#yet again another fast food bendy
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“Hello, welcome to Panda Express, how may I take your order?”
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tiny-smallest · 3 years
day nineteen - gent
Rating: G Characters: Thomas, Joey Warnings: more manipulation on Joey’s part maybe? Description: It started with a job. Then a interest. Then a friend. Then a deal.
Also on AO3!
Thomas was prepared to deal with a weird spoiled rich kid who asked way too much from his passion project and reality and refused to accept that.
And many years later Thomas would agree that was in fact what he got.
But when he arrived at Joey Drew Studios on behalf of the company he worked for to see what the rising animation star wanted from a giant machine that was capable of pumping ink through a building, he found himself greeted personally, warmly, and with... a doughnut and coffee.
“Thought you might like a little something while we talk!” Drew chirped, and Thomas stared, bewildered, at the little breakfast that he’d just been handed. When was the last time any boss of his got him food?
“... All right,” he said.
“Lovely! Now come to my office and I’ll go have someone find Henry- it’s best if he sits in on this too, at least a little- oh by the way there’s cream and sugar in my office if you’d like some!”
“That’s... very nice. Thank you.”
“So,” Thomas said, staring at the three people in front of him.
“Yes,” beamed Drew beside him.
“I didn’t ask a question yet.”
“You didn’t need to!”
Well. Perhaps he hadn’t. Thomas sighed and shook his head.
“This is insanity,” he chuckled.
“Your face is insanity,” the little devil shot right back.
Thomas laughed this time. Bendy was less than amused.
But before he could get his mouth open, Drew hushed him and gently shooed them all off.
Once the door was closed Thomas, calming down now, looked to Drew. “This is really happening.”
The chipper face was solemn. “Also yes.”
“And the Machine is...”
“If it works right, not only should it power this entire studio with magic that might help us make cartoons- nothing like them, of course just- pictures that move on their own without really being alive. But aside from that it’ll-”
“It’ll produce a steady amount of magic ink that’ll be good in case of an emergency. Won’t it.”
He nodded, hesitated, opened his mouth, shut it again, before it came spilling out. “Bendy has a defect.”
For all the little devil had just insulted him at their very first meeting, Thomas felt his stomach twist a little. “Go on.”
Drew covered his mouth before shifting his hand to more rest against his cheek. “... I don’t know why. But he... melts. When experiencing extreme negative emotions. He always reforms when he’s feeling better but...”
“You want this ink on hand in case his condition gets worse.”
Another nod.
Thomas looked to Drew’s book and straightened.
“Then let’s give it a try.”
“It’s magnificent,” the animator breathed. Thomas had to agree with him.
The machine in front of them was not the size of a room but was still enormous. The thrum was hypnotic to listen to, almost capable of lulling someone to sleep. Thomas knew that thrum could be felt in some form throughout the entire building, through the network of pipes that ran like arteries through a body.
If only the world was ready for magic. If only. The things it could accomplish when woven together with technology.
God, it made Thomas want to run around in circles, almost.
“Think it’ll do?” he asked the man beside him.
He turned shining eyes to Thomas, and Thomas couldn’t help but smile at Joey.
“I think it’ll more than just do, Thomas. You’ve made a miracle.”
“You want me to stay.”
Joey stood at the door, eyes fixed on Thomas’s tools. He actually looked embarrassed for once, which was not a state Thomas imagined was possible for the man.
“I do.” A deep breath. “We- we could use your help maintaining the Machine. Maybe even eventually improving it. But maintenance is- that’s going to be a huge thing, Tommy. And your help with it would be invaluable.”
“I do still need to eat,” Thomas reminded him.
Joey nodded so fast he almost looked like a bobblehead. “Of course! I’m willing to offer more than what you’re being paid now.”
Thomas blinked. “You are?”
“Like I said. Invaluable.”
“... Okay.” Thomas smiled. “Let’s give it a try.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“Like ships in the night, you keep passing me by”
Do you own a black leather jacket? A pleather one, yes. Something badass about wearing one haha.
Do you find musicians or athletes more attractive? I’ve been attracted to more musicians, but that’s cause I’m more familiar with them. I don’t see a lot of athletes as someone who doesn’t watch or care at all about sports. Although, guys in baseball uniforms are nice. haha. Oh, back when I was like 13 or 14 I remember thinking Andy Roddick, a tennis player, was hot. I saw his photo in a magazine. Are you better at spelling or writing? I think both. How many siblings do you have? Two. If you could have an ice cream sundae right now, would you? No.
Do you use emoji's? Yeah. I don’t go crazy, but I like to use them as I see fit. When was the last time you lost a tooth? I broke a tooth like 10 years ago and had to get it pulled. You ask this question like it’s the norm to loose a tooth when I’m pretty sure the people who take surveys are past the ages where you lose your teeth.  Do you like bendy or regular straws better? I like to use coffee stirrer straws cause the holes are small. If someone signed you up for karate lessons, would you take them? Uh, no. What's your favorite song? I have numerous favorite songs.
Click shuffle on any music device. What's the 12th song that comes up? Nah. What's your most used website? Tumblr and YouTube. Do you come on this website as much as you used to when you first found it? Not as much, no. I used to spend like all day on Tumblr back in the day. Now I typically just get on at night as part of my nighttime routine of Tumblr and surveys. That’s also when I watch the most YouTube cause I like to listen to ASMR at night. I feel like I probably go on YouTube more now than before or perhaps it’s about the same. Do you drink hot tea? Once in awhile. It’s usually when I’m feeling really anxious or really sick.
“& it’s too cold outside for angels to fly”
Is there anyone you want to see in concert really bad? I’m sad I never got to see Linkin Park. I don’t know if they’ll decide tour now, but it wouldn’t be the same without Chester. :( Do you like Abercombie? Nah. Do you still take a survey even if they don't capitalize letters? Yeah. Does your computer have word correct on it? It’ll do the red squiggly line if something is misspelled or it doesn’t recognize the word and if I hit control and click on the word it’ll offer a suggestion if it’s a recognized word. What's one of your wishes for 2013? Well, we’re towards the end of 2020 now and I just pray we’re able to get through the rest of the year without anything else crazy coming at us. Do you fight with your mom often? No, my mom is my best friend she and I very close. We just bicker sometimes. Would you rather have your son have the name Daniel as first or middle name? Sounds more like a first name to me, but meh I don’t really care for the name at all. I don’t even want to have children so it doesn’t matter lol but if I did I’d go with another name. Have you ever made up a food combo & everyone tired it & loved it? Pizza rolls and mustard. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recomend it to people? Bringing Down the House the other day cause I happened to catch it on TV. It came out in like 2003 so it’s not new, but I’ve always liked it. I think it’s funny. What is one word you cannot seem to spell? Every time this question comes up I always say “onomatopoeia” for some reason and damnit I have yet to spell it right without having to look it up. I don’t know what it is about that stupid word that I just can’t seem to remember lol. It’s a word I never use unless this question comes up, so I guess maybe that’s why, but still. I should be able to spell it. Were you born on an odd or even number? Even. Do you like Ed Sheeran? I like several of his songs. When you type, what hand & finger do you use to hit the space bar? I use my right index finger. I don’t type the proper way, I use my index fingers lol. I type really fast that way, too. Do you like to take pictures of you in the mirror? Only if I want to show the shirt or outfit I’m wearing.
“you are the best thing that’s ever been mine”
Have you read the book Lord of the Flies? Yeah, it was required in my 10th grade English class. Would you rather type or hand write notes? My handwriting is trash, but I feel like handwritten notes are nice. Do you like the number seven? I don’t have anything against it. Do you believe that when you go to heaven, you become an angel? No. I believe in angels, but not that we become one. Angels are another of God’s creations. They’re ministering spirits. They’re their own thing and humans are another. How much money do you plan on spending tomorrow? I don’t plan on spending any money tomorrow. Are you good at writing poems? No. I dabbled a bit with it when I was like 16 and angsty, but they’re so cringe. I still have the journal stored away with them and I’ve gone back to read them as an adult and yikes. Do you come on here daily? For the most part, unless I’m really not feeling well. What's one thing you wish you were perfect at? No one is perfect, but it’d be nice to be a functioning adult.  Can you play the saxophone? Nope. Does it bother you when people breathe loud? I will say I feel uncomfortable when someone has a breathing problem because it makes me hyper focused on my own breathing and I end up feeling like I can’t breathe.  Are you going to any concerts in 2013? Can you believe it's going to be 2013? I didn’t. The last concert I went to was back in 2009. Were you in love with the movie Mary Poppins? Not in love with it, but I like it. Do you like breadsticks? Yes. Have you ever been on a mountain? Yeah, I took a gondola ride up to one. If you had to get rid of one of your sense, which one and why? I’d really rather not.
“the first cut is the deepest”
Can you swim? Nope. Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? No, I wear leggings all year long. Do you remember Sesame Street? Of course. It’s also still very much a thing. Do you believe every word that comes out of peoples mouths? Of course not. You have to take some things with a grain of salt or healthy dose of skepticism. You gotta gauge what is being said and who is saying it, too, and make the judgment. That doesn’t mean I don’t trust my loved ones or that I think everyone is a liar or something, but people can give misinformation unknowingly, so it’s not always being done intentionally. It’s just not a good idea to believe every single word that comes out of people’s mouths. Do you like the questions that really make you think? Depends on my mood.  What are you asking for for Christmas? Just a few little things. What time do you plan on going to bed on Tuesday? I don’t have a set bedtime for any given day, I go to bed whenever.  I’ve talked a lot about my messed up sleep schedule in surveys. It’s certainly not planned. How many of your friends are online right now on here? I have no idea who’s currently on. I’m kind of the night owl of the survey community who’s up doing surveys while everyone is asleep like normal people. When they’re getting up in the morning, I’m going to bed, ha. :X Do you know what Je means in French? I do, actually. How often do you write in red pen? I don’t recall the last time I used a red pen. Do you cut your own hair? No. I used to trim my own bangs back when I had ‘em, though. Do you have any pictures in your room from concerts? No. Would you ever name your son Harry? Again, I don’t want to have children, but Harry is another name I don’t particularly care for. Have you ever had your nails done in french tips? Yeah, the one and only time I got my nails done, which was for my 8th grade promotion. Is it harder for you to type on a keyboard that isn't yours & not used to? Yes, for sure. I also don’t type as fast on my phone than I do on my laptop. 
“I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller”
What shoe do you take off first? Hm. I think my right. What do you think a good teen couple name would be for a story? Uh I don’t know? If you were coming to the states from another country, where first? I’m from the states. Would you pay $82 for facial products? No. Do you get a lot of compliments often? Nope. It’s rare. Was Mean Girls one of the best movies in your opinion? I wouldn’t say it was the best movie, but it’s a favorite of mine. It’s just a classic, ya know? One of those nostalgic movies with a lot of memorable quotes.  If it was Sat, 2 in the afternoon, what would we find you to be doing? I’d most likely be asleep. Do any of your best friends have red hair? No. Would you like to be on the cover of Seventeen magazine? No. Or any magazine. Would you rather go to an Adele or Bruno Mars concert? I mean, I like songs from both so I wouldn’t be opposed to either one. Would you like to live in Sweden? No, but I’d love to visit. Are you concerned about your weight? Yes. I’m too underweight.   Do you know anyone who has the middle name Sebastian? I don’t think so. Do you remember where you got your first kiss at? Of course. Did you ever watch the show 8 Simple Rules? I watched it here and there cause it was part of the TGIF lineup that had other shows I liked.
“I hope you’re in the mood, because this is going to be a long ride”
Does your computer need to be cleaned? Underneath the keys badly need to be cleaned. Would you ever name your child Sushine, Raine, River etc? I kinda like Raine. Is it any of your friend's birthday today? No friends.  When is the person you like birthday? I don’t like anyone in the romantic sense. Do you like yogurt? Nah. When you type, do you ever mix letters around by accident? (EX: ot - to) Yes. Do you like butterflies? No. I’m afraid of ALL bugs/insects, even the ones people think are cute like butterflies and ladybugs. Nopeee. Do you consider the tomato a fruit or vegetable? Tomatoes apparently can be referred to as either one. I always thought they were a vegetable.  Does it rain over where you live? Yes. It hasn’t rained since like March or April, though. We Californians get excited when it rains cause it doesn’t happen often lol. I hope we get some soon. It’s been cold now at least, which I love. Is there any snow on the ground? It doesn’t snow in my city. :( Do you like soup? I only like ramen. When's the last time you made cupcakes? It’s been a few years. How many lamps are in the room your currently in? My lights are off. Have you talked the person you like today? Have you ever been bullied? No.
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 47
TFW you have to go back in your own Tumblr feed to figure out what day it is. Forty-seven days, yeesh. That is so many days. 
I hope I don't read back on this in some future time and laugh at how little I knew back then. Irony is a dangerous thing. 
