trylkstopocket · 2 years
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*|MC:MC_SUBJECT|* p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; font-family:inherit !important; font-weight:inherit !important; line-height:inherit !important; } #bodyCell{ padding:10px; } .templateContainer{ max-width:600px !important; border:0; } a.mcnButton{ display:block; } .mcnImage,.mcnRetinaImage{ vertical-align:bottom; } .mcnTextContent{ word-break:break-word; } .mcnTextContent img{ height:auto !important; } .mcnDividerBlock{ table-layout:fixed !important; } /* @tab Page @section Background Style @tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding. */ body,#bodyTable{ /*@editable*/background-color:#fcfdfe; } /* @tab Page @section Background Style @tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding. */ #bodyCell{ /*@editable*/border-top:0; } /* @tab Page @section Email Border @tip Set the border for your email. */ .templateContainer{ /*@editable*/border:0; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 1 @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails. These should be the largest of your headings. @style heading 1 */ h1{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Playfair Display', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; /*@editable*/font-size:18px; /*@editable*/font-style:normal; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 2 @tip Set the styling for all second-level headings in your emails. @style heading 2 */ h2{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Merriweather', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; /*@editable*/font-size:13px; /*@editable*/font-style:normal; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 3 @tip Set the styling for all third-level headings in your emails. @style heading 3 */ h3{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Lora', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; /*@editable*/font-size:17px; /*@editable*/font-style:italic; /*@editable*/font-weight:bold; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 4 @tip Set the styling for all fourth-level headings in your emails. These should be the smallest of your headings. @style heading 4 */ h4{ /*@editable*/color:#222222; /*@editable*/font-family:'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; /*@editable*/font-size:15px; /*@editable*/font-style:normal; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Preheader @section Preheader Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's preheader area. */ #templatePreheader{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0px; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:0px; } /* @tab Preheader @section Preheader Text @tip Set the styling for your email's preheader text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templatePreheader .mcnTextContent,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-family:'Courier New', Courier, 'Lucida Sans Typewriter', 'Lucida Typewriter', monospace; /*@editable*/font-size:12px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Preheader @section Preheader Link @tip Set the styling for your email's preheader links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templatePreheader .mcnTextContent a,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:underline; } /* @tab Header @section Header Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's header area. */ #templateHeader{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0px; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:0px; } /* @tab Header @section Header Text @tip Set the styling for your email's header text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templateHeader .mcnTextContent,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Courier New', Courier, 'Lucida Sans Typewriter', 'Lucida Typewriter', monospace; /*@editable*/font-size:13px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Header @section Header Link @tip Set the styling for your email's header links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templateHeader .mcnTextContent a,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#2BAADF; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:none; } /* @tab Body @section Body Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's body area. */ #templateBody{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:0px; } /* @tab Body @section Body Text @tip Set the styling for your email's body text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templateBody .mcnTextContent,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-family:'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; /*@editable*/font-size:18px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Body @section Body Link @tip Set the styling for your email's body links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templateBody .mcnTextContent a,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#003179; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:underline; } /* @tab Footer @section Footer Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's footer area. */ #templateFooter{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0px; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:50px; } /* @tab Footer @section Footer Text @tip Set the styling for your email's footer text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templateFooter .mcnTextContent,#templateFooter .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; /*@editable*/font-size:12px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:center; } /* @tab Footer @section Footer Link @tip Set the styling for your email's footer links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templateFooter .mcnTextContent a,#templateFooter .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:none; } @media only screen and (min-width:768px){ .templateContainer{ width:600px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ body,table,td,p,a,li,blockquote{ -webkit-text-size-adjust:none !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ body{ width:100% !important; min-width:100% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ #bodyCell{ padding-top:10px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnRetinaImage{ max-width:100% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImage{ width:100% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnCartContainer,.mcnCaptionTopContent,.mcnRecContentContainer,.mcnCaptionBottomContent,.mcnTextContentContainer,.mcnBoxedTextContentContainer,.mcnImageGroupContentContainer,.mcnCaptionLeftTextContentContainer,.mcnCaptionRightTextContentContainer,.mcnCaptionLeftImageContentContainer,.mcnCaptionRightImageContentContainer,.mcnImageCardLeftTextContentContainer,.mcnImageCardRightTextContentContainer,.mcnImageCardLeftImageContentContainer,.mcnImageCardRightImageContentContainer{ max-width:100% !important; width:100% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnBoxedTextContentContainer{ min-width:100% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImageGroupContent{ padding:9px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnCaptionLeftContentOuter .mcnTextContent,.mcnCaptionRightContentOuter .mcnTextContent{ padding-top:9px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImageCardTopImageContent,.mcnCaptionBottomContent:last-child .mcnCaptionBottomImageContent,.mcnCaptionBlockInner .mcnCaptionTopContent:last-child .mcnTextContent{ padding-top:18px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImageCardBottomImageContent{ padding-bottom:9px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImageGroupBlockInner{ padding-top:0 !important; padding-bottom:0 !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImageGroupBlockOuter{ padding-top:9px !important; padding-bottom:9px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnTextContent,.mcnBoxedTextContentColumn{ padding-right:18px !important; padding-left:18px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcnImageCardLeftImageContent,.mcnImageCardRightImageContent{ padding-right:18px !important; padding-bottom:0 !important; padding-left:18px !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ .mcpreview-image-uploader{ display:none !important; width:100% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Heading 1 @tip Make the first-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ h1{ /*@editable*/font-size:24px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:125% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Heading 2 @tip Make the second-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ h2{ /*@editable*/font-size:24px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Heading 3 @tip Make the third-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ h3{ /*@editable*/font-size:15px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Heading 4 @tip Make the fourth-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ h4{ /*@editable*/font-size:15px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Boxed Text @tip Make the boxed text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px. */ .mcnBoxedTextContentContainer .mcnTextContent,.mcnBoxedTextContentContainer .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/font-size:15px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Preheader Visibility @tip Set the visibility of the email's preheader on small screens. You can hide it to save space. */ #templatePreheader{ /*@editable*/display:block !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Preheader Text @tip Make the preheader text larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ #templatePreheader .mcnTextContent,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/font-size:15px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Header Text @tip Make the header text larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ #templateHeader .mcnTextContent,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/font-size:15px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Body Text @tip Make the body text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px. */ #templateBody .mcnTextContent,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/font-size:15px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){ /* @tab Mobile Styles @section Footer Text @tip Make the footer content text larger in size for better readability on small screens. */ #templateFooter .mcnTextContent,#templateFooter .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/font-size:10px !important; /*@editable*/line-height:150% !important; } }
.section_title { margin-bottom:5px !important; padding-top:20px !important;color:#000;font-family:Source Sans Pro, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } .paper_title { font-weight:bold; font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, Times New Roman, serif; color: #202025 !important; } .action_item { cursor: pointer; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: relative; height: 21px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600; color: #1A1A1A; border: 1px solid #c4c4c4ad; box-shadow:rgb(158 166 175 / 20%) 0px 0px 3px 0px; border-radius: 5px; padding: 0px 8px 0px 7px; font-weight: 600 !Important; } h3 { font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; } h2 { font-size: 22px; color: #000; display: inline; font-weight: 500; } p { font-weight: 400 !important; color: #fff !important; } a { color: inherit; text-decoration: none; -webkit-text-decoration: none; margin: 0; padding: 0 } .c2 { vertical-align: text-top; color: #000 !important; font-family: source sans pro, helvetica neue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif } .shrs { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 15px } .shrs .share { text-decoration: none; display: block; margin-right: 4px; overflow: hidden } .shrs.full .share { display: block } .shrs .avatar { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; width: 30px; min-width: 30px; height: 30px; line-height: 0 } .shrs.full .avatar { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; width: 38px; min-width: 38px } .shrs .avatar img { display: inline-block; width: 30px; height: 30px; border-radius: 30px; border: solid 2px #eeeeef } .shrs .comment { display: table-cell; vertical-align: top } .shrs .comment span { display: inline-block } .small-text { font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.4 } .attr, .c5 { color: #75797e !important } .attributes img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; display: inline-block; width: 14px; height: 14px; margin-right: 3px } .attr { display: inline-block; margin: 1px 10px 1px 0; font-size: 13px; font-weight: 400; text-decoration: none; overflow: hidden; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-start; flex-wrap: nowrap; word-break: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis } .attr span { line-height: 1; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: inline-block; max-width: 150px } h2 { font-size: 22px; color: #000; display: inline; font-weight: 500 } .attributes { overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 4px 0 3px; font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Open Sans", sans-serif; } .src-title { vertical-align: middle; font-size: 22px; line-height: 1.2 display: inline; margin: 0 0 0 3px; padding: 0; color: #000; font-family: 'Merriweather', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600; line-height: 1.2; letter-spacing: normal; text-align: left; border-spacing: 0; width: 100%; text-decoration: none; } .src-title-image { vertical-align: middle; width: 25px height: 25px; max-width: 25px !Important; max-height: 25px !Important; } .src-title-image{width:25px;height:25px;max-width:20px;max-height:20px;}
Alpha Signal
Hi, Thank you for signing up to AlphaSignal. We provide a free weekly summary of the top breakthroughs in Machine Learning to 25,000+ researchers and engineers. We're currently encountering issues with your mailbox and haven't been able to deliver your summaries. This is often due to spam filters and is easily fixable. Please follow the instructions below within the next 24 hours, our system automatically cancels the memberships associated with problematic mailboxes.  
Step 1 - Click on the button below, it will let your mailbox know our links are safe.
Step 2 - Click on the button below, It will send us automatic email confirming your mailbox is working.
Step 3 - Drag this email from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab (Gmail users).
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Thank you for your understanding, AS Team
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*|MC:MC_SUBJECT|* p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; font-family:inherit !important; font-weight:inherit !important; line-height:inherit !important; } #bodyCell{ padding:10px; } .templateContainer{ max-width:600px !important; border:0; } a.mcnButton{ display:block; } .mcnImage,.mcnRetinaImage{ vertical-align:bottom; } .mcnTextContent{ word-break:break-word; } .mcnTextContent img{ height:auto !important; } .mcnDividerBlock{ table-layout:fixed !important; } /* @tab Page @section Background Style @tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding. */ body,#bodyTable{ /*@editable*/background-color:#fcfdfe; } /* @tab Page @section Background Style @tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding. */ #bodyCell{ /*@editable*/border-top:0; } /* @tab Page @section Email Border @tip Set the border for your email. */ .templateContainer{ /*@editable*/border:0; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 1 @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails. These should be the largest of your headings. @style heading 1 */ h1{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Playfair Display', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; /*@editable*/font-size:18px; /*@editable*/font-style:normal; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 2 @tip Set the styling for all second-level headings in your emails. @style heading 2 */ h2{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Merriweather', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; /*@editable*/font-size:13px; /*@editable*/font-style:normal; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 3 @tip Set the styling for all third-level headings in your emails. @style heading 3 */ h3{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Lora', Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif; /*@editable*/font-size:17px; /*@editable*/font-style:italic; /*@editable*/font-weight:bold; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Page @section Heading 4 @tip Set the styling for all fourth-level headings in your emails. These should be the smallest of your headings. @style heading 4 */ h4{ /*@editable*/color:#222222; /*@editable*/font-family:'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; /*@editable*/font-size:15px; /*@editable*/font-style:normal; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/letter-spacing:normal; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Preheader @section Preheader Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's preheader area. */ #templatePreheader{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0px; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:0px; } /* @tab Preheader @section Preheader Text @tip Set the styling for your email's preheader text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templatePreheader .mcnTextContent,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-family:'Courier New', Courier, 'Lucida Sans Typewriter', 'Lucida Typewriter', monospace; /*@editable*/font-size:12px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Preheader @section Preheader Link @tip Set the styling for your email's preheader links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templatePreheader .mcnTextContent a,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:underline; } /* @tab Header @section Header Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's header area. */ #templateHeader{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0px; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:0px; } /* @tab Header @section Header Text @tip Set the styling for your email's header text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templateHeader .mcnTextContent,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:'Courier New', Courier, 'Lucida Sans Typewriter', 'Lucida Typewriter', monospace; /*@editable*/font-size:13px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Header @section Header Link @tip Set the styling for your email's header links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templateHeader .mcnTextContent a,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#2BAADF; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:none; } /* @tab Body @section Body Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's body area. */ #templateBody{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:0px; } /* @tab Body @section Body Text @tip Set the styling for your email's body text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templateBody .mcnTextContent,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-family:'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; /*@editable*/font-size:18px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:left; } /* @tab Body @section Body Link @tip Set the styling for your email's body links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text. */ #templateBody .mcnTextContent a,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p a{ /*@editable*/color:#003179; /*@editable*/font-weight:normal; /*@editable*/text-decoration:underline; } /* @tab Footer @section Footer Style @tip Set the background color and borders for your email's footer area. */ #templateFooter{ /*@editable*/background-color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/background-image:none; /*@editable*/background-repeat:no-repeat; /*@editable*/background-position:center; /*@editable*/background-size:cover; /*@editable*/border-top:0; /*@editable*/border-bottom:0; /*@editable*/padding-top:0px; /*@editable*/padding-bottom:50px; } /* @tab Footer @section Footer Text @tip Set the styling for your email's footer text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read. */ #templateFooter .mcnTextContent,#templateFooter .mcnTextContent p{ /*@editable*/color:#ffffff; /*@editable*/font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; /*@editable*/font-size:12px; /*@editable*/line-height:150%; /*@editable*/text-align:center; } /* @tab Footer @section Footer Link @tip Set the styling for your email's footer links. 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ericjackson · 3 years
EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations– via CNBC's Closing Bell
EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations– via CNBC's Closing Bell p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; 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September 8, 2021
  Tech & Media
  Eric Jackson Tech & Media E-News
  EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations – via CNBC's Closing Bell
EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations – via CNBC's Closing Bell
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While the Nasdaq was up yesterday, the Russell, Dow and S&P were in the red. Eric Jackson was on CNBC's Closing Bell for his thoughts on the market and what he looks for when investing. Eric's criteria for finding small growth companies that exceed expectations is working – a favorite long position is up 545%, and he anticipates further growth for it.
