#would like them. plus I've met so many awesome folks through these two fandoms and they helped generate two of my utmost favorite and
vero-valzer · 8 years
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Well, one is Adventure Time. The last time I tuned in was for the “Stakes” slough of episodes because it was about Marceline and revealed her relationship with her mother, touched on her connection to Simon (if I’m remembering right,) and she’s one of my favorite characters. That was like… what? Two years ago? There parts about Adventure Time I appreciate and I have some comics and met some wonderful people through it and there are still “earlier” episodes of Adventure Time I enjoy and may rewatch but I noticed a common theme… Aside from the Fiona & Cake episodes, all of the episodes I liked, Rebecca Sugar wrote or directed or did the music! So, when I found out she was getting her own show together I immediately went, “Well, she had a hand in my favorite episodes, I should check out this pilot for her show they have online!” And thus the beautiful obsession with Steven Universe began.Don’t get me wrong, I was still watching Adventure Time while Steven Universe started up and was running, however, without Rebecca directing episodes here and there, I felt like Adventure Time went back on a lot of character development I had considered my favorite part of the show and (while I know its general kookiness was a part of the show from the beginning,) I felt like that nonsensical… attribute of AT took over and there was barely any smidgen of substance left to the episodes. There were still some standout episodes I saw or later on I kind of saw the ripples of across my dashboard for a little while, but… I fell away from the AT fandom mostly for the sudden reversal of character development once the Crewniverse was fully formed and Miss Sugar was dedicating her time and effort to SU and how it felt like it was lost and wandered into a bit -too much- without a purpose and was just kinda of strange for the sake of being strange? That’s just my opinion though. A couple of days ago, my sister actually sent me a trailer for a new AT episode that reveals that Finn might NOT be the only human still in Ooo? “Worth watching?” she asked. My response was, “I’m not sure I… really care?” So if that doesn’t give you a small insight…
The other fandom I have sort of abandoned at this point has been Homestuck. For that one, I mostly would blame the infamous “Giga-Pause” as I think it was called. I still haven’t seen or read the ending. I still have a lingering affinity for Homestuck, again, I’ve met wonderful people through it and there are aspects of it I really enjoy! (Plus it was where Toby Fox first piqued my interest with his music alone and eventually, knowing his name and his work led me to the other love of my life: Undertale!) But, you can’t really expect an entire fan base to support a webcomic that was ragingly popular in the same diehard way when you don’t update for over a year… I guess Homestuck just… fell off my radar and I felt a little hurt by that huge hiatus. I mean, yes, don’t force or nag a content creator to deliver to your whims but… c'mon! That and I’ve read the controversy (between WhatPumpkin and The Odd Gentleman,) but I’m still kind of bitter over the sluggish development of the game. I helped support the Kickstarter for that game when it was first announced but I only had enough money at the time to fund it enough to earn a digital copy of the game when it came out… I didn’t get the other tiers where they sent out other prizes which is what they seemed more worried about at the time than the actual game? Plus I wasn’t too thrilled to find out that AFTER everyone put their money into this Kickstarter, that it was revealed that it wasn’t really going to involve any of the characters we’d come to know and love through this sprawling webcomic and I know I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t too jazzed to hear that. I told myself a little after that, “Well, if you were just playing the comic, you’d already know what’s in store and what fun is that? So I guess it makes sense they’d give you new characters and everything and stick to the similar concepts and ‘universes’ that Homestuck generated.” That rationale and hope for the game was probably over three or four years ago.
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