#yay Iga
jazda-iga · 10 months
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Eurosport Awards for this tennis season…
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fritzes · 19 days
hiii so feel free to delete and ignore this but i love everything you write and post on ao3 and if you’re ever looking for inspo id love to see you write smth iga centric because i find her so interesting and i love how you write and i feel like if love your take on her. anyways like said feel free to ignore if you’re not in fact looking for inspo… and have a lovely weekend (we are all taylor fans tomorrow btw)
hi!! thank you so much, I will think about it for sure! iga is really interesting and I'm definitely curious to see how the rest of her season will go, especially with aryna closing in on her in the race. we'll see what happens and if it inspires any writing :)
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cemeteryxdriven · 2 years
I have Cinnamon Toast Crunch to snack on for the next couple days (thank u local IGA) and I’m thinking of one more snack run to my fav convenience store either tomorrow or Saturday for the last of what I need to go away
and I already bought all my breakfasts for while I’m in Melbourne bc I’ve got a box each of CTC and Lucky Charms, plus a box of choc chip PopTarts bc that is best flavor
thinking imma get some savory shit like chips and whatnot, a couple Arizona drinks if they have the flavors I like, and I’ll suss out their energy drinks so I have something that isn’t OG Monster the whole time I’m away
yay for food that is in no way good for me but makes me happy
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Idul Adha = long weekend. Yay or Nay??
Wuih.. Idul adha nya tahun ini long weekend, 5 hari cuy! Setelah minggu kmrn ke rumah mertua, gantian skrg kerumah ortu. Tapiiiii qodarulloh anakku sakit demam + diare hiks, jadi mau menghadapi lebaran haji dan libur panjang ini bawaannya kurang excited gitu :(
Seperti biasa sebelum hari H idul adha, h-1 nya pada puasa arafah dulu. Kebetulannya aku dan adikku lg berhalangan jadi skip puasa arafah dan solat ied. Anakku yg msh lemes krn sakit tapi pas mau ied dia semangat bgt, bangun subuh lalu mandi. Ikut nenek, kakek, ayah, mang nya solat ied. Ngga ada foto2 keluarga berlebaran nih cuma ada foto bocilkuuu haha
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Saat solat ied dgn segala perbekalannya.. Foto sebelahnya saat memakai baju muslim sama sodaranya. Dua2nya mukanya masih celong gitu ngga sih.. Ternyata abis motah seharian demam lg lah sampe 39,4. Masih naik turun demamnya. Tapi urusan makan sih anakku msh mau, tp bb nya turun merosot :(
... Iklan makanan dulu...
Cemilan idul adha, this is the yay.
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Biasalah kalo dpt daging kurban kan pasti jadi bebikinan yah, wlpn kalo dirumah ortu mah ttp weh si ibu yg masak. Ceritanya bikin baso homemade sama iga kuah, nyobain skalian mie oven kuah iga pake iga dan baso.. Rasanya enak ko!
Sebelahnya es teler deket rumah, gara2 nyari kopi susu saku ngga dapet2 @sagarmatha13 malah melipir beli ini sebagai gantinyanya. Taunya enak jugaa, creamy dan lekoh~
Sakit ganti-gantian :( this is the nay.
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Akhirnya di hari sabtu anakku ke dokter deket rumah, karena udah kelamaan dr senin dan demamnya naik turun. Dapet obat 4 macem, alhamdulillah sejauh ini mendingan. Ternyata malah aku ikut2an diare jg, bulak balik kamar mandi lebih dr 10x disaat anak masih rewel dgn penyakitnya :'''(. Langsung konsulin ke halodoc aja malem itu juga. Dapet resep, besoknya ditebus 2 obat.. Sejauh ini alhamdulillah mereda juga..
Hari minggu, artinya liburan telah usai besok udah senin lg.. Suamiku harus kerja lg, cari uang lagi katanya hiks! Fase transisi ini sungguh menyebalkan. Tiba2 sore ke malem suamiku ngeluh ngga enak badan, badan sakit, lalu demam wlpn ngga tinggi, mules jg.. Fix blio sakit. Ya Allah knp harus bertubi2 yah, knp kompaknya bagian sakitnya. Minum paracetamol mendingan sampe subuh, tp ternyata mules2 lg. Izin kerja agak siangan wlpn bnyk kerjaan katanya. Akhirnya obatku diminum jg sama blio mudah2an mendingan hari ini.
