lena-haloways · 5 years
Rank the nooras ❤
Oooh, thank you for this question, I love that character so much ❤
1. Zoë - I can’t explain how much I love my zoë. She is really like the og noora, but has also something unique and it just takes og character and makes it even better! She is so strong, but also so vulnerable, she is feminist, but also understanding and soft. I love og noora, but she had flaws that I feel they handled better with zoë. They stayed true to the character, but made it even better. I feel there is a lot more emotion in zoë. It really breaks my heart watching her suffer, more than usually and more than I tought it would 😭
2. Eleonora - she is actually a lot different than the og noora, she gives a different vibe, she is so much more gentle and soft and she is my second because I can identify with her the most. She is the biggest introvert out of all the nooras and as one, I can totally understand her and the way she thinks and behaves. She is such a good person, with such a big heart and so much love to give, she is so caring and beautiful in and out. So gentle and so understanding and she really feels so real to me because I see a lot of her in me. She is beautifully written and I love her so much.
3. Noora - the reason I love season 2 the most is because noora is my favorite character. I can identify with her in a lot of ways, and I like her feminism and heart and how strong she is. She will always have a speacial place in my heart because she is the original one and she started it all. Without her, there wouldn’t be any other and she will always be so dear to me.
4. Liv - when I answered the question including who my favorite noora remake is a few weeks ago I wrote zoë and liv. And now I did place eleonora above because I’ve watched her season until the end and it just made me realize after it ended how much I love her and how much I can identify with her, so that’s the reason why liv is now placed lower than her. She is also so strong and caring, such a good friend and is great, independent, talented, caring and really beautiful in and out. At the begininng of season 2, I did find her being a little too hard on noah, but I still love them and her. She is a real queen.
5. Mia - after just season 1, mia was my favorite noora and I still love her sooo much. I even feel a little guilty for not placing her higher and it was a really tough call between liv and her, but after a lot of thinking I had to go with this order. The reason why I placed liv higher is because I think she handled the whole situation with engel a lot better than mia with kiki, and liv just generally seemed like a better friend during that whole situation. But, I still love mia so much. She is the strongest and probably the biggest feminist and I just like how determined she is and how they developed her and her relationship with alex in a way that didn’t make her loose who she is. I honestly wish I could be more like her.
6. Nora - tbh, I know too little about her because she didn’t get her season yet, so she is not that developed yet. But, I do like her for now, I like how they are handling her right now, and how she has similarities with the og noora, but is also more unique and not just a copy. She gives that certain vibe that I like and I’m really interested to see her season. I hope I’ll get to like her even more.
7. Manon - I don’t have much to say about her, she is mostly a copy of og, but not as good, and she is okay. I don’t have anything against her, but I’m really sorry about how bad they handled her and her relationship with charles in season 4. I didn’t even understand the whole drama and I don’t get what was all that about with her and sofiane. Like??? It really seemed like she knew imane liked him, I mean yeah, she asked her and she said she doesn’t, but still, it was so obvious and even if she wasn’t sure, you don’t just go and date your best friend’s possible crush? Idk, I’m just really confused with how all of that played out, and they didn’t even explain it properly. Same thing with charles. She was so against getting back with him the whole season and then she just got back with him all of a sudden without a word od explanation?? So confused about all of that, it was so unnecessary and rushed and it makes just zero sense. She was just so out of character during the whole season 4 and I’m really sorry about how it all played out, because she is really not bad and she definitely deserves better. Getting back with charles was a big disappointment for me.
8. Grace - didn’t like her at all in season 1 and in season 2 she did got better and I do think that SA was handled the best with her (except maybe with zoë, but I still have to see that playing out ‘till the end to judge), she was cute with daniel and she did grow on me in season 2 a little because she did get better. But, I’m still not the biggest fan, it’s not anymore that I don’t like her at all, I do, but not a lot. She doesn’t really give me noora vibes and sometimes she annoys me. But, I really liked how she put daniel in his place, telling him what happened happened to her and not him. That was really powerful and strong. So, she is okay, but not as much as the og, and I do like her, but she is just my least favorite out of all the others.
