#you fuck him you are ruined thats his hole now
blithesharem · 1 year
Obey Me: Most Shameful Kink Series
Beelzebub + Sleep Sex
See Original HC Post Here: LINK
Vote on the Next Fic Here: LINK
Prior Entries:
Lucifer + Shibari
Satan + Public Sex
Mammon + Pegging
Explicit. I block minors. AMAB reader.
Beelzebub had never had any trouble seeking out food, no matter what time of day. Lately though, for the first time since the fall, he found himself reluctant to head for the kitchen. Since he had begun spending some nights in your room, you’d made it far too tempting to stay in bed, warm under the covers with you tucked against his chest.
Another growl rumbled from his stomach and Beel sighed, nuzzling his nose into your hair and taking a deep inhale. Maybe if he focused really really hard on how good you smelled, his stomach would-
Nope. A painful hunger pang ached through his body and Beelzebub surrendered, gently detangling your arms from around his neck and easing himself out of your bed. He tucked you back in carefully, smiling as you gave a sigh and a mumble in your sleep, then he headed out in search of something to sate his hunger.
He’d have to be more strategic about keeping snacks in your room, he decided as he crept to the kitchen. It seemed as though everyone was asleep except maybe Leviathan, unless his older brother had fallen asleep watching anime again.
There was something about the comfort of a quiet house at night that soothed Beel just as much as his usual midnight snack did. Knowing all his brothers were home, safe and tuckered out by whatever trouble they’d gotten into throughout the day settled his fears. Even though Lucifer already made his rounds every night before bed, checking that all demons (and humans) were tucked into their beds, sometimes Beel would do the same on his way back into bed after eating. Just in case.  
Plus, Beel always reasoned, if Lucifer is checking on everyone himself, then who is checking on him?
The large demon gave a happy hum as he opened the fridge, eyes brightening when he saw the Tupperware Belphie had labeled with his name. He felt a little guilty that he’d leaving his twin alone in their room on the nights he spent with you, even if Belphie had promised him he didn’t mind. Beel supposed he was just enjoying the novelty of sleeping in the other bed for once.
As Beel ate, his mind drifted away from Belphie and back to the reason he’d been sleeping over in the first place…back to you.
Lust was new for Beelzebub. Even after the fall, when they’d all begun feeling more of a draw to sins they’d never indulged as angels, Beel hadn’t had the same burning ache that seemed to torture some of his older brothers right off the bat. No, it had all been only hunger, the new feeling of gnawing emptiness that sometimes threatened to consume him right along with everything else in its path.
But now…well, you had taught him an entirely new meaning to the word. He’d never known he could crave someone so much, feel such a starvation for the lightest touch of your skin or brush of your lips. Even before you’d mated together for the first time, there’d been a piece of Beel that felt insatiable when it came to you. Now that he knew you felt the same, it was hard to resist spending every night together, rutting and panting until you were both spent and satisfied. And even then, when Beel knew you had drained him of everything he had to offer, sometimes he’d watch you fall asleep in his arms and think, ‘I could still have more’.
“Oh.” Beel paused, looking down to realize he’d grown hard thinking of you, his cock straining against the boxers he’d thrown on before walking into the hall. He glanced at his Tupperware, scraping out the last bite, and placed it in the sink.
What now? He palmed his package idly, huffing at the discomfort. He had taken the edge off the hunger, but his daydreams had teased awake this other, new need.
He’d tried taking care of himself on his own, but it was frustrating, and only made him burn for you hotter. It never felt right, his own hand, especially when he was thinking of you bouncing on top of him, with your mouth open and chest flushed. No, the only remedy for this was only to try and think about something else or hunt you down and see if you were feeling the same need he was.
Before he realized it, he’d walked himself back to your door. Slipping silently inside, Beel cast a guilty glance over your form and swallowed hard. You’d shifted since he’d been gone, tossing the blankets off and rolling over onto your stomach. Your ass was gleaming in the moonlight, still wet from the earlier events of the evening. Despite his best efforts, Beelzebub felt his mouth water, and he drew closer.
Your smell…it might have been easier to resist if your scent wasn’t so intoxicating. Somehow heady and floral at the same time, a strange combination of shampoo and sweat and pheromones that was you and only you. Beel dropped his head, breathing in deeply as he pressed his nose into the small of your back.
A thick thumb spread you open and Beel took a hot lap of your entrance before he could stop himself, grunting as his cock gave a happy throb in reply. A kiss then, pressing his lips to you and feeling as your body responded in kind, twitching and hot for him.
“Sorry…” he mumbled, head feeling hazy now, as he took another hungry lap of you. His tongue was thick and hot, dropping down to drag over your sac before back up through the curve of your ass.
It was too much and yet not enough. He needed more.
Carefully, loathe to wake you and disturb your sweet sleep, Beel shed his boxers and reached for the lube, slicking it over his cock even as he oozed pre over your thighs.
“Oops…” he mumbled bashfully, making a mental note to do your laundry for you in the morning. He’d ruined the sheets several times over now…
With a shaky exhale, Beel lowered himself onto his elbow, hovering his body over yours while he rubbed the fat head of his cock against your ass. He loved watching, he couldn’t help it, admiring as it spread you slowly, stretching you wide before you popped around him like you were made to fit each other. With a moan, Beel sank his hips into you, letting his weight fall to pin you to the bed, his body giving a shake of relief.
Tight…and hot…Beel sat there, dazed, as he watched your lips, slick with drool, twitch with silent dream words.
‘I’m in trouble,’ he thinks weakly to himself, trying not to jostle you as he gives an experimental slow thrust. A sleepy whine leaves you, and it may as well be an arrow shot through his heart.
“Sorry,” he pants again, nuzzling into your temple, pressing his lips against your ear, “You feel…so good…” His hand, rough with calluses, slips down your side to caress your leg, before palming it to the bed. You’re sucking him so tightly, it feels like he’ll lift you off the sheets every time he drags his cock from your warmth.
You moan his name suddenly, and Beelzebub feels himself snap, the restrain he always did his best to try and maintain vanishing with a labored whoosh of his exhale against you. He lifts his hips and gives a proper thrust, groaning in relief as he gives in to the hunger once more.
Beneath him, you awake with a sudden grunt as Beel literally fucks the breath out of you. You tighten suddenly around his cock and he gasps your name, pressing his chest against your back and grinding you down.
“Sorry…sorry…” he pants, fucking you feverishly now, as stars burst behind your eyes from the sudden onslaught against your prostrate.
“Goods’goodluhluhlove…,” you drool incoherently, eyes rolling as you try to scramble back to consciousness, difficult to do when Beels weight is swallowing you, and his tongue his fighting greedily for your mouth. He kisses you messily, milking your thigh with his hand still clutched there, as his thick cock pumps in and out of your now pliant hole. Your own shaft is pinned to the bed, not that you’d have the mind to grab it even if you’d wanted to, and it hardly matters. You cum violently, and Beel doesn’t even stuttes his pace.
“More, just a little more,” he begs, shoving his face into your neck like a dog, and you feel his teeth sink into your shoulder.
“He’s gonna eat me,” you think with delirious glee, wanting your Beel to swallow you up and take whatever he needs from your body. With a long, low moan, he slams into you a final time, hilting and holding there as you feel his heavy sac flex on top of your own, pumping a fresh load of his cum into your belly.
For a long moment, neither of you can move, both gasping for air and quivering with the force of you orgasms. Then, slowly, Beel draws from you, a moan falling from you lips as cool air rushes to fill the space where his body had once been.
“I…I did it again…” Beel says miserably, ashamed at having lost control. You give a breathy murmur of comfort, rolling over to face him with tender movements.
“Shhh, it’s okay, baby,” you coo, pulling him back down into your chest, cuddling him up as he gladly collapses back on you, “I love it…You know I told you it’s okay…”
“…are you sure?” he mumbles, amber eyes falling to where his hand caresses the red mark his grip left on your leg. It’s definitely going to bruise, but you hardly mind. If anything, you get the feeling you’re going to be getting off on the color multiple times over the healing process…
“I’m okay,” you promise, cupping his cheek to lift him into a long kiss before asking, “Feel better?”
“Yes…but…I’m hungry again.”
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 3 months
When They Call You Clingy So You Distance Yourself| Maknaeline Pt1
Warnings: Cursing, Mentioning of Blood
Pt2 Pt3 Hyungline  (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
There was nothing you loved more than Jisung's singing. Well maybe Jisung himself.
But from the moment you heard him sing you knew that it was game over for you. You didn't know what you had done to have God bless you with the off chance of running into the chubby cheeked boy on the street during a last-minute girls' trip - the result of a horrible breakup.
And you sure as hell didn't know what you did to have him become smitten with you at first glance, softly asking for your number - even though it was obvious you weren't going to stay long.
But after a week of non-stop texting and meme exchanging it was obvious the feeling was mutual so long distance was something you were willing to try.
And it was the best decision you had ever made. Two and a half years strong.
The last year you had spent in South Korea had been filled with wonderful memories too, and you quickly found yourself getting used to living life with Hanji.
"Sungie!" You burst into the studio and Jisung jumped in fear. "I brought you something!"
He turned around with wide eyes and his mouth opened slightly. "What is it?"
You handed him a couple of his favorite snacks and an energy drink. "I figured you were tired since the guys told me you didn't come back to the dorms..." You wrapped your arms around him and peeked over his shoulder at to what he was scribbling in his favorite, beat up notebook. "What are you writ-"
Jisung quickly closed his notebook. "N-nothing."
"Lemme see!" You giggle reaching for it again. He quickly pulled away. "Jiji you always show me your songs!" You said, not noticing his growing irritation.
"Y/N stop I don't want you to see this one." He said grabbing his notebook.
"Why not?" You whined, trying one last time to grab it. "Thats are thing you show me your songs even before you show the guys!"
Your hands folded around the broken metal spine and part of the papers themselves and Jisung pulled away with an extreme amount of force.
The small part of metal that had no home in the small holes of the spiral bound book hooked its way into your hand. And with Han's forceful pull, ripped open your skin as well in a thing but deep wound.
You hissed in pain slightly from a small paper cut on your middle finger, which was ironic considering the much deeper gash in the palm of your dominant hand.
"Dammit Y/N!" He snapped looking at his ripped pages.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." You said quietly.
"Well you did!" He mumbled turning his back on you looking for tape on Chan's cluttered desk.
"I'm sorry."
"Its whatever." Han mumbled, his back still turned to you.
You hold your wrist, you hand bloodied. "Jiji-"
"Y/N I want to be alone right now." His voice was firm, and you could tell he was trying to hide his growing anger. You wanted to respect his wishes but your injury seemed to throb even more by the second, even more blood spilling out.
You nodded but opened your mouth to speak again trying to ask him for help with your gushing hand. "I know but-"
"FUCK Y/N!" Jisung screamed slamming his hands on the table. "Just leave me alone! Stop being clingy for two seconds and give a moment to breathe! You just ruined something extremely important just because you don't know when to stop messing around."
You bit your cheek, trying to stop the tears that were pricking your eyes from falling.
You knew that Jisung was only calling you clingy to to get you to go away. To hurt you enough so you'd want to leave. He had done it before.
