fara-arts · 7 years
It seems you like it, and I like it too :) I send Howl's Moving Castle for the Fandom thing!
Favorite Male Character = CALCIFER (jk it’s Howl)
Least Favorite Character = Madam Sullivan. She’s a stone cold boss and I love it but she’s all too ok with helping with a war that endangers the people of her kingdom. Politicians, eh?
Favorite Ship = SOPHIE AND HOWL MY B O I 
Favorite Friendship = Tie between Sophie and Calcifer and Sophie and Markl. They’re both darling and dear friendships that deserve more attention.
Favorite Quote: Can anything Sophie says ever be a quote? She’s seriously so fuckin sassy and incredibly quotable. Fuckin. “So just find a field and stand in it?” Bruh. That little monologue she goes on about how good Howl is? B r u h. And Howl, when Sophie bangs into that belltower while they’re escaping and he just says “Wow, you’re good.” And don’t get me sTARTED on Calcifer. This movie’s writing is impeccable. 
Worst Character Death (if any) = NO ONE DIES at least in the ghibli version.
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment = Sophie being a boss ass bitch in charge in the last third of the movie tbh.
Saddest Moment = For some reason, the scene with Howl eating Calcifer and losing his heart as a child and Sophie watching it. It always makes me feel... empty. Is that weird? It’s weird. Sophie having that “dream” of talking to a nearly too far gone Howl tugs at me too.
Favorite Location = That fuckin... fairytale land that is Howl’s private study area. The flowers and the water and the fog and the cl o u d s breathtaking i die every time.
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specterpeach · 7 years
Have a nice day, darling :3
Thank you so much, babe! :D I hope you have a nice day too! ♡
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argentoheart · 7 years
Get to know me
I was tagged by @yakoucchu and @angstgods thank you so much!! <3 <3 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
Starting with yakoucchu questions! 1. The piece of makeup that you always wear. I don’t use a lot of makeup, because I don’t know how to do makeup and it takes me a lot of time to come up with something even remotely good looking (and I’m laaaaazy) but I usually wear mascara (I have naturally long eyelashes, but I wear glasses, so I use mascara to highlight my eyes a little more and don’t make them disappear behind the lenses) and I often wear a nude matte lipstick.
2. If you’re gonna be the author of your favorite series, what are you gonna change in it? There’s just one thing I’ll never get about JK Rowling choices, and it’s Remus and Tonks’s death. I think it was just gratuitus, just for pathos. I’d let them live and be a happy family with their son.
3. There’s a fact that is happened to you and it makes you heart warming a lil bit when you think about it? Some time ago, my cousin said to me she’s really happy that she can share important things about her life with me. I know it sounds trivial, but it means a lot to me, because I know her situation is not ideal at the moment (and she told me she was very nervous when she decided to talk to me about it) and I’m so so so happy to know she feels like that, it’s something that makes my heart melt and ugh now I want to hug her!!
4. Someone have ever done something that we can define crazy for you? Nope.
5. Do you like your current occupation? I study. I chose to go to uni, so even tho I won’t say studying is my favourite thing to do, I like it so far.
6. Smoothies, or Milkshakes? Milkshakes.
7. What’s the thing that you love the most about yourself? Oh I don’t know... maybe that I really don’t have any prejudices? If you respect me, I’ll respect you (hell sometimes I’ve even respected people that didn’t give two flying fucks about me, so yeah) and as long as something makes you happy and it doesn’t limit someone else’s freedom and happiness, I’ll support you no matter what.
8. The most strange thing that you ever tried to eat grossed you out? Oysters, the only time I’ve tried one I had to spit it out, and I didn’t expect that because I love seafood. It’s not strange, but it’s the only thing that I tried to eat and grossed me out enough to make me hope I’ll never have to eat it again.
9.  Are you ever tried to write something, and after a while giving it up? Why? Fam, literally 3/4 of my writing folder are stories I abandoned halfway. Sometimes it’s writer’s block, sometimes it’s just that my ispiration for one particular story dies, and sometimes I don’t have time.