Anyway, it was in fact Monday today, the last Monday of an April that has lasted approximately one (1) glacial age. The first half of the month went fast, then there was my birthday, and after that there was nothing in particular to look forward to. Then I got the kittens and stopped sleeping, which makes every day considerably longer. I've mentioned before how time is no longer real, but at this point it has basically stopped even being a thing. The only time is "time to feed the kittens" and I keep track of that with an elaborate set of phone alarms. They are down to a mere nine feeds per day now! I had to set an appointment today for next week and for a minute it was like "..._next_ Monday? We're going to do this _again?"_  So yeah, this Friday will be May and we will all post our Justin Timberlake memes and somebody will probably post the dancing skeleton that says it is June just to be contrary, and Tumblr will lurch through another, weirder year than ever before. 
Kittens had their first non-emergency vet appointment today, the first one with a real vet. The rescue has an actual vet coming in now once a week to do exams, very snazzy! I have not met her before because she started while I was studying for the bar exam and after Mork and Mindy graduated to Big Kitten Foster. I like her, she seems nice and did not say that dehydrated kittens should not have Pedialyte, which is insane. I got new syringes for the Pen G, which will go for five days now, and detailed instructions on exactly what sorts of poop to look for. I was kind of hoping the vet would give them ponazuril just as a safety measure, but she's going to do the test for coccidia and giardia first. I guess it makes sense, since ponazuril can upset the kitten system a little, but it does mean I need to bring them back down to the shelter if they've got gut parasites. Still better than at my last rescue, where I had to deal with six kittens with coccidia and we were still using fucking Albon. It was a very, very poopy month, but they did all survive. So we're still using the Pen G, terremycin, Forti-Flora, and then sub-q fluids as needed and B12 shots every three days, plus mixing Pedialyte into the formula. Kittens are big confusing, y'all. And that's even before the revelation that Jake is actually Jackie and sexing kittens is hard. Whoops. 
The kiddo has been stretching his creative muscles this week, he started a fanfic about Bendy and the Ink Machine that is much more atmospheric than plot based at this point. I am deeply proud of him for writing, and annoyed at myself for the deeply ingrained perfectionism that wants to rewrite it like an adult would write it, spelling and grammar and punctuation. There is some line, somewhere, between helping him proofread his stuff in such a way that it becomes easier to understand and micromanaging his writing until it is not fun anymore, and I do not at all trust myself to find that line. I am a born pedant, and it is one of the most useful and most annoying things about me. Plus you'd think that for somebody who claims to be so concerned about grammar, I'd use fewer poorly constructed run-on sentences. But he is writing stories and thinking about stories and actively engaging with the media he consumes, and that makes me happy. He's also drawing pictures of the Bendy characters and showing definite improvement over his early attempts. Nice job, kiddo! 
Today he also wanted to stretch his creative muscles in the kitchen, using recipes he and my husband found in the New York Times app. I didn't have any cocoa powder, so he had to make a box cake, but I did have all the ingredients for whipped coffee. I've been making it a lot, in fact, always decaf because I am trying not to explode my heart before the cholesterol has a chance to finish me off. I showed him how to measure out all the ingredients and work the stand mixer, then to scrape the creamy coffee foam onto the cup of cold milk. Even though he knew exactly what was in the coffee foam, he could not resist tasting something that looks a lot like chocolate whipped cream. I told him that he could if he wanted to, but he would not like it. The faces and noises he made upon trying it were v. hilarious, and the coffee was good! 
The only other big thing today was grocery shopping. My plan was to make the pickup eleven days ago last for an entire month, and it really could, especially since I acquired a gallon of milk the other day at Walgreens. But now states are starting to open up again, and cases of Covid-19 are still increasing, and I think we are not nearly done collapsing yet. This is not a time to be eating through one's stockpile, this is a time to be increasing it. And even if that weren't the case, hurricane season will be here before we know it! So I took some of the stimulus money I'd set aside for later and put it towards another large grocery order, this one mostly freezer foods and non-perishables. I very much hope that someday I read this entry in the future and laugh at all the normal, unexciting, largely uncontaminated months ahead in which we slowly ate through all the canned goods and frozen turkey I acquired in a moment of anxiety. Fingers crossed, yeah? 
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hazza-bear-care · 5 years
Babie Crue (9)
Description: Cam was critically inured in a car crash with Vince and Razzle. Tommy doesn’t know what to do.
“How are we feeling today, Cameo?” A doctor asked her for the fifteenth time. 
“I feel fine. Can I go home now? I’d like to see my daughter,” Cam exasperatedly asked. She had been bed ridden for three weeks as the stitches in her stomach healed. A broken arm and leg were also helping her stay in bed, but at least she was allowed to move with those. Severe cuts on her face had been sewn up, and the band would not leave her alone. 
Tommy, the ever dutiful boyfriend, stayed in the room with Cam, holding her good hand as she slept. If she was hungry, he ordered food for her and helped her eat every bite. If she was thirsty, he’d get water with a bendy straw. Using the restroom was complicated, but Tommy was there to help every step of the way. 
Nikki and Mick were also there as often as they could be, alternating days with legal activities and Grace. Zutaut, Nikki, and Doc were not happy that Vince was responsible for killing Razzle and critically injuring Cam, but the three of them could only do so much. A knock on the door interrupted Cam and the doctor.
“Hey, sweets. How are you feeling?” Tommy asked, cradling Grace in his arms as he entered the room, Nikki and Mick following closely.
“I just want to go home, Tommy.” Cam whined, adjusting the pillows on her bed so she could sit up more comfortably. 
“I know, and you’ll get to come home soon, okay?” Trying not to cry, Cam nodded. 
“What’s gonna happen to Vinny?” No one wanted to make eye contact with Cam after that question. Tommy became occupied with Grace, Nikki looked at the floor, and Mick stretched against the wall as best as he could. Cam cleared her throat before Nikki spoke up.
“He’s been arrested for vehicular manslaughter. He has to serve two years behind bars.”
“What about the people in the other car?”
“Like you: critically injured. Raz was shipped back to the UK to be buried.” Mick answered. 
“I’m so sorry, guys.” Cam mumbled as she started crying, the stress causing a splitting headache. Nikki immediately engulfed Cam’s shaking body into a hug, shushing her and smoothing out her hair. Tommy felt a twinge of jealousy, but didn’t show anger for his bandmate comforting a mutual friend. Hell, without Nikki, Tommy and Cam would still be dancing around each other’s feelings. 
“Cam, this wasn’t your fault. You didn't know this would happen.” Nikki offered as his attempt to calm Cam’s fit. 
“But N-Nikki I’m-m smart. I sh-should have expected this. Now Razzle is dead, Vinny is in jail, and you guys can’t make anymore music until he’s out. I should have been watching the road as well.” Cam’s crying only got harder as Mick moved to join Nikki’s hug. Nikki left Cam and traded places with Tommy, silently apologizing for his actions. Tommy nodded and went to Cam’s side, wiping away her tears with his thumbs and a few kisses. 
“We may not be able to record an album, but we’ll still get some lyrics and riffs with the instruments. We’re Motley fucking Crue. We’re unstoppable, baby!” Cam chuckled at Tommy’s excitement, melting at the way he looked: he had dark circles under his eyes that accented just how bloodshot they were due to lack of drugs, alcohol, and sleep. His skin was paler than usual, and the already lanky drummer looked frail. 
This is because of you, Cam. Your boyfriend is losing sleep because you were too occupied by Vince’s stupid actions. You didn’t need more booze. Everyone was already drunk and high enough as it was. Because of you, Motley Crue is going to FAIL. 
Cam’s abusive thoughts rattled around in her head as a new round of tears started to fall. This time, Tommy didn’t hesitate to jump in to bed beside her, cradling her a best as he could. Grace babbled as Nikki tried to silence her, opting to leave the room for a while as Mick followed. 
“This is all my fault, Tommy. We didn’t need more booze.” Tommy just rocked Cam gently, humming some stupid Disney song in her ear in yet another futile attempt to calm her down. Eventually, Cam fell asleep in Tommy’s arms, her tear stained cheeks breaking the drummer’s heart. He gently placed her back against her pillows and tucked the blanket around her, leaving the room to speak with the doctors and the band. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Lee, but Cameo won’t be allowed to leave for another couple of days.” The doctor explained. Tommy, getting angry, had to calm himself down before he punched this so called professional.
“Look, she needs to be home with her family and friends. Her daughter is a huge handful, and three guys can only do so much for this baby. Cam needs to come home. She hates it here, and the constant questions is starting to piss her off. Now, either discharge her, or suck my dick!” Tommy yelled, lunging towards the doctor who cowered behind his clipboard. Before Tommy could lay a finger on the man, Nikki stepped in, grabbing the drummer and pushing him into a chair. 
“Tommy’s right. If Cam doesn’t come home with us today, she’s going to get worse before she gets better. All of us have been so worried that we haven’t gotten any sleep. We want our friend home, and we want her home tonight. Not tomorrow, not next week, NOW!” Mick spoke, keeping his voice as even as he could as to not scare the baby he was holding. The doctor quickly nodded, dismissing himself to his office to prepare Cam for discharge. Sighing, Tommy sat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs of the waiting room, running his finger through his hair.
“I’m gonna fucking kill Vince. He could have murdered her! She was thrown through a goddamn WINDSHIELD for fuck’s sake! He’s luck that it wasn’t ME or Cam’s PARENTS who pressed charges, because I guarantee his ass would be in jail for a lot longer than two fucking years!”
“Tommy, she’s alive, man. She’s in there with only minimal damage done out of the millions of other possibilities. Just be thankful she’s still here and we don’t have to put her in the fucking ground man. You’d never be able to look at Vince, let alone yourself, ever again. She’s alive, Tommy. She’s still here.” Nikki reassured his drummer, patting Tommy’s back as all four of them waited for the doctor to return. 
“Cam? Cameo, wake up.” Tommy whispered, gently shaking his sleeping girlfriend awake. Cam rolled over and winced at the brightness of the light that illuminated the room. 
“What is it Tommy? Is it Gracie? What happened?!” Cam asked frantically, sitting up so fast she got a headrush. 
“Nothing happened. The doctor said you can come home. They’re finishing the paperwork right now and the nurses will come and unhook you from these machines. Nikki went back to our place to get you some clothes.” Cam let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, relaxing at the news she just received. 
“Our place. That sounds so strange. I kept expecting to come back from tour, still live with your parents, and work at that shitty job as a waitress. But this is real, Tommy.” Cam smiled at her boyfriend, his fingers running through her slightly tangled hair. 
“Yes, baby. This is very real. I love you, Cam.”
“I love you too, Tommy. So much.” With a smile splitting his face in two, Tommy kissed Cam, the two of them exited to start the next part of their journey together.
A/N: This is SUPER late, but its out lol. I was thinking about still including Heather Locklear to this story, but adding her much later on. In the movie, it would be around the time Heather finds out Tommy is cheating on her, but like replace Heather with Cam and yadda yadda. Feedback is always welcome! Thanks for reading!
Tags: @kellysimagines @haileynicoleseavey17
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spazzbunn · 5 years
Kazzie Date!
