#yao fei packs
thefalloutsideblog · 1 year
These are my fallout ocs. I don’t feel like making three separate posts because then I can’t pin it. I’ve been adding to this whenever I get the inspiration.
TW: long ass post
My sole is a vampire who was turned back in the 1800’s he finally decided to settle down and have a kid only for the events in the game to happen, he has your basic vampire powers, turn into giant bat monster, hypnosis, super strength, super speed, enhanced hearing, he is terrified of his companions being afraid of him if they find out about his vampirism. Danse would depend heavily on if it’s post or pre BB for obvious reasons. If post bb they would argue but after some time and watching sole Danse would see how sole sacrifices himself for those he cares for. This would lead to him idolizing sole even more. Deacon would be the one who takes it the worst because he knows all of the old stories about vampires. Hancock is wary of him
Courier Six is a winged fey person who has amnesia from Benny shooting him he can hide his wings at will when hidden they appear as tattoos on his back. He’s in a relationship with Boone and Arcade, he had been interested in Boone for a while but Boone didn’t join the relationship until after bitter springs. Arcade and six hit it off right away with Six’s high intelligence, but Arcade often gets frustrated with Six’s habit of not communicating his plan well. He has many bird like mannerisms that he suppresses such as chirping and trilling, preening his friends, he can change his normal human feet into bird talons. He sees his companions as his family but because of bad experiences he doesn’t fully remember he is hesitant to show them his wings, he wants them to know that part of him but he knows that others haven’t accepted him in the past though he doesn’t know who.
When his companions find out some of them will blow up at him accusing him of keeping other secrets.(Cass) Boone stops talking for a few days and just thinks. Some will want to examine his wings and ask if he’s some kind of angel (Arcade, Raul, Veronica) Lily just goes with it and loves Six Regardless.
Preening his friends is a bit different for each of them because of personal differences, with Boone and Raul is more adjusting their outfits, and getting dirt and twigs and stuff off of them because they don’t have hair. And even then with Raul it’s more of patching him up. and with Boone it’s patching up the damage because that man will not be stopped from throwing himself into near death situations. Veronica is probably the like second easiest, just after Rex, because she is both very tactile and has long hair and actively wants an outfit change. Cass is more guarded and less tactile and so Six holds back a lot but sometimes he slips up and will brush dirt off of her back or something. Arcade is fascinated with Six’s behaviors and mannerisms so he lets Six do all of his bird preening and fussing over him,but the gets flustered by Six chirping and cooing while running his fingers through his hair or dusting him off. Lily asks the least amount of questions so he keeps his wings out with her more.He will always choose the Independent Vegas Ending.
Lone Wanderer is a werewolf who has never seen the moon or been in moonlight until he gets kicked out of the Vault. The only information he has on what he is a book on lycanthropy, he’s looking for his father for answers on top of everything else. He has claws, wolf ears, a tail, and fangs. On full moons he turns into a wolf that is a bit bigger than a Yao guai he is still himself but he can’t talk and he has increased instincts like hunting and protectiveness. He sees his friends as his pack. All of his companions find out by accident, some of them catch him mid-transformation and have to listen to his bones breaking and shifting,(Fawkes, Star Paladin Cross) some get attacked by something in the middle of the night and get rescued by this mysterious giant wolf that try’s to help them with their wounds and transforms into their companion in the morning,(Clover, Charon) and some get awoken by a giant wolf keeping a vigil near wherever they’re camping out that night and either panic and get scared or attack him.(Butch) He wouldn’t travel with Jericho cause he gave off bad vibes.
I am welcome to any questions about my characters. I actually would really appreciate any name suggestions for these three.
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tokyocyborg · 2 years
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youtiaoshutiao · 6 years
url song tag meme
task: to form an acronym with your url out of song names
tagged by @seventh-fantasy! thank youuuu ^^ (and i got to know some new songs through you as well! like the douyin song and the thai song).
this is so interesting but my url has so many repeated letters and there are some i seriously can’t think of songs for, so i’m going to be blatantly cheating here D: and I realised I'm just supposed to list the songs but I’m a bit of a 话痨/full of word vomit so please excuse the accidental random self-indulgent rambling ahaha i have lots of feels for songs I like and I actually could go on a lot more lmao :P
You Yuan Jing Meng (游园惊梦/Dream in the Garden) by 卡奇社/Carrchy: a really lovely fusion of bossa nova and gufeng [the lyrics/title are taken from a famous scene in the Kunqu opera 牡丹亭/The Peony Pavilion]
One Night In Beijing (北京一夜) by 陈升/Chen Sheng & 刘佳慧/Liu Jia Hui: okay I don’t know why it seems like people always sing this as a joke/laugh at this in karaoke  because every part of this song - the beijing opera elements/the lyrics/the Beijingness of it all gives me chills?!
gU Xiang De Yun (故乡的云/The Clouds of My Homeland) by Fei Xiang/费翔: the lyrics of this song always make me want to weep, even if I’ve never experienced leaving my homeland. This cover by Han Hong/韩红 is one of my faves ever)
Tang Yun (唐韵/Music of Tang) by Tan Jing/谭晶: From the Glory of Tang Dynasty OST, love the references to cultural elements in Tang and the imagery and Tan Jing’s voice is exquisiteeee in this :) Huge feels whenever I listen to it
In Christ Alone written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend: Haha a bit of a jump from the rest of the songs but this is one of my favourite hymms/worship songs ever, the Gettys and Townend write really rich lyrics
Ai Lang Man De (爱浪漫的/We Who Love Romance) by 羽泉/Yu Quan: A super early work of soft rock duo Yu Quan. I had a huge admiration for Hu Haiquan a few years back and I especially love his lyrics/poetry from Yuquan’s heyday. He wrote this song when he was 19 and it is relatively simple but I love it so, especially because despite its name suggests, the song is actually written about the time his high school clique of friends whose friendship was purely platonic came to visit and stay over at his university and they stayed up late all night talking about life. “我们都是爱浪漫的人 用片刻的幻想筑起心灵的阁楼 我们是爱上浪漫的好朋友 在年轻的夜里品尝着彼此的拥有” I think of this song every time I have heart-to-heart-talks with my own friends and it fills me with such warmth <3
Over You by Cashew Chemists: home country representation!
Song Lin De Di Yu (松林的低语/Murmurings of the Pine Forest) by 凤飞飞/Fong Fei Fei: my favourite Fong Fei Fei song! so melancholic and full of longing in an understated way
Hua Luo Sui (花落随/Follow the Falling Flowers) by 袁耀发/Yuan Yao Fa: This is my favourite gufeng song of all time haha, it’s not packed to the brim with classical Chinese/poetic/historical references like other songs in the genre but it’s just so soft and tender :)
gU Lou (鼓楼/Drum Tower) by 赵雷/Zhao Lei: Zhao Lei is really good (of C-indie/民谣 genre) and this song really makes me want to go to Beijing
The Flow of Jianghu (江湖流/Jiang Hu Liu) by C-BLOCK & GAI: One of the few rap songs I know and (even with my limited understanding of what constitutes good rap) everything from the lyrics to the beat to the mv is amazing
xI Chuang De Yu (西窗的雨/The Rain of the West Window) by 好妹妹乐队/Good Little Sisters Band - Contrary to their name, HaoMeiMei is a male duo also in the C-indie/民谣 sphere. The two of them really love Chinese oldies and it reflects in a lot of their stylistic choices/cover choices. One of my fave songs from them, which they apparently sent to Tsai Qin because they thought she would be a perfect fit (which I concur, but Qin Hao of the duo has one of my favourite male voices too), but alas nothing came out of it. 
Ai (爱/Love) by 小虎队/The Little Tigers: I had an Alec Su phase a few years back hahahaha (still like him alot). This song is just so wholesome and pure and adorable (and has sign language actions too!!)
hOng Dou Ci 2000 (红豆词2000/Red Bean Song 2000) by 南方二重唱/Southern Duet: Lyrics taken from the famous 红豆词 of Dream of Red Chamber, and melody composed by one of Singapore’s most iconic songwriters 梁文福/Liang Wern Fook whom I loveeee and wish more young people know about his works beyond 细水长流. 南方二重唱 is a female duo that I really like too.
tagging: @shenmeizhuang @ggongzhu @nocturnalinseoul @travelingstrawberry @endlessthoughtsofafangirl @inmessionante @fwoopersongs (only if you want to hahaha) + anyone else interested!
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jbuffyangel · 7 years
Not Enough: Arrow 6x05 Review (Deathstroke Returns)
I am going to be honest. I have a lot of Slade Wilson issues.  So, I wasn't particularly jazzed for "Deathstroke Returns." Some of my issues are addressed, but most are not. Oliver’s reaction to Slade in particular made this a difficult episode for me to enjoy.  Also, most of the twists weren’t very twisty. We could see them coming.
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Let's dig in...
Oliver & Slade (and Olicity)
Slade Wilson is one of the best Arrow villains. It's just fact. I appreciate Arrow is striving to differentiate Slade from Adrian Chase by blaming 95% of his S2 actions on the mirakuru. Slade was crazy because of the drugs. Chase was crazy because he was the epitome of all evil.  
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Even though I'm not entirely comfortable with the "blame it on the drugs" explanation, I was willing to roll with it. And then... 5x23 happened. It's obvious Arrow is embarking on some kind of redemption like arc with Slade Wilson. That's all fine well and good. It's probably where the character needs to go, especially if the drugs are out of his system.
The bargain Oliver and Slade made in 5x23 was information about Joe in exchange for Slade helping save William. Here's my hang up - I don't think Slade held up his end of the bargain. What did he actually do that saved Oliver's son? He pretended to be evil to trick Boomerang, Talia and Evelyn so Oliver could flip Evelyn like a rag doll. 
