#yandere strikas
sahara-solaris-solace · 9 months
Yandere Miko Chen
( General Headcanon, How He Reacted To His Love, Obsession, SFW and Slight NSFW of him, especially if he has someone he likes )
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General Headcanon
- Let’s start of with the fact he and Tiger lived in the orphanage in their childhood days. Alone, neglected and bullies always interfered with their passion of football. Compared to Tiger, Miko actually has a deep seated anger and secretly build a facade to not put off other people.
- This is not to say that every orphanage is horrible but we cannot deny the fact the shelter is quiet lackluster and people hardly have any bond with him.
- He actually has a family but a very conservative and traditional one with deep rooted hierarchy ingrained in the family. At a young age he ran away and stumbled in the orphanage.
- Despite being genuinely altruistic and loyal, he also had short temper due to all the crap his family put him through as well as those bullies who tried to crush his hobbies.
- Is actually quite vengeful and secretly beat up those bullies severely and kept it well hidden from Tiger and InYo. Those bullies ended up severely wounded and wound up being sent to a reform school.
- Both Tiger and InYo as well as the orphanage people have no idea it was Miko who did all those things. Miko kept it well hidden.
- When he became an official professional football player, he made all the preparation to make sure he had cut ties with his family and make a will to make sure none of them touch his hard earned money.
How He Reacted To His Love
- Let’s start off with the fact Miko is a very loyal and touch starved person. He lived his life with people letting him down. Even though they meant a lot to him, Tiger and InYo left him to their respective careers and different clubs. He’s happy for them but deep down he’s angry at them for leaving him.
- Perhaps that’s why he bonded well with his teammates and considered them his family. He looked up to Uragiri but now the relationship is purely professional.
- Let’s say if he found the person he liked, I headcanon him liking an assistant coach of Supa Strikas. Their first meeting is quite cliche. Miko left the hall after a press meeting with Supa Strikas, still angry at Tiger. He bumped into you as you had went out to grab a file.
- He was enamored with you at first sight. Not only you are beautiful, calm, reserved and studious but you also have the responsible and honor traits he admired so much. You did not talk that much but quietly mumbled apologies before you left the awestruck Miko before he grabbed your wrist gently but firmly before striking a short conversation. He made sure to not appear in bad mood to not frighten you.
- During the first match against Supa Strikas, Miko often side glanced your direction and felt sadness over your ignorant of him. When everything had been resolved, he secretly waited outside while the others went back to the hotel rooms for a rest. He took the opportunity to talk to you as you left the stadium. He managed to win your trust as you gave him your phone number.
- He made sure that no one finds out about their new friendship, not even Tiger. He made secret arrangements in order not to make his Coach suspicious and always make plans for a dinner date when he visited Invincible United games or Supa Strikas once more.
- Miko was careful not to make you uncomfortable. He lamented that he lost to IU in the semi finals with the ball moving around oddly while he and you sat by one of the trees for a sandwich. All while you consoled him.
- His relationship with you slowly progress throughout season 1 to season 2 with Miko making secret arrangements when Supa Strikas visit Japan so he and you can spend time more.
- Every time he side stare you, he felt the urge to embrace you and lean for a kiss but refrained as you made abundantly clear you will start off slow.
- The tragic conflict occurred when Miko has been selected by the Super League to play in the All Stars FC. He became angry when IU and Skarra made the team play to take down Shakes community center. He and some decent people only wanted to play for sports, not some malice agenda but since he had been signed a contract, he had to get this over with.
- With the Supa Strikas dispersed on the week off, Miko made time to meet with an understandably sad you as you and Shakes are close friends working together, way close than other guys. He came to pick you up in a taxi to show you his new future maserati. He tried to impress you but you were in no mood to hear it. Slowly, the two argued which thankfully takes place in his hotel room. Miko did a stupid thing which is to end your friendship and possible romantic bond with him. You were calm and smiled gently and says you understood where his standing is and bid farewell.
- He regret the decision ever since. He tried to play dumb when the match occur. He no longer cared for the All Stars or the car. He just want this match to be over so he can rush to you and apologize and went back to his real family. He smiled sadly when he saw the entire Supa Strikas cheered at Shakes for the save of community center.
- He actually called you for 3 times after the All Stars game and actually bought a ticket for you during semi finals of Nakama VS rival team and Nakama won. Miko yearned for you to be there but knew he screw up.
- The last time Miko properly met and converse with you when you were 18. Both you and Shakes started working the same time he got recruited as you two shared the same age and you graduated university at age 15, a few months before you fly to South Africa to work in Supa Strikas. No, both you and Shakes are not childhood friends but you and him bonded quickly and became one of close friends Shakes held in his heart. Both for being young prodigies and pressure of being in spotlight at young age. Season 1 takes place canonically after a year Shakes and you work there.
- Season 3 and Season 4 where Miko almost have a meltdown because he hardly got to meet you and confess to you. His team minus Sensei found out when he cried over his mistake and told them his feelings to you. The closest he can meet you is during award ceremony and Supa Strikas table being situated on his left with your back facing him. After all the stunts Uragiri pulled, Coach made it clear to Supa Strikas to stay away from the club during match so thank you very much, Uragiri!!
- In Live and Kicking, Miko took a side glance at Shakes phone screen as he texted message to you. At times, he felt jealous of the connection you make with Shakes. He had to quickly look away when Liquido and Riano almost caught him and Chuck ask what’s wrong.
- Miko noticed you and Shakes had became young adults as he was about to reach late twenties. How times changed.
- 6 years, 6 years had passed after he make that mistake and he vowed to reach out to you on his own. After failed attempts on social media and phone. His team supported him and cover for him from the media.
- God call his prayers because who would have thought that he finally got to properly meet you, in Rio.
- He and Nakama had won 10 goals and shut down teams with nile scores . He scored 2 goals with Iron Tank, 6 goals with IU and 2 goals with Palmentari. He declared he and his team deserved a vacation and Uragiri relented.
- He was wearing a white plain t shirt that covered his muscles and blue shorts and was playing by the beach when he suddenly fell on top of someone.
