#yes i just took my ap bio exam
begaycommittreason · 1 year
i’ve never seen a rule more widely disregarded in a single week every year without fail, than the confidentiality contracts students sign during ap week
teenagers are literally publicly violating a legal contract not to discuss the test, and it’s not even to cheat, we’re just making memes to trauma bond over on the internet
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realityescapee01 · 3 years
My Choice
Sterek | Steo | Derek | Stiles | Theo | read tags
Derek loves Stiles and it's not a secret to everybody else. Even to Theo. But Theo loves Stiles too. And Derek knows it too.
So Stiles is in a predicament. He wakes up to two dead deers or rabbits in his backyard, everyday. Derek and Theo rubbing against him every chance they get for scenting. Stiles always ends up squished in the middle of two very hot guys.
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"Agh!" Stiles sneaked into Scott's room. "Dude! Thanks for hiding me."
Scott just laughed. Stiles's two very determined werewolf suitors were too intense today that Stiles was tired. One always wanting to be ahead of the other.
"Just choose one already, Stiles." Scott said, handing him the pizza box.
Stiles just took a slice and almost just gulped it down. He was so tired and hungry. Theo never let up. Neither did Derek. In the morning, Theo picks Stiles up for school. They drive to school, but passing by the cafe first to get breakfast. Theo's treat, always. Then at the end of school, Derek comes and picks Stiles up and drives him home. Passing by the fastfood chain for Stiles's curly fries. All with the two werewolves having a stare down when they see each other.
Way back, the two would almost fight it out who gets to drive Stiles to and from school. Until Stiles said: Okay, if you're gonna be like this, no one gets to court me! Leave me alone! I wanna get to college! Senior year is hectic enough! And so Theo and Derek agreed on their current arrangement.
"Seriously, dude. Who do you like? Just choose one. Theo or Derek?" Scott prodded. He really wanted to know.
"... I don't know which one, really. Besides, ohmygod! Is this for real??? Like, just during our freshman and sophomore year, I can't even ask anyone out and no one asked me out. And then now, I get two very hot werewolves after me... is this a prank or something???"
Scott just laughed. "It's not a prank. It's been going on for weeks, Stiles! You gotta decide in the end."
"I know! Just not right now."
And so it continues. Stiles ran down the stairs as Theo picked him up.
"Good morning, Stiles, baby." Theo said with a wink.
"Theo, I told you, no term of endearment."
"Fine... just call me baby once, then I'll stop."
Stiles pouted. "Are you serious right now?"
"Yeah. Call me baby or babe."
Stiles took and let out a deep breath. Evidently and obviously annoyed. It's too early for this. "Agh! ... We're gonna be late! Just drive, Theo... baby."
Theo smiled and was visually giggling and blushing a little. Stiles found that to be really really cute. 'Ohmygod! That's so cute!'
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"...So? Go and drive, Theo, babe." Stiles repeated. He was enjoying making Theo so out of his usual cool and calm demeanor. Theo kept smiling at that second baby.
"Okay, Stiles, driving now... thanks, by the way, for indulging my request." Theo still has a red tint on his cheeks.
They got their breakfast from the cafe and headed to school. They were a bit early so they ate breakfast together in the canteen. Then Stiles saw their AP Biology teacher. He was visibly stressed out by the sight of her.
"What's the matter, Stiles?"
"Oh, I just... if I don't pass the exam tomorrow in Bio, I'd most probably get held back."
"Aw. I could help you study for it." Theo offered.
"Yeah. How about you come over tonight then we'd study."
Stiles was silent, eyes inspecting Theo. A little suspicious. Because he knows Theo lives alone. And having the obvious strength advantage, if Theo goes crazy and decides to force himself on him, Stiles is a goner.
Theo snickered, guessing what the human was thinking. "Stiles, I promise. I'll help you study. I won't try anything you don't like, I swear."
"Hmn... okay." Stiles said yes. He needed the tutoring. For some reason, he doesn't get this subject at all. And Theo is one of the best in it. So it's not so bad to study with him.
So, end of school -Derek's time- came, and Theo and Derek were on a standoff. With Stiles in the middle.
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"Derek. Sorry, but today I'm going with Theo. To study for an exam tomorrow. I need to pass."
"Study, huh?" Derek said, never taking his eyes off Theo, who just sports a smug smirk. Derek doesn't like it. At all. Theo, being the same age and school with Stiles, has a default advantage. Stiles spends more hours with him.
Theo just kept smirking at Derek. Derek glowed his red eyes at Theo. And Theo glowed his red eyes back at him. Both snarling through fangs. Stiles took in a deep breath and let out a very audible sigh.
"Okay! Alphas. Come on. I just wanna pass an exam, okay?" Stiles tried to calm both down.
The two alphas kept growling at each other. At a lost, Stiles called Scott. "Hey, what's up- whoa!" Scott saw the other two alphas sizing up and ready to brawl. Stiles explained the situation and came up with a decision.
"Alright. Theo. Derek. As Stiles is part of my pack, if you don't stop that now, I will take back permission to court him. From both of you." Scott said, showing his own red eyes.
The two other alphas looked back at Scott, and a very annoyed Stiles, then they decided to back down at the same time.
"Yeah. So, uhm... we're heading out." Stiles thanked Scott.
"Wait. To make up for this, I'll be the one to drive Stiles to and from school tomorrow." Derek said.
"Whatever stops bloodshed, I'm all for it." Stiles shrugged.
"Fair enough." Theo answered too.
Him and Theo stops over to get curly fries before heading to Theo's house. Stiles walked into the the door, the familiarity came rushing through him. He had been over quite a lot when they were kids. They went straight to Theo's bedroom. And as promised, they studied. No uncomfortable moves from Theo either. And Stiles was enjoying because he starts to understand the subject now.
"You teach this better than our teacher, Theo." Stiles said, closing the textbooks. He stretched and lounged on Theo's extra large bean bag. "I want one like this too."
Theo laid beside him. "Yeah, it is really good to have this." Theo brushed his arm against Stiles who just let him.
But then of course, having such strong feelings for the boy laying beside him very close, in an empty house, just the 2 of them, did a number on Theo. He licked his lips and inched closer to Stiles. The human didn't react but just kept his eyes closed. Theo moved closer, taking in Stiles's scent. And kissed his cheek.
"H-Hey! Theo..." Stiles opened his eyes and stared at the young alpha beside him.
"Stiles... I love you so much... so much." Theo nuzzled his neck. When Stiles didn't protest, Theo gave his neck a lick. A whimper escaped Stiles. That encouraged Theo.
He inched closer by grabbing Stiles hips against his own and kissed the human's neck. Kissing and sucking and licking. Stiles just kept letting out noises that encouraged Theo. Theo then positioned himself on top of Stiles, taking his lips, and making out deeper with him. Tongue to tongue and crotches grinding together.
"Hmn, Stiles, baby." Theo took a little break, trying real hard to keep it under control. He could sense his claws itching to come out. And his alpha eyes are definitely aglow, staring at the blushing Stiles below him.
"Oh... uhm, Theo..." Stiles chased after his breath. He's head clearing a little bit. Staring back at red eyes. He knew this is the turning point. If he wants to continue or stop, this is the moment to decide. But damn, Theo's warm, hot body, and that enticing bulge against his own growing bulge, is making it a really hard decision.
"It's okay... just..." Theo shut his eyes tight for a while and when he opened them, they're back to their pale blues. "Say what you wanna do, Stiles... If you want me to stop, I will. Just say it."
Stiles gulped and his breath kept hitching. His head can't decide, but it seems like his other 'head' decided for itself already. He found himself grinding his bulge against Theo on top of him. "Fuck... I wanna do it, Theo."
"Are you sure, babe?" Theo had to ask. He doesn't want Stiles regretting afterwards.
But Stiles wanted to taste. Wanted to sample what's in store if he chooses Theo. Yup, he will be selfish this time and get a taste. "Yeah, Theo Baby." Stiles said, grabbing on Theo's waist.
Theo looked deep into his eyes as he tentatively grinded his crotch against Stiles. But then Stiles returned the favor. And that got Theo started. Stiles really wanted it. So he's giving it.
Theo leaned in for a kiss. Sucking on Stiles's lower lip and when Stiles gasped from that, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in. And discovered that Stiles loves tongue kissing. And tongue sucking. Theo moved back to the edge of the bean bag and pulled Stiles to straddle his lap.
They were sitting on the floor, Stiles on his lap, rubbing up against him. He pulled Stiles even closer. Stiles kept rubbing and bouncing on his lap. "Stiles, hold on."
"W-What?" Stiles didn't wanna stop. He finally got a good angle, he could feel his length pressed up real good against Theo's length. "I don't wanna stop, Theo. Baby, please!"
"Shh, I know. I'm carrying you to bed." Theo said, bouncing Stiles on his lap.
"Okay. Okay, I'd like that. Bed it is." Stiles stood up from Theo who followed immediately. Theo grabbed him and lifted him to his hips. Stiles just automatically wrapped his arms and legs around Theo.
They dropped to the bed, pants and shirts long lost on the floor. Stiles grabbed himself and stroked his erection. Theo took his hand off and pinned it together with his other hand, over his head. Theo has Stiles pinned on the bed. Stiles whined because he needed something on his crotch right now.
"Stiles, baby, calm down. I got you." Theo lowered himself on top of Stiles and rubbed his erection against his. Stiles let out a very satisfied moan at that. He loved having his whole length pressed up against Theo's whole length. Both rock hard and leaking. That helped slick each other up. Making it feel much better rubbing against each other. Stiles swore he could cum just by that.
"Ohmygod! Theo...Mnn!" and Stiles did just that, he came. "Mn-fuck!"
"Oh, so hot, Stiles. Cumming just by rubbing against me, baby?" Theo whispered at him.
Stiles cursed again and just slumped back down to bed, riding off his orgasm. He has his eyes closed but immediately opened it when he felt Theo grab his leg and repositioned both of them into the butterfly position. "Round 2 for you, Stiles?"
"Ohmyg-!!!" Stiles's words were cut when Theo pushed himself in. And gradually thrusted faster in and out.
Every thusts gets better because Stiles's cum slid downwards to his hole and acted as lube. Stiles started to enjoy it and started to get hard again. With help from Theo's hand too. Theo was giving him a great hand job and pounding.
"Hn, so good, Theo." Stiles said, completely enjoying all of it, until he came for the 2nd time. Shooting his load all over himself.
"Mmnnn, Stiles... Stiles!" Theo let go of Stiles's dick and grabbed him by the waist with both hands and thrusted harder and deeper; chasing after his own orgasm.
