#wooo another artwork!
ra-archives · 7 months
Happy Aro Week! Everyone be aware of me
Anyways, here's to celebrating being a cool guy with an even cooler romantic orientation.
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elliesflower · 2 years
i saw you in a dream [3]
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chapter 2 here
summary; you can't get ellie off your mind
chapter; 3/? 2.9k words
cw (per chapter); recreational marijuana usage, language, anxious thoughts
a/n; wooo another chapter, also sorry this is turning into a slower burn than i thought, i'll have to write a separate one shot with some smut just to fulfill the desire until i get to the smut in this story lmao, anyways, as always let me know what you think, and find it on AO3 here :)
To say you were fascinated by Ellie may be an understatement.
In such a short amount of time, she seemed to completely captivate your mind. Fueled by the weed the two of you had smoked, you watched her become more comfortable, opening up, even if just barely. She showed you recent artwork she’d done, to which your reaction may or may not have been holy fuck, these are incredible, Ellie. 
She was funny, too, like really funny. It wasn’t often that someone could make you laugh as hard as she did, whether from a terrible character impression, or an even worse pun—seriously, it was like she studied a book on the World’s Worst Dad Jokes, or something. 
Oh, and of course, she was a million times better at teaching guitar than your actual guitar teacher. She made it easy to understand, simplifying the techniques without making you feel stupid, while teaching you new tricks along the way. To your own astonishment, she helped you to play the entire first verse all the way through the chorus, a feat you’d begun to think may not even be possible. Part of you wished she wasn’t as good, for the selfish desire to stay longer in her presence.
Toward the end of your lesson, she even let you hear her sing, and you could have sworn it was like a choir of angels had descended on the room. Despite reluctance to accept your praises, she gave you that same crooked smile, mumbling a bashful thank you under her breath before quickly changing the subject. She was cocky and confident one moment, and then reserved and soft in another.
Even though she was hard to read at times, Ellie was quickly becoming your favorite book.  
“I’d say you’re pretty well prepared for your final,” Ellie announced, breaking you out of your trance. It was getting late, but you didn’t want to leave—not yet, not when you still ached to know her better. Your high may have been wearing off, but you could have sworn your head was still above the clouds as you looked across the room at her. She met your gaze with an easy smile, her evergreen eyes low and inviting.
“I think so too,” you tried to sound casual, but it came out a bit too eager. “Seriously, I think I learned more in the past hour than I did in the past three months of class.” 
Ellie laughed, and you loved the way the sound was no longer foreign.
“Well, I’m glad I was able to help. You were easy to teach,” she said, turning away to haphazardly organize some of the drawings she’d splayed out on her desk; however, not before you caught her battling a coy smirk.
The blush you’d been fighting the past few hours threatened to surface again as you quickly stood up, opting to pack your things away into your guitar case to avoid further discomfiture. It was like Ellie flipped a switch in your brain, and you forgot how to act like a normal person. She had you caught between shy and uninhibited, you wanted to impress her, but at the same time, she was intimidating. How could one person hold this much power over your brain without even trying?
“Here,” Ellie said suddenly, breaking you out of your thoughts once more. You looked up to see her outstretched hand, with a small, black tube between her fingers—a pre-roll. 
“Sour Pineapple. It’s what we’ve been smoking today,” she explained. “Maybe try some before your final.”
“You’re telling me I need to smoke weed before my final?” You asked, grabbing the container from her before throwing your guitar case back over your shoulder. Your fingertips grazed over hers, and you only wished you could reach just that much further and touch her. You wanted to trace the veins on the back of her hand, grip her wrists and feel her heartbeat pulse beneath your fingers—but, you’d take what you could get. She wanted you to have this pre-roll. A reminder of your time together. Perhaps, that was enough. 
“If it makes you play like you did today, then yes,” Ellie laughed again, and dropped her arms to her side. She stood there for a moment, staring at you, and all you could do was stare back and wow, there was that fervid heat rising to your face again. 
“So…you got everything?” She asked, taking a glance around the room. Was she stalling? Maybe she did want you to stay…or maybe she just wanted to make sure you had everything? Oh god, why is discerning human emotions so hard?
“Uh, yeah, I think so,” your eyes followed hers around the room for a moment, but you were pretty sure you grabbed all your sheet music. 
“Okay, cool…we can head downstairs then,” she said, and there she was, slipping softly back into introversion. You nodded with a slight smile, and begrudgingly, you followed her as she made her way past you out the door.
“You gonna make it back to your dorm alright?” She asked as she descended the stairs. 
“Oh, yeah,” you replied, though you had a fleeting thought that maybe she’d offer to walk you if you’d said no. “I’m meeting my roommate at the coffee shop down the street, and we’ll walk home together.”
“Good,” she said, so quietly that you almost missed it. At the bottom of the stairs, she hovered while you grabbed your coat off the rack, and before you could slip your guitar all the way off your shoulder, she was by your side in a heartbeat.
“Let me grab that for you,” she said, and it was almost laughable how much more assured and comfortable she sounded saying those same words from just a few hours ago. You let yourself blush this time, passing the guitar to her as you slid your arms through the sleeves of your jacket. 
“Thanks for everything,” you couldn’t help but to say, and you wondered if you should reach out and touch her. Just a light graze of the arm—anything to show you were interested, that you wanted to know her favorite movie, and what she liked to do when it was raining outside, and if she likes to stay up late or wake up early, and what she likes in her coffee, if she even likes coffee, or maybe she’s a tea person, or maybe she doesn’t care for either—but the fear of rejection proved stronger. You reached for your guitar and that was it.
“Like I said, you were easy to teach,” she replied easily, handing off the guitar before opening the front door. “Seriously, you’re gonna do great. Why don’t you let me know how it goes?”
Internally, you were jumping up and down—also maybe crying, screaming, throwing up—and of course, externally, you walked past her onto the porch without missing a beat. She wants to keep in touch with you? Well, maybe you were getting ahead of yourself. She probably just needs proof of the lesson to actually receive her extra credit. Yep, that was it. 
“Oh, of– of course! I’ll…email you?” 
It dawned on you that you don’t even have her number—that initial flier only listed her email. Would it be weird to ask for her number? Was she trying to ask for your number? 
“Uh, yeah, sounds great,” she replied after a moment, and her face held a look you couldn’t quite decipher. Nervousness? Indifference? At this point, you were considering changing your major to Psychology. 
In spite of your dismay, you felt like you were swooning at the sight of her. Her face was positively glowing, bathed in the golden porch light as she leaned against the doorframe. You took a deep breath and committed the warm, vanilla musk that billowed from her house to memory. She smiled at you, softly, and it just barely made a crease next to her eyes.  
“Alright, well, thanks again,” you said, giving your own awkward smile in return. If you were trying to find a way to stay, this was definitely not sealing the deal.
“Have a good night, okay?” Ellie’s voice was soft. Whether she didn’t notice your awkwardness, or chose to spare you further embarrassment, you were grateful.
There was nothing left to say, nothing that could realistically allow you to stay without sounding crazy. So, you offered another weak smile, and turned to leave. As you walked down the steps, you faintly heard the door close, and resisted the urge to look back, or maybe run back, knock on the door again and start over. You felt a little silly, admittedly—less than five hours ago you’d nearly ran the other direction, expecting a serial killer, yet you were now quite literally hanging your head as you left, dejected.
