#yes i do play on the cn server
kohanaaaaa · 7 months
Aside from that I finally managed to get my Haruka to level mastery 2 after how many months of collecting materials
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0 notes
[CN] Victor’s Confrontation Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 对抗之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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[Additional warning]: ig it’s not a surprise at this point for Victor’s spicy dates LOL, but yeah, considering the vivid explicitness, if you don’t qualify for the 16+ rating of the game (CN server), it’s recommended that you don’t proceed under the cut~ :>
【Subbed Video: Date + Calls】
[Heads Up]: WATCH THE VIDEO AKSWKASDN!!! yes do read the transcript version for yk “reading,” but DO WATCH THE VIDEO FOR THE LOVE OF—— 👁️🫦👁️
【Chapter 1】
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Victor: I advise you to think this through.
Donning a calm gaze, I walk leisurely through the cluster of bushes to Victor, enduring my laughter as I glance at his hands that are restrained behind his back.
MC: I was simply waving my hand just now. How did CEO Victor accidentally “fall into the trap”?
MC: And I have thought this through~ I’m just playing the game. Weren’t you the one who told me to blow off the steam as much as I like?
I gently caress his cheek, and my smile grows even brighter under his intense scrutinizing gaze.
After several months of continuous overtime work, my entire soul was consumed by a desire for vindictive entertainment.
As a way to relax, I found a new type of role-playing game that involves engaging in confrontations with other players. Over the course of three days, the players are to be divided into factions and compete for points by fighting for props inside a manor––
And naturally, Victor was dragged into it by me.
We teamed up with several college couples to form a group of eight. Each couple split up and joined one of the two teams, which meant that I ended up on the “opposing side” of Victor.
MC: Where did you hide your metal name tag? The rules state that you must carry it with you at all times.
Victor: I threw it away.
I narrow my eyes as I look up at him, while my hands don’t stop their motion of feeling around his chest and arms.
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MC: Aw, it wouldn’t be fun if you were to do that.
Victor: I suggest you unlock the lock behind me right now.
MC: Well, I suggest you don’t make that suggestion~
Not satisfied with just this, I lift myself on my toes and softly peck on his slightly pursed lips.
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MC: I’ll release you when I’ve found it.
Although Victor isn’t very keen on this game, I still concentrate on not missing any corners to prevent him from playing any tricks.
I slow down my movements and half-cling to him, feeling his blazing body temperature and the growing tension of his muscles slowly seeping through the thin fabric.
Shirt pockets, jacket’s inner pockets, back collar… I search through every corner of his upper body and still find nothing.
However, I hesitate for only a second before guiding my hand downward.
Victor: MC.
Victor: How much longer do you want to keep playing?
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I deliberately ignore that increasingly intense stare and, with a completely innocent expression, reach out behind him with my hand––
My fingertips slide into the pocket of his suit pants, and I immediately feel a metallic touch wrapped in the warmth inside.
MC: Wouldn’t it have been better if you had told me just then?
Smiling, I withdraw my hand and look at the metal plate with the name “Victor” engraved on it. I then take out my game phone and scan the QR code on its backside––
“Player “MC” has gained 20 points, and Player “Victor” has lost his name tag.”
MC: Hehe, thanks for your cooperation.
I complacently pin his name tag to my chest and pantomime fixing the bangs falling in front of his eyes.
Victor: You wanna win that badly?
MC: When an opportunity presents itself, of course one should seize it.
MC: I joined forces with my teammates to deal with you specially. And as I thought, it was easily done.
This small victory causes me to feel a little smug and elated, but Victor suddenly breaks into laughter.
Victor: [chuckles softly]  I didn’t think I’d be so easy to deal with in your eyes.
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MC: You can’t say that. I know that Vic gēge(*) is going easy on me. After all, you’ve never been interested in this kind of activity.
MC: It just so happens that this manor is perfect for a vacation. As Pudding’s dad, you should take this opportunity for a good break, “Pudding Senior.”
[Tidbits]: (*) as you might’ve already guessed, yes, MC calls him “泽言哥哥” (ZéYán gēge) here, the name MC used to call him when they were kids. For those unaware, when a Chinese girl addresses a boy as gēge (an intimate term of address), if not used to address her own older brother, she’d use it to address her boyfriend~ and the reason it got both Victor and MC flustered the first time they reminisced in Preference SP~ (//∇//) 
You can refer to this post for more details: ♡♡
As I say this, I gently run my fingertips over his chin, then check the time again before turning around and preparing to leave.
MC: The mechanism will automatically unfasten you after two minutes. See you later, CEO Victor!
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Victor: Do you know why this game has a fixed time every day?
I’m stunned momentarily, then turn around to look at him.
Victor is shrouded in the shade beneath the tree, lifting his chin slightly. Both his hands are clearly bound behind his back, but he seems to be relaxed, as if he is merely in a dormant state.
MC: Because it’s exhausting to be on high alert all the time, right? We’re all here to have fun, so we shouldn’t put the cart before the horse.
Victor: And do you know…
Victor: What’s the reason behind this game’s three-day duration?
【Chapter 2】
[Fair Warning in advance]: From here onwards, Victor blushes PRACTICALLY THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE DATE. As tempted as I am, it’s not possible to include over 60+ blushing sprites, so I’m just giving y'all a heads up LMAO~ \(//∇//)\
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With only a two-minute window to escape, I naturally don’t waste that time engaging in confrontation with Victor.
I know precisely what the three-day duration is for–– as long as the game is not over, there will still be possibilities to fight to retrieve our possessions.
MC: [to herself]  This man doesn’t take the game that seriously anyway. If I go and stay with him after 5 pm, it should be alright…
As I calculate in my mind, I run towards the meeting point previously agreed on with my team. But before I can spot anyone, I’m dumbfounded by a string of notifications on my phone.
MC: How come both of you lost your name tags?
Qian Er: …my boyfriend! This scumbag! He duped me!
Lei Zi: My wife also totally f*cked me over…
[Tidbits]: He is addressing his girlfriend as “my wife” btw haha~ 
At this moment, I finally understand why the game organizers separated the couples…
MC: It’s okay. I’ve got the name tag. Our next step is to reclaim the ones we lost. And for that, everyone needs to work together as much as possible.
Xiao Xin: However, although the game time is from 9 am to 5pm, there is still a possibility of being “converted to rebel” during the break time…
Another boy in the team speaks up in concern.
Xiao Xin: I propose that for these three days, we all should refrain from meeting our partners in private. Otherwise, we will have to watch out not only for the opposite side but also for our own people.
Lei Zi: You’re right. I think if my wife tries to “convert me to rebel,” I’ll easily fall for it.
Qian Er: I’m all for it! The lovey-dovey brain must leave Loveland City!
Xiao Xin & Lei Zi & Qian Er: For victory!
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MC: …
Are college students all so competitive these days!
As the three youngsters shift their gazes at me, I feel an invisible pressure coming over me. I blink and immediately raise my hands.
MC: …no problem.
In order to firmly adhere to the philosophy of victory, our team members remain together throughout the entire dinner time after the first day of the game.
Victor shoots a faint glance in my direction from afar. And I, encircled by several of my teammates, have no choice but to put my palms together in apology to him.
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I’ve been unable to find a single opportunity to talk with him all night. After returning to the room, I fiddle with the phone specifically designed for the game.
MC: …I should be able to make calls with this thing, right?
But who knew there would be a knock at the door before I could even look into Victor’s contact number?
Subconsciously thinking it’s the girl from my team with whom I made plans to meet in the evening, I casually open the door without so much as a second thought.
To my surprise, I see Victor’s face instantly appearing in my line of sight. We hold each other’s gaze for a few seconds, and at this moment, the air seems to be stagnant.
The next second, my heart suddenly skips a beat. After nervously scanning the surroundings, I immediately pull him into the room and close the door.
MC: Why are you here?
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Victor: Why am I here?
He repeats my words unhurriedly, crossing his arms across his chest.
MC: …hehe, let me explain.
I briefly recap to him our team’s strategy for winning.
MC: Everyone was so serious at the time, so I couldn’t say no.
Victor: I can see that your enthusiasm is no less than that of those college students.
Victor: [sounds so wronged]  In order to implement your strategy, it seems like it’d be more appropriate for me to leave so as not to affect your leading-by-example image.
With a smile, I hastily wrap my arms around his neck, leaning in to peck him on the lips.
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MC: Don’t leave, don’t leave! You and I came out here to have fun together. And I certainly am very clear on who is more important to me.
MC: I was thinking about calling you just now!
Victor: Really?
Victor’s expression remains unchanged as he snakes one hand around the back of my waist.
Victor: I don’t see any signs of that.
MC: Then you aren’t looking closely enough. Examine more carefully.
Beneath the dim yellowish light, the magnified shadows on the wall merge seamlessly, not leaving the slightest gap between each other.
As my fingertips dig into the back of his shirt collar, I simultaneously take the initiative to meet his slightly pursed, thin lips, softly pecking them twice.
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Victor: [blushing + sexy whisper]  This little sweetness is not enough.
His voice follows the rhythm of our exchanged breaths and enters my mind, causing everything to slow down and amplify every subtle touch.
MC: Wait, my teammate will be here soon. We can’t let her catch…
A kiss forcefully cuts me off, swallowing up all the unfinished words.
The hot and moist tips of our tongues intertwine with each other. He brands a rough, grainy sensation between my sensitive lips and teeth, bringing a hint of punishment.
I instinctively tilt my head back slightly, wallowing in the haze of this dimness.
In the scorching and stuffy world, there seems to be something gently coming through.
Qian Er: …sis, it’s me, Qian Er. Are you there?
The sound of knocking on the door rings out. I hear Qian Er’s voice, who was originally supposed to come looking for me, coming from outside.
My whole body shudders in surprise. Amidst the powerful predation, I suddenly regain some of my sanity.
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MC: [blushing]  Victor… she is here.
Victor: [blushing + raspy whisper]  I heard it.
His voice is lethally cloying, but his overly scorching lips swim down my cheeks to the tip of my ear, nibbling without the slightest concern.
Victor: [flushed cheeks + slyly hoarse whisper]  You need to be careful… we can’t get caught.
He deliberately repeats what I said earlier. But his soft reminder is akin to the coaxing temptation of a devil, accompanied by his heavy breaths that make my world heat up unceasingly.
Qian Er: Are you not there? You wouldn’t happen to have gone to look for...
MC: [blushing + to the girl]  …I am here!
With great difficulty, I suppress the gasp that’s on the verge of escaping me. Then I struggle to crane my head and sink my teeth into his neck.
Though the subtle bite marks are not entirely clear, they do elicit a slightly insatiable chuckle from this wicked man before me.
MC: [blushing + to the girl]  I was just… taking a shower, so I couldn’t hear you.
Qian Er: Should I come back after you’ve fixed yourself up, then?
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The man in front of me slightly arches an eyebrow. And in the next second, he turns even more oblivious as he continues with his bullying. He plants incredibly lingering and gentle kisses, tracing his way up from my collarbones to my neck and upwards.
MC: [blushing + to Victor]  You…
Victor: [flushed cheeks + brEaThEs literally into your ear]  She said she would come back later.
The arm half-supporting me lifts slightly upwards again, making it even easier for him to lean his head sideways and nibble on my throat.
Qian Er: Sis?
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Victor: [flushed cheeks + even raspier, proud tone]  You should give her an answer.
My brain has turned into a lump of mush, and I decide to surrender before things escalate any more “out of hand.”
MC: [blushing + to the girl]  I’m feeling a bit light-headed from the shower… Sorry, can we talk tomorrow? I’d like to go to bed a little earlier tonight.
I struggle immensely to get to the end of my sentence, and through gritted teeth, I capture a few glimmers of laughter in that pair of dark and silent eyes.
Qian Er: Sis, rest up then~ Good night, sis~
The footsteps outside the door gradually fade away. I clench my molar teeth and firmly grab onto his front collar.
MC: Are you getting back at me for what I did during the day?
Victor: [flushed cheeks + torrid breath]  This doesn’t count.
The instigator of this episode blends his words ambiguously into his kisses, with a hint of deep meaning flashing in his eyes.
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Victor: [flushed cheeks]  Didn’t you just make it clear who is more important to you?
Victor: [flushed cheeks]  I merely took your words for it, that’s all.
【Chapter 3】
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The next day, I purposely time my arrival at the front yard of the villa to avoid coinciding with Victor’s.
The other members of his team have already set off earlier, leaving only Victor, who is sitting leisurely on the sofa and flipping through a magazine.
Meeting that toneless gaze of his, I blow him a kiss from the back of the group and happily embark on my journey.
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Today’s game proceeds smoothly beyond expectations. Relying on Lei Zi’s excellent intuition, we’ve actually found all the individuals who were separately ambushing us in different corners of the manor one by one.
“Player “Zhou Lei” gains 20 points, Player “Zhao Xin” gains 20 points…”
Qian Er: That was incredibly easy… but Lei Zi, your girlfriend’s gaze just now looked like she was gonna eat you alive.
Lei Zi: I’ll just kneel on the keyboard when I get home. It’s not a big deal.
Xiao Xin: Still, we shouldn’t let our guards down. After all, they can still snatch back the name tags.
Xiao Xin: There’s no camera in the entire manor. There are way more blind spots than we can possibly imagine…
While Xiao Xin is gesturing with his hands and contemplating the safest hiding spots on the map of the manor, Lei Zi quietly approaches me from the side.
Lei Zi: Sis, I wanna ask you for a favor.
MC: Hm?
Lei Zi: I have a special solo mission that requires the help of someone from the team... Could you help me?
Upon hearing this special invitation, I immediately perk up my ears with excitement.
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MC: Sure! What do you need me to do?
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MC: That’s odd…
I meticulously examine the surrounding area of the fountain pool, but don’t spot anything out of the ordinary.
MC: The spot Lei Zi said should be here…
I circle the place again, but still find nothing.
The water in the fountain continuously flows outward and forms cascading water curtains that carry the spraying water droplets, creating blooming specs of light under the dazzling sunlight.
I gaze quietly for a long time. Unwilling to give up, I crouch down and carefully fumble around the pool’s perimeter once again.
Suddenly, I inadvertently touch a stone, causing it to tilt slightly–– the water from the fountain ceases its flow in the next second, revealing a set of steps leading to a stone staircase at the center of the fountain.
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MC: So it turns out that the stone steps were not just for decorative purposes...!
My eyes widen in amazement, and I walk up to the stone pillar at the center of the fountain, reaching out my hand to search for any special props––
As I watch the mechanism appear once again, the smile on my face is wiped off completely. A rubber ring suddenly emerges on the surface of the pillar, trapping my hand in place!
MC: …?!
Before I can react, a powerful force grabs my other wrist and swiftly flips me over, pinning my wrist next to the rubber ring.
All of this happens within a matter of moments. It’s not until both my hands are bound behind my back that I begin to comprehend the situation, staring wide-eyed at the person who is now standing in front of me.
MC: …how did you get here?
Victor: I’ve been here the whole time. You were just too slow to act.
Folding his arms across his chest, he leans down slightly to meet my eye level, looking at me teasingly.
The alarm bells in my head are ringing frantically, and a strange thought suddenly rushes to my mind, causing me to swallow nervously.
MC: Could it be that you...
Victor: Otherwise, how do you think he was able to locate everyone?
Victor: And why were they all on their own?
MC: When did you talk to Lei Zi…?
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Victor: [chuckles lightly]  That’s not something you need to be concerned about.
He lifts his hand and presses on something unbeknownst to me, causing the pool’s fountain to activate again.
The cascading water curtain gushes outward, creating a hazy veil that envelops us within. Instinctively, I am gripped by a sense of looming danger approaching in silence.
Victor is in complete control of this series of actions. He first made his own teammates separate, then found an opportunity to make a deal with Lei Zi––
–– and tricked me into coming here.
The manor is designed to allow players’ evasion activities, and as a result, there are numerous concealed hiding spots. And Victor knows me all too well to know that I would be intrigued by these interesting features.
He is too patient a hunter, creating the opportunity to win by striking just one blow, biting the throat of his prey in an instant.
MC: Victor, you duped me!
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Victor: This extent of action doesn’t really count as duping someone.
Victor: It’s just a fitting way to blow off the steam, is all.
MC: But by doing this... your team will lose.
