#yeah i love joj but these are the top things i'd change
for the '5 things you'd change' meme: jojo!
1. More female characters in parts 1-4.  Like, at least one female as a main member of the squad.  I know we got Lisa Lisa in part 2, but she really didn’t end up doing much, aside from training Joseph and Caesar in Hamon; she didn’t even get to fight any of the Pillar Men, which is a fucking bummer.  And we got Trish in part 5, sure, but she only developed her Stand more than halfway through the story, which kinda sucks.  Plus, she was literally the only female character in the part; correct me if I’m wrong, but unlike previous parts, literally all the villains they fought were men.  Parts 6-8 are pretty solid (from what I can tell, not having read them yet) but yknow.  Parts 3 and 4 were both pretty bad with female characters (especially part 3, having basically no female characters of importance aside from Holly, who was literally just a plot device and nothing else) and that still bothers me.
2. Caesar and Lisa Lisa each taking down a Pillar Man.  After finishing Battle Tendency, taking a step back and realizing Joseph defeating literally all the Pillar Men was. kinda sad.  Honestly, I wish Caesar had ended up defeating Wham (kind of as an ‘if I go down i’m taking you with me’ thing) and Lisa Lisa got to fight AC/DC instead of Joseph.  Or, at the very least, Lisa Lisa and Joseph tag-team Kars instead of Lisa Lisa getting KO’d immediately.  That was lame
3. Bring more characters back!!!!  Like…where is Josuke?  Where is Lisa Lisa?  Where is the entire p4 Morioh squad?  Where are all the characters who survived from previous parts???  I know Araki thinks bringing characters back for nostalgia is cheap but like!!!! cmon!!!!!!  it still sucks we never see a lot of characters again - especially the part 5 squad, since they’re already super disconnected from the rest of the story.  Bringing them back (or the ones who are left) would probably get a lot of fans to appreciate them more.
4. Fill in all that hole.  Y’all know what i mean.  All That Plot Hole.  Just fill it right up.  Where did Dio get that coffin?  Why did hamon work on everything in part 1 and only on oil/water-covered shit in part 2?  how did Jotaro not figure out that his Stando can stop time? where did the super cool Stand abilities of Polnareff and Kakyoin and Giorno and literally half the characters in JJBA go? why weren’t Stand arrows mentioned in SDC?  where the fuck did Santana go?  feel free to add more.
5. Calm down on the killing people thing.  This is more of a personal preference, but. I’m not a fan of half the cast dying in every part’s finale??  aside from part 4, of course, but the point still stands.  I’m a huge fan of angst, but pretty much only angst with a happy ending - the ‘happy ending’ part being kinda crucial. the fact that so many of the kids in this series die without getting the chance to live out their lives the way they deserve is depressing to me
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