#wounded warrriors
vulpinefrost · 9 months
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Short, quick, panted breaths are being taken by the Fox. Hand rising to wipe sweat from his brow and get hair out from in front of his eyes as he stumbles back a step. A cut on his cheek, his shirt sliced acros the abdomen, his other arm limp at his side, still gripping his spear hard enough to make his knuckles white. A step with his right leg faltering, making him drop to butt on the ground behind him with a wince and groan.
Letting his head back as he keeps breathing roughly for a moment longer, before he can finally manage to open his eyes again. Looking across the dirt circle arena to the armored warrrior, laid out on his back, unmoving. Blade a few feet aside, embedded into the ground.
Even if it was only once, after the dozens of spars they'd had throughout the week so far, he had downed the Samurai. It was all so quick, having pushed himself hard enough to be able to keep up with his speed and strength, which had only served to encourage Masanori to push himself in return. A sudden flurry of attacks, all strong, fast, brutal, made as if with intent to kill. Yet... he kept up with all of it.
Avoided some, deflected others, countered a couple, before finding a chance to strike out in retaliation. Swinging his spear hard, fast, slicing at the Samurai's wrist and sending his Katana flying into the air in the same motion. Taking the opening to redirect his weapon into a quick, firm thrust at the throat. Thinking of it now, his leg throbbing from the exertion, it reminded him of his encounter with a Mitachurl long ago. The one that had caused the very scar that now stung from his hip to his calf.
Some coughing breaking the silence that had fallen, the Samurai's form jerking and lurching upward into a seated position. Hand reaching up to the throat to feel over the healed wound. Even beginning to... chuckle? He was laughing, after having just been struck down?
"A good strike, my Friend!" He calls out heartily. "A wonderful display, being able to keep up with me back there. Much different than the first days you'd come to me for your training. I would say the day of introspective you had yesterday did you some good. I say its a good way to end our day. Catch your breath, wash up, get some rest." Working up to his feet, he steps closer to Amane to pat his shoulder. Turning to retrieve his blade after.
Amane, meanwhile, simply let himself fall back and laid on the ground a while longer.
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rotund-team-rwby · 3 years
Fantasy:AU where the characters are more traditionally fantastical and fairy tale like.
Fanus:AU where fanuses are the dominant species instead of humans.
Berry:AU where all the muses are able to become juice filled balls by consuming some kind of fruit or vegetable juice.
Variants:AU where things are a BIT different.
Married:A joke AU where Tai and Salem somehow fell in love and got married.
Chibi:A joke AU where all the characters are short stack hyper caricatures of themselves. Being cranked up to 11 and their heights are cranked down to 1.
Fantasy-Warrrior Ruby
Fanus-Corgi Ruby
Berry-Cherry Ruby
Variant-Garnet Gardner
Fantasy-Bard Weiss
Fanus-Polar bear Weiss
Berry-Blueberry Weiss
Variant-General Frost Geante
Fantasy-Rouge Blake
Berry-Grape Blake
Variant-Radha Lee
Fantasy-Barbarian Yang
Fanus-Wolf(Actually a dog) Yang
Berry-Orange Yang
Variant-Huang Huo
Fantasy-Harpy Archer Raven
Fanus-Wolf Raven
Berry-Cherry and Blackberry Raven
Variant-Gavran Poe
Fantasy-Pyromancer Cinder
Fanus-Fox Cinder
Berry-Cherry Cinder
Variant-Aschenputtel Ash
Fantasy-Paladin Penny
Fanus-Bunny Penny
Berry-Penny 1/3 cutie,1/3 ultimate weapon,1/3 juice machine
Fantasy-Wounded Knight Pyrrha
Fanus-Goat Pyrrha
Berry-Pumpkin Pyrrha
Variant-Deme Helena
Fantasy-Captian of the royal guard Winter