And even though it was a bad habit, it was proving really hard for him to break.
You quickly made your way out after watching your boyfriend for a few more seconds as he started tearing small pieces of tape from the dispenser.
And even still you couldn't help but have your heart flutter at his concentration as he bent down to carefully place pieces of tape on the ripped pages.
Dammit. Why do I always have to go and ruin things... You think to yourself as you head out to your car. Grabbing an extreme amount of paper towels to soak up the red liquid streaming from your hand.
You go to wipe your tears, but only smearing blood on your face causing even more tears of frustration, sadness and disappointment to fall from your eyes.
Fuck. I'm gonna need stitches.
You drove to the hospital, continously blinking to keep your vision clear through your emotional state. You were so focused on the road and replaying the whole situation that had just occurred in your head you didn't realize your phone was ringing.
Once you computed the ringning you frantically reached for your phone, so you could talk to Jisung - apologize, just talk things through - not remembering the state your hand was in and feeling it rip open even more, causing your phone to slip and a strangled cry of pain escape your lips.
Incoming call from - Jiji *heart emoji. angel emoji. squirrel emoji.*
Your phone had fallen in between the crack of your seat and you tried grabbing it while keeping your eyes on the road.
Incoming call from - Jiji *heart emoji. angel emoji. squirrel emoji.*
"Holy shit can't I-"
You heard the blaring of a horn and by instinct you turned opposite of the direction you heard it coming from, only to have the noise covered by metal crunching on metal.
Missed Call from - Jiji *heart emoji. angel emoji. squirrel emoji.*
You have one new voicemail.
"Jagiya - I saw blood on my paper. Were you bleeding? Look, I know you probably don't feel like talking to me and that's valid. I say a lot of mean things to get space- and I know how wrong that is of me. Just...call me back okay? Let me know you're okay...there was...a lot...of blood. A lot...I'm worried. You can be mad but please just let me know, okay? I feel bad. I had a reason for hiding the lyrics; but it just seems stupid now. Because you got hurt because of me...I know I'm ranting but I'm worried sick. So please just...text or something. At least tell me you have the cut bandaged or something. Because baby if I would have realized sooner you were bleeding that much...God I feel like an idiot. Just call me, okay? Or you know what text if you don't feel like talking...just let me know your safe...the guys are worried too...you left a trail...God I feel so bad. Maybe I'm exaggerating but it looked like so much...I love you. Okay? I love you."
You heard your front door unlock and looked behind you to see Felix walking in.
He slipped his shoes off and immediately headed towards the game room you had set up from an old study when you and him had frist started dating.
Your desk was still in the corner, but you had set up all of Felix's extra gaming things throughout the rest of the room. Stringing up LED lights and making it as aesthetically pleasing as possible since had taken a liking to filming some of his lives in that room once your relationship had gone public.
You got up from the couch and followed Felix into the room. He didn't seem like his usual cheery self. And his determined steps into the game room differed from his usually excited steps and leaned more towards annoyance.
"Lix is everything okay?" You asked, coming to stand by him. You placing the energy drink you were sipping on by him as you reach out to give him an embrace.
"I'm fine Y/N." He mumbled, trying to shake his PC awake. Then trying to turn on the LED's and lamp next to him. When they didn't turn on he tried plugging his phone in to the extra charger that he always kept plugged in at your home, groaning when that too didn't work.
"You seem upset love, you know I'm here for you."
"I said I'm fine." He snapped as he got up and started looking at the different wires connecting the lights and other various things in the room. "This damned thing."
You got up and looked at the wires yourself. "Let me see-"
"I got it, Y/N." Felix said sternly as he moved his makeshift desk back carefully from the wall enough to squeeze back there and look at the outlets.
At the same time you notice the extension cord didn't look like it was fully plugged in. You let out a small noise of acknowledgement and crawled under table to plug it in.
It was too bad Felix didn't notice your other hand resting on the ground for balance, as he stepped on it while trying to get a better look.
You yelped in pure shock, your head coming up to bang against the underside of the table- and Felix jumping back in surprise - and reaching out to balance himself but instead knocking over your drink onto his extremely expensive keyboard.
You had never heard so many profanities string from his mouth at once.
"I'll go get towels-"
"Are you fucking slow Y/N?!" His voice was harsh. Nothing like the gentle tone he always used with you. "Maybe you are. Would explain why you'd think a fucking corrosive drink could be easily cleaned from a keyboard. GOD." He groaned slamming his fist down.
"Felix I didn't-"
"I didn't know! I didn't know!" Felix mocked. "Well no shit you didn't know. Who in their right mind puts an open drink next to a set up that probably costs more than your monthly wages."
You felt your chin start to tremble and you tried to take a breath.
"You know maybe if you weren't clinging to me 24/7 this wouldn't have happened. Now thanks to you I have to find replacements." He grumbled pushing past you.
You turned to follow him like a lost puppy.
"Dammit did you not get the hint?!" He shouted turning back towards you. "You really are slow holy shit." He spat out.
You watched him make his way towards the door grabbing his keys and just walking out in his house slippers that's how angry you had made him.
"I can fix it..." You whimpered, trying to wipe your tears as you collected an arrangement of towels both dry and cloth. "I-I can f-fix itttt..." You whine as you hold the towels with shaky hands trying to mop up the mess.
"I-I'll fix-fix it-" You keep repeating to yourself until your vision is so blurred by tears the they flow over into the crevices of his precious keyboard. You try to soak up the mousepad he had customized, and the fabric of his chair.
"I'll...fix it..."
Soon enough those three words didn't sound like words you had said them so much.
Your hands were red and raw from scrubbing down the table so much. And you could barely even breath through your desperate cries.
His words kept ringing in your head.
He sounded so angry. You had never seen him like that. And it scared you. It scared you so much.
So much it had you considering if his accessories were the only thing he'd ever consider replacing.
You sat in the dressing room, waiting for Seungmin to come back stage.
Tonight was the kickoff concert for their mini tour. Just ten destinations. A mix of normal venues, mini music festivals and things of such.
Ever since you and Seungmin had become a thing a little over three years ago, you had made it your mission to attend all of his concerts. While at first you flew under the radar of attendance- you soon became the "Where's Waldo" of sort when your relationship became public- stays doing everything they could to spot you in the crowd.
Tonight was no different other than the fact that everything went abswolutely horrible.
Malfunction after malfunction. Although most of the Stays were too preoccupied with the the visuals and the improv to really care about the mistakes on the crew end of thing.
And you had come backstage to tell Seungmin the same thing that all the Stays in the crowd had been thinking.
You did great.
Most of the time on Seungmin's shorter trips you stayed out of his way. Calling him and just infroming him of the different places you were visting in the cities, and asking if he would like any specific souvenirs. Thats the way you balanced out most. Thats the way things had worked and you figured they would continue to work...
Until Seungmin came in,.
"What are you doing here?" He asked throwing his jacket on the closest chair, and immediately going to strip off his shirt.
"I just wanted to come in and see how you were doing." You said quietly- gently.
"Appreciate it but you're not exactly helping my situation. I come into the dressing room for a breather - some space but your in here." He sighs grabbing a towel and trying to soak up his sweat.
You frown and look at him, his puppy eyes clouded with frustration.
"I just wanted to tell you that you did good...none of that was your fault. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of that..."
"Y/N. You're getting overwhelming. Seeing you home, at the studio in the audience- I can't catch a fucking break. Its like you're acting as my fucking shadow- clinging on to me wherever I go. Normal couples don't do that." He said as he stepped behind a portable stall to change completley.
You opened your mouth but closed it quickly, not wanting to start something you knew Seungmin was more than likely to finish.
"Like everytime I see you it's such a burden really..." Seungmin came out drying his sweaty hair with a smaller towel. "Like don't you ever get sick of seeing me all the time?" He gives out a smile and a laugh, but his eyes don't crinkle the same way they usually do.
You bite your cheek. "No...why would I get sick of seeing you? Why...would I ever see you as a burden?"
Your boyfriend looks at you in the reflection of the mirror, and turns to see the pain in your eyes.
"I came back here to comfort you Min...but instead you want to find ways to tear me down? So effortlessly at that?" Your voice is growing in pitch by the second but getting quieter and quiter. "I've spent three years supporting you in everything that you do. I've spent money to surprise you on trips Seungmin! When you know I don't have the money to do that!" Seungmin flinches when you use his full name. It had been so long since he heard anything other than a nickname fall from your lips when talking to him. "I always put you before me...am I really that much of a burden to you Seungmin?"
The quiet boy just looked at you.
"Dammit say something!" You exclaimed.
"I...don't know what you want me to say Y/N...I appreciate you coming to my concerts. I do...but don't you have another life outside of me?"
You clenched your jaw. "You're geniunely asking me that? When we've spent over three years together?"
Seungmin sighed. "You know I don't mean it like that..."
"Then how do you mean it?"
He fidgeted and opened his mouth to say something but bit his tongue and thought for a second more.
"You know what...maybe you're right Seungmin." You grab your purse and coat.
"Where are you going?" He asked, a bit of panic creeping into his voice.
"Away." You mumbled. "You're right Seungmin. I don't have a life outside of you. And maybe that's why this doesn't feel so right anymore."
You reach for the door and you feel both his hands wrap around your arm.
"B-Baby...y...you don't mean that...you don't." He pleaded softly. You watched as his brown eyes searched your face for any bluff. "We're right...we feel right-we we fit right..." His voice took a little pitiful whine to it and you felt as if you just kicked a puppy.
Right now he looked like a kicked puppy.
You had to turn your face away so he couldn't see your walls built in anger break.
Because no matter how petty you could be you wouldn't do that to Seungmin.
Would you?
"Seungmin...you think you can just go and say those things...the things that effortlessly hurt me?" You took a deep breath. "It's like you put no thought into how you crack my heart."
Not break. He couldn't break it...
"Jagiya...please...please stay?"
Couldn't my ass. He damn well could. And two could play that game.
"I'm leaving." You said pulling your arm from him roughly, knowing that you ripping yourself from the embrace you relied on so much would hurt him the most.
"You don't mean it...we're both frustrated...Jagiya..."
You decided not to look back as you walked out the door.
Knowing just how quickly your resolve you fold if you saw just how easily Seungmin's heartbreak was painted on to him.
You knew you'd fold the second you saw how his heartbreak mirrored your own.
Please leave a message after the tone.
You groan as you guide yourself to the counter, holding onto it trying to find unwavering land in the battle of dizziness you were fighting.
Please leave a message after the tone.
"Pick up..." You groan as you try to hit the call button for Jeongin, your vision was clouded and you mistakenly pressed your second most recent call.
"Y/N? What's up?"
"Ji...Jisung...grab Jeongin for me?"
"Y/N...he's a little...irked right now. We were poking fun at him when you called but I think we went a bit too far... I don't think its the best idea..."
"Jisung, please?"
You heard Jisung shuffle around, and you heard the crunching of leaves as he made his way towards the sound of loud laughter.
"Innie! Your girlfriend is one the phone!"
You think you're hearing things when you hear Jeongin's distinct groan- but you don't have time to think about it before you hear all of his elder group members "ooh" and "ahh" at the youngest member.