Today was the happiest day in the whole world. Well, in the minds of two mammals. The two mammals being of a female red panda and a male brown bunny. The two were inside of a small diner, having to be out on one of their dates. On a table they were sitting in, they were just laughing and smiling. They clearly were having fun on their dates. The two were talking about events that had happened to them on the past week. With Katrice having giggling fits as Spazzie went on talking about how he was trying to get his slushie to come out of the machine. “It was frozen solid?” Katrice says with Spazzie laughing as well. “Yeah! It wouldn’t budge at all.” Spazzie snorting laughs a bit as his red panda keeps laughing. “And all I got was a little bit of a slushie! I had to wait for five minutes to fill it up!” Katrice starts to speak up during her laughing. “Well at least yours is more fun than my video glitching out and pausing at certain faces.” “I would take the faces any day than to deal with the broken slushie machine.” The two started to calm down their laughing fits as Spazzie takes a drink of his soda as Katrice eats her bug burger that Spazzie had ordered for them, including getting fries and a milkshake for free. The two mammals just smiled at each other. Their hearts beating loudly out of their chest from today just seeming to be perfect for them. Maybe they felt good as they had a good night's sleep? Maybe it could be they felt up and ready for their date? The answer seemed a mystery, but they didn’t mind nor would they ask about it. They just had each others company. That was all that they needed. They look over to their milkshake, having to have two straws and the flavour of chocolate and vanilla swirl. The mammals blushed slightly as they were both wanting to do the stuff that other mammals do when they are in love. Like sharing food and drinking milkshakes together. It was both of their silly little idea. “After you Katrice.” Spazzie says as he acts gentlemamammal like. “No no. You go ahead first. You paid for it after all.” Katrice was countering it as she looks over to the blushing bunny. Spazz thought of the idea. “Well...how about we both do it? At the same time?” Katrice nodded. “Sure. Hehe.” The two mammals slowly put their faces closer till their lips were close to grasping the straws and starting to drink the sweet rich drink as their noses were slightly touching. The two should have ask for bendy straws. Still they looked deep into their eyes as their cheeks were flushed red. Yet. It felt good. They both could swear that they were seeing hearts in their pupils. Spazzie was having to tap his paw in the air since he couldn’t reach down to the floor. It was a good thing too, for the whole place would had heard his loud fast thumping. Katrice meanwhile had her tail slightly wag in her way to control it hitting the seat and to be a distraction. The two mammals slowly had their one paws start to slide over to each other. Slowly they slide their arms and paws down to hold paws. Their eyes still focused and their lips curving into a smile. It was like they didn’t need air. The paws suddenly met their target. They both held paws and had a firm grip to not let go. Love was going crazy for the two lovers. They felt out of the world again. Having them both feel as if it was in a fantasy world. They both escaped from reality. Until the loud sound of empty slurping was met as they both lose contact and look down to see they had finished their glass cup. The two mammals pulled back with them softly chuckling. “That was uh, that was really good” Spazzie says to her as  the red panda felt her cheeks hurting from smiling and being red. “Yeah. It was. Hehe.” Katrice tells him as his cheeks hurt from being so smiley as well. The two mammals looking over to their paws holding but did nothing. Only to grip more and feel so full of joy. Katrice could feel her heart fluttering like butterflies along with Spazzie’s as well. “So after this, want to head down to FYE? I need to get more shirts anyway.” Spazzie asked with Katrice agreeing with the idea to hang out more with him. “Sure. I hope they got some DVDs of our favorite anime. I would love for us to binge watch with them.” Katrice smirked since she was basically asking for another date with the bunny. He took the offer. “Of course.” Spazz smiles and looks at the eyes of his lovely girlfriend. “Love you Katrice. You know that right?” “Of course I do Spazzie. I love you too.” Katrice says with her cheeks being light red. “Good, because I will love you and care for you forever and ever. Whatever you want or need, I will be sure to provide it for you.” Spazzie meant every single word of what he said. He was going to keep those words by heart. “Awwee.” Katrice felt lucky and bashful. “Well, I would love some fries.” She chuckles softly before Spazzie grabs a fry and offers to feed her. Being too happy and so full of love to not care what other mammals would think of them, she started to eat the fries Spazz gives her. Katrice of course took her turn and was feeding Spazzie his fries as well. The two still holding their paws with loving embrace as they look into their eyes, hearts beating, while they continue to eat their food before they head off to another place. Yep, there definitely was hearts in both of their pupils. (Katrice Russets belongs to @msitubeatz GIVE HER SOME FOLLOWS AND LOVES!) (ALSO Kazzie is a joke/wholesome ship)
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years
BATIM Chapter 5 Liveblog
I am in no way emotionally or mentally prepared for this LET’S DO THIS
Spoilers under the cut (duh).
Henry, stop calling Joey your friend
I like the perspective from the cartoons, very interesting
Hehe, she drew Tom
Allison seems to be fairly unlucid compared to Alice
oh hey I was right, he did doodle the Bendy animatronic’s hand
Tom. dude, not cool
what the fuck else do you watch us to watch Allison
why the fuck did you call him Tom to begin with if you didn’t know it was his name
hehe, invisible ink
oh, she does have a halo, it’s just invisible. I thought the headband was her halo, but maybe not
true bros fix other bros arms
oh, so that’s why they leave, that makes sense
aw, such a charmer
oh, okay, this is happening
SAMMY, MY BOY, GREAT TO SEE YOU. or not. actually no
is it pretentious to start an “outdesign is right” count? too bad I’m doing it
Outdesign is right count: 1
I wonder if he joined the hivemind? It’s not his voice and it’s got a bit of an echo to it
yes, yes it is.
Henry, why do you break everything you touch
“GO BACK TO YOUR PUDDLES” Allison is just an angry mom
oh shit, there’s a lot of miner searchers
boy, if that ain’t evidence for the “Henry is an ink creature” theory than I don’t know what is because literally all his bones should be broken by now
it would be really clever if it was Henry who left the messages on his first visit to the studio, given that he managed to escape once and Allison says whoever left them knew how to escape
ah, maybe the last reel refers to the last reel used to make the final cartoon? possibly Bendy? or Henry if he’s an ink creature?
This could go against Joey being Bendy - but at the same time, if the Ink Demon was made on the first attempt, wouldn’t everyone be dead because all he does is murder the shit out of people? If that’s the case there’s definitely a secondary Bendy running around.
Alternatively: Maybe this was before they figured out the sacrifices? Thomas doesn’t mention anything about anyone going missing. Maybe that’s why you need the people - cartoons without people are just moving ink with no personality or anything. (”there’s just something unworldly about him”).
am I hallucinating or is that Charlie, like, huge? though it’s probably the same one in the trailer so maybe not
“likewise, we would also like to dismiss the idea that our accountant had a complete mental breakdown and is now drinking gin in the closet”
leader because Bendy’s the main character, maybe?
did... did wally get killed over a chocolate cake
Though more importantly: food-lover, even at the expense of other’s? Another check on the Boris checklist
was that Sammy’s cake
spoilers: first-attempt Bendy was Beta Blobby Boi (though once again, I think this goes against the idea of it being the Ink Demon, because Thomas would be very dead if he got near him).
Also, the whole “these things are soulless” thing - IE this Bendy doesn’t have a soul and thus isn’t a person. And it’s only at this point that he says he’ll get them a soul, which the Ink Demon definitely seems to have
Surprisingly, Joey’s office isn’t as over the top as I thought it would be
Joey you’re such a piece of shit
“I’ll be straight with you” no part of Joey is straight
this also adds up - first abominations made, then Alice is the first cartoon with a soul made using the CK1
well this looks safe (get it? because vault? I’m a genius)
please be a tape from norman in here I miss him
ink demon has the last reel, maybe?
“I need three gears, a crowbar, AND THAT GUY’S PROSTHETIC ARM”
okay, that was legitimately hilarious
reminds me of Norman’s stroll in 3
“death” okay this sounds promising
christ on a fucking cracker
that sounds like confirmation that Henry probably isn’t an ink creature (yet?). He’s waded through ink before
you’re here because Joey’s a dick
oh, now you say that
maybe this is where cartoons are re-created? Looks like a Boris in there, though impossible to know if it’s our Boris
hey, new cartoon clips on the walls!
mildly suspicious that there’s a Joey tape in Bendy’s space. could be nothing though
wait. wait this isn’t a tape. Joey where are you
Outdesign is right count: 2
oh great, now you can fucking shape shift
Joey why. do you have this
I like how the wall animations are actually animated shorts, mostly from the contest winner’s. Rosemary’s Babysitter and Hell in a Handbasket are in there
his horns are so.... wiggly
good fucking riddance
Outdesign is right count: 3
no wonder Henry complimented Jack, he’s clearly a hat person himself
these storyboards seem to be for AUs? One is called “Bendy wins”. or maybe these are all the alternate endings that can be unlocked?
1963 adds up with the present day - 1933 was when 30 years was, according to Mike Mood
the rendering here is really freaking cool, as it actually does look realistic
so this is a good ending, I think? Like, this is... heaven, maybe, seeing as there’s sketches from the studio and good AU things (Wally has grandkiddens!), but Joey(? I think) is also here? And it’s not like Henry knows where he is? plus it kind of seemed like he died at the end there
and badabing, there’s Joey’s wheelchiar. all the way from my chapter 2 theory baby
wait, is that why we keep having flashbacks? so the “we’ve been here before” thing is correct?
holy shit, this animation is fucking gorgeous
So is the idea here that Henry is also a drawing/character that Joey made, and that’s why he keeps going back to the studio?
Maybe the entirety of BATIM is a story? You can see the characters and inspiration on the walls, even down the studio going bankrupt
I mean, overall I really enjoyed it, but I still have a ton of questions (what happened to Shawn, Grant, and Lacie? What about Norman and Alice’s corpses and the Bendy animatronic? Plus the ending is... strange and Gainax-y.
This should only be one ending according to the achievements (the Main Ending), so let me see if there’s more that might explain things...
Hmm, okay, not seeing anything right now in a quick search. There definitely is more than one ending according to the achievements (and even the storyboards at the end) so I’ll hold off judgement until then. Might update this post later if there is something.
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icefir-windbreaker · 6 years
All-Stars -Story Mode- [CHAPTER 1]
Here is another chapter from my Google Doc, enjoy.
-Chapter 1-
Frisk woke up with a splitting headache, they looked around and found themselves in a field, yellow tall grass, cherry blossom trees were seen scattered across the field and found themselves on a bed of golden flowers then looked up at the clouded skies, they then weakly stood up and walked through the field till they found an empty road.
*You found yourself in a field with no one by your side, you ran till you see the road.
*It looked beaten but you decide you need to find any signs of life as you kept running for the town that looked like it had been abandoned for some time.
*Looked 80 years old or so.
*You looked around but no one is there
*But you stayed DETERMINED.
Frisk ran on the highway to the town that looked abandoned but as they reached the city, it looked like it had been through a bloody war but no bodies are in sight, being cautious they continued on til they find a convent store.
They gone in and find it completely empty of life but it appeared that someone had searched through it and bullet shells on the floor. They looked and saw a trail of crimson water that leads to the restroom but they immediately knew what’s in there and decided NOT to search further answers to the trail of blood.
*You gone in the store and looked around and there are signs of life
*But you decided not to look further judging by the trail of blood on the floor leading to the restroom.
*Yet, still you are DETERMINED to find your friends.
Frisk looked around and found a backpack, they took it and looked around the store for supplies.
They got water, food, band aids, blanket, lamp, first aid kit and a knife as they put the supplies in the backpack then go to the register, they left the money on the counter in case the owner of the store would come back then left.
They walked to an old neighborhood, they didn’t how long they walked but it was an hour they had thought. They then get the dreaded feeling of they are not alone in this block but they had to press on to the nearby house.
They knocked on the door and it’d opened by itself due to Frisk knocking, they wondered in and swore they saw someone in the hallway.
*After you entered the house, you saw an old man with a red scarf,
*You ran to catch up to him but he suddenly vanished after entering a bedroom.
*As you wished you would be in Toriel’s arms for comfort.
*Your heart is filled with DETERMINATION.
They then exited the bedroom and into the bathroom to wash up, they really needed to keep their mind off of this mess they’re in.
As thoughts gently flooded their head with their friends and family:
And Asgore.
While they washed up their face in a sink, they looked up and see themselves in the mirror, their hair is messy and they looked tired.
*Well, you looked like you’ve seen better days, haven’t you?
Frisk is worried for them and feared the worse than _ _ _ _ _ themself, they shook their head in denial, they can’t be on another genocide route… can they?
They then turned away from the mirror and walked on out of the bathroom, they looked around then walked back downstairs then they were greeted with an unusual sight:
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Two other kids but with a cup and a mug for heads, one of them is a cup and the other has a mug, they had straws in their head, one with red and the other blue. They looked equally confused as Frisk.
‘’Oh… Uh… Sorry, we didn’t mean to intrude. Do you live here?’’ the Mug asked, in winch Frisk shook their head, then cup boy said ‘’W-well, does your parents know where you are? Maybe we can-‘’ before being interrupted by Frisk shrugged, meaning they don’t know.
The two cups then looked at the opened door and closed it as the mug boy then asked ‘’Did they see you? Did it saw you?’’
It? What did they mean by ‘’it’’? then Frisk is pulled by the hand by the cup as he said ‘’Bendy’s coming! We need to go!’’
‘’G-go? Go where-?’’
‘’We need to go now!’’ The cup boy said as he leaded both Frisk and mug out of the house through the door to the backyard, Frisk then begins to wonder if these two are brothers.
And then so they asked that.
*You asked if they are both brothers and how they got here.
‘’Of course!’’ Cup boy answered, ‘’But, we didn’t know how we got here after we found ourselves in the park but all we do remember is that we were suddenly been pulled into a portal then nothing else happened after it went black.’’ The mug explained.
*Through a portal? Are they from the different timeline? you need to find out more on what the heck is going on. So you decided to introduce yourself.
‘’…Frisk? That’s a nice name. I’m Cuphead and this is Mugman.’’ The now named cup replied as they hopped over the fence and run through the neighbor’s backyard and got out through the fount gate and into the streets again.
They then walked with caution as they walked through the empty neighborhood with strange monsters lurking around and leaving behind a trail of tar-like liquid. As they wandered through the strange terrain, Frisk can’t understand how all of this is happening.
‘’There’s a way out of here I’m sure of it.’’ Mugman said as Cuphead readies the finger gun when these creatures attack if they spotted them.
*You decided to ask them if they know what’s going on.
‘’I’m not sure, a part of me is saying that this is The Devil’s doing but the other is telling me there’s something much worse than him.’’ Cuphead answered as he continued on point as Mugman stated ‘’We are just as confused as you when we first got here Frisk.’’
Then a strange noise filled the air, they all ran for the nearby bush and hid it as an aircraft lands on the middle of the street with hissing noise of a steam engine then armored soldier with ominous eyes piled out of it with guns drawn as they scanned the area around them.
Then one of them walked out of the aircraft, his armored suit appeared to be colonel as they observe the area.
Then, 3 men came out of the fog with the same armored suits as them as the colonel held his hand up for his men to lower their weapons as one of them come up.
