#yes Wouldn't've IS a real word. like we use it all the goddamn time. have you ever seen it used?
charliethecandyeater Β· 2 years
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"Was I worth the wait?"
Tw: slight swearing
Rated Tea for tyrannosaurus
"Ooh, it's beautiful, isn't it Stanley?" His gorgeous baritone voice cut through the air smoothly.
And it was. Definitely unique. Stanley couldn't remember ever seeing anything like this before. The void stretched out endlessly, breathing in a sense of calm and wonder he wouldn't have expected. And the colors. Beautiful neon hues speckle the voidscape, glowing and vibrant and beautiful in their majesty. It looked like space in a way. A few pin pricks of light could be seen off in the distance, as if looking at a beautiful velvety black night sky.
Were they in space? Is that where Stanley had been all along? All of these years here, probably even decades, and it never would have occurred to him that he could be in space. Out of all the possible places he could be.
The Narrator sighed again, pulling in the curly haired man out of his thoughts. Why, if he didn't know any better he would assume the voice was actually enjoying this. Was he content? Feeling a happy sense of serene peace? Was the voice even capable of feeling these things? Stanley shook his head, dismissing his wondering thoughts. Any longer and he'd drive himself mad, and that's not why he's here, is it?
To be fair, he still had no idea why he was here.
Stanley thought little as he bent down to sit on the cold concrete floor, fully content to just watch the neon colors lazily float on by. He felt a smile pull at his lips, giving off a voiceless sigh of his own as he laid down on his back. It definitely was relaxing. Stanley could almost feel all of his troubles melt away as he puts his hands behind his head, settling in for at least a few good minutes of peace. A part of him thought the Narrator would chastise him for this. "Ah Stanley," He would say in that pompous voice of his, "do get off the ground, you don't want to get your clothes filthy."
But to his mild surprise the Narrator said nothing. The voice seemed to be paying him no mind, humming some unknown tune, soft and low. Stanley hadn't noticed before, and really didn't mind. It sounded nice. Was that a lullaby? Who knows.
Soon enough Stanley felt his eyelids droop, and a silent yawn leaves his mouth. He felt tired. When has it been since he'd last slept? Matter of fact, when has it been since he last ate? Stanley felt his brow furrow as he thought. There he goes thinking again. But honestly, sooner or later these questions had to have popped up in his mind, yes? Surely. Mmm, No, Stanley didn't seem to recall asking himself these questions before. For all the possible decades he's been here, he never really thought to stop and ask for food. Or even a bed! Well, there was that couch in the employee lounge. Looked like a nice couch. Looked old. Comfortable probably. He briefly wondered how many people would have slept on it, working long hours in an office building would tend to leave someone tired. Or insane.
"Oh Stanley, I don't think I've ever seen you so relaxed!" The Narrator spoke suddenly, making Stanley jump in his spot. "Oh! Do pardon me, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm glad you're enjoying the room." Stanley looked up furiously, his face flush. Well now he's embarrassed, he'd almost completely forgotten about him, the Voice. Or was he a man? It was a disembodied voice, for all Stanley knew it was just in his head and he was going crazy. Although, it wasn't a bad voice to have stuck in your head for all eternity. Nice and velvety, like warm honey. It had an air of pompous sophistication to it. Hell, the man could read a dictionary and it would be entertaining.
Stanley felt himself blush as his thoughts. Well how unprofessional of him! He didn't even know this man-voice-person-thing, and he's already over here content with having said voice stuck in his head for the rest of time.
Stanley shook his head again, and took a second to look up. Where would the Narrator be, the man wondered? He would be above him wouldn't he? That's where Stanley always imagined the voice being. Above him. Or... maybe below? Was he an Ethyl being, floating gracefully all around him?
Who cares. Stanley smiled, voicelessly grunting as he lifted one of his arms from behind his head. The Narrator gave off a surprised hum as he noticed Stanley waving at him.
"Yes Stanley, what is it?" The Narrator asked, and it's so gentle and warm. Stanley smiled as he waved towards himself with his hand. Come down?
"What Stanley? Do you want me to... Oh! Oh no no no, I can't do that!" The Narrator says with a lighthearted chuckle. Stanley rose a brow in mock irritation. He waved his hand again, then moved to pat the empty spot beside him, the loud claps of his flesh and the concrete echoing throughout the space. Come down and lay with me! It's nice down here.
"No Stanley, I don't think you understand," the Narrator says, his voice somehow sounding just a bit closer, like he's leaning in towards a microphone. "I can't go down there Stanley. I don't even think I'm able to. What do you think I am Stanley, some psycho in a back room with an open door leading right to you? I'm a voice Stanley. In a way I don't exist. Well- I could exist, but that would take a lot of effort on my part."
Bullshit. Stanley's brows furrowed together, him crossing his arms in an almost childish manner. Hell, if Stanley could talk he'd be putting up a good argument right now on how the voice should definitely come down here and spend some time with him.
Please come and sit with me.
He heard the Narrator sigh heavily, and it shouldn't have rattled Stanley's spine as much as it did. Stanley waited, almost expecting to get no response in return. He looked up again, putting on his best puppy dog eyes.
