#you can decide if he's actually reading the manga or looking at his friend's tired face
sugahbunnies · 11 months
You did not go to ICU. Nor were you ever going to go. Might be a bad decision but you rather spend your time enjoying the crispy air than dying in an enclosed room with dizzy colors. You can feel yourself decaying, but maybe it's just the anemia getting to you. Another week of school is stringing along, and that means it has been about what? Seven whole days of Saiki ignoring you. You got tired of it and its not something you can get used to. His constant change of direction whenever he sees you coming his way makes you feel sick to your stomach. His usual avoidance of eye contact has worsened, he really did not want to have any interaction with you. At all.
So, you're trying again today. For the sake of your friendship. He can't go more than a month without talking to you, right?
You walk into the library in hopes you'll see Saiki reading one of his mangas, since the library has brought new books for the students. You secretly had requested the librarian to bring more mangas since you knew Saiki were fond of them. Just something that a friend would do, right?
You cautiously walk over to the manga section. You peek behind a row of books and see Saiki's back leaning against the other side of the bookshelf. You exasperate in relief, running around the shelf and stepping in front of Saiki.
He looks up from his manga, it seems to be the new one he talked to you about. His eyes bore into yours like always and he slips the manga into the row of other books. Before you could speak, he walks away in a quick manner.
"Kusuo!" You hiss, frantically grabbing his wrist and attempting to pull him to you. Although he's much stronger than you, so he flicks his wrist and pulls out from your grasp.
"Quit it" He hisses back, frowning a bit and rubbing his wrist. You notice the skin on his wrist had a faint red color to it. Your eyes widen, stepping closer and trying to reach for his hand.
"I-I'm sorry Ku, I just wanted to-" You begin rambling before Saiki sucks his teeth in annoyance.
"Get lost" He states firmly, flashing you a pained look before slipping away and disappearing from your vision. You scrunch up your nose, feeling as though you're about to start crying. You bring your fingers to your lips, biting down on your fragile nails. With shaky hands and all, you decide to follow Saiki until he speaks to you.
You go into the hallway and watch as he walks down with Teruhashi.. wait Teruhashi? You rub your eyes and blink, seeing Teruhashi grinning like an idiot while Saiki’s arm is slightly brushing against her arm. You swallow hard, your hands shaking even more. You feel a pang of jealously shoot through your chest. Watching Teruhashi jokingly slap his arm and him actually glancing at her makes you feel .. envious? No, no way. You step back, shaking your head.
“Shit, what’s wrong with me?” You mumble, the uneasy feeling in your stomach not going away. You take one look at them, Teruhashi dangerously close to him and he doesn’t mine? But he always keeps his distance when he is with you..
“Dammit” You growl lowly, your hands clenching up in fists to the point where your knuckles are turning white. You turn around and come face with a chest, looking up and letting out a scream.
Toritsuka! The purple haired weirdo!
“Wow am I that scary looking?” He frowns, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, You sigh, leaning aswell and facing him.
“You came out of nowhere, that’s why” You reply, rubbing your arms and feeling the bandages coming undone. You haven’t changed your bandaids in about three days, gross I know but you had other things to worry about. Such as how much time do you actually have? Are you actually going to die and do you really need to be in ICU? You didn’t notice you’re furrowing your eyebrows until Toritsuka pokes your cheek.
“What’s up Y/n? Alot on your mind?” He questions in a genuine matter and you’re surprised he hasn’t tried to hit on you yet. You give him an awkward smile and pull your sleeves of your sweater over your hands. Toritsuka returns the smile, clearing his throat even more awkwardly.
“What is it?” You wonder, leaning in closer to hear him better. “Uhm” He mumbles, playing with his hands and such.
Please don’t ask me out ..
“I think you’re gorgeous” He blurts out, his cheeks turning insanely red. Your mouth hangs open and you struggle coming to terms what he said. “Thanks” You say with an awkward smile again. He nods, stepping back then forward as if he is not sure whether to leave or not.
“I know you like Saiki but I just needed you to know that you’re beautiful” He confesses, cautiously patting your shoulder and promptly leaving.
“H-huh?” You stammer out, pointing your finger at his back as if he would see you. “Toritsuka-”
“Hi Y/n” A magical voice comes from behind.
Why is everyone sneaking up on me?
You see that it’s Teruhashi, and that jealously feeling rises up again. You try to hide your distaste but it’s hard. Why does Saiki like her better than you?
“What’s wrong between you and Saiki?”.
You wish you could snap at her but Teruhashi sounds too genuine right now, she might actually be concerned. Your shoulders slump in devastation.
"I think he's just upset with me, maybe I joked around too much haha" You cringe at the way you fake laughed. Based on Teruhashi's facial expression, you can tell she is even more worried.
"I asked Saiki about it but he told me to not worry about it, that it will be fine" She tells you. You can feel your face start burning and your inside churning. No way he told her that? Why is he so reassuring to her?
"That's crazy" You mumble, hesitating on whether to leave or not before your anger increases. You don't know why you feel this way, maybe you just feel jealous that Saiki acts friendly with other people.
But that's absurd, Kusuo is just a friend.
He's just a friend, duh.
You shake your head at your thoughts, giving Teruhashi a gentle smile before walking away to the wrong direction. PE class is up next and you are really not looking forward to it.
You dislike soccer. Okay it is decent but really? You and Saiki just had to be on opposing teams? You take this as a chance to talk to him briefly as others actually play the game. The sun is out but the air is quite chilly, and you look at Saiki and see he is slightly shivering. You exhale from your nose in amusement.
He really is adorable sometimes .. wait what.
You scan your other classmates face as if they heard your thoughts. You swallow hard, a nervous laugh coming out of you.
Haha, did I really think that? Shit ..
The whistle that Matsuzaki blows gives you a jolt, your other classmates already jogging around to begin playing. You glance at Saiki who is only walking in heavy steps, a bored look on his face.
Well he always looks bored but especially right now. You rub your temples in an attempt to calm down your nerves. So far trying to reconcile with Saiki has been difficult. Why'd he have to be so complicated? You jog up behind him, tapping his shoulder and making him turn his attention to you. He gives you two seconds of a glance and sucks his teeth in annoyance. You blink, wondering if you really heard him do that again.
You reach for his wrist but feel an arm bump into yours. Kaidou comes into your vision with those damn puppy eyes as always.
"Everything okay between you guys?". It seems like he is pleading for an honest answer and you really do not want to lie to the little guy. You force a smile, ruffling his hair.
"It'll be okay soon, don't worry" You reassure him, you notice a faint color of pink dusting his cheeks.
"R-right, that's what Saiki told me too" He returns the smile and runs off, deciding to join the game as well. You place your hands in your pocket, these PE shorts are much too thin.
"So Saiki" You begin, shifting your focus to your left and notice that he's long gone. You frantically search the field, and it's really easy to spot his burst of colored hair. You're about to jog when you feel a cold hand wrap around your wrist.
Who is it now, jeez!
The owner of said hand is Aiura, to which you cannot be mad about because you are really fond of her. She frowns and opens up her compact mirror with a click, positioning it in front of your face.
"Your eyebags and eyelids are turning to a weird color of purple, are you sure you're okay?" She asks with a hand on her hip. You almost jump back at the sight before you. You haven't really paid attention to your appearance. Except for the bruises since they actually hurt when you press on them. You wince at the sight of the surroundings of your eyes. Gingerly grabbing the mirror and you examine your face. You press the purple skin, anticipating to feel any sort of pain. To your surprise, you feel absolutely zero pain.
"Yeah, I'm fine, sun exposure you know". You shrug your shoulders and place the mirror back into Aiura's hand. She slowly nods, clearly not convinced.
"Right.. I'll check up on you later okay?". You nod and she gives you a quick hug. You press your nose bridge with your pointer and thumb, groaning.
"Why does everything get so much worse?" You cry out in a quiet voice. You scan the field for Saiki again and yeah, he's still walking. Hairo seems to be yelling at him, trying to motivate him to at least put some effort. You couldn't help but stifle a laugh.
You slowly make your way behind him again, your hand reaching for his wrist. It seems that Saiki sensed you as he pulls away his own arm. You stand there with your hand extending like an idiot. Saiki shoots you a bland expression, once again walking away from you.
Once he is across the field, you grab your hair in frustration and whine in annoyance. Something came over you, anger maybe? You start speeding up towards him with your hands balled up in fists. You're practically shoving others in your way and ignore their complaining.
A whistle blows and Matsuzaki yells, "L/n! Stop shoving people and play the game please!". You also ignore him, storming through the field until you made it Saiki.
His back is turned back to you and everyone seems to be paying attention to you. It's like you've gone mad, and your mind is so scrambled right now you can't think.
"Kusuo!" You shriek in such a high pitched manner that it should've broken your classmates eardrums. Saiki turns around with a confused look painted on his face, looking over everyone else who is standing. You grab his shoulder and push him down to the floor with such force he falls with a thump. You're not sure if this is a good idea but you're genuinely losing your mind over not being able to talk to him.
He tries sitting up but you get on top of him grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.
"Why aren't you talking to me?! I thought we liked each other?!" You yell with a shrill voice. Saiki's eyes go wide, his hands shoving against your chest but you grab his wrists. Saiki is much stronger than you but you succeed at pinning him down to the fake grass. Maybe it's the anger or the adrenaline, you're not sure.
You hear whispers around you, such things as "Are they dating?", "I knew it" and even "Has L/n always been this crazy?".
Matsuzaki blows the whistle again, attempting to break your attention from Saiki. Your breathing quickens, your hands tightly wrapped around Saiki's wrists.
"Get off" He says sternly, his body struggling under yours. You hate that you have a soft spot for Saiki. You calm down at the sight of his dark eyes piercing into yours. His chest rises up and down, his cheeks red. Probably from the cold air, you know his skin is sensitive. Your breathing stops for a second as you notice Saiki's facial features up close. His plush pink lips that are trembling due to the weather. His perfect nose that he's scrunching up every second. Does he have allergies? You notice his eyelashes are really long, and his cheeks are flushed in size. You swallow nervously, a shaky breath slipping out of you.
Has he always been this handsome?
You feel your face burn up at the thought, your grip on his wrists loosening. Saiki takes his opportunity to grab your shoulders and flip you to your back. He gets on top of you, and restrains you down by the wrists. He gets close to your face, practically inches away. You anticipate what is he going to say, but you didn't realize the words would sting this bad.
"Wish I never even met you" He spats out, pressing your wrists into the grass before getting off you. You stay still, looking up at Saiki who gives you one last look of sadness before storming off towards the gymnasium. You feel like you're in a trance, this cannot be real, can it? You sit up, your classmates staring at you as if they are waiting for you to burst into tears.
And you don't, surprisingly. You stare as Saiki's figure enters the building, the door closing behind him. You look to your right and see Kaidou and Aiura, who seem to have heard everything.
You burst into laughter, a sharp pain shooting your body.
"I don't blame him" You speak with a tremble visible in your tone. "Everything was fine before he met me".
