#yandere charlie spring
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Really wanna make yandere contact for heartstopper…Going to finish it tonight. Like I watch two episodes and want to be loved by all of them…
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#Nick Nelson#Nick Nelson x reader#yandere Nick Nelson#yandere Nick Nelson x reader#Charlie Spring#Charlie Spring x reader#yandere Charlie Spring#yandere Charlie Spring x reader#heartstopper x reader#heartstopper#yandere heartstopper#yandere heartstopper x reader#Tao Xu#Tao Xu x reader#yandere Tao Xu#yandere Tao Xu x reader#Tori Spring#Tori Spring x reader#yandere Tori Spring#yandere Tori Spring x reader#Elle Argent#Elle Argent x reader#yandere Elle Argent#yandere Elle Argent x reader#Imogen Heaney x reader#yandere Imogen Heaney#Imogen Heaney#yandere Imogen Heaney x reader
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can you write a love letter of yandere Charlie Spring and yandere Nick Neslson from heartstopper please and thank you 😊💙💙💙💙
Charlie Spring
Dear (Y/N),
From the moment we met, my heart started beating at a frantic pace, as if I knew I had finally met my match. Your bright smile and captivating eyes envelop me in a spell that I can't explain.
It's as if destiny had drawn our paths to cross at that exact moment. Since then, I can't get you out of my mind, your presence is like a magnet that attracts me irresistibly.
Every little gesture of yours, every word you say, only increases my admiration for you. I promise to protect you from any harm and to be by your side at all times, even if it means pushing away everything and everyone that could threaten our connection.
I know that our paths crossed by chance, but for me, it was destiny tracing our meeting. Watching you from afar brought a feeling I've never experienced before. Your every smile becomes a ray of sunshine in my darkness, and your every look makes me feel like I'm floating on clouds.
I hope we can share precious moments together, where I can take care of you and ensure that nothing and no one separates us. Your love is my dream and I hope I can make it come true.
With love and admiration,
Charlie Spring.
Nick Nelson
Dear (Y/N),
When I stop to think about everything you mean to me, I feel my heart overflow with gratitude and love. Every moment by your side is like a page in a charming book that I never want to stop reading.
It's amazing how you fill my life with smiles, laughter, and a sense of completion that I've never experienced before. Your smile brightens my darkest days, and your presence is calm amidst the hustle and bustle of life.
Your eyes are like windows to a world where I find peace and understanding. Your every gesture, every word, has the power to transform even the simplest of moments into something special and memorable.
I want you to know that my love for you transcends time and space. Even when we are not together, your love resides deep in my heart, warming my every thought and nourishing my every dream.
I promise to love, care, and support you in all the adventures that life has in store for us. I am deeply grateful to have you by my side on this journey, and I hope our love story continues to grow and flourish, filling our days with happiness and gratitude.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Nelson.
#yandere love letter#love letter#heartstopper#charlie Spring x reader#yandere charlie spring#yandere charlie spring x reader#nick nelson x reader#yandere nick nelson#yandere nick nelson x reader#yandere heartstopper
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Dependeremos el uno del otro - Charlie Spring Yandere x Nick Nelson [AU] Cap. 1
Nick se mudó a Francia para estudiar la universidad, dejando a Charlie en el país donde se conocieron. Ninguno de los dos quería mantenerse separado del otro, mucho menos Charlie, pero no pudo hacer nada más que solo despedirse y desearle un buen viaje a su querido novio del que siempre estaría pendiente.
En ese lapso de tiempo Charlie desarrollo tendencias inquietantes que Nick notará en su tiempo viviendo con él en una casa apartada ligeramente de la población. Se harán compañía para siempre.
Contiene. Manipulación, ligera mención de trastornos alimenticios, Secuestro, Síndrome de Estocolmo, consentimiento ligeramente dudoso, Obsesión, Yandere, Stalking.
Si este tipo de contenido no es de tu agrado ignóralo y sigue con tu camino
Tal vez simplemente fue casualidad aquel encuentro, dos chicos conviviendo como lo harían los de su edad. Un lazo normal de mejores amigos adolescentes que terminaron explorando su sexualidad juntos y formando una hermosa pareja que duraría años después.
Hasta la actualidad.
Ya se habían graduado de la universidad, necesitaban urgentemente verse, Charlie más específicamente. Se aseguraría de absorber todos los recuerdos nuevos con Nick y guardarlos para sí mismo y el.
Charlie se encontraba esperando la llegada de Nick de Francia en el aeropuerto, su todo, finalmente regresaba a él. Por su cabeza rondaban recuerdos memorables entre ambos, al igual que felices, claro, hasta que se separaron por el deseo de Nick de estudiar la universidad y vivir en el extranjero para desarrollarse fuera del nido.
Nick no tenía la culpa, claro, Charlie entendía perfectamente que su novio buscará nuevas experiencias en una universidad fuera, para nutrirse, tener un buen trabajo y mejor futuro, pero él quería estar a su lado en el inicio, proceso y final de todo ese desarrollo que Nick buscaba. Él debía estar ahí. Pero Nick dijo que no tenía nada de qué preocuparse, que "mantendrían el contacto con una relación a distancia" y "No necesitas venir conmigo, cumple tus propios sueños en la universidad a la que querías ir, volveré, lo prometo". Palabras que no llegaron de buena manera a su corazón y sus entrañas.
"Relación a larga distancia " Charlie no se sentía cómodo con eso pero tampoco quería perderlo por completo, así que aceptó. Era algo tonto pensar en ello ahora después de todo lo que Nick demostró que valía y la comunicación que siempre tuvieron. Pero los pensamientos intrusivos se esparcieron como gusanos por toda su cabeza y su razonamiento.
Naturalmente Charlie “continuó" con su vida, tuvo buen promedio en la escuela, se graduó sin problemas de la universidad y ahora daba clases privadas de literatura e inglés para personas extranjeras. Tenía un buen salario que le ayudaba a vivir sin preocupaciones ni problemas.
Nick, su querido amor, estudió Comunicación, publicidad y relaciones públicas, algo que le sentaba muy bien Dada su capacidad de entablar buenas conversaciones con las demás personas y su buen ojo para leer a la gente también.
Ahora nada de eso importaba, Se volverían a ver, Charlie estaba muy ansioso por saber cómo reaccionaría su novio al verlo, tenía miedo de desagradar a Nick ligeramente, sus desórdenes alimenticios ya estaban mejorando, pero aún le costaba un poco comer, no quería decepcionar a su novio después de 4 años, le prometió ir con un especialista y sanar. Y lo intentó! También va con un terapeuta que solo le da medicamentos que no ayudan mucho.
Solo se mantiene en pie gracias a su familia y a Nick, Charlie tenía miedo de verlo , una vez teniéndolo tan cerca no querría dejarlo ir, y él lo sabía muy bien, lo mantendría en su casa, bien cuidado y protegido, en un lugar donde se aseguraría de que nunca escapara y lo dejara solo por tanto tiempo, ya tenía todo preparado para la ocasión, solo hacia falta algo.
— Charlie!
Solo hacía falta Nick.
— Nick!
Charlie había olvidado por completo el lugar donde se encontraba , la escena ocurrió en cámara lenta, levantó la mirada para encontrar a Nick mirándolo desde antes a unos 4 metros de distancia, ahí estaba Su Nick, con su hermosa sonrisa característica suya, bien vestido, ligeramente sonrojado y.....con una maleta no tan grande, como si no fuera a quedarse por mucho tiempo.....
Ya No importaba nada, Charlie ya no tenía nada de qué preocuparse, ya lo tenía todo, simplemente disfrutaría de su tiempo juntos.
Nick ya estaba caminando rápidamente hacia Charlie, cortando esa distancia en tan solo unos segundos. Nick se detuvo a solo unos centímetros de él y miró algo que Charlie sostenía en sus manos.
— ¿Son para mí?
Preguntó Nick, señalando el ramo de flores que Charlie sostenía con poca delicadeza por sus nervios.
— Eh! Ah.... S-si! Bienvenido a casa.
Respondió Charlie con un gran rubor creciendo por sus mejillas mientras extendía el ramo a Nick. Para Nick eso fue increíblemente adorable, tomó el ramo asegurándose de rozar las manos de Charlie en el proceso, lo cuál puso al contrario aún más nervioso y sonrojado.
Pasaron unos segundos en silencio, Charlie y Nick solo se miraban el uno al otro, como si el mundo se hubiera detenido, permitiéndoles permanecer en ese bucle de tiempo donde solo existían ellos dos, hasta que Nick se acercó más y lo rodeo con sus brazos en un abrazo reconfortante.
— Mon amour, je suis si heureuse de te revoir
Dijo Nick con cariño y una gran sonrisa.
Charlie por su parte no entendió, no del todo, él solo sabía palabras básicas del francés, algo que lo inquietaba ligeramente, quería entender.
— No entiendo Francés, lo sabes.
— Lo lamento Cariño, ya me acostumbré, sale naturalmente.
— ¿Y qué dijiste entonces?
— Mi amor, estoy tan feliz de verte de nuevo.
Esas palabras llenaron el estómago de Charlie con maripositas y le sacó una sonrisa tonta involuntariamente, lo que hizo que Charlie escondiera su rostro al rojo vivo en el pecho de Nick en un intento de ocultar su vergüenza.
Nick en cambio no pudo evitar reír por esa linda acción, apretando ligeramente el abrazo y recargando su cabeza en el hombro de Charlie para respirar su olor y relajarse.
— También me alegro de verte de nuevo cariño.
Se escuchó a Charlie susurrar en el pecho de Nick, sacándole otra risita a Nick que intentó retener sin éxito.
— Deja de reír.
Exigió Charlie.
— lo siento.
No saben exactamente cuánto pasó, pudo ser alrededor de una media hora aproximadamente o más tiempo el que se quedaron abrazados, Nick fue el que se separó primero, diciendo que necesitaba ir al baño, Charlie solo río y esperó a Nick fuera de los baños. Al salir Nick, ambos caminaron agarrados de las manos, a la salida del aeropuerto, hacia el coche de Charlie.
— Ya tienes coche.
Soltó Nick, sorprendido y con admiración.
— Un regalo de papá y mamá. No suelo usarlo mucho, pero ahora me alegra tenerlo.
— ¿por qué?
— Con él puedo secuestrarte sin que nadie lo sepa.
