prokopetz · 1 day
Just stumbled across this on reddit and thought, "Oh, he HAS to see it"
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Just another day at work.
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azmemedaddy · 1 day
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yeesiine · 1 day
Mood: set a goal, make the plan, do the work.
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noura1695 · 2 days
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nanamikentorp · 8 hours
They should invent a weekend that is 8 days long.
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adventuresofalgy · 14 hours
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When Algy leaned back to rest on the warm rocks beside the sea, with the drowsy song of the ocean on a calm afternoon encouraging him to snooze, his fluffy brain started to drift and dream in a feathery sort of way, and he thought of all the human beings around the world who could not relax as he was doing because they were constantly struggling with various aspects of their human lives.
Algy knew that for many of them the struggles were not of their own making, but brought about either by unavoidable circumstance, their health or environment, or the actions of other humans, and for those people he felt a great, fluffy compassion.
And he had observed that for humans, a lack of what they called money often seemed to result in serious hardships and distress, so that they frequently made great efforts to gain more of it, even when they did not seem to enjoy making those efforts at all!
It was all quite perplexing to Algy, who was as free as a fluffy bird could be, whose wants were few and those provided by bountiful Mother Nature. But the most puzzling aspect of it all was that the money the humans sought, and what they called "the comforts of life" which they purchased with it, did not necessarily bring them happiness once acquired.
Indeed, Algy knew of a number of cases where people with wealth — and people avidly chasing wealth — were particularly miserable, sometimes to the extent of disastrous and tragic consequences.
To a fluffy bird resting on a rock by the sea this all seemed very odd, but it brought to his mind a poem – or was it a song? – which was written many human centuries ago. Algy had no idea whether honest labour really did bear a lovely face, and he was uncertain whether the author had intended that repeated chorus to be sincere or humorous, but one thing was clear: very little seemed to have changed for human beings in several hundred years…
So Algy hopes that his many human friends around the world will not allow themselves to be "vex'd to add to golden numbers golden numbers", and he wishes them all, whatever their circumstances, the blessings of golden slumbers and sweet content, for what could be more valuable than those precious gifts? 💕
Art thou poor, yet hast thou golden slumbers?             O sweet content! Art thou rich, yet is thy mind perplex'd?             O punishment! Dost thou laugh to see how fools are vex'd To add to golden numbers golden numbers?             O sweet content! Work apace, apace, apace, apace; Honest labour bears a lovely face; Then hey nonny nonny–hey nonny nonny! Canst drink the water of the crispèd spring?             O sweet content! Swim'st thou in wealth, yet sink'st in thine own tears?             O punishment! Then he that patiently want's burden bears, No burden bears, but is a king, a king!             O sweet content! Work apace, apace, apace, apace; Honest labour bears a lovely face; Then hey nonny nonny–hey nonny nonny!
[Algy is quoting the verses Sweet Content by the late 16th/early 17th century English Elizabethan dramatist Thomas Dekker. Algy is not sure whether these verses come from a play, but it seems likely. He also doesn't know whether this was originally intended to be sung.
But Algy is quite sure that many of his friends will be familiar with Dekker's related and better-known lullaby Golden Slumbers, which shot to renewed fame several centuries after it was first written 😉]
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abeautifulmenace · 1 day
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Before, during and after work 💙✨️
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still waiting on a lottery win so i don’t have to go to the hell hole of work everyday ✌🏻
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kanyoko · 3 days
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『Clock over ORQUESTA』の天馬七星くんのお誕生日グッズイラストにてお衣装デザイン・イラストでお祝いさせて頂いておりました!改めておめでとうございます!✨🦄
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wastehound-voof · 7 months
Little old Italian lady: Do you have zucchini?
Me: Yes, right here.
Lady: Is how much?
Me: $2.99 a pound.
Lady: It's usually $1.49.
Me: Yes, in the summer.
Lady, pauses, then grabs two: I put it in a soup.
Me: Oh nice, what kind are you making?
Lady: You will not fantasize about my soup.
And then she walked away. "You will not fantasize about my soup" will be in my head forever. I love you, little old Italian lady.
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prokopetz · 1 month
I guess the reason all that Backrooms stuff has never really fazed me is because I worked in on-site networking support for a while, and literally every city's downtown district is just Like That once you get off the beaten path. Not just the really big cities, either; the one I'm currently living in has a population of less than 250 000 – metro area included – and a downtown area about six blocks across, and the service corridors still manage to do some House of Leaves shit. At one point I was trying to map the route of a misbehaving network cable, started out in a shopping mall parking garage, and ended up surfacing in the basement of the casino across the street. Totally unsecured – apparently neither the mall's administration nor the casino's managers knew that particular service corridor existed.
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glassshine · 8 months
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nobody wants to work anymore
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bestoftweets · 4 months
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