grey piece did look like it came from a jacket but what caught her eye was the gear on it. Wait.....Rust's jacket had this! Looking silent, she slowly looks to the Nagu who twitches feeling her foot pressed down onto it's chest ready to kill it.
"Where....did you get this?" she asked but the Nagu didn't respond this made her push her foot down harder into it's chest. "Answer me! Where did you get this!" she shouted now demanding but the Nagu only chuckled.
"Huh? I got it after having a little fun....but why do you care-Gah!" he feels her punch his face but looks to meet a angry vixen now.
"What..the fuck...did you do to my boyfriend?" she spoke in a deadly cold tone even if the Nagu was chocking.
"Y...you'll n..never f..find him.....he's our f..food now.....we won't let you...Gahh!!" he feels her foot push down harder that she stomps into it's chest. It screeches out feeling it's ribs break.
"TELL ME!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" she demands but the Nagu coughed blood up while chuckling feeling the pain.
".....Not...*coughs* gonna s..say.....you bitch. But he does make for a good source of food. His blood will be nice to aid in feeding my friends. You'll never see him aga-" In a moment, Breezy glares to burn the body as it was screeching in pain but this caught the other girls to rush over.
"Breezy! What happened!? We heard you shouting and-" Jinx started to ask but tenses seeing Breezy burning a Nagu vampire into ashes with the other girls looking worried. "...Breezy?"
"...The Nagu's..they took Rust somewhere....we have to find him!" she said but the girls understood, seeing Jinx text Ink saying what is going on so they could try to find him as soon as possible.
~~~~Later near evening~~~~~
"Fosh? Mouse? Anything!? Did you guys pinpoint his location?" Ink was looking around the area the two hackers were able to trace after it took some time but they were still working or to say Mouse was tracking with her team and Fosh tracking from the DBT base.
'Were still looking for the location Ink but me and Mouse were able to find him here in that location.' Fosh said in the ear pieces. However, this still worried them. Rust was here but he had to be well hidden due to the Nagu's hidden here. No wonder Central park was heavily infected with these things.
Even so, they had to find him before they did anything to him.
"He's right. We know he's here somewhere but we have to try to pinpoint that spot to find him." Mouse said while holding her holo pad in her hands trying to trace it.
"Then we need to keep a eye out!" Ink said as the DBT and the cursed Vixens looks but was doing that. So they keep looking around, hoping to find Rust. Even for a while, the groups were searching up and down, left and right. Behind every door and area, Rust was here somewhere but where!?
'Come on..come on, where are you???' Breezy thought still looking but she did take out some Nagu that tried to ambush her since she was hoping to find him. Jinx was burning a few along with Ink to make way for the others. Even the other teammates worked together to look for him. Breezy was getting more and more upset, wanting to find him and prey he was safe.
As she was about to make a turn to leave, she heard some hissing along with a pained groan. "Huh?" she looks to the left, seeing a hidden opening or a cave of some sorts. Wait....that couldn't be.
Feeling more worried, she dashes through that caught Navarro and Echo's attention. "Breezy! Where are you going!? Hold on!" they follow her but this got the other members to follow and wonder if she found him. Breezy ran down the path of the cave, hoping that it was true but she didn't give up. She will hope it's him. It had to be!!!
Panting, she keeps on running before seeing the end of the tunnel showing the outside or some underground cavern this time. She gets through to look ahead seeing some group of Nagu vampires surrounding something with blood around their feet.
"Hey!!" she shouts but she saw a few hear her and move to look at her. Blood staining their chins but she got a look at who they were feeding from. Her gunpowder blue eyes widen in horror seeing who.
Familiar blond hair, the ripped up clothing even the jacket that was missing a upper area of it. His body and clothing was stained in blood with one Nagu still feeding from his neck. It was her boyfriend Rust knight. He seems to be out of it and too weak to move from being drained so much as blood was running down his neck into his clothing even Destroyer was taken and resting against the wall.
The others rushes to see Breezy but her body was frozen seeing what these monsters have done. "Breezy! Wait up! Did you find Rust!?" Jinx asked arriving with Ink but as the leaders look, they gasped seeing the view.