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Not a horribly impressive move considering she weighs about 90 pounds soaking wet.  
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But sure, he helped free Oliver's friends. Plus 20 points.
Then Slade pretended to be evil to trick Black Siren, so she'd take Oliver to the hostages and he could slip Dinah that collar thingy that freed them. Again, I haven't been blown away with BS evil mastermind skills, but sure.
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 He helped free Oliver's friends. Plus 20 points.
Slade kicked some ass (along with every other team member).  Plus 10 points. He also gave some incredibly sage advice five years in the making. Plus 50 points.
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However, when push came to shove and Oliver really NEEDED Slade to help - he abandoned them all to die. WTF? Minus 500 points.
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By the way that includes WILLIAM. Nobody knew William was with Oliver. It's why Samantha went running into the woods in the first place - to look for her son. Oliver was busy facing off with Chase. For all Slade knew, William was in those woods just like Samantha (and the rest of the team) believed. Instead of staying and trying to help save Oliver's son (and every single person he cares about in the world) LIKE HE PROMISED, Slade chose to save his own skin. It was Oliver who found William. It was Oliver who saved William.  The dude is dressed head to toe in KEVLAR and instead three unarmed women, without any protective gear, ran towards 250 bombs to look for a little boy.
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Slade wasn't under the effects of the mirakuru. He was just selfish. He was a coward.
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This is the kick start to his redemption arc? Am I being too hard on Slade? No. I'm not. 
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Slade put a sword through Moira's frigging heart y'all. Her murder scene is the most disturbing death on Arrow. 
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Slade Wilson has a lot of work to do before he EARNS (yes earns) Oliver's help. He didn't even come close on Lian Yu.
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And you know what? That's not the Slade Wilson I remember from Season 1 and Season 2. The Slade Wilson who was Oliver's friend would have stayed to help. So what is Arrow trying to say? The mirakuru left Slade permanently dark and twisty? He is a monster only when he chooses not be? WHAT? 
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There's playing with the grey zone and then there's just sloppy. Slade abandoning the team was unnecessary particularly if Oliver wasn't going to address it in any real way.
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Which is exactly what happened tonight.  Slade's son Joe works for Australian Intelligence. Long story short, Joe was at the wrong place and the wrong time and is now serving a life sentence in Kasnia. Slade doesn't need the Green Arrow. He needs Oliver Queen. He wants Oliver to wear a suit, play diplomat and hand over a suitcase of cash to buy his son out of prison.
Oliver primarily hems and haws over helping Slade because of the promise he made to William. I mean, yeah that, but also HE LEFT YOUR FRIENDS TO DIE!!!! ONE OF THEM DID DIE!!! ONE OF THEM IS IN A COMA OLIVER!!!! ALSO SLADE KILLED YOUR MOTHER. YOU COULD SET THE BAR A LITTLE HIGHER HERE FELLA!!!!!
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It's actually Felicity who convinces Oliver to go. 
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Yup, you read that right. 
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Oliver is so me in this conversation. 
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I get that Felicity is looking beyond Slade to Joe. From her perspective, Oliver is helping an innocent man. It's not about Slade Wilson. It's not fair to punish the son for the father's sins. Pretty much the theme of the show. I'm with Felicity on her thinking here and God bless this human personification of rainbows for taking the higher road.
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I know Arrow relies heavily on Felicity to sell storylines, but this particular conversation felt like a stretch. Yes, even though it's Felicity. Perhaps it's my own Slade anger transference and I'll own that. 
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I would have been perfectly okay with Felicity saying, "Tell Slade to go screw himself. Let's pack for Aruba baby." 
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This is why I am not a hero. I am really okay with that though.
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That's also not the character and I understand that. The advice probably carries more weight with Oliver (and is the very definition of selfless) because it does come from Felicity. If there's anyone who Oliver needs the okay from to go - it's her. He also needs the okay from Thea, but she's in a friggin coma. Thanks for nothing Slade.
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Thus, Oliver boards the plane with Slade and hijinks ensue. I'm just gonna give you the run down because the level of predictability in "Deathstroke Returns" is incredibly high.
When Oliver arrives at the prison he's told Joe is dead. Joe is not dead.
Slade's "friend" Nylander is not his friend. He works from The Jackals -  group that "kidnaps" Joe from the prison.
Joe was not kidnapped from prison. He is the leader of The Jackals.
DUN DUNN DUNN!!!! This revelations were shocking to absolutely no one.
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Slade does keep to one of the bargains he made with Oliver. He refuses to let Oliver "suit up" in any way.  When Oliver insists on helping rescue Joe from the Jackals, Slade drugs him.  HA! Classic. I’m slightly less crabby with you Wilson, but only slightly.
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He even leaves Oliver a little glass of water for when he wakes up. See? Slade is good! REDEMPTION ARC COMPLETE.
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That's not to say Slade doesn't exhibit some guilt - just not over abandoning everyone on Lian Yu. Initially, Slade has no intention of seeing Joe once he's freed from prison. Slade doesn't believe he has a right to.  
"I gave up my right to be his father when I stepped out of the light into the shadows and became this monster."
Oliver argues Slade isn't Deathstroke anymore. He thinks Slade is the man he was before. And THIS is where I have the problem. 
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This is Oliver blatantly ignoring what Slade did on Lian Yu. I honestly cannot fathom why. This is one of the most frustrating things about Arrow. They often ignore their own canon for the sake of driving the plot forward. It creates massive plot holes and makes the behavior of your lead character inexplicable.
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Except, these issues are totally unavoidable. If the goal is to redeem Slade Wilson THEN REDEEM HIM. Use 5x23 to really kick off the arc that will complete in 6x05 and 6x06. Abandoning everyone on the island was completely unnecessary. Particularly if it wasn't going to hold any real consequences for Slade and Oliver's relationship. 
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Oliver not even broaching the subject with Slade is infuriating. What's more it makes Oliver's attitude towards him, and blind trust, completely baffling.  Oliver is all in on "it was the drugs" to explain away Slade's behavior, but that doesn't apply to what happened on Lian Yu. Yet, Oliver is standing here arguing Slade is a changed man. 
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Me neither Felicity. There's a difference between being honorable and being a pansy. Oliver, you are being the latter.
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Arrow has a habit of telling rather than showing. If you are going to write a redemption arc we need to see the change. Not be told there is change. The man Arrow is telling us Slade is isn't jiving with the Slade Wilson we see. You can play with the grey areas of the character without making him a despicable person. I'm not really interested in Slade's redemption after the events of Lian Yu, because I no longer buy that it's the mirakuru that makes Slade act like a monster. I think he just chooses to be one whenever it suits him. He chooses to be a nice guy when it suits him. These are not markers of redemption. These are markers of a manipulative and selfish human being.
At least Diggle and Felicity take a moment to remark on how uncomfortable it makes them that Oliver is helping Slade.
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Of course, Felicity's agreement here makes her early conversation with Oliver even more confusing. 
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Would it have killed the writers to include some of Felicity's reservations in her discussion with Oliver? It would have been nice to hear Oliver's perspective on what Slade did on the island.  Instead, we get Diggle and Felicity saying, "Yup. He left us for dead. Oliver is helping him. That sucks." And... that's it. That's not addressing the issue in any real way.
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The flashbacks with Slade and his son are interesting, but in an incredibly sad way. 
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Source: twitter.com
Slade lies to Joe about what he really does for living. He tells his son that he works for an airline and that’s why he has to go away all the time. Joe knows Slade is lying because kids know when they are being lied to. It created a distance between father and son long before Deathstroke came into the picture.
It's so much worse than lying though. The camping trip isn't just a way for Slade to spend time with Joe. He's on a mission tracking the man who took Yao Fei to Lian Yu. There's living a dual life and then there's Slade Wilson. 
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Perhaps Slade isn't the person you should be listening to when it comes to fatherhood and dual lives Oliver.
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Slade kills the man after he tells him where Yao Fei was taken. There's a rustling in the bushes and I promise you Joe Wilson watched his father kill somone. Trust me. I have a unique skill for figuring out the obvious plot developments everyone else has already figured out. STICK WITH ME KIDS!
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The point is to create a contrast between William/Oliver and Slade/Joe. Oliver worries he'll have to break his promise to William (risk his life and be out in the field)  to help Slade. It's nice Oliver can see the obvious plot developments coming too.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Felicity, in her never ending wisdom, tells Oliver to be honest with William. Maybe not tell him the full story, we are trying to decrease William’s nightmares and therapy bills, but enough of the story so he can understand. 
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This is a key piece to parenting. You don't need to lie to your kids. You also don't need to tell them the truth about absolutely everything - particularly when they are too young to hear it. However, there is a middle ground. Your responsibility as a parent is to find it. You need to tell your child the truth in a way they will understand it and is age appropriate. Oliver doesn't need to go all or nothing here. He simply needs to offer William the truth he will understand - and has a right to know.
This is how Oliver includes William in his dual life without separating him from it with lies. Oliver is keeping William safe, but he's also not closing his son off to who his father truly is. This is the mistake Slade made with Joe.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Look at his face. Smoaked again. Oliver, your ability to successfully parent William depends greatly on Felicity’s co parenting. Marry this woman immediately you love sick puppy.
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Is Slade Wilson redeemable? I don't know. The events on Lian Yu bother me as much as Moira's death. At least Slade acknowledges what he did to Moira, but I feel like that sets a very low redemption bar for one Arrow’s greatest villains.
Hopefully, next week is the stronger of this two part episode. Joe takes Slade and Oliver hostage at the end of “Deathstroke Returns.” We're supposed to worry Slade will turn on Oliver next week with that unbelievably heavy handed promo. He won't. We know he won't. However, I don't know if that's enough for me. I need more Slade Wilson. A lot more.