The streetlights were just turning on in the city as you sent a quick text to Dina, confirming her location, and picked up your pace a bit. The cold air nipped at your cheeks, and you zipped up your coat to further cover your face as you walked. She was, luckily, waiting outside for you, at a small table beneath an outdoor heater. Her ponytail bounced as she nearly jumped out of her chair when she caught sight of you. 
“My god, I was starting to think maybe she did end up killing you or something,” she teased, handing you a paper coffee cup. You rolled your eyes, affectionately, and gratefully accepted the beverage, using it to warm your cold hands.
“Well, how did it go?” Dina asked, falling into step beside you. 
“I already told you, it was…good,” you smiled, bringing the cup to your lips to take a sip. Ugh, let this be a reminder to never let her order you coffee. It tasted like bitters and sadness. 
“Duh, but I need more context! Come on, you left me hanging in the middle of our conversation, you gotta give me something,” she complained, smacking you in the arm with the back of her hand. 
“I’m not giving you shit if you hit me one more time,” you threatened playfully, pointing a finger at her. She raised her hands in feign innocence. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” she laughed. 
As close as you’d gotten with Dina in just a few short months, you’d always had a hard time opening up, to anyone. Though, it’s not like she would judge you. Dina was so open about her life, sharing everything from the smallest crush she had at the moment, to even the biggest things like her mother passing away when she was young—you sometimes wished it was that easy for you to be as transparent as her. But you were never sure when you’d share too much with anyone, and scare them away. 
“She wasn’t a serial killer, for one,” you started, feeling yourself open up. “She was actually really nice, and, like, amazing at guitar…and she was also kind of cute,” you added the last part quickly and quietly, taking another sip of the terrible coffee and staring straight ahead to avoid seeing her reaction. You couldn’t resist a side-eye at her though, and her mouth was agape, an amused look on her face.
“Cute?!” She exclaimed. “You couldn’t have led with that?” 
You laughed, the anxiety in your brain slowly dwindling. It was okay. Dina wasn’t going to judge you. She cares about you. 
“Go on, go on, please,” Dina gestured to you, encouraging you to continue. Taking a deep breath, you let yourself retell the events of the past few hours, even down to the smallest details—how the two of you smoked together, how she really was like a guitar legend in a way, how it sometimes felt as though the tension was tangible in the smoky room, how you often found yourself getting lost in her eyes, how you longed to know the story of how she got the scar in her eyebrow, and wow it all came rushing out of you, you couldn’t stop, it was like word vomit and oh god you really had it bad. 
Timidly, you spared a glance over at Dina, who was nearly tripping over her own feet as she watched you, completely invested in your story. She let out a laugh, and you couldn’t tell if it was with you or at you. 
“I know, I sound insane,” you literally cringed, pressing your palm against your cheek as if to snap yourself out of it. You’d said too much, you were in too deep.
“No, no, no, not at all!” Dina laughed again, but this time it was more assuring. “I’m mostly just wondering how you had time to get in any actual guitar playing between all that chemistry you just described,” she smirked now, elbowing you playfully. This time, you laughed with her, feeling more at ease. 
“Oh shut up,” you elbowed her back, and you couldn’t help but to smile at the ground as you walked along. Perhaps a bit archaic, but you felt absolutely smitten. The thought of Ellie alone had you literally smiling at the ground.
“Tell me you got her number, at least?” She questioned as the two of you approached your dorm building. Thanks for the reminder, Dina.
“Erm, not quite,” you admitted, stopping outside the entrance. 
“Okay, then puh-lease tell me you at least pretended to still suck at guitar so that you could see her again?” She turned to face you again as she fished her student ID out of her backpack and scanned into the building. 
“Oh my god, where were you with that idea like, an hour ago?” You groaned as she swept past you through the door and into the lobby. That was a much better plan than stuttering awkwardly as you left, thus possibly ruining any future chance you may have at seeing her again.
“Oh, you know, just studying for my finals, being ignored by my roomie, the usual,” Dina sighed dramatically, one hand over her heart as you trailed behind her. You rolled your eyes at her, this time not so affectionately. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll forgive you,” she said after a moment, bumping into you softly. “As long as you promise to tell me more about this dreamy Ellie girl.”
You caught yourself smiling bashfully at the ground once more, the thought of the red-headed girl alone sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
The next few days came and went, though more slowly than usual. Work seemed to drone on—even with students becoming more and more panicked as finals week quickly approached, the campus bookstore was surprisingly slow. You spent most of your work days standing behind the counter, mindlessly scrolling through your phone, occasionally reviewing your Woman’s Literature textbook for your test on Tuesday. At this point, it was quite possible you could pass that exam in your sleep. 
Your guitar final, though? That was a different story. 
You see, you had tried to practice by yourself, trying to remember every little technique that Ellie had taught you. The only problem with that? Then you couldn’t stop thinking about her. Albeit, you had barely stopped thinking, let alone talking about her since Saturday. Luckily, Dina was more than happy to listen, only further fueling your fantasy.
And yet, Wednesday came entirely too quickly. From the moment you woke up, the mere thought of your final cast an anxious mood on your day, stomach twisting and turning in anticipation. God, you’d done just fine when you were with Ellie, you rationally knew you could play all the way through the first verse, but it was like your fingers stopped working whenever you started picturing her in your head; eyes closed, leaning into her guitar, playing with earnest and conviction, smiling softly as she looked up at you and sang quietly.
As you sat at your desk, painting that beautiful picture in your mind, Dina laid in her bed on the other side of the room, rambling on FaceTime with one of her friends from back home about one of her upcoming finals. You tuned her out, listening to your own music quietly from your laptop as you got ready to head to your final. 
You say, ‘I want to be your girlfriend’
It wasn't really in my plans
When you're around, I've got arrhythmia
So in the end, I play pretend,
Your guitar sat propped against your bed, tormenting you silently. You were toying with the thought of actually smoking the Sour Pineapple that Ellie had gifted you. Although, part of you considered the sentimental thought that you should just keep it forever. Ugh. Having a crush was mentally exhausting. 
You clicked around on your computer, making a half-assed attempt at checking that all your other final assignments were turned in. A quiet email notification sounded through the music, and you clicked on the open tab. Your eyes almost fell out of your head when you saw the name that sat at the top of your inbox.
Ellie Williams              (no subject)
You quickly opened the message, and your heart nearly jumped out of your chest.
Good luck today!! You’re gonna do great. Let me know how it goes. You can text me if that’s easier :) 
Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. She remembered your final. She wants you to text her. She gave you her number. She’s been thinking about you? Your smile was automatic, reaching ear to ear as the butterflies returned to your stomach. 
Dina needed to get off the phone immediately.
chapter 4 here
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
ooh, 14, 21 and 22?