~ask me anything skam/remakes related~
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azozzoni · 5 years
Can you write about Robbe and Sander first fight??? I know it's something we don't like to think about, but fights are natural in relationships. Helps them grow closer. Please :)
I’m not great at fights just fyi.
Robbe spotted Sander immediately as he stepped through the school gates, smiling slightly at Sander’s faded  hair—he really needed to re-bleach it, but Robbe thought he looked pretty cute with brown hair too. As he approached Sander, his eyes fell on the guy Sander was talking to.
Robbe hadn’t met many of Sander’s friends from art school, even if Sander had met all of his, but this wasn’t one he recognized. The guy wore jeans tighter than any Robbe had ever seen, his hair dyed blue, a soft smile on his face as Sander said something. It was the kind of smile that made Robbe’s stomach turn over.
“Hey,” he greeted Sander, interrupting their conversation perhaps a bit too forcefully, watching the blue-haired guy even as Sander beamed at him.
“Hey,” Sander replied, pressing a kiss to his lips easily, as if he hadn’t just been flirting with this guy. Maybe flirting was taking it too far, but he’d been smiling and laughing, and it made something clench in Robbe’s chest, unbidden. “This is Stojan,” he introduced the guy.
Robbe merely nodded, slipping his arm around Sander’s waist as though the guy hadn’t just seen Sander kiss him. The guy’s eyes flicked to Robbe’s hand before he smiled.
“You must be the boyfriend Sander talks about,” he said, and Robbe frowned slightly.
“He’s never mentioned you.”
Beside him, Sander looked confused, glancing between them.
“Stojan is in my figure drawing class,” he said instead. “He keeps me on task so I don’t get distracted.”
“Not that naked models are distracting at all,” Stojan joked with a wink at Sander, almost like an inside joke, and Robbe didn’t like the feeling curling in his stomach.
Robbe knew he could get jealous. And he knew Sander was far more attractive than Sander gave himself credit for. It wasn’t unheard of that someone might flirt with Sander, but there was something about the way Stojan grinned at him that made Robbe nervous.
He didn’t think about it often, about how they’d gotten together, the whole Britt fiasco. He didn’t like to think about it.
“We’re gonna be late for the movie,” Robbe heard himself say, abrupt, drawing both Stojan and Sander’s eyes to him.
“Okay,” Sander agreed, grabbing his backpack off the ground. He glanced at Stojan. “See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, you will,” Stojan echoed as Robbe turned, heading for the gate with Sander hurrying to catch up.
“Hey, what’s the rush?” Sander said as he caught up, tugging Robbe by the hand, pulling him to slow down on the sidewalk. “We’ve got plenty of time.”
Robbe shook his head instead of answering. There was no rush. He just hadn’t wanted to talk to Stojan any more, to feel the hot creep of jealousy in his chest when he knew there was no point to it.
“Robbe,” Sander said when Robbe didn’t reply, eyes big as he tugged Robbe to a stop. “What’s wrong?”
“How come you never mentioned him?” Robbe asked before he could stop himself, watching the way Sander’s eyebrows knit together.
“Who? Stojan?”
“You’ve met all my friends.”
Sander seemed confused, shaking his head. “I guess he’s a friend, but he’s more like just a guy I talk to in class sometimes.”
“He was flirting with you.”
“Robbe,” Sander said with a little laugh, as though it was ridiculous. As though Robbe was ridiculous.
He wasn’t. He wasn’t ridiculous. He didn’t smile back at Sander as Sander searched his face, confusion coming back into his eyes.
“Are you seriously jealous of a guy I talk to three times a week?”
“No,” Robbe lied, because it wasn’t Stojan necessarily, it was the feeling he got when he thought about how many other people probably had crushes on Sander, how many more options Sander had, and if one day, he might decide to take advantage of it.
Sander paused, biting his lower lip as he watched Robbe. “I talk to a lot of people at school. Some probably even flirt. Are you going to get jealous every time I talk to someone?”
