#you have to use the power of friendship and that sword he found if you want to win
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Chapter 7: It's Not A Date
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!)
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Not in this chapter), Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy.
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), sexism, swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendo, sexual tension. Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
A/N: This chapter is just a little bit smaller than the others and it's a little bit of a filler, but I promise that it is preparing for the coming angst!
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“I can’t believe you let him around those children. What were you thinking?” Annie asks wielding a curling iron like a sword. "He's a terrible influence!"
It was t-minus one hour and thirty minutes before the party started and Annie was doing your hair and makeup for the mission. Butcher decided that Ben and you would infiltrate and see if you could find anything suspicious inside, while Butcher, Frenchie, and Mm watched the streets outside the building.
Your chair was turned away from the scuffed vanity in Hughie's bedroom at the apartment the team shared. Why he had that you weren't sure, but you figured it must be for Annie. Her makeup bag, hair spray, gel, cream, curler, flat iron, and other paraphernalia was littering the soft butter colored top. There were more things sitting there than you knew the names of.
Annie had always been better at things like that than you. She'd done your hair and makeup for every high school dance and date you went on, so you'd agreed to let her do your hair and makeup for the mission. Not to mention you trusted her not to make you look too over the top or absolutely ridiculous.
As soon as she had gotten you into Hughie's bedroom she had practically pounced on you, demanding to know everything about the past few days that you had spent living in the apartment with Ben. You'd foolishly told her that you'd had to babysit the Wilson's children last night and she was horrified that you let them anywhere near him.
Granted you also would have had the same reaction if someone had told you that they had let Soldier Boy around little children.
But he wasn't terrible to them. You think to yourself. He was actually kind of sweet. It was the first time that you'd ever associate that word with Ben, but you believed that it was true. You remember how he sat with Marty at the kitchen table and allowed her to make a friendship bracelet for him. A bracelet, that he hadn't thrown away, despite what he'd told you after she gave it to him. You'd found it on the sink in the bathroom this morning when you got up, given a place of honor in the ceramic jewelry dish you used for your bracelets.
After Ben had gone out on his "date" you'd cleaned up, made your last cup of noodle, and then went to bed hoping to forget exactly what Ben was doing. The problem was that you were disappointed and you had no idea why. You'd tossed and turned thinking about Ben and the time you'd spent together watching the kids, until finally falling into an unsatisfying slumber.
Ben had sauntered through the front door at 3 am smelling like perfume and sweat, his hair tousled and standing up like someone had ran their fingers through it, while you were drinking a calming herbal tea from your favorite mug at the kitchen table in a post-nightmare haze. You'd had them your whole life following the accident that took the lives of your parents and was thankful that one hadn't hit when Ben was home. You didn't want to explain to him why you had woken up screaming and gasping for air just as you’d done since you were twelve years old.
When you'd first moved in to the apartment and you'd had the nightmare, Mike had banged against your front door, shouting for you to answer. He'd thought that someone was trying to kill you in the middle of the night, but you'd explained to him that you had nightmares and that you were okay.
The next time it happened, Mike's mother had left a large basket of herbal tea and homemade muffins outside the door of your apartment. Even though the muffins were almost inedible, it was incredibly sweet. You might not have wanted to date Mike, but he and his mother were some of the sweetest people you'd ever met.
When he saw you up, Ben had made a comment about you waiting up for him and stated that he was ready to go again if that's what you wanted, but you'd only waved your hand and rolled your eyes while taking another sip from the mug. You weren’t in the mood, not when you could still feel the chill of sweat against your skin and hear the sound of metal on concrete from the dream. He had sat at the table across from you and asked why you were still awake, you'd lied and told him that you couldn't sleep. You knew that he knew you were lying, but he only shrugged and went to take a shower while you finished your tea and fled to your bedroom to avoid him coming out in a towel again.
"He wouldn't leave. What was I supposed to do? Make him walk the plank?" You respond as Annie inserts the warm curling iron into your hair.
"He's just so-" She tugs your hair back as she curls it.
"It wasn't as bad as you think.” You consider thinking about how he let Martha make him a friendship bracelet and how he had held Joshua and made Joshua laugh. "He was actually kind of nice to Marty and to Josh.”
"Nice? Are you crazy! The guy's got a nuclear reactor in his chest and an uncontrollable temper. Why do you think it would be okay for him to be around children?”
"He didn't get angry or lose control. And I can't believe you're chastising me about this, the other day you were all for Ben and me sleeping together!"
"That wouldn't involve children." She takes another piece of your hair, gently wrapping it around the curling iron.
"Yeah, but it would still be him close to another human being-"
“He seems to be perfectly in control when he has sex. Or else there would be a string of destroyed apartments all over manhattan.”
"I can't believe you." You huff.
"So what?"
"Have you guys kissed again?" She asks.
"I shouldn't have told you that." You grumble under your breath. "And can you keep your voice down? Ben can hear you."
He was in his old bedroom getting ready for the mission. The bedroom was exactly next to Annie and Hughie's bedroom, and you were sure that he was listening to Annie and you talk.
Because he can't keep his big nose out of anything. You think. Or rather can't keep his perfectly structured nose out of other people's business.
"I'm sure he has better things to do than listen to the two of us talk." Annie responds, but she begins to blast the ABBA gold album from her Bluetooth speaker, filling the room with the sound of 'Our Last Summer' "Come on-"
"Come on what?" You open one of your eyes to glare at her. "I told you it wasn't going to happen again."
"Why not?"
"You know why not. Ben is- Ben. And I don't want to waste my time with someone who's not interested in having a relationship." You shut your eye again to avoid her gaze.
"It's not a waste of time if he looks like that-" She trails off, inserting the curling iron one more time.
"I will agree that Ben is good-looking, but that's all he is. He doesn't care about other people, he only cares about himself and what feels good." You say it, but for the first time since you'd met Ben you weren't sure if it was true. Not after he spent his entire day yesterday helping you with the kids and not after he had bought you that bookshelf.
He cared enough to get that for you. A little voice whispers. But why? You wonder again. Why would he care about something as little as a bookshelf?
"You're making that face again." Annie says. "Did something happen?"
"No. I mean- he-" You sigh to yourself. "He keeps confusing me."
"Well the other day he bought me a bookshelf."
"What? Why?"
"Because he said that stack of books in my bedroom was annoying him." You roll your eyes behind your eyelids.
"Why was he in your bedroom?" Annie's smirk is audible and you feel your cheeks heat.
"Shut up. He needed some clothes and I had some from the last time Darren stayed with me-"
Annie audibly groans when you mention your brother's name. They didn't get along. She thought that he was manipulative and that he used you. But you didn't see it. He was your brother, your blood, the only family you had left beside your grandmother and Annie.
"Please tell me he's not coming by soon. If he does I will be busy doing anything else."
"I don't know why the two of you can't just get along-" You sigh.
"Because he's the worst." Annie states loudly, dropping the curling iron and bringing the mascara brush up to your eyes.
"Can we please not have this conversation again?"
"Fine. Close." Annie holds up the mascara brush to your eyes. "Did you at least join one of those online dating apps or try to go on a date?"
"It’s been 3 days since we last talked about this-“ You feel the gentle stroke of the brush against your eyelashes.
“No I haven’t.”
"I know, I know. I mean Jake did try to ask me out the other day but-"
"He WHAT?" Annie squeals, awkwardness about your brother forgotten. "Next time lead with that! Did you go out with him? Did you guys talk all night long?" Annie is hoping from foot to foot now, practically dancing to the music still blasting from the speaker on the dresser.
"I said no." You open your eyes to look at your friend.
"WHAT! Why?" She looks like you kicked a puppy. "He's so perfect for you! He likes plants and he's funny and he's got a great sense of humor, plus he's gorgeous and he's interested in you-"
"First he wanted to do something today and I knew Butcher had plans for me. Second, I didn't know he was asking me out, Ben told me he was." You close your eyes again so Annie can continue to do your makeup.
"Wait, Ben was there when he asked you out?" 
"We went to IKEA to get a couch for the apartment and Jake showed up and asked me out." You explain.
"You took Ben to IKEA?"
"He'd never gone there before, can you believe that?" It made you smile as you remembered how surprised he had been when you went inside. You’d had fun with him, walking around, testing out the couches, it almost felt… normal. And you kind of got the impression that Ben had a good time too. It was kind of cute when he did everyday things, when you saw him in normal settings and he was just a little bit awkward because he still couldn't figure out how to act in another time period.
"Yes I can, he's a million years old. Let's circle back to you saying no to the PERFECT man."
"He's not a million." You defend Ben. "And Jake's not perfect." You frown to yourself, thinking about the fact that Jake wasn't a supe. It wasn't something that you had cared about before, but ever since Ben brought up the idea of you "snapping Jake in half" it scared you.
Because what if I did? What if I hurt him? You didn’t know how Ben had sex so often with people who weren't supes. Maybe he just doesn't care if he does. Or maybe he’s done it so much that he’s able to control himself.
"What do you mean? I thought you liked him?"
"I mean I do. He's kind and he understands me and he loves plants as much as I do, but-" You shrug, feeling Annie begin to apply eyeliner. "I don't want to make things complicated. I mean we work together, he’s my boss. What if it doesn’t work out? Then I’d have to quit and I like my job.”
“I mean that’s kind of hot-“
“Hot in what? A sexual harassment kind of way?”
“No. It’s not harassment if it’s two consenting adults.”
“I’m still not sure that it’s a good idea.” You mutter more to yourself. But this time your mind didn’t go to Jake and you having a relationship even though he was your boss, instead it goes right to Ben. You can't help but slip into the fantasy of dating Ben, of you and him trying something new-
You shake off the image. He doesn’t want a relationship, doesn’t think that’s important. The thought is almost like a mantra, trying to convince yourself to push past Ben’s charm and good looks, but this time it makes you consider something else. Maybe he doesn’t think it’s important now, but maybe he used to think it was before Countess.
You’d heard the stories, seen the newspaper articles and clips of film of Ben and her together, remembered what Hughie said that Ben had wanted a family with her that Ben had told her that he loved her. That meant at some point in Ben’s life he had loved someone else, cared for them, wanted to be more than just fuck buddies.
Maybe he's just afraid to fall again, because he's not sure someone else will be there to catch him. Maybe Ben doesn't want to admit that he cares for anyone else because he's afraid that they'll push him away or stab him in the back the way that Countess did. And maybe he hides it all underneath the macho attitude.
Ben is strong. He told me that he didn't need anyone else. You press your lips together in a tight line. But I think he does.
You hated that she’d hurt him. You hated that she’d pushed him away, told him she never loved him, and stabbed him in the back. You couldn’t imagine doing that to someone, telling them that you loved them, and manipulating them with the promise of love. It almost made you nauseous to consider it. It made you want to travel back in time to the moment she stabbed him in the back and shove a bouquet of sunflowers up where the sun don't shine.
You pause on the thought. You weren't a terribly violent person, but if someone ever hurt your friends your anger was legendary, practically divine. You'd never thought that you'd want to do something for Ben, but you were realizing more and more that Ben was becoming your friend. You weren't sure how you felt about that.
“Alright what if he wasn’t your boss.” Annie gently brushes eyeshadow over your eyelids. “Then would you go out with him?”
“But he is my boss.”
“Use your imagination.”
The song has ended and there’s an awkward pause between the end of it and the slow beginning of the next one.
“I mean yes?” You shrug. “I can see myself with him. He’s the kind of person I’d want to date. He cares about other people, he remembers what kind of coffee I like, he actually contributes to the conversation, he makes me laugh, he actually gets my jokes, he’s nice to sit with, he doesn’t get under my skin-“ As you list each of those things you couldn't stop your mind from comparing Jake to Ben. You didn't know when Ben became the level by which you judged other men, but it had happened sometime in the past few days and you didn't know what it meant.
