#you want to see The Duality of Man we got it all here ok
wannaeatramyeon · 6 days
We got baby/childhood panel of Daniel, Jake, Zack, Johan, and recently Gun.
I can't stop think on how cute and chubby baby Gun is lol
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Lookism 520 spoiler!
Lol. This feels very duality of man. Baby Gun coming out with UI made me lol.
Ok, gather round for Ramyeon's retelling of chapter 520.
So PTJ, with his fondness for SAD backstories cooked up one for Gun. And while it's not terrible and I didn't get food poisoning, it's tasting a bit bland because everyone is getting a SAD backstory and it's getting old y'know?
Onto the chapter-
Everyone is in love with Daddy Yamazaki, and for some reason that is bad and all the ladies chop their pinkies off to idk repent for their sins or something but even though the relationship appears to be consensual because he's had sex consensually with them all, it's still the women's fault.
In the end, the great big kind man that Daddy Yamazaki is lets them all carry his kids. Thank the heavens.
Daddy Yamazaki has Smaller Bro Yamazaki who also has a son btw (Haruto) - this is sort of important but it's hard to really feel much for them cos the son character (Haruto) has just been introduced in this chapter and will be likely killed off soon.
Anyway, I digress.
All the babies born are unimpressive so far. And you may think wtf how are babies unimpressive. Babies are just babies. Well, that's because Gun comes whooshing out the (Korean) womb with UI. Bro has built in UI from the start, kinda an impossible standard to reach so fine I get why the other babies are unimpressive.
Although if all the babies are unimpressive apart from Gun, the common denominator here is Daddy Yamazaki so maybe everyone should point the finger at him instead. Hmmm.
The chapter fast forwards to show Gun is a prodigy, he masters his training. He's only five and a kid, so he plays around with his friend but gets slapped by his mother for being a kid because it's not becoming of a future gang leader.
So even though he's FIVE, he still gets told to 'act accordingly' lol.
I think there's another timeskip, or PTJ really has lost the plot and forgotten what five year olds look like (tbh he has forgotten what 'elementary school' aged kids look like too) and Gun, genius that he is and following his mother's words takes down all the gangs in ONE DAY. WHEW.
But, PTJ is trying to desperately show it's nurture not nature. Gun wanted normal things but has been moulded to become a monster.
Gun's mother praises him for his violence and his deeds, and Gun wonders 'Huh, if mother dearest loves when I fight, and I must fight to be loved, what happens if I'm violent towards her?'. He punches her and gets praised for it.
Please see above point.
And another fast forward in time (presumably) to Gun trying to squish butterflies like the maniac he is.
Anyway, remember Smaller Bro Yamazaki's kid, Haruto, that was mentioned? Well he's the only one throughout that looked at Gun as if he was normal and told Gun he was free to do as he wants. He doesn't have to fight. Or have to be a leader if he doesn't wanna.
And sweet lil Gun doesn't really wanna, so he makes up his mind and tells Smaller Bro Yamazaki.
Smaller Bro Yamazaki loses his shit and is all who the fuck told you this nonsense. Gun snitches on Haruto, and this snitch doesn't get stitches and instead Haruto does when Smaller Bro Yamazaki tells Gun to kill Haruto. His own father tells Gun to kill HIS kid!
Dun dun dun CLIFFHANGER!
Overall very sad, very unfortunate. But please see my first point about PTJ's cooking.
I'm assuming in the coming chapters Haruto gets killed off. I would be super surprised if he doesn't because Gun, despite me being delusional and thinking he's just a sweet lil blorbo, is something of a murderous psychopath. It's more fitting of his character if he just kills off Haruto even if he has a moment of hesitation or any regrets.
Hope that helps!
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awww noah lmaoooo nooo the fan account thing! ok so some non-juice: one of my fam members is a creative and their product became viral famous for about 3 months a few summers ago cos a member of a huge K POP band bought one of their pieces and suddenly every fan of this band wanted a version of the item. they were snowed under and followers/engagement etc shot up. it was stressful and hilarious and great for business for a while lol. but i remember cracking up at seeing how this person i had always known became this semi-public figure and the way i was like I KNOW THE REAL UYOUUUUUU hhahahaha
i imagine that's what is happening here with noah, like it's oddly thrilling to view someone you know and love through the lens of strangers and fans who only know their fame. maybe noah is kind of laying down breadcrumbs for the future when they wont be able to film together anymore? or sort of celebrating finn's (and his!) fame by trying to view them through the lens of being a fan. this is such a reach but the psychology oddly works out for people with weird brains like me (im gonna reach and say noah is an Odd Brain too lol <3).
i remember timothee chalamet, when he got famous, saying he would stare at pictures of him and his mum for ages. just like trying to get your head around who you are and your relationships with people you love. its sort of like us staring at pics of finn and noah but its them doing it to themselves lmao. does that make sense? i bet loads of people have stared at selfies of themselves theyve taken where they think they look cute. i bet people have stared for hoursss lmao just revelling in how hot they looked that time
so yeah i see this as mildly freak behaviour (we all know noah is an actual stan lmao) but also a way of clutching the present before life changes forever
WILD that happened to a relative!!! The sudden fame must be such a mind fuck. I cannot imagine. Suddenly being perceived.
But that does drive a good point, the fact that despite being rich and famous, a lot of celebs do strive for a normal life. Maybe not the most tippy top of A listers, but Noah and most of the younger cast do seem able to at least somewhat navigate a famous life and a private life. He is so engaged with his online fandom and persona. That seems very apparent. Viewing the people you personally know and interact with through the lens of that fame must be very interesting to switch into. Like how they hang out and work together but can still be fans of each other's work and projects, the duality of knowing someone intricately and intimately but also the somewhat aloof distance of "but I'm also a fan of them." Like when you see major celebrities freaking out at awards show red carpets about seeing other celebs and I'll think - girl, that's your peer? You're also in movies? But they still feel that way. An oscar winner fangirling over another actress. Even if they might get lunch the next day. It's that duality line again.
So I can understand this fan account thing, two-fold interesting if there is a relationship afoot. That extra layer. For suuuuure, mild freak behavior, but he's lowkey a little weirdo. And we love that for him.
And only semi related but still kinda on topic. The whole perception of knowing someone and the image put online. Like, I don't even have a FB and I don't post on insta, but my fiance does (ohhh!!! that's the first time I've typed that word on this blog 🥲 oh wow...) and I have a private account to follow and occasionally look at stuff on there. And to see what he posts about me. I'm living my life. Living with the man. Experiencing the random things he photographs. But it's fascinating looking at what he decides to post and share. Because sometimes I think... why do that? I look and it makes me happy but I wonder, why these moments? Others like seeing them clearly by those who hit the little heart button. Why maintain an online presence? Before this digital world, people used to keep photo albums for themselves and family only, but now our photo albums are all shared with the world. Is that all it really is - the adjustment to a change in media tech? Who is it for?
But we can ask that of any person with social media. I guess for most people I'd think it's sharing a memory or showcasing happiness or some other emotion. It's just what most do now. The veneer of social media. You wonder the thought process behind what gets posted by these famous people we follow, what they think of knowing that the posts they add to their digital photo albums have millions of eyes looking. How a guy with a crush on a friend maybe just wanted to feel silly and watch some videos people online edited with his crush's image - or his partner, if a relationship is there. What is he looking for when he watches the edits? Pride, envy, humor?
Way too complex to even get into, I'm really rambling now.
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prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
And you KNOW ya girl has a lot more to say about this one so let's just get this party started shall we.
And now that I have CONTEXT I have THOUGHTS
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The tragedy of this character is awful. But I'm appreciative for what it allows as a narrative device (as much as it is a shame that this random woman is negated to being that, and only that; a device) - after they've SEEN vampires be good and live a peaceful life. It's harsh that they just cull her off and decide that its a decision they are allowed to make.
This will surely not come back to haunt them when Dean gets infected in three seasons time.
I am a big sucker for anytime this show has them Decide something for others, only to be hit with "Oh no now its happening to us" and the immense emotional turmoil that causes.
Going to lean into this a lot more in the fic I think.
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Bella hon I love you, but seeing Dean give a genuine threat because the man's got one thing to lose now and he's not letting anything take it away while he's still alive; marvelous.
Throw one too many low blow shots about him being no better than you and maybe just maybe he starts to act like it.
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Now I did skip to watch this episode cause I can't help myself, I like vampires too much and spn hits the spot. Having said that re-watching this with context on GORDON has made it a lot more interesting.
Now I really. Like. Gordon. He's a great antagonist. His voice, his mannerisms, the way he is so uncomfortably unsettlingly calm. Phenomenal. He has some really iconic lines and moments in this show and he's such a good foil to Dean.
Absolute epitome of "become the thing you despise" but deep end side of it. Like he's become so consumed by obsession and righteousness in his actions and his drive is just too strong.
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I enjoyed that this ep looks at the primal survival instinct. And the duality of the Winchester's (mostly Sam) attitude towards Gordon being; man's gotta go, contrasted with the way Gordon talks to the Vampire. It's the gradual build up of detachment. Gordon is a monster. So are the Winchesters. None of them want to see that in themselves. The Vampire is too. They're all just coming at it from different angles. Each party has deep rooted trauma and pain, and each are dealing with it in a terrible way.
Sam's uncomfortable attitude shift of "It's Gordon or us" is harrowing. Dean being the more hesitant one is interesting. He's the first to chop off the head of a infected woman who's confused, upset, and pleading for help - but Gordon makes him uncomfortable (despite everything) and Sam's cold cut attitude doesn't help. I mean they've left him alive twice and each time he's only gotten more ruthless.
Dean cracks a joke about Sam not pushing back against killing him, but that feels far more like Dean fishing for Sam's conscience because he's unsure what the right thing to do is because Gordon isn't by definition an 'evil thing' in the lore books. Sam's no longer the grounding rock.
Oh if it were so easy.
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You can really see they were dabbling with the transformation scenes in this and they just came in SWINGING when S6 rolled around.
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the SPN vampire teeth are growing on me (HAR. HAR. HAR.) regrettably.
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Ok so. This really begs the question. How much willpower does it take to resist. How much does that differ, per person? Is this Gordon just full SNAPPING upon being turned? Does he just immediately relent due to him already being on the brink? He has the most intense and unhinged attitude of all the hunter's that've been given primary screen time, so maybe its fair to say that part of him just completely caved in once he got hit with the overstimulation + hunger combo.
I think back to his introduction episode and how he talked to Dean about the hole inside yourself, like the pit or void you'll never fill or satisfy. How he used that to drive himself forward. Working solo, without a rock to anchor himself to (Dean has Sam) maybe Gordon just completely lost himself in this initial phase after turning.
This also echoes the S6 moment when Dean visits Lisa and also gets violent. Dean also loses control but ALMOST bites her. He still throws her and Ben around like they're ragdolls, which he clearly never intended to do.
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Once again, great shots in this show. However I do wonder if its just my personal bias, or if there is a bit of an imbalance of woman corpse. Don't want to throw a stone from a glass house though. Just feels weird not mentioning it when I'm like "WOW SICK SHOT" and its. This picture.
Anyway. More to the point. "You don't understand. I was desperate. You ever felt desperate? I've lost everyone I ever loved. I'm staring down eternity alone."
Now THIS is what I'm talking about. It's so fucking human. What a shame, we're forced to see ourselves in something we deeply and truly want to believe isn't like us at all. Oh Dear. Reconcile THAT Dean you little shit.
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This is so nicely echoed in S6 - the vampire is done, he's lost everything and he'd just rather have it end. The nihilism, the bottom of the pit. The end of the downward spiral.
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Gordon's turn on Eternal Damnation and he wants to get off.
Once again I deeply enjoy the way the Hunters just drop everything so cold when something happens to someone. Including Sam and Dean in that, they struggle cause they're younger, less experienced, less jaded. The older hunters are fucking brutal. Gordon's partner, despite genuinely believing Sam has to die, just full send tells Gordon "No I can't let you take out Sam first. I need to kill you right now."
Despite everything, the common goal that they both wholeheartedly believed in, that they both gunned for so hard, thrown out the window when one is turned. Hung out to dry.
And how quickly they all turn on each other when this happens.
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Anyway I think lore wise the vampires get stronger once turned, but I'm guessing drinking human blood enhances this further. Making notes for myself cause Dean's on a strictly vegetarian diet and this complicates matters for him of course.
But yeah, jesus, Gordon.
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Now THIS is something I gotta remember - Dean becomes a fucking menace when he's scared. Jokes get more intense, he has no filter, does not stop at nothing even despite the increasing protesting of the people around and closest to him and he full disconnects from loved ones.
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"No. I'm a monster."
UGH. Compels me.
It's the resignation that's so fun I think. Like he just snaps, decided Yeah, this is it. Eats some people, then goes back to the original plan of Kill Sam. But its the way he leans into being the monster. Gordon was a mess before, but now its like he's truly just let go of a part of himself as he truly believes there's no alternative. Every vampire he's met and killed he saw as a monster and nothing more. Despite one, in front of him, exercising self control, he's still committed to viewing them as only monsters.
Once turned he can only accept the singular reality that he is a monster, and so, he does nothing to combat it. He embraces it.
Is it easier to kill him when he's a vampire? Or was it a further reminder that he was, and still is, a person?
Closing thoughts: good ep, easily one of my favorites. But you already knew that.
Love you Gordon you bloody legend.
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shallliveoninsong · 8 months
9, 13, 17 (multimuse meme)
| asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse | 9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
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◇ This is bout to get long, strap in! (also only doing muses on this blog otherwise we'd be here all day)
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Sissel - For spoilers reasons, I really can't say much but Gh.st trick is literally one of the best games ever I will die on this hill please please PLEASE play this game! They've remastered it to nearly all main modern consoles as well as Steam and I love it when REDACTED and then it turns out REDACTED was REDACTED and gosh!