"Oh my god.." Jinx's eyes were wide covering her mouth.
"R..rust.." Ink was horrified seeing these monsters do this to her team member but it seems they ambushed him and did this for a while when they were looking for him. The others saw but was in shock as well.
"RUST!" Jaron was shocked with Melinda covering her mouth with eyes wide.
Shdwkyz was both shocked but anger was felt with Vivi speechless seeing the mess.
Mouse was horrified seeing this but she knew Fosh can see. Even Maggie was shocked but made sure Gerald didn't see but he did worrying him with Taz too. Echo was worried but she saw Navarro shaking half angry but upset. What did this assholes do to him!
However, it breaks Breezy's heart seeing Rust like this even if she was crying. 'R..Rust...oh my god, what did they do to you!?' she said in her thoughts but the Nagu was hissing at the intruders since they interrupted their meal.
As Ink and Jinx, along with the others were about to attack.
"How dare you do that to our friend!" Echo shouted ready to blow these shit heads to pieces as Navarro was ready, aiming his rocket launcher at these assholes.
Vivi and Shdwkyz had their blades ready to cut them with the rest ready to fight. The Nagu's hisses at them since their is a group but they were seeing more blood to feast on tonight. However, as they were ready to fight, Jinx felt something wrong. She looks seeing Breezy's upper face darkened but tears still running down her cheeks.
Her hands were closed into fists. "Breezy?"
"........." Without saying a single word, a sudden strong gust of wind game from the cursed hurricane seeing Breezy losing it. Her nails sharpened along with her features looking more feral to kill them. Jinx and the other vixens knew that seeing this, the Nagu's pissed her off.
"...I'll kill you....." she mutters not looking up but she flexed her hands with her eyes now glowing dark. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU FOR HURTING MY KNIGHT!" in a blast of wind, Breezy charges at the Nagu blowing them away as some either got their heads smashed against the rock wall.
"Breezy!!" Jinx saw her rush head in against them alone but she knew she was upset from seeing what they have. Both the fractions saw blood spilling from the Nagu's ears, noses, and mouths from the impact of the wall and some getting attacked. Breezy even grabs some to break their rib cages, stabbing a few with her bare hands to gut them. Their organs spilling out on the floor that the fractions were shocked seeing her lose it.
Or to say, she went into a blood lust frenzy to kill them!
"Shit shit shit! She's lost it!" Echo said seeing Breezy killing them all like nothing but the girls and the DBT was more worried. The other Nagu's surrounding Rust were about to kill him but they got burned by Ink and Jinx. They screech to move away from him but Jaron along with Melinda, Shdwkyz, and Vivi rushes to him. Rust looks like a mess but Jaron quickly tires to help get him away from the area and from Breezy's rampage.
"Hold on Rust, we got ya!" he said as Shdwkyz helps pick him up to carry him out of here. Vivi follows with Melinda getting Destroyer to hurry back to the others on the other side. She never expected to see Breezy lose it but she had a reason. The Nagu hurt someone she loved and she would make them suffer for it.
Now both the DBT and the cursed vixens watched in worry seeing Breezy brutally murder all of them but saw she just kept going. Gutting, slashing, and breaking whoever hurt him. She wouldn't stop till they were dead!
"We need to snap Breezy out of it before she gets worse!" Ink said as Ping was worried about her older sister. She wanted to help but it was not safe to be near her when she loses it like this.
"I know! Melinda, come with me!" she said as Melinda hands Gerald Destoryer and goes to help with calming her cursed sister down. As the two saw, Breezy just broke one's neck but rips the body apart.
"Breezy!" she heard someone shout at her seeing Jinx as she was coated in the Nagu's filthy blood. She panted showing the angry aggression but Jinx and Melinda was worried.
"Easy now..you can stop now. You got them all. It's fine...just calm down." she said as Breezy panted but she felt something behind to see two more pop out. Breezy hisses to grip their head but slams them down right into the rocky ground killing them but she begins punching them harder and harder that they were sinking into the ground. Even if she killed them she keeps hitting them.