A few more thrusts and Theo was growling and cumming in Stiles. His claws extended and pricked Stiles's waist. His eyes glowed red and fangs grew. He leaned down to Stiles and buried his face on Stiles's neck.
Stiles felt Theo knotting him. "Holy sh-ohmygod! Theo, baby!" Theo has his mouth open over on that spot on Stiles's neck. The spot where you mark your mate. Theo wanted to just bite down and mark Stiles right there and then but he held himself back. Stiles must consent. And they aren't even official yet. So he just kissed and sucked on that spot as he cummed. And Stiles just moaned with him and hugged him tightly through it.
Theo rolled off to the side when his knot came down. "Oh, Stiles..." Theo held his hand.
"Theo... that was... awesome." Stiles was smiling like crazy. Theo wasn't his first. But is definitely the best so far.
They spent a few more minutes catching their breaths until Stiles decided he has to go. They got cleaned up and dressed. Theo drove him back home. Stiles still has Theo on his mind. Theo was really really good. Then his mind wondered to Derek. He wondered how it's like to do it with Derek.
The next day came and as arranged, it was Derek who picked him up. Derek got Stiles breakfast. But it's not what Stiles wants. Derek got an egg sandwich. Stiles likes pancakes in the mornings. Egg sandwich, he eats at the afternoon.
"Oh.... sorry." Derek said. Clearly disappointed at himself.
"Hey, big guy, don't worry so much. Let's just drive by and get me some then."
Stiles then showed Derek what he and Theo does in the mornings. Showed him where they get breakfast everyday. What roads Theo take to get there and to school.
"Oh, sorry. I kept talking about Theo." Stiles apologized.
"It's okay... looks like studying is not the only thing you did last night." Derek was a little mad. Because he could smell Theo on Stiles. Not just the 'they hangout together' scent. The one more than that. The one that says: something happened in the bedroom.
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"Oh... uhm..." Stiles doesn't know what to say. Theo did warn him about this. That Derek would know they had sex.
"It's alright, Stiles." Derek stopped in front the school doors.
"Y-Yeah... Uhm, see you later, Derek." Stiles said as he got out and closed the Camaro's door.
Stiles went straight to the cafeteria and saw Theo waiting for him on their usual table. "How is your morning?" Theo asked, beaming a huge smile at him.
"It was okay." Stiles set the pancakes to eat.
"Are you ready for the test later? Do you want me to quiz you?"
"Yeah, I'd like that, Theo."
The test came and Stiles was happy. He could answer the questions. He looked at Theo as he passed his paper. Theo commented on how happy he looks like before parting ways to their different last class for the day.
At the end of the school day, the black camaro stopped right in front the school double doors as Stiles stepped out. Derek greeted him. The older guy looked to be in a better mood right now. And they did what they usually do. Drive around a little and get curly fries. Then Stiles asked to hangout at Derek's loft. To which the alpha Hale was more than glad to oblige.
Stiles walked in the loft as soon as Derek opened the door. He had been there quite a few times before. Before Derek started courting him. Stiles was feeling investigative.
"What would our pet name be if I choose you, Derek?" Stiles asked.
Derek was surprised by that question. "Oh... I was thinking... baby?"
"That's Theo's."
"Oh... hnn, my original one then. I just thought of baby so it would be more in your time."
"Let's hear you original one then."
"Don't laugh. And no sarcastic remarks."
"...Luna." Derek said softly.
"...Oh..." Stiles got it. Luna is what you call the wife of the alpha of the pack.
"You don't like it?"
"No. It's good... unique."
Derek just smiled at him and sat next to him on the couch. They watched some TV in silence. Derek is not exactly the chatty type. But Stiles likes that too. Then his mind wondered again... he started looking at Derek's body.
Derek started to smell Stiles's arousal and it made him look at the human beside him. He saw that Stiles was checking him out. So he intentionally shifted in his seat, making sure his muscles flexed. His arms specially. And as he hoped, Stiles followed his movements.
Derek smiled to himself a little bit because Stiles is so obvious. But it was cute.
So he braved it. He placed his hand on Stiles's thighs. Stiles didn't react. He then slid his hands up towards Stiles's crotch, the side of his hand touching Stiles's groin already. And that got a reaction from Stiles. A delicious sounding: Mmn, Der.
"Stiles..." Derek's eyes were wild and fiery red now. Darting all over Stiles's face. Reading every muscle twitch, making sure they all point to wanting him.
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And they did. So he took it. Derek pulled Stiles onto his lap and kissed him. Stiles groaned from the sudden maneuver but never protested.
A few more kisses and he found himself bouncing on Derek's lap, his pants discarded on the floor. He didn't even noticed when did it get torn off. Yes, torn off. Just like what Derek's doing to his shirt and flannel. He wanted to complain but Derek's tongue is keeping his mouth busy.
With his clothing torn off, Stiles now sat naked on Derek's lap. Derek pulled away from the kiss to admire Stiles on his lap. "Luna... you really wanna do this?"
"Yeah. So get naked, big guy." Stiles started pulling on Derek's henley.
Derek obliged. He took his henley off and Stiles whistled at Derek's build. Since he's older, he's got better build than Theo. Bigger and more defined chest and abs. All of which, Stiles enjoyed cupping a feel of. Touching and sliding his hand over them until he reached Derek's pants. He started undoing the button and zipper. And he pursed his lips as he saw Derek's cock.
"Holy shit." Stiles muttered. It was big. It was more or less the same length as Theo's but thicker. Stiles felt his own, twitch from the anticipation of rubbing against it and having it in him.
So he did. He pulled himself closer to Derek and rubbed his length against the alpha's. Stiles thought, if Derek will call him luna, he has to call him... "My alpha, Derek."
And it snapped the last string of restraint in Derek. The Hale growled and grabbed Stiles, raising him enough and lowered him on his erection. Slowly entering Stiles as he sat him back down.
"Ohmygod! Derek!" Stiles exclaimed as he felt that thick member enter him raw. He felt his eyes tear up, it was so sudden and no lube. It hurts.
"Sorry, Stiles I just... let me fix that." Derek started pumping Stiles's erection. With Stiles so aroused, he came shooting after a few strokes.
Derek palmed the white liquid and coated his own length with it. Making it slicker as he pumped in and out of Stiles. And gradually Stiles started feeling it got better. He started moaning and moving on his own. He started riding Derek on the couch. Derek let Stiles ride him the way the human wants. He will have his way later.
Stiles kissed and sucked spots on Derek's neck. The muscles are making him really grabby and touchy. He wanted to touch every muscle on his alpha. Derek lets out moans a few times. Making Stiles more and more confident on what he's doing. He started to get hard again. Derek reached for his erection and gave him a hand job.
Stiles took in a deep breath, Derek lost his patience and took over the situation.He wanted to cum in Stiles so badly. He grabbed Stiles, took him off of him, and pushed him a little bit on the floor. Stiles was kneeling on the floor when Derek stood up and walked behind him. Then he pushed Stiles's upper body on the couch. Then he re-entered Stiles, slowly. Then in and out, faster and faster.
Stiles grabbed himself and pumped his erection in time with Derek's pounding. He then came for the second time, making him clench his lower abdomen and his hole as well. Pulling Derek to finish as well.
"Stiles!... my luna, hmn... knotting." Derek warned.
"Oka-ohmygod!" Stiles gripped on the couch as he felt Derek cum and swell.
Derek moaned and almost howled as he released inside Stiles and his knot came on. He leaned on Stiles as they both ride their climaxes off. Lounging on the couch in their afterglows.
Derek drove Stiles back home. With the human wearing Derek's sweatpants and hoodie.
"What the holy shit, dude?!? Seriously???" Scott stood from the chair when he heard Stiles tell him about doing it with Theo and Derek.
"Yeah yeah. I did." Stiles felt a little naughty. "Think of me as you want, call me names, but damn, Scott! They were... hmnn." Stiles gestured -way okay-
Scott just shook his head and sat back down. "So... what's the verdict?"
Stiles grabbed a slice of pizza and looked at the TV. It was him and Scott's movie night. He took a bite of the pizza and drank from his soda.
"Well... I will be... greedy and choose both of them." Stiles
Scott's jaw dropped. "If they'll let that happen, Stiles. They're both alphas. Alphas don't share."
"We'll know tomorrow, then." Stiles finished his pizza. He didn't even think of a second plan. He didn't wanna choose just one. He wanted both. Theo and Derek.
Stiles had called Derek and Theo over. Telling them that he had decided.
The two alphas stood in front of Stiles.
"Both." Stiles just blurted out.
"What???" The two alphas asked at the same time.
"Both. I choose both of you. Can I have that?"
Derek and Theo looked at each other. Stared at each other. Both eyes glowing again. But both kind of reading the other's thoughts. They both love Stiles. They both want Stiles. They both need Stiles. But neither wants to back down.
"...So? Theo? Derek?" Stiles was being nervous. He sees the stare off happening. He was sure only one would come out of this alive if they decided to go at it.
"... Fine." the two alphas said; in unsion again. Neither wants to give up. Neither wants to share Stiles. But this is what Stiles wants. And both of them wanted to give what Stiles wants.
"Great!" Stiles was smiling ear to ear.
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
thank you. more on my master list here
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you have a what!? pt.2
ok I had an updating schedule but people seemed to like it so I wanted to leave you guys with a cliff hanger so you will want to keep reading. I will still be posting an Tuesday and I have more time now cause I just took my ap bio exam. OH thank you all so much the likes and comment, they make my day.
Chapter 2: a good old clique game of truth or dare
Daichi’s POV
After the group ate, they watched the sunset as the drove away from shore. They sat around chatting and drinking till late. Tadashi and Kei has kept to themselves for most of the night. Kei eventually pulled Yamaguchi off to bed. 
Noya whistles as they pass and Kei shot a glare at him. Suga burst out laughing. Daichi loved the sound of his laughter. He would listen to it for hours if he could. Suga yawned and stretched beside him.
“Suga do you want to go off to bed now.” Daichi whispered.
“Oh you don’t have to come. You can stay and talk with the others.”
“No I want to. Plus I don’t know the way back.”
Suga laughed and got up, “ok kids the adults are going to bed, be good.”
“What about me!” Asahi protested.
“You have your face is Noya’s neck I wouldn’t call that good chaperoning.” Suga called as he went inside, pulling Daichi with him.
Asahi went red and nuzzled back into Noya’s neck.
Saga showed Daichi back to the room, pointing out all of the turns they made. They passed the other bedrooms. As they passed past Kei and Tadashi’s room, they heard several thunks and a moan.
Suga covered his mouth in an attempt to keep himself from laughing. Daichi pursed his lips. Once they got to their room the burst out laughing. 
“Oh my god!” Suga said between laughs, “I’m scared to go back down to the bathroom to change now.”