‘’Sir, we have looked everywhere as you ordered.’’ One of the soldier reported to the colonel, as he turned to face him and asked ‘’Have you found her?’’
‘’I am afraid not, we were looking till hostile beings had came and they had…’’
‘’They had what?’’
‘’You can’t even believe this after what we saw, they weren’t alive but somehow still walking on both walks despite the number of injuries that had been inflicted in them. They even taken some of our troops down and had begun to devour them like they are cannibals. Their eyes were glowing…’’ the soldier explained ‘’Yet, we did found Mrs. Pauling but she got away after we were ambushed.’’
‘’She hasn’t gone far,’’ Colonel said, ‘’We will take her in, alive or dead but if you do encountered those undead beings again; Orders are shoot to kill.’’
Frisk, Cuphead and Mugman, who happened to overheard the conversion behind the soldier and the colonel, all turned to face each other in horror after colonel had ordered his men to kill on sight.
‘’We’ve gotta get out of here and fast!’’ Cuphead whispered to them who they all nodded in agreement then slowly make their way through bush but Mugman made a mistake by stepping on a stick and breaking it.
That alerted the colonel as he turns his head towards, that alerted the soldiers as he took the rifle from one of them and aims it at the bush, scanning for anything with legs.
The trio stood stone cold and stayed in dead silence as they realized they were spotted as they watched the colonel’s movements.
Deep down, they knew that he knew they were in the bush as he lowered his weapon while he kept his eyes trained on the bush as one of the soldiers asked ‘’Radec…?’’
‘’It was nothing,’’ Colonel Radec said then continued ‘’If there are anyone that is still alive, bring them in.’’.
They all nodded as Radec turned away from the bush then signals his men to go around the perimeter.
They all go as they draw their weapons out with caution as the Colonel walked away as he slowly disappeared as the aircraft took off.
After they are out of sight, they all got out of the bushes in fear, ‘’Golly…’’ Mugman said, ‘’I thought he was going to gut us for sure Cups…’’
‘’I thought the same thing bro…’’ Cuphead said, turned to Frisk and said ‘’B-but what do they mean if they didn’t found her? And they said that this woman’s name is Mrs. Pauling. Why is that important?’’
Frisk places their finger under their chin and wondered for a moment as they paste back and forth on what they want from Pauling.
*You pasted back and forth as you wondered who Mrs. Pauling is.
*The colonel now known as Mael Radec with his men are here and deep down, you knew that he knows you were there.
*Best to find somewhere safe and out of sight first with your new-found friends with a DETERMINED heart.
Frisk suggested the idea of finding somewhere safe to the Cup Brothers, ‘’Somewhere safe? From those guys?’’ Mugman asked.
Frisk nodded and said that they had never been this neighborhood before but asked if they knew somewhere on the way here.
‘’Well…’’ Cuphead begins, ‘’There is one place I know.’’
They wondered street by street all the while staying out of sight from the Helghan Military soldiers as they continued to wander endlessly till they found the safe place, an elderly home that looked like it had been abandoned and no one haven’t visited there for years but they don’t take any chances so they go in.
Thankfully, they managed to get in just before one of them spotted them, Cuphead, Mugman and Frisk hid behind the rubble as two Helghan soldiers looked at the old aged home then continued on with their way.
Cuphead sighs in relief as he patted his chest while Mugman looked around the area as Frisk looked as well.
There are tables, some toppled over while most didn’t, couches been covered in dust, rooms that are locked but some of them are unlocked and a grand piano in the center with the varadas of 3 floors looking overhead.
‘’Y-you sure this is a safe place Cups?’’ Mugman asked, ‘’Of course!’’ Cuphead answered ‘’Besides, they can’t find us here and they did say that there are people that had gone to cannibals or some plague had turned them into one and they are undead things with glowing eyes. What are they called?’’
‘’Zombies?’’ Mugman questioned as he turned to his brother ‘’These monsters have a name?’’
*You nodded as you explained that the living dead is famous in folklore stories, movies and games alike, they had one goal in mind and that is to eat flesh from another being.
*You had also explained that they can create new zombies if they bite or scratch someone to spread their virus.
*But there is a cure for it.
‘’Well…’’ Cuphead said rather nervously, Mugman looked at his brother as he had heard the fear in his voice and knew this isn’t like him, it reminded him of a time like how he gotten them into a huge trouble by losing the bet to the Devil and they had begged and pleaded for their lives til Devil showed them mercy by showing them there is one way to repay the debt and that is collecting the soul contracts from his runaway debtors.
They all turned their heads towards the direction of the noise and find that a can is rolling by from the hallway as the Cup brothers had their fingers pointed at the hall as light of magic appeared on their fingertips.
‘’H-hey! Whoever you are…’’ Mugman began, ‘’You better come out and show yourself!’’ Cuphead finished as kept their index fingers pointed at the hall as they stood protectively in front of Frisk.
Then a cartoon black and white wolf wearing overalls and had a backpack comes walking out of the hallway with a surprised look on his face as the trio looked surprised but relieved that it’s a zombie or one of those Helghan soldiers.
‘’Oh thank goodness, we could’ve killed you!’’ Mugman exclaimed, ‘’Y-yeah, but are you alright, did they saw you? Did they hurt you?’’ Cuphead asked worryingly towards the wolf.
The wolf did nothing but shrugged and shook his head no as a response, Frisk looked at the wolf with curious eyes.
*You asked the wolf of his name.
*The wolf replied that his name is Boris, Boris the Wolf
*You then greeted Boris with a smile
‘’Boris the wolf huh?’’ Cuphead asked ‘’It’s nice to meet you.’’
‘’It’s nice to meet you too.’’ Mugman said ‘’Don’t mind me asking but are you hiding from the soldiers and zombies as well?’’ he then asked to Boris.
*Boris nodded as he wrote on the floor with a stick that
*he and his friend had found a bunker in this very building.
*So, they thought they might use it as a safe house and
*Try to wait it out till it blows over.
‘’A bunker? As a safe house?’’ Cuphead asked, Boris nodded his head as Mugman said ‘’There was a bunker here? Can it still be safe for us to hide, hopefully your friend wouldn’t mind us being there.’’
Boris looked down for a moment then nodded his head yes and ushered them to follow him there.
And then so they did, they followed Boris to one of the bedrooms that is badly damaged and there’s a hatch on the floor that is disguised as a rug. He walked over to it and opened it, revealing a ladder leading down below.
*Boris ushers them to go down the ladder.
*You, Cuphead and Mugman are nervous now that you had to go down.
*But Boris had said that not to worry and there’s no one that knows they were down
*in the bunker after they found it in the first place.
*With you being the DETERMINED one, you go down the ladder first.
*With Cuphead, Mugman & Boris followed suit as the wolf quickly yet quietly shuts the
*hatch above him as he was the last one to climb down with them.
They climbed down the ladder till they reached the ground as lamb posts lighting the short hallway to the door.
‘’Soooo…’’ Cuphead began to say, ‘’How did you and your friend end up here Boris?’’.
*Boris said that he didn’t remember how they got here,
*They were at the studio that’s been abandoned for a long time
*During the 1940’s
*And the studio is the sole locution of the Ink Machine.
*He does remember that he was in the safe house when everything went black.
‘’Oh.’’ ‘’Ahh.’’ ‘’I see.’’ The brothers said in different unison as Frisk nodded.
*You understood that Boris and his friend had no idea either on
*How they got here.
*Then you clearly can remember one thing:
*When you were in bed and Toriel had baked you the Butterscotch-cinnamon pie
*Then everything around you went dark as night.
‘’And that’s all you can remember from that?’’ Mugman asked, Frisk nodded in response. ‘’Wait, I…’’ Cuphead said ‘’I think we can remember it clearly now…’’
‘’O-of course…’’ Mugman began ‘’B-before we came here… We were in Inkwell…’’
They said as the flashback began…
                                                 -Inkwell Isles-
The two brothers are playing around under the watchful eye of Elder Kettle after the Devil’s defeat just 4 months ago. They had saved the isles’ inhabitants from the demon from Hell itself.
Everything had gone back to normal after that, what’s even more than that; it was even better than what it was before.
They had befriended their foes even after they had gotten the Soul Contracts after they had to beat the crap out of them for them.
They are deemed as Heroes of Inkwell Isles after these events.
Yet these two had gotten into trouble just recently through.
They were fighting against 5 of the Devils after they just gone out of nowhere when they are visiting Cagney Carnation on the following 4th month.
They had failed to noticed that everything around Cuphead, Mugman and Cagney had suddenly paused, paused like someone had hit the pause button. No one can’t move until a portal opened up and sucked not the two brothers but the Isles’ residents as well.
The last thing they remembered was Mugman screaming
‘’Help! Help us! Someone please…!!’’
‘’And… That’s all we could remember from that.’’ Cuphead finished. ‘’As much as it relates so, our hands are tied.’’ Mugman said as they reached the door that looked similar to a vault in a bank.
Boris goes up to it and does the rhythmic knocking on it.
Clang, clang, bonk, bonk, bang, bonk, bang, clang
‘’…Boris?’’ a voice came from the other side of the door, ‘’You’re alright! Have you brought back supplies?’’ it continued.
‘’Please do the knocking if you do.’’ The voice commanded.
Boris does the rhythmic knocking but only three times now.
Clang, bang, clang
‘’Oh good! Golly I was really losing hope for a moment there. I’ll open the door.’’ The voice said as the door slowly began to open and screeched it’s scream as it opened completely.
Frisk was thrilled to see safety but the two cups screamed as they saw the all too familiar demon made out of ink with shoes just black as his inked body and white bowtie as they pointed their fingers at him.
‘’IT’S HIM!! IT’S BENDY!! WHY IS HE-!?’’ Cuphead screamed until he was silenced by Boris shushing him with his finger as Bendy shook his hands. ‘’Hey! It wasn’t me!’’
‘’But you tried to kill us with ink!’’ Mugman exclaimed as Bendy insisted ‘’I didn’t! I wasn’t in control of my anger!’’
*That’s when you had enough and screamed for everyone to stop winch they did.
*You then told them that it’s not the right time to argue because that’s not gonna
*go nowhere.
‘’Frisk has got a point on the argument there.’’ Mugman admitted it, ‘’It’s not gonna go nowhere if we continued fighting.’’
‘’…Okay Mugs, both of you are right. But still, Bendy is a devil!’’ Cuphead said as he lands his eyes on Bendy.
‘’That’s demon to you cupface!’’ Bendy jeered back at Cuphead who glared at him as Frisk shook their head in annoyance.
*You got annoyed over these two fighting.
*Then you told them if they want to survive,
*they’re going to have to share the bunker
*and wait till this problem blows over.
*Even if they had time, they could be able to
*figure out what’s going on but calmly.
‘’Okay, okay.’’ Cuphead said with annoyance had also toned his voice as he turned away from the Ink Demon who did the same with a hmpth.
Frisk smiled with satisfaction as they had noticed that Mugman had that same smile they had on his face until Boris tapped on their shoulders.
*Boris then gestured for everyone to come inside of the bunker quickly
*because he can hear noises coming from above.
*With no time to waste, all of you got inside fast and
*Boris locked the vault door as he twisted the wheel to do it.
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inkgluttony · 5 years
Mask Me Anything: Day 4 and 5
The night has come sooner than Bendy had thought. His tail twitched slightly as he walked down the halls in his suit gown (that was what he was calling it now), nervous. He’d probably stick out like a sore thumb. Even more so with a certain rabbit following him. 
Oswald followed Bendy side by side, wearing a dark blue suit, bow-tie, and a mask shaped like the suit of clubs. It was rather strange to have the demon tower over him, but he’d seen stranger. He noticed Bendy frowning and nudged his side.
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“Hey Bubba. What are ya nervous about? Yer a demon, ain’t ya? If anythin’, I should be the one scared outta my mind now.”
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“... I don’t know... I... never been to an actual party outside the studio before. Well, not that I remember. And I ain’t like most demons. Either I’d die socially if people don’t acknowledge me or dear ol’ Demon Dad of mine finds some way to embarrass me.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it! We’re gonna have the best time of our lives. Us cartoons gotta look out for each otha’, right?” Oswald smiled. The Ink Demon smiled back.
“Fine. Just stick with the story. You’re a demon rebel rabbit in training... and my minion.” Just when the rabbit toon was about to protest, they made it to the Masquerade. 
Continued Under The Cut...
The room was amazing if the two boys were to be completely honest. Extravagant with different shade of red. Curtained booths. Winding staircases. It was just like one would expect a dance hall from Hell to be like. 
As Bendy slowly walked down the stairs in awe, Oswald took fast time to cheer and slide down the banister, hopping towards the center of the room. 
“Now this is what I call a fancy party!” The rabbit cheered, going over to get some refreshments.
Meanwhile, Bubba had made it on the dance floor, apprehensive. He was out of his element. He expected any trace of Beelzebub to show up at the last minute to embarrass him. Possibly even staying. He expected very high class demons surrounding him like piranha. However, none of that happened. No burning signs. Most of the demons seemed normal enough. He would offer a small smile and a wave, but he stayed quiet. Bendy was thrown on a loop. He didn’t know what to do or say that he could or couldn’t do. He didn’t want to cause trouble or be a bother. And most likely, he was the only male wearing a ball gown.