It's really pretty here.
The Narrator hummed in thought, and Stanley could almost hear his frown. 'Come on, just come down here?' Stanley thought, and he desperately wanted to speak. 'It's not like I'm going to immediately glomp you. Although any physical contact would be great right now.'
Stanley only waited a few more seconds before the Narrator finally spoke again.
"Oh, ok, fine Stanley! You and your stupid eyes." He heard the Narrator grumbling some more, and couldn't stop the smug little smirk that crept onto his face. "If you want me to come down there so badly, I suppose I will. I will. ... Ummmmm... Actually stanley, I'm not sure how this is going to work. Let me... Um..." He sounds genuinely confused. Stanley could hear multiple papers and things being shuffled around. "G-give me a minute. I need to figure something out."
And with that Stanley's eyes widened. Figure what out? It took him a second to figure out what the narrator had implied. Was he actually coming down? Wait- wait a minute. He just, what, asked the Narrator to come down and sit with him and... He will??? But how was the voice supposed to sit with him if he was just a voice? Stanley's mind began to wonder. He never once thought about meeting the voice face to face before. Face to... Magical orb? Face to mystical glowy demon of magic? Face to alien... with magic powers? Hopefully not an evil one that could be hungry for... Um... human flesh....
He didn't think this through, did he?
Stanley sat up, bringing his knees to his chest as he thought. 'Well this is going to be weird, isn't it' he thought as he propped his elbows on his knees. He never once thought to try and put a face to the man. Voice. Thing. The most Stanley ever envisioned when he thought of the voice was an empty seat in front of a microphone. Like a ghost or something. Stanley tried to conjure up an image of what his Narrator would probably look like. Probably tall. With silky black hair and huge orange alien eyes? He's probably floating off the ground too, with sharp teeth and an impossibly tone body. Stanley felt a silent laugh rip from his chest. It sounded like he was thinking of the perfect imaginary boyfriend, how silly.
"All right, I think I finally figured it out."
His pulse quickened as he heard footsteps behind him. No, surely that couldn't have been him. His mind all but went blank as he spun his head around. The click of expensive shoes tapping against the concrete got louder as the new figure walked closer. The obscured features becoming slightly clearer as they slowly came into the light, carefully walking up the stairs. Stanley stared wide-eyed at this figure. Another person. Someone other than him!
Oh. Oh dear. Well he was an older gentleman, caucasian from the looks of it. His gaunt face shows off his age almost beautifully, the strong laugh lines and other wrinkles seem to perfectly frame and accentuate the best features of his face. Such sharp cheekbones and defined jawline. Stark light grey hair is perfectly styled, contrasting nicely with his much darker suit.Β And his eyes. Blue and almost piercing, they seemed to glow in the darkness. 'They actually do', Stanley notes with a bit of surprise. His posture held nothing but elegance and grace as he walked towards the awe-stricken office worker.
"I suppose it was about time we met officially." He says, and it is indeed the Narrator's voice that flows through this man's thin lips. Stanley almost can't believe what's happening right now, still standing wide-eyed, his mouth agape and his heart beating noticeably faster. How is it really you?
"Do forgive the wait Stanley, it's been a while since I had to manifest a physical form." The Narrator chuckled quietly, his hands move to smooth out his suit as he begins to speak again. "Yes, I know I was rushing, but I believe I've gotten everything right." He says as he begins to examine himself proudly. Stanley almost laughs as he notices the narrator's hands only had four fingers on each rather than five. Was that a mistake from him rushing? Best not to say anything, the man looks proud of himself. Stanley watches as the Narrator gives himself a final pat down before turning towards him fully, a smile resting on his face. Stanley couldn't stop himself as he stared up at the other man, who was a fair bit taller than him. At least he got that right. He just couldn't get over the fact that there was another *person* here. Even if that isn't technically a person, it's still something!
Another chuckle. The Narrator can't help but laugh at his only companion's reaction.
"My my my, you look rather flustered." He says with an all-knowing tone and god damn him. Stanley let out an irritated huff as the Narrator simply walked past him, hands clasped behind his back in only the most formal of ways. "So, what is it you wanted me down here for again Stanley?" He asks curiously, is glowing blue eyes surprisingly haven't left Stanley's face yet.
The brunette finally snapped out of his thoughts as he excitedly walked towards the man. The smile on his face was so wide and happy and oh dear this was exciting! Stanley grunted as he sat back down on the ground, then pointed upwards. The Narrator rose a thin brow at this. "Stanley, if you wanted me to see the lights, I didn't have to come down here for it. I could see them perfectly from where I was."
Stanley shook his head hurriedly, and patted the spot next to him once again, this time with less force.
The Narrator rolled his eyes, his expression nothing short of playful. "I doubt it would really change anything if I saw them from down there." Stanley really had to keep himself from standing back up and grabbing the man. Just sit down with me!
The Narrator's look softened as he watches Stanley straighten up, big brown eyes staring back at him. Damn those puppy dog eyes. The Narrator was almost certain he'd be broken by the end of this.
