#yandere fang the sniper
yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi there, I hope it's not to early for you, may I request a Team Hooligans X Adventurous Darling?
I'll see what I can do, yeah. I hope this works for you :) Did them seperate to make it easier. Sorry for the long wait! Aged up as usual.
I'm not too familiar with them, lol, except for the Sonic aniversary comic from IDW.
Yandere! Team Hooligans with Adventurous! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Possessive behavior, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking implied.
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Fang The Sniper
Fang was never one to care for much.
Well, except for riches and his bike.
He's greedy and selfish, taking what he wants even with violence and cruelty.
He probably met you by chance and wanted you ever since.
A treasure he wants to catch no matter the cost.
You're focused on exploration and seeing the world for all it has to offer.
He's more into pillaging the world for its treasure.
With a darling such as you it's got pros and cons.
You like to explore which means he could have you join mercenary work with him, Bean, and Bark.
It would also help Fang justify his sudden attraction towards you.
Then there's the whole getting you to stay put thing.
Fang likes the idea of keeping you to himself.
He wants people to know you are his.
You always wanting to leave his side for adventure frustrates him.
The good thing about being a mercenary with a bike is he can track you easily.
Don't worry, his frustration is solved if you bring him back treasure.
Fang is a yandere easily bought with material goods.
As long as you stay by his side as his and utilize your craving for adventure to benefit the both of you, he'll be okay with this type of darling.
Bean The Dynamite
Bark The Polar Bear
Bean is an unpredictable character a lot of the time.
He'a overly eager and can be friendly one moment while aggressive the next.
Towards his darling, Bean tends to act extremely hyper and excited.
Meanwhile with rivals he's deceptive and aggressive.
He also has a dangerous obsession with bombs.
When he meets you he's all excited to speak with you.
Especially if you have shiny things on your person that you found during adventures.
Bean would probably want to go on adventures with you.
Your craving for adventure is something he enjoys and encourages.
Plus, it keeps him close to you at all times!
Then no one would steal you from him!
Even if you declined him there's no telling how he'll react.
He'll either be very angry with you or follow you anyway.
Bean has a ton of excitement bottled within him.
The idea of going on adventures with his living treasure sounds amazing!
You are going to have a hard time getting rid of him.
Bark actually has some good in him compared to the other two members.
He's mute and strong, sometimes intimidating when he needs to be.
But Bark is softer towards his darling.
When he meets you and your craving for adventure, he's a bit hesitant at first.
Bark is probably overprotective of his darling and is worried for you.
When you say you're going away or something, the bear feels his heart drop.
He'll either try to nudge you out of it or be adamant on following.
He's fierce when fighting and feels he should be his darling's guardian in a way.
Bark cares for your safety but also your happiness.
He'll fuel your need for adventure if you can be kept safe during it.
He also doesn't like the idea of someone else being around you....
While you make him shy at times, he'll quickly turn hostile towards others around you.
Bark will reluctantly come with you on adventures...
Just stay close to him and don't be so friendly towards anyone else.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
(Wooooo it’s been so long since I’ve seen your blog 😂, but it’s good to be back 😁) but anyways, Out of curiosity, do you have any Yandere 2p Alpha! America headcannons?
OMG . It’s you again Ciao~
Maybe not my best work. But eh. I still hope you enjoy it!
😈 He is a ferocious Alpha that always has a commanding presence. His wolf ears are always up and at attention. He is aggressive and tends to bare his fangs at everyone. He’s not an Alpha you want to anger.
😈 He likes omegas because he’s a jerk and likes to toy with his prey. When it comes to his boredom-fuelled wrath is easy pickings. Tail pulling, punching (“playfully”), and using a specialized animal whistle to grate the animal ears of anyone in the vicinity.
😈 He revs up his motorcycle in areas where he knows the vulnerable omega and beta population is abundant.
😈 Occasionally if he needs to let off some aggression without destroying his workplace or home, he will hunt down and murder in cold blood anyone who dared to leave society and are a part of the secret cities, towns, or hubs. Once, he decimated an entire city when his ex left him because they felt so “caged” or “isolated” whatever they were whining about. Needless to say, the city she sought refuge in turned into ashes. Allen can do extremely scary shit and look like his demon counterpart while doing it.
😈 Extremely possessive of you. He hardly lets you leave the house unless it’s with him, and even then, he will have a few snipers and peacekeepers that he’s paid personally to keep an eye on you whenever he can’t give you 110% of his attention when you’re out in public with him.
Basically, you won’t know what life means without him there.
😈 If you want to have a career or hobby, good luck with that. You will have to give him some kick-ass spiel about why you should be able to do [x]. You’ll have to have fantastic bed romance as another tit-for-tat tactic. The same will apply if you want to be able to hang out with friends but will have to beg and plead on your knees for a few hours to satisfy him. Then he’ll consider letting you have an afternoon to yourself. But heaven forbid you to come back with another Alpha’s scent. You will be barred from leaving the house for an entire year, receive painful punishments, and be pushed well beyond your libido’s limits until you are numb. Just like he is harsh to those, who would hurt you. However, the way he punishes you is tailored to be gentler but still causes you tremendous pain. You belong to him and will learn to love, listen, and behave as he commands you.
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writersfailure · 7 years
My OC summaries and info
When Edana shows signs of her dad beating her, Cayden does his best to try to convince her to leave her father. (She refuses because it’ll make her dad angrier and most of the cops in her city are friends with her dad so they won’t take action against him) When she refuses, he does his best to make sure that she’s eating, and getting enough sleep. He tries to keep her away from her house for as long as possible, in an effort to keep her safe.
Every time Edana shows up with a new cut, scar, or bruise, Cayden will basically interrogate her about it. (“Who did this to you? Edana tell me!” “I’m telling you, it’s just a paper cut now stop asking!”)
These two nerds are normally very awkward around each other, despite already being together. It’s cute. At least I think it is.
These two also have special jobs at night. *cough* being criminals *cough* They’re sort of vigilantes. They don’t kill but they will gladly steal something. The moral code is simple: 1. Make sure that the person who were stealing from deserves it 2. Make sure that they can live without the monetary value 3. Make sure that it doesn’t have sentimental value.
Basically these two robbers are more likely to steal from an asshole who is middle class than they are to steal from a very nice and generous rich guy.
They will be on the lookout for crime going on. If it’s a mugging or something that will be violent, they will intervene. They’ve actually been nicknamed the city’s guardian angels sometimes. (But some people don’t believe the rumors about them and think that they’re not real)
They also have multiple hideouts all over the city, where runaways and kids who need help can go. Edana, knowing what some of them have been through, will do her best to either fix their situation or make sure that they can live safely away from the situation.
Of course they don’t use their real names for their jobs either. Edana is Jackie Trade. She started as an urban legend, a criminal who was able to do it all. (A jack of all trades) Due to her shapeshifting abilities, her hair will normally be some random color like blue.
Cayden uses the name Lykos, which means wolf in greek. He based it off of his fangs (he also thinks he’s scary but he’s not) Unlike Edana, he can’t shapeshift so he wears dark glasses that cover his eyes and a hat to hide his hair. In addition to that, he uses his height to fool others into thinking he’s much older than he really is. Edana will just shapeshift.
They are both also 15, sorry for not mentioning that. ***************
These two are my main characters for a story I’ll be rewriting called "Danger At Its Finest”. (I say rewriting because once I based in a fanfic and it had way too much going on so I deleted it. I deleted the second remake today because it sucked.)
There are two more characters and some more background info I want to go over for myself but I’m tired so I’ll do it soon. Thanks for reading and tell me if you’d like to see this story happen.
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