"What is it?" The annoyance in his voice is evident.
"Innie...I don't feel good." You say steadying yourself on the counter. Your hands are slick with sweat, just like the rest of your body.
"Y/N I don't know what you want me to do about that." He says, covering the mic to yell something at the members- who are making kissing noises and mimicking romantic music in the background. "I'm hours away and I'm not gonna be back until Monday."
You whimper as you lower yourself onto the ground, your head swimming with dizziness - all while feeling as if someone tigthened a rubber band around your noggin.
"Stop being so dramatic and take medicine if its that bad." He finally says. "It's embarassing to have you blow up my phone while I'm on a guys trip - and even more embarassing for you to blow up my friends phones as well."
Something about the way he says my makes your heart sting slightly. As if you hadn't cultivated friendships with the guys as well.
"Maybe if you had answere-"
"Just stop Y/N! I'm not a baby! And having you cling to me...its making the guys think that. I mean don't you see how annoying that looks? Childish? Being clingy is downright childish."
You can't really focus on Jeongin's angry rant because you vision is getting blurry, and your head is throbbing so horribly, and your body is getting so clammy you can't focus on anything other than how shitty you feel.
"I think I'm gonna pass out-"
You hear Jeongin's exasperated huff. "You always have to make it about you don't you?! I'm trying to tell you how I want you sto stop blowing up my phone so damn much while I'm with the guys and you're here being dramtic. We're adults Y/N. We don't have to rely on each other for everything! So just lay down if your feeling that bad. I don;t cal you for everything."
You groan into the phone. "Jeongin-"
"Holy shit Y/N, can't you take a hint? For fuck's sake...I'll talk to you Monday." He said before hanging up, his tone exuding the aura of a typical "too-cool-for-anyone" teen boy or more specifically a hormonal attitude filled PMS monster.
You take a second to breathe, the nausea that was hitting you in waves only coming in faster and stronger.
You scrolled through your contacts and just clicked on one. Your fingers were trembling and you could barely press the speaker button before dropping your phone to the ground in a moment of weakness.
I'm gonna pass out...just...a minute longer...wait until someone answers...
You decided to not delay the inevitable and just lay on the cool ground that you'd end up on anyway. Might as well save yourself from an uneccassary bump.
"I think I'm gonna faint..." You groan.
"The fuck? Y/N? What? I'm on my way I'm at the studio I'll be there in a minute..."
You give a small hmm and lean more into the floor if that was possible.
It brought you back to when you were a child, and would decide to randomly nap on the ground.
Maybe I am childish...
Maybe he was right...
You're mine clears as your mind goes static then black as if a switch turned on.
"Y/N? Y/N!"
When you open your eyes your blinded by lights and instantly annoyed by the beeping of mulitple machines.
"Y/N-ie!" You see the smiling faces of Chaeryeong and Yeji. Then Ryujin, Lia and Yuna's faces pop around you too.
"The doctor said your blood sugar was extremley low." Yeji said grabbing your hands. "He said that they're gonna run a few more tests on you too see what the cause of it was."
"We were worried sick when you called Chaer so we all came!" Lia exclaims.
You smiled gratefully, your head still throbbing slightly.
"Thank you." You said quietly.
"I called Changbin." Chaeryeong commented. "I thought it was best that one of the Kids relay the message to your boyfriend."
You pop up in bed, the sudden movement dizzying you. "What? What did you say?"
"I just told him we found you past out in your kitchen. At that point we didn't know what caused it...so all I said is we were bringing you to the hospital."
"Your boyfriend has been calling your phone for the last hour and a half." Yuna says nodding towards your phone.
26 missed calls.
"Hah...so he calls me clingy and childish then proceeds to call my phone 26 times?" You groan as you throw yourself back onto the hospital bed.
The ITZY girls look at you with sympathetic looks, Yeji squeezing your hands gently as well.
"Fuck it." You mumble, a fit of anger bubbling inside you as you swiped away all the call notifications, an insurge of pettiness filling you. "Clingy and childish my ass. I'll show him what that actually looks like."
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha @iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric @panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee @shuporanporang
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prince-jjae · 8 days
nsfw !!! thinking about puppy hybrid gyu with a smaller puppy hybrid reader.. thinking about how hed shove your face into the pillows, snarling mean filth into your ears as he takes you. hes fast, hard, and mean. hes forcing you to take his fat dick, splitting your poor hole apart. you were in heat, desperately clawing at him for hours and begging him to help you. now your pleas die in your throat, choking out sobs and whimpers as he ruins you.
"this is what you wanted right? to take my cock like the little breeding bitch you are?" his voice is barely more than an angry growl, ripping from his chest with a snarl against your skin. you shivered, fingers pulling at the sheets with a death-grip. you couldnt breathe, you couldnt think. all you could do was take the pounding of a lifetime, sobbing into his pillows. he hisses into your ear. "thats what i fucking thought. stupid fucking pup, doesnt even know how to speak. cant even thank me for giving you the fucking of a lifetime? cant even say a simple. fucking. thank you." he accentuats every single word with a mean thrust, your eyes blowing wide as saucers at the feeling of his knot catching your rim. he chuckles, feeling your walls flutter around him.
"oh, you like that, dont you? fucking pathetic. want me to breed you, right? so desperate for my fucking pups. pathetic puppy. let me show you what you were made for."
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starboye · 2 months
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pairing: chris hemsworth x male reader
request: Chris Hemsworth x twink!reader in a full nelson position? Size difference, degradation, rough sex and daddy kink please. Could it be that Chris discovered that reader was sleeping with other men like Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Will Poulter, etc? Chris is reader's sugar daddy and Chris is married, so technically they weren't dating. But Chris got so jealous (and very horny) when he found out reader was a whore that after the intense sex he promises to leave his wife for him and make it official. Even letting other men continue sleeping with reader, only Chris is now part of it now.
warnings: smut, rough sex, breeding kink, daddy kink, sugar baby reader, slight degradation, cheating!sugar daddy!chris, mentions of reader having sex with other actors, size difference
"you think its cute to be whoring yourself out to them huh" chris bellows while plowing into at a relentless pace, your back firmly placed against hid big chest while his hand wrapped around you neck drawing a gasp out of you "no" you yelp trying to slow chris' thrusts by pushing him back but he just grabs you hands and pin them to your back and pushes your face into the bed with your ass up in the air.
"then who does this sweet pussy belong to" he questions as his hands pushes your face further into the bed "yours daddy only yours" you breathlessly say as tears drip down your cheeks from the hours over over stimulation chris has put you through "and who's dick is the only dick for this hole" chris asks slapping your ass a couple times "yours sir" you say trying your hardest not to faint "yeah thats right no man is ever gonna pleasure your slutty ass the way i do" chris spits slamming into you with big thrust, a loud clap coming after each one.
"please chris i cant take it anymore" you beg "shut up, you weren't saying that when you were going around and letting those other men use your body like a prostitute" he says huskily, pounding you deeper into the matress "if you dont stop im gonna fucking break" you try and convince him "good then those others bitches wont get to use you anymore" chris snarls "please i need a break" you plea "shut up whores like you dont get breaks, whores that let other men use their hole raw" he roughly says.
you felt like your whole core was on fire for the countless hours of chris fucking you but it was your fault for letting chris, tom, and will fuck you, but how could you deny them with their hunk bodies and huge dicks, it was impossible but this is the consequences of your actions.
"i should fill you up so much it'll look like you're pregnant so they know not to fuck you" chris grunts grazing the good spot in your hole for the hundredth time, and you moan to chris' words "you like that, the idea of me getting you pregnant you walking around with a belly full of my cum" chris laughs at your reaction making you moan more and more to the idea "yes" you lightly say.
"speak up, y know i cant hear you when you're getting ruined like this" he says pulling your head up by your hair to face him "please ruin my hole, fill me up with you cum, i wanna be pregnant by you" you beg thrusting your ass back on his dick, "im gonna ruin your tiny body so much" chris growls through shut teeth "please do daddy" you plea "yeah now who do you belong to baby" chris asks as he slams into again "yours daddy" you answer sloppily "thats right and im gonna make sure you remember that" chris smirks pinning your arms behind you.
"my wife's pussy could never compare to you" chris says trowing his head back in ecstasy "thank you" you cry out as chris fills you up for the fifth or sixth time, he groans loudly as you milk the cum out of his dick, still so tight after so long of fucking session.
chris plops next to you with a light grunt "you okay" he asks sweetly, moving the hairs that are stuck to your forehead by sweat "yeah... just a little tired" you huff "dont worry ill buy you whatever you want after this" he coos "thank you chris" you say "and i promise ill leave my wife so we can be together for the rest of our lives" chris says rubbing your back"
"yeah okay" you say turning away, chris had said that same thing every time you guys fucked but never went through with it "hey look at me" he demands turning your face towards him by your chin "i promise this time" he says kissing your forehead "and you know what i guess you can continue fucking the other guys but-" he says but before he can finish you hug him "thank you chris" you excitedly say.
"hey now let me finish, you can continue fucking them but only if im their" chris emphasizes the but "fine i can deal with that" you huff playfully before kissing chris deeply "i love you" chris says pulling you into a cuddle "i love you too" you reply laying your head onto chris' chest and falling asleep.
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cloudyzeusy · 10 months
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What would you do? ||
pairing: takemichi X top male reader
warning: daddy kink, hickeys
"Please please i wont let you down i promise you (Name) kun." Takemichi pleaded following after me ,the leader of the number one gang in our area.
The reason Takemichi can get this close to me as he's my family friend i grew up seeing him and taking care of him. He has always followed me around but now its worse he's seen what my gang does and desperately wants to join.
"I'll do anything just let me join." He begged grabbing onto me i turned around facing smirking as i looked down at him.
"Anything? The only way i'll put you under my wing is if you let me fuck you." I teased him obviously joking.
"Fine! But you have to promise that i'll be in your gang if i do so." He said confidently before walking away. I stood there suprised as i didn't expect him to say yes.
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Thats how we ended up here...
"Takemitchy you don't have to do this if you don't want to." I spoke up watching him try to finger himself.
"I want to, okay?" He spoke indignatly still trying i eventually got fed up and grasped his body manhandling him on my bed so he faced away from me.
I grabbed some of the lube squirting it on my fingers before entering one inside him. I watched his face morph into pleasure as he relaxed into it. "more- more." He pleaded grinding back on my fingers like a horny mutt i added two more scissoring him open.
He clenched back onto my fingers as i suddenly hit his prostate his cock leaking. "uhh mm it feles sho good (name)~" He moaned body tensing as i could sense he was getting closer to his orgasm.
I removed my orgasm ruining his orgasm as i lubed up my cock.
"why! i was so close." He said petutantly.
"Don't worry, baby im going to give you something better than my fingers." I put him back in doggy style lining my cock up to his entrance.
I slowly entered myself into him filling him up his hole stretched around my cock welcoming me in. His face twisted in discomfort from the intrusion. I had to hold myself back from thrusting into his hot ass.
"Are you okay Takemitchy?" I asked to make sure i had the all clear before continuing.
"mhm." He hummed bracing himself.