“Sometimes I forget they are that old, but I still dislike it.” Daichi shook his head.
“Hey, at least they were as bad as Noya and Asahi our last year. I feel like every other time we went to the clubroom they would be fucking against a wall.” 
“That’s true, and Suga you can just change in here if you want too. I mean we have changed in front of each other so many times before.” Daichi’s mouth said faster than his brain could stop him.
“Are you sure? I just didn’t want to crowed you.”
Daichi shook his head. Suga pulled his shirt off and hummed as he went through his suitcase. Daichi was staring. He had liked Suga since first year when they both joined the team. He loved Suga’s smile and energy. His hair too. Most people didn’t know how soft Suga’s hair was. 
Suga finished changing and threw himself on the bed. Finished changing as Suga scrolled though his phone. Daichi crawled into the bed and pulled his phone out. He scrolled lazily through his phone distracted by the presence of the boy next to him. 
“You can turn the lights off if you want,” said Suga who looked up at him from where he was laying down.
Daichi quickly flipped the lights off, hoping the darkness would cover the blush that spread over his face. 
Daichi awoke with a weight on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Suga’s body draped over his. Daichi froze. He didn’t move for fear that he would wake Suga up. His face was in Daichi’s neck, and he could feel Suga’s nose against it. Their legs were tangled together and Suga’s arm was wrapped tightly around his waist. 
This wasn’t real, Daichi though. No this was a dream. He felt Suga stir on top of him, and he closed his eyes so Suga wouldn’t notice he was awake. It took Suga a minute to realize were he was. When he did, he shot up and untangled their legs.
“Fucking hell,” he heard Suga whisper, “Why do I do this to myself.”
Suga sat still for a moment before getting up and running out of the room. 
Sugawara’s POV
“What have I done,” Suga muttered to himself. 
He walked out onto the boat deck and saw Tadashi stilling there with a matcha latte.
“Good morning Tada,” Suga sighed, “have a good night.”
Tadashi blushed, “sorry I left early the dark water was scaring me.”
“Is that the only reason?” Suga raised an eyebrow.
“It was at first but then Tuski railed me to help me forget about it.” Tadashi smiled, “don’t expect him to take his shirt off today.”
“Oh my lord Tada.”
“Sorry for having sex in your boat.”
“Oh no worries. You really think you are the first person to do that.” Suga winked.
“What! Spill!” Tadashi perked up at this.
“Well the first time it was Oikawa... or was he the second and Semi the first.” Suga gave up and shrugged.
“Why am I not surprised.” Tadashi laughed.
“I’ve really missed you.”
“I missed you too Sugawara.” Tadashi sighed, “Hold on, why are you up so early. We used to have to to wake you up at training camp when you overslept.”
“Oh, I don’t know it always happens the first day I’m on the boat. I wake up super early to watch the sunrise. I also woke up cuddling Daichi.”
“You what?” A voice came from behind them.
The looked over to see Ennoshita take a seat close to them. 
“Oh, um, well I woke up and I was on top of him. My head was in his neck and his arm was around me too.” Suga blushed at the extra attention. 
“But you didn’t start out that way?” Tadashi asked.
“Wow you have all the luck in the world.” Ennoshita sighed.
“What it this about.” Suga raised an eyebrow.
“Do tell,” Tadashi added.
“You are both horrible gossips. Ok well I have liked Tanaka for like ever and we are sleeping on the pullout couch and still ended up on the opposite side of the bed.”
“You have to tell him this is a great opportunity.” Tadashi smiled.
“Now Tadashi what I have I told you about meddling in people’s business.” Kei said as he wrapped his arms around Tadashi.
“Babe, I’m just trying to help,” he kissed Kei’s cheek.
“You two are disgustingly cute.” Ennoshita sighed.
“Yes, let’s not rub it in their face Tadashi. Come back to bed with me I’m cold.” Kei pulled Tadashi back inside.
“So needy,” mouth Tadashi but followed Kei willingly. 
Once everyone was wake, Suga announced the main offered activity for the day. Daichi watched in shock as Suga lowered to suspended jet skis he hadn’t see the day before.
Noya and Hinata were the first to volunteer to take a drive. Tanaka climbed in the back with Noya, standing up and he held onto his shoulders. Kageyama had joined Hinata after Hinata called him a scaredy-cat. He clung tightly to Hinata as they took off. The rest of the team took turned not stopping till the sun was setting. 
Asahi and Noya made dinner. Well, Asahi made dinner and Noya sat there distracting him. After they ate on the boat deck Noya made a suggestion.
“We should play truth or dare.” He smirked.
“Yes,” Hinata bounced up and down excitedly.
Suga knew this was a bad idea and though he could make it worse. He went quickly inside and come back with vodka and shot glasses.
“We should play with punishments if you don’t want to do the question or dare.” He suggest.
Everyone agreed and Tanaka volunteered to start.
“Asahi, truth or dare?” He asked
“But babe that’s so boring.” Noya sighed.
“Ok Asahi how many times have you and Noya done it in the club room?”
Asahi blushed, “14 times.” 
“Damn!” Tanaka laughed.
“Ennoshita, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” he smiled.
“Remove one article of clothing.” Asahi said and Noya had strategically whispered to him.
“I didn’t really expect this from you,” Ennoshita said has he removed his shirt.
Suga kept catching Tanaka looking at him.
“Tsukishima, truth it dare?” 
“Tell me what you and Yamaguchi did after you left”
Kei smirked and disappointed everyone by taking a shot. 
“Ok Kageyama, truth or dare?”
“Dare” He said confidently.
“Kiss Hinata.”
Everyone laughed and Kageyama looked like he was gonna be sick. Mind you it wasn’t because he had to kiss a guy, no, it was because the guy he was kissing was Hinata. Hinata on the other hand looked a little too excited for his dare.
“Fine,” he snapped, “come here Boke.”
Hinata scooted closed and Kageyama grabbed his chin, pulling him in for a kiss. Noya whooped when they separated. Kageyama’s face went bright red.
“Suga, truth or dare?”
“Make Daichi moan.” Kageyama said.
“I can’t say I’m surprised, but I would prefer to do that in private.” Suga took a shot.
Daichi shifted awkwardly beside Suga, badly covering up how flustered he was from just that phrase. 
“Alright how about Hinata.” Suga said seeking revenge.
“Sit in Kageyama’s lap for the rest of the game.” Suga smirked at Kageyama.
Hinata happily scooted into Kageyama’s lap.
“Hey Noya, truth or dare?”
“Dare!” Noya said proudly, “ who you I be if I didn’t pick dare.”
“Give Asahi a hickey.” Hinata dared.
“Anytime.” Noya winked and moved to get better access to his next. 
Noya proceeded to kiss and suck at Asahi’s neck. Asahi kept his eye glued on the sky. He was trying to hide the fact he was biting his lip. Suga had been around then long enough to know about Asahi’s mark kink and he chuckled. 
Noya pulled back after a few minutes to reveal about 4 bruises.
“Damn Noya I only said one.”
“What can I say. Tanaka, truth or dare?” Noya had an evil look in his eyes.
“Dare, I never back down from a challenge.” 
“Oh I’m holding you too that,” Noya grinned, “Lick Ennoshita’s abs,” 
Tanaka hesitated. Kei and Tadashi did a bad job of hiding there laughter. 
“As long as he’s ok with it.”
Ennoshita’s face was painful red, “I’d rather you not.”
Tanaka smiled, “fine by me,” he took a shot.
“I’m so tired.” Hinata grumbled and leaned onto Kagayama’s shoulder.
None of them had realized how late it was.
“Ok kids bed time,” Suga got up, “if you aren’t tired you can stay up, but I swear to god if you mess a single thing up it’s over for you.”
Everyone nodded.
Suga grabbed Ennoshita before he could head inside.
“I have an idea.” Suga said.
“Oh do tell.”
Tune in Tuesday for Suga creating chaos, Kei being down horrendous, too many mentions of yung gravy, and Yamaguchi wearing what!
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crazy4dragons · 4 years
Everything Will Be Okay
Astrid comforts Hiccup after he finds out his injuries from a car accident are more serious than he thought. Pure fluff! Like Heaven AU. Hiccstrid are about 16 here.
Hearing her phone ring, Astrid turned her attention away from her homework and looked at the caller ID.
Hiccup 😜
“Hey, Hiccup,”  she greeted as she accepted the call.
“Are you busy?” came Hiccup’s voice through the speaker.
“I’m just doing homework. Why, what’s up?”
Hiccup sighed. “I had physical therapy today. You know, for my leg. And my therapist told me that I’m not making the progress he thought I would.”
“Listen, you shattered your bone pretty badly. And with the fracture in your ankle, too, it might take longer than expected for everything to heal all the way.”
“That’s the thing, Astrid. It’s not going to heal all the way.” Hiccup’s voice cracked. “The doctors are recommending I get a second surgery. And if that doesn’t work, I might have to use a wheelchair off and on for the rest of my life. Or maybe just a cane if I’m lucky, but I don’t want to be walking around like an old man with a walking stick. Do you know how much I’ll get teased at school? If I can ever go back to school?”
“But there’s also a chance the second surgery could work, right?”
“I guess, but even if it does, my limp will never go away permanently.” He sniffled.
Astrid frowned. “Hiccup? Are you crying?”
He didn’t reply.
“Are you still there? Hiccup?”
“Can you…can you come over? I need you,” Hiccup said, still sniffling. “And if it’s okay with your mom, do you think you could just stay the night?”
“I’ll ask, but she might say no because it’s a school night. Are your parents there?”
“Yeah, both of them are here. I’ll be honest with you, Astrid, I cried the whole way home from physical therapy, and cried more when we got home. My mom sat with me for a while, but she thought that maybe it would help take my mind off of everything if you came over.”
Astrid shut her laptop and, putting her phone on speaker and resting it on her desk, began to pack up her school supplies. “Yeah, I can come for at least a couple hours. I’ll check with my mom about sleeping over, too. Is there anything you want me to bring?”
“No. But if you’re down to cuddle, that would be great.”
“Of course I am.”
“Great. Well, I’ll let you go, then. Do you need my dad to come pick you up?”
“No, I can walk.”
“But Astrid, it’s freezing out. And dark.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll ask my dad come get you. I’ll tell him to be there in fifteen.”
“Okay, if you insist. I’ll talk to my mom about the sleepover and text you to let you know what she says.”
“Sounds good. See you in a bit, then.”
“See you. Bye.”
Twenty minutes later, Astrid walked into Hiccup’s house, her overnight bag over her shoulder and a pillow under her arm.
“Hello, dear,” greeted Valka. “I’m so glad you could come. Hiccup could really use a friend.”
“Is he in his room?”