But Ben did remember what kind of coffee I like and he does contribute to conversations, well, he contributes with a disgusting comment… The thought trails off when you remember the small conversations that you'd had with Ben that weren't sexual in nature, when the two of you watched the movie on the couch and talked briefly about your parents, when Ben asked you how your day was the other day back at the apartment, and when the two of you talked on the couch while the children slept between the two of you. In those moments you had seen another side of Ben, the side that he seemed to hide away from everyone else, but not from you, not all the time.
Plus Ben is kind of funny sometimes, disgusting but funny. Doesn’t understand my jokes. And yes he gets under my skin but sometimes it’s kind of exciting and nice to have that happen. With Jake sometimes he’s just too happy or too eager to agree with me.
"Hmm." Annie considers. "How did Ben react when Jake asked you out?”
You don’t answer immediately. “Normal.”
"You hesitated"
"No I didn’t."
"Yes you did! He reacted didn’t he?!” Annie pokes you with her finger
"No he didn’t.” You lie.
“He did! Holy shit he was jealous wasn’t he?”
"No he wasn’t.” You swat her hand away. "He was just opinioned."
He sure looked jealous. You think to yourself remembering the way he glared at Jake from the other side of the room. The memory of the way his eyes darkened when he told you exactly why he wasn't jealous and exactly what he would do to you to make you forget all about Jake sends an involuntary shiver down your spine.
"Yeah. Opinionated over why you shouldn't go out with Jake because Ben wants you all to himself." Annie crows.
"But it doesn't matter. Because Ben's going to have a heart attack when he sees you wearing this." Annie steps back from you. "My work here is done. Try to make it to the mission without ripping each other's clothes off."
"We are not going to-"
Annie spins your chair back to the mirror and your next words dry up.
Your hair is perfectly curled back from your face, the lipstick is a dark shade of crimson that makes your lips look fuller and more plump, the eye make up is dark and dusky making the color of your eyes pop against the darkness in a mysterious alluring way that seems almost hypnotic, and your face is shaded and contoured so well that you look dangerous and sexy.
"I'll take the silence as a 'Thank you Annie! You're so beautiful and talented and you're the best friend I've ever had!'" She laughs, standing back behind you with her arms crossed over her chest.
"I mean all of that is true, but-" You stand up from the chair to get a better look. "You've really outdone yourself."
"Well thank you. Had to. It's your first date with Ben." She makes goo-goo eyes and you try to punch her in the shoulder, but she dodges it.
"Shut up. It's not." You look down at the dress that Butcher picked out for you to wear. "I love you, but I hate Butcher."
The dress was a red scrap of fabric that clung to your curves, but left very little to the imagination. It was completely backless with an exaggerated wrinkle that fell just over the top of your ass. The front was sinched at the back of your neck secured only by a small piece of fabric that you were afraid would break at any moment and fell open in a "v" that stopped just under the swell of your breasts. There was a large prominent slit that cut up the left side of the floor length gown that stopped just shy of the top of your thigh. Annie had cinched a black choker around your neck to match the black pair of stilettos you wore
Personally, you though that the stilettos were overkill, you had no idea how the hell you were going to run after the supe if you saw him, let alone fight him.
"You look so hot." Annie says pleased. "You really should wear that all the time babe. I'd take you out to dinner just to show you off."
"You're the worst." You groan.
"I love you too honey." She winks. "Now come on. Butcher and the others are waiting for us." She turns off the speaker and walks out the door of the bedroom, but you linger there, looking at yourself in the mirror one more time.
You'd never worn anything remotely like this before, but even you had to admit, you looked good.
“Come on Poppet. You can’t hide in there forever.” Butcher chuckles from the living room.
He’s having too much fun with this. You huff to yourself finally leaving the bedroom to make your grand entrance, grabbing the black bejeweled clutch as you do.
Butcher, Frenchie, Annie, and Hughie are waiting outside the door while Kimiko sits on the couch scribbling away.
Hughie's mouth drops open,  Butcher gives an approving shrug, and Frenchie lets out a breath.
"You look beautiful." Frenchie takes your hand and gives you an appreciative twirl.
"Shut up." Your cheeks redden.
Hughie is still looking speechless at you. "I told you." Annie states elbowing him with a proud smile.
“You look-“ Hughie stutters.
“Good enough to eat.” Ben finishes, appearing in the hallway to your right. His hand traces the curve of your hip, thumb ghosting over your bare back.
“Just because I’m dressed like a hooker, doesn’t mean my brain’s not working.”  You slap his hand away ignoring the warm feeling that remains where he touched you. You could feel your heart beat begin to pick up in your chest.
“Baby I love your brain-“ Ben smiles, eyes tracing your figure. “But I’ll be damned if I don’t love your body more.”
You felt your cheeks turn the same shade as your dress with his compliment before you can stop them. It was difficult to pretend that you didn't feel any attraction for him, not when he looked so good.
He had trimmed his beard and brushed back his dark hair, so you could see his emerald colored eyes gleaming. He was wearing a black suit with a white button up shirt, but chose not to wear a black tie, instead unbuttoning the top few buttons to give just a hint of his muscular chest beneath.
Why does he have to look so good all the damn time?
“Shut up.” You grumble turning back to Butcher. “So are you happy? I dressed up, my IQ dropped a billion points.”
“Ecstatic poppet.” Butcher grins taking a sip from the cup of tea in his hand. “Now remember anything happens, you detain the supe, no killing."
“He’s talking to you.” You elbow Ben.
Ben shrugs. “I won't apologize for doing my job."
You sigh again and walk towards where Kimiko is writing in one of her workbooks on the couch. 
"You look hot." She signs at you.
It had been difficult to learn the sign language she used, but you liked to think that you had a handle on it so you could understand simple conversations. When things got too confusing she would use her phone.
"I know. I was mad at Butcher at first for picking this dress, but I kind of like it." You sign back. "Don’t tell Butcher I said that."
She crosses her fingers over her heart. "Soldier Boy is looking at you."
"He’s always looking at me. I'm glad I can't read minds. I don’t want to know what he’s thinking."
Kimiko snorts, raising her hand to sign "I think the look on his face says it all."
You half turn and look at where Ben is again, he’s not talking to Butcher like you thought he was, he’s staring at you, pupils dilated, eyes darkening in a way that makes your heart feel like it's beating so hard it'll explode out of your ribcage.
No. No. Keep it together. Heart of a warrior.
"You two have fun!" Annie smirks widely, taking a picture of Ben and you like you're going to prom and you know she's going to send the photo to taunt you with it later.
“Shall we?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Ladies first.” Ben smirks.
 You roll your eyes at him as you walk to the front door of the apartment. “Don’t pretend to be a gentleman Gramps. We both know you just want to look at my ass.”
“I’ll never get tired of looking Doll, especially not when you’re wearing something like that.”
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A/N: I know this chapter is a little bit of a filler, but I wanted to give Annie and the reader some time together, aka. Annie telling the reader to do the one thing that we ALL know she should do. 😂
@roseblue373 @mrsjenniferwinchester @corruptedcruiser @winchesterwild78 @the-super-who-locked-wizard
@criminalyetminimal @52ndstreeet @bitchykittenconnoisseur @anna6307 @libby99hb
@faephoria @possiblyafangirl @jqtaro @quietlybitchy @tinydancer40
@roger-that-cap @megara0224 @miskwaadesiwag @rainyeggvoidpurse
@soldiergrimes @tiffsbagels @podiumackles
@ifyouwerethemoon @ririshkin @peachhiz @fitxgrld @sukunassfinger
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@acciosherlockholmes @minas-fantasies @fireskyy
@n-o-p-e-never @nesnejwritings @am0rem @tpwkcalli @momggn
@fitxgrld @whimsicalcherry
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mxtxfanatic · 3 months
Let’s talk Yi City Arc! I’ve seen a few posts since my time in the fandom that talks about the Yi City Arc as unnecessary or out of place in the whole of the mdzs narrative. I’ve even seen some suggest that the disconnect is because Yi City was originally a separate story to mdzs, a sort of prototype, if you will, to explain it away. I, too, after my first read questioned the significance of this arc to the overall story. However, the Yi City arc and its placement so early in the novel is actually just a huge and very clever spoiler to most of the important plot points of the overarching story… if you know what plot points to look for, which an un-spoiled first-time reader would not. So let’s talk about those spoilers:
1) The righteous cultivation clans’ refusal to stand against evil—and, really, their indulgence of it—leads to the wiping out of an entire clan and a monastery as well as the deaths of two powerful cultivators unaffiliated with any major sect.
The “righteous” cultivation clans happily ignore that fact that the Jin Clan is amassing power through unscrupulous guest disciples, and it is only when Xiao Xingchen, an outsider, brings the crime against the Chang Clan to light do they bother to pretend to do anything about it. However behind the scenes, the Jin Clan assassinates their only real opposition, and the other clans, great and small, continue to do nothing as Xue Yang is released to commit another massacre. The Jin are never held responsible for their actions. Likewise, all the clans turn away from Wei Wuxian, an outsider, when he calls out the Jin Clan’s crimes against the Wen remnants and accuses them of amassing power via poaching vassal clans and attempting to steal his tools. Behind the scenes, the Jin work to undermine Wei Wuxian’s reputation before joining in to massacre Wei Wuxian and the Wen remnants. The Jin are never held accountable for this, which directly leads into the Xue Yang situation.
2) Xiao Xingchen has his reputation slandered by Xue Yang killing others using his sword.
After Xiao Xingchen kills himself, Xue Yang begins using his sword to enact “vengeance” on the remnants of the Chang Clan, who he considers as having “betrayed” Xiao Xingchen. Finding the signature of Xiao Xingchen’s sword on the slain bodies leads the cultivation world to believe that a disillusioned Xiao Xingchen is killing in revenge. In much the same way, Wei Wuxian is used as a scapegoat by the cultivation world whenever bad things happen, such as the presence of walking corpses or the mass digging of graves. In neither situation does any clan investigate the true events of the situations, happy to blame the easiest suspect and allow the unrest to continue. In both situations, Xiao Xingchen and Wei Wuxian are eventually found innocent of the crimes for which they are accused, and the true culprit is revealed.
3) Xiao Xingchen is betrayed by someone he considered close to him, which eventually leads to his death.
Xiao Xingchen, due to being literally blinded by his sacrifice, ends up running into, rescuing, and caring for his mortal enemy, Xue Yang. Taking advantage of Xiao Xingchen’s blindness, Xue Yang tricks him into murdering a bunch of innocents and his best friend, causing him to commit suicide. Wei Wuxian, similarly, is betrayed by a close friend he kept near, figuratively blinded by a former childhood friendship and the present debt he felt owed to said friend’s parents. This misplaced trust directly leads to his death.
4) Xiao Xingchen must give up his eyes for Song Lan to see again, because Baoshan Sanren is not magical.
This is probably the biggest spoiler of the entire arc, but by the time you get to where this information is relevant, you’d probably have forgotten that this was even said. Xue Yang blinds Song Lan after destroying his home, and to atone for this, Xiao Xingchen goes to his master, Baoshan Sanren, to beg for her help. However, Baoshan Sanren cannot make something out of nothing. Mxtx explicitly writes that tidbit into the narration. Song Lan goes up the mountain blind and comes down with eyes. Xiao Xingchen goes up the mountain with eyes and comes down blind. Song Lan was given Xiao Xingchen’s eyes.