- He was about to apologize when he gasped and turned shock when he realized he fell on top you, while you looked at him in horrified.
- After reaching 19, Coach allowed you to analyze the match beforehand before giving your data and analysis for Coach to understand by going to the game that will face Supa Strikas with private jet thanks to Mara. While Coach will handle the preparation as you had placed the equipments before you left to analyze. So it’s been a few years you got accustomed to travel alone for the sole purpose of analyzing.
- You changed so much. You looked much more mature and beautiful and you remained slim as always. You had your file on your chest with a pen.
- Miko suddenly had wild thoughts about you when he felt himself being pulled away by his teammates who glanced at the scenario worriedly.
- Miko gripped your right wrist when you were about to make a run again. He cannot afford to lose you again. He pleaded for you to listen and to lower his voice to avoid people seeing him.
- Miko turned dark when you made no attempts to listen to him and was focusing on releasing from his hold before he embraced you lovingly while crying how much he missed you.
- His teammates gave Miko a shock stare as Shinji and Yugiro made attempts to let go of poor you from the distraught Miko before you suddenly back flip Miko to the ground and took the opportunity to run away.
- Miko, with a very angry look growled and was about to chase you when Kylo and Kendo seized and berated him for his rashness.
- Miko still did not give up. He waited until everyone dispersed to their rooms before he took a bath and changed into something casual and left to find where you stay.
- You, on the other hand felt exasperated with Miko. After breaking up with him, you have a total of 200th calls from his Whatsapp throughout the seasons. Being hugged by him is the last straw. After all you and Supa Strikas had been through, you became even more cautious, resilient and stern.
- You are not surprised with Miko’s incessant effort to find you when he spot you sitting by the beach while you have mango float.
- He had his palm gripped your small wrist as he pleaded for you to stay. You reluctantly agreed to make sure he and you got to say a few words.
- He knelt down as he begged you to give him a second chance.
- You felt uncomfortable and sorry for him as you said you understand his standing that time but was willing to give another chance with a stipulation he put his career and personal life separated and remain vigilant from the media. You swore you never saw Miko beamed in such joy as he leaned forward before you firmly said two months of trial run to see where you going. Miko just nodded happily.
- Miko ended up following you to your motel room, much to his anger for such measures of safety.
- You told him it’s to prevent public from seeing you as you led him to your room with a small luggage. You and Miko laid on the bed while talking about how much change and how most people became nicer. Miko never let go of your hand as you entwined your left hand with his big ones before the two of you drifted to sleep.
- You woke up with Miko hugging you in sleep, fear that you will leave him like that 6 years ago. You cooed good morning to him before you left to get ready in the bathroom. Miko helped you to pack your stuff to leave the room and kept a hand around your waist in possessiveness while you two walked out.
- Miko and you had breakfast somewhere isolated and he dropped you off to the Strika Jet with Miko giving you a firm hug by mutter see you in Ga Shuku next week.
- Miko became even more happier and turn breeze when two months had passed and you tell him perhaps you can be lovers.
- You unexpectedly leaned forward and kiss his lips before you pulled away and apologized quietly before Miko pulled you back by embracing you and you two kissed lovingly. You exclaimed that it was your first kiss in shock as Miko felt a tinge of joy from hearing those.
- Unfortunately, he lost his first kiss. Nothing explicit but one of the crazy fans, a guy kissed him in drunk ness. Miko probably will start a brawl if Kendo did not pulled Miko aside.
- Miko never miss to hug you and kiss you cheeks.
- Miko read books about how to make women happy.
- His teammates teased him over his cheerfulness.
- They still keep a lookout to make sure no one bother Miko and you.
- Miko knew the life of a celebrity has many cons. Aside from personal life can be intruded, his choice of people in his life can also have impact.
- The moment he laid eyes on you, he discreetly kept a close eye on you to make sure no one harmed you, despite being from different team. His teammates know a thing or two about hacking.
- When he stupidly ended your relationship, he became mentally unstable but manage to keep a facade in order not to cause any risk to his team and anger his Coach.
- During the events of Season 3 and 4, he discreetly make a fake profile in order to follow you, who kept a discreet life from the public while locked it. He managed to convince you by being a floral artist.
- He is secretly jealous of Shakes but did not dare to do anything as it proved he is no different from Skarra.
- In Live and Kicking, he discreetly spied Shakes' message by using a mirror for a reflection. He wanted to make sure you are still single.
- Liquido almost caught him when the guy arched eyebrow at his way when he peered his neck to his left slightly at Shakes' direction.
- He managed to safe himself when he says he missed Tiger.
- He vowed to make himself charming to appeal to you.
- He stalked your social media via the fake profile.
- Every time Nakama faced Supa Strikas, he always side glanced your way but you ignored him completely and your focus shifted to your team, frustrate him more as he glared at his shoes.
- He also checked your friends type to make sure you did not mingle with other 'ALPHAS' that can challenge his ego.
- He also side glanced your back during award ceremony as you completely ignored him.
- He will become insane if he have no good teammates like Nakama to confide in and look for advice.
- He will always held a picnic or a forest bathing in his house area when you two meet up, albeit discreetly.
- He always had you straddle him when you two sit for picnic.
- He always had a fierce grip on your right wrist in possessiveness.
- He always make sure no one stare at you as he knew deep down you are too beautiful even for him.
- Have to contain his seethe anger in the Award Ceremony or on the pitch when you associate with other guys.
- Always meet in discreet for a quick kiss to avoid suspicion.
- Will go to somewhere private where NO Supa Strikas or other rival teams and ESPECIALLY Uragiri will be there.
- Will take you to a dinner somewhere around his area.
- Miko is a virgin. After he became a superstar, he had many fans and girls adore him but he was too focused on being in good shape to maintain the clubs position.
- Like most guys, he had tendencies of wet dreams but it became dark when he became obsessed with you.
- He fiddled himself when he was stressed with games and preparations. Thinking of your calm and beautiful face. He always vision you in a kimono.