Worried, the two rushes over to grab her wrists.
"Breezy stop it!" Jinx said.
"Yeah, it's over now! Please stop!" Melinda said worried as Breezy shook but she was panting only for her hand to shake wanting to kill them for what they did before she feels Jinx hold her.
"It's over now Breezy..you already got them..please no more....Rust is safe now. He will be worried if he saw you like this so please stop...."
She didn't move for a moment but she only shook in Jinx's arms only keeps her still that Breezy relaxed to start crying again shaking. Melinda was worried but saw her sobbing now even after she lost it. For now, the two fractions wanted to get out of this place and away from here.
From that night, they got back and quickly went to have Ophelia treat Rust. Well, after calming her down from the horrible view of her friend, she was able to help heal him even wish shaky hands. Right after, he was resting in a room to recover.
Breezy got cleaned up and everything but she was sitting by Rust's bed as he was cleaned up but bandaged.Destroyer was resting on the table near by but he was sleeping. Even after last night, Breezy was still crying seeing how he got hurt and she didn't get there in time. She felt bad but she only reaches to touch his cheek.
He looked so weak from being drained of so much blood but she was already told due to that, he was going to be out for a while. With this in mind, they said he will be fine but she still wanted to help. Though with a thought, she had a idea.
Rust still remains asleep but his human arm was connected with a Needle and a bag of blood but that's when he slowly woke up groaning sore from everything that caught Ophelia's attention. "Rust?" Gerald and Jaron heard her voice to look seeing the other stir awake!
"Rust?! Hey can you hear us?" Gerald was worried but Jaron was too as Rust heard the familiar voices. He slowly opens his eyes to look seeing he's in a room then turns his head seeing the other three. Their was some lines under his eyes due to being tired but he was alright.
"Hey man..welcome back." jaron said relieved he was alright. "How you feeling?" he was worried but even saw Melinda walk over but she is happy he's alright too.
".....Like something ran over me...where am I?" he said in a raspy tone of voice. He tired to shift a bit to move but Ophelia made sure he didn't move too much.
"Your back home. You been out since last night...we would ask you what happened but..for now, Ink suggested you rest first before being asked." he said with Opheila nodding.
"It's true. You lost a lot and I mean a lot of blood last night. The Nagu's drained a lot of your blood by the time you were found. We were scared we were too late when seeing what they did..but we barley made it to you." she said but Rust looks quiet but he remembers. He was going out to get some things. It was when he was about to text Breezy back before getting ambushed and kidnapped. He did try to fight them off but one knocked him out from behind while he struggles, causing them to rip his jacket.
"....R..right..I still remember t..that..." He mutters.
"Honestly, because of that you would have been dead but.....no. You are going to be fine and with the blood transfusion you should be better in a few days."
Wait blood transfusion? "W..wait what?" He blinks confused till Ophelia points to a blood bag hanging near by as he looks to the needle in his arm.
"Yes, someone was kind enough to give you some of their blood to help you with your recovery. This way, your own healing trait will kick in a little faster even in a few days. Though, she's tired from giving so much so she's sleeping at the moment." Opheila said but this got Rust wondering.
"S..so someone gave me their blood? B..but who?" he asked.
"Breezy did." He heard Melinda speak as she looks to him.
"Yes. She was the one that found you last night and..she completely lost it when seeing what the Nagu's did to you. She went insane killing each one but Jaron and Shdwkyz were able to move you towards the others and we got out of there after Jinx and me calmed Breezy down." she explains then looks to him.
"Though, when we heard how must blood you lost, Breezy volunteered to give you some of hers. She didn't want to lose you so she requested that Ophelia gives you some of her blood." Melinda remembers that even was worried seeing how upset she was.
'Wait Breezy, are you sure?' Ophelia asked worried but Breezy was nodding as she was looking to her.
'Yes. If it helps him even a bit, I want to offer some of my blood to help with his healing. Please..I don't want to lose him.' she begs even if she begins crying worrying Ophelia.
'But breezy, it's a lot of blood your going to be giving up. Are you-' she looks to Breezy but she knew.