On September 7th, 2021, Eric Jackson joined Wilfred Frost and Morgan Brennan on CNBC's Closing Bell to discuss the current state of the markets and where he fishes for the next multi-year compounders. Eric remains cautiously optimistic about the market. Interested in smaller growth tech companies, Eric looks for names that he thinks will double or triple over the next 2-3 years. Year after year, EMJ has flagged a number of companies he believes can grow into next-generation FAANGs. 2021 is no exception with a favored stock at 13x since its December 2020 IPO. Eric often seeks out recent IPOs with $5-10 billion market caps and a strong growth story, leaning towards companies who may not be fully appreciated but that he anticipates will gain appreciation over time. Watch this clip from yesterday's CNBC's Closing Bell: EMJ Capital Founder on what he looks for when investing.
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The statements contained herein are based on information believed to be reliable and are provided for information purposes only. Where such information is based in whole or in part on information provided by third parties, we cannot guarantee that it is accurate, complete or current at all times. It does not provide investment, tax or legal advice, and is not an offer or solicitation to buy. Graphs and charts are used for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect future values or returns on investment of any fund or portfolio. Particular investment strategies should be evaluated according to an investor’s investment objectives and tolerance for risk. EMJ Capital Ltd. (EMJ Capital) and its affiliates and related entities are not liable for any errors or omissions in the information or for any loss or damage suffered.   From time to time EMJ Capital or an employee of EMJ Capital may express views regarding a particular company, security, and industry or market sector. Any such views are subject to change at any time, based upon markets and other conditions, and EMJ Capital disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions for funds managed by EMJ Capital are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any EMJ fund or client.    Certain Statements in this commentary may contain forward-looking statements (“FLS”) that are predictive in nature and may include words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “plans”, “believes”, “estimates” and similar forward-looking expressions or negative versions thereof. FLS are based on current expectations and projections about future general economic, political and relevant market factors, such as interest and assuming no changes to applicable tax or other laws or government regulation. Expectations and projections about future events are inherently subject to, among other things, risks and uncertainties, some of which may be unforeseeable and, accordingly, may prove to be incorrect at a future date. FLS are not guarantees of future performance, and actual events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in any FLS. A number of important factors can contribute to these digressions, including, but not limited to, general economic, political and market factors in North America and internationally, interest and foreign exchange rates, global equity and capital markets, business competition and catastrophic events. You should avoid placing any undue reliance on FLS. Further, there is no specific intentional of updating any FLS whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space
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Since early 2020, Bombardier appointed a new CEO and CFO to execute a turnaround plan and sold off its rail business to focus solely on private aircraft space. They are paying down debt, have delivered 100+ of the highly lucrative and luxurious Global Express 7500 jets with a 2-year wait time on new orders. Here's the case for a big comeback in the company's shares.
Read Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space in the Years Ahead.
Interesting Tech Stocks at Reduced Multiples
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As stocks closed near record levels in June 2021, Tim Stenovec and Carol Massar at Bloomberg Business Week Drive to the Close spoke with Eric Jackson for insight on the market environment. Eric said there are interesting tech stocks at reduced multiples, protecting investors from future inflation. Listen to the Bloomberg Business Week Drive to the Close Epsiode Here.
EMJ Capital Key Differentiators
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Proprietary Data Science
Our Data Science Program is tied to EMJ Capital’s tech focus and long-term holding periods for our investments. In addition to our primary company research, our proprietary data science approach analyzes key factors which suggest a company has the potential to become a multi-year compounder. Our data science program is also used for portfolio risk management.
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Eric’s 20yr Tech Exec Network
Eric Jackson’s tech operational experience and background as an activist investor helped him build a proprietary network of technology influencers and venture capital executives who invest in public and private tech and media companies. Eric maintains his 20 year network through regular face-to-face and Zoom meetings. This network has been an enormous advantage.
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Eric Jackson
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Founder and President of EMJ Capital Ltd. – concentrated long/short public market investing, based in Toronto.
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Iris Publishers - World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS)
Effects of Calcium with and without Surfactants on Fruit Quality, Mineral Nutrient, Respiration and Ethylene Evolution of ‘Red Spur Delicious’ Apple
Authored by Esmaeil Fallahi
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Foliar fertilization is a common practice to supply crops with mineral nutrients, especially under limited soil nutrient availability conditions [1]. However, foliar-applied nutrients must overcome the barrier properties of leaf surface to be absorbed by plants. Various pathways are reported to explain the penetration of foliar nutrients through the leaf tissues. Meanwhile, beveled that air humidity is one of the main controlling factors in this process since it controls both the actual nutrient concentration on the leaf surface [1] as the driving force of absorption and the permeability of the leaf surface. Postharvest and pre-bloom foliar nitrogen sprays are applied to enhance flower bud vigor, and calcium (Ca) is applied directly to fruit during the growing season to reduce fruit susceptibility to physiological disorders. The cuticle serves as the prime barrier to penetration of different solutes [2], and numerous studies have focused on cuticle structure, composition and penetration by components [3-6]. Epicuticular waxes are known to reduce cuticular penetration by a wide range of solutes [7]. However, growing evidence suggests that cracks might provide a pathway for Ca penetration into apple fruit [5, 8-10]. Therefore, modifying the epicuticular wax without altering its protecting properties may allow increased and more uniform Ca uptake. Surfactants alter energy relationships at interfaces, thereby reducing surface tension [11] and enhancing foliar absorption of biologically active compounds [12]. In this experiment, we studied the effect of calcium with and without two surfactants on fruit quality, fruit minerals, ethylene evolution and respiration of ‘Red Spur Delicious’ apple.
Materials and Methods
Eighteen years old ‘Red Spur Delicious’ apple trees on M.7 rootstock, planted at 3.65 x 6.71 m spacing at the University of Idaho Parma Research and Extension Center were used for this study. The experimental arrangement was a complete randomized design with four treatments, each with five single tree replications. Four different treatments in this experiment were as follows: control (no spray), Calcium (Ca) alone as 1.17% Calcium Metalosate) (v/v), 1.17% Calcium Metalosate plus 0.8% Regulaid (v/v), and 1.17% Calcium Metalosate plus 0.8% KALO surfactant (v/v).
For fruit mineral analysis, fruits were randomly sampled from each tree on October. Samples were washed with a mild solution of Ligui-Nox detergent (Alocnox, Inc., New York, NY), rinsed in deionized water. Each fruit was peeled and cut longitudinally to collect flesh and peel tissues. They were dried at 65 °C, and ground in a grinder (Cyclotec 1093, Teactor, Inc., Hoganas, Sweden) to pass through a 40-mesh screen. Nitrogen concentration of each sample was measured by LECO (FP-528, LECO Corp., St. Joseph, MI). The concentrations of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer 1100 B, Norwalk, Connecticut) as described by Chaplin & Dixon [13].
To determine fruit qualities, fruits were harvested on October 3, weighed, and their color was rated visually on a scale of 1 = 20% pinkish-red progressively to 5 = 100% pinkish-red. Soluble solids concentrations (SSC) were measured by temperature-compensated refractometer (Atago N1, Tokyo, Japan). Fruit firmness was measured by Fruit Texture Analyzer (Guss, Strand, Western Cape, South Africa). After fruits were cut equatorially, they were dipped in I-KI solution and the starch degradation pattern (SDP) of each fruit was recorded by comparison with the SDP standard chart developed for apples [14].
To measure the effects of treatments on postharvest characteristics of fruits, apples were weighed and then placed in the closed chambers (Postharvest lab in Pomology Lab, Parma, Idaho) for 23 days. Each day, concentrations of evolved ethylene and carbon dioxide (respiration) were measured by Gas Chromatograph (Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II, Lionville, PA) using Flame Ionization Detector (FID) and a packed column (HayeSep Q, 80/100, Alltech Inc., Deerfield, IL). Data was analyzed by SAS statistical package and means were separated at 5% level, using LSD test [15]
Results and Discussion
Kalo surfactant did not have effects on any of the fruit quality attributes of ‘Red Spur Delicious’ apples (Table 1). Also, mineral concentrations of flesh and peel of the fruit had no statistically differences among treatments (Table 2)
 Fruits treated with 1.17% Calcium Metalosateplus 0.8% KALO/ surfactant had significantly lower respiration rates (Figure 1) and ethylene evolution (Figure 2) than those on other treatments. Since Ca absorption was not significantly affected by KALO surfactant, the respiration and ethylene differences cannot be due to Ca. By application of KALO surfactant, growers can postpone the harvest to obtain better fruit color without advancing fruit maturity. The reason of this phenomenon it is not clear and deserves further investigation. It is possible that KALO surfactant retards precursor compounds for ethylene synthesis, which is very interesting. This subject deserves further study as slowing ethylene and respiration can have a major positive impact on apple growers
 To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/wjass/fulltext/effects-of-calcium-with-and-without.ID.000598.php
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its-mobilecellphone · 4 years
How to find best mobile phones with 8 megapixel camera.
This is going to be another foldable Android cellphone by the Chinese making giant. We are getting advice that the telephone will possess Camera Outback that has been created for Pop-Up Selfie Camera and a nicely hidden earpiece to a One-3rd. Although the amount is still not understood, this will come at a price yet. But on most occasions, you would observe that even with the 5 bars network sign on your 4G enabled phone, surfing the internet, creating video calls, or even uploading massive files can sometimes be annoyingly tardy, especially during rush hours. This is because of congestion. The elastic limit of 4G technologies concerning data transfer is being exceeded, therefore, the debut of the Fifth Generation media technology to the market. OnePlus 8 is going to seem more like a Samsung smartphone if the signs around are anything to go by. A few of its features are very similar to its predecessor-OnePlus 7. But potentials buyers have to, however, be prepared to part with more than a thousand US dollars to find this smartphone when it is finally out. With its 6.65 inches screen, one unique quality that sets it apart is that the 3D Time-of-Flight that's depth-sensing. Because of its specs, expect a 6.2 Inches Display, Snapdragon 855 Chipset, and a battery capability of 4200mAh, assuming that Xiaomi does not make a last-minute swipe its earlier strategy. It is set to function to the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Plus Chipset which is especially suitable for gaming. There is that the Google Pay app nicknamed OnePlus Pay which can come preloaded using this smartphone that is forthcoming. The app's role would be to permit payments to be made by users . But it appears that this feature may only be present in India, because that's the sole place where it has been shown. The processor upon which Xiaomi Mi 10 is most likely to function is your Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Chipset and with MIUI 10. Camera-wisethis smartphone was rumored to surface with a 64MP Samsung Camera, which will undoubtedly revolutionize the phone industry. It settle for the path as opposed and will likely ditch the top notch. 2019 has been a wonderful season for excellent smartphones' release, and nothing is being promised by 2020 . Any of these 10 will earn a good choice if you are keen on shifting to a more interesting, fully-loaded smartphone next year. With the vast majority of the producers eyeing 5G network and handheld mobile apparatus you might want to consider a choice within this line if you're in a zone. Happy 2020 and have a calendar year! It has resisted many smartphone makers to come up with 5G-enabled mobiles. Some of these manufacturers include OnePlus, Xiaomi Vivo, and Oppo. Only this year alone, Xiaomi released two 5G smartphones (Mi 9 Pro 5G and Mi MIX 5G) and will go into full scale production in 2020. So, one of the distinctive introductions into the ecosystem in 2020 would be 5G mobiles. If you're planning to stay informed about trends as per smart phones in 2020, or your telephone is due for a change and you're seeking to switch to the most current in town, this is an article that you wish to sit backand unwind, have a sip, and flake out. We would tell you everything that's available to understand about sexy and exciting mobile apparatus for catch in 2020. Let's start. 1. Samsung Galaxy S11 Final VerdictAlthough there are no official statements from Apple regarding the launch date of this foldable phone still, there are strong indications that 2020 might be this year it could be unveiled. Already, both Huawei and Samsung have unfolded their foldable smartphone models at the MWC. Thus, in linking this league, Apple is not expected to delay. App graphics and leaves by lovers give a kind of window to what we might expect in the Apple iPhone X handset. 1. OnePlus 8 Top 10 Brand New Mobile Phones to Anticipate in 2020After Galaxy Note 10 has left its way to the market, the speculation that the next on the basis of S11 could hardly be disputed. It seems the S11 will include a few improvements and features in contrast to its predecessor. Nevertheless, it's also likely to retain a few of its predecessors' features such as different colour options, speedy 45W charging, plus also a detector for heartbeat. It is not clear however if it'd have the 3.5millimeter Headphone Jack, though. Microsoft are also joining smartphone producers' league next year, considering that its Andromeda smartphone that has been rumored to be more pliable.
 This is something every Microsoft enthusiast is patiently waiting to determine. Accessible reports stage becoming buttonless and clamshell-designed. In appearance, it may take the appearance of this Microsoft Surface Notebook. Zones or not all countries are put with this 5G technology, anyway. However, the likes of China, the US, Australia, Norway, and Japan are on their methods to explore this media technology considerably. You need to expect some wonderful 5G smartphones which can upscale your data transfer expertise ahead of time, if you are in one of these regions. As 2019 gradually strikes off, players from the industry are planning to unleash their plans for the year 2020. One of these plans is to replace the 4G network that is current with its super-fast 5G successor. 4G arrived, outshined it , and required data transfer to an incredibly higher level, although 3G was cool and great when it lasted. Together with the 4G system, streaming live TV programs and viewing YouTube videos that are high-quality without any disturbance is now simpler. By releasing two 5G smartphones this 2019 already, this cell phone manufacturer is doing exploits. 2020 appears to hold a horizon, as the Chinese giant is set to release Xiaomi Mi 10 on or before. In case the projection sees the light of day, buyers may probably have to part with at least $650 to have this device that is portable. There are indications that the 5G system will be supported by the smartphone. Famous for its excellent photography, the P40 and P40 Guru aren't likely to disappoint in this respect. You can expect a camera shredder which will outclass that of the Penta-lens of Nokia 9. The processor that this upcoming phone will operate is going to be Silicon Kirin 990 Chipset, which has been proven to operate perfectly with Huawei Mate 30. Both its own Pro and the P40 should not exceed $1000 if they're finally in the industry. It's clear that the telephone manufacturer has trademarked G9 and G10, although LG has been able to maintain a good deal of information regarding this flagship smartphone away from the general public. This takes the speculation of if LG is releasing a new cellphone in 2020 or maybe not. Expectant buyers should prepare yourself to pay $819 for all these dual-lens camera phones. Once you compare it with its 13, this cost is Decent enough. But , LG G9 ThinQ is not likely to function as a 5G telephone, and might not also arrive with the 3.5mm Headphone Jack, particularly considering that Samsung's brand new release also will not be having it. This Microsoft smartphone that is anticipated will perform more like a tablet computer, when it's fully unfolded. But if folded, it is going to assume the function of a telephone. Although with lots of helpful apps expectedly, Microsoft Andromeda will run on Windows OS. As several sources project less, the purchase price is not predicted to exceed $1000. Huawei is not going to let by without breaking out flagship tablets. We are already getting signs that P40 & P40 Pro may be the handset to be anticipated from this Chinese manufacturing giant that is smartphone. 