Much later in the story, Jiang Cheng loses his golden core. Wei Wuxian offers the miracle solution of Baoshan Sanren “giving” him a new one. Jiang Cheng, obviously skeptical, questions Wei Wuxian up until the moment he must go up “Baoshan Sanren’s mountain” alone. Wei Wuxian descends, alone, looking pale and weak. Later, when Wei Wuxian is ambushed by the Wen, Wen “Core-melting Hand” Zhuliu touches him and is visibly shocked by a discovery that he then keeps to himself. Jiang Cheng emerges from the mountain with a new golden core, while Wei Wuxian emerges from the Burial Mounds with a new cultivation method wholly independent of the need for a golden core. The Yi City arc tells us why this is: “Baoshan Sanren” cannot make something out of nothing.
And these are just the major parallels I remember off the top of my head. However, while a reread makes a lot of these parallels directly applicable to specific plot points in Wei Wuxian’s own story, I would argue that the biggest role the explicit paralleling is meant to play for a new reader is to make you question the dominant narrative of the main story. The narration tells us that Wei Wuxian is a bloodthirsty man who may as well be a demon, known for cruelty and vengeance. We see none of that from his character when he is resurrected. Then we get a mini-drama where a man with attributes Wei Wuxian directly relates to, with a story Wei Wuxian directly compares to his own life, is scapegoated by society, killed, then eventually vindicated. If nothing else, the Yi City Arc is meant to make you, as a reader, stop and go “Hey, wait a minute, what if Wei Wuxian isn’t the bad guy here???” And once you understand that, you should start questioning everything the prologue told you, just like the juniors start to question what they were told about Xiao Xingchen post Yi City in their group debrief.
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caprart1 · 4 months
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Hiii guys guess what? I made a Sephiroth x Reader reeeheeheehee don't we love that
Sane Sephiroth (idc idc I need it)
Kissing hee hee!!
A LITTLE bit of angst?
Cuddling, because I just want to hold him tbh
This is also on ao3 but idk how to hyperlink so it's also here under the cut 👇 ok goodnight
Human (Sephiroth x GN Reader)
Sephiroth was strong, there was no question about that. The world revered him as the legendary warrior he was, a title he had rightfully earned as his name became synonymous with power. He was cold and merciless in nature, and swift and accurate in combat. Talk of him among SOLDIER often consisted of speculation that he was not even human, but rather an indestructible weapon specially created for war. At least, that was what the lower class SOLDIERs claimed; the ones who looked up to him and watched in awe as he trained day in and day out. As his close friend, however, you recognized him as a human, and humans are not indestructible.
It was normal for Sephiroth to spend most of his days training alone or with others, or hidden away when Shinra demanded his time. Still, he rarely appeared worn out. He always maintained his polished image and calculated persona. As a SOLDIER you found yourself impressed with him, admiring his consistent strength and elegance. Yet, with the privilege of your friendship, you were more aware than others of the slightest changes in his appearance and behaviors. Those keen observations had made you aware lately of how dark circles had begun to slowly appear under Sephiroth's piercing eyes.
Today you were with him to help him spar, per his request. He bested you each round, as you expected, but you had been at an even greater disadvantage since you were focused on those subtle dark circles. You knew how well Sephiroth cared for himself, so it was jarring to notice this imperfection. It was unlike him.
"You look... damn... a bit tired lately," you huffed out when you became winded after a while of sparring. Sephiroth sighed as he lowered his sword.
"I have been facing trouble sleeping at my usual hours, but I am fine nonetheless. Do you need a moment?"
"Yeah, just... just a minute."
The two of you put up your weapons and took a seat at one of the benches there. You spent a few moments catching your breath while Sephiroth sat beside you, arms crossed over his broad chest and leg crossed over the other as he waited. Your eyes squinted as you looked over him for a drop of sweat. It was slightly annoying how he never seemed even the tiniest bit exhausted after fighting, you always thought to yourself.
"So, has there been anything that is keeping you from sleeping?"
Sephiroth shook his head and clicked his tongue. "You're still focused on that? I am fine, truly. Worry about yourself. Perhaps if you spent more time on that, you would be a better SOLDIER."
"You're good enough for the both of us," you grumbled at his teasing. "Is there something coming up? It just seems like you've been training harder than usual recently."
"In three weeks, I will be leading a mission to Nibelheim to inspect a Mako reactor. It will be the first big mission for one of our newest First-Class SOLDIERs, so I must be prepared for anything that could go wrong."
"Nibelheim... that's a long journey. Aren't you worried you won't function well if you're not getting enough rest?"
Sephiroth paused before responding. "I'm more than capable of functioning under less-than-adequate circumstances. You shouldn't worry yourself over my being."
Sephiroth continued his vigorous training over the next few weeks, leaving little time for anything else aside when the Shinra scientists called for him. You could swear that his dark circles were growing more prominent by the day. At times, there were odd hours of the night that you strolled down the halls of Shinra, and for many of those you saw Sephiroth back in the training room. His energy seemed different during these nights; the way he moved was more ferocious, as if his body was overflowing with anger. Intimidated chills would run through your spine just watching as he sliced through simulated targets. It made you wonder what kinds of thoughts went through his mind, and why he was not sleeping as he normally would at that hour. You never lingered around long enough to express your concern to him however, finding it best to leave him alone.
The concern eventually grew into worry when one day Sephiroth had met with you for another sparring session. As collected as he always presented himself to be, today his mind seemed to be lost somewhere beyond consciousness. His words were short and he broke eye contact uncharistically early. Even his movements dragged a bit as he prepared himself to train with you, lacking his typical sophistication. You also did not fail to notice how his blinks had become slow and drawn out, like his eyelids had to fight to open.
There was something else upon further inspection. Was that puffiness around his eyes?
"Are you ready now?" You were broken out of your study of him when Sephiroth spoke to you, Masamune in hand.
"Hold on, I need to put on my armor."
He nodded as he set aside his weapon and turned away, finding a seat and crossing his arms over his chest. You shook your worry out of your head and attempted to shift your attention to equipping your gear. However, you kept looking back at Sephiroth and observing him quietly sitting, head looking down. Something about how quiet he was struck you as odd though. It was not until a minute had passed of him being still that you decided to walk over and check on him. Perhaps he was just being patient and enjoying the moment of relaxation, you thought.
You soon realized that was not the case, however, as Sephiroth made no sign of acknowledgement the closer you came towards him. He was always acutely aware of his surroundings, even off the battlefield. As you stepped in front of him, eyes on his slightly hung head, you noticed his shut eyes and lips that were parted just enough to release delicate breaths. His whole body, miraculously upright, swayed steadily in time with his breathing. You hesitated in place, unsure of what to do. Your gaze fixated on how sweetly his long eyelashes rested on his cheeks, begging you not to disturb him. Even relentless warriors were not impervious; Sephiroth, too, was a human who needed his rest. But the logic in you argued the consequences of leaving him, and so with bated breath you reached out and softly touched his shoulder.
"Sephiroth?" you said in a hushed voice, too quiet for untrained ears. You watched Sephiroth's body jolt in surprise, but as quick as he awoke he had composed himself as if to play off that he dozed at all.
"Have you prepared?" he asked as he rose from his seat, wasting no moment to address his dozing, and walked past you. You turned back and watched him, your eyebrows furrowed with concern.
As he reached out to retrieve his weapon, you stopped him with a hand over his arm.
Sephiroth stood in place, stilled by the rare shortening of his name, unmoving his arm from your grasp and eyes trailing away to an unknown plane. You studied his face for any signs of opposition to your interjection, and upon finding none you gently began to pull him.
To your amazement and relief, Sephiroth made no attempt to resist and allowed you to pull him out of the training room. The way was silent as you lead him through corridors and to his quarters, passing by the occasional SOLDIER. As soon as you entered and shut the door, you saw Sephiroth begin to remove his coat and shoulder armor like he had been waiting to. Your face flushed watching his upper body go bare and you averted your eyes out of decency. Although you both have seen each other on several particular nights, it was difficult to not feel sheepish looking at his nude figure when it looked as good as it did.
You heard the tumble of his boots against the floor and the rustling of bed sheets, and when you looked back to Sephiroth he had already crawled into his bedding. He sighed heavily as his head sank into his pillow, bringing one hand up to rub his weary eyes.
Feeling satisfied that he settled down, you readied to leave his room until your eyes landed on the lit lamp atop the nightstand beside his bed. Sparing him from turning it off himself, you walked over and reached to switch it off with a click. Glancing back at him one last time, you then again turned away to leave him to his deserved rest. At least, you attempted to leave.
You were stopped when Sephiroth murmured your name, and within an instant he had grabbed your wrist and pulled you down. The sudden action made you yelp as you lost balance and fell on top of him. With his other hand going to your lower back, you were pulled even lower until Sephiroth connected your lips together. It had transpired so quickly you could only stay shocked in place, but as your hand rested against his chest and his vibrant eyes fluttered shut you too melted into the moment. Soft lips moved languidly against yours and, pressing closer to deepen the kiss, you forgot why you had brought Sephiroth back to his room. You tilt your head and let his tongue greet yours enthusiastically, feeling his fingers dig into your back while you tangled one hand into his silky hair. Even while on edge of sleep, the arrogant bastard still found the energy to reel you in.
After a minute you broke away to catch your breath and gaze at Sephiroth. Despite your mouth now being free, you felt breathless looking down at him. His pale skin had become painted with the faintest shade of blush and his endless silver hair gathered around his head. If angels roamed the Planet, he would be living proof of it. At this close proximity, your skin ached to tenderly feel him and worship his being. You resisted, favoring to await for his next move.
Sephiroth's chest rose and fell slowly beneath you, unaffected by your weight over him. He moved his hand up to kindly touch your cheek, thumb gliding over the skin as you leaned into his palm.
"Stay," Sephiroth muttered. A soft command.
You eyes darted across his face in a daze as one half of your brain, now fogged with thoughts of Sephiroth, fought against the other half that brought him to his room in the first place. "Don't you need to sleep?"
He chuckled. "Don't get too excited. I will. I haven't been able to properly rest for some time now, but I believe having a comforting presence beside me might help change that."
Your heart raced at Sephiroth's request. This was the most vulnerable he was offering himself to be with you, and it made your soul grow warm in a way that paled any passionate moment you two had shared together. You nodded slowly and moved to slide under the blankets and join him. His arms opened, inviting you in, and you nestled yourself into his embrace comfortably. Your cheek pressed against his pectorals as his arms closed around you, securing you against his large frame. Sephiroth relaxed, releasing a sigh, and pressed his face into the top of your head, soft breathes tickling you. You wondered if you might overheat from the combined warmth of the blankets and Sephiroth's body against your clothed flesh. You did not dare move an inch, though.
Exhaustion dragged Sephiroth quickly into a deep slumber, but you remained awake in his arms. The steady beat of his heart in your ears, a reminder of the powerfully graceful man, was too loud for you to even think of drifting away. So you laid there, watching and letting him hold you close, as if you would ward off unseen evils. Funny that Sephiroth would need any protection. Sephiroth: the relentless First-Class who has never bled on the battlefield. He who could be mistaken as something other than human; a personal toy soldier for Shinra to use in their grand game. But he was human. After all...
Those silent tears that graced his sleeping face were the loudest expression of pain you had ever seen.
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zwhoreo · 1 year
IM SO HAPPY TO HAVE FOUND AN X READER BLOG SPECIFICALLY FOR LUFFY hes my biggest comfort character and i never see a lot of ppl writing good content for him, so tysm ; v ; have u ever considered writing something about reader reacting to hancock’s fixation on luffy??? or like meeting her and how reader would react + how luffy would react in an au setting of having a girlfriend???!!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
you’re sooo sweet :’) I love writing for him sm I’m so glad I can be there for that <333
we’ll see how I did with this… hancock is a very important character to me and I haaate when luffy x readers villainize her. so I tried my best to be respectful in this fic and try something kinda different…
meeting boa hancock - luffy x f!reader
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angsty fluff… mostly centered around you and hancock
summary: when you and luffy need to fight by hancock’s side in battle, you’re terrified of what might happen if she finds out you two are together. But, as you soon discover, you can find friendship in the most unlikely places.
words: 2.5k
Your wrist is sprained. It’s not your hand you use to wield your cutlass, thankfully, but the pain is hard on you, you’re ashamed at your inability to deal with pain, in comparison to your crewmates who sacrifice so much. You can’t climb sheer cliffs or take swords to the chest. Your body is weak, you fear, you don’t think you could handle taking on a crewmate’s pain, although you like to think you would try, because you’d risk your life for them. Right now you can barely handle a sprained wrist, made worse by the humiliation of a capture by the Black Dove Pirates, when your loving boyfriend had to battle to save you.