Fanus-Polar bear Winter
Berry-Blueberry Winter
Variant-Governor Glaze Geante
Fantasy-Maid Kali
Berry-Grape Kali
Variant-Parvati Lee
Fantasy-Viking Nora
Fanus-Moose Nora
Berry-Syrup Nora
Variant-Vallerie Kermen Rydanholf
Fantasy-Shapeshifter Neo
Fanus-Coyote Neo
Berry-Dragon fruit Neo
Variant-Alder Lupin
Fantasy-Plant mage Emerald
Fanus-Monkey Emerald
Berry-Melon Emerald
Variant-Jade Amin
Fantasy-Spirit of vengeance Tock
Berry-Grapefruit Tock
Variant-Wendy "Hook" Senercia
Fantasy-Shinobu Ilia
Berry-Pineapple Ilia
Variant-Luna Camillo
Fantasy-Orphange owner Salem
Variant-Headmistress Salem Grimdelwald
Fantasy-The guardian angel Summer
Fanus-Corgi Summer
Berry-Cherry Summer
Variant-Midala Gardner
Fantasy-Shop keeper Coco
Fanus-Rabbit Coco
Berry-Choclate Coco
Variant-Louis Armani
Fantasy-Shop keeper Velvet
Fanus-Human Velvet
Berry-Choclate and carrot Velvet
Variant-Lola Valentino
Fantasy-Assassin Sienna
Berry-Mango Sienna
Variant-Bagheera Black
Fantasy-Royal guard member Elm
Fanus-Grizzly bear Elm
Berry-Mistletoe Elm
Variant-Joanna Henry
Fantasy-Dutchess Willow
Fanus-Polar Bear Willow
Berry-Blueberry Willow
Variant-Noel Geante
Fantasy-Bandit Vernal
Fanus-Shark Vernal
Berry-Blackberry Vernal
Variant-Rosalita Jovi
Malachite Twins:
Fantasy-The gatekeepers Melanie and Miltidaes
Fanus-Wolf Melanie and Miltidaes
Berry-Blackberry Melanie and blueberry Miltidaes
Variant-Deedee and Dumella Staley
Fantasy-Old sage Maria
Fanus-Opossum Maria
Berry-Pear Maria
Variant-Sofia Senercia
Fantasy-Royal guard member Harriet
Fanus-Rabbit Harriet
Berry-Peach Harriet
Variant-Ramsey Tarheel.
Fantasy-Pyromancee Amber
Fanus-Bear Amber
Berry-Black cherry Amber
Variant-Pele Topaz
Fantasy-Jester Neon
Berry-Strawberry Neon
Variant-Terabithia "Tartarsauce" Saundo
Fantasy-High mage Glynda
Fanus-Bear Glynda
Berry-Peach Glynda
Variant-Goldwater Eastmen
Fantasy-Archer Robyn
Fanus-Fox Robyn
Berry-Kiwi Robyn
Variant-Brianna Nottingham
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Sidlink Story - “Seeing Red.”
Link was in trouble...to put it mildly. Since arriving at the border with Zorana he’d been aware of eyes on his back, a group of 3 or 4 Lizalfos were stalking him, following some distance behind, on the higher ground. It was a strange situation to be in, and one he’d only encountered twice before.
Lizalfos weren’t exactly clever creatures when it came to combat, the only time they’d actually get a strike would be if he wasn’t aware they were there. That being said, they weren’t exactly subtle either.
He knew they were following him, and he got the distinct impression that they had enough collective brain-cells between them to know that he did and were just waiting for the right moment to pounce.
He’d been ambushed on this road several times before, so it wasn’t new to him. That still didn’t make the prospect any less daunting however. One moment it would be quiet and peaceful, the next there would be a number of reptiles scuttling down the mountain-sides with the intentions of killing, then eating him.
...okay maybe that last part was made up, he really wasn’t sure if Lizalfos ate people. But it was a fair assumption regardless. All those teeth, they looked like crocodiles, or very angry over-sized geckos.
... The Domain was visible just above the mountains in the distance, something that under normal circumstances would have been a major comfort for Link. But right now...with all these eyes watching him, he felt it was more of a reminder of how quickly he had to move, and where he needed to get to before those reptiles decided it would be a good idea to charge him.
Often times he’d come upon a Guard Sentry, or a patrol on the roads, but tonight...for whatever reason...there weren’t any to be seen. He’d hoped to have spotted some on the few towers dotted around the territories border, and inlaying hills, but again those were empty.