Without a word, Bendy went to one of the booths and sat down with notepad and pencil in hand, writing down his observations...
The night continued on without a hitch. Oswald danced, ate, drank, and mingled here and there whereas Bendy stayed in his seat, already filling up half his writing pad with ideas. He did not eat nor danced yet. And Oswald noticed. The rabbit hopped to Bendy’s booth, putting his hands on his hips and tapping his foot. 
“Hey Kingston! What are ya doin’ in the peanut gallery? Yer supposed ta be having fun!”
“I am having fun. Already, I have like ten cartoon ideas in two hours.”
“... Bendy, yer supposed to be goin’ outta the town. Yer the one who got invited, remember?” Oswald sighed. “Look, we might never get the chance to do this ever again. I don’t know exactly what went on with you and yer studio, but I do remember that they’ve been holding you back. Tonight’s the night ya shouldn’t hold back. So I want ya to go out there and dance!”
Bendy blinked through his ink covered eyes. “What’s in it for me if I do?”
“You’ll get to donate our loot to that future orphanage. Also, I heard there’s pizza~” The demon perked up. Doing good AND eating pizza? He was sold. 
“I’ll do it. But one dance!” He grabbed Oswald’s money and got up gradually from his seat, looking around. At the moment, the last song was just about finished playing. Bendy saw all the partners dancing  with ease and mingling with one another. Why was he so sad? So afraid of expressing himself? Wasn’t he making progress already?
Just when he was about to give up, he heard another song beginning its instrumental. It was slow and steady. Kind of like jazz, but more upbeat. Bubba recognized this song right away. One of the perks of his deal with his fathers was that he was able to listen to different types of new music over the years using a special radio. Although, he preferred the 20s and 30s, the 40s and 50s had a few surprising good hits as well. And this was one of them. 
Sighing and closing his eyes, the nine-foot-tall ink demon strut onto the center of the dance floor, glowing ink pooling from his gown and following him. He was unaware that he was currently the only one at the dance floor for this song. Bendy positioned himself for a waltz, holding air like he were to hold a partner. He took a moment, then began to sing as he started his dance. 
“I put a spell on you
Because you’re mine”
Bubba’s voice was distinct and clear, a demonic rumble laced with something deep and smooth. He danced to the beat as orange ink swirled around him during his dance. The surrounding ink moved and took shape. 
“You can’t stop the things I do
I ain’t lyin’!”
The ink formed multiple general figures paired up into dance partners that proceeded to dance. Bendy paid no heed. He crooned loudly, letting go with the flow of the music. 
“I just can’t stand it babe
The way yer always runnin’ around
I just can’t stand it
The way ya always put me down”
The dance floor was mostly covered in dancing ink creatures. It took Bendy to notice, but when he did, he decided to play it cool rather than panic. Best to make a show out of it. He twirled and gathered up all the ink with his feet and tail, soaking it up with each twirl around the dance floor. Once the ink was gathered up and the floor was clean, he stopped his body, curtsied politely and opened up his glowing orange beady eyes, briefly wiping the ink off his face to show them as he smirked. 
“I put a spell on you
Because you’re MINE~!”
Not waiting for a reaction, he walked up to the hostess, gave her $700, then headed to the refreshments stand. He had been holding back on his gluttonous urges for too long and he was getting a bit hungry. He was going to eat most of the remaining food if it were the last thing he’d do.
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SOL AU- Vacation
I got this story idea during my vacation back in September. I figured what if the toons took a vacation with Henry and Linda! Just some sweet, wholesome family time.
SOL AU belongs to me!!
“Got everything we need?” Linda asked as she dragged two suitcases to the car.
Henry looked into the trunk to make sure they got everything, suitcases, and snacks for the toons so they won’t be hungry if there was no food stop. Henry gave thumbs up to his wife, “yep! Everything’s ready!”
It’s been a month since the toons lived with Henry and Linda, and the two decided to take the toons on a vacation to the amusement park that opened up a town a hour and a half away from their home. The couple decided it would be fun to go and have fun for the day.
“Bendy! Boris! Alice! Come on you three we’re ready to go!” Henry yelled. The toons then ran through the doorway with their backpacks rushing into the car. Boris sat on the left, Alice sat right in the middle and Bendy sat on the right. “You guys got everything before we head out?”
“Yes!” The toons replied.
“Stuff to do in the car, so I don’t hear “Are we there yet?” or  “I’m bored!” for an hour straight?” Henry asked, even mimicking the whining.
“Yes!” The toons replied.
“Did you guys use the bathroom?” Linda asked.
Boris and Bendy got out of the car and ran back inside. Alice, Henry and Linda laughed. Once the two toons did their business they went back to the car. Henry and Linda went in the front seat, with Henry being a driver and they were on their way to the amusement park.
Halfway in the ride, Linda was relaxing in the front seat listening to the radio music, Boris was sleeping, Alice was reading a novel, and Bendy was coloring in a coloring book. Henry sighed in relief, the toons were quiet the roads were clear, what can go wrong.
Henry stopped the car making everyone jolt. “What happened?! Are we there!” Bendy asked looking around.
Henry looked out the window and saw a huge line of cars making his eyes widen in shock. “Well no, and were stuck in traffic.” Henry answered.
“What’s traffic?” Boris asked stretching.
“Traffic is when a line of cars move slowly, due to an accident or anything.” Linda explained.
“So how long will we be stuck here?” Bendy asked.
Henry looked at all the cars, squinting his eyes. He couldn’t tell how long they would be stuck here. “I can’t give an answer. Don’t worry it won’t be too long.” He replied.
The toons sighed, but it didn’t worry the wolf or angel they just went back doing their original thing, but Bendy groaned slouching in the car seat. The traffic felt like forever for Bendy. He still had his coloring book, but didn’t want to color in it anymore. He looked out the window to see all the cars not moving at all. Bendy groaned, crossing his arms.
The demon just wanted to go to the amusement park to have fun, play games, and go on rides. Now, he’s stuck in traffic for who knows how long. The little demon then thought of him going into his beast form and making the ride much faster for everyone.
No car. No traffic. No problems.
Before he can transform, Henry stopped him, “If your thinking of going into your beast or monster form don’t think about it.” Henry jested. Bendy growled and crossed his arms again as Henry chuckled. “You know you guys have sandwiches in the backseat.”
Bendy climbed into the truck and took out a bag opening it to reveal sandwiches, chips and juice boxes. Bendy saw turkey, peanut butter and jelly and his favorite bacon turkey cheese, and Jalapeño pepper sandwich.
Or in short terms Bendy Sandwich.
Bendy’s eyes sparkled seeing his favorite sandwich made. He took one out of the bag and looked at Boris still asleep. The demon smiled finally able to eat the sandwich he never ate in his cartoons. It’s always been one bite and that’s that, or no bite at all. Licking his lips he was ready to take a bite.
The taste of the cold cuts and cheese went through his taste buds. He was about to take another bite till,
“Bendy look next to you!” Boris yelled.
“Where?” Bendy asked turning to face the window. Boris grabbed the sandwich from Bendy and ate in one gulp. Bendy saw nothing and looked at his hands seeing the sandwich gone and Boris eating. “Boris!” Bendy yelled.
Boris wiped his face with a napkin and went back to resting. Bendy groaned, but no matter Henry made more, he took another one out and was ready to eat it. “Bendy!” Alice called out smiling.
Bendy looked at the angel and turned away, “get your own sandwich! This one is mine!” He snapped.
Alice glared and growled at the demon. For a second she thought how to let Bendy eat her sandwich till she thought of an idea from her classmates. “Let’s play the car game for the sandwich.” She suggested.
“How do you play the car game?” Bendy asked.
“I punch you every time I see a car of the color I choose, and you punch me for the color you choose.” She explained.
Bendy smiled realizing he can hit his sister. “I’m in! I pick black!”
Alice chuckled at Bendy’s choice. “Then I pick green.”
Bendy chuckled; they’re in traffic what are the chances of a green and black car showing up. Bendy’s eyes widen when a toe truck carried 7 green cars. Bendy gulped as Alice punched him 7 times.
Rubbing his arms, Bendy pouted as Alice ate his sandwich. He could get another one, but his arms are in pain.
After eating the sandwich she smiled at Bendy, “Thank you Bendy.”
Bendy glared at his sister, “You punch like a guy.” He replied.
Alice felt offended and punch Bendy again. “OW! There was no green car this time!” He cried.
“Its what you get for calling me a guy.” Alice mumbled.
Bendy scoffed, “because your not like all girls.” Alice was about to punch him again, but Bendy defended himself. “Sorry! Sorry! I’m joking!” Alice loosens her punch, and Bendy sighed in relief. Though out of surprise Alice punched him. “OW! Henry!” Bendy cried. “Alice is punching me too no end! Help me!”
Henry and Linda chuckled; they’ve played that game once or twice in the past when they were young so they can relate.
After an hour the traffic started to move, Bendy was only able to eat a simple turkey sandwich. Which he didn’t complain about? He was happy the cars started to move again. Boris was up and reading one of Alice’s books and it was Alice’s turn to take a little nap. Bendy sighed and looked out the window seeing the other side of cars driving.
After a half hour the traffic finally cleared up and Henry was back on the road again, however since they were stuck in traffic for so long the sun started to set. Once they got there, everyone was leaving the park. The toons sighed in disappointment, as they wouldn’t have fun.
“Hey don’t worry guys. We can spend the night at a hotel, and in the morning we can go and have found.”  Henry explained.
“Okay.” The toons replied.
Henry drove to the closest hotel in the area. Once he got there, he got a room and the toons were finally able to lie down and relax due to the long car ride. “Finally! We can relax!” Alice sighed lying down on the bed.
“Same!” Bendy agreed lying down with his sister. Due to the long car ride, Bendy was already asleep.
Henry finally brought the last set of the suitcases to the room and it was his turn to lie down in the bed next to his wife. “What a day.” He sighed.
“I know.” Linda replied. She gave a yawn and cuddled to her husband. Henry smiled and hugged his wife.
Boris went to the TV and turned it on his eyes widening at what he saw. It looked like fashion models on the beach with bikini’s. Bendy woke up to the brightness of the TV and went up to Boris. “Boris what are you-“ He stopped, his heart started to beat faster by the second, “watching scoot over.”
On the TV one of the girls was ready to take her bikini off in front of the cameras making the two boy toons heart beat faster. Henry looked up to see what the boys were watching, horrified at what show that was. He quickly ran to the TV and turned it on to a talk show.
“Hey!” Bendy and Boris complained.
Henry shook his head, “as long as I’m alive you’re not allowed to watch that.”  
“We may be kids, but were technically 30 years old.” Bendy responded.
Henry smiled, “how about I buy dinner and we drop the whole thing?”
“Deal” The toons responded.
Henry smiled and left to find a fast food place to pick up dinner for the toons. Bendy and Boris then went to change the channel back to the bikini girl’s channel.
“Don’t think about it, I’m still here!” Linda jabbed.
The two boys pouted and waited for Henry to come back with food.
Henry came back with a box of pizza and chicken wings for dinner and everyone smiled over the food. Bendy glanced at Alice and smiled, “Hey Angel Cakes, Henry bought the wings you’ve been looking for.” Bendy laughed at the joke, but Alice didn’t. The angel grabbed her pillow and tried to smother the demon. However, being a toon demon, your able to escape anything that can kill you, by just sliding out.  
“Alright you two, eat dinner so you’ll have strength for tomorrow.” Henry said grabbing a slice of pepperoni pizza to eat.
Bendy and Alice got up from the bed and went to grab some pizza and chicken wings. After being filled with dinner, Henry and Linda cleaned up, as the toons slept close together smiling happily. “There so peaceful when they’re asleep.” Linda pointed out.
Henry nodded in agreement, “and quiet.” Linda gave Henry a light punch in the arm as she put everything in the garbage.
“Their not that loud.” Linda lied down on the bed, sighing as she relaxed. Henry smiled and lied down right beside her, getting some sleep too.
The next morning after a big breakfast, Henry drove the toons back to the amusement park making the toons smile. “Well were back!” Henry called out.
The toons got out of the car and were ready to have fun and roam around the park. Henry and Linda paid for the tickets and everyone went in. “Alright you guys can go around and have fun.” Henry said. The toons cheered and were going to run off but Henry had one more thing to say, “but stay together! Linda and I will be walking around doing our thing.”
“Aren’t you going to go on rides too?” Boris asked.
Henry and Linda nodded, “of course we will.” The toons then went off to search for the first ride to go on.
“Okay. So we have bumper cars, the Ferris wheel, and rollercoaster are the ones we really want to go on! Which one do you guys want to get on first?” Bendy asked looking at the map.
Boris and Alice thought, and at the same time, “Ferris wheel!” They cheered. The toons ran off and went in line for the Ferris wheel. Once they got to the end of the line they got into the Ferris wheel kart and it started to move up. Alice and Bendy looked up and saw the entire city from up here.