Hiii ^^
14. Worst game you’ve ever played?
ooo this one’s tough…realistically, the worst game I’ve ever played is probably some low-budget knockoff wii game I played as a kid or something LMFAOO but I feel like that’s a predictable answer on my part. I feel like I’ve had pretty good luck with games I end up playing, I’m really picky so usually I just. Refuse to pick up a game at all if it doesn’t look interesting lmfaoo. I will say though….the two games I most regret purchasing are Fire Emblem Engage & Pokemon Scarlet 😭 they aren’t the worst games ever by any means but. They were both 60 bucks and I never play them. Very devastating for my measly bank account 😢 ALSO tbf I feel like the reason I dislike Fire Emblem Engage is bc I want another Fire Emblem game to kind of go along the same layout of Three Houses…not a direct copy obviously but Three Houses was just so good. It’s so good in fact that any time I play any other Fire Emblem game that ISN’T Three Houses I’m like….🫤 LMFAOO which I know isn’t a very good mindset for me to have and I should stop comparing them so heavily but…alas. BUT I suppose I can’t even really give Engage a proper rating since I haven’t finished it. Idk I just didn’t really care for the storyline or characters but that’s just me personally.
21. A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving?
There’s actually quite a few where this has happened!! There’s been a plethora of games I’ve seen on Steam or in a store and I’ll look it over and be like “ehhh this really doesn’t look like my thing…but it has good ratings…and it’s under my recommended…” and then I’ll usually set it off to the side, and once I get really incredibly bored I’ll cave in and buy it just to give me something to do LMAOO. Needy Streamer Overload was one where I was very skeptic about at first, but I actually really ended up enjoying it (I especially love the soundtrack!) and also World of Horror! I remember seeing people say it was boring and the game mechanics looked so overwhelming so I put off buying it forever, but I finally got it a few weeks ago and it’s probably my fav horror game of all time now. I’m mentally kicking myself for avoiding it so avidly for so long! I don’t find it boring at all, I love games that are built to be replayed as many times as you want. It was funny though bc when I first started playing I was so confused..had me staring at the screen like ☹️ LMFAOO I WAS ACTUALLY BEFUDDLED. But after a few playthroughs it ends up being easy to understand which I am very thankful for. ALSO. Slay the Princess!! Another one I avoided for a while for..honestly idek why. But oh my GODDD I LOVE SLAY THE PRINCESS WOOO YAYYY 🎉 slay the princess honestly was such a crazy surreal experience idek how to describe it. It’s so awesome. It’s coming out on the Switch w a 200 dollar collectors addition thingy and oh my god. Bro. I am DEVASTATED at my lack of funds 😭😭 I actually have to put it out of my mind bc if I think abt it excessively I get really sad 💔 ANYWAYYYSS SHOUTOUT TO SLAY THE PRINCESS 🗣️🗣️ so wonderfully made, beautiful artwork, stunning music…omg. Also grotesque at times but in a way that’s just so fundamentally different and unique? If that makes sense? It’s all so meaningful and connected and they manage to express so many emotions throughout a playthrough. I’ve got every achievement and I’m so happy I gave it a shot :) OH. Also One Shot! One Shot is great…oh my goodness. Woaw. This is making me realize how overly skeptical I am about every game I ever purchase in the history of ever LMFAOO why am I so overly critical 💀 like why do I always have to mull it over for months smh 😭
22. Do you watch any other gamers?
As of right now, no. Not routinely, anyways. I used to be obsessed with watching YouTube game playthroughs as a kid, but I’m not really all that into it anymore. However! I will say that what got me into the Persona franchise back when I was a 5th grade child (?!?!??) is Kubz Scout’s playthrough of it on YouTube! I watched him tons as a kid (someone should’ve been monitoring my internet access for sure 💀) and I still watch some of his gaming videos every now and then. So. Shoutout to Kubz Scout’s for introducing me to my favorite game franchise everrr!! 🗣️🗣️ absolutely crazy that I was watching Persona playthroughs in elementary school though LMFAOO every time I think abt it I’m like … where were my parents at !! 😭
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epicflyingtaco17 · 4 years
How season 3 will begin. 
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tyyrants · 3 years
Since we just entered the last week without any CatB news, let's all answer some questions as a quick game:
1. How are you preparing yourself to see them on stage after so long?
2. If it's right that they're gonna put an almost 2 hours long show, what are you expecting? Do you reckon they'll perform any new songs?
3. How long will Van's hair look?
4. Bets on their new album cover animal?
5. Picture yourself at the barrier in their concert. How are you looking?
6. I know the lineup is already perfect as many of us seems to love both Inhaler, Sam Fender and CatB, but would you add anyone else?
7. So then, to go to this concert you'll have to lose something, what's gonna be? It can be another artist concert you already have a ticket to, or your won't be able to see the next season to your favourite serie like in forever, or you won't see your team important match, or something else you are really wanting. Are you going then?
8. My very goodbye to you lot, if I am creative enough I'll come back next Sunday, the last one till we see the lads. Xx
my loveeeee you're backkkk I missed you! thank you for easing our anxieties during this time 🤍 I'll miss your questions and your presence for sure (even though I don't know who you are. I'd love to be friends! 🥺)
1. How are you preparing yourself to see them on stage after so long?
to be honest, it's been so long that I truly don't know what to expect! I don't care how they look like/if they're gonna perform a new tune honestly, I just hope the 4 of them are still together being happy idiots on stage 🥺
2. If it's right that they're gonna put an almost 2 hours long show, what are you expecting? Do you reckon they'll perform any new songs?
It's literally a war crime if they don't play tyrants or rango LMAO. I just hope they play those 2 songs to appease the masses 😭 and Anything/Outside so Van can do the hip-shaking thing again wooo also I left a Reddit comment about this but I think they'll perform new songs! they've been mentioning new songs and all so hopefully they'd play it at R&L. I think someone said that's how they debuted Fluctuate as well so I'm gonna roll with that because I don't know any better T_T
3. How long will Van's hair look?
4. Bets on their new album cover animal?
Well, The Balcony wasn't an animal so it might not even be one! tbh I've been thinking long and hard about the album name and artwork and I can't fucking think of a possible name/album look lmao. Like there is also the possibility that they might change their concept entirely too! Tbh I'd just be glad for a catb4!
5. Picture yourself at the barrier in their concert. How are you looking?
Like Y/N who looks disinterested and catches Van's eye and he stops the concert to give me his number because I'm~ different from the other girls~
JK Probably like a mess because I'd be screaming and crying lol. But happy! :))
6. I know the lineup is already perfect as many of us seems to love both Inhaler, Sam Fender and CatB, but would you add anyone else?
Oh my god if I said The Kooks would it be too much? LOL
7. So then, to go to this concert you'll have to lose something, what's gonna be? It can be another artist concert you already have a ticket to, or your won't be able to see the next season to your favourite series like in forever, or you won't see your team important match, or something else you are really wanting. Are you going then?
Um depends on what I'm losing! I really can't think of an answer for this unless there's context on what I lose. I'm sorry!!
