#yes i made that fanfiction into a rather complicated dr
thekytchensynk · 4 years
Choices (Fictober Prompt 11)
Prompt number: 11
Fanfiction Fandom: Ducktales
Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings
Read this story on AO3
Gyro paced.
When Mr. McDuck, holder of the pursestrings, had determined that “Gizmoduck” was the “hero” that Duckberg needed, Gyro hadn’t agreed, but he had agreed, if you take the difference. The idea itself? Pure madness. The thought that some half-baked intern in a mechanical utility suit would somehow many the city safer rather than in far more danger struck him as the same sort of fairy tale nonsense that led to children staying up late at night enthusiastically waiting for some allegedly benevolent creature to break into their homes and leave free items, as though there would be no strings attached to THAT down the line.
But while Mr. McDuck and Gyro were on the same wavelength regarding the jolly fat man, they were not seeing eye to eye on the superhero thing. And since Gyro didn’t hate the idea of … ugh … Gizmoduck enough to potentially jeopardize access to his benefactor, he’d gritted his beak and tried to sound enthusiastic about it.
He liked to think he’d done a good job.
But the idea of actually managing the day-to-day nonsense of a superhero had turned out more complicated and irritating than he’d even imagined. For instance, despite being an intern with Gyro himself, the pilot of the suit wasn’t really a mechanical sort of thinker -- he could do passably well with wiring or a circuit board, but there was far more of a chemistry and physics bent in that one. Which meant while he could patch up the suit, and even make changes to it, he wasn’t as comfortable in that world as he was wearing the darn thing.
Which left it all to Gyro, of course. And did anyone think about that? Did anyone thank him? No, of course not. That wasn’t the flashy bit, why should anyone care if the suit was working well when Duckburg needed it?
And that was only the beginning.
There were the letters. Because people allegedly didn’t know where Gizmoduck lived (a fact Gyro assumed had to be a lie, the guy couldn’t keep the secret from literal children), they sent letters for him to McDuck Enterprises, since it publicly sponsored him. And the corporation wisely wanted nothing to do with them, so what did it do? It sent them here, to his place of work, where they were nothing more than a processed-pulp annoyance. Thank you for helping me cross the street, Gizmoduck! Thank you for finding my puppy, Gizmoduck! Thank you for swooping in to grab the gunman holding those kids hostage, ending the incident without any injuries Gizmoduck! A parade of saccharine paper waste.
And then there were nights like tonight. When Mr. McDuck and his family had hared off to some obscure corner of the world chasing money or mysticism, and some weather-based villain or something had attacked city hall (Seriously, there were so many weather baddies at this point, Gyro didn’t even bother learning names).
Gyro got notification on his phone whenever the suit started activating its more combat-oriented functions. Because combat functions meant combat. And combat meant the suit getting damaged.
And that meant Gyro up late repairing the darn thing, because if he let the city’s superhero fall into disrepair while Mr. McDuck was away … well, neither he nor his expensive invention ideas wanted to think what would happen after that.
The feed was mostly audio and a series of indicators showing the integrity of various systems -- power, the bigger weapons systems, propulsion, core movement, pie filling levels, etc. Mostly, watching them felt about like watching UV-protective resin coating dry. Sometimes he tinkered while he watched, but sometimes?
Sometimes he paced.
Tonight was one of those nights. The weather guy had attacked after a city council meeting about the curriculum in the Duckburg City Public Schools. Apparently he wanted meteorology to be a full year of study for every class in the fifth grade, and when the city council refused to vote on it (because the school board and not the city council would be the ones voting on a curriculum, Gyro assumed), he had decided to throw a tantrum and was holding the council, two reporters and everyone who’d shown up for the meeting hostage with an overly excited lightning storm.
The reason he’d chosen to pace instead of tinker this evening was that all the lightning was wreaking absolute havoc on the wifi that was beaming all this data back to the lab. He had the readouts on one of the larger displays, and the audio feed piping in through the lab speakers, but every once in a while the inane banter between hero and villain would break up in an absolutely ear-splitting burst of static. The sound invariably made Gyro jump, then he’d hop over, checking the readout and waiting for the feed to stabilize. And each time, it would come up -- power dropping but at an expected rate, pie filling holding steady, movement systems at ninety-five percent with some limited movement in the left shoulder which had been injured, as far as Gyro could tell, when Gizmoduck had dived to save someone from a blast of lightning. Nothing to be worried about. They just had to wait it out because getting hit by lightning was perhaps one of the worst things for the suit to handle.
Gyro paced.
“Professor Gearloose?” came a voice over the comm -- not the loud, self-assured tones of Gizmoduck, but the quieter, more urgent ones Gyro was more familiar with.
“Intern,” Gyro said by way of reply, expecting his word -- and tone -- to be picked up by the mics in the lab.
“I think something’s going on.”
“Things have been going on for almost an hour,” Gyro replied, unimpressed. “You should know, you were there.”
“No, I mean … something else.”
As he said this, Gyro finally picked up on a few facts. First, this marked the first time tonight the comm had been used for communication, not just monitoring the sounds at the scene. Second, it sounded like the intern was trying to keep his voice low.
And third? Well, even underwater, Gyro finally noticed the pickup in lightning activity. Echoes of lightning bolts were even making themselves seen all the way down here. It looked almost like a strobe light going off up there.
“What?” Gyro said, doing his best not to sound irritated or impatient despite being both of those things at the moment.
“He’s building up for something big. I don’t know, it’s looking apocalyptic up here. I think he’s going to try to take out the whole building with some sort of supercharged lightning bolt!”
“What makes you think…” Then Gyro’s mind wandered back over the past hour of ranting he’d half-heard from this weather villain and he answered his own question. “He told you that, didn’t he?”
“He did, but I didn’t think he actually had the power. Take out some of the brickwork, maybe, but he wasn’t showing anything like enough power to bring down a building.”
“What changed?”
“He pulled something out of the storm generator he’s using, and everything started ramping up.
“Describe it.” And as the intern did, Gyro’s suspicion quickly switched to certainty. Some sort of limiter. He’d put something similar in his own weather changing device before Mr. McDuck shut that avenue of study down. The problem was the limiter also acted as a regulator, and without it, the machine would cycle into ever-higher levels of power until…
“He absolutely can take down city hall with that machine,” Gyro said, urgency building in his chest like a physical pressure. “If that thing is allowed to continue, it might take out the whole surrounding block with it.”
“The whole … oh no, what am I going to do, what am I going to do?” The intern was clearly not talking to him anymore.
Not being directly addressed had never stopped Gyro before. “You need to get out of there,” he said. “Get the people and get out of there.”
“I can’t!” he hissed back. “There are too many. Not just in City Hall, but in most of the buildings around here, people got trapped by the fight. There have to be a hundred that I can see from here, and … I’ll just have to move it”
“What, through the streets?” Gyro asked, trying to emphasize just how terrible an idea this was. “It’s going to follow you. All you’ll be doing is picking a new spot for the guy to destroy.”
“If I fly-”
“You’ll just speed up the process,” Gyro said, frustrated that his intern didn’t understand the workings of a weather machine just because he’d never build or worked on one before. “It’s like magnets, the closer the machine is to the storm, the sooner that mega-bolt is going to come down.”
A pause. Then, “But it’ll stop at the machine, right?”
“Of course it’ll…” Gyro realized what he was unintentionally condoning in the middle and threw the brakes on hard. “Wait, wait, you can’t do that. The suit can’t handle it.”
“The city can’t handle it,” the intern came back quietly. And he was right.
Gyro tried to think. “The body of the suit should be able to take a lot of the load,” he said, voice dropping into a clinical tone, words coming fast. “But this isn’t like a normal lightning bolt. Do you have time to bond anything to it that could work as a static wick of sorts?”
“There’s no time,” he said. “And I don’t have a properly conductive bonding agent anyway.”
“Then how about-”
“There’s no time,” he repeated, and the sounds in the background shifted. He could hear the copter blades in the background, and the weather guy shouting in unintelligible rage.
“That suit is tied into your brain,” Gyro practically shouted. Why wasn’t he listening? “If you throw yourself directly into Thor’s temper tantrum, then-”
“Dr. Gearloose, you worked on this suit dozens of times,” the intern said.
“Yes, so you should listen to me when I say-”
“I think it’s stronger than you think it is. I think you underestimate your work. “I think I’m going to be safe.”
“You idiot intern, you-”
KA-BOOM. The sound of lightning striking the suit and the machine and the intern lanced deafeningly through the lab, so loud that it made Gyro jump, startled, and left his ears ringing.
