#you are not getting away you little bitch i will run to the elevator (she literally did) so she could call him out on his incompetence
ultraviolencced · 2 months
not the u.s. attorney literally RUNNING from my mom lmao
my dude you are in your late 30s over 6’6 my mom is 50 and 5’3 stupid fucking coward
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voxsmistress · 5 months
Mama Didn't raise no Bimbo Series!
Y/n was thrown head first into Hell - like everyone she has to find her own path and she was doing pretty darn good but what happens when she finally comes across the three Vee's who don't necessarily like to share...
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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This was such a bad idea!
Such a bad idea! How did Angel Dust manage to convince you to do this was beyond you. But here you are gripping the handle of the front door of the Vee’s Tower.
“Oh, I’m just running a little late at work honey, meet me at the tower and we will head to the clubs from there,” you mocked under your breath as you turned the handle. Swear, if that Valentino tries to get you to join a porno you will kill Angel.
Deep breaths. Entering the main foyer, you squint because of all the damn bright lights, screens, and décor. Spying all the cameras you drag your coat closer to your body. No hiding from anyone here. You make your way up to the receptionist desk as instructed by your lovely ‘friend’.
“Hey sugar, I’m here to see Angel Dust, they’re expecting me don’t suppose you could tell me where I should be going could ya?” Giving your best winning smile at the bored receptionist, at her unimpressed flicker of her eyes going over your outfit and hair you could feel the smile start to strain. Like everyone, your appearance changed when you came to Hell, and you considered yourself lucky that you mainly had humanistic characteristics – the fangs, violet eyes, skin as white as snow and wicked pink highlights in your hair you just considered as an extra – it could be so much worse. You have seen much worse.
Smoothing your hands over the coat you let your smile drop and narrowed your eyes at the receptionist. Down here in Hell you were sure others just made situations difficult to be difficult. Actually… that was probably true. They were just the worst down here.
Popping her gum in your face you could feel your eyebrow start to twitch. Bitch. Tapping away on her keyboard she proceeds to ignore you for a few moments before pointing at a sign which told you which floors for what people. Seeing Valentino’s floor, you assume that’s where you should be heading. Thanking the receptionist – though she didn’t exactly do anything but affect your confidence in your outfit – you make your way over to the elevators, getting in as soon as one arrived and jabbing at Valentino’s floor.
Crossing your fingers you wouldn’t meet that particular Overlord, considering the receptionist was a pain in the ass you could only imagine what he would be like and from the horror stories Angel Dust told you – you really didn’t wanna meet him.
Reaching the floor quicker than you expected you straighten out your outfit, slightly regretting the black stilettos but they were the only decent heels you have in your closet for dancing, plus the neon pink on the base matched your accessories and splashes of colour on your dress. You fully embraced the image that you were a bimbo, it helped with tips and your image at work. As a singer and a dancer at one of the clubs on Pride Circle, the dumber you appeared the more people underestimated you. And you just loved it when they underestimated you.
It's where you met Angel Dust, in one of the first clubs that you were working at. Through him you then met Alastor who after hearing you sing a few older songs then allowed you to sing on his Radio Show (on occasion) and from him you then met Rosie who put in a good word for you with your now current boss at one of the more respectable (using that term loosely) clubs in Pride Circle. Which is the only reason why you would enter the Vee’s Tower – you owed Angel Dust a lot this was a small ask.
Stepping onto Valentino’s floor the smell of smoke, sex and sweat hit you like a wall. Flickering your violet eyes around you spied the Spider speaking to the Overlord. Damn. Seeing that the conversation wouldn’t be ending any time soon you huffed under your breath before making your way to them.
“Angel, sugar, you ready to go?” You ask when you reach the two, keeping your gaze on him as from the corner of your eye you see the tall Overlord swivel on the spot. Angel’s eyes connect with yours before trying to hide a grimace.
“Heyyy gorgeous, listen it’s gonna be a little later than we planned I’ve just gotta film one more scene then we can go”, catching the mouthed sorry at the end. Smiling understandingly at him you shrug your shoulders.
“Oh no problemo honey, want me to stay or I can meet you at the club?” secretly crossing your fingers that they’d say to meet you at the club.
“Ah no it’s cool if you stay, right Val? Y/n can stay for the last scene?” Bugger. Turning your winning smile up at the infamous Valentino only to see their stare was focused on you already with an menacing smile pulling his face into a sinister expression which made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end.
“Ah the famous Y/n, Angel talks about you all the time – don’t you baby! Course you can stay and watch. What about if you participate as well, I could get you a job princessa, with those legs, boobs and that pout you are a star waiting to happen. I could get a contract written up in seconds if you want-“He pulls a deep drag from his cigarette and blows it all around so you three were in a cloud of hazy red smoke. Holding back a cough you try to keep the smile on your lips.
“Thank you for the offer, Sir, but I am happy with my job at the moment but as soon as I want a change in career, I’ll let you know”, I reply to the Overlord. A bead of sweat drips down the back of my neck. Valentino’s anger was legendary. To refuse him was to insult him. And you had done all that within a few moments of meeting him. Plus being close to Angel Dust was another factor against you – he was so jealous over Angel.
His smirk grew as he gazed over your outfit. Well, a smirk was better than shouting, right?
“Shame. You could be a star,” another drag of his cigarette before shrugging you off and directing Angel back to the stage. Quickly winking at the spider, you make your way over to a few chairs that were against the wall. Shrugging your coat off you turn to see a few creeps eyeing you up, bloody perverts. Baring your fangs at them you sit down and yank your phone out from your purse.  
A sigh leaves your lips, crossing your leg over the other, you peruse Sinstagram while trying to block out the sounds coming from Angel and the other demons and sinners in the scene. Checking on the progress of a few photos of the outfit that you shared earlier of what you were wearing tonight which you had tagged in Velvette as she was the designer of your dress: a tight black dress with stripes of neon pink, ruffles of the neon around the off-shoulder neckline and other intricate details – it reminded you of Marilyn Monroes pink dress, so you had saved up for months to buy it. The almost velvet material clung to your curves in the most delicious way and the colours just accentuated your hair, skin, and eyes. If no one could tell - you just loved pink and again it helped the Bimbo image you put across.
Brushing the waves of hair out of your face you look up and again see a certain Overlord’s stare focused on you, his own phone clutched in his hand. Careful not to challenge him by looking at him head on you keep your gaze soft and lowered.  The issue with Valentino was he didn’t always accept no as an answer. And you were so not ready to become a porn star. To be honest since arriving in Hell you hadn’t even entertained any one in your bed. More concerned with getting somewhere safe to live, safe(ish) to work and try not to get mauled, raped or murdered every day seemed to take up your energy. Which is why Angel wanted to go out tonight – to try and get you laid. Chuckling softly as you remembered his horrified face when you said you hadn’t had sex in over a year you let your violet gaze glance over to him. Wincing slightly at the position he was in at the moment, which really could not be comfortable, you let your attention go back to your phone ignoring both the Overlord and Angel as a slight vibrate notified you that a certain Vee had liked your post.
Your mouth opens in shock when you see THE Velvette had liked your photo. Heart racing a little you couldn’t control the smile that stretched across your lips, holding in the little squeal you desperately wanted to let out you settled for giving a little excited wiggle in your seat. Or you were until a shadow encased you. Looking up you lock eyes with the main V. Vox. Uh oh. “And who is this lovely lady, Val?”
Sooooo ... for a first chapter what did ya thinkkkkkk?
A03 Link is here
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Daddy Dom!Simon "Ghost"Riley x Bratty!reader
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon "Ghost" Riley
Summary: As a new recruit, you should not have the gall to talk back to your superior officer like you do. He's tried it all, trying to work the insubordination out of you, but to no avail. Your antics have really gotten under his skin lately, but is it really because you won't listen and follow orders...or is there something more to it that he can't admit? The way his cock throbs might indicate the latter and what he thinks about as he touches himself might just speak to that as well.
Author's Note: As we wait for the next part of Lieutenant's Whore, have this as a treat! Something I just whipped up quick as I couldn't get the thought out of my mind 😏😘
Word Count: 3.3 k
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Part 2:
Fucking hell, what was wrong with him? Something had crawled its way under Ghost’s skin today, sticking with him through to the evening now, and no matter how he tried to push the thoughts into the back of his mind they only seemed to lodge themselves more permanently in the foreground. No distraction or mundane daily task that took even most of his focus could ease the impact of influence on his mood as the thoughts constantly assaulted his mind. Even now as he stood in the bathroom of his private quarters, his anger at would not cease.
The screech of the shower handle turning sounded just beneath the heated phrases being whispered under his breath, the pipes coming to life with the distinct hiss of water as it pelted the floor of the shower. An earlier altercation had Ghost in a goddamn tizzy, his pulse elevated and his heartbeat in his ears as he undressed; perhaps being doused under the steady flow of the water would wash it all away.
“Fucking bloody slag,” he snapped as he pulled each article of clothing off one by one and dropped them onto the cool titled floor around his feet. Even his customary face covering he removed, wrenching it off and up over his head without a care as he was too absorbed in his rage which made everything feel far too binding. “Thinking that she can just speak to me like that. Goddammit, she knows exactly how to push each and every one of my fucking buttons.”
This wasn’t the first time he had encountered this very same problem, though this was the first time he had such a raw, visceral reaction to it. Usually he would let the disrespect go once he was away from the source, but today it just seemed to linger in an unhealthy amount until the Lieutenant could not see straight; his vision was only red.
He had not realized how much his skin was burning until he stepped under the stream of cool water, his chest getting hit first and making him grown at the sudden change in temperature. The soothing liquid rolled down the front of him, snaking its way through the shallow cracks left in his skin by the scars scattered across his pectorals and down his torso, but it did little to calm the fire still raging steadily inside.
The day you showed up on base with the newest set of recruits he knew by the way you unashamedly held his gaze when the others had immediately flinched and did not cower whenever he barked his orders would mean trouble and he hated to be right. Try as he might, there was no getting through your snarky, self-assured cocky attitude and most of his days were spent metaphorically pulling out his hair as no matter how many drills he had you run or sets of pull-ups or push-ups he had you complete, you could not be disciplined into obedience. A bitch like you was not easily broken and why you had not been discharged yet was a mystery; you must be more than worth the trouble.
A bawled fist slammed into the side of the shower, the percussive sound echoing and vibrating off the tight walls. “What the fuck is wrong with her?” he questioned aloud to no one. “Why can’t she just fucking listen, the little cunt? Why does she always have to pull that fucking shit?”
The wetness splashed over to his back as he took a step forward under the shower head, the engorged beads of water slithering their way down the curves of the muscles lining his shoulders and following the path to his ass and on towards his thighs and calves. Both of those bulky hands palmed the wall before him, allowing him to lean his torso forward and get the full length of his back under the water as his head hung limp. Heavy breaths, each one just as laboured as the last, continued even as he counted the water droplets falling down off his back and into the bottom of the shower as a way to ground himself, watching them slowly gather and swirl down the drain.
“I’ve tried it all,” he reassured himself, though even as the words left his lips, he knew that wasn’t entirely true. There was a whisper of a thought that reappeared just now that perhaps illustrated his true feelings about this problem. “Well, not exactly all.”
There was a spark of an idea that had appeared some weeks ago, one that he had not completely allowed himself to delve further into, one that had slunk its shrewd way at the edge of his thoughts. It had caught the cool and collected officer off guard at how his mind had conjured such a filthy concept… or that he did not outright despise that his imagination had led him there.
That exact day it happened he remembered well. The blazing sun and humid atmosphere had led to everyone being on edge, their bad attitudes matching the rising temperatures, and that meant the crude, underhanded remarks and balking that was a part of your usual repartee became even more grating on the Lieutenant’s nerves. With jaw sore from clenching so hard, the anger had finally reached its peak when you had told him to "make you" and with enough fury to make his presence suffocating to anyone within range, he stepped up aggressively into your face for the insubordination. There, standing with mere inches between you, your eyes ablaze with a fury for everything from the weather to the man barking orders before you, it happened.
It very well could have been the proximity of your bodies, the intense, dizzying heat, or the way the sweat around your neck slipped in glistening trails down your chest and caught his bird’s eye view as it nestled between the tops of your breasts. Maybe he had simply lost his goddamn mind due to the weather or the long hours he had been working lately or a random intrusive thought that caught him by surprise; whatever it was he could feel a stirring within the crotch of his pants in a sensation he had never felt towards you. His entire form froze in that moment and he was unable to do anything except stare straight ahead, even though the voice in his head was yelling at him to get it together, he paused long enough that by the smug expression on your face you felt you had gotten the last word and that was dangerous for him. The near two hundred push-ups forced upon you after that went by more easily than he would have liked; it was clear that that euphoric feeling you had from seemingly winning in that battle of wills against him was enough to see you through the strain on your arms and the pounding in your chest from the exertion of your punishment.
It was after that day that Ghost noticed a few strange happenings that only added fuel to the fire that had sparked to life inside him. Had your shirts always been so fucking tight or was it just the way they had always fit across your torso, pulling and straining at your chest as if it could barely contain it? Had your lips always been that juicy looking or were you just staying extra hydrated and he only caught you just after taking a drink so that your mouth mimicked another pair of lips that lay much, much lower down your body? You did not let up on your usual behavior of driving him up the goddamn wall, but did you always stand this close to him, brushing up against him randomly and somehow constantly bumping your plump ass on him whenever you bent over? It was believable as only an accident the first time it happened, but after he had to wonder.
And it only infuriated him more that the longer this went on the more he could not get you out of his head.
“Fucking slag, she probably does that shit on purpose just to screw with my head,” he growled angrily. His spine lengthened as he moved to stand up straighter, wiping the stray beads of water that had fallen into his eyes. The idea that had been born that day crept back into that devious mind of his once again and he chuckled maliciously as he indulged it a little. “If I had it my way, I know exactly how I’d like to make a little princess like her come to heel. She would regret ever trying to get my attention, especially when I fucking give it to her.”
Whenever he thought of you before this, it was with his teeth gritted and his fists balled so tight that his short nails cut into the skin of his palms, so what had changed? What right had his mind to pull this bullshit? Sure, the streamlined curves of your hips visible even through your bulky fatigues and the fullness of your perky tits were enough to draw even a lingering eye from time to time, but that was a far as he had allowed it to go until now. Now his thoughts were constantly on traveling back to those soft lips of yours and how he would kill to see how pretty they’d look wrapped around his cock or how he'd like to take you over his knee and spank that taut bare ass of yours until his handprintnwas fully visible, red and angry against your supple skin. Even the thought of your pussy entered his mind as it would probably be so tight it could barely be able to take all that he had to give. Bitchy girls always had the best equipment.
“I’d stuff that little cunt so good, she’d never fucking disobey me again; make that mouth useful for something else other than swearin at me,” he smirked with a flash of his teeth as he could not stop the progress of his thoughts. “I’d keep her dicked down nice and proper until she’s followin me around like a lost pup beggin for a treat.”
Moving his head back so that his thick neck and pecks were now exposed to the water, he could not stop the onslaught of his imagination from drawing out this thought further. Pandora’s box was now open and there was no shutting that shit down. Ghost closed his eyes as he conjured images of the way he’d drag you to his room and rip you out of your fucking shirt, taking those beautiful, soft breasts into his mouth to bite, lick, and suck at the bright pink nipples that would be stiff as his mouth claimed them. Shite, how velvety they would feel between his lips, how pliable they would give in his teeth. He’d make you undress quickly the rest of the way for him under threat of punishment if you didn't follow orders and drag you to the shower to pull you in with him, your naked body slamming up harshly up against the wall of the shower as he overpowered you with his much larger one. He pictured your bare chest, the water flowing over the crest of your breasts as he picked you up just enough that your legs could wrap themselves around his thick torso to secure you to him before he thrust harshly and buried himself within you. What sounds would you make as he plowed through your petals and into your entrance? Would you whimper piteously as you folded like a good little girl; would you cry and swear out loudly as his girth stretch your core to capacity so that anyone within earshot could hear you taking him?
There was so question that he’d fuck you so good, making your back constantly slip and slide around all the damp surfaces as his overwhelming thrusts pounded into your cunt over and over again with a vigor that would not let up until that burning desire that has been building for weeks could finally be satisfied. A shiver ran up his spine as he imagined your finger nails clawing at his back, leaving read, angry marks as you held on for dear life. How they’d sting as the water washed over them; oh, it would hurt so, so good. The brief fantasy left his hand trembling and had his phallus springing to life with a sudden tightness that made him breathless.
This is how it had been since that day, though he had done everything in his power to not touch himself; if he did he knew that would mean his ruin. But that deep ache throbbing down below just between his legs was more than he could handle anymore and now that he had allowed himself to fantasize about what he could have, there was no getting rid of it expect by taking action.
His large hand moved down past the sparse light brown hair that covered his abdominals as it trailed down his body, the skin was already nice and lubricated from the water running its way down the length of him. Taking his lower lip between his teeth he bit down with a whimper as his long, calloused fingers brushed against the tip of his tender, engorged cock before he was able to take it fully into his grasp.
Goddamn what he would have given in that moment to make that fantasy a reality; he would have sold his soul to Satan himself for the feeling of you clenching down around him right now as his own hand paled in comparison to the fabricated assumptions in his mind.
"Fucking bitch, you’ve put me under your spell," Ghost growled in a raspy whisper, as if insulting you would somehow make his desperate need of you any less pathetic to himself.
Putting pressure in his grip he began to rub his length from base to tip in steady, even strokes. Deep, guttural grunts began to fill the bathroom as that beefy forearm worked itself forward and back over and over again. Goddammit he was so hard and tender it almost hurt to touch.
His mind's eye wandered back to visions of you perched on top of him now in his bed, riding him desperately into the scant bit of plushness he called a mattress, as his greedy hands clasped around your hips to force you to bob up and down on his dick as hard and as fast as he wished. Faster and faster he’d make your body work for him, shoving you as far down onto him as he could until your hips were grinding into one another; his perfect fuck toy. You’d be so out of your mind with evstasy, would you be able to form words? No, you’d only be able to muster a few simple mewls as he hit that perfect little button of pleasure inside you time and time again.
“Got you quiet now, yeah,” he groaned desperately at the vision as he licked his hungry lips. “You like that, princess? So fucking full on my cock you can hardly think straight? Come on now, use your words sweetheart. Tell me how much you like it; you’ve never had a problem speaking up before."
The imagined music of your moans emanating from your open mouth from his cock being buried deep within you made his skin tingle like an electrical current. The drawn out strokes from his hand began to become more sloppy as the images continued to flood their way into his thoughts. Again they wandered to conjure even more depraved things as he pictured himself taking control in the moment, grabbing you around the throat and flipping you on your back as he pinned your arms up above your head. He’d hold secure those slender wrists together with just one of his large hands so that he could have free reign to do whatever he wished without your interference. There would not be a single piece of flesh that did not know how he felt.
Ghost’s pace again quicken. “A-ah, fuck….!” he hissed. He was certain you had probably had guys before him, it was obvious a woman like you knew what she wanted, but there would absolutely be no one after; he’d make sure of that by leaving his mark anywhere he thought someone who try to touch.
His breathing faltered along with his strokes as he imagined hurriedly switching positions so that he would not have to pull out for long, propping your legs up on those broad shoulders so that he could push deeper into you down to the very end of his shaft until there was nothing left to give. Oh, the way he knew you would whine and buck against him as he bottomed out inside of you, but there would be no backing out now. That cunt now belonged to him and only him as if it had 'Property of Simon' tattooed across it.
Ghost had to swallow the saliva in his mouth that had gathered from that delicious bit of imagery. “Take it, take it all, sweetheart,” he panted. “Every last goddamn inch like the filthy fucking slag you are. That's it.”
You’d be whimpering, begging him to stop as the tears gathered in the corner of your eyes from the over-stimulation being almost to much to bear. So full, you’d be far too full with him and yet to really stop would be catastrophic as that delicious pressure setting you on a one way course directly towards your immediate release would end and that would be a far worse crime. He knew you wouldn’t want him to do anything except keep the rhythm steady and that is exactly what he intended to do, though he would wipe away a few of those stray droplet’s with his thumb as he continued to plow you; he was a gentlemen at his core after all.
“Look beautiful like this, luv,” he groaned under his breath. “On your back getting absolutely wrecked by me. Cry all you like, you know you can't get enough.”
Again he pounded his free fist into the side of the shower wall, this time from being so close to blowing that he could taste it in the back of his throat. More aggressively he yanked at his cock, the wet, sloppy sounds from skin working over moistened skin were loud and distinct over the sound of the running water from the shower head. That familiar fire was right there in the pit of his stomach as he envisioned the way you’d bear down on him as you came, fluttering around his cock as your orgasm overtook you in a violent burst that threatened to rip you apart.
“That’s it baby, that’s…it,” he stumbled over his words. It was there, right there; just a bit more and he’d be painting the walls.
The envisioned sound of your voice crying out his name in the throws of ecstasy was all he needed to finally finish with a bang. He grunted as the cheeks of his toned ass clenched while he milked every last fucking bit of cum that he could from himself. Knees began wobbling as they nearly buckled out from under him as the intensity of his release took all his strength and he had to brace his forearm against the wall to stop from slipping as the stroking of his hand slowed until it came to a stop. That arm propped up the exhausted mess of a hulking man as he breathed through his orgasm, wanting to ride out every last second he could.
The fruit of his endeavors were rinsed down into the bottom of the shower and were quickly whisked away, removing any evidence of the filthy thoughts that had plagued him minutes before, though their ghost still lingered in the back of his mind as if he had just awoken from a very good dream. There was a part of him that wished that all his desires for you had been sucked down the drain along with his cum, as this was certain to become am issue in a short amount of time, but he knew he would not be that lucky.
He craved you in a most unholy way and that meant at some point this little problem was going to come to a head. There was no telling what would happen to him when he saw you next now that he had entertained the full extent of his fantasies, but one thing he did know was that if there was a way to have you just as he wanted, he would find it...and God fucking help you when he did.
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shortcakesturns · 4 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫: 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧: 𝐘/𝐧, 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 ��𝐞𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡, 𝐲/𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲/𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐢𝐧?
𝐀/𝐍: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏,
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭-𝐢𝐬𝐡, 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞. 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 (𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓)
The lights of the stadium are bright, the sky is a hue of pink and purple. You stand on the turf, the other cheerleaders holding a paper sign for the players to run through. You stand on the side ready to tumble once the music plays, you shake those nerves and lock in. Seeing the amount of people in the crowd made you nervous, and suddenly you snapped out of your thoughts when it’s your cue to tumble right before the boys go.
You feel your self flip in the air, and try your hardest to hit. Within seconds you’ve hit every move and run off to the track before the players can burst through the paper. You watch from afar as they fire themselves up and then you see Matt Sturniolo leading the boys and running towards the paper.
they burst through the paper and the game begins. Tension was elevated due to it being a rival game. The boys stand on the sidelines and the whistle blows.
*your pov*
I turn to face the crowd.
“M-O-V-E!” I yell out the start of the cheer.
“MOVE THAT BALL!” the rest of the cheerleaders join in, repeating this cheer 4 more times before facing the field yet again.
I look around on the sideline and see my boyfriend Brad in his little group, with the star player my enemy Matthew Sturniolo and I roll my eyes and return my eyes to the field.
*3rd person*
Matt stands there waiting to be put in when he overhears brad, “I have news everybody, so I fucked y/n, alright?” Matt glances back then back to the field as players dab brad up. “but that’s not it, so after I had gone to y/ns house I went over to Jamie’s house okay? Fucked that bitch too.” Matt looks back at brad.
“come on man, don’t you think that’s fucked up?” Matt asks.
“nah brother, listen if any of y’all wanna hit that- right back there,” he points to you. “after I break with her tonight, she’s free game.” all of the players hype Brad up as Matt stands there staring at brad blankly, matt glances back to you cheering. As much as he hates you. He can admit that no girl deserves what’s happening to you.
“Brad that’s disgusting, get a life dude.” Matt scoffs and turns to the field again, and brad pulls him to face him.
“why do you care? you hate her.” brad looks confused.
“Because no girl deserves that, I’ve had my fair share of being a player, but I’ve never fucked and dipped, I don’t cheat and as much as I hate her I’m man enough to tell you, that you're fucked up.” Matt looks back at Brad before being pulled into the game by the coach.
Time passes as countless cheers are cheered and your nerves began to go away, we were up 28-26.
Tension was still very high and it was the start of halftime, so you could go walk around and talk to Brad. You leave the track with an adrenaline high, and run to brad giving him a huge hug. Brad had played all 2nd quarter.
*your pov*
“Hey babe, how’s it going out there?” I say in a very bubbly mood, still high off the happiness.
His friends surround him, pat his back laughing, and leave into the locker room.
“it’s pretty good out there? am I gonna see you tonight?” he smiles.
“I don’t know, I have things to do.” I look around and glance at Matt all sweaty and slowly walk towards the locker room.
“Really, so you don’t have time for your boyfriend?” brad begins to get upset.
“I- um I’m sorry.” I look into his eyes, blackened with anger.