- Always fantasize a yukata/ kimono kink about you.
- He had a bulky and muscular body due to intense training and martial arts despite his short stature. Many girls will gladly pounce on him but he never allow such manner to occur. He saved himself for you and possibly marriage.
- When he and you officially start dating at around season 7, he always kissed you lovingly while you rubbed his arms softly. All while away from view.
- Miko is actually a gentle and a vanilla type of lover. He covered your collarbone with gentle kisses all while his hands roamed on your back.
- He and you began to be intimate after 15 months of dating.
- It occurred after his club's win against IU and you came to the match under guise of analyzing as while you did do the job, your intention is to meet him.
- It was a rare occurrence for Miko to be drunk but he did became drunk after stress of hard core training.
- The two of you lost your virginity in his hotel room, thankfully away from Uragiri's room.
- You helped him to his room after a long night of his rambling and a dinner at an isolated part of town before he dragged you in his room and locked it behind him before he kissed you heatedly, making you slowly melt in the kiss.
- His movements are hasty but he also make sure you are comfortable and stare at the innocent look of you as he thrusted in you. He pinned his hands on your sides of waist as he was in bliss.
- He made sure you laid your slim and lithe body on his left side of chest as you already passed out. Miko kissed your forehead as he embraced you all while covered you both with heavy blankets.
- You left the early morning as Miko was greeted with an angry Uragiri who hissed at him to get ready and stop 'fiddling' with himself.
- Thankfully he covered his back with blankets otherwise his Coach will think otherwise as Uragiri noticed his pants cascaded on the floor.
- He smiled darkly when he already made you his.
- He always made arrangements for you two to meet in secrecy.
- After the deed, he became more touch starved and crave to spend time with you more, finding every loopholes.
- He wanted to go to your house but you always forbid him as he became suspicious but you said for his sake, it is better for you two to meet somewhere private.
- He loves it when he pinned you down as he stare at your face.
- He loves your soft hands clenched hard on his muscular back and ruffled his hair while you straddle him while he hugged you.
- However, he became even more possessive after he and you lost your virginities.
- Have a dark and dirty secret which is to pounce on and make out with you in the Award Ceremony in front of everyone.
- If someone tried to assault you, rest assured Miko will secretly pay them a visit and kill them.
- He already fantasize you in a kimono so why can’t he fantasize about letting the Super League know you are his.
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tytarax2 · 5 months
Hello,did are you the one that made the yander miko chan one shots? If you are why did you delet them
Hey, thanks for asking.
As far as I know, I didn't, here's the link for the first part, (I think you're referring to this). You can also find the second part there.
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ketsarku1mozgalom · 1 year
♡𝔎𝔢𝔱𝔰𝔞𝔯𝔨𝔲 𝔐𝔬𝔷𝔤𝔞𝔩𝔬𝔪'𝔰 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔡𝔲𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱 ♡
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✯ Hiiii!!✨ ✯
• My name is Aidan or Oliver. I'm also known as Ketsarku Mozgalom and The Greatest Egg-eater(Великий Яйцеед orig.)
• My pronouns are he/they/it and I also use neopronouns!
• I'm Omni and a-spec. A teenage transmasc that joined Tumblr only now-
• My main fandoms are: Cookie Run Kingdom , The Machine Girl , Ginger Snaps , Ghost in the Shell , Possibly in Michigan , Serial Experiments Lain , Supa Strikas , CFMOT and other stuff :p
My DNI list: basic criteria (queer/transphobes, racist, ableists and etc.), procomshitters, TERF/radfem , those cringy stalkers/irl yandere , misgender and mispronoun someone , use slurs you cannot reclaim , hate on non-comship rarepairs/count them as com-ships , those popular ships fans , procomshitters support(get the f outta here please...) , believe in hard/softqueers and other sh!t 😇😇
Thin ice: non-queer cishets , only ship hetero ships , ship mostly overrated/popular ships , El Matagirl fans(if you're that one cringy fan - get out) , don't like goths/emos/scene and etc(it's ok, just don't attack anyone for their style...?)
you can interact if you're not on DNI!
I'm an Asian artist so I'll post some of my art here. Also I'll post some headcanons on my fav fandoms and my fav ships and stuff. I speak rusian primarily, english, learning japanese and Kazakh(sadly, because of rusification I need to learn my native language...where did it gone wrong💥💥)
I hope you'll enjoy my content here, have a nice day!:∆
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tytarax · 6 months
Silly chit chat with you people <3
My social media and Q&A
Silly Ja Nein
General hcs
Black Goku's waifu
Making popular your doujinshi
DBS manga from a follower <3
Spanish pun ;D
Max Power is British!?
My fav characters
Invincible Strikas vs the rest of the Super League
Dragon Ball fanart colab
Reader's a goddess
Fused Zamasu one shot
Sum yandere stuff
Black and Zamasu one shot
Small fic from anon?
Small fic my ass (Fused Zamasu x adopted reader)
Hcs about that 🔝 fic
I want a Zamasu plushie
Goku Black and Zamasu bantering over reader's outfit
Poor reader is a victim of the dialogue's power
shy and reclusive child with asthma, we're talking about a one shot, don't worry
Dad-like behavior fused Zamasu and annoying brother's behavior Black and Zamasu
Where’s Mom (More Zamasu shots)
We're all sleep-deprived
Gen Z! reader
Huge hc about this and I loved it
More hcs bout this
grape gusher man Zamasu
organs cost too much money and cannot be wasted.