And going by precedence, in which Huawei constantly releases its new cellphone model after an MWC, it could be safe to conclude the time for this new phone from Huawei would be around March 2020. Nokia 8.2 is going to be the very first 5G phone the handlers of all Nokia will launch to the marketplace. And from accessible information on the internet, this amazing handset is placed to take a whopping 8G RAM for its 256GB model, and a 64MP rear and rear camera. This is much more than the capability of laptops and notebook computers. Similarly, feelers have hinted this smartphone will probably come in three variants viz: 256GB (8G RAM), 128GB (6G RAM), and 64GB (4G RAM) just like its predecessor, Nokia 8.1 1. Huawei P40 1. iPhone X Foldable by Apple Having a suggested 6.2 inches screen, this forthcoming Xiaomi Mi 10 will probably operate on the improved battery life of 5000mAh. This is upscale of its predecessor which was strong. It's a telephone that is really worth the wait. When and if that rumor comes into reality in 2020, we can expect this phone to sell between $2500 and $3000. So, realizing Apple among the grandmasters of premium smartphones, this cost isn't very likely to have been overpowering. Smartphones have been shown to be a wonderful blessing to this production in lots of ways. From communication to net surfing and social interaction that is rich, it is simply unthinkable the society like ours will probably exist without it. In reality, it's possible that you are currently viewing this page in your smart device. That is just how much we have all been ingrained into such microcomputers that are cellular. There was a time in which RAZR smartphone has been the talk of town. In fact, reports demonstrate within four years, this version raked in a whopping 130 million earnings. Therefore, if telephones turn into an idea that many individuals cherish, there's no reason to not think that this foldable RAZR from Motorola will not rule the planet. Needless to say, the purchase cost of this smart phone will be based on the version you are considering. It's anticipated the 256GB will charge the greatest. Going by previous costs of Nokia smart phones and the incredible specs of the model, it's possible it will not market less than $1000. Reports and rumors have linked this RAZR as taking a few clues from the likes of Mate X by Huawei and Galaxy Fold by Samsung. While the ordinary aesthetics of the RAZR mobile might be maintained, this brand new release may have a larger Frame cum tall and big screen (indoors ) whereas the exterior will have a more compact Screen. Whoever is that this phone will sell for $1500, and may operate on an Snapdragon that is inferior, in contrast to its predecessor.What to Expect in 2020If the hints dropped by Nokia at its 2019 IFA Press Conference is anything to go by, subsequently, by ancient 2020, smartphone enthusiasts can expect a superior 5G handset from Nokia. Rumor has it that this 5G Android device from Nokia will be to be christened Nokia 8.2. The processor where it is anticipated to run is that the Qualcomm Snapdragon 735 chipset, which is still underway. However, by the very last days of 2019, this stage should've been ready. The path to 2020 is some two months off, but feelers from mobile phone manufacturers reveal the best is certainly yet to be seen with respect to devices that are slick. From Samsung to Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei, and OnePlus, everyone Appears to have an enticing and beautiful bundle for your New Year. Just if you aren't aware yet, we are going to allow the cat out of the bag, and whet your appetite with these manufacturing giants are around in 2020. 1. Xiaomi Mi 10 For UK customers, while it is going to function as Snapdragon 865 Chipset, the processor is going to be the recent Exynos Chipset. Wondering what the camera quality is? Well, rumor is that the Samsung Galaxy S11 will most probably be garnished with a 64MP back camera, while the front one will probably be smaller. One more thing you may count on from Samsung concerning this forthcoming smartphone is that it would arrive in at least three versions -- SM-G986, SM-G981, and SM-G988 , all 5G-enabled. One of the most concepts of how this X might seem like is the one. This graphics designer imagined that an iPhone X which can be folded in the trunk, and where the display measurement when folded would be 6.6 inches and 8.3 inches when it is totally unfolded. This phone will be two iPhones 514 pixels for each inch, using a super display resolution.
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milanrej01-blog · 4 years
Hyundai Kona: all the data and photos of the urban SUV
Starting in September, the sale of Hyundai's urban SUV begins, the Hyundai Kona, with a new platform, a great electric future and an image that will not leave you indifferent.
Simultaneous launch in Seoul and Milan, photo shoot next to the Prado and Almudena Cathedral, name of the most touristic city on the Big Island of Hawaii ... who doubts that they want the Hyundai Kona to be a global SUV ?
Another small SUV to fight to conquer the city, this time from the hand of Hyundai, first cousin of the also debutant Kia Stonic . The Hyundai Kona arrives to fight directly with Peugeot 2008, Opel Mokka X, Renault Captur, Nissan Juke and the rest of the unstoppable small SUVs or urban SUVs. vidalista
With its 4.16 meters only the Opel Mokka surpasses it (in length), but this list of sales in Spain means that size does not really matter. In fact, the big Opel already has a little brother ready, the Opel Crossland X and this week the Citroën C3 Aircross with the same platform as the Opel was unveiled, with a length similar to that of the new Hyundai Kona. 
The prices of the Hyundai Kona will not be known until itscommercialization, which in Spain will be in September . Korea is the starting market, in July, to continue with Europe and America.
According to its managers, the Hyundai Kona, the younger brother of the Hyundai Tucson, Santa Fe and Grand Santa Fe, will stand out from the competition for its refined interior and its large space and comfort . The Kona also aims to set new references in connectivity and security measures . These include the frontal collision assistant based on camera data and the frontal radar, capable of automatically braking in the event of a collision risk. The front camera is based on three other systems, lane assistant , the one beam and detector alertness of the driver . 
Through rear radars the Hyundai Kona will offer a warningBlind spot and in reverse maneuvers, it will alert you to the risk of collision with passing traffic. Inside stand out the screen, floating on the dashboard, which according to equipment and markets will be 5, 7 or 8 inches , plus the presence of a head-up display -prime in Hyundai- in which speed information will be projected, navigation, audio and lane departure warnings. It will have an infotainment system compatible with Android Auto and Apple Carplay , with an optional DAB digital radio, rear view through a camera.
They aim for a clean style inside, but functional, and with enough space behind despite the descending line of the body. The rear seats have folding backrests (1 / 3-2 / 3) to form a flat platform if necessary. The boot has two load levels.
The mechanics for each market have not been specified, but the engines shown at the launch of the Hyundai Kona show a "big car" ambition. In Europe the basic gasoline version will be the 1.0 T-GDI that we know from other Hyundai models, such as the i30, a three-cylinder with turbo, direct injection, 120 horsepower and a maximum torque of 172 Nm between 1,500 rpm and 4,000 rpm. It will go with a six-speed manual gearbox and offer acceleration 0-100 km / h in 12 seconds. The maximum speed of the Hyundai Kona 1.0 T-GDI will be 181 km / h.
Above will be the also known 1.6 T-GDI of the Gamma family of engines, with 177 horsepower and 265 Nm of maximum torque, offered between 1,500 rpm and 4,500 rpm. This engine will be linked to the 7DCT seven-speed dual-clutch transmission and will allow 0-100 acceleration in 7.7 seconds, with a top speed of 210 km / h.
Without specifying more details on the power (in September the new Euro 6c standards come into force and the figures must still be in the confirmation phase), they have communicated that the Hyundai Kona will offer the well-known 1.6 CRDi Diesel , which in the Hyundai i30 will offers with 95 and 110 horses, and consumption (homologated) around 4 liters. 
A 149 HP 2.0 Atkinson engine will also be offered in gasoline , whose operating cycle (neither Diesel nor Otto) boasts low consumption and low emissions. Coupled with a six-speed automatic transmission, it promises to accelerate the Hyundai Kona from O to 100 km / h in 10 seconds and a top speed of 194 km / h. The maximum torque is not very high, typical of Atkinson engines, with a value of 179 Nm at 4,500 rpm.
Mechanically the Hyundai Kona will be available with 4x2 drive and will also offer 4x4 all-wheel drive . The rear suspensions change in each case (they rely on the usual McPherson front), with a torsional axle for the front-wheel drive versions and a more sophisticated multi-link for the all-wheel drive Hyundai Kona. They say that the new Kona platform is optimized to allow an SUV's own ground clearance, without specifying the data.
The safety of the Kona does not only refer to the multiple electronic accessories that it will offer, also in structural rigidity. For this they do not hesitate to boast that Hyundai is the only manufacturer capable of producing their own steel . Half of the Hyundai Kona's structure (51.8 percent) will be made of very high-strength steels , hot-stamped, to achieve rigidity and lightness. 
The rigidity of the bodywork is essential in the face of shocks, also for the absence of noise and for the correct work of the suspensions. With this they trust to combine in the Kona good comfort of patching and great road behavior, also relying on a great wheelbase for a small car, 260 cm, just 5 centimeters less than the Hyundai i30 .
The key point of small SUVs is the style and the Hyundai Kona has a lot of that. Those responsible for the design of the Hyundai Kona are the Belgian Luc Donckerwolke (who you know well enough for being the father of a best seller like the Seat Ibiza that you have seen for nine years and who is now leaving us) and one of the current stars of the car design, the Korean SangYup Lee (if it doesn't sound right to you, the person in charge of the Camaro you saw in Transformers, among others).
Seen from behind, the Hyundai Kona has the air of a Hyundai i30 wagon that would have gone through a bodybuilding room, and the same muscle-on-muscle feel is seen on the wheel arches. Come on, you will like it . Better to see the photos of the Kona, than to explain the peculiar interpretation of the plastic protections on the wheel arches. 
Ahead is more of the above, with an evolution of the Hyundai grill , which will take Hyundai away from those criticisms that it looked like an Audi (reproaches that they surely did not dislike). You will not be short of comparisons again, with the thin led daytime running lights on the top, next to the hood, separated from the main optics: yes, they are reminiscent of the latest Citroën designs. The Hyundia Kona offers two-tone paint, with a black roof, as is becoming the norm in the small SUV segment.
Black marks it all, contrasting each of the five double spoke spokes, the front grille, but also the engine air intake at the top of the bumper. If it aesthetically transmits robustness, it will better supply air to the engine compartment. To make matters worse, for the launch they have teamed up with Marvel to present a special edition Ironman , which seems to provide armor to the Hyundai Kona. On 19-inch wheels and 40 mm wider, it will be possible in the window of the Hyundai Motorstudio in Seoul, for a month.
Starting in 2018, an electric version of the Hyundai Kona will also be offered , whose autonomy will not be less than 390 km with a recharge. It is part of the intention to launch 31 electrified models in Hyundai (between hybrids, plug-in hybrid and fuel cell), before 2020. In the first half of 2018 Hyundai will launch a hydrogen fuel cell SUV on the occasion of the celebration of the winter olympics.
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trylkstopocket · 2 years
Cramer be Shoppin'
Cramer be Shoppin' :root { color-scheme: light; supported-color-schemes: light; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; min-width: 100%!important; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100% !important; -webkit-transform: scale(1) !important; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100% !important; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important; } .body { word-wrap: normal; word-spacing:normal; } table.mso { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; padding: 0; table-layout: fixed; } img { border: 0 !important; outline: none !important; } table { mso-table-lspace: 0px; mso-table-rspace: 0px; } td, a, span { mso-line-height-rule: exactly; } #root [x-apple-data-detectors=true], a[x-apple-data-detectors=true], #MessageViewBody a { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: inherit !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important; } span.MsoHyperlink { color: inherit !important; mso-style-priority: 99 !important; } span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { color: inherit !important; 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You cannot stop JC from shopping  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
January 29, 2023   |   Read Online
Cramer be Shoppin'
You cannot stop JC from shopping
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    Welcome to Inverse Cramer by Alts.co.
Last week's poll results indicate we should send this out on Sunday evening EST. So that's what we're gonna do.
Markets were up and our boy JC's got a hop in his step.
Let's go 👇
  First, I want to tell you about WineCap​
Wine is probably our favorite alternative asset class right now. There's no recession in wine - it just keeps banging up & to the right.
​We recently got wind of a company called WineCap who has crazy low fees
0% management fee (This is what's crazy. Wine investment companies usually do 10-15%)
Very modest annual storage fee
5% commission on exit
These guys have a 10-year track record. Download this guide or book a call. 
Monday Jan 23
Cramerica's fearless leader began the week riding the buy train:
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So last week, we talked about how Jim suddenly turned bearish on bitcoin, mere days before the beginning of a 26% bull run.
Good news: it's now up another 9% since he said get out two weeks ago:
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Inverse Cramer ETF (Not Jim Cramer) @CramerTracker
Bitcoin +33% since
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 Jan 25, 2023
  2.83K Likes   446 Retweets   270 Replies
Even this tweet is outdated
Booyah! What a month.
I would like to thank Jim Cramer for starting this bull run and keeping me from getting liquidated. Jim I owe you a stake dinner.
 - Michael Saylor
  Tuesday Jan 24
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Jim wants you to know he prefers Realty Income Corp over National Retail.
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Inverse Cramer ETF (Not Jim Cramer) @CramerTracker
Meta is now up nearly 50% since Jim cried on TV
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 Jan 23, 2023
  2.95K Likes   264 Retweets   79 Replies
  Wednesday Jan 25
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Why be in Cleveland-Cliffs when you can be in Nucor?
Cramer has had it with China! He says the government cannot be trusted.
"Alibaba is the only China stock I’d buy.”
Reminder that he said the same thing about crypto at precisely the wrong time:
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Jim Cramer @jimcramer
Good chance AGAIN to get out of crypto and scale out of Chinese stocks as neither can be trusted
 Jan 9, 2023
  5.25K Likes   580 Retweets   3.61K Replies
  Thursday Jan 26
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He likes LI Auto. Who am I to go against the smartest man in the world?