“Check it out! Let’s find out house from up here!” Bendy exclaimed.
Boris squinted his eyes and saw the city along with the highway they took to get here. “If I’m correct were somewhere over there!” Boris thought pointing his fingers over to the left. Once they got done with the Ferris wheel, they went on the bumper cars next having fun.
Though…it was more of Alice and Bendy bumping each other then bumping others.
After bumper cars they were ready for the rollercoaster. “There it is!” Bendy smiled. Boris and Alice seeing how high and fast the ride went. Waiting in line made the wolf and angel nervous. Once they got to the kart there was no turning back. Bendy was in front of them smiling as the rollercoaster made its way up the hill.
“Mommy! Look a puppy is on the rollercoaster!” A little girl exclaimed seeing Boris’s ears.
Henry, who was in line getting food for lunch looked up and saw the toons on the rollercoaster. Once it went down he heard Bendy’s cheering and Alice’s screams, which made everyone in the park turn and face the rollercoaster.
After getting off the ride, Bendy was bouncing around enjoying the ride. Boris felt sick to his stomach, and Alice already had a headache. They made it to a food stop and saw Henry and Linda sitting down with food.
“We heard you guys on the rollercoaster.” Henry mentioned.
Alice’s eyes widen and started to blush nervously, “was it that loud?” She asked. Henry and Linda nodded. Alice groaned face palming that her scream was heard.
Henry rubbed her back, “don’t worry. Now come on I got lunch.” He took the toons to the table where they were greeted by burgers and fries for lunch. The lunch was relaxing for the angel since her meal had a milkshake.
After eating lunch, the toons decided to play some games for the remainder of the day. Henry played the shotgun game with skill and was able to win giant bunny for Linda. “Did the war give you skills?” Linda asked.
“Nope, the studio. It’s a long story.” Henry chuckled rubbing the back of his head.
“Henry! Henry!” Bendy yelled running over to Henry, “I played a basketball game and won a tiger plush!” Bendy hugged the tiger plush in his arms tight.
“And I won a giant teddy bear!” Boris claimed coming in with a teddy bear the same size as him.
After a day of fun and games, Henry and the toons were ready to head home and relax. Maybe talk about their trip with friends.
“I call this a successful trip!” Henry exclaimed.
Bendy smiled, “I couldn’t agree more!” Before the Stein family had to leave they realized someone was missing, “where’s angel?”
Everyone turned their heads looking for where the angel wondered off. “She’s right there at the kissing booth! Boris pointed.
At the Kissing Booth Alice was chatting with the guy running it laughing and sharing a wonderful conversation before leaning in to kiss.
“Bendy. Frog.” Henry said holding his hand out. Using hammer space, Bendy pulled out a toy frog and gave it to Henry. The man pulled away his daughter from the young man as the man kissed the toy frog.
Disgusted, the young man looked for his kisser and saw Alice being dragged away by Henry as she whined.
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tiny-smallest · 4 years
day thirty - hope
Rating: G Characters: Henry Warnings: none Description: No jackbooted thugs yet to take his kids from him; it’s hardly a relief. Henry’s so sure it’s just a matter of time.
But a week after the toons are discovered by the public, a chance encounter flips the entire situation around.
Also on AO3!
"You... want to do what?"
That he could force the words out at all was a miracle. He almost lost his grip on his lunch pail, staring at the gaggle of young people grinning beaming rays of excited sunshine at him.
"Clear out your ears, old man!" one of them laughed, and her friend elbowed her without even dropping the smile.
"We wanna pay to see them!" she said.
"Like- watch them do stuff the way Bendy did in Old Timer's Park last week," another clarified, maybe aware how creepily her friend had accidentally phrased that.
"You know, like a performance!"
"B-but-" How did they even know he was- "I don't-"
"Oh pshh you're definitely him," snorted a fourth girl, waving her phone. "It took awhile to track you down, but that's definitely you on the footage."
"So like- are you his dad?" A much softer, more curious question from the fifth girl. Henry blinked.
"Um-" Well they'd already seen him rush in and scoop Bendy up and flee. The whole world had, by now.
He didn't have internet--too expensive; TV was bad enough--but even he knew how the internet worked. He'd been hoping he'd look too ordinary and unremarkable and had been moving too fast or maybe hiding his face too well for anyone to get any clear image of him on video, even despite the number of phones aimed at Bendy's juggling act.
He'd known that would be a false hope. He wasn't guarding the front door every night until he passed out with a baseball bat in hand for kicks.
But this was-
"Yes," he said softly. Whether he lied or not, they'd already come to their own conclusions.
"Did you make him?" "Wow that's so cool what's he like when he's not performing!" "Does he have a favorite food?" "Is he made out of that weird black stuff that's gotten in ink bottles recently?" "Is he the cause of it?"
"Wh- wait, wait wait- uh-" Oh god focus. "N-no, that's too complex for a short answer, yes, the answer is almost everything-"
Be smart. No need to reveal everything.
"I don't know, and I don't think so? In that order."
"What do you mean, you don't think so?" One of the girls put her hands on her hips. Henry did some quick calculations.
"What I mean is- he- seemed as confused as I was. When I asked about it." He rubbed the back of his neck. "It um- it's not like he's got any more of an idea what's going on than anyone else does."
"Are the rest of them there?" One girl's eyes shone like stars. "Alice was always my favorite. Is she real, too?"
"They totally are, aren't they." The evil eye again from that one girl. It didn't even matter if he lied, did it?
"Y-yes- all of them..." He winced at the shriek of delight.
"Oh my gosh I want to see her! I wanna shake her hand and-" "Boris! Boris is so cute do you think his fur is actually soft or maybe he doesn't have fur at all- what if it's rubbery skin yuck-" "Well you'll have to touch him to find out-"
"Hey!" It was Henry's turn to frown and glare. "No, you don't. You can just ask him. He's a person. They're people. You can't just go running up to them and manhandle them."
The gaggle of girls stared in surprise at the lecture before their gazes turned contemplative.
"I guess that's true," one admitted, a sheepish flush claiming her cheeks.
"We got too excited," sighed another. "We should've been more thoughtful.”
"You really are their dad," mused another, looking at him with an appreciative eye. "Like a fairytale."
"Yeah!" She put a hand to her forehead. "Three magic creatures land in this awful, desolate world! It's so different from their own! How will they survive! But then-"
"Then there's you!" crowed a different girl, pointing to him with dramatic flair. 
"And so you take in the lost little toons and promise to take care of them!"
"Not sure that's going super well," said the master of the evil eye with an appraising look at Henry's worn coveralls, the motor oil stains on one arm, the old, beaten-up lunch pail dangling from one hand. He flushed.
"I-" Yes please, do remind him again how he's poor and a mess and unfit to be their guardian. He sure did need that-
A car honked and the girls turned around to find a boy waving at them from a car.
"Gotta go; we're gonna be late!" They made a mad scramble for the car, but one girl paused, turned around, dug around in her pocket, and pulled out two twenty dollar bills, shoving them into the confused animator's hand.
"For last week!" she chirped as she began to turn around. "I'd definitely come again, too!"
She waved at him as she followed her friends into their car, leaving Henry at the street light long since turned green, staring at the green in his hand.
Forty dollars. Out of the blue. Not a ton. But a nice little something, for sure.
I'd definitely come again, too.
How many people had Bendy drawn to watch? A hundred? More? His head was spinning again.
He'd have to talk with them, of course. He'd have to make sure they felt safe enough to do it.
But if they did-
If he walked around with an open hat, and everyone threw money into it-
Oh god. They could- they could set up an official place- maybe that abandoned theater downtown-
They could charge tickets- they could invent an entire act- multiple acts- music- singing, dancing-
His trembling hand closed around the money.
They could climb out of this pit.
They really, really could.
For the first time in a week, Henry found himself laughing, and when people stopped to stare at the laughing man on the street corner, he didn't even care.
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cairis-in-the-field · 6 years
4, 6, 12, 26, and 31?
CDQ || Accepting || @anotherannoyingmofo​
Cut for length!
4: Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Cairis used to play “Slivers” on the dangerous bendy sprigs of wood.  She used to ride the vineways (as far up as she was allowed) with the safety belt unhooked, leaning over as far as she could while barely holding on... she was a daredevil because no one really gave a damn about a base-brancher kit.
One day, though, she was goofing around on the vineways when she got a “feeling.”  She’d gone up to another branch and was getting ready to ride again when she felt like it was a bad idea to do so.  Some of the other platform passengers chivvied her to hurry up and get on and chided her for cowardice when she refused.
She listened to them scream when the vine unexpectedly snapped and they plummeted to their deaths.
From then on, she stopped playing around with potentially life-threatening scenarios.  She hasn’t told anyone as of yet.
6: Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Yes.  Vines and the cairisdolo bug she was named after - and in those dreams they show up, whatever she dreamed of usually shows up, too.  The cairisdolo (”moon moth”) is associated with Indri’s Lantern, which Cairis was born under.  And, a few days after she was born, one flapped in to land on her face and sat all kinds of pretty on her forehead.  You could say she’s kind of “touched in the head.”
12: In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Every once in a while, tree rat swarms endanger the city-trees.  One such swarm erupted on Ialiv.  Cairis was one of several archers (energy weapons are a bad idea in a somewhat flammable domicile) set up to shoot down as many of the critters as possible.
She got into the zone of repeated shooting while a gnashing, thrashing horde of hungry vermin got closer and closer... and she stared them down while shooting and shooting and shooting.
She had nightmares later, for sure, but at that moment...?  She was in the zone.
26: How does your character behave around children?
It depends on the species.
Around Galran kits, she’s generally very patient and even wants to spoil them.  Other species... she tends to keep an eye on younglings, but rarely feels anything of a motherly nature for them.   But her general attitude is one of (somewhat) subtle protectiveness.
If she has kits of her own, she goes a tad overboard on loving and spoiling them; memories of her own parents’ negligence always with her.
31: Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
If she’s simply relaxing... she gets up into a tree.
She’s an Arboreal Galra, so trees are her thing.  If she finds a tree with sturdy branches and a good canopy - and if she has no duties pressing - then she is up that tree as fast as can be to lay out in a branchy cradle and de-stress.
Otherwise... cooking.  She enjoys cooking and ever since her “Uncle” Sal learned new tricks that made his food edible - that he then taught her - she finds comfort in meal prep and cooking.   She routinely makes several meals ahead of time and stores them in the cooling unit for The Voice crew to heat up whenever she’s not around to do the cooking.