Brad grabs my wrist and puts me up against the concrete wall I feel the wind being knocked out of me and a sharp pain.
“your not sorry you bitch.” Brad groans.
“HEY, hey get off her!” Matt runs over, pushing Brad off.
“You don’t touch women like that.” Matt stands in front of me. I begin to walk back to the track and Matt blocks Brad from getting through.
Brad shoves Matt as I’m halfway back to the cheering spot of the track, still visibly shaken. As if it couldn’t get worse I hear Brad walking towards me angrily and I look at the crowd and all eyes are on Brad.
“Brad get away from me.” I put my arms in front of my body as if i’m shielding myself. I hear a loud slam, I look up and see Matt on top of him holding his hands down.
“y/n get the coach, now, run I don’t know how much longer I can hold him.” I nod and sprint towards the locker room, I don’t enter but I open the door and scream for the coach.
“Please, help, Brad is trying to hurt me and Matt is holding him down, please I don’t know how long he can hold off Brad.” I plead as the coach rushes out and spots the two on the field.
Brad and Matt are standing up now landing blows on eachother, I watch in shock as Matt yells out obscenities and the coach pulls him off. Matt has a bloodied lip and all i can do is put my hands over my mouth.
A coach pulls me to the side and asks me what happened while the other holds Matt back as he shouts at Brad still.
After I explain, the coach escorts Brad off the field and the other lets Matt go. Matt walks over to me.
“Listen, I know you don’t like me, I know we’ve been shitty towards each other but I have to tell you, I heard Brad talking about how he fucked Jamie. I get y’all didn’t exactly break up…yet,” Matt looks down and then at me again. “go to homecoming with me tomorrow.”
i’m in shock from Brad cheating and Matt asking me to homecoming. “What??!!” my jaw is on the floor.
“close your mouth before you catch flies, just make him jealous. okay? I’ll pick you up tomorrow.” he nods and then walks away but turns around as he’s a short distance from me. “text me if you need me, I’m sorry, he’s a dick.” he turns back around before I can say anything.
“okay.” I say loud enough for him to hear me.
I began to walk back to my spot to cheer since the game wasn’t over. All I could think about was Matt.
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 2 months
Addison Montgomery x fem! Reader
Could I please have an imagine where the reader is Meredith’s childhood best friend that came to work at Seattle Grace with her. While Meredith is pining for McDreamy her best friend wants McDreamy’s wife. (Imagine all of the hilarious and awkward moments this would result in).
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Hi! I couldn't figure out how to turn this into a oneshot, so I just gave you a shit ton few scenarios!!
Sitting at lunch and getting the whole McDreamy situation out of Meredith and Cristina and Izzie spilling more to you than Meredith
Standing at the nurses station with MAGIC and Addison is on the other side of the station filling out a chart
She has her glasses on.
And her white coat.
And she's wearing black heels with a nice professional dress.
And you can't take your eyes off of her and you lean into Meredith and ask, "Who is that?"
She responds, "McDreamy's wife."
"So, is she into the whole adultery thing too?"
Cristina chimes in, "Considering that's why they seperated, I'd say so."
You can't stop thinking about McMommy Addison for weeks
Then, you're assigned to a case with her.
You get incredibly involved with your patients
Addison admires you so much for it.
"The world needs more doctors like you," she says after a crash C-section.
You ask, "And what do I have?"
"Empathy. You don't see very many doctors who want to get to know their patients. Most of them just see them as something they can cut into."
You're on her service almost every day for the next few months.
Asking Dr. Bailey, "Can't I have another assignment?"
Her responding, "Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd asked for you specifically, take it up with her."
But you didn't want to take it up with her.
At lunch, George brings it up and you say, "Meh, I don't really mind it."
But you start blushing.
And Cristina and Meredith start teasing you.
"Oh, she's got a crush on McDreamy's wife."
"George says, You can't have a crush on her, she's married."
"So is Derek and I still slept with him."
Cristina grins, "No wonder she has you on her service every day. You're her little bitch."
You insist that it's not true.
They continue teasing you until your pager goes off.
"Aw, is it Addison?"
"Give her a kiss for us!"
They continue making kissy faces the entire time you leave.
The first time you two kiss it's after you lost an OB patient.
Both of your emotions are running high.
You're trying to calm yourself down in an on-call room
She comes in and tries to comfort you
"It'll be okay."
"How are you so calm about this?"
"Well, eventually, you learn how to cope. You'll never get used to it, but you'll learn how to cope."
You lift your head off her shoulder and look at her in the eyes
Then your eyes flicker to her lips
And hers do the same
You finally give in and press your lips to hers
She returns the kiss and suddenly both of your scrubs are on the floor
Months of longing looks and pining and private moments in the elevator, you want to make your relationship official, but you know you can't
You're both in an on-call room once again making out
You pull away quickly and stop her
"Addison we shouldn't be doing this"
"What do you mean?"
"You...Addison, you're still married. And until you file for divorce, I can't see you."
She's speechless.
You, Addison, Derek, and Meredith all end up in an elevator together.
But weeks later, she presents divorce papers to Derek
And just a week after that, she shows you the signed papers
You don't know what to say.
"You actually did it? You filed for divorce?"
"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life...but you...you're not one of them."
This is the first time she says 'I love you'.
She gets a nice hotel room for you two that night.
Meredith asks why you aren't going home with them and then it dawns on her
You see that shit eating grin
Izzie and George and Cristina start cooing at you
"Awww, you're officially Addison's bitch."
"I am not Addison's bitch!"
"You so are!
"You'd do anything for her!"
"...Okay, fine, so I'm her bitch."
And it turned out to be a very lovely night.
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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2.2 Major*
Summary: Lily McIntire, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Explicit sexual content Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here (oral (f-receiving), fingering, edging, squirting)
Word Count: 2.9k
Previously On...: You told Lily off, Bucky offered you a ride home on his bike.
A/N: So, my job decided not to renew my contract for the upcoming year, so I've been pissed off, annoyed and frustrated. Please enjoy this extra part today because I could use the extra love <3. Also, it's smut!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
God, you thought as you held on to Bucky a little tighter than was probably appropriate, he felt fucking amazing. Like a marble statue of a Greek god, come to life. You honestly could not believe how well this evening had ended up going, even after your final discussion with Lily. You’d been worried, after you’d said what you said to her, that Bucky would be upset with you for how you talked to his best friend but you quickly realized that, if he was the kind of guy who agreed with her line of thinking, well, then he wasn’t the kind of guy you would be interested in getting to know better, anyway. Thank goodness that didn’t seem to be the case. 
It was colder than you expected for an early September night as you whipped toward the City, and you found yourself pressing into Bucky’s back. You’d been a little disappointed when you saw he’d had a motorcycle instead of a car– it was impossible to actually hold a conversation with him on a bike– but you were more than happy to snuggle up to him like this, instead, and judging by the way his abdominal muscles contracted when you rested your cheek against his upper back, he seemed to be enjoying it, too.
It was about a forty-five minute drive from the bar where you’d met the Avengers to your condo building, and by the time you reached the city limits, it had begun to drizzle. Once Bucky pulled up to your building, it was raining in full force, and the two of you were soaked.
Once you’d both gotten off the bike and secured the helmets, you made a mad dash to the awning of your building. “I’m so sorry,” you said, laughing at how ridiculous you both must look. “If I had known it was going to open up like this, I would have insisted on taking the train.”
Bucky moved a strand of rain-slicked hair away from your face. “I would still have insisted on driving you,” he said with a smile.
You both stared at each other for a moment, and then spoke at the same time: “Can I walk you up?” Bucky asked at the same time you said “Would you like to come up?” You both chuckled.
“I would feel awful, sending you right back out into the rain,” you said as you let the doorman hold your building’s front door open for you both. “Come inside and warm up a little; dry off.”
Bucky swallowed and nodded, following you into the elevator and you noticed him trying, so hard, not to notice the way your erect nipples strained against the wet fabric of your shirt as it clung to your chest.
When you reached your floor, he trailed behind you, gently holding onto the hem of your jacket as he followed you to your door, as if he were afraid of losing you in the hallway. You tried to mentally run through what your condo had looked like before you’d left for the evening. The cleaners had come today while you were at work, and you were fairly sure you hadn’t left anything embarrassing lying around. 
You unlocked the door and slipped inside, Bucky close behind. Locking the door behind you, you turned to face him, watching as he studied the main living room of your home. “This is nice,” he said, taking everything in. 
“Thanks.” You slipped out of your jacket and hung it up on the hook by the door. “Let me get you a towel,” you offered, moving toward your linen closet. 
No sooner had you opened the closet door than the lights in your apartment went out. “Doll?” you heard Bucky call to you from the living room. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” you called back, grateful that your emergency candles were also located in the linen closet. “I’ll be right there.”
Bucky looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows of your living room. “Looks like a good chunk of the neighborhood’s out, too,” he said. “Glad we got off that elevator when we did, otherwise, we’d be stuck in there instead of here.”
You felt your cheeks flush as you brought out the towels and a handful of candles. The idea of being trapped in an elevator for an undetermined amount of time with a man this beautiful would not necessarily have been a bad thing. “Here,” you said, handing Bucky some of the candles. “Will you help me light these?”
You and Bucky worked companionably for the next few minutes, lighting the candles and setting them around the living room until you’d created a warm, glowing perimeter. It would almost have been romantic, if it had been done on purpose. You handed Bucky a towel. “Here you go,” you said, then reached for your phone. “Do you mind if I put on some music?”
“Not at all,” he said, rubbing the towel over his hair. “Put on that band you like; the one that plays that song we danced to.”
You smiled. “Yeah, okay.” You navigated to your music player and opened up your Bleachers playlist, putting it on shuffle. You turned the volume down low enough so that you could comfortably talk over it while still listening to the music. “Can I get you something to drink?” you asked, trying to be a good hostess in spite of the current circumstances.
“I’m good,” Bucky said, taking the towel from his head. You had to suppress a snicker– his hair was going in every direction.
“What?” he asked, a small frown playing across his lips.
“Nothing,” you said, trying not to giggle. “You just look like an adorable drowned rat. Come here.” You started walking toward Bucky, and he toward you, until you met each other in the middle of your living room floor. “Let me,” you said, taking the towel from him and running it across his hair again. He bent down to allow you easier access to the top of his head, and when you pulled your hands away, he looked up at you through his lashes, stealing your breath with how beautiful he was in the candlelight. 
“Thank you, again,” you swallowed, “for driving me home.” Before he could reply, you stood up on your tiptoes and planted a kiss to the corner of his mouth. The action seemed to catch you both by surprise, because you each froze. There was a sudden shift in the air, a coiled tension; it was like suddenly, you both knew what was about to happen between you. You knew what was going to happen, and that it was inevitable. 
“I… don’t ever do this,” you whispered, lips so close to his face that they were fluttering against his skin. 
“Me, either,” he told you, his voice gone husky. “We don’t have to, if you don’t want to. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“I want to,” you said softly, your voice barely audible. “Really badly.”
“Me, too. So bad.”
You weren’t sure who reached for who first, but in an instant, his hands were on your waist, yours around his neck as your mouths found one another. He tasted like a hint of bourbon as his tongue made its way into your mouth, and you moaned as he pressed his hips against yours. 
“Major,” he groaned, moving his lips from your mouth, down your neck, and to the covered peaks of your breasts. He sucked at a hardened nipple through the fabric of your drenched shirt and you arched your back, pressing your flesh further into his mouth. “Fuck,” he moaned. 
“Please, Bucky,” you heard yourself whine desperately as he continued to suckle on you through your shirt. “Oh fuck, please.”
He pulled his mouth away from your breast. “‘Please,’ what, pretty girl? You gotta tell me what you want with your words.”
His tone was so seductive, so commanding, that you felt yourself getting wetter by the second. “Please… touch me, Sergeant,” you begged, taking his hand and putting it between your legs. “Everywhere.” You found his mouth with yours once again, and could feel him smirk into your lips as he kissed you.
“When you ask so nicely, doll…” he said, and you felt his hands grasp the hem of your shirt, tugging it up over your torso. You raised your arms above your head to assist him in removing it, and you stood before him, top completely bare.
“Fuck,” he groaned, reaching out a hand to grab and knead at the soft mound of your breast. “You’re fucking gorgeous.”
You took a fistful of his shirt in your hand as you kissed him again, gently guiding you both down to the floor until he had himself propped up on one elbow above you. “Off,” you panted, pawing at his shirt, trying to pull it over his head, but Bucky hesitated. 
“What is it?” you asked gently, when it was obvious he was reluctant. 
Bucky avoided looking you in the eye. “I’ve got… scars,” he said, embarrassment written across his face. “They’re… they’re not pretty.”
You leaned up to kiss him. “Do any of them keep your dick from working?” you asked.
Bucky barked a startled laugh. “...No.”
“Then take your clothes off, Sergeant,” you said, smiling at him. “That’s a direct order.” 
“Ma’am, yes Ma’am.” Grinning, Bucky leaned back on his haunches and tugged his shirt over his head. If you’d had a cock, it would have sprung to attention at the sight of his muscles, the six pack that rippled across his stomach, the Adonis belt that pointed to unseen delights still to be revealed. You barely even noticed the ragged lines of scar tissue along his shoulder.
That was, however, until you caught the reflection of the candlelight in the metal of his left arm. That was unexpected, you thought to yourself, but by no means a dealbreaker. You bit your bottom lip as you studied him. Despite the scars and his obvious prosthesis, you couldn’t help but think he was perfect.
You reached down to the buttons of your jeans and began undoing them, desperate to get them off your body and him into it. 
“Let me help you, doll,” Bucky said. With swiftness but exquisite care, he rolled your pants down. You lifted your hips to assist him and he gently shimmied the wet fabric off of you, until he was pulling one leg off, then the next, leaving you in just a pair of pink lace panties. You squirmed slightly under his appraising gaze before he hooked his index fingers into either side of the waistband of your underwear and began to–agonizingly slowly– pull them down your thighs. 
When he’d moved them all the way down your legs, he fisted the material in his metal hand, bringing it up to his nose and inhaling. “God,” he moaned as he palmed himself through the jeans he was still wearing. “You smell divine, doll.”
His words sent another rush of wetness seeping from you, and you were convinced you were going to leave a puddle on the floor if he didn’t do something to you soon. “Bucky,” you moaned.
Tossing your panties aside, Bucky leaned forward and, placing one hand on each of your knees, slowly spread your legs open until you were fully on display before him. Suddenly self-conscious, you tried to close your legs, but Bucky stopped you with a hungry look. “Please don’t, doll,” he whispered as he looked up at you through his lashes. “You’re so fucking beautiful… I just wanna look at you a minute.”
You closed your eyes and let out a shaky exhale as Bucky positioned himself between your legs, lowering himself down so that he was lying on his stomach, his face mere inches from your center. He ran a hand along the inside of each of your legs, from your knees to your thighs, and you gasped at the difference in temperature and sensation– one soft and warm, the other hard and cold. When he reached the apex, he tucked a thumb on either side of your outer folds and ran them up your slit, opening you to him like a fresh, ripe peach.
“So gorgeous,” he murmured, and you could feel the breath of his words hot against your core. “I need to take a taste, doll,” he whispered, and before you could fully prepare yourself, his mouth was on you. Your hips immediately bucked at the hot contact, his large hands continuing to spread you wide as his tongue explored you.
“Fuck,” you gasped, trying not to vibrate out of your skin with the pleasure of it all. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh my god! Don’t stop.”
Bucky pulled his mouth away from you just enough to murmur “Wouldn’t dream of it, doll,” before diving in again. His mouth was magic as he worked you, from nipping and sucking on your clit, to thrusting his tongue in and out of you, to gently nibbling the sensitive skin of your engorged outer lips. Everything he did was heaven, and you felt your orgasm building with rapid speed.
“Oh, shit,” you cried as his tongue lapped at your weeping hole. “Oh shit, Bucky, I’m gonna cum!”
He pulled his mouth away from you, leaving you gasping at the lack of contact. “Not yet, doll,” he said with a filthy grin. “Not yet.”
He proceeded to play you with his mouth, as if you were an instrument and he was a world class musician, but he wouldn’t let you cum. Every time you got close, he would back off, taking you just far enough before pulling you back from the ledge. It was frustrating the shit out of you, but it was magnificent. You had never been edged so well in your entire life.
Finally, finally, after what felt like hours, it was too much. You needed to cum or you felt like you were going to die. “Bucky,” you cried, pressing the heels of your hands into your eye sockets and feeling the space wet with tears. “Bucky, please! Please, let me cum! I need it, Bucky! Need it so fucking bad!” 
His tongue found your clit again, dancing circles over the sensitive nub, and you felt one of his hands let go of you, only to have two of his thick fingers sliding into your entrance with no resistance. He finger fucked you while he sucked on your clit, and the combined sensation, after all the edging, was driving you crazy. “Holy fuck,” you whimpered. “So close.”
Almost as if taking your words as a challenge, Bucky curved his fingers inside of you, dragging them again and again against your g-spot until you were gasping. The pressure was so intense; you’d never felt anything like it before– not once in all your married years had your ex-husband ever brought you anywhere close to where Bucky had brought you in one night.
You were a kettle, about to boil over; a caldera long overdue for its world-ending eruption. You were ecstasy personified, and he hadn’t even brought you to climax yet.
And then, you exploded, screaming his name so loudly you were worried your neighbors would call the police. 
It was a release unlike any you had ever felt before– a double shot of pleasure, and you were positive that, for a moment, you lost consciousness, or at the very least, your soul had temporarily vacated your body. When you came back to yourself, Bucky was leaning over your face, grinning from ear to ear.
“Did you know you were gonna do that, doll?” he asked as he bent down to kiss you. You could taste the tang of your arousal on his tongue, along with something else, undefinable and unique.
“D-do w-what?” you asked, your own voice sounding shaky and far away. Your whole body was trembling, the aftershocks of the orgasm pulsating through you. 
Bucky lied down next to you, pulling your naked, sweat-slicked body into his, and wrapping his arms around you. “You squirted all over my face, doll! It was the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen!”
You laughed through chattering teeth. “I’ve… ne-never d-d-done that be-before,” you said. “F-fuck.”
“I’ll say.” Bucky nuzzled his nose into your hair. “Are you okay? Do you need me to get you something? A glass of water? A blanket?”
You shook your head. “Ju-just ne-ne-need a mi-mi-minute to c-come b-b-back int-t-to my b-b-b-body,” you said. “H-h-hold m-me? P-p-p-please?”
“Yeah, of course, doll,” he said, pulling you closer into him. He reached up and pulled a throw blanket off of the arm of your couch, wrapping it snuggly around you both, and you felt yourself relax into the warmth of him.
“Y-you d-d-didn’t c-c-cum,” you said, feeling the trembling decrease, but not ready to stop all together. “I’m s-sorry.”
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart,” Bucky said, kissing your head. “Watching you come undone like that? I fucking came in my pants like a goddamn teenager. It was unbelievable.” His tone turned serious. “Did you like it? Was it okay?”
Using all the energy you had left in your body, you turned to face him, noticing the concerned look in his eye in the candlelight. “Th-that w-w-was the s-single b-b-best org-a-asm of m-my entire f-f-fucking life.” You kissed him again, desperately clinging to his forearm to ground you. “Th-th-thank you.”
Bucky smiled. “If you don’t mind, then,” he said, burying his face into your shoulder, “I’d like to give you a couple more before morning, if that’s okay with you?”
“Sh-sh-shit,” you laughed. “Y-y-yes p-please.”
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A mother’s love (is unlike any other)
Author’s Note: I’m a person who suffers from GAD and this fic is entirely based off of my experience with this disorder. Everybody’s experience is different and this piece of material is not meant to disrespect anybody else’s journey or struggles. Enjoy🤍
Summary: You are Emily’s sixteen year old daughter and you’ve not been feeling well for a while so you’ve sought out Tara’s help. You see her twice a month behind Emily’s back, until you decide that it’s time you talk to her.
TW: self harm, GAD, panic attack, panic disorder.
You sneak into the BAU like you’ve been doing for the past three months. Almost every week, your mother, Emily Prentiss, being the Section Chief of the behavioral analysis unit has a meeting with her higher ups regarding her team. You know because every time she comes home bitching about the ‘entitled white pricks’ that make her life a living hell.
When that day is to come you and Tara, your mother’s colleague, text each other and set a therapy appointment for the hour Emily will be stuck in a conference room being bored out of her mind. Thankfully, those meetings tend to happen every Tuesday, a day where you first period at school is free and therefore you have the choice not to go until the second period is meant to start.
You pass the security, Jeff greeting you with a smile while passing you your visitor’s badge and you smile back passing him back a coffee. They have a silent agreement; so long as she brings him coffee he does not let her mother know of her whereabouts. You’ve made sure to dress in a way where you could blend in — stealing clothes of your mother’s, old pairs of jeans and shirts that she doesn’t wear anymore but used to wear when she was younger, a blouse and a leather jacket— and you go unnoticed every time.
You get off the elevator on floor below the BAU and then take the stairs, avoiding coming face to face with any other members of your mother’s team that could recognize you. You climb up the flight of stairs, open the door at the end of them and quickly look right and left as agents pass in front of her in a hurry. You notice Tara leaning up against a wall checking her phone and you start approaching her.
The moment the woman spots you she stands up a little straighter and a smile graces her features. You take quick steps towards her and you do a little happy dance on the inside, having accomplished yet again the mission of sneaking into the FBI headquarters undetected.
But that is not the case today.
You are only a few feet away from Tara when someone rounds a corner and you bump right into them. “Watch it!” They say in a harsh, exhausted tone.
“I’m sorry.” You respond and then look up. “Mom.” You squeak out as your mother’s brown eyes pierce through your own.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” She asks you confused, until worry settles on her face. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“No, no, I’m okay.” You reply quickly, stealing glances with Tara who also knows that you are utterly screwed.
“Alright.” Your mom says, relief washing over her, but confusion remaining a dominant emotion in her features. “Then what are you doing here?”
“I…” you start, words failing both you and Tara who just shakes her head in something that resembles fear. You cannot blame her, your mother can be a rather scary individual.
The woman behind your mother clears her throat, making her presence known to her boss. “She is here to surprise you, isn’t that right, y/n?” Tara says and your mom looks back and forth between the two of you.
“Surprise me.” She repeats, looking into your soul and making you heart beat faster than it does when you run laps in gym class.
You nod your head furiously. “Surprise you, yes. And you ruined it.” You day with a chuckle. “I thought, we could have breakfast together, you know?” Tara presses her lips together and you resist the urge to scowl at her. You know the excuse is lame but you’ve never been good at improvisation. Or lying to your mother.
“You drove all the way to Quantico, on a school day, to have breakfast with me.” The raised eyebrow that is borderline reaching her hairline lets you know that you’ve been caught on the lie.
However, you hold on to false hope. “Yeah, I mean, do you even remember the last time we had breakfast together?” You scoff. “I sure don’t.”
She nods her head, pursing her lips, and suddenly she reminds you of that one Meryl Strip movie where she plays that woman running a magazine and you feel like Anne Hathaway on her first day working for her.
She looks back at Tara who just shrugs at her. Your mom looks to her left and opens the door to the office you and Tara usually have your sessions. “In here. Now.” She says, her voice not leaving room for arguments.
“I’m just gonna-” Tara starts, but your mom doesn’t let her get away with it, either.
“You,” she says looking at Tara in a way that must be even scarier than her usual because Tara cannot even look her in the eye, “are not going anywhere. Get in here.”
You both enter and Tara scowls at you. “Breakfast?” She whispers. “That’s the best you got?”
“You said she had a meeting.” You whisper back.
Behind you, your mom slams the door shut and locks it before turning around, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at the both of you waiting for an explanation. “I can stand here and wait for either one of you to talk. I’ve got nothing better to do.” She lets you know and she means business.
You look at Tara for help, hoping that she can get you out of this. “You know I can’t lie.” Tara tells you I’m that gentle soothing tone she uses in your sessions. “But I won’t talk unless I have your permission.”
“Why do you need her permission?” Your mom asks with a frown.
You look between Tara and your mom and you can feel the panic rising in your chest. It starts with something the size of the iceberg that hit the titanic settling on your chest, making your breathing shallow. Your breaths are quick and shallow, your heart is beating approximately a hundred and fifty beats per minute, your ears have started ringing and your vision is getting blurry. Everything starts to go numb, starting with your fingers and slowly spreading throughout your body and then you are paralyzed.
You can feel two pairs of hands moving you to sit and as your ass hits the couch, feeling comes back to your limbs and you realize you’ve stopped breathing. You suck in a breath and look around in panic and you can see your mother saying something, trying to get your attention.
“Emily, with all due respect, either shut up or get out.” You hear Tara say before turning her attention back to you. “Y/n, look at me, focus on my voice.” She says and you try your damn best to do so. “Good job, honey, now breathe.” She says and counts to five as you breathe. “And out.” She says, counting to five once again.
She makes you repeat that same exercise ten times, just to make sure that your breathing is normal and you are significantly calmer than a few minutes ago. And you do. Your pulse is back to a normal rhythm, your legs and hands are no longer tingly and your vision is no longer covered by tiny black spots.
