#yada yada effects real lives
im-tempted · 1 year
This week is a great fucking week for me personally
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leynaeithnea · 10 days
Just finished your beautiful beautiful very yummy and very angsty analysis of love in paradise ( maybe I shed a little tear here and there, maybe I didn't, you can't know that ) so I thought this would be right moment to leave you an ask for a gods game analysis maybe?? *stares at you with big brown eyes*
Last one of this saga!!!! Yayyy
Praying ill remember all the musical parts ive heard about but im sure theres so much hidden i forgot/didnt hear about yet
30. God Games
We open with a choir of course, because...gods! Athena decides to do something (finially)
“Father, God King” (athena asks daddy for help SIJGSEIG)
“Rarely do I ask for favors” being the good favorite daughter
“Now, I’m knocking on your door, with hopes to save a friendship with one who’s a prisoner far from home....Odysseus” I LOVE the melody of this part somehow??? especially how the drop before “odysseus”, ALSO SHE CALLS IT A FRIENDSHIP INFRONT OF ZEUS TOO
“Divine intervention, is that what you seek?” ........yes, bruh. Zeus dont fuck this up, u are decent enough in Homers Odyssey
“To untie apprehensions that were placed on that Greek?” okay i had to google “apprehentions, and apperently it both means “arrest” and “concern/fear”...........to untie the arrest on Ody, and at the same time the concerns of Odysseus THATS GENIUS, Ive heard Homer does a lot of these double meanings of words in his Epics and IM SO HERE FOR IT, also “that Greek”, come on, dont use it as a slur >:)
“You are playing with thunder for a man full of shame”..................NOW WHO PUT THIS SHAME ON HIM YOU MF, YOU WHAT KIND OF SICK GAME IS THIS-
“But if he’s worth the risk of going under, why not make it a game?” Lukes vocal performance in this part is something else, like dude??? hello? youre a tenor SIEJGSEIGJ, its good, also WDYM GOING UNDER??? HUH??? ....yeah of course you make it a game, because everything is a game to you, because really, theres nothing and noone who poses a thread to you
“Convince each of them that he ought to be released, and I’ll release him” the slight echo effect in that voice.......fascinatinggg, wish i knew if the melody in this part had any meaning, gotta look it up
“Who’s them?” Athena god of wisdom asking about details before agreeing to deals *cough* Odysseus, learn from your friend
“Apollo” APPOLO MY GUY ehehehehee
“Hephaestus” okay, fair
“Ares”, yea yea imposing yada yada
“Hera” cant exclude his wife
“Or me” OR me, so its ALL of them, or him? bruh
“What do you say?” WHAT IS SHE SUPPOSED TO SAY
“Great” ehehehehe apollo <3
“Very well” just doing it because
“Eh” shes so excited
“Alright” he IS excited
“Groovy”....ok? um...imma move on
“Bring it” of course she would choose all of them over Zeus, its Zeus, he just WANTS you to loose, bc hes the god king
“Apollo!” parrot
“You all know I’m a fan of catchy songs” god of music yada yada HIS VOICE
“so with so many sirens gone, I think Ody’s in the wrong”.........there are so many reasons to dislike Odysseus and you pick the SIRENS? .......did you just join for the fun and had no real reasons or did u get dragged there or-....but its ok, your voice is amazing, also IIRC it should be the melody of suffering??? of different beast??? i forgorrrr norrrr also Lyreeee in the background! ehehehe
“They were trying to do him worse, All he did was reimburse them Now they’ll tread with caution first To live another day and sing another verse” maybe the melody was in this part. also, yeah tell him athena, what kind of argument is that, they tried to kill him he just did what he had to--------admittely he was VERY cruel about it, but athena doesnt have to mention that, and well Ody probably protected even more sailors in the future through his actions
ALSO DONT COME AT ME WITH “but all the sirens are dead” THERE ARE MORE, theyre obviously not talking about the sirens Ody killed, its about all other Sirens out at see that woudlve seen the others dying after being brutally cut down by a human, they WILL be more cautious in the future
“If that’s true, release him”, yeah u really had nothing to argue against, he just shrugs it off LMAO
“Hephaestus!” Hefefuf ehehehe ALSO JORGES DAD YAY adorable, tho when first listened i rly thought it was Jorge with voice changer again THEY SOUND SO SIMILIAR
“Trust is not given, it’s forged”...true, valid argument, Also Scylla melody??? I THink?
“Why should I give him my support? He sacrificed his own cohort”......well....um.....he didnt rly have much of a CHOICE ....but its a more valid concern, the sounds that sound like a hammers in a forge sound cool btw
“Did you forget they failed to listen?”.........yeah literally
“He was betrayed and then imprisoned” IMPRISONED AH ODY, but yeah EXACTLY, the WIND BAG, THE MUTINY AH
“But if you make the right decision He can still build a future with those who miss him” AND BUILD TRUST WITH THEM AGAIN AHHHHHHH yes. Hefefuf choose right.
“Fine, release him” good.
the music making it sound like steps in a game as you level up....fine, it sounds nice
“Aphrodite” seductive, i like it
“Your little high and mighty Odysseus” SHeS pissed, and does not like Ody you can hear the “high and mighty” in her voice :”) ouch
“Claims to love his mother But let her die of a broken heart” LIKE HE HAD A CHOICE IN THE MATTER HE TRIED TO GET HOME SHE DIDNT HAVE TO JUMP
“He was busy fighting”, yeaaah
“More like busy spiting the cyclops”.........yeah okay we can get behin that this was stupid decision but it wasnt a rational decision either he just lost his best friend, THATS LOVE TOO; GIVE HIM SOME SLACK
“Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot” WHY U BE SO COLD HEARTED , i love the melody/music in this tho
“Wait, please reconsider this”, athena using quick thought on a goddess, intriguing! also shes begging her :tear: aw man
“Really Athena? These old tricks?” annoyed older brother breaking into quick thought to the rescuse of his lover, makes him likeable somehow, i love the delivery of this line
“Ares!” yeah shes pissed
“What kind of sick coward Holds back his power While his friends get devoured? He didn’t even fight Scylla Didn’t even try to kill her Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done Never handles things upfront” sorry that he didnt want to DIE dude??? i get your concern with straight forward, open combat but???? is dying on the battle field rly that much worse than wanting to come home COME ON, he wins, he is EFFECTIVE, are you jealous of his stragedies? HE GOT MENTORED BY ATHENA; OFC HE WILL CHOOSE THE SMART WAY OUT NOT THE QUICKEST-WAY-TO-DIE WAY OUT smh
“Pathetic and weak like his son” thats a low blow what is your issue with telemachus bro, the drums for ares makes sense
“Hold your tongue now His son’s my friend” awwww shes calling him a frienddddddd
“And tell your lover that a broken heart can mend” AHAHAH “tell your lover”, true true
“You want more bloodshed? Then set him free To get back to his homestead, he’ll make everybody bleed” SEUHGSOUEGESH “if you let him back he’ll kill everyone” Ares: :D thats what i like to hear, Athenas piano playing again, as she fights Ares is fun too
“Ugh, release him”, what made them change their mind? Esp Aphrodite? was it Athenas concern for Telemachus? and for Ares athenas promise of bloodshed? maybe who knows
“Hey baby”.....okay, flirty? from Hera? alright, lets interpret it as motherly flirting
“Hera” how to hit those high notes
“So many heroes So many tales Give me one good reason why yours should prevail” NOW THAT is intersting, everyone else so far gave a reason NOT to release him, but now Hera asks her to give her one reason WHY he deserves to be released “dont tell me of all the sins he didnt commit, tell me of the virtue he holds” typa thing
“He’s got the mind of a genius”, fair, but there would be others
“Try harder”, encouraging, she doesnt rly want her to loose does she? she support it, she just wants to see if Athena is worth it, i do like this characterization (as long as i ignore the disco animatic, i know its Jorges creative freedom but my brain tries to refuse ANYTHING that would be a reference to modernity, let me live in the bliss of ignorance to pretend its a movie set in ancient greece x)
“He’s pretty skilled with words”, hes a lair, i love him for it
“You can do better than that”, ...yeah
“He’s kind of funny?” running out of reasons athena, also YOU THINK HES FUNNY? LMAO ur right, the odyssey is quite the commedy for anyone but odysseus (and a few others but yk)
“Eh” doesnt sound convinced heh
“Never once has he cheated on his wife” HA HA HAHAHAHAHA HA right thing to say to Hera
[also the whole debate about “did odysseus cheat or not” no. idc what anyone says. if anyone argues he INITALLY consented to Calypso: fine, its blurry in the narrative, anyone can choose how to interpret that as they wish, but Circe was bestowed upon him by Hermes (in the myth at least, in Epic there ofc very clearly refuses her, and she accepts him (hear that calypso? HEAR THAT CALYPSO)) and Calypso, at the very least later on turned VERY unconsensual. FOR SEVEN YEARS., but the “he liked her no more” could also mean she didnt like her as a person anymore after she saved him. its not 100% clear how the relationship started out, we just know how it ends rly, but given the historic context too, it might very well be that it wouldntve been considered as cheating, even if it was consensual, would hera consider it cheating bc she does so with Zeus? maybe, idk, i think the idea of Ody being (one of) the only greek hero(es) that doesnt cheat is one i like, he gets praised enough by homer for all his skills he might as well have the skill of being true to his wife, in EPIC we know that Ody refuses her from the beginning so whatever did or did not remain unnamed in Epic, would NOT be cheating,.........and anyone who mentions Odys proof for cheating being the telegony or any other later versions where suddenly children show up, and he offs penelope for cheating and telemachus marries circe, can kindly, do some more reading into the history of the text and how later authors added their own twists, we dont know if the odyssey from homer was the most well known version, i think, but its the one we consider canon now, and i rly refuse to believe that Ody coming home only to get a new wife]
“Release him” the side glace Zeus mustve gotten LMAO
...ok angry zeus choir again, rly?
