shellheadtmark2 · 5 years
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@worldwarvet​ | He's given him as many heads ups, warnings, and "just five more minutes" that he can. Bucky loves his boyfriend. He understands and loves his boyfriend's work. But he also really loves being able to spend some time watching movies and snuggling on the sofa too. "Time's up!" It's cheery, and the only warning Tony gets before Bucky wraps his metal arm around Tony's waist and hoists him up onto his shoulder, turning and marching back into the house, giving a playful slap on the ass. "Movie time."
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Five more minutes and Tony Stark can change the world.
A normal person would look around at the garage and Tony’s bare bones set up here and wonder just what in the hell is so entrancing that he can’t seem to pull himself away, considering his lab back in New York is exceedingly more sophisticated and ready for the kind of shit he likes to get up to.  This is basic.  This is...Practically primitive, by the standards one would expect from one of the world’s leading tech genuises.  And they’d be right!  It is exceptionally pared down from what he has back in New York.
And it’s great.  Because less frills, less chances of him getting distracted by some shiny new toy he’s installed.  He’d had something similar years ago, back on Coney Island, under less than great circumstances, and this is like that without all the emotional hangups and stress involved that had come from the Avengers splitting up and the mansion being destroyed and-
Point is:  It’s a no bullshit approach that lets him work without too many distractions in a fairly stress-free environment and he honestly thinks he should have set up another one like this ages ago.  He’s more productive on his personal projects on the weekends - in less time! - than he’s ever been trying to work around the Avengers.  
And-  Okay, look, fine.  Sure, he’s been saying five more minutes for the last...Hour?  Two?  Because he genuinely hasn’t reached a good stopping point.  Or, rather, he’s reached them and gone past them every time Bucky’s tried to pry him away.  And he actually opens his mouth, to say “five more minutes” when he’s hauled out of his chair and it comes out as the most undignified noise he thinks he’s ever made.
Logically, he knows exactly how strong Bucky’s arm is, and why.  Logically, he shouldn’t be surprised by that at all.  Logically, he could have stopped at any point when he reached those stopping points and saved himself the indignity of being hauled up like this and getting his ass slapped to rub salt into that embarrassing wound.  A less-forgiving and kind and wonderful person (Tony) would make this hard on Bucky.  Would struggle.  Or let themselves go limp as dead weight, because he knows he can’t be easy to carry, being taller.  But he doesn’t.  He doesn’t.  He, instead, accepts his fate with as much dignity as he can.
Which, admittedly, isn’t much.
“Would this be kidnapping or entrapment?  I need to know what to tell my lawyer later.”
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oldinformaticn · 5 years
@worldwarvet replied to your post “god   you   poison   a   couple   of   your   friends   &   suddenly  ...”
what's a little poison between friends
really   when   you   think   about   it,   poisoning   a   friend   is   a   show   of   affection
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bcthoundold · 5 years
@worldwarvet​ replied to your post “��+ ultimate test: it's a batman plush”
yes he did and i Love Him
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Good enough for another toy?
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shellheadtm-a · 5 years
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@worldwarvet​ #69 i fell in love with a dream - ella fitzgerald
He’s not...Actually very good at this.  He’s not.  He’s good at being affectionate (though he’s been called clingy at times and distantly cold at others and he’s not sure what that exactly means but it is what it is).  He’s good at being the guy that fixes things.  At building things.  At being a (surprisingly) quiet presence and sympathetic ear when it’s needed.  He’s good at over-the-top, grandiose gestures.  At things that have a lot of flash and bang but lack a lot of soul, when it comes down to it, and that’s...That’s not what he wants.  Here.  It’s out of place - this is literally the middle of small town Indiana, which is a place he can very firmly say he’s never seen himself ending up in for any amount of time outside of maybe a mission with the team - it’s cheap.  It’s tasteless.  It’s - and he shudders at the thought - new money.  Tacky.  He’s never given it a lot of thought before but...Honestly, isn’t Bucky too good for new money gaudy?  He thinks so.  