“Touch your fingers with your thumbs.” Tara instructs you and only now you notices that she is a crouched down in front of you on the couch.
You lift your hands slightly and while your movements are shaky you manage to do the simple task you were assigned. You repeat it as many times as it takes for the trembling to stop and only when it does you dare look over to your mother.
Tears gather in your eyes as you see her wet face and the hand covering her mouth to keep you from noticing her quivering lip. “Mama?” You manage to let out.
She’s by your side right away, sitting down next to you and wrapping her arms around you, enveloping you in a ‘mama bear hug’ as you two call them. She kisses your temple, runs her hand up and down your arm and whispers lovingly in your ear that ‘you’re gonna be okay’ and ‘I love you’.
“I’m sorry.” You say with your face buried in her shoulder, soaking her shirt with your tears. “I’m so sorry, mama.” You say again and she holds you tighter against her.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, my little angel, you hear me?” She says, a tear falling from her chin to your head. “Nothing.” She repeats and kisses the top of your head.
“Y/n, do you wanna talk to your mom alone or do you want me to stay?” Tara asks.
You raise you head from your mother’s shoulder and wipe your face from the tears with the sleeve of your blouse. “Give us a few minutes?” You ask. “I’ll text you to come in if I need you.”
Tara nods and stands up. “Of course.” She says.
As she walks to the door you stop her before she can open it. “Tara?” You hear yourself saying. She turns her head and looks at you over her shoulder. “Thank you.” You say.
Tara smiles at you. “Any time mini Prentiss.” She winks and walks out, closing the door behind her.
You scoot away from your mom, creating some space between the two of you and at the same time bracing yourself for the conversation that’s about to happen. “Honey, what is going on?” She asks reaching out and taking on of your hands in hers.
You don’t pull away and instead hold onto it as if it’s your lifeline. “I-” you pause because this is not an easy things to say and you are certain that it’s not going to be easier for your mother to hear. “I hurt myself.” You finally admit. “A while ago.”
Your mother’s eyes immediately fill with tears at this. “You attempted-”
You are quick to stop her. “No, I didn’t attempt anything.” You say. “But I have been feeling overwhelmed, more than usual. It feels as though my brain travels faster than light does and I tried so many things to make it stopped but nothing worked.” You swallow the lump in your throat and your mom squeezes your hand, prompting you to continue. “So I resulted to self harm. It was the only thing that worked. It was the only thing that allowed me a few moments of peace and quiet from everything that has been going on in my head.”
She nods, wiping away a few stray tears with her free hand. “Are you still doing it?”
You shake your head. “I haven’t self harmed for almost a month now.” You admit, proudly.
She smiles at you. “I’m really proud of you.” She says. “For telling me, for finding the strength to stop, for asking for help.” She brings your hand up to her lips and kisses it. “My sweet angel, why didn’t you come to me right away?” She asks you.
You sigh, because you are still searching for the answer to that question. “I don’t know.” You respond. “I guess Tara seemed like the easiest choice. I guess I wanted to know what’s wrong with me first before I worried you.”
She chuckles at that and shakes her head. “Honey, I’m your mom. Worrying at all times for everything in the job description.”
You giggle at that. “So you are not mad?” You ask, your voice coming out small and scared while your eyes wander around the room.
“Hey, look at me.” She says, placing her free hand under your chin and turning your head gently so it’s facing her. “I could never be mad at you for something like this.” She assures you. “It’s not something you can control, sweetie.”
You scoff. “I know that now.” You say and she chuckles at the hints of your attitude resurfacing again. Hints of an attitude that matched her own.
“So,” she asks, “what did Tara say? Is there a diagnosis?”
You sigh. “Generalized Anxiety Disorder and panic disorder. I was planning on telling you soon, because Tara wants to start me on medication.”
She nods. “Okay, why don’t you text her to come in here so we can discuss it?”
You take out your phone and shoot her a text.
You: She wants to talk. Can’t believe you told her to shut up. She’s gonna kill you.
Tara: I am scared.
You: Just teasing. She’s cool.
Tara: She’s turned you into an exact replica of her.
You: Thanks!
Tara: It wasn’t a compliment.
You laugh and put your phone back in your pocket. “She’ll be here shortly.” You inform your mother. “Go easy on her, alright? I asked her to keep it between and she was under doctor-patient confidentiality. I could sue her.”
She laughs before hugging you once again, this time not a hug of hurt and worry but a hug of love and relief. “I love you so much my little angel.” She says.
You smile. “Love you, too, mom.”
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You hate each other, right? (Tierna Davidson x Reader)
This wasn't requested or something I actually planned to write, but writers block is a bitch. Titles are hard, this isn't edited and I don't think this is very good, but here it is. Hope you enjoy :)
I'm going to try work on my actual wips so we'll see how that goes.
Warnings: None that I can think of, but let me know if I need to add anything.
Words: 4k
Tierna and I had always had a strained relationship. By that I meant we absolutely hated each other for years. Honestly, seeing as many many years had passed, we could barely remember what had caused the problem in the first place. Something to do with an injury or something.
Everything between us had changed one day when our argument ended in making out instead of shouting like normal. It seemed that over the years the hatred had turned to romantic feelings on both sides. After the kiss, there was lots of awkwardness and avoiding each other until I finally just asked her out one day when we were alone in the elevator. We had decided to keep everything on the downlow as first so we could learn how to have a relationship that didn't involve fighting or hatred. It wasn't actually that difficult because I quickly became addicted to everything Tierna. If her clinginess was anything to go off, then it was safe to say that Tierna felt the same.  
To keep everyone from getting suspicious, the last couple of months we had kept our outside relationship the same. There were glares, not talking to each other, and scoffs when the other spoke. The mean comments we used to make had pretty much stopped now. I couldn't bring myself to say anything bad about her, not when I was falling for her faster than I could keep up. If anyone ever asked, I just couldn't be bothered with it anymore. 
We had just gotten back from training. Tierna and I were glaring at each other as always while Emily stood between us as a kind of buffer. Tierna and I were sharing a room like we had been for the most part of the year. It was the teams way of trying to get us to get along. Little did they know how well that actually worked.
The glares lasted until the door closed behind us, finally away from the prying eyes of our team mates. Tierna turned, soft smile replacing the scowl as she fell into my arms. My hand slipped under her shirt, nails scratching along her back as she sighed, kissing my neck softly. 
"You okay love?"
"Just tired and I missed you today."
"I was with you the whole day."
"Well yeah, but I couldn't touch you let alone look at you nicely. I was craving cuddles all day."
"I'm sorry, we have the rest of the evening to cuddle."
"We have team bonding tonight though." Tierna pouted, moving to find comfy clothes. I groaned at the lack of contact, moving to wrap my arms around her waist. She gently shrugged me off, moving away from me. It was a clear sign she was upset about something. I lay on the bed, allowing her space to change and decide if she wanted to come to me or not.
Tierna sat on the other bed for a few minutes scrolling through her phone before she sighed, throwing it back on the bed and walking over to me. I opened my arms, letting her lay on top of me, head resting against my neck. "I don't want to pretend to hate you anymore. It's exhausting, I hate that I can't even smile at you when we're around them, I can't run to you during games or hold your hand or be close to you like I need when I'm tired, nervous or down."
"Okay. Well, we can start being friends in front of them."
Tierna looked up at me, "Yeah?"
"If that's what you want. I'm sorry that we haven't been able to do any of that stuff. It's not that I don't want to, trust me I hate it as much as you do if not more. All I ever want to do is be with you, my favourite thing in this world is your cuddles. I would prefer to keep our relationship to ourselves for a bit longer though."
I had always preferred to keep my relationships more private, but it was also in part because we constantly got roomed together in attempt to make us get along. I wasn't ready to have that change yet. Not just because I liked sleeping in the same bed with my girlfriend, but also because I hated change. It wouldn't be a big deal if my roommate changed pretty much every camp, that didn't happen so I had gotten used to Tierna and our routine. I dreaded that changing.
"Thank you. I'll just be happy with a smile or maybe a hug every now and then. There's no pressure to tell them about us, whenever you're ready I'm ready. I know you're scared about your routine changing and we'll protect that for as long as we can. And if or when it does, I've got you. Always."
I brushed a piece of hair out of her face, soft smile making it's way onto my face. We hadn't said the three big words yet, but I had known for a while that I was in love with her. Everything with her was warm, comforting, safe. "I love you T."
A grin made it's way onto her face before she kissed me deeply, "I love you Y/n."
It had been two weeks since we had agreed to be more friendly. We had decided to slowly start being more friendly so it wouldn't be suspicious. At first it was just stopping the glares and actually saying a few words that weren't mean or snarky. Now we had decided smiles and maybe some proper conversations were the next step.
We were at breakfast, Tierna sat at the table across the room while I sat with Emily and Rose. I hated that she was sat away from me, but unfortunately it had always been that way. Tierna sent a small smile my way. I sent a small smile back managing to stop the grin trying to escape. Emily and Rose followed my eyeline, confusion covering their faces when they noticed it was Tierna I was smiling at. I just shrugged going back to eating my breakfast. 
My peace only last a few minutes until Emily spoke up, "So have you and T have worked things out? There seems to be less glares, more smiles."
"I guess so. We actually talked a couple of weeks ago and could barely remember why we didn't like each other. We're trying to be friends."
"Finally. Maybe we'll all be able to be in the same room peacefully."
Over the rest of camp, the smiles and conversation became more frequent. The confusion or shock that covered the teams face for the first week was hilarious. Thankfully, after the initial shock, they seemed to back off their nosiness a bit. They seemed to realise we were more friendly without their prying eyes. It was nice though, being able to actually look at Tierna or be around her even if I couldn't touch her much.
Camps had always been one of my favourite things. I loved being around the girls, just getting to train and mess around. This time though, I almost wanted to just leave. Since Tierna and I were becoming 'friends', we had finally been roomed with different people. We had only been at camp for two days and my nerves were through the roof. They had been since I arrived. It wasn't what I was used to and I wasn't entirely sure how to cope with it. My whole routine had been disrupted without warning. The team knew I didn't like change, but I guess no one really thought this was something that would affect me too bad.
Training had finished an hour ago, dinner and team bonding weren't for a few hours and I was stuck on my bed fidgeting with my fingers. Alyssa sat down next to me, nudging my shoulder gently, "Are you okay Y/n?" 
"Yeah, yeah I'm okay."
"I call bullshit."
A sigh slipped out as my head rest against her shoulder. I didn't have the energy to pretend to be okay, "I love you Lys, really I do, but I hate this."
"Hate what?"
"Not rooming with Tierna. I know I used to not like it and we only just recently became friends, but that's what I was used to. For months, we had our routine, it didn't change much if at all. Just a bit of extra talking. Even then I knew what to expect. Now, it's all changed without warning and I don't think I'm coping very well with it."
"So, it's not just because you don't get to share with your girlfriend anymore?"
My head flew up, every muscle in my body tensing, "What?"
"Relax, I'm the only one that knows. I saw you guys making out in a hidden corner of the stadium when I took a wrong turn. You two are obviously pretending you're not great friends and hiding it for a reason. I haven't and won't tell anyone."
"Thank you Lys. I wish this was just because of that, but it's not. I don't deal with change very well at all. I like my routine and now it's completely different. If we hadn't been forced to room together for months, no routine would be formed and it wouldn't be this bad."
"I'm sorry that you were forced into a routine then forced out of it. We can see how you go for a couple of days and if it's not getting better then we can talk to coach and see if we can switch."
I smiled, accepting the hug she offered. It wasn't Tierna, but it was a close second. "I'm not mad at the forced rooming. I mean, T and I wouldn't be together without it. This is one of the reasons we haven't told anyone, to try hold onto my routine."
Much to my confusion, there was a light knock at the door. As far as I knew, everyone was hanging out in their rooms before dinner. My head buried in my hands, really not up for visitors as Alyssa went to open the door. Arms wrapped around me, my head resting against a stomach before the unmistakable smell of Tierna filled my senses. "Before you ask, Alyssa messaged saying you could use me so here I am."
"Thank you Lys."
"Always. I'm going to go for a walk, see you at dinner."
Tierna guided me to lie on the bed, cuddled up against her. It was probably the first time since camp started that I fully relaxed. "Love you T."
"I love you. I know this is difficult, but at least with Alyssa knowing we have more of a chance to see each other."
"Are you okay Y/n?" Christen asked as her and Alex sat on either side of me. I knew the team were getting concerned at how withdrawn I was and I appreciated they cared. However, getting asked multiple times a day if I was okay, was getting on my nerves.
"I'm fine." I snapped, retying my boots for the fourth time. 
I knew I was being grumpy, but I couldn't help it. This whole routine change had messed with everything, especially my sleep. I was tired and stressed, trying to adjust and create a new routine. It wasn't working very well, but I was trying not to show it much. I didn't want to seem childish or be judged for my lack of adaptability. Tierna was trying her best to help, there wasn't much she could do beside comfort me. Alyssa had also been understanding, not taking my discomfort personally. There wasn't much she could do either though.
Alex and Christen gave me a look before pulling me away from everyone else, "Talk to us."
I sighed, burying my face in my hands, everything that had been happening spilling out. They let me talk, not saying anything until they were sure I was done. Christen rest her hand on my shoulder, squeezing slightly. "We get you're trying to tough it out, to adapt, but you could have told us before it got this bad. It's well known you don't do well with change and I guess we didn't think much of this since you had different room mates in the past. We'll talk to coach and see if you can change rooms assuming it's okay with Tierna and Rose."
"I'll be fine, I'll get over it."
"No, we need you to be at your best. So we'll talk to coach after practice."
"Thank you. Before you say it, I know I will need to get over it at some point. I won't always be able to have Tierna as a roommate. I'm working on it, my therapist is helping. I just think the lack of warning and no time to mentally prepare didn't help."
"We'll never tell you to get over it Y/n/n, but we are glad you're trying. We hate seeing you like this, we just want you to be okay."
Later that night when I finally made it back to my room after being dragged to hangout with Emily, I found Tierna lying on my bed, book in hand. I straddled her waist, kissing her forehead then nose and lips. "Well hello."
"Alyssa is rooming with Rose. I think you need an early night, you look exhausted."
"I think you're right. Sleep hasn't been easy the last few days."
Tierna: I'm thinking it's time for a date day. Sneak out with me? 
Y/n: Don't have to ask me twice. I'm going to head back to the room to change, meet me there?
Tierna: Perfect, can't wait x
After making the excuse of planning to spend the day relaxing in the room, I slipped out of the meal room to get changed and meet Tierna. It wasn't unusual for me to spend a day or two at camp alone to recharge so I knew it wouldn't cause any concern aside from a text or two. 
Soft lips landed against mine as soon as Tierna entered the room. "Hello to you too."
Tierna pecked my lips, "There was not enough of that this morning."
"Well if you had woken up when I tried then there would have been more kissing time."
"It's an off day, what's the point in waking up early?"
"Make out time."
"Whatever. I was thinking, we shower and make out more, then check out that book shop you were talking about. I didn't think about what else, but we can get lunch and there is a beach not far from here." 
My arms wrapped around her waist, kissing her forehead. There hadn't been a lot of time to ourselves so I was very excited to spend the day with her. "Sounds incredible. I'm sure we can find some lowkey stuff to do. Could you imagine the shit we would get if the team found out about this from social media?"
"Shit, I didn't even think about that. Sneaky date day it is!"
As per Tiernas plan she dragged me into the shower, spending more time with her lips attached to me than actual shower activities. Not that I was complaining in the slightest. Tierna and I spent a lot more time in the room than originally planned, it being almost lunch time when I finally dragged Tierna out of the hotel. 
We spent a while exploring the little book shop, taking our time looking at the different books and stealing kisses behind the book shelves. It was risky, we both knew it, but at the same time I was having too much fun with her to care. Though we weren't doing anything overly exciting, just getting to spend some alone time with the girl I loved was enough for it to be the most fun I had in a while. Spending time with the team was always fun, but it didn't compare to spending time with Tierna. 
After finally dragging ourselves away from the book shop, we got sushi deciding to eat in the park. Thankfully, there weren't that many people and we managed to find a relatively secluded area. 
At the start of the day, we had very much intended on actually doing things. However, we ended up spending quite a while lying on the grass at the park just talking. Since the start of our relationship, most of our time would be spent talking. At first it was getting to know each other properly, then it was just something we enjoyed. Tierna was one of the only people besides Emily that I could spend hours talking and not get bored. I never was much of a talker, but I actually looked forward to our talking time. Between games, training, meetings, and spending time with the team, we hadn't had a lot of time to just talk. Despite rooming together, by time we fell into bed, we were just ready to sleep. 
Eventually we dragged ourselves up, making our way slowly to the beach, stopping at a few shops along the way. We walked along the beach, finding a hidden away part near the end. Tierna settled between my legs, back against my front as I nuzzled my face into her neck, "You're beautiful T. I've never been more grateful for our meddling teammates. I love you."
"I love you. This is something I never saw happening, but I would never want anything else. And I would never admit to them how thankful I am for their part in this."
"Oh never in a million years will I admit that to them. Thank you for today T, it's probably one of the best days I've had in a while."
"Really? We pretty much talked all day which is not what I planned."
"My love, any day I spend with you is amazing. Maybe it wasn't what you planned, but I don't care T. I love just talking to you and with how little time we've had together lately today was amazing. I love you, I loved today so please stop feeling bad like I know you are."
Tierna turned to look at me, not saying anything for a second while her eyes roamed my face. Probably making sure I was telling the truth. She pecked my cheek before whispering, "How did I get so lucky with you?" 
"You didn't hit me when I kissed you that night."
"Didn't even cross my mind. I think by that point I was starting to realise that maybe I didn't hate you like I thought."
"Looking back you were blushing a lot around me then. No different to now I guess. You're just better at hiding it around the team."
My forehead was pushed back, Tierna pouting while I tried to stifle my laugh. She was adorable when she pouted. "Shut up asshole. Speaking of the team, we should probably head back soon." 
Unfortunately for us, a few of the girls were lingering in the lobby and not at dinner like we had anticipated. The thought to hide was quickly pushed away when they all turned to look at us. "Where have you two been? We came to get you for dinner, but obviously you weren't there."
I had checked social media a few times just to make sure there wasn't any thing about us since a few people had stopped us for pictures. Thankfully, nothing had been posted yet and if it was the pictures were all innocent so I knew it was safe to make up a little lie. "We just went for a walk."
Emily pulled me into a headlock, normally I could get out of her hold pretty easily, but I was tired and not really in the mood. "Where was my invite? You know you're bestfriend incase you've forgotten."
My eyes rolled automatically, finally managing to push her away, "Em, stop being dramatic. It was a very last minute thing, not some conspiracy to leave you out. You are and will always be my bestfriend."
"Yeah whatever. I don't think you two willingly spending time together without killing each other will ever get old."
"Maybe not, but your comments already are. Now isn't there dinner then team bonding?"
The game was almost over when Tierna ended up on the ground due to a miss timed tackle. She didn't get up straight away and I saw red. Before I even fully realised what was happening, my hands were on the chest of the player who took Tierna down, pushing her back multiple times. 
"Are you fucking stupid? You could hav-" 
Arms gripped mine, pulling me back and finally snapped me out it. "Y/n, Y/n stop."
My arms went up in surrender, walking back to Tierna before I could do something stupid again. I knew I had gotten a yellow card, but the only thing that mattered was Tierna. I wanted so badly to hold her hand to comfort her properly, but I knew I couldn't. Instead I squeezed her shoulder gently, relief washing through me when she finally got up. 
Everyone stared at us as Tierna and I walked into the locker room. I knew it was coming, I had just hoped it would be a few of the older ones and not everyone. Christen gave me a pointed look, Alyssa and Alex joining in.  "What the hell was that Y/n?"
I shrugged, avoiding eye contact. I wouldn't say I regretted it because I wasn't sure I did. Though, I had likely disappointed them, something I hated doing. "I lost my temper."
"You never lose your temper Y/n. You don't even lose your temper when I go down and I'm your best friend. Yet you lose your temper when someone you're barely friends with gets tackled." Emily stated, arms crossed. There was no way they would let this go, it was definitely out of character for me. I had always been a calm person, never violent or short tempered. The look Tierna gave me told me she was thinking the same. This was it.
My arm wrapped around Tierna's shoulder, pressing a light kiss to her temple, "Well, become my girlfriend and apparently I will."
"You're what!?! You're fucking with us."
Questions and statements were fired our way, everyone shocked and confused how we were dating given the way we acted. "Shut up." Once everyone was quiet, I spoke again, "Yes we are together. We have been for about 9 months. We kept our same dislike or barely friend act so we could keep it between us for a while. We needed to work out how we worked together after actually not liking each other for a long time. It was nice in our little bubble. And before you ask, no I wasn't not coping with the different room assignments because of it, my routine changed suddenly and my brain didn't like that. That should answer your questions, can I shower now?"
They looked at us in disbelief before I just walked away knowing we would be hit with more questions later. Tierna pecked my lips before going to her own shower, "That was hot. Don't make a habit of it though, you don't need to be getting in trouble. Also thank you for answering all those questions. I do not have the energy right now." 
Before Tierna could actually get into the shower, I grabbed her arm, pulling her back into me. Now that she had taken her shirt off, I finally had the chance to make sure she was truly okay. My hands ran along her sides and up her back before hugging her tightly, "I've never done anything like that before. I just, I saw you go down and I snapped. Seeing you hurt, well it worried me in a way I've never felt before. You sure you're okay?"
"This side of you is adorable. I've never seen you so worried before. I'm okay, I promise. There might be a bruise or two, but I'm okay."
"What can I say? I've never been in love like this before. I always worry about you T, but seeing you down is a whole different type of worry. I love you."
"And I love you."
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starrybl1ss · 10 months
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"i could be a better boyfriend than him"
boyfriend - dove cameron
💌:: hi hi hiii! im rn suuuuper busy but i just had this idea i need to write it asapp!!! Its another drabble thoughhhh:( i js cant be stuck w writing one long fic!! Was gonna put fluff in here but i scrapped the idea<3
dom!college!ellie williams x f!reader
warnings bbg: mdni!!! fingering, smut generally, toxic releationship, pet names???
summary: reader having an asshole of a boyfriend and ellie being reader's bestfriend thinks she could be a better boyfriend.
You came rushing to ellie's apartment elevator with tears mixed with mascara drailing down your face. Geez, you had a rough day. You quickly pressed number 5, that's the floor ellie is on.
Luckly no one was in the elevator with you so nobody had to see you being a mess. You grabbed your phone while still being in the elevator and quickly texted ellie.
Els, im a minute away from your room.
You got out of the elevator and found ellie's apartment door. Your just hoping she's isn't outside, i mean she has no classes at this time as she told you this morning.
You knocked on the door nervously, scared if she wasn't home. Then the door opened-- phew! She is home.
Ellie stops and looks at you top to bottom. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked in a soft voice. "I-" ellie stops you. "Wait, come inside first" she insisted.
You came in her apartment room dropping your bag on the floor and broke into tears. "is it your boyfriend again? What did he do to you this time?" She hugged you while patting your head gently.
"I- i j- just asked him to-" you sobbed again. "To- to go to come over a- and he said h-he couldn't" you sniffed. "W-when i asked-- why? He said he had a lot of assigments unfinished and he's busy-" ellie whiped a tear running down your cheeks.
"B-b-but when i went back to campus- to get the books i left, i- i saw him with aliyah- a- and t-they k- kissed.." ellie looked at you with pure sympathy. "Sit down" she told you.
You sat on her bed next to her. "B-but aliyah is dating that popular guy..." you sobbed. "She dates the whole campus y/n, just dump him! Your better on your own"
"But- if i dumped him, i- id hurt him..." you told her. Ellie looks at you in disbelief "your kidding right?" Said in a slightly mocking tone. "So your feel sorry for him?" She scoffs "funny. After making you cry for hours every single day? Never had time for you and instead he's hooking up with other hoes like that bitch aliyah?"
You avoided eye contact with ellie, she sounded angry. "So i'm just gonna let him hurt my g- bestfriend like that?" You shake your head slowly. "You still going to be with him? Come on, your not a loser" she mocked you.
"Your not going back with him. Im not letting him hurt you again. Enough is enough" you looked at her with soggy eyes still.
Ellie got closer to your face and whispered to your ears. "I could be a better boyfriend than him"
Suddenly she pushes you to the wall. "You are not going back to him" she stared at you coldly. She lifts up your chin. "Els...-" she kissed you a bit harsh while gripping on your shorts. You looked at her. Don't know how to react.
"Don't be an idiot, your better alone, or..." she towers over you on her bed practically pinning you to the wall. "...With me"
She pulls the top of your tanktop with her right hand and pulled down one of the strap with her left hand. "Ellie...." you whined. "Who do you belong to now?" She asked you demandingly. "Y-you"
You were so fucked up in the head, all fuzzy almost couldn't think straight. You feel drunk, this time it's not because you were at dina's and partying all night, this time its different.
It was a suprise, throughout the past 2 years, ellie does act a little 'different' with you, considering you've known her for half your life.