Mai and Trunks are dead for me wahahahah
"You're my friend now" insert Zelda music
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shakesposting · 3 years
Yandere Strikas
Dancing Rasta
would display shuuchaku (obsessive), dokusen (monopolizing), shoushitsu (feelings of worthlessness), mild sutokaa (stalker) and choukyou-gata (trainer) tendencies
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1) this is a what-if headcanon! i don’t necessarily think he’s a yandere; if he were, this is what i think he’d be like
2) i do not condone this behavior. if you experience these tendencies, i advise you seek professional help
TW: manipulation, implied stalking
absolute dad type--”killer grill skills” (quoting North Shaw, probably) and all, and without the dad bod--but is hella uneasy being called “daddy”. he’s got kids who call him that
he’d be overprotective, convinced he knows what’s best for you or that it motivates his intent anyway. he reads you well enough to try cheering you up or give you space without you asking--or knowing you need it; in retrospect, you know he was right every time (you can recall), so you more or less agree he’s got your back blown
keeps his distance. he’s not the cheating type--or so he thought. screwed marital commitment aside, he’s all too aware he’s abnormally obsessed so he holds you keeps you at arm’s length (also refrains from any and all bodily contact, like his life depends on it), hardly involved in your personal affairs
“i’m just paying for their ride home, it isn’t like i’ve asked to go too, pff” ⇢ “i’ve asked to come with, but i’m just going to stay awhile and by the door. i’m not accepting invites in for courtesy’s sake” ⇢ aloud: “i’m, not staying the night, no” as he settles on the couch beside you
you decide telling him you hadn’t asked isn’t a great move
he’d keep his feelings to himself unless outed (in which case he’ll deny it if he sees he can) or confronted (by you specifically). but he’ll say he’s not trying to make anything of his “inappropriate fondness”, as he’d phrase it. he’ll say he’s sorry he’s misled you, but he can’t help caring
and care he does. if you were to reassure him it’s alright and accept his affections, he’ll completely change his tune and latch onto that
once you’re "his”, he would keep your relationship under tight wraps (you too, when it’s appropriate), and set a rule that you shouldn’t be spotted within a mile of the mofo in public. it’s a given you aren’t to attempt interacting with him, either. not even his teammates are to know about you two, because no, he isn’t a cheater, or they shouldn’t think he is. if they already know you, he’ll demand you visit less--and by less he means not at all
he’s seen how the others look at you, and while he’d get off to the fact that they forreal want to hit, he won’t particularly like that you seem to “welcome attention from the guys” you’ve admitted to finding attractive as well although the distinction between attraction and traction invariably applies to him; he’s always with someone when the boys “chill” at Cool Joe’s club
he’s never so inexplicably upset and disoriented than whenever you’re around his teammates, and he’d decide he can’t afford to have them put two and two together
he will absolutely try making it up to you by paying for your airline and VIP matchday tickets, separate accommodations--of course he takes you with him everywhere, no matter that you’ve other commitments--treating you to obscure places or wherever there are private booths (though he thinks you might prefer room service), buying you gifts too expensive for your comfort. all across the globe, wherever his matches take him, to reward you for cooperating
would cook for you once you’re home. if you’ve the space for it, he’ll buy you an outdoor grill, if you don’t, a portable, electric model, because he knows you love his grilled stuff best
if you reject him though, he’ll respect that--will even thank you for it, “it’s for the best”. you won’t see him as often anymore, but you might glimpse red in the corner of your eye from time to time
additional note: this is a series! will be doing Shakes next
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hiya, this is shakesposting again! ik i'm going to be offline for the 31st and i forgot to greet you merry christmas,, so happy new year! 🤩🤩 in advance! 🥳 didn't think i'd get to interact w anyone on here, idk how to thank you! i'm aware u don't like yandere so if you've a Supa Strikas request (hc's, a one-shot, even art), my Askbox is always open for ya ✨
Goodness, happy new year to you too! Sorry for not seeing this message sooner, that's my b!
Honestly I struggle with interacting with others too - I'm either too shy or too inconsistent, so I get it.
Oh you best believe your askbox is getting requests from me, I love your writing! And my box is always open to your requests too!
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buggytron · 4 years
Okay, basics on Bug A.U? and Who’s a yandere?
Okay basics. You got,
Lost Light Colony
Rodimus: Glow bug
Drift: Orchid Pray Mantis
Minimus Ambus: Ampid that wears beetle armor
Getaway: Metallic Jewel Beetle
Megatron: Bullet Ant
Ratchet: Worker Ant
Ambulon: Cotton Stainer bug
First Aid: Velvet Ant
Velocity: BagWorm Moth
Nautica: Purple Fungus Beetle
Night beat: Graphocephala
Rung: Orangetipped Butterfly
Whirl: Eupholus bennetti Beetle
Tailgate: Light Emerald Moth
Cyclonus: Violet Ground Beetle
Chromedome: MilkWeed Assassin Bug
Rewind: Eight-Spotted Forester Moth
Swerve: Garden Snail
Skids: Grasshopper
Riptide: Water Glider
ThunderClash: Red Speckled Jewel Beetle
Prime Colony
Optimus Prime: Fire Ant with Beetle armor
Prowl: Black Widow
Arcee: Grass hopper
Bumblebee: Bee
Bulkhead: Green June beetle
WheelJack: Ladybird Johnson Beetle
Jazz: Eyed Click Beetle
Ultra Magnus: Hercules Beetle
Smokescreen: Moth
Knockout: Ladybug
Breakdown: Stinkbug
DreadWing: Soldier Beetle
Elitas Colony
Elita: Pink Leaf Beetle
Arcee (G1): Pink Katydid
FireStar: Atteva aurea Moth
Chromia: Bkue Mud Dauber
Windblade: Faithful Beauty Moth
Strika: Goliath Beetle
Black Arachnia: Purple Tree Tarantula
Starscreams Colony
Starscream: Cecropia moth
ThunderCracker: Hufnagel Moth
SkyWarp: Erebid moth
Buster: Peacock Spider
Sunny and Sides
Sunstreaker: Orange Barred Sulphur Butterfly
Sideswipe: ViceRoy Butterfly
Bob: Jumping Spider
SoundWave: Centipede
Rumble: Blue Jewel bug
Frenzy: Red Jewel Bug
Ravage: Rosy Maple Moth
Lazerbeak: Hummingbird HawkMoth
Buzzsaw: Hummingbird HawkMoth
Ratbat: Bat Moth/ Black Witch Moth
SteeJaws Colony
SteelJaw: Wolf Spider
SaberHorn: Rhinoceros Beetle
ThunderHoof: Deer Beetle
Fracture: Purple Orchid Mantis
Clampdown: Pseudoscorpion
Underbite: Titan Beetle
DJD colony
Tarn: Orb Weaver Silk Spider
Pharma: Leaf Cutter Ant
Koan: Lightning bug
Vos: Helmeted Squash Bug
Helex: Wolf Spider
Tesasurus: Giant Milipede
The Pet: Sweet Neon Hopper Nymph
Rougue Insects
Arachnid: Huntman Spider
Deathsarus: Dragon Fly Beetle Mix
Swindle: Hornet
Lockdown: Fiddler Beetle
Overlord: Blue Flower Beetle
Trepan: Estigmene Tiger Moth
Trantulus: Trantulus
Blitzwing: Monarch Butterfly (wings change with personality)
Lugnut: Blister Beetle
Waspinator: Wasp
Scraplets: Baeus
Most likely to go yandere.
