#yes we have a troll
domini-porter · 18 days
sitting here with jda getting worked up about stupid team names and mascots
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sandflakedraws · 8 months
so i'm readin various stuff on the xray cause this silly film is my current source of joy and
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hold up.
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chronicsyd · 10 months
Hearing that Wish was supposed to have a Star Boy is so disappointing cause Disney could have taken advantage and made the next Jack Frost to take the internet by storm but all they wanted to do was focus on Star Plushies and the talking goat.
(Also making a Villainous couple would have been Really interesting but they’re So focused on playing it safe that they ended up shooting themselves in the foot to have one of the worst animated films of the year which is funny considering how against Nimona they were which ended up being super successful)
(Also dropping the ball So Badly that Trolls was able to surpass you is just hysterical to me)
Just sayin…
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dotthings · 1 month
I get why people aren't taking random twitter clout-chaser seriously but can we not do denialism on things that were already confirmed like the script draft with [OMMITTED] all over it and the finale having three different covers of Carry On while Dean drives and drives and drives, there were obviously scenes that were cut. Plus the fact we already know Dean and Cas were at one point intended to reunite at the Roadhouse and Misha said they had a nice exchange. Details unknown. You don't have to buy what twitter random says specifically but there was an intention at least at one point to have Dean and Cas reunite. And even after the covid cuts...that episode was shortened. There are missing scenes. And it's not the remote filmed phone calls with Jody, Claire, Donna, since those were in the draft I saw, but in addition to that there was [OMMITTED][OMMITTED][OMMITTED].
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mydnightart · 6 months
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this au is so painful like i genuinely cried ab it yesterday </3
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mayday-jd · 10 months
alr I lied I gotta talk about smth else quickly
• so remember when I mentioned branch's reaction to the country song when they entered lonesome flats??
yeah now let's talk about how poppy reacted
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poppy hears the song then concludes that the country trolls are miserable and don't know how to have fun
and what better way to make them have fun?? force them to listen to pop music.
cough cough barb parallels COUGH
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ofc that doesn't work the country trolls are appalled by their pop medley
all of them... except for hickory
I think poppy was drawn to hickory because he was the only one that seemed to along with what she had to say without any complaints basically he said what she wanted to hear so she trusted him wholeheartedly
now let's actually get into my favorite part of this movie
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I don't think you need a genius to figure out that these are black folks LIKE LOOK AT THEM AND LISTEN TO THE QUEEN ESSENCE
guys the vas of the royal funk family are all black. ik maybe doesn't mean anything BUT MAYBE IT DOES ALR
anyways no matter what race the funk trolls may be they still play such an important role in this movie and let me tell y'all why and how
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thru their encounter with the funk trolls, our pop trolls duo (yeah biggie left) learn three important things :
- differences do matter, they're a part of our identity and it would be wrong to ignore them
- even with those differences and origins, trolls still can be multiple/different things (ex.: cooper who says that he's pop AND funk, prince d who identifies as a hip pop troll which is not on poppy's outdated ass map)
- yeah that story poppy heard from the pop trolls' perspective?? yeah no that's not how it actually happened
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explained beautifully by anderson .paak's song, the pop trolls stole all the strings, used them to make their kind of music and cut out the other trolls from the music scene
in the words of prince d
"That's just the story cut out and glued by the winners"
different retellings, stories of what happened from another pov because guess which perspective you read from the history books?? the winners.
poppy hears all this and y'all idk if it's because poppy's voiced by anna kendrick but this is where all I could think about of was white saviour complex
because this girl is still all about uniting all trolls so they'll live in harmony and yes it comes from a good place but she's just not getting it and fucking hell 😭
she does get the message at the end of the movie after finally meeting barb and speaking of her....
• barb is awful and that's what makes her a great character
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as we all know barb's plan is so "unite" all troll nations under the rule of hard rock which is not uniting that's just assimilation
where poppy's desire for every troll to live together in harmony all united by music, barb's comes from a sense of superiority and maybe even pity
evident by every moment she steals a string, barb comments on the other trolls' music with insults which justifies why their music isn't real music while hers is
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what's funny is that barb and poppy are very similar
they both really want to prove themselves as good queens, they desire for all trolls to be united and, even if poppy won't admit it, they both see their music as superior tho that degree of superiority is very different
where the similarities end are that barb doesn't want everyone around her to say what she wants to hear, she wants ppl to be real to her, meanwhile poppy refuses to hear anyone else's voice because it's different from hers
which leads to another difference between the two, poppy learns to listen to others because
"A real queen listens." (both said by her and branch)
now let's talk about that finale shall we??