But Sissel is hilarious and the 'straight man' of the comedy which is lots of fun. He's got a good sense of justice, is clever, caring, and is a ghost! I really like stories that explore/play with how an afterlife may work. I really find his Ghost Tricks neat and how they can do so much yet still have plenty of limitations. I really wish I could say more here but I can't without spoiling the whole game but he's a good banana-head guy, trust me ; )
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The Reader - Hello more characters from obscure games I love! They are the playable character from Supergi.nt games' Pyre! And while they are kind of a blank slate for you, the player to get to choose how you wish to have them act and whatnot there are multiple times in the story where you can build your own backstory of your Reader how you wish.
Pyre is such an underrated game of Supergi.nt's and the world of it is so intriguing. I was drawn the backstory you can choose where the Reader is an orphan due to their country's generations-long feud with their neighbors and is a scholar who committed the 'sin' of owning books and being literate when the country's government had banned any form of literacy and even the old language (English) long ago. They are exiled for this great 'sin' to an inhospitable land underneath the dropoff of a massive waterfall. I just really like how much they are the glue to the little band of exiles you join together with to try and regain your alls freedom. They aren't a fighter, they physically can't be due to their disabilities, but their guidance more than makes up for it. I also really like how they go from just some nobody exile to trying to change their entire country.
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The Voice / Archjustice Androblees IX - Also from Pyre (the faceclaim is not) look- every multi-use needs the one asshole muse ok? This is mine. He's an overdramatic sportscaster who's always narrating your life and roasting you every second of the way! I just find that neat and fun c:
I do think there are more complex things going on too but we don't get to see much of it in the game so we can only speculate for most of it but he went from being REDACTED to this so there must have been something that caused the change.
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Jing Yuan - I'm a sucker for deeply hurting characters who hide it all behind a smile : ). Though he's also very cool and the focus on him in the Luofu chapter of HSR certainly helps, he had a lot of cool moments and scenes. But also has range and is a funny eepy lion man. I appreciate the duality. I am so normal about him and his friendship with the HCQ and how it all fell apart : ")
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Lady - She's so cool TwT and cute and badass. And actually has a great character arc (at least in 3 which she was one of the main characters I'd say where the rest are more side appearances). She taught Dante to give a damn (honestly dmc3 wouldn't have happened the way it did without her) and hauls around a freaking rocket launcher to fight demons with despite being pure human fighting alongside superpowered demons! What more could you want in a gal? Oh, and has family trauma too so that's fun : ")
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
◇ Define 'weird'. Hmm.
For Sissel this isn't weird given REDACTED but he finds it a lot of fun to push things off tables with his ghost tricks.
The Reader is such a book nerd I think they sometimes go to a library and take home more than they can carry resulting in them embarrassingly having to take some back in moments later.
The Archjustice is certainly over-dramatizing his voice when presiding over the rites and loves every second of it.
Jing Yuan sometimes cuts his hair short but it just grows back really fast so the shock doesn't last long to those who know him.
Lady sometimes shoots at Dante when he's being extra annoying--she misses on purpose but it's just to spook him.
17. do your muses get along with each other?
The Reader and Archjustice are at odds at each other during Pyre so definitely no there. No one gets along with Archjustice because he's a bastard. Sissel doesn't like being around Lady due to all the killing and death, but would be ok to hang out with the Reader but... he can't read though so they don't have much in common unless Reader could teach him. Jing Yuan would get along with everyone but Archjustice and would probably like talking with the Reader a lot and fighting alongside Lady (the feeling would be mutual). Lady would be freaked out by Sissel's existence, things are supposed to die not become ghosts! She'd think the Reader is an accident waiting to happen with how easily they allow people to approach them yet physically aren't able to defend themselves.
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borathae · 1 year
ok my thinking is that BECAUSE TAE IS HIGHLY SNSITIVE ever since his humanity is on he can pick up easily on what poeple feel hence why he comforted yoongi even though that man was closing off to him. and because of HE TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTED TO HEAR and that takes extra amount of intelligence to figure out what poeple want in moments of solitude, grief, anger! not everyone is capable of that and i feel it's the only caracter in mv capable of that? (jungkookie also but tae's more sentisitive in general whereas tae is sensitive and highly self concious and reflective also maybe his creative self also allows him to be even more reflective and observer of the world and poeple and so hes even more and more emotionnaly smart?) i feel like yoongi at the end reconized how special tae can be
Like HE KNEW YOONGI S ULT FEAR and he didn't tell him the cliché of oh life is beautiful and dadadadad he was like if you don't want to live that's fine but why don't you just give a go and the decide and holy fuck i've never been immensly suicidal but i feel like if i was that'd make me think again? vs oh life is so pretty look at the flowers i'll be like stfu dumb cunt but if someone is like yeah life sucks and it might not get better and you might not feel different but just give it a go, see what happens i'd be like well i guess ...
and alsoooooo hear me out, as much as this man was easily played by jimin as much i believe he empathizes with him (ok maybe that weird captor sympathy syndrome stokholm) because even if jimin doesnt talk about it tae knows that jimin is fucked up all because of namjoon and because of that he offers his emotional net as safety for jimin?! LIKE HE KNOWS HIS HOMIE IS BAD FOR HIM BUT HE KINDA WANTS TO BE HIS PUNCHING BAG BECAUSE HE REALZES HES INTERNALY AGONIZED. like we've been there, you let shit slide because your friend, partner, mom is having a shit day, shit week, shit life lmao? it's a twisted way for love for sure but it's love nonetheless? AND ALL YOU BITCHES CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS BUT MV TETE BEAR LOVES LIKE THERES NO TOMORROW HE DIVES HEADFIRST AND PUTS HIS HEART ON THE LINE FOR EVERYONE
ok AND THIS HIGH REGARD AND PERCEPTION FOR OTHER FEELINGS IS WHAT OC FELL FOR! AND KOOKIE! like hear me out in SA he was so sweet like honey on strawberries!! and the fake kind of sweet where it's just talk that man got oc plants as his way of asking her to move in for example! he also took kookie shopping and spoiled him and stuff so that's the taehyung THEY KNOW.
He offered jaykay a long hug because he sensed that man's starvation for skinship and he was like i'll be the one to give it to him! i also remember how he distracted him in the dinner by whispering in his ear about their nightly planned activoites hehehehe WHICH IS AGAIN TAEHYUNG SAVING POEPLE BY WHAT HE KNOWS BEST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT
We were a little hard on him but that's okay some rough love and he woke up from his trance hehehehe
OK NOW to the important part: KINKY TAEHYUNG SEX WHEN? I need to mark my calendar sibi
Wow I actually fucking love this analysis of his character!! Thank you so much for seeing him this way and for writing such lovely words about him!!
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Like HE KNEW YOONGI S ULT FEAR and he didn't tell him the cliché of oh life is beautiful and dadadadad he was like if you don't want to live that's fine but why don't you just give a go and the decide and holy fuck i've never been immensly suicidal but i feel like if i was that'd make me think again? vs oh life is so pretty look at the flowers i'll be like stfu dumb cunt but if someone is like yeah life sucks and it might not get better and you might not feel different but just give it a go, see what happens i'd be like well i guess ...
YES THIS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PUTTING IT LIKE THIS!! when I was suicidal I hated nothing more than people telling me "but life's so good why do you wanna end it?" because back then my life wasn't beautiful and I just wanted it to end and their "comforting words" just felt like mockery to me and proved to me that they had NO IDEA what I was actually feeling. Honestly the only thing what really helped was me telling myself "yeah life sucks but maybe try to hold on a little longer? maybe it'll get better?" over and over again SO ISTFG I WANNA FUCKING HUG TAE TO MY CHEST AND KISS HIS LIDDOL FOREHEAD :(
i believe he empathizes with him (ok maybe that weird captor sympathy syndrome stokholm) because even if jimin doesnt talk about it tae knows that jimin is fucked up all because of namjoon and because of that he offers his emotional net as safety for jimin?! LIKE HE KNOWS HIS HOMIE IS BAD FOR HIM BUT HE KINDA WANTS TO BE HIS PUNCHING BAG BECAUSE HE REALZES HES INTERNALY AGONIZED.
Oooooooh interesting take on this situation oooooooh 👀 and it's definitely not the healthiest way and Tae SHOULD tell Jimin that his behaviour isn't okay, but I definitely agree that this is a reason why he has been staying with Jimin for so long. 🤔 I just hope that one day he'll say "hey Jimin I love you and I'll be your friend but please mistreating me" because I don't want Tae thinking that he needs to stay a punching bag for Jimin. Trauma is an explanation but never an excuse and Jimin needs to learn that 😶
He offered jaykay a long hug because he sensed that man's starvation for skinship and he was like i'll be the one to give it to him! i also remember how he distracted him in the dinner by whispering in his ear about their nightly planned activoites hehehehe WHICH IS AGAIN TAEHYUNG SAVING POEPLE BY WHAT HE KNOWS BEST GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT AT THAT EXACT MOMENT
OMFMGMMGMGMGM PLEASE YES FMASDMFMAM why did I never even think of it that way? fadjfja I'm the author and yet here you are giving new perspectives to my characters fajfdsj I am loving it!!
OK NOW to the important part: KINKY TAEHYUNG SEX WHEN? I need to mark my calendar sibi
*opens calender* well well well, would you look at that? You gotta mark the 3rd of june for that
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jinhogae · 2 years
fave changki solo work? it doesn't have to be a song. it can be a photoshoot or variety show or even their radio show? also whats your fave changki hair colour? hope you are well and staying warm! (if u're in the northern hemisphere) -🎄
CHANGKI HOURS 24/7. i am so insufferable about them and show so little of it on here, you can all be lucky. pretty sure my brother is my go-to sounding board for changki and he's not even too deep into mx. but he is a trooper about it. anyways, you are one as well now, mbb anon. i hope this brings you joy to read ijuhzghujik
kihyun: comma is easily my fave solo work he's done. that song brought me to my knees and pierced my little soul in two and then glued it back together. i love it. i know you said it doesn't have to be a song, but man. man, man, man, he's just such a singer, you know? his voice is his instrument and he puts it all out for this song and he got me good. generally voyager was one of my favourite moments of the whole year, so i think the era stands as a whole as my favourite solo work. it was just so kihyun, and it was so perfect in everything. that being said, loved it when kihyun went on midnight idol as changkyun's guest. these losers, i love them. 😭 and if i had to choose a fave kihyun look, listen, he is the resident tangerine. he makes that orange work for him. he even makes red work for him (rare win!). idk how he does it, but he looks like a tangerine and i am game.
changkyun: his baverse episode !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love nothing more out of everything changkyun has done than his baverse episode. it made me fucking cry, man. that one part where he said he spends a lot of time alone and creates a lot by himself because that is where he feels most seen and heard, because not many people understand him or he feels like he fits in AND THEN we see him in the studio with jooheon. cue up my sobbing. nothing is more real than those that really get you, even when you're difficult, and creating from your own sense of self and peace, even when it's difficult. also, i think it showed well how he has a serious, melancolic side but also a carefree, very easily amused and delightful side. duality air sign legend, he's just like me. and on a lighter note, i also really really adored his versace photoshoot, just bc i feel like every look was so distinctive changkyun. and the perfect hair! i don't care about that perfume, but the content we got from it was ace. also, that was and still is his best hair. black-haired changkyun with the longer swept back hair ... only kpop man to wear his hair like that and look, like, even more like himself. icon.
also, yes, all of midnight idol was my favourite thing to happen to me. now radio, please employ them together again .... i want this so badly omfg we had it so good. ok. that was a lot. *insert changkyun imitating drunk minhyuk passing out via windows shut down noises*. i am staying warm as best as i can and i hope so do you, if we share the same hemisphere! ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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the-iron-orchid · 3 years
I always try to answer asks in good faith, despite tumblr being the known Bad Faith Capital of the World, because:
a) not everyone is great at expressing themselves in writing, or they may simply not know a thing
b) an overtly negative or mocking response just makes people double down (though some asks deserve it, lbr)
c) someone reading the exchange down the line might need to see it
d) it’s a tenet of my own belief system to be charitable (dana paramita)
I don’t always succeed, mind you... but I have to try.
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mimibtsghost7 · 3 years
are we ready for yeehaw bts mimi 🤠
I'm still buffering over what Hoseok was wearing ... these are NOT hope-world approved, but Sin-world designed for easy access of private property!!
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Side note that I am taking as a MAIN note: My prayers of seeing Jimin in a crop top before he officially kills me someday by hyperventilating have been heard. Praying towards the HYBE shrine seems helpful.
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Emo boi JK is back home. Aside from the strong eyeliner, his EMO 2.0 is stronger, bigger and DARKER!!
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That aside: I want doctors, researchers and all scientists to drop whatever they are doing (after we finish with this telenovela led by miss Rona) and FOCUS to let US understand this man's freaking duality. Jungkook ... just pick ONE. FReaking ONE. I am getting older and as you are getting stronger im getting weaker because of YOU. Let me live to see another comeback pleaase.
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You know the "I have never seen two pretty best friends" meme? WELL, I HAVE: The soulmates with the perfect BBB, AKA: Butt, Body, Beauty.
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I am OBSESSED with this lil dancey dance:
Don't let me get started about THIS Namjoon. I can go all day, all year, all my life and still find things to scream about like his singing voice. HE SANG! So imma just let you FEEL what I felt and SEE what I saw through THIS. Why is Namjoon so perfect tho? Can Socrates come back and help me think of an answer to this? AND his lime hair? When life gives you lemons, think of "Permission to Dance"-Namjoon and you will be healed (To use with precaution as a heart attack might occur due to too much charm). I mean:
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Now. NOW. Let me just *breathe in - breathe out* KIM SEOKJIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *clears throat* button that shirt UP before I go to horny town. I mean *caugh caugh* in case you catch a cold. That stumbling moment aside. Jin's vocals gave me the chills in this HOT summer in the best way possible.
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Now, let me end this with some little details that hold HUGE impact:
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They also included their staff at the end of the MV. They really took "crediting their team" to another level. I just wanna add how these past eras has been helpful. We got "Dynamite" when the pandemic reached its peak. Many of us lost a lot and felt no sunshine behind closed doors and hearts. But that song, was a breeze behind stuffing masks. Then we got "Life Goes On" that taught us that it's ok that our daily lives turned slow. That we are not to blame and that just because we feel like time has stopped, do not mean life did. Some months later, "Butter" was here to bring us as a fandom all together again. As for "Permission to Dance", it felt like some sort of hug you get after a long cry, or a kiss and blow on a wound you got as a child after falling. The reassurance that better days are upon us and that BTS' music is there to comfort us even when this whole blue globe decides to give us blues or when our thoughts are painted shades of gray or when our path fades into the darkest black ... BTS will come through like a colorful rainbow after the rainfall.
