#yes i gave anakin glowy eyes
acryliccassetteart · 4 months
here’s my (late) gift to Rivana of @fanfictasia for the @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod event!
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“AU where Ahsoka never came back so Rex was with Vader at the Jedi Temple” was my prompt, this was fun ✨
edit: here’s a link to the fic inspired by this
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katierosefun · 4 years
16 18 32 for the ask!
thank you for the ask, daisy!! <3
from these asks
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
oh yeah. i remember when i was writing a chapter for time, wondrous time, i wound up going really deep into looking up glowy fish, and i found out some fish that i very desperately wish to Unsee--but really, yeah! research takes up a good chunk of time. once, i wound up jumping from watching videos about basic survival skills to suddenly learning about aerial silks because i wound up thinking about climbing rope, and then it just...somehow went there. 
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
hmm...okay, yeah. i had this fic that i posted in like,,,2018? called stupidly dangerous, which was like,,,5 times anakin and ahsoka did something that they probably shouldn’t have. i think i posted like, 2 chapters and just gave up which,,,rip rip rip--(note how i didn’t link it because i am Ashamed.)
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
oooh, okay! here we go!!! 
“Focus on your studies,” Obi-Wan only said, looking back at his computer. Ignoring Ahsoka’s groan, Obi-Wan added, “You may not need to recite philosophy for a droid, but you will need to sharpen all parts of your mind.”
“My mind’s already sharpened,” Ahsoka mumbled.
“Then sharpen it more.”
-- from rest now
“Oh, young one,” Obi-Wan murmured, his eyes still closed, “you can’t possibly think you’re the only one who’s…” He opened his eyes, narrowed them against a spot on the wall. Clearly in search of a word, Ahsoka realized. “Frustrated by both men and women.”
“Girls and boys,” Anakin supplied helpfully.
“Yes, that. Those.” Obi-Wan waved a hand halfheartedly. “Them.”
-- from boys and boys and girls and girls
He paused, and then, looking over Obi-Wan’s shoulder quickly, he asked in a low voice, “Did you…do the thing yet? Did you…” He started to drop on a knee, but before he could, Obi-Wan yanked his friend back up
“For the love of—Anakin,” Obi-Wan said, exasperated.
Anakin grinned, straightening himself. “So that’s a no,” he said.
-- from time, wondrous time ch 7
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Wannabe Chapter 7: Star Wars x Reader
pt 1
'𝙄'𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫���� 𝙄 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙎𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙡-𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙗𝙞𝙜 𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙄 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚...'
-Arcade, Duncan Laurence
There was an odd silence that didn't sit well with (Y/n). The air was muggy, yet cold enough to give her goosebumps. It was like a dark forest in the middle of nowhere. Uncomfortable, mysterious, and chilling.
"You might have a point, but we have to be careful." Fives suddenly said. "I say we hide and then come out when we know they're unarmed." He strayed deeper into the old warehouse.
"I'll take a look around. If I turn off the lights, hide."
"Hide--? Fives!" 
He paused in his step and turned to face (Y/n). In the dim warehouse light, she saw the way his eyes sadly glittered. "Please, Commander, trust me." (Y/n) pursed her lips together. It wasn't often he called her that in private. A tired sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips. "Alright. Just...don't do anything rash. Keep your head." Fives nodded in reply. He turned on his heel and disappeared into the warehouse. Sitting in silence again didn't soothe (Y/n)'s worries. 
The lights suddenly snapped and went out, devouring the warehouse in darkness. (Y/n) squinted in the inky black. She didn't want to hide--she wasn't a coward like that--but she knew her place in a delicate situation. She peeled herself off the crate and hid behind a stack of them. There was a jumbled mix of chatter that made her gaze focus on the entrance. She couldn't catch the snippets of conversation too well. From where she sat, it sounded like a garble of gibberish and faked Basic. 
"(Y/n)!" called Anakin. "Fives!" Him and Rex squeezed in through the doors. "Come out!" 
"Sir!" That was Fives. "I'm so glad you came. You're alone, right?"