The Black Doves are led by, well, Black Dove, a horrific man with a mysterious zoan-type devil fruit giving him the abilities of a kraken, massive, lethal tentacles capable of sinking ships. Restraining himself from a passionate fight, Luffy’s top priority was getting you to safety, you and your sprained wrist, you had tried to fight, after all.
But now the Black Doves have declared war, leaving you and the crew terrified of an unmatched battle with the notorious pirates and their mythical captain. But Luffy had a friend to call, a powerful friend, someone he told you was someone you could count on, that you had nothing to worry about now.
Boa Hancock.
You knew of her, of course, and you were thankful for the surprising alliance, until you remembered what Luffy had said, when he said it far too casually, that Hancock wanted to marry him.
You’re overcome with anxiety at not only the imminent battle with the Black Doves, but at the thought that you were in danger from all sides, the wrath Hancock would bring down on you if she ever found out you and Luffy were together.
In the heat of battle Luffy has often held your hand and given you angry kisses when he can. It’s a comfort for him, it gives him strength and motivation, it reassures him that you’re safe in his arms. He calls you pet names and hugs you and always makes sure he knows where you are, making sure you’re ok. But he can’t this time. You plead and beg him not to even though he doesn’t seem to understand why, really. He’s disappointed, but you assure him that before and afterward you’d get a special night together to make up for the stolen closeness.
The rest of the crew are set to battle the titanic kraken guarding the gates of Dove’s hellish mountain island domain. A sneak attack is your only option but they didn’t make this easy. It would be you and Hancock against the top men of the crew, and Luffy would battle Dove. You aren’t confident in your abilities, you wonder why you’re here alongside two of the most powerful people of the seas, but Luffy wants you close, maybe. And he thinks this fight will be no problem, even though you tell him you have a sprained wrist and you’ll just drag everyone down.
And as soon as she sees you, the instant your eyes meet, Hancock despises you. Her gaze is deadly and cold, and even though you try to put distance between you and Luffy your very existence triggers pangs of jealousy within the empress.
Luffy, although largely oblivious to why, can sense the tension and he hates it. He wants you all to be friends, be a team. When you and Hancock stand in silence, staring at each other on the rocky shore, he complains, “c’mon! Lessgo!” with anxiety in his voice. And he holds both of your hands and pulls you two along behind him, making you and Hancock both blush, Hancock is transported to another more comforting world in that moment but you are so wracked with nerves that every sense around you becomes overwhelming and far too much.
You look at Luffy with begging eyes when he squeezes your hand and not Hancock’s, although she doesn’t seem to notice.
The three of you run up the jagged black-stone path into a bombed-out looking castle, you gingerly survey the landscape as crew members lay drunk on whiskey, passed out and unbothered by lightning flickering overhead. You came at the perfect time.
Before running off to find Dove, Luffy is about to lean in for a kiss when you dodge and shoot him a look. Which immediately makes you sad, because Luffy looks upset when he turns his back and heads off into a brutal fight that awaits him. It’s your biggest fear that you’ll lose him, made worse by imagining your last interaction as one of sadness, but you feel Hancock’s malicious eyes on you and there’s nothing you can do.
You hear a shout, suddenly, echoing through the ruins. A crew member has heard you, an axe wielding menace with glassy white eyes. Hancock whips her head around and immediately tries to turn him to stone, but the man is blind, you both realize. It’s no use.
“I’ll take him, just go!” you shout at her, the first real words you’ve said. And Hancock glowers at you and focuses her attention elsewhere, because the crew has been alerted. And Dove has risen, you see, coming face-to-face with Luffy and towering above him at what seems like at least twelve feet. Black tentacles begin forming from his massive, muscular frame and an evil smirk spreads across his face.
Your heart leaps into your throat for Luffy’s safety but you have other things to worry about. The axe wielding monster swings at you and you manage to dodge, drawing your cutlass. It’s a harsh and desperate battle, your movements still clouded by worry which makes the throbbing in your wrist worse, but it’s when you lead the sightless beast to a precipice that you trick him and let him fall to his death on the rocks far below. You’ve slayed your first Black Dove pirate, but there’s many more and you need to dive head first into war.
You’re amazed by Hancock, really. At a snap of her hands half an army turns to stone. Her control of haki is like nothing you’ve seen before, her sharp, quick intelligence adjusting at a moment’s notice to other forms of attack. She does all of this in heels, in a graceful dress, beautiful raven hair flying in the wind as she fights with all her heart. You find yourself envying her, her jealousy over you nearly matched by your own.
But she still kicks crew members out of her way and towards you with no real regard for your safety. She still hates you, just for being a woman on Luffy’s crew. Even though you’d done nothing wrong.
Despite Luffy’s best efforts, he’s smashed into the sharp stone by a tentacle and struggles to stand again, groaning and coughing. Dove sees his crew in danger and wants to make quick work of the two women disturbing the peace on his island.
There is too much evil in his heart for Hancock to turn him to stone. And his tentacles are too fast for her, she’s cornered, now, on a cliff and Dove is going to knock her into the ocean. At the speed of light the inky tentacles come, taking advantage of Hancock’s momentary stillness in her sinking terror and desperation, and how she sees Luffy on the ground and screams in worry and is distracted for a precious instant. But before she’s sent falling to her death, she’s knocked from the side, slammed onto the ground and tumbling, held in your arms, down an incline and into the remnants of a turret. Dove can’t reach you from here, giving Luffy enough time to resume his fight.
You had grabbed Hancock and pushed her desperately to safety, you had saved her, and now you both lie there in the dark on the dirty stone floor, all bruises and ripped clothes.
Your head rests on her chest, neither of you have caught your breath enough to get up. And from here you can hear her heart pounding furiously in your ear, she’s scared and curled in on herself.
You roll off of her, slowly sitting up, looking over at her as she rests sprawled on the ground.
She feels your eyes on her and sits up, face contorted with warring emotions. Her lips are set in a firm scowl. She’s staring at you but you see past the malice and now she looks like a scared animal desperate to survive.
“Are you ok?” you say gently, reaching for her hand.
She yanks it away from yours and scoots back against the wall. “Yes! I’m fine…” she hisses defensively.
But she’s clutching her wrist. And she may have just hurriedly wiped tears out of her eyes.
Before you can say anything else, she leaps up and runs to a window, scanning the battlefield for Luffy. Her hands grip the cold brick. She’s shaking slightly.
“Are you worried about him?” you ask quietly, standing up and walking towards her slowly.
“Where is he?” Her voice is quiet now. Images of Luffy’s battered body flash in her mind and you can see the same sickness within her that you feel, a worry over someone you love so deeply. The jealousy and fear of her leaves your mind and is replaced by one thought alone.
Poor girl.
“He’s going to be ok, I promise.” You place a hand on her shoulder making her flinch, but she doesn’t pull away this time.
She doesn’t say anything. But she’s still scared.
So you say, “hey, princess, I’m scared too. But… all we can do is hope and keep ourselves safe now, right? We did what we could. We brought down an army for him.”
She pauses again, head down. Until she murmurs, “…Hancock.” Another pause. “You can call me Hancock.”
You smile. You sit again and she follows your lead. “You really love him, huh?”
“…Yes. Of course I do.” A tiny tear forms in her eye again, even though her voice is still hard and cold. “…Sometimes I don’t understand how anyone can’t be.”
So you think very carefully for a moment, before telling her, “I understand. He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met, he’s…”
“He’s perfect.”
“Yeah, that.”
And even though jealousy still blooms in her icy heart, Hancock feels herself soften. She doesn’t feel like sustaining her mirage anymore right now. The fear and the tears and the confusing comradery chipping away at her evil façade and now she’s just so, so tired all of a sudden. “[Name,] right?” she says under her breath.
“You really think he’ll be ok?”
“He always is.” And without Zoro or Nami there to reprimand you about trust, you take up the role instead, squeezing Hancock’s shoulder and saying, “have faith in him. Worrying’s not gonna help any of us right now.”
She nods, tightening her lips. And then, all of a sudden, she bursts into tears and hugs her knees to her chest, hair falling over her face.
“Hey, Hancock!” You slide closer to her. “Please don’t cry, he’s going to be safe…”
“No!” she hisses, gritting her teeth, “I… I don’t know where Salome is. I want Salome. Everything’s falling apart!”
“My snake!” she cries, sniffing and wiping her nose.
“Don’t worry about that either, ok? I’m sure she’s alright, it’s all gonna be over soon… just don’t cry…”
And now here’s something you weren’t prepared for, Hancock leans her head against your shoulder. Her sobbing quiets. She grows still. You smile, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“It’s gonna be ok,” you whisper again, “hey, can I see your wrist?”
And she places her hand in yours. You lift her pale, slender wrist and notice swelling just beneath the palm. You recognize this, you know it well.
You start to laugh, and her stare grows a little icy again. “What?” she snaps.
“You sprained your wrist. Here, look…” You raise yours next to hers. Your swelling parallels each other, you’re even more alike, now. You’re matching.
“We’re matching. I sprained mine too.”
She smiles. This is the first time you’ve made her smile. She even laughs a little, very lightly, her heart feels like it’s being squeezed, but by a warm hand, not by a cold claw.
You sit with her, and talk sometimes, until you hear Luffy calling your names. Hancock stands up and dashes out of the turret, running to find him, and he stands proudly although his body is weakened. Dove has fallen. You’re all ok. Hancock hugs Luffy and then hugs Salome, who is curled beside him. She looks happy, which makes you happy, too.
And then Luffy pulls you into a hug. You don’t care anymore, you just want to hug him, and Hancock got a hug so you get one too. You squeeze Luffy so tightly and you don’t want to let go, his warmth and scent soothing your body, his strong arms wrapped around you and his hands rubbing your back. You’re very nervous he’s going to try to kiss you but he doesn’t, like he promised, he knows he’ll have time for all of that later.
The kraken is gone and everyone is waiting for you at the bay. Hancock is tearful when she has to part with Luffy and, strangely, she is for you too.
“Come to me whenever you need! I’ll always be there for you!” she promises Luffy, her voice going up an octave when she talks to him. And then, before she leaves for her ship, she turns to you. “[Name…] I hope we’ll meet again.” Her smile is gentle, but very real.
“Me too!” You call out to her, following Luffy away, back to the Sunny, amazed at the events of the day, full of happiness and relief and still a slight stinging from your wrist but love can heal almost anything, at least a little bit.
And maybe deep in her heart, Hancock knows. The way you and Luffy look at each other, your soft voices, the way he walks close to you and how it seems like he’s always ready to lean in for a hug. It pulls at the back of her mind. A sting of pain. But she’s good at pushing these things away.
She’s just so happy that she made a friend today.