Ya Allah sehatkanlah kami, semoga sakit kami jadi penggugur dosa.. Sehat sehat semua yaa kesayangankuuu. Biar kita nanti makan2 enak dan lanjalan lagiii
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igaryna · 2 months
truly iga danyell is such a win win for me no matter what #yay
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muirneach · 4 months
i survived my exam. barely. my thread tension was dogshit (not really my fault tbh but still ill get marks off) and i think i did my flat fell seam inside out LMFAO but whatever that class literally does not matter at all and now i am done with college yay. aaaand it’s 2:15 so jannik is supposed to start Right Now and im honestly scared to look at whatever happened to naomi and iga lol. no idea which way that went
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fandoms-unite · 4 years
The gang is back together! YAY!!
Some of my favorite moments in this episodes:
Sofia breaking a guy's wrist for grabbing his (ex) girlfriend's arm
Esther sending Ricky to care for Sofia
Dale and Sofia's reunion (also a heart wrenching moment)
Cody realizing the MASSIVE mistake he made selling his soul to Bazathrax but he's one of those "in for a penny, in for a pound" type of people and so continues on, just trying to make the most of it
Sofia asking Iga to compare Mr. March on the fireman's calendar to the figure on her chest to identify Ricky
Oscar just straight up letting his wife vibe, knowing full well she is up to some crazy shit
Pirate™ Kingston
"A fellow goth" -Cody to Kingston
Kingston telling Cody he can't smoke in the hospital and Cody reluctantly listening to him
Sad helium balloons with satanic symbols on them
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
since you brought up gintama feminism i wanna add something: it bothers me how tsukuyo after being such a total badass in yoshiwara literally in the next arc needs saving. the message sorachi was going for in it was good but the execution is not great. it is like tsukki was too badass and he needed to fix that in the next arc cause when the men get the lesson of relying on others like gintoki in four devas or something similar happens like hijikata asking for help in SC they still fight their fights on their own. they get help as backup but they beat the antagonists personally because it is their fight. in RS gintoki does the fighting even tho it shouldnt be his battle to fight, the antag is personal to tsukuyo herself. she does land the final blow but its like the bare minimum?? compared to hiji vs itou or yorozuya kids trusting in gintoki in 4 devas to fight their own fights
it bothers me how tsukuyo after being such a total badass in yoshiwara literally in the next arc needs saving. the message sorachi was going for in it was good but the execution is not great. it is like tsukki was too badass and he needed to fix that in the next arc
1. tsuki is not badass for me, weapon is shtty. improper and wasteful use of kunai. boring to watch. dont make me reread Yoshiwara arcs ffs. they make me puke. fighting scenes mostly shtty especially when kunais are used. Only oboro used shuriken (those needle things he throws with poison) properly. Jiraiya didn’t even teach Tsukuyo everything he knew. He’s a top class shinobi ffs yet all we see is Tsukuyo only using her dumb as fck shuriken kunai. Is that a feminist problem? That the master didnt teach the student everything he knew? You decide.
I know that the Hyakka perfom small scale sabotage activities (esp on men and escapees) and are mildly decent at it which is fine, given their jurisdiction and role as a private army for Hosen. Also iirc Tsukuyo was their teacher, so everything they knew came from her. Admirable feat, but still having only one teacher limits their overall strength. They are not and should not be as comparable to how efficient Oniwabanshu and Iga shinobi are who not only use their environment to their advantage but are experts on a a variety of weapons as well. Tsukuyo/Hyakka are more like makeshift pseudo gun/projectile troops rather than guerilla warfare specialists.
Tsukuyo isn't even a proper shinobi anymore. Only her people are. She's too showy on the streets. Ofc she'd get targetted walking around in the open like the Yakuza 2nd boss Katsuo. She's not even a courtesan nor a staff (most of hyakka work as undercover staff). She's a well known entity in their town ward who throws away her knives indiscriminately. YAY. (bro u should know by now that im a tsukuyo critic, she's my least liked character of this show).
So no. Tsukuyo/Hyakka aren’t as 'badass' as you think they are.