Victor: I have no interest in winning or losing this game.
He gently lifts his hand, caressing the “Victor” name tag pinned on my chest.
Victor: And besides, I guess you’re forgetting… it’s only the second day.
Victor: Where’s your name tag?
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His dry fingertips glide slowly up my breasts, passing over my neck and caressing my cheek.
[Notes]: bruh they really just straight went for “前胸” (breasts)— not even caring to use short/refined phrasing like 胸/心口 LMAO 🙏
MC: …pinned it inside the left pant leg.
Victor: [!! elated chuckle]  There’s no need to be so honest.
Victor: It’d be hard to find us here, so we still have plenty of time.
The powerful fingertips lift my chin slightly, causing the falling droplets of water to be sprinkled finely, only to have this cold sensation be melted away by the extremely intimate proximity of his breath.
He rubs his lips against mine slowly and deliberately, neither delving too deeply nor drawing back too far. 
The unbearable touch feels as if my entire body is being lifted into the air. The damp mist of the water stream spreads around us, bringing our closely pressed skin even closer together.
Water droplets drip down his gently fluttering eyelashes onto my upper lip, then roll along the folds of our lips as they caress against each other, finally entering our intertwined lips and teeth.
MC: …getting back at me… you’re so petty! Evil capitalist…!
Victor has done a full circle and repeated every detail of what I did to him yesterday.
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Victor: [flushed cheeks + raspiest of whispers x1]  Naturally, the capitalist has to pay back twice the amount.
Victor: [flushed cheeks + x2]  Also, there’s only one cat at home, and that’s Pudding.
[Notes]: LMFAAOOO THIS MAN!!! For those who didn’t get it– at the beginning of the date, MC addressed Victor as “Pudding’s Dad, Pudding Senior,” suggesting that he is her big clingy cat, which he 110% is LOL. But he “begs to differ” ‘cause as he showed just now, feline it may be, but he is still the beast “Lion” 😩🤣
His muffled words are intertwined with my heavy panting, reminiscent of a predatory beast patiently teasing its prey that it has captured.
In the long time that we’ve been together, I’ve become too accustomed to him, and in his tacit acquiescence, I would brazenly play with his “belly” without any reservations.
But he’s never been an indolent kitty.
MC: Y-you propose a term… let’s talk.
Victor: [flushed cheeks + the most seductively provocative of whispers]  What capital do you have to negotiate terms with me?
The teasing I capture in his eyes itches me so much that I can’t resist biting him. But this only causes the smile in his eyes to brew even deeper in response.
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MC: Just- you- wait.
Victor: [flushed cheeks + chuckles]  That vigor is good.
He finally draws a few steps back, then crouches down and finds my name tag with ease.
Victor scans the QR code and affixes the “MC” engraved name tag to his chest majestically. He then turns around after switching off the fountain, preparing to leave.
MC: Why don’t you take your name tag too?
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Victor: I’m just leaving an excuse.
Stepping on the stairs, he haughtily turns his head sideways.
Victor: [chuckles softly]  So you won’t be too bored tomorrow.
Victor and I, in a sense, have returned to our starting line again.
Although we don’t sit together at dinner, we both wear each other’s name tags on our chests, creating an indescribable romantic tension.
Lei Zi doesn’t dare to make eye contact with me all evening, and I don’t wish to haggle with him, either.
On the third day, it becomes obvious that the other side has received Victor’s instructions and has grown more structured in their approach.
As the dominant side, our countermeasure is for everyone else to stay hidden till the last moment, while I––
I keep my eyes locked on Victor from afar across the dense bushes, provocatively maintaining a distance of about ten meters from him at all times.
Following several pulling and tugging, I manage to hide in a flower house, intending to catch my breath.
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However, the next second, there is a rustling sound outside the window. I hear the person with a steady stride approaching, treading on the broken leaves.
Victor: Think you’ve chosen a good spot?
Beneath the hot sunlight, a few flower petals float down from between Victor’s fingers. He grips the railing of the flower window with one hand, while his fingertips insert themselves into the flower’s pistil.
[Tidbits]: The female organs of a flower are collectively called “花蕊”/ pistil, comprising of stigma, style and ovary. (!!! yeah reference to that innuendo of “the rose and the white thingie” in the PV)~ 💦🙏
His piercing gaze is even more intense than the sunlight, locking straight onto me. Even though clearly we are physically apart from each other, his imposing presence is still palpable.
His slender forearm may have been scratched by the thorns of the bushes, leaving a few glaring blood marks. But Victor remains unfazed, as if it were merely a minor price to be paid in the process.
MC: CEO Victor, aren’t you asking a question you already know the answer to?
This is too foul an approach to entice someone in this way to have them walk right into your trap.
MC: After all, you didn’t want me to run away again, did you?
[Tidbits]: MC switches to “您” here, which is the courteous term for “you” in Chinese, amplifying her bitterness LMAO~
Victor: The door is right there. You can leave if you want.
He raises his eyebrows, revealing all his bright schemes with unparalleled frankness.
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MC: Will that cause too much loss for CEO Victor?
Victor: Unexpected opportunities like this always provide a chance to encounter the next one.
Victor: As long as you consider the aftermath, it’ll be fine.
【Chapter 4】
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Deflating my mouth, I tie the gauze on Victor’s arm into a knot, then look around the flower room without making it obvious. Finally, I shift my eyes again to my other party’s cool and collected face.
MC: You sign documents worth tens of billions with this hand. You need to be more careful.
[Tidbits]:MC uses “您” (the courteous term for “you”), here too LMAO~
MC: Ugh, my plan has been ruined. I wonder if a certain Mr. CEO would be as kind-hearted as me?
Victor: Your little thoughts are almost all written on your forehead.
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Victor: Your plan is simply to have those college students hide while you stall for time, and then launch a surprise attack when the countdown is almost over.
MC: Since you were already aware of this, why did you still chase after me?
Victor: [delighted laugh]  Because your ruses are enough to make me look forward to them.
An undisguised arrogance climbs up the corners of his lips, and he unhurriedly pulls back the rolled-up sleeve to his wrist. The light in his dark-colored pupils reflects my figure.
This arrogant stance arouses my fighting spirit completely. I compose myself and pantomime leaning toward him.
MC: I never thought CEO Victor would have such a wicked side to him. Shouldn’t it be the prey who is to bite in the first place?
Victor: Whether it’s done at the beginning or end makes no difference. Hunting has always been meant to be a deadly struggle between two opponents on equal footing.
Victor: In the face of a predetermined outcome, the process only enriches the ending.
His fingertips twirl themselves around the ends of my hair, making a circular motion in the air.
I gaze at him for a long time. Then propping myself up, I place my hands on both sides of his head, lowering my eyes to him.
MC: Have you ever considered that doing this would expose you to the risk of me biting your throat?
Victor: I never turn down any challenge.
Victor: Especially when it’s from you.
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MC: Is that right?
I lower my head to his neck and, without the slightest hesitation, open my mouth and gently nibble on his prominent Adam’s apple.
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He seems to have not anticipated that I’d be so decisive, causing his entire body to quiver instinctively.
I crinkle my eyes and silently concentrate on deepening the mark.
By the time I lift my head, the teeth marks are clearly imprinted on his Adam’s apple, shimmering with a light sheen of moisture.
MC: How does it feel to have someone bite your throat?
The answer I receive is a fiercely wild kiss.
Victor’s hand suddenly presses down, causing me to be caught off guard and collide with his teeth.
All the unspoken words between us are shattered into fragments in the entangled exploration. The rapid breaths entwined with the moist sound of water flood my entire sensory world.
My scorching breaths are constantly being swallowed up by his kisses. But I don’t simply want to sink into this passively. Instead, I stubbornly entangle myself back.
Whether it’s a conspiracy or a bright scheme, when faced with absolute power, you must show your strength.
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The palm clasped around the back of my neck continues to exert force, allowing the predator to unceasingly penetrate deeper unchallenged. At the same time, I also step on his thigh and move up a little bit, causing him to release a hot and muffled moan.
My fingertips advance on his chest, and in the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of the phone that has been tossed aside.
I kiss him even harder, counting down in my mind––
And just before the number is about to change, I suddenly yank off the name tag on his chest and hold it up over my head.
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MC: I’ve won.
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MC: You cheated!!
Victor: I thought you were very happy and willing to receive my flowers at the party.
MC: This was our team’s reward for victory. And, of course, I would accept the bouquet CEO Victor wrapped for me as the loser.
MC: Besides, this is an entirely different matter––
Even when we return to the hotel after the event dinner, I still can’t stop stomping my feet.
MC: I watched the digits jump to 59 at once. Even if I were to say that I counted faster, it still couldn’t be more than ten seconds.
MC: You must have paused the time!
Victor: Don’t blame other people as an excuse for your miscalculating the time.
Looking at his composed demeanor, I narrow my eyes and follow him into the elevator.
Suddenly, a thought occurs to me, and I press my lips together slyly.
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MC: CEO Victor, could it be that you paused the time unconsciously and now feel embarrassed about it?
While speaking, I lean over and peck him on the lips.
As the elevator ascends, the dots of light that shine through the window swirl incessantly in Victor’s eyes. He lowers his gaze and doesn’t say anything.
MC: Still haven’t paused, eh.
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Pressing my lips against his warm ones, I kiss him again.
MC: Still no pause.
MC: It seems that it wasn’t unintentional, but rather deliberate––
Victor: [flushed cheeks]  You haven’t fully reconstructed the scene in the flower house. So, this doesn’t count.
The patter of rain begins to trickle down outside the window, coating the light and shadow cast on our bodies with a hazy veil. Even our mingled breaths are imbued with the hint of dampness in the air.
MC: Humph, you capitalist! You really never lose out.
Without saying anything more, I lean against the railing and pull hard on his tie knot, yanking it off directly.
Our lips and teeth tightly press against each other as our tongues dance together. I tirelessly explore his territory, leaving my mark on every crevice and corner of it.
The delicate string, as thin as the fine rain, glues our lips together as we slowly separate, panting rapidly for breaths.
The raindrops hitting the glass are reminiscent of blooming flowers, and the world has been rendered silent.
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Victor: [flushed cheeks + !!?? lethally raspy, prolonged whisper pouring into your ears]  Do you think I did it unintentionally or deliberately now?
His raspy voice sounds amid the suspended light and shadow, a small cloying smile hanging at the corners of his lips.
MC: It doesn’t matter to me. Regardless of whether it’s intentional or unintentional, it shows that you seem to be working hard in my hunting ground too.
I curl the corners of my lips into a complacent smile, satisfied and ready to open the distance between us––
However, before I can, the palm covering my waist firmly holds me in place and swiftly lifts me up, pressing me directly against the railing of the elevator in a flash.
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A sudden sensation of coldness crawls up my spine, catching me off guard. To find balance, I instinctively arch my waist and cling onto him with both my hands and feet, crashing into his burning hot breath right in front of me.
I frantically search for a point of strength on Victor’s body and grab onto his coat in a tangled mess. A soft chuckle sounds in my ear, and in the next second, the space in front of me becomes even narrower.
And Victor advances another step further toward me, hemming me in completely into the confined space.
Victor: [!!?? lethally raspy, prolonged whisper pouring into your ears but 3.0]  Then let me see your hard work too.
[Tidbits]: !!! the term is simply “簌—” here (suggesting a rustling noise), and now look at the long ribbon of her dress that has been untied––
MC: [blushing]  I-I, what else do I need to do? You put me down first…
Victor: [-- 5.0]  I see you’ve been very bold these few days, and now you know to be scared?
The bouquet in my hand becomes heavier and heavier, while my high heels are struggling and on the verge of slipping off my toes.
Victor: [soft chuckle + !!?? 7.0 but more dangerous tone like the hunter has you right where and how he wanted]  Don’t drop my flowers.
His approaching breath is like bait. As I’m trying to escape in a panic, a warm palm has already covered my thigh, pinning me firmly in place.
The sound of clothes rustling is exceptionally clear at this moment. Gentle kisses spread along my neck all the way to the tips of my ears, and together with his scorching breaths and touches, they surge into my consciousness.
The overly steady elevator quietly erases the traces of time. However, the numbers that change from time to time become the only indicator announcing the flow of time.
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MC: [blushing]  Victor, it’s…!
The remainder of my words are crushed between our lips and teeth, and my eyes can’t help but widen. Just as I feel my heart is about to give out, he completely usurps me of the entirety of my sanity——
The elevator door opens, but there is no one outside.
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Victor: This is a VIP elevator, and we are the only ones on the top floor.
Victor: Of course, there’s no need to worry about surveillance issues either.
MC: [blushing]  You’re such a…
The only response to me is a quiet chuckle. And in the next second, I’m suddenly lifted up and carried outside the elevator.
He holds me up skillfully with one hand, not using too much force, yet using just enough to not allow me to drop back on the floor.
MC: [blushing]  Put me down!
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Victor: Only you would let go of your grip after biting the other party’s throat.
He lifts his foot and steps onto the thick and soft carpet, walking extremely slowly. Each step he takes causes me to descend slightly, and my entire body is practically hanging onto his.
My thighs, which are wrapped around his waist, gradually begin to weaken. But those searing hands of his remain pressed against me.
Victor: Stay focused.
The unbearable rubbing is continuously wearing away at my willpower, and his hoarse voice sounds as if he is patiently enduring a certain emotion.
MC: Next time... I will definitely not let you go.
Victor: You don’t need to wait for the next time.
Victor: I’ll give you this opportunity tonight.
Along with the sound of the door opening, the somewhat dazzling light causes me to subconsciously squint my eyes. In my dazed state, I find myself sinking into a softness.
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Victor: [!!??!! INTENSE BREATHING + SIR SLOW DOWN!! WHAT IS THAT NOOISEEE]  We can continue our game for a very long time now.
Calls: here! (important read)~
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naraven · 4 months
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> I'm not slacking. > ........ > What's up, I'm working really hard here.
"Doctor! Well, even if you were working or not... I have a letter that Doctor Kal'tsit told me to give to you."
"Here it is."
> What's it for?
"She didn't quite say..."
"Where is your assistant, Doctor? To leave you unsupervised for this long!"
"Who is it this time around, anyways?"
>You don't remember?
"Oh yes. Then I suppose it is somewhat... explained."
"That doesn't justify it, though! I'll bring them back, Doctor, you can read the letter while I go find your assistant!"
>Now what's all this about?
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I can't thank y'all enough for getting me here 😭😭 I know I haven't been very active at all, and that getting to 100 is a miracle in and of itself...
So as thanks, I'm gonna work on this event as hard as I can!! But do keep in mind that this upcoming week is when school is wrapping up, and therefore a lot of finals... ough.
Anyways!! Onto how this event will work...
This is for the mobile tower defense gacha game Arknights!
I will be matching up 20-25 people total (I'm very indecisive)
Please fill out this form (please be thorough and respectful!)
The matchups will be written with short headcanons, along with a 300 word long drabble
After I have finished pairing up and writing, I will ping you/publish the post if you are anonymously sending an application
And that's that! I will post the masterlist soon, but feel free to start sending in applications when you can! I would really like this event to not only be a celebration of my blog getting 100 followers, but to also spread some arknights lore and the joy I had from playing it. It's a great game, and I would love to see what y'all think of this silly event!
edit: I forgot to mention, but I will only write for characters that have only been revealed in the Global AK servers. Unfortunately i am a filthy Global player and not a CN player, so please keep this in mind 😔
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naruto-ol-protags · 16 days
same anon: Yes!! There's been a lot of new stuff, still been playing all these years, but I'm exclusively mobile now. I stopped being active in the fandom after the en forums died but there's probably loads of my fanart/fanfic still on there XD
(also if you want anything to be translated from chinese/looked over put it in this reply, used to translate cn server leaks for my friends lol so it's no problem to do profile descriptions or otherwise, audio+text both no problem :DD)
Oh, I'm so excited to hear! Maybe you could help me with the mobile events preservation too! Do you think you could DM me any of your socials so this goes a bit smoother?
For now, if you could re-type and translate these images' text? Having both CN characters and a translation would be such a big help!
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magireco-minibang · 4 months
Here we go again!
What is a Mini Bang?
The Magia Record Finale Mini Bang is a fandom event for writers and artists, with the goal of creating collaborative work based on and inspired by the mobile game Magia Record (and its spinoff media).