Kaidou and Aiura glance at each other in worry as you cover your hands to your face. You smile stupidly at how close you were to Saiki's face.
Huh, Saiki really is more handsome than I ever knew.
He's not sure what's wrong with him, he is really not sure what is wrong with him.
Saiki is going through a crisis, he's so confused about his feelings. Since he met you, he has been constantly worried about you. Sometimes he loses sleep over the fact that you're hurting alone. He sees you as a friend, but is it really normal to be acting like this?
Saiki knows what he said to you about wishing he never met you was all untrue. But at the same time, is the pain he's feeling about you really worth it? If he never met you, he wouldn't be so troubled about what you are going through. He wouldn't be hanging around you so much in hopes you become comfortable to talk to him about your condition. It hurts to see you physically declining in health, and it hurts even more you don't trust him to tell him what's happening.
Saiki paces back and forth in the gym, the floor squeaking under his feet. Why did he say such words to you? He knows this is all painful for you both but did he really had to let his emotions take over and say such a thing?
He knows he has to apologize, he just doesn't know he can face you again. Especially since you look especially worse now in terms of appearance. He knows he wishes he never met you, even if it's a small feeling he has. You confuse him so much, he doesn't know why you're all he thinks about.
He doesn't know why he enjoys spending time with you even if it's inconvenient to his alone time. He doesn't have a clue as to why he stares whenever he sees passing you by in school. And he definitely has no idea as to why he gets this stupid fuzzing feeling when you say his name. Also, he's really puzzled about what you said when you had him restrained.
"I thought we liked each other?!". Your voice echoes in his mind as he drops his head onto his hands in discontent. In what way did you mean the word like?
"Just a friend" He mumbles, squeezing his thighs in order to focus on his thoughts.
Just a friend, just a friend, just a friend, just a friend.
Saiki sighs, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a wrinkled colored paper with a rainbow of letters. He reads through the list, he stole it from your locker during class when he pretended to use the restroom. He needed to make sure he accurately memorized everything on your list. Unfortunately, the last three numbers were crossed off and he couldn't make out what the sentences said.
He didn't want to use his powers to find out what the process in making the list was, so he decides to brush it off. It won't be anything too bad.
Or so that's what he thinks.
He reads the ones before the scribbled out sentences, and he slightly smiles.
Number twenty "First kiss" and twenty-one "Meet soulmate!" always catches his attention. It never came across his mind that you do think about romance. You always seem to be lost in your thoughts about something else.
He tucks away the paper into his backpack, tapping his feet anxiously on the floor.
What are the last three things on their bucket list?
He shakes his head, taking a deep breath and reassuring himself it's nothing negative.
Saiki just hopes he has enough time to complete your bucket list with you.
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candyskiez · 4 months
Saw ur also a ???% fan… 👀
Care to share your thoughts around him? Or headcanons if you have them? :D
1. You just noticed? I have NOT been talking enough about him then. I will rectify this immediately. (This is a joke you're good)
2. SO.
These will be scattered. Because I am a very scattered person.
I will flip flop between if I like the disconnect between ???% and Mob better as a plural thing or an allegory .I like both! Both is good! He's so fascinating as an allegory but also he's the most accurate representation of being plural I've ever seen and it's not even canon. So like. Two cakes!
I will always be insane about the manga version of confession arc. Hold on I need to talk about this in detail or I'll actually die.
His fucking. His fucking talk with Mob. "And you were never...never...looking at me." WHAT IF I SCREAM. Literally everything he says to Mob is so interesting and also relatable as shit whether you view it as plural or as an allegory. Both is good. Like you can view him telling Mob he forgot to protect himself and all that shit as like "You only do these good things to ease your own guilt. You don't actually want to be around people. You're selfish. This is who I am. I want to be able to exist without trying to be normal. I want to be able to be seen and not be harmed for it. I am tired of everyone ignoring this part of me because they prefer you. Would they actually do what I've done for them, or are they using me?" Like. Holy shit. It's so so fucking OW especially as an autistic person. But also as a system it's so easy to read him going "You pushed all the memories you didn't want onto me. You let me handle the things you didn't want. You shoved everything onto me, and I took it with stride because I loved you. You let me take all the hard things so you didn't have to face them, because you're a coward. This is my body too. This is my life too. Why don't I get to have that? Why do I have to give it up because you don't want me? They're my family too. You don't get to decide I don't deserve to exist because you hate yourself too much to admit I'm here." Like. Its so easy to read it as him being a protector who is SO fucking resentful of all the shit he's had to deal with, all the memories he has to hold alone, all of the shit he's experienced, and not a sliver of gratitude. Like goddamn does it remind me of my experience being a system. Either way the distance from him and the relationship between him and Mob has been my favorite part of the show since I started watching. And the manga is even more interesting and it's so!!!!!!!!!!!
More confession manga thoughts!! Him saying "Ritsu is my little brother. He was calling me Nii-san." Is so. He said that when Mob asked who he was. He viewed that as a solid part of his identity. RITSU is a massive part of his identity. Does he view Mob as not Ritsu's brother then? Does he feel like he was cheated out of his own family? I wouldn't be surprised nor would I blame him for feeling like that.
And even more confession arc shit. Hi. Thinks about how ???% in the anime at least had to steel himself before raising his hand at Reigen. He hates him but he still cares about him. He hates him but that guy raised him as much as his parents did. Clawing at the walls.
Actually y'know what I haven't talked about my thoughts on Reigen and ???% with anyone but the friend that I watched the show with and that is a tragedy that will not stand. ???% hates Reigen so so much but also cares SO much about him. Thinks about he passed out the second Reigen told him his parents were fine, and contrast that to him saying that he can't listen to Reigen in confession. He knows that if he listens to Reigen he'll believe him and that fucking terrifies him. He'll follow after Reigen because he means the world to him, because that man raised him, because he just wants him to be proud of him so fucking badly. He'll go back to being miserable and trapped, and everyone will go back to pretending he doesn't exist. He's terrified of Reigen, I think, because he knows Reigen is a good liar. Reigen can make him believe things. And he doesn't like that. He doesn't like how gullible he actually is. That's why he doesn't trust anyone- he's gullible enough to believe anything, so he has to distrust ANYTHING, no matter how much sense it makes, because he knows he can't trust his own judgement. He's been tricked before. He'll be tricked again. Don't trust anyone. Don't trust anything you see. This is another thing that works with either autism or plurality. The autism trauma of being lied to and deceived as "jokes" constantly turning you into a trust issue riddled mess that doesn't trust your own judgement or view of people, or a traumatized protector who FORMED to help you deal with people taking advantage of you and now distrusts everyone you love because "it happened before, it'll happen again, i wont let it happen." Or both!
God. I just LOVE ???% y'all don't understand. He's everything to me. Please god read the manga. I don't know if the translation I read was completely accurate, but I love the manga and anime both so so much. ???% is my favorite character as anyone who knows me can tell you and I will never shut up about him. My GUY
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Katai Tayama (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Katai Tayama x GN!Reader
Tumblr media
Warning: Yandere. OOC. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🛏️ While Tanizaki siblings were looking for Yosano, Doppo Kunikida, Kenji and Atsushi went to Katai's place. Doppo, despite feeling lost and scared, he knew, that he has to make sure his friend is okay. He took Kenji and Atsushi in case he needs help.
🛏️ Thankfully, Katai was alright. Well, as alright, as one can be in that situation. He was confused and scared. And, thankfully, he wasn't silent, as Kirako. Doppo offered to take Katai to the ADA office.
🛏️ Katai wasn't very social. He prefers to stay at home, with his technology and futon.
🛏️ But, Katai value his friends. He saw, that Kunikida, who was always a strong Idealist, turn into an empty husk. Katai himself was shocked. And he was sure, that other ADA members didn't take the revelation well. Katai should be with others. Maybe, his ability can help.
🛏️ With Kenji's help, Katai's belongings (his computers and futon), were moved to the ADA building.
🛏️ The ADA building, for the most part, stayed the same. Café on the first floor, law office on the second, empty third floor, ADA office on fourth and storage on fifth. But, only ADA workers were there. Other occupants disappeared.
🛏️ Now ADA members used third, fourth and fifth floor. On the third floor, they arranged sleeping place for female workers. On the fifth - sleeping place for male workers and Katai's computer corner.
🛏️ Katai was worried about Kunikida. Katai tried to cheer Kunikida up. The situation didn't improve, but, at least, it didn't get worse.
🛏️ Katai tried his best to help his friends. He used his ability as often as he can. He managed to gain some information. It seems, that Port Mafia, The Guild, Government and someone, who was calling themselves Hunting Dogs also were self-aware. These organizations also didn't know, what happened and what to do. There also was Fyodor Dostoevsky, who, once again, was hiding behind a logo that resembles a cartoonish rat head. Dostoevsky was also looking for information about the current situation.
🛏️ Katai share this information with others.
🛏️ It wasn't much. But it was something.
🛏️ Then, one day, Katai felt the entity's gaze on him.
Katai was working day and night. He thought, that he is just tired. Actually, he thought that entity is just a hallucination.
But, when others start mentioning feeling strange presence, Katai has to admit, that you wasn't a part of his imagination.
Katai had a feeling, that entity looked at them from far away. And, it feels like entity were looking at them behind the screen.
And then, time resets.
And Katai, once again, was in his apartment. He just got the task to investigate, who was responsible for destroying Moby Dick.
When they start feeling your presence
🛏️ Soon, Kunikida and Atsushi arrived. They looked happier, than before.
🛏️ Suddenly, Katai heard a voice.
"Okay, Katai is mood. I also want to stay home from time to time. Katai, if someone says that your lifestyle is bad, don't listen to them. They are wrong."
🛏️ Katai felt relaxed. Entity's feelings were comforting. Atsushi and Kunikida noticed the change in his behavior and asked him to follow them. They have something to tell him.
🛏️ Katai followed them to the ADA building.
🛏️ Thankfully, others also were alright.
🛏️ And, it seems, people start feeling better. Atsushi looked happier and more energetic. Kunikida looked as strong as before. Yosano looked almost apologetic. Tanizaki siblings also looked happy. Dazai, who looked like he was ready to kill someone, looked calm.
🛏️ Katai learned last news. Apparently, in reality, the entity was a normal human, who was reading manga about Katai's friends adventures. Also, Port Mafia and ADA decided to join the forces to find a way out from this world. To their Guiding Light, as they start calling the entity. And, currently, The Guild was in the process of joining them in their efforts.
🛏️ And they need Katai's help with reaching out to the other organizations.
🛏️ Katai agreed to help them. He starts working.
🛏️ During his work, he wished he will hear your voice again.
🛏️ Thanks to Katai, they managed to arrange the meeting with Rats in the house of the dead, Government and Hunting Dogs.
And right during organizations heads meeting, The purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
Fukuzawa Yukichi, Mori Ougai, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ango Sakaguchi (he was representing the Government) and Ouchi Fukuchi were discussing their current situation. Other self-aware people were sitting at the table, discussing, what they can do.