The volume made the silence that followed all the worse.
“Intern?” Gyro asked into the quiet, even though a strike like that had to have taken out the systems. It might have kicked to auxiliary for a safe landing, but communications would be gone. The readouts from the suit had gone dark.
So Gyro paced.
Two hours later, the elevator started up. Gyro looked up from where he was working over the suit’s blueprints to see the doors pop open and reveal his intern, a little worse for wear and lugging that familiar duffle bag. The guy’s eyes roved over the lab before landing on the invetor.
“Dr. Gearloose!”
He sounded entirely too chipper. Gyro carefully tucked the blueprints into a waterproof sleeve and stood up. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing!” The intern sounded super enthusiastic about that answer. “The cops said I should go to the ambulance, but … hahaha no.” He started giggling, and for a moment, Gyro wondered if he’d spent the last two hours out getting drunk. If that were the case he wouldn’t have to fire the guy, he;d have to make sure he met with an accident before Mr. McDuck came back instead because Gyro was not going to put up with being left here, alone, wonder if-
“I told you so,” Fenton said, grinning at Gyro. “The lightning didn’t get to my brain. The suit handled it fine! Well.” He paused, then corrected himself. “Not fine. Like a blackout, too much light then everything goes dark and whoooosh, down I went.” He simulated the descent with one hand, like a child. When his palm impacted the work table, he almost knocked himself off balance.
Gyro blinked. “The auxiliary didn’t auto-loose the parachute?”
The intern squinted at him, mouthing the word parachute like someone who’d never heard the word before. Then his eyes lit up. “Oh! Yeah, the parachute happened. But then it caught on one of the gargoyles and riiiiiip.” He really drew the sound effect out. “The last bit was fast. Really fast. Bumped my head.” He giggled again, one hand going to the side of his head.
Where, Gyro could now see, a bit of dried blood crusted among the feathers.
“You gave yourself a concussion?” Gyro demanded.
“Teeechnically the ground gave it to me,” The intern corrected him. “But it caught me, so I can’t be too mad.”
“Come on. We need to get you to a hospital. Now.” Gyro said, walking over and turning him back toward the door.
The intern followed him unsteadily but with clear determination. “Right,” he said. “Hey, did you know you build in a breaker? Up there?” He tapped at the air where the Gizmoduck helmet would normally have been.
“I what?”
“It disengaged when the surge came,” the intern told him with the severity of a child explaining a very serious diorama of toys. “Disconnected from my brain. Just as the lightning hit. You don’t remember?”
And now, suddenly, he did. He’d put that in almost as an afterthought -- a clearly forgotten afterthought. But once the intern said the suit had been rewired to use an organic processor … well, all those thoughts of things going wrong had swirled in his head, and he had spent an afternoon putting together a couple different prototypes. Testing. Installing the best. Forgetting about it. Worried about literally nothing.
Well, not worried. He hadn’t been worried. Of course not.
“Let’s go,” he said, ignoring the fact that they were both already in the elevator. He hated that the night was about to become a lot longer while he got the concussed idiot medical care, to make sure his brain wasn’t leaking out the side of his head.
But one thing for sure. He was absolutely done pacing for tonight.
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q-gorgeous · 4 years
i dont think im gonna finish dannymay this month but its fine i guess
Danny and his mom sat in the waiting room of their doctors office, reading magazines while they waited for Danny to be called back. 
“Sweetie, are you sure you don’t want me to come with you? This’ll be your first appointment without me and I just don’t want you to-”
“Mom, no, I’ll be fine. I’m sixteen and it’s just a regular check up.”
“Danny Fenton?” 
A woman stood in the doorway of the waiting room, a clipboard in her hand.
“Are you sure?” His mom asked.
Danny stood up as he nodded. “Yes, I’m sure. I’ll be back in a bit.”
He walked over to the woman and she guided him through the doorway and into the hallways. Whenever he walked through here he always got turned around and was surprised to already being seated in a room. 
“Wait right here and the nurse will be in in a few minutes.”
Danny nodded and sat down in one of the chairs. He looked around the room, idly bouncing his leg. It looked the same as the last time he’d been here. He didn’t even know if this was the same room or not. They all looked the same to him. 
Soon a nurse knocked on the door. Danny made an affirming noise to let them know they could come in. A man around his parents' age walked in and gave him a small wave.
“Hey there, Danny! My name’s Mr. Simpleton and I’ll be your nurse today before Dr. Cavanaugh comes to see you. How are you doing today?”
“Pretty good, pretty good.” Danny said as he tapped his fingers.
“So.” Mr. Simpleton started. “It looks like you haven’t been to a routine check up in about two years, right around when you were fourteen. Has anything changed since then? Anything you’ve had concerns about?”
“Nope.” Danny said, popping the p. 
“Alright.” Mr. Simpleton said, checking something off on his computer. “Let’s start with your height and weight. Take your shoes off and step onto the scale over there.”
Untying his shoelaces, Danny pulled his shoes off and stepped onto the scale and Mr. Simpleton adjusted the height bar. 
“You are five foot seven and… One hundred and ten pounds…” The nurse furrowed his eyebrows, going back to his computer and typing it in. “Let’s move onto heart rate next.”
Danny moved to sit on the bed instead, watching as Mr. Simpleton put the stethoscope in his own ears and the end on his chest. After a bit Mr. Simpleton pulled the stethoscope away and headed back to his computer. 
“44 resting bpm.” He said as he typed. “Let’s do reflexes now.”
Mr. Simpleton walked back over to Danny with the little knee hammer and gently tapped his knee with it. 
Danny’s leg suddenly shot out, a bit of ectoplasm flying out of his shoe. Danny stared at Mr. Simpleton in horror as the man just stared at his foot. 
“Possible… ectocontamination?” He said as he turned back to his computer. 
“Wait, no!” Danny shouted. “Don’t put that in there!”
“Ectocontamination is nothing to take lightly. The GIW and your parents have both put out safety warnings and what we need to do to deal with it properly.”
“No you can’t tell them!” 
“Why not?”
They stared at each other for a minute, Danny fidgeting in his seat while Mr. Simpleton studied him. The nurse's eyebrows furrowed for a moment before his eyes shot wide open. 
“Okay. Well, I think that concludes the nurses examination. I’ll go file and finalize everything while you wait for Dr. Cavanaugh to come see you.” 
He bundled up his laptop and stethoscope and started walking towards the door and opened it. 
“Wait-” Danny started but was cut off as the door closed. 
He sat and stared at the door, his heart rate increasing as he pondered what would happen. Did he leave? Did he walk out, find his mom, and tell her they were done? Does he pretend he was kidnapped by a ghost? What did he do?
Just as he was debating turning intangible and going through the wall, a knock sounded at the door and a woman with long, curly black hair walked into the room. 
“Hi! Danny Fenton, right?” She said as she looked at her open laptop. “I’m Dr. Cavanaugh. I had some things I wanted to ask you about.”
Danny’s heart dropped and he slouched in his seat. 
“You seem to have some fear and apprehension of telling your parents about your ectocontamination. Is there any reason for that? Do they make you feel unsafe at home?”
“What? No.” Danny said, furrowing his brows. “I mean, it’s more complicated than that. But my parents love me very much, they would never hurt me intentionally.”
“Intentionally?” Dr. Cavanaugh asked. “Have they hurt you unintentionally?”
Danny looked away. “I mean… I had an accident with the ghost portal. But! That was mostly my fault. My friends and I were goofing around near it when we shouldn’t have been.” 
“When was this accident?”
“A little less than two years ago.”
“Hmm.” Dr. Cavanaugh hummed. “And you haven’t had a doctor’s appointment since then?”
“Why not?”
“Because. It wasn’t that bad. And my parents were so excited that the ghost portal was working, I didn’t want to ruin that for them.”
“Was there any other reason? Were you afraid?”
Danny narrowed his eyes. “What are you getting at?”
Dr. Cavanaugh cleared her throat. “Mr. Simpleton has reason to believe that you may not be in the healthiest environment due to… circumstances.”
Danny snorted. “Yeah? And what circumstances would those be?”
Danny stared at her as his heart stopped. They couldn’t have figured it out. He’s only been here half an hour! How could they have connected the dots to Phantom?
“Danny, not everyone is so in the dark about ghosts as you may have thought. Mr. Simpleton and I come from a haunted town where ghosts were free to mingle with the humans until an early unit of the GIW staged a raid. 
“We know a bit more than the average Amity Park citizen. But there’s something more than that.” She looked Danny in the eye with a level gaze. 
“We know that half-ghosts exist.”
