#yeah i wasn't done spam posting i lied
coffeebanana · 2 years
Post-Jubilation reveal fic where the miracuclass does "the baby project" in school and Adrien just bursts out crying because he misses his little bugs
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mdhwrites · 8 months
Honestly It's quite disrespectful and insulting, how Dana cared more about her beef with Disney than making a good show for the fans who supported her, some even financially. I've had it with her extreme fans raging to people when she's criticized for her obvious lack of care on S3 (the story in general), spamming and blaming on Disney and the shortening. Now that's revealed it wasn't Disney's fault for "ruining S3" since there was no S3 to begin with, that just puts more salt on the wound.
And lying about having plans for S3, what was that about? Stirring more hate on Disney? I find that pitiful and pathetic. If fans are gonna get mad at her from this revelation they have the right to do so. Toh should've stayed in the drafts or be written as a freelanche comic
Edit: I do think this person is too harsh on Dana as a person. I'm curious even what they mean by financial support from her fans (her charity livestreams? Unless she does those more often for personal gain but those people would likely donate anyways as just fans of the show) but as I go into below, I do agree that her unprofessionalism is a real problem and that with the fandom she somewhat helped rile up, it makes it frustrating to learn that a lot of this was on vapor. Not lies, but just... Not nearly as much solid foundation as we were led to believe. There is a lot to be said about how Dana, from my understanding, has been one of the most available leads on a show... Period? At bare minimum, for modern cartoons. Like others will talk but Dana was extremely candid. In fact, it feels like she probably learned some lessons from it because the blaming Disney stuff actually went DOWN as the show progressed. Like at least now it's "I wish I could have done more things," rather than, I dunno, just straight up trying to say they're why episodes you're not proud/ of aren't as well regarded didn't turn out.
Which she did.
With S1A.
Before SEASON TWO was out.
Like... You just shit talked literally half of the content that is out for your show and threw your publisher under the process. Why do I think that might not have been received well?
And when I was biggest in the fandom, around the time the news of the shortening happened, you heard a LOT of different explanations from Dana, like it was one executive who made the call or how TOH wasn't a 'part of Disney's brand' or the like. When the Florida stuff came out with Disney, she pretty explicitly called Disney out for it (which is fine and I approve) but then went on to insinuate that it was hard for her to believe that the show had been cancelled for any reason besides representation, a move I DON'T approve of and makes ZERO sense with how they got to do so much more gay shit in S2B and even add new elements like confirming Masha was they/them or confirming Luz being Bi on screen in Thanks to Them. It's not a great look for a director, especially during the times these statements were coming out.
Being unprofessional admittedly doesn't make her a bad person but like... Yeah, I get upset thinking about the contradictions here too. That even in the same post Hoot that she has to admit that the shortening pushed them creatively and they had no real plans, she's still talking like she had plans. Like there was something to be missed when... No. Not for the STORY. Just your bucket of ideas for a perpetual series.
It leans into the idea that saying you were going to do X means you would have done it perfectly. That Dana doesn't understand that the only perfect work is the one never done. She's fine with being remembered for what wasn't there if it means being remembered better. As a creator myself who struggles with putting things to the page... I don't know. It hurts to some extent.
Which just a small update: I've been having real trouble focusing the past couple days. My head is not on well right now. It's why these are being a bit more emotional and late night rather than my normal posts in the morning because that's just how I've felt like doing it. Hope you're all taking care of yourselves and see you next tale.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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the-blind-geisha · 3 years
im sorry you weren't treated well in some fandoms. I hope that the next season of Overlord comes out to refresh you!! 👐
I'm sorry this sat in my inbox for a time, anon. I... really wasn't sure how to answer it, but I dunno. I guess reaching my wit's end here, I'll speak out a bit.
I also kinda hate I've been encouraged (both by myself and others) to be quiet, but no. Drama shouldn't be silenced if you're the one being directly/ indirectly harassed and stalked.
This is... this is intense. I've never known someone to be this insane before and then have people support said person thinking 'she's a good person deep down'. Yeah, manipulative people are like that. They say and do things to make you believe they don't have a gun ready to shoot and kill somebody that isn't flattering them.
Ignore the stuff below if you don't want drama, but I will eventually post screenshots of all the info I have with timestamps and all anybody needs to see my side of the story in a public google docs.
But please, do NOT go out of your way to flame and harass this person. Just leave them alone. Seriously. That's not what I'm trying to get across with this. This person just wants an engorged ego, and it shows. I'm just explaining my side, because--fuck man. It hurts enough. I've done nothing to you, but you still wanna be this creepy...
For those who don't know or weren't made aware: I was (and still am at times) being stalked by someone who got very, very angry that I wrote a story similar in concepts but vastly different in delivery than their fic. They made it a point in their older fic to spit on anybody who dared write characters a certain way (the loving/powerful Supreme Being was oh so cliché and dumb in her eyes), and then when I came along to basically be identical to her in how I enjoyed writing Demiurge with a human character, I was somehow 'stealing' from her.
