#you chaotic bottomless pit
UWMA & Between Us Simultaneous Rewatch
I decided to rewatch Between Us and UWMA and I am watching the episodes side by side, stopping and starting so that the timelines sync up.
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puranami · 11 months
✿ It's The Little Things ✿
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A/N: My first time writing! Admittedly I'm very nervous, but also so excited!! Kept it simple with a small headcanon list to start, but I tried to write a decent amount for each point, and I hope that everyone is in character :0 Posting at 4am because I have no control over my life...
Summary: Little relationship things with the Strawhats. Can be interpreted as the anime/manga or the live action version of the character.
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji
Content: SFW, G/N reader, slightest hint of angst in Sanji's part, but otherwise, pure unadulterated fluff! ✿
(Part 2 - Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk) (Part 3 - Franky, Robin, Law, Kid, Killer) (Part 4 - Crocodile, Rosinante/Corazon, Doflamingo)
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✿ He absentmindedly draws shapes on your leg, back, or whatever part of you is there as you sit together, whether you are watching the waves, or listening to one of Usopp's stories. He is almost magnetic in the way he ends up attached to you. If you're not feeling it, he will do his best to keep his hands to himself, but as soon as his focus shifts onto anything else, they're back on you, drawing little clouds and hearts. He tried, he really did!
✿ This bottomless pit inhales food like it's going out of fashion, but, much to the bewilderment of the rest of the crew, he will actually feed you from his plate as he eats, even though you are eating your own food. It may be a case of "1 for you, 5 for me," but it's almost instinctive for him; he's sharing something he's passionate about with you, and making sure that, in his eyes, you are happy, healthy and strong. He values your wellbeing more than food; you are one of the most important things in his life.
✿ Despite how chaotic he is in every aspect of his life, his presence brings you to a state of complete peace, even when he's yelling about whatever currently has his attention. Just knowing he is there comforts you in a way that nothing, and no one else can. As long as Luffy is there, being the same old Luffy he always is, you know everything will be alright in the end, and if it isn't alright, well, it isn't the end yet.
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✿ He always places a comforting hand on your head when he passes by, or ends up in the same general space as you. It's his version of a hug, a reassuring touch that he is there, and that he's happy to see you. Zoro is very subtle with his affection, at least in public, but even when it's just the two of you, he automatically defaults to the head pat. It comforts him as much as it does you, and the simple action alone conveys his feelings far better than he ever could with words.
✿ You both love silently observing everything going on around you, and it's such a comfortable silence. You just enjoy each others company while watching the world go by, with Zoro also keeping an eye out for any threats, as he does. Sometimes you end up passing silent judgement on what you see, and you have both developed this uncanny ability to gossip without saying a single word. It's honestly unnerving at times, but you are just so familiar with each others micro-expressions that it's second nature.
✿ Insults are terms of endearment. If anyone else called either of you such things, all hell would break loose - swords drawn, blood spilt, bodies hit the floor, the whole song and dance. It actually started out as a form of deflection, with both of you being far too stubborn to admit any feelings were there, even to yourselves; "No, I don't like you, shitstain, I tolerate you." - "Whatever helps you sleep at night, arseface." As you connected though, it just became your thing, and you love seeing who can come up with the funniest insults. Zoro is surprisingly creative in this regard.
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✿ Nami has a habit of fixing your clothes and hair if something is out of place. It can seem overbearing to others, but she knows you appreciate the gesture. She spent years putting up walls to defend herself, and this is a safe way for her to have a little moment alone with you, giving you gentle little touches without revealing to the world just how important you are to her. It is a very grounding experience for both of you, and you end up doing the same for her on the rare occasion that she isn't completely flawless. She may purposely put things out of place so you have the opportunity to fix something too.
✿ She has an eye for the finer things, and loves getting you little trinkets, and especially pieces of jewellery, which often match or pair with hers, like pendants that fit together to make a whole shape, and such. Just don't ask her where she got them; "Shhh, you don't need to worry about that." All that matters is that you now have a tangible connection to each other, no matter how close, or far apart you are.
✿ Another person who relishes in comfortable silence. Of course you love chatting with each other, and often do so later into the night than you intended. Nami is very quick-witted and your shared snark is always so enjoyable! But it's the moments when you are doing your own thing together, basking in the warmth of that closeness that brings the most joy. Every so often, you will share something interesting or amusing, depending on what you're doing, but you always return to that silence. It's very domestic.
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✿ You both end up in regular fits of giggles, that grow into raucous laughter, before devolving into the sounds of various suffocating wildlife, which only fuels the hilarious fire. He doesn't even have to say anything at times; he just has a look, and as soon as he catches your eye with it, you absolutely lose it. The amount of nonsensical inside jokes you have is absurd in itself.
✿ Ever the storyteller, Usopp will wind down the day with you relaxing under the stars, telling you fantastical stories about the impossible feats of the great 'Captain Usopp.' His creativity and imagination are something you greatly admire, and as much as you try to stay awake to appreciate those qualities, the comfort he brings has you dropping off every time. He'll carry you to bed most nights, but sometimes he can only manage to drag you around like a corpse he's trying to hide, and he'll end up waking you up laughing about it.
✿ You automatically link your little fingers whenever you are close enough to. It doesn't even register half of the time, only realising when you need that hand or try to go your separate ways. When this happens, providing there isn't anything that needs your urgent attention, you like to dramatize your parting, playing up that this is the most painful moment of your lives! "Don't you dare let go, Usopp! We can both make it out of this alive!" - "I'm so sorry, I can't hold on any longer, and I refuse to drag you down with me." - "No! Don't say that!" - "I love you so much, but you need to let me go..." Leading to you unlinking your fingers, and exaggerated fake cries of anguish. It annoys everyone around you immensely.
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✿ You shamelessly flirt with each other, making everyone around you uncomfortable, groaning at how painful it is. You weren't together when you started playing this romantic game of chicken, giving back everything Sanji threw at you, and then some, but once you figured your feelings out, you actually developed it into a legitimate game where you attempt to be as sickening and obnoxious as possible. If there is no one grimacing, angrily telling you both to pack it in, or simply leaving the room; you aren't flirting enough. There is a points system, and you're currently in the lead. Sanji ends up caving over the things you say, and his brain loses the ability to form words, let alone string them together in a coherent sentence.
✿ Sanji always leaves a drink and a bite to eat for you to wake up to, since he isn't there in person, having to wake up much earlier to prepare the food for the day. Growing up in a restaurant, early starts are just part of his natural rhythm, so it doesn't bother him, but sometimes you try to wake up with him to at least watch the sunrise together, before going back to bed for a couple more hours. He cherishes those mornings, and there is always an extra spring in his step on those days.
✿ He takes every opportunity he can to share a glance and a warm smile, a gentle touch of your hands, or a chaste kiss with you. They are agonisingly brief moments, but Sanji needs them to get him through the day, otherwise he would just cling to you, and neither of you would get anything done! Unknown to you, these moments are also his way of reminding himself that you chose him over everyone else, that he is loved unconditionally, and that he is enough, without having to, in his opinion, burden you with his insecurities. He'll open up to you one day, and you will be able to give him verbal affirmations along with everything else~
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a-simple-imagine · 10 months
Help! My Girlfriend just Fell Down The Alt - Right Supe Supremist Pipeline pt.2
Requested by anonymous: “could you write a cate hurt/comfort where unlike andre's coward ass u actually fix her 🫶 pls and tyy”
Pairing: Cate Dunlap x fem!reader
Words: 1.3k+
A/N - turned this request into part 2 of my other cate story because i'm obsessed with the idea of cate dating an empath. you don’t have to read the first part
WARNINGS - mention of murder, death and blood
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it's a bright sunny day but the air is polluted with the rich taste of fear; a chaotic blend of fear and anger. you don't know what to do. where to go. you thought you left this behind when you ran. your head aches. heart hammering in your chest. all around you students and faculty scramble in search of safety. Bodies litter the ground. blood drowns the lush green grass. and you are powerless to stop it. useless. this school housed so many heroes but your powers were far from useful. you're almost frozen in time. this very spot on the godu campus, your newfound home. waiting. waiting for the inevitable moment someone notices and you end up just another casualty.
it's so hard to focus with the swirling emotions that invade your head. every inch of your body burned with other people's pain. everyone was feeling so much; too much. it hurt. it felt like your brain might explode. you kinda wish it would. but despite it all your eyes settle on familiar blonde hair. beautiful blue eyes stained deep red. Cate. you had left so abruptly. perhaps you should be more apprehensive right now. but you feel no ill intentions.
"h-hey," it's a pathetic murmur restrained by the pounding in your head. She was your girlfriend and you could hardly say a word. You're not even sure what you could say to rectify this. murdering dean Shetty was one thing. a sad attempt at vengeance. it was hard enough to ignore but this? this came across as insane. this was too much. you had told the others you would deal with Cate not because you actually thought you could help but because you were scared of what they would do. Cate was public enemy one on the campus today.
"I've been looking for you," there's a tenderness to her voice. a softness she reserved for you; especially right now. her emotions are hard to shift through when mixed with so many others. too many others. but a deep anger settles over you. you know it's not directed at you. it's fighting with a desire to have you understand her point of view.
"you have to stop this cate," if only it was that straightforward. if words were enough this wouldn't have happened. you wouldn't have to beg your girlfriend to stop her lethal rampage. even if she physically was not the one killing. it's a weird position to be in. one that fills your stomach with a bottomless darkness pit... or maybe that was just the scene before you. either way, you felt nauseated.
"we're actually getting somewhere," there was an overwhelming weariness to her voice. She was clearly exhausted; struggling to stand straight as she clarified her frustration. you knew well the toll her powers took. that pang of fear every time you've watched her overdo it. you wonder how many people she has pushed into doing her bidding. how much her brain must hurt. how much she needs to rest. even how many people are dying under her authority. "people need to know what was going on here. We aren't just lab rats for Vought- we deserve respect."