I slowly began thrusting inside him settting thw pace inside him as i pounded into him my hips slapping against his ass. I held a tight grip onto his hips that was sure to leave a bruise tomorrow. Takemitchi had his face buried into the pillow whining and gasping as i used him with no regard. All he could focus on was my cock against his prostate.
I leaned over him pressing my mouth against his ear. "This is all your good for isn't baby? Being used as daddy's little fucktoy why bother trying to join my gang when you could just stay attached to my cock." I kissed and sucked his throat proudly claiming him as my own.
Takemitchy couldn't form words besides moans from my words close to his orgasm. I couldn't hold back my groan as i filled him up with my hot cum and he followed suit shuddering from the overstimulation before he came onto the bed collapsing. Letting out a faint whine of "daddy".
I pulled out of him my cum leaking out of him i watched as Takemichi pink hole fluttered almost like it begging for me back into it. "This is how you should always be who know innocent Takemitchi was a secret slut." I laughed as i spanked his ass hard enough that a pink handprint was left behind making him let out a startled yelp.
I gripped his hair and tugged him up into an awkward arch so i could kiss his mouth possessively. "Who's are you."
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healmyhrt · 6 months
could you do Matt x reader smut where reader wears something showy to her friends birthday party and Matt gets like turned on and you can take over the rest!
⌗ crush, m. sturniolo
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matt x fem!reader
summary: matt has had a crush on you for the longest, and you’ve had strong feelings toward him too. after a summer fling with him, things turn awkward, and you both have a feeling of relief thinking that you’ll never see each other again… until your best friends birthday party.
disclaimers!: flirting, heavy making out, thigh riding, alcohol consumption, cursing, and use of y/n
a/n: guys question, is it technically “aftercare” if u don’t fuck??? like if you just js did oral shi or something idk 😣 anywho enjoy babes
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i slowly creep into the dark entry way, removing my jacket as quietly as possible. i feel a hand tap my shoulder and i grip the fingers, trying to recognize who it could be.
“y/n?” a voice whispers. it was nick.
i reach in and hug him, squeezing tightly. i can feel him smiling against me. “hey, how are you?” i whisper back.
“good, you?” he replies, holding my hand and leading me through the dark hallway. “eh, so-so. is she here yet?”
a few friends and i were throwing a surprise party for my best friend, mia, she’s turning 21.
“she’ll be here in a few, but come on, everyone’s in here.”
i enter the dining room, seeing a crowd of some familiar and unfamiliar faces, candles lit in front of them.
i scan the group, looking at everyone, when my eyes come to an abrupt stop. there he was, matthew.
his blue eyes glistened behind the candlelight, and he stared right through it, straight at me. fuck.
i tap nick as he swivels around, handing me a candle.
“what the hell is he doing here?” i question. nick looks over at matt, then back at me. “um, he knows mia?”
i roll my eyes. nicks face changes and he raises an eyebrow. “have you two still not talked since the summertime?” i shuffle in place, looking at the floor.
nick groans. “jesus. just—sort things out tonight, okay? you two can not ruin this night for mia. got it?” he says.
i nod, and glance over at matt, who was still staring.
chris sprints into the dining room, and catching his breath before speaking. “guys, they’re here!”
we all become quiet as the front door creaks open. i look up at nick who’s looking at me, trying not to smile.
mia slowly enters the dining room, a white blindfold tied gently over her freshly curled hair. she begins to untie it, and nick looks at everyone, holding up three fingers.
“SURPRISE!” we all shout, seeing mia’s face. she immediately smiles, and holds her hands to her face.
“you guys!” she beams.
everyone rushes over, hugging her uncontrollably. i step back into the hallway, freeing myself from the crowd.
i sigh, looking over and seeing matt. he gives me a small smile, and i look the other way, turning toward the stairs.
it had been about 2 hours since we surprised mia, and now the entire house was packed. the small gathering had turned into a big party.
i had stayed holed up in mia’s room, drinking, as friends came and went, bringing me more and more.
now, i wasn’t drunk. they only brought me cans of sprite with a little bit of vodka in it. thats it.
and ive only had like 3 or 4 of them.
but i knew after a while id have to pee, and eventually leave mia’s room, placing myself back into the craziness that was downstairs.
i patt my hands dry on my favorite cardigan, shutting the bathroom door behind me. stepping down the steps into the chaos, i pass by multiple people making out on the steps.
i see mia at the bottom of the steps, and it gives me a sense of direction. she sees me and smiles immediately, running into my arms. “y/n!” she beams. i grin back.
“god, i feel like i haven’t seen you all night!” she grabs my forearm, dragging me into the living room. we stumble across a couple making out on the couch.
“can we sit here?” mia questions, with a smile.
they move over, and continue. “mia, im not sitting next to a horny ass couple.” i groan. she pulls me down next to her, and displays her legs across mine. “sooooo…”
i raise an eyebrow. “so, what?” she giggles, biting her bottom lip. “did you see him?” i cross my arms.
“you invited him? god—mia!” i scoff.
she laughs. “y/n, you two need to sort things out. tonight. okay? i can’t have two of my closest friends not being able to stay in the same room as one another.”
“you sound like nick.” i reply. she smirks. “well, yeah. it was our plan all along.” i playfully push her away with a little smile.
“look, please just talk to him.” she says, giving me a look.
i sit in silence fidgeting with my fingers. she places a hand on my fingers, and i look up at her. “okay.”
she claps enthusiastically, standing. “yay, y/n!”
i laugh. “im gonna go find myself another drink. want anything?” i shake my head. she blows me a kiss, and walks off, her dress swaying gracefully with each step.
i sigh, standing up. i look over at the couple next to me.
“you guys can—y’know—do your thing.” i gesture to the sofa. they give me a thumbs up, and immediately lay down, continuing. gross.
i make my way outside, onto the front porch.
i sit, flinching at the cold pavement against the back of my thighs. my skirt was very short, and i didn’t have any tights.
the door opens and shuts behind me, and i turn around to meet a very familiar face. “matthew.” i say. “y/n.”
he walks past me, and unlocks his car. i watch him stop, and turn around. “wanna—come with?” i give him a confused expression.
“we need more ice. im just gonna run to a gas station.”
i shrug, and stand, walking over to his car. matt opens the door for me, and i give him a small smile, stepping in.
after waiting in the car for a while, matt finally exits the gas station, carrying the last bag of ice. about time.
he gets in the car, wiping his now wet hands against his jeans. “took you long enough.” i tease. matt chuckles.
“i know, usually doesn’t take me that long to get my hands this wet.” he smirks. i shake my head, looking out the window, attempting to hold my laugh in.
“let’s just go.”
the drive back was silent. (minus the ice tumbling around in the backseat.) we caught almost every red light, and matt and i would just shift in our seats, trying not to make eye contact with one another.
as we pull in the driveway. i unbuckle my seatbelt, trying to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.
“so, we aren’t gonna talk about it? at all?”
i knew it.
i turn around, and sigh. “fine. let’s talk, matt.” i say with a long stare. he clenches his jaw, and rests his hands on the steering wheel.
“we had sex. big deal.” i throw my hands up in the air dramatically. matt scoffs and looks at me, almost as if he was about to cry. “it was a big deal to me.” he stares.
i purse my lips together. “well, it doesn’t seem like it, seeing as you lack common communication skills.”
“i wanted to text you, or call you—just hear your voice at all after that night, but i was too afraid.” matt looks out the window beside him, and gently taps the steering wheel with his fingertips.
my face softens, and i slowly reach out to the place a hand on his. but before i even reach him, i pull away.
“why were you afraid, matt?” i question. i was genuinely curious to hear his answer, too. matt had gone full no contact with me after that night, all because he was afraid? it just didn’t make sense.
“because i like you.”
my eyes widened as the words left his mouth. i didn’t know what to say—how to even respond. it was insanity.
did i like matt? i mean, i guess.
yes, i do like matt. i just get my feelings mixed up and lost in my mind. i mean, could we really work?
“y-you do?” i stutter out. matt turns around, and im left to drown in his eyes. he softly nods, and i form a smile.
i look down at my hands and begin to fidget with my rings, swallowing before i speak. “i like you too.”
i look up to see a smiling matt, and i grin back.
i sigh, looking out the window. “look at us, using the word ‘like’ to describe our feelings. what’re we, five?” i laugh, making him chuckle.
i turn back toward him, and matt immediately smashes his lips onto mine. i lean in, him caressing my cheeks.
matt swings an arm around my waist, fully pulling me onto his lap. i smile against his lips, reaching down and unbuckling his seatbelt beneath me.
matt bucks his hips up at the feeling of my fingers on him. i feel his bulge rub against my bare thigh, and he pulls away.
“s-sorry. is that weird?”
i shake my head. “not at all. it just shows that you really do like me.” i say with a smile, placing a hand on his jaw, and pulling him into me again.
matt takes off my cardigan, tossing it in the passengers seat. he places his hands on the seam of my miniskirt, and stops, pulling away. “can i?”
pushing my lips back onto his, i mumble “yes”, and matt pulls away again. i sigh irritably, and he gives me a look.
“use your words if you want this.”
i bite my bottom lip, matt’s eyes on them. i bite the inside of my cheek, and look out the window. matt places a soft hand on my jaw, turning me to look at him.
“hey, if you don’t want to do this, we can just head back inside. i’ll just be glad that we’re good again.” he smiles.
i nod, and he raises an eyebrow. “i want to do this.”
matt’s smile turns into a smirk, and he pulls my skirt up to my waist, places both hands on my ass. i smash my lips back onto his, smiling against him.
matt tightens the grip on my hips, leading them. i slowly begin to grind against his clothed bulge. matt pulls away, breathing heavily against the side of my face.
i continue, matt now kissing down my neck, struggling to contain himself. he’s practically digging his fingers into my skin, guiding my hips.
i pierce my lip with my teeth, trying to stop the moans that threatened to escape my mouth. “matt…”
“almost…” he pushes himself against me, making the sensation even more intense. my panties are probably a leaking mess on him as my eyes begin to water from the stimulation.
matt slows to a stop, and he catches his breath. i breathe heavily into his neck, my mascara smudging on his skin.
he pulls me off of him to take a look at my face.
“are you okay? was it too much?” he questions, genuine worry taking over his expression. i wipe the smudged mascara off of my face, smiling at him. “i’m okay, matt.”
he pulls me in, hugging me tightly. “i’m so glad we’re good now. i’ve missed you so much, y/n.” i grin widely.
i pull away, sniffling. we just stare at eachother, and i look down, my skirt still at my waist. “we should probably fix ourselves before we go back inside.” i say through a breathy chuckle.
“yeah.” matt replies. i climb off of his lap, pulling down my skirt in the passenger seat. matt looks down at his jeans, a wet spot on his crotch. i stifle my laughter, matt turning to look at me.
“i can’t go inside like this.” he says through a laugh.
“at least they’re dark wash denim.” i shrug, still laughing. he scoffs, and attempts to wipe it off.