That person is—well—I cannot say directly, but you can look in Contract's Chapter 4 reviews to see everything you need to. (And I have that all screenshot on my hard drive as well as her 'bad past' she insisted I deleted because of 'anon hate' she got, so yeah.)
Flames erupted and accusations... all while she was pretending to be my friend and on my side on Tumblr.
It was abhorrent. I was new, dipping my toes into the fandom only to have my first Overlord fic be attacked by her and then have my Amnesia fic have her glare at and say it was a 'spite-fic' (because...only her character can have amnesia/memory problems, I guess??) Which... I have screenshots of my Amnesia fic's origins dating years back when I was very into the game Amnesia: A Dark Decent—Lilyodin's name included—to where she didn't even have her fic(s) posted. 2014, if you want to know the exact year. Hell, Contract's earliest conception is marked on Instagram where I began my comic Dancing with the Devil. Her fic came out in early February 2020 if I remember right. She claims to have begun it on another site, but never tells anybody what that site is called, because… lies. And even then, how would I steal from her when I don’t know where the hell that fic is located to begin with?
She can claim it wasn't her, but the irony is she eventually unbookmarked Contract and, shortly after, I got another flame. The moment I made a vague threat towards her on my Tumblr, she blocked me, ran and tried to approach people she thought could protect her from my more outspoken behavior. When she did this, all flames stopped. (Though, glad to know all I have to do is mark flames as spam, and AO3 deals with it).
She rewrote her story into a ‘reader insert’ though, really, it was her OC Lilith, and then made 40 dummies to boost her numbers. Some of them were ironically made with specific likes around times I was reblogging or answering a specific ask about something on my Tumblr to show she was block circumventing and spying on me. The icing on the cake was her taking anons on my fics and using their usernames on her new fic story to boost her comments and pretend she had my anons. Whenever I would update Contract, I was told she was updating on top of me shortly after—always. I was told by friends she seemed to do this late last year (2020), but I chose to ignore it till earlier 2021 where I caught her doing it... twice (and besides, she confessed that’s what she was doing to a person between us so yeah–she cannot lie her way out of that one). Even as we're now in two different fandoms, she still goes out of her way to unironically update about the times I do, because we (of course) share the same tags. The girl is just... something else. She can claim that's me being paranoid, but given how often she goes out of her way to 'magically do (X) thing' like I do, yeah... how can I NOT be and how can I trust her?
What further made me almost hit the 'fuck you, I'm calling you out’ post was when I wrote to my original Naga story where I put Zul'te. She saw some of the tags, saw the insane boost in kudos and bookmarks, how shocked I was people loved it in one chapter, and she took some of the tags to mirror them. Honestly, she was confused and furious I somehow got tag surfers where Contract was concerned. Seriously, I would say 80% of my readers on Contract aren't Overlord fans, so she tried to mimic what I did to gain that attention too.
All she wants is people's love and support. Nothing else. Her actions there show this. It was... gross. Whatever she can do to try and stay near me like a damn shadow and try to boost her numbers and flatter her ego, she'll do it. (Hell, she's still doing it apparently).
She was warned she's not safe from me—that I do literally have a whole folder full of her nonsense to show my side of the story. From the indirect accusation of me 'stealing from her' before I got the anon accusation on my fic, to her updating on top of me, her dummies, her crappy comments before we told her that wasn't cool to say about people (sad we gotta smack her hand and tell her 'no' before she realizes something isn't cool to do...), the aggressive things she said to the prior writers she tried to chase out, to her tags added to reflect mine, the works.
That was the only thing that has kept her at bay...but only for a few months, and then she was back on her shit, apparently. And, sad to say? That folder is never getting destroyed. She can pray my PC has a malfunction but I got a backup hard drive with those screenshots. It's never going away.
With all of this? I hope to the gods she gets better. I don't know what's going on in her life, but a lot of what she says she is about—I found it all to be fake. She made the trails all too easy. She's not as clever as she thinks she is.
But by god... I want her to just move on and away from me already. I know her constantly mimicking the things I say and do are her trying to take back whatever power she thinks I stole from her, but I stole nothing. If I was inspired by someone or something, I sure as hell am going to tell people. I'm not ashamed of that.
Even in the new fandom she's apart of? I was made aware of that she basically copied my other Tumblr name for a fic of hers... only changing one word, and that's... yeah. Creepy as fuck.
But because of all of this, it made writing to Overlord (Contract and Amnesia especially) very hard. I feel like if I deleted them, she'd be happy and fuck off all ready. But no. I'm never going to give her what she wants.
She's psychopathic, and I don't know why people defend her but. Eh. Whatever.
I've been doing my best not to let her chase me out of what I love doing. That's for damn sure.
I will still write and enjoy Overlord. That'll never stop.
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