Participating authors will each write a fanfiction of at least 5,000 words. Once the authors have decided on and submitted summaries for their work, the stories will be claimed by artists and matched. As the author works on completing their work, they will collaborate with the artist. Then, each artist will create at least one piece of accompanying fanart.
Once we reach the deadline, all fic writers and artists will 'reveal' their work, resulting in a 'bang' of MagiReco fan content.
How Does it Work?
Once signups open, authors will have until early September to complete a MagiReco fanfiction of at least five thousand words. A month into the writing period, they must submit an anticipated summary of their piece, and closer to the end of the event, they must submit a draft showing that at least two thousand words have been written.
A month into the event, summaries are received and posted publicly for artists to see. Artists then go through and pick the TOP 3 summaries they would like to draw art for most. We will do our best to get artists the summaries they prioritize highest, but it's very important they select three, because unfortunately giving everyone their number one pick is likely impossible.
Artists will be allowed to tell us pairings, squicks, triggers, tropes, ratings, characters, etc that they refuse to draw for, and they can also inform us if there are any participants they are not comfortable working with.
Once the posting period begins in early September, participants may post their works at any time throughout it. All of these will of course be reblogged to this blog!
Who is in charge here?
Mod Abarero (she/her, cis lesbian): This is my second time running a bang, but I've run several large fandom projects before. I've been playing MagiReco since August 2019, survived playing on both the NA and CN servers until closure and still play regularly on the JP Server.
Tumblr: @abarero
Twitter: abarerokitty
Discord: Abarero
What can I write?
Whatever you want as long as it's Magia Record. This means it must focus on elements that are specifically Magia Record related (those original characters or Holy Quintet in MR-specific world/premise)
There is no rating restriction (but you must be CLEAR about the rating when submitting your summary, and participants under eighteen cannot write or draw for mature fics). Alternate Universe is acceptable, as is crossover as long as the focus is primarily on the MagiReco cast.
Finished fics must be posted on A03. If you do not have an A03 account and need one, let me know.
Finished fics will also be added to a MagiReco mini-bang collection.
Can anyone participate?
Yes, absolutely. Just sign up.
What happens if there are more writers than artists?
In this admittedly likely scenario, there will be a section of the artist signup form that asks if you are willing to complete art for more than one fanfiction.
If you are, please let us know (tentatively, this does not have to be set in stone) how many you think you can do. It is perfectly fine if you can only do one, but we appreciate anyone willing to help out by doing more than one.
Can I do something that isn't fanart? Cosplay, gifs, graphics, or fanvids?
Yes you can! However, there will be a section on the form for writers for if they'd prefer only fanart, or they'd be willing to collaborate on another medium. Please do sign up though!
Can I sign up as both author and artist?
Yes. Definitely. Just select both on the form!
• ALL work must have sensitive content labeled.
This includes the standard A03 labels (Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage), as well as anything else you may deem necessary. Please do not just label something 'dead dove, do not eat!' You must explain what the dead dove is. All pairings present must also be labeled.
• As mentioned earlier, mature content is okay, but participants under eighteen cannot write or draw for it.
Other notes:
* It is required that participants join the official mini-bang discord to help communication between artists, writers and mod.
* If your story is a chapter fic, you do not have to post it all in one go. If you have a longer fic and want to space out chapters on a weekly basis starting in September, feel free to do so.
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eviesrandomstuff · 1 year
WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY REAL MONEY FOR THESE 3 🥲 (Yes I'm playing on CN server)
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behindthewox · 7 months
日本語 [japanese]
A month ago I made a post about the planned Chinese server of WoP and my criticism was pretty harsh. I still stand by that, by the way. Since then the CN server has been put on hold.
What's appeared instead is a Japanese WoP server, as if that didn't have the exact same issues as the Chinese one did. The only thing that's different is the fact that they seem to have been less public about this launch, maybe to avoid to the criticism this time. Nice try, there... nice try.
Large companies with vast resources struggle greatly with moving their business abroad and making it work in different languages and cultures. Many of them flop, often because they don't have enough insight and understanding of the culture and language to adapt to the new and very different customer base. You can't just translate everything and assume that it'll work the same, because that's not how it works.
It seems pretty naïve to me to think that a one-person Danish company can open up websites in any language they want regardless of whether they have native speakers involved in the process or not. Especially websites that rely on writing and written communication. It takes a pretty big ego to think you can make that work.
They way WoX works is that they start with a team that set up the site and create the initial content. Then it's launched and through ads it attracts users. The users look at what's there and try things out: if the content is good, they might stay around and be inspired to contribute more, but if the content isn't good enough most users will leave. It's important that the content is well written in the language of the site, or else none of the native users will take it seriously. To most of them it'll look shoddy and careless and no one's gonna invest in that. There also has to be enough content and pre-existing activity on the site for new users to stay.
The leader of the site must also be fluent in the language, how else would you be able to lead the teams and ensure they do a good job? Site moderators are important to have and they must be fluent in the language too. Online translation services can be used, yes, but it's only a matter of time before native speakers see right through it: even the best computer translators tend to fail and make mistakes that makes it obvious that it's translated by a computer. Once a user realises that it's all auto-translated and the person on the other side doesn't speak the language at all, they are likely to feel cheated. It's pretty disrespectful to use a language without investing any time and effort into learning it, and it looks especially bad when it's for commercial purposes that generate income.
I can only assume that a professional translator has been involved. That's a fair bit of money spent on a site that has a pretty slim chance of success unless it's managed and marketed properly. To manage and market it properly you'll have to invest even more in native agents who know the market. If you're lucky you might get hold of native Japanese volunteers to do the work for free (which is how Dan has built his sites so far), but for that you need to reach the right sort of people and impress them so that they will be willing to invest their time in the site. You're not gonna impress them with auto-translated content and a big ego.
If the goal is to reach a wider audience and increase sales, I don't think this is the smartest way to do it. I think it'd make more sense to invest in marketing, maintenance and development for the sites that already exist.
But who knows, maybe I'm wrong? I'm curious to see how this plays out. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments!
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actualbird · 3 years
when and how each of the nxx team first drank alcohol
written by somebody who hates the taste of basically all alcohol except soju mixes
wc: 1.2k
luke pearce and mc: teenage shenanigans
when theyre both 16 years old and luke is but a month away from moving out to study at Central University, luke sneakily buys like 2 six packs of beer. how did he buy that when hes a minor? well, everywhere on the planet has at least one convenience store that honestly couldnt give a fuck about whos buying what. cashier probably looked at luke pearce, a very nervous gangle of a teenager, and decided not to call him out lest he spontaneously combust
so hes got beer!!! and when mc's parents are out of town for a weekend, he suggests they drink for like, cool kid creds. or maybe so that both of them know what "type" of drunk they are in the safety of home with a trusted friend. or maybe mc finds the beers and is like "luuuuuke, whats---" and luke immediately bursts into apologies he just wanted to see if he could get some so that they could have a cool fun drinking night!!!
whatever the reason, mc agrees and thus they both get sloshed.
both of them discover that theyve got a pretty regular alcohol tolerance. the main issue is that mc IMMEDIATELY verbalizes that "wow this tastes like SHIT!" and luke whos still trying to play it cool says "not really!" when in fact he also thinks it tastes like SHIT.
still, they both truck on and equally finish the beer which normally wouldnt be enough to knock a person out unless theyve got a low tolerance, but mc and luke are teenagers who did not know about Pacing or Getting Some Snacks Into Ur System While Drinking So That The Alcohol Isn't Just Having A Party With Ur Stomach Acids. so the night ends with both of them hurling into the toilet
theyre clingy tho, they dont wanna leave each other, so they like, take turns in the same toilet.
really forges a friendship like no other
vyn richter: well now he can't drink THAT exact flavor...
hes been tasting wine since 12 years old because that was the same age i hc he got into wine making because [vyn backstory/cn server spoiler] i assume thats some kind of requirement in royal lineage lessons??? i (jokingly) imagine vyn's childhood to be like the movie Princess Diaries but instead of being fun, it just Sucks Most Of The Time, but yes theres just a vague mixed bag of bougie lessons going on in his younger days like in princess diaries and one of em is winemaking
and also winetasting because thanks to new info i learned from my gf and also frantic googling; theres so much complexity and layers in wine flavors much akin to how perfumes and colognes have a core scent and then undertones.
(sidenote: vyn and marius talking about wine be like
vyn: this is a favorite of mine in particular; dry but with dessert wine undertones and just a hint of---
marius: it tastes like grapes
vyn: shut up, that is not what it---
marius: it tastes like some OLD ASS GRAPES
vyn: //stopping himself from bashing the wine bottle over marius' head.)
vyn, a lover of knowing stuff other people dont know, quite enjoys the study of winemaking and tasting even if he does find it disgusting that when hes gotta taste several wines in one go, he has to spit it out so he doesnt get drunk at the class (REAL THING THAT HAPPENS IN WINETASTING CLASSES, AMAZING). like, gross, he thinks! but he'd also not rather be a drunk tween stumbling thru the estate, he gets it.
the issue arises when his dad who is also rlly into wines tries to make a casket along with vyn as a bonding activity. vyn is NOT interested cuz wow, u decided to pay attention to me only now and only when it's something you also enjoy? he MUST roll his eyes. but still, against his wishes, vyn looks forward to it. they both try to recreate this one great vintage from years ago that they both like, they slap it into the casket to age, and theyll get back to it after like 10 years
and then they never do! cuz vyn leaves! and now in the present when ANY wine gets close to the flavor that that wine was trying to recreate, it always just leaves a bad taste in his mouth...
marius von hagen: ok just a small taste----
i dont know why---maybe it's me projecting my questionable but hilarious family happenings onto the von hagens---but austin (dad von hagen) seems like the type to see marius, like 8yrs or something, curiously staring at the glass of whiskey on his desk and hes like "would you like a taste? it's quite strong though, i must warn you." and marius is like WELL IM STRONG TOO and takes a sip
for many years, even when studying abroad in italy where theres SO MUCH WINE AROUND, whenever hes offered alcohol hes like
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marius does get into moderate drinking (mostly for PAX business and like, social functions etiquette and whatnot) when he returns to stellis though, and as long as it isnt whiskey, hes fine with drinking whatever alcohol
just not whiskey. he has flashbacks of the sheer BLEGH
artem wing: preps for the worst (and he is the worst)
he has his first drink when hes 21 years old. technically, drinking age in Stellis is 18 but artem was REALLY NERVOUS so he made sure to wait for the age where itd be legal anywhere in the world
and he makes it a whole Event of sorts, it's an Ordeal, it's a Serious Undertaking and please, neil, celestine, stop laughing, hes TRYIING TO EXPLAIN!!!
cuz he calls neil and celestine and tells them he needs their help on a certain day and this will all take place in his apartment and whatever happens cannot leave that premises or be told to anybody else.
neil and celestine are stupidly worried cuz he gives no further details until the day itself when artem finally explains whats actually going on
artem: in the future of my career, i can foresee that social functions involving alcohol may happen, so i need to be prepared for it but also ive never had alcohol before. if i get drunk to the point i can no longer remember things, promise you'll take note of my behavior please so i can study it later
but yeah neil and celestine think hes overthinking this but then he starts drinking and theyre immediately glad he did call them cuz
one drink and hes gone
and they both have to wrangle him
and take notes bc they DID PROMISE
artem, sliding off of his narrow minimalist couch as he cry-rambles his insecurities: i feel like theres a small child in my mind thats also me and everyday he screams "unloveable! unloveable!"
celestine, taking a seat on the floor and giving artem a sidehug once he finally falls off of the sliver of a couch: there, there, buddy, youre plenty loveable
celestine: //whispering to neil? how many drinks did he have?
neil, in a tone that betrays how weirdly impressed he is: One.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Intimate Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler. Happy Qixi Festival~
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Translations under the cut~
Whistle: Speaking of which, Mr. Lucien...
When the "whistle" spoke, I did not hear him clearly. He had to knock the steering wheel twice before I came back to my senses.
MC: Yes, what are you talking about?
Whistle: I said that this mission goal is rare to invite you to travel with. You must seize the opportunity and strive to completely gain his trust.
Whistle: You must record his destination, what he ordered on the train, and who he met.
MC: Yes, I remembered it.
My answer seemed to make him dissatisfied, and he looked at me warily through the rearview mirror.
Whistle: MC, It can't be... Are you tempted by that Mr. Lucien?
With a stern expression only face, I sat up straight up steeply.
MC: What are you kidding about, how can I be tempted by that kind of person?
Whistle: Hmm, you just have to know it.
There was no more words in the carriage, and the car continued to drive towards the train station. Looking at the bustling city outside the window, I tightened my lips.
How could I be tempted by Lucien?
If there is someone who fascinates me, it should...
I lowered my head and glanced at the book in my arms.
"Awakening" Snow fox.
ㅡThis "Snow Fox" who can guide me and give me strength first.
The first time I read Mr. Snow Fox's article, I seemed to be drunk, and all the confusion and perplexity I had been dispelled.
He used his pen as a knife to attack injustice and pave the way for peace.
He is a lonely walker with a torch in his hand, walking in the long dark night.
I am a small streamed firefly attracted by the hot flame, chasing this light silently.
Finally, with all efforts, I joined the organization of Mr. Snow Fox
Although I haven't seen his true face yet, but he once asked someone to forward me a book to encourage me.
MC: You are shimmer, you want to hide under the darkness.
I opened "The Awakening" and mumbled out a line of text on the title page—this was also a personal message from Mr. Snow Fox to me.
MC: I will never disappoint Mr. Snow Fox.
The car stopped by the train station, I put the book back in the secret compartment of the suitcase, and carefully sorted out my cheongsam.
The Whistle opened the door for me.
Whistle: For the last, check the mission target situation again.
MC: Okay.
Whistle: Who is your goal?
MC: Lucien.
Whistle: Who are you?
MC: Lucien’s blind date, which is a rich lady who has lived abroad since she was a child and returned to China for less than half a year.
Whistle: Your task.
MC: Monitor Lucien and find out his purpose of leaving Loveland City this time.
Whistle: Very good. One more thing, if there is a suitable opportunity in this trip...
Whistle: Kill him.
MC: Assassinate Lucien?!
This order was a little unexpected, and I couldn't help being taken aback.
Didn't the previous organization say that Lucien maintains the balance of the Loveland market and asks me to focus on surveillance and not to move?
MC: Why did you suddenly kill Lucien? Was it a temporary decision by the organization?
Whistle: What do you ask this for?
MC: Because this is contrary to my previous actions, so I want to confirm again...
Whistle: This is a private order from Mr. Snow Fox.
MC: Mr. Snow Fox...will give me a private order?!
My eyes widened in surprise, and when I wanted to ask a few more questions, a horn suddenly interrupted our conversation.
At the intersection not far away, three black cars approached us one after another.
The black goat logo on the front of the car was plated with a dazzling silver in the sun, like the cold light on the tip of a knife.
The original noisy street became extremely quiet, and only the tires made a slight rubbing sound on the ground.
The convoy drove slowly across the road, and after such a long distance, I still saw the clear profile face of the mission target in the car window at first glance.
It’s Lucien.
Whistle turned his face and saw Lucien's motorcade, and he frowned.
Whistle: You don't need to be too nervous, I will pretend to be an ordinary tourist at the next stop and sneak into the third-class carriage to meet you.
Whistle: Remember what I just said, once you find the opportunity to do it, use the transmitter in your suitcase to contact me.
Whistle: Okay, it's time to play, Miss MC.
MC: Mmhm.
I took a deep breath and got out of the car with a small suitcase.
The door of the middle car across the street also stopped at the same time. A group of black subordinates lined up, and one of them opened the door.
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The first thing that catches my eye is a hand holding a cane. The fingers are white and slender, and the nails are neatly trimmed, like the hands of a literati.
Only the thin calluses at the knuckles indicate that this hand can hold a pen or a gun.
The owner of the hand, leaning on a jade cane, stepped out of his right leg first.
With his figure, it may be more suitable to wear a slim dress, but even if the gown is tightly wrapped, you can still see the straight and slender legs.
The silk gown bends like flowing wrinkles between his knees, and the dark lines on the satin surface reflect the shimmering light as he moves.
He raised his other hand again, took a trilby from the hand of his respectful subordinate and put it on his head.