"You have no idea how long i've wanted to do this..." ellie whispered. You pulled ellie's shirt "can i just be yours....?" You muttered.
Ellie smirked and scoffs a bit mockingly "your mine" she said in a tone you've never heard before. She pulled down both of the straps of your tanktop and pulled it down.
She kissed your neck, biting it.... leaving marks. God, how are you going to cover this up? You started groaning.
"You smell nice, did your boyfriend bought you this parfume?" She stopped and looks at you. "N-no... i bought it mysel- shit..." she slid down the pretty shorts you wore.
"Better huh? Its getting hot in here" she smiled at took off her shirt and damn... she works out a lot doesn't she?
Ellie pushed her knuckle on your clothes cunt. "S'wet babe, who did this to you?" She asked. "Don'know" you mumbled. She pulled down your underwear and you gasped slightly. She suddenly inserts one digit in you. "Do you know now?" She asked again. "S'you- its you els"
She curled her finger in you. "-eghh.... el-ellie....." god your totally fuck up, its only one finger- and again, she puts another digit in you as you clenched around her fingers.
"Your so pretty..." ellie spat out those words making you blush like crazy. Its not like she never compliments you, she always compliment you every time you two meet and you put so much effort to your clothes i mean this time you were barely wearing anything.
You keep on moaning and groaning, shes is doing something to you. Then she pulled out both her digits and starts edging you. "Ff-fuck fuck fuuckk.." you yelled out.
"Y'gonna cum for me sweetie?" She asked. "S--soon, p-probablly i-" you came on her hand with a moan as you reached your climax. "Good girl" she praised you.
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mangalho · 10 months
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I made this dude to relax bc i read the info on drows on the dnd wiki (i dont know shit abt dnd and im not joking) and thought ‘whoever made these guys is a pervert’ i respect that, but i closed my eyes at the stupider bits of the lore…
i just dont think their society is like. Livable HAHAAH also its stupid asf to have ‘inherently evil species’… apparently they’re steering away from that shit which is great.
He was a man from a non-noble house chosen by a matron of a high house and they were surprisingly happy together for drow standards. Malaggar comes from like a mining/trading settlement, but his ventures took him to Menzoberranzan and thats how he met her. She was smitten by his general honesto demeanor and cute "provincial" accent (okay big City bitch..!)
please note that drows are kind of insane in general but apparently its worse in highly populated noble ridden cities with the strictest social rules so like. To you this was just some guy but to that woman he was so different so quirky ajahjahah
They had a good run, but eventually another matron from another high house came and said ‘i want him’ and since drow women compete like wild animals she killed his OG wife.. demolished her really
He became her bitch AND was miserable. She was happy bc he was like a pretty young thing but soon started getting violent with the guy because he was grieving his first wife whom he actually liked. He was in a rough spot bc he was getting his ass beat on the daily fr.. However his new wife was also a high drow so. He was basically elevating his family just bc he was there taking the domestic abuse (read: normal spider-worshipping drow behaviour)
The new matron was very unkind in every possible way you can imagine, but she didn’t do anything to him that would scar his body, greatest asset and all that. One day he snapped and killed his matron by way of knife and ran away to the surface world. Then he started his life of crime. Went from a little abused noble boy to some cartel mercenary dude who kills ppl and has tattoos. I think they look both really dumb but also sick as fuck, and he probably got them as a way to rebel against his upbringing in a way. But he’s edgy so i bet he thinks he looks sick like no nations no borders no self awareness being embarrassing unites all peoples
he is traumatized by women and is deeply afraid of them! I want his story to develop around becoming more normal and overcoming his grief.. hes from a long lived species so its taking him a while. Also its harder to make real friends if all your coworkers are insane criminals
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missblissy · 7 months
Vox x reader but its fluufffy as shit- like im talking hurt/comfort like full on motherfucker is down so infamously bad
((Ofc Nonny UwU Vox is a guilty pleasure of mine, so this was fun to write. Again.... IM STILL A LIL RUSTY SO IM SORRY IF IT'S NO EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND QWQ... But! As always, Enjoy!))
Little taps traveled down the lush golden halls, with a tiny fury in each step. Sparks and zaps and zips twisted from the broken wires popping out of your skin. The arm you clutched tightly let out fizzes and glitches and your broken hand moved on its own. 
You found an elevator and slapped the buttons with your good hand then stared at the spycam in the corner, “Vox!” You whined, “Let me in!” Your high pitched cry was more of an annoying beg but still… It worked. The elevator’s door dinged and shut before lowering down into the catacombs of the mega tower.
At first some silly stupid song played in the elevator before a familiar voice came over the speakers, “What did you do now?” It was Vox. You raised a brow, a pointed and angry pout as you took a side glance at the spycam. Shameless guilt was on your face, as you caved and confessed, “It wasn’t my fault! I was just trying to get today’s filming done and that-” You stopped yourself and took a breath before you got worked up again, “Anyways,” You held up the broken arm and hand, “I need a tune up, and you know I won’t let the tech boys touch me,” 
The elevator slowly lost its walls and you were standing alone on a moving platform lowering itself to a bridge. You didn’t even wait for it to reach the ground or stop, you jumped halfway down and started skipping along the bridge. With a new tune in your step, happy to have gotten your way, you gave a cheerful wave to the tanks full of sharks while heading towards Vox’s lair. 
You first checked his room full of tv monitors and spy cams, he wasn’t in his Little Throne as he put it. So you made your way to his workshop. He was already there sorting through replacement arms for you. With your good arm you looped it with his and gave him a playful nudge, “Thank you, Voxxy~!” You hummed out, putting on extra layers of cuteness knowing he’d be annoyed with you already for interrupting his work. 
“Mhmm,” Vox hummed, then reached for a robotic arm. You quickly pushed his hand away from that one, “Not that model,” You told him, “Remember? It’s got that bug that makes the nervous system fail,” He just nodded his head and reached for another arm while gesturing for you to sit down. You did just that, sitting on the workbench with your feet swinging back and forth off the edge. 
“So are you going to tell me what happened?” Vox asked while keeping his eyes focused on the task at hand. He took your broken arm and first looked over the damage, then the hand as well. His eyes flicked up to yours as he added, “Or do I need to check the surveillance system?” His hands lightly grabbed you by the crook of your arm, bending it by the elbow to find the hidden port under your skin. He pressed nothing, just skin, but soon it lit up in the shape of a little heart.
You looked away with a pout, maybe the cute act wasn’t going to help. You huffed and rolled your eyes, “She started it!” You yelped, “I was doing the scene for this month’s show perfectly, as always, and the stupid bitch couldn’t deliver her lines right!” All while you ranted, Vox managed to run his finger along your arm and unlock the skin shell, uncovering the wires, blots, tubes and bars that made up your insides. 
A heavy gulp came from your throat, and your irritation slowly melted to an uncomfortable uneasiness. It was still so strange to you to be nearly fully made of bits and parts. So was Vox…. but still… It wasn’t a familiar concept to you quite yet. On the outside you looked completely the same as you’d always had in your afterlife. Selling your soul to the overlord was the biggest decision you’ve ever made. Surely one day you’d live to regret it, but so early on into the contract you hadn’t found any solid reason to regret a single choice you’ve made with Vox thus far.
He treated you so much better than Valentino did to Angel Dust. in fact Vox tried his best to keep you as far from them as possible. You were uniquely his. Literally, he made you. Bought your soul, tore it from its flesh and welded it to new metals. And you’d be lying entirely if you said you didn’t feel something for Vox. It was the biggest reason for being his, you felt some type of way and he liked to stroke that ego and play along with it.
Vox gave you a smug look however, with gentle hands he removed the arm entirely, “And who threw the first punch?” He asked. Which was a very good question, because you definitely did. Called out and put on the spot, your cheeks started to burn different shades of pink and red, “You’re still a prototype,” Vox hummed. From what you could feel, it was nice. The way his cool finger tips tentatively work at the seams of your sinews. He clearly was putting care into each and every work on your wiring, “You aren’t yet strong enough to take on a co-star, much less anyone, in a fight,” He said.
He had never been cruel with you, or even mean. Vox could be stern, like now, lecturing you to do better, be better. But his touch was always soft and careful. Like you were his greatest work of art, his favorite thing to work on, and his beloved precious project. And sure, he liked the person you were too. It was just a bonus that you could make him laugh, or get him to stop faking his smiles for real ones.
It didn’t help how often he kept you at his side. Filming was really the only time you were away from Vox, otherwise, you were always near, always in sight, and never too far from reach. Vox preferred it that way, and, honestly… so did you. So it was a welcoming and familiar touch, his hands tinkering away, checking you over as to look for any other damage.
Sheepishly you laughed and said, “Well, at least I only walked away with a broken arm,” And Vox chuckled along with you. The girl you fought couldn’t say as much. You nearly tore her in two… She was just so… annoying! And you got so sick of doing the same scene over and over and over…. “I taught her a thing or two about real tears, that’s for sure,” Your snotted little huff and pout was back, though luckily Vox seemed to enjoy it, “She had it coming, and I basically won if there was even a competition anyways,” 
He even agreed and said, “I’m sure you held your own, I don’t doubt you can’t kick some ass,” He then attached the new arm and started flicking and switching things on from within your hardware, “But I can’t have my little super star starting fights, or getting into them, or risk damaging the goods,” He smirked as he looked over his work with pride. Finally he snuck in a kiss and you felt all your rage melt away. First there was one on your cheek, then Vox gave you a quick but deep kiss before pulling away.
Vox then grabbed a new skin shell and snapped it in place, slowly feeling returned. The chill of his hands running down your arm, clearing off all the dust and fuzz, sent little buzzing sparks down the newly awakened skin, “It’s not good for our image either,” Vox added with a smirk and raised brow, “You’re my little super star, hell’s new sweetheart that everyone can’t get enough of,” He then fixed your hair, tuffing it back in place, curling it around your ear, “We can’t have leaks of you beating your co-star into a pulp getting out,” He rolled the sleeve of your shit back down, smoothed it out, and stole another kiss.
You could feel your arm again and life buzzed into the metal, until it heated up and felt all the same as any natural or organic creatures. As much as you like the coddling in his words, you tried out your wrist and looked at your nails, asking, “What am I, if I’m just your little super star? Are you trying to make your own fizz bot? A Vox bot? Whatever you call it, just some way to steal Mammon’s power?”
Vox smirked and pinched your cheek with his fingers and gave a little shake, cooing at you while saying, “To some degree, yes. A bigger, better, smarter one that runs off a human soul,” You pushed his hand away but he just grabbed your hand instead, pulled you off the table, to your feet, and gave you a little spin, “But for now, you’re just my favorite little toy, right?” 
A little yelp jumped from your lips as he spun you around, then caught you with one hand. You could not lie, the way this man spoiled you had you hooked, line and caught. He made it so easy for the both of you to forget what goes on outside this workshop of his. He made it easy to forget he owned you…. He made you what you are now.
Or perhaps that part of the deal you like. Who knows. It was unexplainable your attraction to him and you honestly didn’t mind being his pet, his distraction, his stowaway. Whatever one may call it, you were sucked in by his every word and move… every single time. Besides, you could pride yourself on being the one that cheered him up, that made him happy, especially when Valentino upset him. You were the one that Vox poured hours of his time into, who he tediously worked to improve. You were his favorite distraction.
He moved you about in a silly little mock dance, an equally silly tune playing from him, “And for now, your job is to just stay pretty, talented, flawless, and overall perfect just as you are,” His wooing words melted your metal heart. He slowed, holding your hands in his while he then gave a smile, a raised brow, and asked in a way that wasn’t really asking, but rather telling, “So no more fights, and ruining all my hard work, right?”
You blinked up at him, still slightly flustered from the mini dance, and even more so that he held you so close to him, “R-right,” You breathed then gave a small smile yourself. It was a strange relationship the two of you had, it clearly wasn’t something outsiders would understand. He peppered kisses along your new arm and trailed them up your shoulder, leaving a few on your cheek as you giggled out. 
He gave you a twirl then spun you off, “Now get back to work,” Vox’s grin stayed full on his face while you got your footing again. With a huff, you crossed your arms and gave a pointed look, teasing him obviously and putting on a bratty act, “I don’t need anymore distractions until about…” He paused and looked at his watch, “Five thirty?” 
Your foot tapped a few times and you shifted weight from one leg to the other, hip out in a sassy look, “I’m not a distraction,” You pouted, then rolled your eyes with a grin to match his, “Six thirty,” You challenged him, seeing if he could push off the time and actually commit to his work, “I should be done filming by then anyways,” 
“Fine,” Vox shrugged, seemingly unbothered by your teasing, “Six thirty,” He echoed. Vox then blew a little kiss to you, with spark and zap it zipped across the air in the shape of a little heart. The sweet sting of its electric shock warmed your cheek and let out a little snap on contact. You giggled and let your arms fall, a more cheeky look on your face and less of a pout as you spun on your heel and skipped back off to work.
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squerlly · 5 months
Flames of Desire chapter 12: How Unfortunate ~
Alastor x (F! bunny reader) TW! violence, use of weapons, Vox being an insecure bitch, Angst
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Alastors POV:
it's been two days since y/n has gone missing, I have searched every street, every hiding spot, and killed many people for even a hint of where she is but...nothing. Charlie and the others are worried sick, it's not helping the fact I told them I had this matter under control, but the more I come back empty handed the more I'm starting to doubt myself. I can't afford to lose the one good thing I have down in this wretched place, I need to find her I must find her...
my thoughts were short lived when my door busted open, with a growl I turned "Who dares to-" "There is a package for you downstairs" "Charlie can't it wait-" "It's about y/n!". I faze through the floor in a hurry, heading straight for vaggie who is holding a box in her hand with a frown. I snatch it from her hand and with no hesitation rip it open, ripping it open I see a cloth soaked in blood that smells like y/n with brown fur and a business card from Voxtek...
everyone backs away from me as symbols of my magic surround me, static emitting from me with a stare on my face that could kill. I turn my head a crack in my neck following "Angel" he flinches and looks at me "W-what" "You work at Valentino's studio correct!?" he nods and I walk up to him "That means you know your way around Vox's headquarters!" he nods again trying put distance between us "y-your not seriously gonna go in there...right?"
Charlie stands between us "Al maybe we should go with you-" "NO, this is a personal matter!!, excuse me I have some unfinished business to take care of" If Vox wants my attention well...he's got it now. with the snap of a finger, I teleport me an Angel in front of the Vees building "Navigate me through that building, you get y/n and I'll handle the rest"
your POV:
"That's enough Val" "Aww come off Voxy, we're just getting to the fun part~" As Valentino drops me I land on the floor with a loud thud, blood running down my chest from cuts and bruises. "we sent a nice message to your little Bambi, that will surely speed up his arrival~" "fuck you, you flat faced bi-" my head shoots to the side as I feel a sting from the hard slap Vox gave me "learn your place, you should be threatening me knowing your current situation!" "Alastor is gonna get here and he's gonna kill you-" "he's not gonna do shit! not when I have his bitch on a leash~"
the conversation is cut short when Valentino's phone goes off, answering it, it sounds like one of his studio managers. Valentino ends the call "he's here" he says with a grin "Perfect". Vox leaves the room Valentino following behind him, I let out a shaky breath followed by a wince from the pain. at this rate, I might faint just from blood loss, I have to hang in just a little longer....
Alastors POV:
entering the building I make quick work of the staff working on the first floor, Angel leaving to head upstairs for y/n. I intend to wipe every demon in this building, Vox has been getting on my nerves for far too long, and it's time I bring this to an end. I walk into the elevator going up to the second floor, the elevator opens and I see Valentino standing in the middle of the room, models and porn actors fleeing the scene. he holds one gun in each hand, angelic guns... "go on, take your best shot!" he points the guns at me with that golden toothed grin "With pleasure~"
your POV:
my head feels fuzzy, the room being relatively silent before I hear the sound of screams and gunshots. I sit up seeing the door open expecting Vox but it was.. "Angel!!!! y-your here" "damn babes ya look like shit!" he runs over to me, untying my restraints "Thank fuck your here, where is Alastor!!?" "he's downstairs in that shit show" He uses his bottom arms to help me stand, rushing me out of the room. "we need to get ya outta here, smiles is gonna tear down this whole building!"
we stood in the elevator heading down to the second floor, booking it out of the elevator were met with Vox. he held a gun in his hand, using it to hit Angel in the face making him fall to the floor and drop me "you're not going anywhere!" "oh, but I think we are" Behind him stands Alastor, covered in blood with black tentacles coming out of his back. his smile strained and hair puffed out with a gunshot wound in his right shoulder.
Vox grabs me by the hair causing Alastor to lunge forward to attack, but he stops...because Vox takes the angelic gun in his hand, holding it to my head. "that's right! you're not gonna touch me, I will blow her fucking head off!" "Alastor don't-" "SHUT UP!! you have destroyed everything!! you were supposed to be dead seven years ago!!" he then points the gun at Alastor "You've made a fool out of me, you killed VAL!!!" looking behind Alastor, a pool of blood smears the floor with nothing but a pink striped gun left... "hmm how unfortunate~ he did put up a good fight"
"I have worked my ass off!!! to build my company to where it is now, and I'm not going to have an outdated PRICK destroy it, you were supposed to join us but instead, you ran off with Lucifer's dumb bitch daughter, and her HoTeL for redemption!! so now, I'm going to kill you..."
"I would have never joined you, too lost in your own pompous shit technology that it's become your greatest weakness!!, the only person that would tear your company down is you, so eager to prove that you are better but you have flaws just like every other person!!"
Vox's grip tightens on my neck "Vox... ack- y-you don't have to do this!! we can help you-" "My brand is perfection! I don't need help from you!!" he cocks back the gun aiming it straight for Alastors head, but a split second before he shoots Angel tackles him to the floor. everything felt like it was in slow motion, a ring in my ears as the shot fires, Angel on the floor pinning Vox down. and as I turned my head my vision blurred, I saw Alastor fall to his knees... with a gunshot to his chest.
I quickly crawl over to him "Alastor!!!! No... no no NO! Come on get up, please... ALASTOR!!" hot tears fall down my cheeks as I shake his body, his breathing is light and uneven as he struggles to stay awake. Vox laughs, his screen glitching in and out, Angel grabs his phone calling Charlie. I applied pressure to the wounds trying to stop the bleeding, and within a few minutes Charlie arrived with a few other people.
vaggie tries to pry me off of Alastor as I scream not wanting to let go but having no strength to fight back, as I'm pulled away all of the exhaustion and stress got to me causing everything to go dark, passing out.
We're almost finished with the series guys!!! one more chapter to go and I can start up fair exchange!!! also sorry if Velvet is kind of absent in this story, I was going to give her a place but didn't end up doing so since she mostly was on the topic of extermination until the Hazbin production gives her a more important role. thank you guys for your patience and have a wonderful day/night!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
for more content and chapters please click this masterlist
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whats-her-quirk · 4 months
Secret Oath Chapter 5
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last || m.list || next
marco bott x fem!reader
18+ mdni
word count: 5k
chapter warnings: mentions of underage drinking, sexual innuendo, brief bi panic, reader sits in a shopping cart and conditions her hair
a/n: made it in just under the 2 year mark with a new update. guys...
♪ farewell andromeda (welcome to my morning) by john denver
When you’re not chasing grade schoolers from place to place, there are only so many things to do at camp. After hiking, swimming, reading, and just generally hanging out around a campfire in your free time, you tend to get a little desperate for a change of pace. With a little planning ahead, Ymir has secured everybody a night off for a Wal-Mart trip, and by the end of a long week, the idea of hitting up the only nearby grocery store is genuinely as exciting as a ticket to Disneyland.
Camp Shiganshina is at least fifteen square miles from anywhere, so walking to town is out of the question. You spend dinnertime trying to figure out the carpool situation, and it turns out not everyone is coming along. Bertholdt twisted his ankle playing basketball, so he’s staying in the cabin for rest, ice, compression, and elevation on Nanaba’s orders. Eren and Mikasa also decline for unknown reasons, but they’re always weird like that, and only Jean seems disappointed. That leaves seven of you, and there’s only one vehicle in the parking lot that can fit that many passengers.
Erwin is surprisingly chill with the idea of letting you borrow the company van. “Why take two cars when you can all fit in there?” he reasoned when you, Reiner, and Hitch went to ask him together. “There’s no sense wasting your gas, and you’ll be safer if you all stick together.”
“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll make sure everybody’s taken care of,” says Reiner, flexing so hard you hear a thread snap in his t-shirt.
Erwin laughs, big and exuberant and sincere. “Of course! You have my trust.”
After running back to the cabin to toss your wallet and other necessities in a bag, you meet in the parking lot outside the mess hall. Erwin and Miche are leaning against the front of the van chatting while everyone loads up. Hitch dances her way over to them, holding out a hand to Erwin. “Keys, please!”
Erwin dangles a keychain as old as the vehicle itself above her palm before quirking a thick brow at her. “You are not to go over 55 miles per hour on the state route. You are not to exceed 35 on the side roads. And everyone wears their seatbelts. Understood?”
Perhaps startled by his serious tone, Hitch dials herself back. “Yes, sir.” He smiles and nods as he drops the keys in her hand, and she scuttles away to the driver’s seat.
Miche nudges you with his elbow. “Will you text me when you get there safe?”
You roll your eyes, hiding how sweet you find it. “Whatever, dad.” He makes a face at you. You stick out your tongue.
“Hey loser, you got bitch seat,” Ymir calls for you out the sliding door of the van.
You whirl around. “Historia is the smallest, why can’t she sit in the back?”
“We drew straws or something, I don’t know. Got a problem with that?” You’re used to the sass, but when she nods her head to the back of the van, it clicks. Marco and Jean sit on opposite ends of the third row bench seat—of course the middle is reserved for you.
You squeeze your way between the two bucket seats in the middle row, making sure to step and lean on Ymir as much as possible as you climb over her, just to be annoying. Tucking your bag between your feet, you manage to wedge yourself between the boys, shoulder to shoulder.
“Cozy,” you chuckle.
Jean reaches for the handle above the side window, making a little more space between you. “It’s not that far, at least.”
You pat behind both hips looking for your seat belt before you realize Marco is sitting on it. You start to reach for it, freezing only inches from his ass. “Uh, Marco. Can you scoot—”
Marco looks down where your leg is pressed against his. “Oh yeah! Uh…”
He twists as far as he can, already buckled, trying to lift his hip out of your way. You reach under him quickly, but your knuckles definitely drag across his back pocket. You click your buckle and then sit stiff as a board, hyper-aware of the fact that you fully touched his butt.
“Jesus Christ,” Jean mutters, sending you and Marco into a fit of laughter as Hitch backs out of the parking spot.
The first several minutes of the drive are spent messing with the music. Ymir shouts for Reiner to switch over to the radio, but every time he tries, it switches itself back to the tape deck after a few seconds. The cassette won’t eject, so your options are a John Denver single or silence.
“Leave it, this is a great song!” Historia begs. Neither Ymir nor Reiner will say no to her, but at least it’s Take Me Home Country Roads.
You’re a little embarrassed at first, but Marco nudges you after the first chorus. “Come on, I know you know the words. Everybody knows this song!”
You can feel your cheeks burning. “You just wanna make me sing.”
“Maybe I do.”
Historia is already singing, and when you start, so does Marco. Jean pipes up, and so does Reiner, and soon, everyone is belting the chorus.
There are only two songs on the cassette, and the B-side must have been less popular, because nobody knows the words to it. The van quiets down, but Marco still hums along. When you give him a surprised look, he blushes.
“My mom loves John Denver. I recognize the melody.”
It’s funny when Take Me Home repeats and prompts a second singalong, but by the fourth time the tape flips over, no one is singing anymore. Hitch turns the volume down to a faint rumble, and before long, you pull into the nearly empty parking lot of the Wal-Mart.
You stumble out of the back seat, thankful to stretch your legs after being crammed in so tight. You shoot off a text to Miche, letting him know you made it to the store with no casualties, to which he replies k thx kid. You could truly gag.
“Do we need a cart?” Reiner asks as you approach the giant sliding doors.
“Better get a couple,” you reply, pulling one from the stack. You know you want to buy snacks, grab a couple packs of Gatorade, and probably beg Ymir to get you some alcohol to smuggle away, and you’re not carrying all that around by yourself.
“Is there, like, no one here?” Jean asks, stepping through the second set of doors. “I swear it feels like it’s closed.”
“Relax, there are other cars outside.” Ymir rides her cart past him like a scooter, pumping her foot for a few paces before jumping on the bottom rail and gliding down the center aisle.
“What do we need to get?” Historia asks, scrambling after her.
“I’m heading for food and drinks,” you announce, pointing your cart toward the grocery section. Marco and Jean drift that way along with you.
“I need another pair of flip flops,” says Hitch. She and Reiner start to head the other way, where you’re sure she’ll find much more than just a pair of flip flops.
“I’m out of shampoo,” says Historia.
“And I want one of those things that you can make a grilled cheese with over the campfire. Everyone get what you want and then meet back at the pharmacy. And…go!” Ymir takes a running start, then rides her shopping cart out of sight as you head for the groceries.