Once again, personally, been in this fandom for years and BTS never disappoints.
Cr on pic
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luvluvnitrodynamite · 3 years
jealous jujutsu kaisen characters <3
ft. itadori yuuji, gojou satoru g/n!reader (sfw, with some suggestive themes in gojou)
itadori yuuji - watching itadori get jealous is a bit cute, if you're being honest. i mean, take what happened in the grocery store yesterday. ~ "yuuji, we're out of rice," you say to him, re-checking your list. "we're out of rice??? impossible. i just had some yesterday." you sigh. "be that as it may, that doesn't change the fact that we don't have it anymore. can you grab it really fast?" he pouts a bit. you're not sure if he genuinely doesn't want to leave your side or if he's just stalling to remember where the rice aisle is. regardless, you don't want to stand here all day. "yuuji, i'll give you a kiss as a reward if you get it for me." he perks up immediately, giving you a grin and a thumbs up before dashing in the opposite direction. you smile to yourself. itadori may have been an idiot, but he's your idiot. the thought warms your heart. you push your cart of the produce section and into a large selection of rows, choosing one closest to you. you seem to be in the tea aisle. oh good, you think. we've been out of tea for a couple of days now. you peruse the section, picking up some green tea. you get some chamomile as well, stacking the boxes carefully so they won't get crushed by fruits. mmm what about chai? you search the boxes, only to see it's at the very top self. you reach up, fingers just barely touching the platform it's on. you can't even brush up against the box. you try standing on tiptoes, looking a bit silly as you try to extend your body beyond its natural length. you're thinking maybe you should wait for itadori to get back when a different hand easily plucks the box off the shelf. you follow the hand to its owner, to see it belongs to a tall guy about your age. he's cute you suppose, but it's no itadori. still, you smile sweetly and charm him with a "thank you! there was no way I was going to reach that." He smiles broadly back at you. "No problem," he replies. "You like chai tea?" You want to be polite and he's nice enough, so you respond "definitely! I don't know if it's my favorite, but it's a staple in my pantry." He blushes a bit, and scratches his hand behind his neck. "Yeah, same," he says. "There's actually a really nice café that opened up a few blocks away from here. They make a mean cup of chai, and they have these delicious little cinnamon rolls that go really well with them. If you're free any time soon, do you want to try one with me?" You open your mouth to politely turn him down when you feel a protective arm wrap around your waist. You turn your head to see a pink-cheeked itadori glaring at the stranger. he does look mad, but you also think he just looks so cute. ah, the duality of man. "oh, hi yuuji! did you get the rice?," you ask him. you have priorities, after all. "yeah," he says, not moving his arm or his gaze. "who's this, love?" oh, he's really jealous if he's pulling out the love. you try to defuse the situation. "oh, this guy just helped me get some tea from the top shelf. thanks again!" you say. the guy was not expecting a wild itadori to emerge from the tall grass, and is trying to figure a way out. "no problem," he repeats. "i'll see you around, yeah?" without waiting for a response, he puts the tea in your cart and walks away. "did you know that guy?" you ask, as itadori relaxes and puts the rice in the cart. "no, but it sure looks like you did," he says, a bit annoyed. "yuuji, are you jealous?" you tease. "no! of course not!" he retorts. his cheeks are still pink though, and now he's looking around like he expecting another guy to run through and sweep you up in their arms. you decide to take mercy on him, and tug one of his hands in your own. "hey, don't i owe you a reward for getting my rice?" he perks up, and flicks his gaze almost imperceptibly towards your mouth. you sweetly press his lips to his cheek, and smile innocently when he gives you an annoyed look. you turn around to go the cart, only to see that the tea guy has returned. itadori sees him too, and he looks mad again. however, instead of confronting him, he looks at you and says,
"c'mon, i meant a real kiss." he gently places his hands on your face and pulls you in. it's a light, yet passionate kiss. the rhythm is slow and soft, but there's a definite intensity behind it. his tongue has just swiped your bottom lip, entering your mouth when you remember that you're in public. you pull away and glance at the end of the aisle. the guy is gone. you glance at itadori. he is grinning triumphantly at you. you smile in spite of yourself, going back over to the cart. "yuuji?" he comes over, wrapping his arms around you and placing his head over your shoulder. "yes, my love?" "you got the wrong kind of rice." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gojou satoru - a jealous gojou is not a good gojou. if you think he's annoying normally, it's about to get so, so, so much worse. ~ "satoru please!" you beg. you're feeling desperate now, there's no other way out. you two have gone to the park for a picnic to savor one of his rare days off. the spot you chose was warm and sunny with few people around; the day was supposed to be lovely. and it was, at least for a while. you had spent just the last hour cloud-watching, peacefully pointing out odd shapes in the sky. really though, you were just taking an excuse to lay on his stomach and talk. you two get so little time together like this that you try to savor every moment. however, in your analysis of a banana-shaped cloud far on the horizon, you noticed a familiar shape. the shape of your ex, to be precise. you stiffen, and gojou notices. "hey," he says. "what's wrong?" you don't respond immediately; your mind is swirling with schemes to avoid them. if you guys packed up now, could you go without being noticed? no, you were too close. could you hide? no, there wasn't anywhere to duck behind. you had to stop time somehow, but how? gojou waves his hand over your face. "hey? everything ok down there? have you gone into the void?" he asks. you start to glare at him, but then his words hit you in the face. the void. he can draw your ex into the void while you make a hasty getaway. you sit up, dropping your angry look and switching to a more saccharine one. "satoru," you start. "can you do a favor for me?" he gives you an easy smile. "of course, anything for you," he replies. "great, can you trap the person in the white shirt over there into the infinite void?" that certainly gets his attention. "i'm sorry, what?" he asks incredulously. "ok, so that's my ex over there. things ended kind of...awkwardly, and I just don't want to deal with this right now. could you trap them into the void before they notice me?" "i don't think the relationship was the thing that was awkward love. maybe you should just, you know, face the problem head on?" he suggests. "it can't be that bad. and even if it is, at least it'll be entertaining. actually, i'll give you two some privacy!" he says cheerfully, and promptly leaves. that brings you to your current predicament. you could be responsible and mature, but that would involve getting over your breakup. you may have slightly understated the awkwardness of the situation. truthfully, you got dumped and you pined over your ex for weeks afterward. you especially did not take it when when you were being broken up with. you begged them not to leave you while crying, making quite the scene in the restaurant they had chosen. now, with no lingering emotions, you just feel guilty and embarrassed for how you acted. but that was in the past, and you could move past that as long as it wasn't walking up to you. and now with gojou walking away, and them walking up...oh no. oh no oh no ohnonono. you take a deep breath in, and breathe out. i'm not the same person i was then, you think to yourself. this thought steadies your nerves; in fact, maybe gojou was right. you have been wondering what they’ve been up to, after all, and you might stop feeling guilty if you apologize. a bright and cheerful “hey!!” jolts you out of your thoughts; there they are. “hey,” you respond, a bit less cheerfully. you push yourself up off the ground to
greet them, and are a bit surprised when they pull you into a hug. it’s a more intimate hug than you would have guessed, with their hands snaking around your waist and gently cradling your head. they smell...nice, you think to yourself. as you pull away, you feel watched. you’re not sure from where, since you can’t see him, but you know gojou is watching you. well, good. he refused to help you out of this mess, so maybe you’ll make him suffer a bit. neither one of you say anything for a second.. “so….i guess how are you?” they ask you, smiling. “i’m great,” you reply. “how are you?” you ask. “good.” you stand there, neither one of you wanting to interrupt the delicate silence. “so,” you both say at the same time. you guys laugh, and just like that, the weird silence dissipates. “you go first,” they say to you. “well, i just want to say that i’m sorry. i know breaking up was probably hard for you, but i think i just made it harder by, you know, being unable to let us go. that was unfair to you and it definitely made things harder for me, so i’m really sorry about that.” “oh, wow,” your ex say, a bit surprised. “well, that sort of contrasts what i’m about to say. i was going to say that you were right.” huh? what? you furrow your eyebrows together, and stare back with a bemused expression. “i was right?” you venture. “about...what?” your ex sheepishly scratches the back of their head, giving you an embarrassed smile. “about us, i mean. you kept telling me that we were better together, and that we would only be unhappy apart. i know it’s been a while since we were together, but lately it’s all i can think about. i….still think i love you.” well, that was a bombshell. you just stare at them, stunned into silence. “sorry, i know that this is way too much for just meeting again; you just looked so beautiful and it reminded me of when we were together and i just miss being together and -- ah, i’m rambling like a crazy person now, aren’t i?” they wryly ask. you giggle. “just a bit,” you respond. they take your hands into theirs, tracing their thumb lightly over your skin. their eyes are honest, and their face is hopeful. “i know this is really sudden, but would you maybe want to get dinner with me soon? you don’t have to, of course, but…?” they pull one hand out, and drift it up to your face, caressing your jawline with such care that if you were not previously engaged, you might have melted into their arms right there. but you already had a boyfriend, even if he was an annoying one. you thought briefly about pretending to accept their offer, just to needle him, but decided against it. instead, you just kindly smiled at your ex, and pull their hand from your face. “this is really sweet,” you say. “but, unfortunately, i’m already taken.” their face falls, but they quickly mask it with a smile. “ah, i get it. someone as amazing as you would get snapped up fast. it was just my mistake to let you go,” they say, pulling back. “well, why don’t we start over with this. how about instead of a romantic dinner date, we just get coffee sometime. no love attached,” they add. “sure,” you respond. “i have been wanting to know what you’ve been up to.” “same here, how about tomorrow at 11?” they ask. “it’s a date!” you joke. “now, what’s a date?” you hear a familiar, slightly pouty voice from behind you. of course. why wouldn’t gojou appear at the worst possible time. you turn to your boyfriend, who has a shit-eating grin on his face. he’s planning something, but what? “hey ‘toru, this is my ex." you face your ex. "this is my boyfriend, gojou satoru." your ex smiles at him, blissfully unaware. "nice to meet you. we were just planning on getting some coffee soon." “oh, is that so? you’re not trying to steal my love away from me, are you?” there’s no threat in his voice, no hostility, but all the same your ex seems to pick up on his vexing energy and straightens up a little bit. “no, of course not,” they say. “hmmm, i believe you. but all the same, i could have sworn i heard talk of
a date. that reminds me love, weren’t we just finishing up on a date ourselves?” you sigh. “yes, we were.” turning to your ex, you turn back to say goodbye. that, however, is cut off by your lovely boyfriend picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of flour. shocked, you pound your fists against his back. “gojou satoru, put me down right now.” gojou ignores you, instead sticking one hand out to shake your ex’s hand. “sorry to cut this short, but we simply must finish our date back at our place. wish i could invite you, but this is a more private activity.” he cheerfully states. mortified, you start kicking him and hitting him even harder. “ ‘toru! put me down so i can dump you right here and now!” “ahh, can’t have that now. we’d best get going so that someone learns a lesson, see you around!” with that and a quick sweep down to gather the picnic supplies, gojou carries you kicking and screaming out of the park. once outside, he puts you down. “satoru, what the absolute hell was that??? that was so embarrassing!” you cry out. “it was your idea to let me deal with that, and then you swoop in once it’s all taken care of? now they’re going to think i’m...i’m... i don’t even know what they’ll think of me, but i’m sure it won’t be positive!” “shhhh,” says gojou. “you might make a scene.” if you were mad before, well, now you’re apoplectic. “a scene???? i might make a scene?” you spit out seethingly. the entire way home, you tear into him for embarrassing you in front of your ex and an entire park full of people. finally, you get home and you drop the j-word. “and all this because you were just jealous??” now that you’ve dropped the threshold of your front door and pulled the trigger, gojou’s entire demeanor shifts. he drops the picnic supplies and picks you up again, but instead of going over his shoulder you’re now up against the wall. you instinctively wrap your arms and legs around him to keep from falling, skillfully intertwining your bodies together. his blindfold has slipped off, and now his piercing blue eyes are pouring into yours with a powerful intensity. your previous angry words slip off into the void, as you’re transfixed by the way he’s staring at you. he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours, the tips of your noses just barely touching. “yeah,” he breathes. “i got jealous. i let an ex come up to you and try to take you away, and i only sat there and watched. i knew you would never cheat on me, but i just got annoyed with myself for encouraging that. you mean too much to me to just let you be taken by someone else, so i really wanted to get you out of there as fast as possible. so, yeah, i’m sorry for embarrassing you. let me make it up to you?” it’s hard to say no in this position, but you try to hold your resolve. “satoru, you just can’t do that. promise me you’ll never do that again?” he’s still looking at you with that seriousness, so he replies “yes” with uncharacteristic sincerity. there’s nothing out of character though about the way he moves in to kiss you though, full of desire and need. you fall into a steady rhythm, a sweet push-and-pull of dominance flicking between you two. gojou suddenly takes over, and just as suddenly, he pulls away and starts carrying you to the nearest flat surface. “let me show you how much you mean to me, yeah?”
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bluewhale52 · 3 years
Little Black Book: Your Kindred Spirit
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Summary: There are a few names in your Little Black Book, and these seven hold a special place in your heart. Now that you are closing that chapter in your life, you reminisce the time and experience you have had with your seven favourite men, especially with Jeon Jungkook, your kindred spirit.
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Rating: Explicit. NO MINORS ALLOWED.