They still have no leads on how to reach to Their Guiding Light.
Suddenly, a purple moon shined above Yokohama. Everyone heard Their Guiding Light's voice.
"Okay, let's check out the BSD game"
Everyone was silent. Then Katai start talking.
"The game can be hacked."
This is it. They might have a chance to see Their Guiding Light. A chance to get in their world.
🛏️ Katai will try his best to hack the game and gain access to the rest of your phone.
🛏️ He, Ango and Dostoevsky manages to do it. Thanks to Katai, BSD gang now can add new cards and features to your game.
🛏️ Katai decide to wait and not add his card in game. But, he adds his personal menu. Katai give you tips about keeping your phone safe.
"Wow, it's a great new feature!"
"Katai's sprite is so cute"
"Aww, look at his little futon"
🛏️ At the end, he doesn't want to make you sad. He wants to make you happy and safe.
After cleaning your phone from viruses, you saw a Gift box notification.
It was a note and Evolution materials from Katai.
"[Y/N], please, don't forget to keep your phone safe. And, please, keep yourself safe too. Katai Tayama"
You opened Katai's menu and pet his sprite.
"Will do, Katai. Thanks for your concern."
You thought, that Katai's sprite, hiding under his futon, was just a rare animation.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
shiratorizawa/inarizaki headcanons bc i miss them and i love them and i crave yamagata and reon content so i have to be the change i want to see in the world. so let's go!!
reon, the love of my life
i actually think he really likes comforting cozy slice-of-life sim games, like stardew valley and animal crossing and such
okay this is the part where i retcon the entire haikyuu timeline bc i really like the idea of everyone piling into reon's and tendou's dorm and watching reon game on a switch
or just like. gathering in the common area and squishing onto the couch or whatever while reon roams his island collecting fruits and bugs or whatever
(these games are the only sense of peace and stability reon gets at this goddamn school)
anyways it's funny bc tendou screams every time reon runs into a wasp's nest and yells "RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN" until reon either gets stung or successfully evades them
admittedly i do think the ds and gameboy are sacred and, for the sake of nostalgia, are definitely used to play pokemon (of which everyone has a favorite gen and get into endless arguments about it)
tendou DOES teach goshiki how to pirate shit and get ROM hacks and emulators and such tho
reon and semi are the most popular members out of the third years btw
they're both polite and calm and generally nice and don't have an RBF that makes people nervous
too many people keep trying to fight yamagata just bc they think he's glaring at them and he is SO tired
yamagata (slightly inspired by my own recent purchase) decides to get a phone charm to see if it'll help him keep track of his phone btw
he mentions this idea to semi who mentions it to reon who mentions it to tendou who blabs to the whole team. and guess what? everyone gets the absolutely brilliant idea of gifting yamagata a phone charm!!!
so now he has like a dozen different ones. and he's STILL losing his goddamn phone, so now his convos are like "have you seen my phone? yeah right now it's got a little phone charm hanging off of it, so just keep an eye out for that. what does the charm look like? oh i meant it's a charm that is literally a phone. of course it was tendou, who else do you think it was"
tendou has also taken to putting stickers on yamagata in an attempt to make him "less scary". sometimes yamagata knows about it. sometimes he doesn't.
kawanishi: "yamagata-san, pardon me for asking, but why do you have one-punch man on your butt" yamagata: "i have what now"
tendou meets someone he can talk to manga about online in some fandom/community forum or whatever and he is absolutely BETRAYED to find out that it's akagi michinari of inarizaki
okay not really but he is SUPER dramatic about it and keeps going on and on to akagi about how he can't be caught fraternizing with the enemy
akagi is just like "yeah yeah now are we going to talk about the complexities of yoru being both a victim and a perpetrator and his inevitable redemption arc or what"
aran is still scared of tendou btw. like he won't outright admit it but he's still not over the time tendou yelled that he was going to piss in his pants from all the way across the court.
when akagi tells him they've become friends aran is like "are you SURE about that"
also i know tendou gets pissed off at suna. but i think it'd be REALLY funny if suna got pissed off at kawanishi
something something "he should be more sure of himself, he'll never stop aran-san like that" something something "and i thought i was a sarcastic little bitch" something something "no i DON'T think he's cute what the fuck are you on about"
(i didn't mean for it to go that way when i started typing it but i DO think it'd be an absolutely hilarious development)
i htink kawanishi and shirabu go on a lot of study dates, holing up at coffeeshops and boba cafes with their backpacks and notebooks and spending hours on homework and studying
shirabu worked his ass off to get into shiratorizawa and he intends to keep it that way!! he's a model student. probably even the top of their year. everyone knows him as the high-achiever.
kawanishi is there to make sure shirabu doesn't get lost inside his head and gets him take breaks and makes sure he doesn't get sucked into the endless soulless spiral of academic rigor at an elite private high school
basically: shirabu's consistently on the path to burnout and kawanishi is there to keep the flames alive
(hey that would be a good fic summary)
maybe that's another thing, then, that helps kawanishi and suna become friends. because suna's been there. suna knows, sometimes, that feeling of imposter syndrome. feeling like you don't belong. feeling like you have to prove your worth, your entire existence, just to be able to stay in a place you love, even if that place might not love you back.
and kawanishi knows shirabu would rather shove a volleyball down his throat than open up about the bad days and the bad feelings, so he picks suna's brain instead to find out how he can help. what he can do. what shirabu might be thinking and how kawanishi can fix it
you can't, suna tells him, you can't fix something like this. he has to learn to live with it. to grow around it. to believe in something better until it's the only thing he believes in. but having people you care about care about you helps. it did for me.
and so kawanishi is there to draw the blanket around shirabu's shoulders, and he's there to put snacks on shirabu's desk, and he's there to flip shirabu's textbook close when the clock hits eleven they need to sleep, and he cares for shirabu in all the ways shirabu can't care for himself and hopes that it's enough
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lcs-library · 7 months
Pomegranate tea prompt with Muku please? ^^
Of course!!! Thanks for the request, and have a lovely day!
Request rules
Request game
Pomegranate Tea: At what point did they know they loved their s/o?
👑 God, Muku knows love when he sees it, huh?
👑 He’s always on the lookout for it in others, actively seeks it in media, and loses himself in princely fantasies about it. You can imagine it was a surprise when he found it for himself.
👑 It was the end of a tiring day at school, and Muku was waiting outside the gate for Yuki to exit the building. He knew he would be waiting there for a while, so he made sure to bring a manga to read while he waited for Yuki to finish cleaning the classroom that day.
👑 “No way, is that My Love Across Time: Romance 500 Years Ago?! I love that series!”
👑 Muku jumped, startled by the voice, glancing up from the book.
👑 That was when his fearful eyes met your sparkling ones, a grin starting to spread on your lips.
👑 “U-uh, yes! Are you a fan?” He asked nervously.
👑 “Totally! It’s one of my favorites! Did you know that all of the warlords are actual historical figures?” You replied excitedly.
👑 “I did! In fact, I did a lot of research on the time period, and it’s really, really interesting!”
👑 “No way! You should tell me about it sometime, I wanna hear! Do you have LIME?”
👑 Muku nodded, a shaky smile starting to form on his own features. The two of you exchanged contacts, and you managed to make a swift exit.
👑 He couldn’t help but stare after you, his thoughts racing with how he would get to know you, which character he would talk about first, how he was even allowed to talk to you, and just how enamored he was with you, even after only a few seconds of knowing each other.
👑 His heart was pounding just a bit too quickly, his legs felt like jelly, and he wasn’t sure what to say. Was this love? They just met, how could it be? They should really become friends before he decided anything, and even then why would they want to be friends with him, he was just a lowly peasant, soon to become a soldier only to be yelled at and useless on the battlefield how could they even-
👑 “Hey, wonder boy. You ready to head back?” Yuki’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
👑 “O-oh, sorry! Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed, hurriedly putting away his things.
👑 “What’s with the dorky look?”
👑 “It’s nothing! I just- uh- got lost in the book again! That’s it!”
👑 “Sure…”
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Not really ready to move on from Vol. 10 yet, but here we go anyway.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 1-2 below.
Volume 11 Covers
I see Nightow decided not to give spoilers for Vash's hair here.
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That rabbit looks less than happy... but I think Vash deserves to hug a bunny right now.
Looks like we're gonna get some Milly and Meryl again in this volume! Hooray!
Also Legato. Maybe someday he'll evolve from a bagworm into a bagworm butterfly??
And Zazie, whom we haven't seen since like Dragon's Nest.
And... shall we say, a new blond lady friend??
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You know, I never actually read the text on the back cover. It's an old habit after having the blurb on the back of a book give me major spoilers once.
I'm pretty sure no one really knows what's going on with the fake back cover here, including Nightow. I hope everyone's enjoying their duck lips.
Slap-Stick Days? Are those really a thing this manga can have at this point? Or is this just another setup so we can end the chapter on "Slap-Stick Days/End"?
Chapter 1: Zero Hour
Awww. His darkened hair makes me sad.
Whyyyyy do I have to start this out looking at Chapel's stupid mug again??
Ah, Legato... has looked better.
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"Chapel and the old man are both dead." As in... Wolfwood Chapel and Old Man Chapel??
Ohhhh, geez. I didn't realize just how separately they treated Livio and Razlo. But I guess he really is both Double Fang and Trip of Death.
"Falling out like teeth." Man, they never stood a chance. They've been decimated for a while now.
Wait, when did Legato get shot in the spine? I thought... ohhhh, Wolfwood. Nevermind, I was thinking this was, like, part of his everyday treatment when he's not in his little metal cocoon. Then again, I don't know how he'd have received any treatment like this over the seven months he was holding down Vash. Hells, I don't know how he went to the bathroom during the seven months he was holding down Vash.
Oooh, I was wondering if this element would come up. Zazie looks pretty pleased with their chosen path.
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Knives, you crazy abomination, what are you doing now??
It's a good thing Livio knows how to drive given Vash's history behind the wheel.
Is that a Bentley?? How did they get a Bentley??? How in the hell would that be practical on a sand world??? (I assume it came from the same place as the Prada bag Meryl wants to get.)
Ugh. Vash does not want to answer Brad's questions. This is the face of a man who's tired of thinking about it. He's been thinking about it waaaaaay too much, and he was just kind of hoping for a minute's distraction from his brain thoughts. But he knows he has to explain, even if he doesn't want to.
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Livio has so many cute little expressions in these pages. They give me life.
I get where Brad's distrust comes from, but Vash doesn't have the heart to deal with it right now. He's doing his best, but he's so tired. Emotionally, I mean.
I love how Vash takes Brad's objection and immediately counters with a real-life example.
Oh, I love the firmness bordering on anger here. Like Livio suggesting Vash is being too trusting with him specifically is an insult to Wolfwood's memory. Gods, babygirl is sooooo angry and hurt by all this right now.
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LOL, Brad's anchor tattoo. I know this is kind of a joke panel, so now I'm wondering if he actually has one.