 - Cramer, talking about Elon Musk
Speaking of Elon:
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Inverse Cramer ETF (Not Jim Cramer) @CramerTracker
Tesla is already up 66% since Jim said it wasn't a buy
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 Jan 27, 2023
  6.25K Likes   538 Retweets   201 Replies
  Friday Jan 27
Kind of a confused Friday. JC "can't make heads or tails" on half these companies.
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We simply don’t know what to do. They don’t return our calls.
 - Cramer on Bausch Health
Weird that Bausch won't return his calls, when Cramer’s Charitable Trust owns shares. (Maybe they just don't want to talk to him)
Lots of conviction on L3Harris though, his strongest buy of the week:
It’s still a buy. There’s so many people betting against it, and they’re wrong
 - Cramer on L3Harris 
  Weekend Bonus
Great work from the @babbldev team w/ this Cramer writeup:
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Inverse Cramer ETF (Not Jim Cramer) @CramerTracker
That’s why you inverse Cramer😂
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 Jan 26, 2023
  2.35K Likes   229 Retweets   77 Replies
  Cramer Classic
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Inverse Cramer ETF (Not Jim Cramer) @CramerTracker
Jimmy on Ukraine’s army - Feb 22
“Their army is going to be overrun within the first two hours”
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 Feb 27, 2022
  5.55K Likes   592 Retweets   553 Replies
Mister foreign affairs expert: We salute you 🫡
  That's a wrap. As always, we'll be following Cramer's every move so you can do the opposite.
Enjoy your week. -IC
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© Inverse Cramer Newsletter
21 Southern Right Crescent Encounter Bay, SA 5211, Australia
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   Publish on Beehiiv
View image: ( %{image_url)} ) Welcome to Inverse Cramer by Alts.co ( https://alts.co/ ). Last week's poll results indicate we should send this out on Sunday evening EST. So that's what we're gonna do. Markets were up and our boy JC's got a hop in his step. Let's go 👇 ——— First, I want to tell you about WineCap ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter )​ Wine is probably our favorite alternative asset class right now. There's no recession in wine - it just keeps banging up & to the right. ​We recently got wind of a company called WineCap ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter ) who has crazy low fees · 0% management fee (This is what's crazy. Wine investment companies usually do 10-15%) · Very modest annual storage fee · 5% commission on exit These guys have a 10-year track record. Download this guide ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter ) or book a call ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter ).  Monday Jan 23 Cramerica's fearless leader began the week riding the buy train: View image: ( %{image_url)} ) So last week, we talked about how Jim suddenly turned bearish on bitcoin, mere days before the beginning of a 26% bull run. Good news: it's now up another 9% since he said get out two weeks ago: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1618346601319366656?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) Even this tweet is outdated Booyah! What a month. “I would like to thank Jim Cramer for starting this bull run and keeping me from getting liquidated. Jim I owe you a stake dinner.” — - Michael Saylor ——— Tuesday Jan 24 View image: ( %{image_url)} ) Jim wants you to know he prefers Realty Income Corp over National Retail. Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1617618473739505664?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) ——— Wednesday Jan 25 View image: ( %{image_url)} ) “Why be in Cleveland-Cliffs when you can be in Nucor?” Cramer has had it with China! He says the government cannot be trusted. “"Alibaba is the only China stock I’d buy.”” Reminder that he said the same thing about crypto at precisely the wrong time: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/jimcramer/status/1612403708759019520?s=20&t=kHWcYova_Uh8A4o65_EaAA ) ——— Thursday Jan 26 View image: ( %{image_url)} ) “He likes LI Auto. Who am I to go against the smartest man in the world?” — - Cramer, talking about Elon Musk Speaking of Elon: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1619034871778910208?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) ——— Friday Jan 27 Kind of a confused Friday. JC "can't make heads or tails" on half these companies. View image: ( %{image_url)} ) “We simply don’t know what to do. They don’t return our calls.” — - Cramer on Bausch Health Weird that Bausch won't return his calls, when Cramer’s Charitable Trust owns shares. (Maybe they just don't want to talk to him) Lots of conviction on L3Harris though, his strongest buy of the week: “It’s still a buy. There’s so many people betting against it, and they’re wrong” — - Cramer on L3Harris  ——— Weekend Bonus Great work from the @babbldev ( https://twitter.com/babbledev ) team w/ this Cramer writeup: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1618744692279226368?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) ——— Cramer Classic Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1498052654949404678?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) Mister foreign affairs expert: We salute you 🫡 ——— That's a wrap. As always, we'll be following Cramer's every move so you can do the opposite. Enjoy your week.-IC ——— You are reading a plain text version of this post. For the best experience, copy and paste this link in your browser to view the post online: https://inverse-cramer.beehiiv.com/p/cramer-shoppin
View image: ( %{image_url)} ) Welcome to Inverse Cramer by Alts.co ( https://alts.co/ ). Last week's poll results indicate we should send this out on Sunday evening EST. So that's what we're gonna do. Markets were up and our boy JC's got a hop in his step. Let's go 👇 ——— First, I want to tell you about WineCap ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter )​ Wine is probably our favorite alternative asset class right now. There's no recession in wine - it just keeps banging up & to the right. ​We recently got wind of a company called WineCap ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter ) who has crazy low fees · 0% management fee (This is what's crazy. Wine investment companies usually do 10-15%) · Very modest annual storage fee · 5% commission on exit These guys have a 10-year track record. Download this guide ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter ) or book a call ( https://winecap.com/download-guide-us?utm_source=alts.co&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=alts.co-newsletter ).  Monday Jan 23 Cramerica's fearless leader began the week riding the buy train: View image: ( %{image_url)} ) So last week, we talked about how Jim suddenly turned bearish on bitcoin, mere days before the beginning of a 26% bull run. Good news: it's now up another 9% since he said get out two weeks ago: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1618346601319366656?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) Even this tweet is outdated Booyah! What a month. “I would like to thank Jim Cramer for starting this bull run and keeping me from getting liquidated. Jim I owe you a stake dinner.” — - Michael Saylor ——— Tuesday Jan 24 View image: ( %{image_url)} ) Jim wants you to know he prefers Realty Income Corp over National Retail. Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1617618473739505664?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) ——— Wednesday Jan 25 View image: ( %{image_url)} ) “Why be in Cleveland-Cliffs when you can be in Nucor?” Cramer has had it with China! He says the government cannot be trusted. “"Alibaba is the only China stock I’d buy.”” Reminder that he said the same thing about crypto at precisely the wrong time: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/jimcramer/status/1612403708759019520?s=20&t=kHWcYova_Uh8A4o65_EaAA ) ——— Thursday Jan 26 View image: ( %{image_url)} ) “He likes LI Auto. Who am I to go against the smartest man in the world?” — - Cramer, talking about Elon Musk Speaking of Elon: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1619034871778910208?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) ——— Friday Jan 27 Kind of a confused Friday. JC "can't make heads or tails" on half these companies. View image: ( %{image_url)} ) “We simply don’t know what to do. They don’t return our calls.” — - Cramer on Bausch Health Weird that Bausch won't return his calls, when Cramer’s Charitable Trust owns shares. (Maybe they just don't want to talk to him) Lots of conviction on L3Harris though, his strongest buy of the week: “It’s still a buy. There’s so many people betting against it, and they’re wrong” — - Cramer on L3Harris  ——— Weekend Bonus Great work from the @babbldev ( https://twitter.com/babbledev ) team w/ this Cramer writeup: Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1618744692279226368?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) ——— Cramer Classic Tweet: ( https://twitter.com/CramerTracker/status/1498052654949404678?s=20&t=XBPzE5L5oUwwWELJGh_6gw ) Mister foreign affairs expert: We salute you 🫡 ——— That's a wrap. As always, we'll be following Cramer's every move so you can do the opposite. Enjoy your week.-IC ——— You are reading a plain text version of this post. For the best experience, copy and paste this link in your browser to view the post online: https://inverse-cramer.beehiiv.com/p/cramer-shoppin
0 notes
ericjackson · 3 years
EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations– via CNBC's Closing Bell
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September 8, 2021
  Tech & Media
  Eric Jackson Tech & Media E-News
  EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations – via CNBC's Closing Bell
EMJ Continues to Find Companies that Exceed Expectations – via CNBC's Closing Bell
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While the Nasdaq was up yesterday, the Russell, Dow and S&P were in the red. Eric Jackson was on CNBC's Closing Bell for his thoughts on the market and what he looks for when investing. Eric's criteria for finding small growth companies that exceed expectations is working – a favorite long position is up 545%, and he anticipates further growth for it.
On September 7th, 2021, Eric Jackson joined Wilfred Frost and Morgan Brennan on CNBC's Closing Bell to discuss the current state of the markets and where he fishes for the next multi-year compounders. Eric remains cautiously optimistic about the market. Interested in smaller growth tech companies, Eric looks for names that he thinks will double or triple over the next 2-3 years. Year after year, EMJ has flagged a number of companies he believes can grow into next-generation FAANGs. 2021 is no exception with a favored stock at 13x since its December 2020 IPO. Eric often seeks out recent IPOs with $5-10 billion market caps and a strong growth story, leaning towards companies who may not be fully appreciated but that he anticipates will gain appreciation over time. Watch this clip from yesterday's CNBC's Closing Bell: EMJ Capital Founder on what he looks for when investing.
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Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space
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Since early 2020, Bombardier appointed a new CEO and CFO to execute a turnaround plan and sold off its rail business to focus solely on private aircraft space. They are paying down debt, have delivered 100+ of the highly lucrative and luxurious Global Express 7500 jets with a 2-year wait time on new orders. Here's the case for a big comeback in the company's shares.
Read Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space in the Years Ahead.
Interesting Tech Stocks at Reduced Multiples
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As stocks closed near record levels in June 2021, Tim Stenovec and Carol Massar at Bloomberg Business Week Drive to the Close spoke with Eric Jackson for insight on the market environment. Eric said there are interesting tech stocks at reduced multiples, protecting investors from future inflation. Listen to the Bloomberg Business Week Drive to the Close Epsiode Here.
EMJ Capital Key Differentiators
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Proprietary Data Science
Our Data Science Program is tied to EMJ Capital’s tech focus and long-term holding periods for our investments. In addition to our primary company research, our proprietary data science approach analyzes key factors which suggest a company has the potential to become a multi-year compounder. Our data science program is also used for portfolio risk management.
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Eric’s 20yr Tech Exec Network
Eric Jackson’s tech operational experience and background as an activist investor helped him build a proprietary network of technology influencers and venture capital executives who invest in public and private tech and media companies. Eric maintains his 20 year network through regular face-to-face and Zoom meetings. This network has been an enormous advantage.
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Founder and President of EMJ Capital Ltd. – concentrated long/short public market investing, based in Toronto.
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monfox910 · 2 years
Mac M1 Android Emulator
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The S API Level M1 Android Emulator is pretty fast. Just like the one we usually run on Intel device machine with Intel® HAXM. And for me the best news is, Chrome is working!! I tried Charles.
Temptation of the Apple: Dolphin on macOS M1. From the announcement made on November 10th, 2020, users have had high hopes for the new Apple M1 devices. With its powerful Apple Silicon processor smashing benchmarks all over the place, users and developers were both asking if a native Dolphin build would be possible. Now we have the answer.
After pressing the launch button you will get your Android application running in your ARM virtual emulator:-) Conclusion. In this post, we have seen that is possible to install Android Studio in Macbook Air M1 and use a virtual device even that your M1 doesn’t support VT-x. You can learn more about this emulator in the following references.
Visual Studio Mac M1 Android Emulator
🕑 Updated on: September 4, 2021
Note: Most of this article was updated in August 2021. The Macbook Pro M1 I was using crashed and stopped working without any reason on August 25, 2021. In just seven months of use.
It took time to get it repaired. That forced me to buy another laptop. While setting up the new laptop, I thought it is an excellent time to update this post.
lol @apple started shipping used/damaged products to India by boxing them as NEW? cc: @AppleSupportpic.twitter.com/hmgZwiS5Kl
— Aman Mittal ⚛️☕🖖🥑 (@amanhimself) August 26, 2021
I recently upgraded from Macbook Air 2017 to Macbook Pro with an M1 chip. My four-year-old Macbook Air was giving up. The performance to run heavy tasks like using the iOS simulator when developing and working on React Native apps was declining. I had long given up using the Android emulator and used an actual Android device for testing. December 2020 was the time I decided its time to upgrade.
I had a long internal discussion with myself for almost a month about whether I should upgrade to M1 or stick with Intel-based chips and spend them bucks. Don't get me wrong here, M1 is not cheap either as I did go for a RAM upgrade to max limits, which is currently 16GB in the base model.
After going through some online reviews and research, the kind of performance I was expecting has been worth it so far (it is fast, no doubt). I received it two weeks back when writing this post, and since then, I have installed all the necessary tools and utilities that help me work on Web development and React Native apps.
My local environment currently includes:
Homebrew (now supported Apple Silicon machines since 2.6.0)
Oh My Zsh
Rosetta 2
OS apps:
Android Studio
Insomnia as REST API client
Slack or Discord (for work and community)
There (to track team mate's timezone)
LICEcap (for gifs)
Zoom (for work)
GitHub Desktop App
Cleanshot (for screenshots)
Google Chrome
set to default
First things to do:
Log in to: Gmail, Twitter, GitHub, Outlook
Developer mode on
Toby to organize tabs
System Settings:
Disable Ask Siri
Disable Spotlight search except Applications, Calculator, Definition, and System Preferences.
Fix direction: Scroll & Zoom > Natural off
Right click: Point & Click > Secondary Click
Disable dictionary lookup: Point & Click > Look up & data detectors off
More gestures > Swipe between pages off & App Exposé off
Finder settings:
Preferences > Advanced > Show filename extensions
Enable show path bar: View > Show Path Bar
Turn auto hiding on
Copy dotfiles.
My favorite terminal app that I have been using for years is iTerm. I am currently using two versions of iTerm on my setup. One with Rosetta 2 enabled and the default one. This way, I can only use the Rosetta 2 emulator when required. There are no performance issues I have found with using iTerm with Rosetta 2 for ARM-based applications.
If you'd like a similar setup, go to the Applications folder in your Macbook and duplicate the iTerm application.
You can rename the duplicated iTerm app. I have renamed it to iTerm_rosetta to differentiate between the two. Right-click the duplicated app and click Get Info. In the General, check the box where it says Open using Rosetta.