“I’ve played your game and won”, she did, fair and square
“Release him” you better
“You dare to defy me?”, what happend to your voice zeus? also....are you pissed that she called you out on cheating? bro, ur just pissed that she choose everyone else over you, grow up zeus
“To make me feel shame?” shame about loosing the game or shame for the humiliation about cheating, mhh
“No one beats me, no one wins my game!”, sounds like my 3rd brother, but hes at least cute when hes throwing a fit about a game having rules
“Thunder, bring her through the wringer Show her I’m the judgement call The one who makes her kingdom fall! ”.your voice is getting worse btw, but...are we talking about pride still? Athenas pride? or is “her” just Athena now? mhhhh, Odysseus DID call her “selfish, prideful and vain”, so maybe it does refer to her pride, she DID Have a character arc tho >:) unlike zeus, hes just an ass, also he gets a choir background for this? intersting,
NOW HE THROWS LIGHTING AT HER??? thats intense, i was gasping when i saw, night sound design
“Is she dead?”, he does sound concerned, is it bc big brother energy or bc athena was zeus favorite child? or do they know how Zeus fucked up just now? hah..ha
the flashes you can hear in the music....aaaah
IS SO BEAUTIFUL ITS SO GOOD THE WAY “WARRIOR OF THE MIND” AND TELEMACHUS LULLABY AND LEGENDARY BLEND TOGETHER AND BECOME “ATHENAS FINIAL STAND” (as its supposedly called) ITS SO GOOD i ah i like this part the most of the song, together with apollos voice aseghsegij Aphrodite is fine too :) and "rly athena; these old tricks"
AlSO her having a flashback to Ody giving her Telemachus to hold after his birth, PLS??? Thats so vulnerableeeeee aaaaaaaaah yeah, yea that was good
“Let him go, please, Let him go”, she reaches out to Zeus, as her light dims and she begs him to let Ody go, nothing left of the selfish and prideful goddess, she was selfless- sacrifcing herself and ler go of her pride to beg to Zeus to let him go, who stops as he grabs to throw another lighting, in shocked realization of what he has done.
The song fades out. And we are left to wonder if Athena is ded or not
now initially i rly thought Jorge killed a goddess
by now im more hopeful that she isnt dead (im hoping for that, mostly for the fun of sticking to the source material of Athenas help in the last chapter(s) of the story)
im still doubting a bit. the chance is there that she is, infact, dead, but i dont know how that would impact the narrative-,...i suppose we’ll see, either in the vengence saga, or at the lastest in the ithica saga x)
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horizon-verizon · 1 month
Alicent is the quintessential example of what not to do as a parent. In the book, it’s pretty damned clear that she sees her children as pawns and that she certainly doesn’t think that Aegon would make an effective ruler, just that she would make use of him to gain power through him.
Oh, sure, she gives the lip-service that she fears for her children’s lives along with her own and yada yada yada…. but at the end of the day, Rhaenyra and Daemon only went tribal on their asses after Aemond murdered Lucerys, unprovoked, during a diplomatic mission. They were more than happy to leave them be and use soft power to defend Rhaenyra’s birthright. Alicent has no one but herself and her own side to blame for the gloves coming off after Lucerys’ murder.
As it is, if you were to compare Rhaenyra to someone else who almost had his own birthright/power taken from him by grasping social climbers (even if not exactly the same situation), may I present Tywin Lannister and how he dealt with the Reynes and Tarbecks after his weak-willed and people pleaser father (similar to Viserys) let them have the run of the roost. Spoiler: those houses no longer exist.
In short: Rhaenyra was a saint in how she dealt with Alicent, given that Tywin would’ve killed every last Hightower down to the last child.
Sure, maybe you can say that Alicent did believe that Rhaenyra would do it because that’s what she would’ve done in her shoes or she knew that most of her colleagues would’ve happily defenestrated her long ago, but that says more about her than about Rhaenyra. As it is, I’m not so charitable and I’m more keen interpret it more as a propaganda rat-fucking campaign, since for all that they painted Daemon as the devil and Rhaenyra as “Maegor with teats,” they certainly dealt with the Hightowers with kid-gloves prior to Lucerys’ murder.
Okay, so in bk!Alicent's defense, though it is not as severe and obvious as with Rhaenyra, Alicent does get written with a short hand: her body used to compare against Rhaenyra; how she's barely mentioned after the Dance apart from her going a little crazy (George, like w/Rhaenyra, could have given us maids/lady-in-waiting/direct journals that show observations of Alicent at this time as well as her feelings abt things before she ever even married Viserys); etc. And if you grow up thinking and seeing women who become lady/Queen consorts, birthing males, and looking forward to the "reward" of power through that male...you see why Alicent's bothered. Many of us would be bothered at the very least even if we disliked and were a little honest with ourselves abt how non eof it is fair bc it was never meant be "fair" that you can only get power by being heirs or being a part of the family itself.
Doesn't mean that she didn't genuinely LOVE all her kids; it's a twisted sort of thing and becomes more so the deeper they all got into the war. We see her wail at Aegon's death. How she curses Rhaenyra for Helaena even though that's not her fault. Alicent's problem is that she decided to go after a child that would grow up to possibly be an issue, thinking that she is the exception, and refusing--esp by the end with how she died--to accept her own culpability in her kids' death. All of which comes from pride rather than a lack of love.