In the silence, Lucien got out of the car slowly.
It was so quiet all around, it seemed that he was the only protagonist of this silent film.
And after Lucien's gaze slowly looked around, he finally stopped at my face across the street at this moment.
In an instant, his indifferent eyebrows were stained with the temperature of the early morning, and the lip line also bends in a pleasing arc.
Lucien: MC.
MC: Mr. Lucien
Obviously his appearance is so harmless, three points gentler than the teacher in the school.
But when I think of the rumors about this "Mr. Lucien" in the market, I still can't help but feel a palpitation.
He held back his subordinates and walked towards me with a smile.
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Lucien: Sorry, did you wait for a long time?
MC: Fortunately, I also just arrived.
I took a step forward, trying to maintain my innocence and asked
MC: Mr. Lucien, where are we going this time, why would you think of inviting me with you?
Lucien: What we are going to is a very beautiful place. As for why I brought you...
Lucien: I think a smart girl like you shouldn't be surprised.
MC: You praise me like this, I'm so embarrassed.
MC: Now that Mr. Lucien decides to keep the sense of mystery, I will keep looking forward to it.
I reddened my cheeks pretending to be shy, but my heart was beating wildly because of the other party.
Whistle hurried to the trunk to help me take out the luggage, and Lucien also leaned down and naturally took the suitcase from me.
Then he straightened up, smiled and stretched out his other arm to me.
Lucien: Let's go.
MC: Okay.
I happily wrapped his arms, leaned my body against him-and walked towards the train station.
There is still a short distance from the start of the train. As VIPs, Lucien and I have already arrived in the luxury carriage in advance.
And after the whistle sent my luggage onto the train, he left immediately. Before leaving, he didn't forget to wink me a warning.
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Lucien leaned on the sofa. He glanced at the back of the whistle through the window and whispered.
Lucien: Miss MC, your driver...
Subordinate: Mr. Lucien.
The subordinate's knock on the door interrupted Lucien's words, and he frowned slightly.
Lucien: Come in.
The subordinate walked in quickly and whispered something in Lucien's ear.
I tried to prick my ears, but I could only hear a few scattered words-"clue", "check", "eradication"....
While listening, I calmly poured myself a cup of scented tea.
As Lucien listened to the report of his subordinates, the corner of his mouth moved.
Lucien: Don't worry, continue to follow him.
Subordinate: Did you mean...
I don't know if it was my illusion, Lucien's eyes seemed to turn to me.
Lucien: If you want to do it, do it thoroughly.
Lucien: After all, an excellent hunter wants to lure the "Snow Fox" out of the hole, and it can't do without enough delicious bait.
Snow Fox!
Suddenly hearing these two words, my fingers trembled, and the scented tea almost spilled from the cup.
Lucien: Miss MC, what's wrong?
MC: No, nothing, my finger was accidentally scalded by the teacup for a moment.
Lucien: Let me see.
MC: It's okay, it's just hot.
But Lucien had already held my hand, his strength was very light but I couldn't refuse it.
The cool fingertips rubbed my red fingertips, bringing out an ambiguous itching.
He observed it carefully for a while and saw that there was nothing serious, so he pulled a white silk kerchief from his arms and wrapped it around my finger.
Lucien: The walls of this porcelain cup are relatively thin, so you will remember to put something on your hand next time you drink hot tea.
MC: Alright, I remembered it.
Lucien smiled at me, and lightly shook my fingers wrapped in the kerchief.
When he spoke again, his words were directed to his subordinates.
Lucien: Follow the previous plan. I hope to hear some good news when I get to the station.
Subordinate: Yes Sir.
At this time, the sharp siren finally sounded, steam gushing out, and the steel wheels began to move forward steadily.
The people on the platform waved their hands, saying their last blessings and goodbyes to their loved ones, lovers, and friends.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, there is also the persevering cries of newsboys, one after another, like cicadas in the late summer, so ear-piercing.
News Boy: Sell ​​newspapers! Take a look! Mr. Snow Fox's new work "Dark Night Flame" is on the market!
Before I knew it, I had been on this train for three days.
During these three days, I was not restrained and could walk around in the train at will. The scenery on both sides of the train was beautiful, and the companion accompanying me was considerate and gentle.
If it is said that the only flaw is that there is still no intelligence.
MC: Lucien...
This man is indeed too perfect and too tricky.
I sighed and looked at the figure on the platform unconsciously from the gap between the curtains.
The train will stop next to a small station, and Lucien is talking to the owner of the food stall, he looked gentle and humble.
He paid the money and was about to return to the car with the paper bag. Suddenly, a boy with a cart next to him slammed his feet and slammed forward, exclaiming.
Seeing that the cargo is about to collapseㅡ
Lucien's eyes were quick, and he held the cargo box with one hand and the boy with the other.
Lucien: You all right?
Boy: You are?! sorry! sorry!
When the boy saw that he almost hit a noble person, he trembled with fear and apologized again and again.
Lucien: Don't be so nervous, you didn't hit me either. Go ahead.
Boy: Thank you sir, thank you sir!
The cargo boy ran away without looking back, pushing the front of the car.
-It seemed like a small accident, but from my perspective, I clearly saw the cargo boy quickly stuffing a note into Lucien's hand when he left.
Why did Lucien use this method to deliver messages?
I watched Lucien's calm and composed face, and suspicions gathered in my heart. I raised my head  and met his gaze.
MC: ...!
I drew back abruptly, avoiding his sight.
Subordinate: Mr. Lucien?
Lucien: Nothing, go up, don't let the kids wait in a hurry.
After a while, Lucien appeared at the entrance of the carriage. He smiled and raised the paper bag to me as if nothing happened just now.
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Lucien: Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, there happens to be a fruit seller in the station, wanna try it?
MC: Huh, today is Qixi Festival?
I couldn't help but froze. The spirit has been tense recently, but even the days have been somewhat forgotten.
Lucien: No wonder you forgot, it was my fault that kept you in the train for too long.
Lucien: But it doesn't matter if you forget these festivals, I will help you remember them.
When he made a promise, his brows were dazzling and his tone was solemn, as if he really was a caring beloved.
Lucien sat next to me and handed me the paper bag.
The small and lovely fruit inside exudes a fragrance, I picked up one and said with a smile to Lucien.
MC: "Begging every year is a coincidence in the world, and there are too many inhumanity in the world", my pleasure.
MC: Hmm... delicious!
MC: Mr. Lucien, do you want to taste it?
With a smile, I picked up another dessert and handed it to Lucien's mouth. He fixedly stared at me for a moment and bit it with a smile.
MC: How is it, isn't it delicious?
Lucien: Well, this is the first time I have eaten this kind of dessert. It is sweet and slightly salty, with a crunchy texture, and it tastes really good.
Lucien: What makes me even more happy is... You really like the taste of this hometown.
He just bit the word "hometown" a little bit harder, and it made my breath stagnate.
MC: I don't understand what Mr. Lucien's words mean.
Lucien: I remember that Miss MC who came back from studying abroad. Both your parents are abroad, right?
Lucien: It just so happened that my subordinates went to a country where Miss MC's parents, so I asked him to inquire a little bit.
Every time Lucien said a word, he leaned forward by a point, and the distance between us was closer.
His breath was burning, with the sweet fragrance of fruit, but it caused a chill in the back of my neck.
Lucien: In his reply to my telegram, he said...in the local area, there has never been such a family.
Lucien: So, Miss MC.
His hands are still cold, and when it touch me, it's like touching rare fragile objects.
His fingertips went from my brow bones, to eyelashes, to cheeks, and finally gently twisted away the fruit crumbs from the corners of my lips.
Lucien: Can you tell me who you are?
Silence flows between us. The train has not started yet. What can be heard is the shouting of the platform not far away, as well as the breathing and heartbeat close at hand.
As Lucien's breath enveloped me, there seemed to be a flame igniting in the place where he had just touched. I bit my lower lip and tried not to shift my sight.
MC: Is the answer to this question important to Mr. Lucien?
Lucien: Of course it is important.
MC: Why?
My question made Lucien raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Lucien: Haven't you noticed MC? You are a very important person to me.
MC: Haha, Mr. Lucien's words really flatter me.
tugged at the corners of my mouth stiffly, but my mind was spinning.
What does Lucien mean by "not found"? What does "very important" mean?
How much did he find out about my identity?
With Lucien's ability, as long as he catches any slight loophole in my words, it will be enough to destroy everything.
No, I can no longer answer any questions from Lucien.
It just so happened that the train whistle sounded again, and I put my hands behind me and pretended to pull the tablecloth inadvertently at the moment the train started.
The tea cup on the table swayed twice and poured in response. The remaining tea in the cup was spilled on me and Lucien.
I took the opportunity to sit up, lowered my head to help Lucien wipe his clothes, and apologized to him again and again.
MC: Oh, Mr. Lucien, I am sorry!
Lucien looked down at the tea stains on his silk shirt and smiled.
MC: I'm okay, but you have water stains on your body, so go back and clean it up.
As a pardon, I nodded and left immediately.
Lucien: By the way, I asked the train restaurant to prepare a candlelight dinner tonight, and I hope Miss MC will appreciate it.
MC: With Mr. Lucien's invitation, I will definitely be present in full dress.
Lucien: I believe MC, no matter how you dress it up, it will look good.
Lucien lifted the teacup on the table, seemingly inadvertently added another sentence.
Lucien: After all, such a good day as Qixi Festival cannot be easily let down.
I was sent back to my car by Lucien's subordinates. The moment I closed the door, I felt my strength slip away and plunged into the mattress.
MC: (sighed)
Being vigilant all the time makes me exhausted physically and mentally. Only when I’m in my car, I can breathe a sigh of relief.
My identity will be revealed sooner or later, and once exposed, would Lucien behave like a merchandiser who is pushing goods, showing me a touch of kindness?
Do I really have a fluke with Lucien like the whistle said?
I opened my eyes and slowly spread out my palms.
In the palm of my hand is the little note I just stole from Lucien.
There was a line written on it: Snow Fox is in the car, be careful.
At the moment when I saw these words, all kinds of scenes flashed past my eyes quickly.
Lucien: After all, an excellent hunter wants to lure the "snow fox" out of the hole, and it can't do without enough delicious bait.
Lucien: Haven't you noticed that you like ink? You are a very important person to me.
Could it be that... Lucien discovered that I was an organizer and wanted to use me as a bait to draw out the "Snow Fox"?!
Since this is the case, should I act first to be the best-obey Mr. Snow Fox's order and kill Lucien.
Snow Fox , Lucien...All the emotions in my heart are like a tangled mess. I can't help but reach out to the suitcase by the bed.
Across the wall of the box, the "Awakening" lay quietly there.
After a long time, I took a deep breath, sat up from the bed, and started preparing for the action tonight.
I first took out the wireless transmitter hidden in the suitcase and told the whistle that Lucien and I would have dinner in the dining car tonight.
Then quickly took off the pink dress and put on a purple cheongsam. Opened the secret compartment of the suitcase, took out a pistol from the inside and tied it to my thigh.
While putting on makeup, there was a knock from a subordinate outside the door.
Subordinate: Miss MC, Mr. Lucien is already waiting for you in the restaurant.
MC: Got it, tell Mr. Lucien that I will be there soon.
I put the lipstick back in the box and was about to get up when the light from the corner of my eye suddenly swept over something on the table.
It was the white handkerchief Lucien wrapped around my finger when I lied about being scalded.
When I returned to the car, I put it on the dressing table and didn't move it again.
Lucien's handkerchief is as simple as his clothes, and there is no other pattern except for the embroidered mark of his name on the corner of the handkerchief.
The moment I saw the handkerchief, Lucien's abrupt eyes suddenly appeared in my mind.
Why does a rumored "Mr. Lucien" who is obsessed with power and cruel, has such a pair of calm and sober eyes?
Obviously in my imagination countless times, only the "Mr. Snow Fox" in my mind would have such eyes.
MC: Mr. Lucien... is it really just Mr. Lucien?
I was shocked by the nonsense that I blurted out, and I took a step back abruptly.
I was a little flustered inexplicably. Just about to put away the handkerchief, my fingers suddenly felt strange bumps on the silk surface.
MC: Hmm??
I looked down and found that beside Lucien's name, there was a Morse code embroidered with silk threads of the same color.
I held my breath and fumbled for the code with my fingers, and finally found that they formed a words.
MC: My shimmer?
The setting sun outside the window was sinking, and the fluent sunset glow was gradually replaced by the night.
The lights are lit on each train, and the train shuttles through the mountains and forests like a golden dragon.
When I arrived in the restaurant, Lucien was still writing a letter at the table by the window.
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When he saw me, he put away the half-written letter and smiled at me.
Tonight, instead of wearing the daytime gown, he changed into a slim-fitting suit, and his temperament became more capable and chic.
MC: Sorry to let Mr. Lucien wait for a long time.
Lucien: Compared to Cowherd who can solve the pain of lovesickness only once a year, I only waited a while for "Little Weaver Girl", considered to be very lucky.
Lucien: Have a seat
He opened the table seat for me, and I took a seat happily.
Lucien: How have you been on the train these days?
MC: Mr. Lucien seems to ask me this every day.
Lucien: Do you think I'm long-winded?
MC: No, this is your thoughtfulness, I like it very much, and I have had a good time these days.
MC: Even too comfortable, I don't want to get out of the train
Lucien: This is bad.
MC: What's wrong?
Lucien: After eating this dinner, we are almost arrived at the station. If MC don't want to get off the train, I can only use other methods to get you off.
I quickly glanced at the closed door of the dining car, settled, poured a glass of wine, and continued to laugh with Lucien
MC: What other method does Mr. Lucien want to use?
Lucien: It depends on what approach Miss MC likes.
MC: Me, of course I want more....
Before I finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook! A hot air wave overturned the railroad tracks and hit the carriage!
Before I had time to react, I felt like the sky was spinning.
The next second, I fell into a warm embrace.
Lucien: Ugh...!
Lucien held me firmly in his arms, but his whole body was knocked to the ground by the air wave.
The world in the carriage was upside down, and Lucien's letters and official documents on the table were scattered all over the
The ornate decorations turned into fragments, and the wine in the glass was spilled on the brocade like drips of red blood.
The disaster came without warning, and the steel giant leaned on the rails, uttering a heavy mournful cry.
I turned my face to look at the mess on the ground. The crying and screams from the front and rear carriages made my brain go blank.
MC: What exactly is going on...
Lucien: The train was blown up. It should be coming for me.
Lucien took me up with one hand, and with the other hand drew the pistol from his back.
The explosion plunged the train into chaos, and Lucien's subordinates was at the other carriages and it was too late to arrive.
He turned around and looked at the exit of the carriage warily, while admonishing me.
Lucien: MC, If the other party wants to cut the grass and roots, it is estimated that they will take the opportunity to return to the restaurant to confirm my life and death, you have to be careful....
The words after were swallowed back, because a gun was hitting his abdomen at the moment.
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MC: Don't move.
Lucien's gaze moved up from the muzzle a little bit, fell to the hand of my gun, and finally stopped on my face.
For the first time, his eternally calm eyes rippled, and his lips opened slightly, and then he pressed tightly again.
In the next second, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.
Lucien: Miss MC wants to kill me.
Lucien's somewhat helpless expression made me feel embarrassed, as if I was just a little girl making trouble with her lover unreasonably.
MC: Why are you laughing?
Lucien: Nothing, the other side of MC really surprised me and couldn't help but laugh.
I glanced at him and opened his tie with the muzzle of my gun.
Then freed his other hand and groped his waist and chest roughly to make sure that there were no other weapons or wiretapping on him.
And Lucien opened his hands very cooperatively, as if he was at my disposal.
After searching, I glanced at the door again before turning my gaze back to Lucien.
MC: Mr. Lucien, before killing you, I want to ask you a question.
My fingers slowly touched his heart, and said word by word with an voice that only the two of us could hear.
MC: (Do you believe I will be shimmer?)
Lucien's eyes were suddenly bright, and he also answered me with his mouth.
Lucien: (From beginning to end.)
The moment his voice fell to the ground, I shot.
Lucien also slowly fell to the ground under the gunshot.
MC: ....
Holding the gun tightly, I kept my eyes locked on the doorway of the squeezed carriage.
Finally, after a while, a figure appeared at the door.
