#yelling. absolutely shouting.
ragnarot · 1 year
you kill what you love, Jack, but it stays dead aside from that immortal alchemist lady. how is it possible to still love her when she will never remain gone for good? if you cannot kill her for good, does that really mean you love her? maybe your love is just fake.
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CAREFULLY , WITH GRACE , his cup is placed upon the saucer . soundlessly . he isn't shaking . his breathing , steady . now , he isn't made of knives . his own murderous intent , gently , lovingly strangled , and left to quietly breathe , for only a moment . not upset . not crying . it was all he could do to handle such ... accusations .
he had believed he loved her . and why shouldn't he believe otherwise ? when she was beautiful , kind , curious and strange . unfettered in her own thoughts . willing to try almost anything ------ anything , for her works . it was why she'd caught his eye , to even begin with . a common understanding of passion .
and it was why he'd wanted her . craved her neck twisting beneath his fingers , in that evening fog . her pulse , dreading against his flesh . the crimson scent of blood on his tongue . kissing her . kissing , kissing , his mouth bruising hers ... stealing more from her . crushing her very life . she was the most beautiful, then . pristine lashes fluttering , open , then shut . again . fighting . heels clicking atop cobblestones , struggling . gasping . painted red mouth , wide . his pale skin , smeared in her blood , her lipstick . kissing too much . and wanting it again .
" you look so beautiful right now ! " breathless , but not so much as she , he laughs against her swollen mouth . " so beautiful , madam ... i could ... ah ... i could ------ i could ki ------ ah ... i could ... aaaah ... " a hand loosens . reaches for something else , lower . and it's cold , colder than the night air , and it pierces the shared warmth between them . a dull pain twitches in his phantom's eye . aflame and alight , qistina's body shimmers . she was glowing their entire outing , but now , she is gleaming . a beacon throughout london , if only to him . happy . the woman is ... happy . calm , even . wanting to know his words . wanting to know so much . my qistina . ever so curious . even as he hurts her . her throat , his hand . her smile .
it isn't enough . and he knows that it never will be . " i love you , qistina ...ahhh ... i think ... i think i am in love with you . "
so beautiful . cut . so beautiful . stab . so beautiful . slice . the last thing qistina hears is his aching voice , rasping in the shell of her ear . he paints her as red as her mouth . his joy , painful . it slashes , and it stings . his happiness tastes like metal . one hand squeezes . the other works . weaving its frigid steel in and out of her flesh . she falls , her dress a crumpled , wilted flower . stradling her in death . not in pleasure on a bed , but in a dirtied , filthy alleyway . driving a knife into her chest . her stomach . her neck . anything he could puncture , could slash , could tear into . the delicateness of her flesh met his knife , over & over . her splattered blood , a final , hot , violent kiss . it's kissing . we're kissing .
" i love you so much . " he smiles .
her blood is his second coat , and he refuses to take it off . qistina lay lifeless , mutilated , bruised . alone . jack stands near the alley's open mouth , staring into the night's rolling fog . excited . he's still excited . fingers twitching , shaking . he knew he had to calm down somehow . on the walk home , perhaps . when he gets back to the brothel , he'll pluck his favorite book off of the shelf , read by candlelight until dreams invite him .
not a single step is taken until ... something catches his eye again . a golden , glinting light . from behind him . its physical , destroying the gloom & the shadows within the alley . it's her .
" ... really , jack ? " a woman's voice calls , lovingly , after him . breathless . wanting . hoping . " is it true ? do you really love me ? because i ... i love you , too ! "
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the man gathers his hands together , wonderfully warm . " well , little mask , it isn't really that simple , i'm afraid , " a memory he recalled of with fondness . how surprised he was when she rose back from her bloodied grave . looking upon her in disbelief , her wounds ... closing . her bruises , freshly replaced by plump , supple skin . no one he'd killed before had ever ... returned . truly , she was as marvelous as he'd thought . in more ways than he'd realized . the woman flung her arms around him gleefully , pressed his head to her ample bosom , and laughed heartily . then , she kissed him again , again . took him home . washed him up . you're still soaked in my blood , dear . look at you .
he leans back in his chair , pondering . " why would i measure my love in who remains dead & who doesn't ? my killing is my killing ------ my art . my gift . i do not kill to lessen this world of people , you know . and i would love anyone else the same as i loved them prior , should they somehow return , just as qistina had .