“matt, it’s not going anywhere. it’ll be fine, it’s pretty dark inside anyway.” i reassure. he looks up at me, a small smile on his lips.
we climb out of the car, matt grabbing the slightly melted ice. “probably could’ve chosen a better time to do that.” he jokes.
we enter the foyer of the house, mia meeting us at the door. “soooo, are you two good now?” she asks eagerly.
i look at matt, and he gives me a smile.
“yeah, we’re good.”
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naomiarai · 8 months
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bsf tyun coming over to your place, finals just ended and god, you could use some relaxing time with him. a little talking somehow leads to the topic of “if youve ever received head” now sex talk with taehyun wasn't weird, it just wasnt often and that aspect made it a little awkward. but when you let out a quick “no” at the said question; you think youve never seen taehyun so wide eyed. youve seriously never been eaten out? he asks with pure amusement. all you could let out was another pathetic “no”, this was embarrassing in a way, what if he thinks you're really inexperienced with this kind of shit even though you guys have been friends to the point to even talk about it?
is that weird or something..? you ask, anticipating his answer, no, god no thats not weird, i just couldn't fathom that nobody ever made you feel good like that he says in a rush. wow,, for it to be surprising, oral sex must be the base of even putting a dick inside a pussy you think. but now it intrigues you, how does it feel to have someone's tongue right on your cunt? its definitely strange to imagine but its a thought that comes to mind if youve got someone surprised and only ever had dick inside you.
b..but im curious, i wonder how it feels.., you mumble to yourself, but seeing taehyun turn his head towards you, he heard it too. he pauses for a moment before saying,, i can make that happen, if you want to that is, he says ever so simply like he just didn't ask he if he could eat you out. your heart drops, did you hear that right? did he just blatantly ask if he could possibly eat you out? oh my god. you feel so warm all of a sudden, something along your mind giving you the feeling of saying “yes”.
but what if it ruins your friendship? what if, you gain feelings for him after he gives you head and its never normal again?. over here...wouldn't the bed be more convenient..? you say before you could regret it. taehyun looks at you again, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a genuine grin, so im guessing that's a yes? hm? he asks with a tone of triumph. you look at him with doe eyes,, whispering uh..h yes..
and thats how found yourself here, naked legs spread open, and taehyun in-between them, a tight grip on your thighs to keep you from moving. anticipation fills you as be simply urges you to relax and he'd take care of the rest >< (how is taehyun so calm here idk) you slightly flinch at the feeling of his tongue flat against your hole, the cold feeling sending vibrations down ur spine. his fingers move in circles around ur inner thigh, as he sucks at your clit as he uses his other hand to flick at it. god, its seriously just making you wetter, it felt so fucking good.
a-...ah, dont stop- god you say letting out soft moans, you could feel taehyun smiling at your cunt, really happy huh? your thighs start shaking right as he slips his tongue inside your gaping hole, smoothly rubbing against your walls, edging you so close to your orgasm. i can feel ur close, come for me yeah? he says and its got your pussy throbbing, almost immediately cumming at the end of his sentence.
he looks at you with delight as your chest heaves up and down, recovering from your orgasm. you feel heavenly, gosh was he good ;3 he goes back to lick up the mess u made,,, youll have to do this again, with an excuse that you'd only done it once...
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minotaurs-my-beloved · 4 months
Not the mermaid anon but I was thinking of a nun encountering an angel, who is not as virtuous as the scriptues say, and the angel convincing the nun that she is going to hell unless she has sex with him.
Jesus Wept.
(or the terrible pun of a title i originally used, The Second Cumming)
What a fun idea anon, it also gives me a reason to be dramatic, sacrilegious, make a terrible pun, and dump a little bit of bible lore thats been ingrained in me
TW: Sacrilege and noncon or dubcon (the demon is pretty coercive and lies about being an angel)
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He'll whisper sweet lies into your ear to try and get you on board, "You are chosen to be Mary. Through you will the second coming of Christ occur as the scriptures foretold all the way back in Genesis. To crush the head of the serpent, don't you remember?"
You call him out on the fact that Jesus already did that in his first coming and he laughs it off, saying, "Oh Ye of little faith, you all have interpreted this wrong. He has yet to fully crush the head, that is why demons and sin still exist. Hence him needing to return a second time, to fully end it."
When you ask why God would make you commit an egregious sin such as sex and not perform a miracle like he did with the virgin Mary, he angrily strikes you down. "God would not want that? You would dare question God's plan? As a mere mortal who cannot even wrap your head around his sheer existence, you defy him? Such hubris, do you want to suffer eternal damnation?"
You quickly try to redeem yourself, the threat of hell absolutely terrifying you and simply say that you do not understand. He just tells you that you do not need to, it is not your place. You try to rationalize all of this, knowing your God would never wish to harm you, this must be the way. I mean, he's an angel, is it really even considered fornication?
So, you agree.
He quickly strips you, his eyes don't look like they used to, now predatory, losing some of the light they used to hold. You just stand there, unsure of what you're meant to do. You're a virgin of course, you had never even kissed someone, and never thought about sex lest you fall into lust. He realizes this and starts telling you what he wants. Ordering for you to get on your hands and knees before him.
He goes behind you and you feel something sliding up and down your pussy, you whimper in fear, not knowing how this will feel, but you push all that to the side because you want to serve your God. He is surprisingly gentle in the beginning, slowly pushing his cock into your cunt, asking if you're okay. But the second he's fully inside, all of that disappears as he drives his cock in deep over and over. He grabs you by the hair, making you look up, "Look at the crucifix, you're worshiping your savior as I speak. Recite the holy prayer for me, c'mon."
He sounds completely different, from a booming, holy voice he now sounds raspy and strange. You try to look back at him, but his grip on your hair tightens, forcing you to look ahead. You begin saying the prayer as he commanded you, but it's so hard to think when he's fucking you like this. With each stutter he slaps your ass and you whine, trying your best to remember the entire thing. It gets exponentially harder to do so when something starts pushing against the rim of your asshole.
Before you have time to ask what he's doing, he rams his cock fully inside your tight hole, making you scream. He's now fucking you with two cocks. Why does he have two cocks? (for the second cumming, ikik im so funny) You have completely given up the prayer at this point, and he seems to have too, instead focusing on fucking you.
"I'm going to cum. I'm going to fill and ruin your holes and you're going to fucking take it. Thank your God. Thank him for my cum."
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yoursjaeyun · 2 years
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swallow - lee heeseung.
pairing. heeseung x fem!reader
warnings. smut (minors strictly dni), blowjob (him receiving), pussy eating (yn receiving), explicit language, use of nicknames, dirty talk, suggestive, kinda cum play (?). please tell me if i need to add more.
a/n. i thought of pink hair heeseung and boom. i made this filthy ass fic. i contribute in being heeseungs hair stylist and dyeing it pink again 🫡💪🏼 ITS A NEED. i was about to make this car sex, but nvm 💔 i will make one soon tho </3 erm this is specifically for the horny people, and thats me. so enjoy to all <3
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with heeseung controlling the steering wheel while his free hand was holding onto your thigh, fuck he looked so hot.
the two of you are on the way home from an event, there was still two hours left till it was over, but heeseung couldn’t resist staring at you with your black, satin dress, your beautiful, soft skin revealing from head to toe, there was no way he could handle from getting hard because of you.
fun thing is, you did it all on purpose, and you’re definitely proud of yourself. seeing him struggle to bite back his cheekiest smirk while he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
the way he was caressing your thigh, his side profile looking sharp and handsome as ever, butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“did we really have to go home early just because you couldn’t keep it in your pants?” you chuckled, but were you wrong though? “oh please, y/n. you don’t know how much i was struggling out there.” he sighed afterwards, laughing at his cuteness.
“i’ll let you have me when we get home.” you winked.
“hm, is that so?” he said, turning his head to the side while biting his bottom lip to hold back his smile. “don’t want it? guess we’ll have to miss out tonight-” you instantly squealed when he pinched your skin, letting out an ‘ow’, and heeseung laughed.
“i’m ruining you tonight.”
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the both of you were already at the door to your shared apartment, while hungrily making out. your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, heeseung reached into his pocket to get the card to open the door, putting it near the handle making a beep sound, signalling its open.
moaning into his mouth as you were pushed against the kitchen counter. heeseung quickly lifted the bottom hem of your dress up before picking you up, placing you on the cold surface, his tongue fighting with yours in your mouth.
after breaking the kiss for a short while, heeseung slowly leaned you down, your back meeting with the counter so you could give him a better view. he gently spreads your legs, the patch of wetness forming onto your panties.
“so wet and needy.. all for me, hm?” he spoke under his breath. “n- need you, please.. hee.” you said, breathlessly. heeseung smirked before playing with the waistbands of your underwear, then pulling them straight down.
“i’ll make you feel good, baby.” putting his arms under your legs, and he wasted no time on diving into your cunt, now licking each and every part. your moans and whimpers became more louder, your neighbours could even hear it.
heeseung slipped his tongue into your hole, the way he was hitting each and every spot, you swore you could’ve came right then and there.
“so fucking sweet.” you giggled at his compliment, running your fingers through his hair as your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the immense pleasure.
his nose prodding against your folds, as his tongue was still deep inside your hole, he groaned from how delicious you tasted, you never knew how much heeseung was so turned on by you till right now, but you thought it was cute anyway.
you could feel the familiar knot tightening in your stomach, “—fuck, hee.. i’m close.” he slightly tapped your hip giving you permission to reach your high.
a few more licks on your cunt and you came undone on his tongue, your back arched as you tried to stabilise yourself on the counter with both your arms.
were you this downbad to the point where you came so quickly? gosh.
the kitchen was filled with your breathless sounds, whereas heeseung was still cleaning every spot that still had your juices on them.
“why so quick?” he laughed as you hit him lightly on his chest. “you did good for me, baby. so good.”
after several moments, instead of wiping his mouth, heeseung pulled you up from your waist and smashed his lips onto yours, making you taste yourself from the corner of his lips.
still passionately kissing, he picked you up once again and made his way to the couch, placing you down steadily. you instantly pulled him beside you on the couch, climbing on him, now straddling his lap.
“it’s my turn.”
closing the gap again while unbuttoning his shirt, sliding your hand down to feel his pretty, tanned abs. smiling in between kisses as you began your way down, kissing his jaw, neck, chest, stomach, now in between his legs, face to face with his clothed bulge.
knowing what you were going to do, he let you do the work, watching your every move as you start to unzip his pants, easily pulling them straight down, along with his boxers, then pulling out his length. already excited from the sight of pre-cum leaking from the tip.
he sighed as you then stroked his cock a few times, you doing the same from how big he was in your hands. you gave him kitten licks on his slit, teasing him for a first off. “fuck.. y/n, don’t tease.” you smiled smugly, feeling him twitch in your hands before taking him whole.
you lowered your head and opened your mouth on his dick, heeseung immediately threw his head back from the pleasure. it’s like your gag reflex wasn’t even there anymore, so you moved in further. you swallowed around him, your tongue swirling around his slit, eliciting a small groan from his mouth.
he swore he could’ve saw his cock bulge in your throat as you went further, increasing your speed. “shit—, y/n, holy fuck-” choking on his words from how good your mouth felt around him. “—fucking hell,” grabbing a fistful of your hair.
to your surprise, he bucked his hips into your mouth, and you surprisingly gagged. your eyes were getting teary, gripping your hands onto his thigh, indicating for him to stop.
your eyes were shut closed, jaw already hurting from how big he was, doubting that you’d be able to even talk after all this.
throwing his head back again with his mouth agape, smirking while biting his bottom lip as he looked down at how already fucked out you were. you felt him twitch in your mouth, signalling he’s close.
and with that, with all the energy you have left, you bobbed your head up and down faster, sucking and swallowing each part, using your hands to help you as well.