Genre: nonidol!au, strangers to lovers, friends with benefits, a bit of angst
WC: 6.1k (my largest so far! 😱)
Warning: talk about loneliness, oral sex by the pool, fingering, penetrative sex, protected sex, multiple orgasm, edging, sex on a chair, Herman Miller chair kink because Hybe got them chairs for their employees while I’m sitting on one from Ikea
A/N : trying some character development this time round, especially since I’m running out of ideas of ways OC can have hot sexy times with her men (3 more to go!). I like being able to explore OC’s backstory and personality more here, and I hope you as readers feel a bit more intimate too with the characters in this LBB universe. As always, likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated. Enjoy 💜
Series Masterlist: Little Black Book
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You got off the plane, still annoyed. Five hours earlier, you had arrived in your office in Seoul, only to be ceremoniously sent off  to Jeju with the order of getting Jeon Jungkook to sign a bunch of papers as well as not returning to Seoul until Monday. You protested, only to have Seokjin, your new unbearable boss, told you that you had not taken any days off in two years and he’d be damned if those days were going to be borne by the firm again.
“It’s all paid for. Flights and hotel. Now go, I don’t want to see your face for the rest of the week.” Seokjin ordered as he pushed you into the elevator. ” But call me on Saturday, hmm?” He added in a whisper. You rolled your eyes as the doors closed.
Five hours later, you arrived in Jeju, and at the first intake of fresh air, you inwardly thanked Seokjin for forcing you to go on a vacation. Maybe, after you were all done with the Jeon Jungkook business, you’d go shopping and get yourself a new lingerie set for your Saturday night fun with Seokjin, as a thank you. MAYBE.
As you entered the arrival hall, you were surprised to find a man in full chauffeur uniform holding up your name. You bowed to him, and he swiftly took your luggage.
“Mr Jeon sent me to pick you up.” He simply stated. “He’s waiting for you at his suite.” You nodded and followed him.
The suite turned out to be a mega luxurious penthouse by the beach. Spacious, modern, floor to ceiling windows with that breathtaking view, and…. an infinity pool on the balcony? You had to stop yourself from gawking too much.
You were asked to wait by the living room as the driver went to the pool and patiently waited for Jungkook to finish his lap before informing him of your arrival. The driver then made his way back to you, to inform you that he would check you in at the hotel. He then bowed and quietly left. You tilted your head and wondered how he could even know which hotel your firm had booked for you, but you let it go- the rich definitely had their own ways.
You turned to find Jungkook getting out of the water, and you swallowed, hard. The many times you had met him, he had always worn something baggy. Never in a hundred years you would have thought that THAT body was hidden underneath all those loose clothing. Thick shoulders, even thicker pecs, and washboard abs. Then those thighs- dear God- sculpted and oh so visible with his wet boardshorts splattered tightly on his skin.
You cleared your throat, then bowed to him. Get a grip, he’s your client, you reminded yourself. “Good afternoon, Jungkook-ssi.”
He bowed back in return. “Hi __________ -ssi.” He sounded shy. “Hope your flight was good?”
“Smooth flight.” As smooth as that skin across your chest. “I’m here for you to sign the papers?”
You sat yourself down by the coffee table and took out a folder. “I’m sure Seokjin-ssi has told you about the settlement? We just need you to sign here, here and here and I’ll send them back to the office to get everything going.”
You went into your work-mode immediately. It was safe, and you knew what you were doing. You in work-mode would not be thirsting over your own client. Jungkook lingered by the door however, water still dripping from his gorgeous body.
“Um, do you need me to get you a towel?” You asked gingerly. Jungkook broke into a small smile and shook his head.
“Sorry, I was distracted.” He went off to grab a towel himself, and you breathed a sigh of relief when he came back, his upper body covered by the terry cloth. “Where do I sign?”
You directed Jungkook, explaining along the way the process of the settlement, what he should expect and what your firm would continue doing on his behalf.
“As agreed, we will not disclose the settlement amount to the media or the public, but this large sum should set off some gossip in the industry, so you’d be rest assured anyone would think twice before mooching off your AI software again.” You grabbed the corner of Jungkook’s towel and dabbed at some dollops of water on the coffee table, worried they could stain the legal documents.
“Ah, sorry, I guess my hair is still wet.” Jungkook said sheepishly. You plastered a professional smile, and resisted tucking his curly hair behind his ear.
“OK, all done, just give me a minute to scan and email these back to the office.”
You moved to scan the documents with your phone and promptly sent them to Seokjin. Jungkook left your side and you heard a splash. Jungkook was back in the pool, but he stayed by the side, head resting on his folded hands, watching you.
You gave him another forced smile. “I’m just waiting for Seokjin-ssi to confirm everything is good. Then I’ll be going.”
“Eager to start your vacation?”  He pushed his hair back off his forehead, and laughed at your reaction. “Seokjin told me you would stay here for a few days before going back to Seoul.”
“Ah yes, I was forced to go on holiday.”
“Good thing I asked for you to come here then.” You saw the corner of his mouth lifted into what you thought was a very sexy smirk.
“You asked for me?” Your phone vibrated indicating an incoming email, tearing your gaze from Jungkook and denying him the chance to answer. The email was from Seokjin, who simply replied with a thumbs up emoji. “Ah, I’ve got confirmation all is good. So I’ll get going now then.”
You froze. “Excuse me?”
Jungkook still had his eyes firmly on you. The shyness you saw earlier was all gone. “Your holiday has officially started. Have a swim with me.”
You laughed out loud at his request. “I don’t have my swimsuit with me, and your driver has taken my suitcase to the hotel.”
“So?” Jungkook smirked.
“Jungkook-ssi, I’m not going to swim with you in my underwear.” You know you needed to leave, but the temptation was getting too large to ignore.
“Just Jungkook, please.” He licked his lips. “And, you don’t need any attire to swim here. It’s very private.”
“Jungkook-ssi, are you trying to see me naked?”
“And if I am?”
You looked at your phone again. No follow up emails, no calls, no messages. Work had stopped for you. However, Jungkook was your client, a very valuable one at that. This couldn’t be good. But as he said, your vacation had started. Well, you only live once, you told yourself.
“If I’m swimming naked, so are you. It’s only fair.”
Jungkook shuffled in the water. Then his board shorts landed with a loud splat at the poolside. “It’s only fair.”
An hour or so later, you sighed as you spotted tints of orange streaking across the sky. You had to give it to Jungkook for this place- from where you were sitting at the pool, you got a mesmerising view of the sun setting, blood orange angry against the cool blue of the horizon. What a sight.
You sighed again, as Jungkook’s tongue glided against your folds. HIs tongue felt so smooth against your throbbing sex, and a flick of his tongue released a deep moan from you. You threw your head back, your body leaning back supported by your elbows, and you spread your legs even wider for him.
The flicking of his tongue went faster, no doubt encouraged by your moans and the start of your thighs shaking. You gasped for air as your climax was nearing. One of your hands shot out and grabbed Jungkook by his hair, pressing his head firmer against your sex as you rode his mouth. His big doe eyes opened up and met yours immediately, and you cursed- how could anyone who looked so innocent could be so sinful?
You ground your core harder against his mouth, and his tongue went to overdrive, determined to have you come before the sun set. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, the pink tip flicking your nub determinedly, his eyes never leaving yours. Your tightened core finally snapped, and screaming his name, you came, just as the sun set at Jeju Island. What a sight.
You raised an eyebrow when Jungkook ordered another bowl of ramen. It had been a couple of months since your Jeju fling, and you were surprised when Jungkook suddenly turned up at your office, inviting you out to dinner. Your first instinct was to reject him- you did not like fraternising with clients- but his big doe eyes did you in.
“So,” you cleared your throat, “how long have you been back in Seoul?”
Jungkook slurped his noodles. “A couple of days.”
“Oh, are you here for work?”
He shook his head. “I was bored in Jeju.”
“Well, I hope you’ll get to have some fun here.”
He nodded again, eyes still downcast, focused on his bowl. You let silence sit between you; he seemed to still be very hungry, and you did not want to interrupt him eating. He stole glances at you timidly, as if he had something to say but did not have the bravery to say it out loud.
It amazed you how Jungkook could have such a duality. The person in front of you was painfully shy, nothing like the flirtatious sex god that left you trembling throughout your vacation in Jeju. You watched him eat, and his demeanour suddenly threw you back to your university days, when you isolated and buried yourself in books, sacrificing social life for those top graduating spots in law school. You recognised loneliness, having gone through it yourself. Your heart softened even further for Jungkook. When he finally finished his meal, he wiped his mouth and smiled apologetically at you.
“You must be busy,” he said, mistaking your quietness for impatience, “I’m sorry I disturbed you and forced you to accompany me here.”
You shook your head. “I should be thanking you for getting me out of the office. I need to stop being such a workaholic. Probably because I don’t have much of a social life, I just bury myself in work.” You offered an opening to Jungkook to open up.
“I guess we’re in the same boat.” He admitted sheepishly. “It’s not that I don’t have friends, I just… have some trust issue.”
“I would be too if I were in your shoes.” You knew enough of his history from handling his settlement case. He made it big at such a young age and the media elevated him to be the next big tech superstar, which only sent sharks sniffing around him. The case you had helped Seokjin handle, the one that sent you to Jeju to conclude it, involved names of people Jungkook thought he could trust.
“What do you do for fun?” He asked.
“Uh well… I don’t have many hobbies, really.” You were a bit thrown aback by his question, “Some weekends I just pick a random line on the subway and ride it to the end and back. If I see something interesting, I stop and check it out. It’s a habit from law school, it helps me de-stress.”
“That sounds really interesting. Do you do that by yourself? Or with friends?”
“Most of the time I go by myself. I like being alone. I mean, five days out of a week I have to continually talk to and interact with people. My subway time is my time for myself, I guess.”
He nodded at your answer. “I understand what you mean. I like being alone too, especially after big meetings and promotional stuff.”
You smiled at him. “Sounds like we’re pretty similar.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “do you play games?”
“Computer games? Not really, no.” You laughed as Jungkook scrunched his nose lightly. “Just Maple Story, I guess.”
“Do you want to go to the arcade with me? There’s one just around the block.” He blurted it out quickly, as if he had been waiting for the perfect time to ask. You cleared your throat. You were happy enough to accompany him for dinner, sometimes clients expected that, but going to the arcade? It felt very personal.
“Jungkook-ssi,” you started.
“Just Jungkook, please.” He reminded you.
You took a deep breath. “Jungkook, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think I can hang out with you, like that.”
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, “I just thought, you know, we had fun and got along well in Jeju, so…” He shrugged his shoulder and looked down at his hands under the table.
“Well, we agreed what happened in Jeju stays there. And if you want to do it again, I’m for it, but we’ll have to lay down some ground rules.”
His brows furrowed. “I don’t want sex.” He sounded insulted. “I just want… your company. Not in that way. Just, you know, spend time together. With you. Because, I just think we’ll get along well. That’s all.”
You blinked at his confession, and you raked your brain to come up with a response that would not insult him any further. However before you could think of anything, he asked, “Are you not allowed to date your client?”
“Um, is the arcade supposed to be a date?”
“It could be if you want it.”
You rubbed your neck. This was going worse than you had thought. “I’m allowed to date whoever I want. I just… don’t do dating or relationships.”
“Because you’re a workaholic?”
That went straight to your heart. “Maybe,” you answered slowly, “though I think it’s more because I’m selfish. I like my free time for myself. I like not having to compromise on anything. I like making decisions by myself without having to worry about the other person’s feelings.”
“Don’t you get lonely?”
“I do sometimes, but I like being alone so loneliness is sometimes welcome.”
“And when it’s not?” He leaned forward.
“I call some…. friends.” You blushed a little. “And we spend time together, and that’s good enough for me.”
You inhaled deeply. It was odd saying it out loud, and you felt a little twang in your chest. You were reminded of the times when you returned to your empty, dark apartment after your rendezvous with one of your ‘friends’ from your little black book. Most times you were just happy to go to sleep or do whatever else it was you did at home, but there were the rare times when you wish your living room was not so sparse or your bed so cold. You had to admit it to yourself, you did feel lonely.
“Can… can I be your friend?” Jungkook asked, his voice so soft you struggled to hear it. “I do like spending time with you, and I trust you. And we had fun. And I’m not expecting Jeju all over again, it’s just… I don’t know, I just trust you.”
Your heart ached for him. He sounded so lost and so small. Perhaps two lonely people could find some comfort in each other.
“I’d love to be your friend, Jungkook.” You answered, and he gave you a relief smile in return. “Now, I need to clarify my definition of friends, just so we’re clear from the start.”
You realised Jungkook had liked too much your definition of ‘friends’, and although you had warned him repeatedly that there would be no feelings involved and no sleep overs, you suspected he had developed a crush on you. When he was teaching you to play League of Legends, he liked you sitting on his lap. When you were cooking ramen for him, he liked to stand behind you,rubbing the hem of your top. When you were getting dressed after your session with him, he would, without fail, tell you how much he liked the particular office wear you had on, which made you think that the man very likely had a business suit kink. You regularly reminded him- and yourself- that this arrangement was strictly of no strings attached, but you had to admit, it was nice to have him do all those things to you.
You also realised that Mondays were good to spend with Jungkook. The time spent with him not only chased away your Monday rage and put you in a good mood for the rest of the week. Especially when his chiseled chest was pressed tightly against your back, and his hips snapping wildly behind you, so determined to have your moans and wails travel through your apartment walls to your neighbours’. You threw your head back against his shoulder, and his hand snaked down to rub your clit as his mouth descended on your neck.
“Come on, cum for me again, pretty girl.”
You gasped for air at his hoarse voice, and you closed your eyes tightly as he pulled your second orgasm out of you, keeping his pace fast and steady as you rode it out. You panted heavily as you came down, your back felt slick with sweat against his chest. He pulled out and let you collapse onto your bed, the pure linen sheet felt so good and cool against your heated skin.
Jungkook gingerly flipped you over so you lay on your back. Caging you with his thick thighs, he leaned down and suckled on your tits, moaning against them as your fingers weaved themselves between his silky locks. His mouth left your breasts, and he straightened himself up while grabbing your ankles up and resting your legs on his chest. You shook your head.
“Kook, give me a minute.”
He chuckled. “Did I tire you out already? I remember you having better stamina than this in Jeju.”
“I was on vacation.” You hissed between your teeth.