8. My very goodbye to you lot, if I am creative enough I'll come back next Sunday, the last one till we see the lads. Xx
goodbye lovely and I hope to hear from you again! It brings me great comfort to know you're always around this small Tumblr fandom. have a great day and enjoy the rest of your week 💕
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spazzbunn · 5 years
Christmas With Friends
Today was pretty big. It was Christmas Day in Zootopia! The kids were opening their presents, the adults went out to get some items thanks to the gift cards they got, it was even snowing. Overall, this Christmas was really starting to feel jolly. Especially for a house full of mammals. The home had its two owners inside the warm comfortable shelter that kept them cozy from the snow and cold wind outside. Michael and Katrice, the rabbit and red panda couple. They both were huddled close with their paws holding looking over at their fully decorated Christmas tree they made together. It was full of lights and ornaments and had a big bright yellow gold star on top. It truly looked breathtaking for the two of them. Amongst the noise that surrounded them was the television and the voices of their good friends. One other sound was able to catch their attention. A click with a sound of a flash. They turned around to witness what was behind them. It was a tall and slim figure with yellow and white and little bits of black spots and areas around this body. It was Hammy the cheetah. Having to wear his suit being of cranberry red and pine tree green tie to fit the Holidays. He had with him his camera, taking a moment to take pretty good looking pictures on whatever he saw as stunning. It was his passion. “Sorry, just that felt like a postcard moment.” Hammy said as he turned his camera around to show the small screen to have the two witness his very professional photography. “Dang Hammy. This looks good.” Michael told him as Hammy was happy with his work being liked by all. “Thanks. I’ll try to have this be in a postcard for next year. Just hope I don’t forget.” Hammy rubbed the back of his neck with Katrice patting him on his back. “No worries. Just send it to us. I know Michael won’t forget Christmas moments.” Katrice smirked at her rabbit who blushed slightly but nodded. Hammy went into the kitchen to lay down his camera by the counter since the table was full of different types of food to snack on. Michael went over to one side of the living room as Katrice went another. Both of them wanting to be good hosts for their guests, who also were their friends. Michael went over to a group of mammals on the couch. Watching television as it is playing some videos on a tabby cats phone. Next to the male tabby was a male coyote, a male african wild dog, and even a male silver fox. The bunny walked around and sat down next to the tabby. “Hey Jake.” Jake looked over. “Oh hey dude! I’m just showing the guys some videos about this crazy show in Japan.” Milo, the african wild dog, took a sip of water from his red cup. “Yeah. It is very odd. Who the heck would even think of stuff like this?” “Maybe odd mammals?” Shadow the silver fox stated. Having to have no red contacts or any red or purple on his fur. He wanted to look clean for his friends. Mainly, because his girlfriend otter Karen got him to be cleaning the dye off. “That, or the show itself knows its audience?” Evan Coywise, the coyote, told the guys as they all pretty much agreed with his theory. “Eh. Hey, thanks for inviting us, by the way.” Milo said to Michael with the rabbit feeling happy to hear that. “Yeah. This Christmas get together is pretty sweet.” Shadow says as he looks around to see Tod coming back with a plate of food. Having mac n cheese, some turkey, and corn on it. “Oh hey Michael!” Tod the reddish orange fox went over to sit down at the last empty seat of it as he takes a bite of the mac n cheese with the fork he had. “I was kinda surprised everyone showed up early.” Michael says as he looked to see everyone was accounted for. “Well it is rare for us to hang out together. We all are different, but we still care for each other.” Milo points out as he takes another sip of his drink. Tod looked over at Milo. “You must have drank the philosophy juice or something.” Shadow laughed from Tod’s joke as Michael and Jake watch a bit of the weird game show as they questioned about if they both could ever compete with getting a show like this. The answer seemed like a ‘no’ to the tabby and bunny. Katrice in the meanwhile went over to the side of the house where the chairs from the kitchen were moved as a couple of mammals used them to sit down and starting to draw. One pig, the other a rabbit, and the last a raccoon with blue fur where its black should be. All three of them were female and another common thing was they were artists. Katrice raised a brow. “Hey you three. What are you all doing?” The gray rabbit with brown ears and brown stylish hair looked up at the red panda. “Oh sorry! We are doing a sort of challenge here.” “Oh?” The red panda seemed curious to know. Helena looked up as she fixed her glasses. “Yeah! We are trying to draw the tree you guys have and post our artworks on our tweets. The most liked picture wins” “Ah cool!” Said Katrice. “What would the winner get?” “Bragging rights.” The raccoon said as she took a sip of Dr.Pepper as she kept drawing with a smirk. “Oh, after we finish up, we wanna know if you wanna chat and eat with us in the kitchen.” “Awww. I’d love to. The kitchen seems a bit crowded though.” Katrice saw that inside were Hammy, Diana, Karen, and the brown bear Lou and the other rabbit Gerry. All of them talking and laughing and cracking jokes. “We can slip in fine.” Helena says to Katrice. “Besides, I am about to call quits before my paw breaks.” She sets her paper down on an empty chair they had. “Ehh. Same.” Fever and Trish said in unison as they gave their artworks to Hel as she puts them on top of hers. “I think I am gonna get something to eat as well.” Katrice said to her friends as the girls got up and the four of them started to head into the kitchen. Michael gets up as well, his stomach growling since he had to skip breakfast along with Katrice since they were busy cleaning and setting up the food. “Sorry guys, but I gotta get something to eat.” “It’s cool dude.” Evan says to him. “Hey, could you get me a bread roll? I want to finish this crazy show with the guys before I eat.” Michael obliged as he went around the couch and started to head towards the kitchen where he witnessed his girlfriend and their friends having fun. He walks in to go find a roll as Katrice comes up to him and smiles. “Well, everyone seems to be having fun here.” “Heh. I know. We did great Katrice.” Michael says with him smiling back at her. This got the attention of the skunk who saw the two being cute together and calls out to them. “Awwwe~ You guys having a little date over there?!~” Diana jokingly said with a smug grin. Her glasses even added more smugness to it. Michael and Katrice blushed and were trying to act cool with Diana laughing softly. “I’m just joking you guys.” Karen sipped her cup of tea. “Diana is a jokester I found out. She looks so sweet but yet can act like a spice at times.” “Eh. I just am Yin and Yang really. Both inside and out.” Diana ate a cracker as Lou thought about her sentence and snickers.. “Ok, that’s pretty funny. Especially since you are black and white.” Lou laughed as he was eating some cheese and grapes on his plate with Diana looking at herself but then smirking and trying not to laugh as well. She really walked into that one. Karen smiled along with Michael and Katrice while the mammals then hear that familiar click. Hammy had his camera out and took another picture to treasure. “Sorry again. Just, this whole gives off good vibes. I wanna cherish these you know?” Hammy put the camera down back on the counter as everyone was telling him it was fine. “Yeah dude. Nothing wrong with taking good pictures with friends.” Lou said with Karen and Diana agreeing. Michael looks at the roll in his paw. Then he remembered what he went in here for. “Oh! I almost forgot!” “Forgot about what?” A mammal came into the room with everyone looking over to who said that. It was Daniel the weasel. He was a pretty chill friend of Michael so of course he had to come and celebrate with him and his girlfriend and his friends. He was in the bathroom having to have to take a phone call from his parents. He was finished so he came down to see what was