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not-goldy · 9 days
Jimin has to be so tired of always trying to hold it down and be the older one who keeps things from getting all out whack. When he's sober & clear headed and in his head space, he will ignore everything Jk says to him that flirts past friendship lol. Jokingly calls his compliment lame. Downplays JK being romantic with snarky replies. Yet you put some alcohol in that man and all that weight is gone. Then we have him laying on the floor spilling his guts and the boyfriend pops right out. "Honey" "baby" "boyfriend pic" "My Jungkook". Okay, tell us more Jimin. He really has so much weight & pressure he carries on his shoulders & probably overthinks so much, including dealing with hate. Wondering how his relationship with JK will affect BTS, his dad's business, everyone but thinking about himself really. This is where JK comes in and is loud for the both of them. So it was so nice to see Jimin just let his guard down, so much so he let us see he was down cause the trips were coming to an end. I started crying too, cause you know when Jimin lets his guard down, its major. Jimin doing this for JK, when he saw that JK needed him and went to him to make it up to him and Letter, is probably two of the boldest things we ever seen him do, besides enlisting with Jk. He really let his guard down and let us see his vulnerability. I feel so honored esp knowing how private Jimin's become.
Awwwww I love this so much
I love you for this Anon. Marry me. I'll cook and clean and pay the bills.
Thank you thank you very much.
That's a perfect description of Jimin or at least how I see him in their dynamic. Just perfect. I got sick and tired of reading these bizarre takes and perspectives of him I couldn't resonate with from solos it turned me off. Waaayyy off. Like shut up I don't even want you to talk to me about Jimin no more just shut the hell up.
But this. Tell me more. It resonates hard my goodness.
He is the Hyung you know and I have a problem with people who try to undermine this aspect of him by constantly making him out to be some weakling and victim of the duo.
And I got tired of having to explain this over and over but dude does carry himself as Jungkook's hyung, HE IS HIS FILTER. THE VOICE OF REASON. THE MATURE ONE OF THE TWO THE ONE THE MEMBERS GO TO OR LOOK UP TO TO KEEP JUNGKOOK IN CHECK.
However it is a double edged sword and a Thorned crown because now he gotta overthink everything he gotta worry about everything
Imagine feeling he had to make sure they both could maintain their relationship without having it ruin the dynamics of the group. He had to make sure he wasn't keeping Kook all to himself always, or letting Kook have him all to himself lest it breads resentment among other members.
Imagine he had to agree with the members out of consideration because he would rather have Kook than not at all.
Imagine him having to forgive their fights, not talk to people about the problems they be having, trying to resolve all conflicts at home before coming on to set. I keep saying this, JIMIN IS THE REASON THEIR RELATIONSHIP HAS THRIVED WITHIN THE GROUP THIS LONG AND HE IS THR REASON THE BAND HASNT CRUMPLED BECAUSE OF THE RELATIONSHIP.
Left to some members and the management there would be a no dating among members policy because lime every one readily points out if they are indeed an item then its a huge risk to the band and company. I mean please look at where Suga is now. Now imagine if two members of BTS were actually found out to be queer and dating💀
It's a disservice to victimize Jimin. He is an intelligent resilient powerful negotiator and anyone who tries to put in their heads their relationship won't work or that they will fight and argue woukd be met with a resounding "DOESN'T APPLY TO US"
You making me want to lick Jimin's ass stop Anon stop
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goblin-king-jay · 2 months
i recently rewatched all of the unsleeping city and am now onto unsleeping city chapter 2, and you know what
i used to think of cody as a joke, the dorky sword kid, but i forgot how absolutely fucking real he was
if i had been the person i wanted to be when i was a teenager, i would've ABSOLUTELY been a cringey overenthusiastic goth kid like cody walsh is.
i'm on episode 2, where pete turns the devil that cody sold his soul to (very quickly and willingly lmao) into a chest tattoo for him, and murph is like, "cody never smiles and so he's trying SO HARD not to smile right now". cody tries to be SO CHILL about the fact that he just found out less than 24 hours ago that MAGIC IS REAL and DEVILS ARE REAL and he meets these awesome fucking adults, one of whom takes the devil he sold his soul to (again, he offered his soul to this devil immediately) and turns it into a CHEST TATTOO with MAGIC.
I would be fucking LOSING MY GODDAMN MIND if that happened to me as a senior in high school. Cody, and Murph by extension, truly is all of us fuckin nerdy kids from high school who wanted to swing swords around and wear spiked collars and (bleem tim curry voice) CHAIN WALLETS and just like
IMAGINE if you were cody walsh!!! I would be vibrating out of my fucking SKIN by then. I would want to hug Pete and never let go.
"no one has ever been this happy. this is just fucking -- normal stuff --" for you guys, he probably meant to say, because he's so overwhelmed by these 2 grown-ups he just met who like, give a shit and want to know what his deal is and help him for some reason?!? they don't even want anything from him they just??? genuinely want to help him out of the fucking goodness of their hearts???
that would have turned me religious on the SPOT I would believe in magic and the power of friendship more than ANYONE like goddamn. I would be like k / dream / karen tanaka (the cutest fuckin name btw erika ishii ilu) like, trying to have a dark aesthetic but right below the surface i would be squealing like a fangirl in a puffy pink dress.
ANYWAY cody is trying to be SO CHILL around these badass adults who are very blasé and normal about this whole magic thing so he's trying to match their energy and be chill
and ally is laughing their ass off, loving murph pulling faces like he's trying so hard to not smile it's like his face is spasming, but then they get into character and take him SO seriously and when cody says thank you Pete is just like, "for sure man i got you."
i love ally so gd much for that, like. because now i can also see the situation from pete's perspective of this fucking edgelord kid who you just want to ruffle his hair or something but he's SO CHUFFED because MAGIC IS FUCKING REAL but he matches cody's energy and is just like for sure dude, we're very cool and chill about this because bros don't show emotion or whatever lmao. it's so cute I love them and can't wait to re-experience how their friendship evolves over the season.
anyway if you got this far thank you for reading, I wrote this while high and just felt screaming about cody walsh.
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maisonaime · 6 months
The Star Who Listened [Azriel x Reader]
My little contribution to @starfallweek 2024 ✨
Prompt: Character A is a fallen star, Character B finds them
Note: Angst with a happy ending. This prompt immediately reminded me of this quote from a very beautiful but heart wrenching spoken word poem about the power of friendship and of friends who dream together. Happy Starfall Week!
“You kept a rock on a satin pillow on your bookshelf and told me ‘It’s a star.’ You said you found in a junkyard. And it had been broken down for quite some time because too many people wished on it, and that’s a lot of pressure for one little star.” Shane Koyczan and the Short Story Long, For Instance
There was no telling how long he had lain there. Long enough that the ground had given way to valleys and mountains, snow and grass, fire and rain. Long enough that the wind and the moon cooled his skin, warped from the burnout. Long enough that the bones that cracked on impact hardened in the same position they had come to rest. Long enough that he learned all of the parallels of nature.
First he learned the way the ground vibrates during an earthquake is almost indiscernible from the thundering of hooves and feet as armored men trample over him. His tears flow into the rivulets of blood from fallen warriors, which flow into the river that rages through the carrion. He wants to wash away with it.
Then he learned how the earth would split and crack and flow bright and hot, creeping across the ground like candlewax. It looks like his beautiful, ruined hands. He remembers the skin dripping off of bone when he could no longer hold the burning dreams they piled into his arms. So bright, and so beautiful, but so heavy.
Then he learned how the air would hang heavy before the sky cracks open. It reminds him of the weight that hung around his shoulders in the moments before he tumbled from the sky. Feels the despair, the failure in being unable to remain afloat. He waits for Hera’s wrath for his forsaking of Astraea.
Azriel could’ve recounted all the lessons he learned in all the hundreds of years he’d lain there. Could’ve stopped someone to tell his story, to beg pity or forgiveness, or simply for a listening ear. But how could he have proven his tale?
Who would believe that a small, rough-edged, unassuming rock was actually a fallen star?
How could he even begin to explain the thousands of dreams he had forsaken when he fell? He had seen some of those dreams dashed personally. Had seen the men whose safety had been prayed for fall screaming on their swords. Had seen a woman who wanted nothing more than a child bury seven silent born at the riverbed. Had seen the children who dreamed of their prince or princess and were instead sold into marriage beds with monsters and carted away from their homes.
So he could not move, he could not speak. He could only relive his failure and all the lessons he’d learned from it. Lessons he would never get to use. Lessons that meant nothing to anyone, because lessons don’t mean as much as dreams do.
Rocks don’t mean as much as stars.
But to you they do.
You, who look to the stars to guide you. But who also looks to the ground to see how far you have come. You who use rocks to mark the trail the stars take you along. You who collect the ones you find most beautiful, the ones that remind you of the stars.
You too have a gift for seeing the parallels in nature.
And yes, dreams are beautiful. But so are the lessons we learn when they do and don’t come true.
And so, this is how he finds himself in your pocket, after so many years in the dust. After so many years on the cold ground. The wool of your skirt is warm and soft, and it cushions Azriel’s hardened heart.
The next thing he knows he is resting on a satin pillow, high on a shelf in your room where he can watch over this strange savior. He watches day and night. Watches as you work and write and wander by day. Watches as you dream by night.
He wishes you had left him on the ground. He is stricken and terrified to be so close to another’s dreams, even as his very essence cries out to caress them. It is worse agony than he ever faced. At least before didn’t have to be so close to the humans who once depended on him.
He feels perverted because you haven’t even entrusted him with your dreams and here he is fantasizing about them. Prostrate before you trying to hold himself back, because he cannot warp your dreams with his horrible hands. Cannot bear the responsibility of ruining even one more dream. No matter how large or small.
He doesn’t even know why he is there. Why you plucked him out of his quiet obscurity and forced him to endure this proximity to such a vociferous dreamer. He loves and hates it in equal measure. Loves and hates you in equal measure.
And then the strangest thing happens one day. You are showing a friend around your room. And your friend points to him and laughs “Why do you have that rock on that pillow?” and Azriel would blush if he wasn’t a rock. But you smile knowingly and say “That’s not a rock, it’s a star I found. It fell from the sky when too many people piled their wishes onto it. Too much pressure for anything, don’t you think?” and the friend nods understandingly.
And Azriel glows. And Azriel cracks. Because he is awash with the forgiveness of a dreamer. And he remembers the child with eyes like yours but different, the first who looked up to him and wished. The one who made him want to take as many wishes as he could carry, and then take more after that.
And when the friend is gone, you reach up onto the shelf and bring down the satin pillow. You set it on your desk, and observe the crack that that splits your star down the middle. You gingerly separate the two halves, and behold the bright blue gemstone in the center.
You smile. “Do you think the weight of one person’s dreams is bearable? I promise to leave plenty of room for your own.”
Azriel glows as brightly as he once did in the sky.
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rubybloodhound · 1 month
Kirby shitposting because they sure aren't incorrect quotes
Meta Knight: As a heterosexual this is true Galacta Knight: Ok
Bandee: Remember that one time Great King pissed on the moon
Galacta Knight: Watch what happens when I kiss Meta Sounds of Meta Knight being kissed by Galacta Knight Meta Knight: NO HOMO???
Dark Meta Knight talking to Meta Knight on the phone: Yeah were in hell atm could you come over
Meta Knight: So I'm staying at the castle, I decide to take a nap because I got there pretty late, next thing I fucking know I'm waking up to screams I'm drenched in water and there's a pan of fire in the kitchen that's being put out by the sprinkler system, not to mention Tiff is fucking screaming at me Tuff and Kirby are both panicking Escargoon is sobbing and Sword and Blade both have their heads in their hands Meta Knight: Over all, a great night
Tiff: This man, with full confidence, grabs a pan, slaps onto the stove, snatches Escargoon's sandwich right out of his hands, slaps it on the pan, turns the heat to max, and then just sits there like he didn't just commit horrible crimes against cooking
Sir Arthur: Working at the GSA is so hard once someone knocked and instead of saying "come in" I screamed "SHUT THE FUCK UP FALSPAR I'M WORKING" at some poor private and they just squeaked "..okay."