2. cracks, more petty crime, gang wars, drug war are expected to blow up without the organized crime watching over yoshiwara (refer to yakuza/mafia history). Hosen's presence alone kept that town in strict and brutal order. Take him away and that order will crumble away...fast. Powerful entites who know Yoshiwara inside out like Jiraiya are expected to try to take over. that's just how the world works.
3. hyakka was weak without hosen. let's face it. hinowa/tsukuyo lack the power/charisma/ego to handle that town on their own. They cant even handle a drug problem on their own, they're only one of the many strong groups that rose from hosen's ashes. Just because you overthrow a leader doesn’t mean you can run the country in their stead. Remember that.
cause when the men get the lesson of relying on others like gintoki in four devas or something similar happens like hijikata asking for help in SC they still fight their fights on their own. they get help as backup but they beat the antagonists personally because it is their fight.... compared to hiji vs itou or yorozuya kids trusting in gintoki in 4 devas to fight their own fights
1. Disagree op. You’re using the wrong comparison.
itou vs hijikata was colleague vs colleague. in SIC the request was: „Protect the Shinsengumi.” Hijikata being the soul of the group should be brought back literally and metaphorically. That's what Yorozuya did. HE GOT HIJIKATA BACK TO HIS TRUE SELF. thus "protect shinsengumi" request was fulfilled
gintoki vs jirocho was strong man vs strong man. in 4 Devas the request was: „Protect the Town that Tatsugoro Loved.” Town is Gintoki, Town is Otose, Town is Yorozuya, Town is everyone else in it. If they Protect each other the town is protected.
tsukuyo vs jiraiya is STUDENT VS MASTER
->use utsuro vs gintoki as comparison instead.
the trope is student vs side of master they never knew existed. that's heavy. will cause violent whiplash and shock.
Jiraiya, the one who raised and taught tsukuyo was aware of her weaknesses/naivety and exploited that. It's a vastly different situation from SIC and YIF.
Did we not both watch how gintoki's head almost got sliced off cleanly coz he was frozen in shock upon seeing utsuro???? remember how kagura/nobume/okita had to help him??? His master's face was his weakness. bruh even Kamui noticed.
2. damsel in distress is not weakness
I'm an Otae lover. Idgaf abt other characters. If there's one thing i learned while stanning Otae is that strong people get captured. strong people surrender. No one is immune to capture or destruction. You are not immune to propaganda.
Tsukuyo was at her biggest moment of weakness. Lady was in shock. She was captured, tied up, tortured by the man who planned everything all along, by her beloved master whom she watch die in front of her eyes. What did you even expect? that she'd get out of there by herself, that past trauma wont creep on her once again and that it will not affect her psychologically and physically? Did you really think that tsukuyo, naive, idealistic, pure as sheeps's butt, grew up in a cloistered environment full of broken women tsukuyo has no weakness??
Your expectations were too high my dudes.
in RS gintoki does the fighting even tho it shouldnt be his battle to fight, the antag is personal to tsukuyo herself.
1. that's his job. SAVING PEOPLE AND GRANTING WISHES IS GINTOKI'S GODDAMN JOB/ BUSINESS/ BASIS OF HIS CHARACTER. He's finishing the initial request (read first lesson of this arc for reference) no matter what lol. How many arcs have you watched him in and still not understand this?
2. he saw unjust treatment of tsukuyo and it triggered his past ofc he'd have more motivation now.. hello??? this guy's supposed to be human right? that's natural.
3. it's not just tsukuyo's fight, it's hinowa's and the whole of yoshiwara’s fight. Yorozuya was requested to help on behalf of Yoshiwara therefore it’s Yorozuya’s fight too. Don't be selfish. Tsukuyo still thinks selfishly at this point. she has to unlearn the things she's been taught her whole life.
Hijikata in SIC already knew what kind of person Gintoki was, and thus went to him personally for help to protect shinsengumi in his place. Tsukuyo screaming at Gintoki to "just leave her alone to die, and save himself" proves that she has no idea who Gintoki is yet and what he stands for.
her friends love her, want to protect her, want to see her happy
it's okay to protect and like men -> coz she grew up in cloistered man-hater hell.
she ain't alone in the universe.
look here bruh. Hinowa had 2 wishes: 1)find out who's spreading all the drugs and causing trouble and confront that person, 2) persuade yorozuya be better friends with tsukuyo and make her realize that hinowa and the rest of the hyakka just wanna see her loosen up and be happy.
and that's what our trio did. sure it got a litttle personal because of gintoki's trigger but at the end of the day, they did their job!
she does land the final blow but its like the bare minimum??