“What?” Danny asked. “How would you-”
He stopped as he saw her holding her laptop with an invisible hand.
“I was born a half-ghost.” Dr. Cavanaugh said. “My parents dated in high school but my dad died before they could have a child. But my situation is more genetics rather than a mutation. You appear to have another form, suggesting that your ghost and human halfs are more separate, while mine are mixed together.”
“How… How did your parents, you know. How does that even work? How would it be possible?” Danny asked. 
Dr. Cavanaugh shrugged. “Beats me. I just know that I’m here today.” Her gaze hardened and she continued speaking. “But you shouldn’t have to live in fear like you do. You’re a teenager, you shouldn’t be worrying about being captured or fighting all these ghosts. You should be doing your homework and hanging out with your friends.”
“Yeah, well. No one else can do the job properly.” Danny mumbled. 
“But it’s not your job.”
“I’m the one who turned on the portal!” Danny shouted. “I’m the reason the ghosts are here in the first place! So I’m going to do my best to keep everyone safe.”
Dr Cavanaugh sighed. “It’d be fruitless to argue with your obsession, but myself and Mr. Simpleton will be here in case you need help. Whether with an injury or any stress you may be suffering from. Just give us a call at our extension.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Okay. Are we done here then?”
She nodded. “Let’s get you back out to your mom so you can check out and go home.”
Together, Danny and Dr. Cavanaugh walked back down the halls and before he knew it, they were back out in the waiting room where his mom was still sitting, reading a magazine. She looked up and smiled at him. 
“Hi, Danny! Done already?” She asked. She looked at Dr. Cavanaugh and held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Danny’s mom, Maddie.”
“Dr. Cavanaugh.” She reached out and shook her hand. “Danny’s all good to go. He’s got a clean bill of health and he has nothing to worry about.”
“Oh that’s good!” His mom said, ruffling his hair. “How about we go home now?”
“Please.” Danny said walking away towards the checkout counter. 
Thanking the doctor, his mom followed after him. She signed the papers and got everything sorted. As they were walking through the doors, Danny mumbled a few words.
“I hate going to the doctors.”
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elejahfanfic · 5 years
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Part 1
BtVS x The Originals AU story
Author: elejah-wonderland (that's basically me. Or if you like ElejahFanfic. Lol. As this is my side blog 😁😊
Buffy Summers x Elijah Mikaelson
ft. Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Giles, Spike... and others
A story in which Buffy and the gang fight demons on a regular basis, as well as an ancient evil.
>Elijah is an Original vampire, who actually works as a surgeon. Some of his memories were erased. He doesn't know that he was sent to a parallel world by the LaRue Coven from New Orleans.
Oh, and they live in Sunnyvale
a/n: I hope you like it. I just feel lije writing a Buffy x Elijah fanfic. 😁😊💕
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Elijah sat down at his desk in his office. Strangely his mind travelled back to the day he got off the bus a year back. Was it strange - in many respects it was not. It was nit the first time he went back to that day. Once in a while he felt his mind seemed to play with him. There were names that constantly came up. And today, the name of a woman, a patient, called Rebecca, as well as the face brought a memory back. Or was it yet again a figment of his imagination?
"Hey -" Dr Jenny Calender said knocking at the door, "Penny for your thoughts"
"What?" Elijah turned his head snapping out if his thoughts.
"It's been a crazy day - I'm checking out of here? How about a drink?"
"Yeah - you know that thing people do after a bad day of work to forget about the real world for an hours, socialize and talk about absolute nonsense?!"
"Yes. I could use a drink. And a bit of nonsense." Elijah said, pucking up his jacket, he walked out with his friend and colleague.
"What do you want me to tell you, Buffy? Giles looked at the doppelganger, swallowing a silent sigh.
"I want you to tell me that today was not for NOTHING! Five people are dead! And Kendra-" the slayer shouted tearfully.
There was nothing Giles could say. They both knew that the demons and darkness was always a step ahead. Shaking her head, Buffy walked out of the Watcher's Bookstore, slamming the door behind her.
"Who is going after her?" Xander looked at Willow and then at Giles.
"I think she needs to be on her own for a while" Giles said taking his glasses off as he sat down.
"We need to find out how to kill IT." Willow said taking a book. "We beat the Mayor, the Master, The First. We can beat this - ancient Evil wherever it can from."
"Maybe it escaprd from that Hell dimension, Buffy sent Angel to when she killed him?!" Xander now said.
Putting his glasses on, Giles lookrd at the young man in a serious fashion, "You might be right."
Days after
'The Madhatter' , Gile's Bookstore
"I apologise for speaking to you the way I did." Buffy said to her menthor.
"Please - let's forget it. There are pressing things. The Council have already sent a new partner. Someone completely different."
"Oh, man. Something tells me I'm not going to like it, right?! But I really don't care."
"Hey there" A man in his early thirties, with blonde peroxide hair, dressed as a military punk rocker walked in from the side door. "I'm William Stevens. Best known as Spike"
Rolling her eyes a bit, the 22 year-old said, "A vampire, seriously?"
"I'm not just any vampire."
"Yeah. Been there. Ok - if you do as I say, you will survive." She then turned to her faithful Watcher. "I'm going patrolling."
"Be careful" Giles said.
"I always am." Taking a cupcake from the table, Buffy shot a look at the vampire, "are you waiting for a special invitation"
"Who twisted your pants?!?" Spike shot back at the Slayer.
Not acknowledging his comment, she got into the passanger seat.
"That means I drive" Spike said and got into the car.
"Sunnyvale Cemetery. I hope you know where it is"
"I do. I know more than you know"
"Sure you do" Buffy muttered and put the music on pretty loud, flashing back to a few hours before.
The Sunnyvale General Hospital
Xander, Willow and Buffy waited for the Chief Surgeon.
Buffy was unusually quiet, looking out of the window absent-minded.
"Hello" Elijah greeted them, making a small nod.
"Hi. How is Faith?" Buffy said.
"No big change" Elijah replied.
"So, why did you call us then?" Buffy said.
"We are transferring her to another hospital. To L. A." Elijah replied.
"L. A.?" Willow said surprised.
"This hospital doesn't have facilities for a patient that is deep coma."
"Right. Can we see her?" Buffy asked.
"Ok." Buffy looked at her besties, who unanimously agreed that she should go see the other Slayer on her own.
"We got some of the Turok-Hans - and I got a new help, now that Kendra is - huh- yeah - damn - it's like - I can't even find time to grieve. It's all business. One slayer in hospital, another one dead. Here is a new pair of hands. That's Giles. Quote. I don't know anymore what it's like to do normal stuff - and sleep. But hey - I guess sleeping is not much, right?! I bet you'd rather be kicking butt - yeah"
Buffy swallowed hard as she looked at the former Slayer laying there with the myriad of tubes stuck in her.
Taking her hand, she now whispered, "I'm gonna miss you."
"Hey" a voice behind her now made the Slayer flinch a little.
"Hey" Buffy said to the vampire. "I was about to leave. They said that they are about to prepare her for the - road"
"Yes." Elijah slipped. "Uhm - do you have time for a cup of coffee?"
"Coffee? - I don't know - I'm - not very - civil lately - you know - haven't done coffee or any ocial thing for ages" Buffy breathed in a sigh of churning nervousness that sank in her stomach.
"One coffee - the world will not end and I don't bite" Elijah said cutely.
"Very funny. Ok. One coffee. I hope it's not the hospital canteen"
"The Sunrise Diner?" Elijah suggested. "I'm out of the graveyard shift, too. Dying for scrambled eggs on toast."
"I still can't get that thing that you can eat food."
"Yeah, I know. Ok. Let's go."
Shooting one more look at Faith, bidding her a silent goodbye, Buffy followed Elijah out of the ICU room.
And then, if life was not complicated enough, she let herself go again. It was meant to just be a little see you later thing. But -
And before she knew what was happening his lips landed on hers, gently cupping her face, drawing her to him. Her eyes fluttered closed, breathing in his scent.
Heat pulsed as his kiss deepened, making her shiver slightly. Blood scalded her cheeks. She moaned against his mouth, when his tongue swept in, now entangling with hers. Her palms trembled against his chest, agony bleeding from both her soul and her heart. Waves of warmth shuddered through her at the taste of him, but then she pulled away, turning around, walking out of the Original's house breathing heavy, trying to steady the dizzy feeling in her head.