Now, if you open the second terminal, it will be using Rosetta 2 emulator by default.
Other iTerm profile settings that I use:
Recently I started using Jetbrains Mono font.
For the overall looks and appearance, I use Dracula Pro Color Presets created by Zen Rocha.
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And my last favorite thing is to split the working directory into two more different tabs using Command + D for horizontal panes.
Make sure to have the following setting configured from
General > Working Directory > select Advanced Configuration > click button Edit... > select Reuse previous session's directory under Working Directory for New Split Panes.
For terminal prompt, I use Spaceship ZSH.
After installing Git, for me, the next step is to install Xcode app from Apple's App Store.
Then, install 'command line tools'. It is required by many of the formulae in Homebrew.
After installing it, make sure to open it for the first time, from the menu bar, open Xcode > Preferences > Locations and make sure that Command Line Tools point towards the current Xcode app.
On December 1, 2020, the Homebrew team announced on their website about the version release 2.6.0. The most significant changes among others they listed were the support for macOS Big Sur, using brew commands instead of brew cask and beginning to support macOS M1 and Apple Silicon or ARM-based chips.
Using the terminal, you can install the Homebrew by executing the default command:
brew installs:
scrcpy (control Android devices connect via USB on mac)
adoptopenjdk8 (required for React Native)
Karabiner-Elements (remapping function keys)
watchman (required for React Native)
What is Karabiner-Elements?
When I bought Macbook Air M1, it had function keys (that got me excited), but I don't understand why Apple decided to replace function keys that would allow me to control Keyboard Brightness?! And moreover, replace it with 'Do Not Disturb'.
Why? That got me confused 🤷
I found this tool called karabiner Elements that can be installed as a brew formula:
Here are the key mappings I am using now:
I did install Git using brew command:
To authenticate GitHub to be used from the terminal environment, I'd recommend you to check out the official document on creating and accessing personal tokens.
🔥 Tip: As of Git version 2.28 there is a new config option to set the default branch to main. Set it globally and forget about it.
ZSH and Oh My Zsh
ZSH is the default shell in macOS Big Sur. However, I like to use Oh My Zsh to manage the ZSH configuration, plugins, and a theme to prettify the terminal.
To install, run the command below:
After installation, make sure that the file .zshrc is exporting the below path at the top:
Android Simulator Mac M1
The first I like to do after setting up the bare minimum ZSH configuration is to install a plugin called zsh-syntax-highlighting. It provides syntax highlighting for the ZSH shell. Execute the series below commands in the terminal window:
This is my final ZSH configuration in the file ~/.zshrc file:
After installing the syntax highlight plugin, it starts to recognize the commands:
VSCode and VS Code Insiders are currently supported on ARM chips (as of March 13, 2021). Download the installer for Insiders edition from here and for VSCode here.
I am still using the same VSCode configuration from my previous setup:
I usually like to switch between a dark and a light theme.
For the dark theme where I spent most of my time, I am was previously using morgan.codes-theme, but now I am using fairyFloss.
Other themes I switch between:
Quiet Light
For file icons, I love Material-Icon-Theme.
For terminal prompt, I use Spaceship ZSH.
Font: Jetbrains Mono font.
I use VSCode editor for both writing code and writing blog posts. Thus, the list of extensions below is the combination of extensions that fulfills both of my purposes.
Global NPM Packages I use
gatsby-cli To build and test out my personal blog built with Gatsby.
npm-check to check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
git-watch-log to watch a git repo and recent changes.
For React Native Development
Android Emulator For Mac M1
install node
install Watchman to watch changes in the filesystem using the command: brew install watchman.
install following gems:
install Java Development Kit using the command: brew install --cask adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8.
Currently, I am using Arctic Fox Canary that supports Apple's based machines for Android Studio.
Then install Android SDK (I do not prefer AVD and use an actual device for testing)
scrcpy to display and control Android devices connect via USB on Mac.
⚛️ For more instructions on how to set up a development environment for React Native, please follow the official documentation here.
Rosetta 2
Update: I am not using the Rosetta environment to install anything on the secondary machine since August 2021. That is the reason I've mentioned it at the end of the post.
Rosetta 2 is the lifeline that allows you to run apps designed for Intel-based chips that use x86 architecture on ARM-based chips (in this case M1). This solution is provided by Apple in the form of an emulator and doesn't come pre-installed. You have to install it manually. Fire up the Terminal application that comes pre-installed on the Big Sur and let your first command to execute be:
If you decide not to put the flag --agree-to-license, you will be prompted by Apple's interactive install, and you will have to agree to their terms and license conditions to use it.
That’s the setup I now use for my JavaScript, Node.js, React and React Native. I think it's a good machine. Hopefully, M1 is just the beginning of a new era of powerful computers for daily work use 🤞
🤔 The only thing left for me is to find a way to transfer all laptop swag/stickers from my Macbook Air 2017 to Pro. I miss having them on this one.
isapplesiliconready.com is another helpful link I found to check what is compatible to work on Apple Silicon chips natively or using Rosetta or not optimized at all.
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utahfox620 · 3 years
Free Bpm Detector Mac
Pistonsoft Bpm Detector
Free Beats Per Minute Software
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This free audio tool scans your entire collection of songs and detects the number of beats per minute, which gives an idea of how calm or how energetic the tune is. Pistonsoft BPM Analyzer can display the numbers right away in its convenient browser-style interface, but most prefer this information saved as a tune's meta-tag. A powerful track analyzer. Precision BPM detector. Completely automatic, no need to tap. Batch processing of folder or iTunes playlist. Writes BPM to file tag. Exports BPM and other data to iTunes. Supports mp3 and AAC. Detects music intro & fade-out. Optionally adjusts track volume.
806 downloadsUpdated: November 29, 2013Commercialware
An automatic beats-per-minute detector for the Mac that supports exporting the BPM values directly to the MP3 ID3-v2 tags of songs
What's new in Beat Counter 4.7.1:
Fixes issue that caused some files to fail analysis.
Read the full changelog
Beat Counter is an easy-to-use Mac OS X application that helps users determine the beat-per-minute of songs by analyzing them using computational algorithms. The app is capable of detecting the BPM of tracks in your iTunes library and saving the BPM data to the ID3 tag of each MP3 song.
Knowing the beat-per-minute of songs is especially useful to professional DJs, as it allows them to know which songs have the same tempo, then drop them into mixes accordingly. Beat Counter can also help users who wish to create separate playlists with songs of different BPMs.
The main window is rich, colorful and displays a list of the iTunes playlists and songs you have added. Songs can be sorted by filename, artist, title, BPM and certainty / progress parameters. Furthermore, the area at the top allows you to queue files or playlists, view the BPM range, as well as to export all or just selected values.
After determining the BPM of your tracks, you are ready to export the values to iTunes. In the process, a separate window, which shows the progress, is displayed. You can view the files that were successfully processed, how many BPM values were exported and how many files could not be analyzed.
Note that Beat Counter can only analyze files that can be decoded by iTunes. It does not work with songs protected by Apple’s Digital Rights Management, though. You also get to set a few preferences, such as selecting the algorithm quality, background brightness, setting a custom background image and a value for simultaneous analyses.
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In a nutshell, the application provides a simple yet powerful method to detect and export the BPM values of supported iTunes tracks. Even though it does not come with a modern or elegant user interface, it is clean easy-to-use. Beat Counter is not impressive, but might help you set the BPM to songs quickly and accurately.
Pistonsoft Bpm Detector
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Beat Counter
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was reviewed by Octav Fedor
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Beat Counter 4.7.1
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Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later (Intel only)
file size:
7.5 MB
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loadingtwisted289 · 3 years
Trilithic Seeker USB Devices Driver Download
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Trilithic Seeker MCA III offers high-performance GPS location recording and documentation when monitoring only the aeronautical bands with existing Seeker leakage detectors or monitoring both the aeronautical and LTE bands with the new Seeker D leakage detector. This device also allows you to daisy chain the mobile mounts of the Seeker.
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I tried all those steps previously. So I went to another machine I have been using to update my old device for years. It updated my old device ok BUT won't update the new VIA 62; it just sits there spinning whether the device is connected or not. This is the same on 3 computers now so there is a problem. Is it with the new VIA 62? Announcement of Cayin Universal V4.35.0 USB Audio Driver. Using DAP as external sound card to enhance the performance of your computer facility is one of the common practice among CAS users, the process is fairly straight forward if you are using Linux or OS X based computer facilities because these devices support USB Audio Class 2.0 natively.
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Apple Software Update
Apple Software Update is a software tool by Apple that installs the latest version of Apple software. It was originally introduced to Mac users in Mac OS 9. A Windows version has been available since the introduction of iTunes 7. more info...
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver 6.0.9030.1
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Audio chipsets from Realtek are used in motherboards from many different manufacturers. If you have such a motherboard, you can use the drivers provided by Realtek. more info...
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Installing the card reader software gives your system the ability to exchange data with supported memory card. This software provides compatibility with cards such as MMC, SD, SDHC, micro SD, and many others that can be used with … more info...
Intel Processor Graphics
Intel X3000 Chipset incorporates key features available in previous Intel Graphics versions like Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) as well as hardware acceleration for 3D graphics that utilize Microsoft DirectX* 9.0C and OpenGL* 1.5X. more info...
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Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact with all PDF documents. more info...
VirtualBox 6.1.18
VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, VirtualBox is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.VirtualBox is a package … more info...
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Apple Software Update
Apple Software Update is a software tool by Apple that installs the latest version of Apple software. It was originally introduced to Mac users in Mac OS 9. A Windows version has been available since the introduction of iTunes 7. more info...
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Intel PROSet/Wireless Software
Installer package for driver version 11.5 and Intel PROSet/Wireless Tools version 11.5 supporting Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN Mini Card and Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection Mini Card on Windows Vista operating … more info...
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Software Informer is a utility that has been designed specifically for those users who care to keep their applications functional and ready for any task that might arise. more info...
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Vividia Ablescopes: User Manuals, Software, APPs
User Manuals for Vividia Ablescopes: VA-400, VA-800, VA-920 and VA-980; and VA-B2 WiFi AirBox
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Software and APPs related to Vividia Ablescopes: VA-400, VA-800, VA-920 and VA-980; and VA-B2 WiFi AirBox
Software for Windows PC: Download 'Digital Viewer' for Windows from here: ​https://s3.amazonaws.com/plugable/bin/Digital_Viewer_3.1.07.exe
USB Camera with Measurement Functions: Vividia Ablescope Viewer for Windows:
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Software for MacBooks: Download 'Digital Viewer' for MacOSX Mac microscope software from Plugable Technologies.
APP for Android Phones and Tablets Through OTG Cable: 'OTG View' or 'CameraFi' Apps ​Download and install 'OTG View' of 'CameraFi'from Google Play Store or apkpure.com. More about and compatible Android devices with 'CameraFi', visit their website. (Tip: To remove the ads inside CameraFi, turn off the internet connection first, such as set in 'Airplane' mode, before you launch CameraFi app.) Not all Android devices have OTG video functions and are compatible with our USB borescopes. You can use free APP 'USB Host Diagnostics' from Play Store to determine if your android phone or tablet has USB host capabilities.
APP for iPads iPhones Through VA-B2 WiFi AirBox: Download 'AirBox - Vividia Ablescope' for iPad iPhone and iOS devices from Apple APP Store.
APP for Android Phones and Tablets Through VA-B2 WiFi AirBox: Download and install 'airbox.apk- Vividia Ablescope' attached below: (You can download and install the same app from Google Play Store)
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atomicangelcreation · 4 years
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos
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BusyCal 3.11.1
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Students
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Windows 10
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Pc
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Mac
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Windows 7
NEW: Zoom one-click meetings. You can now add a Zoom account under Preferences > Accounts and add meetings to events with a single click.
NEW: Google Tasks are now supported. You can now manage your Google Tasks directly from BusyCal. Requires account account re-authorization (i.e. by removing it and adding it again).
NEW: For Google / GSuite users, BusyCal now automatically performs a contact directory search when adding attendees to a meeting.
NEW: To do list now always displays a due date in the list, where available
NEW: Keyboard shortcuts to batch add (or subtract) 30 mins to an event's start (or end) times
NEW: BusyCal Alarm window can now be dismissed without dismissing alarms. Clicking on the menu item, or an upcoming alarm, will show it again.
NEW: Drop down tags menu placed next to the tags field. You no longer have to remember tag names.
NEW: Regeneration style for recurring To-Dos can now be set individually from Custom Repeat options
NEW: Extra presets added to Do-Not-Disturb drop-down
NEW: 'Last 10 Years' added to List View's date range pull-down menu
Improved detection of Zoom links in notes
Fixed support for meeting invites sent from an Open XChange account
Improved Birthday / Anniversary sync
Ongoing stability improvements
BusyCal for Mac 3.2.8 桌面日历 Posted by Rolos On 二月 08, 2018 1 Comment BusyCal是一个屡获殊荣的桌面日历,它为个人提供个人生产力功能,为家庭和工作组提供强大的日历共享功能。. Trusted Mac download BusyCal 3.10. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get BusyCal alternative downloads. BusyCal for Mac 3.2.3 桌面日历 BusyCal for mac 3.1.6 桌面日历 BusyCal for mac 3.1.5 桌面日历 BusyCal for mac 3.1.4 桌面日历 BusyCal for mac 3.1.2.
BusyCal 3.2.8 Mac OS X 19.81 MB. BusyCal is an award-winning desktop calendar that combines personal productivity features for individuals with powerful capabilities to share calendars for families and workgroups. BusyCal is an award-winning desktop calendar that combines personal productivity features for individuals with powerful capabilities to share calendars for families.
BusyCal 3.2.8 – Powerful calendar app with multiple syncing options. February 8, 2018 BusyCal is an award-winning desktop calendar that combines personal productivity features for individuals with powerful calendar sharing capabilities for families and workgroups.
Airmail 3.2.8 Multilingual | MacOSX | 45.8 MB
Airmail 3 is a new mail client designed for OS X El Capitan with fast performance and intuitive interaction. Support for iCloud, MS Exchange, Gmail, Google Apps, IMAP, POP3, Yahoo!, AOL, Outlook.com, Live.com. Airmail was designed from the ground UP to retain the same experience with a single or multiple accounts and provide a quick, modern and easy-to-use user experience. Airmail is clean and allows you to get to your emails without interruption – it’s the mail client for the 21st century.