MC: Whistle..
Whistle: MC? You didn't...
MC: I was lucky, and it happened to be blocked by the sofa when it exploded.
Whistle: Y-Yes...what about Lucien?
MC: Didn't you hear the gunshot just now, I've finished him.
MC: Whistle, You seem to have expected this explosion?
The whistle glanced at Lucien, who was motionless, then glanced at me, his mouth suddenly grinned from an arrogant angle.
Whistle: Of course, this is my plan.
As he said, the hand of the whistle rose sharply, and the black hole pointed straight at me.
Whistle: Because you and "Snow Fox" both have to die.
However, before he had time to pull the triggerㅡ bang! A gunshot sounded faster!
Lucien: Finally bit the bait.
Lucien, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes. He slowly sat up with a gun in one hand, looking at the whistle for an instant.
Whistle: You..
The man's eyes were full of things, his shrunken pupils were printed with the figure of me and Lucien standing side by side.
When he was about to attack again, the sound of footsteps came from both ends of the dining car. Lucien's subordinates who had survived the explosion finally rushed over and subdued him to the ground.
Subordinate: Mr. Lucien, are you okay!
Lucien: I'm fine.
Lucien: Apart from this person, there must be other pests in this train. Clean it up immediately.
Lucien: Also, immediately contact the headquarters and the nearest hospital, check the conditions of the front and rear carriages, and take all passengers out of here.
Subordinate: But you...
Lucien: Hurry up.
The subordinates' throats stagnated, and they didn't dare to defy him, dragging the seriously injured whistles towards the two carriages.
There were only two of us in the carriage at this moment, and Lucien turned his eyes back to me after watching the last subordinate leave.
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Lucien: I just saw, Miss MC's acting is a little bit flamboyant, and she still needs a lot of polishing.
I didn't reply immediately, just stared at Lucien firmly.
At this moment, Lucien's face was strangely clear in the twilight, eyebrows, lips, cheeks... finally merged with "Snow Fox".
MC: ...Mr. Snow Fox's acting skills are outstanding, and the little girl is deeply impressed.
Lucien smiled deeper, and he carefully helped me straighten my temples.
Lucien: When did you discover that the whistle had a problem?
MC: From the beginning. When he faked "Snow Fox" orders and asked me to assassinate you, I began to doubt him.
MC: But at that time I was still not sure about his motives, then...
I took out the handkerchief, and picked up the letters scattered on the ground—the writing on it was exactly the same as the writing in "The Awakening" message.
MC: Did you also find out that there is a problem with the whistle from the beginning?
Lucien shook his head.
Lucien: No. I only found out that he had betrayed the organization and he also found out that I was Snow Fox.
MC: Then when you first got in the car, you said you wanted to get rid of "Snow Fox"....
Lucien: In addition to the whistle, there are other inner ghosts.
Lucien: I arranged this train and wanted to use this excuse to catch them all.
Lucien: But I didn't expect these people to blow up the train in order to get rid of me.
This is a journey of life and death. In the confrontation between righteousness and evil, everyone's identities are constantly changing.
Everyone feels that he is a hunter and the other is a prey. Lucien the Snow Fox. Whistle the traitor.
ㅡOnce Lucien dies on the train, the entire Loveland City may face a bloody storm.
When Lucien said this, his voice became more and more apologetic.
Lucien: I insisted on taking you in the train, because I was afraid that you would be silenced by the whistle while I was away. As a result, I almost made you fall into danger with me. Sorry.
MC: I am not afraid of danger, darkness must accompany danger, I just... a little angry.
Lucien: Why are you angry?
I blushed, and finally threw the gun to him, hold my breath to say the words.
MC: You... the big liar who always talks around the bush!
Lucien laughed loudly. The first time I heard him smile so clear, it was like the early morning when the clouds saw the sun.
He took me to the side of the carriage, supported the window with one hand, and dexterously take off from the carriage.
MC: What are we going to do?
Lucien: There is much more to be done.
Lucien: "Snow Fox" can disappear, but Lucien still has to exist.
Lucien: We have to continue this scene until the darkness fades.
He stretched out his hand to me outside the train. I held his hand and felt the solid strength of his arm.
MC: You are talking around the bush again.
Lucien: Hmm... Would you like to hear me say something less convoluted?
MC: Of course I do.
The glow in the distant mountains has long since faded, and the long night is approaching, and the wilderness will rise from the starting point of the firefly.
Lucien's eyes are brighter than stars and fluorescent lights.
He smiled and took me out of the trainㅡ
Lucien: It happens MC for me, it is indeed a very important person
Lucien: I am very satisfied with the result of this blind date, how about you?
Notes from me: You’ve done reading~ thank you for always read Lucien’s date~ I really love the interaction between MC and Lucien in this date, the way Lucien always want to protect MC and MC who wants Lucien’s kindness, is really make my heart fluttered. Again, thanks a bunch for everyone, HAPPY QIXI FESTIVAL!  (*≧ω≦*)
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shuttershocky · 3 years
Here is a good summary.
No more summer limited banner. - I completely agree. What is this, Fate/Grand Order? They're gonna sell us Summer SSR versions of existing SSRs? Get that outta here.
Promise no more producing alter characters in a lighthearted way. - I also agree. Alternate characters should stick to the Guardmiya / Purgatory / Corrupting Heart thing where there's a real lore reason for the alternate character to exist even if Ch'en in a swimsuit is really hot. I'm especially glad to see the Chinese fans are just as enthusiastic about Brawler Gavial as I am.
Decreasing the 300 guarantee limit until 120. - PLEASE DEAR GOD YES IT WOULD ONLY BE FAIR
Cancel this limited banner and change it to Mizuki single banner. - Don't think this is happening after they put in all the work to make Female Tourist C, but I'd like it if she were the last one.
Change holiday Ch'en's E2 art. - They already adjusted her face to look more like Ch'en and less like Blaze...
Change ALL the old character arts in-game, i.e. Theresa's. - I don't particularly agree with this. I see no problem with Theresa's art.
Explain why Amiya's "Planter" skin and Eureka (the spokeswoman for this event) has G-Dragon's "PEACEMINUSONE" on them. They suspect that HG is committing plagiarism by drawing the "PEACEMINUSONE" on them, which is a registered logo. They look somehow identical.This is not the first time HG was blamed for this. Long ago, someone found out that Lappland's, Liskarm's and Provence's archives were plagiarized from Rainbow Six Seige. Upon knowing this, HG immediately reworked on it and issued an apology. People miss the old HG which responds immediately. - Yeah they should definitely explain this. That being said, I am flabbergasted that Liskarm, Lappland, and Provence's profiles were straight up stolen from Rainbow Six Siege who they would eventually collab with and make canon within Arknights. That's hilarious. Also they need to really check with their collaborators because goddamn, between stealing from Siege and the composer for CC#3 plagiarizing the music for the Permanent Map that forced HG to immediately replace it with a track from Darknights Memoirs, they might get a bad reputation for not vetting who works for them.
Demand Wei@W to explain the issues concerning the in-game character arts and the recently published art book. - I do feel like an art book should be more than just interviews and E2 art yes. Where's the concept art for the operators?
Readjust the contain in the RMB 198 package. - A complaint exclusive to the CN server. I have no comment!
Explain why the pink doggo has been delayed all the time. - WHERE THE HELL IS SHE HYPERGRYPH
Promise that the new module system is F2P. - Completely agree. The modules are free /now/, but so was the game not having a single limited character until Nian came out. They better goddamn remain free for everyone. They shouldn't lock such powerful upgrades behind any kind of gacha system.
Do proofreading to ALL the previous story dialogues and wordings. - Not critical, but yes please
Stop releasing event reruns in one shot. - I don't particularly mind this one actually. A ton of event reruns in a row is fine with me, but I'm just like that.
Give a maximum deadline for releasing each new main story arc and speed up the process. - I disagree with this actually. I think HG should take all the time they need to write chapters. 6 months between story chapters doesn't even begin to faze me. How long was the longest gap between story chapters in FGO? 1 whole year Between LB5.2 and 5.5? These things take time. 
Explain that will there be new roguelike events and will they be permanent. The previous Interlocking Competition receives many negative feedbacks because there is too few maps for the players. On the other hand, they are demanding for either the rerun of Ceobe's Fungamist or other new roguelike events because they love it. Also, they want roguelike gameplay to be permanent in the game. This is more of the players' personal opinion. - HELL YES PLEASE BRING BACK FUNGIMIST MY LOVE I MISS ROGUELIKE MODE MAKE IT PERMANENT SO WE CAN PLAY WITHOUT SANITY
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These calls accompany Victor’s High School SSR “Carefree Years,” but don’t contain any spoilers from the story itself~ ❤️
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
Victor: The playlist a certain someone just shared with me seems to be a bit different from her usual taste. 
Victor: “Melodies that accompanied us through those years of youth” ... 
Victor: What’s gotten you so nostalgic suddenly? 
MC: Haha, I stumbled upon this through random notifications and found it quite fascinating~ 
MC: So, speaking of which, what kind of stuff would you usually have playing on your earphones back when you were at school? It wouldn’t be all English listening exercises, right? 
Victor: Set your wild thoughts aside, and yes, of course, I would also listen to music sometimes. 
Victor: But there were also times when I would have nothing playing at all. 
MC: You mean like simply leaving them in your ears? 
Victor: Yeah. Seeing you with your earphones on, some of the individuals who are tactful enough won’t come forward to initiate a conversation again. 
Victor: Doing this is convenient to save yourself from a lot of unnecessary hassles. 
MC: Turns out, it can also be used as a shielding device! What a cool way to pull a “switcheroo”! Speaking of which, I’ve had similar experiences too. 
MC: Victor, do you know what other things an electronic dictionary can be handy for besides looking up words? 
Victor: Importing e-books in .txt format. 
MC: Ah, so, you did this too! 
Victor: Nope. I caught people in the act. 
MC: You wouldn’t be... 
Victor: Mm-hmm. I was in charge of inspecting such rule-breaching activities back then. 
MC: ...humph, I have nothing more to discuss with someone who used to be an inspector. 
MC: But out of curiosity, what would happen if I were to be caught red-handed by you? 
Victor: I would most likely rap on your desk, signaling for you to step outside with me. 
Victor: And then, I would confiscate the electronic dictionary and hand you a registration form. 
Victor: [putting on a voice but doesn’t sound strict at all, subconsciously reminding himself she is my girlfriend and I’d get hell later LMAO] “Classmate, write your name here, and remember not to get caught by me again.” 
MC: That strict? What if I plead with the Discipline Inspector for leniency~ 
MC: [you’re supposed to put on a cute voice here haha] “I bought this with the pocket money I saved for a long time! Please, inspector classmate, let me off the hook, pretty please, sob sob sob~” 
Victor: Based solely on your tone over the phone call, I can’t feel much sincerity or remorse. 
Victor: I’ll be home shortly, and I’m looking forward to your in-person demonstration. 
Victor: Then, I’ll carefully mull it over whether to let you off the hook, or not. 
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Victor: MC, your package just arrived, and it had some damage to the box when it was delivered. So, I went ahead and unpacked it for you. 
Victor: But why did you buy a whole box of steam eye masks and eye patches? 
MC: Well, the seller happened to be running a promotion, and I couldn’t resist the temptation... 
Victor: Mm-hmm, you do get tempted very easily. 
Victor: If not for that, we wouldn’t have a stockpile of “buy three, get one free” laundry detergent at home, nor would we have those Hawaiian-themed bath towels as “freebies for signing up.” 
Victor: Let’s make it clear beforehand, don’t pull me into “using them up” together when the time comes. 
MC: Victor, don’t be so heartless. I’ve put a lot of thought into selecting these items this time. 
MC: You may not be aware, but steam eye masks come in many different scents nowadays. 
Victor: Chamomile, rose, eucalyptus... I can understand how these floral scents might work, but coffee aroma? Are you sure it can help with sleep? 
MC: Oh no, that one’s for keeping you energized! I hadn’t heard of this one before, so I decided to purchase it and give it a try~ 
MC: They claim its effectiveness is on par with the eye exercises we used to do in our student days; it not only provides eye protection but also refreshes and sharpens the mind. 
Victor: In that case, why don’t you consider resuming the eye exercises twice a day from now on? Who knows, it might yield even better results. 
MC: In the world of adults, it’s very challenging to squeeze out time for exercise. 
Victor: I’m not entirely convinced of that. 
Victor: If you utilize all this time you spend shopping impulsively on online sites, it will be sufficient. 
MC: Humph, when I get home tonight, I’m gonna make you join me for an eye mask evaluating session! 
Victor: I’m afraid my eyes won’t be able to handle such a heavy responsibility. 
MC: Well, even though a certain someone says that, in the end, he will still cooperate with me~ 
MC: When the time comes, I will have the aromatherapy and candles prepared, and we’ll start with the eyepatches to kickstart the relaxation process. 
MC: After that, we’ll apply the eye masks for a complete relaxation session. 
Victor: ...couldn’t we perhaps spend this time better participating in some outdoor activities, something that genuinely focuses on eye health and relaxation? 
Victor: Instead of relying on flashy remedies, it’s more effective to go out and do some physical activities. 
MC: Hehe, have you realized that we have already mapped out a perfect weekend itinerary? 
MC: Why don’t we just go to that camping site we’ve been wanting to go fishing for a long time! Hold on, I’ll call to make a reservation shortly. 
Victor: It seems like a certain someone had this all planned out in advance, am I right? 
MC: It’s all thanks to CEO Victor’s guidance that this small idea was implemented in reality so efficiently~ 
Victor: I think I’d prefer to experience your “efficiency” in other aspects. 
Victor: Why don’t you start by making a checklist of the camping essentials we’ll need? 
Victor: And after you’re off work, try to get back home a bit earlier. I’ll have the aromatherapy and candles prepared in advance to create a cozy work-friendly atmosphere for a certain someone. 
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Sky Date - Prologue
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date prologue, 云霄之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Do note that you have to read this before embarking on the actual date, because it contains background information and sweet domestic bliss you wouldn't want to miss :>
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[ This date was released on 14 April 2021 ]
[ Part One: A Dream About to Take Flight ]
MC: Ahhh! My life is up to me. Not. Up. To. Fate!
The small dice in my furled hand is tossed around several times. When I loosen my grip, it rolls quickly on the map -- ‘2′.
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Gavin: Hahaha--
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Gavin laughs, but hurriedly retracts his smile when he senses my murderous gaze.
Gavin: It’s okay, things will definitely take a favourable turn in the next round.
Sulky, I let out of a huff. I watch as he picks up the dice, casually rolling a '5′. Then, he cheerfully shifts his own plane on the map by six spaces.
[Note] In the game of Aeroplane Chess, your plane can only leave the starting point if you roll a ‘5′ of ‘6′!
MC: ...
It’s a Saturday afternoon. Gavin and I had nothing to do after eating, so we randomly grabbed a set of Aeroplane Chess from the supermarket to play. But I didn’t expect to have such a terrible gaming experience!
Although it’s been the sixth or seventh round, I just can’t the ‘6′ I need to get my plane out of the hangar. On the other hand, Gavin has always been able to get it to take flight smoothly, and very quickly reaches the goal.
MC: Gavin, with your kind of luck, there’s no need to waste it on playing games with me.
After pondering for a long while, I offer him a serious suggestion.
MC: Let’s head out to buy a lottery ticket?
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Gavin: Why don’t we play something else? The paper model from last time was only half done. Since we have time today, we could get it done at one go.
At this moment, the phone on the floor beside me rings. Seeing the familiar number, I tap on the hands-free function.
Nurse: Miss MC, the physical report done at our hospital is ready. Please bring your receipt and collect it within fifteen working days.
MC: Mm, got it, thank you.
Gavin is currently storing the Aeroplane Chess pieces into the box. Hearing this conversation, he gives me a puzzled look.
Gavin: Haven’t you already gone for a physical examination this year? Are you feeling unwell?
MC: No, no. I’m using the report for the registration.
I deliberately pretend to be secretive, leaning towards him. Then, I show him the registration form that I had submitted online beforehand.
MC: I’m going to get a Private Pilot License.
[ Part Two: First Day of School ]
On the first day of aviation training, I set the alarm to wake me up at 6.30am. Even Gavin is stunned at the level of enthusiasm I have for learning.