Sir Falspar: One time I got super drunk and someone called me and instead of asking who was it or anything, I just whispered into the speaker "Hey. Hey Arthur. Arthur. Arthur hey. Say hello." and then hung up Sir Falspar: Anyway it was Bandee on the other side and I think he shat his non-existent pants
Sir Nonsurat: It's summer and Arthur just vomited up the largest hairball I've seen today is going great
Shadow Kirby: Like I'd ever be marketable enough to become a plushie. Shadow Kirby: HELP I'VE BEEN TURNED INTO A MARKETABLE PLUSHIE
Lololo & Lalala: We're going to defeat you with the power of friendship and this glock we found!
Galacta Knight to literally any butterfly: Hey Morpho
[pat too]
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skylark325 · 2 months
Omniscient Readers View Point Read Through
Ch 53-73
Beginning: Ch 1-10
They knew the prophets would gather here and decided to use this opportunity to wipe out those who stopped reading early.
>thats… dark
[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is looking at the black flame dragon.]
>…dude stop looking at his black flame dragon
"I really thought you were dead!" "But I survived."
> sigh
"In some cases, people need to be killed…" "Don't worry. I'll kill them for you."
>i need a Heewon in my life 😭
The head rolling like a toy was covered with a cloak with '1' on it. It was the 1st Apostle.
You have to hold hands with me to defeat Anna Croft and the Zarathustra!"
'I am different! Yoo Joonghyuk, hold hands with me.
>hsy REALLY wants to hold yjh’s hand huh
"He was a mouthy bastard."
This jerk, he must think he was so cool. …Honestly, he was a bit cool.
>Dokja you fucking simp he just squashed a head like it was grape
"Then try it. Is your sword faster or my tongue faster?"
"Writing is so difficult… writers are great…"
>couldn’t agree more
>the way the story distinguishes between characters and ‘real’ people is so interesting. And kind of tragic when you’re the only one who will likely stay aware until the end
The quality was so bad that if it was serialized in Textpia, it would've bombed. But that didn't matter right now.
>lmao this is why y’all need ao3
–I see. I feel an unknown wall with hyung. I can't explain it well but I like the feeling.
>like…the fourth wall or a tsundere wall?
He says that any beautiful or handsome man and woman will become concubines, while any ugly people will be killed or become slaves."
Jung Heewon frowned. "If Dokja-ssi is caught, you will become a slave."
>Lmao i adore their friendship
The character and I needed to be thinking about each other at the same time.
>does that mean yjh was thinking about kdj back when kdj was using the skill to be in his body?
…that sounds wrong
"Yoo Sangah-ssi. You will be disruptive if you keep acting like this."
>Oof why did that hurt me
>ok see this is what i meant in my post about kdj’s difference when describing the other characters and when describing yjh. he’s literally talking the king of beauty that leaves everyone spellbound and the best he could manage was ‘outstanding beauty but not his type’ and ‘objectively as beautiful as Sangah’? dokja you gay ass
However, the future that Lee Sungkook knew was only near the prologue. The evolution of the current scenario surpassed the information he knew.
>how long was that prologue for this guy to have his memories till CHAPTER 62?
[The character 'Min Jiwon' shows a weak liking towards you.]
…All my thoughts collapsed at this absurd message.
>honestly relatable
[…There is a lingering attachment, please understand.]
"Gyebaek, let's meet in the next world."
>what is this old man yaoi.
"…Won't it happen one day? If I give birth to a child, I will surely tell them what happened today."
>is…is dokja embracing the mpreg
What was this? I looked up and found that my limbs were tied up with magic power. It was a chrysalis-like appearance. Yoo Sangah's face was completely red.
> …right. Not gonna ask what’s currently going through Sangah’s head.
Everyone is the book is either kinky or gay like damn
[The character 'Cha Sangkyung' has discovered that you are a demonic enemy that shouldn't be touched.]
>Damn the foreshadowing
"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Han Sooyoung. I am Cha Sangkyung's assistant."
"There is someone. Someone is killing the kings!"
>my little murderous bean i missed you
A furious voice rang through the battlefield.
"Kim Dokja…"
I smiled and waved towards him. A large black flag flew behind the person heading towards me.
"You came…"
"…Kim Dokja!"
Yoo Joonghyuk was chasing after me at a scary speed.
>YJH: i just had such a cool entry, PAY ATTENTION TO ME
> yjh really loves saying kdj’s name huh going KIM DOKJA! every three sentences
>god the little sister is just as grumpy as her brother
It was because there wasn't any king in Seoul who had more coins than me right now.
>kdj: you may be op but you forgot the power of INVESTMENT MUHAHAHAHA
The flying Yoo Joonghyuk hit a barrier, bounced in the opposite direction and hit another barrier and landed on the ground after repeating this ping-pong action five or six times.
>I…dokja what the fuck 💀
Next- Ch 73-92
Prev: Ch 32-52
Beginning: Ch 1-10
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greentrickster · 1 year
(walks up to the microphone and leans in): Okay, so, I’ve seen a lot of Ghost King Danny (which, let’s be fair, is a fun concept, I totally get it), but I’ll see you that and raise you this: Fright Knight Vlad. The current Fright Knight himself is the Spirit of Halloween, but what if it’s like how, while Pariah Dark was the Ghost King, certain circumstances being met can make someone else the Ghost King. And this applies to members of the Ghost King’s court as well, including the Fright Knight.
And let’s say that the Fright Knight, the Ghost King’s right-hand spook, isn’t a battle-based position, but one based on what the current Ghost King most needs from a right-hand spook upon their ascension to the throne. Pariah Dark was a conqueror, so his Fright Knight was a powerful ghost skilled in battle, the Spirit of Halloween. But Danny’s not a conqueror, he doesn’t even typically seek out fights unless there’s a reason he has to. What he’d likely need most is someone who’s really good at politics, has the respect/fear of a decent amount of the Ghost Zone, and who could maybe give him some pointers on how to go about all this. Maybe teach him how to handle his powers better or something while they’re at it.
Which leads to Vlad waking up one morning and the Fright Knight’s sword (the Soul Shredder) is just… hovering over him. He doesn’t know why, his research into ghosts tends to be in regards to ways to gain power, not culture and traditions. Not to mention, he has no idea that Danny finally cracked and accepted his status as Ghost King the night before. He’s got no way (that he’s actually bothered to look at) of knowing that taking the sword is a binding agreement to accept the position and a declaration of fealty to the new monarch until such a time as he’s released from this oath.
Cue the Ghost Zone getting to watch in a combination of amusement and deep concern as their new king and what’s supposed to be his staunchest ally proceed to try and beat the stuffing out of each other in a swathe of chaos spanning Amity Park, Wisconsin, and a good chunk of the Ghost Zone. This is an unprecedented occurrence, no one’s ever accepted the position of Fright Knight without at least a vague idea of what they’re doing, and it’s certainly never been someone who’s enemies with the new monarch. The Fright Knight physically can’t try and overthrow the King, it’s part of the binding agreement accepting the sword entails, so no one who’s planning to attempt just that has ever been dumb enough to try it. Especially because it’s a job you’re stuck with either until there’s a new monarch, or the current monarch’s needs change so drastically that you’re no longer qualified for the job.
Congratulations, Vlad, you’re going to go down in history for this one.
Also, just worth noting, I do not see this going in a shippy way or anything like that. This would be a set-up for enemies-to-friends, with maybe a culmination of some good Badger Cereal (ie, platonic Danny and Vlad bonding, friendship/mentory stuff, maybe some found family if you’re feeling wild). No mental compulsions or anything going on with Vlad for this, either, it’s more along the lines of getting whacked with the Spector Deflector if he tries to use his new position against his king, and possibly it forces him to pull his punches somewhat if he gets into a physical brawl with Danny unless Danny specifically tells him to go all-out. I dunno, I don’t have all the details, I just think it would be funny as heck for Vlad to get himself stuck in a position like this and also that he’d look good in armor.
Also also, I’m a sucker for forced bonding leading to friendships and found family and stuff. And enemies-to-friends. And Badger Cereal and mentor!Vlad and Vlad being forced to be a responsible adult and domestication arcs for villains. And Vlad gaining the power he wants but in a way with all these strings attached and also he’s not actually in charge. I want this horrible man looking fine as hell as he’s dragged kicking and screaming into becoming a better person.
Oh wait, no! It’s not so much a physical compulsion or shock collar or anything like that that’s keeping Vlad in line, it’s learning that, while the Fright Knight technically could betray the Ghost King, it’s one of those actions that generally gets you hunted down by the majority of the Ghost Zone unless they really hate the monarch you’re betraying. And the denizens of the Ghost Zone may not be the biggest fans of Danny, but they like him so, so much better than Pariah Dark, and the twerp’s somehow got Clockwork backing him, so it’s probably worth keeping him around for a bit, at least for a century or two, see how things work out. So Vlad’s landed himself in a position that he can’t relinquish, it can only be taken from him in a few certain circumstances, and if he tries to overthrow or betray Danny, it’s good odds the majority of the Ghost Zone will unify to hunt him down.
Getting strong-armed into being Danny’s staunch ally on pain of ectoplasmic retribution was not how he saw this Thursday going, but b’golly if it hasn’t happened anyway. Maybe- maybe he’ll just call off work today, go grab a bottle of wine to drink while cuddling Maddie-the-Cat, staring into the distance, and asking what he, an angel, ever did to deserve this.
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corneille-moisie · 11 months
I wanna talk about this twin eagles statue in the entrance of the Kingsbarrow (There are potential spoilers in this post ! It's indicated where they are, but you might want to avoid this post all together if you don't want anything spoiled at all. This being said, hurry ! Play the game ! XD)
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There's a lot of imagery going here, but let's begin by the beginning.
The twin eagles is the symbol of Heliodor, right ? It's on its banners, it's a huge golden statue, in the castle, at the bottom of the staircase leading to the throne room, it's on King Carnelian's brooch, it's on the heliodoran guards' capes, and it's on the armour of both Hendrik and Jasper, amongst other things :
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Hendrik and Jasper, at this point in the early story, are considered heroes, according to the book found in the house in the far eastern part of town (yes, the one some tourist is looking for, for a side quest), and inseparable, to some extent. I always assumed that the twin eagles were symbolizing the two of them.
But that's also pretty easy to assume, so let's dig a little more.
Mild spoiler alert for Act I after this sentence, as I mention why you're in the Kingsbarrow, what you're fighting in there.
So, two eagles, right ? With weapons. Sitting on an orb.
You get to the Kingsbarrow to retrieve an orb, and to get this orb, you'll need to fight two grim gryphons.
Let's take a look at the weapons on that statue.
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A sword, an ax, and a torch. While these can be found in Dragon Quest games since the very first game, I want to point out something else that is going to be a tad bit more spoilerific as I'm going to refer to Act II of the game and your 8th party member. (like... it's weird to only have 7 party members, don't you think ? ;) )
The obvious part here is that both swords and axes are weapons Hendrik can be equipped with, and, sure, you just used a torch to get out of the sewers with Erik, so here's that for direct references, but...
A torch is a symbol for light (duh). Not only is the Luminary someone who can bring the light back to Erdrea after Yggdrasil fell, but he can't do it without the spark of light that Hendrik figuratively becomes by turning Cobblestone into Last Bastion. ("spark of light" being used verbatim by Queen Marina to refer to Hendrik, and again, by (actually) King Carnelian to refer to both Hendrik and the Luminary, both in early Act II)
Then again, and this time, spoilers alert for Act III, after Yggdrasil fell and it is revealed that Jasper is on the bad guy team, Hendrik kind of loses his "twin" knight fellow. But do you know who also turns out to be a knight ? Sylvando. In Act III, Don Rodrigo sends your party to the Kingsbarrow to bring to light that friendship is a very strong weapon. Ultimately, it unlocks a pep power that involves both Hendrik and his ax, and Sylvando and his sword, and which also unlocks the last part of both their skill trees : Fraternity for Hendrik, Chivalry for Sylvando. Friendship/torch + Hendrik/ax + Sylvando/sword = Twin Eagle Statue in the Kingsbarrow lol.