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ITotP Short- Two Demons And One Child
A.N: this is one of many short stories that i have planned for the au as chapter 5 is coming soon, also corr is now in this au! you can find out more about him on @core4lost‘s account because she made an adorable little design of what corr would looked like in my au and i am squealing ---- The Ink Demon groaned as it layed there in an pentagram as his wounds slowly healed it had only been an few hours after he killed the false angel and gave joey the corpse with the fake soul. he used the false angel's soul to speed up his healing time and to make him closer to his true form but without bendy he won't get that form. he groaned as he saw the seal was stopped as it needed time to recharge. he snarled as he got up and decided to take it easy for now as he walked off finding something to do. henry looked out the window as it's been an few hours since they were fianlly safe from the ink demon he stared in saddness at the state everyone was in, shawn had ink crawling up half way through his body as thomas looked like he could handle it but was still suffering, laice was like the lost ones but more stable and acted as the leader. norman was twirling around with his fingers as boris and bendy stayed near the still 'dead' angel. henry walked over and sat down next to them "how's her breathing?" he asked as boris shook his head "i don't know..." lacie walked over "she is not dead...  at leash not yet she needs another soul... but due to how corrupted and tainted the lost ones and the searchers have become it'll take time to find an perfect match, for now we need supplies, i know you all just got back but we are running low on food and items" she explained to him that they needed supplies and blankets things that would be eaiser for them to survive. henry nodded as he went out "h-henry c-could i come with you?" Bendy asked "are you sure bud?" He nodded "y-yeah I just need.. To not be here for an while." He nodded and the two went out. hnery and bendy were looking high and low for supplies when at some point bendy went off ahead and he found an bag full of medicines "hey hen-" he turned around to not see Henry "huh.... And this is why I don't go off looking for stuff" he sighed and tried backtracking hoping to find where he was. He slipped off of an railing and fell into an pool of deep ink. His eyes widen as he tried getting out but couldn't he as he lost conscious before seeing an small figure. henrybcalle doubt for bendy mentally cursing himself for not keeping an eye on him he only hoped that his friend was alright. Bendy woke up rubbing the back of his head he had to get back to Henry he blinked when he saw he was In a room that wasn't filled with ink he blinked as he looked around wondering what happened or who brought him here "hello?" He called out while he started to explore the room. Heard an sound in the vent as he went to inspect it. "Hey hello? Are you in there?" He didint hear an response so he tried again "hey come on are you-" he heard an slight whimper only one that an child would make. He stared sadden and gave an small smile "h-hey I won't hurt you kid I promise I'm friendly" he stepped back and saw the vent door opening he was.. Shock to say the least this kid was an toon like him an actual demon save for the difference between horns, he seemed to wear ragged large clothes that one of the employees wore he forgot who "d-do you p-promise not to h-hurt m-me?" Bendy blinked then smiled "kid I don't hurt children I entertain them and by the state your in I could say your trapped in here like the rest of us right?" The little demon nodded "have I seen you somewhere before?" The little demon shrugged and pointed to an poster bendy stared and inspected it "huh.." He knew he saw him somewhere before Joey did mentioned making an little brother figure to the devil darling himself but confused to why he only appeared in two episodes. "Well kid, I have to go back to my friends they ne-" he silently cursed as he held his side and started to fall but the little demon caught him "a-are you a-alright?!" Bendy gave the kid an nervous smile "y-yeah.. I'll be even more okay once we finally get out of this studio" the little demon tilted its head "wait but there is no way to get out of the studio." Bendy corrected him "there is... But we would have to find that way up first" the little demon stared at him "c-could I come with you?" Bendy stared and he smiled "kids don't belong In studios like this, yeah you can come along...what's your name by the way? My's bendy" the little demon gave an small smile showing one sdie his drawn on smile and the other side shark like teeth almost "c-corr" bendy smiled "well corr looks like we're stuck together for now, how about we start by trying to regroup with my friends I'm sure Henry's worried sick about me now" he said as the two went out the room. the two demons carefully walked around aware of everything. Bendy kept an eye out for any signs of anything or signs of the ink demon they saw an inky aura nearby and he mentally cursed himself for jinxing it as he and corr found an little miracle station and hid in it. Thy prey saw the ink demon lumbering about as if bored. Bendy noticed some of the wounds had closed up on the lanky beast but it was still injured which could prove useful as the more hurt it got with the limp meaning the more slower it got. When the ink demon went off bendy and corr got out and continued on unaware of the ink demon watching with an grin. Bendy checked the bag for the medicines and was glad it hadnt gone bad by the ink. "Hey what's that?" Corr said pointing as bendy looked to see where the demon was pointing at and his eyes widen. It was a door leading upstairs to outside as shown by the light. "Is that... An way out?" Bendy said inspecting it before looking back to another direction he couldn't leave Henry and everyone else but at the same time he wanted to get this kid out of harm's way as fast as possible. He sighed and closed the door "hey wait that could be our only chance to get out of here!" Bendy sighed "kid that could take days to climb all that flight of stairs. Besides I rather be out with everyone knowing that there all safe and sound. Come on" he walked off corr quickly following behind both still unaware of the ink demon silently following. Bendy stopped halfway when he felt something was off. They were being watched "hold on...." Suddenly inked moans were heard as an clones of the butcher gang showed up both with red wounds similar to the blessed knife, this was one of many of the false angel's twisted experiments an army of destroyed butcher gang clones. "Get behind me kid!" Bendy said pulling out Henry's revolver as corr cowered behind. Bendy shot 12 of the butcher gang clones but more kept coming. The ceiling crumbling. Is what got everyone to stop. Corr like up and gulped and braced but it never came. He loomed up to see an looming figure stopping it. Bendy growled in his inked state his limp among it hard for him to keep holding. The destroyed butcher gang clones retreated. "GO KID" corr quickly ran as the ceiling collapsed on bendy "BENDY!" The demon got up weakly while holding his side as he reverted back to his toon form slightly panting as they hurried up knowing all that noise attracted the ink demon. the two arrived in a more ink stained room. Seeing an stained picture of the little devil as bendy saw how stained the red oak like wood was. "This whole place is falling aprart.. We gotta hurry and get out of here...." He and corr saw an message on the wall saying "HE WILL SET US FREE" was on it. Bendy saw an flight of stairs and hoped to God that this'll be where Henry is. They slowly walked up the stairs "stay close to me kid don't wanna risk losing ya" corr nodded as he held onto bendy close as they walked. "H-how far is this safe house?" Corr asked as bendy shrugged "there are many ways to get to that safehouse... I just don't know where is the safest way-" he stopped when he saw the room turning an dull inky door "B E H I N D Y O U B O Y S" an demonic voice said as corr and bendy mentally froze up "run" corr said as he and bendy ran like no tomorrow as the ink demon laughed and gave chase. Bendy tripped as the ink demon chased after color the little demon yelped and kept running. Ina fest of rage bendy transformed into his berserker state and lurched slamming the ink demon hard as the two crashed into an balcony. Corr watched the short fight as the two large demons fought. The floor under them started to break as they both fall. Corr's eyes widen as he ran. Bendy back in his toon form held on for dear life as the ink demon slowly caught his footing and started slowly tried to climb up. An lanky clawed hand reached out as the demon grabbed onto it and was shocked it see it was corr but different almost similar to the ink demon save for the two tails and the same horns. Bendy panted and thanked corr as they heard an distressed cry as the ink demon struggled to keep climbing "let him fall" bendy said as he walked off and saw corr not going along. The ink demon slowly started to lose it's grip as corr grabbed the ink demon by the hand and used all his strength to pull up the ink demon as bendy stared in shock. The ink demon blinked under his hidden eyes confused to why the little demon would still save hi despite everything he has done to people here. Corr reverted back to his toon form his ragged large clothes returning also back on him as he ran back to bendy "come on while he's distracted" the two toons ran off leaving the ink demon to its own thoughts. Henry sighed as he gave up he was about to walk back when he felt something coming towards him "henry!" Bendy said as he ran up and hugged the old man "bendy! Where were you?!" The retired animator asked as bendy rubbed the back of his head. "Well you would never believe what just happened" he said as corr went up next to bendy as he nervously waved with Henry looking surprised "who... Is that?" Bendy made an shrug motion while smiling "it's an long story" henry sighed "well not like we have anywhere to go I have all time i need"
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themarginalartist · 7 years
Think... Ink: Chapter 12
Oh hai... It’s uh... Been a little while ye? Sooooo... *flings chapter and runs* 
“The hand…”
“…he’s here…”
“Free us…”
“Set us free…”
Henry woke up slowly. Blinking at the faint light in the room. His back protesting as he sat up from the cot. His head was pounding. The steady ticking of the clock on the opposite side of the room was beginning to grate at his nerves. It had been a long time since he’d had a decent amount of rest, but his body was extremely stiff, it seemed the events of the studio were beginning to catch up to him.
He slowly rolled his legs over the edge of the cot and stood up, stretching out his back and shoulders. He gently pushed open the room’s door and went into the restroom. He splashed the clean cold water at his face before looking up into the mirror.
He sighed. The last… Hours? Days? However much time had passed since he’d come into this hell hole had taken their toll. His face was a lot thinner than when he had come in, skin taking on a somewhat sickly pallor disposition, bags under his eyes becoming more pronounced nearly taking on a purple bruised look, even his hair had a greasy sheen to it.
A shower…
His stomach rumbled loudly pulling him out of his thoughts. His reflection mimicked his smirk. First some food, then figuring out how to wrangle the sink into a makeshift shower. Heading out of the restroom he finally joined his companions in the main living room and kitchen area of the safe house. Boris’s ears perked up upon hearing Henry’s footsteps.
“And then we ran- Henry good morning! Or uh afternoon or something?” Bendy greeted cheerfully, paper resting against a soup can so that he could speak to Boris. Henry smiled at the toon’s antics.
“Good morning Bendy, Boris.” He greeted back. He was finally hit with the smell of hot bacon soup, while better than downing it while it was cold, it still was something he’d rather not eat more of. Yet it seemed to be the only edible thing left in the studio. His stomach growled again.
“Well don’t just stand there Henry! Get some soup!” Bendy chided. Boris stifled a silent giggle behind his hand.
“Alright, alright!” Henry fought to not laugh but his voice betrayed him.
“Seriously we need to take better care of you!” Bendy was acting like a mother hen. This sent Henry over the edge releasing the bubble of laughter he’d tried to keep down. He felt the Bendy’s pride for making him laugh, not quite muting the worry, but he knew it wasn’t as serious now that they were in a safe location.
It had been quite a shock seeing Boris at first, both Bendy and Henry had been stunned into silence, not knowing if the wolf was friend or foe initially. But after an awkward moment of bracing for a fight Boris finally spoke breaking the tension and led them to the safe house.
Boris didn’t speak much at all, mostly nodding or using gestures, most likely due to the original cartoon being silent at first but Henry was not sure of it. Whatever the reasoning Henry was just glad that they had another ally in this situation.
Settling down with a bowl of soup across from Boris he listened to Bendy continue to chatter, relaying all of their adventure so far. It was such a peaceful moment, just relaxing, not worrying about searchers or anything else, nothing could take it away.
“…Henry?” Bendy pulled him out of his thoughts, having finished his soup a while ago and had been staring at the wall thinking about the studio and what had happened, not noticing the lull in conversation immediately.
“How are you doing? You uh… Had quite the uh…” Bendy’s nerves were a jumbled mess and it all was sending back to Henry.
“It’s alright, what is it? You can ask anything Bendy.” Henry tried to reassure the toon demon.
“It’s just… How much do you remember from uh… Sammy?” The toon winced at saying the music director’s name. Boris’s eyebrow raised at the question. There was a lot of apprehension from the demon.
“I…” Henry paused. He could recall Sammy having him tied up on the pole but beyond that… “I’ll admit… I only recall being tied to the post and him talking to me for a while… After that I woke up without being able to speak…” He stopped and frowned. “Did something happen?”
“Oh… Yeah… Ummm… Sammy… Sammy’s dead.” The toon said quietly.
“Sammy’s dead. You umm… You lost control… Cause Sammy had control of you and then… You kinda gained it back… But I dunno… It all happened so fast and there were a lot of searchers and stuff…” Bendy was breathing a bit hard. Henry sat in silence. “After you- You smashed him- You passed out and I took you to that room we were in…” The demon trailed off.
A long moment passed before Henry spoke again.
“I- I wouldn’t- But-“ He drew shuddering breath. “I- If I had lost control… Sammy was also fairly far gone though… But still… Taking another’s life… Even if it was-“ He stopped himself from continuing, staring at the pentagram tattooed on his palm.
“Henry… There’s nothing we can do, but I didn’t want you to not know… I’m sorry…” The demon said meekly.
“…It’s alright Bendy… I just… I am going to need some time to… If you’ll excuse me…” Henry lifted himself off of the chair and went to the restroom, gently closing the door behind himself.
“Henry…” Bendy watched the man leave, feeling somewhat guilty for bringing up Sammy like that. But he also needed to make sure that Henry knew what had happened. It wouldn’t have been fair to keep that from him.
Henry splashed the cold water on his face. Trying to block the creeping feeling of nausea climbing his throat. He swallowed hard.
He’d killed Sammy.
Not that Sammy was really living, being cursed by the ink like he himself was.
But still, there was the hope of saving those in the studio. Even if he hadn’t known they were there before Sammy revealed himself. Henry ran a hand through his hair.
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t right.
The studio had taken so much, not just from him, but from all of the employees.
There wasn’t anything that he could do about it.
Henry breathed out a sigh. He had killed Sammy. A fact he would have to live with for the rest of his life. But there was no use dwelling with it now. Now he needed to regain his strength. Now he needed to work on getting out of the studio. Now he needed to reconnect with Bendy for the bond’s sake and for the sake of getting himself and the toons, because of course Boris was coming with them, out of the nightmare that the studio had become.
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sanderssidecanons · 7 years
Title: The Insanity-Machine
Words: 2967
Characters: Thomas Sanders, Roman Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders
Ships: Nothing in particular, everything is platonic
Warnings: Nothing
Additional Info: Insane!Logan (I really wanted to write this, I’m sorry. I was listening to Bendy and the Ink Musical by Random Encounters while writing this, in case anyone is interested. I actually had a lot of fun with writing insane!Logan. If you guy’s like it I might do more with him)
Patton was the first that noticed the little stains of black liquid in front of Logan’s door, but he didn’t mind it too much, considering, that Logan found enjoyment in experiments and was most likely to clean it up afterwards. Roman and Virgil didn’t pay attention to it either, this little detail just far too small for Roman to even notice and Virgil liked the colour and thought, that it looked cool.
So the stains stayed. And they stayed for quite a long time, every day Patton walked down the hallway he notices the stains getting bigger, causing the emotional trait great confusion. He looked at Logan’s door, hesitant if he should stop and maybe knock, but he continued his walk, descending down the stairs and preparing breakfast for everyone.
Roman and Virgil came down together, Virgil frowning at Patton and asking, while pointing with his thump up the stairs: „What is Logan doing up there? Those stains get bigger every day!“ Patton nodded, trying to flip a pancake but failing due to his missing concentration, completely focused on Logan and his stained door.
Roman shrugged and quickly took the frying pan before something burned and answered nonchalantly: „I’m also quite disturbed about this mess in front of Doctor Stranges door. Why don’t we just clean it up?“ Virgil raised an eyebrow and looked at Roman who failed even more miserably to flip the pancake, the food just flying out of the pan and landing on Pattons head in the process who chuckled slightly and grabbed it, taking a bite and showing a thumbs up, to which Roman rubbed his head sheepishly.