Bazz must have had them all recalled for something, or perhaps it was just too quiet a night for them to worry about security? King Dorephan had been lifting the lock downs on the border slowly over the last few months...this could be the result of that.
But surely they wouldn’t leave their borders undefended...would they? There was always some sort of presence, some reminder that there was in fact an ancient monarchy in these mountains, and a culture so unfathomably old, nobody dared comprehend it unless they were crazy, or studying Zoran history.
It’s at this point that something occurs to him, something that is so obvious and so ridiculously simple that he can’t help the muttered curse he gasps out as he stops in his tracks.
The Domain had a shrine located inside it. Sure he rarely used his Shiekah Teleport out of a preference for real travel, but just this once...it seemed a reasonable choice to make. “You’re an idiot, Link.” he mutters to himself, reaching down under the cloak he’s got over his shoulders and pulls out the slate. He reaches up with his left hand and pulls back his hood, getting a better look at the screen as it lights up. “Now then...which one was it again?” He swipes at the screen for a second, looking for the area on his map that he’d labeled rather hastily “ZORAHS DOMANE”...he liked to think his spelling had improved since those early days.
Just as he finds it and presses his thumb over it, something races past his right ear, so close that he feels it brush past. Glancing in that direction, his view fills with the face of a Lizalfos Warrrior, it’s teeth bared and it’s tongue stuck out in a loud, screeching hiss. The next thing he knows is pain, and the sensation of falling. He hits the ground hard, the slate tumbling out of his hand and bouncing across the path ahead. A pain splits across his chest and it’s hard to breathe, though he suspects he’d just winded himself from the fall. Almost immediately after that, adrenaline kicks in and he leaps up onto his feet, pulling out the Master Sword from over his left shoulder and readying it for a fight. However there’s an empty space where the Lizalfos had been.
He looks to the left and the right suddenly, gasping as he sees no movements, and hears no sounds. That leaves only his rear flank-
Turning on the spot, he’s struck against this time by an arrow that impacts the leather chest-plate he has over his tunic. He feels the rather uncomfortable thrum of electricity that pulses through it, but other than that, no real damage is done.
The Lizalfos from before is now charging him, it had seemingly come out of nowhere. He raises the Master Sword, blocking a strike from it, then another, and another. This was usually something that came second nature to him...but this time something wasn’t quite right. He couldn’t move his arms in the same way he usually did, his strength had diminished almost instantly and with each strike from the reptile, it got harder and harder to maintain a proper defense. ...and then the Master Sword is knocked from his hand. A nightmare scenario was now unfolding. He had been ambushed, was loosing strength due to something he wasn’t aware of, and now he’d been disarmed. Most ordinary people would just accept their fate at this point...but Link wasn’t most ordinary people.
He instead decides to use his body to dodge the attacks that come. Stepping back and jumping to the side whenever he can. This becomes harder and harder to do as time passes and when he finally does jump, only to fall onto his side, he can see why. The source of his weakness was finally visible to him. He’d been sliced along his right side, and was loosing blood fast. If there was ever a time to regret leaving his rucksack in Castle Town...it would be now. This was supposed to be an uneventful trip from one placer to another. And this is what he gets for assuming it would be. Someone up there must really hate him. The pack of reptiles were now appearing around him. He let’s out a pathetic wheezed breath and rolls onto his back, coughing a few times. One of them wastes no time pressing it’s large, left foot against his chest, holding him down.
All of it’s weight comes down on him, and it’s not a light creature by any means. What little air was left in his lungs comes out almost instantly, and the more he tries to breathe, the harder it gets. The next few seconds feel like an eternity, but thankfully the lack of air makes hims light-headed and almost numbs the pain from his wounds. Then again that could still be the adrenaline in his system. ...then something happens. There’s a movement to the left, his ears still able to pick the noise up despite his condition. This is followed, by what can only be described as a blur of red, passing across his visual field.
The Lizalfos whose blurry, dark shape had been present over him had disappeared, and the muffled noises that followed suggested it had been attacked by something. “Good” Link thought to himself, his eyes re-adjusting slightly as he takes in a desperate, gasping breath, and rolls onto his side, hand glued to his chest. “At least karma was on his side.”