"I agree," a flicker of surprise almost sends the blonde tumbling to the ground. "we deserve respect but this isn't how to get it. just stop and we can- we can figure this out." it takes everything in you to risk a step closer. pinpointing her feelings amongst the rest. it was a hazy feeling; tingly almost. you couldn't quite decipher what belonged to who still.
"Why can't you see that this is the only way," she implores. "it's the only way they'll listen."
"it's not worth it Cate," you express. "you're hurting innocent people-"
"they're not innocent." she snarls. Red-hot anger bursts through your veins. your jaw tenses. fist clenched. "you heard what Shetty said. they think we're freaks. they hate us-" You don't want to think about Shetty; you couldn't. it was too much. too taxing. the blood. so much blood. so much bitterness. an unsteady breath pushes its way past your lips.
"you're hurting me, Cate," you bark; fuelled by Cate's fear. her emotions were taking over. driving you forward. "all these emotions- all this fear. my head is on fire. it's too much. I can't- I can't handle it."
"I'm sorry," she sighed, dragging her eyes away. almost like she was unable to bear looking at the suffering she was causing. "I know this is hard for you, I wish it didn't have to be but this is the only way. I'm protecting us. I'm protecting you." you didn't need to be a mind reader to know Cate's intentions. her misguided desire for retribution. more fuelled by revenge for how she has been treated than a will to help people. she's explained it all already.
"Cate..." her name slips tenderly from your lips; biting back her fire that's burning inside. "I don't need protecting. I just- I need you." your desperate now. desperate for the pain to stop. for Cate to give up this crazy crusade. you wanted to go back to how things were. you wanted to hold her hand as you walked across campus to class each morning. wanted to surprise her with a cupcake after a hard day. cuddle up in bed while you watch the cheesiest movie known to man just because she enjoyed it. you wanted normal. you deserved that. you all did. "we can figure this out. I promise we can- just give me a chance." you continue. "I don't wanna lose you." you know she's hesitant by the way her eyes flicker to you and then away again. searching for a reason to deny you. to push you away further. her anger was no longer a raging fire but a muted flame as your words settled over her. "please," expressed softly. "we can get through this together." she could read your mind. She must know you are being genuine.
"Okay," the blonde mumbles, finally meeting your gaze. such pretty eyes even stained with abuse of power. "yeah," she nods a little; holding out her hand. you pause. it would mark a sign of trust. She didn't have her glove which meant that there was a possibility this was just a trick. if you take her hand she could make you do whatever she wanted. she could push you into believing her philosophy. She could kill you if she wanted. surely she wouldn't though? your girlfriend had never used her powers on you. She used to be all about consent. but you also thought she wasn't capable of murder and look at how that turned out. she was probably in your head listening. could hear your doubt. you watch a sadness wash over her face as she retracts her peace offering and in a panic, you roughly grab her hand. it's unexpected even by you. but you couldn't give up on her. you loved Cate, you wanted to trust her. you needed to trust that she was still good.
"I trust you" blurted out loudly. drowning in her anger. in her pain and fear. it's all so much. your legs buckle and it takes significant effort to stay upright. there is a glimpse of something unexplained in her eyes. Cate was the most important person to you. you struggle to watch your paths diverge before you have a chance to tell her your feelings. She probably knew. there was no hiding with Cate. not anymore. but she couldn't hide from you either. you can feel everything. our emotions expose true intentions. and even amongst all the dread, there was a warmth radiating through now like the sun breaking through dark clouds. She held bright feelings for you. you could feel her passion radiating.
"you... trust me?" Cate asks. her voice quiet. unsure.
"I trust you," you give her hand a gentle squeeze. "I just wanna help you- let me help you."
her eyes search yours for a moment before arms are wrapped around your shoulders and Cate falls against you. you stumble back under the weight of her body; the weight of her emotions. but you still hold on tight. chasing that beautifully warm feeling. "just me and you."
"Always," whispered softly.
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dewdropdinosaur · 4 months
Bound to Break Boundaries
HUSK X READER Summary: Y/N is the Hotel's desk clerk but in reality the unofficaly therapy friend. But even therapy friends need therapy so what happens when Y/N gets fed up? Warnings: Mentions of therapy and alcohol. Rating-PG For the amazing @gxstiess Also part inspired by @irkimatsu blurbs which I adore 😅 Requests Open - See Masterlist for Details
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In the heart of Hell, the Hazbin Hotel stood as a beacon of hope for the damned. Within its eccentric and chaotic walls, there was one individual everyone turned to when their sins and sorrows weighed too heavily: Y/N, the hotel's front desk clerk but in reality the unofficial therapist. Her room, cluttered with mismatched furniture and flickering candles, was a sanctuary where demons came to unload their burdens.
Every day, Y/N listened to the rants of the hotel's inhabitants. The hotel's ragtag group of residents had come to see her as a beacon of calm and understanding amidst their endless turmoil. Every day, demons and lost souls would seek her out, eager to unload their problems and frustrations. Whether it was Angel Dust's relentless complaints about his latest escapades or Alastor's cryptic musings, Y/N listened with unwavering patience, offering advice and a compassionate ear.
Yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the weight of everyone else's problems began to take its toll on Y/N. She was always there for them, always ready to help, but no one ever seemed to notice when she was struggling. The endless cycle of listening and advising started to wear her down, chipping away at her own sense of well-being. A day will typically contain the following: 
Angel Dust comes bursting into the room, dramatically throwing himself onto a couch. "Y/N! You would not believe the day I've had! That slimeball Valentino tried to mess with one of my gigs again. Ugh, he just can't leave me alone!"
"I'm sorry to hear that, Angel. What happened this time?"
"He sent one of his goons to 'remind' me who I belong to. Can you believe that? I told him where he could stick his reminders, but it's getting exhausting."
"I know it's tough dealing with him. Have you thought about what boundaries you can set or how you can stay out of his way more?"
"Boundaries? In Hell? Ha! You're a real optimist, Y/N."
Or something like this: 
"Y/N, I'm really struggling to keep everyone's spirits up. I just want to help everyone find a better path, but sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, it's not enough. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Charlie cries into one of the soft pillows Y/N keeps on the “therpay” couch. 
"Charlie, you have such a big heart and you're doing your best. It's natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes, especially with a task as monumental as this."
"Thanks, Y/N. It's just hard to keep going when it feels like we're making so little progress."
"Small steps can lead to big changes. Don't lose hope."
Or like this: 
“Y/N, I can't stand it anymore! Alastor is driving me up the wall with his constant meddling. How am I supposed to keep things under control with him always undermining me?"
"That sounds really difficult, Vaggie. Have you tried talking to him directly about how you feel?"
"I have, but he just laughs it off or turns it into some twisted joke. It's infuriating!” 
"Mybe we can come up with a different strategy together. You shouldn’t have to handle it alone."
One evening, as the sky burned a deeper crimson and the hotel hummed with restless energy, Y/N found herself overwhelmed. Vaggie had stormed into her room, venting about Charlie's latest overly optimistic scheme. Before she could even catch her breath, Niffty appeared, anxiously rambling about a mess she couldn’t clean up. When Angel Dust burst in, dramatically recounting another altercation, Y/N felt her patience snap.
“I can’t take this anymore!” she finally exclaimed, her voice shaking. “I’m not a bottomless pit for everyone’s problems. I need a break!”
There had always been one person in the hotel who never seemed to darken Y/N’s doorstep or in this case, therapy couch. Husk tended to keep to himself, serving also as a pseudo therapist for the more alcholically inclined patrons of the Hotel. Maybe he could offer some advice, because he never seemed to tire of other’s issues at least that s how it seemed to Y/N. 
"I told you, kid, I ain't interested in your therapy sessions. But if you must know, the bar's been low on stock, and running this joint is a pain in the tail. Happy?"
"I understand, Husk. Running the bar is a lot of responsibility, and it sounds like you're dealing with a lot of stress."
"Shut up with the therapy crap. Just gotta keep pouring the drinks and hope for the best."
With a sigh and a deep sip of a glass of some strange amber liquid she didn’t bother asking the name of, Y/N softly spoke up. 
"Husk, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Everyone just keeps unloading on me, and it feels like no one even notices that I might need a break too."
"You've been everyone's rock for so long, kid. It's okay to need a break yourself."
"But who am I supposed to talk to when I’m the one feeling down?"
He poured himself a drink and took a sip, his gaze thoughtful. “You’re a good kid, Y/N. Too good for this place sometimes. But even good people need to look after themselves. Otherwise, you’ll just end up as broken as the rest of us. I ain’t too good at the advice part but I am here to listen if you need it kid.”
The unexpected comfort in Husk’s words brought a lump to Y/N’s throat. She hadn’t realized how much she needed someone to tell her it was okay to take care of herself. “Thanks, Husk. I really needed to hear that.”
He gave a gruff nod. “Anytime, kid. Now, drink up and take a damn break. Let someone else handle the chaos for a while.”
Y/N smiled, a genuine, relieved smile, and raised her glass. “To boundaries and breaks.”
Husk clinked his glass against hers. “To keeping our sanity, one drink at a time.”
As she took a sip, she felt the weight on her shoulders lighten, just a little. For tonight, at least, she could breathe easier, knowing she wasn’t alone in this hellish hotel. And maybe, just maybe, she could find the strength to set her own limits and reclaim a bit of peace amid the chaos.
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abiiors · 2 years
would love more matty fluff!! maybe surprising him on tour? or moving in with him? something cute/domestic?
This one has allusions to sex but nothing too graphic or smutty. Also, snuck in a reference to one of my favourite movies ever ;)
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Move-in Day
The sun is barely peeking above the horizon at this early in the morning. Yet you are wide awake and ready for the day. A thrum of excitement passes through you as you check the time on your phone. 
6:15 am
Matty will be here in about an hour and you just can’t keep still anymore. It’s the day you’ve both been waiting for. 
It’s move-in day!
Your room is almost empty, all you have to do is pack up the futon you slept on last night and fold the blankets. The rest of the apartment is also in a similar state of emptiness and your living room is neatly arranged with several big cardboard boxes. 