Livio apologizing. I think he really would bleed more as penance for Wolfwood, if he could. Like, he'd accept more grievous injury than Brad can do to him and wouldn't seek retaliation because if it's not fair, it's not fair in his favor and not in theirs. They have a right to seek retribution. To a point, though. He doesn't seem suicidal.
Oh, an ion cannon, eh? I'm sure this will go well for them and not get decimated by Knives from 100 meters or something.
Ohhhh noooooo. They're gonna Last Run a bunch of plants to power this thing.
That's sooooo many plants.
Yeah, as if Knives wasn't pissed enough.
Huh. I honestly didn't expect the Plants' will to come into play here.
I love how insect-y the plants look on this spread.
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I mean, they've had over a century to rebel, and it seems like they've only done anything similar in isolated incidents. They seem to genuinely want to help humans. But this particular instance is rather unique. At the very least, they don't seem positively inclined toward Knives.
Ooh, space friends. I'm sure that will go smoothly.
Chapter 2: Slap-Stick Days
Oof, they're down to one major city. That's bad.
This old guy with the guitar. I do like how music is inextricable from the Trigun story.
Luida coming out to talk with the authorities elsewhere really is a Big Thing.
Eyyyy, it's the return of long-haired Meryl!
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Still just as cheeky, I see.
Milly is so cute with her hair like that.
"It's descending into a complete state of lawlessness." Hate to break it to ya, but this planet has hardly been a bastion of law and order. Sure, it might be better than just after the Great Fall, but still.
I swear, if this is more Nebraskas...
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"Oh no! It's the feds!" This line is so cliche. It's beautiful.
It is Vash! One air-dropped Vash, to the rescue! Meryl and Milly look like they're about to die of pure shock.
That's ok. Vash is gonna die of pure shock at seeing them, too.
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When I turn the page, will they be punching him, hugging him, or screaming at him (affectionately)? Some combination of the above?
Welp, a full melt-down with tears of relief wasn't on my list....
(Loving the girls' new outfits, btw. Very practical.)
Hang on, I just need to drink in this page for a bit.
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Ok, I'm good. Moving on.
Hahahaha, good job, radio nerd.
This is gonna give a LOT of weight to Luida's claims with the other authorities. I wonder what Knives will make of it.
Ah, there he is. Heeeeyyyy, Kniiiiiives. Buddy.... You... you don't look like yourself so much anymore.... You doing ok? Need a break, maybe? A glass of water? Tea? Hard liquor?
Yeah, pretty sure the ark isn't actually space-worthy anymore. I hope he's providing some atmosphere for his atmosphere-breathing peons.
IDK, man. You might have great plans, but you have NO idea what these people are capable of. They just dropped out of some sort of hyperspace. They're clearly working on the kind of technology humanity would have if they hadn't crash-landed violently on a resource-less planet and been forced to scavenge everything they could get their hands on just to survive. All I'm saying is maybe don't count your chicks before they've hatched, Knives-kun.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
I was reading your "Takasugi is just like a butterfly" theory (excellent meta btw!) and now I am curious: do you like his actual manga!yukata design? as in which version do you like better? ofc Takasugi looks hot good in both lol--is just that I have never seen his actual manga design anywhere in fics or in fanarts (never even seen his manga panels colored T_T) but yeah the manga!yukata design is way more... complicated(?) so I can see why the anime decided to change it. what can I say, this man is a fashion icon 😭
omg I'm terribly sorry for getting to this so late! I've neglected my inbox a bit while working on my fanfic ideas, so this got buried in there T-T
Honestly, I love both equally and I can't speak in favor of the manga yukata since, like you stated, we haven't seen a colored version of it, BUT if we did, then perhaps that one would outshine his anime butterfly one. The design of his manga yukata is so intricate and the meaning behind it is well thought of! I've read this theory on aminoapp about its design and you can find it here if you'd like to read into it, but I'll quote some of the things mentioned regardless.
Manga!Shinsuke's yukata analysis!
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Looking at Shinsuke's most iconic yukata, we can see the theme of nature in the form of sakura flowers, mountains, clouds, and trees.
Sakura blossoms are known for being ephemeral, an attribute shared with butterflies. Sorachi might have made his yukata have a simpler butterfly pattern for the anime so that it's easier to draw and anime, but the concept remains the same. Ephemeral beauty. Something that doesn't last long, unlike the impression it leaves behind. Therefore, sakura blossoms and butterflies are both perfect symbolisms for a man whose life, albeit strong, held an unparalleled beauty in its entirety.
On the other hand, mountains could be seen as the exact opposite of sakura blossoms and butterflies. Mountains are unmoving and unyielding. They remain even after all nature around them dies. This could indicate Shinsuke's unyielding focus to his goal, the memories and the comrades he never forsook, and his ideals. No matter what, mountains can be viewed as a symbol of strength, and Shinsuke surely is a very strong individual.
As for the clouds, in a way, they too symbolize impermanence and are also linked to the divine due to proximity, but personally, when I view the clouds in relation to Shinsuke, I think of his famous poem-like saying in the Rakuyo arc. Clouds bring rain, and we all know how Shinsuke's sick of seeing the rain. The rain to him is both something he can't escape and haunts him, as well as something he's initiated himself. The clouds are an omen of his struggles and the pain he's brought upon himself; the very pain he is tired of feeling.
To sum up, the pattern of his kimono shows his life's flow, his ambitions, and his struggles. It's a very intimate exposure of his inner world, and for a man who doesn't let others in, he sure likes to put all that he is on display.
Since we got into this, I want to include another similar yukata of his, and the meaning behind it.
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They look very much alike I know, BUT this one has two notable elements: Peony flowers and Shochikubai.
Starting with the latter, Shochikubai is an expression for Sho, chiku, and bai, the japanese words for pine tree, bamboo, and plum (picture below for reference on what the basic design is supposed to look like). Shochikubai traditionally refers to the 3 friends of winter and it's associated with good fortune. To quote this article right here, Shochikubai is an allegory for weathering hard times through various attributes of each element. A pine tree is tenacious and rooted deep enough to hold. Bamboo can bend in the breeze without breaking, while plum trees are the first to blossom in winter like a promise of hope.
It's hard to properly discern them in this image, but the leaves definitely belong to the pine trees and the little flowers are a mix of sakura blossoms and plum blossoms. Anyway, tenacity is a trait that defines Shinsuke, and the hope that is carried through winter is similar to the hope for a miracle that carries him through his rebellion.
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Lastly, the bigger flowers are peonies, a symbol of love and nobility that is mostly preferred by women. A lot of people say that Shinsuke went down this path because of revenge and hatred, but really, his love for Shinsuke and all that he held dear from his days back at Shoka Sonjuku drove him. Nobility is something that Shinsuke himself has forsaken and claims to have never had, but many times he's shown kindness towards others and done the righteous thing. They are both elements of his personality, albeit well hidden.
To conclude this unnecessarily LONG answer, the kimonos he wears in the manga have such deep symbolism that one cannot ignore. They are a small peek into who he is as a person and all he represents, and because of that, I'll have to give them an extra point over his iconic butterfly yukata. One thing's for sure, Shinsuke surely knows how to dress to impress and he might as well be the most fashionable character in the entirety of the show. Hopefully this wasn't a snoozefest for you, I just thought it'd be interesting to explain why I favor his manga yukata more and provide proper reasoning.
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setagaya-division · 1 year
Yorii's Thoughts on Suginami Division
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Ryuko Umemoto
"Ah, Mr. Big, Bad Animator, himself!" Yorii laughs at Ryuko's photo. "Would you all believe me if I told you I had to work with this guy once? Apparently, he and his team were doing some animated version of this highly-acclaimed manga. What was it called again... oh yeah! Red of the Ambitious, I think. I took a gander at it. It was alright, but once you've read one isekai manga, you've read them all. They're all the same, really. Some hero or heroine dies a sad death, they come face-to-face with their Maker or the God of that universe, get transported to a new world where their abilities are a lot better than they were in the old world. Same-old, same-old."
"Anyway, apparently one of the characters had my size and build, so they asked me to act as something of a model." Yorii then shows Ryuko's photo again. "And guess who was in charge of that. Boy, I had some fun teasing this guy. It was fun seeing his expression, and knowing he couldn't do much about it since he'd get into a lot of trouble! But still, I decided to cut him some slack at the end and do my parts correctly. ...For the most part, anyway."
"After that, we were both paid a hefty sum and went about our separate ways. I wouldn't have bothered with him after that, but I hear he works as a sort of babysitter for Kanra-chan and one of her friends. If so, I'll have to find a reason to bug him again!"
Maki Umemoto
"Maki-sensei? You mean he's joining this rap tournament too? Huh. Like Mina said, I'm surprised, but at the same time, I'm not. I mean, seriously, if you could hear some of the things this guy says about the government. I tell you, if he ever got tired of teaching, he could have a career as a public speaker or something. ...But still, for all his talking, you'd think he'd do less of that, and more action, you know? I mean, it's all well to talk about doing something, but if you're not actually putting your words to good use, then what good are you?"
"Besides that, Maki-sensei is... an okay teacher. I've noticed he gets a little bit nervous when it comes to teaching a large number of students, which doesn't bother me then. The more time he works up the nerve the teach, the more time I get to chill in the back of the classroom, playing on my phone and browsing PROFILE!"
Shuu Edogawa
As the singer looks at the photo of the detective, Yorii bursts out laughing. "Really?! Are you kidding me?! This guy?! I can't believe it!" Yorii starts laughing again, but manages to calm himself down. "Oh geez... sorry, sorry. I guess I should explain myself, right? Well, here goes. See, before I met Kanra-chan, you all know I liked to flirt and hang out with girls, right? Well... as it turns out, some of the girls I spoke too may or may not have been together with someone else at the time. And as it turns out... seeing their girls with a guy shorter and younger than them was bound to piss some guys off. But instead of doing the jobs themselves, they decided to hire this guy to get proof first!" Yorii points to Shuu's photo.
"Ever since then, he and I have been engaged in a rather fun game of 'Cat and Mouse'. There have been several times he's actually caught me, but it doesn't really do him much good. Know why? Simple. This is why."
Yorii then opens his mouth and starts singing an enchanting song, which makes the camera black out for a bit. As he finishes, you are left wondering what you were just doing and why Yorii is sitting smiling at you innocently, as if he has a dirty, little secret...
山茶花 Zombeez
"Do I need to say it? I like all of the guys from this team! ...Or rather, I like messing with all of the guys from this team! I mean, hey, can you blame me? They make it too easy! Especially Mr. Investigator here!" Yorii says, laughing out loud again. "Oh man, I cannot wait to face these guys in the tournament! It is going to be a barrel full of laughs for everyone involved!"