We have taken usability and function to the next level with Airmail and bring a striking-design with support for all major email services. Switch between accounts like a breeze and quick reply to incoming messages within seconds – email has never been so easy and productive.
– iCloud Account sync – iCloud attachment upload and share the link. – Handoff support, Composing Draft and folder selection are mirrored on different devices – Today Extension, quick access to your inbox. – Action Extension, Airmail Compose, Inline create and send messages directly form other apps – Action Extension, Airmail Share to quick send messages and attachments.
Accounting: – Unified Inbox – Alias with custom SMTP – Exchange, iCloudâ„¢, Gmailâ„¢, IMAP, POP3, Googleâ„¢ Apps, Yahoo!â„¢, AOLâ„¢, Outlook.comâ„¢, Live.comâ„¢ – Local Accounts – Import from Apple Mail, MBOX archive, EML, EMLX, Airmail 1.x
Interactions: – Quick Reply – Undo History – Offline operations – Move messages on Different mailboxes – Interaction sounds – Multi Touch gestures – Exchange Meeting Invite
Shortcuts: – Gmail Shortcuts – Custom global shortcuts – Quick Label, Move, Label and Archive – Quick folder selection
Attachment: – Drag and drop – Quick Look preview – Google Drive, Dropbox, CloudApp, Box, Onedrive, Droplr, FTP – Inline image attachments – Winmail.dat preview – VCalendar
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Students
Conversations: – Group by id – Group by subject – Chronological Reverse – Muted CC’d conversation
Visual: – Multiple visual themes – Minimal and extended Mode – Plain Text Rendering
Notifications: – Per account notifications – Notification center support – Notification alerts with custom actions
Address: – Gmail, Exchange and OS X contacts – Contacts Group – Filter by address – Open Directory search
Composer: – Google App Directory – Exchange Global Address List – LDAP directory – Markdown, Html(Html Source for templates), and text only. – Custom settings per single account – Bullet and numbered list.
Sending: – Auto CC, BCC. – Pending operations – Send Delay – Redirect – Send again – Bounce
Advanced: – Split Screen Support – Time Machine friendly – Deckles mode – EML Import/Export – Disable GPU to save battery life – Applescript – Activity monitor – Data Detectors
Signatures: – Multiple Account Signatures – Markdown, Rich text, Html Source, and text only. – Signature above or below the quote
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Windows 10
Search & Filtering: – Global search for multiple accounts – Realtime powerful filters – Sort messages, Date, Attachments, Conversations …. – Show messages of the same user – Flags and filters
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Pc
Folders, Labels: – Nested folders – Create, Delete and edit folders – Custom colors synced by iCloud – Custom folder mappings – ToDo, Done, Memo
Send to: – Omnifocus – Fantastical – Evernote – Apple Reminder – Calendar – BusyCal – Things – 2To – Wunderlist – Todoist
Privacy: – Per user Autoload Remote Images, – Disable icon detection
Sep 29, 2017 A quick video on how to find the Charm Notch hidden in Fog Canyon. Soul Eater is a Charm in Hollow Knight. It greatly increases the amount of SOUL gained when hitting enemies with the nail. This charm is very useful for accumulating a large amount of excess SOUL and should be considered for combat situations where it's dangerous or impossible to use the Dream Nail. It generates more SOUL per notch than Soul Catcher(the SOUL gain from Soul Eater is about. Hollow Knight has many Collectibles. Whispers its location to the bearer whenever a map is open, allowing wanderers to pinpoint their current location. Category:Charms | Hollow Knight Wiki | Fandom. In this guide, we'll detail the locations of every single Notch upgrade and Charm in Hollow Knight. Charms go towards 100% completion so gathering them all is a task well worth undertaking for the.
What’s New in Version 3.2.8 Fix send messages on some exchange Minor fixes
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Mac
Requirements: Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.10 or later Home Page –
Busycal 3.2.8 For Macos Windows 7
Code: Select all
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trylkstopocket · 2 years
¡Así es como yo invierto cada mes!
¡Así es como yo invierto cada mes!.moz-text-html .hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} .moz-text-html .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.moz-text-html .hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} [owa] .hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important}[owa] .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top} [owa] .hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} @media only screen and (min-width:640px){.hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} }@media only screen and (max-width:639px){img.stretch-on-mobile,.hs_rss_email_entries_table img,.hs-stretch-cta .hs-cta-img{height:auto !important;width:100% !important} .display_block_on_small_screens{display:block}.hs_padded{padding-left:20px !important;padding-right:20px !important} ul,blockquote{margin:0;padding:1em 40px}}body[data-outlook-cycle] img.stretch-on-mobile,body[data-outlook-cycle] .hs_rss_email_entries_table img{height:auto !important;width:100% !important} body[data-outlook-cycle] .hs_padded{padding-left:20px !important;padding-right:20px !important} a[x-apple-data-detectors]{color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important} #outlook a{padding:0}.yshortcuts a{border-bottom:none !important}a{text-decoration:underline} .ExternalClass{width:100%}.ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{line-height:100%} p{margin:0}body{-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}
Ni bancos ni leches, dale a tu dinero marcha y flow. Aquí te cuento lo que yo hago cada mes, para ganar la batalla a la inflación
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Hola Rankian@ soy Genís,
algo que siempre me preguntan amigos y familiares es...
  — Oye, Genís, dime dónde pongo mis ahorros
— Vamos a ver Fulanito, si los dejas en el banco ya sabes lo que pasa, no?
— Qué los tendré bien arropaditos?
— ¡Pues no!, que van a perder valor.
  Y de ahí nace este vídeo que he hecho donde explico cómo lucho yo contra la inflación de una manera pasiva para asegurarme una jubilación (si puede ser en el Caribe).
  En el vídeo de esta semana te cuento cómo invierto yo en el S&P 500 de forma periódica, automatizada y me olvido de todo. Inversión Pasiva pura y dura.
Por cierto...
...se vienen curvas, en breve empezaré a subir también vídeos para aprender a hacer trading desde cero. Espero que sean divertidos.
  Te dejo por aquí más cosicas:
Mejores fondos indexados para invertir en el S&P500
La plataforma que uso yo: Myinvestor
Podcast destacado
Una Vida Invirtiendo - El Podcast de Juan Such
Y no te olvides de comentar en Youtube sobre el vídeo, así hacemos que el algoritmo nos premie, Y también puedes compartir este curso/serie con tus amigos y familiares...
  ¡Me las piro Robert De Niro!
Tumblr media
Rankia S.L, C/ Serpis, 66, Valencia, Spain
Darse de baja Gestionar preferencias
¡Así es como yo invierto cada mes!.moz-text-html .hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} .moz-text-html .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.moz-text-html .hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} [owa] .hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important}[owa] .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top} [owa] .hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} @media only screen and (min-width:640px){.hse-column-container{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} .hse-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:top}.hse-section .hse-size-12{max-width:600px !important;width:600px !important} }@media only screen and (max-width:639px){img.stretch-on-mobile,.hs_rss_email_entries_table img,.hs-stretch-cta .hs-cta-img{height:auto !important;width:100% !important} .display_block_on_small_screens{display:block}.hs_padded{padding-left:20px !important;padding-right:20px !important} ul,blockquote{margin:0;padding:1em 40px}}body[data-outlook-cycle] img.stretch-on-mobile,body[data-outlook-cycle] .hs_rss_email_entries_table img{height:auto !important;width:100% !important} body[data-outlook-cycle] .hs_padded{padding-left:20px !important;padding-right:20px !important} a[x-apple-data-detectors]{color:inherit !important;text-decoration:none !important;font-size:inherit !important;font-family:inherit !important;font-weight:inherit !important;line-height:inherit !important} #outlook a{padding:0}.yshortcuts a{border-bottom:none !important}a{text-decoration:underline} .ExternalClass{width:100%}.ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{line-height:100%} p{margin:0}body{-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}
Ni bancos ni leches, dale a tu dinero marcha y flow. Aquí te cuento lo que yo hago cada mes, para ganar la batalla a la inflación
Tumblr media
Hola Rankian@ soy Genís,
algo que siempre me preguntan amigos y familiares es...
  — Oye, Genís, dime dónde pongo mis ahorros
— Vamos a ver Fulanito, si los dejas en el banco ya sabes lo que pasa, no?
— Qué los tendré bien arropaditos?
— ¡Pues no!, que van a perder valor.
  Y de ahí nace este vídeo que he hecho donde explico cómo lucho yo contra la inflación de una manera pasiva para asegurarme una jubilación (si puede ser en el Caribe).
  En el vídeo de esta semana te cuento cómo invierto yo en el S&P 500 de forma periódica, automatizada y me olvido de todo. Inversión Pasiva pura y dura.
Por cierto...
...se vienen curvas, en breve empezaré a subir también vídeos para aprender a hacer trading desde cero. Espero que sean divertidos.
  Te dejo por aquí más cosicas:
Mejores fondos indexados para invertir en el S&P500
La plataforma que uso yo: Myinvestor
Podcast destacado
Una Vida Invirtiendo - El Podcast de Juan Such
Y no te olvides de comentar en Youtube sobre el vídeo, así hacemos que el algoritmo nos premie, Y también puedes compartir este curso/serie con tus amigos y familiares...
  ¡Me las piro Robert De Niro!
Tumblr media
Rankia S.L, C/ Serpis, 66, Valencia, Spain
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ericjackson · 3 years
Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space in the Years Ahead
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July 21, 2021
  Tech & Media
  Eric Jackson Tech & Media E-News
  Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space in the Years Ahead
Bombardier: Poised to Soar in the Private Air Space in the Years Ahead
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In the last 18 months, Bombardier has appointed a new CEO and CFO to execute a turnaround plan and sold off its rail business to focus solely on private aircraft space. They are paying down debt, have delivered 100+ of the highly lucrative and luxurious Global Express 7500 jets with a 2-year wait time on new orders. Here's the case for a big comeback in the company's shares.
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Bombardier used to be a conglomerate of planes, trains, and recreational products like Ski-Doos and Sea-Doos. It is family owned and controlled and, for many years, was run by members of the family. For most of the last 15 years, it was poorly managed, never predictably made profits and took on a lot of debt.
That changed over the past 18 months, as a new CEO was brought in and a plan was put in place to divest down to just private aircraft, pay down debt, and be seen as credible by the Street. In the private aircraft space, Bombardier has a range of products from large/expensive to smaller/work horse private aircraft. It has arguably today the most luxurious and longest range private jet with the Global Express 7500. It has delivered over 100 of these jets so far and currently has a two year wait time on new orders. (Chamath Palihapitiya recently took ownership of one.) At a recent March Investor Day presentation1, Bombardier management outlined its plans to achieve $7.5B in sales and $1.5B in EBITDA by 2025. For a company that has been burning free cash for the last few years, this would be a big change. A key part of their growth assumptions come from increasing efficiency (profitability) as they ship more 7500s and a focus on service centers around the world to service their fleet and increase service revenues. The biggest risk facing the company is its large debt load. At the end of 2020, they had over $10B in debt. Last November, the stock traded as low as 26 cents (C$) before bouncing back on increased confidence in management’s turnaround plan and now trades at C$1.51 a share2.
High Risk, High Reward:
The company has disappointed investors for many years and its equity was priced as if it would not be able to pay back its debt focusing on only selling private aircraft. Yet, they have been able to use proceeds from their asset sales to pay down debt and refinance some debt that was going to mature in ’21 and ’22. Their private aircraft are very popular (owning close to a 33% market share) and the 7500 is very profitable and desirable. What’s more, many business travelers were forced to experiment with private aircraft travel during the pandemic and a good subset of them are likely going to want to continue flying private despite the opening up of commercial jets post-pandemic. Private jets as a category – not counting potential new users increasing demand post-Covid – are due for a refresh of their fleets as many chose to purchase new jets over the past 2 years. This has led to an upgrade of several of Bombardier’s peers like Textron. Many analysts have pointed to the continued popularity of business jet travel this year as signs of strength for the industry. Although Bombardier still has a high debt load ($5.3B in net debt)3 for its size, the credit markets are open and the company has been able to push off a lot of near term debt as they increase their free cash flow and start to pay it down organically. The situation with Bombardier reminds me of the casinos coming out of the Great Financial Crisis: high debt and a fear of not being able to service that debt drove down the equity value close to zero. Yet, when these companies proved that they would be able to service their debts and that business was coming back, enterprise values increased and equity values slung shot back up. Las Vegas Sands went from $2.28 in February 2009 to over $50 by November 20104. If – and that’s a big if in the investment thesis - Bombardier can show progress in refinancing its debt and success in increasing its free cash flow and EBITDA in the direction of its 2025 targets, the Street could quickly revise its multiple back to historic levels which would correspond to a sharp rise in the equity value of the shares.
Other Risks?
Family Control. This is still a family controlled company and, although they are no longer involved in the day to day of the company, they signed off of the new CEO who spent 13 years at the company before leaving to become the CEO of Hydro Quebec. Failed turnaround. Management may not be able to generate increased efficiencies from production of the 7500 or there may not be enough demand for this high end plane. The services business may not take off as quickly as they hope. Many Canadian portfolio managers have had their hands burned by betting on Bombardier in the past 15 years. Additionally, there’s the possibility that private aircraft could be shunned as business travelers return to commercial flights or that the credit markets could shut making it difficult for the company to refinance near-term debt.
What IF Management Delivers?
In 2018, Bombardier traded above C$5 a share and got above C$7 in 20115. But if management is able to deliver on its 2025 financial targets – which they’re likely sand-bagging – the stock could likely go considerably higher than those “recent” highs. If Bombardier achieves its 2025 target of $1.5B in EBITDA, its EV/EBITDA multiple of 16x this year’s projected EBITDA would likely increase to its historically upper bound last achieved in 2017 of 43x. That would lead to an enterprise value of $64.5B. Assuming their net debt by then would be reduced to $4B, that implies an equity value of US$27 per share (up from US$1.19 per share currently), which would be a 23x increase from current levels. But if Bombardier management is sand-bagging its 2025 numbers and will see a combination of higher demand for its 7500, more efficiencies than they are counting on, and increased demand for private jets in the next few years instead of the historical private aircraft demand levels, and better than expected growth in their new focus on services, I believe it’s possible they could achieve $2.5B in EBITDA by 2025. This implies a share price then (or by 2024) of US$47 which would be a 39x increase from current levels. Those are 3-4 year price targets. In the nearer term, 2023 estimates are for Bombardier to do $1.2B in EBITDA. Peers are currently getting a 12.1x EV/EBITDA multiple for 2022 EBITDA. Assuming they have $5B in net debt next year (in 2022), and getting that kind of peer multiple, Bombardier is likely to be valued 12 months from now at US$4.30 per share which would be a 3.6x increase from current levels. Of course, the market could start looking ahead to bigger EBITDA and FCF ahead in future years and start adjusting up the multiple for Bombardier back to the historically high 2017 levels sooner than expected.
