#yeah…people said this season was better than s7…i wholeheartedly disagree
shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Thoughts on Flash s8
My biggest gripes:
—The Forces storyline was somehow made worse in s8. Negative Forces?? Isn’t the whole point that the Forces we know are the only ones, the fundamental ones in existence?? Isn’t the Negative SF supposed to be a perversion of the SF?? Also…this is an s7 problem (I think?) but the Forces having human Avatars is stupid. Also the fact that the heroes are able to stand any chance against them is extra stupid.
—Iris’s time sickness being a means for Thawne to come back is the most ridiculous explanation ever. I hate it so much. Like I can’t even specifically talk about why, it’s just…it’s just downright infuriating. I wish it had just been her pregnancy with twins or something.
—Barry killed Thawne, right? I didn’t imagine that? He harnessed the power of the Forces and killed Thawne? Okay, so why does the show keep acting like he didn’t?? He was right to do it, of course, but everyone keeps acting like he chose pacifism and Thawne killed himself. What??
—Gotta love that everything would’ve been fine if Barry had just killed Thawne in the s7 finale 🙃 as if I wasn’t angry enough about that already.
—Making Bart and Nora cry at the idea of Thawne dying…I shouldn’t have to explain why that’s infuriating.
—The fact that Meena was such a compelling character, a reluctant hero who takes up the mantle…only for the show to snatch that away from her by saying “oh actually none of that was your idea and you were just a means to an end, no more speed for you, sorry.” Like?? Excuse me?? You already whitewashed one comics speedster when you adapted her, and killed her off as unceremoniously as possible. Now you take away the powers of a speedster of color who was coming into her own and starting to embrace her powers?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
—Armageddon was a whole mess, check out @kitkatt0430’s posts about it if you want to know why (under the tag ArmageddonRevised, I believe)
—Caitlin is once again acting impulsively in grief because apparently she’s learned nothing from literally every other time this has happened 🤦‍♀️
—I’m sorry if you like Cecile, but at this point, I don’t!! Her powers have been exponentially increasing each season, she shows no remorse for when she accidentally steals the powers of other psychics (yes, accidentally, and only temporarily, but like?? She’s happy about it?? There’s no closure??). Not to mention that in Armageddon, she yells at Iris for “invalidating” her grief over Joe (even though Iris has known Joe longer, is his actual daughter, thinks Joe might still be alive, and has rarely been wrong)…and then in 8x20, she tries to talk Barry down from killing Thawne after Iris’s death and Thawne’s unrepentant mockery of Iris and Nora Allen 🙃
My compliment:
—I loved Impulsive Excessive Disorder. Absolutely lovely, no criticisms 🥰 I do wish they’d been twins, but 🤷‍♀️
This whole season comes down to: great start for every arc, weak middle, awful ending. Literally every single arc. That’s the theme of the season. It’s why I’m probably gonna stick to my guns and only watch clips of every episode, like I was doing for most of s8
(I only watched the Negative Forces arc in its entirety this season because I was interested to see what they’d do with resurrected-Legends-Eobard…he was interesting up to 8x18-19, then he immediately got worse when he was killed to resurrect Thawne)
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