#yo they have a sam mask at work and I blew a fucking gasket when i first saw it. they don't have the costume tho ;w;
carnoshin · 5 years
Making art, with slashy boys of your choice? ( (|) ) W ( (|) )
Bro, idk why I’m crying in the club rn. This is such a cute and soft idea, I’m...
((I interpreted this as, like. Painting together or whatever as a couple activity. So I hope that’s what you meant;;; If not, just send in another ask~))
Bubba is extremely hesitant about making art with you. He loves the sentiment and imagines it would be fun, but. 
He’s big and he is kind of. Likely to fumble, if just through sheer nervousness.
If you can manage to get him alone, away from his brothers, he’ll be more comfortable, but that voice at the back of his head will be like. “You’re going to fuck it all up, Bubba.” 
At first, he’ll be too nervous to try anything. But there’s an easy fix to this!
Just. Take his hands and lead him through it. Like, hold his hands and move them for him. After a couple of minutes, he would be far more likely to do it on his own.
If you’re doing more than one piece together, he will have you lead his hands every single time. And he’s clearly had fun by the time you’re done.
Every time he sees the thing you made together, he just gets. So happy. He keeps it in your guys’ bedroom and if he catches it out of the corner of his eye when he walks past your doorway, his heart just warms right up.
Honestly, good luck.
Stu is more likely to get bored and move on to his own piece, but it’s??? Surprisingly contained and kind of minimalist. Like, he’s not making a mess at all and it comes out really pretty.
Billy on the other hand is like. The worst. Evil incarnate. Like a toddler slamming their hands in paint. And he’s methodically slow about it too, which is all the worse.
You and Stu in tandem as Billy slaps the canvas and sprays paint everywhere: Bill-ly!
Billy, acting like this is a normal human approach to bonding with your partners: ... What?
In general, Jason seems like the type of person who just. Is good at arts and crafts. And enjoys doing them. Like, he looks like he knits.
He knows how to make friendship bracelets-- the realy cool ones that are an inch thick. So if you off-handedly mention that you never learned how to make them, he sets an entire day aside to teach you.
He also teaches you how to make the coveted, holy, all-powerful... bead lizard.
It’s very cozy and it doesn’t even feel like it’s something he set-up. It’s like a day off, basically.
Imagine this man walking around with a bead lizard that his partner made for him on his belt loop. I’m gonna start crying, dude.
Sam (obvs fully platonic)
He. Is. Baby.
Craft time is a pretty common thing in your household-- it’s one of the main reasons he’s even staying with you, honestly.
He colors dead crows a lot and is like. “Put it on the fridge.” And you have to explain that if people come over and see that on the fridge, they’re going to call CPS on you-- no, it doesn’t matter that he’s not technically your child; most people don’t know that in the first place anyway.
You have a lot of different containers of craft supplies. The crayons and white paper are always out, but. You’ve bought him so much now that he’s got a giant moving box full of different kinds of materials. His favorite is the construction paper.
If you help him with something, it’s usually something kind of difficult or that requires a lot of clean up. Like sand art or spin art or whatever. 
He picks which one goes on display and has you frame it, then you put it on the wall. He also has a little binder where all of his paper art goes.
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