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is it not some miracle of god that she can resurrect ? that i could dismember her body , and she would still recite sonnets with me within an afternoon's time ? how could i not be enamored with such a person ? and why , oh why , would you deem such affections ... as false ? or lesser , because of that alone ? i kill for the beauty i can create . i kill for joy , for love , little mask .
there is no other reason . "
anonymous asks . ( for @deathleads )
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arisveah · 2 months
hermitcraft is slowly removing my willingness to curse and possessing me to say things like HECK and DARN and GOSH GOLLY GEE like a comically angry butler from the 1800s or an old southern lady, neither of which are a good fit on a goth 15 year old
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lilaccatholic · 11 months
Physically I'm here but mentally I'm clawing the eyes out of everyone who talks crap about their children on the internet and posts them in their most vulnerable moments for clout
#i just saw a video of a like eleven or twelve year old girl approach her mom's car when she got home from work and without even saying hello#to her kid she yelled at her to go inside so she could talk to her husband first and then shouted at the kid when she said her dad put her#through hell that day. is she probably overreacting bc shes a kid and she doesnt have get emotional regulation yet? absolutely. but also?#as the kid who knew that if i didnt get to my mom with my side of things first that my dad would twist things to make himself look like the#victim in a situation i promise you that baby girl isnt feeling heard and that would be sucky but normal on its own. the type of thing#families work through together yknow? but to post that on the internet??? to be recording when you come home knoeing there are problems in#your house and wanting to put online forever a moment in time where there are really strained relationships among members of your family??#especially when it's the relationship btwn your husband and your child??? nope. im sorry. uh uh.#that kid deserves better than that. your husband deserves better than that. everyone deserves better than to have their really vulnerable#moments shared on the internet with strangers#like. i think about how i felt as a kid when i found out my parents had told a relative something i considered private. how embarrassed and#betrayed i felt. the thought that EVERYONE would see that instead of just my dad's relatives or w/e?#bby girl im incandescent with rage#anyway#lilac rambles
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lurkingshan · 1 year
I gotta be honest, I am struggling with Absolute Zero right now, which frustrates me because I love the premise and the vibe and I really wanted to love it. @bengiyo noted that I am getting to the point where I’m actually kinda mad about this drama, and it’s true! For me it’s all down to the same core issue: the show needs to get a better handle on its main character.
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Similar to last week, throughout most of this episode I had no sense of what adult Suansoon is thinking as he continues to functionally date teen Ongsa. Is he thinking about future Ongsa, his actual partner who he has abandoned in a dire health situation, at all when he touches teen Ongsa, hugs and gropes him, brings him to his apartment and cuddles on the bed with him? Does he actually realize he is an adult and Ongsa is a kid and this is all super inappropriate? I do not know, because there is zero indication on my screen to tell me what’s running through his mind as he continues dating Ongsa while also making vague gestures towards connecting with his own teen self.
We’ve now spent three entire episodes with Soon drifting around in the past with no clear sense of what he’s doing or why. It’s a lot of story time spent just to get back to where we started in episode 1. And it would feel worth it if I felt like I knew what Soon is thinking or planning or had any sense of his motives with teen Ongsa, but I don’t. Throughout this whole episode it felt like I was being kept at arms length from the main character and his thoughts while being forced to watch him do things I don’t understand.
And then, right at the end, we finally hear from Soon about what he wants to do, when he tells Ongsa he is from the future and he came back to “correct the past” so that teen Ongsa and teen Soon will never meet. And that was such a big record scratch for me, because it does not comport with his actual behavior. If his intention is to keep them apart in the hopes that not being together will prevent Ongsa from being in an accident, why did he approach and date Ongsa? He has already made Ongsa fall in love with him, and now he wants to say never mind actually, don’t meet me and I’m just gonna bounce back to the future and hope we’re both alive and not together in the new alternate reality I am creating. Does he know Ongsa at all? Of course he is not going to listen to him. This plan makes no sense. And he only finally told Ongsa anything at all because he was forced to; how was any of this going to work?
And even before I get to dissecting his nonsensical behavior toward teen Ongsa, I don’t have any sense of how or why Soon arrived at this plan in the first place, because the show has not let us into his mind at all. Future Ongsa is not dead, and Soon does not have any idea of how his recovery is going because he’s not there. What makes him think changing their future is necessary? Why is he so convinced it’s their relationship that is the important variable to prevent the accident rather than any number of other things? His motives here just were not set up properly.