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Gavin: The courses for the aviation license can get pretty dry. You have to be mentally prepared.
MC: Are you referring to things like meteorology, aircraft structure, air traffic regulations?
Gavin: Mm. Aside from the exams, such knowledge is necessary for aircraft pilots.
While he speaks, he lifts his head to give me a smile.
Gavin: But they definitely won’t stump you.
After packing my things, I grab a random jacket and prepare to leave.
The classes take place in the suburbs, and it takes an hour to get there. Despite waking up early, I’d be late if I don’t hurry up.
But Gavin is clearly not too worried about this matter. He holds a slice of bread in his mouth while looking at his phone.
Gavin: Since I’m sending you there, you won’t be late. Before your first official lesson, I’ll give you a flight class.
I walk over to him, pulling up the zipper of his uniform, and also picking up the motorcycle helmet from the table.
MC: To prevent this from being a mere flash in the pan, I want to leave the joy of flight to the end of the course. But if going by land would make me late...
Gavin rolls the bread into his mouth, taking the helmet from my hand.
Gavin: No matter the route, you won’t be late. Oh yes, what class are you taking today?
[ Part Two, Option 1: Principles of Meteorology ]
Instructor: I’ll ask some small questions to test your foundation and see if you take note of knowledge in this area.
He opens the PowerPoint presentation, then uses a laser pointer to point at the image on the first page - it's a cumulus cloud with a flat bottom layer and a high, upward curve at the top.
Instructor: Does anyone know what this cloud is called?
MC: Cumulus congestus cloud.
Instructor: Correct. The next question - when the International Civil Aviation Organisation observes cloud volume, how many segments do they divide the sky into?
MC: It should be eight segments.
I recall that Gavin brought this up before.
Instructor: Not bad, miss. You did preparatory work beforehand, didn’t you?
MC: No no, I have a friend who has a better understanding in this area, so I was just influenced.
After saying this, chuckles drift from the surroundings. The instructor nods in understanding.
Instructor: In that case, you won’t have a problem during the exams.
MC: ...I’ll do my best.
After all, my confidence is limited when it comes to exams.
Just as I’m thinking about this, I receive a notification on my phone. Gavin has sent me an incredibly large document file.
Gavin: I don’t know how to teach, so I compiled some materials you might need for the exam.
I grip my phone, suddenly feeling like the weather is so good that it makes one carefree and relaxed.
It’s just an exam. I’ll definitely be fine.
[ Part Two, Option 2: Aviation Regulations Class ]
At 2pm in the afternoon, the sun shines from above. I had a full meal, so fighting against the sleeping bug is a difficult challenge.
Instructor: Before the flight, the captain has to carry out the necessary inspections of the aircraft. Until the inspections are complete, you can’t take off. This regulation is easy to understand. In fact...
When the dullness of the course matches how fine the weather is, the entire classroom gets immersed in a drowsy atmosphere.
I take a few deep breaths and pat my face... but I still feel like sleeping.
Instructor: Okay, we’ll take a 10 minute break. You students look sleepy, so go wash your faces to freshen up.
The moment he finishes speaking, the sound of heads plopping down on the tables can be heard all around.
Just as I prepare to stand up and stretch, my phone suddenly vibrates.
Delivery boy: Hello, I’ve placed your take-out at the main counter.
MC: Take-out?
But I didn’t order take-out...
While I’m puzzled, the young lady from the main counter very politely brings the item to the classroom - it’s a cup of coffee.
There’s only one simple line on the note of the take-out: Persevere for a little longer. Gavin.
I retrieve the coffee from the bag, taking a tiny slip. The instructor walks past, giving me a glance from the side.
Instructor: Are you drinking coffee or milk tea? You’re smiling so happily.
MC: Being able to swim in the ocean of knowledge is always meant to be a happy thing.
The instructor gives me an expression which says, “like I’d actually believe you”.
MC: Instructor, let’s continue with the lesson. I’m not drowsy anymore. Learning for another four hours is no problem at all!
[ Part Three: Being Your Co-pilot ]
Gavin: Do you want to head out for a stroll after dinner? It seems to be really cooling outside.
I’m currently taking out plates from the kitchen drawer, subconsciously craning my head to glance outside.
MC: It’s going to rain, isn’t it...
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Gavin: Really? I’ll check the weather forecast. Earlier in the afternoon, Eli mentioned taking out some time to wash his car at night. I even thought today would be a good day.
I step into the living room, setting down plates on the dining table. 
MC: There are just some cumulonimbus clouds in the sky. It might not really rain.
Gavin scrolls through the real-time weather, then gives me a smile.
Gavin: It’s really going to rain.
He gets up, opening the rice cooker and scooping a full bowl of rice for me.
Gavin: At first, I even thought you’d find such theoretical knowledge boring. I didn’t think you’d learn them so earnestly. Looks like you really want to get the license.
MC: Of course. I want to be your co-pilot.
Although Gavin hasn’t even scooped rice for himself, he’s already served me a huge pile of vegetables.
Gavin: Sure. I’ll wait for the day you get your license.
Just as I’m about to talk about how assured I am about getting the license, I realise that the plate on my hand is becoming fuller and fuller. 
Before I can even voice my question, Gavin responds.
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Gavin: Learning is tough. You need to eat a little more. I also bought you ice-cream. It’s in the second compartment of the freezer. I remember you mentioning that as long as you eat something delicious during difficult times, you can press on easily.
MC: ...hahaha! Mm! After having this meal, I’ll complete all my post-class homework!
[ Aviation Terminology Class ]
MC: Calling for the control tower. Number N8596 has arrived, and is requesting for a landing gate.
Gavin (through the phone): Number N8596, you may use aircraft Gate Number One.
Gavin’s light-hearted laughter drifts from the phone.
Gavin: Shouldn’t your class end at 7pm? It’s only 6pm.
MC: The plan was to be dismissed at 7pm, but... for some reason, those in my class were really interested in the Aviation Terminology class, so they did their preparatory work in advance. The three hour class was over in one and a half hours. The instructor said that we already grasped all the key points, so we were dismissed early. What about you? How much longer till you’re off work?
Gavin: For me... less than half an hour. You could think about what to do with this unexpectedly free hour. I remember that there’s a new dessert shop opposite the cinema.
MC: You remembered? I never even told you about it. How could you remember? Officer Gavin, you better tell me the truth. You didn’t remember it - you specially searched it up.
Gavin: Mm, I specially searched it up. I even found that there are claw machines along the shopping street on the ground level of the cinema. 
MC: Looks like what I’m going to do in the next hour has already been scheduled. 
Gavin: Wait for me at the office first. I’ll look for you once I’m done with the work on hand.
[ Part Four: Flight Practice ]
Today’s the first flight practice class. The instructor is sitting in the co-pilot seat, watching my every move throughout the entire journey.
I wasn't nervous at first, but each time he glances at me, I involuntary wonder if I’ve done something wrong.
In an instant, I recall the fear of taking the aviation exam...
Until the plane successfully takes flight, I keep feeling as though the thing suspending in the air isn’t the plane, but my heart.
Instructor: It’s rare for you to make a trip up here. What’s there to be nervous about? Come, lift your head and look at the sky.
At this moment, countless gripes flash across my mind: What’s so nice about the sky? I’ve seen all kinds of skies. Right now, all I want is to fly the plane...
But the moment I lift my head, I’m rendered speechless.
Instructor: How is it? The first time I saw it, I was so stunned that I couldn't speak either.
MC: It’s really beautiful.
Sunlight casts a layer of golden hue on the soft and white clouds, blending the colours of gold and crimson.
I’m unable to describe how the scenery before me makes me feel. 
It’s a feeling which... makes one feel that life has meaning.
All of a sudden, another thought surfaces in my mind: I wonder what went through Gavin’s mind when he saw such a sight for the first time.
The instructor sitting next to me glances at me from the side.
Instructor: Thinking about your boyfriend again?
MC: [blushing] ...no!
Instructor: It’s normal. Each time I’m flying, I can’t help but think of my wife. There isn’t a reason to it. It’s just a sudden thought, an involuntary reaction.
The instructor laughs as he gives me advice with a contagious smile.
Instructor: If you’re thinking about him, just do it. It’s fine. It’s a normal thing. When you see certain things, your natural reaction is to think of someone.
MC: ...Instructor, I usually can’t tell, but you’re actually quite philosophical.
I grab the joystick of the plane, watching as countless clouds drift past leisurely.
All I want to do is take a photograph of this moment for Gavin.
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Date: here
Gavin watching as I drool over the thought of Eli scrubbing his car in the rain while wearing a singlet:
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Love and Fleeting Time (3rd Anniversary)- Song Analysis
A couple of weeks ago, I did a music analysis and translation of the entire concert for the KR server here where there will be a couple of songs that I will be referring to. This is the musical analysis for the track showcased during the 3rd Anniversary PV played at the end of the concert. Contains minor spoilers- mentions of Season 2!
@cheri-cheri for youuu 🥺💙
If anyone had studied film, the arts, or literally is a fic writer, you would know that the sentence you write or shot you take is something of high value and intent that would contribute to the building of a particular work.
Music is the same. Everything is intentional and necessary. Everything you hear commits to a particular purpose/theme and the message you want to convey. The MLQC music tracks in particular have no lyrics, which accentuates the fact that the emotions, the connections and the information you gather comes strictly from the various instruments and sounds that you hear.
This, therefore makes music analysing much fun but a lot more complicated.
For example, without lyrics we have to be extra vigilant. A certain note or instrument could present itself and we might have to correlate that to something in the gameplay. Or, if a certain instrument represented a certain personality, we would have to expand on that, too.
The dot-points are the musical terms/instruments named that you can hear. - Dashes underneath will be the storyline connection and interpretation to the music.
No dashes or dot points mean that the sentence is the analysis and/or retelling of the PV.
@cheri-cheri did her own interpretation which I also would be emphasising similar points that I agree with in my own analysis down below.
Piano enters as a solo, with melody in right hand and arpeggiated left-hand accompaniment. (0:00-0:09) - We are introduced to the piano, which represents MC. - In music and storylines, she is always associated by this instrument. An example would be that she duets with Gavin on the piano in the CN Mark Date. - Her presence can also be felt in the pure piano of the Loveland opening.
As the PV plays, we see the different memories that MC and the boys have made.
We also see MC gently holding a landing snowflake. Snowflakes represent rebirth and purity. As it melts, it cleanses by transforming into water, suitable for transformation and new beginnings. We are also reminded of the Winter World events, from Chapters 19+.
Feathers in the background also represent trust, faith, ascension, and a sign of the 'highest honour'. They also hold a strong correlation to MC all throughout Season 1.
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Acoustic guitar enters with similar arpeggiated chords to accompany melody. (0:09-0:16) - This guitar we hear is Gavin. - This is because he is always seen playing the guitar. He duets with MC on it while she plays the piano in the CN Mark Date. - The melody played is similar to his Season 1 theme song, Blue Temperature. - His track Dim Starlight Night is of pure guitar too.
Electronic harp doubles the piano melody and adds an extra texture, top-heavy music. (0:16-0:32) - This represents Kiro. - It gives a more uplifting feel to the present melody with its higher notes. - This suits Kiro as he's known to be the most chipper out of the 5 guys! - The melody is again subtly similar to his Season 1 theme song Sweet Accomplice.
Cello enters with an expressive melodic line. (0:33-0:40) - Victor. Yes. - His classic cello is always heard in his theme songs in Season 1's Between Time, Season 2, and Gradual Brewing of the Heart’s Melody. - This is as well similar to his Season 1 theme song.
Slowly all instruments are joining in with the flow of the piano melody. - In the main plot as MC meets the boys, they all become very important people to her and vice versa. They would do anything to safeguard MC from danger, and she too, dedicates herself to protect humanity and those she loves.
All instruments through the use of vibrato enhances the emotions, merging and carrying each other to lead to the climax. (0:41-0:49)
The PV continues to show us how the boys were like when they were younger without MC by their side. It then transitions to them being with her, allowing themselves to show their more affectionate and tender sides.
All these memories so far are from Season 1.
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Electronic drum kit and violin section enters with melody and harmony lines for the chorus. (0:49-1:22)
Dynamics (volume) increase.
You can also hear subtly in the back the three instruments above while the violin- the more dominant instrument, carries the melody. - The new addition of the instruments representing the guys in the main melody are the drums. - This represents Lucien. - It is also similar-sounding to his Night Fireworks Season 1 theme song, but quicker, almost like heartbeats. - It's also heard in A Curtain of Deep Love and his Season 2 track.
As the chorus ends, instruments suddenly drop out to a dramatic pause, slowly returning to its previous melody of the few bars of cello, piano and the drum kit. (1:22-1:30) - Victor's majestic cello dominates this piece.
This part is played in C major/A minor (a very ‘classic’ key), with a combination of minor and major chords. This helps maintain the interest of the listener.
Gavin's guitar returns, adding to the melody. (1:31-1:39)
Violins then join in. (1:39-1:54)
The music starts to pick up again with all the instruments for the second chorus to come in. (1:54-2:11)
As this occurs, we can also hear the subtle nudges of electric guitar accompanying the melody. - This represents Shaw. - He is always seen playing the bass similar to the electric guitar, playing for his band Isolated at the Livehouse in various dates.
Slowly, we progress to the ending of Season 1, and the boys state their wishes and promises of what will occur for "next time".
The words/Chinese characters throughout the PV are from MC's perspective- her thoughts during her transition into Season 2.
MC finally enters Black Cabin.
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The electric guitar is then heard dominantly with the violins in the last minute of the piece, changing the tone colour overall. (2:11-2:30) - This suits Shaw like how he meets MC that day, as the bolt of lightning who had appeared in her life. - (This is the best part of the track in my opinion!)
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By the time this second chorus plays, we see past memories of dates that MC had with the guys in Season 1.
After, we see the Season 2 versions of themselves when MC meets them again.
MC is reminded that no matter what world or universe, they're still essentially the same boys she knows and loves.
The other instruments start to become more sound after this section as the electric guitar still lingers in the back. (2:30-2:42)
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noThe violin, piano and electronic drum kit feature on a A minor chord. (2:42-3:06)
The piano and violin together land the ending of the track. - Starting with MC, ending with MC.
As the PV ends, we see the boys as snowflakes dancing to MC's music.
Shards also dance around the snowflake boys, symbolising the memories they had before that had been shattered, now needing to rebuild and reshape them into something new from the result of their rebirth.
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Hi Rinharu~ just wanted to say I enjoy reading your analysis on MLQC (mainly the Gavin content). Just wondering what particular things you didn't like about his new birthday karma? Although I understand with the edit mistakes made :/ At least they were called out for it.
A happy Sunday to you lovely anon and a grandios thank you for your support! 🤗🤗🤗
To answer your question, I'd love to take you for a detour to my post here and show you what my expectations of this event were. As you can see, none of my wishes came true (bummer). But that's not my main problem.
What bothers me is the sudden change of gear from 7th to 2nd in a matter of seconds. For example, if you ever try to turn down your cars torque that fast, your engine chokes and you experience one nasty shock of drive flow disturbance (watching some sports car review videos while writing this but the association is accurate, trust me on this :D)
How is that you might ask, and that's a legitimate question. If we take a look at the momentum of Gavin dates in the last 12 months in CN server, the sudden drop can be observed better. But I need to use spoilers for that, I hope that’s ok for you.
I'll be using @cheri-translates input for the following, so please consider taking a look at her account and leave her a like or subscription if you feel like it ^_^
The timeline of Gavin dates after his birthday event '20 in CN server looks roughly like this:
Spoilers start below this line
- Late Autumn Date: MC is dedicating the rest of her life to Gavin and they share one really steamy make session. This was plus-minus around the same time as his birthday, so we should actually get it in the ENG server soon.
- Same Path Date: This date belongs to an AU for the Double Seventh festival. This date ends with Gavin saying “I helped your village resolve the flood. In return, I will take the most beautiful lady on the altar.”  
- Return from Afar Date: Aside from being one of my favorite dates, Gavin takes MC to a venue which is used for fake weddings and brings a gem with him.
-  Deep Longing Date: A wholesome fluffy date where Gavin and MC visit a Scandinavian country for Xmas.