“Yes, love, he’s in his room. Did you have dinner yet? Stoick made pan-seared salmon and noodles. We have leftovers if you’re hungry.”
“No, I didn’t have dinner yet. Do you mind if I bring a plate to Hiccup’s room?”
Valka looked at the things in Astrid’s arms. “Why don’t you go on up and get settled in, and I’ll bring it up to you?”
“Thank you,” smiled the blonde. She ascended the stars and knocked on Hiccup’s door. “Hey, it’s me.”
“Come in.”
Astrid twisted the doorknob and, after putting her bag and pillow down, shuffled over to where Hiccup was sitting with red eyes and a box of tissues and wrapped him in a hug. “You know, no matter what happens, you’ll still have me.”
Unable to hold back his tears, Hiccup broke out into a sob. “I just want to be normal,” he cried, burying his face into Astrid’s shoulder.
“Shhh, it’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay,” repeated Astrid, running her fingers through his hair and hugging him closer. By the time Valka came upstairs with her dinner, he had stopped crying and settled back against the pillows, clutching Astrid’s hand for comfort.
“Here you go, Astrid,” Valka said, handing the blonde a warm plate of food. “And what about you, dear? How are you feeling?” She bent down and kissed Hiccup’s forehead. “Do you want any dessert? Or a soda?”
Hiccup shook his head. “No thanks, Mom.”
“Alright, well if you change your mind, just call me. I’ll be back to say goodnight in a little while. Just try not to worry too much, okay? I love you.”
“Love you, Mom.” Hiccup briefly hugged his mother before turning back to Astrid. “I’m just tired of the hospital. And surgery. And being stuck in bed. And I know the kids at school are gonna tease me if I show up with a cane. Or even a wheelchair.”
“They’re jerks if they tease you,” said Astrid, scooping noodles into her mouth. “But as for me, I’d much rather have you alive and needing a little help to walk than have you in your grave. Do you know how worried I was when I heard you were in an accident? And how scared I was when you were in your coma?”
“The coma was only two days,” Hiccup pointed out. “And seeing that I don’t remember it, it’s the least of my worries.”
“But from my perspective, all I could think about was, what if I lose my best friend?”
“And what kind of a friend will I be if I can’t do anything with you besides sit and talk?”  
“I like talking to you,” shrugged Astrid.  “And besides, you’ll be able to move around more soon. Even if it’s with some help. You’ll adapt.” She took a bite of fish. “You want any of this?”
He shook his head. “I already had some.”
“How about you put on Netflix or something so we can find a show to watch? As soon as I’m done eating, I’ll cuddle with you, too. I put on cozy clothes before I came here just for that reason.”
“What time are you getting up for school tomorrow?” Hiccup asked as he grabbed the remote.
“Six. I’ll try to leave without waking you, but I do have to give a warning that I have to set an alarm for myself.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like I I can’t go back to sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Are you still getting your assignments e-mailed to you?”
“Yeah. Right now I’m working on the project for my history elective, so at least I have something keeping me busy.”
“And you’re still making drawings to go with it?” Astrid asked between bites.
Hiccup nodded. “Yeah, wanna see?” He reached over and grabbed his sketchbook from the bedside table. “Here’s Thor and his hammer. And here’s some dragons. And here’s Freja and her cats.”
“They’re awesome.”
“I still have to color them in. I also have to draw Loki and Odin. And I want to do a scene of Vikings sitting in the Great Hall listening to stories. Then I have to get all these drawings on a poster and write a few paragraphs of background research for each of them. What about you? Any big projects you have to finish?”
“I have my AP bio exam coming up soon. That’s kicking my ass right now.” Astrid finished up her food and laid her plate aside. “But it’s okay.”
“And how’s it going with your boyfriend?”
“You mean David? He’s not my official boyfriend yet,” laughed Astrid. “But he is taking me out again on Friday night.”
“Is he treating you good?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t have agreed to a second date if he wasn’t.” She snuggled against Hiccup’s side. “By the way, what are we gonna watch?”
“Will you hate me if I put on Vikings? I know how much you love historical dramas.”
Astrid laughed. “Put on whatever you want. I’ll just snooze. But wake me up when this episode is over because I need a shower before bed.” She draped an arm across his middle.
Grinning, Hiccup pressed the play button before tossing the remote aside and hugging the blonde. “Your boyfriend won’t mind us cuddling, will he?” He winked.
Astrid playfully punched his bicep. “He’s not my boyfriend!” she insisted.
“That’s what you say,” teased Hiccup.
“And even if he was, he wouldn’t be any longer if he had a problem with our friendship.”
“Aww, you’d break up with your crush for me?”
“Of course. Friends come first.” She tugged the duvet over their bodies and kissed his tear-stained cheek. “I mean it. No matter what happens, I’m here for you.”
“Thanks,” returned Hiccup, squeezing her tighter and rubbing his nose against the side of her face. “And thanks for coming here tonight. This is exactly what I needed.”
“You’re allowed to kiss me, you know,” laughed Astrid as she felt him nuzzle her cheek. “You don’t have to do whatever this is.” She reached up and flicked the tip of his nose.
Smiling, Hiccup pressed kisses into Astrid’s hair and against her cheek. “There, is that enough for you?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged playfully. “Maybe one more.”
Hiccup gave her cheek one last kiss before burying his face against her shoulder.
A warm feeling surged through Astrid’s veins as she let out a contented sigh and closed her eyes. “Alright. I’m gonna nap now. Remember, wake me up after this episode is over.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t,” teased Hiccup.
“Unless you want me to walk around school smelling like a yak tomorrow, you’ll wake me.” She snuggled into his chest. “And Hiccup?”
“Everything will be okay.”
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navyhyuck · 3 years
do you mind if i ask you about your stats like act gpa and classes you’ve taken since freshman year (ik you haven’t gotten into college but i noticed that you said you’re doing ap testing so i assumed you’re a junior) but only if you’re comfy!!! thanks and good luck 😊😊😊
hi love, i’d be glad to hehe (and yes i am a junior! but fair warning that my stats are simply that, mine, so please do not compare yourself to me or anyone else for that matter! not saying my stats are stellar LOL but moving on):
1410 sat with essay (730 rw and 680 math and a 16/24 on the essay which is now no longer part of the exam so), i didn’t take the act! my gpa rn is 3.8 unweighted (4.0 weighted) and okay,
freshman yr: honors history (B+ yikes i thought it was an A), honors english (i think a B+ my teacher hated me), and honors biology (a B but barely it was a traumatic time), geometry cp/academic (A+), french 1 cp/academic (A+), accounting 1 (A+) + two required electives that i got As in
sophomore yr: honors english (A+), honors chemistry (B+ yikes i also thought this was an A), and apush year 1 (B+ absolutely a nightmare i hate this class), precalculus cp/academic (A plus i took algebra II the summer before soph year to bump up a level), french 2 cp/academic (A+), a&p + med. phys. (these were two semester classes but got As in both) + two random semester electives that were so useless (i took fucking culinary and learned about eggs pls don’t be like me)
junior yr: honors english (A), honors genetics (A, this is a supplemental class to ap bio at my school so idk if it’s offered everywhere), ap biology (B+, we don’t talk about this either), ap macroeconomics (A+), ap us history (A, my school does two years), calculus cp/academic (A), french 3 cp/academic (A)
senior yr (prospective classes but we’ll see): ap physics 1, ap literature and language, ap calculus ab, french 4 cp/academic, + two semester electives + a required elective i didn’t fucking fulfill in sophomore year for the reason that i’m a dumb bitch and took culinary arts instead wtf
tbh grades aren’t everything. there’s always extracurriculars and volunteer work and your essay and letters of rec so!! just try your best in class bc at the end of the day, you will be going to college (and it doesn’t matter if it’s not harvard ok)!! :)
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ceruleanmusings · 4 years
bike built for two | scott x tessa
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Because I couldn’t come up with a better title. Anyway! A little gift for @isaaclahys​ because apparently it’s super easy for me to write when I’m not agonizing writing my own ships. Somehow after sharing my writing woes with you and creating a writing plan, this idea smacked me upside the head and I had to bang it out while I have the inspiration. So have Scott and Tessa being all cute on a nice bike ride! (Also tagging @sgtbuckyybarnes​ for a few Perrie mentions.)
The heavy thud of a helmet dropping onto the table jerked Tessa out of her advanced placement biology haze, yanking her out of the riveting world of enzymes. Her fisted hand, which had previously been acting as a pseudo pillow on her cheek, landed on the table as she jerked upright, startled. Eyes wide, lips parting in a ready effort to apologize to the librarian, her panicked disposition eased at the sight of Scott’s lopsided smile.
“What’re you doing here?” Tessa asked, leaning back in her chair, arms stretched above her head. She sighed at the cracks and pops that ran up her stretched spine. Geeze, how long had she been sitting in that chair?
“Liam said you were studying and may need a ride home,” he explained, drumming his fingers on the crown of the helmet. What once used to be stark white was now mottled with dirt smears and cracks.
She froze midway through a yawn, her face sticking mid-contort with her tongue sticking out. His smile pulled back further on the side and he pushed a laugh through his nose. A burning flush crept up her neck and she leaned forward, settling her chair back on four legs. “Did he?” she mumbled, reaching for her phone. She noticed the little blue light blinking in the top left corner and then remembered. Her phone was on silent. She always silences her phone when she’s studying AP Bio. Because even though she needed the class it could still kiss her ass.
Swiping the screen with her thumb, she unlocked it and read the message Liam had sent an hour and a half ago, judging by the time stamp:
Nvm got a ride home frm Mase Don’t study 2 hard I’m sndin Scott if u don’t hve a ride
Tessa’s eyelid twitched, whether it was at the sight of Liam’s horrendous texting shortcuts or from the weight of studying for so long smacking into her, she didn’t know. Letting out a long breath, she rubbed at her eyes and then turned a smile up at Scott. “I appreciate it. You didn’t have to wait for me.”
“Oh, uhm, I kind of didn’t.” At her probing gaze, Scott rubbed the back of his neck. The thick denim material of his favorite riding jacket strained beneath his flexing arm. Tessa’s eyes traced the curve of the bulge a few seconds too long. “I kind of had detention.”
“You?” Her head tilted to the side. “All the teachers love you. What did you do?”
“I kind of fell asleep in English class.” His smile, so sheepish, pulled his lower lip in between his teeth and Tessa had a flash of wondering what that lip would feel like between her teeth. With a good shake of her head and a plastered on smile she forced that thought away, hoping beyond hope that her increased heartbeat didn’t
“Yeah, well, you get a werewolf pass due to your extracurriculars.”