"Yes, now come out! We're not here to hurt you!" (Y/n) caught Anakin's gaze flickering to her hiding spot. "You can trust us." he added. "Promise." 
"Put your weapons down sir!" Fives shouted. (Y/n) spared a look at Anakin and Rex, who stood back to back. The blue glow of Anakin's lightsaber disappeared as he placed it on a crate. 
"I'm putting my pistols down Fives." Rex said. Metal clanked and shook on the overhead bridge as Fives stumbled down. "Please, please just..." He flicked on one of the lights and leaned against a durasteel beam. "...just hear what I have to say, what we have to say."
"We're here to help you Fives." Anakin said. Fives placed a hand on the control panel next to him. 
"Let us take you back to the Temple and..." 
Milky white ignited above and wrapped itself around Rex and Anakin in a bubble. (Y/n) shot up to her feet. "Fives, what are you doing?" He heaved in a deep breath to steady himself. "I just need you to listen to us. Please." He walked over to the ray shield with shaky steps. (Y/n) folded her arms and followed suit. "I'm not sure they have a choice." she softly said. 
"We were framed because we know the truth..." Fives rubbed at his forehead. "...about--about a plot--a massive deception." Rex narrowed his eyes. "By whom?"
"Well--there's a sinister plot in the works against the Jedi! I have proof!" He pointed to his temple. "Right here! In every one of us! I can prove that everything we know is true beyond the shadow of a doubt!" Rex frowned. "Where?"
"Show us the evidence." Anakin added. (Y/n)'s lips curved deeply as she took a step into the dim lighting. "In every clone's head sits an organic chip built into their genetic code. It can make any clone do whatever someone wants--"
"--even kill the Jedi!" Fives shouted, pointing to his temple. "It's all in here." (Y/n) eyed Rex and Anakin with knitted brows in hopes they believed them. The boys shared a look that made her heart sink lower than the undergrounds of Coruscant. "Let's just get you some help first." said Anakin. "Then we can review everything and sort this out." 
"Argh!" exclaimed Fives. "You don't believe me!"
(Y/n)'s mind went a million miles per hour. They didn't believe them? What would they do if Anakin didn't believe them? What about Rex? (Y/n) placed her hands at the bridge of her nose with a loud sigh. "You have to believe us!" She was becoming desperate--she knew time was running short. Who knows how long it'd take before the Coruscant Guard found them? "The Chancellor is plotting something--"
"After you tried to kill him?" he retorted. There was a pang in (Y/n)'s chest that made tears spring from her eyes. She never wanted to kill the Chancellor. Everything she did was an act of self-defence! Fives glanced at her teary eyes and clenched a fist. "He tried to kill us! (Y/n) was right all along! He's not to be trusted--he's in on it! I don't know to what extent, but I know he orchestrated much of this!" Anakin's jaw tightened. "Your 'theory' has gone too far."
Theory?, thought (Y/n). No. This was more than that. "Anakin--he told us that--" 
"I've heard enough!" His voice echoed throughout the spacious warehouse for a good five seconds. "There is no way the Chancellor is capable of what you claim."
(Y/n) glanced at Rex pleadingly, but he looked like he didn't know what to do. "Commander..." 
(Y/n) didn't know why, but she felt angry. Maybe it was the fact that Anakin was indirectly calling her a liar, or the fact that Rex didn't dare choose a side. Maybe she finally had enough of this nonsense and just wished--prayed--to whoever was out there in the galaxy that this was a dream. "If you can't trust me, then how can I trust you?" demanded (Y/n). "How do we know this isn't a trap? That you're not the ones telling the Chancellor where we are in this exact moment? He wants to kill." She harshly swallowed. "Are you trying to do the same?"
That fire died from Anakin's eyes. "(Y/n)," the hurt in his voice cut deeper than any knife, "I would never let anyone hurt you, and that includes me." (Y/n) wanted to punch herself in the face for saying that. Anakin was the brother she never had. Why would he ever betray her like that? As for Rex, he was a friend, and that wasn't what friends did.
"Stand down!" 
(Y/n) wildly whipped around. Her gaze focused on the bright red armour of the Chancellor's personal guard. They were in the warehouse and armed. They found them. 