“No,” Robbe said again, huffing slightly. He didn’t want to have this conversation right here, on the sidewalk, people passing by.
“Then what’s so different about Stojan?” Sander looked annoyed now, hands shoved in his pockets, eyebrows furrowed, waiting for an explanation that Robbe couldn’t quite formulate around the growing annoyance at Sander’s complete dismissal of the situation.
“You were flirting back,” Robbe said finally, watching the way Sander’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“I was not.”
“You were,” Robbe insisted. He’d seen the way Sander smiled at him, touched his arm, laughed at whatever he’d said. That looked like flirting to Robbe.
“Are we really arguing about this?” Sander asked instead of refuting the statement. “Is this really going to be our first real fight?”
Straightening up, Robbe scoffed. “If you keep denying it, yeah.”
“Robbe,” Sander said seriously, reaching for Robbe’s arm. “I love you, you know that. Even if I accidentally flirted back, I don’t want anyone else.”
“Is that what you told Britt?”
The words came out before Robbe could stop them, and he saw the way they hit Sander, like a brick to the head.
“This is about Britt?” he asked slowly, as though trying to connect the dots.
“When you went back to her,” Robbe said, his heart pounding in his chest. He’d mostly blocked that memory from his mind, the image of Sander kissing Britt at that party, just days after kissing Robbe. Sander had never really explained, never really offered a reason for running back to Britt. Robbe could guess—he had been pretty shaken after the attack too, but he hadn’t thought of going back to Noor for one minute.
Licking his lips, Sander took a breath. “I thought we talked about that.”
Robbe shook his head, gazing up at Sander. “You never really said why, and if you can say you love me and go off with someone else, why couldn’t it happen again?”
For a moment, Sander didn’t reply, still holding onto Robbe’s arm. He seemed to be contemplating his words carefully.
“I went back to Britt because I was scared,” Sander admitted after a long minute. “She was safe and I didn’t want to hurt you just by being with you.”
“So what does that mean?” Robbe asked, shaking his head. “Does that mean that someday, when you feel safe with me, and you meet someone else, you’ll stay with me just because it’s easier?”
Reaching for Robbe’s face, Sander shook his head. “I never loved Britt,” he said simply, brushing Robbe’s hair back, and Robbe gazed up at him. “And I’m never going to meet anyone I love more than you.”
“You don’t know that,” Robbe muttered, even though he wished it was true. “Stojan might be amazing.”
Sander smiled slightly, surprising Robbe. “Stojan draws My Little Pony porn. He’s not amazing.”
It reassured Robbe a tiny bit, but he couldn’t help the doubt that lingered. Maybe it wasn’t Stojan, but someday, someone else might come along who was amazing. And Robbe wouldn’t be able to compete with that.
“There is no one else I’d rather be with,” Sander assured him, kissing him softly. “For better or worse, you’re stuck with me.”
Robbe had to smile at that, nodding when Sander kissed him again.
“If anything, I should worry,” Sander went on, looking doubtful now. “That one day you’ll decide I’m too much work.”
“Never,” Robbe assured him, pulling Sander into a hug and holding on tightly. “If you ever feel that way, I want you to tell me.”
He heard Sander’s huffed laugh against his shoulder. “I can’t believe our first fight was over a guy who draws fetish porn.”
“Next time, just preface all your introductions that way,” Robbe said as Sander pulled back, laughing and shaking his head. Robbe sighed, though. “I’m sorry I got jealous.”
“It’s okay,” Sander said simply, kissing Robbe firmly. “It happens.”
Robbe glanced at him as they turned finally, heading down the street. “Do you ever get jealous of guys that talk to me?”
Sander shrugged slightly. “Sometimes, but you’re usually too oblivious to even notice. So I don’t really worry.”
Rolling his eyes, Robbe couldn’t help smiling. Sander was probably right. After all, Robbe only had eyes for him.
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neurotic-escapades · 5 years
Wtf Wotfock?! Couldn't you let us (and Robbe) be happy for 5 minutes?!?! My heart is broken.
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