Once again, I am not saying she was "correct" or in the right, bc she was not. Morally nor politically. But the feeling of having been "duped" is both valid, understandable, and likely real for her. For nothing else, it's admirable that she wasn't a shrinking violet and saw through her desires or took things into her own hands when she saw it needed to be for her own ambitions. I don't like her and I wouldn't if I were in this world and had to be around her (even if I had to grow up in such an environment I doubt I'd be so religious and sincerely traditional, I never believed in God and would want to read anything and thus comes across knowledge of there being different religions across the world...so...) and I like to think that I'd also judge her heavy for how she moves with her kids and pitting them against Rhaenyra, but I also think that I would see her thoughts even more bc that would be my reality as well.
Rhaenyra was a saint in how she dealt with Alicent, given that Tywin would’ve killed every last Hightower down to the last child.
I mean, Tywin wasn't the brother of the Reynes and Tarbecks and didn't face a possible accusation of being a kinslayer. I see your point, but I think this particular thing doesn't quite have the same stakes as for the circumstances pre-Dance. Rhaenyra being a woman, even if she weren't their sister, would still face a lot more censure if she pulled a Tywin Rains of Castamere bc she'd be ridiculed for doing what men are licensed to in any sort of war effort even as Gyldayn and Corlys both have canonically looked at her askance for not going to the Battle of Rook's Rest herself...even with how Aegon nearly died. just as people did to empress Matilda. And the accusations of cruelty, of course.
Also, (pre-Dance, since you speak of pre-Dance...post and during-Dance Alicent is a different thing) Alicent cautioned Aegon from going all out and killing Rhaenyra in "The Blacks and the Greens". Why? the taboo of kinslaying. She also criticized Aemond for killing Luke not bc she liked or respected either him or his mother but because it embroiled them into both a war and cast them as the power grabbing, undeserving party who potentially angered the god as well as ensured any of them could be killed before she could "prove" and intimidate Rhaenyra with a show of support for her sons that really was never going to come but she didn't seemingly believe that so....
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darknoverse · 12 hours
Hey I'm just curious about your ship with Vincent? The guy all purple I think's the name? I don't recall reading any lore for it (also I'm not really into his original universe) so uh wanna talk about it? I'm genuienly curious lol
yea his name is vincent kfgbfskdfn
ok soooo Lux Aeterna's whole premise is literally "superbatural being falls for a mortal cuz they have so much in common even tho he was their original target"
not gonna talk much either about the og verse cuz it aint THAT important to the ship plot ITSELF aside from a few bits btw lol
i haven't written much lore about em cuz i'm still trying to figure it out properly lmao but i can share what i have so far. ya see, Oingo (sona) is like, the kind of cryptic that's like, the shadows and sillhoettes you see in the corner of your eye at night. those hallucinations you aren't sure if they're real or not. except that she's 100% real. her whole reason of even being in a world full of mortal is plain chaos. similat to how people assumed bacl then that if you see a black cat/break a mirror/walk under a ladder you'll be jinxed. that's her whole concept. jinx that inevitably gets the target to be doomed sooner or later. she really doesn't value mortals lives much normally . but here's the thing every once in a long while she just gets attached to a random mortal with similar ideology . similar selfishness and uncaring for others ya know? and she sticks with them until well, they're just gone. cuz that's the PROBLEM of her effect, even if she gets attached they're eventually doomed no matter the situation. btw those are the ONLY people she properly interacts with face to face.
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Vincent is one of those special cases where she just "oh ok you're cook ain't gonna instantly jinx you" BUT here's the thing, for all the other "special fellas" she's interacted with, all of them were more like friends or family to her, nothing too romantical . EXCEPT this loser lol so it's like, this ABSOLUTELY SHITTY feeling of pure guilt that no matter how much she tries to delay that "jinx" to finally hit , it'll happen eventually and it just eats her up alive for it. basically doomed relationship from the start but she can't just ignore and move on from it . like:
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and like there's no way she can prevent that effect tbh but she can somehow control the aftermath (basically yada yada possibility of restless spirits)
sooooooooooooooooo there's this idk happy after all the angst???? ghist bf moment????????,,
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ik it's cringe but i'm free and happy lol
also side note: please this is NOT william afton, i do NOT like william afton at all lmao, this is Vincent. there's a difference . so please if you're gonna reblog this or comment please don't refer to him as William and don't tag this as such .he really is a completely different character (also would be very appreciated if you don't tag the community too ) , hope y'all understand this <:3 dhfvdsdfvbgf also side side not i don't support Reborni;ca i just like their lore it's like public domain at this point
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duplicitywrites · 1 year
Hi Duplicity! I’m asking you this with no intention to cause offence, and because you’re a creator in this fandom I like a lot, but how do you balance your content with JKR Rowling’s views ? I keep seeing people say that we should all stop consuming and producing Harry Potter content, because despite the intention, or Hc-ing it to suit our views, any engagement with the source material is bringing it to attention, and thus bring her and her hateful views against Trans people to attention, furthering her platform by ensuring her works remain in the collective mind of many people instead of letting it die out and somehow contributing to her legacy. I know you’re very very supportive of LGBTQ+ folks and seem like a very kind person, and I’m not insinuating at all you support JKR herself, but how do you deal with that implication and the unintentional effects your fanfics may have ? Just because it is somewhat true that fandom fuels popularity that fuels profit and yada yada. Please don’t take this the wrong way! Thank you and bless you for your writing ❤️
no offense taken! i hope you'll take my response the same way 💗
to be blunt, i think people who say that we should cease any engagement with the source material are wrong. the equation of content consumption with someone's personal morals is reductive and ultimately harmful.
this (often literal) armchair activism disrespects and disregards the very real efforts people make on a day to day basis -- whether that be through volunteer work, charitable donations, or simply serving as support to friends/family who are a part of those very minority groups that those naysayers claim to advocate for.
jkr is extremely vocal about her garbage opinions -- why are people not directing their ire at her instead of the random strangers they encounter on the internet? well, strangers on the internet are easier targets. it's easier to get a response. it's easier to ostracize and bully someone who doesn't have the security and following that a public figure like jkr has.
it's concerning to me how the concept of "doing the right thing" has shifted more and more towards "attacking the 'wrong' people". who is the target in these situations? is it actually a transphobic person who is being criticized, or is it someone who just likes harry potter? because in most situations i've seen, it's the latter. moral policing in fandom spaces has only gotten worse as the internet slowly morphs into one homogeneous corporate blob, and this is just another example of it taken too far.
harassing someone for liking harry potter doesn't miraculously make them a good person -- it doesn't make them morally superior. it just makes them someone who likes to attack others to feel better about themselves, someone who often looks for 'acceptable' excuses to do so. i'm secure enough in myself that i don't let this bother me, and i certainly don't accept anyone who thinks this way as a 'better' person than me.
i know i am not responsible for the opinions and actions of my readers. it is insanity to claim my writing harry potter fanfiction is making transphobes be transphobic, just as it is equally ridiculous to claim that writing about murder will turn people into murderers.
personally, i believe the best step is to not financially support harry potter as a franchise. this means not paying for official merch/content. but that's my own business -- i won't judge, insult, or attack the people who do, and that's because it would be hypocritical to hold anyone to this standard.
what about disney? what about walmart, or amazon, or any other company that profits off of the misery of minorities and the disadvantaged? people will say there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but that is just another black-and-white approach to an incredibly nuanced topic.
the world we live in is flawed, with "problematic" humans involved at every level of society. there is no clear answer for every situation, so at the end of the day, i can't and won't tell you what to do or what to think, other than encourage you to make these decisions for yourself.
as individuals, the best thing we can do is take responsibility for ourselves. think critically about the actions we take and the impact these actions have on others. live the best life we can under the circumstances we've been given.
(much better than dunking on someone for putting their hogwarts house in their social media bio.)