“Not from Mr. Brady. Anyway…I came to see if you were still here. I called your name a couple times. Guess you didn’t hear me. Ap Bio’s rough, huh?”
“Yeah but…” she shrugged, “if I want to be anything like my dad, I need to take the class.”
Scott nodded. “I get it.”
And she knew he did. Wanting to become a veterinarian himself wasn’t an easy feat. She wasn’t as surprised as Kira and Lydia were when he first dropped into the seat next to her on the first day of classes. They even spoke about it when picking classes last semester, before the school year ended. He’d been going back and forth about it for ages, whether to stay on the normal science track or take the risk and try for the advanced placement. He didn’t feel like he was fit for it, smart for it, right for it. Tessa had no problems telling him all the ways he was wrong. It took her two hours by phone and she missed her nightly skype call with Perrie to do it but it was worth it. It was worth Perrie’s (exaggerated) wrath of being slighted to see the pride in his eye when he managed an A-minus on their first test. Scott didn’t have enough faith in himself; if she needed to slap him with a good dose of faith, so be it.
“So.” He tapped an uneven beat on his helmet and then picked it up, spinning it between his fingers. “Ready to go?”
“Home. Right, yes!” Tessa squeezed her eyes shut and quelled another yawn. Huh, maybe he came at the right time. “Just let me stop by my locker first.”
“No problem. Take your time.”
Tessa gathered up her books and, standing, nestled them into the crook of her elbow. She quickly glanced around the table, ensuring that she snatched up the candy bar wrapper that she left behind before the librarian saw it. (She was a total stickler for the rules, no eating or drinking being the biggest one. She apparently didn’t care when they were all biting their nails as exams came around.) As she lifted her backpack off the back of the chair her hair fell into her face. She blew it away a couple of times, grumbling as she lifted her strap up to her shoulder.
Fingers brushed against her cheek. She froze, a stirring kicking around in her stomach as she followed the fingers up to a palm and then down the denim-clad arm up to Scott’s smiling face. A shiver rolled down her spine at his gentle touch, as he pushed her hair behind her ear, his thumb brushing against her cheek. Her quick choice of a half-updo that morning came with more benefits than just appearing put together at the last minute, apparently.
“Thanks,” she said, managing a smile.
Scott shrugged a shoulder. “No problem.”
No problem. As if he were helping out a friend. Of course. Because that’s what they were. Just friends.
They walked shoulder to shoulder out of the library and through the different levels of the school until they reached the bank of senior lockers. Tessa quickly spun the dial on her metallic red lock to Liam’s numbers—09 for his lacrosse number, 27 for the day he was born, and 02 for being the second favorite child in the family—and threw her books in. She could deal without AP Bio for one night. She could only hope Ms. Finch didn’t throw a pop quiz at them.
Unzipping her bag, she swapped out a few of her notebooks, double checked she had her calculator for math, crossed off the day on her mini magnetic calendar hanging amongst the pictures of her and her friends, grabbed the jacket she’d borrowed from Lydia, making a mental note to clean it and bring it back the next day, and shoved it unceremoniously into her bag. (Another note: get out the wrinkles before Lydia stabs you with a heel). When she turned, Scott’s eyebrows lifted.
“Ready?” he asked, spinning his keys around his finger.
She nodded. “Ready.”
Except what she wasn’t ready for was approaching the lone motorcycle in the parking lot and suddenly remembering that—duh!—it was what he’d taken today and she’d have to get on it. Her fingers tightened against the strap of her bag and her lips pressed together. How the entire existence of his helmet wasn’t a clue to her made her mentally slap herself and tell herself that maybe Perrie was right and she did need a break from studying. How could she miss that?
Scott loved that bike. He kept it clean and kept up with the oil change and the maintenance and made sure to get the inspection done as early as possible. Even if a little bug got smashed on the number plate at the front he’d be sure it was gone before his next trip. As if sensing her growing apprehension Scott flashed a smile at her over his shoulder, “Don’t worry, I’m a safe driver.”
It wasn’t him she was worried about; it was everyone else. Everyone else and their blind spots. Everyone else and their blind spots and the sheer statistics of motorcycle accidents that her father had drilled into her head ever since she brought up the idea of following in his medical footsteps. Because she needed to see the reality of the world, he’d said. Needed to know what happens when people play games in traffic, he said. Needed to really get what could happen when no one was paying attention, he said.
She saw it, she knew it, she got it. And it’s why she’d avoided getting on that thing ever since the moment Scott walked away from Crowe’s Nest Cycles with keys in his tight fist. Since then, as far as she knew, only Isaac and Kira got rides on it. Hell, if Stiles wouldn’t sit on it she wouldn’t either (hey, he had to be right about something sometime.)
But then Scott flashed that smile at her and she felt her resolve crumbling. Scott wouldn’t let her get hurt, she told herself as she watched him lift the bike seat to bring out another helmet. This one was red. She’d seen Kira in it before. Her mouth twisted for a brief moment at the thought and then pushed it away. They were good. They were friends. No sense in getting bent out of shape. Before you get bent up being flung over the handlebars! her mind screamed. She batted that away.
“You have a jacket right? That one from your locker?” Scott asked her. She nodded. “You might want to put that on. Just in case. Not that I don’t like your shirt.” He nodded towards her scoop neck tie-dye tee; an afternoon diy stress reliever she made with Perrie, Kira, and Mel. Hers was the only one that ended up looking like an actual tie dye shirt compared to their blotted creations. “But, I mean, it looks a lot better when you don’t have road rash.”
She nodded but couldn’t unlock her elbows from being pinned to her sides as she stared at the green bike. Statistics flashed through her mind. Did you know motorcyclists face more injuries and fatalities than cars? Did you know motorcycles make up 14% of all traffic deaths? Did you know in 42% of all fatal car accidents the vehicle was turning left when a biker was overtaking? Sheesh, if her father wanted to scare her away from something, he really knew how to make a lasting impression.
“Hey.” The tender tone to Scott’s words made her blink and then suck in a breath. He stood so close; she could almost feel the heat radiating off his skin. She could smell the distinct spicy scent of his body wash wafting off him, crashing over her. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you. Okay?” He grasped her elbows and gave them a squeeze. “I’ll drive slow.”
His thumbs rubbing over the joints of her elbows—or the lateral condyle as her bio book said—and that was it. She came undone. “Okay,” she said, nodding, swallowing the lump that had risen in her throat.
“Okay,” he repeated. He stepped away and she almost made a noise at the lack of heat near her. Get a grip, Dunbar. This isn’t friend behavior! She turned away from him, ducking her head to wiggle the jacket out of her backpack. She zipped it back up and put it on. It was a little thick for April but it would do on short notice. He held out the spare helmet to her and she took it, briefly look at her reflection in the visor and pulled it down over her head.
The cushioned inside squeezed her face but after a few seconds it grew comfortable. Scott stepped forward and adjusted the strap and then wiggled her head, making sure it fit properly. When he was satisfied, he gave a thumbs up which she mimicked. He slid his helmet over his head with ease, keeping the visor open as he went back to the bike. He stuck the keys in the ignition, swung his leg over the bike, settled on, turned it on, lifted the kickstand, and—
Tessa jumped when the motorcycle roared to life, easing into a settled purr a few seconds later. He pulled on some gloves and then turned to Tessa. “Okay,” he called out over the noise, “you’re going to get on the back. Your feet go here; keep them there. Don’t take them off unless I’m stopped. Don’t touch the exhaust pipe or muffler, you’ll get burned. It gets pretty hot.”
I bet it does, she thought, her eyes roaming Scott from head to toe. It was one thing seeing him ride around on the bike it was another to…experience that up close. The air of danger that came of him in waves and called out to her, dare her to get closer.
“…and lean when I lean. Got it?”
“Oh, yeah! Got it!” Tessa blinked and shook her head and approached the vibrating bike. She eyed where he said to put her feet and, after taking a breath, mounted. It wasn’t too graceful, she felt like a dog lifting their leg for a moment, but managed to settle on and scooted forward until she was comfortable enough in the seat. The vibrating metal beneath her matched the vibrating in her heart as her knees rested on either side of his thighs.
“You’re gonna need to hold on,” Scott called out.
Hold on. Right. Easy enough. She breathed out, breathed in, and leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his midsection, pressing into his back. She thanked god for having the helmet on to cover the bright blush that pooled into her cheeks as she felt his stomach expand and contract with every breath.
Reaching down, Scott patted her crossed arms and then lowered his visor with a snap. “Here we go!” He said and, with a twist of the throttle, he hit the gas.
A little shriek escaped her throat as they gained speed in what felt like the space of a blink, feeling the pull of drag on her body. She held on tighter, the thought of how is this slow? raced through her mind as he pulled out of the school parking lot and took off down the street.
Beacon Hills by motorcycle may as well be a different world than Beacon Hills by car. Being out on the road, wind and scenery rushing by them, her heart thumping beneath the roar of the engine. It was…exhilarating, actually. Nothing around but the road and the lush green trees and the jewel toned sky and the boy with a soft heart. A grin split her face and she rested against his back, tense muscles relaxing.
It wasn’t until they finally came across a red light, the same one she, Lydia, and Allison stopped at the night of the deer accident, that reality came back to her. She tapped him on the shoulder and Scott’s helmeted head turned sideways. “I don’t live this way!” she called to him.
“I know,” he called back. “I’m taking the long way. You doin’ okay?”
Doing okay? She was…she was…hmm. She was with Scott, riding around the empty streets on the edge of Beacon Hills, not being peeled off the ground. And he was taking the long way. To make her more comfortable or just to spend extra time with her, either way, it was sweet, and she was going to recount every minute to Perrie for sure.
In short: she was awesome.
“So, uh…since we’re taking the long way…do you think we could make a pitstop?”
He shrugged. “Sure. Any place in particular?”
“Ruby’s?” Her stomach growled at the thought of going to the city’s teen hangout, a diner in downtown Beacon Hills that had the best shakes and burgers to offer. “My treat.”
He shook his head. “My mom wouldn’t let me take you home and eat with you without offering my share. My treat.”
“Fine.” Tessa’s hidden smile magnified her words. “Then I get the tip.”
The light turned green and Scott surged forward. This time Tessa let out a little laugh, the noise being carried away by the wind as she held on a little tighter.