Bombardier is a high risk, high reward investment. Most will take a wait and see approach with it. Of course, if you wait for an “all clear” before investing in a name like this, you’re going to have to buy in at considerably higher levels. The biggest gains are going to come to those who jumped in last year. The next best gains are going to come from putting money to work today. They’ll report their next earnings in August. The biggest driver of the stock over the next 3 years will be these quarterly reports and evidence that they’re truly growing their EBITDA and FCF to give confidence in their turnaround plan, 2025 targets and – most important – their ability to pay down their still large amount of debt once and for all. Along the way, you could have other catalysts like the stock being reincluded in the S&P TSX Composite in Canada forcing fund-buying. (They were removed from the composite when their stock dropped below $1 last year – which, of course, further drove it down. This isn’t an investment for everyone. There is risk attached to it. However, the large potential upside if this time is truly different for Bombardier management combined with a winning product in a popular market niche that is overdue for existing customers to refresh their fleets and potentially new users enlarging the market size makes it a bet worth taking for me. [EMJ was long BBD at the time of writing]  
1 Source: “Our Path Forward”, Bombardier Investor Day, March 4, 2021
2 Source: Bloomberg 3 Source: First Quarterly Report - Three-month period ended March 31, 2021, Bombardier 4 Source: Bloomberg 5 Source: Bloomberg
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Interesting Tech Stocks at Reduced Multiples
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As stocks close near records, Tim Steno and Carol Massar at Bloomberg Business Week Drive to the Close speak with Eric Jackson for insight on the market environment. Eric says there are interesting tech stocks at reduced multiples, protecting investors from future inflation. Listen to the Bloomberg Business Week Drive to the Close Epsiode Here.
Value Oriented Companies with Growth Potential
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Founder of EMJ Capital, Eric Jackson, joined Wilfred Frost and Sara Eisen on CNBC Closing Bell to discuss inflation, pull-backs on tech stocks, and rising rates. Eric indicates that he is focused on companies where there is a fundamental mispricing and on value oriented tech companies with growth potential. Watch the video.
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We strive to consistently find the next set of tech & media winners at an early stage of their growth curve — before they become more widely held. EMJ Capital has a solid track record of identifying early growth winners.
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EMJ Capital has a long-term orientation and often holds best ideas for 2–3 years, expecting them to double or triple over that period. Holding positions for a long duration makes the EMJ Capital strategy tax efficient for investors.
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inputgarlic92 · 4 years
Outstanding Ideas to Look after your Smart Phone
It is truly harder to change out your phone's lithium ion battery than it is to deal with it directly in the first location. Most cell phones do not provide easy user access for their batteries. Including all iPhones and many flagship Android phones from brandnames like Samsung. Formal battery substitutes might be costly or aggravating (take to getting a formal battery alternative at an Apple Store this season ). There are also ecological issues. Mobile phones are, truthfully, an environmental disaster and boosting the lifespan of your phone battery will help offset this. Here are some steps you can take to keep and expand the life span of your battery. By battery lifespan I mean the number of years and months your battery life will last before it needs to be replaced. By comparison, battery life denotes the amount of days or weeks that the phone will last on a singular recharge. How Come Our Mobile Device Battery has Gone Weak With each charge cycle your mobile battery degrades marginally. A bill cycle is the complete release and control of this battery, from 0% to 100 percent. Partial charges count as a fraction of a bicycle. Charging your phone from 50% to 100 percent, as an instance, would be fifty per cent of a fee cycle. Do that two and it's a complete charge cycle. Some phone owners proceed through more than a complete charge cycle each dayothers go through less. It depends on how far you utilize your mobile and what you do with it. Battery pack makers express after roughly 400 cycles a telephone battery capacity will deteriorate by 20%. It will just have the ability to save 80 percent of their power it'd originally and will continue to hamper with added charge cycles. The fact, however, is the fact that smart phone batteries almost certainly degrade faster than that. 1 on the web site asserts some mobiles realize that 20% degradation tip after merely 100 fee cycles. And just to be more clear, the phone battery doesn't stop degrading just after 400 cycles. This 400 cycles/20% figure is always to provide you with a good notion of the rate of corrosion. In case you can slow down those charge cycles -- if you can extend the everyday battery life span of your mobile -- then you can prolong its battery lifespan also. Fundamentally , the less you drain and charge the battery, the longer the battery can survive. The issue is, you bought your phone to utilize it. You've got to balance saving battery life and lifespan together with usefulness, using your cellphone and when you would like it. Some of my strategies below might not work for you. On the other hand, there could be things which you're able to put into action quite easily that don't cramp your style. There are a few general kinds of ideas in this article. Guidelines to get your phone even more energy efficient, slowing battery deterioration by slowing down those power cycles. Reducing screen light would be a good example of this kind of suggestion. Additionally, there are hints to decrease tension and stress to a own battery , affecting its life span much more specifically. Steering clear of extremes of heat and cold would be an example of this second option. Watchful with the Weather Condition Should your mobile phone becomes very hot or cold it can breed the battery and reduce its lifespan. Leaving it into your automobile would most likely be the worst offender, even whether it's hot and sunny outside or freezing in winter. Make Use of the Fast Charger Only If Imperative Charging your mobile fast pressures the battery. Unless you actually need it, then avoid employing fast recharging. In actuality, the slower you charge your battery the higher, therefore if you don't mind slow charging overnight, do it. Charging your phone from your own computer in addition to certain smart plugs could limit the voltage going in your phone, slowing its rate. A few external battery packs may slow down the speed of charging, however I'm not sure about this. Be Watchful about Cell phone Batteries Recharges Elderly kinds of rechargeable batteries have'battery memory'. If you didn't bill them to full and discharge them into zero battery they'recalled' and reduced their useful selection. It had been better due to their lifespan in case you always emptied and charged the battery completely. Newer mobile batteries work in an alternative way. It disturbs the battery to drain it thoroughly or charge it thoroughly. Phone batteries are equal if you maintain them above 20 percent power and below 90 percent. To be exceptionally precise, they're happiest around 50% capacity Short charges are likely nice, incidentally, so if you're the sort of person that finds yourself frequently topping up your mobile for quick charges, that is fine for your battery. Paying a lot of attention that one can be too much micromanagement. Nevertheless when I owned my very first smartphone I thought battery memory applied therefore I typically emptied it low and charged it to 100 percent. Now that I know more about the way the battery works, I usually plug it before it gets below 20% and detach it completely charged easily think of it. Keep It In the 50% The most economical charge for a lithiumion battery appears to be roughly 50%. If you're likely to save your phone for an extended duration, fee it to 50 percent before turning it off and keeping it. This is easier on the battery compared to charging it to 100 percent or allow it to empty to 0% before firing. The battery, by the way, continues to degrade and release if the phone is turned away and not being used in any way. This generation of batteries was intended to be applied. If you were to think about it, turn the device on every few months and also top up the battery to 50 percent. The Way to Increase My Smart Phone Battery Health A mobile phone's display is the component that ordinarily utilizes the maximum batterylife. Turning down the screen brightness can conserve energy. Employing Auto Brightness most likely conserves battery for most people by mechanically reducing screen settings whenever there is less light, even though it can involve more work with the light detector. The thing that would truly save the most battery within this area is to manage it manually and fairly obsessively. That is, manually set it into the bottom observable level every time there is a big change in ambient lighting levels. Both Android and i-OS offer you options to turndown entire screen brightness even if you're also using Auto Brightness. If you leave your monitor on without the need for it, it will automatically turn off after a period of time, usually one or two moments. You can conserve energy by reducing the Screen Timeout period (called Auto-Lock on iPhones). Automatically, in my opinion Iphones put their AutoLock to 2 minutes, which may possibly be more than you require. You may be fine with 1 second, or even 30 minutes. On the other hand, should you reduce AutoLock or screen time out you may find your screen dimming as soon whenever you're at the midst of reading a news story or recipe, so that is a call you will have to produce. I utilize Tasker (an automation program ) to change the screen timeout in my Galaxy S 7 depending on what program I'm using. My default is a relatively brief screen timeout of 35 seconds, however for apps where I'm likely to be looking at the screen without the need for itas note-taking and news apps, I expand that time out to a minute. My cellphone, the Galaxy S 7, has an OLED screen. To produce black it will not block the back light using a pixel such as some I phones and a number of other types of LCD displays. Alternatively, it doesn't display anything at all. The pixels revealing black simply don't turn on. This produces the comparison between black and colour very sharp and lovely. It also means that showing black over the screen utilizes no energy, and darker colours utilize less energy than bright colours like whitened. Deciding upon a dark motif for the phone, if it has an OLED or even AMOLED screen, can save energy. If your display doesn't possess an OLED display -- and this comprises all i-phones before the iPhone X , a dim motif will not make a difference. I came across a dark theme I like in the Samsung store, and there are a number of excellent free icon pack apps for Android out there that focus on darker-themed icons. I use Cygnus Black, Mellow Dark, Moonrise Icon Pack, and Moonshine. I utilize the Nova Launcher App to customize the look of program icons and often get rid of the name of this program if it's evident enough from the icon what it's. That removes off white space of the screen, and that I think it looks nice and can be less annoying. Some people today find a darker motif is easier on the eyes in terms of preventing eyestrain, and not as light complete may possibly mean less blue lighting, which can affect sleep patterns. Many programs feature a dark motif within their own preferences. By way of instance, I've Google Books setto a dark motif, where the virtual'page' is black rather than white as well as the letters are all white. Most of the pixels display large (are deterred ) and utilize no energy. I'm less comfortable with black and customization themes for I phones. My perception is that iPhones are harder to personalize. So far, however, only the i-phone X series have OLED displays so they are the sole I phones that could see energy savings by a dark motif. Face book is just a notorious resource hog, both on Android and iPhones. If you want to use face book, go into preferences and restrict its permissions like video autoplay, usage of a local area, and alarms. Do you truly want Facebook checking your own location? Autoplaying videos in Facebook (they play automatically, if you decide on them not) uses data and energy, and will be annoying and intrusive sometimes. There could be relevant settings either in the app it self and in your mobile settings. If Facebook came pre-applied on your phone (because it did on mine), then it may not be possible to delete it completely because your phone believes it that a system program. If that's the scenario, you may disable it if you wish. Look over your own battery settings for other programs which work with a disproportionate level of energy and delete, disable, or restrict permissions where possible. For apps that you want to continue using, you'll be able to restrict permissions that you never require. There's also'light' versions of a few popular apps that generally take up less space, use less data, and could utilize less power. Face book Messenger Light is one example. Generally speaking, however, the programs which use the maximum battery is going to be the programs you use the majority of therefore reducing or deleting use might well not be that easy for you. rastrear celular android Your phone gets a number of energy saving modes. These limit the operation of this CPU (and other features). Look at with them. You can get better performance but far better battery lifetime. You could not mind the trade-off. Many apps exist because both free and paid versions, and also the difference is often that the free version is supported with ads. Banners advertising uses marginally more data and slightly longer energy. Purchasing a software you use often instead of using the free of charge ad-supported version may payoff in the long run by reducing data and battery usage. You free up screen space by eliminating distracting ads, usually gain additional attributes, and support app developers. You are able to turn off radios that you rarely use and soon you want them. If you can't ever use NFC there is no reason to keep it on. On the flip side, radios like GPS, Bluetooth, and NFC, do not really make use of a lot of energy in standby mode but only as long as they are actually operating. In other words, any energy savings from micromanaging radios will probably be limited. Another issue to consider with respect to radios is that the poorer your phone or WiFi signal, the more power your phone needs to access this signal. To access cellular data or WiFi your phone desires to receive and send information. If you're not getting a strong signal this means that your phone needs to boost its own signal to reach that remote cell-tower or WiFi router, using more energy. In the event that your house has a solid output but a feeble WiFi signal, it may help save energy to utilize cellular data rather than of wi fi. Similarly, if you get a strong WiFi signal but weak cell signal, then it's much better to stay glued to WiFi. If you are outside of selection of cell service and wi fi, turn air plane mode on. Smartphones are always on the lookout for cell and WiFi signs if they do not ask them to. If no signal is available, your phone will really go mad looking for one. Most online sources state altering up your email from push to fetch helps you to save battery. Push means your apparatus is listening for new email, and those get pushed through immediately. This means that your apparatus checks for new messages at a particular period, every fifteen minutes such as. The very energy efficient action to take is to bring manually, that can be the apparatus only checks for email when you manually open your email program. There is disagreement about whether fetch does indeed save energy. It likely is dependent upon amount of email along with patterns of mail usage. I utilize push. It is efficient enough for me personally. Current versions of i-OS will show you your battery health. There's absolutely no such aspect in Android, but there are thirdparty programs that'll conduct this role. I use AccuBattery which monitors battery health insurance and other stats, in addition to giving you a notification once your phone charges into some certain point which means that you may unplug it. So far, AccuBattery is apparently affirming my understanding of battery degradation. AccuBattery urges charging to 80 percent. Plenty of sources I've read indicate the wholesome range extends to 90 percent and that is usually a target I plan to get as a good agreement between keeping battery in the very long term and not running out of battery life in the brief time.
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Wifi Hacking Software Mac Os X
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Jun 26, 2020  WiFi Hacker 2020 software download, free – What will you feel WiFi Hacker in an area where WiFi is available. But you can’t connect to the internet since you don’t take the password for the network. So Wifi latest version can ease your problem of network connectivity, Just Hack and connect. This Mac OS X application guides you through a step-by-step process of cracking the security of a WEP based network and helps you crack it seamlessly. How to hack WiFi password with WiFi Crack? WiFi Crack chooses the specified WiFi networks and launches the powerful command line tools to obtain the wireless packets and get the WEP password. Mac wifi hack free download - Apple Mac Wi-Fi Update, Plazer for Mac OS X, MacProxy, and many more programs. Jul 05, 2018  These hacking tools include some of the best free hacking tools and the paid once for hacking wifi, password cracking and software related to networking with download links. Apart from Linux, Social-Engineer Toolkit is partially supported on Mac OS X and Windows.
