#yayyyyyy thank you anony
carnation-damnation · 4 months
What's kandi
I'm not an expert on kandi or kandi-making, I just like making fun bracelets but theyre popular attire at raves and very fun :)
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the main ingredient for kandi bracelets is typically the dependable ponybead which come in many different colors, textures, sizes and make the making of a bracelet very versatile and unique for people that love putting different colors together like meee but people get very very crazy w it and make huge cuffs and pieces of art, I have seen people make entire articles of clothing w these thangz its swag. beads r soooo fun
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tipannies · 8 years
To the anon that was confused about Chanyeol's age, essentially in SK the minute you pop out you are one year old. So this year Chanyeol is turning 25 internationally so to figure out his Korean age, you add 1 to his international age. For example Taeyeon is 27 internationally as of right now, but this year on March 9th she is turning 28 so to figure out her Korean age you add one. Therefore this year Taeyeon is 29. I hope that wasn't too confusing and answered any questions :)
yayyyyyy thank you for explaining better than me anonie
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You are so nice and that's a blessing in this generation (okay just kidding loads of good people on this earth). but you are just so kind and understanding and sincere, just nót fake overexcited at all. Are you doing alright? How is life?
OMG WHAT IS THIS WHY ARE PPL BEING SO NICE TO ME??? are you that anonie from like a month or more ago that told me why im interesting??  if not then just ignore this lol
anonie my love who are you and why are you so nice??? thank you so much like i didnt do anything to deserve these compliments?? im happy either way that i look understanding and nice to others bc i wouldn't want ppl to be scared to talk to me, also i love my idols with my whole heart i would never fake my excitement lol im actually afraid of being the one who ruins the party sometimes. thank you so so so so so much anonie
and to answer your questions, im doing a little bit better than a few days ago. my emotional state was getting really really bad lately and it seems to get a little bit more stable today so i hope things will get better also today was my last shift at my work and i that work made things even more harder for me so YAYYYYYY life is quite shitty but at least i have this whole thing to keep me going like stray kids and monsta x and tumblr like kpop really helps me through the day wow im writing a lot sorry for the long answer!! thank you again i love you
btw anonie how are you? how is life? what are you doing these days? whats on your mind? come share!!
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