#wtnv ep 70a
hypocrisy-incarnate · 8 months
kevin. my gory darling. my blood soaked love.
why are we renaming the desert otherworld desert bluffs
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WTNV quick rundown - 70A - Taking Flight
Featuring the voice of Dylan Marron as Carlos the Scientist and Kevin R Free as Kevin of Desert Bluffs.
Kevin: We all have to start somewhere. We all have to end somewhere too, but let’s concentrate on the other thing. Welcome to… well… hrmm. Welcome to a Desert Otherworld.
This episode marks the first time that Kevin has broadcast from the desert otherworld, which he says needs a better name because names are everything. At the end of the episode, he decides to call the town Desert Bluffs after his hometown. He's very optimistic about gaining listeners even out there.
Kevin tells us that the giant masked warriors have been welcoming to some outsiders, but not others, and that he plans to interview them later. Currently however, he has Carlos on the phone to talk about what he's been doing.
Carlos is trying to find out why their phones have signal and don't lose battery/the source of the desert otherworlds energy. He is interupted by Doug and Alicia taking some of his things to go to war with another group of masked warriors and then interupted by them again when they return, ruining his lab by getting blood all over it (Kevin makes an ummm...interesting sound at the mention of blood).
Carlos is extremely worried for his wounded, giant masked friends and drops his research to try and stop them going to war. Kevin however is still preoccupied with getting Carlos' report, seemingly very invested in the scientific breakthrough Carlos is on the verge of but also ignoring how Carlos is basically having the worst possible day.
All of his research is destroyed by the end of the episode, which pushes him into writing and giving Kevin a goodbye letter 'to a friend' about - '[...]regrets. About mistakes. You know how sometimes you spend a lot of time with someone and you think that someone makes you happy, but then suddenly, one day, you realize maybe you weren’t happy at all. Maybe you both would be better off doing what you love, in different places. Without each other. Maybe neither of you were as happy as either of you thought.' Carlos thanks Kevin for being so kind to him throughout this difficult 'year' and leaves the studio.
Kevin doesn't seem to realise that the letter was meant for him and that Carlos' talk about spending his year wrong was about the time spent in the desert otherworld, but does read the letter and feel (perhaps for the first time in a long time) genuine sadness.
Weather: "Pyramid" by Jason Webley http://jasonwebley.com
Kevin hates pasta salad, even the sight of it causes him to heave.
Alicia built a refrigerator from some cactus pads, twine and three different kinds of birds.
The rollercoaster that was built and can't be stopped, despite having no power, has a tall first hill and a 90 degree drop off that is almost 600 feet. Then it goes into a series of loops, turns and figure eights. Then some spirals where the riders go upside down several times per second. Then there's a sheet of flames that you go through upside down.
Kevin's radio tower is made of stones and adobe and shoots actual radio waves out of the top which appear as blue lightning bolts.
The giant masked warriors apparently helped Kevin decorate his studio with lizards and rodents. Though since Kevin also referred to the Shawns as 'helping him decorate' when he meant 'murdered them for decoration', I wonder if um...did Kevin uh...the giant masked warriors...
Intern Vanessa and her double are apparently there, and Kevin urges anyone with experience in various areas to send in their resume somehow and come help out.
Alicia loses two fingers in the masked warrior battle.
Winds get so bad in the desert otherworld that they create sun-blocking dust storms which hurl plant debris and 'weak willed' animals through the air.
Kevin says he actually enjoys reporting unhappy things because after that he gets to talk about how good it is that those unhappy things are no longer happening. For example, when an outbreak of throat spiders finally ends and people stop losing their lives and/or parts of their face to it.
There's no postal service in the desert otherworld yet.
Carlos seems almost confused that Kevin had decorated his booth with blood asking if it's 'barbecue source' before being corrected with Kevin openly saying it's blood, old bones, lose teeth, beaks and 'things'. .
Kevin seems to really like Carlos, calling him a brilliant scientist, indirectly calling him a ray of sunshine and showing a lot of faith in his work (whilst being a bit pushy, but nonetheless supportive and witha grasp of science that Cecil doesn't have).
Proverb: A rose by any other name is called something else.
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It's been a minute since I've made any art for this fandom, so I figured I should do something!
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srslybusiness · 2 years
Listening to wtnv again after stopping back in early 2015?? Late 2014??? and God this show is such a comfort 😭😭
But also UHHH EP 67??? THIS LORE DROP HELLO ???????? I'm trying to connect things like
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no coherent thought whatsoever but boy my head is FULL. I keep thinking of like taz 11th hour situation???? But also maybe not maybe an alternate reality??? The shift on "The End?" tape feels like it????? I mean
Ep 33
Hi! Cecil here. Mom gave me this recorder for my birthday so I could make my own radio shows, just like Leonard Burton’s show at the real Night Vale Community Radio. I’m going to replace Leonard one day.
 Hey! Cecil here! Great news! Leonard agreed to let me intern down at the station, doing all the things he doesn’t have time to. Like organizing the tape archive, making the coffee, and keening to station management for the proscribed 3 hours daily. I can’t wait to start. 
Ep 67
Hi, it’s Cecil! Oh boy! Or, oh, I’m sorry. Let me try that again and it’ll be way more professional.Hello listeners, Intern Cecil Palmer here, reporting live for host Leonard Burton. I’m way excited. 
... One of the arrivals, famous screen actor Lee Marvin, who just turned 30 today, oh hey happy birthday Mr. Marvin, said that they were immediately proceeding to found a town, a town they will call Night Vale, a home for themselves, complete with all the things a home needs: secrets, dread, omnipresent government, and areas that are forbidden. He then donned a soft meat crown as the other newcomers bowed to him.
Like??? In one NV has exists but in the other not??? And how he doesn’t remember having a brother too..... And even Leonard reaction at the last tape????? My brain is just HMMMMM and question marks 👁👁
I guess rn I'm leaning towards alternate/multiple realities, esp when I took account of the differences in time and siblings and also this part from THE END? tape 🤔🤔
In other news, Simone Rigaudeau, professor of Earth Sciences at the Night Vale community college, says that her reality has split, that she is experiencing another history happening now, a history in which all of this ends.
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lovingly-lightbulbs · 2 years
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mudstoneabyss · 1 month
I've surely made a post about the strongest reaction we've ever seen our parents have to a wtnv ep was our dad losing his mind akin to a middle schooler hearing someone get called up to the office over 70a. Just a sudden "OOOOOOOOO CECIL'S NOT GONNA LIKE THAT"
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arataka-reigen · 2 years
Here I was enjoying ep 70A and thinking about how happy I was to see Kevin again so I decided to browse the 'wtnv 70A' tag to see if anyone liked it as much as me and... well... looks like not a lot of people like Kevin lol
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riversrieds · 3 years
Ya know I love Carlos but HOW DARE he leave Kevin in the desert otherworld like that, like Kevin isn't the best guy but still carlos
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archangelgf · 4 years
did kevin r free know the devastating impact he was going to have on my mind by writing that intro to 70a taking off where he talks abt how much kevin loved carlos. like was he aware
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rel-ish · 4 years
shoutout to wtnv for making me feel an Emotion for the first time in weeks
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bumpscosity · 5 years
if you’re from Desert Bluffs fuck you i fucking hate you
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kurulover · 5 years
Thinking about WTNV ep. 70A - Taking Off.
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frebster · 9 years
if carlos and cecil break up I will literally swallow an entire table what the fuck whatt he f u c k
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