-to be continued-
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leowenila · 5 years
On The Brink (Day One, Again)
Hello! I started writing this about a month or two ago, but never finished it because life got in the way and prevented me from writing it; but I finally took the time to finish this from just missing early season fifteen Omelia and how spontaneous that kiss was. Throughout the beginning of this story, it may seem like it favors a particular ship more but please read the entire fic for the real and true ship; Omelia! There are many moments in this story that actually pained me to write and might be slightly out of character, but I guess that’s the feeling that happens in writing fanfiction that sadly will never be canon. I wasn’t sure of a good title, so it has two titles. 😊 Please enjoy this very angst filled (reunion worthy) and long one-shot!
Part two of “Shepherd’s Superheroes” will be posted eventually (I promise) and part two of “Strength Runs in the Family” is being written. Thank you all for your patience!
Regardless of the alternative pain relief she sought out with the blonde orthopedic surgeon and the delicious donuts they shared on an occasion as of late, there was one thing Link and Amelia never seemed to come to an agreement on or at least an understanding. The course of treatment and bedside manner they used with their patients in doing so. His charisma and overly optimist charm usually disallowed the realism she had always used with her patients as explaining possible complications or side effects. That terrible evening was no different than all the others.
The emergency department was crowded yet under control from the management of Teddy Altman; who hovered back and forth between triage beds as doctors of all rankings treated patients lying on beds. Once seeing the female attending from the main elevator; Amelia walked towards her for where a neurological consult was needed.
“You needed a neuro consult?” The brunette asked with tiredness but awareness heavy in her voice. Teddy checked the electronic tablet in her hands that listed all the patients that made their way into the hospital.
“Yes; bed seven. The paramedics said when they found him he was unconscious due to a potential overdose but needed confirmation. Is that okay with you?”
Amelia confusingly looked at the blonde cardiothoracic surgeon, in hopes to receive an answer as to why she questioned if it was okay with the brunette. But her mind was focused elsewhere. Choosing not to question, the neurosurgeon casually made her way over towards the seventh bed along the wall. Once standing in front of his lifeless and extremely pale body, Amelia removed her penlight to confirm if the man’s bright green pupils were fixed and dilated. She then moved onto a nerve test which came back with no response. Amelia glanced up towards the ceiling and sighed with disappointment after having a small hope for the middle aged man.
“Damn it.” She cursed under her breath quietly as she tore off the blue gloves from her hands and stopped by the main nurses station to inform them.
Over the past six months with no matter how many fake smiles or AA meetings she attended, a rather large part of her was craving an icy vodka tonic or maybe several; since the trauma surgeon’s daughter was born. And although Teddy chose Tom as her partner and to be Allison’s father; Amelia still felt on the brink of losing everything if for some reason Owen wanted the blonde in his life permanently again. With the constant arguments with Link, having to watch her sister-in-law’s children more than she did before due to Meredith picking up more hours at the hospital and finally, the patient that strangely resembled Ryan that night; everything felt overwhelming in Amelia’s life again and panic was ever so present. She missed the family life she had been creating with Owen. And Betty; she missed that girl everyday. If she was being honest with herself; she even missed her mom dearly ever since returning home from New York.
Roughly twenty two minutes after she had confirmed that the patient was dead, the brunette made her way towards her quiet but well lit office and sat back to hopefully catch her breath, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Come in.”
Broadcasting a large smile on his face that caused almost tooth in his mouth to appear, Link beamed upon seeing the woman in front of him who held the handset of the business phone, his smile lessened.
“What’s going on?” The blonde orthopedic surgeon questioned the brunette. She exhaustively looked at him and shook her head before speaking. With Link she always felt as though she had to be careful of what she would say to him, he was so positive about everything and the brunette did not want to drag him down into her sorrowful mood; but with the trauma surgeon, she felt herself. Eight months without Owen was exhausting. Eight months of being a shell of the person she was becoming after her surgery, was slowly killing Amelia as the days passed by.
“I am about to call the girlfriend of a man who suddenly overdosed and I already know the unimaginable pain she will feel, from the second I tell her.” Amelia told him flatly. The man in front of her looked confused as to why she would know the pain of losing someone to an overdose; and although he had many questions, he allowed her to make a phone call and walked out of the neurosurgeon’s office for privacy.
“Ms. Copeland; this is Dr. Amelia Shepherd, the chief of neurosurgery at Grey Sloan Memorial, I am calling in regards to your fiancé Lucas Bishop, who came into our emergency department about three hours ago now. Do you have a moment to discuss this matter?”
Once the phone call was made; the brunette grabbed her rather large purse and light sweater hanging over a wooden coat rack before switching the light in her office off. Amelia walked past Link with an electronic tablet in her hand and set it down on the nearest nurses desk.
“If Marie Copeland comes into the emergency department; ask for her to speak to Dr. Korarick for further details. I called him and he should be here in about ten minutes.” The neurosurgeon told the charge nurse, sitting at the desk. The nurse shook her head as she watched the brunette with understanding eyes.
Link saw Amelia and ran towards her, and placed his large hand on her back. He sensed her anger and sadness but looked past it before speaking to her, the orthopedic surgeon needed an honest answer to his unsaid question; but hopefully wishing he could take her back to his place to enjoy some seafood.
“Hey; so uh, How about we have some sushi delivered to my place tonight, and we could maybe talk about whatever is bothering you. I know you care deeply about your patients; but there is going to come a day when his fiancé forgets about this day completely. You know? Let’s go and get some sushi.”
The brunette quickly whipped her head back around, causing her hair and coat drift slightly. Her nose was a pinkish-red tone and her eyes were bright red with the slightest bit of puffiness to them. Amelia was about to break sooner or later, the sharp yet crystal clear vodka was screaming her name, she knew that she was going to order the moment she sat down at Joe’s Bar and the voices in her head telling her to stay sober were whispering in the distance but she was trying to shut them out; just like she was trying to do so with Link.
“A woman’s fiance just died and your first response is that “she will get over it some day” I told you that I know the pain she will feel, so what? Do you expect me to be over the loss I had years ago due to an overdose? What makes you seem like the nicest guy to all your patients but whenever it comes to your co-workers, you nitpick every detail they do in their personal lives! Why does it even matter if this case is bothering me or not?”
Nearby doctors began to form a small crowd around once hearing the chief of neurosurgery scream the last question to the orthopedic surgeon. He stood there confused and surprised that the woman confessed such a private thing to him in practically the entire intermediate care unit and doctors on the floor.
“Because Amelia! That is what people do; they take care of each other when they spend almost half their work lives together! Who was it? Your brother? Oh; that’s right, it couldn’t have been. Because your sister-in-law didn’t call you when the great god of neurosurgery was his death-bed so you didn’t get to say goodbye to him. How does it make you feel knowing that if you were called; he would still be walking these halls? He is dead because of you!” Link bravely told Amelia with not an ounce of regret in his voice and allowed his true feelings to come out. The neurosurgeon stood still where she was standing as a silent tear escaped her sky blue iris; never in her life did she have someone say something quite like that to her. Trying to stay strong as long as possible, Amelia needed to leave and without her knowledge her legs ran faster than she knew.
From afar stood Maggie with an electronic tablet in her hand; unbelievably shocked and saddened to hear what the orthopedic surgeon just had said to her sister, she quickly removed her phone from her lab coat pocket and placed the phone in the crook of her neck.
The streets were dark and nearly empty as the brunette traveled through the quiet suburbs of Seattle. Just like the people in them, many of the homes were sleeping while a few remained well lit. Although the roads were pitch black, there was one home and it’s driveway that she could never forget. Before she shut off her engine after pulling into the familiar driveway, Amelia wiped away the constant flow of tears that escaped from her eyes. She wasn’t sure if they were tears of sadness over her life as a whole lately or tears of realizing that just an hour earlier; she could have potentially relapsed but stopped herself. The young neurosurgeon knocked on the colored door until it felt like her knuckles were bleeding from the cold air she waited in, she began to grow anxious. Maybe she should drive to the bar. She thought to herself right before the door opened to reveal a still very awake trauma surgeon.
”H-Hi...” Amelia started to speak to Owen as to why she was currently at his doorstep that late at night; but because he essentially knew everything about the woman who he still considered his soulmate and based on the phone call he had received from Maggie, the man watched the brunette try and attempt to form sentences and at least give him a small clue how he could help. He received no response.
“Amelia? Is everything alright? Would you like to come in?” He offered and questioned, the brunette continued to stand outside of the house as multiple tears fell down her face and her arms were wrapped tightly across her own smaller frame. She shook her head, Owen could sense Amelia was embarrassed by showing up this late, he just didn’t know why she was or why it was so hard for her to show her emotions.