He blinks a few times, his vision starting to clear a little. He makes out the shape of the Master Sword on the ground nearby, and with immense strain, starts to slowly haul himself towards it. As his hand takes a grip of the pommel, something trips over his left leg, and lands to his right. He looks back at one of the Lizalfos who had attacked him, as a Sword is stabbed through it’s chest. It let’s out an ear piercing squeal, before it’s eyes cloud over and it lays still.
This is followed by a set of muffled voices, and the next thing Link is aware of is someones hand on his right shoulder. He summons just enough strength to grab the Master Sword and pulls it with him as he’s turned on the ground. The pathetic swipe he tries to make is blocked by something thick and metallic, an arm, protected by metal plating, Zoran in design. His eyes shift to the face just behind it...and almost immediately his grip on the Master Sword goes lax. Sidon catches the blade before it hits him and does him any more injury, placing it gently to the side. “You’re alright, Link! You’re safe. I’ve got you!” ... Link let’s out a groan as he comes back to his senses, taking in a deep breath, he immediately notes a familiar scent, a fresh, clean smell that reminded him of a spring morning. He lifts his head slowly, his eyes stinging when the light hits him. His arms were being held around something in front of him. Something warm, something delightfully familiar. “You’re awake...” Sidon says, his head turning slightly to the right. He’d picked the Hylian up after he found him and slung him over his back. “...good. I was worried you may have been worse than you looked.” “...where-” Link’s voice was dry and groggy. He had basically zero strength at the moment, and basic things such as speaking were difficult. “We’re just arriving at the Domain.” Sidon says. Link looks around from his perch on the Prince’s back, he could see Tarquin and Bazz up ahead, the two of them leading the other soldiers. Sidon himself was wearing a set of armor he’d never seen before, spare one occasion after the Calamity had been sealed away. It was like the other guards sets, but had all sorts of engravings on the chest-plate and cauldrons. He wasn’t wearing the hood though, it would seem the shape of his head-tail didn’t allow for one to fit. “The one day I am commanding drills...and you decide to get ambushed on the road in.” Sidon says, there wasn’t any disappointment or anger in his tone, but it didn’t make Link feel any better. “Sorry...” he breathes, allowing his chin to rest on his shoulder. “Should have used the...tele...porter...thing.” “Oh don’t worry about that.” he sees the Prince’s head shake out of his peripherals. “I’m just glad we found you before those beasts finished you off.” “Thank you...” Link whispers next. “I’ll hear nothing of it.” Sidon says. “And fear not. You’re safe now. The Healers will be waiting for us when we arrive...for now, just try and rest.” ...
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dark-magistrate · 5 years
Skit 1
End of the Line?
(Way I see it is that Globgor’s treatment serves to reset the progression, but doesn’t cure the scar itself and he would just go through the same pain again. He would either need to stay submerged in the magic and thus be unable to do much with Meteora or he would have to go through the same pain just to go back in to keep it from killing him. 
As for the war itself, Moon realizes the extent of her mistake and assists with taking down the Solarian warrriors. Star goes against Mina. Star manages to break through Mina’s warrior armor, but her Kaijou Armor is an obviously easy target for the Solarian Blade, though Star manages to get out before the blade strikes her.
Star has to rely on distance to keep from being struck by the Solarian blade, but the same works against her due to Mina’s heightened senses. In the end, Star manages a close strike but only due to Moon taking the Solarian blade stirke in Star’s place.
Marco and Eclipsa assist in defeating the revived Solarian as well. Meteora is left back in Eclipsa’s castle so she isn’t used against any of them or worse, killed, though she isn’t thrilled with the idea.
With that out of the way, time to get to the skit itself or maybe I should call it a script. :P)
With the battle finished, though at a heavy cost. Star, Marco, Moon, Eclipsa, Meteora, Tom, and Princess Pony Head make their way to the Magic Sanctuary. Outside, River and Janna were waiting for the group. Eclipsa, carrying Meteora in her arms, would run over to River. 
“How is he doing?” Eclipsa knew the extent of her mother’s magic better than anyone else and knew that there was no alternative to curing the scar, but she hoped that there was at least some good news on the matter as she had already lost Globgor once and wouldn’t know what to do if she had to go through that experience again.