New York, and what comes with it - the tailored, bespoke suits, the plastic smiles for the press, the endless barrage of press attention (both positive and negative) - stays there, outside of the shared connections and the occasional Avengers call out.  Things are...Well, there’s no point in gilding that lily, things are slower here.  In the beginning he’d thought it would drive him crazy.  That that slowness would frustrate him.  But he’s by far more productive here in a weekend than he is in a week in a fully stocked lab when no one can come and pester him other than Bucky and the cat, and the occasional very few drop ins that actually know about this place.  A bonus of having an ex-assassin spy type for a boyfriend, maybe.  And besides, it’s not like there aren’t things to do, there are.  Not the sort of things the world expects to find Tony Stark, no, no tech conferences and no high-roller types of places but...There’s an honest to God drive-in, for Christ’s sake, and the novelty of that in and of itself is enough to keep him entertained.
Anyway, the point of this is:  He’s not good at this - this relationship thing.  He’s never sure what’s not enough and what might be too much, and he’s never found that happy balance between the two that most people seem to slot into with some kind of ease.  He either finds himself completely uninterested or settling in for the long haul entirely too soon and...And this has definitely maybe been the second thing and he knows that but it’s worked out so far so maybe that isn’t the worst thing in the world.  Bucky,,,Doesn’t seem to mind, and really, that should be the only thing that matters, right?
He’s already pulled the old record player out and sat it aside on “his” worktable - he’s surprised, it’s still perfectly functional after the mansion being destroyed more than once, and just a little dusty where it had been stored in cardboard box in the same facility all of the old things from the mansion had been that hadn’t been deemed sensitive.  At some point, Jarvis must have taken the initiative and repacked everything in those mostly water-tight plastic storage containers, the ones with the snapping lids.  Tony would have to thank him twfold; one, these things in this container have survived, when he’d thought they’d been lost forever, and two, for making it a hell of a lot easier to transport.  This hadn’t been the reason he’d gone into the storage facility, and he’ll be damned if he can remember what for now, but this has been...Well.  A slightly bittersweet but overall pleasant surprise.
“Hey, look what I found.”  It’s from before Bucky’s time, really.  From before the Avengers.  From before Iron Man.  From before Tony had been shipped off to boarding school, even.  The records packed inside are foxed around the edges, the cardboard sleeves dented and creased - a collection that’s been loved, and loved hard, instead of mint.  He can remember, hazily, being very small, standing on his mother’s feet while she danced him around the sitting room of the old mansion to music from before even her own time, really, to Etta James and Doris Day and Artie Shaw, when times were good.  It’s easy, really, to dismiss Howard Stark as his not-father, but it’s harder with his mother, with Maria Stark, because of memories like that.  So he’s learning, overall, to settle into the idea of his having two, and being lucky for that.
“I can’t believe these actually survived.”  He pauses in his flipping, pulling one of the sleeves free of the others that catches him on a whim, and slides the vinyl out, catching it carefully between two fingers.  “I thought they’d bit it with the mansion, but Jarvis must have dug them out.”  It’s placed just as carefully on the turntable, and the arm lowered after the player itself is turned on.  Maria’s the one that taught him to appreciate the warm hiss and pops of old vinyl, and it’s nostalgic for reasons that have nothing to do with the era it’s from.
“I figured they’d get more love here than shoved in a corner with the rest of the junk we’ve piled in storage.”  Safer, too, in a place no one could guess at their significance, and far from the worst things tend to throw at the world.  And...Okay, he can admit it.  It’s Tony, to a degree, metaphorically exposing his throat and belly in a sign of trust.  Sure, he’d thought they were lost for good, but now that he knows they’re not...This feels a lot better than leaving them to keep collecting dust.
spotify top 100 // accepting
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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     “-- Is your arm making a weird noise, or is that something else?”