Dinah and Vigilante
The identity of Vigilante is... Vince. Dinah's old partner and boyfriend. You know, the one she thought was dead and became a vigilante to avenge? Again, a plot development most people saw coming. 
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It's a bummer because I was really looking forward to a shocking reveal. Dead lovers not being dead is the least shocking thing about Arrow.
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Vince was changed by the dark matter like Dinah was. He's able to heal, which he shows by taking a bullet in the head and being absolutely fine. Makes me wonder why he needs all the Kevlar, secret identity notwithstanding.
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Dinah spends most of the episode really ticked off. 
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Source: twitter.com
Hell yeah girl.
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The man she loved let her believe he was dead for the last four years. #TeamDinah. If that wasn’t bad enough, Dinah became someone she didn’t recognize after Vince died. She did a lot things she regrets. Team Arrow, and Oliver, gave Dinah a purposeful and focused way to channel her grief and anger.  However, she carries guilt for the choices she made before Team Arrow.
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Dinah's justification for those choices, maybe the one thing that helped her live with it, was Vince's death. Now Dinah feels even worse about the decisions she made because Vince is alive.
He is alive though. A fact Diggle points out. Yes, he's not dealing with a full deck, but John does push Dinah to recognize the miracle in Vince's reappearance. Dinah still loves Vince no matter how angry she is at him.
This hits Diggle squarely in the Andy zone. 
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He reacted to Andy's arrival the same way Dinah is reacting to Vince. That anger led Diggle down a very dark path, 
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so he really is the best person to try to help Dinah see beyond her anger. She does eventually open up to Diggle and tells him about the little paper roses Vince use to make for her. However, Dinah doesn't seen anything left of the man she used to love.
Vince's explanation for staying away from Dinah was that he couldn't be distracted from the mission. They didn't accomplish anything as cops and being a vigilante, this kind of vigilante, is the only way to make a difference.
Dinah lets Vince go and obviously John was right. She does still love him. Vince leaves Dinah a little paper rose later on as a signal to her, and to us, that he's not just a monster. The man she loved is still in there somewhere.
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Did this episode get me invested in Dinah and Vince? Eh. No.
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There wasn’t enough there, not yet, but I'm willing to let this play out and see where goes.
Adrian Chase's twin would have been awesome though.  I miss Josh Segarra.
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Stray Thoughts
Dinah changes into BC to face off with Vince while the FBI and SCPD crawling everywhere. I still don't know how she did it. Is there a phone booth nearby?
Because of her wardrobe change, Agent Watson quickly deduces Dinah went missing when BC showed up. This woman uses a lot of logic. She can stay.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Felicity is ready to lie under oath to be Oliver's alibi for all the nights he was Green Arrow-ing. RIDE OR DIE! THAT’S MY SHIP!
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But also we need to get some spousal privilege rolling.
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"I was subpoenaed. I gotta go right?" LOL! Rene you precious child.
Alright, I admit I didn't realize it was Vince at first because I didn't recognize the actor. I really needed the flashback.
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Felicity used her key. I AM EMOTIONAL.  Source: felicitysmoakgifs
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“I ask myself that every day." Oliver has this husband thing down. Just keep doing this and you'll make 50 years no problem, kiddo. Source: westallenolicitygifs  
William calling dad to check in was the cutest. I'm a total sucker for all this father son bonding
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Delicity is friendship goals.  Source: westallenolicitygifs
Vince looks a little like Alaric from The Vampire Diaries. I keep doing double takes.
Slade using the sword to kill all those guys gave me Moira death scene flashbacks. It was unnerving.
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Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 6x05 episode gifs credited.
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one-traveling-panda · 7 years
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I could not help but write to you again, once I received your reply from my previous letter I couldn’t help but get this odd feeling. After asking my friend the Warrior Chengbo about it. He assured me it was none other than Wanderlust. Without a second thought I immediately packed up and made my way to Pandaria, my home, once again. While here I have decided to make a stop at Binan Village and even had the pleasure of meeting your family for myself. After some drinks and a nice meal I talked to them about the family trade and while your family are metal workers, I took more of a fancy to Jewelcrafting and supplied them with a decent shipment of gems and materials should anyone here in Binan take an interest in the art. I will make my way to the Temple of the White Tiger next to visit Xuen. I’m certain the Celestial will be overjoyed to see me once again and perhaps I will prove my abilities in combat to him once again. I wonder if my old friend still resides here, he’s a quirky little thing, a Quilen Cub by the name of Junji. I pray your travels are going well and I hope one day you are reunited with your family safely. Sincerely, your friend, Shanpo Shadoweye
- - -
Dear Shanpo,
Oh! How it gladdens my heart to see the familiar golden grasses of home. And even more to know that I have inspired the love of travel and sightseeing in you! Have you gotten a chance to try Uncle Jinro’s famous crabapple brew? I do not know how he leaves the flavor so crisp, and he will not tell me, but the mere thought of it transports me to chilly autumn evenings round the family table once again. You must take some back with you when you are ready to depart.
I am honored to hear that my family has received you well! Your gift to them, both of materials and of your presence, is a blessing. May the Celestials repay your kindheartedness in scores, my friend. Mother’s meals and my sisters’ talk will surely have left you exhausted, but I hope that my brothers were not too presumptuous, and that Yao has helped you plan the best path up into the mountains – he is the best of us at this, and his trails up to swift Xuen’s temple are sturdy without fail. Perhaps he will lead you there himself, if he is wise and has remembered his manners! (Those things, of course, I cannot guarantee.)
Have a safe and prosperous journey up to the summit, Shanpo, and may Xuen judge your combat skills justly!
With great pride, Yang-Li Stoutarm
P.S.: Is that Cousin Fei in the photo beside you? If it is, please tell her that I love her, and that she still owes me seventy-four gold at throwing dice.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Arrow: Byron Mann to Return as Yao Fei Gulong in Season 8
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Arrow will see the return of yet another familiar face in season 8, with Byron Mann confirmed to be reprising the role of Yao Fei Gulong. Premiering in 2012, Arrow followed the journey of Oliver Queen as he returned home after a mysterious five-year absence and embarked on a continued quest to save his city. The action-packed show quickly gained a passionate following and spawned what's come to be known as the Arrowverse. Earlier in the year, however, it was announced that season 8 would be the last.
Mann debuted as Yao Fei all the way back in season 1. Upon washing up on Lian Yu following his shipwreck, Oliver was at first treated as a hostile and shot through the chest with an arrow. The pair soon bonded, however, with Yao Fei ultimately serving as Oliver's very first mentor on his journey towards becoming The Green Arrow. As a master archer and former army general, he taught Oliver not only how to use a bow but also combat basics and how to hunt. Subsequently embroiled in a conspiracy being carried out by a mercenary named Edward Fyers, Yao Fei was forced to serve as the scapegoat for a terrorist incident. Although he complied with the demands, he was ultimately killed in the season 1 finale. Though Oliver would go on to further his training under Yao Fei's friend, Slade Wilson, and Yao Fei's daughter, Shado, Oliver would ultimately wear the green hood in honor of his original teacher.
Related: Arrow's Very Final Scene is Extremely Difficult To Shoot
According to Deadline, Mann will return as the character at some point in the show's final 10-episode run. Final seasons of television shows have always been typically synonymous with revisiting the past. As such, Mann will join fellow returning Arrow alums as Josh Segarra's villainous Adrian Chase, Rila Fukushima's Katana, and John Barrowman as original big bad, Malcolm Merlyn. The blasts from the past come in the wake of co-star Emily Bett Rickards' departure in season 7 and Colton Haynes' Roy Harper being demoted from series regular.
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Mann is also confirmed as the latest addition to Little Fires Everywhere. Based on Celeste Ng’s bestselling novel of the same name, the limited series will star Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington, Rosemarie DeWitt, and Joshua Jackson. With Washington and Witherspoon also serving as producers, the show is set to be released on Hulu sometime in 2020. Mann will feature in a recurring capacity, playing lawyer Ed Lan. The actor also recently starred in Netflix's Wu Assassins.
A good portion of Arrow's final season will be focused on the highly-anticipated Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event. Despite that, producer Marc Guggenheim previously confirmed many of the episodes will be focused solely on wrapping up Oliver Queen's solo journey. Given that, and the fact each episode will reportedly serve as an homage to a previous season, it could be as early as the first episode that Yao Fei shows up. How prominent of a role he plays can only serve as the subject of speculation for the time being. Equally, given the character's death, it remains unclear in what form he'll make his return. Oliver's deceased associates have previously tended to show up as hallucinations. Since Oliver was last seen venturing into parts unknown with the intergalactic being known as The Monitor, however, it could just as likely be a result of traveling through time or across alternate parallel dimensions.
More: What To Expect From Arrow Season 8
Arrow season 8 premieres October 15 on The CW.
Source: Deadline
source https://screenrant.com/arrow-byron-mann-yao-fei-gulong-season-8-return/
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lesbiandanieljacobi · 7 years
Sway With Me, Go Astray With Me 
In which Mick Rory and Oliver Queen discuss feelings over pizza and L&P without ever actually saying the word feelings, and somehow it turns into porn (don't ask me how, it just does)
Totally NSFW / Read on AO3
Oliver's not entirely sure how this happened. 
 Okay, Oliver's entirely sure how this happened, he just doesn't want to admit it.
He flops back until he's laying flat on his back on the training mats and closes his eyes. They'd been working with the Legends on some Time issue of some description that Oliver hadn't really asked too many questions about, happy to play 'point and shoot' as required - after the explosion on Lian Yu, not bearing the burden of responsibility on occasion was very nice - when one of the men they'd been fighting had snarled something about Prometheus being right and doing right and Oliver had seen red and left a dead mess smeared on the concrete behind him. After his usual brow-beating from Felicity, both teams had fucked off to parts unknown to celebrate the successful completion of the mission, leaving Oliver to contemplate his apparent fuck-ups in solitude. 