At 7 a.m. on the dot, your boyfriend of 8 months arrives with coffee for both of you. The first thing he does is grab your waist and give you a long, sweet kiss.
‘Good Morning, darling,’ he mumbles against your lips and pulls back to look at you. 
In his vintage jeans and jumper, he looks like the perfect soft boy. What’s more, he’s practically bouncing on his heels with excitement. It’s palpable really—his energy, his laughter, it’s all infectious. 
The packers and movers are scheduled to come in the next 10-15 minutes so you simply sit on the floor and enjoy your coffee. 
‘I’m so happy, Matty,’ you confess.
‘I’m ecstatic,’ he replies.
It’s all a flurry of activity after that. The movers help you load the boxes into the truck—there aren't many to begin with. His house is on the other side of the city but at this time of the day, there’s barely any traffic. You both follow the truck in his car, help the people bring the boxes in and thank them when they’re done. Once the door closes, he hugs you from behind and rests his chin on your shoulder. And it doesn’t take you long to realise that standing there with Matty between piles of boxes might be the happiest you’ve ever been.
As always his playlist is chaotic. One moment, you’re swaying along to some Cigarettes After Sex and the next he’s wiggling his butt to Cardi B. You make sure to snap several videos of these moments as he mimics throwing a lasso at you.
‘Are you going to use that as blackmail material?’ he asks.
‘No, these are just for my personal viewing pleasure,’ you throw him a cheeky wink.
‘Mm, pervert,’ he laughs and then yelps when you chuck a pillow at him. 
It doesn’t take a lot for both of you to get distracted multiple times. He’s astounded by the sheer amount of signed books you own. He has to make you sit down and ask about each of the signings you’ve been to. Then he spots Joan Didion in the collection and it somehow morphs into a discussion about living in California during the 60s (it would be your La Belle Époque, you both agree). 
You end up in a tickle fight when you disagree about some trivial thing. The living room is filled with the sound of your shrieks and giggles as his fingers dig into the soft curves of your stomach and yours trace his neck as he shivers in delight. That, in turn, morphs into you making out in the kitchen as he makes you sit on the counter and moves to stand between your legs. He’s like a man starved as he presses kisses down your neck, runs his hands up your ribs. You can’t get enough of him, his smiles, his breathy moans.
But then the bell rings and the spell is broken. He curses, tries to hide his very obvious boner and runs to the door. Two minutes later, he comes back with boxes of pizza. You grab some cold beer from the fridge in the meantime. The food makes you sluggish and sleepy but Matty is apparently a bottomless pit of energy today. 
It’s only when you give him the sleepiest puppy eyes and a pout that he pulls you into his chest and asks you if you want to take a nap. The answer is yes, of course, but then you look around you and see all the unopened and half-opened boxes. He notices your gaze and immediately makes you look at him. 
‘Don’t worry about them, this is your house now and they are not the boss of you,’ he declares. 
It makes the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. He’s right, it is your house now. The idea might take some getting used to but the sheer excitement is there. 
‘Alright then,’ you beam up at him, ‘I’m going to take a nap in my bed.’
‘We are going to take a nap in our bed,’ he corrects and whisks you away.  
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justaaveragereader · 2 years
The Eight Evil Thoughts // 0T8
Part 2: Greed
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You were a firm believer that when you died youwere bound to go to heaven..but what happens when you get casted straight down to hell. Before kneeling before the most famous evil thought/leader you run into the other evil thoughts along the way.
“Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts
the person in an endless effort to satisfy the
need without ever reaching satisfaction.”
-Erich Fromm
🍎Pair: Reader x ????????
🍏Genre: Angst, Psychological Thriller, Possible Yandere
🍎Word Count: 3.3k
As you begin your journey to seeking out this light like object you realize the closer you were coming to the light the more the atmosphere around you started to change. The leaves that decorated the maze walls started to become vibrant, more life-like. Running your hand along the maze-like walls you are shocked…the nature was coming to life. Almost like something breathed life into the environment around you. This was the most life you you’ve seen in this place since before your eyes shut and everything turned black.
Your feet on auto pilot now, not noticing you were now stumbling across an apple orchard. Swaying from where the light was shining. In awe, you are just feet before entering the orchard.
“Oh my…this must be a dream…” barely above a whisper.
Hesitantly you put one foot forward to step into the orchard. Out of your peripheral vision you see that light once again, this time shining a bit brighter.
Your stomach lets out a growl. Realizing you haven’t eaten in quite some time. Everything had been so chaotic. This orchard was the first real piece of food you came across. There it was again that gnawing feeling. Your mind screaming, warning you. Light once again brightens, from the corner of your eye, sparkling, glowing. It had to be one of the most mesmerizing lights you had ever seen. It was like it was calling you. Slowly you start to back away from the orchard, light twinkling with every step you take back. It’s like the light was watching you but the hunger had started striking again. You pull your attention away from the light, back to the orchard. It was like the light was calling your name while the orchard enticed you.
Stepping forward once again, you enter the apple orchard deciding to ignore the twinkling light completely. As you entered the orchard everything lit up, birds tweeting, trees fully flourishing, everything looked exquisite. Walking more into the orchard you realize there are over countless trees with various fruits on them. Pears, peaches, plums, cherries, and the most delectable looking tree…the apple. There were so many types of apples. The tree that stood out the most, stood alone in the orchard. It had great big leaves, apples the deepest red you had ever seen. This specific tree had drawn you in like a moth to the light. Drawing forward, in a trance-like state. Stopping right before it, head right underneath the delectable fruit. As you go to raise your hand to pluck an apple off the tree you hear a sudden thud. Like something fell. Whipping your head around looking for what caused the noise, backing away from the tree trying to scope out the orchard to see what could’ve caused it.
Not seeing anything out there to alarm you, turning back to the tree, noticing on the trunk there is now a board attached to the tree with a written message. Quite shocked yet your curiosity getting the best of you, you attempt to move closer to the board. Stomach growling once again, you reach up, plucking an apple off of the tree. Apple so bright and shiny you can see your reflection. Biting down, moaning at how sweet the apple is you start to devour it. Juices running down your mouth, dripping off of your chin. You’ve never eaten an apple like this before. You think God must’ve crafted this piece of fruit. Before you know it you are at the core of the apple. Stomach still feeling so empty you reach up, plucking more of the apples, trying to grasp as many as you can. Biting from one while grasping another. Out of your peripheral vision you notice something move. Wiping your chin from the juices running down from it. You decide to seek it out.
You slowly start making your way towards whatever you saw from the corner of your eyesight, arms still filled with apples, munching away on the current one in your mouth. Suddenly everything goes silent. No more birds chirping, wind no longer blowing through the tree leaves, the feeling is all too similar to what you felt when you were in Mingis room. Freezing, you hear low rumbling, like something is growling/whimpering. You see a dark small figure move quickly behind a peach tree. Slowly backing away you try not to let your presence be known, dropping an apple in the process. Instead of letting the apple be, you bend down to pick it up, worried whatever is behind the peach tree will make an attempt to take the apple from you. As you rise you see two brown ears pop out from behind the tree followed by a small snout. It was a small brown bear. Suddenly shocked, you take another step backwards while holding your apple. The bear oddly pops its whole head out. It had to be nothing but a baby. Taking another bite out of the apple you proceed to step further back. Never turning your back on the baby bear, assuming that if this is the baby then the mother of the bear could not be too far behind. The bear seems to take interest in your crunching, slowly making its way from behind the tree, curiously venturing towards you.
Too well indulged in the apples to notice the bear is now seated at your feet looking at you curiously while nibbling on some apple cores you had thrown to the ground. That’s when you felt it. The feeling of selfishness coursing through your veins. The bear looked up at you with only what you could describe as pleading eyes, it had to be hungry..it was letting out small whimpers. You look the bear right into the eyes, biting a chunk out of your apple. While letting a smirk take over your face. Mocking the small animal that sat by your feet. You stood over it like you were the ruler of this orchard feeling rich in health, power, and food. Your body filling with desire, desire to eat more of the fruit in front of the poor animals face, the desire to be rich in health while this poor creature starves. Knowing it can eat nothing but your small second hand apple cores.
You hear that thudding noise again. The baby brown bear turns its head towards the red apple tree. Deciding to follow its gaze, turning your head, seeing there is now gold writing on the board, it is like the writing that had been on the plaque on Mingis door. Before you decide to see what the writing is on the board you finish off one of your many apples, tossing the core at the small bear, smirking.
“Eat up little one.” Letting a devilish smirk take over your face.
The small bear looks like it holds human emotions. It truly looks so pitiful. Yet you can’t seem to feel any type of sorrow for it, only power over it. Like you are a leader, a king or queen amongst many. Power, authority now making its way through your body you turn your back fully on the bear, making your way towards the board on the tree. Going to grab another apple, realizing you are all out, behind you there is a trial of apple cores littered around the ground. Not even caring that the baby bear is no longer in sight. Shrugging, you turn your body back to the board. Before you could read the writing you decide to pluck some more apples from the tree. Filling your arms with the delicious fruit once again.
Moaning at the sweet taste, entirely engulfed in fruit not even feeling the small scratches at your ankle.
“What do you want now?” Shuffling your leg, annoyed that the bear is still bothering you for food.
Just as you are moving something catches your eye. It shimmers within the paws of the small bear. A gold coin. Tempted by the gold coin you make a motion to take it out of the grasp of the bear. When it lets out a small whimper, signaling it is once again hungry. Yet you have no desire to share the delicious apples from the tree. While trying to grab the coin you miscalculate your distance, dropping an apple. Your mind is plagued by greed. You need for both the apple and the coin.
The bear, now seeing that food is within its reach, drops the coin, leaning towards the food. Scrambling to quickly grab the coin, grasping it in your hold that feel of power coursing through you again. It’s fueling you, making you feel superior to everything, anyone. Before you can fully bask in the feeling, moving quickly to snatch the apple before the bear can have a bite.