10. How do you feel right not? If I said to you “you’re doing great” it can change something? Eh, let’s say I’ve been better, I’m stressed because of exams and my insomnia got worse sooo (and thank you sweetie, it helps, even if just a little! <3)
11.What’s your favorite movie? I don’t have one? I like a lot of different movies for different reasons!
Now angstgods questions!
1. what languages do you speak/ are learning/ want to learn? I can speak italian (no shit) and english and I’m trying to learn russian!
2. what’s your favorite genre of movie? Fantasy or sci-fi, but I don’t have a favourite one, let’s just say the only one I really dislike is horror.
3. coffee or tea? why? Tea. I like coffee too, but teas have a lot of different flavours, and I can drink and entire mug of it (I know you can drink a mug of coffee too, but like, you can’t make an entire mug of espresso, which is my favourite)
4. worst cringe-worthy phase? 12-15 yo. You really don’t want to see my facebook posts and my school diaries...
5. five favorite words: argento (silver), floreale (floral), conchiglia (shell), marea (tide), selene (it means moon in ancient greek) I love how these words sound in my language.
6. a type of person you love? I love when people are willing to listen what you have to say, without making you feel judged. But as long as you are a decent human being I’ll like you.
7. a type of person you hate? People who think they know everything about you just because you belong to a certain “category”. I found out about this quite recently. Once a guy claimed he knew what I was “really” thinking (he believed I was saying the opposite of what I was thinking and like??? wtf) because he “knew women” and at first I tried to tell him he was wrong but then I was like yeah dude keep telling yourself that.
8. how tall are you? 175 cm
9. three things you like about yourself? The fact that I don’t have prejudices, as I said before. I like being able to express what I feel through my writing (or at least that’s what I hope) and I like when I can make people smile.
10. if you could speak to anyone, living or dead, for an hour or two, who would it be? Giacomo Leopardi. He’s one of the greatest italian poets, and he was also a philosopher and philologist. I’d really like to talk to him about some of his works that caught my attention and moved me deeply, being able to do so would be very interesting and amazing!
11.  if you had the chance to create your perfect significant other, what would they look/be like? ethnicity? personality? 100% perfect to you, what does that look like? I genuinely don’t care about what one looks like, I think beauty is in everyone, regardless of their ethnicity. I like when they have beautiful smiles and eyes, when I can feel their emotions. As for personality, I’m not really sure, because I’ve never fallen in love with anyone yet (I feel weird about it, but it just never happened). I feel like I’d prefer someone who’s kind, willing to talk about stuff and listen, smart, positive, not too much gelous (like giving them passwords or being forced to let them read my conversation on socials are both a no-no, and I want to be able to have friends without them being gelous about it). I also feel like I’d be one of those people who, even if they’re in a relationship, still want time alone, so I’d need someone who doesn’t take it as an offense. I can’t think of enything else, and I don’t know what I’m saying, I’m just rambling at this point, so sorry if this wasn’t what you wanted.
And that’s it!! (last question took me an embarassing amount of time and it’s still shitty but yeah, i just don’t know what I want or if I’ll ever want something tbh) My questions are:
1. What is your favourite piece of clothing?
2. Do you wear any distinctive accessory?
3. Last book you read.
4. Favourite snack.
5. How do you like your coffee? (if you don’t drink coffee, what is your favourite drink?)
6. A song that describe you the most.
7. Do you like fish? (it’s important, ok?)
8. Do you have long hair?
9. Do you bite your nails?
10. Have you ever read a book by Khaled Hosseini?
11. Do you believe in the theory of relativity? (I know about people who don’t so, let me know!)
I tag @ladyofink @clairles @clairelions @imyourplaydate @okbeko @aftgonice @pampam-17 @silvartales and I don’t know who else :’) and of course you can just ignore me if you don’t want to do it!
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ainitsuite-agape · 5 years
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‪Constantine AU anyone? ‬
This was something me and @yakoucchu discussed a lot back in the days...