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koutawoo · 4 years
woo-chan the teachs wont give me the time to finish this match jkdcsjkc. WHY NOW. EXAMS. And they put them in a way that destroys my free time. A literature exam today in my free time. A bio tomorrow. Another one two days later and I'm supposed to have free time on Mondays...LET ME FINISH THIS U DEMONS_cognizant anon. Also Woo chan you are so cute and kind to everyone :3
Also I've kinda messed up my studying for the uni exam (which is next year jdschk). Like I have no hope and don't really believe in myself. I also can never concentrate eeee
fhasgjhdkasf use the match as motivation to study and pass ur exams 😭😭 but same though?? do my summer course professors think i’m only taking ONE course?? 
omg that sounds horrible. reminds me of when i took a lot of advance placement (ap) classes and practically had an exam every week dsajdkjs i’m praying for u pls don’t pass away (and no i’m not >:(  )
ahhh, i felt the same way? except i didn’t study much for it. like studying would help, yes, but they’re essentially aptitude exams. they’re exams that are suppose to measure ur accumulated knowledge so to me i felt like there was no point in cramming a year before when it was suppose to measure the development of my intelligence over like 16/17 years fjhdkfjs or maybe i’m just lazy and was trying to reason for my lack of effort HAHAH tldr; ur not alone and everyone’s trying!! (i suck at advice but) if u don’t believe in urself, then who will? u have the power to influence how well u’ll do on ur exam so it’s best to do what u think will be best for u until it’s too late and u start regretting. and if u don’t have hope, find hope in ur family? maybe they can offer u some words. and even if u don’t believe in urself, u could still try to do ur best. esp if u have a motivation!! i often think about my parents (and cry when i think about their hardships) and how i’d like to make their lives better so that motivates me to study haha
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addierose444 · 4 years
AP Experience
If you’re a high school student, you may have just wrapped up your AP exams. And yes, I know that this year's APs were a totally different format. You may be wondering if they were worth it. Here is my experience thus far.
In high school, I took all of the AP courses that my school offered (with the exception of AP Spanish). Taking these challenging courses made high school a lot more fun and prepared me well for the classes here at Smith. While it is important to challenge yourself, it is by no means necessary to take all of the AP courses offered (especially if there are a lot of them). Also know that admissions officers understand that not all schools offer APs or the IB program. 
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I earned 4s on the Chemistry and Physics C Mechanics exams. This allowed me to earn credit for Chemistry I (CHM 111) and Physics I (PHY 117), both required courses for the engineering major. Back in high school, I almost didn't take the physics exam since I assumed that I would retake physics regardless. In hindsight, I am really glad that I did take (and pass) these exams as doing so enabled me to place out of the introductory classes. This significantly freed up my schedule for non-STEM courses and enabled me to jump straight into the more challenging STEM courses. (Check out the classes I have taken at Smith here). Before officially deciding to skip the introductory courses, I consulted other engineering students as well as my advisor. 
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As I am not interested in chemical engineering, my two years of high school chemistry should be ample preparation. Chemistry is a prerequisite for thermodynamics (EGR 290), which is a core engineering course. Therefore, it is still to be seen if testing out of CHM 111 was a good idea. It is worth noting that there is an accelerated general chemistry class (CHM 118) that covers the material in CHM 111 and CHM 224. This is a great chemistry course for students who took AP in high school but perhaps only scored a 3 the exam or just want the review. In terms of physics, I took PHY 118 this past semester and was well prepared. In fact, my high school physics class had already covered topics such as oscillations and waves. The first week I was a bit worried about my preparedness, but quickly found that PHY 118 was definitely the right class to be in. It also proved to be my favorite class of the spring semester. For students that took both AP Physics C courses, it may be worthwhile to take PHY 119 for review of mechanics and electricity and magnetism. It is worth noting that while PHY 119 can (with adequate preparation) be taken instead of PHY 117 and PHY 118, it doesn’t cover all of the topics.  
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I also earned 5s on the Biology, Statistics, and Computer Science A exams. On my transcript, I earned credit for BIO 1XX and SDS 201. While the engineering major usually requires SDS 220, my score on the statistics exam allows me to take a higher-level statistics course like SDS 290 or SDS 291. Note that this is different than the above examples of chemistry and physics where the credit can be applied directly to my major. Having this course flexibility is fantastic because I am hoping to take statistics abroad and finding an exact substitute for SDS 220 would be very difficult. While Smith doesn’t award AP credit for computer science, my prior experience allowed me to pass a placement test to test out of CSC 111. To read more about how I prepared for the placement test, click here. In terms of biology, I can apply the credit towards the 64-credits outside of my computer science major. At the beginning of high school I planned on only taking AP Chemistry and AP Physics. While biology is my least favorite of the main sciences (physics, chemistry, and biology) taking AP Biology was one of the best decisions I made. For starters, it was a fun class and / because I had a fantastic teacher. But the real reason is that I will probably never take another biology class, so having taken AP Biology in high school makes it all the more worthwhile. In summary, taking classes that are applicable to your projected major is definitely helpful but other courses are far from useless. 
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In general, Smith accepts AP exam scores of 4 or 5. For AP course equivalencies, click here. Engineers can also reference the below table. Up to 16 credits of AP and other pre-matriculation credit can be applied to a Smith degree. You can also read about the specific rules here. Outside of AP exams, Smith also awards credit for most high-level  IB exams (5s, 6s, and 7s) and A-Levels (As and Bs). In terms of placement (but not credit), some departments offer their own placement tests. For instance, it is highly recommended to take language placement tests even if you already took the AP. 
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studystarss · 5 years
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guide to sat subject tests
hey y’all! today, for my first masterpost ever, i am going to discuss sat subject tests. i’ll also provide some of the resources i used that may help you as well. i personally took math 2, us history, and bio, so a majority of my expertise is in these areas.
so first, what are subject tests?
subject tests are standardized tests in specific subjects areas that some colleges want you take. while some straight up require them others say they are recommended or only for certain programs (mainly engineering). i personally took subject tests in case any of the schools i am applying to changed their requirements and also just to complement my application
so which subject tests should i take, and when should i take them?
i took my subject tests the june after my junior year. some people take them sophomore year if they took any aps. others take it in may before the ap tests. i personally reccommend you take them after the school year is over in june. if you take them before hand, you may not know all the content. and if you take them in september or october, you will forget.
i would take the subject tests that are required for the program you are applying to or the ones you have taken the ap course on. i took ap bio and us history, so i knew i was going to take those. i also took math 2 as a back-up test if one of my scores was not good.
cool, so how do i study for them?
honestly, the subject tests are just like trivia, and hard to self study for. i would recommend using some of the resources i link below and maybe buying a study aid book for practice tests.
reviewing your notes is also a great idea. i am rolling out more master posts on subjects i have studied in the next few weeks!
resources to use
quizlets: these are the best way to study. give yourself at least a month to go through the sets
*i didn’t include language or math, as you just have to know the language/subject*
us history
world history
practice questions: this is great to see the questions and practice
questions for all sat subject tests
us history practice
world history practice
math 2 practice
math 1 practice
literature practice
bio practice
physics practice
chem practice
all languages
free full length tests
anything else?
yes! you should know a couple of key pieces of information about the exam
there is a guessing penalty so only answer the questions you are confident in
don’t stress about these tests— they are only a complement and are not required by a majority of schools. think of them as an “odd flex”— if they are good submit them, if not, no big deal
best of luck to everyone considering taking subject tests. if you have any questions, feel free to ask. go get that subject test bread!
p.s. want to see a specific master post? comment or DM me!!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
First things first...name, please? Robyn.
Are you in high school, middle school, college? I’m supposed to be in college but I only had two months of classes for my final semester ever and I’ll always be pretty bummed about that. For now all that’s left to do/wait for is to graduate. Which grade did you just complete? The sem isn’t ending until April 30th but I’m virtually pretty much finished with my senior year of college/university. Which class was the easiest? Throughout college my easiest class was Biology 1, actually. I already loved biology from high school and given that the class I took in college was the most basic bio course being offered (and also the fact that I had spent the year before studying for college entrance exams which all had a big chunk of biology questions), I was already very familiar with the information being taught. Which one was the hardest? A stupid Econ elective that I didn’t even want to take. I only took it because it was required for us journalism majors. Philosophy 1 was also difficult and that’s mainly because I find studying philo so boring.
What was your final GPA? Nothing’s finalized yet but I’m currently at 1.47. Trying to pull it up to at least a 1.45, but we’ll see by the end of the sem.   Did you take any AP/honors classes? We don’t have that in UP. I think the other uni across the road has honors majors for those who scored higher in the entrance exams, but I don’t know that for sure. Who was your favorite teacher and why? I loved my international relations prof because he was very passionate about his pol sci specialization and was able to explain all of our topics and all concepts exceptionally well. I took one big risk taking a very unfamiliar and very advanced pol sci class and was scared in the beginning but he was such an amazing teacher that there was nothing to be scared of at all. Who was your least favorite teacher and why? My Contemporary History of the Philippines was so...all over the place. I was the beadle for his class and I always saw how unprepared he was whether with his Powerpoints, the topics he taught, right down to the questions he’d ask in class. The last straw for me was when he made us decide what we wanted to do for our final exam. Which classes did you take this year? I only had class for two months but I had the Rizal course (mandatory for all colleges/universities), History of Women in the Philippines, Online Journalism, Community Press, Business Reporting, and my PE class for table tennis. I was also enrolled in J 200 which is essentially our thesis but there weren’t any physical classes for it. What was the most memorable event? The first ones that popped in my head were the times I watched my first Oblation Run, and my first time seeing a rally. Did you attend any school dances? Which ones? In high school I went to a prom and a ball. With the pandemic issue still going around, I doubt the graduating class this year will be having the usual senior party/dinner/dance thingy.   Did you have a boyfriend this year at school? I had a girlfriend. How many guys did you have a crush on? I liked one guy when I was in high school, Lance. The crush didn’t last long because after observing him for a while I had to acknowledge that we had very different personalities. I didn’t and haven’t had any crushes, other than Gab, in college. Were you involved in any clubs? Yeah I joined one of the two journalism organizations in my college, and in my senior year I also joined the yearbook team. When I was a freshman I tried to join the biggest LGBT+ org in the university but I found the application process super daunting and scary for an introvert like myself, so I ghosted them :/ I also tried to join AIESEC but their org culture is very different from what I was used to that I had to fake it there every day; eventually I got tired of faking so I had to halt my application process. Where did you usually eat lunch? I usually never had time to go to Area 2 to get a legit lunch but thankfully there are several food stalls near all the buildings so when I’m rushing to my next class, I get instant noodles and kwek-kwek to eat inside the classroom. If I’m lucky enough to have a lunch break I’ll eat at Skywalk. Who is graduating this year that you are sad to see leave? I’m in the graduating batch, so I’m sad over not only leaving my underclassmen friends behind but also parting with my fellow graduating friends. Did you have any siblings at your school this year? Nope. Nina goes to a different school and it’s all the way in Manila. Did you ever get detention? We don’t have detention from preschool to college. Did you fail any classes? I never failed a class in college, though my lowest mark was a 2.50 in stupid econ. What is one interesting thing about your school? The Diliman commune was an event in 1971 when students, professors, and staff alike protested the oil price hike during the Marcos admin. They barricaded the roads with chairs and desks to keep the police and military from coming in, physics professors made molotovs to keep the military helicopters away, and classes were suspended for those few days; at one point a math prof who was known to be pro-admin also shot a 17 year old student. It ended a little after a week but I’m not super aware of the events at that point.