Someone clears their throat above him. 
He opens his eyes to find Mick Rory standing there, pizza box in one hand and a six-pack in the other. 
 "You looked like you could use some company." he says. "And it's not like the Legends will notice I'm gone." 
 Oliver snorts. 
"Then we're in the same boat, aren't we?" he says. 
Rory grins, lopsided and companionable, and sits down next to him. 
"Its pepperoni." he says. "And this is L&P - a soft drink from home." His shoulders bounce. "I figured simpler is better, and we shouldn't give them more ammunition by drinking." 
Oliver snorts again. Rory's blunt. He likes that, in this moment. Rory squints for a second. 
"Well, for them, read her. That was quite the lecture." 
 Oliver groans, and reaches for a drink. 
"If you expect me to deal with that particular can of worms, I'd need actual alcohol." 
Rory shrugs again, opening the box and sliding it between the two of them. 
"Look, I hate talking about -" he makes a hand gesture that Oliver knows means 'feelings', "but you very clearly need to." 
Oliver, now sitting and drinking what is an admittedly great bottle of something non-alcholic, shoots Rory a look that says 'fuck no'. In response, Rory drains half his bottle, and starts talking. 
He tells Oliver about his family, their farm, the fire he started that had killed them, foster home after foster home of people who couldn't care for him, never being able to mourn in the way of his people. He tells Oliver about falling into crime and out of school, about arrests and Juvie. He tells Oliver all about Leonard Snart, the man he'd loved more than life itself, of Len at 12 and fighting for his life, at 16 and beaten black and blue for being gay by his father, of Len at 21 taking on the world, of Len at 26 in a cheap motel bed telling Mick that they'd get married as soon as it was legal, of Len at 32 helping Mick recover from the fire that scarred his body still, of Len at 40 with a flamethrower, of Len at 42 with a ring. He tells Oliver about Rip Hunter, and the Time Masters, and his time as Chronos - years and years of brainwashing and torture and emptiness, about what he'd done to Len, what Len had done to him, what the team had done to him after that. Oliver listens to most of it with a dropped jaw. 
"I didn't - fuck - what the fuck are they doing?" Oliver says, when he's done. Mick - he's definitely Mick now, rather than Rory - shrugs. 
"I told you mine. Now you tell me yours." he says. 
Oliver groans, takes another drink, and then does. He tells Mick about everything, from the beginning. It's easier somehow, when he's just heard half the man's life story, to tell his own in return. He tells Mick about Laurel and Sara and the Queen's Gambit, about running from commitment, about his father pulling the trigger right in front of him, about Yao Fei and Shado and Slade (Slade, who he'd loved - not that he'd ever confessed that to anyone, except apparently Mick Rory and his uncommonly good listening skills and unfairly warm interchangeably colored eyes). He tells Mick about Ivo and Anatoly and Kovar and the totem and Constantine and working for the Bratva. He tells Mick about Waller and the Suicide Squad and Tatsu and calling Laurel just to hear her voice and emailing Tommy because he didn't know what else to do. He tells Mick about getting off the Island and coming home and the list and telling John and asking Felicity for help. He tells Mick about how good it was, at first, about Barry, good-intentioned and making him a mask that felt more like a he was wearing belief than material, about Isabelle, malicious and lost, and Tommy, breathing out love and blood and death in the ruins of CNRI, about watching Slade come back as a corrupted shadow of the man Oliver had loved, about his mother telling him and Thea to be strong. 
He tells Mick about Felicity's moralizing, about trying to change himself. He tells Mick about Sara and Nyssa and Roy and the League. He tells Mick about dying to live, to save his city. He tells Mick about Thea's parentage and Sara's resurrection and Constantine's aid. He tells Mick about feeling like he couldn't be both Oliver and the Green Arrow. He tells Mick about trying to run away wth Felicity, about Laurel and her incredible journey, about what she meant to the city. He tells Mick about Darkh and Samantha and William, about a city that raised him up, about losing Felicity because they couldn't fathom who they had become. He tells Mick about losing Laurel, about how hollow he feels, about the recruits, about Adrian Chase and Oliver's own legacy coming back to haunt him, and Rory Reagan, and Evelyn's betrayal, about finding Dinah and finding Felicity again after Billy and then losing everyone only to get Slade back and then watch them all explode in a ball of flame only to get them back in ten minutes, of William, enrolled at a local private school. He tells Mick about the promise he's made to himself, one more time, about not letting anyone in because he can't bear to lose them. 
"Shit, Robin Hood." says Mick, when he's done. "You need a shrink as much as I do." 
Oliver finds himself laughing, for reasons he can't quite fathom. 
"And then you need to stop letting Glasses run your life for you. Have you noticed how much she's changed you?" 
"For the better." says Oliver, a little too quickly. 
"I don't think so." says Mick. "It's not for the better if it's not coming from you. Look at Lenny and his dad." 
They've finished both the pizza and their soft drinks, and they're both lying flat in their backs staring at the ceiling. Oliver turns his head to look at Mick. 
"And you think it's not coming from me?"
"It's not." says Mick. "You're changing to be what she wants because you think that if you do you can make peace with a fuck ton of demons that have nothing to do with her. What do you want, Oliver Queen?" 
Oliver has to think about it. No ones asked him that question about anything other than takeout orders in a very long time. 
"I want to feel safe. And like I'm making a difference." he says, at length. 
"Can you do that if you're bending over backwards to play Vigilante Lite for Glasses?" Mick asks.
"No?" guesses Oliver. He goes back at staring at the ceiling while he weighs up the evidence. 
"No." he says, more authoritatively, when he's done. 
"Does she make you feel safe?" asks Mick. 
"No." says Oliver, marveling at his own denial. He sits up. 
"There you go." says Mick, and pushes himself up on to his elbows. "You're allowed to not want to kill anymore, Arrows. Doesn't mean you can't, when you have to, or that you being upset when you do is wrong, either." 
Oliver turns to look at him. He makes a fantastic view, sprawled back like this. And, now Oliver's thinking about it, he makes him feels safe. He's never told anyone about the Island. Not like this. 
Oliver's still an impulse-driven person, at his core, and all his impulses are telling him he should kiss Mick Rory. So he does. 
"Kissing me breaks the promise, remember?" says Mick, after he's shoved Oliver back by his shoulders, a good two minutes into what had been a very nice makeout session.
Right, the dumbass promise Oliver made to himself to not get caught up in anything romantic until he could be sure he could prevent anything like that explosion at Liam Yu from ever happening again. 
"You can take care of yourself." he tells Mick, and moves in to kiss him again. Mick rocks back, just out of Oliver's reach. 
"Seems to me like you need someone to take care of you, too." says Mick, obviously thinking back to everything Oliver has divulged in the last few hours. Oliver reddens a little, thinking of all the lovely things Mick could do if Oliver was just willing to give in, give over control just a bit. 
Mick grins, and Oliver swears he can see flames dancing in his eyes. It's like he knows every filthy thought that is running through Oliver's head. 
"Well, then, Robin Hood, are you gonna let me take control?" Oliver shoves Mick back until his broad shoulders are pressed flat against the mat they'd been sitting on. 
"Call me by my fucking name." he hisses, and then kisses Mick again, hard and biting and digging his teeth in. They part again when Mick gets a handful of Oliver's hair that's mostly scalp and hauls him back. 
"That wasn't a no, Ollie." Mick rumbles, smoothing his hand down until he's got a solid grip on the scruff of Oliver's neck. "Why don't you give me an actual answer?" 
Oliver swallows and finds himself looking away, unable to meet Mick's gaze. 
"That certainly looks like a yes, but I want to hear you say it." says Mick, turning his hand so he can use his thumb to tilt Oliver's head back, forcing him to meet his eyes. "You've gotta tell me you want it, Oliver." 
Oliver's been the strong one for a very long time, unable to let somebody else take the lead - no one since Slade, on the island, has made him feel as safe as Mick is right now. There's something inherently comforting about knowing that Mick won't judge him for anything he's done, for anything he might do. There's no room for moralizing in Mick's world, no harsh call to the "light". It's - refreshing, when it comes down to it. It's been almost 10 years since Oliver's been able to not think, and hand it all over to someone else. It's about time he got to do it again. 
"I want it." he says. "I want you to take over." 
Mick runs his thumbs over Oliver's cheekbones and looks at him with something warm and soft in his eyes. 
"You're something else." he says, and then rolls them so Oliver's underneath his weight, pressed back against the mat again, safe and safe and safe and safe. He shudders a little and presses up into Mick's body, arching his back enough to get a bit of friction. Mick grins again, all teeth, and shifts up so he's perched too high on Oliver's hips to give him anything to rub against, but just enough to take away any leverage Oliver might have. 
"None of that, now. You'll get off when I say you'll get off, Kitten." Oliver shudders at the address. It's a pet name, something little and soft and warm and just for him, and he hasn't ever had someone use one of those with that level of warmth, not ever. Mick runs his hands up Oliver's chest, fingers tracing the dips between muscles, until he can rub this thumbs over Oliver's nipples. Fuck. Oliver's painfully aware of how loud his moan was, and he freezes under Mick's touch, unsure of how he'll react. Mick chuckles, low and gravel-rough. 
"That was plenty loud, Kitten." he says, and rubs again, firm and pressing, and Oliver makes the same noise as the first time, even through his gritted teeth. Mick makes a tsk-ing sort of noise at that. 
"There's no reason for you to stop." he scolds. "You can be as loud as you want for me." He starts rubbing in neat little half-arcs, causing Oliver to start twitching between moans, looking for anything to push his dick against. 
"I'm just pleased I found something that gets you going that much." Mick tells him, plainly ignoring Oliver's aborted, useless thrusts. "I want to know all of those places, all the spots that make you shiver, every little thing that makes you hopelessly desperate for me." 