You lose Jean somewhere around the Pop Tarts.
“Where did he go? Wasn’t he just behind us?” Marco asks, pushing the cart beside you in the beverage aisle.
“Either he wandered off or he’s looking for us just as fast as we’re looking for him.” You stop to heave a twelve pack of purple Gatorade on the bottom rack of the cart, making the whole thing rattle. You try to hide how heavy you’re breathing as you reach up toward the top shelf for another multi-pack.
“Want me to get those for you?” Marco asks.
“Sure, grab a pack of blue ones, please.”
Marco loads them under the cart for you, then takes the handle with a smirk. “Woah, this is super bottom-heavy now. Gonna need to counterbalance with something.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Counterbalance?”
Marco chuckles. “Just get in the cart. You know you want to.”
“Ride in the cart? What am I, five?” You scoff, fully pretending that you don’t want to take him up on the offer.
“If we’re going to find Jean before Ymir destroys the pharmacy out of boredom, we gotta pick up the pace.”
You poke him in the chest. “Sir, you are being especially wild tonight.”
“Must be the fluorescents.”
Marco holds the cart steady while you flop inside the main basket. It’s a tight squeeze, but when you dangle your feet out of the front, it’s almost comfortable. Once you’re situated, Marco pushes you down a few more aisles while you point out the snacks you want, and he piles them on top of you. 
Armed with fruit snacks, cheese crackers, and a bottle of pre-made margaritas to make Ymir buy for you, Marco zips down the dessert aisle and grabs three boxes of Little Debbies. ”Guilty pleasure” he says with a bashful shrug. “I swear I’m not going to eat them all in one sitting.”
“I didn’t assume so, but hey, no judgment here.” You shrug, motioning at the mountain of snacks in your lap. You’re not terribly concerned with eating clean and healthy every day this summer, especially not when you’re sweating buckets and trudging up and down the hill all day anyway.
Marco laughs. “Maybe when I was sixteen and super active. But now I think that would end me.”
“Oh?” You can’t help it—you’re insanely curious. “Were you a jock in high school?”
Marco rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not sure I’d say that, but I played hockey for a long time.”
While you’d spent many afternoons daydreaming about him in football pads or tight baseball pants, something about the thought of Marco in a hockey uniform just makes sense. “Oh wow, hockey’s a big deal where you’re from, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, in Minnesota, it’s super popular. A lot of kids start playing pretty young.”
“Do you still play? I’ll admit, I don’t really know anything about hockey but I think it looks pretty cool.”
“I play on the university’s club team during the school year. We travel and play against other schools, but we’re a step below the official team. It’s fun, but none of us are going pro, you know?” Marco’s cheeks turn a strawberry pink, his eyes falling to the shelves of cereal boxes beside him. “Maybe you can come to a game sometime.”
“I absolutely will. I want to see you body check someone.” You’re giddy just thinking about it.
That makes Marco laugh. “Maybe if you’re lucky.”
You round the corner of the next aisle and finally find Jean with a tub of pretzels under one arm and a case of Red Bull under the other. He notices you laughing and riding in the cart, and he gives you a look.
“Um. Where am I supposed to put these?”
“Here, fine, but you have to help me get out.”
“Don’t crush my zebra cakes!” Marco pleads.
Jean puts down his snacks and pulls you up out of the basket while Marco holds onto the cart, making sure you don’t get dumped out on the floor. Once Jean’s stuff takes your place, the three of you head for the pharmacy.
You find Ymir in personal care, waiting with the cart while Historia picks out hair products. Their basket is full of sheet masks, candy, a fleece blanket, and four of those sandwich irons Ymir wanted. When you pull up next to her, she invites herself to poke around in your cart.
“Are you feeding an army?”
“No, just stocking up.” Shooing her hands away, you slide the booze into her cart. “A gift from you to me.”
“Wow, ok. How presumptuous.” She fakes a scoff, but you know she doesn’t mind or care.
“Oh. I thought you wanted me to get that for you,” Marco says. “I guess it doesn’t matter who buys it but—”
You don’t really intend to cut him off, but you’re surprised. “I didn’t think you were 21.”
“I wasn’t… until last week.”
“Marco!” You can’t stop yourself. It just comes out.
“Was it your birthday last week?”
Marco looks nervous. Almost frightened.
You push the cart out of the way to get closer. “Your twenty-first birthday?”
“And you didn’t tell us?” You’re yelling. You’re in the middle of a practically deserted Wal-Mart Superstore at 11 o’clock at night, and you’re yelling.
“Oh my god, yes,” Marco laughs, incredulous. “I didn’t want anybody to make a big deal about it. Now please calm down before you get carded and we all get in trouble.” He’s right, you’re causing a scene, and it makes your own cheeks burn. You don’t intend to forget about this, though.
“Well shit,” Ymir quips. She reaches for the margarita bottle and shoves it into Marco’s hands. “Then you can buy the lady her liquor.”
“Yes ma’am.” Marco puts the bottle back in your cart.
Ymir pretends to gag. “Do not call me that.”
“Hey, kids!” Hitch sails by into the next aisle, waving, Reiner hurriedly following her with their nearly full cart. You all follow, rounding the corner before you realize you’re congregating in front of the contraception. It shouldn’t be a big deal—you’re adults, after all—but it’s not easy to be totally mature looking at a wall of condoms, especially with this group.
Hitch picks out a box of ultra thins, remarking, “For me,” as if you all really needed to know. Then she reaches for a box of magnums. Just as soon as you start to raise an eyebrow, she declares, “And for Bertie.”
“He wanted you to buy him condoms?” Reiner asks, sounding genuinely dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Marco looks pointedly at the tampons on the opposite side of the aisle, and Jean snickers like a complete dork.
“No,” Hitch smirks. “But he told me Annie is visiting next week. Gotta make sure he’s prepared.”
Ymir scoffs. “Fucking gross that they package those in gold like your jumbo dong is some sort of prize.” Then she reaches up to one of the higher shelves, asking nonchalantly, “Hey, baby, do you want warming lube this time? I think we’re almost out.”
It’s the kind of deeply intimate detail she normally has no problem sharing, but almost as soon as she says it, she freezes.
Reiner loudly clears his throat. “Who are you talking to?”
Nobody moves.
“Um.” Ymir rocks on her heels. Her eyes jump from person to person, searching. “Uh, Jean—”
Jean snorts. “Not even—”
“Ew. You’re right, that’s disgusting.”
“She was talking to me, Reiner,” Historia explains calmly. “Ymir is my girlfriend.”
Reiner barks out a laugh, but it fades quickly. He seems to realize she’s not joking just as Hitch and Jean fall apart, giggling. You have half a mind to abandon all your snacks and go hide in the van, you’re so secondhand embarrassed. You should never have gone along with this. 
Ymir crosses her arms proudly and leans against Historia’s side, though you’re not really sure if Ymir is winning or losing her own game anymore.
Hitch, pulling herself together, pats Reiner on the back. “Let’s go check out so we can get out of here.”
Fixing his own face, Reiner stammers, “Yeah. We should… yeah.” Almost tenderly, Hitch puts a hand on the front of their shopping cart, steering Reiner toward the registers as he follows behind.
Historia’s hands drop to her hips, and she gives Ymir a look. “Are you happy now?”
Ymir shrugs. “Pretty much.” Huffing, Historia takes off with their cart.
“Meet you at the front, baby girl,” Ymir calls.
Marco, his face beet red, reaches for your cart, but Ymir blocks one of the front wheels with her foot.
“Hold on, birthday boy.” She grabs a basic box of condoms and pushes it into Marco’s hands. His fingers don’t close around it—he drops it on the floor like it’s on fire.
Ymir snatches the box and shoves it back at him. “You’re gonna need these, trust me,” she snorts, and that familiar, overwhelming urge to smother her washes over you.
Marco, cheeks burning, flaps his lips a few times, but no words come out. Slowly, like he’s thinking hard, he puts the box back on the shelf.
You look away, your stomach dropping. You get that he’s embarrassed—Ymir is crossing a lot of lines—and it’s not like you didn’t pack a box of condoms in your suitcase, so you’ll have some if you need them. But now, you just want to get out of here because if you let yourself think about it for one more second, it’ll hit you all at once that Marco is just a really nice person who was never actually flirting with you and doesn’t like you back. 
You allow yourself one last glance over your shoulder to see if Marco is coming with your cart before you go lay in the road and wait for traffic.
Your breath catches when you see him drop a black and gold box, identical to the one Hitch picked out for Bert, into the cart.
Screaming in your head, you power walk past the checkout. Marco will have to pay for everything because there’s alcohol in the cart, so you wait by the exit like an idiot while trying to act casual, but really, how can you? You’ve only thought about Marco’s dick print a few hundred times, and those condoms practically confirm that he’s really and truly packing. And you want it. You want him so bad—
“Ready?” You blink and Marco is there, everything bagged up and ready to go.
Ymir walks by behind him, silently mouthing, “Jumbo,” and you don’t know whether to thank her or kill her where she stands. You hope neither registers on your face.
In the parking lot, you help Marco load the bags into the van. Now you’re the immature one, wondering which bag the condoms are in, whether they’re touching your Gatorades. You hope to god he bagged them with his damn zebra cakes so you don’t have to negotiate some kind of awkward, presumptuous handoff. He’s definitely smart enough for that. Of course he is.
When you buckle in for the ride home, it’s quiet in the van. Only Hitch talks over her shoulder to Historia about the big game of flashlight tag that Moblit and Hange have organized for tomorrow night. Ymir yawns heavily, and you’re pretty sure Jean already nodded off with his head against the window.
Reiner is silent in the passenger’s seat—if he’s not back to himself by tomorrow, you’re rounding everyone up to apologize. It was mean, what Ymir did to him, and you’re all pretty complicit. But sometimes Reiner bounces back from his moods miraculously, and sometimes he doesn’t. You’ll just have to wait and see what you’re dealing with in the morning.
The John Denver tape plays softly from the speakers. Beside you, Marco hums along, his long legs crammed in behind Ymir’s seat. Just as the silence is about to cross from uncomfortable to unbearable, Marco slowly but deliberately reaches out, lightly covering your hand from where it rests on your knee.
You curl into his side, and he starts to sing a little louder, just enough so that you can hear.
“Welcome to my evening, the closing of the day. I could try a million times, never find a better way.”
Before the drive earlier, you’d never heard this song. Now, upwards of six repeats in, you know at least some of the words—enough to mumble along a little with him. The chorus is familiar by now, an easy refrain of la la las that everyone who’s still awake can jump into.
Even if it’s a little awkward, at least you’re all either singing or snoring.
It wasn’t long ago that Marco told you that he felt safe with you. With your head on his shoulder and your hand wrapped in his, you’re sure you feel the same about him.
Before your first alarm goes off the next morning, you wake to the hushed sounds of Historia chasing Ymir out of bed. You can’t make out any clear words, just whispering and grumbling, but after a minute or two, the bed creaks. You roll over and crack an eye open just in time to see Ymir pull on her shoes and slip out the door.
You try to snooze a few more minutes before your alarm goes off, but it’s fruitless. Everyone is starting to rustle themselves awake, so you figure you might as well just get up and shower. Quietly, you gather your things and head out.
You pass the lodge on the way to the showers, where you spot Ymir on the upper balcony, sharing a porch swing with Reiner. They rock slowly, overlooking the hill that leads down to the lake. Good. As stubborn as Ymir is, you’re almost positive she’s up there apologizing. You hope he’s not taking everything too hard. Sometimes his feelings can be too big for him.
You leave them be and take a slightly longer shower than usual, your mind drifting back to Marco and the way he held your hand. You make sure to really take your time conditioning your hair and scrubbing down with your scented body wash. It’s silly, but you feel like you’re right on the precipice of something with him, and you want to look as nice as possible for it. As if it’ll last in this humidity. 
It’s a quiet morning when you return to the cabin to get dressed. Mikasa is already gone to do the wake-up calls (with Eren, because he can’t be trusted to get up on his own, let alone rouse everyone else). You expect a subdued breakfast. Maybe everyone who was at the store last night does.
Marco meets you at the front of the mess hall holding two styrofoam coffee cups. You’re getting used to the sight, but as you sit down next to him at the table, you see Jean already has his first cup. Marco hands his second cup to you.
“Oh, thank you. Does it–”
“Two sugars,” he says, and your heart squeezes. You try not to take it as a marriage proposal.
Glancing around, you don’t see the one person you were worried about. “Does anyone know where–” you’re about to ask, but you’re interrupted by a shockingly loud voice at the other end of the room.
You’re used to Erwin’s startling morning announcements. What you’re not ready for is Reiner standing at the fireplace next to him, smiling with all his teeth, shouting, “Good morning!” to the campers instead.
The campers look up, and Reiner doesn’t even have to give instructions. He simply points to the left side of the room, takes a big breath, and starts singing the first part of Down by the Bay, off-key but with heaps of enthusiasm. Erwin, pointing to his side of the room, comes in quickly with the echo, and the campers erupt. They’ve been working on the song in Nifa’s music lessons since the first week of camp, and they’re thrilled to sing it as a giant group.
You lean your chair back on two legs to ask Ymir, “What did you say to him?”
She simply shrugs over the bowl of cereal she’s already poured herself. “Don’t look at me. You know what he’s like at the asscrack of dawn. I didn’t say anything.”
“Liar,” you tease. She sticks her tongue out at you.
For all intents and purposes, Reiner does seem fine. But you saw the look on his face the night before. You can’t help but worry he’s just putting on a mask. 
You could send in a professional to get all the details from Reiner. Unfortunately, Hitch is posted up next to Erwin with a thermos of coffee, so she’s not going anywhere for the foreseeable.
Instead, you scurry up to Reiner yourself after breakfast and steer him out into the parking lot. “Hey. Are you ok?”
Reiner chuckles and scratches the back of his head. “What do you mean? I’m great.”
When you give him a look, he sighs. “All right, listen. Yeah, I was kind of messed up last night. But I thought about it, and I talked to Ymir this morning. The whole thing was partially my fault anyway.”
“Deep down, I always knew the two of them had something going on. I didn’t know they were actually dating, but I ignored the obvious signs on purpose. I think I was just trying to distract myself from…” 
He kicks the dirt, eyes cast down. “You know what you said about those snaps Galliard was sending me?”
 “I remember.” You’re careful to answer evenly, as excited as you are about where you think this is leading. You don’t want to freak him out.
“Well, I sent some back. And it turned into a whole thing. Because I think I like it.” Reiner hesitates between every sentence. “But instead of thinking about how that made me feel, I wanted to flirt with someone else. A girl. Because I don’t have to think as much about that.”
You give his shoulder a squeeze. “You didn’t do anything wrong. But you know, if you want to flirt with boys too, you can.”
Reiner clears his throat. “Is that… ok?” He asks so earnestly, it almost breaks your heart. He’s not asking if it bothers you; he’s asking for reassurance. For someone to give him permission.
“Yes. And if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. Or Ymir. Or Jean, or anyone. Nobody is going to be mad at you. I’m pretty sure Porco would be thrilled, actually.”
Before you can take another breath, Reiner wraps you in a bear hug. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you wheeze. “But you’re kind of crushing me.”
Reiner lets go, laughing. You both know you need to get moving to your next activity block. Reiner skips a few paces ahead, turning backwards to face you. “Gotta go. I have a wiffle ball game to win.”
“Go get ‘em!” Yeah. He’s going to be ok.
When the late June sun sets over the hill, you meet Hange and Moblit at the back door of the lodge. After making sure all the campers have a working flashlight (thanks to Hange’s messenger bag full of spare batteries), Moblit lays out the rules, and they’re all off into the dark to chase each other around.
It’s your job to hang around the perimeter of camp and make sure none of the campers go out-of-bounds into the woods or by the lake. With your own flashlight pointed down at the ground, you walk the path just past the tree line. When you hear a rustle in the leaves, you flick your light up, ready to point some little feet back toward the lodge.
Instead, you find a certain tall, broad, and dorky counselor stumbling out of the trees, the leg of his jeans caught in a prickly bush.
“Please help,” Marco chuckles.
While he points his flashlight at his ankle, you crouch down and shake his pant leg free.
“Thank you.” You can just make out his outline in the dark, shaded by the trees, but you can hear in his voice how hard he’s smiling.
“Any time.” You realize how close you’re standing, how much electricity hangs between you as you laugh awkwardly. You’ve never felt this alone with him before. You want something. Anything.
You lean a little closer, and he lingers, not pulling away. A hot wave of breathlessness washes over you, and you rise onto your toes, one hand ghosting over the back of his neck.
“Marco,” you whisper.
His flashlight hits the ground. Both of his big hands rest on the small of your back, and he pulls you in, capturing your bottom lip with his mouth, urgent but soft. You can’t help yourself. You throw both arms over his shoulders and squeeze, pressing your body against his, so close you can feel the pounding in his chest.
He gasps before deepening the kiss, letting your tongue slip past his lips. There’s nothing to say as you hold on a little too desperately, wrapped up in each other in the dark.
When you finally break apart, Marco is trembling. “I really, really like you.”
“I really, really hoped so.” You press one more light kiss against the hint of his collarbone that peeks out over the collar of his t-shirt.
Peals of laughter and flashlight beams from a few meters away startle you, and you hop back as a few campers chase after each other on the other side of the trees.
Marco retrieves his flashlight, and you wish you could see how hard he’s blushing. Instead, you give his hand a little tug. He laces his fingers between yours and gives a reassuring squeeze. “Come on,” you tease. “We should pay attention.” You have the rest of the summer to figure this out. Right now, you have a job to do.
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gojo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Chapter One: My Stalker
mlist <3
My Serial Killer — Suguru Geto Series
"Good morning! Welcome in!" You smiled, waving at the tall broad long dark haired man. You noticed him come into the bakery every morning, grabbing the same thing he did every morning, a crossaint and a black coffee. "Same as usual." You cheerly said, as he went to check out. The man hummed, fishing out the cash from his wallet, setting it on the counter. He was handsome, tall, buff, and his jaw was perfectly chiseled, it was almost as if he had been handcrafted by God himself.
"Be careful pretty, I heard there has been some disturbing activity over here." He said gruntly. You had never really heard him speak so much, hearing his voice sent shivers down your spine. "Of course, thank you Sir!" You smiled. "Suguru." He smirked, "Oh, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Mr. Suguru." You waved, after handing him his food and coffee.
You were not oblivious to the people who kept coming up missing, and found a mile down the road, sluaghtered to pieces. There was always a little note on the indivuals. "She is mine." You had noticed after the 5th man to be murdered horrifically that these men were all men who came into your bakery and tried hitting on you. Tonight was one of those nights, as you tried locking up the bakery to get going home, and feed your two cats, a slender man had been waiting for you. "Hey pretty lady, you closing?" He snickered. "Um- yes sir, we reopen at 7AM. Feel free to come back then." You smiled, locking the door, and walking away. You had pulled your pepper spray out, and sped walked to your apartment that was down the street.
“Let me walk you home pretty.” The slender man said in a purr. “I’m okay. I can surely walk fine on my own.” You nervously said, walking faster. “You scared?” He chuckled, grabbing you by your wrist, as you tried to open the door to your apartment building. “I’m really okay, please leave me alone.” You huffed, walking into the apartment building and going to the elevator.
The slender man walked into the elevator as it was closing, “Sir, please leave me be.” You started to shake, grabbing your pepper spray. “I’m just walking a lady home, that’s all.” He smirked, getting dangerously close to you. You aimed the pepper spray at him, and as you were about to spray, he snatched it from your hand. At that moment, the elevator door opened, and you ran out as fast as possible, you darted for your door, yelling. “PLEASE HELP ME!” You feared what the man would do to you if you didn’t get help. As you raced to your door, and were fidgeting for your keys, the tall broad man you had seen every single day for a whole year was standing at the door next to yours. Neighbors maybe? “Help me please.” You cried running behind Suguru. “Someone chasin you?” He muttered, seeing the man walk to you with a knife in hand. “Ah, I just wanted to walk the pretty lady to her door, but the little bitch wanted to pepper spray me. You don’t wanna have fun?” He snickered. Suguru opening his front door, walking in. At this point, you couldn’t see nor think. Your keys were jumbled and you felt your blood run cold as the man got closer. As you finally opened your door, you went to shut it, but you didn’t make it in time. The slender man had gotten himself inside. He held the knife to your throat.
“How about you shut that trap of yours, or maybe I should shut it for you?” He chuckled. Grabbing you by your neck. “P-please let me go.” You cried. “Oh I love how pretty girls cry, cry with my cock down your throat.” He laughed. Just a moment later his laughter changed to choking, and the only thing you saw was blood spurting from his throat. You looked past the slender man, and saw Suguru’s figure behind, holding a hunting knife. “Is that how you talk to a lady?” He muttered, grabbing the man by his nape and stabbing him over and over. You stood there in shock. You had blood that had gotten on your clothes and hands. You couldn’t scream, you couldn’t hear, you stayed silent and cried. You had dropped to your knees, watching Suguru brutally murder the man. Next thing you knew, you watched two men take the body from your home and disappear. While Suguru stood there and wiped the blood from his hands and face.
“You alright doll?” He asked unphased. You couldn’t speak, you watched as he walked to your cabinet and grabbing cup. How did he know which cabinet? Was it luck? He poured you water from your water dispenser on your fridge, handing it to you. “Here, drink.” He smiled.
“I-“ you stuttered out. “Hush, drink. Talk after.” He said. “There is two men outside your apartment complex, and stationed at every fire exit. Don’t try to run. I’m gon’ go take a shower.” He said, walking into your bathroom and taking a shower.
You sat there on the ground until he came back, when he came back, you had ran to the kitchen, grabbing knife. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” You cried. “You.” He plainly said. “What!” You cried, confused. “I want you.” He said again. “What does that even mean?” You said confused. “I have watched you every single day for a year, you have captured my attention and time. I have watched you, studied you, and I have found myself entranced by your innocence. I’m going to take you away from this place, and you’re going to live to serve me, and I will live to serve you.” He said in an almost growl. “Serve you! Leave here? I’m staying right here!” You were so scared of what this man could do to you. “I’m not going to hurt you unless you give me a reason to. That little knife there is one of the reasons. So if I were you, I would put it down. I just saved you didn’t I?” He questioned. You felt your heard skip a beat. “Listen here, I could force that puny knife out of your hand, and forcefully take you with me, or you could be a good girl, and leave with me willingly, and you don’t have to get hurt.” He said with a serious tone. “I’m not leaving with you!” You shouted. “Listen here doll, I know where your mom, dad, little brother, and even your dear old grandma lives. Either come with me, or I’ll slit all of their throats in front of you.” He grunted. You gasped, letting go of the knife, and it falling on the ground. “That’s a good girl.” He smirked. “I’m gonna have fun with you.” He added, throwing you over his shoulder and walking to your bed, tossing you on it.
“Undress and sleep. We leave in the morning.” He smiled, kissing your forehead and walking out the room.
What the fuck…
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
Hello. Can i please request a part 2 of Hating You As Well? It was so good! 😩 Can part 2 be Aizawa’s and readers relationship developing and getting better throughout the year or something? Maybe throw in some aizawa getting a little jealous over reader’s relationship/friendship with another hero (maybe midnight or snipe)? Thank you so much! Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to write a part 2! xx
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AAAHH I LOVE YOU GUYS FR 😭😭😭 and but of course, i live and breath to serve yall munchkins.
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Hating You As Well
(And Loving You Just As Much)
Part One, Part Two (you're here dummy), Part Three
Aizawa still isn't honest with his feelings, but you weren't exactly one to jump ship and demand a relationship. So now, in this grey area, you two are forced to co-exist, while other feelings grow and fester.
Fem!Reader, She/Her pronouns
TW!: Slight descriptions of violence, nothing too crazy, suggestive language
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You two didn't speak about what happened on the couch afterward. You not wanting to bring it up and him just avoiding you. You got most of your papers graded, and when Aizawa finished with his portion, he rushed out of the living room. Your heart dropped to your stomach, watching him leave without a word. Sighing, you went back to your papers, trying to just get them done.
The next morning was silent, the night before Aizawa hadn't come out of his room at all, and you watched his door, trying to listen to what he was doing. The next morning, you hadn't slept in, getting up early to go on a run. You knew Aizawa wouldn't be awake at this hour, but he probably would soon. So you started a large pot of coffee and grabbed a sports drink and made your way out.
The wait in the elevator was tedious, but you took the time to adjust yourself. Thinking about your life, thinking about him. Did you really like Aizawa? Maybe (yes), but did he like you? Maybe? I mean, there would be no other reason for him to also lean into a kiss, the feeling of his strong and large hand haunted you, fingers reaching around your shoulder blades. Dammit Hizashi, you spitefully thought to yourself.
But what would've come from it? Would there have been an awkward moment of 'where do we go from here?' or would there be an admission of feelings, but what feelings? Would there have been an unspoken moment of understanding?
You shook your head, willing away unnecessary thoughts. The elevator doors dinged open, and you happily trotted out, all you needed was an early morning run to clear your head, and everything would be fine.
Okay everything was not fine.