- Obsession/ When the Galaxy Falls Dates: If you haven’t seen these yet, then I wouldn’t spoil these for you. One word describes these: Perfection
- Blessings Date: Another AU date with Gavin proposing to MC.
So as you can see, during last year, MC and Gavin’s relationship has gradually evolved into a firmly established, long-term relationship which is slowly entering the “future plans, engagement/marriage” phase. Taking that into consideration, the rational move for Gavin’s birthday would be something that fits into the pattern and scheme of the dates in the last 12 months. Papergames could’ve done so many other things or even just enrich the date with the elements suitable for current Gavin x MC dynamics.
- For example they could’ve switch the badge with the actual badge that Gavin had sent to his father, perhaps even going one step further and explaining how MC retrieved from his father, accompanied by a small dialogue between MC and Gavin’s father. Allowing us to have an insight on his father’s approach to things and maybe add a sparkle of humanity into him, thus presenting the fans a tiny bit of relief.
- The date mentions kids being around the playground, where MC and Gavin hang out. Wouldn’t that be a nice detail, if they’ve spent some with the kids. Picture this: one of the girls ask Gavin if he would play  piggy back ride with her and Gavin offers her playing the pilot, him being the plane and MC watching him from afar. He would then fold a paperplane for her and give her a pep-talk.
- What about adding his younger brother into the mix? Yes, I know that PG has changed their mind about Shaw being the younger brother. However Gavin still has a younger brother in the canon story. Wouldn’t that be nice touch if his brother had given him a call or just sent him a small box with trivial things to show Gavin his feelings? Both the R&S and the date are lacking emotions and quite dull if you ask me.
- Since Gavin opened up about his memory with the competition, why not take MC to the gravestones of his grandparents and his mother? They are so intimate and far in their love and trust, they should visit places that mean more to their story. Not just an old airbase to which Gavin doesn’t have any personal bond. 
- The matching outfits don’t have any specific back-story to it. That’s why neither Iridescent nor the edited Caelum mean anything for the players. Funny thing, for Gavin and MC we have so many alternative options! Loveland High uniforms, STF uniform, STF drill track suits, motorcycle outfits/ or helmets or hell matching jerseys from a team, because Gavin and MC help them for a fundraising event. So many options!
- Last but not least, the dialogue between Gavin and MC is not romantic enough for a couple spending the fourth birthday together. Gavin and MC are together since four years! Sure, the older a relationship gets, the every-dayish it becomes. But this is MLQC, we are in a fantasy world and me as a player want to read a neverending romance-story. 
I’m not saying its a bad date, but the way its written, it would be more suitable for a regular SR karma. I was just expecting more depth and intimacy from Gavin’s birthday karma. What MC does is also a very nice gesture, but it doesn’t look like an action one would do on her boyfriend’s birthday. Papergames usually pays much attention to previous events and sew threads between them. However everything in this date feels random: The location, the dialogue, the cake, the gift, everything. 
Plus they don’t even kiss, are you kidding me?! Who doesn’t kiss her bf on his birthday?!
You see, dearest anon, I was quite felt let down by this year’s Gavin birthday event in CN server because I had very high expectations :/
How did you find the date and the R&S? I would really love to know :) <3 
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
Hey there, I hope you're doing well! I was just wondering if the new SSRs and ERs in the newest Memory Bay event for MLQC EN server will ever return. I hate that they're changing the format for obtaining these karmas and it's honestly stressing me out, even though I know it's just a game. I read your explanation post and I guess it just frustrates me that the karmas are much more expensive. Any help you can offer would be appreciated, thank you!
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Hi anon! I’m dashing out a reply to your questions here so I hope this makes sense to you:
The Memory Bay format is unique, at least for now. After the uproar that took place among CN server last year, they've decided to stick with the traditional memory maze style event for the rest of the chapter ERs.
I wouldn't say that the Memory Bay ERs are a must get unless you really like them. I haven't released that ER guide because after a while the ER/SER system is a little meh, especially with more SPs released. Stats-wise, I personally don't think ERs are all that worth it. I usually only get them in top-up events for that reason.
They did refresh the double gem top-ups in the CN server when the Memory Bay event was released—they usually do with most major top-up events. As for the other bundles, I really can't remember since it was more than a year ago since I last participated. Also, I'm not sure if they'll have exactly the same bundles in the EN server, so it's probably worth checking the store.
Top-up karmas—yes, they did in the CN server. It was the first 588 RMB top-up event they had (link to karmas here). They should have these for the EN server as well, but it would be better if you were to look at the official FB page for more information, since I don't play the EN server myself.
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hakutaichou · 4 years
[CN] Main Story: Chapter 37 (Gavin Route)
🚨 Warning: This post contains REALLY BIG spoiler from main story which some of them have not been released in JP, TW, Global, nor ASEAN servers. 🚨
A/N: “All Love Interest ANGST Route” takes place between Chapter 37-4 and Chapter 37-5.
Before read, please prepare a tissue and your HEART!!!
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- Part 1 -
Northern Suburbs, temporary base for STF.
Days of natural disasters have raised the disaster prevention alert of Loveland City by several levels.
In order to deal with the doomsday, all countries in the world have established doomsday rescue operations headquarters, and jointly formulated a number of rescue policies.
The last issue of "Miracle Finder" is to record the scenes of these soldiers fighting against disasters in the doomsday.
The car stopped at the base station gate, and I got out of the car with camera crew.
In the empty wilderness, several special officers in white uniforms patrolled the surrounding area.
According to the forecast, a tornado is about to hit Loveland City, and the STF troops will be here to stop the crisis.
Minor: Brother, where did your commander go?
STF Officer : Commander is very busy, and has no time to see you.
Minor: Hey, we are...
MC: Hello, we have made an appointment for an interview, can you let us in?
The officer looked suspiciously at the press card hanging around my neck.
STF Officer: You are waiting here, I will confirm it.
Eli: She doesn't need to make an appointment.
STF Officer: Captain Eli!
Eli walked leisurely with his hands in his pockets, and nodded at me.
Eli: MC, long time no see.
He looked at the serious-faced officer again.
Eli: Do you know who she is?
The officer looked at me and then at Eli, with a suddenly realized expression.
STF Officer: Eh, she is Commander's...
I slapped awkwardly, blocked the officer's unfinished words first.
MC: If it is not convenient, let's go back first.
Eli: There is nothing inconvenient. By the way, do you need me to help you call Gavin?
MC: No need! I don't want to interfere with your actions.
Eli: Then don't bother, you are free.
Eli: However, according to forecasts, there will be less than five minutes before the tornado enters the area of ​​the city.
Eli: You'd better shoot near here, don't get close to the edges of those wind barriers.
MC: I understand!
Eli's remarks made everyone start scrambling to set up shooting equipment.
The wind became louder and louder, and a large funnel-shaped cloud soon appeared on the horizon, so gloomy that almost covered the entire sky.
Minor: I heard that the central wind speed of a tornado can reach 200 meters per second, which means that it will blow us away with people and machines in five minutes...
Willow: Close your crow's mouth.
Minor: Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet. With Bro Gavin, there is nothing to worry about.
The film crew quickly set up the machine, ready to start filming the entire process of STF team repelling the tornado.
After a while, the circular wind barrier erected all around shook violently, the surrounding trees were rustling.
A thick black shadow appeared at the end of the horizon, hurriedly approaching here.
The tornado is coming.
Photographer: Producer, the wind and sand are too big, it is difficult for us to get close to shooting!
MC: Let me find a way.
I thought for a while and took out the portable DV machine from my bag.
Just now Eli has divided the safety range for us. As long as we do not exceed that range for shooting, there should be no problem.
The violent wind that came in on the verge of blowing in the gap made the gap bigger, many of the team members who were in the front were injured.
STF Officer: The wind is too strong, we can't approach from the inner wall!
Anxious shouts from the STF members came from afar, and everyone present couldn't help but grab their hearts.
A calm and cold voice came from the communicator.
Gavin: I will go.
It's Gavin.
I resisted the urge to scream, my eyes and the camera stared at the distant sky unblinkingly.
The shifted wind barrier was quickly pushed back to its original position by another strong wind, and returned to the array.
The wind weakened, the tornado gradually deviated from its path.
Everyone waited nervously, and a few minutes later, the shadow of the tornado disappeared without a trace on the horizon.
Photographer: Amazing!!
MC: Gavin, you are so handsome!
Several injured officers were quickly taken away by the resident doctor, and I nervously searched for Gavin on the court.
From a distance, I saw a familiar figure approaching me.
My eyes lit up, and I ran towards him without hesitation.
MC: Are you okay? Isn't it hurt?
A look of helplessness passed across Gavin's face, he stretched out his hand, help me straighten my hair.
MC: What you looked like just now...
"Gavin, you are so handsome!"
At some point, my hand accidentally pressed the play button of the video just recorded, and the sigh was recorded verbatim into the screen.
MC: …When editing, this sentence will be deleted.
A smile finally appeared on his stern face.
Gavin: Wait here, I’ll come to you later.
- Part 2 -
STF Officer A: When Commander was still tasked as B-7, we have heard his rumors.
STF Officer A: Whether it is natural or man-made disasters these days, we can survive it, thanks to his judgment and decision-making.
STF Officer B: Yes, everyone was injured in the last rescue. Thanks to Commander, the situation was stabilized and the casualties were avoided.
STF Officer B: …But after returning, he formulated more stringent training plan.
MC: I see...
MC: Is there any moment when Commander makes you feel particularly tender?
The young officer in front of me "umm" for seven full seconds, and finally shook his head.
STF Officer A: More like medical insurance, count it?
Gavin: You seem to be very free.
Gavin stood behind us at some point, his voice cold.
STF Officer A: Commander!
The two STF members who were still babbling a while ago immediately stood up, saluted to Gavin together.
MC: .....
I turned around with a guilty conscience and looked at Gavin in front of me. When I looked down, I noticed that his wrist under his cuff was wrapped in gauze several times.
He just left temporarily, so he should simply treat the wound.
The crowd scattered like birds and beasts, soon only I and Gavin were left.
Gavin: What happened just now?
MC: Well... I just want to interview STF's recent work routine.
Gavin: I'm not asking about that. Your actions just now were dangerous.
MC: I said hello to Eli, and confirmed that I was in the safe zone!
I vowed to raise my hand, swear in my ear. Gavin's serious expression finally eased a little.
Looking at Gavin, I remembered all the rumors I had heard from the officers, their respectful and scared look, I couldn't help but laugh.
Gavin: What are you laughing at?
MC: Nothing, I was thinking about the last issue of "Miracle Finder", would you like to give a personal interview as Commander...
MC: But I'm just kidding, if it bother you, forget it.
Gavin: It's not bother.
His gaze moved down, and he scanned the line of drafted titles on the open page of the notebook in my hand.
Gavin: "The Commander's outside and inside". Do you want to know the outside, or the inside?
I smiled awkwardly, and the corners of Gavin's lips raised slightly.
Minor: Bro Gavin! Are you OK!
A noisy voice came from behind, Gavin glanced back and frowned quickly.
I don't know when Minor ran over, but he was dragged out by Willow before he finished speaking.
After both of them left, the surrounding area became quiet again.
Gavin: It's too noisy here. Let's change place.
I nodded and walked out of the base with Gavin.
A whistling wind came from the sinkhole in the distance, and a shallow layer of rain accumulated on the ground, reflecting the clear night sky and a little bit of starlight.
I followed the arched ridge all the way forward and photographed the traces of the tornado, asking Gavin one after another.
MC: I listened to Eli...
MC: NW put all its forces into establishing an airtight underground base, and didn't join your joint rescue...
Gavin: They aren't upside down.
Gavin: As long as that day doesn't come, STF won't give up protecting everyone here.
His tone is very flat, but it makes people feel extremely reliable.
I thought about it, and re-adjusted the DV mode, aiming at Gavin.
MC: Next, I will start an official interview.
Gavin: …Why do you want to give me an interview.
MC: Because you are the Commander of STF, what you say is the most convincing.
This interview is a temporary motive. I was not prepared for the question, so I just asked what I thought.
MC: The first question: What is the most important thing for the commander at the moment?
Gavin: Protect everyone's safety, and prevent disasters from happening.
MC: The second question: The commander felt that in this situation, for every citizens, what is the most important thing?
Gavin: This is varies from person to another.
…This minimalist way of answering questions, it's really Gavin's style.
MC: The third question...
Suddenly, the flapping sound of bird wings interrupted my question, and large swarms of pigeons started to start from deep in the woods.
MC: That is...
Gavin raised his head, looking solemnly at the flock of white pigeons in the sky.
Gavin: The abnormal weather in the past few days has caused the magnetic field in the vicinity to be disordered, and the return route of the pigeons has also been affected.
In the deep night, the pigeon flock wandered anxiously over the woods, flapping its wings constantly, as if calling for the return of their companions.
However, after the tornado struck, many birds were injured or died, and white feathers were scattered everywhere on the ground.
Several faint calls came from the bushes not far away.
Gavin and I approached and found two injured pigeons
One of them was badly injured, and dying; the other was still struggling.
MC: Will they die?
Gavin didn't speak, and rescued the two pigeons from the strange orange bushes, with a little blood stained on their messy wings.
It seemed to be frightened, its body trembling, and the warning sound of "cooing" as soon as we approached.
MC: Great, it seems okay!
Gavin: Be careful, don't get hurt by them.
Gavin: This is a wild pigeon that has not been domesticated, and is very wary of humans.
Gavin avoided the beak pecked by the pigeon, picked it up and checked it.
Gavin: No injuries.
The pigeon struggled to escape from his palm.
MC: Do they continue to fly forward?
Gavin made a soft "Mm" sound.
Gavin untwisted the withered grass entangled in its ankles, and another small gust of wind rolled up in his palms, drying its wet wings.
Gavin: If the wings are not wet, the flight home can be easier.
Its eyes rolled steadily, as if understanding the intention of Gavin, obediently gave up the struggle.
Perhaps after waiting too long, the group hovering in the sky gradually moved away, flying behind the invisible gray sky.
MC: Can this pigeon find its friends?
Gavin: Difficult.
MC: I see...
Gavin seemed to notice my loss, and changed his words.
Gavin: But it is not impossible.
Gavin: The migration of pigeon, is actually a story about commitment.
MC: Committed?
Gavin: Fulfill their promise to go back.
Gavin: No matter how far you fly, you will definitely arrive where you want to fly as scheduled.
The pigeon in his palm seemed to sense Gavin's words and tried to wave its wings again.
The small gust of wind gradually increased, escorting this child to the sky.
Soon, it struggling to flap its wings forward, disappearing into the night sky and the end of the stars.
MC: In fact, whether it is them or the wind, they all know their direction.
MC: Even if it takes a long time to walk, even if it will go away, it will not stop.
MC: Is that right?
Gavin didn't speak, but gently held my hand.
At this time, a few STF members came towards us, saluted to Gavin, and solemnly reported the situation of the other bases.
Gavin's face was always calm, as if no matter what kind of danger he encountered, he would not have the slightest panic.
MC: Is there another task?
I couldn't help but whisper to Eli, who was beside me, and he nodded.
Eli: I heard that there was a violent conflict in the city, and the situation is not very optimistic. They have to come to support tonight.
MC: I see... thank you very much.
Eli: Don't worry, Gavin will stay in Loveland City to lead. He is the backbone of all of us.
I'm a little embarrassed to be guessed by Eli.
Eli: But we have to rush to deal with a flood tonight. The disaster is dangerous, so you can't follow.
MC: I know, you guys must come back safely.
The bonfire ignited at the distant base dispelled the darkness, and the constantly rising tongue of fire brightened the night sky red, and occasionally there were a few crisp clashes of wine glasses and laughter.
This temporary celebration and happiness seem extremely precious on such a night.
I involuntarily rubbed my palms tightly, and some hope that the "moment" in that prophecy would come soon.
No matter where I go or what I experience, it would be great if I could reverse the ending.
After the officers reported, Eli stepped forward and said something to Gavin, patted him on the shoulder, and suddenly looked at me again.
Eli: I'll leave first, and meet again later, the young couple get along well.
Eli left after speaking, waved goodbye to me before leaving.
There was a brief silence all around, only cheers from afar broke the silence between us.
MC: Are you leaving now?
Gavin: Mm, we will leave in two hours.
I stepped forward, took his hand gently, and sat down on a rock.