Nick se echó a reír, mientras metió la maleta en la cajuela. Pero Charlie no se río, solo miró a Nick con una ligera sonrisa, no era amenazante en lo absoluto, era una mezcla entre Diversión y pena, pero nada de sarcasmo asomaban sus rasgos, fue tan sutil, que para cualquiera pudo no significar nada, pero Nick conocía a Charlie, tal vez no completamente, pero sí lo suficiente como para intuir que planeaba algo.
— ¿Vas a secuestrarme?
— No.
Afirmó Charlie inmediatamente, sin rodeos, con una sonrisa cariñosa, pasaron unos segundos más, Charlie cortó el contacto visual , abriendo la puerta del copiloto para Nick.
— Te llevaré a casa.
Charlie mencionó con una gran sonrisa y felicidad plasmadas en su rostro, Nick se sentía extraño, pero simplemente sonrió también y entró en el auto. Charlie hizo lo mismo pero en el asiento del conductor.
Charlie encendió el auto y se integraron a la carretera finalmente.
Durante todo el camino se pusieron al corriente, cuatro años separados fue un largo periodo en el que hicieron cosas diferentes y variadas, claro que se mantenían en contacto por mensajes y videollamadas pero con la diferencia de horarios tenían muy poco tiempo para conversar antes de que uno de los dos tuviera que irse a dormir o estudiar para sus proyectos y exámenes que demandaban las universidades.
— ¿Y qué hay de mis padres?
Una simple pregunta salió de los labios de Nick y Charlie dudó unos segundos en contestar.
— ....Les dije que pasaría por ti.
Una respuesta simple.
El resto del camino fue silencioso, ambientado por la música que salía del radio del auto. Ya estaba anocheciendo, era un camino largo.
El carro se detuvo abruptamente, despertando a Nick de su sueño profundo con un salto Nick miró a todos lados inquietado y desorientado, hasta que Charlie le habló.
— Lamento despertarte así cielo, ya llegamos.
Nick miró fuera del coche, ahí estaba su antigua casa, la casa de sus padres, estaba como la recordaba, tan alegre y reconfortante.
Nick se giró para ver a Charlie de nuevo y dedicarle una sonrisa. Charlie le devolvió la sonrisa y bajaron del coche.
Cuando Nick estaba a punto de bajar su equipaje sus padres salieron de su casa con los brazos abiertos y expresiones emotivas, estaban felices de finalmente ver a su querido Nick de vuelta.
Todo sucedió tan rápido, los padres y hermano mayor de Nick salieron para saludarlo y darle la bienvenida mientras lo arrastraban hacia adentro, para la cena, tenían todo hecho para recibirlo. Charlie solo reía y los seguía por atrás, tarareando alegremente, mirando la cara de Nick que suplicaba auxilio y estaba feliz al mismo tiempo.
Al entrar a la casa todo estaba cubierto por luces cálidas, la mesa puesta con mucha comida, suficiente para todos, los platillos favoritos de Nick, no faltó ni uno solo, solo lo mejor para Nick y su regreso del extranjero.
Todo iba perfecto, Charlie se había encargado de ello, planeado esa reunión desde hacía meses atrás con la esperanza de que Nick regresará; las horas pasaron con pláticas tranquilas y divertidas entre la familia, Nada había cambiado.
Pero Nick no podía evitar notar que Charlie aún comía relativamente poco, como cuando eran más jóvenes, entre pequeños lapsos de tiempo Nick discretamente le daba de comer amorosamente en la boca a Charlie, lo cual le provocaba nerviosismo y sonrojo a Charlie, de una manera adorable; hasta que su semblante cambiaba abruptamente de uno sonrojado y tembloroso a uno preocupado y decepcionado, no de Nick, si no de sí mismo. Y Nick lo noto también.
Era una relación con dinámicas muy divertidas, ambos de la misma edad, ya adultos, con una relación de más de 5 años, donde solo hay comunicación y una dinámica de poder sana. Hasta que llegan los pensamientos intrusivos de nuevo....
— La chica con la que subiste tu foto en tus actualizaciones de redes sociales era linda, pensé que finalmente habías cortado con Charlie, hasta ahora.
Dijo David, el hermano de Nick. Era obvio que a David no le agradaba en lo absoluto la relación amorosa que tenían Charlie y su hermano Nick, pero Charlie jamás creyó que se atreviera a decir algo tan fuera de lugar, mucho menos en la fiesta de bienvenida de Nick. A Charlie le hervía la sangre que fluía por todo su sistema.
Charlie se sentía aún más frustrado porque también pensó en ello al ver esas fotografías, eran de Nick junto a una hermosa chica francesa, ambos posando divertidos a la cámara frente a la Torre Eiffel.
Su mundo se estaba quebrando en ese momento al pensar en Nick y otra persona a su lado que no fuera el propio Charlie, pero Lucían tan bien juntos que era doloroso, provocando que Charlie no comiera bien durante las siguientes dos semanas y llorara cada vez antes de dormir por el temor de no ser suficiente para Nick.
Todos estos pensamientos rondaban su cabeza en un torbellino destructivo que arrasaba con todo lo que tenía enfrente, haciéndolo disociar y comenzar a temblar de la impotencia de no saber cómo responder o reaccionar ¿Cuál de todas las opciones eran menos humillantes?
— Cierra la boca David.
Nick Exclamó en alto con su ceño fruncido , sosteniendo la mano de Charlie que temblaba sobre la mesa en el proceso, de una manera segura y reconfortante.
— Oh vamos, Eres bisexual cierto? No podía evitar suponer que esa chica y tú tenían algo. Charlie piensa lo mismo.
— Tu, de verdad -
— ¡Suficiente!
Intervino la madre de Nick y David golpeando la mesa ligeramente, sacando a Charlie de sus pensamientos autodestructivos.
Charlie no era capaz de escuchar nada más a su alrededor, todos movían sus labios y expresiones, pero Charlie no lograba escucharlos en absoluto, solo miraba a Nick, luego a David, a sus padres, de nuevo a Nick y de vuelta se repetía el ciclo. Todos estaban furiosos, la ira recae sobre David pero él solo sonreía de manera egocéntrica mientras se levantaba de la mesa y se alejaba, no sin antes mirar a Charlie por encima del hombro, como si no fuera más que un gusano despreciable.
Todo habría quedado solo ahí. Pero Nick se levantó como un rayo de su asiento y corrió hacia su hermano para detenerlo, pero recibió un golpe en el rostro a cambió, que lo dejó tambaleante y desorientado.
Rápidamente Charlie corrió para ayudarlo a estabilizarse mientras revisaba su mejilla magullada por el puñetazo de David.
— Nick.....
— Est-Estoy bien Charlie.
Nick trató de reconfortar a su novio ansioso, sosteniendo su rostro entre sus manos y sonriendo cálidamente. Podría haber funcionado antes, pero ahora Charlie estaba cambiando, un odio incontrolable crecía dentro de él, y solo pedía una cosa. Erradicar a David.
Nick se sorprendió enormemente al ver la cara de Charlie cambiar de una preocupación y lágrimas a punto de salir de sus ojos, a un odio desenfrenado que lucía completamente peligroso. Hasta el punto de que el agarre de las manos de Charlie en las mejillas de Nick se apretó ligeramente.
Daba escalofríos, pero a Nick le gustaba.
Era un sentimiento extraño para Nick, ver a Charlie tan furioso pero a la vez preocupado por su bienestar le hacía sentir mariposas en su estómago junto un calor en su pelvis.
Estaba enloqueciendo al pensar en Charlie de esa manera, sabiendo cómo era realmente, tan adorable y Sonriente. Se sentía terrible al pensar así de Charlie.
Los padres de Nick salieron del comedor, siguiendo a su hijo David, con aspectos furiosos, llenos de reclamos para su hijo mayor, por ser tan irrespetuoso y agresivo con su hermano menor y su pareja.
Cuando se quedaron completamente solos, Charlie volvió a cambiar abruptamente su expresión, regresando a ese semblante preocupado, analizando repetidamente todos los rasgos de Nick, asegurándose de que no haya sido lastimado de ninguna otra parte, moviendo también sus manos y suavemente por su cara para saber si le dolía algún otro lugar.
— No te preocupes demasiado Charlie, no me duele tanto.
— Tu hermano es un imbécil.
— Lo sé. Pero no puedo hacer que cambie.
— Ven conmigo.
— ¿Qué?
— Quédate conmigo, tengo una casa donde podrás quedarte, yo cuidare de ti, no tendrás que preocuparte por nada.
— No puedo hacer eso.
— Por favor, no me siento cómodo con que te quedes aquí,
Charlie bajó sus manos para sostener las de Nick y la presión infringida iba subiendo de nivel gradualmente, Charlie suplicaba con sus ojos y todo su ser que Nick se fuera con él.
— Por favor.
Suplicó Charlie de nuevo, está vez una súplica en todo su esplendor.
El corazón de Nick se derritió al ver la expresión de Charlie, tenía sentimientos encontrados, sabía en el fondo que algo estaba fuera de lugar y pasaría algo fuera de lo común, pero no podía preocupar a su novio que lucía tan ansioso, ¿verdad?
— ..... De acuerdo
Charlie sonrió ampliamente ante esa respuesta de Nick, y relajó su agarre.
— Gracias.
Los padres de Nick llegaron poco después, lucían ligeramente frustrados todavía, lo que significaba que no lograron arremeter ni hacer que su hijo David retirara lo dicho o siquiera pidiera unas disculpas adecuadas tanto para Charlie como para Nick.
Igualmente no era que a Charlie le preocupara mucho, tenía planes reservados específicamente para David, no quería ver de nuevo sus sucias manos sobre Nick de nuevo, estuvo a nada de enterrar el tenedor de la mesa en la mano de David mientras seguía alardeando y metiendo cizaña entre Nick y él.
Por supuesto que Charlie estaba enterado sobre esa foto y muchas otras que Nick subió a redes sociales, y se aseguró de estudiar minuciosamente a cada uno de sus nuevos amigos, descartando a todos rápidamente de ser una amenaza en un futuro.
Ambos padres de Nick se disculparon en nombre de David, jurando que no volvería a ocurrir, lo cual era mentira, claramente.
Charlie dijo que no había problema, y que en ese momento se llevaría a Nick a su casa que ahora compartirán juntos, porque vivirían juntos a partir de ahí. Nick y sus padres se rieron, sin saber que era verdad, desde ese momento hasta siempre, Nick se quedaría a vivir con él. Y serían muy felices juntos.
Solicitud echa por @princessoflove978 ! Realmente solo iba a hacer un one-shot, pero me gustó tanto la dinámica de los personajes que será una serie! Próximamente será publicada en Ao3 también!