Gintoki is granting people's wishes no matter how fckd up, that's his job, that’s the nature of his character and his business. Jiraiya's wish was be killed by his student. When tsukuyo got enough strength to stand up again, she killed him, as per Jiraiya's wishes but in an ironic way that was opposite of his intentions. VOILA. Tsukuyo/Hinowa/Yoshiwara’s wish was granted, Jiraiya’s wish was kinda granted, Gintoki’s wish was granted.
I don't see any problem with feminism regarding your above concerns (the fighting, the supposed badassery, gintoki saving her).
it's the whole "being with you makes me feel like a women again. makes me weak." "womenhood = weakness/ having to be protected / having to protect men." that's the real insult to feminism.
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make no mistake. this was not cured in this arc. gintoki just gave her new stuff/insight to think about: about beauty and bushido, about friendship.
this man-hating tsukuyo never died btw. she's still on the radical side feminsm. and it annoys me coz she's such a goody two shoes about. it showed in silver soul, it showed in the time skip, like I said abt the feminism post. Tiger can't change their stripes and all that sht.
now do i like RS arc?
absolutely not. while repercussions of hosen's death were realistic, Jiraiya is a boring sht villain. I think someone else made a better post about that. maybe.
how about tsukuyo character development?
i dont mind that she was brought down a peg a few months after YIF tbh. It’s gintama, everyone gets brought down a peg at some point. my bigger problem is her actions afterwards. she's still a man-hater while she preaches women’s rights equality and sht. As for me, i've been bothered by her weapon and fighting style in the first place till the end, unfortunately.
is that sorachi's doing? shonen jump? who knows?
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eleanorhamor · 3 years
i still think a lot about the reaction to daria k coming out? and by reaction i mean, no reaction, except like, three “yay how cool” tweets from the popular journalists. and then like....i know this won’t happen but just hypothetically, the reaction if bianca or naomi came out would be SO different right? like....it’d have to? i still am confused about what the reaction would be if garbine came out or like....iga? because like.....who are the stars rn.......its bianca/naomi and that’s it......of the younger generation i mean. bc like even if angie came out (lol) i think it would be somehow closer to a daria k moment. idk. 
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You're welcome for the IGA info! Sorry about all the swearing in my tags, I was completely taken aback, lol. It's fascinating that you found it on the opposite side of the US; I would have thought something like that wouldn't have left the general New Castle area.
I'm used to that when it comes to thrifting. I was in a Goodwill in Oregon and found a red Buc-ees shirt (they're a minimart chain almost exclusively in Texas) in perfect condition, just showing their beaver mascot's head and no text, and since I live in Washington I have no idea how it got this far. Fun thing is, I wear it when my girlfriend and I go on road trips and there will inevitably be 1-2 people in those random locations in WA and OR who will say "love your shirt" cuz They Know Buc-ees. The liquidator place I saw the sweatshirt at apparently got stuff from storage locker sales and other odd locations, and I thought for the life of me that it might have come from Canada (like the sweatshirt that I *did* buy, made for a park's maintenance volunteer) though obvs it was from an IGA store. Didn't occur to me to Google that like it was a store name since I thought it was an employee(s) name. :)
I like finding clothes that have no explanation, like I have this shirt that was made by the shop that does Pearl Jam's merch and it has a squirrel with a nailed club, and I've not found any info on it (but I found other armed animals they'd made shirts of). Then there's that Pseudo University hoodie that I adore... go Marmots! I was able to identify this Spongebob Squarepants in the shape of Texas hoodie as being band merch for Texas aggro band Upon A Burning Body but I didn't see any other examples of that design in a search so yay me. Favorite shirt found though was for a 2007 version of 'The Biggest Loser' weight loss competition sponsored by the parks and rec department of a small town I moved out of in 1991, which I found at Goodwill Outlet in 2018. The contest apparently only happened that year, and the back is covered with local business sponsors' logos, half of which I am familiar with from growing up in that area. I have so many questions, since this shirt was 11 years and 150 miles from where it was released.