'I know but I just...I want him to pull though. Please Ophelia, I wanna give him my blood so he can recover. I'll do anything to help him even giving up my blood to him.' she was serious looking at her but the others said nothing and Ophelia was silent to sigh.
"She felt bad you got hurt even if she didn't do anything wrong but she wanted to help by offering that. And she did. She sat in the room with you during the process but she's asleep right now." Ophelia explains this but Rust was silent.
'She..she did that?....For me?' he thought worried then looks seeing the others wondering if he is alright.
"I..I see. Well, I'll have to thank her for that when she wakes. Thanks for telling me Melinda." he said but keeps still with the others looking at him.
"Of course.." she smiled to him.
"Even so for now, rest up Rust. In a few days you should be able to heal better but rest for now." Ophelia said but in a moment, after seeing he's everyone left to let him rest.
Rust was in the room thinking now but he only closed his eyes to sigh. "..Damn, I must have really worried her too....I will have to owe her for this big time" Looking at Destoryer on the table (it was cleaned up so it didn't have blood all over it now), he wanted to thank Breezy for helping him but he had to rest first. He even looks to the blood bag and it was a lot to say honestly. She gave him a lot of it to make the blind quiet again. Closing his eyes, he thinks;
'Thank you Breezy. I'm so sorry for worrying you but I'll make it up to you..I promise..' With that word in mind, he dozed off to sleep to rest.
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punkrockmixtapes · 1 year
Listen/purchase: Breezy by The Young Rochelles
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ethanryanpunal · 1 year
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didhewinkback · 1 year
lavendar haze by tswift is one of her most interesting songs lyrically i wish i liked how it sounded more lol
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issues like this is why i left mcrtwt and gravitated more towards here
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thetunesclub · 6 months
Young Breezy Baby Levels Up His Rap Game in Newly Released Music
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thelensofyashunews · 8 months
Kenny Muney Is Colder Than Ice on “Breezy”
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A young veteran in the Memphis scene, Kenny Muney has solidified his status as one of his city’s hottest rappers. Today, the Paper Route Empire artist shares “Breezy,” the new single from his upcoming project Blue Winter. Flexing atop simple, yet menacing, keys, the songs finds Kenny wielding his hypnotic triplet flow to show how success comes to him with ease: “Chasin’ these racks been a breeze / You told me she hard to get, that b*tch was a breeze.” In the video, Kenny chills at his winter estate, dripped out in Moncler from head to toe, as he moves back and forth between the house and the hot tub, unfazed by the frigid temperatures outside.
His first new single of the year, “Breezy” is the first taste of Kenny’s upcoming project Blue Winter. The project is set to build upon the money-making themes of Blue Muney (Deluxe), Kenny's 2023 project. The follow-up to 2022’s Time Is Muney, Blue Muney and Blue Muney (Deluxe) finds Kenny locking into trunk-rattling instrumentals with surgical precision, packing more flexes into his rapidfire triplets than one can count. Released last April, the tape is home to fiery singles like the guitar-driven "Top," the soulful intro "Muney Prayer," and the Hitkidd-produced "In A Rush” and features additional production from Bandplay and more, with guest appearances from his PRE brother Key Glock, Money Man, Ceo Jizzle, and KATO2X.
With a new project on the way, Kenny Muney shows that he has the talent and determination to succeed in the Empire-building business. Stay tuned for more from Kenny Muney and Paper Route Empire this winter.
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stargazerlillian · 1 year
Looking back through all this wonderful fanart of Cyril reminded me of when I made a vagabond hippie raccoon OC several years ago who had a sweet little romantic fling with him during her brief stay in the Evergreen Forest.
I had this whole backstory for her and everything, and even a semi-detailed romantic timeline from when they first met up until she left town.
Now I'm wondering if I should bring her back and actually draw her for once.🤔
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luveline · 6 months
hi!!! i have a request for roommate!spencer where he's injured during a case and reader show up at the hospital because she's his emergency contact but the team is really confused wondering who's this stranger fussing over spencer. hope you like it, love you!
thank you for requesting honey!! love you<3 fem!reader
“Close your eyes,” you command, voice all blown up and grand, already smiling. “Close your eyes, Spencer.” 