happening. “Oh nothing Daniel. I just gotta give Evan this roll. Also I planned on eating as well.” Michael tells Daniel as the weasel goes to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water. Michael looks around with his mind wanting to get a bowl of Katrice’s mac n cheese. She always makes the best food ever. Before the bunny could get started with getting a bowl, Gerry comes over and gives a big hug to both Michael and the red panda. “Jeez your hugs are pretty strong” Katrice said as he lets go with Michael holding on to the roll for dear life. “Hey I give bigger hugs too.” Lou stated with him going to get some sugar cookies. “Sorry, but I was just about ready to head out. My family is gonna head on over to my other family for dinner as well.” Gerry explains as he took a sugar cookie and started to eat one. “Awww. Sucks you gotta go.” Fever said with her and Trish eating some ham as Gerry sighed. “Well, the Holidays are pretty busy this time for year after all.” The light brown rabbit said as he took another bite. “You was pretty chill to hang around.” Daniel tells Gerry who took that compliment. “You gotta hang out with Michael and some of us at ‘Boys Night’” Gerry rubbed his chin. “I think I got time this weekend. So yeah!” He finished his cookie. “Besides, I am gonna throw a New Years Eve party so we can spend more time together!” “Wooo! Boys night!” Jake shouted as he and the rest of the guys came over. Evan seeing the roll and thanking Michael as he takes it and begins to eat it. Fever looked at the whole group that was in the big clean kitchen. Full of laughs and full of cheer. She was there when Hammy took that picture of Michael, Katrice, Lou and Karen with Diana as well. It was starting to give her an idea. She poked on the shoulders of Michael and Katrice as the two looked over and she whispered something into their ears. Both the bunny and the red panda’s ears stood up and had the same smile as their friend. “Hey Hammy.” Katrice says with the cheetah looking over to her. “Got enough space for one more picture?” “Of course!” Hammy said with pride. “What you got in mind?” Michael then spoke up. “We want to take a Christmas picture. Together with all of us here.” Everyone looked at each other. Quickly, they all pretty much agreed to that idea. “Alrighty. Been a rarity since I done one of these.” Trish said as she finished her plate. “Same here.” Jake said as he sipped his drink of cola. “Where would we take the pic at?” Milo questioned with Evan looking over at the tree. “Hmm. What about the Christmas Tree?” Evan points out. “Sure!” Michael and Katrice said together. “Alright!” Tod says as he went over to pick up a chair and carry it in the living room with everyone starting to follow. Karen and Shadow held each other close in front of the tree. Same with Michael and Katrice. Tod sets down the chair far away from the group so the photo can get the whole view of the mammals, the tree and decorations, even a glimpse of the snow outside. The group starts to form big with Lou being perfectly in place of the camera. The same goes for everyone. Hammy would be the last as Tod goes to join in the photo. He sets the camera down onto the chair and sets up the camera to be timed as it begins to beep. Quickly he runs in and fills in the last spot. “Oh! We should say Merry Christmas.” Katrice tells everyone with Michael loving the idea. “Sounds good my pumpkin spice raccoon. But why?” Michael asked in confusion. “Idk. Seems holly and jolly.” The red panda says with the camera starting to beep more, saying it was close to take the photo. “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” The group all shouted at the same time as the photo flashed and clicked, the picture being taken. Everyone would pretty much agree. This Christmas was the best one yet. Maybe, even the best one ever. They were glad to spend it together. Merry Christmas to all of Zootopia, and to the people that mean a lot to me.           - Spazzie Bunnie Katrice belongs to @msitubeatz Fever belongs to @feverwildehopps Trish belongs to @trashasaurusrex Helena belongs to @helthehatter Diana belongs to @skeletonguys-and-ragdolls Gerry belongs to @androace-bunny Evan belongs to @wartoxdude Hammy belongs to @hammytotherescue Jake belongs to @kingdomofkitten Shadow belongs to @n-p-wilde Karen belongs to @azshade Lou belongs to @firecracker-art-lounge Milo belongs to @juantriforce042 Tod belongs to @thefoxninja17 Daniel belongs to @owningsuperset7
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kctheowllady · 5 years
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Inktober 2019 - Day 7: Hurt
Star: I honestly cannot believe this...I can't believe you... I mean I knew you were a bad person but to go this far... Melissa: Star, wait- I can explain! Star: Explain? Explain what exactly? Your horrible actions of hurting innocents because of a grudge against me for a situation you caused years ago! Melissa: YOU LEFT ME! YOU ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER BECAUSE OF YOUR Star: Wow...you used me and now you blame me for leaving you. Not only that but you try to kill me over it and you threaten the lives of those I deeply care for. Let me tell you something Melissa- you can beat me, torture me, and kill me a million times. However, you lay a single hand on anyone I love and I will make you regret even looking in their direction. No one messes with my close friends or my family. Melissa: Star, please- can't we just let this go past us. You always forgive friends and we're friends...right? Star: We were...a long time ago...
WOOO! Got this done finally! So I decided for Day 7 I'll do some good ol' Marvel since it's been a minute. This was going to be a regular piece but it got forgotten so what other way to finish it than by using it for Inktober. I was being a real try hard with the background and I think I did an okay job- definitely more satisfied with it than any other background I've done, that's for sure.
Now onto the piece- on the right side is technically a MCU villain oc and more specifically a "Space Storm" villain since she's got a bone to pick with Star. I've introduced her once in a Music Meme- though for those of you who haven't seen her before, this is Melissa. She was Star's best friend back in school in Ireland, but their friendship fell from grace and left off on a very bad note. Years later, Melissa finds a stone that she puts on a pendant and discovers it gives her gravity manipulation powers. It eventually causes her to go crazy and because of her grudge against Star- she goes after her.
She gives Star living hell at first and hunting her down, terrorizing her. Star had tried to tell Tony, but he was more occupied with Peter and his friends about some other stuff. Then it came to Mel actually trying to kill her, which she almost did until she threatened with killing everyone Star cared for. That's when our shining Star had enough and the big final battle takes place- with Star having the victory as we see above.
I wanted to draw another panel where Tony arrives in his suit and is asking what the hell was going on- but sadly I didn't have the time. Oh well- better get to bed to get some rest so I can think of what to do for day 8! :D
Star Cartwright, Melissa Edwards, and Artwork belong to @kcmanglewolf0587 (Me)
Marvel/MCU belongs to Disney
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luteia-fr · 6 years
Lair Review: Kaial
Listen, I’m pretty sure I have your lair memorized at this point. When you boot dragons for sale I play the game of ‘which perma was this’ and oftentimes I’m right, and when I’m not I get myself all confused. Now, we got 12 dragons to do, let’s go take a dive! @pumpkin-bread
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Let’s start with Hazel! Listen, I love pearl, I love pearl striation, I did not expect it to work with friggen stone, and eldritch is a damn hard tert color unless the dragon is green or blue. The fact that she works is a gotdang miracle, and she’s solidly a favourite in the nuzlocke, too!
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This is Zuehal. We know nothing about him other than he is the resident NPC. But I’m gonna give him a shoutout anyway because this man clearly has a story he’s not telling, and my queer detection unit is ringing with “that is a GAY DRAGON” and keeps me wondering where he’s hiding his stellar backstory and probable boyfriend. I see you, NPC guy. I see you and I know there’s more to you than Kai is currently telling me. 