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
The real reason Dante and Vergil would leave the Underworld would be if Nero and Kyrie had a baby because I know they would want to do that thing where they confuse the baby by being identical twins
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oopsallwhimsy · 7 months
Thanks again to everyone who voted in that poll! It's time for me to share with you my
✨Trolls Warrior Cat Au✨
I've seen idea drawings of this but couldn't find a full on au (would love to see if anyone does have a version!) so I'm taking it into my own paws ÙwÚ
I've got a bunch of ideas in mind, but for now here's the designs for Poppysong and Branchkit! Alternate image with Branchkit's 'true colors' and some more info below the cut :3
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After escaping the Bergens (who are dogs in this au), the cats find a new home in a densely packed forest. This particular clan is called Rainbowclan! Branchkit, after losing his grandmother, decides to stay apart from the clan, picking an old badgers burrow for his new home near the edge of the territory and training himself to survive. Rainbowclans softness was the last choice for him. Poppysong however refuses to give up trying to get the tom to rejoin the clan. It takes the cats getting a bit too comfortable for a stray Bergen Dog to track down their loosely made camp and steal away some of the cats. Despite Pepperstar's warnings, Poppysong (and a reluctant Branchkit) head out to try and rescue their friends in the Great Rescue. It's mostly the same plot as the movie, but now they're kitties!
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Asks and such are welcome and encouraged!! I've got lots of details in mind so far!
Most likely going to be doing mini comics and lore drops, but I do have an animation planned hehe
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hi Pinky
What is your headcanons for Jim and Claire and Strickler and Barbara Relationships
Okay, so for Jlaire I headcanon that:
Claire is the assertive one in the relationship, she's also usually the one to organise holidays and remind Jim of stuff they've planned.
I think Jim will try and cook for Claire ALL THE TIME. Claire can cook too, and she tells him they can delegate cooking. Somehow Jim finds a way to always make her something to eat everyday regardless.
When Jim's a troll, Claire starts developing a way to create shadows with her magic strong enough for her and Jim to still have dates in the daylight without him being burnt.
Claire and Jim are both very cuddly with one another, but Jim is more of an introvert and Claire's a extrovert. Sometimes that means Jim would prefer to stay in or train at the forge rather than hang out with Claire's friends or go out.
Jim and Claire have regular movie nights, often Jim falls asleep halfway through being always so tired. She doesn't mind. (totally inspired by a drawing of @bluheaven-adw!)
I probably have more headcanons for Stricklake, but I'll keep it to five for now:
Despite Strickler being so overly confident about everything, when it comes to relationships he's a mess. He's insecure, nervous and fidgety because as a changeling he has no idea what a real relationship even is. Barbara is gentle and patient with him though, and slowly he gains confidence.
Barbara loves him equally in both forms, even though Strickler was scared out of his mind of being rejected for being a changeling. She actually greatly prefers his troll form because she's a shameless monster lover.
It takes a long while after the Angor Rot debacle and the binding spell for Barbara to be able to trust Walter again. She forgives him, but doesn't forget, and when they start their relationship again, it's a clean slate, Walt gets one last chance, so he better not mess it up.
Strickler is touch starved. He can go from desperately needing affection, to not even being able to stand a slight touch. It fluctuates, and Barbara accepts that much like a half feral cat, she must be considerate and let Strickler come to her when he's ready.
Walter is very insecure about his troll form. He always lived most of his life human, and he's aware he looks odd by human and troll standards. Barbara is quick to say otherwise and is very attentive to say how beautiful Strickler is, she means it too. (no, what do you mean Strickler has a praise kink? He doesn't. Not a big one anyway).
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wayward-wren · 5 months
Am I the only one who doesn't think that 60s era Doctor Who's trend/themes of 'protect women' isnt sexist?
Most of the complaints I see about 60s Who sexism, and the male characters of that era is largely due to the men being like 'girls stay back.' But a) there is nothing inherently sexist about that imo? Men protecting women is the most healthy masculine thing possible. And b) when the women are like 'no lol' the men are like 'okay fine let's go' and respect their decisions on the whole.
Like that isn't sexism? That's just recognising men and women are different?
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kookies2000 · 1 year
Whenever I go into some Dreamworks Trolls fan art or fan fics, there's always one person who is surprised that Trolls has a fandom. Yes, we do have one. It's small but enough to feed us. And it's only getting bigger. Why is there a fandom? How is this fandom still going?