“Bad news is that we can’t get rid of the scar.” Eclipsa barely reacted as that was painfully obvious, both to her and to Globgor, though in different extents. “Good news is that the scar had regressed.” Eclipsa’s face lit up with a mixture of relief and joy hearing that at least some progress had been made.
“Baba?” Meteora would inquire curiously, looking up at her mother. Eclipsa would smile and hold her daughter close. “Baba’s feeling better.” Eclipsa would run inside to see him again. Shortly after Eclipsa passed by him, River would notice that Moon was injured and would mimic Eclipsa’s previous action.
“Moon, are you alright?” He was unaware the injury that she sustained and was only assuming that it phsyical injury due to fighting he insanely big Solarian warriors, but his voice was wracked his concern and worry that it might in fact be something worse. 
“I’m fine River.” Moon was used to defending, helping, and supporting others, especially considering what she had to cope with in her childhood. It was mainly an alien feeling to be being helped, even if it was by River, who had seen her at her weakest at numerous times in the past.
“She got struck by the blade.” River’s face paled hearing that statement, she would quickly move to support and help Moon over into the sanctuary to do what he can to treat the wound as best as they knew. 
Tom, Marco, Star, Princess Pony Head and Janna would head into the Sanctuary. With the battle over, they can now focus on what lies ahead and recovering from the fighting.
Globgor would be playing with Meteora, wincing slightly from the now reduced scar as Eclipsa admired the sight with River helping Moon to treat her scar. “Have you decided Star?” Marco figured to break the silence as well as ask the question that everyone was wondering.
Star would only let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes before nodding her head, her eyes remaining shut for several more seconds before opening up them again. “Yes, I am going to use the whispering spell in the realm of magic. This will cause Mewni and Earth to become one. Eclipsa, Globgor, Marco, and I shall work to help the monsters transition to life on Earth.” Star would answer solemnly, but the choice took a lot of thought and will require just as much to bring herself to actually perform.
“If you destroy magic, there may be no way for us to see each other again.” Tom responded, the very thought brought him great pain. He went through so much to show how much he loves Star, only to find out that in the end they might never see each other again. There was no telling if any means of crossing over dimensions would now work after magic was destroyed, nor could they tell if the mirror phone would work either. 
“If I don’t do this then Globgor and my mom will die.” Star was already feeling the pressure of having to make the decision, but the fact that it was a lose-lose situation wasn’t helping to make it any easier. 
“You’ve been through enough Star. Meteora, Globgor, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for us.......” Eclipsa started as Globgor nodded his head while he and Meteora smiled in agreement with Eclipsa.
“Yes, that’s why I will do it.” Moon cut in, though her voice was weaker than normal and quivering with the agony of the scar. 
“Moon, you are in no condition.” River would respond, the statement only increasing his worry and concern.
“No, I will do it.” Star states defiantly shaking her head. “Eclipsa, you and your family have been apart for long enough. I will not ask for you to be apart any longer. Mom, you are in no condition.” Marco would walk over and rest his hand on Star’s shoulder.
“Take care Star. We will be waiting for your return.” Tom would nod his head in agreement.
“No matter what happens, you are the best B-Fly.” Pony Head wanted to make the point known cause she wanted to make sure that she let her know as she didn’t know if she would have a chance later to tell Star.
“Thanks you guys. We will find a way for this to work.” Star smiled glad that despite the near countless bumps in the road, they stuck with her. She was wracked with worry and sorrow that she might not be able to see two of them. Though she might see either of them at worst, she knew that they would be alright.
Eclipsa would hand Star the wand parasol for it to transform into Star’s wand. Star would turn into her Butterfly form and create a portal to the Realm of Magic, the portal would close behind her.
Back on Mewni, Marco and Tom would use their dimensional scissors to open up a portal to Earth so they can get as many people accustomed to Earth, though they didn’t know how Earth might changed when the two dimensions become one. Marco would head back to New Monstertown while Tom went to the area of Butterfly Castle.
Ignoring the pleas of the creatures that inhabited the realm of magic on her way to the center. Kneeling down she would begin to recite the whispering spell. As the wand began to self-destruct, Star would create a portal back to Mewni and come out of of her Butterfly form where Princess Pony Head would tell her where Marco and Tom went.