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Ahhh, Ezekiel. I didn’t actually catch when Flores left other than he did (and it’s understandable why out-of-lore), but this? This is a good dragon. I have no idea when Kai bought him but the idea of a neato necromancer teacher is brilliant. And that’s how I ended up with Byaku and Albafica in my lair, because now I was thinking about necromancers in FR and not the ‘wooo I wear dark robes with skulls on them and green fire’ kind, so Thanks To This Guy I have two more dragons in my lair. You’ll still be a favourite, Zeke. Great name, by the way, I named a cat that once.
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Mistfall, or in reality, That Stubborn Girl Who Just Wouldn’t Leave. Radioactive’s a damn difficult colour, even I don’t like it even though I can appreciate its rainbow potential, but Kai did a good job making it work anyway! Now if she had glowing green clawtips, maybe it’d balance it out a bit and make her look Even More Stunning. She’s beautiful, she really is. I love her.
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Rosalyn’s been in Amberspire for a long, long time, and she’s still absolutely gorgeous, and even more her story’s so saaaad. She needs a happy ending. I really hope she gets one, she’s beautiful and so is her artwork. Still love the apparel, fpose coatls are notoriously annoying to me to dress  because of their funny shoulder area that I can never get right - yet, she looks amazing! I envy that, definitely.
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We’re apparently halfway through, so let’s go with Ylva who got a new accent, I see! At least, I don’t remember her having that one. I love her, she’s very good, but I also know for a fact that this is an Evil Woman. I don’t know how she’s evil, but she is, there is quotation marks around her job and that means she is definitely not a hostess but something evil posing as one. I do not trust her. She is beautiful. I love her.
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Ahhh, Lux. I’m still kinda mad at myself since I didn’t go get one of her kids when I had the chance, but she’s absolutely beautiful. I really love her accent and the way her pri and tert match like that, she’s gorgeous. The kelpie manes really were necessary for her and I especially love the double wing silks. I don’t remember who taught me how to layer them (it was someone layering gossamer+crimson to make the unreleased pink silks) but goddamn, when they work they work. I really love the PC fpose because they look a little like they’re praying, and Lux fits that really well, since she’s in mourning. I love her. She needs a hug.
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NEAR MY BABY. The last time I checked in with Telyn, Near, and Wil; Telyn got himself kidnapped again - did he make it back home? Their bios don’t say. But Near is a very good boy and I love him, and he makes a great father. Plus he’s blind and still a warrior, which is awesome. His bio doesn’t actually tell his side of Telyn’s story, and I’m interested in seeing that for sure. Especially with how collected he is, how he reacted to the whole ‘you’re taking my husband away yet again to your shade cult’ thing. I wanna see what this boy is made of!
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I am gotdang predictable, and I will never, ever, ever review this lair without mentioning My Baby Girl Althea. I know the nuzlocke is the main plot right now, but I wanna know what she’s been up to soooo much. Because we did establish that Annabella did learn at Tialla’s dance school so even though Althea wasn’t much in the picture, there’s no way Tialla wouldn’t look at her and immediately know she was Up To Something. I wanna know. I wanna see the showdown between her and Nihil (who I still don’t get because he doesn’t appear to have a soft spot, except he does, somehow?) and I want to know who Jacquara throws a pumpkin and a yell to calm down at first. Althea is My Girl. I am very honoured to have her daughter as mine.
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Tialla is another favourite girl of mine! Her story is heartbreaking and absolutely perfect, and I want to know definitely if she ever finds her family again! She’s brilliantly complex and I really love her. I don’t have much to say on her other than ‘arhgahga she’s perfect’, but like, she is though. 
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Ahhh, Cassis, a new boy to help support an impulse buy. I know that feeling very well. I can tell he’s gonna have a plot, and I only wonder what he let escape by accident and why it killed his power. I’m so ready for that plot, I really am. He’s absolutely beautiful, and while I’m not the biggest fan of stained, it probably is the only way rose will work on a double thicket. He’s really beautiful, and I just can’t wait to see what happens.
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Lastly, well, there was never a way that I’d do this review without mentioning Gidget. I barely knew Kizzy, but... I’m glad I did get to know you, a little bit. Your birthday is in a few days, so... Thank you for the time you spent with us. I’m glad that the dragon you wanted so much ended up with someone who loved you as much as Kai does, so in a way, Gidget is yours too. Gidget is beautiful, and what has been done with her even more so. I can’t say for sure, but I think you’d be happy with that. I hope you rest well. Thank you, for your time with us. We’ll always be thinking of you. <3
And that’s that! 12 dragons (hopefully, I went back and counted but might be off) - which is a very difficult feat with the 200 someodd dragons Kai has that I know of. But I did manage to narrow it down in the end, so here we are! :D
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maximumgayce · 6 years
11 and 13 (I stole your idea and rolled two d20's lol)
Wooo lmao
11. What is your favourite edition of d&d?
Well I’ve only really played 5e, unless you count Pathfinder ‘cause that’s based off of 3.5. Mechanically 5e is my preferred system, though the Pathfinder campaign is so much fun
13. How many d&d characters have you made?
Hmm. A lot. Let’s go through them.
Pyskiel - Dragonborn Sorcerer. Didn’t really play her that much though, before people got bored of the campaign sadly.
Havoc - Tiefling Sorcerer. She is an absolute fucking legend. Part of her story was that she could hear voices, which was decided upon it was us, the players and DM. Havoc caused quite a lot of, well, havoc. Wild magic is amazing. Part of a duo of characters in a homebrew campaign called Paths of Fate. She was the one in the present group. (Time travel shenanigans)
Lilinska - Wood elf ranger/cleric/rogue. She was also part of the Paths of Fate campaign, and she was part of the Good group in the past. Somehow ended up being the main one doing the talking even though her charisma was her dump stat. It caused some interesting moments. I went overboard with the triple multiclass but it was a combat heavy campaign and I wanted to be able to hold my own so kinda hoarded classes lmao
Rhythm of Dance - Tabaxi bard. Sass Ceiling Cat the Best Pokemon Trainer that has a khajiit accent. They relied on Vicious Mockery whilst pulling various creatures from a tan bag of tricks. I broke a few encounters just by climbing and dropping a baboon called Ser Redbutt who none of the enemies could fucking hit to save their lives.
Kinisk Faerieth - Half Elf Fighter. This dude is my Pathfinder character, and a fucking nutter. He rolls in poop any time we come across some. I made a macro on roll20 for it. Kinisk is also the Mum of the group half the time and is just adopting all the stray children the party comes across which is currently 5. He’s one half of the idiot twins, which tbh that title just sums him up. The other idiot twin is Zazzles, the half orc barbarian. I could go on for days about Kinisk, he’s got a lot of stories and most of them contain poop in some form.
I’ve also got some concepts for characters that I want to play at some point. Dragonborn druid who only Wildshapes into dinosaurs and reptiles, because DINOSAURS. A human warlock that has a dragon (I found some cool artwork a while back that I want to use). There was talk of a irl Pathfinder campaign centering on pirates, and a concept character I came up with for that was a kitsune sorcerer just ‘cause I love foxes. There was also another twinning I was going to do, and these guys were just going to be straight up Murder Twins.