Least Problematic Fandom
"But we're not all the same........ Denying our differences is denying who we really are."
The 2nd film had a really deep message for a movie aimed at babies. Going against "we're all the same" message. And telling instead that differences do matter, our culture matters, our lives matter, the way we look matters and that's beautiful. When we accept that we're different and not forcing anything on each other, we can live in harmony. This lesson is what the fandom is built on.
The moment someone takes a look into this fandom, we welcome them with cupcakes, sweets, and warm hugs. The entire fandom is the least problematic one I've ever been in. Never been in a fight, always complimenting each other and just being at peace. We never had ship wars as far as I know. We're all just having fun by putting every character with every character on a ship. I've seen people who are Christians in the fandom have zero problems with the LGBT+ community. Yes, we exist, and we're in the Trolls fandom for some reason. 😂 No one ever fought on what color skin we made the Trolls when we humanized them. Mostly because if anyone drew the Funk Trolls as white, we just walked past them without giving them attention. Or just point out that they are black coded, and that's it.
It's just peaceful here in this fandom. This fandom really helped me out mentally and emotionally. Because a lot of people in the fandom also faced some form of abuse or depression. We saw the 1st film, and it just felt like a warm hug while someone sung a lullaby to calm us down.
In summery, the fandom is filled with people who understand pain and empathy. The franchise created a safe zone for us to heal and relax.
The moment an artist takes a look in here, they get hypnotized by all the color pallets they can use. You can be pastel like the Pop Trolls. Emo, goth, punk with the Rock Trolls. Play with lighting with the Tech Trolls. Ect. All the cutesy and marshmallow like characters they can create. Or turn into some darker AU. The anatomy is too cute to not try to mimic or create in your own style. The world building and the endless number of worlds that they can create. You can create your own kingdom based on your favorite type of music. You can create the way your troll/charaters will look like based on your music. If you want to practice on mirrors and reflective surfaces, you have the Funk Kingdom to draw. Want to do glitter? The desert is pure glitter for sand. The Country Trolls live in a town made of yarn. The pop trolls have a waterfall made of streamers. This is endless creativity for artists. I've seen artists come into our fandom and use the characters and world as practice before moving on to the next fandom. But they always come back for more practice or just to hang out.
Also, the thought of making a troll mixed in with different tribes is pretty cool. As in, what if a Rock Troll and Classical troll had a kid? Goth like angle? A little punk looking guy with angelic and glittery wings?
I can relate to this one. Again, the world building is endless. You can create your own kingdom based on your favorite music. You can create your own rules, your citizens' behavior, and how this kingdom works. The fun part is creating your own royal family.
But the AUs are where it's at. I created a lot of Fairytale AUs as a teen using the characters because they just worked well. My very first was a Tangled AU with Poppy as Rupunzel and Branch as Flynn. I made the nose joke work by making the kingdom mess up Branches colors. An inside joke with in the fandom. The franchise just gives off a lot of fairytale vibes.
When the 1st film came out, the characters each had their own story. Which was cool and gave writers ideas on what to write. And I loved to humanize them because I liked the thought of Fuzzbert being def or mute because he can't talk clearly as a troll.
Not to mention, I can create an AU where the Trolls or humanized versions of them live in a world where segregation is an issue. Which 100% fits the franchise because in the 2nd film, every tribe is supposed to be a different culture. In other words, a different race. And the Trolls would separate themselves out of fear that the Pop tribe would try to colonize them and take away their culture.
There are just a lot of concepts you can use in this fandom.
Let's keep this short because this post is long enough. People have openly said they don't like the movies, but they still watch it for the music. Seriously, listen to the soundtracks. They have musical artists, new ones like K-pop bands, and legends like Mary Jane Blige. The songs have a deeper meaning when you watch the film, too. Baiscally, candy for the ears.
Lastly, people just like it for eye candy. The 80s aesthetic I'm the 1st film appealed to a lot. And the 2nd movie introduced more by bringing in Rock Trolls and their darker and punk like aesthetic. People fell in love with the Tech Trolls for their designs and the fact they live in an underwater kingdom that glows. It's just pure eye candy and pleasing to look at.
So yeah!
These are the reasons why our fandom is a thing and still thriving. We're super excited for the 3rd film and can't wait for more world building and new characters.