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captainaikus · 2 years
hope youre having an amazing day! its around 5am here, so good morning👀 congratulations in reaching 2k, your writings bring smile to my face on my way to work and off🥲 and if you dont mind, i would like to participate in the match up event…🥰
likes: cats (without them im not sure how ill cooperate as a human being), manga, poems, fashion (acubi<3), travelling, as well as watching (psychological thriller to romance) films to pass time.
dislikes: wasting time, bugs, and slimy textured food.
about myself: first off, my star sign is a taurus yet no-one seems to guess the answer through my characteristics. i do like sleeping, avoid troubles and drama, but my attitude does come off a little sarcastic. extra sarcastic if i like you<3
i am a huge introvert and requires a lot of logical reasons to motivate myself to do something. i do have a barrier-distance with relationship in general distinguishing whether i want you as my friend or not. if not then sorry, i really dont. but if yes, i love you.
the genre i mostly read are psychological thriller or romance. theres really no in between haha
my insecurities would inclue my legs😔 am having trouble wearing shorts or short skirts unless i layer them with a knee socks or stockings.
thank you so much, i hope my response isnt too long! have a great one<3
Hi hi! I haven’t reached 2k just yet - but I plan on hosting another event when I do - this is just for fun! And I’m glad you like my writings (I do like putting smiles on faces (>﹏<) )
Hm… I know who to pair you with.
I match you with - Chigiri Hyouma!
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Vibes I get from this relationship - relaxing, competitive and dynamic.
He is not the type to curb his sarcasm, very good at clothing so he can help you out with it, chooses the perfect style (second close is Aryuu).
“Where is my coffee?” you muttered, looking around the room for the last fifteen minutes.
“Hyoma! Did you drink my coffee?” You shouted across the room, your question not having an answer. Walking over to the living room, you watched as Hyoma sipped on the cup of coffee you had made for yourself, obliviously staring out of the window.
“Do I have to start labeling my food under my name or you just feel entitled to take what’s mine?” You asked with the roll of your eyes.
“Maybe you should go back to kindergarten if you’re hellbent on the idea.” Hyoma chirped back, giving you a snide smile.
“Touché. Remind me why I decided to like you?” You countered, crinkling your nose at him.
“Cause I was out of your league. It’s pretty normal to want something you can’t have actually.” He quipped.
“Sure.” You sighed, too tired to argue. Deciding that you could do without coffee you walked back to your desk, typing away at your work when you felt the clink of a cup next to your elbow.
“Don’t spill it. And consider that as a favor returned.”
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overwatchers · 2 years
Blog post #5
Concept Statement
 “Choices: The Games You Play” will combine comics and novels into an immersive fantasy gameplay experience that can be accessed from anywhere and by anyone. The game is targeted at late teens and young adults of any orientation, who enjoy reading novels/webtoons and want to experience exciting storylines in a more immersive way. This game allows users to create their own fantasy experience, from fully customizable avatars to deciding the storyline of the visual novel. Users can choose from up to 16 different genres of visual novels, where each story is created with consideration for different genders, pronouns, orientations, and races. This game will evoke attachment to the story and characters, satisfaction at having the power to choose between significant choices, and excitement in users who experience this game.
Research question
What alterations should Pixelberry make considering the priorities that choice-based game users have, in order to attract a diverse and active audience to Choices: Stories You Play?
Persona/ Case scenario
Sock, they/them, 24 years old, white american, single, aromantic bisexual
Sock is not really interested in romance in real life. They'd rather be alone and enjoy horror movies and occasionally watching romance shows. They are unable to develop romantic feelings but wish for a relationship that involves more than platonic love. They decided to play choice based games as they don’t require developing actual romantic feelings and rather logical romantic thinking about how to love someone and how to make someone love you. They enjoy choice based games as it is an escapism of their aromantic identity without feeling alienated. Choices is a game that makes people experience romance without having to love and without being judged by people who don’t understand their identity. And if sock gets fed up with romance, they can just choose another genre, such as their beloved horror genre.
Hattie, she/her, 17 years old, Canadian, single, high school student, straight
Hattie came home from school, she usually likes to read fantasy novels to escape reality and relax after a long day of studying and negative interactions with her classmates. Hattie thinks that reality is boring and that she will never be able to experience love in real life. Today she is too tired to focus on reading a whole book, so she takes out her phone and searches keywords “stories” and “interractive stories” in Play Store. The first game on the list is Choices: Stories You Play. Hattie is intrigued by a romantic icon and she gets a clear message that this game is about making choices in stories. She looks at in-game pictures and finds the art style to be very high quality, and the story scenes intriguing. She downloads the game and she is now able to experience what it feels like to fall in love with a prince, a detective or a cowboy, and she can also fully customize her character to look like her, which immerces her into the game 100%.
Mill, he/him, 19 years old, British, single, uni freshman, gay
Mill is in his first year of university. He enjoys studying, made new friends, and has lots of fun. His freshman year would’ve been amazing if not for one thing. He is secretly gay. Only his closest friend is aware, the rest have no idea since Mill hasn’t publicly come out yet. He loves reading webtoons and mangas, especially with gay characters and lgbtq+ storylines. This is his way of coping with his secret as he slowly develops the courage to come out someday. After reading almost everything on the webtoon app, Mill searches for something new. Possibly, something that can "test" his relationship skills and make him even more confident in real life. He finds the game Choices, which has stories and characters suitable for gay relationships, just what he is looking for. Mill has a great time binge playing Choices, making decisions, and learning something new about human interaction, which he will be able to use in real life (someday).
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Diagram sketches
Here is a picture of one of the Diagram sketches. To fully view them with all details, click on the Miro link as we have everything posted on there in better view and quality.
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Genre stimuli package
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saffyspirals · 3 years
about: every time you think you’re over him, he (unknowingly) does something to make you fall for him over again. alternative about: stuff they do to make it impossible for you to stop crushing on them.
a/n: i’m back, with my first tokyorev post of 2022! it’s been SO long, i know, and i’m sorry! lost my mojo, but i’m all good now. clearing out my inbox to start a fresh for the new year, so request away!
2nd a/n: i’m the friend who will tell you they’re over their crush, then come back hours later and explain why they have to take the previous statement back.
includes: wakasa, ran, mikey, sanzu, chifuyu, mitsuya, shinichiro, baji, hanma, takemichi, smiley, koko, inui, draken, rindou, hakkai, kazutora, takuya, akkun, angry & izana!
wakasa, he — out of nOWHERE calls you cute. you hear him mutter it under his breath, then when you ask him to repeat it, he will. “said you look cuter than usual today. whatever you did, it’s working.” (it’s working? wth does that even mean?!!)
the teacher left your class to go print some papers or something, and someone starts up a class discussion about love. one of the guys asks you if you’re single, and before you can reply, ran jumps in; “nope! y/n is all mine ;)”
mikey hears rumours that you have a crush on someone else and decides to confront you. the rumours aren’t true (i mean, you just stopped liking him), of course. “i heard you like [——-]. what’s so great about him though? people like…i don’t know, me for example are way better!”
you’re walking home with sanzu, and the topic of kissing comes up. he asks if you’ve ever kissed anyone, then calls you a good girl when you tell him you haven’t.
chifuyu goes beet red when the waiter in a cafe he takes you to mistakes you for a couple and recommends you get the extra large milkshake with two straws.
mitsuya DOESN’T correct his little sisters when they start referring to you as you their future sister-in-law. he claims that it’s because his sisters are at the age where they throw tantrums if whenever they get things wrong, but…the twinkle in his eye gives you hope that there’s another reason why he didn’t correct them.
shinichiro suddenly hugs you from behind and asks; “how’s my favourite girl doing?”
when participating in a game of fuck, marry, kiss, baji completely disregards the other two girls involved in the question and says he’d only kiss, marry and fuck you. (he didn’t realise you were listening…your desk isn’t that close to his, but he was talking pretty loud).
hanma has a go at the teacher when he doesn’t put you two together in the new seating plan. he throws a tantrum like a mf child, but actually gets what he wants in the end because your teacher is tired of his noise.
takemichi overhears you complaining about having a bad hair day. “i think your hair looks really pretty though”. he says it without thinking, which gets him embarrassed when he realises what he’s just said, which makes you embarrassed about him being embarrassed—
smiley manages to steal the manga you’re reading from your hands and holds it above your head like a little shit. doesn’t give it back until you admit he’s got the cutest face ever!
you fall up the stairs in front of koko but his laugh is so cute and contagious that you can hardly feel the sting in your knees.
inui asks to share your textbook since he forgot his at home. sits waaay closer than he needs to but that doesn’t matter in the slightest since he smells so divine.
there’s a surprise pop quiz in class, and you just know you failed it. draken, the king of comforting, throws an arm around your shoulder, leans in towards your ear, and promises he probably failed too.
rindou hands you all of his pocket change when he notices you’re struggling to come up with enough coins to get your favourite snack from the vending machine. he’s given way too much, but he insists you keep it, “for the next time your stupid ass forgets to bring money and i’m not around to help.”
you feel like you’ve gotten over him just before your birthday. on the actual day, hakkai gifts you with the sweetest present ever: first, he utters actual words to you; “h-happy birthday, l/n.” second, the actual gift he gives you are a bunch of cards. on each card is a bunch of stuff he’s wanted to say all the time that you’ve been friends, but has been too shy to actually voice to you.
kazutora asks to compare hand sizes, then intertwines your fingers when you’ve put them together. “i just wanted to see what it was like to hold your hand. you don’t mind, right?”
takuya notices that you like wearing rings, and randomly decides to gift you with another. “i thought this silver one would go with the other two you usually wear. what do you think?”
you’ve come into school, hair done badly because you couldn’t be asked to do it nicely, when akkun spots you. he helps you do your hair properly before class. every so often for the rest of the day, you catch him looking at you. each time he’s caught, he goes all red and looks away! (i assume he’s admiring his handiwork!!)
one of your friends pushes you into angry. his hand skips around your waist to steady you. it’s so brief, but he just has the softest look on his face when your eyes meet. he lets you go, clears his throat, and tells you to be more careful next time.
izana pretends he’s stuck on the homework questions so that he can hear you talk. he openly admits that that’s exactly what he was doing when he’s found out too.
[here’s my masterlist ! ]
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Hi are requests open?
If it is, can I request on jjk a scarlet witch mama!reader on teen gojo, geto, and shoko. Like its just pure fluff, reader helping geto through ‘that’ thing 😭 like he didnt go down that road, and with gojo its just fluff along with shoko (and maybe reader will help her reversed cursed technique)
If it’s possible maybe a lil protective trio on mama!reader?