I think that’s everyone lmao. This isn’t counting NPCs from me DMing lol
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the-vampurr-armand · 6 years
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Wooo, finally finished another work. Digital art seems few and far between as my weeks are busy. This work was part of Scott Harris' Character Art School colouring and painting course. One of the 7 styles/painting methods, this one is a 'chunky/traditional' painting style. I think I ended up smoothing out the 'paint' too much. Still happy with the result and honestly enjoying using Clip Studio paint/Manga Studio. Girl is from my original story Mechanical Hearts. Artwork © Roxanne Milson 2018 Do not use without permission. All Rights Reserved.
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ultravioletproxy · 6 years
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[Character Reference] Acel Darrows
Good lord I have been procrastinating on posting thing, heck. Well here we are another character reference wooo. Also finally have some actually creepy art, been a while since I've done that. ---- Background/ Personality: Acel is what you may call a struggling hero. More of he just trys to be a hero in the sense of saving people from himself. Why is that you may ask. That my friends is because this fellow here is a man eating monster . Turned after eating the flesh of a companion when they were stranded together. Ahh yes, that really suck for him. Now he constantly craves for human flesh and resist which makes that lovely man eating monster form up there quite the bit sickly. man eating monsters are quite something to look at already but when one resists eating their form starts to rot painfully away. How does he combat this? By putting on a brave and cheerful face. Abilities: Above average strength, better sense of sight and smell, can see in the dark, above average speed and reflexes. Likes: Traveling/ exploring. Sitting somewhere quiet to read a good book. Eating fruits and vegetables. Sewing clothing (he made his own). Dislikes: Lots of people/ crowds. Kinda sends his man eating monster side into a frenzy. Being hungry. Being a man eating monster if that wasn't obvious enough. Nick Name: The Blue Man Sex/ Gender: Male Age: 26 Height: 5'8-9'2" --- Artwork, Concepts and Character is © to ConsciousColony
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btstaejimin · 7 years
Desire or Comfort? (Jimin and Taehyung Angst)
Hey guys, 
I haven’t posted any original content for a while, but recently I have reconnected with a friend who is also an ARMY as a result of me sksksksk ^^. She managed to get me to write up my personal dreams in the form of an imagine/fanfic. While also encouraging me to post them, this is my first ever smut post(well first chapter is suggestive, second and third chapters though... oh hunny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
I apologise for being MIA for the last year or so, I’m currently in my second year of university... ya girl is getting old T_T. I think I started this blog back in 2015 when I was a year into being an ARMY, I was very active and then exams were around the corner and I just focused on reblogging content from blogs dedicated to BTS. Anyway enough rambling. I’ve written 3 chapters so far (we all know I prefer one-shots cos I'm lazy heh), but if the first one does well I’ll post the other two. Hope you enjoy xx
(A/N: Apologies my writing style might’ve changed a lil bit xx)
Warnings: Smut(in future chapters), Adultery... and Angst heheh
Word Count: 3984 
Part 2
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                                                       Chapter 1
It had been 2 and half years since he seized the opportunity to step past the friendship boundary I had created. Though I was in love with him, I was okay with watching him from afar. Our friendship started off with a rare opportunity I came across.
You see I was a freelancer, a teacher in the day and anything in the evening to make extra money on the side. Though most of my jobs were either being a runner on set, makeup artist or hair stylist or even a cleaner. My passion was photography. Non-profit projects were often funded by my side jobs, luckily enough one of the works I did, managed to be viewed by an assistant whom worked for a popular boy band. At the time, I was unaware of their popularity but I did appreciate their music.
Through word of mouth, I managed to work on set at a shoot with the said boy band, and later on, was gifted the opportunity to work full time with their team. I was intrigued by the shortest boy of the group, his skin was fair as snow, ebony hair and hooded eyes that could trap your soul if you were not careful. He was living beauty at its most divine. His looks were intimidating until he smiled, that domineering feeling vanished once she showcased his pearly whites with pride.  His name was Park Jimin. He was the reason for the sins I proceeded to commit, though aware of the consequences.
It was innocent at first, he was one of the seven boys that continued to captivate me without ease. Though he was the most enchanting to me, there was another that did not fail to make me question my sanity. He was tall, shoulders as broad as a door frame, lashes that aided in losing yourself in his uneven brown eyes, fingers slender yet gentle, his rectangular smile would make your heart flutter to the point you forgot how to breathe. He too played a role in my confusion between my heart and my loins. Kim Taehyung. That devil bastard, ruined everything in one simple moment of weakness.
In the first year of working for the seven talented boys, I amassed deep connections to a select few, though I was on good terms with all the handsome men, a select few proceeded to play with my heartstrings as though I was a harp and they were beginner harpists whom they’d break in till they learned every inch of the instrument.
I was like putty in their hands, anything they asked for, I’d do, but their smiles were enough reward for my sore legs. After eight months, Jimin decided to seize the opportunity into asking me on a date.
His hair now blonde, cascaded effortlessly across his forehead, lips plump and rosy, he begun..
“Let me take you out to eat sometime, Y/N” he insisted.
His hand found the small of his neck while he shun his teeth through his thick lips.
‘*Sigh* .. I hate when he does that... Why does he have to do that?’ I thought as I felt my face flush with crimson
‘If I just play dumb and say sure as friends, then maybe, he’ll catch on’
It's not that I did not want to date him, but over time as I stood next to him or remotely near the piece of artwork, I was reminded of my insignificance and how much I didn’t deserve to be even breathing the same air as something so beautifully breath-taking.
“Yeah, let's go get some spicy rice cakes or something, it’s important for friends to hang out” I exclaimed brushing past him to the practice room where all the other boys were waiting.
Though I recall that moment being very awkward, it didn’t stop him.
He followed me into the room, making his presence known.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean as friends, I want to date you, for goodness sakes!” He spoke with haste.
The room did not fail to submerge me in ‘oooh’s’ and ‘ahhhh’s’ and ‘wooo’s’. I was drowning, not only in embarrassment, but fear.
He was something I wasn’t deserving nor worthy of, he was someone whom was my forever person, but things took a turn for the worst in our second year of being together.
Things became dull, overfamiliar and repetitive. We both were undeniably uncomfortable in an environment we labelled to be a place of comfort.
Overtime, it created an issue with his best friend Taehyung, as I often found myself indulging in his company to escape the blandness, I called my lover.
Jimin hated the way I smiled so often around Taehyung, the way he was able to change my body language just through entering the room. He was jealous, and I was ignorant to it. We both found comfort in other things, unfortunately for him, my comfort was found in the other members.
Jungkook, the youngest of the seven managed to find my portfolio of old works and had asked to accompany me on one of my projects, he was the only one who knew about my passion, he was respectful, humble and willing to learn. He had helped me on set that day, our bond became stronger through our mutual interest. After arriving at the dorm that evening, Jungkook continued to discuss possible concepts to explore in my work till he stumbled upon an idea.
“Considering, you’ve been doing minimal projects lately, I’m guessing you’re suffering from mild artist block?” He hummed leaning his head to one side while lifting the corner of his mouth.
“How did you know?” My eyes widened from the sudden intrigue.
“Mmm, you don’t seem yourself lately, I mean we’ve known you for 3 and a half years, yet only 3 months ago did I find your portfolio while you were cleaning out your apartment”
The young man decided to take it upon himself to read me like a book?