#charlie spring#nick nelson#charlie x nick#fanfic#Charlie Yandere#tw: kidnapping#tw: stalking#heartstopper#gay boys#ao3 fanfic#ao3 writer#fanfiction
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My Husband, My Monster|Part 9|William Afton x Wife!Reader
(A/N: We're getting closer and closer to the end of this series, I'm still not sure how many chapters it will end up being but for now we'll keep pressing forward! Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Thankfully the next funeral William had to go to wasn't that of someone he cared for. Now it was Henry's turn to feel the pain and loss he had, poor little Charlie, dumped in the alley, strangled but with no suspects to be found. What a sob story. But when his child died the world didn't care for the innocent life snatched away too soon, no they cared about the chance to drag down his name and his life's work. My how different they were.
Granted it had been William's own fault, his drunk escapades rendered him useless to think. Therefore Henry found the body before he could bury in launch an investigation. So far he couldn't be linked to anything, the cameras outside of the building had always been sketchy at best. And it could have been any old tie that killed her, his was normal enough if they found any fibers it couldn't be linked to him. He was free. Although he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that Henry suspected it was him. Their relationship was never good, but now it was on a new low. Glares and whispers replaced civil conversation, they were both biding their time.
Months passed, Charlie's death had been officially branded a tragic random act of violence and the case was closed. Law enforcement after some time give up when it's not an open and shut case. Millions of tax dollars for this kind of justice. William didn't mind, lazy cops meant more fun for him.
His home life had never been better. His beloved wife was developing nicely, and she seemed to have come around to his behavior. She let him control more and more aspects of her life, where she went, how she dressed. The list went on and on. Her showing pregnancy also helped to limit the amount of time outside the house she could spend. And since his true personality of absentee husband did nothing to control her moods his newest role as caring husband who dotes on his pregnant wife seemed to work wonders on her pliable mind.
His son was still a handful, haunted by what he had done to his brother. Michael had gotten into a habit of sneaking out to find distance from the space that once held his younger sibling, it was driving his mother sick with worry. With a child on the way the less stress the better, so William agreed he would talk to the boy and try to ease his guilt. Trips to the now closed diner that killed his brother had it's intended effect. Michael, seeing the dried bloodstains and rotting animatronics plagued his mind with nightmares. Nightmares that they were coming after him now, William could hear him crying in his room with terror, lights left on so they couldn't come to get him. He learned to stay indoors in the dark.
The Afton family was growing and thriving, William had intended for them to forget at least a little of their recent loss, he wanted to be the bearer of their sorrows, so they would love him as much as he loved himself. They were flying high and nothing could bring them down.
"Scrapping Spring Bonnie?" The outrage was impossible to conceal in his voice. "That was my character, he's what started this whole business!"
"We already have another Bonnie, so your suit doesn't fit William." Henry didn't even give him the decency of eye contact.
"Then he can be a floor animatronic, you can't just get rid of the original mascot-"
"To tell you the truth William parents are afraid of it, since that suit and Fredbear had the same mechanical system parents are hesitant to bring their kids near so there's not a repeat of the accident."
"My son has a name, Henry. He's not just "the accident"."
Henry holds his hands up calmly and apologetically. "Alright, I'm sorry. What tragically happened to Evan makes parent's warry to trust our animatronics."
"The kids loved it!"
"True but they can't if they're not coming since parents are so concerned."
"So what, I'll just hide away in my office like you from now on?"
Henry scratches the back of his head. "About that-"
"You're joking-"
"Listen William, out on the floor your behavior is...eccentric. And I think it's too much for the kids."
"I'm a partner to this company shouldn't I have a say what I do?"
"Technically William I own most of it. I could buy out your shares in an instant."
"So you get to push me around."
"I hate that you word it like that but yes."
William scoffs. "I can't believe you."
"Believe what you want." He turns around in his chair. "I'll expect that suit to be in parts and repairs by the end of the day."
William storms out, fuming with rage. How dare he? He was just reacting to his dead brat. Children mean so much to him yeah? Well lets see what he'll do next. For weeks that insatiable thirst for blood plagued his every sense. No longer. He'd oblige that craving, indulge that urge. If William couldn't run the restaurant like he wanted, he'd burn it to the ground.
Choosing the victim wasn't hard. Birthday parties at the Pizzeria always meant a lot of commotion and confusion, the little blonde girl just happened to be all on her own. He recognized her, Henry had given the girl and her family permission to hang up missing dog posters in the door window since he cared so deeply about children's happiness. The stupid girl even gave him bait with which to lure her into the backrooms.
Henry wasn't here today, no one would notice the security cameras being tampered with. They wouldn't see him putting on his favorite suit since the parts and service camera busted months ago. It felt like home, smelled like home. He remembered the first time showing his wife his disguise and how she had laughed at "how adorable he was". Now she was at home caring for their newly born Vanessa, probably hoping he had a good day. Good, he had become very fond of the woman he vowed to spend eternity with. He'd hate to lose her over something like this.
His approach started subtly, just another mascot approaching a seemingly depressed child to cheer her up. He put on his best cartoon voice and offered her a balloon animal dog.
"Hey there miss, I couldn't help but notice your frown. What's wrong? Parties are no fun if you're sad." It was corny and made him cringe, but it always had a response with the kids.
"My dog, he's missing."
"Aw, well I am so sorry to hear that. But wait, is that your dog in that poster?" He points, a part of him wishing this was over so he could at least talk like an adult.
She nods, making him grin under the mask. "Good news! I think I saw that same dog in the back of the Pizzeria."
The way her eyes light up almost causes him to laugh, so gullible and naïve. Believing everything anyone says, she almost deserves it coming. "Really!?"
"Come with me!" He offers his large hand, having her take it as he slowly and surely leads her into the parts and service room, keeping his grin hidden and excitement in check.
Once there in the dark she looks around curiously, waiting for her dog to jump out of nowhere. When it didn't happen she looked up at him confused. "Mister, where is my dog?"
The knife plunging into her stomach severed all further questions. Her mouth hung agape in shock and horror as he repeated the action again and again. Not stopping until he was satisfied with his work.
When he was finished, a smile carved into her face, a wave of panic washed over him. What now? What about the body? Where wouldn't they look? He couldn't get lucky a second time.
His thoughts raced and raced until he spotted Chica, in for some routine maintenance with her chest cavity wide open. Perfect for a little girl.
With the body carefully hidden, William allowed himself a chance to enjoy his work and to revel in what he'd done. Nothing beat a high like this, he had to keep chasing it. But what could he do in this moment? Another kill would be too hasty.
His thoughts wandered until they finally came to his wife, knowing that she would be willing to feed until this high wasn't enough anymore and he needed his next rush. And then the one after this.
William stared at all of the parts and machines around him, Henry's pride and joy.
"Just think old friend." He said to the silence. "Now your precious machines are as corrupted and foul on the inside as you."
@fandomreader @n3r0-1417 @2pacl0ve
#my husband my monster#william afton x reader#william afton x you#william afton x oc#william afton smut#william afton#steve raglan x oc#steve raglan x you#steve raglan smut#steve raglan x reader#steve raglan#five nights at freddys#five nights at freddy's#fnaf movie#fnaf
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B-E Aggressive
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qmza8cA by rockingdll Who was that with Charlie? Nick knows he shouldn’t feel like that towards somebody else. It’s cruel to be jealous of somebody you’ve barely spoken to. But, those blue eyes, that curly black hair, and those dimples convince Nick otherwise. He has to have Charlie, and if he can’t, he’ll take him for himself. Or; Heartstopper but Nick is obsessed, and not healthy. Words: 3058, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (Webcomic), Heartstopper (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Sai Verma, Christian McBride (Heartstopper), Harry Greene, Tao Xu, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Imogen Heaney Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson & Charles "Charlie" Spring, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson & Sai Verma, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson & Tao Xu, Tara Jones & Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Imogen Heaney & Nicholas "Nick" Nelson Additional Tags: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson-Centric, Violent Thoughts, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Possessive Behavior, Falling In Love, Love at First Sight, well for nick that is, mutual obsession, Mutual Pining, Obsession, lowkey yandere but eh not gonna tag it read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qmza8cA
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updated frequently -> last update on 07/11/24
all of the drafts i currently have on this blog, organised alphabetically by format, fandom name, and character name. some will be self explanatory and others will have a bit more detail attached to them. this only includes requests that i have completed or that i am actively working on.
-> fluff
none currently drafted
-> smut
wildberry cookie ; cr
-> yandere
none currently drafted
-> sfw
none currently drafted
-> nsfw
none currently drafted
-> being in a relationship
dammon ; bg3
minthara ; bg3
rolan ; bg3
zevlor ; bg3
osamu dazai ; bsd
tecchou suehiro ; bsd
butter roll cookie ; cr
fire spirit cookie ; cr
longan dragon cookie ; cr
macaroni cookie ; cr
onyx cream cookie ; cr
sally smithson / the nurse ; dbd
lizzie hearts ; eah
sylvie ashling ; ee
choso kamo ; jjk
kento nanami ; jjk
v ; md
lapis lazuli ; su
-> specific sfw scenarios
o!ciel phantomhive + catching his italian s/o practising stragheria ; bb
claude faustus + catching his italian s/o practising stragheria ; bb
grelle sutcliffe + s/o with adhd ; bb
sebastian michaelis + jamaican witch s/o ; bb
sebastian michaelis + s/o with adhd ; bb
william t. spears + catching his italian s/o practising stragheria ; bb
brandy + helping her adopted trans daughter cope with dysphoria ; blu ey
heeler family + having a deaf youngest child reader ; blu ey
silverbell cookie + parental!reader ; cr
angel dust + verosika mayday!friend ; hh
charlie morningstar + verosika mayday!s/o ; hh
lucifer morningstar + verosika mayday!s/o ; hh
lucifer morningstar + bonding over shared love of ducks ; hh
claudia wolf + nonbeliever s/o ; sh
gangle + being woken up by her friend when she’s sleepwalking ; tadc
mettaton + trans masc s/o ; ut
wally + falling for a human that wants to go home ; wh
-> smut
mushitarō oguri ; bsd
nikolai gogol ; bsd
sigma ; bsd
elder faerie cookie ; cr
queen ; delta rune
adam ; hh
france ; het alia
-> specific nsfw scenarios
longan dragon cookie + eating out afab s/o ; cr
sparkling cookie + bottoming ; cr
howdy + spring time rut ; wh
sally + dom fem s/o + bdsm ; wh
-> yandere character(s)
none currently drafted
-> specific yandere scenarios
poly alan sylvasta & shirou ogami s + s/o who is like lady dimitrescu ; bna
one shots
-> sfw
none currently drafted
-> nsfw
after the show ; beast + fem ; bb
alone in the office ; grelle + fem ; bb
a new act ; dagger + fem ; bb
arachnophilia ; claude + fem ; bb
liquid courage ; grelle + sebastian + fem ; bb
moths to a flame ; ronald + fem ; bb
sweet as sugar ; william + fem ; bb
twice loved ; grelle + madam red + fem ; bb
unbecoming of a lady ; sebastian + fem ; bb
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if you don't mind, maybe do this ask game? c:
sure!! i love getting asks like this, so thank you very much!! <3
i'll only answer like half of this because some of them were already answered previously!