"On your knees!"
"Stay back!" cried Fives.
(Y/n)'s shoulders slumped. She should have sensed their presence. Fives made a mad grab for the pistol laying innocently on a dusty crate. He stumbled about like he had too many drinks as (Y/n)'s gaze frantically flickered to his. He began raising the pistol. There was fear, anger, and hatred rolling off his shoulders. It seemed to grip him in a tight hold of emotions because what kind of person was stupid enough to point a pistol at a whole squad carrying arms? 
The echo of his cry fell short at the unmistakable snap of blaster fire. It hit Fives directly in the chest, melting through his armour until it passed through the other side of his trembling body. (Y/n)'s knees suddenly grew weak and she had to fight to stay standing.
The warehouse suddenly felt extremely frigid despite the humidity. (Y/n)'s fingertips seemed to be frozen in a layer of ice as she watched Fives collapse to his knees.
"Get this ray shield off!" 
Who said that? (Y/n)'s gaze slowly focused on Anakin, who impatiently pointed at the device overhead. There was a blast of fire, but it was as if (Y/n) were underwater. The warehouse she had settled in for the past hour was a completely different place. The crates were gone, the dust nonexistent, and the faces of her friends gone.
She was back on the ship bringing her and Fives to Coruscant. The blue of hyperspace seemed almost ghastly as she peered into its abyss. Shaak placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and said, "What do you see?" The vision from just earlier today became clearer. Fives was there, laying on the ground in her arms. She was saying something to him while crying over the gaping hole in his chest. 
Suddenly, everything resumed as if nothing had vanished. (Y/n) was back in the dusty warehouse, frozen in place as Rex and Anakin made their way to the body on the floor. Wait, body? No, no. That was Fives. He was shot, and he was dying. (Y/n) stumbled over to him and collapsed by his side.
"Medic..." she whispered. "We need a medic!" It was too late and she knew it, but how could she give up on him when he never gave up on her? He was always there for her even if it were hundreds of parsecs away. His life force was draining as fast as a river that couldn't be plugged, and with each second ticking by, it kept draining.
Everything about him looked so wrong. The pain he so clearly tried to hide didn't fit the smug smile he always plastered on his face. The look of fear and anger and sadness in his honey eyes that used to hold that stupid glowy sparkle wasn't him. None of this was him. "Don't cry." Fives said, wiping a stray tear from (Y/n)'s cheek. "Force, you're still beautiful...you're always beautiful." His eyes began to flutter and (Y/n) tried to blink back her tears. She should have seen this coming.
"How can you say that in a time like this?" she demanded. "Stop closing your eyes! Stay with me," she pulled both his hands into hers and held them tight, "just a little longer." Fives's couldn't feel a thing in his weak limbs. Everything had numbed, save for his heart burning with passion. He didn't fear the clutches of Death as they seized him around the middle and called out to him like a song. He saw his brothers waiting for him on the other side, coaxing with open arms.
Fives would have been okay with dying. He'd get to see his brothers, finally rest, and rid himself of this awful nightmare. But then, he saw (Y/n)'s tears and the pain on her face. He was leaving her all alone in this horrid galaxy. She'd have to face the Chancellor, face the Jedi Order, and go on trial if she got that far.
Fives tried to fight the weight pulling on his eyelids. He wasn't ready. He had to help (Y/n) just like she always did to him. When he was still a rookie on Kamino, she had his friend when others hadn't. When the Domino Squad failed their final test, she convinced Shaak Ti and the trainer to give them a second chance. He'd never be an ARC without her, and he'd never know life outside Kamino. He had to live. For her. "I'm so lucky. You made this nightmare..." His grip loosened. "...like a dream." The doors of Death were closer than ever. Was that Echo waving? Hardcase? Hevy?
Fives felt his brow relax. Even though he'd die, Rex would still be around along with Kix and so many others. (Y/n) was never alone. "You'll be fine. You're strong." He finally caved into the weight pulling on his eyes.