I finally put myself to draw something about it so..what better time than her bday to post it? *w*
Follow me on Twitter @ a1n1tsu1teagape
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saniika · 6 years
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Commission for @yakoucchu - JJbek - angry attraction!
Commission me | Buy me a ko-fi | twitter
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I’m coming to you from the black abyss of outer space to say hello and give you this little message.
It’s been a year and one day exactly since I posted my first Otayuri fic — The Little Pieces of Us — on AO3 and started my journey as actually contributing part of the fandom. Before YOI I’d never really contributed or interacted with anyone, but in our fandom things changed. I’ve written many different stories, some of them even inspiring others to create art or write songs — I’ll never forget all the amazing Unsteady related things I’ve gotten — and it was just overwhelming and so hard to believe. I want to say thank you to every person that ever left a comment on any of my fics, even the ones I’ve deleted, and each and every one of my lovely and wonderful mutuals that made me feel welcome and appreciated. It was an amazing time and experience to be part of the YOI fandom and I’ve met so many great people that I otherwise never would’ve met, even if only online.
Thank you for everything, for reading my fics, commenting, leaving kudos, reblogging and liking my posts on tumblr, talking and interacting with me in any other way. I left the fandom and I don’t think I’ll ever properly return, but the time I’ve spent as part of the fandom was one of the most amazing—actually the most amazing—time I’ve ever had as part of a fandom.
A special thank you goes to my lovely mutuals @severeminx, @eclair, @d2diamond, @kymbawee, @madamredwrites, @neveraines, @yours-julie, @worldofcopperwings, yakoucchu, @zeldaismyhomegirl, @czeriah (if I’ve forgotten to name you specifically but we’ve interacted and been mutuals, please forgive me) you guys are amazing and please don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. 
Thank you. And thank you YOI and our lord and savior Kubo-sensei and Yamamoto-sensei.
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kymbawee · 7 years
Today is the one year anniversary of Yuri on Ice!!
I think in order to celebrate, we should have another selfie night!!
Post your selfie, and tag a bunch of people you know in the Yuri on Ice fandom! Doesn't matter if they are an artist, writter, cosplayer, or just a fan of the show. I want this to be huge!!
The Yuri on Ice fandom has become such a wonderful, and amazing family to me. I love you all!! 💖❤💛💚💙💜
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@definitelynotadulting @h3llcat @gutgemacht @kingotabek @rosesnfeathers @yuristigerstripes @tootsonnewts @otayuriistheliteralbest @otasucc @theinsanefox @meimagino @phaytesworld @llyn-on-ice @kawaiilo-ren @ghostmoonchild @dotingdamen @kissed-teeth-stained-coffee @aftgonice @d2diamond @felicitatem @daddybek @choiellycos @voslenonice @yukipri @yakoucchu @tenaciouscorpse @azaras-spirit @ulablah @eclair @ladyskyblue23 @hellionwolf @trashyartz @babypeche @yours-julie @kanekkis @yoi-shenanigans @yuratchka-speaks
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sparrow30 · 7 years
Ask Meme
Tagged by @vadhnatta! Ten facts about myself:
1) I’m coming up on my 1 year anniversary living in Canada ... so far it’s been awesome!
2) I’ve been taking ice skating lessons for two seasons now. I’m nowhere near as good as I wish I was.
3) I’ve just come back from a trip to Japan where I spent *far* too much money on Yuri on Ice goodies.
4) I’m 20k into writing a new story, hopefully I’ll finish it before the new year!
5) I have a tattoo of a bear on my ribs. It hurt so much more than I was expecting!
6) My sister also moved to Canada (about 2 hours away from me) at about the same time as me - complete coincidence we didn’t plan it as all.
7) I have three ‘real world’ books queued up on my kindle which I keep forgetting about in favor of fanfic.
8) My favorite drink is wine and my favorite food is chocolate. I’m very predictable like that.
