#yall can cry over your blorbos being sad
missriyochuchi · 6 months
What was the point of Omega’s escape from Tantiss then? It was just a few episodes ago, why bother freeing her only to return?
Part of it was Crosshair’s redemption arc, of course, but I don’t think he’ll get to complete it. Maybe he’ll help rescue Omega again, but missing his target at the most crucial moment is a perfect encapsulation of the Batch’s - and by extension, all clones’ - need to retire, that we all age and lose, and that sometimes we don’t fully recover from trauma and return to our old selves.
This is how the Batch breaks up. Their enhanced abilities failed them. The sharpshooter missed his mark; the wrecking ball got knocked out; the tracker has been missing signs of danger all season (the clone assassin inside the base at Teth, Ventress on Pabu, even failing to find Omega first); and if Tech turns out to be the clone assassin, then his enhanced mind failed to protect him from the assassin conditioning.
But with their fall, Omega will rise. She went from fearing and fleeing Kamino for her own well-being to willingly returning to the Empire for “the bigger mission.” She’ll live up to her name, the last of the Bad Batch.
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