He grabbed his cock and pushed it in you again. You arched your back when his swollen head penetrated you. “Just enjoy it, then. I’ll do all the work.” He winked. “Two more, pretty girl.”
Damned him and his competitive streak. He had sheepishly asked you if perhaps he could make you cum four times, to break his record in Jeju of three in one night. You were too excited to agree, but you were paying the price now- your whole body felt too sensitive. You wondered if you could wake up for work the next day.
He soon bottomed out in you, and he started to slowly pump himself in your hole, allowing you to recover before he sent you falling over the cliff again. He kissed your ankle, trailing his sinful mouth down towards your calf. You moaned at the sensation, and he, sensing you were more relaxed, picked up his rhythm .
You hands shot up above you to grab the edge of your bed, holding on for dear life when he began to fuck you faster. All you could hear now was the smacking of his skin against yours, and his low guttural groans when you clenched yourself around his cock. He held onto your ankles tightly, and his eyes watched your breasts bouncing in time with the movement of his hips.
“So good, feel so good, Kook.” You breathed out.
“Yeah?” He licked his lips. He pulled out until only his head was nestled in you, and he smirked as your hips writhed, wanting his length back in you. He slammed himself back in you, making you shout in pleasure.
“You like that, pretty girl?” He repeated the movement, and you screamed his name. He went a bit faster, encouraged by the slick that continued to lubricate his cock, and the tightening of your pussy walls every time he slammed into you. He suddenly leaned down towards you, bringing your legs with him, and you moaned loudly at the new depth his cock was reaching in you.
“You OK?” He asked, when he saw your face scrunching up.
“Yeah, yeah,” you hissed, “it’s just so deep. Ah, Kook, fuck me hard, I’m close.”
Jungkook was only too happy to oblige. Pounding his cock into you almost animalistically, he sucked on your ear, knowing it was your extremely sensitive spot. Your legs were soon flailing around his shoulders, and your body jerked and shuddered as your third orgasm hit you like a truck. He continued fucking you through it, but you felt his hips stuttering and he immediately pulled himself out of you.
“Fuck, I almost came.” He panted, but his finger immediately zeroed in on your clit, rubbing little circles on it, prolonging your orgasm. You squirmed under his hand, whimpering as your sex pulsated against nothing. When over-sensitivity came, you weakly pushed his hand away.
“Water.” You requested weakly.
Jungkook kissed your tummy before getting up. “Don’t fall asleep, we still have one more.”
You grabbed a pillow and half heartedly threw it at him. He caught it easily and giggled as he made his way to your kitchen. You lay back on your bed, trying to still your trembling body. It was good to be friends with Jungkook.
Jungkook’s place in Seoul was a far cry from his opulent penthouse in Jeju. The postal code was prestigious, but the apartment was modest, and in your opinion, more representative of Jungkook. He had entrusted you with the entry code to his door, so you made your way in straight from work after a particularly hellish Monday. You found him in his office slash gaming room, and you squealed when you saw him by his desk.
“You got a Herman Miller office chair?” You slid your hands over the chair, resisting the urge to hug it. “Do you know how much I want a Herman Miller chair? I sit on my ass eight hours a day, Jungkook! This baby would cure my sore back.”
Jungkook looked at you amusingly while you oohed and aahed over the chair he was sitting on. “Do you want to sit here?”
“No, no, no!” You stopped him from getting up. “I can’t. I told myself I would only sit on a Herman Miller office hair if it was mine and only mine.” You smacked his shoulder when he started laughing. “It’s my fantasy, OK! Yeah, my fantasy is to have this in my office.” You rubbed the back of the chair lovingly.
“Why don’t you just get one?”
“Jungkook, it’s $1,000 at least. I’m not spending that kind of money.”
“Well, get your boss to get it for you.”
You guffawed. “He complained about how much we spent on coffee pods, I’m sure he’d buy me a Herman Miller chair.”
“Well,” he rubbed his chin, “I can buy it for you.”
“Jungkook, as much as I want to say yes, I’m going to say no, because one, I wouldn’t even know how to report it to HR, and two, I can’t make you spend that much money for me!”
“Well we’re friends, aren’t we? Can’t I buy a gift for my friend?” Jungkook was spinning in his chair, wiggling his eyebrows. “Let me buy it for you. Just say it’s a gift from an anonymous client?”
“You’re ridiculous.” You grabbed the arms of the chairs to stop him spinning.
“And you’re hot.” He blurted out, and immediately blushed. You felt heat rising to your cheeks too. Shy guy was slowly making way to flirty sex god.
“It’s just a basic blouse and a skirt.”
He cupped your ass. “Yeah, but this skirt really makes your ass look amazing.” He moved his hands to your chest. “And your breasts look so tempting.”
You bit your lower lip as he massaged your tits and let out a shriek when you heard fabric tearing. Sex god Jungkook arrived, and he had just ripped your blouse.
“Jungkook! That blouse cost-”
You lost your voice as Jungkook pushed the cups of your bra down roughly to gain access to your nipples. You mewled when his lips closed in on one of your perky nubs, while his fingers tugged the other.  Losing your footing, you fell forward, and his free hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you on top of him.
“I’ll buy you another one.” He released your nipples and helped you hike your skirt so you could straddle him.
“Damn it.” You said breathlessly. You felt your juices soaking your panties, and more leaked out when your sex rested atop his hardening member. “How many times are you going to make me cum tonight?”
He hummed against your breasts as his hands roamed over your stocking-covered legs. He kissed and licked your breasts, before enveloping your nipple back in his mouth. You arched your back, pressing your chest closer to him.
“Maybe just once,” he said between sucks, big doe eyes looking up to you, “but I promise it’s going to be a good one.”
Your body went rigid when his large hand cupped you, his finger sliding along the slit over your pantyhose and underwear. His mouth went back to attacking your breasts, and you could do nothing but surrender to his ministrations. Very quickly, he made you a breathless mess on his lap. He chuckled at your expression, and his hands sneaked up underneath your skirt, looking for the waistband of your pantyhose. He tugged at it harshly, and before you knew it, he had torn yet another piece of your clothing.
“Jeon Jungkook!” you chastised him. “For fu-”
“I’ll take you shopping. Just relax now.” He cut you off by pulling your panties aside so he could insert a finger in. You gasped at the intrusion, and your inner walls immediately clenched around his digit. His mouth left your breasts and he was watching you. You returned his stare, your eyes focused on his face while you enjoyed the way his finger was gliding in and out. Your eyes fluttered when he inserted a second one. You grabbed onto his shoulders, and his free hand guided you to move up a little, simply so he could pump his fingers faster and harder.
“Fuck, you’re dripping.” He pushed a third finger in and you squealed. “Look at me, pretty girl.”
You forced yourself to keep your eyes open, to look at his face. How could someone looking so sweet and innocent could be pulling out moans and screams so easily. Your pussy felt deliciously stretched and he was drawing your orgasm out quickly. Your walls were pulsating erratically around his fingers, and suddenly it felt empty, the orgasm you were chasing disappeared instantly.
“Jungkook, what the-”
He smirked as he looked at his soaked fingers. You tilted your head as your heart beats returned to normal. “Are you trying to edge me?”
He laughed when you smacked his shoulder. “Hold on.” He rolled you both to a set of drawers by his desk. He pulled out a condom, placed the packet between his teeth, then shuffled to pull his sweats down. You swallowed when his cock- hard, angry and red- sprung free. He ripped the foil to get the condom out and rolled it down his dick. Your pussy was clenching hungrily, eager to take in his member.
Jungkook’s hands returned to your skirt, bunching it up around your waist. He smiled at your ripped pantyhose, then with one hand, he tugged your panties aside while his other hand held his cock. You lowered yourself onto him, you kept sinking down on him, letting out a satisfied moan as he filled you in so fully. Your torn blouse was agape, your bra pushed down to reveal your nipples, and that was where his eyes were focused on as you started to ride him, swirling your hips as you went up and down on his cock. You rode him with all your might, eager to chase and get your orgasm before he could stop you. Your clit was rubbing against his lower abdomen, and your body was heated once again. Your pace quickened, your breaths became more shallow, and you were getting close, so close.
However, Jungkook’s hands grabbed your hips and held you above his lap, snapping you out of your near-delirium. He blew at the sweat that had broken out in the valley of your breasts.
“Not yet, pretty girl.” He cooed, and you whined in protest as he pulled out.
He directed you to turn your body around, so that your back was to his chest now, and he pushed his cock into you again. He held your body down, not allowing you to move, making your pussy cockwarming him. He rolled the chair, positioning it just in front of the set of computer monitors. All the screens were black, and you could clearly see your reflections on them. He helped you shift your legs to make you more comfortable while also keeping them spread as wide as possible.
He kissed your shoulder and your neck, while his hips started to move, slowly pumping his cock in and out of you. His strong hands were still holding you motionless, and you gripped the arms of the chair, content to surrender your body to him. His cock moved faster, and your body soon tensed again. Sensing your orgasm nearing, he slammed his cock up to bury it in you. You writhed, silently begging him to move, but he kept you still, away from your climax.
“Fuck, Jungkook, please.” You felt like you wanted to cry.
“No, not yet. I don’t want this to be over so soon.” He sounded like he wanted to cry too. “If I let you cum, will you stay the night?”
You elbowed him weakly. “You shouldn’t blackmail an attorney, Jungkook-ah.”
His chest rumbled against your back as he laughed. “You always cum and leave.”
You wriggled your hips and he moaned. “Let me cum now and I’ll stay for a bit.”
That seemed to be good enough for him. He kissed your shoulder before wrapping his hands around your body tight, pressing you against his chest, as he pistoned his cock fast and hard. The movements took your breath away, your head lolled against his as you both watched yourselves on the dark computer screens. Needing to feel more of him, your hand released the arm of the chair and to reach the back of his neck. He kissed the inside of your upper arm, which made you squeal and clench around him further. He cursed at the discovery of a new erogenous zone on you, and he nipped and licked at your skin as his cock continued to pound you.
You felt your orgasm nearing, and your free hand moved down to rub your clit. One of his hands moved downwards too, pulling the hood back to give you full access to your sensitive spot.
“Rub it good, pretty girl, while my cock ruins your pussy.” He whispered gruffly in your ear. You mewled at his dirty talk, and your finger started to move eratically, certain he would not deny your climax this time. You pressed on your clit and rubbed it hard, causing your pussy walls to tighten around his shaft. You closed your eyes when the edge was finally within reach, your body shook and your hand faltered. Jungkook pushed it away to rub your clit himself while you were finally coming, screaming his name. You felt as if you were drowning in pleasure, you gasped for air and you felt a drop of tear escape down your cheek.  
Jungkook’s grip on your body became tighter, you were sure he was going to leave marks, which you normally chastised your lovers for, but this time you could barely even care. He slammed his cock into you one last time when your orgasm was ending, emptying himself into the rubber.
You both sat on the chair, recovering from the one mind blowing orgasm. Your pants made way to soft breathing. Your ripped blouse felt sticky from the sweat, and you winced as you tried to straighten your legs while he was still inside you. Content of not moving any further, you leaned back against his hard chest, and you let him hug you and nuzzle your hair. You would stay a little while, you decided, as promised. He was worth spending a bit more time with.
“This chair is worth every cent,” Jungkook broke the silence, “it didn’t even creak once.”
You burst out laughing, and you ended up laughing so much that your stomach hurt.
“Jeon Jungkook!”  You hiss into the phone. “I am going to kill you.”
You groan as he laughs at the other end. You look at the $2000 dollar chair with a big red bow in your office. You have shooed everyone away from your office, including Seokjin who complained that he should get one too since he was the one who got THAT big settlement for that ‘ungrateful brat’.
“You need to get an even better chair for Seokjin, you know. Or we will never hear the end of his whining.”
“He’s treated me to a few meals. I guess it’s only fair I pay him back.”
You make sure your office door is closed before you move to the chair to sniff it. It smells new and promising- you know the moment you sit on it, you will never have a backache ever again, your days will be brighter and you will rise up to the top. Herman Miller will unlock all your potentials.
“Sit on it and take a selca,” Jungkook suggests, “and send it to your boyfriend.”
“Why do I need to show him?” You protest, but you untie the red bow and sit on the chair anyway.
“So you know,” he clears his throat, “you guys can do fun stuff on it.” He drawls as his shyness takes over. You feel your cheeks heated too at the memory.
“Hey,” his voice takes a serious turn and you straighten up, “I don’t think I ever thank you.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “I think I’m the one who should thank you? For this amazing chair?”
“I want to thank you for being my friend,” his voice is so soft, but you can hear his emotions clearly, “it means a lot to me.”
You press your fingers to your lips, holding back a threatening sob. “Jungkook, it means a lot to me too that you’re my friend. And please don’t start crying; if you cry, I will cry.”
Jungkook lets out a gentle laugh. “If you cry, I’ll cry, so you don’t start too.”
“We are truly hopeless. But Jungkook, is this what the chair is for? Because you don’t need to-“
“No, no,” he cuts in, “it’s a just-because present. You’ve been going on and on about the chair since... you know when, and I don’t know, when I saw the latest model I just wanted to get it for you.”
“You are too generous, you know that? Don’t let anyone take advantage of your generosity.”
He laughs again. “You’re generous too. You always make time for me, even now when you don’t have to anymore.”
“We’re kindred spirits, aren’t we? Of course I’ll always make time for you. Even my boyfriend makes time for you!” You glance at the clock in your office. “Isn’t it almost time for your pilates class?”
“Yes, your man is signalling me to hang up now.” Jungkook chuckles. “Thank you for letting me be his friend too. He’s been great for my state of mind. All the pilates and the bonsai classes he lets me tag along, I’m feeling much happier these days.”
You hum as you settle more comfortably in your new chair. “I’m happy to hear that, and it means a lot to me you both get along so well. Hey, let’s do dinner this weekend? Let’s crash Seokjin’s place and make him cook for us. It’s been a while since the four of us hung out together.”
“Sounds like a plan. I have to go now, don’t forget to send that selca!”
You giggle as he hangs up. You spin once in the chair, your body and spirit feels a million times better already. You raise your phone up and move it around to get the best angle. Once you have gotten a picture you are happy with, you send it off to your boyfriend.