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smackmybitchup · 5 years
awkward interaction at iga
i got a scratchy and it said you win a chance to enter a competition to win $5000 and i said yay a chance to win
and the girl said ok so youcan enter by doing blah blah blah and i said ... oh.. I was being sarcastic
roflcopter awkward silence le fail
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fritzes · 7 months
my day took and extremely shitty turn pretty much immediately after jannik’s match ended so coming back and seeing this amazing win from carlitos was exactly what I needed
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bywandandsword · 5 years
And, get this. My immunoglobulin A is practically nonexistent. IgAs protect mucus membranes throughout your digestive tract and IgA deficiency is commonly found in people with, wait for it, celiac disease, and an indicator that my gluten sensitivity could be way worse than I thought. Yay.
On top of that, I’m vitamin D deficient anemic 
I’m a vampire. If only I was Italian, then I could have the full dose of irony of not only needing blood and avoiding sunlight and have an aversion to Rome, but also being allergic to every bread and pasta ever
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tsuki-kirigakure · 5 years
How can I not make something for Saizo's birthday? So I made a fic yay~ (I still accept comments and criticism thank u hihi)
It was a peaceful evening with the moon in it's finest form, the full moon. A few days have passed since your lord assassin went out on a mission for Iga. You were used to him leaving for days, but you longing for him cannot be helped.
Just like any other day, you would stay up and wait for his return, busying yourself with chores until you would eventually fall asleep. You took out the book that you have been wanting to read for some time now, but you've been too busy to even bother with it. Now that you have started reading it, your mind however drifts off to your lover.
The mere thought of him out there doing missions alone has you worried. You fear for his well being and safety, but there's nothing you can do but stay and wait for him.
How is he doing? Has he been eating right? When will he come back? I hope he's okay but what if he's wounded? What if he's never coming back?
"It can't be. He's okay, alive and well," you shook your head to clear off the negative thoughts that were starting to worry you even more. You heaved a sigh and closed the book you were holding which was barely read.
'It's getting late,' you thought. You started working on the beddings for some well deserved sleep. You laid down and closed your eyes but it was impossible to get some decent sleep with thoughts of Saizo running through your head.
You decided to get some fresh air outside to calm yourself down. As you slide the door open, you gasped at the beautiful sight, the moon shining brightly with cherry blossom petals falling down like snow. "It's so beautiful," you murmured.
Mesmerized by the sight, you sat down and watched as the petals float and fall all around you. You reached out your open hand to catch a petal remembering the last time you saw the cherry blossoms with Saizo and the others.
"It's too late for a little lady to still be awake."
You would know that voice anywhere. It was the voice of the man you love, the one you have been wanting for to come home. "Saizo!" you whirled around and saw the man himself, safe and sound.
"What are we doing up so late hm?" he asked as he took a seat beside you. "I couldn't sleep." It wasn't a lie though. You really couldn't sleep but it was because he has occupied your mind that kept you up.
"Hm really?" he smirked teasingly, peering at your face from up close. You nod, feeling self conscious as he stared at you, your cheeks turning red as you look back at him. He cupped your cheeks, caressing it with his cold fingers, slowly leaning in close. You knew where this will go, you have been wanting for this - his touch. You can feel his breath with how close he is. You reflexively close your eyes, anticipating a kiss. But it never came, instead you feel something in your lap.
Saizo laid his head on your lap with his eyes closed. You were slightly disappointed but still happy all the while. You run your fingers through his hair as you look up at the sky. "The moon is beautiful tonight," he said, eyes suddenly open and was looking at you. "It is," you agreed with a smile.
"Little Lady," he reached out his hand to your face and whispered "I'm home." before pushing your head down and fitting his soft lips on yours. It started out with a gentle pace which slowly deepen as your lips and tongue move in sync like it was meant for each other. As much as you want to keep going, you pull away to catch some breath and said:
"Welcome home, Saizo."