9) I’m incredibly pet-broody. I have a cat back home that i miss so much and I’ve made friends will all the dogs living in my apartment block.
10) I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 5 years now. Not bad going considering how commitment-phobic I was as a teen!
Tagging @lilinas, @pepperroxd, @wingsofwriting, @yours-julie, @yakoucchu
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20 question tag
Tagged by @fantastiqueb (merci beaucoup ❤)
Name: Valentina
Nickname: Vale, Val, sexy pambazo
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 168cm
Orientation: Panromantic asexual
Favourite fruit: strawberries
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite book series: Harry Potter? It’s been a while since I've read a series
Favorite flower: forget-me-nots
Favorite colour: lavender purple, red
Favorite animals: dragons, is totoro an animal? owls, octopuses, giraffes
Coffee/tea/cocoa: I’d need a tea, but pls give me that coffee 
Average sleep hours: pft "”“sleep”““, isn’t it some kind of myth
Cat or dog person: I'm an affectionate iguana both
Favorite fictional characters: Olivier Mira Armstrong, Morgana, Sanji, Toph, Tsuki, Vitya and too many others 
Blog created: november 2016? 
What I define as amazing followers: gh, this is different from amazing people, isn’t it? I suppose that as long as you don’t send anon hate and you support human rights you’re a good follower too
I tag: @ventakuro , @madchoices , @nsuini , @yakoucchu , @captainmeow-and-chairmanknots , @ralupy , @localstripedsock 
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aftgonice · 7 years
Ma tanti tanti auguri!!!!
Ma grazie tesoro!
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specterpeach · 7 years
If I was your girlfriend... I definitely trying to make you something sweet, gets caught while doing it, get you away from the kitchen because "It was supposed to be a surprise, and of course I know what I'm gonna doing, I don't need you here to boss me around, get out", but after making explode the microwave, I'm gonna search and hug you tightly because "I don't know babe, I was sure that sweet pumpkin filling needed to be warmed up while it was still in the can!"
You will capture my heart with food, especially sweets!! I would hug you back and gently explain the no metal in the microwave rule, then take you out to a fancy restaurant to impress you! ♡♡♡
Thank you for this lovely and amusing ask, beautiful! :)
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argentoheart · 7 years
Tag! Eight Facts About Me (as a YoI fan)
It’s a silly thing: Write at least 7 facts about yourself as a fan of the show. Tag your YoI fans in here if you like, and let’s see how many we are.
I was tagged by my girl @yakoucchu, thank you so much!! <3<3
1) My bff started watching YoI from the first episode and she has been absolutely in love with the show since the beginning, but me? I wasn’t really sure, it seemed all fanservice and queerbait (and also I wasn’t at my best back then bc of personal reasons) so I would just listen to her being enthusiastic about YoI and all I could think was “I’m happy she likes it that much!”. That until I saw a post on facebook ranting about how much of a terrible show YoI was, with flat characters, stupid plot and how people who watched it were stupid as well. So, completely out of spite, I decided to watch it and well, here I am!
2) I started watching it after ep7 aired and there was all that discourse going around about “was it a hug or a kiss?” and that was my first (and unfortunately not last) contact with Fandom Discourse™
3) I didn’t like Lilia at first
4) When Michele and Sara Crispino appeared I cried tears of joy and I started sending hc to my bff (for days our whatsapp chat was us going on and on about embarassing family scenarios)
5) I never shipped Yuri P. with anyone before Otabek. It just didn’t felt right (except for one-sided yuurixyuri)
6) I didn’t ship Otayuri at first. Believe it or not I only saw them as friends. I got why everyone was shipping them tho. I started seeing them as more than friends when all the anti discourse arose and it seemed so nonsense to me that I had to ship them after that, so I did it out of spite as well (and now I’m deep in otayuri hell and I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon either so guess it was destiny)
7) I multiship the hell out of everyone. I even lowkey ship MichelexGeorgi bc of this scene in ep9
8) I have just one NOTP and it’s Pliroy. Don’t get me wrong I really have nothing against the ship itself or people who ship it, it’s just it doesn’t feel right to me? I don’t know, I’m not a fan of the “they hate each other so they love each other” and I hope this doesn’t offend anyone. Also know that I’m not going to hate on the ship in any case! As my description says: I firmly believe in free shipping <3
Ha ha I had fun doing this! Now I tag lovely @clairles @clairelions @aftgonice (tho I’m sure somebody tagged you already) @ladyofink @just-a-moldy-potato @okbeko @silvartales @imyourplaydate and everyone who wants to do this bc it’s fun!!