This is getting very ranty so let me just cut to the point: I am open to a narrative about a Suansoon so overwhelmed and dazed by trauma that he goes back in time and starts mucking around doing foolish things with no real sensible plan, if this is in fact what the narrative is trying to accomplish here. This is the bread and butter of time travel narratives and can be very compelling when done well. But that requires giving the audience some insight into why he is making these choices, what is driving his decisions, and how he intends to make things happen. And we are just completely missing that insight in this show.
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ofmarlinspike · 3 months
you know that one scene in the secret of the unicorn movie, right at the start, when we do a sweeping pan of the bow of the unicorn and we hear the subtle creakings and rustlings of a ship at sea? yeah, leaping off the walls adn chewing the drywall, blood everywhere
RRRRRRRRRRRRGGHGHGHGHHHHH absolutely FROTHING AT THE MOUTH ABOUT IT!! the whispering of the wind as it sweeps around the figurehead and of that little moment of magic, of the story waiting to be told, gently and subtly woven into the soundscape rrrGGHHG [incoherent growling]
so much of the sound effect and foley work is also done so beautifully????
like.... thinking of the scene where snowy's chasing the truck and how you hear the slightest bit of springs in the couch when he bounces of it, and the different scrip of his little paws + claws on the cobble, the wood, when he's scrambling on the ladder THIS MOVIE IS SOOOOOOOOOOO
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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#(aka me when my acid burns randomly start throbbin’ when i bend over :( it’s very inconvenient)#in other news ​this week absolutely s u c k s can i trade it in for a better one—#first there was that acid spill. which. like. ouch???? but the mark is still there and is apparently very obvious. which sucks#then the day after the acid attack™️ meself and one other guy were called out under the assumption that we were doing unnecessary overtime#with the ‘unnecessary’ part running off the basis that there’s a low sample volume bc one single monday had fewer samples than usual#and we were singled out j u s t because our taxi claims for last month were through the roof due to the fact that we live across the country#like??? hellooo????? why are you treating it like it’s my fault that i have to pay upwards of $24 (at least) to get home???#and??? excuse????? why are you extrapolating the previous day’s sample volume to the previous month’s workload as a whole????#but. m a n. the way the mildly higher up lady abruptly shouted at me for asking a question just. pissed me off. for some reason.#she was talking in circles regarding the future of our taxi claims#so i asked if we (now) had to submit a second claims form for the transport company dudes to compensate us#and she yelled at me to stop talking before i could finish :( sadded and annoyed tbh#though i get the feeling that she hasn’t liked me ever since i left some results she asked for between her desk and some other guy’s desk#and someone else had placed their notebook or sth atop it so she couldn’t find it. and she blamed me for it. ha.#that was a few weeks ago though. so. hm. i wonder if she’s still mad about that…#either way. i applied for a couple of jobs that are closer to my place bc screw travelling across the country for an hour every day#s c r e w hour-long train rides i’d rather sleep#i prolly won’t even get the other jobs but. oh well. that’s life ig
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goldentigerfestival · 4 months
Using this as an audio reference for the posts I'm making, but to summarize:
Yuri starts out mad.
Yuri tries to calm himself down with a deep breath to ask for details instead of going through it angry.
Flynn doesn't say "like a good knight" in the sense of putting himself down. He simply says "as a knight" (the tl here doesn't use that, but with that included it's basically along the lines of "even though I had doubts, as a knight, I was determined to follow my orders").
Once Yuri has answers he calms down significantly.
Yuri uses " 'ttaku", which is a shortened down version of "mattaku" (Yuri often shortens words and speaks very casually), which in this particular situation basically would mean "geez", or "good grief". In this manner, it's expressive of exasperation/frustration/etc.
Yuri never mentions that "Flynn told him what to do" like the dub does (because in fact Flynn did not ever tell Yuri what to do. He only gave Sodia and his other knights orders. He expressed his own desire to take responsibility, but never told Yuri and his friends what to do).
At this point you can tell the anger has gone out of him and that he's calmed down, now that Flynn is approaching this with admission and responsibility.
Sodia is asking that Flynn returns as soon as possible (I believe this was a general translation error).