❤️ how tall are you?
unfortunately 5'4.
🧡 what is your sexuality?
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself?
i guess my eyes! the blue shines in the sun and the brown part looks like honey. <3
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
hmm... emotional, girly, creative, imaginative, and curious!
🩷 dream job?
definitely a therapist! i genuinely just like helping people.
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
walking, going to farmers markets, and cooking/baking!
🎂 when is your birthday?
november 13! <3
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising)
scorpio sun, aries moon, gemini rising
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings
yep! i wanna get more in the future too!
🚗 can you drive?
yes.... but i think everyone should know that if i drove a car without an instructor or some other kind of supervision, we would all see me on the news. so technically no.
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled
definitely pennsylvania or upstate new york! cottagecore vibes all around in those areas. i think i just love the animals, and nature is always nice to see especially with a floral skirt flowing in the spring/summer breeze. i don't support the amish though. i've seen the documentaries so 🙅♀️. i'm also not saying japan because i was very little at the time and i wanna visit for real someday.
🎤 have you been to a concert
YES!!! i wanna go to more now that i have my own adultbankaccount™. i've seen the beach boys, mitski, some k-pop groups, yungblud, bring me the horizon, scene queen, and queen! i really want to go to some more k-pop/j-pop concerts but ticketmaster will continue to be my generational curse for decades to come.
🎵 favorite artists
my music taste is all over the place, but the most consistent artists i follow are: sir chloe, mitski, lana del rey, tyler, the creator, yoasobi, charlie xcx, will wood, kendrick lamar, and depeche mode.
🎧 last song you listened too
swan song by lana del rey!
📺 last show you watched
the legend of vox machina with the fam!! i'm only a few episodes in, but i really like these godless chaotic neutral mercenaries. vax is my fav but his sister is also very hot.....
📝 last thing you wrote
i'm working on some yan overhaul stories right now, and then some requests + self-indulgent birthday writing.
🔐 something no one would guess about you
um...... that i have depression? i think i'm a pretty positive person when i'm with my friends, but the real ones know i'm the personification of that sad bow hamster image.
🧟♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you
men. that's it, that's my answer.
🔥 craziest thing that’s ever happened to you
weird people having crushes on me. especially in high school. people are just weirdos sometimes.
🍓 favorite food
tomato soup with rice!!! omg.... my ultimate comfort food. i don't like campbell's tomato soup though, tastes like a bowl of ketchup with cream mixed in. so i make it myself, and if i'm feeling fancy i add some roasted garlic and potato on top <333. god tier.
🍅 least favorite food
i feel like i'm gonna get crucified for this, but milk and white chocolate. way too sweet for me, though my family all loves them.
🍊 favorite season?
fall!!! it's colder but all the leaves are so pretty, and the bugs go back to hell where they belong. pumpkins and apples are such a big plus too!
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
horror/thriller definitely! ever since i was little, i've always loved the yandere theme and psychological themes in general. seeing the world through someone else's perspective is quite interesting to me.
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
uh........ i think ash lynx (banana fish) or shouko komi (komi can't communicate). i do kin them, but i do also think we'd be best buds. ash especially deserves better.
🫐 some place you’d love to visit
california, iceland, and france!! i would also say australia but i hate bugs. sorry. the birds are really pretty though.
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you
comfort i guess? idk, that word is common among my friends.
🍒 what is your earliest memory
running after a stray cat in egypt as a toddler. didn't get very far, but i did get to pet it eventually. it grimaced at my family, but i can swear it didn't with me.
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had
definitely public speaking. i freeze up and cry for the rest of the day when i do so.
💌 why did you start this blog?
i've loved writing horror/thriller for the longest time, and i think most characters i like have plenty of potential to be scary.
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic
oh god..... basically in the womb. kidding, around eight or nine after i got really into tokyo mew mew.
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer
definitely oversharing asks! i love talking <3
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
mostly from reading!! i love learning descriptive language and such from horror authors. films too, but not as often.
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most
🕷📕 guess from the emojis....... it should be an actual legal offense how much i love him.....
🖊️ what character do you not enjoy writing for
don't get mad at me, but gojo. idk. people make such wonderful fics about him all the time, and i think i fall for the comparison trap. that and i'm more of a geto girlie.
❤️🔥 what character do you simp for most often
megamind forehead antichrist wannabe. as my older sister said, my taste is so broken.
🧚♀️ favorite characters of all time
a lot um...
ash lynx, shouko komi, chr*ll*, yashiro nene, makima, luka (alien stage), shizuku murasaki, aya (bandori), casper (a date with death), odile (swan lake), pakunoda, machi, arlecchino, lilith (the owl house), amity (the owl house), hero (omori), blade, eddie gluskin (outlast), falin, stolas (helluva boss), angel dust (hazbin), sebastian (stardew valley), aventurine, hannibal lecter, johan liebert, verosika mayday, feitan, kafka, geto, gojo, ai hoshino, kokomi (genshin), alexandrina sebastiane, shalnark, andrew and ashley (the coffin of andy and leyley), illumi zoldyck, jobu tupaki, violet evergarden, heather chandler, monika (ddlc), scar (the lion king) sephiroth, sunday, haruhi fujioka, isabella (the promised neverland), astarion, topaz, il dottore, scaramouche, zhongli, diluc, kaeya, alhaitham, columbina, shadowheart, homura akemi, yor forger, lyney, gabriel (the mandela catalogue), xiao, robin (hsr), kurapika, mahito, kenzo tenma, deathstroke, vincent edgeworth (vincent and the secret of myers), vincent (dead plate), pariston hill, griffith (berserk), emperor belos, dr. ratio, satou (happy sugar life), power, jinx, childe, furina, alastor, albert krueger (therapy with dr albert krueger).
i'm gonna be so honest, i just listed every character i have a playlist of on spotify. my taste is all over the place.....
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time
hannibal, hunter x hunter, banana fish, and arcane!!
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone
definitely the og avatar the last airbender! it's good for all age groups and the writing is just spectacular.
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from
uhhhhhhh........ i'm thinking vampire knight or diabolik lovers. as a young teen i watched both, and they definitely both had plenty of problems. many. not shaming anyone though!
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer
definitely cogency of the deluded by my friend @teabutmakeitazure! her writing style is so good i can eat it with a spoon. nom nom.
thank you for asking for this, anon!!
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*Clings to this post for dear life*
It's speculation like this that makes me throw the lore out and make so many totally different versions of the timeline just so I can give William alternate motivations (mostly talking about the first part of this post here, but I'm reblogging the whole thing bc it's all so good)
Hope no one minds me going on a ramble about my fic ideas, I hold them all very dear to my heart (TL:DR The FNaF lore makes no sense so I feel totally fine with taking theories and using them as tools to make overly complicated fanfics, which I am going to explain totally unprompted. Big Old Spoiler Warning if anyone cares. Otherwise, please let me ramble)
Like, in one (the main fic I'm working on now, spoilers if anyone on my blog cares) he's just so utterly blindsided by suddenly having to care for three kids all by himself that he starts forcing Mike to raise them (who's like 8 when Mrs. Afton dies. Of course, the responsibility gets shifted to him really slowly, but they're pretty much totally dependant on him by the time he's like 11 or 12, he's 15 in the fic). Mike gets super resentful of his siblings which is why he starts acting out but William's also resentful of the Emilys bc their lives aren't falling apart at the seams. Plus, Henry is super scatterbrained and even tho Afton needed him in the beginning after his wife died, he can't rely on getting any help with the restaurant.
Basically it all leads up to the idea that William loved his family but was doing an absolutely terrible job of showing it, plus he's neglecting Crying Child in some messy but well-meaning attempt to make him stronger without realizing that starving the kid of affection is only making the problem worse, and he sure ain't taking Henry's advice on the matter. He's also not very emotionally healthy. He's keeping it together for now, but was always a little off. (Hurray for generational trauma headcanons) Bite of '83 happens (or would have if this wasn't a Gregory & Evan friendship fic) and William is so overwhelmed with a combination of spite, jealousy and guilt (even if he's in denial) that he kills Charlie and feels so good having control over another life like that that he goes and on his infamous killing spree.
Of course, this is a "Gregory stops the Bite of '83" fic so it's the guilt of realizing what would have happened that motivates Afton to stop being such a terrible parent. In the context of the fic, there isn't much soul harvesting or anything, but William also doesn't have a chance to learn about Remnant so it's not relevant
My second big idea has to do with the fact that I ship Purple Guy and Unnamed Wife as my OTP.
I headcanon that the two of them were super affectionate to each other, so in this timeline he's kind of a yandere. He also obsesses a lot over things (like work) and even though he's madly in love with her, he starts to think she might be having an affair with Henry. There's no proof of this, but William's not very stable here so he kills Charlie as revenge or something. When the police try to get a witness statement from Henry, he can't give them any sort of motivation for why Afton might have done it. So of course, he gets away with it. Wife knows what happened (through intuition? IDK) and divorces him, taking the kids with her bc she's scared of the man who she used to be in love with.
William does not take this very well. I haven't fleshed out the details yet, but he commits the Missing Children incident so he can make a new family out of animatronics (kind of like what he says in Silver Eyes about "Your father loved and now I have loved") but bc robots can't love him back, he spring-locks himself hoping to "become one of them" (Again, mentioned in Silver Eyes) William survives and becomes Dave Miller. A few years later, he runs into his wife during his wanderings and starts stalking her. Of course, she has no idea it's him, and he denies having ever met her (possibly through gaslighting?) He sees it as romantic, she's thoroughly paranoid. IDK how the rest of it plays out, so here's an idea for a Good Ending and a Bad Ending.