You [19:02] : I got a present! Come over after your class and let’s take a ride on it 😉 You [19:02] : PS: Don’t change. I like you all sweaty 😋
You smile smugly at your naughty messages, then you realise something. You immediately text Jungkook.
You [19:03] : Kook- is there a warranty on the chair? Just in case we break it.
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Published 11042021
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onlymingyus · 2 years
aside from gyuhoon, who else is in your ult list? and how did your ults become your ults (you don't have to answer this for all of them if it's too long)?
also congrats on reaching the 500 milestone luvvie!! your fics are honestly some of my favorite things to read on here. luv you <3333333333333
ahh im gonna cry! im too sensitive right now! you've hit me in the feels! im so glad you enjoy my stuff.
Eee! ok so. I have 5 ults out of all of kpop but I will list 7 (though it is still TECHNICALLY 6) in order to explain one extra thing that has been on my mind. These are very much in order.
#1 Mingyu (SVT) - This bitch came in SWINGING like the tree he is. I had my eyes on Jihoon. I was like that boy is cute then I locked eyes with Gyu like you lock eyes with someone from across the room and he pouted and I was a goner. He's tall, he's strong, he's large, he's so cute, he's pouty, he's funny, he's perfect.
#1 Chanyeol (EXO) - He shares the top spot with Gyu and he was here first. This man claimed my heart the moment I got into kpop. Exo is my ult group though Seventeen sometimes gives them a very close run for their money but then I listen to angel and I'm like babies...forgive my sins. But Chanyeol, my heart, the loml. His voice, his personality, he's so funny, he's dumb. I love him.
#3 Seyoon (WOW of A.C.E) - I made eye contact with this man and his thighs and I was a goner. He is not only talented and super attractive but his personality is just one of pure gold. He is so sweet and shy. He LOVES his members and Choice so much and I just couldn't help but to fall for him so hard.
#4 Baekhyun (EXO) - I fought so hard not to fall for him this hard. His stupid personality and his talent won me over so hard that I fell head over heels. His voice lulls me into a place of comfort. His face and smile brings me so much joy. His messages and words just bring me so much comfort.
#5 Jihoon (Seventeen) - My first love in Seventeen. His is one inch taller than me and yet could crack me like a walnut. I see him and malfunction. He is SO talented that I can't even express the feelings I get when I watch videos of him performing or producing. Then when we see him in tight fitted t-shirt and pants, I lose my ever loving mind. THEN to top it all off he is shy and sweet. I can't stand it!
#6 Dami (Dreamcatcher) - First I love women. I want this woman to step on me. I want her to look me in the face and just walk to me as she steps on me. The aura she gives off is just one that screams duality. She is so confident on the stage that I want her to domme the shit out of me and then off stage she is shy and sweet and I want to cuddle with her. I would do anything for her.
things you wanna ask me or whatever i called this?
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐻𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
°• ✾ •°𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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You were currently locked inside a secret room in your mansion. Hongjoong specifically had it made for situations like this. Even though the possibilities of someone finding you were slim to none, you were still frightened. You just wanted Hongjoong to get there as fast as he could and comfort you.
As if on cue, the door opened and Hongjoong appeared. You immediately got up and held onto him as if your life depended on it, the tears you've been holding in now finally pouring out.
"Shhh calm down honey, it's ok. I'm here now, don't cry." Hongjoong ran his fingers through your hair in an effort to comfort you, get you to calm down.
"I was so scared. I kept thinking they'd find me and maybe harm me or our.."
You couldn't finish the last part, but Hongjoong knew what you meant when you placed a hand protectively around your baby bump. He smiled at you softly and put one of his hands on top of yours.
"I promised that I'd take care of you both and I'm not breaking that promise. Don't be scared anymore, I won't let anyone hurt either one of you."
°• ✾ •°𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪°• ✾ •°
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Seonghwa was currently trying to discuss a possible merge with another gang. Things seemed to be going pretty well, both sides satisfied with what the other had to offer. They were finishing up details on the contract when one of Seonghwa's men burst in, interrupting the meeting.
"Sir! Your wife just called! Some enemy broke into your house!" The man exclaimed, trying hard to catch his breath.
Seonghwa completely forgot about the meeting. Not wanting to waste another second, he ordered his car to be ready as he ran out of the room, some protests and groaning heard from the other people in the room.
But Seonghwa didn't care. You and the child you were carrying were his top priority. That's how he went well above the speed limit so he could reach the house in time to save you. Once making sure you were both all right, he started packing a few things.
"I'm taking you to stay somewhere else. I'm not risking anything again."
°• ✾ •°𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸°• ✾ •°
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At first, Yunho wasn't going to take the call, but when they told him it was you, he immediately took it, knowing you wouldn't interrupt a meeting if it wasn't an emergency.
"Baby? What's wrong? Is everything ok? Oh my god! Please don't tell me the baby is already on the way!" He kept rambling on.
"No, not that. However ..... we have a little problem..." You stated.
"What kind of problem?" Yunho asked.
"Well, I heard glass shattering in the living room, so I went to look-"
"You went to look?! What if it was someone breaking in?!" Yunho scolded you.
"Well you hit the nail on the head, it was someone breaking in." You sighed.
"What?! I'm on my way! Stay calm! I'll bring back up just in case." Yunho was already grabbing his car keys.
"Can you also bring one of the medical staff?" You asked kinda sheepishly.
"Why?! Are you hurt?! Is our baby hurt?!" Yunho felt like he was getting a heart attack.
"No....but the guy who broke in is. You see, I was in the kitchen, so before I went to check, I was holding a frying pan.... and I may or may not have hit him really hard on the head with it and....well he ain't moving." You confessed rather awkwardly.
Yunho stood silent on the other line, trying to process all of this. He didn't know whether to laugh or get mad or just continue freaking out.
"Well I guess it's good to know you can still defend yourself. I'm on my way."
He shook his head as he hung up.
"That girl is gonna be the death of me."
°• ✾ •°𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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Yeosang kept fidgeting his finger on the armrest of his chair. He couldn't concentrate anymore on what was being said at the meeting. His mind was thinking about you, worrying about you and your baby's safety. He knew he could trust the men he sent to go help you out, but he was still worried about you. Perhaps he should have gone himself, he kept thinking that.
One of his men quietly came up to him and whispered.
"Your wife is safe. We found the intruder and we have locked him up. You have nothing else to worry about."
Yeosang released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He thanked the man before excusing himself from the meeting. He neglected you for too long. Upon seeing you, he ran to you and hugged you tightly.
"Thank God you're both all right!"
You could tell he was becoming emotional so you smiled to ease his worry.
"Yes, we're fine. Nothing happened." You assured him.
He took your hands in his and looked down.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there myself..."
You leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"I trust you Yeosang, you know that. I know that even if it's not you personally, you'll still protect us no matter what. That's why I'm never scared." You confessed.
Yeosang felt immensely happy when you said that. He kissed your forehead and held your growing belly.
"Thank you for never doubting me or my love for you both."
°• ✾ •°𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷°• ✾ •°
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San burst into the house, not caring that he literally busted his own front door down. He signaled for his men to quietly search around, not wanting you to be more frightened than what you probably already were. He searched in your bedroom.
"Y/N?" He called out to you.
Slowly, you peeked out from underneath the bed.
"San?" You asked.
"Y/N! What the-"
He walked over and pulled you out.
"Out of all the places, you choose to hide underneath the bed? You could hurt yourself or our baby!" He began fussing around as he gently rubbed your barely visible bump.
"Oh relax. I'm not that far along yet, and leave me alone! I panicked and that's the nearest place I could think of." You pouted and crossed your arms.
San chuckled at how cute you were and cupped your cheeks.
"You're so adorable." He pecked your lips.
One of his men interrupted you two.
"Sir, perimeter is clear, no sign of any intruder anymore."
San's smile disappeared and was replaced by a scowl.
"Fine. Search for any clues that could give out their identity. Report back to me when you find something." He ordered.
"Right away sir."
San turned back to you, who was standing with a smirk.
"What?" He asked.
"Your duality seriously is no joke." You teased him.
San giggled and pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek repeatedly.
"I'm just really soft for you and our little jelly bean."
°• ✾ •°𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲°• ✾ •°
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"Mingi! I think someone broke into the house!"
Your voice echoed through the entire room, as Mingi had put you on speaker.
"What?! What do you mean?!" He asked.
"There's a mess all over the living room and kitchen! The couch is ripped up and several furniture is turnt over!" You were shouting now.
"Oh my god! I just heard some shuffling..." Your voice suddenly went quiet.
"Baby....just stay down and we'll be there." Him and the other members were already getting their guns ready.
"I see something moving in the corner! It's still here! It's it's-"
"Just lock yourself in the safe room!" Mingi interrupted.
"It's a dog?" You suddenly said.
"What?" They all asked in unison.
"Yeah. It's a dog." You repeated.
"What kind of dog?! Does it have a collar?!" Yunho asked happily.
"I think it's a golden retriever, let me get closer."
"No! Don't get close to it! It could have rabies!" Mingi warned you.
Suddenly the sound of something falling was heard.
"Y/N! What happened?! Do I need to call animal control and put the dog down?!" Mingi asked frantically.
"No! Don't put it down!" Wooyoung begged.
Your giggles were heard, making everyone confused.
"It's licking my face! And he's so cute! Can we keep him?!" You squealed.
"If you say yes, can we help name it?!" San asked.
Mingi pinched the bridge of his forehead, trying to calm down.
"Well this was certainly a very entertaining meeting." Seonghwa laughed.
°• ✾ •°𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰°• ✾ •°
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"So uh... don't freak out Wooyoung..." You started off.
"Oh no. Every time you tell me not to freak out, it's cause it's something worth freaking out about. So what is it?" He asked.
You sighed. "Ok. So while I was sleeping, someone broke into the house."
"What?! How?! Do you know who it was?!" He began asking, already gathering some people to go with him.
"No, I was sleeping." You calmly said.
"How could you have been sleeping?!" He exclaimed.
"Hey! Being pregnant makes me tired and when I'm asleep, I'm practically dead!" You defended yourself.
"Ok fine! But are you sure you didn't hear anything?" He asked.
You face palmed on the other end.
"Wooyoung... I told you! I was asleep! I didn't see or hear anything! I only know that someone broke in because the front door knob is broken." You responded.
"Ok that's it. I'm installing better security and hiring someone to watch you while you're sleeping since clearly, anyone can just come in then hurt you and you won't even notice till you're dead." He said, his voice raising 2 octaves.
"No! I won't be able to sleep if I know someone is watching me." You cringed.
"Fine. I'll watch over you and our baby then." He said decidedly.
"That's even worse!" You shouted.
"It's called making sure you're alive! Goddamit woman, stop being so difficult." He screamed back.
°• ✾ •°𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸°• ✾ •°
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Jongho looked back and forth at you and the man currently tied up to a chair in front of you both.
"Run that by me again?" He asked, unable to believe your story.
"It's simple. I heard someone looking through some documents in the office, so I went to go check-"
"That was already a pretty stupid decision." Jongho cut you off.
You glared at him.
"I took a weapon with me!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah! The expensive vase that my mom gave to us on our anniversary!" Jongho gestured to the broken pieces of porcelain scattered around the floor.
"Well it was the closest thing I had in hand! Besides it worked! Knocked him out long enough for me to tie him up and wait for you to get here." You were actually proud of yourself for being able to handle the situation like you did. Jongho always said you were tiny and couldn't protect yourself, that's why you needed him.
Jongho sighed and looked back at the guy next to them.
"I mean.....I'd asked you to confirm her story, but I think you tied up basically sums it up."
The guy only nodded.
"Are you going to torture me now?" The man asked.
"Listen my man, you got knocked out by a tiny and pregnant woman, you a grown man. I think you've suffered enough humiliation for one day." Jongho snorted, but he was also proud of you for protecting yourself and your child.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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BTS Reaction: You Have An Ovarian Cyst
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Requested: yes a long time ago ;-;
Genre: fluff
Warnings: uh, mentions of ovarian cysts but it's not that bad lol
A/n: I know it's taken me a long time to get something out and I'm sorry about that. But I hope you enjoy this anyway 🙂 love you guys!
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I love this man...that is all
"What do you want for dinner tonight, princess?"
Jin looks at you from across the shopping cart between you two as you browse the vegetable aisle. He frowns when you don't seem to be paying attention to him, just keep gently pushing on the avocados to test their ripeness.
"Huh?" You finally look up at him and he smiles.
"I asked what you'd like for dinner tonight." 
"Oh, sorry." You laugh quietly, but Jin immediately picks up that something is wrong. He comes around the cart to put his hands on your shoulders, making you face him.
"Is everything alright, princess?"
"Yeah...it's just..." You look around to make sure no one overhears you.
"It just hurts." You finally whisper.
"What hurts?" Your husband whispers back.
You point down at your lower abdomen and it clicks in his brain. You had been having a lot of ovary pain recently, so you went to the doctors to get it checked out.
It turns out you have an ovarian cyst, but it wouldn't require any surgeries. The doctor just told you a few things that might help ease the pain until it goes away.
Jin has been a saint this whole time, doing everything he can to make it better for you. Now, he nods and pulls you in for a quick kiss on your forehead. Then he whispers, "I've got an idea."
At Seokjin's urging, you end up buying chocolates and almonds and a few other foods that are high in magnesium. The doctor told him that magnesium high foods should help the pain. When you get home, he makes you sit on the couch while he gives you some chocolate and almonds as he puts the groceries away.
When he's done, he comes over and sits next to you, pulling you in and kissing your cheek. "You just snack on those, sweetheart."
"Thanks, Jinnie."
"Love you, princess."
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[email protected] duality is gonna give me whiplash
"Ouuuch, Yoongi!" 
At your call of distress, your fiance runs into the living room from where he was producing in his studio. He sees you all curled up on the couch, your face twisted in pain as you clutch your abdomen. 
"Yoongi it hurts." You whine. 
"Oh, baby." Yoongi comes around the side of the couch and sits on the floor where he can be face to face with you. He gently takes one of your hands away from your stomach and holds it close to his chest.