You can decide how you’ll go with it <3
Thankyou! <33
mama! scarlet witch! reader with satoru, suguru and shoko
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major manga spoilers for jujutsu kaisen (gojo's past arc), mentions of scarlet witch's powers, light themes of angst and major themes of fluff
╰➤ PAIRING(s): mama! reader x son! gojo satoru, platonic! geto suguru x reader, platonic! ieiri shoko x reader
hello dear anon :D thank you for requesting and for being patient. haven't written any mama! scarlet witch! reader in a long time so expect more incoming mama! reader content for today's video char. anyway, enjoy reading ♡
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being a mother to gojo satoru meant being a mother to more than one child. it was gojo, and the entire package to be precise. suguru and shoko were as under your utmost care too. it was actually quite amusing. you've always wanted children to care for, to be a mother for, and now fate is finally listening.
however, it is not always sunny and rainbows. the children you looked after weren't just any ordinary kids. they were jujutsu sorcerers, which meant they had missions to complete, and one in particular took them by surprise; it was the star plasma vessel incident. the killing of amanai riko
unfortunately, due to a multiversal problem, you were unable to assist satoru and jujutsu tech. only when you returned home did you realize it was too late. you seemed to have lost track of time. sure, satoru was able to master reversal red and use hollowed purple to end fushiguro toji's life, but the fourteen-year-death old's still occurred, and it affected poor suguru.
"goodness! my sweeties!" you dashed up to the three teenagers, instantly engulfing them in your warm embrace. "are you alright? mom's here. i'll fix you up, okay?"
you recall satoru trotting up to you, his lips quivering and his aquamarine eyes glazed with tears, and you couldn't help but hug him tightly and apologize for not being there for him, his friends, and the girl. suguru had been slowly drifting away from satoru and shoko since that incident. he was despondent and helpless. it was tearing your poor son apart, and you would do anything and everything to help him.
"it's okay, sweetheart. i got you, you're okay. it's going to be okay, i promise." you rubbed shapes on his back to comfort him. "i'll go talk to suguru."
you recall approaching suguru on that particular day. he was sitting alone somewhere in a secluded jujutsu tech area. instead of being neatly tied into a bun, his hair was disheveled and let down. his eyes were conflicted and at a loss when they came to you; the parent of his best friend, whom he saw as more of a mother than his own.
"[name]-san?" suguru's voice was low and sullen, but he addressed you with the same respect he always does. "what are you doing here? satoru told you.. didn't he..?"
"mhm." you took a seat beside him, placing a hand on his back, smiling softly.
"tch, that bastard." the raven-haired boy scoffed quietly.
"satoru's worried about you, and i am too." you admitted, rubbing circles on his back in a motherly and affectionate manner as a form of comfort. "i really wish i returned sooner that day, then maybe, none of you would have to go through any of that. i'm sorry, suguru-kun."
"it's not your fault, [name]-san. it's.." suguru halted, taking in a sharp breath. "i just.. us jujutsu sorcerers are supposed to protect the weak, the non-jujutsu sorcerers, and yet.." he rubbed his temples as he shook his head. "i 'm sorry, [name]-san. it's just tiring. i feel as if i'm trapped in this endless cycle of exorcism and consumption. who am i doing it all for? those.. those non-sorcerers from the star religious group?"
suguru lifted his head, turning his head to face you. "i saw a hideous evil that day and i chose to protect them. i stopped satoru from killing them that day."
his eyes then fell onto the floor, as he took another deep breath, "non-jujutsu sorcerers are the reason curses exists. what if.. what if all of them just di—you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, dragging the boy out of his own thoughts, before suguru could finish his sentence.
you were able to see the terrible future that awaits this young man in a minute's reading, the incoming night parade of a hundred demons. harm to gojo's incoming first-year students. suguru's death. his body getting hijacked. but most of all, chaos.
"[name]-san?" suguru inquired, his eyes widening as tears streamed down your cheeks. your firm grip on his hand was now trembling.
you loosened your grip on suguru's hand and clasped your own, clasping them together. you took a deep breath and shook your head. as you faced him, you managed a breathless laugh, tears still welling up in your [color] eyes. "i'm not sure what to say. perhaps it's best if i show it to you."
you softly tapped suguru's temple with your index and middle fingers, and the vision you just had filled his head with your power. suguru felt as if he had lived a lifetime beneath everything, despite the fact that only a minute had passed in real time. it felt real, even though it wasn't. suguru struggled to breathe for a moment because it was so overwhelming. what was that? suguru had no intention of doing any of that. he wouldn't—would he? but, that was the future at the time.
"you don't have to believe what i just showed you right now, and i don't want to force you to believe it either," you said, allowing your magic to dissipate and his mind to be released. "i'm still paying the price for my own actions back then."
suguru looked at you, perplexed. make the same mistakes? did you possibly... have you ever harmed someone? or even killed?
"i'm afraid i have," you sighed, causing suguru's eyes to widen. you have also read his thoughts. "i've been there, too. i know the feeling all too well. these hands have become stained in red because of my own self-righteousness and selfishness. i've killed people before. my own beliefs and desires have led me to being haunted by the consequences of my actions. i wasn't always a good person, i'll admit that."
"[name]-san.." suguru took hold of your wrist.
"i know i'm not your real mother, but you're like a son to me, and i don't want you to make the same mistakes i did, suguru-kun. putting yourself in a world of violence will make no difference; you'll just end up hurting yourself, not just everyone." you smiled as you took both of his hands in yours.
"there are just some things that have to be that way, and well, are beyond our control, but choose to be kind. always be kind. sometimes kindness is enough, and it will always be something better than hurting others."
suguru has been eternally grateful to you since that time. many times, suguru was on the verge of succumbing to the darkness of his heart and mind, but with your and satoru's help, things turned out for the better.
the vision you and he saw vanished, and all you could see when you watched him, satoru, and shoko messing around, eating the treats you gave them as a reward for completing a mission, was a bright future. shoko became a doctor, whereas suguru and satoru became jujutsu tech teachers. they still like to argue with each other, but their friendship hasn't changed.
you may not admit it, but you've always wanted to know what it's like to have a daughter. you've always had sons, so when shoko entered your life, your heart rejoiced. though she was more laid-back than satoru and suguru, she enjoyed your company more than the two (lol jk)
you were simply a fascinating woman. you were so motherly and kind to everyone, and your abilities were something she admired. when it's just satoru and suguru on a mission, shoko will often stop by your place to either hang out and eat or help you around while she takes a break and waits for them.
you were on your way to where the kids were, carrying a bunch of boxed treats that you had made extra for your café. you entered the campus, and as soon as you got to the grounds, satoru practically ran to you, abandoning his training with suguru, shoko, and yaga.
"mama!" you laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your cheek and swaying you side to side.
"did you miss me that much?" you laughed softly, rubbing his back affectionately before pulling away.
"[name]-san, it's so good to see you. what brings you here?" yaga greeted you with a smile.
"just bringing you, toru-chan, sugu-chan and shoko-chan baked goodies. i made plenty!" you chimed, holding up the fresh pastries and sweets you just had made.
you had set up a good little picnic under the shade of a tree with the treats all set up on a blanket you had brought as yaga gave his students a break before he left to do some work. while satoru and suguru were wolfing down the food, you noticed shoko barely eating anything, which triggered your maternal instincts.
"shoko-chan? you okay, hun?" you asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"oh, um. i'm good, [name]-san." shoko managed a smile but you knew better.
"shoko's been struggling with her reversed curse technique lately. that's why." satoru blurted, causing an empty box of sweets to get thrown at him straight in the face by suguru.
"you didn't have to tell [name]-san that! shoko didn't want her to know." suguru shot his best friend a glare.
"is that so? that's fine. mastering abilities isn't always easy." you rubbed shoko's arm for comfort. "take my powers, for example, i wasn't always this good with them when i was your age," you said as you demonstrated your red psionics.
"reversed cursed technique?" you asked, "if i remember correctly from the books that master tengen gave me when i first came here, that's a special and complex type of cursed technique that reverses cursed energy into positive energy," shoko, satoru, and suguru nodded in response. "it's primarily used to heal human bodies; hmm, now that i think about it, that's something i can do with my magic as well, but on a molecular level."
"i have an idea! would you like me to help you with it? i'm not a teacher, but i'll do my best, shoko-chan." you exclaimed, smiling.
"really? thank you, [name]-san." shoko blinked, a faint blush spreading across her cheekbones.
"see! you should have told my mom about it right off the bat. she'd help you out." satoru drew out a sigh, chuckling softly as he shook his head.
"well, i didn't want to bother [name]-san. she already has a handful son and work at the cafe she owns." shoko stuck out her tongue at him to mock, causing satoru to gasp dramatically with suguru laughing in the background.
"now, now. settle down, sweethearts." you drew their attention, "no fighting."
"sorry, mom."
satoru, suguru and shoko uttered in unison, causing you stare at the three teenagers with wide eyes as they glanced each other in disbelief for a second before bursting into laughter. you sighed, shaking your head, smiling. it is just like you said, taking care of satoru means the whole package.
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bonus scene:
ding.. ding..
"welcome to witch's brew, how can i—you looked up from the glass display of your freshly baked sweets to greet a customer when you found satoru, suguru and shoko coming inside of your café instead. "oh, my! i wasn't expecting you three to be early today."
"we finished early today, so we came here as fast as we could!" satoru exclaimed, heading straight into your arms for a hug as you rubbed his back in a motherly way, giggling softly.
"ever the clingy snowflake." you sighed, shaking your head with a smile, causing satoru to gasp and shoot a small glare.
"ma! don't call me that anymore." satoru exclaimed only to be patted on the head before you ushered him to one of your cafe's tables where suguru and shoko were comfortably seated.
"yes, yes. i know, sweetheart. just messing with you." you laughed before raising your index finger to use your chaos magic to grab a bunch of freshly baked sweets straight from the oven while also making some coffee. "so, how was the mission you three?"
"it went well, [name]-san." suguru answered with a closed-eye smile. "we were able to exorcise the curse with ease."
"your lessons helped a lot, [name]-san. thank you." shoko said in addition, bowing her head slightly at you.
"yeah, shoko's reversed cursed technique significantly improved thanks to you, ma." satoru nodded in agreement, grinning.
"say, [name]-san? why don't you teach at the school instead? sure, you don't have cursed energy but you're good at mentoring." shoko suggested.
"me? a teacher? no, thank you. id rather bake and make coffee." you shook your head, smiling as you set the children's food and drinks on the table. "besides, dealing with the higher-ups isn't something i enjoy, especially the big three clans. they're like pesky little bugs, you know, asking for my hand in marriage and such," you grumbled, holding a look of disgust.
suguru choked on his coffee as satoru and shoko dropped the piece of pastry they had yet to eat. their faces' colors were instantly drained.
"b-but why? what the fuck?!" satoru yelled out, sharply exhaling out a breath.
"language, satoru!" you gave him a look that caused him to apologize before exhaling a long sigh. "did you forget? when i took you in when you were still a child, the gojo clan wanted me to marry one of theirs so i could take the name and give them a powerful child, or something like that. apparently, the other two clans had the same idea, you know?"
"now, that's load of bull. the clans aren't bothering you anymore, are they, [name]-san?" shoko furrowed her brows and leaned against her knuckles, her elbow on the table.
"they better not! i'm mixing colors the next time i come back to the estate." gojo angrily scowled.
"i might as well send them a special grade curse to mess with. maybe three at the same time," suguru suggested, holding a mischievous yet angry expression alongside satoru, who nodded curtly in agreement.