Oliver shudders under the warmth in his voice, and doesn't fight when Mick stops his movements so he can gather Oliver's wrists up in one hand and pin them to the mat above his head. 
"Look at you, Kitten." murmurs Mick. "So good for me, you're so good for me." 
Fuuuuuuuuuck. Oliver whimpers a little, and Mick smiles again. 
"There we go, you like that too, don't you?" Oliver nods, something little and jerky. "Shhhhh, Kitten, it's okay. Can you be good and keep your hands where I put them?" 
"Yes." says Oliver, desperation sneaking into his voice. "Yes, I can -" He forces himself to stop before he says anything incriminating, but Mick notices the cut-off in his voice anyway. Fuck, he's so in tune with what Oliver's feeling, more so than anyone since Laurel. 
"Hey, now," says Mick, catching Oliver's face in his hands before Oliver can look away. "Hey now, Ollie, what is it? What is it you wanted to say?" 
Safe, says Oliver's brain. Safe, warm, just what you want. Better, it whispers, low and truthful. Better than the alternative, what you need. Tell him, it begs. Tell him and keep him and never let him go. 
"Come on, Kitten, what was that you bit back to keep from me? Let me hear you." Oliver screws his eyes closed for a moment. 
"I can do that, sir." Oliver whispers. When he opens his eyes again, Mick's looking down at him with a kind of fondness Oliver had lost hope of finding again. 
"So good, Ollie." Mick croons. "You just leave them right there." 
 Mick takes his hands away from Oliver's face and his weight away from Oliver's hips for long enough to strip them both out of their trousers, and Oliver keeps his hands just where Mick put them. Mick hums with delight when he sees this, and kisses Oliver deep and long, blanketing Oliver's whole body with his own. He pulls back, at length, and smiles, stroking a hand through Oliver's shorn-short hair. And then, he moves, climbing his way up Oliver's body until he's straddling his shoulders. Mick pauses, for a moment, and reaches for his jeans, fumbling for something in the pocket. Oliver already knows what it will be, and finds himself delighted at the fact that Mick cares enough to have a condom on hand, just in case. God knows that Oliver hasn't, in the past. And his last partner - 
Oliver wasn't going to think about Felicity. Not now. Not when he's so turned on he can hardly breathe and Mick Rory is straddling his shoulders and about to feed him his dick. 
"Will you let me fuck that gorgeous mouth of yours, Kitten?" Mick asks, drawing Oliver out of his thoughts. Oliver nods, probably faster than he should have if he wanted to hide how much he wanted this. But he doesn't want to hide it - he wants Mick to know just how much he loves it, how much he wants it. 
"Yes, sir, please, sir." Oliver says, because spoken consent appears to be key for Mick. 
"If it gets too much, I want you to snap your fingers to tell me. Can you do that now?" Well, now Oliver's totally fucked. Mick's figured out that the easiest way to make Oliver's knees buckle is to go for his nipples and has full command of Oliver's praise kink, and now he's making sure Oliver can still tap out when he can't speak. Safe, safe, safe, chants Oliver's brain, and he snaps his fingers. 
"Good boy." purrs Mick. "Now, open up for me." It's so easy, to just let go. Oliver's brain is only focused on two things - Mick's voice, and keeping his hands right where Mick told him they should stay. 
"That's it, just like that, so good, look at you, taking everything I'm giving you." Mick says, slowly driving his hips forward and back. Oliver sucks when he can and licks when he can't and enjoys being used in the best way he knows. Mick doesn't stop talking, and it's working Oliver up more than dirty talk ever has before - probably because of the content. 
"That's it, Kitten, keep going. You're going to look so pretty, with your lips all swollen from sucking my cock, when you're gasping while I work you open. Shall I use three, or four fingers, Kitten? Three will open you up enough that you'll be feeling me for days, but with four I'll slide right in. If I've got four in you, it's only one more, it's so tempting -" Mick's narration gets cut off by his moan, which is, in turn, due to the moan Oliver just let out at that thought. A wicked smile floats across Mick's face. 
"Oh, Ollie, you liked that, didn't you? You love the idea of me working you so open I could slide my whole fist in." Oliver moans again, thrashing his legs. 
"You'd bite your lips redder than red while we worked you up from one to two to three to four. And then you'd look so pretty when you were screaming for me, when every rock of my arm shoved my knuckles right up against your prostate." Oliver's hips are bucking against nothing and his mouth tastes like precum and all he can smell is Mick and he's desperate but not desperate all at the same time, frantic to come and yet ready and willing to wait for Mick's say-so. Mick pulls back and tips Oliver's head back too, to make sure he can speak. 
"What's your refractory period like, Kitten?" 
"A little faster than average, sir." says Oliver, truthfully. Mick shifts forward, and Oliver laves his tongue over what parts of his cock he can reach. 
"Mmm, yes, keep doing that, Kitten." says Mick, scraping one hand across Oliver's scalp. "If that's the case, Ollie, then I'd make you come, just like that, on my fist." 
Oliver drops his head back and moans. Mick's grinning when he manages to look up. Mick cants his hips forward when Oliver does, shoves his dick down Oliver's throat and holds it there, and then pulls out so Oliver can get air. 
"Yes. That's exactly what I'd do. I'll clean you up while you're still shaking, get my tongue all over those gorgeous abs of yours. And as soon as I'm done with that, I'll slide right in. There'll be no resistance, not after I've had my whole fist in you. I'll be able to shove right into you, and then fuck you until you're screaming again, screaming my name. I'll fuck you until you come all over yourself again, and then I'll roll you over and ride your ass until I come all over it." Mick tells him. 
Oliver's sure his eyes are rolling back in his head and his thighs are shaking. He snaps his fingers, once, twice. Mick pulls off instantly. 
"Too much, Ollie?" he asks. 
"No, sir." says Oliver, and Mick looks confused. 
"Not enough, sir." Oliver says, in response to the questioning eyebrow. "Please, sir, I want you to do it, sir, everything you just said, I want you to do it, please, please." Mick strokes Oliver's face again. 
"Oh, Kitten, you're so good for me. Begging so prettily for me to use you just like I want. So perfect. But if we're going to do that, I want a bed and a gallon of lube. Do you have that, Kitten?" 
Oliver thinks wistfully of the loft, which Felicity is staying in "until she finds her own place", thinks of the broad bed, thinks of Mick in the kitchen, smiling, when Oliver gets back from a hard day at City Hall. It would be so nice to take Mick there now, to let him cuff Oliver to that headboard, to have an arsenal of toys for Mick to discover, to use. It would be so nice to know there's eggs and ingredients for omelettes and Oliver's favorite sourdough in the kitchen for when they wake up in the morning. One day. He'll hold on to that for one day. 
For now, he's got a cot and a literal gallon pump bottle of lube, and that's going to do the job just fine. 
"Yes, sir, I do."
"There's a cot just around the corner, there, and lube. It's where I've been staying." 
Mick looks contemplative for a moment. Then he seems to come back to himself. 
"If that's the case, then that's where we'll go." Mick says, and swings himself off Oliver. Oliver rolls over into all fours, taking a moment to steady himself. 
"Well now, that's a pretty sight, Kitten." says Mick. "I'm so glad our plan for the night is going to give me such a good view of this fantastic ass of yours." 
Oliver smiles to himself, a little dopey, he's sure. Mick's on his feet before Oliver is, and into the alcove with the cot before Oliver makes it to the corner. When he does round the corner, Oliver can see that Mick's already brought the lube over and is laying a towel over the blanket on the bed to catch the excess. Oliver's knees are still weak with arousal, and he gives in and let's them crumble. 
"Kitten?" Mick asks, taking a few steps towards Oliver. "Are you all right?" 
Oliver, on all fours, nods. "Fine, sir. You said you liked the view?" 
Mick actually laughs as he walks backwards until he can sit on the cot. 
"That's my Kitten." he says, voice full of joy. "Are you going to put on a show for me?" 
Oliver smirks, and then crawls, as sexily as he can, over to where Mick is sitting, legs sprawled wide. Mick's eyes dilate to the point where Oliver can't tell their shade as he approaches, and then Mick's guiding him so he's kneeling between Mick's knees. 
"I think I want to hear you beg, Kitten." says Mick. "For exactly what it is you want." 
Oliver swallows, hard, and then opens his mouth. 
"Please, sir, I want you to open me up so you can get your whole fist in me. I want you to pound your fist into my ass until I come untouched. I want you to pull your fist out and slide your dick in while I'm still clenching from my orgasm. I want you to fuck me so hard I go hoarse screaming your name and come again, and then I want you to get me on my knees and fuck me from behind until you're coming, and I want you to mark me with your come." 
Mick makes a soft little surprised noise. 
"Like it rough, don't you, Kitten? I can do rough for you. I can do all of that for you. I just want one more thing. Tell me you're mine, Kitten." 
"I'm yours." says Oliver, fervently. 
"And I can believe it." whispers Mick, mostly to himself. "Alright, Ollie, up on the bed, on your back." 
Oliver goes where he is told, relaxes his legs out in a wide sprawl, and raises his hands back over his head, as they had been before. 
"So good." says Mick, smoothing one hand over the inside of Oliver's thigh and teasing the first lubed finger of the other around Oliver's hole. Oliver groans and tries to shove down on the intrusion, only for Mick to take his hands away. 
"I'm sorry, who's in charge here?" he asks, almost jovial. 
"You are, sir." 
"Damn right I am. Hold onto your ankles, keep those legs spread wide." 
 Oliver does as he's told. It's so good, so nice, so easy, so safe. 
"Two birds, one stone. You have less leverage, and I get such a lovely view of the hole I'm going to fuck." 
