#worm squad
ottobooty · 2 years
When you and the Homies watch Glass Onion
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faeriekit · 7 months
It always baffles me when people are so mad about how ao3 operates as an archive and not, like, as an algorithmically driven recommendation machine or as a moral measure of appropriate writing or as a social media site or as anything else people want it to be... It's an archive. It hosts text. That's the sole summary of its job. If you don't like it, you don't...have to use it?
If you want a stricter hosting site for fanfic, ffn exists. If you want something that has an algorithm, pick any social media site nowadays...even tumblr recommends stuff to you now. Ao3 is not going to be your arbiter of fandom discourse nor will it enforce your personal opinion on certain topics because that's a really weird thing to ask of an archive and its staff, and that's straight up not what the site is for. That's like walking into a library and asking snidely why the librarians aren't stopping you from reading the books there. If it makes you mad, there are other fanfic hosting sites that aren't archival-model-based.
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petercapaldifan1 · 24 days
Peter Capaldi Evolution Films movies and series 1982-2024 🔥Enjoy and I hope Everyone like it🎉
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jester-lover · 1 month
I like to think I am unique amongst Peter Capaldi fans, as I decided to watch his entire filmography after seeing him in Paddington and thinking to myself “that’s the ideal man right there.” Only to realize he’s also Doctor Who.
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plaguedocboi · 9 months
I let my sister’s friend handle one of the leeches last night and she suddenly was like
“Oh! They’re like those long fluffy things!”
“Worm on a string?”
“Yes! They’re like worm on a string.”
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Missandei and Grey Worm on Viserion and Rhaegal Custom Funko Pops
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 10 months
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Fuck. You.
she was NINE YEARS OLD. she was a vulnerable nine year old kid that you ADMIT was in serious danger of meeting the wrong person and being seriously abused, and your focus in this situation is on how she ruined careers? instead of on how nobody was teaching her why what she was doing was dangerous and problematic? jesus fucking christ. you talk about her like SHES the fucking problem here. the way you tell it shes some mastermind tearing apart peoples lives and not a NINE. YEAR. OLD. CHILD. hey guess what? if a 9yo kid being clingy is ruining your career, THAT ISNT ON HER. thats on you for taking on the responsibility of working with a THIRD GRADER without realizing how its different from working with an adult. it was YOUR JOB to make sure she knew those boundaries, to make sure she had her needs met and was coping with the INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL, LIFE-THREATENING SITUATIONS she was being put in. i repeat: SHES A FUCKING CHILD. she is a mentally ill, traumatized, scared, vulnerable child. you talk about how much of a pain it was to have the youth guard breathing over your neck but you're telling me that they were fucking right to do so, because if you came out of this situation thinking "this 9yo child is causing problems" and not "the people responsible are neglecting and failing this 9yo child", you should not be allowed to work with children. in short, Mayday, FUCK. RIGHT. OFF.
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eerna · 1 year
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Gale is the designated cook of the crew and he is passionate enough about it that he might get offended if someone else asked to cook instead. this is vital information to me
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maytraparts · 6 months
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- Welcome to the Deep -
Character credits go to @meowtheninjas
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intrikatie · 1 year
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"Would you still love me, if I was a worm?"
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horrororman · 2 months
🔪Notable films that were released on August 14th...
#Vampyr (1934)(US).
#TheConquerorWorm (1968)(NYC, NY).
#DeadlyBlessing (1981).
#TheHousebytheCemetery (1981)(Italy).
#LucioFulci #horror
#TheMonsterSquad (1987).
#SingleWhiteFemale (1992).
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ottobooty · 2 years
Barovia Group
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the-blu-of-the-robo · 8 months
Warren's Tattoos
I got the visual dictionary for Christmas and found details about Warren I didn't catch before. I feel like Warren gets too little attention or just blatantly ignored altogether. I personally really like Warren so here's a small analysis of his tattoos. The screenshots from the film below were taken by @muhomora. I was actually inspired by her analysis of Lopez, Lyle, and Zhang.
I could never tell what the tattoo on his neck was. I always thought it was "RDA", but after getting my hands on the book, it most definitely says "KIA" which is short for "killed in action". It makes a lot of sense considering the context. I now like to think Warren enjoyed boasting about the fact that he was killed in action and got revived.
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Warren also seems to sport tattoos on both his forearms. Due to his very unfortunate limited screentime, we never really get a good look at them. Those are the only tattoos that were visible as far as I'm aware during his time in the movie. Feel free to let me know if you guys find something new or if I made a mistake!
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tineymang · 3 months
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guys i have bad news. theres another one
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strifesolution · 2 years
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guy who’s really into treebark: what if the boss and his right hand man were kinda fruity
you can read the fic these designs are from here! they haven’t really shown up yet, but certainly will…
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plaguedocboi · 8 months
Favorite leach in your collection?
I cannot choose a favorite between my squish children but I think Wormitha is the prettiest
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