"sweethearts, please. settle down. no one's mixing colors or summoning special grade curses." you grabbed satoru and suguru's shoulders and looked at the boys and shoko. "i didn't watch over you three to cause a ruckus and use your abilities for something like that. understood?"
"sorry, mom..." the trio muttered in unison, their faces dropping.
"i know you three love me just as much, and i appreciate it. i love you guys as well, but i can look after myself. besides, i can always turn them into a frog." you smiled as you embraced satoru, suguru, and shoko.
"a f-frog? you can do that too?" they paled.
"oh, that's not all, sweethearts. reality can be whatever i want. i'm the scarlet witch after all."
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what it's like to date: kuroko, kise, and aomine
im doing this out of pure adrenaline and this is my first time. if it becomes interesting, maybe i'll do more :>>>
part two
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would be an absolute sweetheart
he's pretty honest with his own feelings but if you were the one to confess first, he'd just say yes without a second thought and his flusteredness will come later
will be pretty shy at first because he's still getting used to it
this boy literally has friends who can't even tell if he's there, clearly, being in a relationship would be pretty new to him
would buy you juice and/or snacks during breaks even if you never asked
he would even carry your bag when you walk home together!!
he'd probably be polite with his speech in your early days of dating but would eventually be comfortable enough to speak casually at times
if you were to meet his team, it would not be a full on introduction
more like he casually said it one time in their locker room and walked away as if nobody was surprised
kagami would probably think it's a joke but then doubt himself because why would he even joke about having an s/o
you'd probably pick up on his habit of buying a vanilla milkshake after school lmao
you would definitely either hold hands or link your pinkies while walking
imagine cooking with him!!
and not in a domestic way like in his house or something
you'd pair up with each other and it's like both of you are in your own little world and you play around a bit, eat some of the vegetables you chopped, and actually make decent food
i say decent because it's canon that kuroko is average
you both get a good grade for it and you end up eating most of the leftovers as you clean up your table
the both of you would be the type of couple that feels like you're just perfect for each other that it would make sense you were dating
even if they don't know you guys very well
you both communicate really well with each other
he's the type that would never make you feel restrained
you would probably be comfortable with him in a week or two after you started dating
sleepovers with him will always be fun :>>
"hey, tetsu?" you look up at him with your head on his lap.
the both of you planned on watching a movie but ended up just reading manga and the tv continued on as if it's background music.
"yes, love?"
you look in his eyes as he looks into yours. he tilts his head, asking you to continue on.
"can we build a fort?"
he chuckles. "of course."
but neither of you actually moved. he just kept on caressing your hair and thought to himself, 'i'll get up when they get up'.
"hey, tetsu?"
"why are your friends such weirdos?"
is a menace
he probably fell in love at first sight with you too
he'd talk about you to kasamatsu when he was still crushing on you and he'd just tell him to confess already
but he doesn't
he wants 𝘺𝘰𝘶 to confess first
because that's how it always goes, right?
someone from the team probably gave it away and he had to do a spontaneous confession
at first, you thought he was messing with you but you just decided to humor him
you started spending more time together, from visiting cafes, going out on the weekends, and maybe even coming over to spend the night just for the sake of hanging out
and you'll just say one day, "oh my god, we're dating"
your relationship would be pretty funny from an outsider's point of view (and i mean kasamatsu, who hears everything)
dates with him are really fun because kisses definitely the type who'd be super outgoing
would never get tired with you at an amusement park
he's also a model so he'd have lots of clothes and he'll make you wear it even though it's too big
"you look so cute, y/ncchi!!"
"i look like your daughter."
"don't make me seem like a weird pervert."
but wearing his clothes would be really cute and comfy during a sleepover
your relationship is the type that is just like you're already married
but, well, he does have fangirls and that's quite the trouble
kise would definitely make sure that his fans, as well as his friends, respect you and your relationship
though it's kind of obvious to everyone how close you both are
"excuse me, is ryota here?" you ask a guy that looks like he's a second year.
𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘯? the boy thinks
"he went out for a bit, uh..."
"oh, i'm his girlfriend, l/n y/n. it's nice to meet you—"
"y/ncchi!!" your boyfriend calls from the distance.
"oh, ryota!" you smile and wave at him.
"hi, baby, what brings you here?" he catches his breath for a bit after jogging towards you.
"i wanna watch sharknado tonight."
"what—no! you already picked last time!!"
kasamatsu walks past the both of you bickering over some stupid movie.
"don't mind them," he says to his teammate. "even i didn't want to believe he actually managed to ask them out."
"don't mention them to that idiot. he'll talk about them for hours if you give him the chance."
Momoi would literally ask you why you agreed to date him
though, even she knows how bad aomine has it for you
you probably met him at a convenience store and he'd think you were quite attractive then see your uniform and realize you go to the same school
he'd notice you even more after that and find out you were friends with satsuki
asks about you right after he found out
this man ain't slick he'd probably ask you to hang out but would be flustered about it yet at the same time he's hiding the fact that he's flustered
nonetheless, you both have a good time on your supposed "first date"
once you get more comfortable with each other, he'll definitely open up to you more especially about basketball
would be kinda shocked that you aren't forcing him to go to practice
"it's your choice, isn't it? i wouldn't want to make you do something you don't want to do."
has all sorts of fun with you in or out of school
would be the type to go to McDonald's and still manage to make it feel like you're on a date
you would also be pretty noisy with all your chattering
but i doubt that both of you would care
he'd be the type to be able to have fun, no matter where you are
although some people think that both of you are a pretty weird match, you two work really well together
he looks like the type who'd like PDA but i doubt he'll do that to someone he's down bad for
would want to respect your boundaries and it's not like he wants strangers to watch the both of you kissing
you would probably end up finding his magazines and laugh at him
"you're the definition of a sixteen year old male!!"
whenever you both go to a convenience store, you'd see one of the magazines he likes and buy them right in front of him as a joke
if you're feeling extra mean, you'd ruin that magazine right in front of him
when he does tell you he feels like going to practice, you'll be very happy that he feels like playing again
"come with me to practice," he tells you while gathering his stuff.
"are you a child? no."
"just come with me," he fusses. "as if i'm letting you go home by yourself when it's getting darker."
you smile at his thoughtfulness. while it's definitely a shock that he's coming to practice, it's even more surprising that he wants you to watch.
"hm... maybe i'll watch for a bit," you say in a sing-song manner. "maybe you're cooler on the court."
"hmph." he grins. "'course i'll be. come now," he calls to you and offers to take your hand.
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ethereal-blossom · 3 years
HI can i request another headcanon!!! how would fyodor deal with chaotic smart s/o? also s/o chaotic smart energy infecting fyodor. when gogol and s/o meet they they instantly became bff and now their doing crackhead shits together. how would fyode survive all of this?
a/n: this is absolutely perfect and i had so much fun writing this!! lmao i actually decided to start reading the manga and i finally met gogol and he did not fail my expectations✋🏻
🚨warning(s): none
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it'd be so refreshing for fyodor.
fyodor often questioned how someone as chaotic as you could make so much sense. even when you came up with a brilliant plan, you were all over the place. it was only naturally that fyodor showed interest in you,,, right? you were the opposite of him yet so worthy of his attention.
fyodor loves the challenge of discussing his thoughts and plans with you. they would sometimes go on till deep in the night because of how you both were too stubborn to give up. however, fyodor will sometimes purposely drag the discussion longer because you turn out to be even more chaotic when you're tired and it's the most amusing and cutest thing fyodor has ever seen.
it takes all of fyodor's energy to not look at you with the softest expression that he hides deep into his soul when you chaotic try to explain how wrong he is.
comedy for fyodor is when you use food to explain your ideas. mostly during lunch when you exchange your thoughts, you often have the habit of stealing someone's food from their plate to show a visualization of your plan. fyodor would totally act unbothered when you do so, with his hands clasped and placed under his chin while looking with complete interest how your salt is supposed to beat his cup of coffee. ( literally this scene from loki)
your energy slowly starts to be infectious. fyodor's eyes start to sparkle every time you are in his presence (but also because of your search for your keys that hang on a chord around your neck after you astonished fyodor with a strong argument) and he started to take over small habits of yours while purposely teasing you whenever he accidentally misplaced some of your stuff. in his defense, you're very cute when you're so chaotically confused.
the day gogol and you decided to become friends was the day fyodor decided to safely retreat hide in his room. nevertheless, even fyodor had predicted there would be no place on earth that would keep him safe from gogol and you. it was double clear after gogol and you gave yourself permission to enter fyodor's room.
it's pretty safe to say that it has become gogol's and yours number one priority to get a satisfying reaction from fyodor. together in your room, gogol and you would discuss quiz questions that would definitely drive fyodor insane. sometimes you would even discuss the most horrible jokes in the russian's presence.
fyodor handles it like a champ though. this man has learned to deal with chaotic people such as you, gogol and even dazai. but it must be said: your chaoticness will even smelt the coldest hearts.
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pastxlscorp · 3 years
Tokrev bfs taking care of their s/o when they’re sick
Featuring: Chifuyu, Mitsuya, Mikey, and Draken
100% will get sick with them because he’s a fucking lovable dumbass
Slurping soup while watching their favorite show
Fangirling over manga chapters together
Tissue boxes. Everywhere.
Their friends come over to see them cuddling on the couch wrapped in a blanket bc they’re both sick and don’t give a fuck
Catching up on schoolwork together, both wondering how they missed so much
Actually both take medicine but relish in suffering together
Spend the whole time quarantining and trying new recipes and cooking, mainly being geeks abt manga though
Takes care of them but tries not to risk himself too much, not for his sake but the sake of his sisters
When he’s not busy with the gang or his sisters, he comes over with his homework and does it as they're napping or dying
Absolutely the type of bf to leave their s/o on read as they rush their way over, making their s/o sit there like “this b**** didn’t reply?”
Massages to make them feel better, even something simple like rubbing their back
ALWAYS comes over with medicine, homemade food; and something to cheer them up like a really corny movie or their favorite book. Will literally even sit down to play video games with them if it’ll make them happy (not really a game kinda person).
He calls his sisters who ask him how his s/o, when they reply they get really happy and excited, asking when’s the next time they can play.
If he’s busy, will still come over to drop off food, medicine, n whatever else he brought. Knocks on the door mad hard and smiles when they open. The type of mf to knock so loud and hard just to annoy their s/o bc he loves seeing them angry.
REALLY upset when he can’t kiss them or anything. Will try to kiss on the cheek before dropping off their stuff only to be turned down and he gets all childish like “You serious? Not even on the cheek?”
I think he’d be the most mature pettiest asshole here. You don’t give him ANY physical love, even something as simple as a hand hold, he will be so petty the next time he drops off homework.
He’ll be sitting there on the couch doing his homework and they’ll be reaching for him because they’re lonely and he’s just like “Oh, you want a hug? That’s too bad, I’m quite busy.” with the straightest face until they’re begging for a hug and then he’s finally like “maybe I can spare a minute.”
Tucks you in for bed and leaves you with a goodnight kiss, box of tissues, and a plushie.