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flowerslut · 6 months
i don’t think this is having the effect you wanted because i have never in my life been more curious about a fic than i have for call of the night
i’m laughing so hard. I feel like a parent who is about to talk to their teen about weed or alcohol like "I know I can't stop you from going out and looking for it. but I want you to do it responsibly."
alright. listen. it’s not a bad fic by any means—if I say "it's bad" my wife is gonna materialize and rip me a new asshole—it’s very fun and it’s long as fuck and I got real intricate with the politics and worldbuilding. its an AU that I built from the ground up with some kung fu panda influence if you really squint that has turned into a multi-story series which I’ve had an absolute blast working on. but here’s the thing: I started writing it when I was 16/17. in fact, I wrote the first 50k words of it during the first half of my senior year of high school (hand-written bc this was 2009) so when I found my old fanfic binder in 2017, and when I started rewriting it later that year, I finished it, but I didn’t rewrite that much of it. which is the problem. because the amount of crappy characterization, unnecessary info-dumping (so much telling, not showing), and weird narrative choices is so overwhelming in the first few chapters that it's been unbearable for me to look back on. I recently tried to reread it and was horror-stricken when I realized that I couldn’t do it bro 💀
again: it is not bad. it’s a very cool premise and a super fun and adventurous au. it's a very slow burn. it just has an insanely rough (poorly written imo) start. and since its my most popular twilight fic, and that's what people usually read first, i'm now in hell knowing how many people nope-out after the first few chapters (myself, included recently) thinking "damn. that was rough. next." the writing quality of the middle and end compared to the beginning is leagues better, but its just that first chunk that has me in hell.
but yada yada yeah I can't stop you so, tldr; in call of the night, humans and vampires coexist. the cullens are pseudo-politicians/public figures who help keep the peace. alice has lived her entire life in relative isolation because of her first, terrifying vision: that a man named jasper is going to murder her. so, boy is she in for a treat when she realizes her new coworker who skulks around the library is that Very Dude. and thats where the shit-show really begins. I have a tag ("cotn") with hundreds of posts surrounding the series, but I don't recommend looking at it unless you want to be spoiled for it and its sequel. but if you're going to do it, i'd rather you do it in the house (here you go 😔)
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retphienix · 6 months
I /think/ I'll start another playthrough for the blog- I need to shake myself out of my constant slumps or I'll go mad after all :P
So what about Dragon Quest Monsters? One of my favorite series.... if you consider being obsessed with 2.5 gameboy games and wanting to try all the others "favorite" material :P
So Joker was "fine". It wasn't my favorite by any means- most of the changes from 1-2 were "meh" to me, but I did enjoy it enough to complete it with a pretty decent amount of fun being had.
Joker 2's intro got me hyped! It really felt like something I'll love!
So how about instead of playing Joker 2 as I logically would- I go backwards a little and play Caravan Hearts instead lmao
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I know very little about Caravan Hearts, as I've hinted at before on the blog (if you count mentioning it in passing like 4 years ago).
I "Think" it's one of those games I booted up in the early 2000s when emulation started getting more popular, in japanese of course being a japan exclusive and all, but I could be mixing it up with me booting up FF legends and the like.
The most I know is that a fellow DWM enjoyer said it was crap many years ago when I was playing some DWM stuff on the blog, and I took that to mean it's "probably" experimental and easy to dislike lol
Starting it up I'll say I'll be playing the fan translation, obviously, from kaioshin on Romhacking dot net. Any "funny business" in dialogue or re-interpretations of events is because it's a fan translation and I will be experiencing it as it is here, not as the original text defines the game because they never bothered to tell us this tale in english and I'm dumb and can't read the OG lol
Basic intro, we're a kid (10 years old) who craves adventure. Instead of being native to a monster world (2) or coming here because our sibling was kidnapped to be a monster master (1) we come to the monster world to escape punishment from our father- the king- after trying to escape the castle to explore the (reportedly) very tiny world we live in.
Basically we're a bored prince who craves adventure, and we stumbled into an opportunity to do that while hiding in our cabinet... a fun nod to DWM1 :3
Yada yada, in the monster world now, oh look a caravan lacking a leader:
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What a coincidence, we just magically appeared here and listening to kids in RPG settings is normal as hell.
So right out the gate things DO appear rather different from the prior DWM games I love.
The caravan is key to combat for one, and our team appears to be entirely shaken up from how the prior games played it.
Instead of befriending and capturing 3 monsters to make a team and splitting up responsibilities among those 3 monsters for cohesive RPG party stuff- it /appears/ that we will always have ONE monster who takes the main stage for combat (kind of like DQ1?) and the caravan plays the role of... equipment? Passives? I guess you'd call them?
You have various adventurers in the party who don't directly participate but instead act as assistant abilities during combat- I am too early in to know how deep or how much control I have just yet, but I can pick what order they appear and from how the first encounters went it APPEARS as if the order determines when they get a turn to assist (if applicable), MAYBE.
Regardless it means I have a warrior who can swing an extra time for some more damage, a cleric who can heal if their "turn" comes up and we need it, and a map expert who can buff(?) our speed during his turn and also gives us the passive ability to use the map on the overworld.
This, could be neat.
It could also feel like a less hands on version of a combat system that was already kinda hands off since I'm only leveling up 1 party member and the other party members are not /real/ and instead are just passives that happen based on order (I think).
Hm. Looking forward to finding out!
I like that little wind effect :3
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yellowhollyhock · 9 months
Since you seem to be an analysis expert on the 03 show. I saw someone say during the city at war arc that Raph wanted to let people die. Thoughts on this?
Kfkdjakdjdj I do enjoy analyzing, thank you for this ask
Short answer: Raph isn’t callous about people’s suffering. He would intervene if he saw someone getting hurt, he just didn’t want to go out looking for trouble. If you get rid of a bad politician does that make you thereafter morally accountable for all bad politicians whom he technically would’ve out-politicianed? Nah bro.
Long answer under the cut
The City at War arc is so interesting to me. I’m gonna try to take a fair look at it from each brother’s pov, with a main focus on Raph and Leo. Disclaimer: Raph’s position makes more sense to me and I am also writing this in his defense since the show kinda took Leo’s side.
The turtles defeated the Shredder and the city was plunged into chaos. Power vacuum yada yada, you’ve seen the episode (or if you haven’t you probably shouldn’t read this analysis). Leo’s basic position: We made a mess therefore we must fix it. Raph’s position: we did a good thing, evil still exists, we can’t be responsible for all of it.
This is really not a simple dilemma.
Leo is seeing things with a utilitarian lens; he’s judging their past actions based on the overall effect on the majority, not whether they acted with moral intentions or according to moral principles. This same approach would justify killing the Shredder, especially since they didn’t know it would cause a power vacuum. But now that their actions have led to a situation where a large number of people are (still) getting hurt, so the best possible ethical solution in Leo’s mind is to go out and finish what they started.
One thing we learn about Leo is that if he sees someone suffering, he isn’t going to ignore it. In that way we see the hero that he’s started to develop into. We also see, however, exactly how he handles guilt. And honestly, it’s not pretty. We all talk about Leo going out to look for fights later in the show after the Utroms imprison Ch’rell. Isn’t that what he’s doing here? It’s not as extreme, and it doesn’t stick out as much because he’s not as broody, but isn’t he trying to get rid of that guilty feeling by finding the end of the ‘task’ he’s set for himself? Doesn’t he feel like he failed and seems willing to do anything to make up for it? I mean, it’s not real clear what his plan is. He wants to make a difference; okay? Wasn’t he making a difference when he got rid of Shredder? Does he think is he keeps taking out the Next Worse Guy that the world will eventually run out of evil?