When you came back, very sweaty and gross from your jog, you should work out more damn, Aizawa was already up. The slut* was walking around with absolutely no shirt on, and only the tightest goddamn pair of black boxers ever. His defined and scarred body on full display, lean but built body, languidly lounging around in the light morning sun. His dark and long hair was up in a messy bun, with a few strands of hair falling out. The scar beneath his eye was on full display, only adding to that rugged and overtly masculine look.
Cheap shot you bitch.
He was sipping coffee while leaning on one of the kitchen counters. Oddly on the one that faced the front door. He watched you pant in, immediately going to the cupboards to fill yourself a glass of water. You felt his eyes watching you, felt them watch and analyze every curve and scar, every dip and bump, every beauty and imperfection. You downed your cup, not acknowledging him in the slightest, lest you show the effect he had on you. Neither of you said a word to the other, not even a head nod to show that you had seen the other. Just ignoring him for the time being, with no complaints on the other end.
At the staff meeting later that day, you happily sat by Hizashi, joining in his excited chatter.
"I know this sounds cheesy, but I can't wait to see the students come back again! I've missed them." Hizashi swooned, a sad puppy dog look on his face.
You laughed and opened your mouth to join into his lighthearted admission before another voice cut you off.
"I don't, the little bastards have already gotten in enough trouble. I can't imagine what it'll be like when they move in." Aizawa grumbled out, looking in front of him with a disgruntled look.
You and Hizashi froze, just staring at him for a moment. He usually sat on the other side of you 'loudmouths,' usually too tired to deal with the shenanigans that you, said blonde, and Nemuri got up into. (Usually just passing notes between all three of you with the smashabiltiy of your coworkers and other heroes (also dicks, but not from the person you'd think)) So it was shocking to see him willingly sitting next to you three while earning a death glare from Anan, whose spot he'd stolen.
"Don't act like you don't love them you Tsundere. You'd probably eat your arm if it meant they were happy." You teased, sighing while you poked at him.
He deadpanned you for using such an outdated term but just grumbled while hiding his face in his scarf. Hizashi elbowed you, wiggling his eyebrows at you while smirking. You were confused for a second before you realized what he was implying, hitting his arm to make him stop. He yelped, angrily muttering curses at you while he looked down. Principle Nedzu loudly cleared his throat, standing up straight while looking at all of you. He clapped his soft hands, signing the beginning of the meeting.
Well that meeting was a waste of your time. All the meeting was about how we should pay a little more attention to the students now that we're all in dorms. Those who work at night, namely Hizashi, Aizawa, Nemuri, etc., were asked to make sure they don't sneak out and do room checks randomly. Heroes who work in the day, you, Anan, Ken, and others were asked to make sure students acted right during the day, and stayed inside school property. Simple enough but...
"That could've just been an email." Nemuri sighed, peeling off her mask and putting her hair up. Ken was doing the opposite, putting down his cement-like hair and flattening it against his head.
"Agreed. I understand communication is important, especially during such difficult times but..." He sighed, rubbing his flat face.
"It's super annoying. We should all get coffee cups that say 'this meeting could've been an email' on them and just use them every time we have one." You sighed, adjusting yourself to make yourself more comfortable as well.
"Well, now that that's over, and we don't really have anything else to do...wanna go out for drinks?" Hizashi perked up, green sunglasses perched on his head, hair still gelled up.
"It's one o'clock in the afternoon." Aizawa scowled, looking disapprovingly at the man.
"I think he just wants to hang out rather than drink." You slung your arm over Aizawa. He scowled at you but didn't move your arm.
"No, I'm totally gonna drink." Hizashi said while walking backwards, already calling a cab.
"Oh yeah me too." Nemuri agreed, nodding her head.
"I don't know why I came." Aizawa was acting pissy, laying down his head on his crossed arms, glaring at the loudmouths around him.
"Because you loveee us, admit it!" You sang, stirring the drink in your hands. You weren't drunk per say but you were definitely looser and happier now. "Cmon, won't you drink a little?" You looked down at him, smirk on your face.
He scoffed and looked away, sitting up straight. "Someone needs to get you home, and we share a living space, so I'm forced to babysit."
"Dawww, it's okay to show your emotions." You tugged on his uniform sleeve, putting yourself in his personal space.
"Hey!" Hizashi called out to you, definition more drunk than you were. "Let's do karaoke!" He motioned you over, pointing to Anan, who was already singing. You happily jumped up, waiting behind Sekijiro to sing.
When it was your turn, your singing was horrid. It was off-key and loud. Most of your friends just laughed and egged you on, spurring you to sing louder and worse. Still, even in your fuzzy mind you recognize on pair of dark eyes just staring at you. Not in a negative way, no, there was something in his face and eyes that made you quiet down some. Just so he knew you were singing for him.
You don't know how you got home, but you did. Looking at the time, it was seven PM at night. You groaned, rubbing your head while your other hand limply hung off the couch. An oversized jacket was forced on you, baggy, and so so warm.
"Drink this." You looked up to the dark presence above, squinting at the harsh contrast of the shadow to the bright apartment. You got up and groggy drank the water.
"Thanks." You sighed, looking up at Aizawa.
"Sure. Just try to be more responsible next time. You have an image to uphold." He snatched back the cup when you finished, which you realized had prints of black cats on it.
"Mehmehmehmeh." You made a face, mocking him in a high-pitched voice while making a puppet with your hand. The man you were making fun glared at you from the kitchen, activating his quirk while washing your dish.
"I'm being serious. Anyone could've walked in and seen a UA teacher acting a fool at a bar." He growled, now in the drying process.
"Ahh, it was one drink! And plus, none of our dear students are gonna walk into a bar." You got up stretching, scratching your leg while walking past him.
"It was more than one drink!" He called out to you.
"One, ten does it matter?" You replied, entering your bedroom and shutting your door behind you, ending the conversation.
The next morning, you found yourself with a jacket you'd never had before. It was baggy, many sizes too large for you, and something right out of a goth magazine. You don't know where you got it from, but it was warm and comfortable, plus it smelt nice, so you added it to your closet.
The students finally arrived and settled in the dorms, now UA dorm life was in full swing. It was peaceful to see such vibrant characters and youth constantly surround you, it filled you with a new vigor. That was, until now.
Loud crashing woke you up in the dead of night, and you immediately jumped up into action. You didn't yell or scream. Instead, you grabbed a flashlight and a small knife. You slowly opened your bedroom door, crouching out and keeping close to the wall. There was a large imposing figure standing in the middle of the hall, leaning against the wall while fussing with their boot.
Taking the chance, you kicked off the wall and laughed yourself forward. Landing on the interlopers back, you wrapped your arm around their neck, using your free hand to press the switch blade on their face. Your legs immediately wrapped around their muscled frame, trapping yourself onto them.
"What the fuck are you doing in my home." You growled in their ear, putting pressure on the knife to start to dig into their cheek.
"Getting my dumbass kids." Aizawa growled out, hands trying to rip you off of him.
You froze for a second, eyes going wide and mouth going slack.
"Huh!?" You yelled out, toppling off of your roommate. Knife clattering somewhere into the kitchen.
Aizawa turned to you, pissed off and resuming his fussing with his shoes. He tilted his head in your direction but not looking at you. You sat on the ground, still processing everything.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Did I get you anywhere?" You finally came to your senses, scrambling up to check him. Grabbing his chin, you tilted his head back and forth, inspecting.
"I'm fine. I've got to go." He ripped his head back, leaning away from your touch. He finally got his boots of fully, walking into the kitchen and to the front door.
"No you're not, I cut you." You ran into the kitchen, pulling out the first aid kit from under the sink.
"It's fine." He was already at the door, but you ran to him and grabbed the back of his shirt.
"No, it's not, I could've really hurt you." You had grabbed an antiseptic wipe and a bandaid to clean up the cut you made on him. It was small, a nonconsequential wound. But you still took delicate care to cleaning it and covering it up. He didn't get the chance to see what kind of bandaid you put on him, but he felt that it was small.
"As if." He mumbled, eyes fluttering closed as he accepted your gentle touch. There was no bite in his tone, like he was just saying it to say it, to keep up an image. You pulled back, and gave him a once-over.
Aizawa opened his eyes again, and turned to the door to hide his face from you.
"Now you can get your dumbass kids, asshole." You smiled softly, and even if he couldn't see your face, he registered the softness in your tone. The fondness.
When Aizawa got done with yelling at his two problems children, he turned and stomped away, leaving them to be angry at him.
Midoriya remembered something for a moment and hesitantly turned to his rival/best friend.
"Hey Kacchan, was there a Hello Kitty bandaid on his face?" Midoriya seemed a little dumbfounded. It couldn't be true, Aizawa with a bandaid on his face, let alone a Hello Kitty one?
"Hah? The fuck are you talking about?" Bakugo was still clearly pissed, but he was more taken aback than angry.
"That little pink sticker on him, I could swear I saw Hello Kitty on it." Midoriya responded, adamant that he did see it.
Bakugo was silent for a moment, and the freckled boy thought he was ignoring him. So he just sighed and returned inside.
Bakugo smirked a little, now fully remembering. Yeah, he was.
The next morning you decided to ask what happened.
"My two biggest problems decided to sneak out and fight. It hasn't even been a week, and they're already trying to kill each other." Aizawa angrily muttered into his cup of coffee.
You stared at him for a second, pursing your lips. "Did you expel them?" You tilted your head, eyeing him warily.
"I wish." He chuckled, drinking his coffee.
"Ah, so they're your favorites." You smiled, wiping your hands and heading to serve yourself a plate of food. You heard the stern teacher sputtering behind you, coughing as a result of his reaction.
"I have no favorites, and those two would never be them." He responded, setting down his cup heavily.
"But you didn't expel them. You just gave them house arrest and chores. Your favorites." You shrugged, turning around to smirk at him.
"Well, it..." Aizawa shook his head, face pulling into one of anger as he looked for an excuse. He gave up, flopping his hands down to look at you. "They'll learn. They just need more discipline. It's hardly a call for expulsion."
"Let's see," You set down your toast to count examples. "Sneaking out after curfew barely a few days into moving into dorms, destructive of school property, assault on another student, three students snuck out without permission to save another classmate, Midoriya being the ringleader, anddd..." You screwed up your face, and you tried to remember more. You snapped your fingers and pointed at the scowling Aizawa. "Oh! First day, you should've expelled Midoriya and transferred him to another class, but you didn't." You leaned on the counter and tilted your head. "Instead, you let him stay in the hero course because you believed in him. Plus, that whole unwritten speech about Bakugo when he was kidnapped? There was nothing in our notes that said anything of what you said. But you said it anyway, from your heart."
Aizawa had a carefully neutral face, just staring at you while you grilled him.
"So my only crime is believing in my students." His voice was monotone, any semblance of emotion wiped from his face. If it were anyone else, you would've thought they were pissed at you or angry. But you knew better, you recognized that face from last night. The 'I'm pissed because I expected better from you' face.
"No," You grabbed your plate and walked past Aizawa to lounge in the living room, patting his shoulder as you walked. "Your only crime is having a huge heart, but the inability to even show you even have one."
There was no real reason for you to be here, you thought to yourself. You barely helped out when the kids picked out their ultimate moves, and you were definitely not one of the teachers who regularly trained with the kids, but you still found yourself being dragged to go to the hero licensing exams.
You adjusted your hero costume, pulling down and pulling up the outfit where need be.
"Why am I coming again?" You asked Aizawa, turning to him to see he was already staring at you.
He shrugged, "Principal Nedzu just said you were to come." He looked away, fiddling with his phone while he waited for you to get ready.
"Well, sure, I got that, but he didn't email me, and I don't exactly see why-" You were still pulling yourself together, grabbing an over-the-shoulder bag and checking whether or not you had your keys, your wallet, and extra makeup and other stuff you might need.
"Are you ready yet? At this rate, we'll hold up the whole class and make them late." He interrupted you, crossing his arms impatiently.
You deadpanned him and adjusted the strap. "Yes, I'm ready. Dick." You stuck your tongue out at him while he held the door open for you, trying to push you out.
"You need to watch your mouth more. Who knows who's listening." He scolded, pressing the elevator button. The elevator dinged open, and you two stepped inside. Aizawa went to press the floor button, but you beat him to it. He gave you a look.
You smiled. "I like pressing the buttons."
"What are you, a child?" He scoffed.
"Then you'd be a predator." You shot back without thinking. Both of you realized what you meant by that, but before you could spit out on explanation, the door opened again.
Hizashi strolled in, whistling a tune. "Hey guys!" He cheered, ignoring the tension behind him. "What's up?" He turned around, looking at your blushing face and Aizawa's blatant ignoring of you.
"Nothing, what are you up to?" You chuckled, rubbing your head.
"Gonna go out and be a radio host and communications guy." He smiled, but you heard the strain in his voice.
Your bashful attitude dropped, and you held out a hand. "Hey, don't spread yourself super thin." You advised, voice full of worry.
The elevator dinged to all of your last stops, and Hizashi strolled out before the two of you, walking backward to face you.
"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." He waved you off, turning around to walk normally with his hands in his pockets.
"I worry about him sometimes." You admitted, stuck in place. Aizawa walked out before you, holding the elevator so it didn't close on you.
"He's fine, trust me. Hizashi doesn't think about much other than music and having fun." He shrugged, looking off.
"That's because he thinks through you. He speaks Aizawa and thinks Aizawa." You stepped out, walking out the bottom common room to the main grounds of UA.
Aizawa shrugged, not saying anything as he followed you. You looked out to all the excited students, the air buzzing with conversation.
Aizawa got his classes' attention, speaking to all his students.
"Now listen up. This is the most important test of your life, and only fifty percent of the whole student body will pass." That made the class tense up and freeze, dramatic whispers grew between them. "Even though some of you are in trouble." He made direct, unashamed eye contact with both Midoriya and Bakugo, "You will all take the test. Now let's go before we're late." He led the class in the bus, you two being the last ones in.
"They're your favorite." You sang, tapping your knees. You two were sitting in separate seats, but you two were as close to the edge as possible.
"Keep your voice down." He snapped but didn't deny it.
Ms. Joke was awesome.
She shamelessly flirted with Aizawa, if not being a bit pushy with it, and teased him.
You knew of her, you had some run-ins with her when you first debuted. She was a light-hearted, strong woman who had a good sense of humor, she often used to make you double over in full-out belly laughter. But there was something different this time, she was funny, that didn't change, but you weren't laughing so hard you cried now.
"Eraser," Ms. Joke was barely holding back laughter now, "Your fly is down."
You and Aizawa sat next to each other while Ms. Joke was two seats away from you two. That... wasn't all that funny....huh. Maybe Aizawa's bitterness rubbed off of me? Aizawa just sat there like he hated the world, but especially her right now.
"I can't believe you have a full class! Usually, you would've expelled someone by now. You must actually like your class." She turned to him, and you leaned over.
"Right! I think he has a secret soft spot for all of them, but especially-" You exclaimed, excited that some outside of UA had noticed this.
Aizawa cut you off by putting his hand in front of your face, now angry at the world, Ms. Joke, and you.
She laughed, and you giggled. "You're so predictable! Date me." Ms. Joke immediately turned to him.
"Shut up." He scowled, and she just laughed in response.
You sat back up now, looking at him teasingly. "If I have a say-"
"You don't."
"I think you two would make a great couple!" You grabbed Aizawa's shoulders and leaned him to the loud woman, and she just laughed in response. Strangely, you could see her breath from this angle, but you could also see Aizawa's hair float up for a mere second before it dropped again. An action so small and unnoticeable that if you hadn't been so close, you wouldn't have seen it.
You let go, and she leaned to you two, a slightly angry look on her face.
"But c'mon, you both know what's going to happen in just a few seconds." Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, a strained smile.
You looked at the dark man beside you, really he sticks out pretty bad here, and gave him a confused and slightly scared look.
You heard her say something earlier, but you had no idea what it meant, let alone now.
"And yet, you didn't say a thing to your class. Every year the test is always different." She rested her chin on her fist, looking determined out on the field. Aizawa was blankly doing the same, but there was a different look in his eye, one you recognized. One of a teacher who knows what his students can do.
You were shifting on your seat, watching class 1-A break up into factions, trying to understand what the other woman was saying.
"It's a tradition during the exam, most if not almost all of the students have equal footing. Except for one." She dropped her hand, sitting up straight. You were watching her, a feeling of foreboding coming over you as she delved more and more into her dramatic rant.
"UA has a serious disadvantage. Showing off the country's top schools sports program to the whole country, which showed off not just your students' quirks, but their weaknesses and their fighting styles too." Your eyes widened, and you turned back to the field. Watching the majority of the class you grew to care about deeply, be unknowingly followed. "It's a little funny, isn't it?"
That made your heart race, surprise written all over your face. Aizawa ignored her, eyebrows deepening.
"If you actually liked your class this year, you should've warned them about this. It happens every time your school takes the exam, UA is immediately crushed." She said, and to prove her right, a crowd of students all aimed for one group. Yours.
You looked at Aizawa, wondering why he kept quiet about all this. He glanced at you briefly before nodding his head back to the field with the tiniest of motions. That feeling of dread was replaced with pride as you watched Midoriya effortlessly kick away a storm of balls with one kick. From this angle, Ms. Joke assumed you turned away from Aizawa, feeling a little awkward that she had now seemingly made you upset. What she didn't see was your proud smile, your smirk of arrogance. Yeah, they'll be fine.
"I don't really see a reason why I should've warned them. Nothing would've changed if I did, either way, they would've had to deal with it." You and Aizawa watched as your students effortlessly dodged and moved, using their quirks to the best of their abilities to take back the advantage that was stripped away from them. It was taking everything in you not to just cheer out for them, not to scream, hell yeah!
"Real heroes turn around any situation. Besides, when they become pros in the spotlight, they'll have to face villains who already know their quirks." His voice was stern and sharp, with no room for argument. "Perhaps at UA, we look further ahead than other schools." Even though he still had that monotone voice, Aizawa had a passion for his students, one that he barely contained.
A dark shadow fell over the laughing woman's face, now at an angle where she could see the both of you. She watched with bated breath as you watched Aizawa. Smiling while she huffed out a nose laugh. She recognized that look, looking down at her ring finger, she fiddled with the gold ring. There were rings decorating all her other fingers, but the one on that ring was the first and most important one. She's made that face hundreds of times at her own wife, and only a fool would mistake it for anything else.
“‘UA looks further ahead than other schools’, huh? That’s pretty condescending of you to say Eraser.” Ms. Joke piped up, the two had been going back and forth, but you decided to ignore their banter in favor of anxiously watching the students, afraid. “There are as many kids who want to be heroes as there are stars in the sky. The strength of that will has nothing to do with being famous.” Ms. Jokes face had gone back to being serious, and it made you a little unsettled. The woman, in even the short amount of time you’d known her, had taken everything with a grain of salt. Never the one to take offense to someone's words or actions. But here she was scolding Aizawa. They really were the same. They hide the same deep love and care for their students, and the moment someone says something slightly mean, they pop off.
“If you act like you’re the stars of the show and look down on everyone else, then you’re only showing off your true weakness.”
While her words were true, they seemed a little misplaced. Aizawa constantly humbled the students to remind them that no matter how far they got, they would always have room to grow and improve. Not just in their physical strength, but their mental capabilities as well. Maybe it was about the students themselves? Bakugo and Monoma were the students that popped up in your mind immediately.
“You’re right, we will take your advice and make sure our stars don’t think they’re the only ones who shine.” You nodded, sliding your eyes over to her. She nodded, a small smile on her face. Aizawa looked over at you in a questioning manner. 
“Our students are great and all, but sometimes they need to be reminded that they’re not the main character, even if they act like it.” You smiled slightly, easily finding Bakugos yelling from in the arena.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the test ended. Rubbing sleep from your eyes you walked by Aizawa while he went through the paper work he now needed to fill out. 
“You know, I’m starting to see why you’re so tired all the time.” You laughed, tapping the stack of appears in his hands.
He gave an airy laugh, “Sometimes I think they do it on purpose.”
“Well, I can do some it for you. I don’t spend as much time with the kiddos like you do, but I’m sure I could get the hang of it.” You offered, slightly pouting your lips. 
“You’d probably mess it up, or mark them in that atrocious pen you have.” He shook his head, tilting the papers away from you.
“Huh?! Why do you have such little faith in me!? I’m trying to be nice, you-” Kaminari was with his usual group of friends, but he was side-eying the two of you, snickering while watching your interaction. “Jerk.” 
“Good save.”
“Shaddup.” You punched his arm, snatching some of the papers away from him. “I can do this, no sweat, and I promise to use a normal pen.” 
He glared at you, before sighing and shaking his head. “Fine.”
Ms. Joke trotted up to you two and offered to do joint training. Aizawa accepted the offer and walked away, loading all the students onto the bus. 
She turned to where you were still standing, trying to organize and smooth out the stolen reports. “My real name is Emi Fukukado, by the way.” She held out a business card in her gloved hand.
You took it appreciatively. 
“Thanks!” You introduced yourself in turn, shaking her hand.
“Hey, between us two, you and Eraser would make a pretty cute couple.” Fukukado said nonchalantly, smiling easily.
“Hah?!” You exclaimed, freezing on the spot. Your face grew hot, and you tightened your grip on the jokesters hand.
Fukukado pulled away, smile never going away. “I recognize that look in your eyes when you look at him, and Aizawa doesn’t put up with just anyone you know.” She laughed slightly, putting her hands on her hips. “Trust me, my wife looks at me like that all the time, and we’ve been married about ten years now!” 
“Hahhhh?! You’re married?!” 
“You didn’t know? She always wears her wedding ring.” Aizawa sat down heavily beside you on the couch, grunting while he leaned forward. 
“She wears like, ten. How would I know?” You shrugged, pulling down the black pen behind your ear, unglittered unfortunately, to continue your journey of legal HPSC papers. 
“Didn’t you know her when you were younger?” He raised an eyebrow to you, his dark hair out of his face and into a bun.
“Yeah, but we weren’t friends. It was more like, you’re a young woman in the same male-dominated field as me, if anything goes down we’ll have each other's backs. Not friends friends. I literally just learned what her name is.” You turned your attention to the work, already halfway through your stack, while Aizawa was just starting his.
“Women are weird.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“Oh yeah? You’ve known Hizashi since high school and you still deny you two are literally best friends.” You rolled your eyes, remembering how vehemently Aizawa denied the two literally aren’t two peas in a pod.
“Because we’re not. We’re good friends.” You groaned and flicked a pen cap at him. He growled at you, but otherwise turned back to his work.
“Anyyyways, I still feel kinda bad that Todorki and Bakugo failed. That test was really important, and they’re the only two in 1-A who failed.” You sighed, eyes running over Bakugo’s paper.
“That’s their own fault, if they had seen above their own hubris, they would’ve acted better and passed. They will learn to do better at the retake.” The dark-haired man shook his head, sighing.
“True, it was their own pride that was their downfall.”
“Make sure to mark the date in your calendar, it's about three months from now.” He added nonchalantly, now fully focused on the papers.
You looked up and made a confused face. “Why would I need to, I’m not their homeroom teacher?” 
He didn’t respond for a moment, avoiding eye contact. You saw his ears go red slightly at the tips, perking up. “Because you went with me to the first exam, why not help me at the provisional?” 
“W-well, I guess. But I won’t be of much help.” You looked away, remembering the words Fukukado told you the other day making you go hot yourself. 
You both fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds now were the ticking clock and the sounds of papers shuffling and pens scraping. 
It was nice.
“Wait wait wait-” You were laughing now, holding a hand over your mouth. Hiazshi was smiling at you, and Midnight was shaking her head in disbelief. “He got naked?” 
“He didn’t get naked, his quirk made his clothes phase through him. So he ended up naked. There’s a difference.” Aizawa shook his head, sipping his coffee.
You laughed out loud now, leaning on Hizashi’s shoulder while he joined with you.
“I was shocked at first too! I mean, yeow! Everything was out.” That only spurred you on more, tears gathering in your eyes.
“Oh man,” You sighed, wiping away those tears. “I hope they helped him out with his costume, I mean, there’s no way that's safe.” You shook your head, sitting on Hizashi's armchair now.
“They did, they made it out of his hair, so it would phase with him.” He nodded, stuffing food in his mouth. You quirked an eyebrow but ignored it.
“That must’ve taken forever.” 
“Yes, it did.” Aizawa butt in, now fully paying attention to the both of you. You couldn’t see Hizashi smirk, but you were caught off guard by such aggressive behavior. 
“Oh,” You looked away, now feeling slightly awkward. “What was the point of them visiting, anyway? I mean, not that it’s bad to introduce the classes to the big three, but why now?” 
Aizawa sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “To have them talk about the work studies.” 
The air in the teacher lounge shifted, now to a tense one. There was a meeting the day before the new term started, an open discussion on whether or not UA students should be allowed to even let them participate in them. Just like the internships, it was a heavily debated argument. You, Aizawa, Snipe, and Anan were against it, saying it well it went last time would only embarrass/harm UA’s reputation further. Nemuri, Sekijiro, Ken, and Ectoplasmi were for it, their reasoning that the students would need the practice. Others fell in between and allowed themselves to be swayed by the opinions of others.