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crossbackpoke-check · 9 months
Hello, im wehaveagathering from my main blog, im kind of obsessed with your hockey poetry edits and I think your blog is great! I guess I kind of have a dumb question, where do you find the images you use for your edits? Did you say Getty in your tags?? I’ve gotten into making icons recently (and i have ideas for poetry edits hrrrghhh) but it’s hard to find high res images. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a nice day :)
first of all thank you so much 🥹 and second that’s absolutely not a dumb question!! i do pull a lot of images from getty and i’ll also download pictures from sports articles (i got a lot of the hugheses pictures from online access articles, for example), or sometimes from instagram/facebook/twitter if an account is public. freely admitting that i am not technologically advanced? inclined? in the slightest here, but the image editing software that you use and how you import/export photos with it makes a difference in the quality of them as well!
if you haven’t seen them yet, i would also recommend checking out @simmyfrobby @national-hockey-lesbian @hauntedppgpaints @tapedsleeves @starscelly and @captainbradmarchand’s blogs just off the top of my head!!! they might know more places to get high res images and also i love their work 💕🫶
#sorry can’t type hands all butterfly hearts i’m just out here like 🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭💕💕💕#@ everyone i tagged ty i love you i hope you don’t mind the tag 😘 also i KNOW i am unintentionally forgetting people so tag them at will#forgive me i am eepy. we are running on <4 hours of sleep and over 18 hours awake 🫡#liv in the replies#join the club!!! join the club!!!!! we love the hockey poetry edits!!!!!! i’m so excited to see what you create!!!!! :)))))#the process of me finding images is very much like. either i have a vision in my head and i troll getty looking for it or my screenshots#if i know i have one l m a o but either way i am always 68 pages deep in a hyper specific search labeling my photos like ‘ohHHH buddy’#‘menace 1 abd 2’ ‘but he’s not a cup winner’ ‘ohhhh the nolpat media scrums are rich earth’#‘because WILLY WON’T CUT HIS HAIR’ ‘deJA FUCKIN MILK BAYBE’ ‘is it truly sn edit if u don’t find a devastating baby pic’ ‘yes MF last line’#and so forth. like. glad it’s comprehensible to ME but if anyone else ever tried to use these photos based on file name alone i am so sorry#also i forget that y’all can’t see all of the metadata notes on photos to know where they’re from :/ i gotta be better abt making it clear#also on the note about image quality i just need to state for the record i am so photoshop whatever illiterate.#i learn one (1) new trick on GIMP a year maybe two if i am lucky & no i have never figured out consistent sizing 🫡 but the one hack for res#i HAVE figured out is that when i do edits i usually make a whole doc w/the poem lined up on it (helps me keep somewhat consistent sizing)#and then i export that document as a pdf and edit the pdf in the software instead of trying to screencap or jpeg or anything. PDF quality >#that is probably so convoluted lol if anyone has tips please lmk i am always learning#ANYWAY. rambling u did not ask for but is inherent to Me.#have a great day too!!!!! you literally made mine so 💕😭#wehaveagathering#indecisor
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royalchewy · 3 months
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We have joined art fight! Will try to attack when I can!
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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rip megu
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frutavel · 2 years
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Ladies and gentlemen and nonbinary nobles I present the one, the only, Urutau Rosetusk 💙🦋
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captainsweet · 1 year
Editing this because I can
I'm Mov, but you can also call me Dee, Ziar, Mike, and Sweets. I have multiple names so look at my pronouns page for them! (Just click Pronouns in purple)
This is my blog, and honestly I have no idea what I'm doing here other than enjoying myself and posting whatever comes to mind.
(Nick)Names: Mov, Dee, Mike, Leo, Rafi, Sweets
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Tech/Techs
Some other things are that I typically write! Though posting motivation is in the dirt. And I don't usually draw, obviously, but I do for some reason have mostly moots who do art!
I am currently still working on my Uncle Shredder series, and a iteration of my own called Laid Out Events, (Title in the works), which is silly like everything I make but I hope to make it more serious in the future, and EC which is a simple series I have on AO3 that is Brains & Brawn centered. There should also be actual posts on LOE soon though!
Overall, I don't post too much, I think, and am the current CEO of claiming to do things I never end up doing.
Believe it or not, I do also post past turtles. And you can find some Gems such as, 'I'm going to make a Podcast' and, 'I set my stove on fire' and, 'I think I need to go to bed', which all happened no more than an hour from each other. Some more including, 'My knee hurts', 'My hands hurt', and 'My uterus fucking fell'.
I also sometimes mention people I know directly, so sometimes you will see posts with zero context, my bad. (I am not sorry.)
That's all! Thanks for reading whatever this was, and I hope to make a much better Masterpost in the future when I actually have everything organized for once, lmao.
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