“I don’t want to interrupt your nighttime routine with Leo or your dinner or whatever, I am just gonna go.” Amelia hesitated and began to walk away before the trauma surgeon’s calm voice called her back.
“Amelia; it’s ten at night and I think it’s trying to snow, maybe. I put Leo into bed about two hours ago and the only time I eat dinner late is if I was on call. Please come in, and at least let me make you some of your favorite tea.”
And so the brunette accepted his offered request and walked side by side him. The two made it into the warm and dark home before Owen switched on the main living room light. Amelia sat on their comfy couch as she saw Owen wander into their kitchen near where she kept the tea steep. Water rushed through the pot before he placed it on the oven and watched Amelia from afar; without her knowledge. He has seen her broken but in the current moment, for the second time since knowing the brunette, he felt afraid of what she might have done if he did not open the door or like the first time; find her.
“You know? There are days that I still get really angry at the friend that gave me my first pill. She told me it would take all my pain away.” Amelia said out loud, not sure if Owen had been listening or not but sensing his lake blue eyes on her. A laugh escaped from her lips after the last sentence before telling the rest of her story.
The trauma surgeon removed the now warm liquid into his soulmate’s favorite mug and began to walk back into the living room to place the glass mug on the coffee table in front.
“It is funny, because ever since that day; instead of Oxy taking the pain away, it only adds to the pain. I have been so in pain recently, and I think that’s because I miss the relief.”
Amelia’ mind wandered off as she stared into the distance and replayed the last eight months in her head, and how being in the present moment with Owen again was the first time in a long time she felt safe. She felt like she could request a hug from trauma surgeon and he would wrap his arms around her without feeling ungenuine. She felt at home. And in the current moment she felt unafraid. Before Owen could think or offer for himself to drive her to a meeting in hopes her cravings would pass, Amelia leaned back and brought her lips to match his to passionately kiss him. As if no time had passed between them Owen reciproted her passionate kiss and matched her rhythm. Once getting comfortable, the two stood up at the same time and knowing exactly what the trauma surgeon was planning, Amelia nodded to Owen indicting that he could lift her up in his arms.
So he did. Carefully Owen supported her legs as he made his way towards his bedroom; their bedroom. Gingerly Amelia removed one of her hands that held onto Owen’s neck to quietly turn off the living room light as he continuously held her and kissed her soft neck.
Owen’s heart felt complete while Amelia felt rescued from being on the brink of making the next day; day one again, but instead she chose to make that night day one again with her soulmate. The whole time it wasn’t the drugs she craved; instead it was Owen who she craved the most.
Thank you so much for reading one of my favorite stories, I’ve ever written!
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sirchubbybunny · 6 years
Fyrom Responds: Channel Awesome’s “Our Response”
Well, I didn’t think I’d make another post this quick. I woke up about an hour ago and I’m currently writing this from Soft Lavender’s stream. The talk of the day is that Channel Awesome made an effort to give an “apology” that wasn’t “we’re sorry you felt that way” aka “Our Response”.
And, oh...boy.
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Also, just some background on myself before I go further.
I started doing reviews for some sites as far back as 2009, and I was inspired by TGWTG/CA and a number of people on Youtube to kickstart a series of my own. The original blueprint was to do a fanfiction based review series with two other friends - one of which is/was also a fan of the site. Those plans fell through due to how complicated it was (especially since we were still in high school), and I turned to doing my own series. I kept the name I made for my persona, Fyrom, and established myself as the Scavenger Reviewer - as my work consisted of the scraps people left behind or overlooked. The content consisted of obscure PSA/PIFs (like Dangerous Games, an 80s PSA film about fireworks) and failure to launch shows (such as Heat Vision and Jack), and would eventually consist of the direct to video stuff from the 80s and 90s like the original Barney and the Backyard Gang series and the direct-to-video Mary Kate and Ashley stuff - which Allison and Phelous would review later on.
I began doing those around the summer of 2012 or so for The NetDwellers and Manic Expression until both sites (the original ME site) shut down and I’ve put the series on an indefinite hiatus in 2014 due to my declining mental health issues. While I wasn’t on a level like Why Guy or The Fanfic Critic where they had somewhat of a following, I joke that I was a z-lister with how short lived and obscure I was. From start to finish, it was always my dream to eventually get the attention of those I looked up to, like Diamanda Hagan and Kyle Kallgren (OanCitizen) to team up and make something great. Following the news that broke in 2013, I started distancing myself from the site and I only ever popped by the forums to talk with fellow fans of Brad Jones (The Cinema Snob). And here we are now in April 2018, and I’m sure this is the last time we’ll see the site active.
And with all that out of the way, I’m back on track to giving my own two cents. I’m pretty sure that, unless something new happens, this will be the last time I ever talk about CA/TGWTG.
As I said, I got online to check some emails and saw that Soft Lavender, who has been making videos discussing the document “Not So Awesome” in regards to the grievances by former Channel Awesome contributors and the trending hashtag #ChangeTheChannel, was doing a stream (which as of 2:23PM EST, is still ongoing) and the title was/is “Channel Awesome Responds and Is Not Sorry”. I dove in as fast as I could and then jumped onto Channel Awesome to see the response and who was left; which, as of writing this, MasakoX and Angry Joe left last night - bringing us down to eight contributors.
The post, which appears to be written by Mike Michaud, attempts to absolve the “allegations” listed in the document; from all the sexual misconduct that has taken place on behalf of Mike Ellis and an unknown contributor, the misogyny, and the horrible mismanagement. Here’s how it starts:
“Since the posting of the “Not So Awesome” document on Monday, April 2, 2018, we have been exploring all of our options of how to address the lies that have been alleged by multiple disgruntled individuals with vindictive intentions.
Channel Awesome has always tried to keep our dealings with our content partners out of the public eye and despite any differences or disagreements we have never publicly spoken negatively about any of them, but a response to the accusations leveled against us must happen. Obviously, we cannot address all 73 plus pages of accusations against us in this forum, but we will address the most egregious now.“
I’m sorry, what now?
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As MarzGurl (Kaylyn Saucedo) said in a currently ongoing stream, from this point on, any chance of this being in good spirits has gone out the window. The comments on said post echo the anger many of us; fans and former contributors alike have been saying for a long time. This is an absolutely horrible excuse for an attempt at saying sorry for their actions, and they’d rather point fingers at people coming forward rather than take responsibility for their own incompetence and mistreatment of their staff. Many of the comments agree that a lot of Michaud’s choosing of what to address were jabs at both Holly Brown and Allison Pregler (Obscurus Lupa), which is almost insulting considering what they both had to deal with - especially from Michaud himself.
Here’s what Michaud had to say in response to “accusations” about the lack of communication:
“We agree communication could have and should have been better. We got into this business based on our passion for content creation and have had many growing pains over the years. We always strive to learn from our mistakes and strengthen our skills. Have we made mistakes? Yes, we have. We even discuss some of our challenges in our behind the scenes videos. We’ve always focused on trying to entertain our viewers, shine spotlights on unknown talent and share our attention with various charities – and we hope to continue to do so moving forward.”
This shouldn’t have happened to begin with, and if they know mistakes were made, they should have resolved them then and there. Keep in mind that this has been going on for years, and many of the grievances go all the way back to Kickassia, which was made in 2010. This wasn’t a recent thing that these people wanted to just bitch about for attention or to be vindictive or petty - and that’s excluding the injuries and general arrogance (not even ignorance at this point) with how sets are managed; such as Lindsay asking about water on set, to which she got laughed at until Spoony said providing water and food for your crew is the bare minimum you have to have. A lot of this what people want to know about was either barely touched or omitted all together - such as said injuries, Dr. Gonzo‘s tribute to JewWario (Justin Carmichael), the rampant homophobia, the absolute incompetence with how filming the anniversaries were, MarzGurl (Kaylyn Saucedo) getting a lot of shit for the stuff she did with ScrewAttack, and how IndieGoGo threatened to investigate them for potential fraud due to the failed show Pop Quiz Hot Shot to name a few.
A lot of this is still ongoing and a raging tire fire when this is all over. More news is coming out about some details of the document, and I’m both deeply hurt and upset by this. So maybe this won’t be the last post from me. If you wan to keep up with what’s going on, please head to Soft Lavender’s Youtube channel and join the stream.