Anyone can go Yandere as long as you request. Most likely to do so are,
Lost Light Colony: Rodimus, Drift, Brainstorm, Megatron, Getaway, Whirl, and Cyclonus
Primes Colony: Knockout, Breakdown, Prowl, and WheelJack
Elitas Colony: Elita, Arcee and Strika
SoundWaves Colony: Rumble and Frenzy
SteelJaws colony: All of them
DJD: All of them.
Rogue insects: All of them
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petitelepus · 5 years
Hello! Could I get either a TFA or MTMTE matchup please? I'm a 5'8" Bi Chubby Taurus Girl with long brown hair that's usually kept in a messy braid. I'm generally laid back and friendly, though I'm pretty awkward around people I don't know very well and may give off the impression that I'm uninterested in what is being said. That's not true though, I just tend to zone out a lot. People often say I’m a daydreamer with a wild imagination. (WC, 1/3)
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I match you with Lugnut and Strika!
When Taurus woman falls in love she will do anything to please her partner or in this case partners. This makes you a perfect ally for Decepticons as they! Strika doesn’t fancy organics that much but Lugnut managed to talk her over to loving you. That, plus your hair looks really cute on its messy braid. Neither doesn’t mind your shy behavior, they’re both very bold for your sake also.
Strika and Lugnut are born and formed believers of Megatron’s ways and they expect the same from you. If you follow their way and respect Megatron then you’re the golden girl. Put up a fight and you have a yandere couple forcing their love and beliefs on you. Neither one minds that you’re quiet, Lugnut may take it personally if you don’t gloat Megatron like he does but Strika is quick to remind and reprimand her Conjunx. Some pray their leader in silence unlike him and her.
Lugnut and Strika adore your interest in art! That can be used to advertise Decepticon’s cause! Having an organic, even if weak and small, on their side is valuable to them. Also, Strika loves your art. Lugnut is pretty meh about it unless you bring up Megatron or Decepticons in your newest work then he will frame your work.
Strika strives to improve and encourage you in your psychological studies. Sure, they have a mind controller like Mindwipe, but to have someone who truly can control minds with just simple words like you would be precious. Lugnut can again appreciate your knowledge over stars and he is curious of silly names your kind has given them and how meaningful they are to your kind.
Sadly you can’t escape reality with these two. You’re part of the war between Autobots and Decepticons now. There is no going back, but once Decepticons win then you will get your rightful place by your consorts’ side.
Lugnut and Strika try to get you to overcome your anger against anyone you may hold a grudge to. It’s a bad habit of theirs because they believe solving problems face first but your method is just as good almost. If you’re mad at either of them then they appreciate it greatly if you talk about it to them. They may have problems understanding where your problems are coming from, but you’re a smart person, you know how to choose your words right.
Strika and Lugnut find your little gifts humorous because there isn’t really anything you can give to them that they can’t get themselves, but they appreciate them either way. They both adore you almost as much as they adore Megatron so anything you gift to them is held onto like a precious treasure.
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strawberrydutchling · 6 years
So Headcanons?
Hey guys! So as most (more like all) of you don't know, I use to have a l wattpad account and wrote some headcanons/ one shots don't worry it's still there and since I'm new to this, I wanna make something good by writing some shits. You guys are allowed to request some. Sorry if this introduction is shitty I'm not into these honesty. Again you guys are allowed to ask me.
Here are the fandoms I know/ been in some of them might be dead though:
Disney Movies! (Mostly villains)
Gravity Falls
Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja
Total Drama Island
Adventure Time
Kids Next Door
Courage The Cowardly Dog
Amazing World Of Gumball
Steven Universe
Camp Camp
Happy Tree Friends
Bendy and the ink machine
Fckin Avengers
Yandere Simulator
Detroit Become Human
Mortal Kombat
Supa Strikas
Sally Face
I put the Cry in Far Cry
Osmosis Jones
Dead by Daylight
Outlast 1-2
South Park
We Bare Bears
Ok ko let's be heroes
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Assassin's Creed
Evil Within
Lucius devil boi
LAIKA studios ❤
And many more probably.💙
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rocksinmuffin · 7 years
As weird as this might sound got any yandere tfa Lugnut stuff?
Yandere Lugnut isn’t too off-brand from how he’s portrayed in the show.
Megatron always comes first. Always. Speak ill of Megatron and it doesn’t matter how fond Lugnut might be if you; you’re done, son.
Being an organic, you’re barely viewed as a sentient person in his eyes. Organics are lesser creatures, more like semi-intelligent animals than a proper civilized mech, so there is nothing morally dubious about snatching one up and keeping them. If anything, you should consider yourself lucky; when Lord Megatron takes over this pitiful planet and drains it of its resources, you will be spared, all because Lugnut thinks you are cute. And you best be sure to thank Lord Megatron for his mercy.
He doesn’t like the other Decepticons to be anywhere near you. Only Lord Megatron and Strika are allowed to interact with you. Anyone else gets a punch to the helm. Especially Shockwave.