“fuckfuckfuckfuck,” a few more movements and you felt his thick, hot cum shoot into your mouth, possible down your throat too. you quickly disconnected yourself from his dick, putting your hands on his knees to push yourself up, straddling his lap again.
heeseung with his hazy eyes, looking at you confused as you tilted his chin down with your thumb. “open,” you demanded, his seed still unswallowed. and he did as told, spitting his cum into his mouth.
“and swallow.”
you grinned cheekily, seeing his adam’s apple bob up and down, indicating he swallowed everything. “seems like i ruined you today, huh?” you softly laughed, your boyfriend doing the same, his chest heaving from how tired he was, there was no way he’s giving up at this time.
“you think i’m done with you? hm? guess you’re not going to be able to walk in the morning.” he smirks, dominating your lips once again with his.
oh, well that’s what you definitely expected.
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perm taglist: @heeseungrr @excusememissiloveyou @amazzwon @heetro @crusheo @jyunillaa @heeryn send an ask or a dm to be added !!
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livelovezegras · 1 year
locker room shenanigans | j. hughes
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p: "we're really going to fuck right here? what if somebody sees us?"
You shivered. The excitement of the game mixed with the chill of the ice. It was finally over though.
Your eyes found Jack as he came off the ice. He looked irritated like someone could tell how he had done just by his body language. It made your body heat up.
"Hey, bab-" Your words were cut off when he roughly grabbed your wrist. "What happened out there? You did great." Your encouragement only seemed to fuel Jack's rage.
He huffed in response. Jack's lips were on yours ferociously. You could hardly keep up, almost automatically letting him win his fight for dominance. Your hands snaked up and down his body, feeling the gear beneath his jersey. The kiss didn't end until you had to pull away for air.
"I need you. Now," Jack growled.
"We're in public, you know?"
He smirked. You didn't even need his response for you to follow him into the locker room. The blush on your face definitely was prevalent to everyone who saw you following Jack.
The moment you were in the room, he shoved you against the nearest wall.
"Please Jack," you whimpered. "We're really going to fuck right here? What if somebody sees us?"
"Don't worry your pretty head about it, dove. If any of the guys hear it they'll love it."
His fingers grasped your sweater, pulling it over your head. Jack's lips made contact with your neck, causing an embarrassing moan to escape your lips. "You're mine."
"Say it again. Please." Desperation filled your voice.
"You are mine, dove. All mine." He nipped at your shoulder. His hands traveled down your body, one hand reaching the waistband of your panties while the other unclasped your bra. "Goddamn. You're fucking soaked. Now I'm going to fuck you against this wall. Until you can't remember your own name. Until everyone can hear you in this fucking arena."
You tugged your pants down to your ankles, kicking them off. Grasping at his jersey, you helped him undress. Clothes were flung everywhere, everything sloppy.
"Please, I need you now. From seeing you- fuck.. Come off the ice.. How pissed off you were.. How rough." Your hands made their way up to the base of his neck and into his hair. "I need you to fucking ruin me, Jack."
"Glad we're on the same page, dove. I need you to know that I am going to be the only man on your mind. In your mind. In your mouth. In this drenched pussy." Jack chuckled as his he spun you around, pressing your body into the concrete. "You're going to let me fuck my anger out onto this tight hole and I won't hear any complaints. If I hear even one, then we will have an audience."
You squealed as his cock rubbed against your cunt. One quick stroke and he was balls deep inside. A small scream left you.
Jack was hitting spots you never knew existed. Maybe it was his anger or his proof of ownership. His tip pounded into your cervix as his pace increased.
Your hands gripped the wall, palms full of little bumps. Everything was already so much; your moans sounded like a prayer.
"Please, I want you to cum inside me."
"You like my cock that much, hm? It sounds like I'm a goddamn brothel, baby." His pace quickened. Jack's hand went into your hair, pulling sharply.
You screamed, the sensation making you rub your clit. You matched his thrusts, speeding up slightly. Your orgasm was approaching rapidly, forcing your eyes to shut. Your cunt tightened, causing Jack's orgasm to come right behind yours.
"Fuck- fuck. Jack, 'm coming. Oh my god."
"Thats a good girl. Cum for me. I'm about to paint this pretty body with my cum." As he said that, he came deep inside you.
"Do you think they heard us?"
Your eyes couldn't leave Jack's. "Yes, we did. Sounded pretty, Y/N."
tag list: @drysdalesv @shy4jamie
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xsaiya · 11 months
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"Just like THAT." <3
-tags: 18+ MDNI, needy! toji, gn! reader, pet names (slut, mamas, princess, etc.), fingering, big dick toji :3, over-stimulation, titty-play, pussy eating bc yes, dick sucking bc yes, pussy slaps, HEAVY cumming (reader's doing), slight-choking, +more filth, (pls lmk if i miss anything)
-future work: (uppermoon hc's + muzan) (kny) (sfw and nsfw)
-plot: no plot tbh. todays my birthday though :0
-quick notice! : i js wanna note i write for multiple fandoms (ex: kny, bnha, jjk, etc+)
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toji is KNOWN for not being gentle in bed, but when he met you, istg he would be so gentle towards you bc he saw you as a piece of shattering glass, but sometimes, just sometimes, he'll be rough with you, and tonight is one of those nights.
toji had came home from work and saw you cooking dinner, you greeted him with a quick 'hello love!' and a beautiful smile, just your face though made him hard. he went behind you, turned off the stove and carried you to the bed, smothering you in neck kisses, his hands roamed all over your body.
and so he could get a better view of your body, he took ALL of your clothes off, revealing your naked body, but he had to give those titties some love before he goes down to ruin your pussy, so he started to pepper some kisses and sucks along your tits, he eventually started to suck and nibble on your nipples, making you whimper.
"M-mmh! S-so goood!" you managed to moan and whimper that out, but after a few minutes, he stopped, which made you complain, but toji had another idea. "hey, since you made me hard, why not suck my dick, hm?" he said while unzipping his pants, taking off his boxers and unleashing that humongous monster shaft of his, "b-but baby, i won't be able to do so-" that was until toji shoved his dick into your mouth, so you kinda had to suck him off, so you did. he let out some occasional whimpers and groans there and there. "mmm, mamas- i'm cumming!" he gripped your hair as he finishes in your mouth, you swallowing it all.
"thanks love, but now I think your beautiful pussy deserves some sucking." after he had said that, he spread your legs wide open before diving his face into your pussy, that's when he started to eat you out, tongue lapping around your pussy, his teeth nibbling on the sweet flesh. a couple of minutes later, maybe around 5-8 mins, you cummed straight into his mouth, he licked off the extra on his lips before he cleaned off his face, then dived his index & middle finger into your sweet drenching hole. you let out a series of moans and moans until you were practically begging for his dick inside of you. "p-please toji! i neeeed your big dick inside a' me, i don't give two fuuckss about your fingers, just dive your dick in, please!"
thats what makes him remove his fingers from your pussy before he flipped you over on your stomach and slamming his humongous shaft into you, you let out a series of 'uhhuhhh's, a-ahhh's!, f-fuck's!' before you were practically screaming it was too much for you. "t-too much a-ahhhh! i-i'm gonna c-cummmm~!" then thats when you cummed, your cum started to even leak out of your pussy and onto your knees about. a couple of minutes later, he cummed hard inside a' you, then he put back his clothes on and continued to make dinner so you didn't have to get up.
but why the fuck did he walk out of the bedroom like it was nothing...
if u can't tell, i love writing fluff.
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sarcasmo-mexicano · 1 year
Spider Dads x Reader N/SFW 🔞
Bottom Miguel, Reader. Top Peter B. Parker
Part. 2   Part. 3
Peter B. and you have decided that your mission, your priority, your whole sole purpose is to completely RUIN your boyfriend: Miguel O'hara.  
Yeah, you two like to tease and joke around the big boss at working hours, gaining a scoff or a very angry red stare.  
But at closed doors, those scoffs become whines and moans, and those red eyes soften, begging.  
You two get very creative.  
Its so much easier when the boss man is touch starved and will melt with the simplest of touches.
There have been ropes, many and very sturdy so to actually restrain him, for when in your words: he has been a brat to the youngsters.  
You two take your sweet time punishing him, making him watch as Peter fucks you sweetly or to take it even further, fucking over your restrained and whining boyfriend.  
Miguel becomes specially whiny when you do this; He is forced to watch, hear, smell how good you two are feeling at his expense, so close he can taste you both but oh so far at the same time.  
"Please-!" He begs, squirming so much that the ropes dig further into his skin, there will be probably be red marks tomorrow, nothing his suit cant hide.  
"Be good Miggy" Peter grunts as he deeps inside you making scream. "Dont you want to be a good boy for us?" Miguel cant see him smile but Peter can hear him whimper because yes, Miguel wants to be a good boy for you, he wants you to touch him and make a mess of him.  
There have been other times however where you spoil him rotten.  
You take your sweet time, to kiss, lick, suck and bite every inch of his body, taking notes of the places where he becomes louder or shudder in pleasure.  
"Where does it feel good Miguel?" You ask him, he is a flushed mess, lips parted, not a thought behind his crimson eyes, specially when Peter has him on his mouth. "Are you feeling good baby?"  
And he nods, too gone now to actually speak.  
"You look like you want something, what is it honey?"  
When he talks, his voice is feverish, charged with lust and need.  
"You-You two" It takes all the air from his lungs just to say that as he is already panting.  
Of course, you obligue, he has been such a good boy.  
Not even a moment later, you have him over you, his rock-hard cock bury deep inside you; Its your turn to wail as he rip you open, scratching that itch only him he can.  
His movements are desperate, needy.  
Poor thing has been holding up a lot.
He is panting, whining, calling your name as he hold you tight, your nails digging into his back.
Peter takes a moment to appreaciate you, salivating as he pumps his own cock, ready to join you two.  
"You two look soo good" He says, position himself against Miguel's ass winning a loud sound from the boss "Having fun without me, so mean".  
You giggle between sighs, hands cupping Miguel's face. God, he is such a mess and this is just the appetizer!  
"What do you say Miguelito? You want Petey to join us?"  
He bites his lower lip, shit thats so hot! and nods shyly.  
He gasps in surprise, perhaps pleasure, when Peter smacks his ass. "They asked you a question Miggy" He says in a fake angry tone that you would take seriously if he wasnt grinning so much. He leans against the bigger man, chest agains his back, the tip of his dick pressing lazily against his hole, teasing.  
You can feel him becoming bigger inside you, his muscles tensing in anticipation.  
"Do you want me-" He whispers against Miguel's ear "Or not?"  