“Oh.” That was all you said.
“Yeah.” That was all he replied with.
When the school day ended, Aizawa met you at home. He angrily kicked off his boots and hung up his capture scarf by the door. You turned around from the sink, hands wet from washing the dishes.
“Hey.” He looked up at you, standing at the doorway. “I don’t agree.”
“I don’t either.” You turned back, immediately knowing what he was talking about.
When the HPSC had first sent the letter to UA stating they would like the school to participate in the work studies, the teachers erupted in conversation. When the staff didn’t agree, Aizawa stood up an brought all the attention to him.
“Did we forget what happened the first time we allowed our students into the hands of the HPSC? My own students had gone off and could’ve gotten killed. I had no idea, thanks to the lies administered by the commission. Do we need a repeat of that?” He sat back down, looking angrily out at his fellow staff. You stood up beside him.
“I agree, who knows what danger is out there, and we all know from the past that the Hero Commission will just lie to us.”
Snipe nodded in agreement beside you. Ectoplasim stood up. “I assume your classes will have their provisional licenses now? Our students have grown since then, and they now have the ability to make their own calls and decisions.” He rebuttled. This statement only made a fight break out.
In the end, your side lost.
Aizawa was leaning on the counter beside you, hands clutching the counter in a white-knuckled grip. “They lied to us, three students could’ve died.” His voice cracked at the end, face screwed up in anger. You whipped your head at him, looking at him wide-eyed.
You decided not to say anything about his emotions, instead, you dried your hands and turned to him fully. 
“Want to spar?” You offered, holding out his goggles. Aizawa stared at them, then stared at you for a long moment. He snatched them up and quickly put them on. Wordlessly, he got back dressed in his hero outfit, and you complied by getting your shared duffle bag and followed him out. You both had decided to share a bag, hey, it would be easier to carry one than two, since you spar so often anyways.
The next few weeks became hell. Immediately something was brewing, you, Aizawa, and other UA students were invited to an important meeting hosted by Sir Night Eye. You’ve heard of him, mostly through what you know about All Might, but you have never really seen him in action. He was a pretty cool dude, if not a little too serious for your liking. You could only deal with one grumpy man in your life, you didn't need to. There were also friends you made through your line of work, like Toyomitsu/FatGum, Takagi/Rock Lock, and Mr. Brave, you never learned his name, interactions were always brief, but friendly.
You mostly just listened in, you didn’t really have any new or helpful information to hand out to aid in the meeting. You had become slightly boring ever since you became a hero at UA, hero work slightly slacking now that tests and assignments stood in your way of aiding your friends. That is why you had an uptick in your sparring matches with Aizawa, no excuse to fall behind.
Takagi spoke up, questioning why your students were here in the meeting. Toyomitsu, in a burst of passion, declared that the students had valuable information to share. He then introduced himself, and when his attention turned to your side of the table, you waved at him happily.
Aizawa looked at you through the corner of his eyes, a small smile on his face. You elbowed him in response, brushing him off. Aizawa was called to speak, and his leg started to bounce from under the table, only you noticed.
“The bullets effects seem to be different from my Eraser. When my quirk is activated, I don’t attack the quirk itself, instead, I temporarily affect the genes themselves, but no permanent or harmful damage is done.”
“Immediately after Takami was shot, we rushed him to the hospital to have him looked at. We found his quirk was deactivated, but thankful after his rest he was returned back to normal.” That was a relief, not only were the effects of the bullet temporary, like Takagi had said, but the effects weren’t harmful in the long run. When it was revealed that the contents of the bullets were filled with human blood, everyone froze. Disgust filled you, wondering what kind of person would do that. 
“A man named Kai Chisaki is the young Yakuza head of this group, and is turning his daughter's body and blood to make the bullets.” You had decided to tune back into the conversation at the worst possible moment, or maybe you tuned out during the worst conversations of your life, your body tensing up as horror filled you. Aizawa sat slacked beside you, his eyes widening in horror as well. Tears sprung into your eyes, and your hand immediately flew up to cover your trembling mouth. How..how could anyone do that to a little girl? Let alone their own daughter?
The meeting went on with the same tense and angry energy, people piping up with their own angry opinions. You watched with a feeling that you were floating outside of your body as Nighteye folded more and more into himself. The pressure everyone putting on him only added to the guilt you knew he carried. 
The meeting was over late into the afternoon, and packets and folders of information were handed out to all of you. Aizawa was to patrol more in the designated at night, and any possible chance you were to follow yours.
Now you were situated in Aizawa’s car, his hands gripping the steering wheel while you leafed through both folders.
“Lock Rock is right. There’s no need for them to be there.”
“I know.” Your voice was watery, sniffing while you tried not to cry onto the packets. “But we don’t have a choice.”
There was silence when he rolled up to a red. A large hand came into your peripheral, pulling the folders away from you. Aizawa threw them in the back of his car, and you heard them scatter. 
“Don’t worry about that now, we can go through them when we get home.” You looked up at him, and while his expression was still guarded and hard, there was something soft hidden in his face. Maybe it was the way his eyebrows were turned up ever so slightly, or his sad eyes, either way, you nodded.
“I just hope we can save that little girl. She’s so small, and she must be so scared.” The light turned green, and he resumed his journey.
“We will, I know we can.”
The next few weeks were hellish, after school you barely saw Aizawa, and he in turn hardly saw you during breaks/lunches/and during the weekends. You worked from sun up to sunset, using as much time as you could. During the day he worked with the others to make sure everyone was updated on information, whereas during the night you caught up on both your school work and added your own information. You left coffee and easy lunches for him to take out, and he left you jelly packets and energy drinks. 
Finally, there was one day when both of you were home, lying exhausted on the couch together. You were lying on your back, hands covering your eyes while you rested your legs on his. Aizawa complained at first but made no move to stop you, too focused on his iPad sifting through and adding important information. 
“Apparently, Nighteye has picked out people he thinks are assisted with Kai Chisaki. He’ll try to find out more before we move further.” He said out loud, not doing anything to get your attention.
“Good.” Your voice was raspy and tired, flopping your hands down you could barely keep them open. “I’m so tired.” Your voice was filled with pure exhaustion, running on less than thirty hours of sleep for the whole week.
“Me too, I can feel this coming to an end.” You could still hear him clicking away.
“God I hope so, I just want to save her already, I’m starting to see Eri in my goddamn dreams.” You shook your head, tears hotly running down the corner of your eyes. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or maybe it was because of how emotionally drained you were, but you just couldn’t hold back the floodgates.
You heard Aizawa stop tying, but you didn’t dare look over at him.
“Me too.” His voice was filled with utter grief.
Finally, it was the day.
Nighteye had found one of Chisaki’s minions and tracked down the spot where they had been keeping Eri. Now everyone had gathered around in a large group, waiting anxiously in the bright early morning for their commands. You were following Aizawa tiredly, energy absolutely sapped out of you. Aizawa walked up to Midorya, who was surrounded by the only other UA students. 
“I am moving with the Night Eye agency.” You peeked out from behind the dark man, waving happily at your students, string to hide how tired you were. “Do you understand what that means?” 
Midoriya nodded, a hard look on his face. Aaizawa turned back to you, grabbing your shoulder to push you away. “What was that about?” You asked, confused as you turned and waved goodbye.
“He still hasn't earned my trust for running off last time, so I told him I expect him to do things right this time.” He looked down, still walking to get in position.
“You’re such a hardass.” You smiled, shoulders bouncing while you looked away.
“Good, then they stay on their feet and do their best.”
Chaos quickly erupted outside, and you were stuck batting away villains with clubs of pure light. You swung around your makeshift weapons, filled with electricity and a feeling of burning pain. Police surrounded you, blocking your view of not only the entrance but of your allies. 
“This way!” A strong hand grabbed your arm, and you turned and growled. Your guard dropped when you saw Aizawa dragging you inside with him. Quickly, you put as much light as you could in your pockets, quickly closing them so they wouldn’t escape.
“I’m getting kind of worried, man.” Takagi admitted, looking around for any dangers.
“I wonder if anyone leaked information.” Amajiki admitted aloud, but the chief rebuttled him.
“If they had, one would think they’d be smarter to avoid us.”
“They all should be used to working together already, a bond formed through devotion to their boss. They might feel ashamed now, Chisaki and the top brass haven't even shown themselves yet. They’re probably underground getting ready to flee or hide right now.” Aizawa pipped in. All of you were still running down the impossibly long hallway, hearts racing as one.
“No, there’s no way. That villain busted out the doorway as soon as the chief rang the doorbell, no one just does that. Plus, with how big these guys sound, there's no way they’d just leave.” You shook your head, mind swarming with what was to happen. Kirishima looked over to you, conflicted on whether to agree with his homeroom teacher or his history teacher.
“Either way, we’ll take them down.” He decided to say, not favoring either theory.
Suddenly, Nighteye skidded to a halt, stopping in front of an indent in a wall. He seamlessly opened a secret door, and everyone was thankful for his foresight. 
Three henchmen popped out of the darkness, trying to take the group by surprise. However, they were unable to be successful with Bubble Girls and Centipeder's quick thinking. They stayed back with Nighteye’s order to make sure they didn’t come after your group, and you rushed down a concrete hallway, only to be halted by a dead end.
Takagi called out to Nighteye in anger, but Midorya and Kirishima quickly resolved the problem by kicking through the thick wall that had been placed up. The room suddenly became less solid and started shaking around in an ocean. Panic filled the room as it rolled and changed around you, shoving you all around. You, Aizawa, and Toyomitsu formed a triangle. 
“Eraser, can’t you get rid of it?” Takagi yelled out, but Aizawa just shook his head. 
“Not if I can’t see the main body.” He called out, voice strained as he fought off nausea. 
“We need to hurry!” Your voice wobbled as you tried to find steady ground, “If they’re changing the building, then they can escape before we can even get to the end of the hallway!” You tried to step forward, but the mere action of moving knocked you off kilter, so you stood, fighting off gravity as you tried to move. You have to try!
The room stopped moving as violently, and Lemillion took action to run ahead, moving through another hall. You wished you could follow him, try and at least be there for the kid. A scream ripped out of your throat as the ground under you disappeared. You landed on your stomach, the breath knocked out of you on the dirty floor. Aizawa heaved you up, looking around and assessing the situation. 
Three villains made themselves known, launching themselves at Amajiki. Eraser quickly stepped up, erasing the blonde quirk before he could do serious damage to the kid. 
“Suneater-!” You called out, trying to stop his stupidly brave act.
“Go! I’ve got it.” He turned to you all, nodding towards another hallway, the others ran ahead, but Midoirya, Aizawa, and you staggered for a moment.
“Make sure you tie them up, my quirk will wear off soon.” He jogged off, the green-haired boy behind his teacher.
You nodded at him. “I believe in you, do your best.” You nodded at him before following your companion. Quickly you lost Toyomitsu and Kirishma, as they were sucked into and trapped in another room. 
“We have to keep going, there's no time.” Aizawa pulled you forward, trying to get you to keep moving.
“I know, it just feels like we’re purposely being split apart.” You followed him, worry filling your entire being. 
Takagi locked the room in place as soon as it started to move again, even if it was a tight fit, it allowed you all to push forward.
“Stand back, he’s coming from the places I haven't locked down.” Takagi held out a hand to stop you all from moving forward, and you watched as the end of the hallway rushed towards you all.
Midorya rushed again, kicking away an entrance point. The path never cleared, so the young boy continued his assault. The wall immediately retracted, clearing away the path for you. 
“What the hell..?” You wondered but were quickly cut off by the room changing once more, separating the main group into smaller groups. You were stuck with Aizawa and Midorya.
The wall dropped again, revealing two Takagi’s, and you stood in confusion between the two of them. Aizawa was fast and quickly attacked the fake Takagi before it could attack Midoriya. Himiko Toga was forcefully revealed, squealing while she chased after the boy. As effortlessly as he could, he dragged the crazed girl away, but not without getting stabbed in the shoulder.
Once more the room shifted, and tunnels of dirt and concrete erupted from the walls, you all looked around widely, trying to see where the dirt was coming from. Midoriya took action almost immediately, shooting up to kick where he thought Mimic was. The boy revealed the villain, and in an instant he erased his quirk, watching him fall to his death. 
“The League betrayed them?” Aizawa questioned looking out to where the two voices had come from.
“Seems so, and they used us to aid in their scheming. Though, at least we're on solid ground now.” Nighteye adjusted his glasses, looking forward to the dark hallway, police officers scattered around.
You took a moment to recap and interrogate Irinaka, but that led him into an angry frenzy. 
“As officers of the law, we cannot let them escape.” The chief held up his gun, his underlings looking around as well.
“It sounded like they were escaping, we should focus on our top priority for now instead of going into a circle.” You said, looking around. Takagi agreed with you, deciding to split up the pros with the mission and the police with the League. He decided to stay, you pulled out a small knife, handing it to him.
“Just in case.” He nodded, face still screwed up in pain. 
His speech renewed the hope in your heart, you and Aizawa shared a glace and immediately ran ahead to save Eri, trying to catch up before it was too late.
Following in Midorya's shadow, he bounced ahead of the villain lying on the ground, smashing the wall in front of the group. There a sight for only the strong-hearted was seen, Chisaki and Togata were already engaged in battle, with the electric blonde already having a considerable amount of damage. Aizawa immediately yelled out commands, ordering you to round up the fallen villains. Already quickly rounding up the three villains, you were hit in Chisaki order to Chrono. Aizawa called out to Midoriya, but his body screwed back to look at you. You grunted in pain, feeling like your body was put under molasses. Chrono had gotten straight through your side, cutting a clean medium-sized hole in your midsection. And before anyone could stop him, or help him, Aizawa blinked.
The ground erupted in spikes, sending you flying through the air. Thankfully, you landed in a hole in the ground before you could get caught by the spikes. Aizawa and Chrono were already down there, the latter of the two setting atop Aizawa. Both of you were practically paralyzed, with Aizawa immediately incapacitated by his quirk. He spent the time monologuing about Chisaki, explaining the relationship that Eri had with the others in the Yakuza. Shut the hell up you scum. You couldn’t even growl out loud. Straining as you tried to get him, you were behind the two, and he must not have even realized you were down here. You heard Aizawa grunting as he slowly moved away, you watched as Chrono took out Aizawa’s own knife, opening and getting ready to stab the man with it.
You took out a small piece of light from earlier, the electric gold energy lighting up the dark room.
“Huh?” He looked around to see you, and in one fell swoop, you slashed along his Achilles heels. “You bitch.” He groaned out, dropping the knife to clutch at his heels. At the same time, Amajiki appeared, stabbing his arm with one of his food quirks. There you saw the teenage boy surrounded by police officers, guns ready. He just glared at them in defeat.
The officers helped you up, someone pulled down the bandages on Aizawa's face, and he quickly removed the effects of the quirk. You were taken in an ambulance and Aizawa was taken up to the ground floor. 
“Wait! I can still help!” You tried to squirm out of their grasp, but Aizawa shook his head ‘no.’ Tears sprung in your eyes, did you do bad? You did your best. Still, you were forced into an ambulance.
You were in and out of consciousness the first day, one part of the injury, but mostly out of laziness. Lack of sleep finally caught up to you, forcing you to pay your debts. Still, it wasn’t like you were out of it, you could hear voices, smell the clean hospital air, feel the thin sheets below you, and taste your dry mouth. Different types of voices visited you, your friends, you recognized dimly. But there was one who stayed as long as they could, and whenever they spoke, you turned your head to them, smiling and appreciating the smooth bass. A large and warm hand felt your forehead, then checked your cheek. But their touch lingered on your cheek, gently cupping the part of your face.
“Hmm, s’warm.” You mumbled, not really awake as you squished your face further in the hand.
“So weird.” But they never pulled away.
The next day, you were fully awake, still in a little bit of pain. Thanks to quirks and advanced medical technology, your wound was mostly closed. It was still tender to the touch, and still able to open, but as long as you were careful, you’d be fine.
Now you were hungrily inhaling the food the nurse had dropped off, Aizawa watching you in muted disgust.
“Wha’?” Your mouth was still full, flakes of rice and meat juice surrounded your mouth.
“You eat like you’re an animal and not a fully grown woman.” He shook his head, eyeing you like you were gonna eat him next.
“I’m hungry dick!” Still, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, eating more delicately. Aizawa rolled his eyes but stopped to watch his hands.
“I have a favor to ask of you.” He didn’t look at you. 
You wanted to tease him, but there was something about his demeanor that made you hesitate. “Yeah, what do you need.” You set down your food, gently sitting up to stare at him.
“The little girl, Eri, her quirk is unstable and dangerous.” Aizawa looked up now, reaching behind him to grab a small packet of papers. He handed them to you, continuing to talk. “So is her emotional state, there’s no telling when she’ll get upset and activate her quirk.”
Multitasking, you opened the folder while listening to him Rewind. She can rewind the state of a person, down to nothing. You looked up with worried eyes.
“She’ll need someone who can stop it, and watch over her.” His words hung heavy in the air, and he was tense now, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“Of course, what will you do with her?” He still hadn’t relaxed, hands clenching.
“I was thinking that she could live with us. We could watch over her.” Your eyes widened, mouth parting slightly.
“I-why me? I’m not exactly mother material.” You laughed nervously, looking at him confused. Why does he have to rope you into everything he does? Would you even be good enough to watch over the girl?
“She doesn’t need a mother, she needs someone to help her. And I..we live together, so it makes the most sense.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. Yet he was still tense, but why?
You looked down at your own hands, looking over her patient file. She was a traumatized little girl who needed help.
“What i…-what if I mess something up, what if I’m not good enough?” You voiced your concern, voice wavering already. When did you get so emotional?
“You won’t be doing it alone, I’ll be there.” Aizawa's voice was soft, comforting you. You looked up at him, staring into his soft eyes.
“But why me?”
“Because it’s always you.”
You, as well as the other students, were released from the hospital not too long after the raid. The drive home was silent, both of you sleepy for different reasons. You were getting used to not sleeping all day, and Aizawa was exhausted from watching over Eri all night. Even if Aizawa never put on the radio, even if you hit every red light, even if the late-night roads were quiet, neither of you spoke about what he said in the hospital. Not even when you were in the hospital. 
Tiredly you both made it back home, stumbling in the dark room. 
“Aizawa wait.” You held out a hand, getting his attention while he poured his cup of coffee. You turned to him, “Where is she gonna sleep? There’s only two rooms.” 
Aizawa gave you a blank face, overpouring his cup, hot coffee spilling out from his hand and to the floor.
“Aizawa.” You repeated, his face still blank.
“I could sleep in the living room.” Aizawa offered, both of you had your hair up/out of your way as you looked around the shared living space.
“Well that’s not fair to you, I’ll just sleep in the living room. You can keep the big room, which I still haven’t gotten over, by the way, and she gets the smaller room. You’ll be right there for her and I can just hang out.” Your hands on your hips while you stared out into the living room, staring down at the beige couch.
“I shouldn’t let you take the living room.” He shook his head, shooting down the idea immediately.
“Why not?” 
“One, because you’re a slob.” Aizawa looked over to you, “Two you have far too much stuff, and three you’re a woman.”
“Okay one, kiss my ass.” You faced him as well, crossing your arms. “And what does me being a girl have to do with anything?” You gave him a dirty look.
“Oh don’t look at me like that, I mean, if anyone needs their own space it should be you.” He waved you off, turning around to head into the kitchen.
“Well, Eri above anyone needs her own room, sooo…” You shook your head at him, giving him a look while he rustled through the cabinets. You thought for a moment, and a terrible idea came up in your head. Aizawa looked over at you, jelly pouch hanging out of your mouth.
“What terrible idea do you have.” He looked at you warily, still hanging into the snack through his teeth.
You shook your head, making a disgusted face.
“What?” He prodded.
“You’re not gonna like it, I don’t even like it, but we could share your room. We could buy another bed and separate the room into two.” You slowly lifted your hands in a questioning manner, your voice high.
Aizawa stared at you, one of his eyes raising in an annoyed look. “That’s a terrible idea.”
“Well, what other idea do you have?”
He looked around, thinking for a moment before he groaned very loudly. “You just want to have the bathroom in the room, don’t you?”
“I’m merely making the conscious decision for the both of us considering your situation.” You held your hands up in a non-accusing way, trying to fake some sort of innocence. 
“Fine.” He grunted, turning around to wash the dishes in the sink. You tried to ignore the implications of what sharing a room meant, far more intimate than sharing a home. Walking past, you willfully ignored his blushing ears.
Aizawa’s time was spent between watching over Eri and working as a teacher. So you didn't see him often for a while, whereas you were suck with redecorating and adjusting your home. You started off slow, just buying kid shit for her, like books, stuffed animals, and cubbies. But when it came time to put together said cubbies and bookshelves you let them build up, and you very pointedly ignored moving the beds. Aizawa was too busy for you to ask, and you sure as hell couldn't, or was it wouldn't, who knows, do it all by yourself. So you called the one man who you knew would help you.
“No lift with your legs.” 
“I am lifting with my legs! Hurry up jackass, I’m gonna drop the bed on my foot!” You groaned with the effort, damning yourself for wanting such a heavy frame.
Snipe sighed, rolling his eyes at you while he backed up. He had one hand holding the bottom of the sideways bed, the other supporting the top. Ever so gently he led you out of your old room and into Aizawa’s room.
“Okay ready? I’m gonna set it down, and you have to do it with me.” He looked back at you, his sharp eyes piercing. 
“Yup.” Your voice was strained, trying not to drop the bed. Following his lead, you turned the bed slowly and dropped it. You sighed, leaning over on your knees while you caught your breath. “Fuck.” Looking up, the bed was in the middle of the room, and you needed to shove it to the other side of the room, opposite to Aizawa’s
“I got it.” Snipe waved you away, immediately going to drag the bed in place.
You knew Snipe would answer your call, often times you hung out outside of work, and on the rare times he hosted an outing, you went with him. He stood back up, the muscle shirt he was wearing doing wonders for his body, showing off his toned arms and flashing you his exposed sides. And for a man whose quirk was a gun, he sure as hell did have a slutty waist.
“Alright break time.” You walked out of the room, Snipe following you with laughter.
“We’ve barely started.” 
“And now it’s break time.” You filled up two cups of water, handing one to him. Your hands brushed briefly, his course fingertips quickly ghosting over yours. There was a beat of silence, he made direct eye contact while he took a sip from his cup.
It’s not like you haven't thought about it, even before Snipe showed his face you knew he’d be hot under there. It was sometime after the final exams in the first term, he had been retelling the embarrassing story of his run-in with Hagakure. You had laughed at him loudly in the warm night air, tears springing to your eyes. You could feel his eyes on you, even if you couldn’t see them.
“Why do you wear your mask all the time?” You asked out loud after calming down. He stared ahead, and instead of responding he just tugged it off.
He looked at you with brilliant grey eyes, little targets in them. He had dark and thick eyebrows, long pretty eyelashes, and his full lips pulled in a smirk. Across his face was a gnarly scar, it looked like he had been slashed at an angle across, leaving behind a slightly raised thick wound.
“You’re face is a little lighter than your body.” You said stupidly, brain short-circuiting.
He just laughed and looked back out into the courtyard. 
“I know.”
You cleared your throat, willing away all of the not-very-safe-for-work thoughts that filled your head.
“I have to wonder, why are you and Aizawa sharing a room?” Snipe sat on the table, leaning back to watch you. His thick thighs were highlighted when he sat down, shorts leaving nothing to the imagination, and you swore he widened them when he caught you looking. Damn these slutty men.
“It’s nothing like that,” You waved him away. “Have you heard about the little girl that's going to be living here?” He nodded.
“Her name is Eri, and her quirk is unstable, so Aizawa has guardianship over her so she doesn’t accidentally kill someone. Which means that she’s gonna live with him, which means she’s gonna live with us.” You sighed.
“But why does that equate to you and Aizawa sharing a room?” He waved an arm, looking at you curiously.
“If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you’re jealous, Snipe.” You smirked, but it dropped. “Eri immediately gets a room, that’s a given, but I wanted Aizawa close by, but he thought it’d be inappropriate for me to sleep out here. So now we’re bunking together.” 
Snipe hummed, closing his eyes and looking away. But out of the corner of his eyes he peeked at you. “You could always spend the night at my place if you need, Sejikiro doesn’t mind guests over, since he’s usually out.” 
Before you could respond, a presence made themselves known.
“That’s completely inappropriate.” Aizawa snapped, holding a bag of groceries. 
“Hey, Aizawa.” Snipe turned in his direction, waving hello.
“Why are you here?” He greeted back.
“He helped me move my bed, and he’s helping me put together the bookcases and Eri’s bed.” You peeked over, looking at him. Aizawa was just angrily looking at Snipe, who was staring back.
“You couldn’t have asked me?” He was pissed at you now?
“You’ve been busy.” You shrugged, stepping out to try and cool the angry man.