"Have you taken your supplements today, love?" 
"No." You say weakly. 
"Ok, I'll be right back." He lets go of your hand to go and grab the supplements your doctor told you to take every day. 
You gladly move and smile softly when he cuddles into you, nuzzling his nose in your hair. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this, baby."
He comes back with them and a glass of water, and then helps you take it.
After you've chugged some of the water and taken the supplement, Yoongi has you scoot over so that he can lay on the couch with you. 
"It's not so bad when I get to cuddle you like this." You whisper tiredly. 
He smiles and kisses you gently, "Try to get some sleep, love."
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heeheheheee i luv he
"Is it still hurting, babe?"
You can hear the worry in his voice clearly. You clear your throat and whisper into the phone, since you're in the middle of your workplace.
"Yeah, but it's probably nothing." You hear him sigh at that.
"Sorry, Hobi. I have to go, my boss is coming."
You hang up and quickly get back to work before your boss catches you slacking off. The rest of your work day goes by rather painfully, with your worried boyfriend constantly texting you to make sure you're still alive.
By the time you're home, your lower abdomen is in so much pain its taking all you have not to burst out crying. You unlock your front door and walk in to plop yourself on the couch in a heap of misery.
Then a series of quick knocks sounds on your door. You barely have enough time to lift your head before you hear it unlock and your boyfriend comes in, his brows creased in worry.
"Babe, I've been worried sick about you all day!" He cries as he hurries over to you. "That's it, I'm taking you to the doctor."
Not even half an hour later, you're at the doctors and explaining everything that's been happening. They do an ultrasound and it turns out that you have an ovarian cyst on your left ovary.
No wonder.
Hobi is diligent on taking notes about how to help you, he listens to the doctor intently, madly scribbling everything that's important.
When you're back at your place, Hobi gives you some painkillers and cuddles you in bed.
"Are you doing okay, Jagi?" He asks every few minutes. You can't help but laugh at how worried he is.
"I'll be okay, Hobi. Thank you for everything."
"You can always count on me, Y/n."
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so smol and soft ;-;
"Are you okay, y/n?"
You turn to your husband at his question. He's holding your hand gently as you two walk through the park with ice cream in hand.
You hadn't realized that you were zoning out. The truth is you aren't okay, you're miserable. You found out last week that the pain you've been having is an ovarian cyst. Namjoon has been a sweetheart and taken care of you as best he can. He's always trying different ways to help you cope with the pain.
"It just hurts a bit." You admit after a moment of silence.
Namjoon nods understandingly, "Do you want to head home?"
You nod and he kisses your forehead gently before tossing his empty ice cream cup in a nearby trashcan.
It only takes a few minutes for you to get home. Once you're there, you pull off your shoes and groan as you hold your abdomen and stumble to your bedroom.
"I'll be in there in a minute, sweetie." Namjoon calls after you.
A few minutes later, the bedroom door opens and you peek your eyes open to see Namjoon slipping inside. He's carefully carrying a little tea cup, walking slowly and sitting next to you as softly as he can. Then he hands you the tea cup when you sit up.
"What's this?" You ask sleepily.
"Ginger tea. It'll help with the pain. I did some research." He laughs shyly at the smile on your face.
You take a sip of the hot tea and hum in satisfaction, "It's amazing. Thank you, baby."
"Anything for you, babe."  
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hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog
"Ok, jagiya. This isn't normal."
Jimin is practically in tears himself watching you cry over your period pain. He knows cramps are painful, but this seems like it's so much worse than usual and he's really worried. But you insist that it's normal for periods to hurt as you lie on his bed in tears.
"But not like this!" He cries, wringing his hands. "You've been unable to move for hours I think we need to call the doctor."
"Jimin, I'm sure it's nothing." You sniffle tearfully and wipe your nose with your shirt sleeve.
He sighs and lies next to you, cuddling into your side in hopes of putting you to sleep. But a few hours later, he's awaken by the sound of your crying. He sits up and gently pulls you to sit up too.
"We're going to the doctors, right now."
The doctor told you that you have cysts on your ovaries and that's what's been causing your horrible pain. He gives you a few tips to help and Jimin listens intently.
Jimin drives you back to your apartment and helps you to the couch, then he grabs a fluffy blanket and drapes it over you. After that, he runs to get some pain medicine and comes back to give it to you with some water.
"Thanks Jimin." You croak tiredly. He smiles at you and brushes your hair out of your face, "I'll always be here, Jagi. The medicine shouls kick in soon." Then he leans down and kisses your forehead.
"Get some sleep."
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oh pllssss give me a hug. you so cute.
You smile half-heartedly at a text message from your boyfriend. You checked your phone immediately after you got out of your doctor's appointment. And of course, Tae had already messaged asking if everything was alright and if the doctor had given you any diagnosis.
He was going insane watching you in so much pain every day for the past few weeks. He kept insisting you go to the doctor and you finally did it today. It's a good thing you did, because apparently your pain isn't all in your head like you thought it might be.
Your doctor let you know after some ultra sounds that you have an ovarian cyst on your right ovary. He gave you a few things to do and some supplements to take to help ease the pain, but that's really all he could do until it went away on it's own.
You send Tae a quick text, telling him that you just got out, you're okay, and you will tell him about it at home.
When you get to your apartment, Tae opens the door before you even get a chance to fish your keys out of your purse. You laugh at his wide eyes, "Hey Tae, when did you get here baby?" You ask as you make your way inside and take your shoes off.
"Oh, I came over right after I got out of practice. I've been waiting for you, are you okay?" He asks worriedly, taking your hand as you walk over to your couch and plop down.
"Ohh, I'm fine. It's an ovarian cyst."
The look of horror on his face makes you laugh again. He isn't laughing as he kisses your cheek, "I'm sorry baby, is there anything I can do to help?"
You think for a minute before nodding, "Can you actually grab me the heating pad? It's in my closet."
"Of course!" He jumps to his feet and hurries to grab it. When he gets back, he cuddles into your side and gently puts the heating pad to your abdomen.
"Thanks, Taetae."
"I love you."
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oofie it hurts i luv he smile
"Oh baby, is it bad right now?"
Jungkook hurries over to the side of your shared bed the moment he sees you curled on your side, your eyes squeezed shut. You nod, feeling your husband tuck your hair behind your ear and put his hand to your forehead. "What can I do to help you, honey?" He asks desperately.
"I don't know." You whisper hopelessly.
Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek in frustration. He doesn't understand why the doctors can't just fix everything and help you to stop hurting so much. He knows it will go away eventually, but he can't stand seeing you in so much pain right now.
He sits next to you and continues to brush his fingers through your hair, hoping it'll at least distract you. While he brushes your hair, he calls his eldest hyung. Seokjin always knows what to do.
"Jin hyung, what do I do?"
A few minutes later, you feel Jungkook shift and get up from the bed. Then he goes into the bathroom and you hear the tub start running. A little bit after that, your husband comes back in and kisses your cheek, "Come on, baby." Jungkook whispers as he practically carries you to the bathroom, where he helps you undress and step into the warm bath. You sink down, grateful when you realize he sits outside the tub and keeps holding your hand.
"I put some epsom salts in, it should start helping soon." Jungkook whispers softly.
"Thank you, Kook. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetie. Now, just relax." He reassures you, kissing your lips gently.
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shortpplfedup · 3 years
Anatomy of a Scene Loneliness and longing: when the feelings (and the drama) surprise you
What are you trying to do? You should know. I don't. I thought you said you're going to help me. This is to help me write my novel. What? Gene? Can you tell me what you're doing right now? Gene, calm down. Calm down, Gene. Gene. Gene, can you calm down? Gene. Are you sure, Gene? Can you stop asking? I know you're trying to seduce me! Or are you trying to say that you see me as an older brother?! What the hell? All this time, I've never thought of you as an older brother at all. Then what the hell is this? I just want to wait until we're more ready. Do you understand? I'm...I'm confused. About what? About... Gene, it's ok. Can you sleep with me tonight? Just sleeping. I don't want to sleep alone. Can you hug me? Please hug me.
Lovely Writer, Episode 4 Director: Tee Bundit Sintanaparadee Cast: Up Poompat Iam-samang (Gene), Kao Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun (Nubsib)
Lovely Writer was the sleeper of the year for me; I got a great deal more than I expected out of it. When it was airing I described it as an examination of loneliness and all the ways it can manifest and cause us damage, and a reminder that we need other people in our lives. As a person who spends a great deal of time alone and has for a long time (and especially as the pandemic has raged) loneliness is a theme that I gravitate toward in film. I'm looking for the kind of nuance, ebb and flow that shows a deep understanding of loneliness, of the difference between aloneness and loneliness, shows that loneliness has a deep undercurrent of longing.
I've been wanting to write about this scene for quite some time, looking at the theme of loneliness and again looking at the idea of duality in filmmaking. In case you haven't watched it and aren't aware, Lovely Writer has a pretty big reveal/plot twist in episodes 6 and 7 that forces the viewer to recontextualise everything that's happened in the story between Nubsib and Gene to that point. And this scene, for me at least, gets recontextualised big time; the same dialogue and sequence of events present different focal points before and after the reveal. Schroedinger's scene, as it were.
In The Before, I focus in the scene on Gene, Gene's actions, Gene's expressions, Gene's words. Gene is obviously so LONELY, and I don't think he realised how lonely before Nubsib popped up in his life. This is probably Gene's first time getting intimate with a man, very likely his first time getting intimate with anyone. In this scene he is blotto, absolutely wasted, all his defences are down and his courage is up. And right there is Nubsib, who has made no secret of liking him, and he likes Nubsib back. So he figures he'll give Nubsib what he seems to want, and what Gene also wants, pretty desperately actually. The body language here (really well acted by Up) gives us a sense of the longing Gene is feeling: the way he holds onto Nubsib and just sways, the way he slowly tightens his embrace before pulling him down onto the bed, the way he gently cradles his face before trying to kiss him, the way he rests his forehead against Nubsib's, the way he curls into him as he hugs him, the look on his face throughout. He wants Nubsib, yes, but he also just wants to be touched, held, loved.
Nubsib is such a nonentity before the reveal, he's a character whose super objective is shielded from both the audience and the other characters (much like Jai in I Promised You the Moon). He's a pretty blank slate with muscles and an eye for Gene. But this scene is our first indication that he's not actually blank but hiding. In the moment it's a dismissable turn of phrase, but when he says all this time, I've never thought of you as an older brother, it has a surprising depth of feeling. After the reveal, I went back and looked at this scene focusing on Nubsib. Now Kao is not as good an actor as Up, although I will say he improved noticeably over the course of this drama. The nuance and depth that Up brought to Gene isn't quite matched by Kao's portrayal of Nubsib. But there were a few moments when he surprised, and this scene was one of them.
Let's play a bit of What's My Motivation? here with the Nubsib character (that will involve spoiling the plot twist, so fair warning if you haven't watched Lovely Writer). Consider that Nubsib has been in love with Gene essentially his whole life, in one form or another. Consider that he concocted this cockamamie plot to be physically close to him and is lying to him but knows he will have to tell the truth soon enough. Consider that he wants Gene just as much as Gene wants him, probably more given that he has had YEARS to think about it while Gene has only 'known' Nubsib for a month. Consider that Gene has just admitted that he likes him, a dream come true. Consider that Gene is lonely, horny and basically throwing himself at him at this point. Consider that Gene is also as drunk as a lord. Consider what is going through Nubsib's mind given all of that. And watch the scene again.
Kao doesn't sell it like Up sells Gene, and this is Gene's story so we see Nubsib through his eyes, we only know what Gene knows about him. But there is something in the way Nubsib's eyes look when Gene first embraces him, something in the way his face softens when Gene caresses it, something in the tone of his voice when he tells Gene he doesn't think of him as an older brother but he wants to wait, something in the way he strokes Gene's face and hair as he reassures him it's okay to feel the way he feels about what's happening between them, something in the way he nuzzles into his hair as he hugs him. Nubsib is also lonely, also longing, just as much as Gene is. This scene was one of the few times I bought Kao as this twenty year old kid in desperate love with an older guy...there's real vulnerability and a hint of confusion on display here. I believed that in this situation he wanted so badly to just give in, but knew he shouldn't, knew he didn't want it to happen like this.
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telehxhtrash · 4 years
OH MAN. Ok let’s talk about our interpretations of Ginpatsu no Shounen !!!! I’ve been wanting to talk about this and then I saw @/strawberrypandy’s wonderful interpretation of it so I wanted to share mine too, bc music is subjective and Ginpatsu no Shounen breaks me :)
This will be 100% subjective. Music interpretation is subjective, there is no correct way to interpret it, so this will definitely be personal ! And thank you very much to Nix for helping me out a lot with musical instruments and terms!! 
So. I already demonstrated that it’s a waltz (in the post I linked above). A waltz is a couple’s dance, it takes two people, so this means that Ginpatsu no Shounen is focused on Killua’s relationship with Gon and the impact meeting him had on him. To me, this general theme and his story is reflected in the musical composition as well as the instruments.
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I’m most definitely gonna use less specific terms than Pandy here, but let’s also break his theme into three parts. First part being from the beginning to a bit before the crescendo (0:00 to 0:39), second part being the build up and the crescendo itself (0:39 to 1:20), and last part being from the end of the crescendo to the end of the piece (1:20 to 2:07). I’m going to use time-stamps from this video, I recommend listening to the parts I highlight for better comprehension!
FIRST PART. (0:00-0:39)
To me, the first part of the song represents Killua’s life before Gon. It represents who Killua was, who he used to be. This first part sounds so gentle, soft and delicate, yet hides a sort of melancholy. It almost feels like a sort of loneliness, like something is hurting behind all this softness and innocence. It feels like yearning, longing for more. At 0:06, you can hear a flute, and to me this feels almost like a calling. A call for something, something calling Killua. To me, this would be Killua’s longing for more. Longing for a life other than the miserable, cold life he’s destined to live. It’s something calling to him, something that he wants to follow.