Did you have uniforms or free dress? Free dress. UP is as liberal as liberal gets, in every way possible.
Which classes will you be taking next year? :D Did you play any sports after school? Which ones? No, I’m not in varsity nor am I part of any sports orgs. Are you going to the same school next year? I’m graduating. I wish I can stay in UP forever, though.
Now let's focus on summer!
Are you excited that school is over? I’m miserable that it was over so fast. I wish I said yes to more lunches, more drinking seshes, more dinners, etc.
What are you going to do over the summer? This lockdown is already kind of like my summer, my final summer ever that is. I’ve been home for so long that I’m already looking at this as what was supposed to have been my unemployment break if the year happened normally; I’m definitely gonna have to get a job ASAP after this.
Are you going to change anything about yourself over the summer? I’m gonna be hunting for my first job, for one.
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realtalk-tj · 6 years
Im a freshman who is at TJ for bio (i love it) but I don't like and am not very good at math cs tech. I've found TJ to be incredibly stressful so far and am not sure if it's worth staying here as I don't love it and APs at my base school or the IB program may be a better fit. I also don't have many friends here. Im not at a breaking point yet and I don't want to leave as its a big permanent change and I dont want to have to start again at a new school. But I feel like im missing out on life
Response from Firenze:
If you don’t like math, cs, and tech, you don’t have to do nearly as much of them after freshman year. Nothing is required past foundations of CS and Design and Tech, and depending on what math class you’re in now you may be able to take AB Calculus as a junior and then be done with math entirely. So it gets better on that front; I can tell you as someone who can’t stand tech myself. If I were you, I would think seriously about whether the many biology electives TJ offers are worth it to you. You could stick around fill your schedule as a junior and a senior with DNA science and neurobiology and all the rest of it.
I’m sorry that you don’t feel like you have many friends, and I’m not quite sure what advice to give you there. Switching to a new school would put you almost back at square one on the friends front, depending on how many base school friends you’ve kept in touch with. And here, if you join Biology Olympiad and Neuroscience Society (and even Ocean Bowl, if you’re a zoology fan, we spend a solid amount of time geeking out about sea urchins and are less hardcore than Biology Olympiad), you might have a better chance of meeting people with whom you share interests.
In the end, leaving TJ or not is your decision, and I wish you the best wherever you end up going.
Response From Fleur:
Hi there! TJ definitely throws freshmen into difficult classes, and it’s understandable that it can be frustrating to struggle in these classes. I just hope that all freshmen understand that just because you’re not getting As in a class at TJ, DOES NOT mean that you are bad at the subject, stupid, or cannot be successful in that field. It just means that you might be struggling in that one class for reasons other than the material being presented. Heck, you can drop out of high school and end up changing the world, people do that all the time. What I’m saying though, is that general high school classes are not as hard as TJ classes. My freshman year, we were using an AP biology textbook for the introductory biology class. Freshman would get 5s on the AP bio exam too. Back then people would tell me that my freshman bio class was as hard as a college class. Now in college, in a way freshman bioYOLOgy at TJ was HARDER than my college introductory biology class! Can you believe it?! I can’t. I had no freaking clue what I was doing back when I was 14. I had no idea how to study compared to now. I thought I was dumb because I wasn’t doing great in TJ math. I only got like 3 As on TJ math tests the entire time I was at the school. And it was always because teachers were lenient in grading or curved or something because it never felt legitimate. It turns out I’m good at math, I was just lacking the broad knowledge of algebra that TJ teachers never taught me but magically expected me to come up with for the test anyways. In summary, if you’re having a hard time in certain subjects at TJ, it’s perfectly reasonable and understandable. I mean, you’re like what? 14? I know the type of classes they’re throwing ya’ll into and it’s far above the level of classes that 14 years olds typically take and should be expected to do well in. Plus you’ve got 7 of them, you don’t have the time to really invest in being super proficient at all of them at once. You can come out of the TJ experience for the better because you learn how to rough it out and take impossible tests and be incredibly resilient and survive weed out classes, but it can suck while you’re in the school feeling like no matter what you do sometimes it’s never good enough. And honestly, that’s OK, there are better things in life to be perfect at than TJ classes. You don’t need to be perfect at TJ classes to be super successful or be a wonderful well-rounded caring person. You will be beyond prepared for college if you go to TJ for an extended period of time, even if you’re like me and your GPA isn’t pretty. When I walked into one of my college classes, my professor said “some of you may have heard this is a weed out class”. While most people would freak out hearing that statement, the first thought I had was “Bring it, I survived my first weed out class when I was 14 years old. I’ve had more than enough practice.” So yeah, I’d challenge your belief that you’re “not very good at CS, math, and tech classes”. I think you’re VERY good at those subjects and in the future probably would have the capacity to go get a degree in one of them (even though you might not want to haha).
Secondly, being super stressed is understandable. And not everyone loves TJ (with VERY good reason). Some people like it at first and then hate on it more over time. Some people have a love-hate relationship with it. Some people think it really screwed them up. Some people hate how it took away their childhood. And of course there are some of us who don’t need to sleep and happen to LOVE going to TJ and wouldn’t trade it for anything! It happens. If you don’t like going to TJ, I don’t blame you, and I think you have a good head on your shoulders for realizing that and thinking about what you can do about it. It’s not a good idea to go through life feeling so horribly stressed. Finding solutions is in your best interest :) You’re far from being the only person who feels that way and it truly might not be “worth it” to stay at TJ or as good of an experience as going to a typical high school where you have free time and lots of opportunity to make friends would be. And in terms of feeling like you’re missing out on your childhood  
Thirdly, I did say that TJ teaches resilience :P and that’s a great skill to have, but sometimes it’s OK (and smarter! and healthier!) to not wait until you reach some sort of breaking point to fix the problem. I get that some people want to stay at TJ so badly that they will avoid transferring until their dying breath, but dropping out of TJ IS NOT THE END. People who drop out of TJ often are having a horrible stressful no good very bad time at the school. So I kid you not, the day you are FREEEEEEEEE from every one of those obligations TJ gave you and you can BURN all your left over TJ papers and homework, truly can be the beginning of the rest of your life. Dropping out of TJ as a junior was the best decision I ever made. Yes, it can feel like a pretty big life changing decision to make to transfer schools, and it takes risk and guts and courage and confidence to make that decision, so I’m glad you feel like you’re taking your time and considering your options.  Making a pros/cons list isn’t a bad idea if you haven’t already ;) 
At the end of the day, you absolutely don’t have to go to TJ. And I don’t think you’re going to be denied opportunities in life because you left TJ. I don’t think transferring would have negative implications for you post-high school, and I say this just because some people think they won’t be able to get into the same college from another high school they would get into if they graduated from TJ. Personally, after having gone through the college admissions process at TJ and graduating from TJ, I think most people probably would have gotten into the same colleges if had they gone to another high school :)
HUGS good luck to you!
TL;DR I apologize for the long rant. It’s totally understandable to feel the way you do.
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wendystudies · 8 years
Was it easy to self-study Ap Environmental Science?
I did a majority of the studying the morning of the exam so yes haha. i was the #1 slacker last year. Since my test was in the afternoon, I took the morning off school to read/skim through an old ap review book I found online in pdf form. I spent around 4 hours studying in total. My sister self-studied too; she only spent about 30 minutes studying and qualified with a four as well lol i hate her. if science/common sense is ur avenue and you’ve already taken freshmen biology, i would just self-study for it. if you’ve taken AP bio, even better, you might not even have to study at all. I find that it’s a lot like AP human geo.. if you take it freshmen year without much prior social studies knowledge, you’ll struggle but if you take it having ap world and apush under your belt, it’ll come a lot more easily.  
Get a good idea of the big picture of each unit (crash course videos help with this) and spend more time in the units that biology hasn’t covered for you i.e. nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, groundwater. On a lot of ap tests, there’s always a holy-grail-go-to answer on the FRQ portion such as… friction explains everything in physics, coulomb’s law can be used to justify half of the chemistry frq answers, etc etc. Find that holy grail answer for the big units that are going to be tested because APES is a lot like that, i remember being soso redundant on the FRQ portion. 
if ur self-studying, good luck!!!!! 
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If you were to ask me...
If you were to ask me when it all started I would either have to say senior year of high school in AP Biology or freshman year of college in General Chemistry. Both are connected in a way. Let’s start with AP Bio. Read the book, take notes, answer the questions at the end of each chapter, take an exam, do the occasional virtual lab. Yup. Virtual. One student would stand at the front of the room where the “lab” was projected. Click this button, move the mouse to the left, click twice, and BAM you have just dissected a frog. Well kind of...most likely you just watched your classmate click a few buttons while a virtual scapula cut into a frog and pointed out the different body parts. But you didn’t actually feel what the frog’s skin felt like, how much pressure it took to cut into it, or what it smelled like. You didn’t get to see the size of it’s heart but don’t worry you learned just as much about it virtually than you did in person, right?
I don’t know what possessed me to do this. It’s not like my introverted personality, especially in high school with very few personable skills. I asked our teacher if we could do a real lab. No let me clarify. I begged our teacher if we could do a real lab. I knew our school didn’t have a lot of money, we had to bring a ring of paper at the beginning of each semester to our English teacher. Where that paper went I have no clue because we got emailed handouts to print at home. I’m not talking about a one or two page “worksheet”. I’m talking about a 20 page essay we were to highlight and critique rhetorically. And if you forgot and had to print it in the library before class, it cost twenty cents per page. The chance the school had funding for an AP Bio lab was pretty much zero. But I always saw the equipment for gel electrophorisis (A technique used to separate DNA fragments based on size) in the back of the classroom, it probably hadn’t been touched in years. The teacher’s response when I asked? I don’t exactly remember, something along the lines of “No, it’s a lot of work, we don’t have the time or money”. I’m pretty sure I called bullshit because I knew we had the equipment. And time? What time? In class we were either told to be silent and read the biology book or if the teacher was bored he would start a political debate, nothing to do with biology.
For the next few weeks I was begging the teacher to do this lab. Eventually we came to an agreement that if I came in during lunch and set up the lab, we could do it. I had a blast, it was the first time I got to experience what it felt like to “conduct an experiment”. Of course I would experience this many more times but in the moment I didn’t know that. At the end of the class period the teacher announced that everyone should thank me for setting up the experiment “I had put in a lot of work and it took a lot of time”. I was furious. I, with no lab experience, was able to follow the directions and set up the experiment in 15 minutes. Why couldn't my teacher do this?