Coin, and apple now in your possession. Hearing the small bear let out low whines is fueling your ego. It’s going right to your head. You feel greasy, greedy yet you’re not fully satisfied. Every fruit should be in your possession. Everything in this orchard should be yours, yours only.
You start plucking fruit off of every tree. Peaches, plums, pears, cherries. All fill your hands. A wicked smile graces your face. Arms full of fruits and one gold coin. Yet you are still not satisfied you need more, more of everything. Bear nowhere in sight
you decide to leave your gatherings in front of the apple tree with the board attached to it. Before you step off to continue your venture of making the trees bare with fruits for your own greed.
“My my my…a greedy one aren’t you?”
You whip around trying to find the cause of the sudden voice.
There it is. A man sitting in the tree on the branch, back leaning against the trunk. Right above where the board is. With his eyes closed, resting.
Startled, you take one step back, not too far as you still have all your items right in front of you, worried the man might try to take one of your fruits.
“You try to take any of my stuff, I’ll hu-.”
“You’ll what? What is it that you’ll do exactly?”
Turning his head he opens his eyes, solid purple, no pupil just like how Mingis, and the being at the gates were. With a slight smirk on his face. Throwing his hands up, as if he wasn’t planning to take your items. Climbing out from the tree, both feet on the ground. You realize how buff he is, easily could take you down yet your possessiveness for you things fuel you not to be entirely afraid.
Smirk still plastered on his face, nodding his head in the direction of your things resting at the bottom of the trunk. Shifting your eyes over to your items you realize the board now has golden engravings on it just like how Mingis door had. Stepping to get a closer look.
“Greed?” Eyes shifting to look at the man before you.
“Are you Greed?” Squinting in his direction, still on the fence about the man. Worried he’s eyeballing your things.
“Quite frankly I think you are Greed.” He says with a chuckle in his tone. Reaching up to pluck one of the apples off the tree.
“Call me Jongho.” He says while taking a bite out of the fresh apple.
“Don’t pluck the fruit! This is my tree!”
He stops mid chew, a wide smile sketching across his face.
“Your tree? There are so many trees here. Would you prefer I grab fruit from another?” Motioning to the trees behind him.
“No! You cannot have any of the fruit. Everything here is mine!”
“You can’t spare me one fruit? I am starving.” Letting out a yawn. Continuing to chew on his apple.
Huffing you stand in front of your items.
“You already have one piece of fruit. You do not hunger for another. Find your own orchard!”
“Well I hate to break it to you but this is my orchard. You are in my orchard. Eating my fruits, off of my trees.”
Silence takes over. Possessiveness coursing through you. Desire to take this man down and take the apple he was eating in front of you. Like he was mocking you, laughing at you, rubbing it in. Eye twitching you let out a scuff.
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
Throwing the apple core to the ground. He takes a step towards you. You continue to stand your ground. Knees slightly wavering but you cannot back down.
“My my my…you are a bold one. Yet I can smell the fear dripping off of your skin. Tell me little one…are your possessions more valuable to you than your life?”
With each word he speaks, taking a step forward til he is towering over you. Pure purple eyes staring directly into yours. Your fear was fueling his ego but your possessiveness towards your items were fueling his entire being.
“…yes…” you say through a whisper.
His hand coming up close to your face. Closing your eyes you brace yourself, preparing for the impact. You hear the leaves rustle. He plucks another fruit off of the tree. Lowering his lips to your ear.
“Wanna see a trick?”
Stepping backwards with a smirk on his face. You open your eyes slightly cowering. You nod your head. Smoothing down his shirt. Wiping the apple on it to get it a nice shine. Placing both hands on the fruit, he splits it right in half. A clean break. Taking a bite out of it, tossing you the other half.
“I can do the same with melons. When you got hands like these.” Moving his fingers in a jazz hands motion. “Anything is possible.”
“I don’t care about your hands. I told you to stop taking the fruit off of the tree. This is my tree.”
“I told you to take the fruit blah blah. Didn’t I tell these were my trees? You are in my orchard. Didn’t you read the board? I know you can re-.” He stops mid sentence gasping.
“You can read, you just can't comprehend. Wow…how sad.”
“I too can comprehend.”
“You cannot.”
“I can too!”
“I can too blah blah.”
“Is that supposed to be you mocking me?”
“Mocking me blah blah.”
You are positive he rolled his eyes yet you could not be too sure as he had no pupil.
“Well Greed I-“
“Told you that you can’t comprehend. I said call me Jongho. Not Greed.
Gritting your teeth, you were getting annoyed by the man. Placing your hands on your temples to soothe yourself.
“Listen Jongho I wou-. Hey! What are you doing?!” You launch yourself forward. Going to snatch the gold coin out of his hand as he had taken it from your pile of things.
“I’m just seeing what you all got over here. This is a nice coin.” Twirling it in his fingers he holds his hands above your head, out of reach so you cannot grab it.
“Give it back! That’s mine! Stop touching my things!
“Everything you see in this orchard is mine. Including all these possessions you left on my tree. In my orchard. Once again, no comprehensive skills.”
Yearning to get your coin back you start to climb the man. No care in the world of what the repercussions could be. Need, greed, desire, and want fill you. Struggling to reach the coin. You attach your body to the man who was laughing at you. While he was enjoying your current struggle he also was getting annoyed that you were crawling over him like an unhinged maniac.
Tossing the coin back onto the pile of possessions of yours that laid right in front of the tree. You scramble off of him, flinging your body onto the pile of items. Stumbling upon the gold coin, in your possession you let out a sigh. Your body fully relaxed now that you have your item back.
“My my my…it has consumed you all too well.” He says through a whisper. Smirk plastered on his face.
“I know of a tree that grows these gold coins. It’s right in the front, close to the entrance that I’m assuming you came through.”
Your eyes shoot over to him, ears perking up. There was that greedy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You were not satisfied with nothing you had in front of you. You wanted more, you needed more.
“If you wish for more riches just follow me.” He shrugs while walking forward.”
Standing up you decide to trail close to him but not exactly to close. Worried he’d turn around, trying to make way towards your items that laid back on the tree.
“Here we are!”
Grabbing a branch, slightly tugging it, letting it go. Coins drop everywhere, smacking into the ground. Hunger fills your eyes. You dive forward not even caring about the man behind you. Scrounging up any coins that had fallen when he grabbed the branch. Filling your pockets with the golden objects. Yet you still are not feeling satisfied. You want more. You need more.
While continuing to gather as many coins as you could. Jongho sits back observing your selfish, greedy ways. His being is excelling. Ego boosting. He feels as if he’s king. He’s on top of the world, there is nothing to lower him down, delivering this news to you now will only boost his ego more. He hungers for power which he’s about to receive.
Grabbing the back of your collar, lifting you high in the air. Coins drop, smacking the ground.
“I think you’ve been greedy enough for today.”
Kicking your legs trying to get out of his grasp. Worried you have dropped more coins you try moving out of his grasp.
“Let. Me. Go.” You say while flailing your body.
Walking towards the entrance with you still high in the air. He lets out a low chuckle. Purple eyes boring into yours.
“You seem to have forgotten you are in my orchard, holding coins from my tree. Breathing my air. Show some gratitude.” Grip getting tighter on the back of your shirt.
Nearing the entrance he lowers you slightly on the ground. Just to where your toes are barely touching the ground. Getting close to your ear…
“My my my…how the tables have turned. I just wanted to let you know and I’m going to love telling you this.” Taking in a deep breath he looks you in the eyes once more, purple eyes clouding your vision, smirk on his face.
“You. Have. Failed.”
Your eyes grow twice their size.
Grasping your collar tightly once again. He tosses you through the entrance you walked in from. Coins scattering around you. You land on your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. Wheezing you turn on your back, scrambling to get up.
“Wait! Wait! Jongho plea-.”
Only to stop your sentence the entrance to the orchard is no longer there. Just a hedge with dead branches, and leaves surrounding it.
Letting out a sigh…you brush off your pants, standing up.
“At least I still have these cool gold coins.” Bending down to pick up the scattered coins. As you are reaching for them they turn into dust, blowing slightly away with the sudden breeze that passes through. Frustrated you let out a yell.
“Oh come on! Can’t I at least have something!?”
Kicking the dust pile, defeated. An apple is launched out from the hedge wall, smacking you right across the side of your head. Yelping you bring your hand up to rub your head. Wincing at the contact. Bending down you pick up the apple bringing it in front of you. Closely inspecting it.
“Loser? Loser?! Did you really etch the word loser into an apple? How mature of you Jongho! Throw out another one so I can etch the word jerk into it for ya!”
Kicking the hedge where the apple flew out from. Mumbling to yourself on how Jongho was a real piece of work. Feeling defeated, you kick the dead leaves on the ground. Tucking Jonghos' apple into your left hand tightly. You start your journey through the maze once again.
👉👉👉👉Chapter 3 is now posted 👈👈👈👈
Authors Note: Well what are our thoughts…?👀 I think sassy Jongho honestly is my favorite. Like he has a god complex but at the same time he is sassy/cocky about it. Two members down, six more to go! I’m honestly so excited to write the other members but hands down Jongho will forever be my favorite to write about.
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blarrghe · 2 years
“When a character checks in on another character sleeping to make sure they’re okay, struck dumb by how innocent they look (bonus if they reach out to brush the hairs on their head out of the way, or stay up watching over them, or decide to lay down beside them, resisting the urge to touch or pull them close)” for T and Dorian? 🥺
Sleepy! Boys! Some canon universe, early relationship, just after Here Lies The Abyss softness for ya. Not editing this writing prompts is tough.. -- He hadn’t been there. Dorian had been right on his heels when the dragon swept down, right behind him until the battlements crumbled underfoot, and then he’d been on solid ground while a flash of green magic caught the rest of them. 