But THEN AGAIN, the whole thing might also be a symbol strictly for Hendrik, as, still in act III (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER ->), he feels like it's his duty to fight the ghost of Jasper, so his soul can be put to rest. As a result, Hendrik gets the Twin Eagle Armour, as his old companion's soul is now cleansed from Mordegon's influence, now that they finally shed light on what actually happened.
Now, I think that wraps up this info dump that I didn't realize i would do when I first set foot in the Kingsbarrow... I'm gonna go back to the game lmao. Time to go to Hotto :)
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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Link from BotW/TotK faces Nico di Angelo from the Riordanverse. Who do you like more?
Link Propaganda:
"i love this guy"
"I love him so much, okay? He's the only person capable of wielding the Master Sword, bears the Triforce of Courage, and was chosen by the goddess Hylia to protect Hyrule"
"Pretty boy"
"ok so link is like the best character ever imo cause have you seen what he looks like in totk he's so gender and ahhh and he's really cool and I love him so so much <333 and oot link is really cool and he's my whole childhood, and I love skyward sword and wind waker link cause they're so expressive, and I love twilight princess wolf link I just love all versions of link so much<3 only exception is the version from the philips cdi games he's so goofy" (focus on the totk part of this one)
"link is THE Gender Envy icon pretty boy pretty boy with sword!!"
Nico Propaganda:
"YOU KNOW WHAT. if autism isn't enough to compel you to VOTE NICO then i will write this.
ok so he's gay & european (like the legally blonde song) and also a goth. we love our goths here on tumblr right?!
first i need to provide you a visual. please imagine a small italian boy. now imagine that small italian boy going through a time machine hotel casino in vegas, some wack crazy traumatic incidents, becoming an alt/emo kid and being so fucking powerful that even gods show a little more respect to him than others...
nico has gone through literal hell TWICE !! one time it was VOLUNTARY !! and all the while he was probably experiencing said hell in its most terrifying form. this shows us his mental resilience and selflessness are incredibly strong traits of his and that maybe he should stop being a reckless bitch but whatever !!!!!!
tumblrinas listen up... nico was the first canon lgbt+ character created by rick riordan in the chb chronicles (i am not counting all the other gods, goddesses, minor deities and other figures of greco-roman myth). he was the trailblazer. his story didn't end in tragedy, but he found friendship and love and family, which in this age of upsetting "bury your gays" media is still quite hopeful to read!!
nico has a sunshine bf who would literally walk through hell with him!! i'm not kidding. this actually happened. i'm sure he's definitely cheering from the sidelines somewhere... please do not let will solace down!!
did i mention nico's the son of hades, god of the underworld?? this means his powers include, but are not limited to, being able to communicate with spirits via mcdonalds happy meals, wielding a sword that rends souls asunder, turning people into ghosts, re-animating skeletons, shadow traveling and being able to read other people's death auras.
these powers and his terrifyingly grumpy personality (in earlier books) have created a reputation famous among the demigods and deities. also he literally summons an entire skeleton army and rises from the fucking underworld with his father, stepmother and step-grandmother (all gods) (how does this work) in tow, inspiring FEAR and PANIC among the enemy lines.
and if that's not enough, he's friends with lizard people, his signature items of clothing are a BIG AVIATOR JACKET + SKULL RING = VERY GOOD CHARACTER DESIGN and his hair canonically smells like rain on stone. just so you know
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rel124c41 · 3 months
please contact your local doctor if you are experiencing the following symptoms: prophetic dreams, the feeling that someone is calling from across the water and from across the wave, midnight visitors, scars from sand, new friendships, black blood coming out your ears but NOT your nose, inhuman strength, canine teeth on your throat, & the philosophy that we should move on from our past and never let it hold us back from the possibilities of tomorrow.
a/n: in a garden, where nothing grows and it is always dark.
tags: malleus-centric; emotional hurt/comfort; blood and gore; friendship / platonic relationship; immortality (but not really!)
word count: 1,287
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It is a building with sodden floorboards, bacterial infections of moss that make up their own continents, and spiderwebs stretching on walls. A perfume spritz of palpable despair like nothing good is ever going to happen lingers heavy in the air. Ramshackled, it is a building that Malleus Draconia has found brings him fleeting flickers of comfort in an otherwise despairful life.
Yet, when arriving, someone has made a home in the dark and damp.
On the tip of Malleus’s tongue, words breathe new death instead of new life, “Although, one day, you may come to regret even looking in my direction.”
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Ah but how Marion had stared!
With a rage Malleus has never been privy, his beloved Child of Man – Leaning on his sword. Cutting a mouth into an expensive, Briar Valley imported rug and its pattern. Hunched over and resisting a powerful spell that unravels fibers in his mortal shell down to the hair on his genitals and to the cavities in his teeth. Panting like a hungered beast who caught a whiff of blood in the air. – had stared unyieldingly into his soul.
His soul where it always rains.
His soul where it always is dark.
His soul where nothing grows in dark rain.
Marion refused to blink once. Both knew one mere blink would usher him into a coma. Green challenged green. The magicless challenged the second most powerful mage on Earth’s fragile, thorny intestines.
He wants to behead me, slaughter me down to my atoms, rip my arm out of its socket like we are nothing but Beowulf and Grendel dancing together at the end of the world. A lovely thought in Malleus’s head.
Marion, using the momentum from pushing himself off his claymore’s pommel hilt, raises up both his hands, fully intending to choke the last breath out of Malleus.
Good. Feel my pulse die under your fingers. My dearest friend.
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“How do you know if you have a soul?”
Marion’s hair is singed down to the roots. Malleus is still trying to get used to the new look so he has to ask Marion to repeat the question, to make sure it is his voice actually talking with that new face. Sweat like gasoline on his skin, chest pounding breathlessly, the question exits out his mouth again. His burnt right hand clenches when Malleus answers.
“The fibers of a soul are founded in your philosophies and your life. Are you weighing whether you have morals or a breath?”
“I don’t think I’m alive.”
Malleus presses his ungloved palm under Marion’s shirt. Feels the rapid rabbit rhythm of his mortal heart after their training spar – battle bigger foe Silver had suggested after Marion returned from the Island of Woes. Both wounds from yellow sand and blue fire spread down his pectorals where the roots of his heart’s arteries start.
The prince’s hand feels cold like death.
“No. You are mistaken, Child of Man.”
Isn’t that a double negative?
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When the tremors finally end, when everyone has fallen asleep, Malleus lays with Marion in his lap. The throne accepts both their weight like a familiar bed. Warm globs of black oscillate up and down soporific, in a pattern that mimics lava lamps. Like putting two coins over the deceased, Malleus presses a kiss on each closed eyelid.
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Malleus looks at the heart in his hand with disinterest.
Everything since they all woke up has been disinteresting. It is so tedious and dull. It is like laying on a lawn-chair in summer yet being bothered relentlessly by mosquitoes and bees and flies. Malleus cannot even enjoy the sun, having to keep swatting and swatting. In the blood-scented summer air, he turns his nose up at the insects, bored. There is one clear victor and Marion (who always estimates the winner correctly) should know it well.
If he did not before, he definitely knows now. Idia can rerun the routes and calculations as much as he wants; nothing changes in the desolate dark of Malleus’s storm. Nothing grows.
Whispered under the thunder and rain, a man gurgles and spits. It is irksome like buzzing. In his vice grip, the heart clogged with blotting blood beats steady and rhythmic. Some of the arteries are still cascading in arches towards the chest this heart was taken from, like spaghetti between two different pairs of lips.
The skin of the heart is pallid bluish-black. Like what Malleus holds in his hand has been bruised continuously or has been bruised so hard that it became a tattoo upon him. Speckles of rain trail over the veiny organ in rivulets.
Disinterested, Malleus drops Marion’s heart on the ground.
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i dont want to be left alone.
His jaw is blown off by a mage’s powerful spell.
I don’t want to be left alone.
The atomic blast from Styx technology blows his left arm off.
I don’t want to be left alone!
He disintegrates into asb when a clawed hand touches his nape.
I don’t want to be left alone!!
His horns are torn out of his skull by hulking hands.
A sword pierces his heart.
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“So.” Stone crunches like leaves under his steps. “It’s just going to be us at the end of the world.”
Malleus’s green eyes are bloodshot. His marks on his forehead hurt and tense when he looks up. There is a kindness rather than poison in a humane hue of green, unlike what Malleus eyes have always been like. People fear the eyes of Malleus Draconia like he is vengeful as a vexed Medusa. Dare he even squint, people extend their strides to escape his view.
Comfortable and at home under that viridescent gaze, Marion stands in it with a smile on his blood splattered face. He rests his left hand on his hip, almost sassy with the familiar confidence his pose exhibits. Slightly to the left, a gaping hole lies in the center of his ribcage.
Malleus can see through it, Sebek rushing towards them over the demolition of Disamonia. A place where nothing grows and it is always dark.
The peephole in Marion’s rib-cage moves when he chuckles, “Not that I mind. Heh, you’re a great conversationalist. And an even greater enemy, which is good because I would have grown bored.” The wind howls. “On the edge of the universe with no one to fight.”
“Child of Man –” Malleus has no idea what to say. All the lava bubbles of ebony have collapsed and everyone is awake. How does one apologize for overblotting and tearing the still beating heart of another man’s chest?
Marion’s green-hued gaze turns sentimental and fond. Thinking they are reviewing the nicknames they have given each other, he says, “Tsunotarou.”
Despite this, the situation is not lost on Marion. Most think he is stupid at worst and a brute at best; his intelligence is always called into question. Here and now, Marion understands the gravity of the situation as the blot in his bloodstream builds him a secondary heart. The situation? Well, he is always going to be there for his dearest friend. Forever and eternal.
Squinting through the sheets of thundering rain, Marion takes in the sight of those who run towards them. His ex-boyfriend’s frantic pace, the stumbling rush of Ace and Deuce, and the absolute jackrabbiting hops of Grim who caterwauls over the storm.
But right now, it is Marion and Malleus. At the end of the world, nothing grows there and it is nebulous with darkness. Yet?
Green eyes crinkle with mirth. How wonderful to be stuck there with his dearest friend.
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witchyafterdark · 1 year
— Ominis Gaunt Headcanons; pt. 2
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Yes, more Ominis Gaunt sad hours because for some reason, my mind wants to be sad with him.
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— As a blind person, he supposes he's already used to being unpromptly touched (whether people do it with good intentions or not). But in reality, he's extremely sensitive to touch, not only because of his heightened senses, but because being touched makes him feel like he doesn't have control over his own person. It makes him feel like he doesn't own his body, and that he doesn't have as much autonomy as he thinks, for people to think that it's okay for them to touch him without his consent. Sebastian and Anne knows this intimately with him, as they learned from being his friend since first year. But most of the time, he actually has a little appreciation for the fearsome reputation that his family name brings because then, people won't even approach him at all.
— However, this is a double-edged sword for him. Because as comfortable as he is with his lonesome, being alone actually makes him really upset. It makes him feel like he's an invisible person; unwanted and unloved. Perhaps, this is also the main reason why as toxic as his friendship with Sebastian has become, he just cannot let go. The twins are his anchor. They make him feel seen and acknowledged for who he can be, not just for who he is.
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— When MC started to hang around Sebastian, Ominis may have felt immediately off and worried that he's going to be pushed to the sidelines for this shiny, new person; especially one who is as interesting as MC, who can wield a powerful kind of ancient magic. Perhaps, since Ominis was already insecure and tormented about being a Gaunt to begin with, he thought that the day had finally come when his closest only friend had found another person to spend company with who isn't "tainted" or carries a heavy baggage along with them. He could've felt like MC was definitely someone who can be a better friend to Sebastian because they can give the brunette a more positive presence than he can.