Of course he doesn’t cognitively think that. But he acts on it, showing perhaps somewhere inside he hopes it. And I’m a way this again shines a very positive light on him. He believes that the world can be good! And he’s ready to put in his own sweat and blood to make it that way! Maybe violence is not the way to do that, though? As they’re out doing it he does demonstrate caution and restraint. But you know. What was their other option?
The option Raph wanted was to keep going like they had been. Stick to the shadows, watch each other’s backs, and intervene with human issues if and when they’re able, rather than go out looking for problems to solve. What if everyone made that decision? To do everything we can to take good care of those close to us, and intervene when we see someone in need? It’s not a perfect philosophy either, but it’s not a solid start. It also shows a lot of growth on Raph’s part. In the past he’s handled his anger pretty much how Leo is handling his guilt: go out and see if he can find the right guy to punch to make the world make sense again. Led to some heroic moments, but maaaybe not the best philosophy to live by? I think that’s largely why he’s so against it. He sees Leo exhibiting the behaviors and traits he’s embarrassed by in himself. What he doesn’t see is how Leo is seeking connection with the world more than he ever used to, or the beautiful hope he holds. Basically, they learned from each other and they’re both thrown off by it.
We know that Mikey sees things Leo’s way. Makes sense for him because he’s already a superhero. He’s always had this idea of his family being Protectors; it’s a much more comfortable way to be separate than as Monsters. So when Leo says “here’s the mess and here’s why it’s our responsibility,” Mikey doesn’t pause to wonder where exactly Leo plans on stopping. He believes in his brother’s goodness and, like Leo, the world’s potential to run out of bad guys (again, I’m not saying they literally think that, but they hope for it, which can be both a huge source of strength and. Well. Naive). I think he’s a little more willing to see both sides—his family is central to his thinking and when Raph and Don don’t follow Leo Mikey doesn’t go after him himself. But he does want to help and tries to explain the situation to Donny.
As for Donny—I’m sure he understood the situation the first time when he heard it from Leo. During this arc we see him mostly stepping back and waiting to see what the family decides. However, may I point out, based on the way Don’s acted in the past when he sees people in trouble, especially if he feels responsible, I think we’d know if he thought what Leo was saying made any sense. His initial passivity towards the whole situation is, in a way, as loud and clear as Raph’s protests.
While Leo takes a utilitarian approach, Donny is looking at this as a Pacifist (he identifies himself as a Pacifist, I think he also explains in an intro or two that he’d rather find solutions besides fighting, also I’m basing this somewhat on Mirage Don because, 2003 is somewhat based on Mirage). His guiding principle is that you should never commit violence unless you’ve exhausted other options. Which, you know. It happens to them kind of a lot that they’ve exhausted other options. So I don’t imagine he’s real thrilled that in a rare moment of peace, Leo wants to go out and Find a fight.
But after Mikey talks to him we know that all three of them end up going after Leo, and ultimately all decide to fight alongside him.
This is one of my favorite Mikey and Donny moments tbh. With Leo off on his own and Raph siding with Splinter, Donny kinda has all the power in the familial politics in that moment. If he asked Mikey not to go after Leo, he wouldn’t. If he asked Raph to go—well, he did. I think Don mainly made that decision because he’s worried about what would happen to Leo if he’s alone. I think Mikey also played a big role though. Because even if he doesn’t agree with them ethically (and there really isn’t a simple answer they’re all right and they’re all wrong), he can see that it’s important to his brothers. If Donny has chosen to insist on staying, Mikey would have felt he had to because that’s the closest option he can have to his family being whole (hopefully Leo would come around), and thus he would be prevented from doing what he really believes in. If there’s anyone Donny would never put in that position no matter how much he disagrees with them, it’s Mikey.
And if there’s anything that could get through to Raph while he’s so frazzled over Leo fighting with him and determined to do what he believes is right (and he’s not wrong!), it’s a gentle suggestion from Donny (who he knows is on his side in this one) that even if they don’t get it, they should help if it’s really that important to Leo and Mikey.
But you know who is actually the only one who is able to change Raph’s mind? Like for real, not temporary placating him and inevitably leading towards another blow up (from him and Leo, Raph is not the only one losing his temper here)?
Master Splinter. Splinter, who has been very vocally on Raph’s side and against Leo on this issue. And whose teachings and rules so often clash uncomfortably with Raph’s personal values. Both of them are very aware that there is no end of Next Worse Guys, and that they have to prioritize their family’s safety because no one else in the world will. I honestly think that just as much as Splinter is the only one who could reach Raph, Raph is the only one who could change Splinter’s mind on this. I so wish we’d seen that conversation on screen. It would’ve been a great chance for Splinter to acknowledge some of his blind spots as a parent (so much of passing down fear), and for us to see Raph open and willing to accept his wisdom. Also Splinter helping Raph with his emotions. Literally the opportunity was right there. (Someday I’ll write it)
Anyway I’m sure Raph and Splinter talked about how they couldn’t stand idly. They agreed it wasn’t their fight to begin with, but Leo’s going anyway and you know what? Who really cares whose fault it was? If we can do some good let’s go out and do some good
(Again I don’t personally think going out to hit some more guys ultimately does that much good in the world and if I were the judge I’d be in the same page as Raph and Donny, about achieving peace by living peacefully and taking care of your people rather than by getting rid of the Problematic Guys, of whom the world will literally never run out, but that’s kind of what makes TMNT so compelling to me because they are trying so hard to live peacefully and keep getting pulled into these situations and fighting is the skill they have so of course it’s what they use and it’s really beautiful that they take such a an awful hand and try so hard to play as fairly as they can—)
I have to stop here or who knows where this could go
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overflowchute · 1 year
having a job vs working
so yada yada alienation of labor but basically when you do a work like old ass trades and shit like people do in video games as an idealized older way of working it's a way of life, it's your identity - a dude makes baskets or is a merchant or something. they work. but when you have a job you just kinda *gestures vaguely* doing some role as part of an organization and it doesn't feel like anything. you have a job you're employed but it's not like anything. it's just sort of a challenge you deal with unsatisfyingly on a regular basis that mostly exists as a time sink upon your soul.
all of this came from the fact that even though i am, in fact, employed, i feel like i'm unemployed at heart. what i mean by this is that what i do to make money and what defines anything about me or anything about what i want to do are only tangentially related, there's no real connection between my work answering phone calls at a certain government institution and anything i feel any personal interest in at all, this is what gives rise to the worksona - a sort of roleplayed set of activities and tasks that we are made to dance as a puppet for the approval of other people, also roleplaying their dancing puppet selves, so that we may be given the ability to live and possibly allow the true self to be an actual human in our spare time
we talk about how no one really loves their job and this is interesting to me because i think obviously there must be people who do, for reasons relating to the ideals of being able to feel like you're meaningfully having an effect on the lives of people around you and creating something you can be proud of. but the jobs where you can truly do that are basically vanishingly small and rare and now almost every job is not defined by the social network of (me as an offerer of a service and another as a receiver of a service) but by the role of (me as an interchangeable part welded into a giant machine, where personality and individuality actively runs against the goal of converting money into service into money again), this is the core of the ideal of how work does not actually exist as true labor anymore
that is to say, the labor still exists, the same things are being done, these jobs in some way relate to actual services and creation and activities and so on, and yet somehow the goal is for the majority of labor to be transformed from a human activity into an automatic assembly of mechanical parts. thus does the rise of automation once again lead to the problem of people fearing their deletion, thus too do we recreate a sort of spiritual despair of time wasted in a meaningless existence
i think especially in office jobs and bureaucracy, where you advance beyond the world of specialized skill-sets that you learn how to do and can sort of gamify, you reach this nightmarish prison where you're being kept around to be a human that does a vague variety of office and computer and file related things, or perhaps just one thing, but it doesn't FEEL like you're learning some skill, it's just vaguely understanding the annals of a contrived and stupid system where trying to figure out who does anything is a pain in the ass and your job is just to shunt various comments and paper around in the hope it eventually gets processed out into something someone wants - this in particular distances you from the idea that you've really developed a true "skill", rather than just sort of the ability to live in a corporate space without attracting undue negative attention
hence the total separation of the employed self and the unemployed self, the negation of one's tradeness, and the desperation of having to spend a great amount of every day and structure one's waking and sleeping hours week after week around the gnawing negation of selfhood that makes up approximately 1/7th of our daily life
the madness of it all...