(Y/n) tried to ignore the coolness now seeping into Fives's still body along with the absence of warmth he usually omitted. She couldn't stop staring at the smile engraved on his lips. She couldn't stop the tears silently trailing down her cheeks. And she couldn't stop the hole from growing in her heart. (Y/n) looked up at Rex, then Anakin. Having them here was supposed to make everything better. They were supposed to understand, bring the evidence and case to the council, and save the GAR from doing something horrific in the future. 
But no. No, no, no. Force, was life so cruel. Why wasn't anything getting better? 
(Y/n) swallowed the lump in her throat and hauled her heavy limps upright. Fox didn't meet her eyes as she glanced at him and his men. She felt the horror soaking in their bones because they knew just as well as her that none of this was supposed to come to pass. (Y/n)'s gaze flickered to the blaster laying by Fox's feet. It didn't make sense that he'd be the one to deliver the final blow. It didn't make sense that he was the one to fire what should have been a stun. 
A stun. It was supposed to be a stun.
A face popped into her mind and she almost chocked on her own tears. All paths lead to the Core. In this case, the Chancellor. The way her sadness morphed into anger swept the warehouse in an intense heat that made everyone stumble. Who was this girl so filled with hatred? It surely wasn't Padawan (Y/n) (L/n). She would never think of murdering a person in cold blood as she was doing now. 
"(Y/n)." Anakin cautiously said. He tredded across the warehouse until he stood right beside his old friend, or rather what remained of her. "We should head back to the Temple. If we go to the Council--" 
"I tried that -- we were sabotaged." (Y/n)'s voice began to crack as she spun to face Anakin. "Then we tried to talk to the Chancellor and he tried to kill us! I suppose he already received half his wishes because look at Fives now!" Hot tears of anger rushed past her eyes and down her cheeks. "He's gone and--and I don't know what to do!" Anakin pursed his lips together tightly. His heart clenched and twisted in an uncomfortable way at the mention of the Chancellor, but he didn't push the matter. It wasn't important. One of his best men just died. One of his own men under his watch, and he couldn't do anything to save him.
"We can...go directly to the Council and...tell them everything." he firmly said. Anakin didn't know how long he could pretend to act like everything was okay. "They'll help because they can't turn us away. Say that this is all the truth, then they'll have no choice but to listen." 
(Y/n)'s body trembled as she forced back sobs. She wasn't sure if what Anakin was saying could even be possible. What if she didn't make it back to the Temple? There could be some freak accident and she'd end up dead along with the information. "Ani, I..." she fell short. The anger once held on her face broke, and an anguished sob ripped through her throat. Her emotions were rushing out of her, washing over anything and everyone in the room to let them know exactly how she felt. Anakin wrapped his arms tightly around (Y/n), pulling her head close to his chest as she sobbed. 
"You're only saying that."
"I'm not. It'll be okay."
"Please--don't turn me in...you can't..."
Anakin didn't know what to say, so he wrapped his arms tighter around her trembling body. The warehouse was silent, save for (Y/n)'s sobs and sniffles.
"Get down!" 
There was a blast outside of the warehouse that filled the dim place with red and yellow flames. The doors creaked open as a freighter crashed onto the balcony overhanging the underground. Anakin suddenly tackled (Y/n) to the ground just as Rex shouted for the Guard to get away from the doors. 
Smoke flooded the dusty room as clones scattered to take cover. There were screams from civilians in the warehouse over, and shouts of clones calling for backup. (Y/n)'s ears rang. She couldn't breathe through all the ash and smoke and panic filling her system. "A-Anakin..." she hoarsely muttered. His arms had long gone limp against her shoulders, and that sort of scared her. "Ana...kin...!" 
Past the headache throbbing behind her eyes and the smoke obscuring her view, (Y/n) made out a cloaked figure. The temperature dropped despite the blazing fires around her. The cold presence was something (Y/n) could have sworn she felt before. It  was unwelcoming, strong, and...evil. 
"Now, now." 
Dooku? It had to be. 
"There's no point in struggling." 
(Y/n) hacked on the smoke, causing a sort of sneer to appear on the Count's face. He stuck out a hand, and just like that, it was lights out.
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