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mikunology · 7 years
Mikunology Files 1: Premise
So I guess I better start this, huh? My post did get a decent amount of likes and I dunno if everyone really wants me to do this or not but might as well and I need to keep track of this anyway @ask-vocal-android, @ask-model-cv02 and @incorrectvocalandroidquotes do have a sort of “shared universe” or something like that. I’ve actually had this little universe in mind for a WHILE now, and I’ve tried to make it as a fanfiction, but I’ve had to restart that fanfiction about 3 times because of negative reception (which made me wonder if I should be doing this at all). But I’ve kept working on it quietly, and I guess I should explain what it’s all about at least for the sake of letting people know what I’m actually talking about sometimes when I refer to things inside this verse.
I simply call it the “Vocal Android Verse”, and I am now declaring that this is (obviously) NOT CANON IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, NOR WOULD I EVER SAY THIS IS. I know for a fact tons of people in this fandom mistake stuff for canon when it isn’t, and I don’t want anyone doing it with my own stuff. All of this is, in a word, headcanons, and the headcanons I go off of when I make things regarding Vocaloid.
Now, let’s get started, I guess. If you wanna keep reading, go under the cut. But be warned: there’s A LOT OF READING.
So let’s start from the beginning: this universe’s plot (or, resemblance of a plot) takes place several years into the future, 2100 to be exact. Everything is hyperfuturistic and because I’m an optimist, everything is generally good. Humans have already begun space travel, robots are a common asset in the home and everyone is doing pretty well. In the midst of this future, in the megacity of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, a company known as Crypton Future Labs (a technology company that has focused on music and robotic technology for several years) has been musing over the idea of creating an android. But not just any android–a truly humanlike android, one with emotions and free movement and everything, that can fulfill several of the research efforts they had been studying for years.
To create such an android, Crypton Future Labs turns to its most renowned scientists: Dr. Meiko Sakine, and Dr. Kaito Shion. Tasked with creating the perfect android idol, the duo set to work with their fellow scientists to create something that could not only satisfy the curiosity and hunger of the higher-ups, but bring something good into the world. The android was designed to be a teenage schoolgirl for the sake of appeal, and was fitted with several different features in case her purpose as an idol was unfulfilled. These abilties ranged from simply dancing realistically, to even superrobotics…but I’ll get to that later. Needless to say, after a countless tests, experiments, prototypes and complaints, Sakine and Shion emerged with their new android on August 31, 2107.
Codenamed CV01 but officially named Hatsune Miku, the android made her debut on stage and became an instant hit. Not only was she considered a scientific marvel due to her sheer fluidity and genuine emotion, but her catchy music and cute voice was loved by the populace. Miku began to rise in fame quickly, sweeping the globe, releasing various albums and singing at a variety of stages in several places. Meiko and Kaito were proud of their creation (who grew to have a parent-daughter connection with them) and everything was pretty much good.
…But then Miku got lonely. Which brings us to…
As much as Miku enjoyed the fame brought to her, she found herself rather lonesome. Other than Meiko and Kaito and some of the scientists, Miku didn’t always interact with humans–other than for jobs, she actually was rarely allowed out. She also didn’t even have much company from the robots in the facility; they couldn’t think or feel like she did. This began to bother her, and so she asked Meiko if it would be possible to make her a friend.
Truthfully, at the time, Meiko and Kaito were already busy; due to the success of Miku, the executives had begged Crypton’s scientists to continue to VOCALOID Project and create a line of robots similar to their star. Meiko and Kaito had initially been iffy at the idea due to budget and other complications, but after hearing Miku’s request, Meiko and Kaito decided to kill two birds with one stone in the end. The team decided to design two new androids: a boy and a girl, with the prospect being that one would be made to do the singing job while the other would be made as a companion for Miku. However, as Meiko thought on it, she decided to give them both the assets needed to be singers–and thus make them twins. While the scientists opposed at first due to the extra work, Meiko got the executives’ jump on the idea to convince them.
Thus, a long while later (the next December 27) Miku’s belated Christmas present was a pair of twins: collectively named CV02, and named by Miku herself as the Kagamine Twins.
With the twins at her side, the Vocaloids grew to be even more popular, with Rin and Len proving to be a massive hit with their duets and tag-teaming. Miku began to go on adventures with her new friends/siblings, and once again, life was good.
But then things got a bit more grandiose.
So I think this is the part where you tell me all my ideas are stupid and that I’m stupid. Or that I watch too much My Life as a Teenage Robot. Which I suppose I do, but I really like this idea anyway.
Once the Kagamines settled in, one of the things Rin did not too long after is “borrow” a road roller after seeing one in town. Being the ambitious person she is, she planned to enlist her brother’s help to make it the perfect vehicle for the both of them, with the added feature of it being able to transform into a mecha (yes you read tha right). Rin did eventually achieve this, but before she could put the thing on a test run, someone had hijacked the it with a mysterious software that caused the road roller to go haywire. Since Rin wasn’t around and the mess it was causing was getting out of hand, Miku and Len took it upon themselves to try and stop the mech and save Sapporo.
Which wasn’t the best idea, because they ended up getting their asses kicked at first. But once Rin returned, the trio worked together to take out the software and stopped the ensuing rampage. While Rin was chided for the whole mech idea in the first place, the populace appreciated the group’s efforts and the team were declared heroes.
Ever since then, it didn't take long for Miku and pals to become weirdness magnets of sorts, getting mixed up in various city-threatening incidents as they gained new friends and rivals in the other Vocaloid characters. But in case anyone thinks that this whole "superhero plot" is dumb and unnecessary, be assured that truthfully, the Cryptons end up trying to keep themselves out of trouble than trying to keep Sapporo out of trouble.
There’s much more to this, of course. I didn’t go into detail on Luka because she came about in a much less spectacular manner than the other characters. There’s also quite a few subplots–things regarding Haku and Neru, things regarding the UTAUs, things regarding a certain secret agency monitoring everyone for the sake of science…tons of stuff.
I dunno what I’ll do with this, truthfully. I’ll definitely make a list of characters later, but for now, I wanted to get this out. I don’t know if I’ll make something serious out of this considering my previous attempts, but you know, whatever happens.
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When fanfiction is better than many published books
Aka, the small post I’ve been wanting to write about Shingeki no Kyojin fanfic “Dresden” by @hedera-helixwriteseruri 
Yes, small (well I fucking tried). I write essays but will try to keep this as straight to the point that I want to send across.
Although I assume there’s few people who like Eruri that don’t know this fic (and those who know but haven’t read yet, please), I actually want to recommend this to readers in general. Fans of other pairings, fans of other anime and manga, fans of reading. And the reason for this is in the title.
Dresden is an historical AU set in World War II. If you had absolutely no idea what Shingeki no Kyojin was, who Levi Erwin Isabel Farlan anyone else was, you’d experience this novel with the same pleasure - granted, probably not as much pleasure as a fan, because we get to see the wonderful in canon characterizations, but don’t let me digress. WWII stories are complicated and many people don’t like them, but when they are good, they’re memorable.
Finding an author that takes time and care to do research without spoon-feeding this information to the reader is hard to come by. To construct this complex story, to have these interactions between these characters, to write about such a dark and complicated time of Human History and to write about any form of war and the greyscale of human nature are all attributes I personally have to give praise to, and all examples portrayed in great quality of writing in Dresden. The descriptions in this, both surroundings, settings and most of all emotions and human interactions, are hard for me to put into words.
Yes, it’s a very long novel. Yes, it does feature romance between two men (and man, thank goodness it’s good romance. I’m sorry but I have to add this tiny really personal remark - this is good romance to me, a relationship that grows and evolves, starts off as strangers and rather complicated ones at that, rather than a *holy shit he’s hot I’ll ignore all common sense just cause wow I’m in love right now without knowing a single bit about this person wow* type of trope, thank fcking goodness for careful writing and in my opinion realism)  YES it’s fucking beautiful and emotionally draining and rewarding reading.
That’s what I wanted to say.
Here’s an amazing playlist made by @smooshieboosh you can listen on 8tracks or kaseta and see the gorgeous edit. (I hope it’s alright to post it here) Perfect soundtrack/ambience for Dresden.
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Here’s some fanart too around this tag! and insight from the author too.
TL DR / So the whole point is to say: Dresden is an amazing novel, a memorable historical fiction book that’d be a wonderful read if you bought it from a bookstore and you’d LEARN STUFF too, history and writing skills alike.
 But that it also so happens to be a Shingeki no Kyojin fanfiction. Just our luck.
And you’ll hardly regret it if you invest your time reading. It’s wonderful.
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So yet again thanks to @hedera-helixwriteseruri and @maavalas
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The Mission of War: Book One: Water
Chapter 1 of ? 