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druglcrd-arc · 5 years
︻╦╤─  @worldwarvet ❘❘ 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡
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❝ That’s a nice gun. Do you know how to use it? ❞
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rahasyamayarchive · 5 years
@worldwarvet gets the remastered from here
He'd taken a serious fall. The sound was enough to make his insides feel like they'd turned to ice...
Stephen rushed over, wasting not a second to lean down and examine the extent of everything. His fingers pressed gently on  various places, watching for signs of discomfort. "It's going to be alright," he said in the calmest voice he could manage. It was his fault... he'd asked James to accompany him this time... against his better judgement. It was his fault James was injured now... everything that happened from here on was going to be weighing heavily on his shoulders.
Ready to comply.
His body felt like it'd fallen in the deepest depths of darkness. A cold not even the sea could compare to.
Here he was now, flashing a light into his pupils for stimuli response. A frown tugged at Stephen's lips at the flinch reaction - something he couldn't blame James for in the slightest. By the Vishanti, this was his fault. His hand had migrated to the man's cheek, brushing his thumb as best he could against cheekbone when James leaned into his touch. "It's going to be okay..." he repeated more softly.
He displayed signs of confusion. While it was only one symptom off the list of many, a quick look at his head told Stephen he would need sutures. Something he couldn't do any longer with the shaking hands he now possessed. And while light sensitivity could be on the table, he did flash a light directly into his eye...
It was entirely possible he did have MTBI. He would need to keep an eye out for nausea and vomiting... those where his biggest concerns at the moment. His speech and response time were well enough, considering the other trauma he had to the brain tissue... the last worry he had was whether the man would get dizzy the minute he stood up. This wasn't something he was going to accomplish on his own... he'd have to take him to an emergency room. This was too serious for an urgent clinic.
"James," He spoke into the quiet, resting their foreheads together. "I need to take you to a hospital. I won't leave your side. But we have to get you treated."
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@worldwarvet​ said, “Tell me the truth.”
       “What do you want me to say?” Natasha could feel irritation, pursing her lips, brows arching as they drew together. “I’ve told you what was needed to be known, and that was the truth.” Arms folded across her chest, eyes narrowing. “What more do you want?” 
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worldsfinestspy · 5 years
❥     𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌  𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓  𝐎𝐍𝐄  . || accepting 
@worldwarvet -- ❛ you’re not gonna do the thing where you wait silently for me to come home in the living room with all the lights off , are you ? ❜
She furrowed her brows as she looked over at him for a few long, silent moments, before she shook her head, “No, I’m not. You know I kinda go out of my way not to startle people who’d be very upset if they accidentally shot me,” she joked, leaning over to press her lips against his cheek. “If you get home and the lights are off, I’m either gone or in bed.” 
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facemypast · 5 years
Sticks a bunch of magnet letters to his arm that spell out "TRICK."
James frowned down at the letters on his arm, wondering what it meant. Bucky was grinning widely at him, and it took a few more minutes for it to click in his brain. The date was October 31st- Halloween. The word brought back faint memories of uncomfortable costumes and chocolate coating his mouth, the crisp air chilling the skin. Looking back up at Bucky he managed a lopsided grin.
     “Sorry, guess I already took all the treats.”
★ Send ‘Trick or Treat’ for some treats! ★ Accepting ★
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oldinformaticn · 5 years
@worldwarvet​ replied to your post “why”
slavic squat activated
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the   secret   to   maintaining   this   butt
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bcthoundold · 5 years
🐧+ ultimate test: it's a batman plush
@worldwarvet   &  【 MEME 】
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He takes it without hesitation and quickly starts to pull its limbs off.