Are you looking for a Windows Application that will let you hack Wi-Fi using your Laptop, whether you are at home or you are traveling, are you tired of those free Wi-Fi hacking and password revealer software that claim they can hack any Wi-Fi password only to find out they are dummy only after downloading them?
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Then this post we are beneficial to you, this is because we have reviewed some of the best Wi-Fi password hacking software that is compatible with your Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 and Windows10 PC.
It’s one of the frontrunners of Wi-Fi hacking software scene & was originally developed as some special project that would work with locked wireless networks. It can help you with a number of functions like getting users list, cracking the Wi-Fi password, see each user’s movement as well as block off the unwanted users from Wi-Fi network.
It deals with various aspects concerning Wi-Fi security. It can monitor data export to the text files, replay attacks, deals with deauthentication through packet injections etc. then, it will check the Wi-Fi cards & driver capabilities as well as crack the WEP & WPA PSK.
Kismet Wireless
Kismet Wireless is a popular wirefree network detector, intrusion detection & sniffer system. It mostly deals with IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi networks yet can also tackle other networks. Its great range of features include server/client modular architecture, PCAP logging, multi capture-source support, remote sniffing as well as XML output that will help easy integration with the other tools.
Best Wifi Password Hacking Software
inSSIDer is your ally when it comes to troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues. This Wi-Fi optimization & troubleshooting program will help you with a number of things- weak channel placement, poor signal strength, RF interference problems in 2.4 & 5 Giga Hertz bands. It comes in 2 versions- inSSIDer 4 & inSSIDer Office.
This is another major wi fi hacker software program that has been highly rated by the users. This wireless LAN program can crack the encryption keys efficiently on the 802.11b WEP Wi-Fi networks. The software operates through passive monitoring of the transmissions, computing encryption key while adequate packets are gathered.
Wireshark is quite a big name here and comes with multiple amazing features. These include deep inspection on numerous protocols, handy 3-pane packet browser, live capture & offline analysis, multi platform running capacity, enriched VoIP analysis, reading/writing of various capture file versions etc. In other words it offers you a deep insight on the network.
This list would be incomplete without the mention of WepAttack. Just as the name suggests, it’s a powerful tool that will help you to launch a sizeable attack on the WEP keys of the WLAN networks. The users are really happy with the software and many of them have tagged it as one of the best for cracking passwords.
Wi-Fi Hacking Software for Various Platforms
You should know here that there are different email address management software applications for various platforms. The one you would be going for must complement your system’s specific OS. Not all such software applications would work for all operating systems and you have some software programs that specifically work for Windows or Android or Mac.
Free Windows Wifi Hacking Software – OmniPeek
If you are looking for a good free Windows Wifi hacking software, OmniPeek is a great choice. It’s an award winning network analyzer & packet sniffer application that captures & analyzes the wireless traffic. The tool is equipped to work with several networking interface cards. You will also get help on network troubleshooting.
Free Android Wifi Hacking Software – Black Wi-Fi Hacker
When it comes to reliable Free Android wifi hacking software, Black Wi-Fi Hacker Plus is a good option no doubt. The software is designed to crack Wi-Fi networks locally, assuring a seamless access for you to the network. The program supports multi encryption types such as WPA, WPA2, WEP or CCMP/AES encryption.
Free Mac Wifi Hacking Software – KisMAC
Those in search of free Mac Wifi hacking software, KisMAC would be a nice choice. It’s an open-source Wi-Fi scanner/stumbler application, which, unlike other regular Wi-Fi hacker software applications, uses passive scanning & monitor mode. The program reveals closed or cloaked or hidden SSIDs, shows the logged in users, helps with PCAP import & export etc.
Most Popular Wifi Hacking Software for 2016 – Wi-Fi Hacker
You are getting a very simple, user-friendly yet powerful Wi-Fi hacking software here. It would quickly search out the local available Wi-Fi network & connect you to it so that you can bypass the locked Wi-Fi route in moments. It is virus free & gets updated just automatically, making things simpler for you.
When it comes to most popular Wifi hacking software for 2016, you can opt for Wi-Fi Hacker .The user-friendly software program is well equipped to hack both WPA & WPA2 as well as WEP and promises you good support against the WPS attack. Its virus-free nature is one of the main reasons for its popularity today.
What is Wi-Fi Hacking Software?
A Wi-Fi hacking software is a software program that will primarily enable you to crack Wi-Fi password of a nearby network. These software programs are designed to work for WPA, WPA2 and WEP. Some of them are open-source applications and work as good network analyzer as well as packet sniffer.
Windows Wifi Hacking Software
The best ones are guarded against the WPS attack. A good lot of Wi-Fi hacker software applications are meant to help with Wi-Fi troubleshooting issues. In simple words, these software programs are your key to Wi-Fi internet freedom where you won’t need to ask for the permission of the network administrator to access the desired router.
How to Install Wi-Fi Hacking Software?
To install Wi-Fi hacking software, you have to go to the chosen software’s link to download it. However, before you download, just make sure that the software program actually complements your specific operating system. When you download it, you will get the installation link that will come up with a complete guide on installing the application.
Benefits of Wi-Fi Hacking Software
Many a times, we find ourselves in places where we desperately need the Wi-Fi for an urgent communication or quick internet search but we cannot access the local router given no knowledge of the password. In such situations, the Wi-Fi hacking software is just a bliss.
Such software applications would immediately crack the Wi-Fi password for you, in most of the cases of any strength, so that you can freely access the internet. The software program would also be helpful for network auditors and penetration testers who have to verify security of the WPA guarded wireless networks, break document encryption and crack the password hashes.
The Wi-Fi hacker software applications would be helpful when you are looking to check what’s going on with the Wi-Fi network of your organization and what the users are doing with the network. All such software applications are really easy to operate and your primary computing skills would be enough here.
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WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free
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[ Direct download link (MacOS) ] WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free for
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MAC OS X and iOS. This tool will work on your Mac, all latest versions are supported. Our tool is reliable and will do exactly what you expect and more. WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free will not only work on MAC but it will work on WINDOWS 10 AND 7 and iOS, Android. Because out tools is adapted to all popular platforms, and we working to add more platforms every day. But Our main focus is Apple Macintosh operating systems. WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free has built in proxy and VPN for 100% safety and anonymity.
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Our tool is 100% safe and secure, w us only open source technology and every one can edit and see our code, all instructions ar included after installation. WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free Features and user manual will be provided after installation. We always add some extras and special tricks to make are users more satisfied. Installation is easy and wont take long, after installation, please go to program folder and open notes.txt. Enjoy!
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[ Direct download link (MacOS) ] --- Dev_notes ---
WiFi Hacking Software – WiFi Hacker Crack simulates the process of hacking any wireless connection with your Android, Tablet PC, Laptop or Mac. As everyone knows, the Internet world is rapidly getting bigger and bigger. After the invention of WiFi (probable hacker) wanted to decrypt the password of your WiFi connection, they began to learn to get the WiFi password, and the script cracked the WiFi network. Since many WiFi owners get password security on your Internet devices and it is tight to
WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free How to install: – Download, extract and run .exe file, (If your antivirus blocking file, pause it or disable it for some time.) – Choose destination folder
How to Use: Open destination folder and locate file notes.txt, open it and read step by step. Enjoy!
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Don’t forget to read instructions after installation. Enjoy WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free.
All files are uploaded by users like you, we can’t guarantee that WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free are up to date. We are not responsible for any illegal actions you do with theses files. Download and use WiFi Hacking Software Crack – How To Hack WiFi For PC 2019 Free on your own responsibility.
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Alternatives to Ring Doorbell
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Doorbells are counted amongst the conventional and traditional means of announcing one’s presence upon arrival at the door. They were smart, innovative, and utterly incredible when it was first introduced.
It was an intuitive warning system that could pervade even to the inner corridors and contours of a house. It sure beat an older method of knocking on the door that is for certain.
Well, now is time for a newer more ingenious approach yet again. That is because doorbells just don’t cut it anymore. They are prone to shorting out spontaneously as well as conking out without any reason. That is why it is imperative you find out alternatives to ring doorbells.
Ring Video Doorbell
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Towards that end, Ring’s video doorbells are impressive and the most effective means of announcing yourself when you reach someone’s home. They are incredible, impressive, and function as superb home tools. These tools are also called Ring Peephole Cam, Ring Video Doorbell Pro, etc. These amazing video doorbells allow you to immediately view the person who arrives at your door.
You can identify the person at the door without even having to open your door. It affords you sense of security you covet. The very method is especially well-suited for those users who live in rowdy or tumultuous neighborhoods.
Now, the thing is, various companies produce this tool. Every one of these companies claims that theirs’ is the best Video Doorbell. However, given that it is a momentous investment that will play an important role in maintaining privacy, you should certainly practice caution.
There are various options to choose from if you are interested in getting a Ring Video Doorbell. These selected products evince a level of effectualness that will impress you. They will get the job done.
The features they contain are elucidated as following for your perusal. Go ahead and see which one matches your requirements or preferences:
1.   Ring Video Doorbell 3 Plus:
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Get the ring video doorbell; the finest one in a wireless department. It is battery-powered and as such doesn’t require a wired connection. This makes it the fine option for those homes that don’t have an active power connection or a power port in proximity to the doorbell. Nonetheless, another great thing about it is that it can function through wired connection as well. This is an ultimate convenience based factor if you ask us.
Video result is pretty legible and impressive as well. It records videos at a resolution of 1080p. You can set motion alerts, share videos with others, and the storage fees for videos are very affordable as well. Additionally, you can view 4-seconds video that occurs before a motion event thanks to the Pre-Roll feature that this doorbell contains.
Furthermore, you can use a Ring Chime in conjunction with this doorbell by springing for 29 dollars only. However, it’s optional and must be used incase you don’t already have such a chime in your home.
Video Resolution: 1080p
Field of View: 160 Degrees
Compatibility: Google Assistant, Alexa
Dimensions: 5.1 x 2.4 x 1.1 inch
Battery Powered: Yes; it can also be powered with a wire
Storage Fee: 30 Dollars Annually
It is an amazing doorbell; powered by battery
You can see all prior movement with the Pre-Roll Feature
Can work with many smart home devices
Most features are locked behind subscription
There is no preview for notifications
There is no package detection either
Ring Doorbell 2 vs Pro: Which Device to Choose and Why
2.   Arlo Video Doorbell
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Arlo is a prominent name in the field of security cameras and they are responsible for making some of the best security cameras. That is why it should come as no surprise that the video doorbells made by them are similarly incredible as well.
Another great thing is that it manages to deliver stupendous quality in audio and video recording both in day as well as night time. The doorbell contains package and person detection features as well. Since this doorbell supports Alexa, it opens plenty of new opportunities. For instance, you can live-stream video from your door to Amazon Echo show as well. You can also receive notifications on smart speakers too.
Even though there are plenty of features in Arlo’s Doorbell, there are some, which are difficult to find. It includes a motion sensitivity feature and the fact that this doorbell needs a wired connection is also a bit irritating. You need subscription to avail of more advanced features such as video storage. But, in the end, this is one terrific Video Doorbell for sure.
Video Resolution: 1536 x 1536
Field of View: 180 Degrees
Compatibility: Alexa
Dimensions: 5.8 x 1.8 x 1 inch
Battery Powered: It requires wired connection for functioning
Storage Fee: 3 dollars per month
Video/audio     quality of this doorbell is excellent in both day or night conditions
It     contains animal, package, and person detection features
The     adjoining app is excellent and is full of features
You     will need to get a subscription if you want to access majority of features
It     requires wired connection for functioning
3.   August Doorbell Cam:
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It contains the HindSense feature which allows you to capture several seconds of video before there is any detection of motion. This considerably raises odds of doorbell capturing a person as they are nearing your door. This feature is far more accurate and precise than the ones you would find in other video doorbells.
Resolution of video recorded isnot as high as you might like however, it’s still clear and crisp nonetheless. Inbuilt spotlight of this doorbell effectively illuminates a person approaching your door as well.
This is an astounding machine, which will integrate nicely with Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa as well. It will connect with most smart devices in your home which is great.
Video Resolution: 1280 x 960
Field of View: 120 Degrees
Compatibility: Google Assistant, Alexa, Apple Homekit
Dimensions: 2.9 x 2.9 x 0.9 inch
Battery Powered: It can work with both battery and wired connection
Storage Fee: 49.99 Dollars Annually
The     HindSight Feature is profoundly precise and captures video before motion detector     triggers
It     works seamlessly with plenty of smart home systems
You     can use it in combination with smart keypad and lock easily
You     can’t set motion zones with this doorbell
The     field of vision is narrow in comparison with other models
4.   Nest Hello:
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Nest Hello provides the crispest result in the video. It contains stunning speaker and microphone as well. Another thing that will impress users is an innovation it embodies. For instance, it can smartly recognize faces of people and then announce them in conjunction with Google Assistant on any compatible device. You need not fret if you have Alexa instead since it operates with the latter as well.
You will never miss out on any event or occurrence since this doorbell records video continuously. It does require any hardwired connection though, nevertheless, it’s alright nonetheless. You can also set certain zones with this doorbell. It will alert you whenever someone or something appears in a particular frame/zone. Subscription fee is also fair for all of these features. You will spend about 60 dollars annually for all of these features and we consider it a bargain price.
Video Resolution: 1600 x 1200
Field of View: 160 Degrees
Compatibility: Google Assistant, Alexa
Dimensions: 4.6 x 1.7 x 1 inch
Battery Powered: No, it requires a wired connection
Storage Fee: 6 dollars per month
Video quality that you get is simply awesome
The scheduling is flexible and controllable
It comes with an effective facial recognition system
It utilizes several data when uploading videos
It requires wired connection for operating
How to Save Ring Doorbell Video Without Subscription
 Final Thought
Well, there you have it, the whole scoop on the best alternatives to ring a doorbell. If you want to get an astounding ring doorbell alternatives then we suggest you stick to these selections. All of your needs will be fulfilled when you opt for one of these amazing products indeed. Also another look at the Ring Doorbell Alternatives:
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