Fandom(s): Young Justice and Avatar: the Last Airbender
Rating: K+
Summery: The team is assigned their most difficult mission yet, help a hero known as the Avatar stop the war on a far off planet. But things never go as planned. When Kaldur loses his memory in an accident and is rescued by Zuko's ship, things get complicanted for the team. 
Date Uploaded: April 1st, 2017 
On Ao3: Here
On FanFiction: Here
Previous (This is Chapter 1) 
Next (Coming Soon)
Zatanna shivered in the polar air as she trudged behind Kaldur. She honestly had no idea how anyone could live at a planetary pole. Zatanna herself was a Great Lakes girl, it could and did get cold up there, but nothing anywhere near this. Kaldur on the other hand didn't seem bothered in the least. In fact, he almost looked uncomfortable in his parka. Zatanna couldn't help but wonder how cold it was in Alantious. The two didn't talk much as they walked, Zatanna was focusing on a continuous warming spell on herself and Kaldur was focusing on keeping them from getting lost. This part of the tundra looked mostly the same to Zatanna, but Kaldur seemed to be able to tell his way around, so she trusted her teammate.
"We've got about a day and a half left until we reach the village," Kaldur announced as he slipped his map back into his leather satchel. Everything they owned had to be things that the Water Tribe people could make, and important things (such as Kaldur's water bearers) had to be disguised with long lasting glamor charms.
Zatanna just nodded in response. She was exhausted. Why that crazy spirit Roku had dropped them off so far from the village, she didn't understand. Every member of their team had their own missions, but she assumed that the others members hadn't spent their days walking and munching on dried strips of fish. Plus, it was midnight sun at the South Pole right now, so her sleep patterns were all thrown off. To top it all off, she had to make seven glamour charms before they left. Seven! It would be days before she got her mana back up to normal levels. Dr. Fate should have been able to make some of them, but he gave some crap explanation about his magic not being able to work between dimensions unless he was in said dimension. So instead he had instructed her on how to make the glamor charms also be some sort of memory balancer. Once again he'd spouted off some jargon about the dimensions and how crossing them was dangerous to the soul and mind without the proper protection.
"Kaldur? Could we sit down for a little bit?"
Kaldur nodded and froze the two a fairly solid chunk of ice to sit on. He reached in the bag and pulled out their bundle of dried fish, offering her a piece. Zatanna thanked him before taking a piece. Kaldur looked up at the sky with a worried look on his face, Zatanna followed his gaze and saw what had him concerned. The clouds were dark grey.
"A storm?"
Kaldur nodded, "A big one. We might not be able to stop for the night."
"That's alright. Should we keep a look out for shelter?"
"Probably, but I don't think there will be anything until we get to the village. If worst comes to worst, I'll improvise something." Kaldur took a bite of the dried fish and stared out over the ongoing expanse of white. The ocean was to their left; they'd been following the coast, presumably not to get lost. Like Zatanna said, polar navigation was not her strong suit. After a couple more minutes Kaldur packed up the fish, melted the ice block, and they started walking again.
Unfortunately, the storm came on a lot sooner than Kaldur had predicted. Kaldur had tried to protect them from the on slot of hail and rain, but between the lack of shelter and the increasingly strong winds, even Kaldur's hydrokinesis couldn't do much good. In the end, they had tied a piece of rope around their wrists and held hands. That wasn't working very well either.
Zatanna couldn't see very much, but she did feel the rope snap and their hands separate. The young magician yelled and reached out for Kaldur, but found herself unable to find him. Usually she would have used a spell the sense Kaldur's magic core, but she was so tired. She didn't know if she could even muster up a drying spell. Maybe it would better to stop now and try to wait out the storm.
Iroh watched as Ensigns Adair and Desta were pulled back up onto the boat. Unsurprisingly, there were no fish in their two-man boat. (Honestly, Zuko needed to leave the food stores to someone who understood the living patterns of fish better.) What was a surprise was that there was a third person in the boat. A young man, about Zuko's age, wearing Water Tribe blues, he was unconscious, but he didn't appear to be frost bitten and his chi was flowing strongly. How odd. He should be dead or at least frostbitten.
"We're sorry, General Iroh. We didn't know what to do. Leaving him there to freeze to death seemed wrong, even if he is a savage. Desta and I will take full responsibility with Prince Zuko."
"That won't be necessary, Adair. Take him down to the infirmary and make sure someone looks him over. I'll deal with my nephew."
Zuko was convinced his Uncle had gone completely senile. Taking a hurt Water Tribesman as a ward?! Seriously? The only solace came in the fact that the boy probably wouldn't last much longer. He had been found unconscious at sea after all.
"Prince Zuko…"
Zuko let out a frustrated puff of smoke, "Uncle, if you want to take this… savage in, I can't stop you. If he gets in the way of my quest though, if he causes problems… I will take action against him."
Zuko couldn't help but feel a spark of happiness as his Uncle beamed. He had suffered a lot after losing Lu Ten and might make him at least a little happier. Zuko had always felt a little guilty for his Uncle feeling the need to tag along with him. Sure, he could get annoying with all his cryptic advice and worrying, but he was still Zuko's uncle. Zuko still wanted him to be happy.
"Thank you nephew! I shall speak to him once he awakens, perhaps we can return him to his tribe."
Iroh left with quickened steps and Zuko returned to his scrolls, though he couldn't get rid of the feeling of dread in his stomach. Even if this made Uncle happy, Zuko couldn't think of any way this could play out that wasn't a disaster.
Iroh sat next to the cot holding the young Water Tribe boy, sipping on a cup of tea. The boy had been stripped down to his under wraps and wrapped in a pile of blankets, even though the chill to his body appeared to be in no danger of causing him frostbite. The ship's healer (though he only really knew emergency medicine) had been in shock. Stating that even the Water Tribe could fall ill to frostbite within a couple minutes and that the boy had been at sea for at least a couple days, the healer had set the boy next to a fire and wrapped him in blankets. His only explanation was that the boy had to be a powerful water bender and Iroh had to say he agreed. The young man's chi was strong, flowing like a river despite his possible days at sea without food or water.
The young man certainty looked Water Tribe, with dark skin, short black hair with a single braid hanging beside his face, a well-built physique from years of physical labor, and while he hadn't woken up, Iroh was fairly sure his eyes would be blue. One thing that had stuck itself in Iroh's mind was the bone charm pendent the young man was wearing. Iroh had found himself unwilling to remove it for some reason, even though it was obviously broken, split down the middle into two pieces.Suddenly, the boy groaned and started to sit up. Iroh sat up straighter and set aside his tea. He didn't say anything, but rather let the boy come around at his own turns. The first thing the boy did once he was fully conscious was throw the blankets off, panting for breath. Only then did Iroh see that he was sweating, badly. Iroh grabbed a chilled towel out of the medical icebox. As soon as Iroh handed the boy the towel he pressed it to his face and neck. Iroh gave him another towel once he had calmed down a little and found his bearings.
"Thank you," the boy said softly, turning to look at Iroh. Sure enough his eyes were blue.
"Are you okay?" Iroh asked watching the young man with concern.
"Yes, I think so, a little dizzy."
Iroh handed him a sugar water, they were a little gross, but they help those in need regain both energy and hydration. The boy opened the canteen and took a big swing of the drink.
"My name is Iroh."
"I'm Kaldur," the boy said, taking another sip of the sugar water.
Iroh nodded, watching the young man. He seemed far more concerned by the canteen of sugar water than where he actually was. Iroh was sure that would end quickly, so he let the young man sip on the water, waiting patiently until Kaldur was ready to speak. Once he finished off the canteen, it wasn't fear or hatred that filled Kaldur's face, but curiosity.
"Where am I?" Kaldur asked looking around.
"The medical bay aboard a Fire Nation ship, the Wani."
Kaldur nodded, playing with his pendent unconsciously.
Iroh cleared his throat and pulled a map out of his sleeve, "Kaldur perhaps you could show me where your tribe is so we can drop you off there?"
Kaldur looked at the map, a confused look on his face. After a couple minutes he looked up Iroh, absolutely terrified, "I don't remember. I can't remember anything about my tribe. I don't even know if I belong to a tribe."
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morninwarri0r · 8 years
[Request] Yoosung Fanfiction #23: I’ll Protect You (Part 1)
Request from @theinquisitormonster: “Long time no see. I love your writing and I’d be beyond happy if you could write a Yoosung x reader which is about MC having powers and working for an agency of gifted people (just like in BSD). I really hope you can write it. I love your stories!”
A/N: This is a BSD x Mystic Messenger crossover. Sorry I took so long >< This is only part 1 of it because I probably can’t do much writing over the next few days so I won’t be able to finish it. It was so hard trying to come up with ideas for this one sigh. 