Good Ending: he gets character development and stops being such a creep, possibly getting more stable when he's around her. The only issue is, he's criminally insane and letting him get away with murder like that feels wrong. The only real option would be a mental hospital or something. IDK how to write that and I'd hate to do it wrong
Bad Ending: he kills her and makes her into a robot (Ballora, probably) and spring locks himself a second time, possibly hunting down his kids to make them robots as well. That's a totally different direction then the original fic idea, but I haven't had time to sort it out at all
Who knows, maybe I could write two fics for the price of one
The only time I bring Remnant into anything is when everyone's a bunch of furries in the wild west and Fredbear eats Springtrap's kids prompting a outlaw revenge story. Ennard is a tumbleweed monster that eats Michael's organs when he's out in the desert after midnight, but he stole a potion (Remnant) and that's how he survives. He doesn't have as much of it in his system as Spring, who gets pushed into a dozen bear traps instead of being spring-locked. Spring is covered in gashes from the traps, but is mostly unkillible bc of all the Remnant he's absorbed, and all of Mike's fur falls out, turning him purple (the Aftons are all hares) I could talk about Gregory and Glam Freddy being humans and entering the furry's world through The Ball Pit but this post is wayy to long lol.
I will die on this hill but William Afton being a good dad would have worked so much better at making him feel realistic instead of becoming a cartoonishly evil man and honestly the juxtaposition of like, witnessing him kill a kid, dropping his cheerful Springbonnie act as he locks them in a room, just a cold glare as he kills them, making the player go "what a heartless monster... I feel so bad for his kids, having to deal with such a piece of shit" as we see him get out of the suit, cleaning up the blood and head home, as he opens the door once again we see his attitude change as he tells his kids "Dad's back home!" And we see them run up to him, Michael playing it cool bc he's an angsty teen but you see him smile as he points out he's late, you can tell they all care for him and got worried, after all there's a murderer on the loose and while they seem to target kids who knows? They could kill adults too... William smiles at them, genuinely, not like the smile he gave his victim whith his Springbonnie act, they all eat dinner together and if you hadn't just seen him kill a kid in cold blood you'd think this was a normal family, just a single dad eating and chatting with his kids... As he makes sure they are all sound asleep you see him walk into his bedroom, looking at a picture, it's a picture of all of them, smiling together, next to William is a woman and it dawns on you that she's nowhere to be seen and that she might be dead and he's trying to figure out how to bring her back by killing a bunch of random kids bc nothing can stand between William Afton and the only people he cares about, not even death itself... that stuff would make me way more scared of him than any "oh I am so smart I planned for you to try and set me on fire again so now if anyone scans my parts into a computer I can brainwash a random person and get them to rebuild myself ooooh I always come back!"
Like even showing him before he completely loses it would be terrifying, how he's just a normal guy who has his own troubles sure, but still isn't going around killing kids to study weird ghost stuff... Not yet anyway... And the the last straw happens and he falls to the deep end and you wonder, if you were in his shoes... If you lost the love of your life... And everyone just tells you life goes on and you just gotta get over it... What would you do? Would you also break? Would you go as far as killing someone in the hopes to bring her back? To put your family back together? And as you do that how would you handle your family breaking apart even further? Your daughter killed by YOUR machine, the machine you built to kill kids, the machine you desperately tried to keep her away from? Your older son acting out, angry because he couldn't handle his own sorrow at losing his sister shortly after his mom, he's falling apart just like you and in a moment of anger he ends up killing his younger brother, your other son killed because you couldn't see that your older son couldn't handle his own grief too? What would do then?
Stuff like that is utterly terrifying to think about... At least for me... Shame they made him so evil he's basically a Saturday morning cartoon villain now, he could have been so terrifying in so many ways but instead they made him an annoyance... Like even him coming back post Pizza Sim could have been terrifying if he wasn't such a joke by then, like we thought we finally defeated him but he's back, because he still hasn't done what he set out to do, put his family back together, and absolutely nothing can stop him from doing just that... Instead we get him showing up in 1 (one) ending and he's just... Walking around... Then he stares at a monitor and eventually he hacks Freddy by... Holding out his hand like he's using the force?? He doesn't even have a jumpscare either... I really hope the DLC at least gives him that bc him being threatening again is almost impossible after all the peepaw jokes people made...
Anyway I'm sure you can tell I have very strong feelings about this and so many thoughts for plot points that could be added to the lore if this was canon but I'll shut up for now before I write a whole essay lol
#sorry this is so long I just really wanted to tell people about my headcanons#seriously though I prefer to use theories as a base for fanfics bc i would go crazy if i tried to take this too seriously#i also want to write a miketrap/purple guy is purple (bc he got scooped) fic out of spite#fanfic authors do what they want anyway lol#pretty sure i spent about an hour typing all this up#long post#really long post#sorry for the rant#fnaf#fnaf headcanons#william afton#springtrap#Spoilers for all my fanfics
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Ahem, anyways, more Indie Cross trio headcannoning time because I'm bored+
(Image is not mine)
Cuphead is a "kidult". Well, I heard that both Mugman and Cuphead are 18 or above but I prefer headcannoning them as 17 year old siblings.
Cuphead is asexual, although he didn't know what the fuck does "gay" and "queer" means.
He is still looking forward for a broadcasting job.
Although Cuphead is a kid, he still knows what porn means and he doesn't like it.
He is friends with Knuckles due to the fact that both of their hands are actually weapons.
He is also friends with Sunky the game, Samantha Coleman, Kel, Hero, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, WI!Boyfriend, Mickey Mouse, Cartoon Cat, Sunny, Herb cookie, Latte cookie and Micheal Holden
Cuphead has only one best friend... and it's Sayori.
He listens to JTmusic and DAGAMES music
He will definitely become suicidal and run to get in the nearby chruch when he sees his fangirls.
Sans uses either he/him or they/them pronouns as I hc him as demi-boy
Yes, I also hc him as asexual too.
He probably summons the bones out of his hands to bonk his head as a melody for music. No reason, just a Indie Cross reference.
They are fine with being a Tumblr Sexymen.
He is best friends with the Berserk Skeletons, Jonah Marshall, Nick Nelson, Tao Xu, Sunky the game, Dark Choco cookie, Sonic the hedgehog, Eteled and Boyfriend himself.
Bro is a simp over ketchup 👁👄👁
They dislikes their fangirls except the others that are not yandere and cringe.
Despite Sans being enemies with Ink Bendy in Morø Nighteye's animations, their unexpectedly frenemies according to my headcannon.
I forgot to say that both Garcello and Nagito are Sans's close friends; Despite Nagito being almost close to Sans, Garcello is the closest to them
He's an anti-monarch, which can explain why the queen died the same date as Sans becoming the no.1 Tumblr Sexyman
Lord X is mostly likely Sans's enemy. No reason, just felt like it.
They don't care about gender.
Ink Bendy
*Breathe* He's transgender, which is the reason why his vagina appears. However, it was covered by ink, making it appear seldomly.
Ink Bendy is also asexual. However, he is still waiting to be in a relationship(and still preventing sexual ones) due to him being sex-repulsed.
He uses he/it pronouns.
Just like Sans, Ink Bendy dislikes its fangirls but this time the "dislikes" is stronger.
Ink Bendy used to always crave for Bacon Soup although it expired. Now, he don't like it anymore.
Wednesday Infidelity Satan, Selever the demon, Sky the fangirl, Shadow the Hedgehog, Embry, Omori, Squid Ink cookie, Espresso cookie, Licorice cookie, Chira, Cartoon cat, Fatal Error, Yuri, Charlie Spring and Tori Spring are Ink Bendy's close friends.
Despite the last hc above, both Sonic.EXE and Trollge Girlfriend are Ink Bendy's best friends.
Both Boyfriend and Bendy are frenemies due to Iced Choco herself having a soft spot of them. Same goes to Sans.
He's alcohol intolerance as his inky body can't take most of the drugs except for cigarettes.
He also don't care about gender.
#Indie cross#Indie cross fnf#Fnf indie cross#Cuphead#cuphead dont deal with the devil#Sans#sans the skeleton#Undertale#Undertale sans#Sans undertale#Ink bendy#Ink demon#batim ink demon#Bendy#Bendy the demon#Bendy the devil#Bendy and the ink machine#Batim#The cuphead show
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→ Obey Me! Shall We Date?
→ Diavolo | Barbatos | Simeon | Luke | Solomon | Lucifer | Mammon | Leviathan | Satan | Asmodeus | Beelzebub | Belphegor
→ The Legend of Zelda
→ Link (OOT) | Zelda (OOT) | Saria (OOt) | Ruto (OOT) | Link (BOTW) | Zelda (BOTW | Sidon (BOTW) | Ruji (BOTW) | Revali (BOTW)
→ Creepypasta
→ 'Eyeless' Jack | BEN Drowned | Jeff 'the killer | Jane 'the killer' | 'Ticci' Toby | Hoodie | Masky | Helen
→ Yandere Sim.
→ Osano Najimi / Osana Najimi | Amao Odayaka / Amai Odayaka | Kizano Sunobu / Kizana Sunobu | Oka Ruto / Oko Ruto | Aso Rito/ Asu Rito | Myjo Kina / Muja Kina | Mido Rana / Mida Rana | Osorō Shidesu / Osoro Shidesu | Hanakō Yamada / Hanako Yamada | Megami Saikou / Megamo Saikou
→ Ayato Aishi / Ayano Aishi | Tarou Yamada / Taeko Yamade | Budo Masuta | Umeji Kizuguchi | Hokuto Furukizu | Gaku Hikitsuri | Hayanari Tsumeato | Dairoku Surikizu | Saki Miyuzumi | Kokona Haruka
→ Five Night's at Freddy's
→ William Afton | Micheal Afton | Elizabeth Afton | Evan Afton | Spring Bonnie | Fredbear
→ Freddy | Bonnie | Chica | Foxy | Golden Freddy
→ Toy Freddy | Toy Bonnie | Toy Chica | Mangle | Marionette | Whithered Bonnie
→ Nightmare Freddy | Nightmare Bonnie | Nightmare Chica | Nightmare Foxy | Nightmare Fredbear | Nightmare | Jack–o–Bonnie
→ Circus Baby | Funtime Foxy | Funtime Freddy +Bon
→ Gabriel | Jeremy | Susie | Fritz | Cassidy | Charlie
→ One Piece
→ Monkey D. Luffy | Roronoa Zoro | Nami | Sanji | Nico Robin | Nefertari Vivi | Trafalgar D. Water Law | Eustass Kid | Portagas D. Ace | Thatch | Marco | Izou | Yamao | O–Kiku | Boa Hancock | Dracula Mihawk | Sabo | Smoker | Shanks | King | Katakuri | Cracker
→I'll honestly write for any One Piece character so don't let this list stop you from sending asks for Killer or Sachi or any other character. I write for all of them.
→ Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
→ Kokūshiboū | Doūma | Akaza | Kamado Nezuko | Kamado Tanjirou | Agatsuma Zenitsu | Hashibira Inosuke | Tsuyuri Kanao | Shinazugawa Genya | Kanzaki Aoi | Himejima Gyomei | Uzui Tengen | Tomioka Giyuu | Rengoku Kyojuroū | Tokitoū Muichiroū | Iguro Obanai | Kanroji Mitsuri | Kochou Shinobu | Sabito | Kyogai
→ Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin
→ Eren Jeager | Mikasa Ackerman | Armin Arlert | Marco Bott | Jean Kirstein | Connie Springer | Sasha Brause | Ymir | Historia Reiss | Bertholdt Hoover | Reiner Braun | Annie Leonhart | Erwin Smith | Levi Ackerman | Hange Zoë | Miche Zacharius
→ Jujutsu Kaisen
→ Itadori Yuūji | Fushiguro Megumi | Kugisaki Nobara | Inumaki Toge | Gojou Satoru | Getou Suguru
→ Disastrous Life of Saiki K
→ Saiki Kusou | Kaido Shun | Kobuyasu Aren | Hairo Kineshi | Saiko Metori | Teruhashi Kokomi | Yumehara Chiyo | Mera Chisato | Mikoto Aiura | Saiki Kuūsuke
→ Boku No Hero Academia | MHA
→ Midoriya Izuku | Bakugou Katsuki | Todoroki Shouto | Kirishima Ejirou | Kaminari Denki | Iida Tenya | Sero Hanta | Ojiro Mashirao | Aoyama Yuūga | Yaoyorozu Momo | Uraraka Ochako | Ashido Mina | Kyouka Jirou | Asui Tsuyu | Hagakure Toōru | Tokoyami Fumikage
→ Shinsou Hitoshi | Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu | Monoma Neito | Kendoū Itsuka | Toōgata Mirio | Amajiki Tamaki
→ Aizawa Shouta | Yamada Hizashi | Takami Keigo | Todoroki Enji | Todoroki Natsuo | Todoroki Fuyumi
→ Todoroki Touya (Dabi) | Shigaraki Tomura
#Obey me#obey me x reader#Legend of zelda#legend of zelds x reader#creepypasta#creepypasta x reader#one piece#one piece x reader#demon slayer#demon slayer x reader#kimetsu no yaiba#kimetsu no yaiba x reader#attack on titan#attack on titan x reader#shingeki no kyojin#shingeki no kyojin x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jujustu kaisen x reader#disastrous life of saiki k#disastrous life of saiki k x reader#bnha#bnha x reader#mha#mha x reader
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Heartstopper Masterlist
Request for this fandom: closed
Angst: Red
Fluff: Pink
Both: Orange
Comfort: purple
Yandere: Green and red.
A little bit of everything or nothing: Green
(Disclaimer! I try and get everyone’s sexuality the same so keep that in mind)
Nick Nelson
Smoothing. (Poly!Nick&charlie x trans!reader)
Charlie Spring
Smoothing. (Poly!Nick&charlie x trans!reader)
Elle Argent
< Nothing yet >
Tao Xu
< Nothing yet >
Tori Spring
< Nothing yet >
Imogen Heaney
< Nothing yet >
#Nick Nelson#Nick Nelson x reader#yandere Nick Nelson#yandere Nick Nelson x reader#Charlie Spring x reader#Charlie Spring#yandere Charlie Spring x reader#yandere Charlie Spring#Elle Argent#Elle Argent x reader#yandere Elle Argent#yandere Elle Argent x reader#tao xu x reader#Tao Xu#yandere Tao Xu#yandere Tao Xu x reader#Tori Spring x reader#Tori Spring#yandere Tori Spring#yandere Tori Spring x reader#Imogen Heaney#imogen heaney x reader#yandere Imogen Heaney#yandere Imogen Heaney x reader#heartstopper#yandere heartstopper#yandere heartstopper x reader#heartstopper x reader
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Many 😔 and they are all being completed little by little. I'm going to use tomorrow's day off to see if I can finish some wips and post them for you ❤️ but these are the main ones I want to finish by Sunday. Will I finish it? Probably not, but the important thing is to try, right?
Yan!Platonic Nico di Angelo and Yan!Platonic Percy Jackson w/Daughter of Poseidon!Reader (Platonic) [Imagine] [Percy Jackson] (POSTED)
Yandere Nico di Angelo/Will Solace Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Percy Jackson] (POSTED)
Yandere Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Heartstopper]
Yan!Husband Maegor the Cruel Headcanons (Romantic) [ASOIAF]
Yan!Husband Apollo w/Mortal!Reader Headcanons (Romantic) [Greek Mythology]
Yandere Azriel Headcanons (General) [ACOTAR]
Yandere Spencer Reid Headcanons (General) [Criminal Minds] (POSTED)
Yandere Catherine of Aragon Headcanons (General) [The Spanish Princess/History]
Yandere Inner Circle w/Rhysand's Sister!Reader Headcanons (Platonic) [ACOTAR]
Yandere Will Graham Headcanons (General) [Hannibal] (POSTED)
Yandere Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Hannibal] (POSTED)
Yandere Daemon Targaryen w/Hightower!Reader Headcanons (Romantic) [ASOIAF] (POSTED)
Maegor the Cruel and Aegon the Conqueror Yandere Alphabet's [ASOIAF]
Yandere Eros/Psyche Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) [Greek Mythology]
Yandere!ACOTAR men reactions (Romantic) [ACOTAR]
Yandere Alexander the Great, Yandere Napoleon Bonaparte and Yandere Marquis de Lafayette finding out Reader has been SA (Angst) [History]
There's always more to add but those are the ones I'm most focused on finishing. :)
#wip#wips#yandere wips#yandere asoiaf#yandere house of the dragon#yandere hotd#yandere greek mythology#yandere acotar#yandere hannibal#yandere criminal minds#yandere history#yandere the spanish princess#yandere percy jackson#yandere heartstopper
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🌻 About this blog 🌻
First, Sorry for my spelling mistakes or any grammar errors, English is not my mother tongue(it's Spanish) , I write too fast and my dyslexia wins, sorry again.
My writings are more dedicated to Medieval Fantasy, Half monsters/monsters complete with COD characters but my focus is for Konig. I also make original monster fucker content, from the more human monsters like vampires to the less conventional ones like slime!
The content is usually creepy , contains perversion, Kidnapping, Obssesive love, Unconventional romance, abductions, among other things, if it's not to your liking there is also softer content and comfort always marked with SFW at the beginning.
I accept requests and questions in both Spanish and English! I don't write with: hurt/no comfort, Extreme degradation, piss/scat. I do not authorize my fanfics/writings to be republished on other pages or social networks..
Bluesky i'm New in this
Twitter/X I'm using it more often
I also write in:
(Mis historias aquí están publicadas en ingles)
Behind the predator (König Híbrid!Bear x fem!Reader [Medieval AU])
You are a commoner with a large family, your life is the quietest as it can be for someone of your status. Until one of the many mornings in which you leave your home to collect fruits from the bushes in the depths of the forest, an arrow passes through your arm. You don't know, but the owner is Prince König, a beast/bear hybrid, who will take you as his wife, even if you don't want it that way.
We will depend on each other' (Nicolas "Nick" nelson x Yan!Charles "Charlie" Spring)
Nick moved to France to study at university, leaving Charlie in the country where they met. Neither wanted to part from the other, least of all Charlie, but he could do nothing more than say goodbye and wish his beloved boyfriend a safe trip, which he would always keep an eye on. In that span of time, Charlie developed disturbing tendencies that Nick would notice in the time they would both live together, in a house somewhat away from town. They would keep each other company forever.
En español
------->> Call of Duty <<-------
Detrás del Depredador - König Híbrido!Oso x Lectora [Medieval AU] NSFW
Capitulo 1! , Capitulo 2! , Capitulo 3! , Capitulo 4! , capitulo 5 , capitulo 6!
En curso
RoyalGuard! Simon Riley x Princess!Reader. SFW
Part!1. Part!2. Part!3.
------------>> GORILLAZ <<------------
Yandere! 2-D [Gorillaz]
---------->> MonsterRomance <<----------
DragonxReader[MonsterRomance] SFW
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Masterlist/Rules (Request Are Currently Open(Strictly For Taking Angst Request Only )
Warning- This account contains sensitive topics (such as abuse) if these are sensitive or triggering to you, please leave, for your sake.
Request Status- I don’t even know, if a request is good I’ll do it-
Hello! I’m Bunny Mask/Bell and I’m a writer, I write dark content, Yanderes, SFW, and sometimes fluff.
Other Blogs
Anime Blog/Side Blog
Creepypasta Blog/ Side Blog
Current works
Even A Devil Can Break (Y!Casino Quackity x Reader) (On Going) (Being Rewriten)
Chapter 1
I’m Back~ (On Going) (Almost Finished) (Y!Revivebur x Reader) (Co-Writer is @bookoffandoms )
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Saved Doesn’t Mean Safe (Y!Ponk x Y!Awesamdud x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
The Tragic Tale Of The Princess Of Azmoir (Yandere Feral Boys x Reader)
Characters I write for
Any Dream SMP Character (Minors and people who aren’t comfortable with romance fics will be PLATONIC!)
100+ followers event
Writing Prompt List
Yandere Alphabet List
Art (Fanart, OCs, ect)
Bell Villain Arc Design
Late Nights At The Park (General and Bell)
Dolly Mars
Vent Art
Fanart by @first-spring-solstice
Sora South
General Supremacy
I write
Dark content
Fem readers
Non binary readers
Platonic yandere
Non yandere content
C!Dream SMP
I don't write
Pregnant readers (I'm sorry it's just a really uncomfortable/sensitive subject for me but I'm fine with readers who already have kids)
Male readers
Yandere Philza/Mumza (I'm sorry but writing yandere for those two make me extremely uncomfortable)
Step x step
Monster AUs (unless its October, then sure because its SPOOKY MONTH!)
People who aren't comfortable with fanfics.