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sahara-solaris-solace · 7 months
Slightly and Brief Dark Yandere and Slight NSFW Miko Chen on holidays, happens in the headcanon I wrote ( Horror Version )
He heard it again.
Miko shot his eyes wide as his ears wiggle slightly to hear any sudden movement. He glared over an intrusion as he barely had time to spend with you.
He turned to see you, his Angel, snored quietly on his left side while your entire lithe body laid on his left side, both of you are bare minus him who had on his white short sleeve plain t- shirt.
He concealed his growl as he reluctantly got out of bed while gently maneuvered you on the mattress. He quietly walked out of his room and opened the door in silence before he went to the kitchen to grab two kitchen knives and water.
He did not care to make himself decent, for the intruder did not even hide their rudeness to harass you two deliberately.
Using his ninja skills he learned from Sensei Uragiri, he made his way to the source and saw three giant silhouettes from outside of his booked AirBnB by the woods in a cabin.
He silently slipped outside and made his way to find three grown men giggling and two of them appeared to jerk themselves as they peeked through one the wood holes m from your bedroom.
“I wish I was Miko. Having to fill her up and ravaging her to his fullest.”, the fattest one groaned as the other fat one with little hair on the forehead also nodded before he too whined.
“Who knew that whiny and angry Miko turned to be very successful. Must be nice to be rich and have ladies all the time.”, perhaps to some heartless barbaric people who saw people as lesser but to Miko, he just treated people with neutrality.
Miko suddenly became shock before he turned dark triple when he realized these were his former bullies from the orphanage. Not that he wasn’t mad in the first place with those indecent comments but now it became too personal.
“Yo! Stop slumping like that! You’ll make them wake up!”, the one, the ringleader slapped the fattest one as he mumbled an apology.
“Man! If only we can get rid of Miko and take turns filling her in!!!”, he laughed maliciously as his two friends followed suit.
The three gasped and looked around and felt chill ran their spine before the fat guys heard muffle and turned and peed themselves to see their leader’s lips had been sliced off and it dropped on the ground before a hand grabbed his head and twisted slightly before their leader was gone for good.
They shivered and looked up to see Miko glared daggers and had on a very dark look with two large knives on his hand.
Rain thundered heavily above them as they sprinted to the woods as their screams were blocker by thunder.
You gasped when you heard lightning and you opened your eyes in shock.
You turned to the curtained window and saw rain poured heavily.
You shifted your view and screamed in horror when you were met face to face with a semi bloodied face of Miko Chen, who’s eyes shot in an instinct and from a brief nap after the murder.
“Angel! Calm down!”, Miko gripped your shoulders as you darted away and fell off the bed and ran to the door only to have two strong arms encased you as you almost became hysteric and let out a distressed cry, your body shook violently as you recalled his bloodied face all while Miko grew worried.
“Please, Y/N! It is only me! I am still here!”, he cooed gently to soothe you as you suddenly regained your composure before you turned to look at your beloved, Miko embracing you from the back while calming you.
“Miko! What happened???”, you turned your body and cupped his bloodied face as you cried more in concern.
“These are not my blood, Y/N… Some intruders got in our cabin and tried to harass you. I chased them away but with a price due to their maliciousness..”, Miko finished his explanation in such darkness before you looked down to see his arms and shirt had been covered with some stain of blood as you embraced him tightly, your small and slender arms wrapped around his shoulder as you cried solemnly.
“I thought you were killed with that blood. Pl… please tell me you are still here. Please, I’m soo worried for you.”, Miko responded with leaning up to kiss on your side of left forehead to console you as his arms rubbed your back.
“I’m still here and I went outside to ensure your safety.”, hearing that, you leaned slowly to capture his lips softly as Miko eagerly returned as he felt content with comforting you.
He smiled darkly and briefly as he recalled their pleas and their screams as he mutilated three of them and made sure they were left like sausages to be unrecognisable so the police won’t notice anything as the rain cleansed the blood. Seeing your distressed look, he felt guilty and in despair as he never intended to scare you. He just embraced you gently as he carried you to your bed.
“Please don’t do that again, Love. Please. I don’t want anything to harm you.”, you pleaded through the kiss.
“I’m sorry for frightening you but I cannot promise if it’s your life at stake.”, Miko replied as he turned aggressive in the kiss before you shot him a look of horror and shock.
“I’m sorry, Angel.”, Miko slowed his pace before he pulled away. “I got carried away.”
You just embraced him as he cooed softly to soothe you as you slowly drifted to sleep in his arms.
At times, you had a strange vibe from him. Like a very dark and calming wrath resonated inside him at rare times.
It wasn’t obvious like Invincible United FC or Iron Tank FC at times but the calming rage actually frightened you.
While genuinely an altruistic, loyal, sincere, responsible and loving man, you cannot deny Miko had been concealing something. His past trauma.
You prayed that Miko did not become a vengeful person.
The two of you ended up embracing in sleep as Miko firmly wrapped his arms around your waist as his eyes shifted to the window in a dark smile as far of the corner, mutilated bodies had been chopped to meats with kitchen knives being dropped, cleansed his fingerprints and blood.
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tytarax2 · 6 months
Your Obsessive Behavior
Warnings: Kinda yandere behavior?
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Japanese accent
"Seriously Shakes, I don't understand why I have to come with you?" It was the 5th time you asked the same thing. A few days ago there were the football awards ceremonies and Shakes and some of the most outstanding players were invited to a competition on Miss Aldivo Island. The only "problem" is that Shakes, for some reason, decided to bring you with him.
"Well, you're my very close friend, and I want you to enjoy this up close."
"That doesn't make any sense" Of course it doesn't, you're just a Supa Strikas employee.
"Stop whining, look, we're going to land already"
After landing, you and Shakes got up and went to pick up your luggage that was in one of the compartments. When they opened it, they were surprised to see El Matador inside…he wasn't invited…so they left him there and left.
You two arrive to the lobby, where you find all the guys who were invited.
Riano, Uber, Skarra, Liquido, some other guys (I don't remember their names), and... Miko.