Best solution: don’t engage when he’s being petty. Ends up getting tired of his isolation and ends up being the one to crack first.
Draken refuses to let him skip for his s/o, mainly because school is SOOO important to him and Mikey is his best friend
Does his best to stay awake till the end of the day so he can go straight over to his s/o’s place
Same as Mitsuya but an even worse texter. Prefers physical interaction and 80% of the time you will be left on read. For Mitsuya, it’s a solid 50/50.
Tells them about how school went, how he slept through almost everything, how draken was being a prick, yeah…
Love language is food: brings so much food over to your house. Medicine included once draken reminds him.
Shares food with you ALL the time and somehow doesn’t get sick. I’d like to imagine with all the shit he does, his immune system surpasses his kick.
Never does his homework when they’re around, prefers to spend time eating with them and playing games or whatever
Not as passionate about video games and manga and shit, but loves seeing them feeling better
Insists you’re too tired to do homework, truthfully he just wants their attention but doesn’t want to sound so needy when they’re sick
Won’t feed you but makes you feed him to cheer him up, probably bc he knows he’d make a mess feeding you
When you’re feeling ickier than usual, asks “you wanna get some air?” And will take you for a ride on his bike if you say yes!
If you say no, he’ll nod and go silent trying to think of something to appease you, and the rare occasion is he gives you a massage.
When he has a Toman meeting he’ll drop off stuff at the door but not before knocking so loud you could’ve sworn you heard him from hell. After pegging your door he’ll proceed to steal a kiss from you and run away giggling knowing you can’t do shit.
Gotta make sure his homie goes to school and so does he. After this, he will go to your place.
Terrible with gifts. Will have a brain hemorrhage debating if this gift is good enough.
Brings medicine and store bought food because he can’t cook for shit, but he makes sure it’s your favorite store bought food.
Way more effort into the store-bought food. Unlike Mikey, won’t just buy junk food but will make sure it’s covered in veggies or fruits, just to make sure you’re being properly nourished. Still will bring you chips or your favorite dessert bc he’s not tryna deprive you.
Absolutely no idea how to express his feelings. Hates seeing you sick but he doesn’t want to get sick because he’d infect a majority of toman being the Vice President. He just sits there with this grimace on his face and decides physical contact won’t do much as long as you’re… disinfected
Will literally fucking bathe you. No boogers or snot or whatever it is on him. You need to be SANITIZED before you touch this man.
Attempts to kiss your lips but you push away bc that’s a naughty naughty with a sick person!
Gives you the “how could you do this to me” look after bathing you and shit only to be rewarded with your hand in his face. Will definitely respect your refusal though because he knows you mean well, settled for a kiss on the cheek. He expects a makeup for it though!
Tucks you in for bed and gives you a goodnight kiss on your forehead, then dips
Absolutely messages you wakey wakey its time for schoo because he’s too busy with Mikey’s ph@t a$$
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inhonoredglory · 3 years
another character based question - how do you feel about mikasa? a lot of fans dont like her, im curious about how you feel! - armin anon
Hellooooo Armin Anon. OMG it’s been forever since I had the time to sit down and do a proper meta, and I apologize.
First off, I finished the manga!!! (So, spoilers ahead for anyone else reading this.) I had to lie down after reading 139. It’s a tremendous story and I’m still taking it all in. The set pieces and personal/emotional stakes of everything that happens is just astounding. If it’s one thing Isayama does good, it’s the gut-wrenching personal anguish that underlies the action. I’m absolutely floored. My favorite bit was probably the timey-wimey stuff in Paths and Eren. That blew my freaking mind. But onto Mikasa!!
A Cruel Yet Beautiful World
I remember way back when I started the anime that I started liking Mikasa first out of the group. I liked how sullenly silent and no-nonsense she was, and I liked her loyalty to Eren. Her emotion, especially when Eren died in Trost, was palpable and terrifyingly beautiful. Her grief was incredibly realistic––rushing off with a death wish that even she couldn’t succumb to in the end, because of the drive to fight that she got from Eren. In a world like SNK, her relentlessness breaking through her grief was incredibly moving. And her philosophy is basically the driving theme of SNK: “This is a cruel world, and yet so beautiful.”
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This is the same moral message she gives Eren when he can’t find the strength in him to fight Annie––and gives him that warm, understanding, inscrutable smile that allows him to finally accept his own monsters, fight Annie, and save her and Armin. (One of my favorite panels of her from the manga, actually.) Mikasa is basically the first character we meet who embodies this contradictory morality, which grows to engulf SNK and other characters as well (Levi, Reiner, and Armin especially come to mind). Which could be why I was drawn to her at the start, since the complex moral outlook of SNK was the primary reason I fell hard for this story.
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(And gosh, it’s tragic to realize that it’s teaching moments like the scene above that made Eren into the person who could influence his own child self to murder, the person who could wipe out so much of humanity, the person who could take Ymir’s challenge to free her by destroying the love of the person who cared the most about him. I’m still processing yo.)
I started really analyzing Mikasa when I had to defend her from a friend of mine who accused her of resenting Levi (for beating up Eren) and that’s why she attacked him so violently in the RTS serumbowl. Because of my research into rebutting that, a lot of my affection for Mikasa now comes in seeing the little ways in which she cares and trusts other people, including Armin, Levi, Gabi, and Jean. And her quiet sensibility that goes beyond her love and protectiveness of Eren.
With Levi in particular, I find a lot I like about her. Because you can definitely see her annoyance at him, but she also trusts him more than anyone else in the Corps outside of Armin. After Levi’s violent encounter with Historia, she was the only one who implicitly trusted Levi’s judgement, backing up Armin’s more reasoned logic. She sees beyond her own emotions and even moral feelings and realizes the world is cruel enough that sometimes people have to do dark things to help others and survive.
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This is very much the same statement Levi made to the 104th when he had asked them to follow Erwin’s orders when the commander’s plans were questionable on the surface: “Do you trust him? Those dumb enough to say yes… come with me.” These two understand each other on a moral level, and they ask for their comrades’ loyalty without demanding it, because they each know that everyone’s conscience is their own.
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There’s a clear parallel between Mikasa and Levi, not only because of their Ackerman heritage and sensibilities (loyal to a fault to their chosen person, impossibly strong, quiet and grim), but their frustration when they cannot protect the people they are responsible for. They both know they are the strongest around, and if they cannot fulfill on that power, a lot of people will die.
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There are many moments in which Mikasa puts aside her personal feelings to do her soldierly duty, from leaving Eren to help with the evacuation of Trost to leaving Eren and Armin to fight the Colossal Titan alone in Shigonshina.
And then there’s the fact that Levi’s the one who could break past Mikasa’s headspace and distraction so that she can do the right thing. He understands her strong emotion, he respects it, but he also knows when that has to be put aside for the greater good. But he doesn’t put her down for having those emotions, either.
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Strength from Eren, Humanity from Armin
Mikasa’s love and loyalty to Eren challenges her tremendously after the timeskip and her sorrow at Eren’s change is what really stands out to me about her character in the Marley arc. The absolute grief in her eyes when she tells Eren what he’s done is devastating, and it shows just how much goodness and compassion she does have.
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And yet she longs to understand Eren, to trust him, to believe there can be something redeeming, and not merely jaded and tired, in what he taught her so many years ago––to fight, to win, to live.
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There’s such a difference between these same words said here by Mikasa, so many years later, after so much heartbreak, to the anger and flame that were in them when she first heard them, back when she realized that this was the way of the world. That death and killing happens in the natural world everyday and that’s how you survive. That the world is both cruel and beautiful.
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And yet as the years wore on, as Mikasa grew closer to others, found purpose in protecting others, sought a life with Eren… as she wandered further into the forest of life and society and relationships, she lost some of that simple injunction... to live is to fight, to fight is to win. She, like so many of the 104th and the others on this journey, found that it’s not enough to just fight and live and be satisfied. We really want it all to mean something, to have our actions be redemptive. To allow ourselves to believe that we do what we’re doing because we’re not just saving ourselves, but saving others, “saving the world” like Yelena points out (in the forest therapy session pfff). And it’s that drive for something bigger in our actions that grieves her so much with Eren, because as she wants her own actions to be fundamentally good and selfless, she wants his actions to be moral as well.
So while Eren is the person that frustrates Mikasa and motivates her to become stronger and braver than she ever was, Armin is the person who humanizes Mikasa and allows her the space to be gentle and vulnerable. She comforts Armin, confides in him, puts her faith in him, and puts her life in his hands.
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She trusts Armin with Eren, and she values Armin’s intellect and compassion, qualities she doesn’t have in nearly as much quantities as he does: “There are only so many lives I can value. And… I decided who those people were six years ago. So... you shouldn’t try to ask for my pity. Because right now, I don’t have time to spare or room in my heart.”
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This bit from her confrontation with Ymir and Historia was a defining moment for me with Mikasa. It’s honest and realistic in a way that few of us care to admit about ourselves, and it’s just super chilling and badass coming from her, too. It also shows how much she fights for Armin and Eren both. They are the two people she loves the most in the world, and she never gave up on saving either of them––from death or from themselves.
I’m looking back on Trost now and finding so much irony with the ending to SNK. In Trost, she was the one to give up on Eren, telling Armin that it was hopeless to try to extract Eren’s personality from his Titan form. And yet, like in the end, it’s always been between Armin and Mikasa to try to salvage Eren’s humanity. In Trost, Armin tells Mikasa to leave––to go do what she’s good at (saving lives)––and to entrust Eren to him.
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It’s a huge expression of both Mikasa’s trust in Armin, and her belief in Armin’s abilities and friendship for Eren. And in the end, it’s the two of them again debating on if there’s any humanity left in Eren. The bond they share is intimate and deep. With all the military doubting Eren and scheming to take away his Titan (with even Jean and Connie unavailable to them emotionally), it’s only Armin and Mikasa against the world––the only two people who can truly consider Eren’s actions and hold off on judging him. And you can feel their love for him even as they doubt him.
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And like back then, it has always been Armin who understands Eren most, the one who recognizes his own evil and Eren’s and finds a redemption in having others stop you, because you cannot stop yourself.
And that’s the thing I really take away from SNK and from Mikasa’s journey, that we all have devils inside us, and yet there is still beauty to be found, within us and in the world––from the natural wonders that Armin dreams of, to the comfort of purpose and companionship that Mikasa has in Eren. Love and wonder is what redeems us of our devils. And yet love itself is complicated, and can turn ugly in its obsession. That giving up that love is what makes the love selfless and beautiful, what absolves us of the selfishness within us. That’s what Mikasa learned. And in the end, she was able to release that love for the good of the world.
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So I guess to sum up, I really love Mikasa. I can see why her dogged loyalty to Eren might annoy some fans, but I think there’s a lot more to her than simply that, and in fact, her journey and growth is heart-rending and one of the most symbolic arcs of SNK and fundamental to its entire theme. She’s a badass with a lot of emotion and depth behind her cold mask.
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