Soulmate AUs
CC!Dream SMP
Writing Thoughts
Dream SMP Heathers AU
Dream SMP Heather AU 2
Platonic Las Nevadas Fantasy RPG
Heather UA 3 (Roles)
Work in Progress (Currently Started)
Revived Schlatt coming back for his Darling
Yandere Poly Dream team doing manhunt with escaped reader who's good at survival
Yandere Wilbur finding about Yandere Fundy’s bunny darling and they fight over them
Yandere Sir Billaim Headcannons
Personal fics
Bee x Hawks (Gift for @a-bee-ja)
X Reader Fics
Dream x Reader
Casino! Quackity x Reader
A4 Writing Prompt Yandere Schlatt x Reader
A5 And A7 Writing Prompt Dream x Reader
Flowers in the woods (Platonic Technoblade and Ranboo x Child Reader)
A11 and Y13 for Yandere Schlatt x Reader
Y7 for Yandere Karlnapity x Reader
Cuddles (Quackity x Reader)
Y11, A8, A10 Yandere Dream x Reader
Y7 for Yandere Karlnapity x Reader part 2
Yandere Technoblade x Reader x Yandere Dream (Royalty AU)
Goretober day 3 with College AU Karl Jacobs
Goretober day 5 with George
Yandere Ghostbur Headcanons
Yandere Schlatt Headcanons
Yandere Revivebur Headcanons
Yandere Quackity with a Y/N who escaped and became close friends with the members of the Syndicate
Yandere Slimecicle Headcannons
Yandere Quackity Headcannons
Las Nevadas Crew with a Bunny Hybrid Darling
How Charlie Slimecicle would react to QUackity’s darling asking for help
Yandere Punz training his darling
Quackity’s Darling’s Death (Quackity + Las Nevadas Crew)
Mini headcannons for Eret
Mini Yandere Royalty AU Karl Jacobs Headcanons
Facts about Alexis from the Royalty AU
Yandere Fundy Alphabet
Yandere Punz Alphabet
Yandere Schlatt Alphabet
Yandere Karl Jacobs Alphabet
Backgrounds, Brainrots ect for AUs
Detective AU backgrounds for the Feral Boys
Yandere College AU Feral Boys Brainrot
A few facts about Broken Detective AU Y/N
Most of the duos, Trios and Squads in the college AU with their names (You can send ask using these names btw)
Fanart For AUs (By @octoxlol)
Connoreatspants For College AU
Halloween Part For College AU
Royalty AU Connoreatspants
Sleepy Connor
College Schlatt
Happy College Connor
College AU Schlatt
1- Platonic (Ranboo)
2- Platonic (Tommyinit)
3- Romantic (Karl Jacobs)
345 notes
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We will depend on each other'
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EfNp9nj by SunflowerZyk Nick moved to France to study at university, leaving Charlie in the country where they met. Neither of them wanted to stay apart from the other, much less Charlie, but she couldn't do anything more than say goodbye and wish her beloved boyfriend a safe trip that she would always be looking out for. In that span of time, Charlie developed disturbing tendencies that Nick would notice in his time living with him in a house slightly removed from the town. They'll keep each other company forever. Words: 2706, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, David Nelson (Heartstopper) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Yandere, Stockholm Syndrome, Manipulation, Fluff, Mildly Dubious Consent, Blood and Violence, Dubious Morality, Eventual Happy Ending, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) has Anxiety, Mention of Eating Disorders(lightly), Smitten Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson has Golden Retriever Energy read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/EfNp9nj
0 notes
*+:。𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 。+* = 𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮
Pairing: Yandere William Afton X Detective!Fem!Reader
Yandere type :Sadistic,Possessive,Delusional
Archetype: Sociopathic serial killer.
Warnings: Dark themes, Children deaths, Implied Child abuse, Major Character death, Gore, Non-con, Age Gap, Murders, Unhealthy relationship, Supernatural stuff, Angst, Dehumanization, tortures, Manipulation, Suicide, Depression, Delusional / unhinged serial killer,Unethical experimentation,spoliers for the novels so beware.
Recommend song to listen to: Sister location-Menu theme.
Notes: All Characters belongs to Scott Cawthon(Apart from yourselves,ofc). Second, Ima follow the novels so there might be spoilers and I will alter some of it.
Taglist: @storybookstalker , @fandomtrashgoddess, who wants to be tagged hit me up. ^_^
𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓾𝓬𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓭𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓻' 𝓼 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓻, 𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓕𝓪𝔃𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭. 𝓐 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓭𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓹𝓪𝔂 𝓪 𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓪 𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓯 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼, 𝓾𝓷𝓪𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓵𝓾𝓻𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭. 𝓨𝓮𝓽, 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷'𝓽 𝓮𝔁𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓪 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰. 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓭 -𝓷𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓭, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓯 𝓲𝓽 𝓬𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮.
July 13th, 2033.
Once, a place of joy for children to gather and celebrate their happiest day. Now, it's an antithesis of what it used to stand for.
It became an attraction, a horror attraction, for the brave to dwell in. If they're lucky enough to survive the night, they may uncover the secrets which tarnished the restaurant.
The walls were decorated by cracks resembling spider webs, and dust covering its exteriors. The checkered floor were shabby with dirt and grime. Some rooms, held what's left over of the beloved mascots of the past.
However, there is one room sealed from the public eyes. That's the safe room, where a lone chartreuse rabbit is hunched against a grey wall.
"̷͔͂A̷͚̓ẖ̶̔h̴͙̓h̶͌͜h̴͖̔h̵̳̄h̴͉͗,̸͕͒ ̴̩͝d̵̛̤a̵̺͋m̷͉̈́n̴̺̑ ̵͓̀ţ̸̒h̵̓ͅo̸̓ͅs̸̱̚ë̶͖́ ̴̟̀k̶̨͘i̵̝͊d̸͚͝s̸̢̿.̵̪̋ ̴͚̀T̶̀͜h̸͖̚ê̴͇y̷͙͂ ̶̨̉ṯ̴̾h̴̭͌ȉ̴͚n̶̯͝k̶̩̓ ̸̺͊I̸̖̒ ̴̤͗a̸̭͐m̵͔͘ ̷̬͊ṱ̸̓o̷̺͛ ̴̫͝b̴̘̐l̸̜͑a̸̩͊m̷͎̾e̶̼͘,̷͙̄ ̵͈͒w̴̗͗ḧ̸̟e̴̤͋n̸̼͛ ̷̢̆ť̶̫ḫ̵́e̷̳͛i̵̱̇r̴͖̀ ̵̭͆ń̶̠a̵̮͊i̶̱͗v̵̤̾e̷̛͉t̸͎͠e̵̱̓ ̴̘̆a̸̜̚n̶̢̅d̸͙̈ ̸͈̃i̷̲̚d̴̜́ì̵̤o̵͉̐č̷̖y̷̯͘ ̷̤̐b̴͓̐ř̴̗o̴͍̿u̷̝͌g̶̢͑h̶̜͘t̵͓̂ ̸͕͂t̸̯͝h̷̟̿è̷̮m̵̖͒ ̸̪̈́t̵̗͝h̶̯̐e̵̞̿i̴͉͂ṛ̴̋ ̶͉́d̷̘̀ë̴́ͅm̷̹̈ǐ̸̖s̶̗̑e̶̮̽.̷̼͐ ̶̫̚H̶̛͙a̴̰̒h̷̰͝a̷̢͑h̸̫͗a̷͈͆h̷͇̏a̶͎̎,̷͙̓ ̴̭̄b̷̝̎u̸̳͛t̴̪̅ ̶̘̊Ĭ̶ͅ ̷̥̓m̶̳̈ụ̷̏s̴̥̀t̸͈́ ̴̥̊ǎ̵͈d̴͓͠m̶͚̌i̸͎̅ṱ̷̈́ ̸̫̊s̷̳̀é̴͚e̶̹͋ȋ̵͇ǹ̵̠g̴̗͊ ̷̠̎ṱ̶̅h̴̯̒e̴̻͠m̸̡̕ ̵̯̃ĉ̵̞r̸̥̾y̸̟̏ï̵͇n̷̛̻ğ̷̤ ̶͚͑f̷͎̍o̴̧͛r̷̫͐ ̵̪̓h̶͔̀ę̶̓l̵̗̈́p̶͖̉ ̶̥̽a̸̞̋ǹ̶̻d̸͚́ ̸̖̃d̸̺̈́r̵͇͌o̴͎̔w̶̬̒n̶̩͆i̸̤̎n̵̰̊ğ̵̩ ̶̩̇i̴͖͂n̵̫̎ ̶̈́ͅt̷͖͘h̵̝̿e̷̜̎ȋ̵̝ṙ̴̺ ̶͎̋ṕ̴͈ǫ̸̔o̸̥̍l̷̠̏ ̷͍̒ō̷̝f̸̲̌ ̸̨̆b̶̦̍ĺ̸̟ȏ̵̬ȏ̷̝d̶̻̐ ̸͉͆i̸̭͂s̶̠͠ ̸̻̃a̷̞͆m̷̳̈́u̴̳̎s̶͚̆i̵̳͛n̷̪̊g̵͎̋.̸͙̈́"̴̢̆ , the decaying rabbit cackled as he remembered how he was killed by his petty victims, especially by that golden bear.