Once the Whispering Spell caused the wand to self-destruct, the fragments of the wand would fly in multiple directions. 
Unable to see anything different, Pony Head and Star would head outside where they meet with Tom and Marco and the image of a mixed scenery between Earth and Mewni. “It’s finally over.” Star hoped that it was more truth than simply just her wish about matters.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[MF]The Further Adventures of Aydan & Weebs - 14. Trains PT 5!
“How do you figure?” it didn’t sound right to Aydan, and his history with My Buddy Kev had well taught him the nonsense of listening to anything the guy had to say.
“The junkies,” My Buddy Kev gave a great huff, “hoo, hoo, the junkies were all swole up.” My Buddy Kev opened his mouth and took big breaths through his clenched teeth that looked insanely bright next to the deep crimson hues of gores sliding down the man’s person.“ More chewing, another spit “Classic,” he said, shaking his head with crazy eyes looking into the past?
Weebs couldn’t not stare at the mouth of the plastic bottle as My Buddy Kev spit into, where a lipstick ring of human essence was forming. An audible “Ugh” did emit from his lips, but no one noticed with the sound of the blood soaked man’s ridiculous panting.
“KA-POW” My Buddy Kev, again, made Weebs flinch as, with the shout, a glistening business card was produced at the end of a hand thrust in Weebs’ face.
Adjusting his eyes, trying to read, which Weebs had little hope of reading, that’s how close it the card was being held to the end of his nose, “Whassthis?”
“My calling card,” My Buddy Kev said, but he was totally kidding and added “Just kidding, this is my card designating my membership in THE KISS army. You asked, so here it is. You can’t touch it though,” My Buddy Kev stated, but it was his policy.
“I don’t want to touch it, it looks wet.”
The card was gone by the time Weebs had finished speaking. Keistered. My Buddy Kev smiled, the very image of the devil him or herself “Oh Kay youse fucks, time to get gone, you’re gonna blow my cover.”
Weebs, lost and shaking his head, the final grains of his patience circling the great maw of the hourglass’ waist “Hey, guy, can you hang on one second for me…” Weebs would have said more, but the glistening went at him.
“Hup!” My Buddy Kev sprinted three steps at Weebs then stopped short of the pistol that Weebs had leveled at the man’s forehead.
“He’s your friend, Aydan, what’s my play here?” Weebs asked.
Aydan figured for a long moment, then shrugged “This point?” He shook his head “I don’t know, maybe it’s better for everybody.”
The eyes, “HEY! YOU A WARRRIOR WEEBS? I DON’T THINK YOU HAVE IT IN YOU!” The guy was so red, way too red.
Without blinking, banal “Ohh, pretty sure I do, mate.”
Aydan smiled then, seeing, in his two friends, these two big Labradors that just wanted to run around and play; just two pent up kids. He didn't intrude.
“RAD!” Then My Buddy Kev straightened and it appeared as though the storm had passed, at least for the time being. “K, now, you fucks need to go before the queen gets back. Put me back in the bag,” he ordered, holding the canvas sack towards Aydan and Weebs.
Weebs tucked the pistol away and helped to get the blood soaked ball of energy back in his packaging, while Aydan asked “Hey, you mind me asking you to explain the thinking here?”
“Civillians,” My Buddy Kev, you could hear the sound of his eyes rolling, and you could see him shaking his head where his forehead rubbed against the canvas of the sack. “The Queen will soon return to find her little army extinguished, which she may or may not be expecting.”
“I doubt that she would be expecting that.” Aydan offered, unprompted.
“Well, what she, for sure, won’t be expecting is me to still be here, which I will be, right where she left me. Which is the last place she would think, and this time, the rope won’t be tied. She’ll never see it coming, and she won’t expect a thing!” He was shouting and, from inside the canvas bag there came the sound of an enthusiastic clap. “WOO! Thanks for this guys, I owe you.”