It takes nothing to break him, to make him beg and oh,  he always does.  
"Yes!" He practically screams. "Yes! Please Peter!"  
"Yes? Yes what Miggy?" Its almost funny honestly, the change of dynamics. But Peter can help it, teasing Miguel is always rewarding. "What do you want from me?"  
Miguel whines almost forgetting he is fucking you but you dont mind, you are enjoying yourself as much as your boys are.  
"Your cock! Please fuck me!" At this point, pride has being kicked out of his body, he want to be satisfied, NOW.  
Peter cant help but to chuckle, his boyfriend is so cute.  
"Good boy" He says as he rams his dick inside, actually pushing Miguel forward and you with him. Peter's pace is unforgiving, thrusting hard and fast, barely giving Miguel time to adjust.  
"Move big guy" You remind him, mind so screw he might forget where he is. Little by little his speed increases as well as his sounds, so dirty and delicious, so different from the grunts and the cold way he speaks.  
It doesnt take much from there before he is crying: "Im cumming!"  
You can feel your own orgasm building up, he is hitting every senstive and good spot, desperate thursting against you.  
Cupping his head once more, you make him open his pretty red eyes, so foggy by his own lust and you sing the magic words that make him undone.  
"Give it to me papi"
His eyes roll back into his head as he thrust for one last time, spilling his heavy load inside you. You cry along him when your own climax crashes over you, wave after wave of unadulterated pleasure taking over you in what feel like ages. Finally your body gives up, tired and sore, your chest rapidly raising up as you try to catch your breath. 
"Fuuuck" In the foggyness of your mind, you hear Peter and the little moans Miguel is trying to hold because of course, he is still being fucked by him. His pace still as hard and unforgiving. 
Miguel's whole body shivers, still so sensitive from his orgasm, he can barely keep his hips up, slowly lowering into the bed with you. Or at least he tries, because the moment he seems to go completely limp, Peter is right there, grabbing him by the hips, pushing him up and he even deeper than before. You watch, front seat, as Miguel drops his upper body against yours, moaning and crying into your shoulder. You heard the muffled "too much!" and "too sensitive!" as you wrap your arms over him, dipping your face against his messy hair. 
"Almost there baby" You coo, sly smile in your face. "Right Peter?" Peter grunts in response, his hands holding Miguel's hips for dear life, chasing his own climax, mouth spilling sweet words as he isnt ramming Miguel into a new plane of existence with his cock. Miguel calls for him, holding you closer, almost crushing you, when the new orgasm hits him, his cock twitching as a second load spills just into your stomach, feeling just as hot as the one dripping from your own sex. Peter finally cries in pleasure as he finishs inside Miguel and you swear that he takes a long time before he stops. 
When he takes his dick out, Miguel collapses on top of you taking all the air from your lungs in the process. "Are you ok?" Peter aks, equally out of air. You can only give him a thumbs up, too tired to speak. Only when you assure him, you will live, he stops to appreciate his handwork. There are vivid hand marks at each side of Miguel's hip, along with another one from when he spank him; His hole is twitching, pumping out the excess of cum and boy, there's a lot!  
He imagines you are the same, tho your body is concurrently being hidden by the other massive man. You dont bother on asking Miguel if he is alright. The quiet snores and the soft rising of his chest gives you all the answers you need. 
"He felt asleep huh?" Its not a question but a confirmation. As the last man standing, Peter brings water bottles, one for you when you can get out of Miguel's embrace and the other for the man himself, when he wakes up. He sits beside you in the big bed, resting for a moment before he goes out for some wet cloth to wipe you guys. 
Yes, you can say that your mission, your propouse has been fulfilled. 
For today.
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pedrilcvr · 18 days
HEYYY i wanted to req an arda fic cause thats my BAE fr🤞 so it goes like this arda and fem!reader are good friends (who secretly like each other) and then one night their feelings come out SOMEHOW and then after they like start kissing/making out and its just this emotional moment between them that theyve been waiting for for so long😋😋😇 UGH I CANT I LOVE HIM
Midnight love — Arda Güler.
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Pairing: Arda Güler x Fem!Reader
Summary: Telling your best friend a guy asked you out would usually be an exciting moment, both equally excited. But after telling Arda, he only seemed nonchalant, not necessarily caring. And you would be damned if you didn’t figure out why.
Disclaimer/s: none! just a little jealous!arda though..
A/N: ARDA REQS MAKE ME A VERY HAPPY WRITER. Wait I lowkey don’t know if I followed this req very well… feel free to ask for more i’ll try harder next time😅
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The sky above twinkled with a billion stars. You loved visiting Arda’s family home on the outskirts of Altındağ. It was rare when he was home, that you’d have time to do so, but you’d gotten lucky by having a four day weekend.
Now, you two both sat on the back patio, your heads tilted at an awkward angle to watch the stars, a tradition you’d had since you both were kids.
“Oh!” You suddenly shoot upright, causing the boy to do the same, his eyes shining in surprise. Your heart flutters as you look at him. He looked so good tonight. “You’ll never guess what happened at work the other day. I’ve been meaning to tell you all day!”
Curiosity takes Arda over as he leans back on the couch, his head lulling to the side with a smile, “yeah? Tell me what?”
“Okay, y’know that one guy, Marcus? The one who I work the morning shift with?” You continue slowly, building up anticipation.
Arda’s eyes, still glued on you, narrow at the mention of Marcus. You’d brought him up during a few facetime calls, but it never seemed too important. Plus, Arda never enjoyed hearing you talk about men like that.
“What about him?” Arda clears his throat, not knowing why this conversation was starting to get in his nerves as it’d just started. It could mean nothing. Marcus, could mean nothing.
You lean back on the couch, “he asked me out.” You shrug.
So he did mean something. Right. Okay.
“Oh, that’s cool.” Is all he says.
That’s it. No ‘congratulations’ or excitement. Just, ‘oh, that’s cool.’ ?? His face even lacked emotion and he’d diverted his attention back to the sky, pushing aside the conversation like it was nothing.
Your eyebrows scrunch together, “that’s all?”
Arda’s eyes flicker to yours, a look of confusion on his face. “Yeah? What else am I supposed to say?”
Now you were just flat out peeved. “Uhm, I don’t know? Something other than your monotonous ‘that’s cool’” You mock his voice, “I mean, seriously?”
Pursing his lips, Arda looks to the stars, silently begging them for the right words. He knew exactly why what you said had him acting like a dick, he just couldn’t admit it. If he did, that meant he could potentially ruin what you two had. If he didn’t, and you were going to go on that date, he’d potentially lose you for good.
You, on the other hand, weren’t afraid to admit how much you liked Arda. You’d known for years, but he was always so.. confusing, so you chose to keep it to yourself. Now you could move on, but now he was acting like this.
“What’s your actual fucking problem.” You laugh dryly, your eyes burning holes into his head.
“Congrats!” Arda sighs, “I hope that date goes well, i’m happy for you.”
Pursing your lips, you cross your arms. “I didn’t say I said yes.”
You didn’t say yes… You didn’t say yes?
The boys brown eyes flicker toward yours, “what?”
“Yeah, I said no—why are you smiling?” Your eyebrows furrow, noticing the way his lips had tugged upwards ever so slightly.
“Smiling?” His face falters, “i’m not smiling?”
“I literally saw your lips twitch, you were totally smiling!?” You laugh, although it was more out of confusion than actual humor. “Fuck are you smiling about?”
Arda shrugs, his lips pulling into an amused, thin line. “Nothing, nothing.”
You don’t let up though, “bullshit.”
“I—“ He huffs, “I’m just surprised you’d turn him down. You’ve been complaining about being single recently, so I find it funny that you turned him down, that’s all!”
Yeah, I wonder why i’d do that. You think. Because of you. How can you not tell?
You hadn’t noticed you’d dazed off, your mind wandering to Arda once again. How could he not notice how you feel after all these years? With how many hints you’d dropped, it seems crazy to think he doesn’t know. Maybe he did, maybe he was just avoiding it because—
“Hello? Earth to you?” Arda’s waving his hand in front of your face.
Blinking, you pull yourself together. “Y’know.. For someone so smart, you really are stupid.” You sigh, your shoulders slumping slightly as you look at him.
“What?” He’s the one speechless now.
“You’re just very oblivious, it’s insane, honestly.” You didn’t mean it in a rude way, you were just baffled. “I rejected Marcus, because I didn’t want him to ask me out, I wanted—“ You shut yourself up, your mouth snapping shut.
Arda’s eyes search yours, his heart hammering in his chest. “You wanted me to.” He finishes for you.
“Yeah.” You admit, hesitantly looking back to him. “But—“
“No!” He interrupts, “no, no ‘buts’, please.” Arda’s eyes soften, his hands reaching out to cup your cheeks. You hadn’t realized until now how close you were, how close you had been.
“Oh.” You clear your throat, “okay.”
“I didn’t want Marcus taking you out either, i’m just pissed he had the courage to do it before I did, I was being a baby.” He rambles, “i’m sorry.”
“Can we just stop talking.” You ask, leaning into his touch, your eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips. “Please?”
Arda feels his chest swell a few sizes as he takes a second to stare at you, overwhelmed with emotions he’d tried to bury for so long.
“Of course,” he whispers, lips brushing against yours delicately.
With one hand cupping your cheek, the other trails down to your hip, pulling you impossibly closer. He was lost in you, and you in him. Every feeling you’d felt for each other prominent in the way neither of you seemed to need more air. Your breaths mingled in between kisses, smiles mirroring each other.
You, finally pulling away, giggle. The sound music to Arda’s ears. He grins at you, placing two kisses on your flushed cheeks.
“I should’ve done that a long time ago.” He murmurs, head resting in the nape of your neck where he leaves another soft kiss.
“Yeah, you should’ve.” You hum, pulling his face away to look at it, taking in his lopsided grin. His eyes, his nose, oh you were so screwed.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted <3
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starboye · 2 months
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pairing: steve harrington x male reader
request: SO THE IDEA IS STEVE’S LIKE SUPER STRAIGHT RIGHT??? It’s not like he spends half the time he’s with robin staring at the reader (and his ass) nooo way no. But then then Steve spots the reader at the pool, flirting it up with Billy (pre assimilation ofc). Steve gets jealous and drags the guy he’s TOOOOTALLY not gay for out of the sweltering summer sun (cough cough sweat kink) and claims him in the locker room. Bonus breeding kink: Steve says he’s gonna get the reader nice and knocked up so he can’t go being a slut to other guys 😇😇😇
warnings: smut, cursing, breeding, obsessive!steve, degradation
steve harrington, a man you once knew as the douchebag who slept with every girl in school but you now know as robin's best friend from work, you both met one time when robin invited you to hand out with them, you didn't know steve was gonna tag along so it was a pleasant surprise when you got there to see him chatting it up with robin.
and from there all thee of you hung out more frequently but it always felt steve wanted more than just a friendship with you, when he first met you his eyes were glued to your body the entire day, you could feel them piercing every part of your body with his gaze but you shrugged it off not knowing that you had now created something in him that he never knew was there.