The wind in the wilderness is blowing on the long stretch of grass in the distance, and there is a green smell in the darkness that fluctuates with the night.
MC: Then you need a good rest now.
MC: I wonder if Mr. Commander, who has been busy all day, is willing to agree to my request.
Gavin: Can I take a rest?
I was stunned by him, after a few seconds, I didn't expect Gavin was directly rest on my knee.
Gavin: Thank you for coming.
MC: ...You're welcome.
I opened my mouth again, trying to remedy my stupid answer, but Gavin had already closed my eyes.
For a long time, long and even breathing sounded from my knees.
This land is shrouded in night and cold, but my heart is very bright and warm at this moment.
I gently stroked his finally showing tired eyebrows, my heart soft.
MC: Thank you for the hard work, Gavin.
I hope you can also have a good dream.
- Part 3 -
In the vast expanse of the universe, a swarm of comets quickly fell to the blue planet.
Cities, forests, mountains, rivers and oceans were all engulfed by heat waves and tongues of fire, and vanished in the blink of an eye.
It seems that I am the only one left in the whole world, and the stars gradually shrink, hitting my heart like a burning bullet hitting the bullseye---
I woke up from the nightmare and took a deep breath.
Gavin: Woke up?
MC: I'm sorry... I fell asleep too.
I raised my head, met Gavin's worried eyes.
Gavin: Had a nightmare?
MC: Not a manifest dream, but a sweet dream.
MC: I dreamt that we became super cosmic warriors, saving the world from the brink of destruction.
I cheered up, and made a joke pretending to be relaxed.
Gavin: It seems that dream should be kept longer, it is best not to wake up.
He sighed, and gathered the jacket over me again.
There are footsteps approaching behind him.
When Gavin got up, the officer came over and whispered something to Gavin.
I was stunned, and quickly reacted: He is going to the next temporary base to command the mission.
MC: Are you leaving soon?
Gavin: There are still ten minutes left.
MC: Then I have one last question to interview you.
I turned around, fixedly looked at Gavin.
MC: Before the end, what is your wish?
Gavin: ...My wish?
MC: This is the question I want to ask you, so you can answer me alone.
MC: I have interviewed many people these days, and heard many people’s wishes, but I haven't had a chance to ask your wishes.
MC: I want to know what Gavin's wish is.
Gavin's expression was a little surprised, and he didn't speak for a long time.
Perhaps, this question is too vain and slow, he never put his wishes on unrealistic things.
???: Look, there are meteors!
The cheers of the crowd came from far behind, and Gavin and I raised our heads together.
The sky was passing by a meteor, dragging a bright trail, from loneliness to grandeur.
Under this bright and grand light, everything becomes small and quiet.
MC: Beautiful...
The falling trajectory of the meteor is long and narrow in the night sky.
The ubiquitous light illuminates the mountains and valleys in the distance, the river at the end of the horizon, and the city.
It also illuminates every face looking up on the earth.
Gavin suddenly grabbed my hand, his voice was very soft.
Gavin: When I was seventeen, I did have a wish.
Suddenly a large swarm of snow-white flew across the sky.
The flying dove in the dark night fluttered its wings and dropped a large piece of white feathers, drowning his voice.
I looked up in a different place, saw his star-lit eyes, and wanted to ask him what it was.
He looked at me with a deep retention and sadness. I always felt, that there were many emotions that I didn't understand.
In a second of distraction, I almost blurted out if he knew that I was going to leave.
But I didn't have the courage to speak up to verify this conjecture.
I grabbed his hand and tried to make a smile.
MC: I used to see meteors and could only think of wishing. I didn't expect that one day the meteors would actually destroy the world.
Gavin: Are you scared?
I shook my head.
MC: In fact, as long as I'm by your side, I'm not afraid at all.
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Gavin lowered his head and put the kiss on our folded hands.
Gavin: I promise you.
Gavin: I won't leave you, until the last moment.
I heard his heartbeat on his chest, closed my eyes, and silently made a vow to the meteor.
May the world never end.
May he always be by my side.
- Part 4 -
The news broadcast the arrival time of the X1917 comet cluster, as expected, without any change.
As a commander, Gavin became more and more busy, and the occasional time together became exceptionally short.
Today, the STF is holding a major meeting.
Those present were all commanders from various countries' combat headquarters participating in this joint doomsday rescue.
After the meeting, I put down the interview draft and couldn't help but look at the meeting room.
Gavin came out last, and he was talking to a foreign man with a high nose and deep eyes.
The man seemed to notice me waiting on the side, he turned to me, his face stretched.
Foreign Commander: Eh, you are the producer. I have watched your show, Miracle Finder, which is great.
He gave me a thumbs up.
MC: ...Thank you!
I can't fully understand their small talk. I can only vaguely hear the commander's admiration and gratitude to Gavin.
After the conversation, he saluted to Gavin, and then left with his men.
I couldn't wait to walk to Gavin, wanting to open my mouth, but hesitated again.
The news specially told him today, perhaps compared with the important news he comes into contact with every day, is nothing at all.
Gavin: What's wrong?
MC: Gavin, I have good news for you.
MC: After the previous program was broadcast, some citizens contacted us and wanted to send you a loving lunch, medical supplies, and...
I counted the enthusiastic letters I received these days with my fingers. He listened carefully, his lips curled up unconsciously.
Gavin: STF doesn't need these for the time being, but it can be sent to disaster areas with more dangerous conditions.
Gavin: You can figure it out. I'll give you some addresses later.
MC: Okay!
Gavin's gaze flickered slightly, as if he had to say something, the communicator on his waist ticked.
Gavin: ...Wait for me.
MC: It's okay, go ahead.
I cheered up and bid farewell to Gavin, but the loss of separation was still unstoppable in my heart.
I let out a sigh of relief and began to think about how to arrange these supplies.
This time we are, fighting side by side with all mankind.
The last day of the countdown.
The days of waiting regretfully finally arrived, but it seemed to be no different from usual.
MC: How is the situation today?
STF Officer A: There were no casualties, and damaged communications and traffic are slowly recovering.
STF Officer B: That's right, Commander was not injured, so Sister-In-Law, don't worry.
MC: ...Okay.
While chatting, I looked around for Gavin's figures.
Soon, a figure dangled from behind the door of the headquarters.
Gavin, who had changed his uniform, walked towards me, the cuffs of the gray jacket were slightly rolled up, revealing a strong wrist.
At the moment when my eyes were facing each other, Gavin had already walked to me, and I was stunned for a second.
I raised my head and looked at him, as if I had guessed something in my heart.
Gavin: Come?
MC: You, there are no tasks today?
Gavin: I took half a day off.
MC: Eh....?
Gavin: I'll accompany you out for a walk.
Behind him, the whistle and the confession sounded one after another, Gavin faintly swept back, and the group of people suddenly made noise again.
MC: Is it really okay? I think it’s good to stay here...
Gavin took my hand and walked out. I turned around a little hesitantly, afraid that he would waste too much time.
Unexpectedly, Eli also waved at me and made a "rest assured" mouth shape.
Gavin: Leave them alone.
MC: I don't know why, but now I always have a feeling of occupying major public resources.
The corners of Gavin's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at me helplessly, sighed.
Gavin: Can't the Commander go on a date after get off work.
He stood still in front of me, a little serious in his amber eyes.
Gavin: What stands in front of you now, it's Gavin that belongs to you only.
There was no one on the street, and the few shadows of trees stretched to the end of the empty road.
We unknowingly walked to the vicinity of Loveland High School and ate the last bowl of noodles at the still-open Lynn's Kitchen.
A live interview of STF to fight off the tornado is being broadcast on TV, and the boss exclaims while watching.
Boss: Did you really repel the tornado?
Gavin: Some news likes to exaggerate, you don't have to believe it.
MC: Gavin, this was taken by me.
Gavin: …Hmm, it was repelled.
Boss: Add more beef for you. Do you want other side dishes?
MC: I want it!
Gavin: Are you sure you can eat it?
MC: I'm able to eat it!
Gavin put down his chopsticks, looked at the side dishes on the table and the pile of beef in the bowl, he expressed doubts to me with his eyes.
MC: Is this a new flavor of noodles? It seems that I have never eaten it before.
Boss: Did little girl eat it? I updated the recipe of the soup. How does it taste?
MC: Super invincible and delicious!
Boss: That's good.
Boss: There are too many things that have been missed in a lifetime, and it's not worth beating.
Boss: However, it is still a pity that more people haven't tasted this bowl of noodles.
Boss: Thank you for finishing it.
MC: I'm so full...!
Gavin: You ate all the side dishes the boss gave.
MC: Because I don’t want to be a starving ghost...
Gavin: Nonsense.
Gavin gently knocked on my forehead, his eyes turned to the school gate across the road, his expression suddenly softened.
Gavin: You saved a cat here.
MC: You have beaten a few people here.
Gavin laughed.
Unexpectedly the school door closed tightly. Gavin noticed the loss on my face and patted my shoulder lightly.
Gavin: Do you want to go elsewhere?
MC: What a pity... I still want to go back and have a look.
MC: Wait, I get it!
Gavin: Are you sure you want to do this?
MC: No one, is afraid of anything!
With Gavin's help, I finally climbed the outer wall of the back door of the school.
MC: I wanted to do this a long time ago.
I clapped my hands, turned my head, Gavin was still standing under the wall, looking at me with a little speechless and a little funny.
MC: It doesn't matter, there is no one in the security room and no one in the school building. Come up soon.
Gavin touched his lips, with an expression of defeat by me.
He easily climbed up the wall and sat down beside me.
Gavin: Ready?
He seemed to see my hesitation and looked at me holding back a smile.
Gavin: I will count down for you?
This is the end of the matter, regret is useless. I took a deep breath and slowly released the fingers that were holding behind me.
Gavin: Three, two---
Before "One" hasn’t shouted out, I subconsciously let go of my hand because of tension, and my falling body was quickly surrounded by a gust of wind.
The violent heartbeat hit the tympanic membrane, and we landed safely on the ground.
MC: I didn't seem to have eaten so much just now.
Gavin: Can't walk anymore?
MC: ...I'm afraid you won't be able to hold it.
Gavin: Hold tight.
As if to verify this sentence, his hand pierced my knees and hugged me to the direction of the school building.
MC: But like this...!!
Gavin gently raised the corners of her lips.
Gavin: No one, is afraid of anything.
We came to Gavin's classroom.
The classroom door was not locked. I turned on the light, saw that the writing on the blackboard had not been cleaned.
MC: Gavin, which table is yours?
Gavin was a little surprised. He looked around and pointed to the back of the classroom by the window.
Gavin: There.
MC: Is this one?
I walked to the back of the classroom and stared curiously at the graffiti on this table.
MC: "Early" was carved upside down on the table,... I can't tell that you are quite easy to learn.
Gavin: …It’s the back one.
I followed Gavin's gaze and looked back. A desk was in the corner next to the wall.
MC: But after so many years, It must have changed many seats, and the table may not be this one.
I took the opportunity to sit down in the seat where Gavin had been, and looked around.
MC: Um... the vision from the blackboard is not very good.
MC: But the ventilation is good, it should be comfortable to sleep here in the afternoon.
I don't know if it was because of listening to my serious comments, there was a sporadic smile on his lips.
Gavin: Why are you talking about that suddenly?
MC: I told you before, we organized ordinary citizens and Evolver to build a wishing wall.
MC: I thought I would see a lot of fanciful and weird wishes, but after seeing it, I realized that this was not the case.
MC: "I want to eat hot pot for the last time", "Reunion with my family", "I want to reconcile with the lover who broke up"...
MC: That’s why I realized, everyone’s strongest wish is, actually a regret that has not been realized.
MC: That's why...
I want to make up for these regrets.
We left the classroom, and walked down the stairs. The sound of different footsteps echoed in the dim staircase.
Gavin: Are you scared?
MC: Hm?
Gavin: I remember many horror legends circulated in schools.
He slowed down as he spoke, always keeping a step away from me in front of him.
I hesitated for a moment and wanted to tell Gavin that I was not afraid.
In other words, I'm more afraid that the road under my feet will be finished soon than I'm afraid of these stories.
I hope the stairs below my feet can be longer, preferably without end.
MC: .....Gavin.
I stood on the edge of the steps, turned my head, and could not help calling his name.
A repressed impulse, drove me to do something.
He stood on a step lower than me, stopped, and looked at me with some doubts.
The few rays of light that leaked out of the window fell between us, cutting light and dark apart.
This light is like a crease, and I stand in front of him now, as if witnessing the folding of the years that have separated us.
Gavin: I know what you want to say.
His voice was lightened for an instant, with a sure smile.
The next second, he bent down, clasped my chin, and kissed me.
- Part 5-
The dim lights on both sides of the road passed through the dense leaves, scattered on the ground.
The library didn’t open, Gavin and I were strolling around the empty campus.
There seemed to be a warm touch remaining on the lips, I looked away pretending to be calm, always embarrassed to meet Gavin's gaze.
The bell rang in the distance, and the ginkgo leaves rustled down.
For a time, none of us spoke.
The meteors in the sky are getting denser, and my heart is beating faster and faster.
An uneasy premonition told me, that moment was approaching.
MC: Although shooting stars can be seen every day, it seems that many wishes are too late.
I pretended to smile with ease, breaking the deadlock between us. Gavin seemed to perceive something, and his amber-colored eyes looked at me.
Gavin: MC, You haven't finished what you just said.
Gavin: You keep asking about my wishes, what about yours?
MC: My wish...
My voice couldn't help but stop.
The ginkgo leaves on the branches are crumbling, and some are knocking on the windows of the school building behind them.
These leaves rustle on the branches in summer, and they creak when they fall in autumn. Every leaf makes a nice sound, but I have never noticed it.
I suddenly knew what my wish was.
I want to walk slowly at the school gate before the class bell rings.
I want to look up in the library and take a good look at the teenager sleeping opposite me.
I want to catch the wind at the age of seventeen, and say goodbye to him before the ginkgo leaves fall.
I looked up at Gavin, suddenly I wanted to cry.
MC: What if my wish will never come true?
Gavin was taken aback, for a long time, he rubbed the top of my head.
Gavin: Then go ahead.
Gavin: The wish that may not be reached now, but if you come back one day, it's already by your side.
I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.
MC: Gavin, I am going to do something very important now.
MC: I kept busying myself a few days ago, thinking that if I didn't think about it, I wouldn't be sad until that time.
MC: But now I want to thank you, you gave me the courage to face it.
I felt like crying, but still managed to squeeze a smile.
MC: I'm leaving.
Gavin was silent, he gently stretched out his hand and stroked my face.
Gavin: I seem to be very bad at saying goodbye, and I have never been able to say goodbye to you every time.
Gavin didn't ask why or where I was going. He seemed to have known about this a long time ago.
Just hugged my arm hard and hot, as if to hold something at the last moment.
MC: This time it's my turn to say goodbye to you.
MC: We have experienced so many things, so this time is nothing.
I feel my body is getting lighter and lighter, and my limbs are gradually losing consciousness.
Perhaps that moment has come, my mind is getting harder and harder to concentrate, only vaguely seeing deeper and deeper sadness in my eyes.
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MC: You told me...
MC: Regardless of the wind, the pigeon has its own direction, and I think I should do the same.
MC: But I am a person who has no sense of direction. I may go the wrong way and it will take a long time to get back to you...
Tears still fell unconvincingly, I sucked my mouth and wanted to speak again, but Gavin interrupted my words firmly.
Gavin: It doesn't matter if you go the wrong way.
Gavin: It doesn't matter if you come late.
Gavin: When I was seventeen, you let me know the direction of the wind.
Gavin: So it’s the same for you, just walk in your direction, no matter where you lead...
Gavin: My wish, is to meet you.
The white light was like a trickle, slowly seeping from the girl's body, illuminating the whole night.
MC: When the time comes, please correct my direction.
Feathers fluttered slowly from the girl's body.
The sky seemed to show a gleam of light, and the wine fell on the white feathers piled up under the girl's feet.
Gavin stood there quietly for a long time, his eyes always on the place where the girl disappeared.
He looked at the feathers scattered on the ground and the ginkgo that was blown away by the wind, his lips moved slightly and his hands slowly dropped.
The clear and distant "ding dong" echoed in the empty campus---
The bell rang after class.
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