“I would’ve helped, you just needed to ask.” Aizawa growled out. “Now I’m here, so you,” He looked over to Snipe, who was just lazily watching the whole conversation, “Can get out now.” Aizawa sidestepped the door, motioning for him to leave.
“I’m already here now, plus if we all three work together, I’m sure it’ll go by quickly.” He tried to soothe the stern teacher.
“I’m sure you’re very busy, get out.” Neither Aizawa nor Snipe moved, silently challenging one another.
Snipe got up without a word, and on his way out he turned to you. “Call me whenever you need help, you have my number.” He waved goodbye, Aizawa slamming the door in his face.
“What the hell was that?” You asked in disbelief, watching the man you lived with as he strutted across the room. He threw the bags on the groaned, angrily opening the edge door to shove the food in there. “Hello?” You got closer, standing right behind him.
“I didn’t know you were calling other men to come by our house alone. You can’t do this when Eri comes in.” He was basically throwing in the food now, the poor grapes and carrots chucked to the back.
“Like Snipe isn’t our friend, what was going to happen? He helped me move the bed.” You were leaning over him now, anger now filling you. It’s been a while since you fought, the song and dance you both created had shifted over time.
“He’s your friend, not mine.” Aizawa stood up. “Plus, anything he did I could’ve done easily, there was no reason to call him. I live here too.” Aizawa got in your face, glowering.
“You’ve been busy. I’m not going to bother you-” 
“It wouldn’t be a bother! All I’ve been doing is making sure Eri’s healing process goes as scheduled, nothing I couldn’t have left to help you.” 
Both of you just stood there, breathing angrily in each other's spaces, chest to chest.
“Why do you care so much? Aren’t you happier that I’m taking the work off your hands?” You asked, anger ebbing away.
Aizawa said nothing in response, looking away slightly ashamed. 
“Because I don’t like other people in my house.” Bull.
“What about Nemuri or Hizashi? You have no problem with them coming over? Or Anan and Sejikiro?” You asked, genuinely confused.
His shoulders slumped, eyebrows slightly going up. “It’s different.” 
“How? In what way?” 
Aizawa’s tired eyes looked at you, and you realized what Fukukado was talking about.
“I recognize that look in your eyes when you look at him..”
“It just is, if you need my help, you can just call me. I’ll be there.”
The first thing you noticed was how small she was, and how stringy and thin her hair was.
You were sitting in the hallway of the front door, wearing a Hello Kitty jacket and baggy sweatpants. Eri was clutching onto Aizawa’s hand painfully, but he made no move to pull away.
“Hey, little one.” You made no movement, both you and Aizawa letting her decide what to do. He was just staring at her, gauging her reactions.
She said your name, asking whether or not you were you.
“Yes I am, did Mr. Aizawa tell you I was a hero?” You asked softly, smiling at her. She nodded, one hand on her face.
“And I’m going to be living with you too?”
“Yes ma’am.” You nodded dutifully.
“Why, uhm..” Her voice got quiet, and she mumbled into her hand. Aizawa crouched down, getting on her level. He whispered something in her ear, and she nodded shyly. She turned back to you, big eyes filling with tears. “Why didn’t you see me in the hospital?” She asked, looking down while her voice wavered. In turn, your eyes filled with tears, guilt ripping you open. You swallowed away your tears and leaned forward. 
“I’ve been busy getting your room all ready for you. Remember when Mr. Aizawa asked what your favorite animals and colors were?” You asked.
She turned back, eyes widening as she nodded.
“Well, want to go see?” She nodded enthusiastically again. You slowly got up, holding a hand out for her to grab. She did gratefully, but she never let go of Aizawa’s forcing you to walk side by side as you walked to her room. 
You opened the door, and she gasped, running in and looking excitedly at everything. You and Aizawa watched in adoration as she squealed, never moving from the doorway. 
You looked over at him and saw he was already staring at you.
“What?” You asked, laughing while a bashful blush spread across your face.
“You’ll do great, I don’t understand why you were so worried.” He shook his head, a small smile on his own face, ears burning hot. 
You exhaled out of your nose, smiling as you turned back to Eri, who was watching you two. She just slowly crawled up to you two, slowly hugging both of your legs. Her grip became tight, and you and Aizawa shot each other’s worried looks. 
“What’s wrong honey?”
“Eri is something wrong?”
She looked up to you two, face red and eyes watery. “You guys are like mommy and daddies.” She sniffed, “I promise I won’t hurt you.” 
You frowned deeply, eyes filling up again with tears. Aizawa started to blink rapidly, inhaling deeply as he looked up.
“Oh Eri, you could never hurt us. I promise to protect you.” You hugged her tiny frame, soothing her shaking. Aizawa joined you, hugging her just as tight.
“We’ll always be here for you, alright?”
That was a promise neither of you would break, no matter what happened.
they make me mentally unwell,,AND BEFORE YOU ASK YESS I'LL WRITE A PT 3 its just this was already 12k words, and i knew that it would jest get more unreasonable the more I wrote,,,soooo,,,they make me so ill I just,,,
Also I know eri doesn't come home till later, but lick my bawls,,,I'm forcing parenthood on them
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leonkennedygvrl · 9 months
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“what’s your motive?”
cw; alternate universe, ceo leon, personal assistant reader, slowburn, enemies to lovers but like one sided, angry sex, p in v, cream pie, desk sex, leon is pissed, you’re rebellious asf, pussy spanking, bareback, orgasm denial, dirty thoughts, degradation, bratty reader cus we love that, the list goes on.
trigger warning; out of character leon for the bitches that get offended. (don’t even interact w me, i did specify au, thnx!)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
leon was really wrong to hire you, based on the interview and your experience, he took the bait. you were so sweet, intelligent and perfectly fit for his company.
well, at least he thought so.
first day, you seemed to deliberately fuck up his coffee run - he asked for a light black, you came back with an americano. but he let it slide, because he’s a good boss.
second day, you were tidying up his office like he asked - until he noticed some important files crumpled like rubbish and chucked into the bin (and when he thought it couldn’t get worse) you had also put his presentation he’d worked on for weeks in the paper shredder.
third day, you had wrote some inappropriate things on the wall in the women’s bathroom - which had complaints flying in, and leon was getting progressively more sick with your antics.
everyday was another petty, childish ‘prank.’ and you hardly took the work seriously, that leon sat on his desk at early hours of the first day to the second week you’ve been here.
he was contemplating whether he should fire you or not, he knew you were capable of doing well - but for some reason you just weren’t trying.
and what annoyed him the most, was that the pranks had become more… provocative ever since the third day.
walking past leon, you couldn’t help but brush your bodies together. or you’d bend down in front of his desk, chew on his lucky pen whilst he watched, or your skirt would get shorter… and shorter, and shorter.
what was just a funny little joke to you, was him having to rush to the bathroom and wank one off - almost. every. fucking. day.
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you walked in, shiny stilettos clacking on the ground and all - impatiently pressing the button to the elevator, your hands fell to your sides with an annoyed groan as it began moving.
you dug into your purse, picking out a stick of watermelon gum and chucking it into your mouth - then a small mirror as you glossed your lips, puckered them a few times and grinned.
another day of mischief, which was what you originally thought.
but the moment you exited the elevator, a colleague, or well - the only person who tolerates you (because she’s chill) aka, sheva alomar approached you.
“heya girl, i don’t know whatcha’ did this time, but boss is callin’ for you, and he didn’t seem all hunky-dory.” sheva said, eyeballing you in a way that practically said ‘you’re fucked.’
but you only shrugged it off. “maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?”
“it’s serious, apparently.” she said almost immediately after, then sighed. “just, good luck.”
you watched as she walked away, and then you giggled to yourself; eyes finding the door to his office.
thinking that you might as well, since it was inevitable to avoid him considering you were his personal assistant - you made your way towards the door, hearing the silence flood the open area.
your hand reached the door knob, ready to push it down when the door suddenly opened - and you gasped softly, looking up to see the meanest stare coming from leon.
his eyes were narrowed, brows furrowed enough for his forehead to wrinkle whilst the strands of dirty blonde fell on his visage. not to mention, the frown (that was usually always there) on his face.
you swallowed hard, nervous butterflies fluttering in your stomach. he looked like he was fuming.
but at the same time, leon didn’t bother hiding the way his gaze fell to your unbuttoned shirt, the glimpse of cleavage leaving him indifferent in expression - but not in thoughts.
all he could think about was what you’d look like on your knees, glazed lips tightly embracing his cock whilst you gagged and choked.
that’ll shut you up, like a good girl.
or perhaps the face you’d make when he’d stretch out that tiny cunt, would you cream or would you squirt? or both?
“inside, now.” leon said, stepping to the side and leaving the door open for you.
reluctantly, you complied - the spacious office you knew so well, that you messed with numerous times, that you secretly adored.
because, thing was, you pulled these vacuous tricks to catch his attention and seemingly… it worked.
leon closed, and locked the door behind him, watching as you sat on the seat in front of his large, mahogany desk clattered with papers, a monitor and boring office things.
he rolled up his sleeves, clearing his throat with a deadpan expression as he slumped down onto his chair behind the desk - his forearms rested atop it, veins protruding from his elbows and down.
that immediately caught your attention, those hands - big and muscular, his fingers thick in such an attractive way and the callouses on his palms, from what? ? ?
weights? guns? knifes? holding thighs? necks? breasts. . . ?
“we need to talk about your behaviour.” leon said after a while, voice stern, raspy.
innocently tilting your head, you flashed him a sweet smile. “my behaviour? what about it? i hope i haven’t been upsetting you, sir.”
leon’s jaw visibly clenched, and you could see the pure hatred lust in his expression. “upsetting me? do you think this is some sort of fuc—“
he stopped himself, needing to be professional. he was glad the desk covered his lower-half, otherwise the raging erection he had right now would become rather apparent to you.
fucking, fuck, fuck you…
leon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose - all the while, you continued to grin, humming quietly. “listen, i hired you because from what your experience tells me you can work well and make good for this company. but i didn’t hire you so that you could be immature, with all these pranks of yours.”
“what pranks?” you asked, feigning a frown. “i don’t know what you’re talking about, sir.”
is that what you’d call him when he was pounding your little lady pussy?
his nostril twitched, and he was just about at his limit. “stand up.”
like on instinct, your body followed his orders - anything for him.
“tell me, do you think you’re funny?” leon asks, walking around the side of the desk, towards you, slowly.
“i am humorous when i want to be, sir.” you smiled.
“and these past couple weeks, you’ve been humorous?”
he stepped closer, and closer, and closer, until he towered over you.
“the past couple weeks i’ve been working hard sir, in order to exceed your expectations.” you replied, shrugging your shoulders whilst your hands snaked behind your back, swinging your torso in cutesy. “are you alright sir? you seem… angry.”
and you knew he was, you also knew he was hungry. the bulge in his trousers didn’t seem to lie, and you took his momentary silence a chance to actually appreciate him.
leon wore a white collared shirt which emphasised the swell of his biceps, or the way his pecs poked through deliciously… the grey button up vest complimenting his small red tie, and the matching grey trousers.
he was delicious.
“am i angry?” leon scoffed, turning his head to the side as he hid an arrogant smirk - “i don’t know, you tell me.”
his hand reached out, gliding up your arm - sending shivers down your spine. his fingertips were just hardly grazing the skin, trimmed nails tickling. “i’m growing tired of this, you know?”
“tired of what?” you breathed, feeling goosebumps arise at his mere touch.
and suddenly, his hand was around your neck in a flash - pushing you back against his desk, and your hands immediately clasped the edge of it as a soft gasp escaped your lips.
he moved in close, breath mingling with yours. “don’t try to be all innocent on me, i’ve had fuckin’ enough. seeing you bend that fuckin’ ass down, or wear those slutty little skirts.”
you shuddered, his raspy tone making your clit throb in arousal and all of a sudden all the sensations became scarily more apparent.
his other hand, tauntingly found your thigh… grazing upwards, thumb rubbing circles. he moved his lips to your ear, huffing.
“y’know how fuckin’ hard it makes me?” leon growled, glancing down as he gripped the hem of your black tube skirt, pulling it up shamelessly. “all quiet now, huh? i’m going to ruin you, do you know what that means? or is your stupid little bitch brain too small to comprehend that?”
he spoke in a mocking voice that made you feel small, embarrassed, even. “sir…”
“nah, nah… stay quiet, it suits you better.” his fingers traced your panties, sheer peach pink lace with tulip embroidery. an eyebrow leaped up, feeling how fucking soaked you were. “oh? this is turning you on?”
that shitty, bitchy demeanour you kept seemed to have fucking disappeared - your head rolled back, a sultry whimper escaping your pretty little lips.
his eyes narrowed, and hastily— his hand spanked your pussy, hitting that sensitive clit through your thin, lacy material. “fuckin’ answer me.” he hissed into your ear.
“does this turn you on?” then his fingers held the hem of your panties, and moved them to the side. exposing your bratty cunt he wanted a taste of.
“sir!” you whined, lips pouting before he pinched your clit hard which made your eyebrows arch inwards and your thighs twitch.
“pussys cryin’ for me, hm?” leon cooed, pulling his head back to watch your expressions contort. “you just needed to be put in your damn place, and all of a sudden you’re not a brat.”
then his hand pulled away, gliding up and roughly grabbing your hair in a bunch — not quite caring whether it hurt you or not, the way you gasped was enough to satisfy him.
he turned you around, your hands taking hold on the edge of his bureau as you tried to push back against him but to no avail - his hand, pulsing with veins glided down your back and bent you straight over.
leaning down, he kissed the lobe of your ear, hot breath making you shudder. “you’re going to take what i give you,”
“like a good girl.”
with your skirt lifted to around your coccyx, leon’s gaze dropped to your ass - inches away from the tent in his pants, begging to be touched, to be played with. “gorgeous little ass f’ me, too bad the owner is a fucking brat, huh?”
you made a great effort to stay quiet, tears pooling your lash line with your elbows harshly pressed onto the wood, your thighs squeezed together why were you aroused?!
it had to be the way he spoke, perhaps? his deep, sagacious tone that had you always in a trance, or the way he aggressively manhandled you out of pure anger. it’s not like you didn’t want this, you did, horribly.
you just acted like you didn’t (maybe you were a bit of a tsundere)
nah, you just liked annoying him.
“s—sir, this is inappropriate.” you weakly mewled, trying to keep up that annoyingly innocent facade that fooled fucking no one (it did) “you can… sniffle get fired for this”
leon chews the inside of his cheek, draping his head down as he laughed condescendingly, and then abruptly grabbed the fat of your ass, making it simple in between his knuckles and your breath hitch.
“inappropriate? since when did you care about what’s inappropriate?” leon scoffs, kneading the doughy flesh, biting his lower lip at the sight. “you’re a slut, you want this.”
“no!” you bit back, turning your head over your shoulder to stare at him stubbornly with a pout as your leg hiked up and smacked the back of your mid-thigh.
leon’s hand abandoned one cheek, and shot out to grab your ankle, pulling it over the desk and effectively spreading you further.
“dirty girl, you’re wearing panties a size too fuckin’ small.” leon groaned, watching as the lace undergarment stretched upon your fat pussy, your fat dripping pussy.
you ‘mm’ed in embarrassment, wiggling your hips because you were trying not to give in. now your hole was throbbing and your body was burning, and you NEEDED him.
“sir… stop teasing me.” you begged, face falling flat onto the desk, fingers clenching tightly.
he was finally making you give in, putting you in your fucking place. he tilted his head, innocently.
“aww, i’m not teasing you, baby.” leon ‘sympathetically’ taunted, rubbing your ass, your thighs, everywhere.
“i’m just giving you what you deserve,” his finger hooks into your panties, pulls it up, “and this is it” and smacks it back down onto you like an elastic slingshot, making you moan.
“sir, please!”
he chuckles, darkly, eyeing your pussy for a hot minute before he grunts. “i guess i just can’t resist this”
leon rips your panties, the scratchy noise making you whimper - you really liked those ones! damn! then a finger traces your folds, thick and hot, smearing the slick to your clit and making it all slippery and hard to play with.
but oh so delicious as his digit plopped inside you, extracting a gasp, as he slid in knuckle deep, then back out and in.
he could feel how tight your spongey walls gripped him, the hot flesh making him anticipate impatiently. “god, i don’t think i’ll be able to take myself out of this pussy.”
leon hoped he thought that, instead of vocalising it - but oh well, truth is told.
“sir—“ you mewled, breath becoming heavy, he was hitting every spot just right, thrusting just right, pleasuring you just right.
“say leon,” he demanded, shoving a second finger in, and curling it to slam your g-spot repeatedly making you writhe and gasp. “say it, unless you want me to stop.”
“leon!” you almost screamed, rocking back against his fingers - you were so close, so so close.
“leon, leon, leon, i—“ and he interjected your orgasm with a pull out of his fingers and a slick grin on his handsome face.
“you didn’t think i was going to let you cum so easily, did you?” leon laughed, you were so pathetic it was actually entertaining for him. why didn’t he do this sooner?
you slump down in defeat, you deserved this after all - but that was about to be the best orgasm of your life so you were rather disappointed.
“answer me.” he growls.
you exhale, feeling your stomach buzz when his voice dropped an octave. “no—no, sir… leon, i didn’t think so… i don’t deserve to cum.”
leon was rather surprised - behind the mask he well, masked. you were submitting, you weren’t being a brat. you were actually kinda… cute.
“flip onto your back f’ me.” leon said, voice much softer than before.
you complied, skirt rolled up to your abdomen and pussy coated with wetness - he was afraid to look at that shining glory, otherwise he might just cum in his pants.
but it was also you he could appreciate. hair sticking to your forehead with sheer sweat, lips parted and glossed in saliva, face flushed and how your eyes gazed at him longingly, begging him to fuck you.
leon couldn’t take it anymore, he wanted needed you.
quickly, and clumsily unbuckling his belt leon palmed himself for a few moments, a throaty groan leaving him at finally feeling some sort of physical pleasure. “fuck… you ready for me, baby?”
your eyes brightened up the moment he said that, and you nodded eagerly, biting your lower lip as you watched him.
leon slipped his cock out, squinting as he rubbed the bulbous tip up… and down… your folds, uuuup… and… dooown…
and when he reached down again, he pushed into you, eyebrows creasing as your pussy immediately clenched down on him and you moaned delectably.
“oh, fuck.” leon grunted, his hands moving below your knees, holding your thighs apart as he bottomed out in you - his other head kissing your cervix, and your warmy wetness hugging his frenulum.
the erotic noises leaving you only spurred him on, having him begin to pound into you - his hair messy with sweat, beads of it dripping down his forehead whilst his fingers clenched around your legs, threatening to leave a mark.
“l—leon..” you whimpered, feeling his dick slowly throb as he pulled out halfway - your body tensed, and he slammed back in.
“yeah? shameless little bitch, you just needed this pretty thing to be fucked and abused, huh?” leon groaned, his eyes narrowing before he threw your calves over his shoulders and he fisted his desk, thrusting his chubby dick in and out of your sopping pussy, making you a feel a lashings amount of pleasure.
he had you folded in fucking half while he used you, while he put you where you belong. and you were a complete mess, clit swollen and just begging for some sort of attention, your nipples so erect leon couldn’t resist using one of his big hands to pinch them in between thick fingers.
the way he felt, stretching you out so nicely — reaching the deepest parts of you, each roll of his hips leaving you trembling and gasping whilst electric waves buzzed through your body.
and leon just adored the way your pussy held him, took him, the way your slick crawled down his thick balls, the spongey wall inside you restricting his dick from even leaving your cunt.
“l—leon, leon… s’ too much–“ you mewled, hips jerking as you pressed your hands against his abdomen, feeling him tense.
he bit his lip, watching your face closely, feeling your pert nipples. he feigns concern, tilting his head. “aw, need me to slow down? hmm?”
you nod expectantly, your lips continuously parting with great big huffs escaping. your thighs were twitching and trembling, and that made leon’s dick pulse inside of you. he was so turned on, having wanting this since you started those innocent seeming eyes staring at him whilst you said all the pretty ‘yes sirs’ convincing him just why he should hire you when it was clearly a mistake.
and he does slow down, but torturously. his head not quite reaching where you wanted anymore due to his shallow, gently condescending thrusts, and the shit-eating grin on his face made you want to scream of pure frustration.
now, you know how he felt!
“leon…” you said, hesitating. “please.”
leon raised an eyebrow strands of hair sticking to his forehead and his cheeks slightly flushed in exhaustion and arousal - lord, the face alone you were making was spurring him. he didn’t know how much longer he could last, but he really wanted to show you what respect fucking meant.
thumbing your clit with painfully pleasurable pressure, in turn made your chin tremble whilst you writhed bashfully, trying to push yourself down on his half-inserted cock.
leon pulled out at your pathetic attempts, face stern again as he grasped your wrists and pinned them to either side of your head - immediately slamming his chubby, slick-coated dick back into you, making you yelp.
“are you forgetting this is a punishment?” leon hissed, eyes narrowed, he replaced his hold with one hand so his other could tear off the buttons of his vest, pulling it off hastily making your eyes glimmer as you were met with the sight of his delicious pectorals bulging through his shirt, veins protruding from his neck.
hard, rough, aggressive. he was trying to break you, and you were positive he was succeeding. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, body limp and shuddering, but now you were being too loud.
he wasn’t going to let you diminish his reputation (more than you already had) so he shoved his thumb into your mouth, pressing down hard onto your tongue, incoherent babbles leaving you muffled.
this had to be the best sex of his life, using you as nothing but a doll your tight pussy wrapped around him so snugly, so comforting and special despite the uh… initial situation.
“fuck.” leon muttered under his breath, his eyebrows arching inwards as his jaw clenched - he was close too close.
leon leaned down his back hunching as his breath caressed your ear. “you’re not cumming til’ i fill you up, til’ i fuckin’ own this slutty pussy.”
pussy that was officially his
if you thought that things would be hunky-dory after this, you were dead wrong. call him a sadist. what-the-fuck-ever (like leon would say) you caused this, it was your fault.
and you loved every second.
leon’s breath began to shake as his orgasm ruptured close, heavy balls that slapped against your flushed glutes tightening as he bit his lower lip.
you were a mess, beads of perspiration now coated your tomato face, tongue threatening to loll out. the office heavy scented of sex, lust and passion. of sweat, of musk, of your signature fucking perfume that lured him in. he kissed along your jawline, perhaps you needed some affection to cool the storm, pecking the corners of your lips.
but you did something sly, ripping one hand out of his tight grasp (somehow) and grabbing the back of his head efficaciously tugging his hair as your wet lips met his.
leon was taken aback by the sudden action and while you expected him to be irritated, he wasn’t. continuing to thrust, he closed his eyes and touched tongues with you in a heated kiss - a guttural grunt merging into your mouth.
you weren’t going to hold on much longer, and leon could tell by the way you were squeezing him like a goddamn vice.
he pulled away, grinning ear-to-ear as he kissed and licked along your neck, his fingers pulled the hood of your clit open to thoroughly stimulate the hypersensitive bundle of nerves making you whine as he fucked into you harder, panting in pure unadulterated arousal.
“shit, shit..” leon whispered, cock kicking inside you as he released your bound wrists and instead grabbed your hips, the flesh dimpling in between his knuckles whilst he gritted his teeth.
you gazed at him, blown away, blissed out. “you—you close?”
“mhm.” he moaned, voice shaky. “gonna fuckin’ cream pie this sweet cunt, want to so bad.”
leon sucked on the sweet spot of your neck, making you quiver as you hit your lip to stifle a moan you knew would be way too loud. “can i?”
of course. it was leon, of course he could cum inside you. that’s what you wanted, you were finally getting what you fucking wanted.
you nodded frantically, eyebrows creasing as you desperately held back your orgasm, desperately trying to impress him but it was hard with his thumb on your raw, swollen clit and his fat cock splitting you open, hitting your g perfectly with each railing thrust.
“f—fuck..!” you whimpered, eyes clenching shut as your hands grasped the edge of the desk whilst leon sped up, he was so vocal at this rate - breathing heavily like an athlete after a runathon, groaning from the deepest strain of his throat.
leon cursed in his head, he couldn’t hold back anymore - he squeezed your hips, cock pulsing as spurts of thick, sticky sperm shot into your pussy whilst he buried his face into the crook of your neck, moaning.
he rubbed your clit even faster, continuing to jerk his sensitive dick in your walls. “cum, fuckin’ cum for me.”
the words pushed you over the edge your back arching and a downright pornographic mewl leaving you - your thighs trembling like an airplanes turbulence whilst leon huffed into your soft skin, the deathly grip your pussy held from your orgasm sending him through a kaleidoscope of prurience.
it was a specially concupiscence moment but neither really cared, leon leaned back to get a good look at you - his dick still kicking in your pussy, before he slowly hesitantly pulled out.
he watched as his cum leaked out of your gaping, hot hole. it made his stomach stir because what a fucking sight for sore eyes. and even if you had been a bitch, he cared about you.
“you okay?” leon sighed, releasing his hold on your hips and stroking the skin of your knee with his thumb.
“i’m more than okay.” you giggled breathlessly, wetting your lips as a small, very small smile spread on leon’s face.
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