He hadn’t been there, through whatever terrible adventure had lost them the Champion of Kirkwall, through the thing Sera only called a “nightmare” under her breath and over one too many drinks. He hadn’t been there while the Inquisitor uncovered memories that Cassandra would only call “concerning”, hadn't been there to help fight off demons that The Bull would only call “creepy”. 
He’d been there when the flash of green magic spat them out again. Frantic and choking on his own strangled shouts to rush the soldiers forward. Dorian had been there to pull him up to his feet and support him on his injured leg as he made a solemn speech. He’d been there saying, “let’s get you home,” and he’d been there in the caravan over the mountains while Solas applied potions and healing charms over his battered bones, and he’d been there in the library, pacing, when the Inquisitor had finally come to debrief him, last out of everyone, on what had transpired. 
He’d said he was angry and terribly upset, asked him how he dared to scare him like that, how he dared to go jumping off into bottomless pits of terror and demons without him. 
He’d thought — he’d thought he’d lost him. Things had only just started, and for too many long, agonising hours up there on the crumbling battlements while the rest of the Inquisition’s assembled forces scrambled and despaired about the fate of the world, he’d thought only of the fact that he’d never see his smile again. 
Confronted with his selfishness, Taren had only smiled and touched his cheek and given him an apology. An apology that Dorian knew was really something else, something heavier and harder to swallow. An apology that Dorian knew left the more heartfelt words unspoken. An apology just to humour him, just to avoid the ordeal of not hearing them back. 
So Dorian had kissed him in the library, despite the lingering nobles and the nosy mages all around. He’d told him to rest his leg and to stop climbing up and down the bloody stairs, promised to visit his chambers in the evening with the kind of growl in his voice that made kissing him in public feel more purposeful, more rebellious, less impulsive. 
Less like what it was. 
When he climbed the stairs to the Inquisitor’s chambers that evening, Dorian vowed to himself to do better. He’d almost lost him, really lost him, and those unspoken words had threatened to hang over his head for the rest of his life. If he'd had any sense, they'd have been the first words out of his mouth the moment he'd laid eyes on him again. That was supposed to be the realisation, after something like this. That was supposed to be the romantic climax of the rush-into-arms of having him back. 
Instead, the words stuck to the back of his throat more thickly than ever. Instead, the idea of letting loose so much sentiment at a time so fraught — to a man who could at any moment be lost again — only grew more terrifying. How selfish. How cowardly. Taren, the Inquisitor, had faced a nightmare demon, an onslaught of chaotic memories, the loss of an ally and the breaking of his own bones, and here was Dorian, burdened by sentiment. 
He rapped lightly on the door. There was no answer. One more time, and the door swung open slightly with his knock. Dorian carefully peered inside. The inquisitor was propped on pillows in his modest bed, his healing leg lifted up by thick cushions and a scattering of important papers and maps spread over his lap and the blankets beside. An herbal remedy of tea had gone cold in a tall clay mug on the low wooden table beside his bed, a quill was left to dribble ink over Josephine’s carefully selected silk sheets. 
Dorian sighed, and stepped quietly into the room. He removed the papers to a stack on the desk in the corner of the large, sparsely furnished room. He tucked the quill back into its holder and the blankets up and over Taren’s slowly rising and falling chest. Then he paused, looking down at the sleeping elf’s face, watching his furrowed brow closely, listening to the sound of his soft breathing. 
The dim light nearly hid the tattoos and freckles which blended into his tan skin. The tired circles that often lay under his warm green eyes seemed pulled deeper by the shadows. A strand of Taren’s long and unruly hair fell over the lattice of vallaslin on his forehead and wavered with each rhythmic breath. Dorian leaned forward and very gently tucked it away. Taren stirred at the touch, a concerned groan mumbling from his lips and a deeper furrow forming in his brow. Dorian removed his hand. 
“It’s only me,” he whispered. 
“Vhenan,” his eyes didn’t open, but the concern in his face relaxed. 
“Mhm.” Dorian leaned forward again, stroking his cheek this time with a gentle hand and leaving a kiss over his forehead. “You must be exhausted, just rest.”
Taren’s eyes blinked open, and he shifted slightly to the side. He smiled in recognition, sweet and warm, then closed his eyes again. 
“Stay.” The word was little more than a murmur, and Taren fell back into his doze as soon as it had been spoken. 
Dorian hesitated. He watched him again, the rise and fall of his chest, the twinge and twitch that affected his marked hand as a quick glimmer of green passed under his skin, the hitch and strain to those soft breaths and then the return to a quiet rhythm as they evened out again. 
Finally, Dorian stooped to carefully remove the boots he wore around the castle. He sat slowly on the edge of Taren’s simple bed, atop the spread of delicate silk sheets. He moved as lightly as he could, bringing his legs up and leaning back, draping a careful arm over the shoulders of Taren’s still sleeping form. 
He stroked his hair again as Taren’s head rolled towards his chest, tucked the curls of burnt auburn behind one delicately tapered ear. His own breaths were shallow, practically held. Taren’s slowed and calmed some more, growing deep and comfortable over Dorian’s chest. 
Dim evening turned dark. The room was quiet. Dorian tightened the hold of his arm securely over the sleeping Inquisitor’s back and whispered, “sleep well.” 
“Sleep well, my amatus.”
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If I may introduce you to my latest abomination: Hanako style Ritsu!This took sooooooo long and I had no idea where I was going with it. I wanted it to be all gloomy and dark, like he's being sucked into the bottomless pit, at the same time the spirit world in Hanako is chaotically colorful and bright (like in Tim Burton's Corpse bride). I've been playing a lot with complementary colors, which leads us to this color accident!
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yumeko2sevilla · 8 months
Obey Me OCs' Unique Magics
Summary: If the Obey Me OCs have Unique Magics in Twisted Wonderland. Basically an Obey Me X Twisted Wonderland crossover.
✦Inspired by @achy-boo
✦Asterine Marlais_ Echoes of Emptiness
Unique Magic: Echoes of Emptiness_ Hole Dwelling- Kikuo
"Fall with me, come on fall with me. Because together, we will always be alone. Echoes of Emptiness."
╰┈➤The user is capable of forcing one's soul down into a pit of bottomless emptiness. The deeper they fall, the louder the echoes become, mostly the echoes are of agonist spirits and scearming. Of course, this was all hallucinations. The time limit is 10 minutes, if you can't get out of the illusions, then you will lost your identity.
How to escape the hallucinations?: Simple, find the "keys". Mostly, these are things that you hold dear the most. Find them among the echoes and nothingness, then you win.
✦Hibiki Yamashita_ Songs of the Unforgetten City
Unique Magic: Songs of the Unforgetten City_ Tokyo Ghetto- Eve
"Afraid to let go now, afraid to go. So here you'll alway stay... And here, you'll always stay, in our vivid town! Songs of the Unforgetten City!"
╰┈➤ The user is capable of shifting the reality into an abandoned and run-down town. When you are summoned there, you will see shadowed figures, as the parade of the lost begin. A set of chaotic, yet haunting musics will start, and it will lead you to you staying there forever, in your mind. 30 minutes is your time limit, if you can catch Hibiki inside her realm, then congratulation.
How to catch Hibiki?: Well, Hibiki is quite the trickster. She often hides herself as a shadowed figure, joining the parade and blending in the crowd. But, Hibiki would always have that purple wisp along with her. Find the wisp, and you will see her near there.
✦Inazami Hitoriyama_ Deadly Lance of the Sallowtail Crest
Unique Magic: Deadly Lance of the Sallowtail Crest_ Life-Cheating Game-kemu
"Welcome back, my own feelings. I love the way I feel, that I wish I was dead. So I'll sneer, as I pray along. Deadly Lance of the Sallowtail Crest."
╰┈➤The user is capable of summoning an entity that takes the form of a wind-up bird. When the wind-up bird was summoned, it would make you experience all kinds of death that you could ever imagine. Every kinds. 19 minutes is the amount of time that you need to stop the wind-up bird, before the hallucinations become true.
How to stop the entity?: Unfortunely, the entity can not be stopped. But there was a way that you can use: Convince Inazami to erase the illusions. Mentions of Hibiki Yamashita seems to work.
✦Marianne Ayamary_ Frenzied Spirits' Performing Dance
Unique Magic: Frenzied Spirits' Performing Dance_ Will O' The Wisps -Masa Works Design
"Can you understand my suffering, the pain of being thrown away suddenly to be burnt.. Can you understand my pain, I believed you were always with me but you sold me abruptly.. You will never understand my suffering, for I will take you to hell with me. Frenzied Spirits' Performing Dance."
╰┈➤ The user is capable of summoing agonist spirits across their realm. As the spirits begin the frenzied dance, you will experience physical pain despite there are no wounds and injuries. The pain of it burn badly, no other pain you know burn like this. 10 minutes, only 10 minutes for you to stop the spirits. If you managed to do it, then the pain would stop.
How to stop the spirits?: [Unknown]
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna @achy-boo
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theengguy · 1 year
Demonic Pursuit: A Chaotic Escape
Just another ordinary day unfolded before us. My closest companion, the person I'm engaged to, and I decided to take a leisurely walk outside the bustling city. Out of nowhere, my fiancé nudged me and pointed, "Hey, do you catch that? Over there, some guy's hanging around, giving us this big creepy grin."
I glanced in the direction he indicated, reassuringly chiming in, "Hey, don't sweat it, Fiancé. Probably just some stranger goofing around. What harm could they possibly stir up, especially with you by my side you hunky man of you?" As I spoke, I sealed the sentiment with a gentle peck on his cheek. Time ticked on, but it became evident that the man hadn't budged an inch; he stood there, still fixed on us, that same peculiar expression plastered on his face.
I narrowed my eyes, mimicking the expression of a senior with failing sight attempting to make out the finer details. I squinted at the guy, my mind racing to identify if there was any familiarity in that face. And then it hit me, like a bolt out of the blue, "Hold on a sec, could that be Logan Paul?"
His eyebrow raised, "who the hell is Logan Paul?" I shrugged, "I dunno Jake Paul, either, but I think they're the same person."