A shudder rocks all the way through Oliver at Mick's words, and he knows he's panting for breath. Mick finally slides the finger in, and all his breath pushes out in a rush. 
"Yessssss!" Oliver hisses, and Mick chuckles, turns his wrist a few times, slides in a second. The first time he scissors them punches a gasp out of Oliver. 
"So good, Kitten, you just keep taking it." Mick murmurs, and opens Oliver enough to push in three, pressing hard and firm against Oliver's prostate. There's nothing but an endless high-pitched whine coming out of Oliver's mouth, and his knuckles are white on his ankles. Mick's petting the inside of Oliver's thigh with his free hand, soft and strong. Mick slides in four, dripping wet with lube, and Oliver drops his head back, lets it bounce on the mattress while Mick works him over, stretches him out until he's shaking and rolling his hips ineffectually down. 
"I think we should tie you up, next time." says Mick, thumb teasing against Oliver's rim. "Tie up your hands and your ankles, keep you just where I want you. Get a ring on you, keep you on the edge for hours." 
"Yes, sir, yes, fuck, please." says Oliver, which is both his opinion and the extent of his vocabulary at this moment. Mick smiles, pleased, and pushes a little firmer with his thumb. 
"Are you ready?" asks Mick, and Oliver can hear the second question underneath, the 'do you still want this' that was present but unsaid.
"Please, sir." Oliver begs, beyond shame. Mick makes a comforting little noise and slides his thumb forward, slowly and wetly easing the widest part of his hand into Oliver, turning his wrist slowly until he's satisfied. The push-pull of his arm is perfect, strong and solid and sure, and Oliver can feel the heat building in his chest. 
"Please, sir, more." he begs, tossing his head back and forth because it's all the movement he can make without breaking one of Mick's rules.
"You want more, Ollie?" purrs Mick. "Want me to take you fast and hard and rough?"
"Yes." pants Oliver. "Please." 
"Next time, Kitten. Next time, when I tie you down and we've talked about this more." Oliver whines in protest, and Mick smiles. 
"Let me show you it's okay to let yourself be looked after. Let me show you you're safe." Mick tells him, still smoothing his free hand up and down Oliver's inner thigh. His fist is still moving, slow and inexorable, and Oliver knows he's close. 
"Look at you." says Mick. "Look at you, taking it so well, my perfect Ollie, right here where I can look after you. You don't have to worry about anything but me." Mick's knuckles are rubbing against Oliver's prostate with every movement, just like he'd promised they would. Oliver's so close - he's almost there - he just needs a little more - 
"My good Kitten. All mine." says Mick, and pushes back in hard and sure. The words send a shiver through Oliver, push him so close to the brink a heavy breath will knock him over. 
"Sir, can I, please can I -" 
"Are you asking for permission to come, Kitten? Oh, oh you're so perfect. Yes, Ollie, my Ollie, you can come." Mick's knuckles scrape over Oliver's prostate one more time, and then he does - he comes with a guttural kind of scream, without a hand on him, just like Mick had said he would, just like Oliver had begged for. 
He's still reeling through the aftershocks when he feels Mick pulling his hand out, murmuring something low that Oliver's not quite registering. When he focuses a little, the words become clear.
"So good, Kitten, all mine and so good, you're going to be so good for me, aren't you, so perfect on my dick, all mine, my Ollie." Oliver whines, and Mick thrusts in. Just like he'd promised, while Oliver's still shaking his way down, smooth and strong and with little to no resistance. It's so good. 
"Is it, Kitten?" asks Mick, and oh, Oliver must have said that out loud. Mick smiles again, that warm safe smile that's got Oliver so wrapped up in knots. He tells Mick it is good, it's so good, he feels full and perfect and just right. Mick pulls Oliver's legs around him, wraps Oliver's thighs around his hips and pushes in deeper, smoother. Oliver clenches his legs and pushes back against Mick's thrusts, wraps his arms around Mick's shoulders and pulls him down for a kiss. Mick goes, kissing him with enthusiasm, and sneaking a hand between then to wrap around Oliver's rapidly hardening dick. 
"That's it, that's my good Kitten, come on, that's it." Mick purrs, right into Oliver's ear. Oliver loses track after that, drifts somewhere warm and happy and safe. He can feel Mick fucking him - and holy god does it feel good - but he has no idea how long they've been in this position, how long Mick's hand has been wrapped loosely around Oliver's now-hard dick, how long Oliver's been whining and writhing and panting for air because it feels so good, chanting Mick's name whenever he has breath in his lungs. 
"Do you think you can come for me?" asks Mick, cutting through the haze. Oliver nods, somewhere beyond words. He feels like he could do anything Mick asks. 
"Good, that's my good Ollie. Come on then, come for me." says Mick, and he tightens his grip around Oliver, and Oliver does, he comes just as instructed, to the soundtrack of Mick's gravelly praise in his ear. 
"I know I said I was going to flip you over, Kitten, but right now I just want to make even more of a mess of those gorgeous abs of yours - will you let me do that?" Mick asks, running a hand through the come on Oliver's skin. Fuck, that sounds good. Oliver nods, and Mick slips out of him, straddles his thighs again, and wraps his hand around himself. Oliver just lays there, lets his arms fall over his head and arches his back a little. Mick's breathing hard when he comes, and he lets out a harsh little grunt from between clenched teeth. They both just stay, catching their breath, for a good long moment, before Mick slides off. 
"Let me clean us up." says Mick, after a few minutes of him stroking Oliver's hair. 
“Do you want to come with me, or will you be alright for a moment while I'm gone?" Oliver hums, still coming back from the pleasant floaty place he'd gone, and contemplates the question. 
"As long as you come back-" he starts. 
"I'm definitely coming back." says Mick, and when Oliver looks over he's got an appreciative, lewd grin on his face. 
Oliver sniggers, and then goes back to blinking slowly. 
"I'll be good for a couple of minutes." Mick nods, and swings himself off the bed, disappearing around the corner to the bathroom. 
Oliver swirls his fingers through the still mostly-wet come on his stomach and thinks. With Mick, he'd been able to switch off entirely, just hand himself over and relax, a feeling he desperately needs. And Mick understands him, gets the years of trauma, the baseless but unshakeable guilt, the need on occasion to do something dark so that someone else can stay in the light. Mick's lost people he loves too, had to watch and not be able to do anything. And it's not like he's going to leave - five faberge eggs and the chance to start the Great Fire of London couldn't get Mick Rory back onto the Waverider, not without Leonard Snart. But given their line of work, and the alarming regularity with which people came back from the dead - 
"Well, that's an image I'm holding onto for the next ten years." says Mick. He's got a damp washcloth in one hand and a fresh towel in the other, and he's smiling, soft and warm. Oliver's suddenly aware of the ridiculous porn-shoot nature of his current pose, and ducks his head, cheeks flushing. He didn't think he was capable of blushing anymore, but apparently Mick Rory is very good at making him do things he'd never thought he'd do again. 
Mick cleans Oliver up with care and practiced ease, and then gets them both into sweatpants, before arranging them on the narrow bed so Oliver's head is pillowed on Mick's chest. He's got his fingers back in Oliver's hair - which is very nice, and Oliver is going to insist on happening regularly if the rest of this conversation goes well - when Oliver speaks up. 
"So, when you were talking about us negotiating this more thoroughly-" Oliver says, hoping Mick will just put him out of his misery and give him a straight answer. 
"We definitely will be." says Mick, firmly. "I will make you dinner and we will hash out all the details and make sure we have a good understanding of each other's limits. And then I am absolutely tying you up and having my way with you." 
Mick pauses, like he's running through what he's just said to make sure he's touched on all salient points. Then he seems to remember something. 
"As long as that's what you want, of course." Oliver finds himself smiling like a giddy child. 
"Yeah. That's absolutely what I want."
Wait, there was something else he'd wanted to ask. 
"And if Len were to come back? Would you still stay with me?" 
Mick pauses, obviously not expecting the question. He ponders it for a while. Oliver listens to his heartbeat. 
"I think if Lenny came back, he'd be more than willing to stay here with us." he says, finally. "As long as you were willing to share me, of course." 
Oliver blinks, dumbstruck. He'd known Len and Mick were married, but hadn't considered the arrangement could be like the one he was now creating with Mick. 
"Is he more on my end of things, or yours?" Oliver asks, for clarification's sake. "Hypothetically considering his return." 
"Yours." says Mick, with a rumbling laugh Oliver feels more than hears. 
Oliver has to shake himself out of the very pretty pictures in his head in order to answer. 
"I might be amenable to a little more than sharing." he says, and Mick presses a kiss to his forehead. 
"Nap now. Hypothetical hookup discussions later." says Mick. 
Oliver tables the very enjoyable fantasy he'd been contemplating of Mick's thrusts shoving a bound Len Snart's cock further down his throat, and lets Mick's breathing lull him to sleep. 
Two nights later, everything goes to shit while the team is breaking up an arms deal and Oliver has to shoot someone before they can shoot a police officer, and puts the arrow through their throat without thinking. Post-explosion, most of the team is more relaxed in their "what the fuck Ollie you can't just kill people" attitude (which Oliver is laying entirely at the feet of Slade Wilson, who banged heads and told stories until the full extent of Oliver's Lian Yu experience was at least hinted at enough to make Rene and Curtis and Dinah understand. John has understood for a long time now). Felicity, however, is almost worse than she used to be. They get back to the Bunker to find her standing at the door with her hands planted on her hips, chest already inflating so she can give them all - especially Oliver - some kind of long lecture on morality. Oliver walks past her without a second thought and heads to where Mick is sitting on a table near the training room. 
"Hey, Ollie." says Mick, soft and warm like he always is, even when he's got Oliver bent over his knee. "Come here." 