“No.” He squints groggily. “What are you doing?” 
“Close your eyes.” 
“No, Y/N, what are you doing?” he asks. 
You shake your spray bottle at him. He sighs a long-suffering sigh and finally admits defeat, his tired eyes shuttering closed all too easily. You rest your knee on the side of his bed and hear the metal squeaking at your added weight, your hand gentle as you cover his forehead. “You have greasy hair,” you say sympathetically. “This is gonna feel much nicer.” 
You blast him with dry shampoo, his brown hair turning white with powder. You drop the can in his lap and set about rubbing the powder into his hair until the grease is soaked up, and his hair feels less miserably lank. 
“When are they gonna let you shower again?” you ask quietly. 
You’re still touching his hair. More for him than you, you hope he feels comforted, but mostly you just wanna affirm to yourself that he’s all in one bruised piece. Your heart still aches as much as it did when you got the phone call in the first place —Spencer Reid’s next of kin? 
You suppose that’s you. 
“I don’t know.” 
You take his hair back into his current parting. “Well, let’s hope it’s soon. How are you liking the sponge baths? Are they awful?” 
Just outside of Spencer’s hospital room, Hotch and JJ stand together with a bag of essentials. They’d drawn to a sudden stop when they realised Spencer had company. “Who is that?” she asks. 
Hotch, used to knowing everything, frowns very deeply. He doesn’t know who you are, but from the way you’re touching Spencer’s hair and face, he should. 
JJ sounds a little put out. “She doesn’t work here.” 
“No, I don’t think so,” Hotch says. His frown lightens as you laugh and scratch Spencer’s hair back behind his ears. 
“Is it unkind of me to think he didn’t have any friends?” JJ asks. 
Hotch knows Spencer has friends. He’s summoned Spencer from chess games and fan clubs, picking him up occasionally on the way to the office on cafe sidewalks as he waved goodbye to a glasses-wearing bibliophile, often in coats too big for them or with hair in need of a trim. Spencer attracts the unconventional because he, as anybody in this line of work tends to be, is inordinary. So JJ probably is being unkind, but Hotch knows what she means. 
You look completely regular. You settle on one thigh on his bed while the other keeps you up and put your hand on his chest, chatting breezy words they can’t hear through the glass.
Spencer curls into you slowly. 
“You’ll be home soon,” you say, rubbing his shoulder, “don’t worry.” 
Hotch’s eyebrows rise of their own accord. He and JJ excuse themselves for coffee before they’re spotted, and when they return, you’re gone. “Spence, who was that girl?” JJ asks. Hotch notes the slightest line of jealousy tugging under her curiosity. 
He sounds as though he could use some more pain medication, and a good night's sleep, but he’s proud as he says, “That’s my roommate. I told you about her.” 
“Ah, your roommate,” Hotch says. 
“What’s that mean?” Spencer asks. 
“Nothing, Spencer,” Hotch says, using the young man’s first name in a rare show of affection. “That’s just an irregular word for it. I haven’t heard it in a while.” 
JJ laughs. Spencer hides his face with both hands, a smudge of lip balm on his hand shining under the stark hospital fluorescents. “I’m too tired,” he complains. 
Hotch hadn’t seen you kiss him, but he can imagine how it might have happened, how you’d leaned in for a kiss on the cheek goodbye and Spencer overwhelmed himself thinking about it. Or maybe it’s just an innocuous smudge. Maybe it’s nothing at all. 
“We live together,” Spencer mumbles. “I couldn’t afford to live by myself at first, it’s D.C.” 
“And now?” Hotch asks. He knows Spencer is on good enough money to afford an apartment by himself these days, a big one. He has no dependents. 
“Didn’t seem fair… She’s nice. She’s, like, my best friend.” 
“Don’t let Morgan hear you say that,” JJ laughs. 
Hotch isn’t sure she gets it, but he does. “Well, you can ask her to come back. We have work to do.” 
Spencer pretends he’s hesitant to pick up the phone. Your reply is an immediate beep. Hotch knows a good friend when he sees one. 
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