Suddenly Logan started sprinting to us with something in his hands. "HEY GUYS DID YOU HEARED ABOUT PRIME HYDRATE?!?!?!?!?!" he said in a eccentric way with a big grin in his face while shoving that bottle in our face.
It only took my fiance two sword swipes to take down the man lunging toward us, bringing a smile to our bloodied faces.
The moment we turned around to keep doing what we previously planned, when he suddenly jumped up again placing his head on my shoulders and telling me in a breathy and heavy way "We even have now Prime Energy that will give you the extra kick into the start." I couldn't move its like my whole body is in a sudden state of fear. When I thought to myself "What is going on? Whats this guys problem!!"
With no viable options left, my fiance's sword flashed again as he impaled our assailant. He was then dragged to a nearby tree, where the sword was plunged through as well. "Oh good, he's been impaled." We called for guards with rope and, like, a ton of knives, and stuck those in for good measure (and for stress relief).
When we finally breathed a sigh of relief to end this horrible situation once and for all, something unexpected occurred as we were about to step back into the city. "Oh no, my dearest Fiancé, this is an earthquake! Please hold me tight." I exclaimed in a dreamy voice, leaping into his arms. He replied with a smile my attempt to hug him. However, what we didn't know was that this wasn't a normal earthquake – it was the impaled Logan Paul, screaming in agony and despair. His voice grew more and more demonic as he became larger, grabbing some of the guards and devouring them. As he tossed the guards into his mouth, all we could hear were their screams echoing from the bottomless pit that was his stomach.Locking his gaze onto us, I moved closer to my fiancé in fear, hoping he could protect me. Logan advanced toward us, his gigantic head looming, and he spoke in a demonic voice, "Prime costs only $9.99 and is available in all local stores in North America and the UK." Trembling in fear, we fell to the ground on our rear ends.
Rear ends now in a defensive position, I shakily held my hand up. "C-can I hold the bottle? I'd like to see for myself." Jake or whatever grinned a wicked grin, placing the bottle in my hand. I began twisting off the cap, and my fiance looked at me in horror. "Dearest, no," he whispered. "You don't have to do this." He had placed his hand on top of the bottle, eyes pleading. "Cap?" I shook my head, "no cap." Tears sparkled in his eyes, "Frfr?" I nodded, "Ong." I winked both eyes at the same time to make him double sure that I was alright. I looked the beastly demon in front of me, new-found resolve in my soul, as I poured the drink directly into the dry soil below. I grabbed my partner's hand. "Run."
The moment we started running, the beast jumped up in the air and screamed in a hateful manner, "MY NAME IS NOT JAKE, BUT LOGAN!" We both ran into the city, hoping to hide there and that the town guards could deal with it. We somehow managed to outrun the beast as it continued screaming that its name is Logan. After a few minutes, my fiancé and I reached the city gates and begged the guard there to close them because there was a terrible beast in front of the city. After a while of begging, and oddly enough, the guard demanded that he could cuddle with my fiancé for a few minutes. He then ordered to close the gate. Just as the gate was closing, we heard the demon Logan running on all fours toward the gate, screaming in a demonic and horrible way, "CONSUME, PIGGIES, CONSUME, AND LET CAPITALISM DESTROY YOUR FUTURE." When he reached the gate, there was suddenly silence. However, a moment later, an aggressive knocking on the door began. It was so loud and terrifying that we all recoiled in fear. The knocking grew louder and more aggressive, the kind of intensity only a demon could create. "Shit, what are we gonna do?" the guard screamed in fear. "We need to alert the Queen so they can save her. Yes, that's the right way. You two try to hide somewhere while we try to hold it back as long as we can," he said to us, even giving my fiancé another kiss on the lips, which was oddly peculiar. I looked at my fiancé with a weirded out look and asked him why the hell he had even embraced it, and he just shrugged it off.
The two of you huddled close together, several barrels and boxes hiding your shaking frames. "Darling, I'm frightened. Frightened by Logake... Jagon?...Paul??... I don't fucking know, it's the same guy, so it really doesn't matter... wait... what was I talking about?" Your fiancé looked back at you with empty eyes, "What? I wasn't really listening, I was wondering what to have for dinner." "...I don't think this is the time for that." My face hid nothing of my confusion. "What do you mean?" He tilted his head. "We have a lot of uninterrupted time right now. We keep having meatloaf I've noticed. Like, I don't mind meatloaf, but it's been every week lately." Your jaw dropped. "Well that's news to me! What, were you just going to pretend for the rest of your life?? I thought you loved meatloaf?! I don't know who you ARE anymore!!" Your voice echoed throughout the room, sealing your fates. Claws raked against the door of the left side of the room, as the previous guard burst through the right door. "Thank god I got here in time! We must hurry!" The guard waved us over, but I shook my head. "My good sir... I must ask you to take on a horrible task." The guard's eyes widened, an audible gulp rising from his throat. "You must sacrifice yourself for the good of this country. For my safety." The guard stared at me, appalled. "The fuck?Jakaul is going to keep relentlessly making me drink that shitty, overpriced drink for the rest of my life! Why the hell would I do that?!" "I'll give you this meatloaf-hating asshole of a fiancé," your tone was flat, but your offer was firm. "BET." And with that, the guard launched into my ex's lap, and they got comfortable as the last of the door was being raked down. I ran through the right door, thankful to get rid of 3 weirdos in one transaction.
As I stepped out of the door, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. I could hear the sounds of chaos behind me as the guard and my now ex-fiancé dealt with the monstrous demon Logan Paul and his Prime Hydration. But for now, my focus was on escaping this nightmare and finding a way to end this madness once and for all.
As I walked through the city streets, my mind was racing with thoughts of what had just transpired. I couldn't believe the bizarre sequence of events that had led me to this point. The encounter with Logan Paul, the demon transformation, and the desperate escape with finding out that my fiancé was gay for the guard – it was like something out of a surreal nightmare.
As I wandered through the city for a few hours, I found myself drawn to a quieter part of town. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the cobblestone streets of this town. My heart was still pounding from the adrenaline, but a sense of calm started to wash over me. I needed a moment to collect my thoughts and process everything that had happened.
Lost in my contemplation, I suddenly heard a gentle voice from behind me. "Are you alright?" I turned to see a woman standing there, her greenish-hazel eyes filled with concern. She had a warm and caring aura about her that was both comforting and familiar.
I took a deep breath, my voice shaky as I replied, "I... I think so. It's been a strange day." She gave me a reassuring smile, stepping closer. "I understand. Sometimes life has a way of throwing us into the unexpected." Her words resonated with me, and I couldn't help but feel a connection to her.
Ana's appearance had a timeless elegance to it, her white hair cascading around her are like a waterfall of wisdom. The lines on her face told stories of a life well-lived. Despite her age, her eyes held a youthful spark that was both captivating and reassuring. I could easily forget myself in them.
"I'm Ana Amari," she finally said, extending her hand toward me. "And you are?"
I hesitated for a moment, then took her hand in mine. "I-I'm Dearest. N-Nice to meet you, A-Ana." Our hands lingered for a brief moment longer than necessary, and I felt a strange sensation in my chest.Ana's smile widened, and she gestured toward a nearby bench. "Would you like to sit and talk for a while?" I nodded, grateful for the opportunity to share my experiences with someone who seemed genuinely caring.As we sat down, Ana listened intently as I recounted the events of the day. I could see a mix of sympathy and understanding in her eyes as I spoke about the strange encounter with Logan and the chaos that had followed. Her hand reached out to gently rest on mine, a gesture of comfort that sent shivers down my spine.
"It sounds like you've been through quite an ordeal," Ana said softly. "But you're safe now." Her words had a soothing effect on me, and I found myself opening up to her in a way I hadn't expected. As the evening sky turned into a canvas of soft pastel like hues, our conversation flowed effortlessly. We talked about life, our experiences, and our hopes for the future. I learned more about Ana's strong sense of responsibility, her caring nature, and her unyielding belief in protecting loved ones.
Ana's stories were filled with a ton of wisdom and insight of a well lived live, and she spoke about her daughter, Pharah, with a mixture of pride and fondness. "My daughter has always been a source of inspiration for me," she said, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I've always hoped that she would follow in my footsteps, albeit in a more peaceful way."
As the night grew darker, Ana looked at me with a soft smile. "You know, sometimes the most unexpected situations can lead to the most meaningful connections, Dearest." Her words resonated with me, and I found myself leaning in slightly, our faces now just inches apart.
Suddenly in that moment, time seemed to slow down for me as our lips met in a gentle and tender kiss. The sensation was electric, sending a tingling warmth through my entire body. As our lips melded together, I felt the soft press of Ana's fingers against my cheek, her touch gentle yet firm, as if she was savoring the moment as much as I was.
The kiss deepened, our mouths moving in a slow and synchronized way. Ana's other hand found its way to my hips, her touch sending shivers down my spine. Our bodies pressed closer, and I could feel the steady thump of her heart against mine, a reassuring rhythm that echoed in the silence between our breaths.
As we continued to kiss, the connection between us grew stronger, as our bodies instinctively gravitating towards one another. Ana's lips traced a path down my jawline, leaving a trail of soft, lingering kisses that sent a rush of warmth to my cheeks. Her hands explored my form with a tenderness that only comes from a lifetime of experience, her touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
When we finally pulled away from that session, our foreheads pressed together, our breaths mingling in the cool night air. I could see the desire and affection in Ana's eyes, a reflection of the emotions swirling within me. As her fingers gently brushed a strand of hair from my face, I couldn't help but lean into her touch, craving the closeness that had blossomed between us.
Ana's smile was a mixture of contentment and anticipation, a silent promise of what was to come. "I'm glad we met." she whispered, her voice carrying a depth of emotion that resonated within me. And then, as if unable to resist the pull any longer, our lips met again in a passionate embrace, a silent affirmation of the connection we had forged.