Anyways, I hope you like this part dear! :) 
  It was well into the night now, the sky awash with darkness. Lampposts lining the pavement illuminated the empty path stretching ahead of you. It was quiet all around, few people still out and about in this part of Seoul at this hour.
You walked briskly towards the tall, conspicuous hospital building where Yoosung was working overtime at. You checked your wrist watch, and found that it was already almost ten. it was rare for Yoosung to work till this late, but apparently there had been a critically ill dog that needed to undergo an emergency surgery to remove a tumour in its belly.
You let out a small sigh as you gazed at the bag in your hand. Of course, him working late also meant that he wouldn’t have time for dinner. He had probably forgotten all about it — a tendency of his when this kind of situation arose. So, it always fell on you to bring him some late dinner so he wouldn’t end up starving.
It took another eleven minutes for you to arrive in the clinic. Upon hearing the tinkling of the bell chimes as you pushed the front door open, the receptionist glanced up at you and offered you a courteous smile. “Dinner for the hubby?” she inquired with a teasing chuckle.
You nodded with a small laugh. “You know how he is. Never eats properly when he’s busy.”
“He’s so lucky to have a caring wife like you,” she sighed. “If only my boyfriend could care about me half as much as you do for Dr. Kim...”
“Well, I guess people have different ways of caring for their loved ones. Don’t put too much pressure on him.”
“I guess. Anyway, Dr. Kim just finished the operation. He’s probably packing up in his office now.”
“Oh okay, thank you,” you said, before promptly strode down the hallway towards Yoosung’s office. You could hear the sound of shuffling papers through the wooden door. It seemed he was rushing to pack up for the night.
You knocked on the door, and then turned the door knob to enter. “Soo Jung, if you’re done you can leave first,” Yoosung called as you entered the room. His back was turned to you as he stood at his desk to finish arranging some of the documents in the files strewn on his table. He was still in his surgery gown, and his white coat was dangling on the arm of his wheeled chair.
You stepped over to take his coat before it could fall, and placed the dinner you had brought for him onto his desk.
“What is it, Soo Ju—” Yoosung cut himself off when his eyes came to rest on you. They widened in shock as he let out a small gasp. “H-Huh? What are you doing here?”
“I came with dinner, since you probably didn’t have the time to get anything,” you replied, taking the lunchbox out of the plastic bag and opening it. In it was kimchi fried rice that was no longer warm.
“What time is it?” he muttered as he checked his watch. “It’s already 10.30?!”
You nodded and replied drily, “Yes.”
“I didn’t think I would take this long to pack up…” Yoosung sighed, as he raked his hands through his already messy golden hair. “Aren’t you tired? You didn’t have to bring this for me. I would have managed somehow… I’m sure you had a long day at work today too.”
You smiled assuringly, placing a hand over his. “It’s fine. It’s the least I could do as your fiancee.”
He grinned then. You knew he loved it whenever you called yourself his fiancee. He squeezed your hand back, using his thumb to brush over the ring adorning your ring finger. Cheekily, he brought it up to his lips to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “I can’t wait to call you my wife,” he said rather impishly.
“Did you learn to do that from Zen?” You chuckled when his smile dropped and a frown replaced it instead, complaining that he could be every bit the gentleman or romantic that Zen claimed to be.
You then waited for Yoosung to finish his fried rice and tie up some loose ends in the clinic before the two of you left together.
With your hand in his, he led you out of the clinic towards the open carpark that was just a short walk away. “You shouldn’t come out this late again, you know. You’ll make me worried,” he spoke up suddenly.
You raised a brow in response. “Why?”
“Don’t you remember? We were talking about this the other night. There’s news about a Japanese mafia group that’s been wrecking havoc around here recently. I’m worried something will happen to you if you go out this late at night.”
Oh, you knew about that. All too well. The Port Mafia were an infamous organization known even in Korea, and it seemed that recently some members of the group had come to Korea, their purposes unknown to the general public. So far nothing too serious had happened, aside from the damaging of public property with traces of fights that had taken place evident in those respective areas. Already, there had been a number of people caught up in the crossfire, sustaining quite the range of injuries.
To make things worse, the members that had come were said to possess some sort of special ability, making it difficult for the armed police to arrest him.
You waved it off rather dismissively. “It’s fine, Yoosung. I can handle myself.”
“No, it’s not fine,” he insisted. “I’m really scared that something will happen to you while I’m not there to protect you. I was actually thinking of going to your workplace to pick you up from now on. We’ll get home early, and—”
“No,” you interrupted firmly. “I can just meet you here at the clinic. It’ll be okay.”
He peeked a sideways glance at you, a deep frown etched on his face now. “You’re still not ready to tell me what your job is?”
The hurt in his voice didn’t escape your notice. It caused a pang of guilt to hit you and you stopped walking, lowering your head and folding your arms across your chest. Yoosung stopped just a step ahead of you, and turned around to face you, calling your name.
“Sorry,” you muttered, not daring to look him in the eye. “I’m just not ready to tell you yet.”
“Why not? Don’t you trust me?” “I do,” you said, looking up to meet his earnest, frustrated gaze. “I really do.”
“Then, why—”
“It’s… complicated. I just can’t. Maybe someday—”
“That’s what you say every time,” Yoosung stated. “You always end the conversation there and you never bring it up. Is it that hard to talk about? Even to me?”
You curled your fingers into tight fists. “I’m sorry,” you said finally, and you knew that he would give up asking when you used this tone of voice. But it didn’t mean he would stop being angry.
“Fine.” The stark coldness in his voice made you flinch. You glanced up to see that Yoosung was walking ahead of you towards the car now. You could tell even from his lone back that he was upset and hurt, as he always was each time you two shared this conversation.
You wished you could talk to him about. You wanted to call him back, apologize to him and just tell him, so there would no longer be any secrets between the two of you. Yoosung hated them, and you knew it all too well.
But, that wasn’t possible.
Not without you returning the ring on your finger to him for good.
You didn’t move for a while, feeling a little numb with so many thoughts running through your mind. It would also give Yoosung some time to cool down alone in the car before the both of you headed back home together.
You only snapped back to reality when you heard a deep voice alarmingly close to you.
“Found you.”
Before you could react, something that felt like a rock connected with your abdomen and sent you flying a good couple of meters and crashing against one of the parked cars in the open lot. Your body crumpled to the ground, pain pulsing through the back of your head that had gotten the most impact from hitting the hood of the car which was now considerably dented. There was a loud ringing in your ears and your vision was blurry. You tried getting up, but the most you could manage was getting on all fours while waiting for your vision to come back into focus.
Then you registered someone shouting your name, before he wrapped his arms around your shoulder and pulled you into a sitting position, your head resting against his chest. “Yoosung…” you managed out, wincing at the terrible pain in your abdomen.
“What happened? Who did this to you?!”
“I did.”
You glanced up to see a man who had stopped just a few meters away from you, his lanky figure casting shadow that towered over the both of you against the yellow light of the lampposts. He had short, choppy black hair that turned white at the ends, and he had on a long black trench coat that wavered in the night breeze.
You knew who he was. His name made a shiver run through you and you drew back, heart hammering against your ribcage. Memories of being hunted, beaten and challenged by this man resurfaced in your mind, and you had to bite down hard on your gum to keep your anxiety from showing.
“You’re coming with me.” His cold, emotionless voice pierced through the air. It was a command, his gleaming eyes narrowing down at you.
“What do you mean she’s going with you?” Yoosung demanded, and you quickly grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. He had to stop talking, get away from here, immediately.
“I’m not going to repeat myself,” he stated, staring you squarely in the eye. “Either you come with me, or he dies.”
He meant it. Yoosung tried to say something more but this time you nudged him hard with your elbow, shaking your head, but still keeping your eyes on your foe warily. You could feel your anger building within you. It had been a year and a half, and you had gotten stronger. There was no way you would allow him to hurt Yoosung, not if you could help it.
“Go,” you whispered. “Take the car and drive off. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“I’m not leaving without you,” Yoosung hissed, gripping onto your hand tightly. “I’ll protect you!”
“There’s no time! I’ll handle myself! Hurry and get out of here!” You shoved Yoosung away, getting up to your feet, albeit a little shakily. “Don’t hurt him,” you said to the man whose eyes darted over to Yoosung for a split second. “He’s not worth your time. The person you want is me.”
[To be continued]
A/N: I’m sorry for being a scumbag and leaving it here >< I’ll try my best to finish the second part of it asap!! I’ll post the full thing on my other blog btw. 
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