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gwinnetts-archive · 5 years
headcanons for our muses ;; accepting | @worldwarvet
>  shaun & bucky
the first time shaun takes a picture of a person, instead of scenery or objects, he takes a picture of bucky
but he doesn’t show it to bucky, like he shows his other photos. it’s because it was an experiment, shaun tells himself, it’s a trial run, it’s not technically good yet, and he’s a perfectionist. if he shows someone something he did, it has to meet his own standards first, and this one definitely doesn’t
years and years and years later, though, and shaun still has it. there’s a very small album that he keeps of personal pieces, and that’s one of them. the reminder that he had a friend, once. someone unique, someone brought into the institute for a higher purpose. someone like him
and just like the old flag, carefully folded and framed, the glass shattered, the flag itself dirty and stained — obtained on his request from the sleepy abandoned neighborhood in the hills by vault 111… it’s a reminder of his own goals, his purpose, and the legacy he wants to leave behind when he’s gone
>  zetta & bucky
i hope bucky’s prepared for zetta to make a very loud point of treating him like a person. he probably isn’t, because she can get pretty aggressive about it depending on the situation and how he reacts
part of it comes from the fact that she’s clearly expected to treat him like a weapon, both by him and by shaun, and she doesn’t like being told what to do. part of it is that she doesn’t know what shaun’s game is, assigning bucky to her, and she doesn’t like not knowing, so she’s trying to exert some control over the situation by trying to dictate how they’re going to interact
but part of it comes from the fact that her mom, quite frankly, tried to strip zetta of her own personhood. zetta’s mother wanted her to be a perfect little doll to dress up and pose at will, something she could show off. (and zetta’s relationship informs a LOT of how she deals with things in general.) but as a result, zetta not only bucks (no pun intended) hard anyone who tries to do anything remotely similar to her, but she adamantly refuses to do the same to anyone else
and that’s why she’s gonna get aggressive about it with bucky. like, it’s legitimately going to make her mad that he’s adopted the “but i’m not a person” mindset, on top of making her uncomfortable of the position it puts her in so she converts that feeling into anger. rip bucky im so sorry, this is the weirdest way for someone to do this
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fightwing · 5 years
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@worldwarvet this duo scares me & also the world at large 
                          dick laughs, flipping down from where he was hanging upside down from his wire. bucky & dick tore through the compound, and found the control room easy. too easy, perhaps as by the time they arrived at their planned rendezvous point, command had been cleared of everything the goons could carry, and there was only one, poor, scapegoat left to delete all the files before the Calvary descended. being two highly trained spies and superheroes, dick asked for a very mature way to settle who tied up big bad wolf here. rock, paper, scissors was foolproof and anyone who said differently was either lying or dead.                   now although dick didn’t speak russian (one of the few frequently encountered languages he had yet to study)--- he was kind of getting the gist from his partners shorthand.                     “ is he? “            dick walks forward to where they’d tied the perpetrator. by now, the widow, iron fist, power man, and spider-woman had secured the rest of the compound surely, but they couldn’t blow this place without having   SOMETHING   to show for it. some definite link to this operation and the red skull--- maybe even what they’d need this much man power FOR.               and dick really wanted to get home, there was a new episode of brooklyn 99 on.         “ well that’s not very nice. “ dick’s eyes rake over to the encryption he’d installed on the monitor next to them. The little loading bar was still sadly teetering towards 0%. they needed this guy, whether he ‘shoved’ it or not.              “ tell him his customer service is abysmal. “
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druglcrd-arc · 5 years
@worldwarvet replied to Here’s the thing
consider: shutting him up with a kiss bam problem solved
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New problem: How he gonna get kiss when he’s got his helmet on?
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goldauric · 5 years
❛yes, i did beat him up and i will not apologize.❜
bad idea starters━━☆ 
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          “You can’t even act just a little sorry? I’m gonna be paying the guy’s hospital bills.” Tony gives Bucky’s chest a good poke before collapsing into one of the bar stools. He’s not actually annoyed, rather just a little bitter he was the one to deal with the aftermath (and is missing out on his scheduled beauty rest). “I mean, you could at least apologize to me.”
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