Our bodies molded together, the warmth of Ana's embrace melting away any lingering traces of fear or uncertainty. Her hands traced the contours of my body with a reverence that sent my heart racing, her touch igniting a fire that I had never experienced before. Each caress, each brush of our bodies, felt like an unspoken promise of the intimacy that was building between us.
As the night grew darker around us, our bodies found solace in each other's arms. Ana's aged body carried a wisdom that was palpable in every touch, every whispered word of affection. And as we held each other close, I felt a sense of completeness that I had never known before, as if all the chaos and uncertainty had led me to this very moment.
Hand in hand, we walked back through the city streets, our hearts intertwined in a way that felt both exhilarating and comforting. The journey ahead was uncertain, but with Ana by my side, I knew that I had found someone who would be there to protect, care for, and love me – just as she had always hoped for her loved ones. After a while of spending time more time together with Ana we decided to offically start our relationship. Everything works perfectly and I really hope that she will one day make me her wife.
The End.
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pastthebutterflies · 2 years
Gosalyn's Super-Awesome-Summer-Fun-Family-Bonding-Day
Check out our zine! Read and/or donate here or check it out on Twitter! This was my first zine and I’m really proud of how it all came together! Be sure to look at every one else’s contributions!
Without further ado...
Despite what Darkwing wants to believe, breaking the window was never a conscious decision on Gosalyn’s part. 
The bat? Yes.
The baseball? Also yes.
Finally giving into every chaotic instinct she has ever suppressed and hitting the ball toward the window, leaving behind a pile of glass and a cacophony of honking below as her ball rained unholy terror on innocent bystanders?
Only slightly.
But really, she thinks as Launchpad and Darkwing not-so-subtly argue a room over, this is as much their (his) fault as it was hers. If Darkwing could ease up on his constant paranoia and let her leave the tower for more than an hour at a time- or better yet, unsupervised- Gosalyn may have actually had a place to release the anxious energy that had been building in her stomach since the start of the summer. 
So really, the blame can be split sixty-forty (respectively) between Darkwing and herself (leaving none for Launchpad, who has snuck her out with him from time to time). 
Her feet have practically worn a hole through the tile by the time they both emerge. Not for the first time, she can practically feel the exhaustion radiating off them. Since May and June’s appearance, months ago, everyone has been more on edge than ever, as if they still expect F.O.W.L. agents to rise up from the shadows and wreak more havoc than they already have. 
As a result, Gosalyn has spent her summer thus far with W.A.N.D.A. as her only company, streaming videos the others send as they continue on with their adventures as if nothing had changed. 
The triplets following their mom into a potentially bottomless pit during a camping trip.
Boyd earning yet another Junior Woodchuck badge so efficiently that it put veterans to shame.
Webby bonding with her newfound sisters at the beach, digging up forgotten relics.
Everything kids her age are supposed to be doing. 
Gosalyn groans, stops, and lets herself fall face-first onto the couch.
A small, ugly part of her suggests things would have been better if she had just told Darkwing no when he first offered to let her stay. At least then she could be out in the world doing something useful- like looking for Grandpa, something they had yet to make much progress on. The thought is fleeting and quickly replaced by late nights curled on the too cramped sofa, watching Darkwing Duck reruns after long days of the three of them staring at computer screens until their eyes started to water and still coming up empty-handed.
They were trying, Gosalyn knew that.
But she also knows that she’s a kid and kids aren’t built to spend so long cooped up inside. It isn’t natural, especially when she can practically see the ground baking outside and kids half her age racing around unsupervised.
Though, perhaps just as unnatural, she notes when she finally sits up, is Darkwing- no, he’s definitely Drake right now- is waiting at the end of the couch, watching her with a sheepish expression as Launchpad walks up behind, giving him a pointed look, before sending Gosalyn an overly enthusiastic thumbs-up. 
Drake clears his throat. “It has come to my attention that I may-” Launchpad starts hacking behind him- “I have been a little strict in regards to your safety, recently, and may have had a hand in creating today’s…incident. To make up for it, Launchpad has suggested we-”
“Go out for a super-awesome-summer-fun-family-bonding-day!” Launchpad cuts in. 
He’s practically bouncing beside Drake, energy suddenly rolling off of him in contagious waves.
“A little?” She says after a moment, turning back to Drake. “I fell off a building and handled it just fine, remember?”
“Because I caught you-”
“Ah, ah- semantics. Now, where first?”
As it turns out, putting Launchpad in charge of their ‘super-awesome-summer-fun-family-bonding-day’ (no, he wouldn’t change the name. They tried.) may have been a less than stellar idea. Despite spending most of his time hanging out with children, Launchpad didn’t seem to know many places kids her age actually enjoyed. 
Gosalyn wants to say she isn’t surprised given…literally everything she knows about Launchpad, but after so long with Webby and the boys, she figured he would have known a place or two. 
Instead, Gosalyn finds herself staring down a gleaming sign for the St. Canard Outdoor Museum of Transportation. Beside her, Drake is glancing around like he’s expecting something much cooler to pop out at any moment, while Launchpad is bouncing on the balls of his feet, hands flapping gently at his sides.
She and Drake exchange a quick glance before she shrugs. If Launchpad thinks that this is the best place to spend their day, she’s willing to go with it for now. It isn’t like she has much better to do at the moment. 
The sun beats down on them as they make their way through the turnstile. When they round the corner, the first thing Gosalyn sees is a train engine parked on a single piece of track, stretching halfway down the aisle. Beyond it, she sees more of the same- trains, ships, trucks, all of Launchpad’s wildest dreams all contained in one painstakingly perfect lawn.
Upon spotting the engine, Launchpad turns and spreads his arms wide, a grin splitting his face.
“We’ve got ice cream, we’ve got trains, cars, and most importantly,” he gestures toward a spot in the distance, where Gosalyn could just make out a small crowd beginning to gather. “Surprise entertainment.”
Drake is glancing around, still looking uncertain. “Launchpad? This isn’t quite what I had in-”
Before he can finish, Launchpad slings an arm around Drake’s shoulder and pulls him close. The move is enough to send him sputtering, the remainder of the sentence long gone.
“Shhhh, shh,” he says. “Take it all in, beautiful, isn’t it?”
With that, Launchpad once again takes the lead, guiding them up and down the aisles, pointing out the different sights and rattling off facts about each of them as they go, as if he has been waiting his entire life for a day like this. Which, Gosalyn thinks, maybe he has. Between the constant adventures and mortal peril, she can’t imagine there was much time for typical family bonding with the McDucks. 
She’s actually kind of surprised by how much she enjoys wandering around. Not all of Launchpad’s facts really stick (and the rest will all be forgotten by tomorrow), but his voice is familiar and comforting in a way that convinces Gosalyn to relax despite the sweltering heat and the tension she only now realizes has been building in her shoulders. 
Eventually, they slow to a stop beneath the shadow of a wrecked ship, supposedly recovered just outside the borders of the Bermuda Triangle (“The Queen of the South, Mr. McDuck donated this one himself!”). By now, the three of them are slicked with sweat and even Launchpad has ditched his usual jacket for just his T-shirt. 
Drake slides down against the side of the ship, which Gosalyn is certain is very, very against the rules. She slides down beside him. “As fascinating as this has been, LP,” he says. “What do you say we take a break and cool off?”
Launchpad blinks as if just realizing they had reached the end. Glancing at his watch, he frowns. “Right, cool off. You guys do that. I’m gonna…go this way now, for no particular reason that you totally shouldn’t be wondering about. Ha!”
He takes a step backward, then another, maintaining awkward eye contact with each of them until he’s stumbling around the corner, nearly taking out a corner of the ship as he does so. Gosalyn pretends she doesn’t hear the sound of pounding footsteps against the pavement a moment later.
With that, Drake and Gosalyn are left to sit in uncomfortable silence. Around them, she can hear families passing by, laughing and meandering about as if they have nowhere they’d rather be. 
Lucky ducks.
A cough, followed by several more, all incredibly, stupidly forced. “Right then. Ice cream?”
“Ice cream.”
They order quickly and find a bench where Launchpad will be able to find them before sitting. Her feet are starting to ache from walking all afternoon and one look at Drake reveals the same- slumped shoulders, dangling feet, yet, almost shockingly, a soft smile on his face. He’s gazing off into the distance at some fixed point she can’t see. Something in her stomach twists, and Gosalyn realizes she’s speaking only after she’s started.
“Sorry about your window,” she says in one breath, hugging her arms around her middle. “I really wasn’t trying to destroy your hideout.”
“Destroy my - oh...right.” Drake’s face twists into an expression she doesn’t recognize. Regret, maybe. 
If she squints. 
“Kid, I-” He pauses. Takes a breath. Starts again. “Look, I made a promise that your grandpa is coming home one way or another. But Taurus Bulba is still out there. Villains like Bulba are out there. You and I have both seen what they are capable of. I just want to send you home in one piece. Keeping you home was supposed to keep you safe…I didn’t realize I was just hurting you more.”
Drake sighs heavily, she can practically see the weight settling against him. “I’m so sorry, Gos.”
The feelings starting to pool in Gosalyn’s stomach are enough to make her want to crawl under the bench and never come back out. She knows Drake cares, has since he first invited her to stay. But they never really discussed it, never really put words to the little family the three of them have built. She still resents being held back for so long, but seeing Drake so close to dissolving into a mushy, dorky-looking puddle makes her hold back, just a bit.
“Yeah, well, for what it’s worth, I know you’re trying or whatever. Grandpa would…he’d appreciate it. Except maybe the whole ‘letting me become a vigilante’ thing.” She snorts. “Pretty sure he’s gonna kill you for that one. Wait, does this mean I get to go out on patrols again?” Her crossbow has been gathering dust for way too long at this point.
A stricken look flashes across Drake’s face, that is quickly- and poorly- hidden with a laugh. “Babysteps.”
She jabs her spoon into her ice cream, more than ready to argue her point, when Launchpad approaches, out of breath with a set of tickets in his hand. 