I wanted to do something with my hands. Don’t just sit there and expect me to spit out facts on an exam. Show me something, take me somewhere. Our motivational force ought to be passion but this is lost the second we step into a system that trains us rather than inspires us. You want to know why my high school had a 50% drop out rate? This is why. Teachers who were too lazy to set up a simple biology experiment. Don’t have the resources at home to print 20 pages? Can’t afford to print at the library? The consequence is to not do your homework, lie and say you forgot, and get yelled at by the teacher because you don’t “care” enough. I was lucky enough to have parents who could afford to buy me a laptop and a printer to complete my homework assignments and show my teachers I "cared" enough to get a passing grade. 50% of the students I went to school with were not as fortunate.
With my educational experience after high school if you were to ask me if I had what it took to get my Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering followed by a Masters of Science in Biomedical Engineering just one semester later, graduating with honors for both degrees, chances are I would say no. Okay maybe I would have said yes because I am stubborn and like to believe I can do anything. But in a naive kind of way. Chances are most people would say no. She didn't pass the AP calculus exam, she didn't pass any of the AP exams she took. Her ACT score is in the low 20s even after being tutored and taking it twice. And to be completely honest she doesn't even know her times tables. She never learned them in elementary school and to this day would have to count on her fingers to tell you what 7X8 is. 56. It's 56.
I also said that it started in General Chemistry my freshman year of college. It was the first time I realized I didn’t have the same educational background as most people. It was the first day of lab, we were checking out all our equipment. When we were told to grab a graduated cylinder, a beaker, and a few other things, I had no idea what those were. I had zero lab experience in high school. Everyone else was running around while I was staring at the back of my lab manual trying to figure out what I needed. I was so embarrassed. I soon found out this was nothing compared to how I would feel about my education background, it’s not pretty.
So how I got here today? That's what this blog is about. My journey to becoming a female Chemical and Biomedical Engineer. The ups and downs. My side of the story, raw and real. Of course there are two sides to every story, so if you want that side ask them. Otherwise keep reading.
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neurotobe · 7 years
Studyblr Questionnaire
Why did you become a studyblr? I am starting this as a way to motivate myself for the upcoming school year! How did you decide on your url name? I really have no clue. I want to be a neurologist and that's why I study so hard so I felt it should be in my url name What level are you currently studying at? Senior in highschool What career path do you plan to take? I want to be a pediatric neurologist When will you finally be done with school – for good? (When will you graduate with the highest degree/achievement/certificate you currently hope to obtain?) Hopefully 2026 (M.D.) What classes are you currently taking? (If you are currently on break, what classes are you taking next semester?) I signed up for: AP Literature and composition, AP United States History, Calculus, AP Statistics, College Trig/Algebra, Advanced Drama 1818, AP Chemistry, German 4 How do you stay motivated throughout the semester, school year, etc.? I keep in mind the goal of helping kids as a neurologist. What are your favorite subjects? SCIENCE!!! What are your least favorite subjects? Math What are your learning and studying styles? I need to hear it and write it to learn it! Do you prefer to study at home or somewhere else, like a café or library? I love studying at cafes! Can you study in an environment with noise or music, or do you need it to be quiet? I can do both but I prefer silence How many hours a week do you study? It just depends on the week and the time of year. What applications do you use to help you study, if any? Khan Academy, Quizlet, Desmos Graphing Calculator Do you have any favorite pieces of stationery, writing utensils, or other studying materials? Staedtler fineliners What is your best academic achievement to date? Scoring a 4 on the AP world history exam, AP Biology exam, and AP Language and Composition exam Describe the biggest scholastic obstacle you’ve overcome. Bad teacher, he just didn't teach or assign any work. All he did was told us the chapter and said the test was Friday. What are your must-haves to study (snacks, drinks, tools, etc.)? Mountain Dew or White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks What are some of your favorite ways to take breaks? Nap! Watch TV, go on a walk, do yoga, read What is your best piece of advice about studying? Get it over with, don't wait until you feel like it just do it! Are your friends as studious as you are? Not at all! Do you prefer to learn from an instructor or on your own? Depends on the topic, with math I need an instructor, with anything else I prefer to learn on my own Have you had an instructor that has permanently influenced you? Yes! Dr.Bonner, she was my ap bio teacher and she is the reason I love science! Do you participate in any extracurricular activities? If so, what ones? Theater! I am a stage manager who occasionally acts. I acted in a play and took it to the state thescon Who are some of your favorite studyblrs? Tag them for others to check out and follow! @emmastudies
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ships-and-saints · 7 years
I really am passionate about the STEM field and want to go into engineering, but I got a 2 on the AP Physics exam. I, yes, bawled out my eyes, and am searching for the meaning in this. I don't know about my supposed major anymore. What do you think?
Oh baby, I’m so sorry you didn’t do well on your AP exam! but guess what? PHYSICS FUCKING SUCKS. I dated an astrophysics major in college so I’m allowed to say this. And yes, he talked about planets a lot ;) 
I was awful at college physics, but our professors were shit. Did fine in high school physics, but that was where my brain drew the line! I swear to you, I think I got a 45 on some physics final in college and got a B in the class, so there’s almost definitely hope for you, my friend!
For majors - here’s my advice. College ain’t what it used to be - this isn’t the 1960s when universities were founded as institutions of learning and tuition was cheap af. Nowadays, society just wants working people to supply our capitalist oligarchy country (i love America tho), so I highly recommend choosing your major accordingly! You WILL need a job once you get out of college, unless you are incredibly talented or genius and make your own job, so go ahead and study the shit that you like BUT ALSO aim for some sort of career as well. I promise it will make your life easier!! PLEASE STUDY WHATEVER YOU WANT, BUT JUST KNOW THAT YOU GOTTA MAKE MONEY TO EAT AND I WANT YOU TO BE HEALTHY AND LIVE LIFE.
Currently, lucrative majors include ones like accounting, computer science, and engineering. I majored in biology, which means for the most part jobs include research or the health profession. For most STEM fields you’ll have to do some sort of research (i hate wet lab research, for instance), so keep that in mind!!
If you’re on this tumblr, then you already know that I’m into creative writing - if I could go back to school I probably would have majored in comparative literature, or at least taken more classes. My senior year I literally took a class in university called “Fanfiction” and absolutely adored it :) Also, even though I’m a bio major, I attended a liberal arts school!!
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vanishingpals · 7 years
Tomorrow is my last day of high school and I just want to reminisce a bit before I cry in front of other people. I remember my first day of kindergarten very clearly. I remember getting to the classroom and walking up and sitting down outside the door because I had seen my older brother do the same a few years before. I had watched him do that so I did it too. The problem, however, was that all of the other kids were inside the classroom. Thank goodness my mom walked up, though, and led me inside to introduce me to my teacher. The next day, I knew to go inside. During class we were all sat in a rainbow formation on the ground for whatever we were doing and I sat next to this girl named Erika that is still my best friend to this day and I will never forget her. We definitely still keep in touch, even after 12 years. I remember fifth grade very clearly because that is my favorite year of school I think I've ever had. Me and my two best friends (not Erika, though) completely fucking dominated the school like we were literally the coolest motherfuckers to ever step foot on that campus (what happened. jk I'm still cool.). I remember the secret handshakes and secret crushes and the roller skating field trips and I remember my fourth grade teacher smelling like vanilla and I remember my fifth grade teachers being absolutely amazing at their job and I remember watching The Movie and learning about sex and stuff and I remember this one tree on the playground me and my friends would play around everyday after school. I remember being so impressed that this one girl had an MP3 on her skinny Juke flip phone. We played songs with curse words in them and made up dances to them. I miss elementary school. I don't remember the first day of middle school, unfortunately. The only thing I remember from that day is that I couldn't sit with my friends at lunch because they had this weird system to first couple of days where you had to sit at an assigned table as you walked into the cafeteria. It was weird and when my friend signaled to me that he wanted to sit with me, I was upset that he never came even thought I knew he wasn't going to come. For the next year, I could feel myself slipping away from the friends I had in elementary school. While I was a cool motherfucker there, I was absolutely nobody in middle school, and thus, my depression and loneliness starts. Eventually, I made friends within my magnet program, friends I still talk to today, and yes, I still keep in touch with my elementary school friends. Eighth grade was another great year. I didn't end up dominating the school but I did end up with some really great relationships that I wish were still strong today and I did end up with some really great memories. That eighth grade dance is the only dance you'll ever think is great until prom. Literally. So yes, I guess I can say I miss some parts of middle school, but I'm glad I don't look or act like that anymore. I don't regret, it's passed, but I am happy that I was able to eventually move on. I didn't move on, however until junior year of high school. That's how long my depression lasted; five years. Five years of hating myself and five years of wishing I was someone else or even dead. It took me five years to say "fuck it, none of this even matters, so I might as well enjoy the little time I'm able to spend here." I remember the first day of high school. I remember not knowing where my first class is. I remember not knowing where my other three classes were (I had a block schedule in high school). I remember not having any close friends at the school I went to. I just remember not having any close friends in general. I remember meeting this one girl who introduced herself by saying she liked bands so I said I did too and that's how we became friends. I sat next to her and she rubber herself against me like a cat and she tried to start a nickname for herself but it didn't last three days. She's still my best friends and we're even going to the same college. She's from France and Donald Trump almost had her brother deported. I remember high school. I remember chemistry class, I remember being frustrated by English class because I was scoring low and I thought it was because my teacher didn't understand me. I remember getting a 2 on the AP Lit exam because I can't take standardized tests to save my life (which is a problem in America). But I also remember getting a 5 on the AP psych exam. And I remember the countless nights where I'd get less than 6 hours of sleep as a developing teenager. I remember contemplating dropping out of the IB program, I remember contemplating doing drugs to make me feel better, I remember contemplating suicide to make me stop existing. I remember all the hard times but since junior year, I've had some good times that I can remember. I remember making about 3 new friends on the second day of junior year, I remember how those friends are the ones that brought me out of my suicidal stage, wherever they know or not, I remember the "digestion labs" of my SL bio class (they were really just days where people brought in food but my teacher told us to call them digestion labs in case any of the administration came in). I remember high school. I finally got a year book from my high school this year. The theme is "Live A Little." While they were distributing the books, the yearbook staff had shirts on that said, on the back side, "We Lived." And that's what I did: I lived. Even a little bit, I lived, I survived, I listened, I laughed, I cried, I made relationships, I lost some, I regretted, I was proud, I wrote, I read, I dreamt, I kept going, I pushed; I lived.
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