Miko-Chen, a dear "friend" of yours, you could say, from Nakama FC. He approached you while the rest of the guys kept talking. Looking at him was kinda funny, considering he was slightly shorter than you.
"Hey ____, what a sulplise to see you hele." "Hello Miko, I had the option of staying for the BBQ at Rasta's house, but Shakes dragged me here."
"Well, I'm glad he did"
"Gentleman" A feminine voice suddenly interrupted you "and ____, didn't expect you here"
"Blame on Shakes, Altivo"
"Anyway, I'm offering something much more exciting than the usual" Altivo said appearing in the room "The challenge of a lifetime. An idyllic tropical island converted into the ultimate testing ground for the ultimate footballers. Dribbling, balance, stamina. This is your chance to test your skills against your greatest opponents. Then the last two standing will face off in the ultimate soccer showdown. A chance to find out which of you is truly the greatest player of your generation"
After some discussion, El Matador approached Miss Aldivo "Let's do this!" While she stopped him "I'm so sorry, El Matador, my tournament is for award winners only... You could go to the VIP lounge along with ____ who can't play too."
"That's perfectly fine with me," You said. "Wish you the best of luck, Miko" You whispered towards him.
"You got it"
While you were going to the VIP lounge along with El Matador, Miko cursed under his breath, not liking the fact of that Spanish flirty guy doing with you.
"I'm going to win this... fol you, ____"
You then arrived at the VIP room... but you lost El Matador on the way... Anyway, just then, you found out, all this madness was a reality show that was being broadcast on live television.
"This woman and her insatiable thirst for entertainment and money"
You stayed there watching the show, Uber was the first to be disqualified, and looking closely at Miko and his great agility. A moment later, Uber appeared in the same room as you and just sat to watch the rest of the show.
Then Skarra took out Liquido, "Most dishonorable" you heard Miko say. Liquido was now in the room with both of you.
Chuck was disqualified, along with Skarra. But Skarra didn't arrive at the VIP room, not like you minded.
The next level was an underwater one, which they were doing just fine, when suddenly, a water swirl appeared, almost absorbing most of the opponents along with Cosmo's guy and Miko.
"This has to be Skarra..." You thought.
Then Miko arrived at the room and changed into more comfy and dried clothes. Then he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the room, the others didn't even notice.
He dragged you to a less secluded place, with a hand in your slim waist.
"I don't like seeing you with a lot of guys neal..."
"Miko... Come on, let's get out then, not make a problem out of this"
"I'm solly fol... not winning"
"It's okay, let's get something to eat, then I'll be back to-"
"No. You won't be back to Stlika Land, you'le be going with me."
Part 2
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ao3feed-jazzprowl · 5 years
by SolarisPrime86
War is defined a period of armed conflict.
People paint war as a fight between good verses bad, that one side is black and one is white.
But this is not the case. In between these sides of black and white, are areas of gray.
When a millennia old war between metal giants is thrown on to earths doorstep, the area of gray expanded.
It is often said that you find love where you least expect it.
Unfortunately, love doesn’t seem to understand that is has no place in war.
Words: 4071, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of All is fair in love and war
Fandoms: Transformers (Bay Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Angelique Delios (OC), Melissa Delios (OC), Peony Delios (OC), Azalea Delios (OC), Adonis Delios (OC), Theia Delios (OC), Alphonse Howlett (OC), Guinevere Cypress (OC), Lafayette Belrose (OC), Neferet Bastet (OC), Laila Bastet (OC), Baba Yaga (Slavic Mythology & Folklore), Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Religion), Ophiuchus (OC), Leviathan (OC), Apophis (Ancient Egyptian), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Greek mythology, William Lennox, Robert Epps, Jorge ‘Fig’ Figueroa, Maggie Madsen, Glen Whitmann, Sarah Lennox, Annabelle Lennox, Seymour Rutherford Simmons, Leo Spitz, Theodore Galloway, Dylan Gould, Charlotte Mearing, Dutch - Character, Cade Yeager, Tessa Yeager, Shane Dyson, Izabella, Viviane Wembly, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, Bluestreak, Hound, Mirage, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Red Alert, Skids, Mudflap, Blurr, Hot Rod, Kup, Wheelie, Swerve, Tailgate, Elita One, Chromia, Moonarcher, Firestar, Arcee, Dinobots - Character, First Aid - Character, Blaster, Eject, Rewind, Ramhorn, Steeljaw, Skyfire, Perceptor, Ultra Magnus, Drift, Brainstorm - Character, Crosshairs - Character, Sentinel Prime, Megatron, Shockwave, Scorponok, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Soundwave, Buzzsaw, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, Ratbat, Devastator, Constructicons, Barricade, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Strika, Blackout, Breakdown, Knockout, Dreadwing, Alice, The Fallen-Megatronus Prime
Relationships: Optimus Prime/Original Female Character(s), Bumblebee/Original Female Character(s), Barricade/ Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/ Original Female Character(s), Original male character(s)/ Original female character(s), Chromia/Ironhide, Jazz/Prowl, Breakdown/Knockout, Starscream/Skyfire, Thundercracker/Skywarp
Additional Tags: Canon Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Witchcraft, Magic, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking, Underage Drug Use, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Relationship, Graphic Description, Graphic Violence, Identity Issues, Hallucinations, Insanity, Deception, Magical Realms, Secret Identity, Monster Hunters, Stalking, Sexual Harassment, Politics, Kidnapping, Far Future, Cyborgs, Tags Are Hard, Anxiety, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Self-Harm, Sticky Sex, Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Dissociation, Psychological Trauma, Secret Relationship, Magic Mirrors, Magic and Science, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Megatron is kind of crazy, for good reason, Primes are kind of yandere, Age Difference, Again tags are hard, Empath, Magical Creatures, I’ll put warnings on each chapter
0 notes
ao3feed-skystar · 5 years
No Place For Love https://ift.tt/35zAB6h SolarisPrime86
by SolarisPrime86
War is defined a period of armed conflict.
People paint war as a fight between good verses bad, that one side is black and one is white.
But this is not the case. In between these sides of black and white, are areas of gray.