He doubles over, panting. “Go- we gotta-”
Hands wrap around Gosalyn’s middle, hoisting her over Launchpad’s shoulders. Behind them, she hears Drake getting to his feet as well. They’re moving quickly as the sun sets overhead.
In minutes, she’s deposited back on the grass, this time with a clear view of the sky. Around them, other families are beginning to settle in as well. 
Launchpad and Drake settle on each side of her, the tension in their shoulders finally fading completely.
“I was scared we were going to miss it,” Launchpad says, passing the tickets over for her to see.
As she goes to look, a loud boom rattles the sky. When she looks up, it’s half-expecting to see F.O.W.L. or Bulba in a looming ship, ready to ruin her day again. But all she sees are red-purple-gold sparks raining down around them. 
Another boom and the fireworks continue, finally letting her sit back, the fight slowly draining out of her. The crowd around her lets out an awed gasp, followed by the kids in front of her leaping to their feet to get a closer look- as if leaning on their tip toes will get them closer to the sky. A part of her wants to join them, but Launchpad and Drake are warm at her sides; the good kind that almost- almost - tugs at her eyelids.
Babysteps, Drake had told her.
Leaning into his side, Gosalyn thinks she can work with that.
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jinxcast · 2 years
Man, it was really just 1950’s and then a bottomless pit (which we have invented, I think. I saw one, at least)
seriously though. i don't know what even happened, but things got a lot more chaotic. what's your name, by the way? i wanna see if i can find you in the database.
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shadowtechteller · 4 months
Facing the Dark Abyss: Finding Strength in Overwhelming Times
In my novels, I often delve into the lives of characters grappling with the abyss—those moments when everything seems overwhelming and the path forward is unclear. Life is full of ups and downs, but sometimes we encounter challenges that seem insurmountable. It's like standing on the edge of a dark abyss, with no clear path forward. Whether it’s a job loss, a critical health diagnosis, the loss of a loved one, or a natural disaster, these moments can leave us feeling overwhelmed and lost. But even in the darkest times, we can find the strength to move forward. Let's explore how.
### The Dark Abyss
Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down into a bottomless pit. The darkness is consuming, and every step feels uncertain. This is what it can feel like when life hits us with its hardest blows. Here are some examples:
- **Job Loss**: Losing a job can shatter your sense of security and self-worth. It feels like the ground has been pulled out from under you.
- **Critical Health News**: A diagnosis like cancer can be terrifying. It’s a battle you didn’t choose, and the future seems bleak.
- **Loss of a Loved One**: When someone important to us dies, the grief can be all-consuming. It feels like a part of us is gone forever.
- **Natural Disasters**: Tornadoes, hurricanes, and other disasters can destroy everything we’ve built in an instant, leaving us to pick up the pieces.
### What Motivates Us?
In these moments, it’s natural to feel lost. But what drives us to take that next step? Here are some key motivators:
1. **Hope**: Even in the darkest times, hope can be a powerful force. It’s the belief that things can get better. Sometimes, hope is all we have to hold onto.
2. **Support from Others**: Family, friends, and community can provide incredible support. They can offer a shoulder to cry on, practical help, and a reminder that we are not alone.
3. **Inner Strength**: We often don’t realize how strong we are until we have no other choice. Facing adversity can reveal a resilience we didn’t know we had.
4. **Purpose**: Having a sense of purpose can drive us forward. This could be taking care of our family, pursuing a passion, or simply the will to survive.
### Finding Strength and Direction
When you’re facing the abyss, finding a way forward can seem impossible. Here are some steps to help you find strength and direction:
1. **Take it One Step at a Time**: When the path is unclear, focus on the immediate next step. Don’t worry about the entire journey. Just take one step, then another.
2. **Seek Support**: Reach out to others. Talk to family, friends, or a counselor. Join support groups. Sharing your burden can lighten the load.
3. **Focus on What You Can Control**: In overwhelming situations, there’s often a lot we can’t control. Focus on what you can change or influence, even if it’s something small.
4. **Find a Routine**: Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and a sense of normalcy, even in chaotic times.
5. **Practice Self-Care**: Take care of your physical and mental health. Eat well, get enough sleep, and find time for activities that bring you joy.
6. **Set Small Goals**: Achieving small goals can build momentum and give you a sense of accomplishment. Celebrate these small victories.
### Examples of Overcoming the Abyss
- **J.K. Rowling**: Before becoming a best-selling author, J.K. Rowling faced poverty, depression, and numerous rejections. She found strength in her passion for writing and the support of her loved ones.
- **Lance Armstrong**: Diagnosed with advanced cancer, Armstrong fought back with determination and the support of his family, eventually returning to win multiple Tour de France titles.
- **Communities Rebuilding After Disasters**: Time and again, we see communities devastated by natural disasters come together to rebuild. The strength found in unity and shared purpose is incredibly powerful.
### Conclusion
Facing the dark abyss in our lives is never easy. But by taking small steps, seeking support, focusing on what we can control, and drawing on our inner strength, we can find a way forward. Remember, it’s often in our most challenging moments that we discover our greatest strengths. So when you find yourself standing on the edge, take a deep breath, and take that first step forward. You are stronger than you know.
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theallblue · 1 year
[KISS PROMPTS] — “bend down a little so i can give you a kiss.” // zoro @cpirits
kiss prompts |still accepting| @cpirits
It was Sanji’s duty to make sure that the crew got plenty of food for the sake of this long journey. They needed to eat. This was the reason why Luffy asked him to come in the first place besides being given the opportunity to find the one thing he was determined to find. He wanted to find the All Blue, a part of the sea which easily would make people at the mention of it. He believed that it existed. He believed that it had to be out there somewhere waiting to be discovered. 
The blonde cook knew that he would be able to find it while traveling with this crew of reckless pirates. He couldn’t wait to share that experience with Zeff. 
Plates of food rested between his fingers to bring to the table knowing that everyone was waiting for the next meal of the day. It was time to lunch while it seemed that Luffy was somehow staying occupied even though he would hear him begging for food soon. There was plenty of food for everyone especially for the captain who was nothing, but a bottomless pit when it came to food. Luffy would eat through all of the stores if he was able to, not that Sanji would allow him to. The kitchen was his place to protect which included the food that would be used eventually. Food that he wouldn’t allow to be wasted since that was the one thing he hated the most. 
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The familiar presence which belonged to Zoro had already made itself known inside the dining room, he didn’t find it surprising that he was already there. Hands moved to place the said plates down while there was plenty more which Sanji still needed to bring out to make sure that the table would be full. He had to make a large meal while he knew how much the Devil Users would need for the sake of their abilities, they needed to replenish their strength after a tough battle. 
So that was the reason why Zoro was in here, he must have been wanting to spend time with him while things have been a bit chaotic around here. From having to escape from the marines and the situation that they dealt with on the last island, everyone was exhausted. Everyone was relieved that it was over for now. A smile moved to grace his lips though while he did bend down knowing he probably would be pouting about it later if he didn’t 
“Did you miss me that much?”
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brilious · 3 years
Don't we all love some chaotic siblings shenanigans at the gala?
Ah! The annual Wayne gala...
Every year, Bruce Wayne attempts to throw a normal gala.
You, know. The kind every other billionaire throws.
But somehow
Something weird happens.
Whether Damian lets Batcow into the ballroom, or Steph sets off the sprinkler system, or (God forbid) Jason mixes laxatives into the cake; something always goes wrong.
And. It. Is. Always. His. Kids'. Fault.
It's become a running joke in the media!
"The Wayne Kids at it again!!! Read their latest gala antics below!"
Bruce just wants to jump into that bottomless pit in the Batcave...
Why WHY are his... lovely children like this? Can't they just give him some peace.
Of course not, Dick is sitting on the chandelier and everyone is staring.
Dick waves at him.
He can only stare blankly until Tim comes over and hands him a cup of coffee, Tim holding one himself.
Not really a typical gala drink, but he deserves it. Takes a big drink and almost spits it out. He give Tim and incredulous look.
The coffee is spiked.
He can't tell if it has monster, whisky, or a fucking 5 hour energy in it though.
Tim just shrugs and takes the cup back.
"More for me"
Cass walks over and gives him a pity pat on the shoulder.
God help him.
He loves these kids.
But God help him...
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
I litterally love your hcs sm, they make me so happy, maybe Andre with a chef S/O, or just general Andre x reader hc!!😁😁
tw : food mentions n associated concepts!! all sfw, just Andre being lovey dovey
he eats like a trash compactor
GENUINELY HE IS A BOTTOMLESS PIT. He's constantly munching on smth. He's,, Always Moving Always Doing Smth so he needs to eat a bunch, Plus,,, food is great
Cant cook worth shit though. It's all microwave meals </3
He's,,, very chaotic in the kitchen so you may have to start from the Very Very Basics, but it's okay <3
Or just,, if you can cook in general. Doing Laundry is soothing for him so like,, <333 wow, perfect match, huh? You cook he cleans?? <333
Surprise him with a Massive Dinner one day?? His eyes light up so much. Oh my god. Fuckin,,, oh my god <33
FOOD ROCKS AND FOOD DOUBLE ROCKS WHEN SMB MAKES IT WITH LOVE <33333 GOD he will just be Dead Silent shoveling food into his mouth bc <333 its so good in comparison to the shit he usually eats
Also just mumbling about how much he loves you between bites.
You may have to remind him to Slow Down bc,,, mf takes the biggest bites. Extremely neat, but Very Very Big. He will swallow the meal whole without even chewing smdnsd. Blink and it's gone.
'it's fine if i choke just bury me in the backyard' a goof but we love him
HE'LL COOK THINGS FOR YOU IF YOU TEACH HIM RECIPES <33 it will Absolutely not be as good as your stuff but like,, he does a pretty good job?
Like,, he'll surprise you by making dinner sometimes <333 if he pulls out childhood recipes?? <3 oh he LOVES loves you.
EEEE <333 IM NOT STRAIGHT. NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY. GOD I LOVE ANDRE. lmk if you had smth else in mind!!
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