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religious trauma tw?
Because of my mum's mental illness she has unique beliefs (delusions?) and she raised me with them. I won't go into a ton of detail because it's practically its own religion but I was kinda raised to view her like a god? Like she's beyond better than other humans and yada yada stuff like that.
She also has this belief that I have an ability (all stuff she taught me but she does much better) to manipulate reality to create situations, view the future, and control the weather and stuff like that.
I don't fully think it's true but I feel really lost because there's signs that that stuff isn't true and that my mother is getting paranoid but idk what to do. There's a lot more to this but it would take a LONg time to describe.
What is the possible impacts of this? What should I learn about to adapt better to the outside world? How do I deal with having such a different understanding of the world because I'm the only person literally raised under my mother's beliefs? <- my mother hated on christianity a lot because it's very indoctornating and manipulative but I don't want to judge people for a belief
When I'm around her and we chat about stuff within her belief system I can't help but feel better than everyone because of how those beliefs work (it's kinda along the lines of "we're better than other people because we live in the real reality and control our own fate rather than being equivalent to NPCs trapped in a life they've created to torture themselves").
also when I don't do what my mom says then she groups me with the rest of humanity and that's like, pretty hurtful because of what she says and stuff. idk if that makes sense though :/
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been going through. I can see how the way she's been treating you has impacted you in various ways.
It sounds like your mom has manipulated you into believing certain things about yourself and others that may not be true. It seems that her antagonizing the rest of humanity has perhaps isolated you from others. I also hear you saying that when you don't comply with your mom's demands, she antagonizes you. This can be a recipe for abuse.
This is a complicated situation with a lot of different parts to it, likely more than what's being talked about here (I know you said some of it would take a long time to explain). I don't believe that the answers to these questions are simple, and working through these things may not be an overnight fix.
I think with an experience like this, it may be best to reach out to someone who knows a bit more on the subject, such as a mental health professional like a therapist if you don't already have one. A therapist could help you navigate the effects of being raised with your mom's behavior and help you find some ways to cope with "the outside world".
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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lunarflare64 · 4 months
We're talking pretty casually here about our suicidal years, just a warning
The funny thing about our old suicide plan is that it wasn't "we're gonna kill ourselves when we hit 18" it was "we need to kill ourselves before we hit 18", it wasn't something we worried about for the first few years but after we hit 14 we started to feel the countdown, and the only reason we were alive was because we couldn't come up with a way to die quickly and relatively painlessly (with no risk of a failed attempt), and that kept us going until we met our ex and made the suicide pact with him (the deal was that we would both try to live, and if it didn't work out we'd both die, but we also didn't want the other to die so that was extra motivation to keep trying)
Because of this mindset, we never really planned for a future, from the age of 8 we thought we were on a pretty short time limit. We had no goals, we were gonna die young anyway, and we had no real bucket list because we were a kid and our autonomy was nonexistent. But just because we were gonna die didn't mean we had to hate our time left, which - since this was during some of the most important developmental years in a child's life where they start to settle on who they are and who they will be - resulted in us forming the very specific mindset of "fuck the rest of the world and its priorities, I'll only do what makes me happy". It made us a problem child in high school, even beyond our undiagnosed and untreated medical issues we refused to do anything, there was no punishment they could give that would phase us, we would only do what we wanted and nothing less (considering we were expecting those to be the last years of our life thats pretty fair)
Anyways, no future plans because we were gonna die anyway, only doing what makes us happy, yada yada, and then we dont kill ourselves at 18 (and we have now made it to 24, wild) and what the hell are we supposed to do? We never learned how to have dreams, that usually happens fr around the time we decided to kill ourselves, we missed that milestone. We dont have a "where I want to be next year, in 5 years, in 10 years" mental map even in the vaguest form, we don't think like that, and we'll never be able to think like that
Which leaves us where we are now, just doing what makes us happy day by day with the same stubbornness that all this started with. Despite everything (and what everyone else tries to push on us) we feel like it works pretty well, we're very happy with how things are now (medical and housing issues aside), and its crazy how we probably wouldn't have gotten here without all the shit we went through. It all had some pretty severe effects on our brains development, the trauma sucks but we would have had that anyway, and we've made pretty good use of the setup we've given ourselves
So yeah, we're not sure where we were going with this, just need to talk about it sometimes. Not surprising since we haven't had a therapist accept us in about 8 years lol
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villa-kulla · 2 years
McWexler Musings
since there’s no Saul tonight, you’ll have to suffer through my CURRENT finale theory
But for real if we’re talking about BCS finale theories, more specifically what happens to KIM, at this point it’s clear that BCS has become, at its heart, a love story. And this is directly from GGG (the Gospel of Gilligan & Gould) not just my own McWexler obsessed heart. My Kim theories have varied WIDELY, with everything from death to prison to vacuum to scandal (and of course, the theory of Kim just being Claire’s employee next to Gene’s Cinnabon). And while I know that last one was a fandom joke, I could actually so see a return to humble Nebraska for Kim
They’ve made a point to remind us of Kim’s origins this season when we get the flashback to Kim shoplifting (especially the Nebraska license plate zoom). Whatever does happen to Kim - and I’ve 90% ruled out death these days although I’m knocking vigorously on wood - I could totally see an ultimate return to her roots. Whether they take a scandal route, disbarment route, vacuum vanisher route, or simply Kim just being unable to deal with the consequences of her choices and hightailing it, WHATEVER. But I see her ending up back in Nebraska, defeated by design, as some kind of bitter yet determined atonement. She lives out her predictions of what her life would have been like if she hadn’t left, and is working a dead-end job, maybe in a department store saying nothing about the kids who shoplift, possibly even working in a mail room somewhere for ~cruel irony~
breaking bad happens, yada yada yada
THEN. What if we jump to immediately post-BrBa??? This season opened not in black and white cinnamon world, but swirling colourful Saul world, with the police seizure of Saul’s effects. So what if IMMEDIATELY after that we get to see Jimmy actually being spirited off to Nebraska?? Nebraska where he KNOWS Kim is now??? And what if he shows up on her doorstep asking her to come away with him?? And it’s only been a couple years and she’s understandably still spooked from her own experiences like “I heard on the news. Just how deep into this did you get, Jimmy?”, and can’t get past Jimmy going from a friend of the cartel, to actually greasing the wheels for the cartel. Jimmy pleads, maybe she’s even tempted for a minute, almost goes with him, but then I don’t know, her gaze falls on a candle in her living room and she just CAN’T do it and throws Jimmy out, telling him to never contact her again. Jimmy and Kim resign themselves to hollow existences.
BUT THEN. TIME JUMP TO BLACK AND WHITE CINNAMON LAND. Jimmy has been MADE. Last season when he was recognized he was all “I’ll deal with this myself”. What if deling with it consists of him showing up one more time on Kim’s door as a final hail mary, like “You never have to see me again after this. OR you could come with me right now.” And she stands on her steps of whatever dingy aparment she’s living in, just ilke the one she grew up in. And they both look at each other freezing on the steps, more tired and lined than they once were, but something’s still there. And maybe it’s Kim’s need to self-sabotage and leave security behind, maybe it’s the love she still has for Jimmy, maybe it’s the innately Kim Wexler part of her that needs more. Whatever it is, she’s left Nebraska once, she can do it again. And without even packing a bag she steps into’s Jimmy’s car and they drive off. And now apply the Felina scipt notes for Jesse to them: “Grimly determined, fearing nothing, he speeds through the darkness. From here on, it’s up to us to say where he’s headed. I like to call it “something better,” and leave it at that.”
so yeah, the downside is this theory has messy time jumping, and would be hard to streamline in 6 remaining episodes lmao. But on the plus side it has Jimmy and Kim driving off into the sunset and that’s kind of all I need in life so yeah.