Flynn's thank you to Yuri is tonally much more heartfelt.
Yuri's response and gratefulness at Flynn coming back to himself is tonally much more heartfelt, relieved and sincere.
#GTF Vesperia Clips#basically the dub version is littered with errors /and/ your regular resident angry dub Yuri#just to be clear on mattaku it can also mean ''completely'' ''totally'' ''seriously'' etc. it depends on the context#''yare yare'' is also used for ''geez'' and ''good grief'' but in a more sarcastic/casual way#''mattaku'' or in this case '' 'ttaku'' is more of a quiet expression of exasperation rather than smth you'd yell/shout when aggravated#it CAN sometimes be used like damn as a minor expletive but tbh I personally I wouldn't put it in this situation#bc his aggravation is lessening and they're getting to the point so I'd argue it's more just exhausted of the whole thing#but the dub took it a step further and used it as fuel against Flynn as they do mcfuckin' do#I'd say it's more ''damn it'' at the whole situation bc there's absolutely no reason at this point to say ''damn it Flynn''#esp bc that led into the dub having Yuri go at him accusing him of telling them what to do when he... literally did not#and did not even imply he was going to. it was just pulled from their asses and/bc Yuri never even said Flynn's name there#it's stuff like this where they add remove and change things always in stark opposite of Flynn's favor that riles me up :/#what I mean is that the dub changed Yuri's overall exasperation into smth accusatory when rly Yuri is like#stop trying to do this by yourself. it was never about oh woe is me how dare you tell us what to do#if he was directing a ''damn it'' at Flynn it STILL would not be bc ''he told them what to do''#it would STILL BE because Flynn was trying to take this responsibility fully onto himself#it's so irritating bc the dub will be spot on right on point with everything but then AS SOON as it's abt Flynn it's like#they start messing around with things and the tl is changed and yadda yadda until around late arc 2#it like lowkey comes across as enemy to ally instead of ally with a whole character arc#and the reason I legit feel like they did it on purpose is BECAUSE they can obviously tl correctly based on other areas of the game#but when Flynn is involved they tweak things if not just outright change the context (remember my Nordopolica post? yeahhhh)#how is that not on purpose? how is it that everything can be spot on for a chunk all at once#but then a certain char shows up and it's repeatedly inaccurate? repeatedly geared in a negative light that originally didn't even EXIST?#and then ofc they almost always use Yuri himself to reflect that negativity against Flynn which is a WHOLE other story/issue for me#it's like... say I wrote a neutral statement. someone comes along and tls with negative sounding additions. it's sort of like that#I'm not that good at explaining things/how I feel abt things but yeah I hope that makes sense#it's just like... I KNOW they can tl spot on so when I keep seeing them stick in all these things with/against Flynn it upsets me sm#it feels like they tl normally and then see Flynn and go oh hold on let's change that bc it's Flynn#and that's why it's so frustrating for me :/
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ourimpavidheroine · 5 months
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tathrin · 2 years
Buggering fuck children I am BEGGING you to get an icon or a blog heading banner or SOMETHING to distinguish yourself from the bots. I almost blocked two new Actual People Followers because I thought y’all were bots until I noticed you had actual reblogs that made sense on your accounts (fortunately they loaded faster than I could click the block-and-report button because I was actively moving to hit it when I saw your posts!) and I already have blocked at least two others before I noticed but you look like bots and if you look like bots then people are going to instinctively block you like bots because we are in the middle of the Great Bot War of 2023 and if you are walking around dressed like the enemy we will block-and-report your asses before we notice you are not bots because YOU ARE DRESSED LIKE BOTS please PLEASE put on some Actual People Garb like an icon or something for fuck’s sake.