„Great Idea, Sir Sing-a-lot, why don’t you grab something and do it yourself if you are so disturbed by this?“ Roman frowned at the anxious trait, hand holding the pan twitching, before he set it back in the stove and cracked eggs. „Sorry, I’M already making breakfast, Doktor Gloom. Why don’t you do it why your eggs aren’t finished, hm?“ challenged Roman, smug look on his face even more satisfied after Virgil glared at him, quickly realising the trick Roman played on him for taking over on the breakfast.
Patton’s eyes widened as he realised as well, helplessly shrugging at Virgil while waving with his pancake. Virgil groaned, he was clearly not in the mood for cleaning but he might as well do so if that means that Roman won’t annoy him for a few moments. Virgil stomped the stairs up, eyeing the liquid with a critical eye, contemplating if he needed a vacuum-cleaner or if a rag was enough. He bowed a bit forward and squinted, only to yelp and fall backwards as the black liquid suddenly bubbled and started to move on it’s own.
Virgil remained on the floor, eyeing the bubbling mass with widened eyes as it got taller and startet to form a figure of black liquid, barely able to reach Virgil’s knee if he was standing up. Virgil’s jaw dropped, almost unable to process what was happening. All of the stains were gone, but they formed an ink-figure with the size of a dwarf, the upper body of a human and the lower body still like a liquid which hasn’t quite solified yet.
The figure stared at him, it’s eyes barely visible since it was all black, but then it started moving down the stairs, leaving little stains of black liquid which quickly moved to mech with the figure again. Virgil watched after the figure for some time, even if it was already gone, before he snapped back into reality and practically jumped up to make a dash for Logan’s door and rapid-fire knock on it, yelling in worry and unease: „LOGAN! What is going on in there, Logan?!“
Virgil pressed his ear against the wood, frown only deepening, when he heard the whirring of cogs and the whistling of steam, his patience and composure running out as he heard no answer from the logical trait. „I’m coming in!“ Warned Virgil as he grabbed the handle and turned it to practically barge into Logan’s room, freezing in shock at the scene before him. A machine was sitting on the wall, reaching the ceiling with it’s size while it steamed and whirred, a crowd of those tiny black figures hurrying around, carrying buckets or filling the machine with a black, not as thick and goopy liquid, presumambly fuel.
The cherry on top was Logan, standing in the middle of the room, his face resebling a deer that was about to be run over by a monster-truck, his hands literally covered in black liquid while his clothes were a little stained, which was already hard to Virgil to wrap his head around since Logan was usually very neat and clean. „Logan, what’s going on here?!“ demanded Virgil, quickly dodging one of the little figures as it made it’s way for the exit.
Virgil looked at the machine for a moment, noticing the big lever on the side which currently was set on the ‚off‘ setting, telling Virgil that the machine was actually not working. Heavy thomping outside also told him, that Patton and Roman had either heard Virgil’s screaming or seen one of the two figures walking down the stairs. Both of them barged in, freezing just like Virgill did at the scene before them, before Roman raised his voice:
„What is going on?!“ He didn’t say it to anyone in particular but Logan reacted to it as he snapped out of his shock and grinned at the other sides, his voice sounding a little too cheerful for the logical trait. „I’m glad you asked, Roman! You see, I build this machine with a little help to raise productivity.“ Virgil raised an eyebrow, confusion washing over his face while Patton tilted his head. „Productivity?“
Logan’s grin got wider, just like his eyes, while it seemed like his pupils were shrinking, eye twitching a little as he muttered: „Everything goes too slow, how is Thomas supposed to work if we are that unproductive? I found the solution...“ The sides didn’t like Logan’s  ominous tone. Not one bit. Virgil narrowed his eyes, glaring at the figures for a moment before demaning: „What are they made of?“ Logan chuckled, everyone watching in shock as the liquid on Logan’s hands seemed to crawl up on his arms like vines as the logical trait answered in a low and sinister voice:
„Insanity.“ Roman’s jaw dropped while Patton took a step back, at the same time dodging one of the figures. Virgil cursed under his breath and damning every god he could think about as he was forced to be the brave one and took a step forward. „Logan.“ He began, but the logical trait cut him off. „It’s actually a pretty good idea, like all of my ideas. I already have it PATTONed!“ He snickered at his own joke and everyone stared in shock. „Well, that’s not quite right, because in a short time, there won’t be a Patton anymore, there also won’t be a Roman to roam around and no Virgil on the verge of an anxiety attack!“
„What are you talking about?!“ Asked Roman, voice a strange mix between serious and panicked, as it was loud but at the same time higher pitched than his usual voice. Logan tipped his temple with his hand and rubbed at his chin, two stains of insanity staying in his face which already started to spread  like vines. „Think about it. What’s the reason Thomas isn’t able to reach his maximum productivity?“ Everyone was just staring, the logical trait snickering again at their faces, while he corrected his glasses and explained:
„I tested it for day’s, every figure I wanted to form was a success. And now think about it: The sides with their needs and emotions  and imagination are holding Thomas back, but I found the solution!“ Patton realised what Logan was talking about, blood running cold and hands trembling as he realised it, quickly saying: „You are just joking, right? Logan, please, I beg you.... PLEASE don’t tell me you plan to replace us with figures you formed out of insanity.“ Logan barked a laugh, which causes everyone to flinch, Roman quickly promising:
„That won’t happen Logan! Look at you, you are corrupted from the insanity!“ Virgil took a deep breath, before he threatened. „Logan, we will turn this machine off.“ This interrupted Logan’s laugh, who had a sinister and threatening smile on his face as he mocked: „Oh, WILL you?“ He slowly walked backwards, stopping right next to the machine at the big lever, grabbing it with a stained hand, pushing it down until it was set on ‚on‘.
The machine immediatly started working, cogs whirring at a fast paste and steam escaping a few pipes while it spat insanity out, the liquid starting to form another liquid. But Logan didn’t let go of the lever, he kept a hold on it, casting the sides a glance and another insane smirk as he pushed the lever further down, lever breaking with a loud snapping sound. The machine went nuts, cogs whirring far too fast and producing so much steam it causes a whistling sound while a much bigger portion of insanity was produced, the figure that appeared being bigger, slimmer, more like a human with a jacket and bags in front of his eyes.
Virgil’s eyes widened in fear, taking a step back as he the clone of insanity in front of him. A noise of distress escaped Virgil while sinking out, quickly fleeing the scene to warn Thomas about something going on in his mind.
Luckily was Thomas just about to make a video and was not in public, the brunette flinching as Virgil appeared on his usual spot on the steps, looking even more distressed than normally. „Virgil, what are you doing here? I wasn’t planning a Sanders Sides video!“ Virgil looked around in distressed, the clock ticking as he didn’t have much time.
„Thomas! Something is happening! You need to listen to me, it’s-„
He couldn’t finish his sentence as Roman also appeared, the blade of his sword covered in insanity, a panicked look on his face: „VIRGIL! IT’S NOT SAFE HERE, EVERYONE IS-„
Patton interrupted him as he was the third to appear, face pale and breath more of a wheeze.
„EVERYONE HIDE!“ Screamed Patton as he broke out in tears, Thomas staring from one to the other. „What are you talking about? Hiding from what?“
„Me.“ Everyone turned around at the familiar, sinister voice, spotting Logan on his usual spot, his teeth appeared a little sharper than usual, the insanity already covering his elbows and his face getting more covered by the seconds. His eyes were already all black with white pupils while insanity was flowing out of them like tears. Thomas stumbled back in shock, screaming at the sight, Patton making an attempt at catching him but failing.
„WHAT’S GOING ON?!“ Screamed Thomas who still didn’t understand the situation. „You know, I have been thinking the few seconds you used to duck out, quack quack.“ Logan snickered again. „It’s not only your fault we can’t reach our maximum potential. But don’t worry, I found the last source preventing us from productivity.“ His gaze fixed on Thomas, the brunette flinching at the intense gaze of black eyes and white pupils.
„You, Thomas. With your human needs and mind of his own. You are holding us back. But don’t worry. I’ve got everything covered.“ Insanity bubbled up behind the logical trait and four figures slowly emerged, forming 4 humans, their faces all the same with little different features. One was wearing robes and a black sash, the second had glasses with a black cloak wrapped around it’s shoulders, the third looking pretty ordinary with a simple shirt. Virgil jumped from his spot and ran to the other guy’s as he didn’t feel safe sitting on the stairs.
„We need to turn this machine off!“ Barked Patton in stress, back pressed against the wall as the clones slowly crepts cloer, Logan snickering, insanity slowly dripping out of his mouth. „He destroyed the lever. How can we turn it off?!“ Asked Roman who drew his sword, threatening the clones but quickly deflating, when his clone drew a black sword, holding it just the way Roman did. „We need to destroy it! Has anyone experience with insanity? I only know the good kind of insanity!“ Patton shook his head, never familiar with the liquid while Virgil sighed and slowly raised his hand.
„Sometimes appears a little amount of it in my room, but it’s never that threatening and it has most of the time a source. If you destroy the source it’s just black ink.“ Patton’s jaw dropped as he was struck by an idea like it was a bolt. „That’s it! If the machine is destroyed the insanity is just ink! Logan would never only build one switch into his machines! He’s gotta have a safe-switch somewhere! Virgil, you gotta find it!“
„Why me?!“ Demanded Virgil in shock, backing off a bit as the clones inched closer. „Becaue you already have experience with insanity. Please let’s not discuss about this now. Sink out, quick!“ Virgil nodded, closing his eyes as he slowly sunk out, hearing Roman’s voice screaming:
„VIRGIL, WATCH OUT!“ Virgil’s eyes snapped open, seeing the clone of Roman dashing forward to make a grab for him, but the actual Roman jumped in front of the anxious trait, quickly getting tackled to the ground, body starting to get covered in insanity due to the clone who behaved like molten chocolate on strawberry.
„VIRGIL, QUICK!“ Was the last thing Roman screamed as his face became covered with insanity, his pupils white and eyes black when he looked up again. Virgil felt himself actually tearing up as he continued to sink out, finally reaching the mind place, groaning as he came out at the wrong place because of the stress disrupting his concentration. He rushed towards the stairs, thought screaming in the back of his head, reminding him that he only had this one try, if he failed this they lost. Game Over, no continues. He almost slipped, managing to keep his balance and just slide across the ground.
It was covered with insanity, just like the machine which was still whirring and whistling and steaming and completely overflowing. If there was a last chance he had to find it! He had to find the switch! He slid towards the machine, strobing it, trying to find something, trembling in fear as his hands became covered in insanit, slowly starting to make it’s way upwards. He didn’t have much time. „Virgil, don’t.“ The anxious trait looked up, backing off as he spotted Logan in the doorframe, his gaze serious, insanity still flowing out of his eyes. He had to find the switch!
He fell to his kneed, looking at the bottom of the device, eyes widening as he spotted a red switch, slightly resembling a light-switch. Logan’s eyes narrowed, his voice sounding almost too much like the actual Logan for Virgil’s liking. „Think about it. You won’t have to work anymore, you can just stay in your room and don’t have to talk to anyone. Isn’t this what you wanted?“ Virgil looked at Logan, slowly shaking his head.
„No, this is not what I want. Even though you guys sometimes annoy me, you are still my family and I wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt. Goodbye, insanity.“ He turned the switch, Logans eyes immediatly rolling back as he fell onto the ground, ink flowing his body down and laying still on the ground. The clone of Roman walked into the room, getting slower until he stood still for a few seconds, trembling, before the ink fell like a waterfall and Roman fell to the ground, overwhelmed by everything.
Virgil looked at his hands and sighed in relief, when he saw the ink flowing off his skin. Patton entered the room, completely free of ink and beamed at Virgil: „You did it, kiddo! That was a close one!“ It was indeed. But it was over now. They only had to clean up as soon as Logan and Roman woke up.
The end the day was really quiet, everyone already in bed due to cleaning the whole day, causing everyone to tire out. Well, almost everyone. Logan was still awake, staring at the place the machine was standing before, closing his eyes as he heard a voice. „Dammit! It took so much insanity to build this machine!“ „I told you they would ruin your plans.“ Logan didn’t need to turn around, he knew who was standing behind him, dreading their presence and their voice, sounding like they were talking through an old television and like fingernails on a chalkboard at the same time.
„They won the fight, but the war will be ours!“ Logan’s eye twitched, turning around and barking: „FALSEHOOD! I didn’t want to participate in that! You got the better of me, but this won’t happen again.“ The figure laughed, white tears flowing out of their black eyes, before their voice dropped to a dangerous whisper: „And you are the one to decide this? It’s my job to mess you guys up. Since when decides the psychopath when to be sane again? You don’t get rid of insanity that easy, and YOU won’t get rid of Insanity that easy.“
Logan felt himsef tearing up, closing his eyes but still feeling the black tears flowing out, his airway blocked as he tried to call for help, insanity flowing out of his mouth. „Help...“ It came out as nothing more but a choked sob, the logical trait falling to his knees, unable to defend his mind against insanity.
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