He sighs quite over dramatically, leaning his weight onto one leg as he pretends to be irritated. "Fine Stanley, I'll sit with you." He says as he crosses his arms. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt too much."
Stanley couldn't stop the wide smile that erupted over his face. He watched as the Narrator finally sit down beside him, not as elegantly as the man would have probably liked. The older man let out a tired gasp, as if the simple action of sitting down alone was too taxing.
"Oh dear," he says tiredly, "I forgot how difficult it was to move like you humans." And it's not in a condescending tone that he says it either. Stanley felt his eyes widen slightly, subconsciously making a mental note that the Narrator was definitely not a human. As if that wasn't painfully obvious enough already.
The lights.
Stanley audibly gasps, having almost forgotten about that entirely. He scootches closer to the Narrator, startling the older man. The narrator watches, the excited human beside him bouncing in his spot as he points up once again. He had to resist another eye roll as he finally decided to comply.
"Right Stanley, our little light-"
His blue eyes widen as he finally looks up. It was all around him. Spiraling and lazily swirling around the lonely circular platform out in the voidscape he created. He knew what it looked like. He knew how it worked. He has seen everything in this room and yet he felt like he was bearing witness to it all for the first time.
It was astonishing. He was so used to seeing everything from everywhere all at once. All angles and all sides observed and memorized, but this was...
This is what Stanley saw.
He had never seen it from this point of view before. It felt like he was in the center of a gigantic cave, so small and helpless and at the mercy of the beautiful wonders around him.
He felt so small. So insignificant. And it felt beautiful.
This is what Stanley saw.
The Narrator's glowing blue eyes snap back towards his companion. The man was too busy admiring the colors to notice the older man's gaze. He couldn't say anything. Nothing he could think of could capture what he felt at this moment. Did words even exist to describe this? His eyes turn back towards the void.
"S-stanely..." The dark skin man finally turned, coffee eyes meeting turquoise. What does he say? A simple thank you isn't enough, this is amazing! The narrator stumbled over his words as he tried to think of something, anything to say. His hands absently wave as he tries to think of something.
"Why, I don't think..." He stops, then tries again. "Oh dear, I-i don't think a simple 'thank you' could ever be enough."
Stanley's eyes softened as he gives a knowing smile. You made this place. You made it this beautiful.
The older man hums thoughtfully as he runs his perfectly manicured fingers along his pencil mustache. He never saw anything from Stanley's point of view. He was always too big. That had to have been it, hadn't it? Too big? Stanley was so small compared to everything he made, and the Narrator was just. Everywhere? The omnipresent nature of his existence confused even him, but he was definitely bigger than Stanley. There was always the off chance, in his mind, that whatever the narrator made wouldn't be grand enough for Stanley. He never saw it through Stanley's eyes, so how would he know?
But down here, in this fragile little body, it felt right. His creation finally felt right. It felt grand! It felt perfect!
"My word Stanley, this is truly amazing." He says barely above a whisper. "I genuinely had no idea that it would have looked like this!" His eyes turn upward once again, hand's motioning at the lights around them. Stanley looked at him with a gentle smile. Of course you didn't, you're too stuck in your own head sometimes. The Narrator makes a shocked noise, turning back to his companion with a look of mock irritation.
"Stanley, how dare you, I am not stuck in my own head!" The Narrator crosses his arms over his chest, face struggling to keep up the irritated facade. "What about you, Stanley! You're always so tiny! Such a tiny little thing, down there running around from room to room!" The older man had noticed Stanley slowly scooting closer to him, and only said anything when their shoulders touched, his eyes still widening at the sudden contact.
"Oh Stanley, please!" The Narrator says mirthfully, gently pushing the younger man away, ignoring the way Stanley's warmth shocked him. "I spent quite a bit of time trying to make this physical form as neat as I possibly could, I don't want you mucking it up."
Stanley silently chuckled as he pushed back. The suit looks nice! You did a great job. Very snappy.
The narrator laughed, waving a hand dismissively. "Oh, well, it's nothing special. I didn't even try, really."
It was nice in the light room. Peaceful. You could stay in there forever and watch all the lights go by, beautiful heavenly sounds ringing in the air.Β  And stay they did, laughing and joking about random things, pointing out random shapes that the little light clouds made and genuinely having a great time in each other's company. It was much to both parties disappointment when the Narrator finally had to leave. Go back to wherever the hell he came from. It truly did take everything in Stanley not to grab the man and beg him to stay. Not that he was the clingy type, or that the narrator was the most pleasant person, no. Just a mere fact that he saw another being at all made him happy.
A hug wouldn't've hurt. A nice and long hug, squeezing the other man so tightly to his chest. Stanley was only human after all. Humans crave physical affection, they need it. And after so long without it, it was a miracle Stanley even held himself back. But he knew that even after all he and the narrator had been through, it would have been severely inappropriate. They were still acquaintances at this point. 'We should be friends by now.' Stanley thought almost bitterly, but it wasn't without a light-hearted chuckle.
But damn. Damn it, was that unexpected! Was that amazing! Stanley decided that he had to come visit this room a lot more often!
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