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atopearth · 5 years
Samurai Love Ballad Party Part 19 - Kirigakure Saizo Act 2
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I’m so excited for Saizo! Already so happy to see Saizo be rather kind to the heroine and offer to bring her along with him, rather than want to protect her and leave her here in Kyoto. So cute when they teased Yukimura by flaunting their affection with the heroine feeding Saizo some dango hahaha. And not anymore! He’s sending her back after all hahaha, I don’t blame him though, the Iga are dangerous and won’t hesitate to use her or hurt her. I’m happy that everyone expects that if Saizo is leaving, the heroine would too, everyone thinks that he needs her and I agree. He doesn’t show it all the time but she’s definitely important to him. I liked how Yukimura, Saizo and the heroine reminisced about the past on the roof, it was so cute remembering how they found out she was a girl etc. I’m so glad the heroine convinced Saizo to go back and help Yukimura and them against Nobunaga, the heroine is right, Saizo can’t lose another precious friend, especially when he has the ability to help!
It was so touching to see Yukimura’s determination towards helping Saizo out even at the expense of war probably coming soon if needed. Saizo saved him and his men and it was because of that, Saizo is now in a bad situation with the Iga for defying their orders, I think it’s logical and proper to help Saizo out now, especially when his life is most likely in danger. Also, they’re best friends, no matter what they say, they just can’t find it in themselves to abandon each other. I really admire the heroine’s determination, she’s so strong. Not sure how it works that they made Saizo kill his friend so that he would “grow” and be a better heartless ninja, but it seems kinda redundant to train so many ninjas just to have this kind of killing each other thing, such a waste, guess it’s probably just for “special” guys. Anyway, not surprised Saizo left the heroine after learning that from Momochi since he probably doesn’t feel like he belongs with her and thinks that Momochi would kill her to make him even more ruthless or something. I guess the saddening thing is that Saizo realised even if he knew about this before, there’s a high chance he would have still followed those orders and killed his friend. Momochi looks so cool btw~ I’m happy that everyone like Kiyohiro, Yukimura and Saizo were touched and affected by the heroine’s determination to stay with Saizo no matter what and support him, she fears death but she fears losing Saizo even more and I can’t help but see and feel how strong her feelings are towards him. She just so simply and sincerely hopes for Saizo to live a free life and watch cherry blossoms with everyone…
I love how Yukimura made it in time to help Saizo fight against Momochi, I’m so glad that Saizo has him as his best friend, because Yukimura would definitely do his best to help him~ Lmaoo when Saizo kissed the heroine after everything and Yukimura was so surprised hahah. I’m so happy that Saizo finally feels that he can leave Iga behind and live a different life for himself, his friends and for the heroine. It must have been tough for him to leave his best friend’s sword behind, but if he can kinda tell that the sword/his friend is happy for him, then I’m happy for Saizo too. I was so touched when Saizo said to Yukimura that he is his master as well as his best friend. We know they both regard each other as best friends that would do anything for each other, but seeing Saizo actually say it out loud was really sweet to see. Not gonna lie, when Saizo said he wanted to be with her forever and start a family with her, I was so touched, my eyes got watery. I think it’s because after everything, as a reader, you truly know the weight of these words he said. He’s saying it with resolve, and he’s saying it because he now truly believes in a future with them all in it, and I loved that.
Overall, I quite liked this sequel, I think it was the most romantically developed one but I do think the Momochi thing was kinda resolved in an…anticlimactic way? Kinda like, we just need to defeat this guy and we’re free, yay, kinda thing when this is a problem with a whole clan but oh well, I’m good with it, I just need best boy Saizo to be happy😭 I think I’m pretty biased because I really like Saizo, so I think their emotions and their feelings really got through to me and I enjoyed that, but I guess I just really loved how determined the heroine and Yukimura were to saving him, and how well he reciprocated it in the end. I think it was the most well rounded sequel and it wasn’t as bittersweet like some of the others, so that was really nice.
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pajorko · 3 years
iga pls 🍗🙏
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Yay, I'm so happy that she won at the end of the season! It must've been important to Iga to get a revenge on Paula for that lose at the Olympics. But yeahhh, we cry, it would be amazing to see her go further in the tournament 🥺
Also, did Iga really say, that she wanted to sing Paula "Happy Birthday", but she left the court too early? 😅 What a sweetheart ❤
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