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eclair · 7 years
10 Questions Tag
Tagged by @theinsanefox with these fun questions :D
1. What was your favorite toy as a child?  If not a toy, then a favorite memory?
I had a yellow bunny plushie which I called Lemonia. Sorry I am not creative in naming my toys hahaha. XD She was a princess of a kingdom :D
2. Do you have any pets?  If yes, what kind? (pictures are always appreciate too! :D)
We currently have a dog who’s a mix of I don’t know what exactly and it doesn’t really matter because he is out fluffy baguette. :D
3. Who was your first OTP?
This is tough. I am not sure if I watched Ranma before Sailor Moon. So I think it would be fair to mention both pairs? Dr Tofu & Kasumi for Ranma, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon.
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Japan because I am such a weab and I would really do all the weab things if I could.
5. You win the lottery, what’s the first thing you buy?
Hmmm. If the winnings are big enough, a place closer to the city.
6. Favorite drink? (Can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Matcha latte usually XD But I can hardly get up if not for coffee.
7. Recommend a book! (Seriously, I’m a slut for new book recommendations)
I am not sure if there’s an update of the Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch. There’s also Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
8. Favorite animes other than YoI? (If not anime, other TV shows?)
Ahahaha oh my! Welcome to sports anime hell XD I am into Haikyuu, Yowamushi Pedal, among others. I would always recommend Nodame Cantabile to anyone. I have started with ACCA13. I know I am late to it but it’s interesting! A fairly old one I love is Twelve Kingdoms :) I think that it’s a series that needs more love because of the magical world they built and also because I think that Shoryuu is perfect.
9. Are you an early riser or do you sleep late whenever you can?
Sleep late whenever. I dunno. I have always been this way.
10. Favorite weekend activity?
I am boring. I am happy just staying at home painting or drawing. Or if I do feel like socializing, just going out to eat or draw with other people makes me happy. XD I mean there’s hooping too when I can!
My 10 questions for the people I am tagging:
1. What is your favorite show these days? 2. Do you have a favorite dance style or genre? Or any kind of movement arts you are interested in? Please mention if you practice it or you mostly watch it.:) 3. Do you have collections? What are they? 4. What is your favorite meal of the day? 5. What is the most interesting food that you’ve tried? 6. Given a chance to time travel, what time/period would you go to? 7. What quote do you tell yourself when you’re feeling bad? 8. Have you ever been to a gig/concert of your favorite musician? 9. What’s your favorite color or color combination? 10. What’s the one thing that you can eat almost everyday?
I am curious about how people would reply to the ten questions. Tagging: @ellipsesarefun, @victuri-oh-nice, @madamredwrites, @2-weird-4, @benelline, @soupfulness , @yakoucchu , @d2diamond , @emmylynna , @jbankai89
And it’s ok if you don’t answer if you don’t feel like it. :)
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ainitsuite-agape · 6 years
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You know me, I’m a simple girl. I find the perfect picture, I have to draw it. 
And of course I have to put mine and @yakoucchu​ headcanon flavour on it, because we live for Club19 at 16, all training under Celestino’s care and making him mad. Want to know more? 
(I’m just sorry this time JJ couldn’t be Scott, but Eric is a pretty handsome substitute!)
[ my other YOI art ]
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saniika · 7 years
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Hi everybody! 
I see some bad things happening around for too many long months and I am tired of it. Very. So, I was thinking. How about I start? 