Gilligan and Gould are beautiful twisted freaks and I will happily take whatever they give me, knowing it will be the best choice. But we know from BrBa that they believe in emotional closure, and if not happy endings, then bittersweet ones that don’t leave a bad taste in your mouth. Also they are....kinda huge saps AND McWexler shippers and honestly at this point I feel like they want McWexler end game as much as I do, so yeah, SPEAKING IT INTO EXISTENCE 👍 
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s son (Part 2)
Tony Stark x son!reader
a/n: had to split it into 2 parts bc i hit the text limit dhshaggags
prompt: continued
part 1
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~sokovia was ur first big mission~
“why is y/n here, stark?” -cap
“the first mistake was letting me become a father”
“good god, tony...”
you having the time of your life crushing robots
also proving useful by saving avengers a handful of times
“thanks for the assist, stark clone” -clint
rip pietro
rhodey was actually the most worried about you if we’re being honest, he didn’t understand why they let you in this one???
“y/n? y/n, talk to me! are you alive?”
“yes, uncle rhodey! i’m perfect, stop worrying!”
“i love you, kid! be safe!”
✨a good family you’ve got✨
soon the avengers broke up bc your dad cant get along with steve and it was just really awkward
but you chose your dad’s side
“sorry, steve! he pays my allowance!”
peter was actually a little okay, you know!! spazzy at first, but he was cool
“dude, you’re y/n stark! you’re tony stark’s very own son! i’m talking to mr. stark’s only child!”
“yep, that’s me. i’m what earned tony the title of ‘DILF’”
teenage teamup? ofc
“am i doing alright?”
“looking a-okay, pete!”
tony was worried fighting steve would traumatize you so he made you wait at the hotel with happy and peter
“don’t do anything to embarrass me, y/n. i dont want to see you on the news for something stupid”
you and peter ended up hanging out in your room and watching tv and ordering room service
“how do you do that so smoothly? i’d just freak out and go get it myself”
“years of experience as a spoiled rich brat”
absolutely positively being up all night and trying to fight your exhaustion
“you two seem to be getting along well. couldn’t be me” -happy
“for someone named happy, you never seem to be happy”
“not around teenagers, no”
“i remember when you loved me, ‘uncle happy’”
peter texted you every day after that
whenever flash picked on peter for “never meeting tony stark” he’d show a picture of you and him taking selfies in the lab together yes you invite him over much to the dismay of everyone else around you
plus tony was out of town and you were finally trusted enough to be left alone unchecked so like, happy would just leave at the first sign of peter
“that’s not real!”
you actually showed up for homecoming on a dare (but in disguise)
didn’t wanna attract all the attention, you just wanted a high school experience
but you got called into avengers tower to help move early on :/ bad timing too cuz peter had to fight his first villain and u missed it
“dude, how do you feel?”
“bruh sound effect number two”
“oh my god”
FRIDAY heard him and pulled up the sound and you were WEAK you couldn’t stop laughing
“please....i think i broke a few ribs. cant laugh until tomorrow”
tony offered peter the avengers gig and peter said no, you were very disappointed but u understood that not everyone wanted to be in the spotlight like that
but you and peter obviously still hung out
oh, tony proposed! they interviewed you on sight!
“y/n, how does it feel to know that you’re going to have a stepmom soon?”
“you guys are aware that pepper helped raise me, right? right?!”
moving on, life was smooth for a while, there was some wedding planning, talk of you being a best man (which rhodey fought you on)
“no, i’ve known your dad longer!”
“i’m his son!”
i n v a s i o n
oh boy that was rough
bruce was surprised that you had fucking grown so much in the past 3 years good lord
“y/n...your VOICE”
“puberty, i know. when’s it gonna happen to you?”
“it hurts more when it’s from a teenager”
“uh, did you forget my birthday?”
peter’s back! peter’s back!
finally, man
“spider-kid, i could use an assist!”
“on the way!”
“aliens, why did it have to be aliens?”
up up and away for tony and peter, leaving you on the ground with all the earthly chaos and fear
“you two are the absolute worst, you know that? DAD, PETER, GET BACK DOWN HERE”
“no can do, kid. i—” *cuts off*
“oh great, no service on the space donut, huh? find a damn wifi password and call me back you asshole”
pepper was probably having a heart attack bc the news stations were having a field day but you were one of the only active avengers left, meaning you had to help clean this up
“bruce, we gotta get going”
“what? where?”
patching up the avengers as best as you could to take care of the threat
but you guys always win, this should be a cake walk, right?
this was bad, very bad
after a lengthy battle with thanos in wakanda, you had failed. thanos got the stones, he snapped. the world was in ruins. but you didn’t get to see that part
you dusted away
“tell dad i’m sorry and i love him”
tony finally came back to earth hoping to see you, but upon seeing pepper’s face, he knew you were gone
“he did everything he could, tony! he didn’t deserve it!”
she was extremely upset, she saw you like a son of her own
soon, her and tony restarted their life and had a daughter, dad always wondered what it’d be like to have a little girl. it was different, it really was
she was eager to meet you
morgan stole pictures of you to hang up in her room
“when i meet y/n, im gonna give him a big hug! then we’ll have a tea party!”
tony has a picture of you and peter in the kitchen, he misses the two of you, but found comfort in the fact that you may be with each other
an ounce of hope, he had to try something
save his only son, and his other son
when he got to 2012, he was disappointed that he hadn’t let you become an avenger yet because he couldn’t see you here
yada yada he fucked up now he’s in the 70s and he fixed the fuck up and now hes in 2023
and bruce snapped
and you were all brought back and the way you kicked ass was inspiring
tony had to see his son now. right now.
“y/n, dear god! you’re okay! oh, man. i love you so much, kid. i missed you”
“i love you too. and i can’t believe you went to space without me, meanie”
“get over it”
ah, back to old times
peter and you obviously had to team up for this one! come on, what a story to tell!
and then, a snap and the warriors began to fade. you turned around and saw him on his knees
you rushed over to where peter already was and tried to hold back tears, to be strong for him
“hey, dad. i’m here. no more missed goodbyes, okay? i’m here.”
you sat beside him and held his hand while the rest of your family made their peace with him and he finally slipped away
“y/n...are you okay?” -peter
“not even a little”
peter was worried about you, but you were worried about peter
mutual worry
meeting morgan was...surprising
pepper forgot to tell you they had a daughter while you were gone
she was so sweet and for the first month you lived at the cabin, she slept in your room
you got NO space
“i love you y/n”
“love you too” *thinking about dad bc she just reminds you of him so much*
“i love you y/n”
“love you too, morgan”
over and over
peter and you had sleepovers a lot, usually at his house bc you were the only one besides ned allowed over bc of all the spider-stuff
ned fanboyed over you
also sleepovers at peter’s were a nice break from being at tony’s cabin where you were constantly reminded that he wasn’t there
“y/n, i’m going to europe for a field trip! it’s gonna be awesome!”
“dude, you’re gonna love it. are you bringing your suit?”
“no, this is my offical vacation. no spider-manning”
“good for you, man!”
peter sent you all the pictures he took on his phone
all of them
Peter-Man: And this one is me and Ned in our crappy hotel room. And here’s the river. And here’s MJ covered in birds, and here’s the airplane, Mr. Harrington fell asleep on me
you had to come to europe once you heard what was going on
happy and you picked up peter and he was a mess
“you gave away dad’s glasses?”