The melancholy is expressed with brass instruments in the background at around 0:10, and it contrasts beautifully the piano that plays a soft melody. I think it reflects Killua’s duality : he’s fundamentally a good person, and it’s reflected through the soft tune that the piano plays, but the addition of brass instruments sort of contrasts this : to me, this reflects Killua’s doubts about who he is. Is he allowed to want more for himself? Can he truly be a good person? Is it okay for him to want to change, even though he did so much wrong?
At around 0:20 seconds, a percussion instrument comes in, which gives a feeling of something magical, of innocence. It reinforces that idea that Killua is just a kid, that he just wants to be one, and follow his calling and leave his old life behind.
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The woodwinds start to take a more prominent role in the melody starting at 0:30, which to me reflects Killua taking this calling, and deciding to leave the house and live a life for himself.
So to me, this first part symbolizes Killua’s yearning for more. It represents who Killua is, a boy who’s fundamentally good, and who’s desperate for something more. His innocence and good nature is reflected beautifully in this part, and his inner conflict is also present. This part is meant to reflect Killua’s need to live his life as a kid, not as the Zoldyck heir, and it represents his need to live a normal life, make friends and have fun.
SECOND PART. (0:39-1:21)
Here, it’s a woodwind solo. To me, this represents Killua taking this calling that I talked about, following his own heart and deciding to leave home. The rhythm is calm, nonchalant almost, it sounds like Killua is just strolling through life, not really knowing where to go but enjoying the sight with marvel and curiosity, but still not quite finding what he wants. The oom-cha-cha accompaniment is very very noticeable in the background, played by strings, and it’s wayyyy more noticeable than in the first part. To me, since the oom-cha-cha accompaniment is the waltz’s trademark, this represents Killua’s growing need to make a friend. He’s strolling casually through life, not sure where to go, but wanting to make a friend.
And then the music escalates, at about 1:02 until it hits the crescendo, which is an explosion of multiple instruments. To me, this represents an explosion of feelings. A sense of marvel, of finally finding something he’s looking for. It represents an important moment, something unplanned but wonderful. And to me, since this is after all a waltz... This represents him meeting Gon. Because Gon is everything he ever wanted, a friend, a light that could guide him, he represents the one chance he’s got at a normal life. It represents the moment he lays eyes on Gon, and it’s an explosion of feelings of relief for finally finding what he wants. It almost feels like the music represents Killua’s heart, almost bursting at the prospect of making a friend, just like he always wanted to do. And since I love clichés, I’m even gonna say this big crescendo kind of feels like falling in love at first sight.
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At 1:17, there’s a flute solo, which to me represents Gon (it also gives us a sort of throwback to that flute calling Killua at 0:06). This is Gon offering his hand to Killua, inviting him to dance, inviting him to follow him in his mad quest to look for his long-lost dad. It’s Gon extending his hand and giving Killua an opportunity to leave his old life behind. It’s Gon accepting Killua’s past and offering him to come along with him. It’s a waltz, a couple’s dance, and he’s inviting him to dance. 
LAST PART (1:21-2:07)
This part is technically a repeat of the first part, but to me, it feels different because of the crescendo and the flute solo that happened right before. To me, this part is Killua accepting Gon’s offer, taking his hand and accepting to dance with him. It feels less alone, less lonely, less melancholic. It feels like it’s Gon and Killua walking together, instead of Killua walking alone, like before. With the repetition of the first part, yet the fact that it feels different, it’s a mix of old and new, with Gon just reinforcing the beautiful melody that was in Killua’s heart all along.
The same flute we heard at 0:06 is repeated here at 1:27, but this time, it feels like instead of something calling Killua, it’s Gon calling him. It’s Killua wanting to follow Gon, he’s his calling, he’s the person Killua looked for and the person he’s following. This little fleeting moment of a flute feels kind of like a ray of sunshine, calling Killua to please follow it. So Killua follows.
This part feels like marvel, wonder, magic, and because of the crescendo that happened before, even the brass instruments that used to give melancholy feel sort of soothing to me now. It doesn’t feel lonely anymore, it gives off a relaxing feeling. It feels like walking alongside someone. It feels like walking through life accompanied, finally having found what you want to do, who you want to be. 
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Finally, the percussion (chimes i think) hits again at 1:41, and this time, to me, rather than innocence, it expresses bliss. It represents happiness and joy. It represents Killua finally finding what he was looking for, finally getting to live the life he wants, alongside the important person he was looking for.
Ginpatsu no Shounen is to me a song meant to reflect Killua’s story, and how meeting Gon affected him. Since it’s a waltz, it represents Killua’s relationship to Gon, and how meeting him changed his life. The first part of the song expresses Killua’s longing for a better life, with a deep melancholy heartbreakingly parallelled with instruments that represent his innocence and inner good nature. The second part of the song represents him choosing to leave the house and look for a better life, see if there’s something more, walking casually and in a nonchalant way through life, trying to see if he could make a friend. The crescendo represents his meeting with Gon, and the burst of feelings that it entails, with the flute solo representing Gon extending his hand to invite him to come along. Finally, the last part represents Gon and Killua waltzing together, dancing through life as a pair. It represents the bliss of finally finding the person he wanted to find, the person he was destined to find.
Ginpatsu no Shounen represents the shift from Killua dancing alone to the rhythm of his own heart to dancing to the beat of Gon’s heart, together.
And the way the anime uses this melody highlights this idea of a dance for two, of two people reaching for each other. His theme plays only 2 times in the entire show. The first time when Killua expresses his need to become friends with Gon, and the second and last time when Gon expresses his need to get Killua back. Those two scenes parallel each other, it’s Killua reaching out to Gon and Gon reaching out to Killua, and the use of Killua’s waltz emphasizes this idea of two people who are connected, with the same devotion and need to be together, a dance for two people who belong together.
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hailing-stars · 4 years
@febuwhump day 7: poisoning 
don’t blame the unicorn 
“Peter?” asks Morgan. “Why are you all red like ketchup? ‘Cept around your eyes, like Aunt Nebby’s raccoon friend?”
“Because Peter didn’t listen to his wise mentor and put sunblock on,” says Tony.
“Oh, Pete, that looks really bad,” Pepper says, reaching her hand to his forehead.
“Don’t touch,” says Peter, stepping backwards.
Peter falls asleep floating, but he wakes up on fire.
His skin aches, it cracks and it breaks against the hot plastic underneath him, against, even, the smooth surface of his sunglasses. He wants off this ride. He wants to dip off the giant, inflatable unicorn he had loved before his nap, and into the lake, where the cold water is sure to put out these flames.
It’s a delicate situation, though. The thought of moving at all, the idea of rubbing his skin against the plastic even further, is traumatizing. It keeps him pinned to that unicorn, under the blazing, bright sun, subject to its torturing gaze.
He decides it has to be fast, like Flash to the lunchroom, or like MJ to her favorite true crime podcast. He closes his eyes, and he flips his body into the lake.
Peter loses his sunglasses when he’s under water, but doesn’t care enough to splash around for them. The coolness he’s engulfed in is soothing, though there’s still fire under his skin, and a sun above his head. He swims to shore, emerging just in time to greet Pepper, Tony, and Morgan by the dock.
“Peter?” asks Morgan. “Why are you all red like ketchup? ‘Cept around your eyes, like Aunt Nebby’s raccoon friend?”
“Because Peter didn’t listen to his wise mentor and put sunblock on,” says Tony.
“So sunburns are real?”
“Of course they’re real. I wouldn’t lie.”
Morgan frowns, kicks at some grass, and miserably says, “All I know is broccoli never gave me any superpowers.”
“That’s because you haven’t eaten enough of it yet.”
Pepper looks at Tony like she wants to slap him, before her face folds into concern when she pulls her attention to Peter.
“Oh, Pete, that looks really bad,” she says, reaching her hand to his forehead.
“Don’t touch,” says Peter, stepping backwards.
“He needs a cold bath,” she tells Tony, still grimacing. “And some Aloe, I’ll run out and get some. You need to check his temperature. He might have a fever.”
Tony nods, and Pepper marches on, straight to the business of running off to the drug store to pick up the aloe.
“Alright, angry bird, let’s get you out of the sun and into the bath.”
Peter growls at the annoying nickname, but his skin hurts too badly to do anything except make futile noises of complaint.
Peter sits in the cool bath, still wearing his swim trunks. He tries to keep his eyes open, but they’re heavy. Apparently the sun had zapped his energy while it fried him.
Cool water against burnt skin it’s a strange duality. It’s a feeling he thinks he might appreciate more if it weren’t for the nauseous feeling creeping up in his belly, or the way his head and eyes along with his skin, or the way he just wants to be asleep.
“Ok hellboy,” says Tony, as he walks into the bathroom with supplies. “Open your mouth.”
“Please stop with the nicknames,” mutters Peter. He opens his mouth, and Tony puts the thermometer in and clicks the on button.
“No promises.”
Peter knows before it starts beeping that he’s got a fever. It’s just his luck, and he feels awful enough to be considered sick without the fever.
Tony takes the thermometer, looks at it, and sighs, before putting it down on the sink. “Am I a bad parent if I say I told you so? About the sunscreen?”
“Then I won’t say it.”
“Technically you already did say it,” says Peter. He’s tempted to splash some water in Tony’s direction, but the effort that would require is too great. “How bad is the fever?”
“Not ER bad,” says Tony. “More like your ass is gonna be resting for the rest of the weekend bad.”
“Could be worse.”
“Don’t really see how.”
Peter had been looking forward to a weekend away from the city, from the responsibility of Spider-Man and school. Tony’s lake house is the perfect escape, unless you fall asleep on the giant, floating unicorn. Now the only relaxing he’s going to get is accompanied by painful burns, a fever and Tony’s constant mother-henning.
“I’m gonna murder that unicorn,” says Peter. “I’m gonna take a kitchen knife -”
“-yeah, no,” says Tony. “If you do that, Morgan will just have me resurrect it with patches. And don’t blame the unicorn. Next time wear sunblock.”
Peter groans, and Tony hands him a bottle of water and two small pills.
“Two supercharged Ibuprofen for the super red kid,” says Tony.
He plops the pills in his mouth, unscrews the lid to the water bottle, and gulps down some water, swallows the pills. He tries handing the water back off to Tony, but the man won’t accept it.
“Sip on it. Google says you need to stay hydrated.”
“Does Google say how long I have to stay in this bath?”
“Until you’re ready to come out.”
Tony leaves the bathroom and comes back with a change of clothes for Peter, the aloe Pepper had gotten for him and a tube of hydrocortisone lotion. Before he leaves Peter to change, he stops him with one last request.
“Can you put a Gatorade in the freezer?”
“Sure,” says Tony. “But, water first.”
“Yeah, yeah,” says Peter. Tony starts to leave again. “Wait!”
“You gotta set the timer. For the Gatorade. So it’s just right, and it’s half slushy.”
“Got it. Gatorade slushy.”
“And it has to be Glacier Cherry.” Peter yells as Tony tries to leave again.
Tony stops, puts a hand on the doorframe, and looks at Peter. “Anything else, prince of the red Sour Patch kids?”
“And some crackers.”
“For someone who complains about my hovering, you sure seem to be taking advantage of it.”
Tony manages to get away that time, before Peter can tell him there’s a difference between demanding slushies and crackers and having him shove a thermometer at him.
Peter wakes with a whimper.
He’s cold, and hot, and his legs are tangled up in his blankets. Trying to free himself only makes him dizzy, or at least causes him to remember how dizzy he’d been before falling asleep. He falls from his bed in the struggle, knocking an empty Gatorade bottle from his nightstand, then thumps to the floor. A rubber straw landing near his head.
And his room is spinning with his fever. The carpet rubs against the burns on his face, his head pounds, and all Peter can do is cling to the floor, holding on for dear life.
Until he can focus, with his ears, on a heartbeat that gets closer and closer.
“Peter?” asks Tony. “Buddy, what are you doing on the floor?”
“‘urts,” is all Peter manages to say.
“It’d probably help to be up on your bed.”
“Can’t move,” says Peter. He digs his fingers into the carpet.
Tony helps him to his feet, avoiding his burnt skin by lifting him up from under his arms. Peter sits on the bed, and wobbles, until he has enough sense to lay his head back down on the pillow and let Tony work out the blankets.
“Alright,” says Tony, throwing the blanket over him. “No more falling out of bed.”
Peter nods his head a little.
“Glad we understand each other,” says Tony. “So, you stay here, and I’ll be back.”
Peter watches Tony leave, and it isn’t long before his back with more water, more pills, and a cold washcloth. He sits on the edge of Peter’s bed, and waits until he’s gotten the pills down to take the water bottle back.
“I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“You didn’t,” says Tony. “My alarm did.”
Peter frowns, and he elaborates.
“I set my alarm for when it was time for you to have another dose of the pain meds,” says Tony. “The thought of you laying in here all french fried and in pain would’ve made me miserable in the morning.”
“Oh,” says Peter. “Thanks.”
“What else am I here for?” he whispers. “Now go back to sleep. Let those super healing powers do their magic.”
Peter didn’t need to be told twice. His eyes slide shut, and Tony presses the cold wash cloth against his forehead. Sleep comes fast, thanks to the soothing coolness, and the steady, gentle beat of Tony’s heart.
3 weeks later
The sun is blaring down, but Peter doesn’t care. He’s remembered his sunscreen.
He looks at his giant, inflatable avocado with pride. Way better than a unicorn, he decides. After his experience with sun poisoning, anything is better than a unicorn, but if he’s going to lay about the lake all day long, it might as well be on the super fruit.
“Why are you so white?” asks Morgan. “Like a ghost?”
“I think that’s what we call overcorrecting, Morguna,” says Tony.
“There’s no such thing as too much sunscreen,” says Peter. He double thinks, and gives Pepper a worried look. “Right?”
“Right,” she assures him.
“Good,” says Peter, with a sigh of relief.
His skin had peeled for at least a week after being traumatized by the sun, and he’s determined to never let that happen again. Even if he has to use a whole bottle of sunblock every hour. Even if he never looks at the unicorn again.
Peter sets his avocado in the lake to sail, and drifts away, this time sun-protected and ready to safely nap.
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