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skullzy20 · 5 months
I am not exaggerating when I say I live with one of the worst cishet men I've ever met in my life and its horrible
Pretty big vent incoming in tags, just a warning. Feel free to scroll past /gen
#sorry i. need to vent#he is genuinely one of the most ignorant; stubborn; and absolutely manchild of a man I've ever seen#I'm not fucking lying when I say he gets pissy and shouts and complains about EVERYTHING#and I don't mean just occasional shouting and getting loud#whenever he's upset. its /loud/. very loud#first time in my 5 years of knowing him I had enough and snapped back at him because he was yelling at me-#-bc I supposedly do absolutely nothing around the house and I take horrible care of myself and dont care about anything#at least in regards to the house#and complains about why I'm deciding not to go to college and that he got a job at 15 while he's literally#in his mid 40's#so.#like.#I told him I'm still 18 and I dont want him to boss around my entire fucking life but he brought up the excuse again of-#-him doing all the shit I SHOULD be doing by his words when he was 15#first of all. like. to get things straight; we are not related at all not even in the slightest#he's my mothers bf; I don't know why he gets so pissy at me about MY life of all things#like Jesus Christ shut up challenge impossible#yeah I had a fun (/s) moment earlier where I went to clean my dish and he started to snap at me about how I-#-walk past the dishes every day while they're piled up and I should do them. meanwhile. they're literally not mine. ever#I get it yeah but. whatever. he kept going onn and on and on and got even more upset with me literally not saying or doing anything to-#-provoke him more#Ig he just doesn't know that!! wow!! I do actually care about my life and future!!!!#and that getting a job is not that easy or the same as it was 30+ fucking years ago!! wow!! who would've guessed!!!!#Like genuinely i am literally trying to get a job rn and shit and have been stressing horribly about it for literal YEARS#but yeah ignore that I guess ok sure buddy#god sorry i.. really hate him. a lot#I dont like to hate on people really; esp if im accustomed to them. but him. he. no <3#I will say I hate him w my full chest#vent#negative post
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pakuchibake · 8 months
went to a concert AND a little black cat crossed my path on the way back! :) sometimes things are good
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theood · 1 year
My head hurts, my jaw aches a little, my eyes hurt, I have to take two antibiotics and probably headache pills unless it's from the not eating bc of the dentist
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lindwurmkai · 1 year
I used to not understand what people meant when they said they were tired of fandom and stopped participating due to racism or other widespread problems, because to me, "being in a fandom" just meant reading fanfic and looking at fanart and "participating" meant occasionally leaving a comment on a fic or making an original post that got 12 notes.
I perceived fandom as more of an attitude or approach to engaging with media than a community because every time I tried to become part of a specific fandom community, it just ... didn't really work out? Like, nothing came of it. And since I never finished any of my fanfics, I had nothing to contribute and couldn't participate in events. Then the one time I briefly did become part of a community, it promptly ended in disaster.
I used to think, "Well, sure the fanfic is full of microaggressions sometimes but so is original media?" And I missed that a large portion of the negative experiences people were referring to required actually participating in some way.
But the thing is, by now I have had enough negative experiences myself, which slowly added up from the few interactions I did have over time, as well as things I simply witnessed, things that kept showing up on my dash until I unfollowed repeat offenders, and also the sense that no one will ever fucking listen to you except for other people like yourself if you dare to bring up any problems ... that I'm tired. I feel disillusioned. When I get an urge to make friends through fandom again, I think about it for a second and decide it's not even worth trying.
If I ever manage to finish a fic, I will post it but I don't expect that to lead anywhere. So far I haven't been completely discouraged from posting headcanons and such, but quite frankly I suspect it's only a matter of time. That's how you get strangers off-handedly calling a character a ps*chopath in your own damn notes.
Idk where I'm going with this. I guess I just can't imagine how privileged you have to be in order to think of fandom as a safe space, and I'm white so I'm not even getting the worst of it. Lol. Lmao.
I wish I wasn't too exhausted to promote the End OTW Racism initiative beyond occasionally reblogging a post rn because I certainly sympathise.
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megababysky · 2 years
Today I walked into the kitchen at work, closed my eyes, took two deep breaths, and then opened them...
To see my manager standing in front of me, asking me "Can you please do that where guests can't see you? They're worried you're having a hard time..."
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pearl-kite · 2 years
The other day I almost verbally sparred with an asshole customer, confidently and without feeling like I was going to cry about it.
Was like, man, I've gotten a lot better about not letting customers intimidate me.
Today I hid from a different customer that I helped yesterday, because she was claiming that I said ~I~ would call her insurance and was frustrated that no one had and she hadn't seen me yet.
Literally hid.
Came to the realization that, no, I'm not good at standing up for myself, I'm just a feisty coward.
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vaugarde · 2 years
i gotta rant abt something from college that yall probably dont care much about bc im gonna feel like an asshole if i do it to ppl in my class bc apparently ppl really liked it. but fuck “nights of cabiria” all my homies hate “nights of cabiria”
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