Oliver goes, and crumples into his arms, trusting Mick to keep him anchored, and trusting his team to not take advantage or discouragement from his emotion. Mick gets his fingers back into Oliver's hair and starts stroking, happy to wait just like that until Oliver gets his breathing back under control. 
"You were going to say something, Glasses?" says Mick, nonchalantly. 
Felicity doesn't say anything, and Oliver stays in the warmth of Mick's arms.
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whitecanarrow · 7 years
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).Arrow + magical creature!AU: Oliver Queen is half-demon. Most of Star City’s elite are full demons (how do you think they obtained all that wealth in the first place?). He’s an incubus but has always been able to keep his powers mostly at bay … until he gets stranded on Lian Yu with fallen angel Slade Wilson, determined to get back into Heaven’s good graces by rescuing Yao Fei, a mortal marked for protection. Oliver does his best to help, but the more he learns how to survive, the closer he is to letting his demon half take over. When he finally returns to Star City after five years, he’s hell-bent on toppling the city’s demonic rule. And slowly he assembles help in the form of an elf named Felicity Smoak, a battle mage named John Diggle, the demigod son of Hermes Barry Allen, and the now-werewolf Sara Lance, escaped from her pack led by the legendary alpha Ra’s al Ghul. But their goals shift when Slade turns up seeking revenge now that his previous alliance (& relationship) with Oliver has barred him from ever regaining his full angel status.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?Shuffle gave me “Why Don’t You & I” - Santana/Alex Band. This song is adorable and it makes me think of Olivarry, probably from Barry’s POV. 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? SO MANY. For m/m some of my favorites are: Superbat, Malec, Olivarry. For f/f I enjoy: Sanvers, Clizzy, Supercorp.
S: What’s a headcanon you have?Oliver keeps a pretty serious journal, full of stuff he knows he needs to express just to get it out of his own head but isn’t sure he’ll ever be ready to show anybody.
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intelligencecheck · 8 years
D&D 5E NPC - Yao Chen - Action Star
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Art by: Junggeun Yoon
Name: Yao Chen   Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Height: 5ft 9′ / 1.75m Age: 126 Class: Monk (Action Star)
Level: 6
AC 18 (Unarmoured), Hp 43 (6d8 Hit Die), Proficiency +3, Speed 50ft,
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Elvish,
Ability Scores: Str 12 (+1) Dex 20 (+5) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 16 (+3) 
Attacks: Unarmed Strike (+8 to hit, 1d6+5 Bludgeoning damage), Quarterstaff (+8 to hit, 1d6+1 bludgeoning damage), Bonus Unarmed Strike (+8 to hit, 1d6+5 Bludgeoning damage),
Skills: Acrobatics, History, Perception, Performance, Stealth,
Equipment: Quarterstaff, Entertainer's Pack, 23gp, 18sp, 45cp
Racial Traits: Darkvision (60ft / 18m / 12sqr), Trance (meditate for 4 hours instead of sleep), Fey Ancestry, Mask of the Wild,
Class Features: Unarmoured Defence, Martial Arts, Ki (6 points), Monastic Tradition (Way of the Open Hand), Deflect Missiles, Slow Fall, Stunning Strike, Ki-Empowered Strikes, 
Yao Chen Is a energetic Wood Elf who grew tired of the regimented lifestyle of the monastery. He now spends his days acting in stage plays or performing acrobatic feats out side taverns. 
Ideal: I’m done with the quiet life and instead I’m going to pursue my dream of starring in a stage show.
Bond: I owe everything I am to the monastery that took me in. I’ll one day repay them for raising me into the man I am today. 
Flaw: I’m rather Gung Ho and often run off to confront issues without thinking. 
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muslimsmoak · 8 years
Arrow 5x11: Second Chances
So are we getting an al Ghul reunion anytime soon? Just asking. Flashback, right? Oh, she’s being tortured, okay. It’s her boyfriend/lover (still creepy to say), right? Oh boy, he’s gonna die. He’s dead. How did she end up in this sitation? So screams mixed with chemicals and particle acceleration explosion, got it. Who’s the female ninja vigilante, is this a reference? 
So Curtis finds her. No blond hair, please. Mayor Queen looks really good in this suit, just saying. “Well, Felicity’s really going to enjoy hacking the NSA” hahaha. Aww, Felicity visits John. “Sleeping Beauty awakes” well, he is a beauty to look at. Talia’s done her homework. She taught Yao Fei, no way!!!
Oliver should have said “PACK UP!” in his Green Arrow voice. Damn, she’s got balls. Aww, Daddy Green Arrow taking his baby vigilantes to Big Belly for a meal. How cute. “That’s disgusting” don’t act like you didn’t eat Big Belly on your Summer of Love with Felicity before you mastered the culinary arts, Oliver. I see you, Oliver. I see you. 
Aww, one quick text to Bar and he’s all good to go. That’s cute. (Ignore me, my Olivarry is showing.) Wait, how did Oliver have CCPD’s Captain’s phone number. I love Talia and how she speaks. She’s so elegant and regal and formal. Uh-oh, not looking good for John. Room 5x11, that’s the episode number, subtle. 
She’s definitely out for revenge. And he’s dead. Wild Dog to the rescue with a sonic dampener. Is this close to when Oliver reveals his identity to her? And cool shot and new trick arrow. More Big Belly? Okay, now both Oliver and I are disgusted. That bow looks taller than me, guys. 
“Ghost Fox Goddess” oh, Felicity. This cannot be good. So we’re setting up for Rene’s backstory, I see? Oh, no, he was affected by the particle accelerator too. Is his code name vertigo cos it looks like he gave them vertigo? And not the drug vertigo. (Is that what vertigo like, someone tell me, I don’t know these things.)
So Sonus has sonic powers, huh? Is this it? He reveals his identity? Nope, afterwards, got it. Once again, the Bratva flashback wig is oddly working for me. But when is it getting longer? Five years of flashbacks are almost over? And Damn, Oliver. What DID you do? No, wait, don’t tell me. I’m squeamish. 
She’s a kid. I’m already calling it, this will not end well. Helix, interesting. Why is she helping her? I mean Overwatch sounds better, though. Now, this is it. Oh, look, he’s being polite. My son is all grown up. I’m so proud. Okay, let’s get this clear: Oliver in the GA suit with the hood down is WAY TOO ATTRACTIVE. 
Aww, Wild Dog’s growing up too. And cool move, GA. Very badass. And an “always walk away looking cool from an explosion” moment. Aaaaannndd she killed him. Now what? So they’re back in Star City. It’s never good when Oliver is at his crafting table, is it? That was sorta a cute moment. Okay, that was like Felicity getting a dose of a drug that she hasn’t had in a while. Dark Felicity will rise!!! 
John has been given bail. He’s free. Aww, yay!!!! That smile aww, puppy Oliver Queen. So Bratva Oliver has two shirts. It’s the Hood, he creates the Hood, the Hood is the monster. The “someone else, something else line gives it away.” Aww, the first Hood. Where the hell did Talia find tight green leather pants for him? I’m so proud, even if I know the Hood is darker. 
Quick, someone please gif Oliver looking out a window from 2x08 and 5x11 this moment. (Cough, cough @gothsmoak if you need any gifset ideas) Whoa, Tina brushed her hair. And earrings??? Dinah Drake, damn the writers. The shade, people. The shade. I like the dynamic with Oliver and Tina/Dinah, but I don’t see it as romantic. I’m really hoping it stays this way and they just have a good team thing going on. AND RUSSIA IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tagging: @dmichellewrites @hope-for-olicity @stygian-omada-fan @coal000 @almondblossomme
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fishylife · 5 years
Spoilers for the rise of phoenixes ep 40
Okay this was another jam packed episode.
- I love how Ning Yi and Feng Zhiwei just send each other secret messages like “shit’s going down” with zero details (that we know of), and each of them comes up with their own elaborate plots to get the job done. I mean, my guess is that their secret messages don’t have much content to them in case they get intercepted, but I kind of love how every single character, when they’re plotting something, are very thorough with it.
- Ning Sheng in general is/was smarter than Ning Chuan, so I sort of expected him to pull of a more graceful coup than just trying to take the throne by force like Ning Chuan did. Near the end though, I think he just got desperate because he realized that his father was fully backing Ning Yi, who would not let him remain alive once he ascended the throne, so he had to do something or wait to be killed.
- That moment in last episode where Xu Qirui saw his older brother again was kind of sweet, you know? Like an old man, happy to see that his older brother was alive. Maybe not the healthiest (seeing as he was very thin) and mute now, but alive nonetheless. I love that Ning Yi’s strategy to gain allies is to help them, rather than to threaten them, like he did when he tried to look for Gu Yan’s family for him.
- asdjfkl; Gu Nanyi didn’t kill Ning Yi even though they were his orders because KILLING NING YI WOULD MAKE ZHIWEI SAD ;_; our robot is finally learning to feel. More on Gu Nanyi later.
- I would have expected Nanyi and Ning Cheng to have some sort of interaction by now, seeing as they’re the bodyguards for Zhiwei and Ning Yi respectively. Plus, they’d probably make a good comedy duo let’s be real.
- I’m speculating about why Fuzi wanted Ning Yi dead. My guess is that he’s on the same boat as Qiu Mingying, and he attributes the death of her husband to the 8 year old Ning Yi. I think this mindset will serve to be a huge challenge to Zhiwei in the coming arc(s). Of course Zhiwei will want to be on good terms with her mother, but her mother would HATE that she was fraternizing with the enemy. In any case, I don’t agree with Qiu Mingying because I can’t attribute huge political dealings to a child. But for her, I guess she can only see it in black and white.
- I’m starting to understand Ning Yi’s strategic approaches. I think he lets crimes play out so that he can catch people in the act, because that’s easier to prove than preventing something from happening. I think that’s why he always risks taking poison. So anyway, in this scenario of Ning Sheng’s coup, he and Wei Zhi let Shaoning exchange the edicts in the box so that everyone could see/hear for themselves that the one in the box didn’t match the copy that the Emperor had next to his bed, and also that Ning Sheng had that real version hidden in his clothes.