"̴́̄͜"̵̫̃N̵̟͂o̵̫̔͝ń̷͖e̸͔͚̐̅t̶̤̽̓h̸̪͝é̵͇̎l̷͚̩̀e̵̡̝͘s̸̡͊͋s̶̰̈,̶̲̎͝ ̶͚̓͌t̴͍͋h̶͎͂̾a̵̡̛t̴̮̊ ̴̛͎d̸͙͉͝͝ő̵̰̲̍e̶͇̞͠ś̸̳̫n̶͍̖̓'̸̝̇̀t̴̺̐ ̴̛̲̗̕m̴̬̼͘a̴̤̍ť̶̫t̸̯̣̍̓ḙ̷͚̚ȓ̷̠̲̾ ̴̫͙͠ń̷͈̬̄ỏ̸̜̒ẃ̸̢̢.̵͇͒̉ ̶̨͘W̴͋͑͜h̵̜̪͐̓a̵̡̜͒t̸̞͔͑ ̴̳̍́m̴͔̊a̷͖̋ṯ̸̅t̴̬̉ė̵͎̳r̵̀͜s̸̻̉̓ ̵̞̄į̸̆s̶̨̭̈́ ̵͔̑̿ț̴̛̏h̸̠̖̆a̶͈̎̇t̷̘̓ ̸̭̅Ì̷̗͠ ̴̭̇̏w̶̝͗i̸̜̹̇̍l̸̺̼̿l̷̤̓̂ ̴̞̥̈̉g̸͓͑͜ȋ̴̮̫̎v̶͔͋͝e̶̥̒ ̶̘̐ÿ̸͈́ơ̴̪͈̔u̸̗͗̾ ̵̧̋a̶̙̰͒̓ ̴̺̣̇̐ẃ̷̞͜a̴̺̓r̵̨̤̒̆m̸̭̍ ̵̪̻̿w̶̖̟͆͌ȇ̸̺l̵̖͛c̷̭̩̾o̵̝̕m̷̫̣̒e̸͖͈͋,̴̤̪͒ ̶̞́̉M̴͙̔͗i̴̩̓̆c̸̳̆h̸̠͠ḛ̶͆a̸͍͇̍l̶͓̮͂.̵͚́͝ ̶͕̀A̸̝͑ș̷̱͝ ̴̣̫̇͠f̸̘͘ͅo̵̧̙͌̐r̴̨̀ ̵́͊͜y̸̟̓͘ò̵̪̓ȗ̵̟̻,̴̛̞̍ ̶̩̀m̵̝͛ỹ̷̖̗͆ ̵̰͂̿d̸̛̦̪e̴͚͙̓a̵̛̲̥ŕ̶̯̘ ̷̡͇̑(̶͍̐͆Y̵̧͝/̸̗͚͌̈́n̴̰̆)̸̙͠ ̴̩͈͝i̶̮̻͠s̴̡̙̉͠ ̶͚̋t̵̩̚ẖ̴̨̔ä̶͉́t̸͍̱̐̾ ̵̼͔̇̓d̷̞͕͌e̵̠̲̎̅a̸̛̲t̶͖͇̔͛h̷̛͔̙̆ ̶͎̇̀w̵̫̑ö̸̡́̔n̴̟̕'̵͎̈t̶̢̂ ̵̱͔͒̉h̸͙̜̽͝ọ̵̈́͝l̴̩̤̆d̸̬͛͜ ̴̮̄̉m̷̞̥̀ë̷̟ ̶̼͋̈ͅb̴̟͓͌ạ̸̓c̷͕̒k̷̪̙̈ ̷̺̂f̷̥̱͆r̵̪̹͘͠o̷̢͂m̸͇̋͒ ̴̨̼͠t̵̰͍̊a̵̗̓̿k̴͓̻͐͠î̵͍̑n̴̳̚ͅg̵̱̾̅ ̸̹͔̋y̴̗̚o̴̦̅̐û̷̹ ̵͉͔̈a̷̠͌g̷͉̞̒̀a̷̛̠̒ị̵̉̚n̴̯̦̈́.̶͉̆͂", Springtrap rasped and gurgled as blood began to seep in his alveolis. The spring locks attached to his golden suit began to convulse, thus crushing his entrails even more; Painting the ground with his blood.
"A well-deserved fate for a demon that leeches on the suffering of the innocent.", A whisper was heard as the beast screams, while it was impaled and crushed by metal rods.
The only thing that distracts him from that excruciating agony of being springtrapped, is the sweet memory of his intractable pet.
He recalls the first time he met her, an intriguing detective who was paying a visit to his subservient co-owner.
He remembers her with clarity, as she walked past those brown gateways to greet her friend with a heartening embrace. He was envious of the relationship Henry shared with her. Irked, the blonde had the thing he desired more so than his own wife as he progressively 'watched' her.
However, Afton sadistically simpered at the thought of stealing another cherished person from him. Just like how he took poor little Charlie out of the picture.
William-at that time- was vigilant enough not to reveal his surprise to Det.(L/n). A sinister grin covered his visage, as he isolated her and began to disclose his secret to her. Only to see her pretty little countenance, twists into an enticing expression of fear and a lovely tint of determination.
Oh, how did he miss seeing the fear reside in her enrapturing pupils?
And, how much did he adore the mind games between him and her? Quite an intimate activity they both share, in his perspective.
But nothing surpasses the time, when he tormented her in the safe room at the first location. Her tears cascaded from her face, as he burrowed himself deep inside her moreish core.
As life goes, nothing good ever last. That nuisance he called Charlie and her bandwagon kept on chasing him. Until, they cornered him and he became the thing he and Henry created.
A twist of an irony, he presumes. At this point, Springtrap didn't care. Nor, was he ever capable of doing so to begin with.
The two regrets he had in his mind is never killing that damned pest he called his son, and letting his pet escape. A shame, really! He had a gift to give her, a gift that he worked day and night on to make it ideal.
However, a ring called from far away.
It appears to be, there is a curious guest.
One, so foolish to come here just to die uncovering the ghosts of the past. Or, for a silly monetary gain. He is unconcerned about the reasoning, as long as he is able to suffice his insatiable thirst of blood. He can feel it, the urge to coil his rusted hands around the night guard and crush their puny skull into bloody mesh.
"T̵̡͕̏̄ȟ̶̰̯̓o̸̹͑s̵̹͚̈́e̸͔̅̚ ̴̪̎ć̵̪̬u̸͔̦̓r̶̯͈͘s̴̠͛́e̸͈͆̕d̷̮̉̕ ̷̼̟͌͐c̸̡̪͆̅h̸̎ͅį̴̍̐l̷̞̙̈̔d̴̨̝̎r̵̯̂͠ĕ̴̪̝̀ņ̵̃ ̶̙̀́t̵̗́̉h̶̢͇͂i̵̢͕̅͒n̵̞̗̾͑k̸͇̈̌ ̷̞̃͝Í̶͚'̷͕̓̕m̴̯͈͆͘ ̸͈̀d̸͔̔ȇ̵̹̽͜ḁ̸̡̒̓d̵̟̈́,̶̜̞̈́̄ ̸̝̳͆͛b̶̞͙̚ư̵͕̣̇ẗ̷̜́̕ ̵̩̠́̂ṱ̸̩̈́ĥ̷̯ę̶͖̆y̸̛̙̏ͅ'̷̜̒ͅr̸͖͂ê̷̯̖̈́ ̵̲͛ ̵̩̄̌i̵͚̦̔g̷͕̓n̷̜͖̉̊ỏ̸̲͘ṟ̷͓̓̄a̶̰̚n̵͓̝͗̚t̶̨̀͛ ̵̯̀ť̸̖̹͗o̶̼͚͛ ̶͚̉t̵̻͝h̷̭̳́̑e̵͕̬͒ ̶̭͘f̵̺̓ả̷͜c̵̭͗͘ţ̸́ ̴͉̫͊͑Į̵̈́͗ ̵̣̋̏ạ̴̔l̴͖̉̎w̵̜͌ä̴̲́ý̸͙̞s̸̙̆̀ ̷̓ͅç̶̥͛ó̷̳m̸̥͐̏ḙ̷͍̆ ̴͖̔͘b̸̨͍̀͠a̷̛̱̞c̷̗͒k̴͔̀.̷̳͖͝ ̵͉̂F̸̱́̂͜o̷̧̘̅̾r̴͓͔̔͝ ̷̮̓n̸̖͌̓ó̷͔̑ẃ̵̱̀ͅ,̵͉͚̊ ̶͍̚͝I̵̪̪̔ ̷̖̎w̵͕̠̃̿i̵̯͝l̴̪͌l̸̜̄ ̶̣̆̍l̶̫̀͝è̴̮̭a̴̰̎v̷̨̟̒e̴̟̥̍ ̴̜͈̓̏ả̸̤ ̶̘̈́m̶̙̱͌́e̸͈̒̈m̸̢̄̈́ȍ̷̡ï̸̥͈r̷̢̮̔ ̸̨͆t̶͕̞̏o̸͆̎͜ ̴̳̤́ȓ̵̗͐ḛ̵͌͂m̷̬͗͛i̵̗̒n̴̗̓̋ď̵̠̉ͅ ̷̨͔͝t̸̛̞h̵͚͠ë̷̟́m̴͖͋͆ ̴̜̖̂̌o̴̼̣͘f̸̥̔ ̴͓͍̈́̈́t̵̥̀ͅh̴̻̀͗ė̸̝͉͒ȉ̷̺̠r̴̼̀ ̷̯̔̾Ŏ̸̞̙'̷͓̱̚l̴̺̘̈́̓ ̶̯͗̈́f̴̩̏̽r̵̢̆ǐ̶͖ë̷̬͍́͘n̵͊̎ͅd̶̞̦͒.̴͎͝ ̵̨̢́̈́Ä̸̡̱f̸̙̌̌t̵̻̆̇͜ę̶͍͑r̵͎̮̒w̷̻͎͐a̸̹̓́r̷̛͉̖d̷̪͑ŝ̴̜̭͒,̵͇̬́ ̸̜͒͂Ì̶ͅ ̶̻͑̿ŵ̷̩͕i̵͖̫͑l̷͔̠̃l̵̜͋̄ ̷̝̔s̵͚̱̄e̸̩͌ẽ̴̘̎ḱ̶̞ ̵̦̣͒y̶̲̓͊o̵̫̲͂u̵̥̽̑ ̷̟́m̷̟̆̍ỷ̸̯̀͜ ̴͎̯̓̓ḻ̷̳̏ȕ̵̧͔͗v̶̡̄ ̵̗̉̆a̸͉̺͌͊n̴̫͝d̶̮͎̍ ̵͓̓̽y̷̼̚̚ò̴̹͍ù̵̗͜ ̶̫̓̈́ẃ̶̼̌í̵̯̄l̴͈͋̅l̶͍̼̒ ̶̢̈́w̸̫̑o̷̧͒͝r̷̙̻͐s̶̼̖͑̀h̷̚͜ḯ̵̜p̶͔̫̆ ̸͇̾͘m̶̰͕̏e̴̙̒ ̶͎̎͂a̵̟̐̀s̶̞̲̋ ̷͖͎̓͝Î̵͕̣͑ ̷̙̤͑̚d̵̨̍̀e̵̪͎͌̈́ĺ̴̜̆i̷͉͝v̴̞̻́̕e̴̝͓̅͆ṛ̴̾ ̸̢̏͌y̵͑̓͜ô̵̳̙u̷͇͛̇͜r̸̩̲͝ ̷̔̂͜g̶͎̙̒͗i̸͙̽͆f̵͉͆̓t̶̜̕", With an eternal grin carved into his face, he begins his hunt for his prey. Stomping through the halls, with bloodlust coursing through his wires and vessels.
A/n: Viola! Finished with the prologue. By writing this story, I don't and never will condone the actions of William afton. This is dark (based on the warnings), so reader discretion is advised. Otherwise, buckle up.
#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere x you#yandere imagines#yandere fandoms#yancore#yandere fnaf#yandere William Afton#tw: violence#tw: death#tw: gore#tw: implied assault#tw: implied noncon
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