Aydan and Weebs stood, not speaking then, just silently looking at the canvas bag there, with all these blood smears and crimson footprints around it leading back and to everywhere that My Buddy Kev had wandered on his soujourn. “You take care of yourself this time, ok, The Queen’s never gonna suspect a thing.” Then to Weebs, Aydan mimed ‘Let’s go.’
Weebs bent low to the bag, “It was nice meeting you,” he said gently, trying to be polite.
From inside the bag, “Ok.” My Buddy Kev just said, not annoyed, just said it in a blank tone.
Weebs, irked, just stood and walked, with Aydan, away from the bag.
Not until the following afternoon did The Queen come rolling back onto the platform of what had once been her inconspicuous if bizarre utopia. Eighteen hours strapped in the front of that train had done The Queen’s back no favors and she hadn’t slept, she was hungry, had to piss, and? The old woman froze in her survey of the scene of the tragedy. The canvas bag, still there? Slowly, she rolled in the direction of her curiousity.
A taut canvas shell around him, My Buddy Kev tried so hard not to laugh; he failed just a little.
The Queen saw the canvas bag ‘giggle’ as she closed in on it. She didn’t know what to make of it all.
Inside the bag, My Buddy Kev’s eyes looked back and forth, his mouth open wide to aid in his stealth breathing; he would wait for her first few tugs before he struck. A spider waiting for the fly.
The old crone narrowed her eyes, halting near the bag, scanning in all directions.
My Buddy Kev heard the sound of the chair creaking, closing in, heard the wheels sliding on their bearings, but he waited, waited, waited for the hag to tug on the bag. He heard the click of the break on the wheels of the chair.
The Queen exhaled as she squeezed, she had the touch of an artisan too.
Blink, you’ll miss it.
From across the tracks, The Queen, stopped short of the bag, withdrew a secreted sawed off shot gun from beneath the seat of her chair then leveled and fired the weapon. A flash and a magician’s puff of smoke later the canvas bag was a good eight feet further down the platform. A thick trail of burnt hemoglobin marking the path.
The blast of the shotgun, the sound of that retort, blended effortlessly into the screams of a voice thrown, in agony, into octaves higher than normal. Not knowing how the man had oriented himself in the bag, but hoping against hope to shear head from his body; The Queen had fired at a bulge that seem 'head shaped'.
But it hadn’t been true, The Queen had read things back-asswards.
The force of the blow had torn the bag, and its’ occupant to pieces as it had carried it away down the platform. My Buddy Kev, survived the devastating blow but lost all but deli meat of his lower body. He tried to escape The Queen for a bit, but it was difficult for him to really get anywhere; My Buddy Kev just sort of crawled in a direction opposite the sensation of pain and wound up pawing the inside of the top of the canvas sack. For eight and a half long minutes, The Queen just sat and listened to the high pitched gargle filled moanings of a man just criminally guilty of never thinking things through.
It was a while later, the two of them just wandering through the country side; they’d long ago strayed from the traintracks and it came to Weebs all of a sudden to say “I think that might actually be the last we see of that wicked ole queen. You?”
Aydan squinted, half looked up at the sun as he thought about what his friend had just said, “No. No, I can almost guarantee that we have interest running on a real shitstorm coming down the pike, Weebs.”
Weebs just nodded, it made a certain kind of sense when Aydan said it that way. “Yeah, maybe.”
The pair walked for awhile longer before Aydan cracked in on the quiet that had built up while the two had been going along “Weebs, I have a bit of an offer for you.”
“I’m listening.”
“Well, the thing is, I needed My Buddy Kev for a job.” Aydan was hesitant, wasn’t sure how his old friend would take to the idea. "I just think I might have found a better person for the part."
“Out with it, man!”
Aydan stopped walking, “Weebs, my friend, I think that you and I should go into the bootlegging business together. How do you feel about something like that?”
Weebs looked up, like he was thinking. He wasn't.
In the moment the question was asked, it was answered; one out-thrust hand met another in a perfect moment and a perfect deal.
the end
(A squeaky red curtain comes down over the screen)
The little maestro taps the conductors podium, tk tk tk, bows, then turns and walks off.
Taa daaaaa?
submitted by /u/EconomyResident [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/32A37U4
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bulletproofenergy · 8 years
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Bulletproof CEO visiting our wounded troops at Fisher House
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