- I didn’t think much of Minister Yao at first, but now, I kind of love him? He’s such an uncle. Before, we saw him going over to Ning Yi’s for some tea and gossiping on what happened at court. And he also looks out for Wei Zhi as one of the young’uns in the court.
- In this case of Ning Sheng’s treason, I felt that the Emperor actually expressed his frustration and anger. While both Ning Chuan and Ning Sheng were part of the Chang family, I could see that the Emperor had different approaches to these two sons. Let me explain. I think most of us can agree that Ning Sheng is smarter and less arrogant than Ning Chuan. Because Ning Chuan was a little less aware of surroundings, I think the Emperor could afford to be a little distant with him, even dealing with Ning Chuan’s treason at arm’s length (sending Ning Yi and Wei Zhi to deal with it while staying elsewhere). In addition, Ning Chuan’s mother was no longer alive and his only other backing was from Chang Hai, who wasn’t exactly the smartest Chang out there. So I think the Emperor felt he could just hold Ning Chuan at arm’s length, and he might self destruct.
- In the case of Ning Sheng, he is smarter, and he also has the backing of both his mother, who is the most senior consort, as well as his uncle who is the head of the Chang family and the Duke of Minhai. Despite being behind Ning Chuan in terms of seniority, it really seemed that Ning Sheng had a more robust backing as the reliable son of the Chang family. Now, I’m not going to pretend that the Emperor was a loving father. As an authority figure, I think he felt that he had to be hard on his sons. We only ever saw him as a loving father with Shaoning, and I think that was only because she’s a girl, and also because as he said, he didn’t really consider her a descendant of the Chang Family. However, Chang Guifei, Ning Sheng’s mother, was still in the picture. It’s interesting because the Emperor and Chang Guifei knew that they were at opposite sides of a conflict, and yet they still had to pretend that they felt something for each other. What I’m trying to get at with all of this is that I think Ning Sheng had more going on for him, so the Emperor couldn’t afford to be that cold with him. If he was too cold with Ning Sheng, Chang Guifei would get on his ass.
- Okay, so back to the actual events. In Ning Sheng’s treason, the Emperor personally got involved. As Ning Sheng said, the Emperor had already put his plans in motion when Duke of Minhai came to town. He also put the name of his heir in a box to get Ning Sheng all riled up. In the end, he was there, in the room, when Ning Sheng’s treason was revealed to the world, and the Emperor personally had words for him. You could tell that the Emperor was mad when Ning Sheng and Shaoning were talking about how cruel the Emperor was for putting his own son to death, even though Ning Sheng had been revealed to have tried to kill his own father.
- I think the reason why the Emperor got involved personally was for a couple of reasons. One, is because Ning Sheng was sort of the Chang family’s last go at getting their descendant on the throne. Shaoning, a girl, was unfortunately never going to get that chance. The Chang family was always a thorn in the Emperor’s side, and he was really hoping to finally loosen their grip on his empire (by way of removing their power via his own sons). I think the second reason is because he was disappointed that Ning Sheng was also up to no good with his treasonous acts. Ning Chuan had been killed not long ago, and I think it was a bit of pent up frustration that not one, but TWO of his sons wanted him to die so badly. I think a secret third reason that the Emperor was so riled up was because he knew that Ning Sheng would understand why he was so angry. He set up a trap and Ning Sheng took the bait, and Ning Sheng should’ve known better, but he followed the path of treason.
- That being said, I do sort of feel a little (just a little) for Ning Sheng. Everybody by now knows that the Emperor trusts Ning Yi the most. Once Ning Yi ascends to the throne, the only fate left for Ning Sheng is death. There is a chance that Ning Yi might be the benevolent ruler and spare Ning Sheng, but considering what Chang Guifei did to Ning Yi’s mother, and the hate that Ning Yi has for the Chang family, mercy is unlikely. So you could reason that staging a coup was Ning Sheng’s only shot at survival.
- Again, I love how when it comes to execution of strategies, the easy misunderstandings do not play big roles. While I wouldn’t say that this take down of Ning Sheng was sly, but it was effective, and did what the Emperor needed for a peace of mind.
- Chang Guifei pleaded with the Emperor for Ning Sheng’s life. She was willing to kill herself if it meant sparing Ning Sheng, and in the end, the Emperor allowed it. That being said, I think Ning Sheng will probably stay in the Zongzhengshi for the rest of his life. Ning Yi stayed there for 8 years when he was accused of abetting his brother, and Ning Chuan was also sent there.
- The Emperor said that this was the only time he felt that Chang Guifei acted more like a mother than a daughter of the Chang family. Before, you could say that Chang Guifei was using her son as a tool to gain power for herself and her siblings. In the end, she pushed Ning Sheng onto a path that could only had led to death for himself if unsuccessful.
- Chang Guifei mentioned that the Emperor will only have four children left (Ning Yi, Ning Qi, Shaoning, and the fourth prince that we also saw at the academy?). So I guess we won’t be seeing any more new princes or princesses in the future episodes.
- Ning Yi’s mother being framed still hasn’t been addressed yet, but for now, I think it’s implied that Chang Guifei had threatened and forced Wang Cairen to hide the incriminating evidence in Yan fei’s manor. In a previous episode, Chang Guifei was going to Ning Yi’s mother’s old manor to arrest trespassers. When she peeked in, she saw Ning Yi speaking to a “ghost” of his mother, and Ning Yi said that he’d get justice for her death. When Chang Guifei came back to her own manor she was incredibly shaken and Ning Sheng reminded her that it was just Ning Yi playing tricks. Here’s the thing. I think all the big players knew this was a trick. Deep down inside, I think Chang Guifei knew this was a trick too. Instead, I think it was a combination of the guilt and the fear. Maybe she held a tiny bit of guilt for framing someone, but I highly doubt it was anything more than a sliver. I would allocate another tiny sliver to the fear that ghosts are real, and Ning Yi’s mother’s ghost was going to get her via supernatural means that she could not plan against. But I think the real fear was that fact that now it’s established that Ning Yi’s going after her. Before, Ning Yi had basically no power at all, and he was just a thorn in her side. However, now it was clear that Ning Yi had the full backing of the Emperor. Even if Ning Yi was going to frame her, the Emperor would turn a blind eye to it. But she also knew that Ning Yi was smart enough that he wouldn’t need to frame her; instead, he just had to work to uncover the truth of her past crimes, and the Emperor would let him. So in summary, I don’t think Chang Guifei was scared about Yan fei’s ghost coming to get her, I think for the first time she realized that everything she had earned could be taken away.
- Ning Yi still hasn’t formally gotten the confession he needs from Wang Cairen, and I think that will be addressed in the next episode or two. This may or may not cause Ning Qi to turn against him officially. Ning Qi has always been a fence sitter, but if Ning Yi does anything that may mentally scar his mother, Ning Qi will not hesitate to turn on his brother.
- In a flashback scene, we also saw that the Emperor had killed Yan fei by his own hand, so I wonder if Ning Yi will need something from his father for a peace of mind. I mean, I don’t know that Ning Yi will even get an apology from the EMPEROR, but I guess Ning Yi might just let the Emperor know that he’ll never fully forgive him for abandoning him and his mother.
- When Shaoning lost Ning Chuan, she turned to Chang Guifei and Ning Sheng, who were closest to her, seeing as how Chang Guifei was her aunt by blood. With all three out of the picture, I think Shaoning will have more opportunities to think for herself. While I think she will still blame Ning Yi for his attacks on Ning Chuan and Ning Sheng, I think it will now be easier for Wei Zhi to win over Shaoning.
- At the end of the episode, Nanyi and Zhiwei were just chilling at the Wei manor. Zhiwei asked where Huaishi was and Nanyi literally just went “hoes ain’t loyal.” Zhiwei sympathized with Huaishi because she was like damn bro I’d leave if I could shit’s too wild for me here.
- And then immediately after that conversation Huaishi returned with a pirate’s map of Minhai and Nanyi was like damn bro I’m sorry for all the shit I talked about you. This boy bows for no one and he bowed to Huaishi. As we know, Nanyi follows the way of Jianghu and only bows to those he deems worthy. Anyway, it looks like Zhiwei, Huaishi, and Nanyi want to run away? :o I wonder if it will happen. Anyway, I love this lil family. When we first met Huaishi, I thought he was going to blackmail Wei Zhi about being a woman at the academy. So I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that he was really just a guy looking out for a fellow friend. And Feng Zhiwei and Huaishi teaching Nanyi to be a human is cute too :3
- As I mentioned in a previous post, I think that after Ning Yi gets justice for his mother, then he’ll move a bit to the side, and Feng Zhiwei will take center stage. I guess we might revisit the case of the ninth prince of the previous dynasty.
- We actually haven’t seen much of Qiu Shangqi, Qiu Mingying, or even Gu Yan in the past episodes. For the Qiu siblings, I think we will learn more about how Qiu Mingying came to marry her husband, and just some more background on how she came to become the mother of Feng Zhiwei. I don’t know how big of a role Qiu Shangqi will play, but I hope he will be level headed about the whole situation.
- As for Gu Yan, he will also be torn between the two dynasties. He’s from the past dynasty, but I feel like he’s just trying to do his job well. I’m really rooting for him because he seems like a well-meaning guy. 
- Now that most of the major princes are out of the way, I think the story is going to get less straightforward and I won’t lie, I’m a little anxious about what’s to come! :x
Sorry this is just a stream-of-consciousness post but I think this is nearing the end of Emperor + Ning Yi + Feng Zhiwei dream team and we’re going to see our faves be put against each other :(
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