When a millennia old war between metal giants is thrown on to earths doorstep, the area of gray expanded.
It is often said that you find love where you least expect it.
Unfortunately, love doesn’t seem to understand that is has no place in war.
Words: 4071, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of All is fair in love and war
Fandoms: Transformers (Bay Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Angelique Delios (OC), Melissa Delios (OC), Peony Delios (OC), Azalea Delios (OC), Adonis Delios (OC), Theia Delios (OC), Alphonse Howlett (OC), Guinevere Cypress (OC), Lafayette Belrose (OC), Neferet Bastet (OC), Laila Bastet (OC), Baba Yaga (Slavic Mythology & Folklore), Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Religion), Ophiuchus (OC), Leviathan (OC), Apophis (Ancient Egyptian), Jörmungandr | Jormungand | Midgard Serpent (Norse Religion & Lore), Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Greek mythology, William Lennox, Robert Epps, Jorge ‘Fig’ Figueroa, Maggie Madsen, Glen Whitmann, Sarah Lennox, Annabelle Lennox, Seymour Rutherford Simmons, Leo Spitz, Theodore Galloway, Dylan Gould, Charlotte Mearing, Dutch - Character, Cade Yeager, Tessa Yeager, Shane Dyson, Izabella, Viviane Wembly, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Jazz, Prowl, Bluestreak, Hound, Mirage, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Red Alert, Skids, Mudflap, Blurr, Hot Rod, Kup, Wheelie, Swerve, Tailgate, Elita One, Chromia, Moonarcher, Firestar, Arcee, Dinobots - Character, First Aid - Character, Blaster, Eject, Rewind, Ramhorn, Steeljaw, Skyfire, Perceptor, Ultra Magnus, Drift, Brainstorm - Character, Crosshairs - Character, Sentinel Prime, Megatron, Shockwave, Scorponok, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Soundwave, Buzzsaw, Frenzy, Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble, Ratbat, Devastator, Constructicons, Barricade, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Strika, Blackout, Breakdown, Knockout, Dreadwing, Alice, The Fallen-Megatronus Prime
Relationships: Optimus Prime/Original Female Character(s), Bumblebee/Original Female Character(s), Barricade/ Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/ Original Female Character(s), Original male character(s)/ Original female character(s), Chromia/Ironhide, Jazz/Prowl, Breakdown/Knockout, Starscream/Skyfire, Thundercracker/Skywarp
Additional Tags: Canon Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Witchcraft, Magic, Underage Drinking, Underage Smoking, Underage Drug Use, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Relationship, Graphic Description, Graphic Violence, Identity Issues, Hallucinations, Insanity, Deception, Magical Realms, Secret Identity, Monster Hunters, Stalking, Sexual Harassment, Politics, Kidnapping, Far Future, Cyborgs, Tags Are Hard, Anxiety, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Self-Harm, Sticky Sex, Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Dissociation, Psychological Trauma, Secret Relationship, Magic Mirrors, Magic and Science, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Megatron is kind of crazy, for good reason, Primes are kind of yandere, Age Difference, Again tags are hard, Empath, Magical Creatures, I’ll put warnings on each chapter
January 06, 2020 at 03:32PM
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sahara-solaris-solace · 9 months
Scary part about yandere Miko Chen
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I’m pretty sure one of the most scary part is how determined of Miko to have you as his lover. He may be a good person but that doesn’t mean he will lose you again. He will stalk or spy on you with his ninja style. He will probably give a death glare to other potential suitors and his teammates have to shake his shoulders when he was about to confront the suitors. Regardless, yandere Miko will not stop at anything to claim you, even if it means including chasing you or worse case scenario have Uragiri to stir something in Super League Disciplinary Board to have you in his team.
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sahara-solaris-solace · 8 months
Yandere Miko Chen as a Father (What If)
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- Will be happy and hid a huge smile as you approached him with the news.
- You weren’t keen of the idea and PM Miko to meet at an isolated cafe to inform him of the sudden news in tears.
- Miko had already envisioned a day where he and you settled down at an isolated part of Japan, away from the media breathing down their neck.
- Miko became distressed when you proposed an abortion, while you listed down why you two cannot be good parents and with the world evolving with shallow societies but Miko was adamant that he knows how to provide for your child and protect you.
- He accompanied you to the clinic for regular check ups in Tokyo of course.
- He made a calendar and diary to take note of your child’s progress.
- He also made sure to visit you more regularly, with insisting you where you lived just to keep an eye on you.
- It won’t be long for Supa Strikas and Coach notice your huge belly as you have to come up with an excuse.
- Shakes will be the one who obviously became suspicious of you as you constantly kept more to yourself and avoided going out with him on a regular adjourned basis with him and Spenza.
- You realized you have to resign when you reached 5 month.
- Miko had been more than delighted to hear the news and had been helping you with the belongings and the visa of Japan to transfer there permanently.
- You decided to open a small animal rescue shelter and medicine/ food to earn some extra income.
- Nakama were shocked to hear all those but nevertheless supported you two as you slowly got accustomed in the strange land.
- Supa Strikas STILL had no idea that you left to settle down with Miko as they thought you resigned to focus on your dreams.
- Miko refused to separate with you as he held your hand while you were giving birth to a lovely girl.
- He had been the happiest man alive to see the birth of his daughter, who bore his raven hair, Asian features and pale skin as he held the baby tightly.
- Miko helped you regain your strength and monitored your eating constraints to properly help you get back in shape.
- Miko often bring his daughter to the match to show off his daughter to Nakama fans and they cheered.
- Miko is very, very tentative of your daughter’s development and made sure she gets the best care and education.
- He spends more time with you and daughter with picnic and reading books together in the living room.
- He also has no hesitation to move to a gated community house for more privacy and the fact that you did not want to draw any attention.
- He made sure his remaining family members have no contact with you and your daughter to prevent conflicts.
- Will kill the harassers who made trouble for you and daughter.
- Nevertheless, yandere Miko as a father is more observant to his new family needs and proved his family he is a much better man than them.
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