— This is why even before we meet him outside of the Scriptorium, he has said to MC to "not be too cocky simply because you won against Sebastian," and that "Sebastian never backs down from a fight." Aside from the obvious, this could also imply that Ominis wanted MC to know that he knows Sebastian's personality and attitudes far better than MC at this point by blurting that line out. It is quite petty for him to do, but in his mind, MC may have already become competition for Sebastian's friendship. He just doesn't want to be cast aside.
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— It might not seem so but Ominis is actually quite conscious about his grades in school.
— During his earlier years in Hogwarts, all of his report cards are directly sent to his parents. He would be in the receiving end of a very harsh punishment if he didn't have grades befitting that of a Gaunt. His father would not stop until Ominis is a sobbing mess, and his mother would pretend to care for him, only to whisper her venomous words of, "this wouldn't have happened if you just studied hard enough. Now, look at you."
— This could be another reason why Ominis felt drawn to hang out with Sebastian because his best friend was naturally gifted in academics. He thought maybe Sebastian's intelligence and studying habits might rub off on him over time.
— In reality, however, Ominis' grades are on par with Sebastian's. There would even be classes where Ominis would excel where all of his peers would struggle; such as Charms, and maybe even Arithmancy. He, too, is actually gifted in academics. It's just that his parents have extremely unrealistic expectations of him. And we all know how he is in Potions.
(My personal headcanon is when my MC discovered the Room of Requirement, Ominis is the first person she allowed into that room to practice and make do with the resources on the potions desk).
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allkordelia · 1 year
Keep me in Your Thoughts (13)
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A/n: sorry for the lateness...finals week been kicking my ass, literally had like two breakdowns in a course of two days. But, I'm okay now so enjoy and dint be scared to leave comments. Luv ya 😘 bye
word count: 1.4k
You watch from your window as Daemon walk along side Baelor and Ser Rewan, you heard someone step inside your chambers making you turn away from the window. You saw Meleah in her dark blue cloak along with her two sisters from her clan, you move away greeting them all before saying a seat in your armchair.
"So? Did he go to the tower?" You asked.
"No. From what i gathered from the guards he went straight to his chambers after your talk." You let out a low hum looking away, he may have not gone today but you know he will venture there eventually.
"I went to his chamber after he left and I found nothing to show he means harm, the sword known as dark sister held no minatory to it." Roznezli, an ghiscari girl, from what you been told by Melah, the girl held the power to obtain memories and sensations concerning beings and objects they observed or touch.
You let out a low growl as you clench your jaw and dig your nail into the cushion of the arm, a girl you come to know as Orasha was from Myr and she could sense the emotions of others. Which is why she made a sound causing you to look in her direction, she stood to lean against the fireplace with one arm across her stomach while the other hang.
"Your body shows agitation, but your heart shows relief." She said softly making you roll your eyes at the woman and face Meleah.
"Have you gotten anything from him that she could have missed, what did his mind tell you."
Meleah told you long ago of her abilities to read others minds, which came in good use during the rebellion and the war, but it also was a pain whenever you were near her. As much as you love her, she babies you as if she is your mother, keeping things from you when she knows you already have too much on your mind. You are grateful. Of course, but has caused some conflict between the two of you, which you don't like to admit almost destroy a long time friendship.
The young lys girl look at you with a nervous glint in her eyes, before glancing at Orasha, who look back at her with a faint sly smile as she sway gently. You narrow your eyes at her and Orasha as they shared a look, you called her name making her look at you again.
"Your not going to like what I say," You raise your brow at her, you try to contain the fear and disappointment in your chest that is ready to bloom into anger and resentment towards her former lover.
"Say it." Meleah chew on her bottom lip before looking down at the wooden floors.
"He...uh, his mind has...been, focused on you in a...hmmm." Meleah bite her tongue feeling her face heat up and make her scratch her cheek timid, you tap your thumb against the arm as you wait for her to spill what she found out.
"Leah, please, your killing me here." You said on edge as you fear for the worse, another sound came from Orasha as she lean off the wall and walk over to Meleah with a airy look.
"All of these emotions are making me dizzy, meleah stop being embarrassed and tell our sweet queen that there's nothing to worry about so she can stop upsetting herself." You squint at Orasha gently voice as she move over to a smirking Roznezli and lean her body against her friend.
"What is she talking about, meleah." The young priestess gulp and fridget with her fingers.
"I, too, have not gotten any enmity from the rogue prince, but rather some prurience thoughts from him...about you." She says a bit uncomfortable, you close your eyes as you sunk into your chair knowing what she meant making  your face heat up.
You feel so embarrassed and bad for your friend to have to hear daemon's thoughts, you hate how hard it is he is making it to despise him. Well, he might not be here for some sinister reason, but you still won't entertain him. You have worked too hard to regain your dignity, you be damn it all go away.
"Well, thank you, ladies. You can go back to your duties," You said as you use your two fingers to massage your temple, Orasha and Roznezli bowed before heading towards the door leaving you and Meleah alone.
She took a seat on the armchair that sat on the other side of the small round table next to your own, "Now, that you know he means no ill intention, what would you do next?" She asked.
"What else can I do, all I can do is wait for him to leave."
"What if he never leaves?" You look at her as she look at you.
"Then, I will make him leave even if it means I have to knock him unconscious and send his ass back to King's Landing gaged and tied." Meleah shook her head with a faint smile not surpised by her queen's plan.
"I understand why you need to keep daemon at arm's length, but..." You look at her, "It has been years, my queen. Since you last saw the rogue prince, don't you think that maybe he changed for the better?" You roll your eyes.
"Now you? Why do you all wish for me to give him another chance, I know him and I know how he is. Daemon does not do domesticity, he do whores and chaos that is his thing." You snapped, you were growing tired of hearing about daemon and his feelings for me, what they told you earlier does not faze you. What daemon doing is the bare minimum, if he truely wants you he would know what to do to get your attention and affection.
You heard Meleah hum with a look on her face before shaking her head, "You must know we are not trying to annoy you, but we been talking..." You shot her a look.
"What you mean 'talking' have you lot been having secret meetings behind my back?" You said angry, meleah look ashamed making you clench your jaw and scowl.
"Unbelievable, meleah, just nice I never thought you of all people would do such a traitorous thing like this to me." Meleah looked at you with hirt written all over her face, "Well? Tell me what exactly you and my advisors has been talking about behind my back." You snarl making meleah duck her head in shame.
"It is not what you think–"
"Its not? I swear, you lot choose the greatest moments to tell me things. I will discuss this 'secret meeting' at a later time, now I want here what you been talking about once I am gone." You face her way waiting as your anger grows from lack of speech coming from her mouth.
"We know how you feel about talking about...marriage, and we know how you don't like to talk about thoros's condition." You get up facing the fireplace, you feel the fire in your heart about to combust in flames.
"No, absolutely not."
"Rhaelle–" You turn to face her with your hands on your hips and a sharp glare in your eyes.
"No. No. No! He is not king material his barely prince material, I will not even play with the idea of daemon targaryen being my husband and king of the serpent islands." You bark.
"Your being selfish. This goes beyond you and your love history with the prince, this is about alliance with the seven kingdoms." You drop your hands from your hips to your sides clenching them painful with your nails going into your skin, "You and I know it is getting hard with the Iron Islands attacking and gathering more supporters, we need a marriage pact with house targaryen before this get worse." Your upper lip twitch as he forms into a sneer, you know she is right but dammit how you hate it.
"Get out." You move from her sight and behind her.
"Rhaelle–" she started desperate.
"I said get out!" You glare at her as she turn in her chair to see you near your bed, you wait and watch her get up from her seat, and walk towards the door.
"And tell my servants their queen is need of their service, right now." You restort as you pull at the sttings of your corset, meleah didn't stop or knowledge you as she slam the door behind her.
@cleverzonkwombatsludge @watercolorskyy @beggarsnotchoosey @green-lxght @stormgirlfriendd @supermassiveblackhope @avidreader73
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
thinking about last night's girl talk w zam and planet again. (zam stream, jan 23)
c!planet has always stood out in the lifesteal crowd as one of the few players who doesnt seem to take part in lifesteal's characteristic distrust and cycles of revenge. in season 4 alone, planet's only main channel video so far - "breaking survival minecraft to get revenge" - doesnt really contain any real "revenge" at all. planet and his teammates are routinely knocked down by other, stronger players; used as bodies in a war they dont have much of a stake in (besides the thrill of having duped hearts), imprisoned, killed, spawn trapped, banned, etc etc. their bases get found and used. but it doesnt really bother planet, at least not in any lasting way. planet doesnt hold grudges, he was able to stand with three heart trio and say he didnt think zam was a bad person, even after zam pointed out repeatedly all of the ways he had wronged planet, bacon, and jaron personally
part of it is just who planet is, I think. they're not the kind of person to get too fussed about the sides and conflict. they routinely make light of it when they abruptly pull out a sword on bacon and start monologuing about how they were "working against him this whole time". during the latter part of girl talk w zam they bemoaned how zam wasnt "besties" with mapicc and ro anymore - even though zam was evil when he was with them, to planet, they had been friends, and friendship breaking up is sad!
planet sees that zam is scared and tries to help talk him through some of it, puts him through a series of bizarre "scenarios" to test zam's trust - up to and including begging zam for over an hour to let planet into the new eclipse base, to which zam eventually complied - all of the scenarios are things which, had the player been anybody but planetlord, may have been actual traps or threats to zam's life. planet does care, but on some level just doesn't fully understand the position that zam is in.
zam has been harassed*, stalked*, and threatened* by mapicc (*in a video game) for months now, and planet - who is on good terms with just about everybody, including mapicc - cant really understand why zam cant just let it go. planet themself has let a lot of things go, but zam has never been afforded that privilege - mapicc refuses to forget him.
as a result, a lot of planet's advice and thoughts for zam, especially in the "therapy session" part of girl talk, seemed to lean a lot into toxic positivity. just stop being scared and you wont be scared. mapicc doesnt care about you as much as you think, etc. it's all about mindset! I think some of that advice is helpful (especially during this week - cc!mapicc is recovering from surgery and unable to be online, and ro is unlikely to do anything without mapicc there, so there isnt really any reason to be afraid of mapicc logging in) but a lot of it is not constructive for princezam long-term. and zam even said as much at one point!
I think planet is like this in part due to their more easygoing nature, but also because planet has never really been afforded the privilege of being in the position to enact revenge in the first place. their team was named "three heart trio" for a reason! of the three of them planet is the biggest grinder and usually has some extra hearts stashed away, but overall they dont have anywhere near the kind of resources other teams might have: team shades are basically all on 20 hearts, the eclipse federation has subz' grindset and firepower, and team awesome is stacked with both the hearts and power to succeed, with the addition of their abuse of the pearl and gapple glitches and leftovers from the duping war.
compared to all of that, theres no way bacon, planet, and jaron can match up. that doesnt mean they dont try, because they do! they try to fight anyways, and they take some Ws now and then! they keep grinding and they keep hanging in there, refusing to give up. but I think, when you're that disadvantaged in a server that's unforgiving as lifesteal is and can be, on some level they let stuff go because they cant afford to hold a grudge.
at the start of the APO vs team awesome war, planet, bacon, and jaron had to decide what they wanted to do. they had received an offer from team awesome to join them, with the promise of a lot of hearts for each of them if they did join. bacon expressed his misgivings by saying that (paraphrased) "team awesome did all this bad stuff to us. it wouldnt really make sense, character wise, to join them now". but they joined team awesome anyway, and they set aside their hesitation and the memories of an obsidian prison and bloody knuckles, and marveled at the feeling of a healthbar on 14. how powerful it made them feel.
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