My most favorite scene from yoi was when Yuuri realized he was so so happy, he couldn't contain it. This one:
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And it was for me the same, when I went into this fandom, I kid you not! Back to anime, back to fun things - I peopled too!
Fast forward - I can’t draw much lately, the pain is really bad - but I write a lot more. Can I just tell you how many amazing people I met on the go and they made me to what I am today? Can I? 
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@lacycandy, @iwritevictuuri, @nikiforoov, @ashiiblack, @blownwish-blog, @icicle33, @izzyisozaki, @katzuyas, @raxilia5running, @ingthing, @eof-doodles, @yrmeli, @barbiesemken, @savedbythenotepad, @lemonyoi, @yakoucchu, @rosereleasestheart, @allollipoppins, @topcatnikki, @veskara, @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin, @narcissuspseudonarcissus, @lamenart, @butleronice, @sinkingorswimming, @witchsbane, @qwertzu824, @phaytesworld, @dreamaginarium, @sleepyfortress, @anonbaph, @zedasaysdudealot, @cyberflight, @bracari, @linneakou, @saltycaramel1394, @suii-ne, @yukipri, @lanaberryrawr, @mega-truong, @evermoriver, @haedraulics, @alikurai, @pushist00, @schmesa, @sparklingwaterbabie, @rainlikestars, @axlaida, @nomanono, @infinite-wonders, @d2diamond, @alykapediaaa, @magical-mistral, @noon30ish, @cath-sith, @eclair, @merdesmiroirs, @otalerovich, @georgipopovich-voiceblog, @positivelyyoi, @rhapeseuhans, @festivite, @emilnekolakofola, @zanimez, @grassepi, @0lizzybennet0, @aina-p, @minatu, @toraonice, @campaignofmadness, @tosquinha, @aivelin, @ammeja, @coraxenca ... !!!! so many others dangit! It won’t let me tag more. I know the minute I post this I realize I forgot someone. I follow almost 1K of people just here. Many don’t even have tumblr or twitter - you can find them on AO3 for example.
All of these gorgeous people, my friends, secret crushes, incredible artists or writers (some both) - who inspire me so much, make me cry or laugh (or sometimes both). I’ll go as far as say many of these gave me friendship outside of the fandom.
Hello? I just called to say I love you? 
Now - can you say hello to your favorite people? Feel free to reblog, tell me about your YOI journey. 
Say hello today to people you appreciate! It’s healthy and super easy - like, reblog, kudos, comment, rec fics or art, send ko-fi, become a patron, commission, message them, DM them, @@@@ the hell of them on discord... I’m sure you’ll find other great ways I couldn’t think of.
Pass it on! 
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una-fiamma-nera · 7 years
TAG - YoI - 7 fun facts
Tagged by @yakoucchu (I never answer to tags and I feel a little shit because of it hahaha so here it is!) 1) Actually, @yakoucchu mentioned this show to me, and I was hesitant at first thinking it would be another goddamn harem like !Free. I was pleasantly surprised. 2) I live in Naples, Italy, and on the floor above mine lives the Crispino family. No joke, I even abuse the crap out of their wifi when mine doesn't work. Sadly, their son's name is Gennaro and he's not quite interested in girls. 3) I don't like Yuri Plisetsky. Fight me. 4) Nor Yuuri Katsuki nor Victor Nikiforov for that matter. I'm WAY more interested in secondary characters like Michele, Sara, Emil, Mila, Georgi and... and that's it really. Ah also Korea dude 5) Once we clarify that things like ship wars should not exist and anyone is free to ship whatever they like, I'm a bit frustrated at this fandom. Just because the main couple is in a gay relationship, doesn't mean that EVERY-SINGLE-ONE of the characters has to be. I could see the Otayuri as well, but not the Emichele, to name one. #teamEmiSara 6) Sara and Mila actually resemble closely my and my cousin's OCs, and we found it hella funny. 7) I don't like Yuri Plisetsky. Fight me.
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