I mean there's no way steve could be gay for you right? like he's fucked a bunch of girls and openly boasted about how many girls he's dated but there's something about the way he eyes you whenever you're around another guy that just sets off alarms in your mind, but there's no point in thinking of that now when you're out at the public pool flirting with the hottest guy in town, billy hargrove.
you and him were exchanging very... shall we say seductive looks, you giving him a very revealing look at your ass when you bent over to drink from the water fountain and him rubbing and groping his hardened bulge as you walked by, now you two were engaged in a very sexy conversation, you both flirting very hard with eachother as he played with the whistle that dawned his mouth and you biting your lip lightly as to not kiss him in front of everyone.
but the was soon going to be ruined as steve walked out of the locker rooms after putting on his swim trunks before seeing you openly flirting with the fuck boy that was billy, he could feel his core heating up and he didn't know why but he wanted to get you as far away from the man as possible and for some reason he acted on it, immediately walking over to you and pulling you aside as you pestered him with questions.
he drags you back to the locker room and into the showers, finding and empty on and pulling you into it and pushing your back against the wall "what the fuck was that" you ask "what did you do to me" steve questions as his hands find their way to your waist, you jump in shock as his face gets closer to yours "what're you doing" you ask feeling your stomach get butterflies "why do I like you so much" steve questions to himself as he finally leans in and kisses you.
the kiss gets deeper and deeper till your hands are wrapped in his hair and he's holding you up by the thighs against the wall "I like you so much for some reason... I don't know why" steve says messily kissing you "shut up and fuck me" you breathlessly moan, hearing this steve let's you down and turns you around to have your ass on his crotch, he turns on the shower to let the water masks the sounds of your moans that are soon to cum.
he pulls down his pants letting his dick flop out, it may look slightly flaccid now but as soon as he pulls your shorts down he pops the quickest boner of his life, he runs his finger along your hole, it feels loose for some reason "care to tell me why it's so loose back here" steve asks pushing his fingers in your hole slowly "did you plan on getting fucked today" he asks with disbelief in his voice "shut up thats not the point" you say.
"such a slut for men" steve smirks as he lines himself up with your hole, he slides in without any resistance from your stretched out ass "feels just like a real pussy" steve groans as he slowly slides in and out of you "then treat it like a real pussy and go faster" you say "I should dump my load into you, get you all nice and big like youre pregnant with my cum so no other guy with talk to you" steve says as his thrusts into you turn into pounds, the sound of wet skin slapping fill the showers.
you could hear people walking by whispering about you getting fucked "steve hurry up, people are starting to realize" you ask getting shy "let them watch, then they would know I own you now" steve chuckles as his hand snakes it's way down to your dick and strokes it erratically wanting to hear your moans "fuck" you lowly say thrusting your hips into his fist "so fucking tight" steve mutters under his breath, pulling back your ass with his free hand to see your hole swallow him up "keep taking it just like that baby alllll the way in" steve groans throwing his head back while his hips move on their own.
"please cum in me" you beg backing your ass onto his dick and your dick into his hand as he tightens his fist making you cum without a thought behind those eyes "ngh" you moan as you chest heaves in and out trying to catch your breath "don't give out on me now" steve says grabbing your hips and matching them with his fast pace "take my load" steve grunts cumming in you, continuing to thrust into you, churning the cum into your loose hole "now who do you belong too" steve asks turning you around to face him "you" you shyly say "that's right now put your clothes back on" steve orders as he pulls his shorts back up and you do the same before making your way out of the locker room.
billy looking at you with concern but steve giving him a look back, a look that says "he's mine" you both walked over to where robin was sitting "what took you too so long, i was starting to think you got kidnapped" robin jokes "nothing just bro things" steve jokes nudging your shoulder, unbeknownst to robin you had steves hot load dripping out your hole and sliding down your leg, but yeah you and him were just doing some 'bro' things.
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m
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weeping-statue · 5 days
i need .. i need ... ithaqua smut .... temperature play ... with his wind ... idk if thats fine by you im hust really thirsty for ithaqua smut rn AUGH AUGHA UGAHUG UAGH YGAHHSG
Ithaqua the feral you are 😞 he’s such a cutie <3 as well as all my anons! Love you guys so much!
An: I’ve kinda been picking and choosing which ones I’m interested in first and finishing those until I find passion for the other ones. So if yours isn’t out yet I’m sorry! It will be done.. soon? Idk😭 also if this is buns it’s cause i wrote this during sad hours.. so.. yeah.
A Cool Breeze In The Heat Of The Moment!
Warning: smut, a short smut, and temp play obvi! Also this slowly turned into a breeding kink.. I’m so sorry.. it’s my fav😞
Crappy title brought to you by me-
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Cold air brushes against your hot and overstimulated core. Arousal dripping from your sensitive and used hole. Ithaqua has been doing this all night, claiming this is apart of his mating ritual, what ever that meant.
The breeze tangles through your hair, messing it about. Ithaqua’s mask had been set aside neatly on his handmade nightstand. His golden irises staring down at you with a serious look. Ingraining the image of you spread out, ruined, and nestled beautifully in his furs. Long nimble fingers tracing over the bruises and bites of your collar bone leading down to your stomach.
You didn’t know what you were getting into when he came back today huffing and grunting about something. You assumed it was because he lost a match or one of the survivors said something particularly snarky to him. You also assumed he’d want to lay down and just hold you like he always did. Having your fingers run through his hair to comfort and calm him. But no, he had used his wind to pull you into him. Nimble arms snaking around your body to grip onto your hips, ‘gently’ slamming his own into yours. Grinding into you. Muttering something about “mating” and “mine.” So, you could deduce whatever happened definitely made him.. possessive, and extremely horny. Great!/j
He hadn’t entered you yet, no, not yet. It was too soon. He wanted to bring you to the brink and back over and over again. Scissoring your tired cunt and lapping your essence. But now, after what seemed like hours, it was time. To take you and claim you.
He scooped up your trembling legs, knees pressed to either side of your head as he plunged in. Not being gentle either. His words and actions were possessive and lust ridden. Your body’s slick with sweat and cum, hot and sticky. It didn’t help his freezing wind would blow on your sensitive neck or aching core. It just made you wetter and all the more pliant.
Hips smacked into yours, as he grunted and growled. Wet obscene noises echoed off of you both. All those hours of prepping you definitely took a toll on him, making him needy as he edged himself, so he didn’t last long. Fucking his cum into you as he moaned his words, “Mine.. My mate.. mph~ perfect and so soft.. you’ll be a wonderful mother.. they’ll have your eyes.. I know it.. ahh~”
His thrusts slowed down a bit as he was trying to catch his breath. Taking a few minutes to lower your legs back down and squeeze them gently. A careful hand came to caress your cheek, as he leaned in and whispered, “Ready for another round..?”
He wasn’t asking.
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Alright guys that’s it😞 pls lemme know if you liked this cause I Lowkey hate it :((
But you know how it goes😔
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Thinking about Scara getting off to how we say his name, making us beg to say it
Scaramouche x Female Reader (581 words)
bro has 3 namess
"Kuni~, Scara~,Kubuki~" EYE IS TWITCHING RN
2nd Anon: Scara/wander fucking you in front a mirror, just feeds his predator complex seeing you a mess as he ruins your insides <33 I LOVE BOTH OF THIS :)) imma combine itt
Scara fic list.
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scara on a mission in inazuma, His phone is on vibrate and bzzing like crazy as he mercilessly kills nobushi after nobushi. He unlocks his phone with a irritated expression, wondering who is trying to get on his nerves. Only to have his beautiful blue violet eyes blessed by what's on it. Your so horny you cant help but send him pictures of you in black lingerie, His favorite color. Your nipples are just barely piercing through you bra, with the caption "Wanna put on a show for you~" Such a tease, He's so turned on he cant help but rush through narukami island and into your shared home. completely neglecting childe and la signora's plans. Locking the door...
"Hah..My little pet....Your mine. Dont you dare look away from master. Keep fucking touching yourself like that~" he watched your fingers disappear in and out of your wet hole infront of your mirror, How your legs shook as you got closer and closer to cumming. "M-Master~ Wanna cum~ m' So close~" "Yeah? You wanna cum for master? Rub those fucking boobs for me." With no hesitation you caressed your boob with one hand, Playing and squeezing around your nipple "F-fuck..gonna cum on those tits so fucking hard" He Pumped his length eagerly, Leaning against the side of the bed with so much temptation just to pounce on you. "S-scara..I cant~ Its too much! Please~" "Thats it y/n,,Keep begging like the slut you are for my cock. Beg for me more~" You wanted him to let you cum so bad. It felt too good, You wanted him, Wanted him to be inside of you. The way he'd whisper and moan in your ear while pleasing you. how he'd suck on any part of you, leaving hickeys while grinding on you. "AH~K-KUNI! PLEASE~ PLEASE LET ME CUM~" your legs shook as your body burned for release, Looking directly to scara through the mirror as he stroked himself faster.
"Fuck no.. Ah shit~ your gonna be a good girl, wait for me to be inside of you~" you hissed and began to cry at how badly you wanted it, but he just wouldnt let you. "aH~ please kuni. its not fair~ ill be good for you, promise ill be your good slut~ please please! i- MMM~" you we're cut off when he appeared behind you, covering your mouth with his hand. "Then lay down for me right now infront of the mirror. Face Down. Ass up. I want you to see me pound into you like the pathetic human you are." with no hesitation you turned around, portraying your body infront of scara with no regrets as you leaked precum, Slowly inserting himself inside of you and thrusting back and forth. "So wet just for me...hah..I expected you to at least have some morality. Or do you act so slutty for everyone~?" he said while gripping tight onto your waist. "hah~ no master~ only for you~ ill do anything you want~ go faster kubuki~ harder..~" he scoffed at your desperation. "Want me to go faster?" he held you by your hair, jerking you back down onto the floor, giving you a perfect view to look at your messy hair through the mirror. "Y-YES KUNI PLEASE~ CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE~ CLAIM ME PLEASE!" He shoved himself hard inside of you once more, causing you the shriek at his sudden aggression. "AH~ YES SCARA~" "Ugh~ love it when you call out for me like that, gonna reward you slut~" your eyes teared up from his sharp thrusts. You tried moving your hands for support on the rough grip he had on your hair but to no use your body didnt comply, he felt so good inside of you that you didnt want to move, scared that he would pull out and leave you a crying mess once again. "Answer me when i talk to you." He jerked your head again. "Hah~ oh god scara~" he tilted his head, looking in the mirror while observing the obvious drool coming from your mouth "Hm? is my pet fucked dum already? are you ruined?" "N-No Kuni~ Mmm.~ hah dont stop please~" breathy moans left your lips "Ah~ good slut, now i can give you your reward" the echo of skin slapping reflected across the room, nothing but desperate moans from you filled scara's ears. and he loved every second of it, how your innocent facade faded evertime he pinned you, everytime he rewarded you, everytime he was rough with you, you wanted it. You truly we're his everything in life. "oh..Oh FUCK~ Hah...im gonna cum y/n...Shit~ Take it..take your FUCKING reward like a good girl~" he came inside of you, panting your walls white with his warm load, Making you cry from the overstimulation as your brain felt mushy, Thinking of nothing but him.
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