“i think we’re past the point that i am not smart”
“jesus, peter. you should have called me about them. i would have taken them off your hands if you weren’t ready for them”
having to make sure that you guys didn’t get hurt bc this was honestly your guy’s first solo pair-up
there wasnt much backup here
finally, you defeated the evil (who apparently held a very large grudge against you. sorry mister beck) and were able to go back home
“call me if you need anything, pete”
“i will. i promise.”
and the next thing you know...peter’s identity was exposed
“i left him alone for one day!”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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Do you really support creatures who wish Rowling's death? She did nothing wrong :/ People could just didn't agreed with her, but no, they're making her the fucking monster. It's disgusting
Hi :) hi :) my dude. Are you okay? Do you need a nap?
I personally don't wish for anyone's death (raised buddhist, the consequences of karma being hammered into my head yada yada)
BUT I do know I don't support you calling people who were hurt by her creatures
And it's not just that people don't agree with her opinion it's that
She's an incredibly public, influential figure spewing anti-trans rhetoric on an incredibly public platform to her millions of followers. She's validating transphobic people and that can actually hurt people. That can actually lead to real deaths if things escalate. Not to mention the emotional effects it can have on trans people when someone so popular is able to talk about you like that in public and not face permanent consequences. Do you understand that? Isn't that much more disgusting?
Where are your priorities that the lives of trans people are not as worth to you as people bullying Rowling on the internet?
I'm not sure I'm the best person to speak in depth on this issue cause:
I'm not british so I have no idea how badly her comments are affecting britain which already has a bunch of problems relating to transphobia
My gender at the moment is a ping pong ball wildly bouncing around the table,I have no idea what the fuck is going on so I don't feel comfortable speaking for trans people who are actually getting affected by her
But if anyone wants to add on or add references feel free to
Anyway if anyone here has similar views as anon you're free to leave :)
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probably-haven · 3 years
the following post is a bunch of dumb bitches in an rp server coming together to ramble about shit they find entertaining: Starting with Modern Au, (this specific post based on the Zhongli x Childe fam)
So the members of the family are basically Zhongli, Childe, Ganyu, and Xiao.
As with Canon, Guizhong is dead, In modern Au they were previously married to Zhongli and was the mother Ganyu and Xiao- before she died. 
And then there’s Madame Ping who’s like honorary aunt/grandma? Zhongli’s old friend that’s really close with Xiao and Ganyu and all them folk. basically family to them just not by blood, y’know?
Azdaha is their dog. 
anyway, now that that’s covered yeeting to the plot
So after giving birth to XIao they realize that Guizhong has this really shitty rare disease thats basically uncurable cuz of how rare it is so nobody really bothered looking for cures and shit, as you do. 
and so it progressively gets worse until she dies, at which point Ganyu was 8 and Xiao was 6
and then Zhongli meets our old friend, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and turns to osmanthus wine... a lot of it. so the family falls apart to the point that Xiao and Ganyu end up basically viewing Madame Ping as more family than Zhongli, cuz hes just being broken and dumb
So Xiao is the most effected by all the shit and almost basically kinda separates himself from Zhongli completely out of- not quite spite but kind of. Ganyu meanwhile just tryna do everything and be there for Xiao and stuff. Azdaha does nothing cuz hes a dog and doesnt know anything. 
 Anyway shit goes down, Zhongli and Childe hook up and long story short, Zhongli decides to stop acting like a majorly fucked up dipshit because Childe realized he was a dipshit to his family and started actually trying to get him help with his problems and shit and it spiraled so now theyre married. 
Xiao hates it and hates Childe and by extent Zhongli for dating him and its just real bad.
Over time things calm down though and they start being like almost a remnant of an actual family again, but then they realize, surprise- Guizhong’s disease is hereditary and Xiao has it(because we gotta have some parallel to karma, “Xiao without pain cannot exist”(the motto the server lives by))
so that kinda traumatizes Zhongli and the family goes to shit again 
and yada yada filler stuff
some time later Madame Ping like- semi convinces Xiao to give Zhongli another chance. but then she dies so it doesnt really do anything but make shit worse.
especially cuz the harbingers frame childe for it because of shit we’ll get into later. they use a photoshopped photo which was gloriously recreated as follows: 
Tumblr media
the story is more complicated than that, but ill talk about that more when i talk about harbinger stuff. 
more timeskip
Xiao’s physical health goes to shit to match his mental health! and as a result, obviously, he ends up in the hospital(conveniently the one Venti volunteers at)
so yeah- that happens- (he probably gets better eventually tho- its on and off- we havent determined whatll happen this is all pre-planning, not stuff thats actualy been fleshed out 100%)
more random information
Childe is trying to break away from his fatui ways which is why the fatui keeps fuckng with the people he cares about
Zhongli is friends with Dainsleif and Diluc. They are the Old Man Barbaque Trio. 
They have jobs, ill get into it later
Childe still has his siblings- thats kinda complicated tho
Ganyu is in college- its a busy vibe
theres more to the modern Au, this is just one area, its... a lot
thats it for now tho
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We’ve spoken time and time again about how Instagram and influencer culture is so incredibly toxic and destructive for young girls of this generation, but one thing that I don’t think anybody has brought up is this: when I was a teenager, I saw countless "very special episodes” of sitcoms/teen dramas about fashion magazines and how they affect teenaged girls, especially in regards to low self esteem and eating disorders. Full House immediately comes to mind, but there are so many others, like That’s So Raven, Lizzie McGuire, and Degrassi. In the Full House episode, DJ is preparing for an upcoming pool party and wants to look like the models in her favorite fashion magazines, so she goes on a crash diet and participates in dangerous levels of exercise. But by the end of the episode, she learns that “real girls” don't look like supermodels and that she’s beautiful just the way she is yada yada yada.
What also became popular when I was a teenager were those thinkpiece videos about photo manipulating that companies like Dove were putting out, like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U
I remember watching this very video in a health class at school. It showed that models were manipulated and Photoshopped into unrecognizable versions of themselves and that nobody looks like the glossy finished products that you see in ad campaigns. I started to become very critical of media that I saw, especially print media advertisements, and honestly videos like that had a good effect on my overall confidence and body image.
What scares me is that teenagers right now aren’t seeing these messages of perfection from models and fashion magazines. They’re seeing them from their fellow peers on Instagram. I see Instagram accounts of a few normal teenagers right now (they were kids I used to be a camp counselor for) and it’s insane how differently they use social media than they way I did when I was a teenager, pre-Instagram. Every photo is filtered to perfection. Every girl is wearing flawless makeup. All of the poses are slightly suggestive. 
When I was a teenager a decade ago, even the most popular girls in my class uploaded tons of silly pictures to their Facebook accounts, taken on crappy digital cameras that give red eye or on that old iPhoto app, and these photos showed their braces and pimples and hairs out of place. And sure, teens now sometimes upload photos like that, but when they do they put them on their “finstas”, their password-protected private accounts that only a few others can see.
I saw my real peers on Facebook. And while Facebook in the height of its popularity was far from perfect it did show a semblance of the truth. Teen girls nowadays are savvy enough to know that models in magazines are manipulated and Photoshopped, but what about the normal kids that they see on Instagram? They no longer think, “I’m not a Photoshopped fashion model, so I don’t need to look like that girl I saw in Seventeen” and now think “I’m a normal fifteen-year-old girl, why don't I look like that other normal girl from my math class with perfect hair and makeup?” 
This is terrifying to me, that we live in an age now where normality doesn't even exist. And there’s no way any sort of “very special episode” can combat this.
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