I wasn’t offended, more confused, I’d be lying if I said I was myself lately, but with the current tension with Jimin, I never had time to plan projects as I was always preoccupied with my growing concern for our relationship.
“Ahhh, photography is like my little secret you see, it's my guilty pleasure, I don’t really like sharing my work with others” I smiled faintly.
“I see, but your works are beautiful, they are something to be showcased, you know Taehyung is into photography too” He chimed.
Speak of the devil, the handsome figure walked into the open planned kitchen with nothing but slacks, a beanie and a long sleeve t-shirt hanging from his frame. Bastard. He was so effortlessly attractive and he knew it.
“What’s this I hear about photography?” He cheeks balled up as he poured himself a glass of water.
“Hyung, did you know Y/N is a photographer? She refuses to be credited for her works though.” He turned to the older male.
Taehyung stopped drinking, and in that moment, I felt the piercing eyes of the male search for my soul.
“No, I had no idea” He whispered, I could almost taste the betrayal he felt from the string of words, he let slip from his lips.
My head remained low as I searched the cupboards for something to eat.
“Why didn’t you tell me Y/N?, I thought we were close.” He spoke, looking for my eyes.
“I don’t know, it never came up, so I never got around to telling you.” I shrugged.
“But how come Kook knows?” He took a seat at the island, crossing his arms.
“Oh, that’s my fault, Hyung. I went to her apartment while she was cleaning and found her portfolio” He spoke.
The air was thick, I wasn’t exactly sure why, possibly because Taehyung felt left out of the loop, but even Jimin didn’t know much about my hobby, only that I take pictures on occasion.
For that moment, I wanted the floor to swallow me whole.
“I have an idea, since you’re suffering from a block, how about we flip roles, you be the subject and I am the photographer” Jungkook jumped up from his stool, excited from the prospect.
“How about I pick a place personal to me and then the concept I come up with, you have to recreate as the photographer and me as the subject?” He added.
“Umm, I don’t know Kook, I’ve never been the subject before, I’m much more comfortable behind the camera, I mean its a good idea bu-“
“I’m in” Taehyung cut.
“Huh?” I questioned.
“I’ve always wanted to shoot you Y/N, I’ve told you time and time again, that you should model or something, but you never listen to me, this would be a great opportunity, to switch roles and stimulate your creativity!” He answered while Kook nodded his head in agreement.
“I don’t wan-“
“I want to join in too” A voice spoke from behind the nearest wall.
“I mean she is my girlfriend after all, plus I’d get to spend some quality time with her” Jimin smiled.
“I didn’t sign up for this, I don’t want to” I hissed.
“I mean you owe us an explanation about this deep-rooted hobby so this is a nice way out of it and its beneficial to all of us” Taehyung demanded, eyes dark as he stood from the island.
“We’ll let you know what we plan to do, just keep the next two weeks free for us” Taehyung spoke once more, turning his back to me while lifting his hand as he left the kitchen.
The time had come where I’d be the subject of the boys eyes, though I didn’t want to, the more I thought about it the more I convinced myself that this was an opportunity for new inspiration. With most things Taehyung requested to do things first, in this instance it wasn’t an exception either.
He had planned to take me to Daegu, his home city and place of origin and birth, he had always been proud of his dialect more than others. Yet, something seemed off with him, he had requested to have me for 5 of the 14 days I was told to keep free.
Why would he need 5 days for a simple photoshoot?
As we began walking through the local market, he began
“To put it simply Y/N, the boys and I decided we would have to do 3 concepts with you each, I got the most amount of days because we will be going to Japan for two of them, the other three we shall be in Daegu” he sung while spinning on his heel with hands stretched out.
“I didn’t agree to go to Japan for this stupid project! I’m going home!” This was a bad idea, I didn’t want to be a pain but my gut was telling me being alone with Tae was dangerous enough in itself, but being abroad with him.. I don’t know whether I’d be able to control my hormones around him, the sexual tension was high enough in itself. The prospect of something so romantic could jeopardise my relationship with Jimin.
He was quick yet firm to grab my wrist while pulling it up to a 90-degree angle parallel to my face.
Stopping me before I could find my way back to the train station.
“Hey, I already booked our tickets with the help of Jimin, it’s too late to go back now”
What... why would Jimin give him my passport and other details so easily if he detests our closeness?
Was he testing me? Or did he genuinely trust me?
The first shoot with Taehyung was awkward, seeing him crouched in different positions to find the angle he wanted was intimidating, I hated myself for how I admired his passion, the white shirt he wore showcased his collarbones and abnormally muscular neck. All I could think about was how his skin felt while he pranced around his chosen studio, showing me his body in all angles.
Taehyung appreciated the simpler things in his photography, he had always had an eye for vintage cameras. He’d always exclaim how he like capturing moments and snippets in time loops when it came to scenic pictures. However, with subjects he found it difficult to explore ideas as he appreciated candid shots. The first shoot took place in a modern yet minimalistic studio. Choosing soft fabrics such as satin and cotton, against a white background, mostly using the natural sunlight to capture his shots.
“Y/N, this shoot is about capturing you in your most innocent state, I want you to be vulnerable but willing” He hummed.
“Tae, what do you mean willing?” I questioned.
“I mean, as in willing to learn, I want you to be vulnerable but open-minded to the prospect of exploring a relationship” He demanded.
Yeah, Taehyung was never good at conveying what he wanted from others.
“Okay, let me give you context, you have just come out of a difficult relationship, you meet this guy, he is genuine and he makes you excited, but you are reluctant” He explained.
“Okay, I’m following...” I replied.
“Right, now I want you to be open-minded to the prospect of exploring a relationship with this new guy” He smiled.
At the time, I should’ve realised where he was going with this concept, however, I was too caught up in the moment of feeling oddly vulnerable in front of the camera. I didn’t like it, so I tried to convey what was asked of me so I could return to my comfort zone. Taehyung had made it a point to keep my face natural and the set minimal.
“Tae, what’s the general theme of your shoots?” I asked while packing up his equipment.
“Hmmm, I want to achieve three images of you in your rawest form” he hummed while folding the sheets.
“Any particular reason why?”
“I think that’s when you are the most beautiful” He showcased his boxy smile, making my heart flutter for a moment.
I felt guilty as I paused to watch the tall figure move around the studio so gracefully, I wanted to embrace him yet kick him at the same time. He knew I was with his best friend, yet he proceeded to taunt me like this?
“Ha ha, so cringey, anyway I’m going to give Jimin a call” I spoke sarcastically, quickly removing myself from the tension he caused.
Rapidly searching for Jimin in my contacts, I wanted to hear his voice, I needed to hear it, to keep me grounded! I needed to be reminded of the difference between love and lust.
“Jagiya, I miss you” I spoke. [Jagiya=Honey, sweetie, love]
“How’s Tae?” Chim asked.
Odd. Instead of responding to me, he’s concerned about Taehyung.
“He’s well I guess, you could call him if you’d like” I hissed.
“I will, I’ll see you soon”
“Yah! If you dare hang up on me Park Jimin, you’ll have another thing coming” I shouted.
“Like what?” He questioned snidely.
I hung up, his sass was too much for me right now, if anything that call pushed me even further away from him.
“Everything alright?” Taehyung was quick to attend my bruised ego.
I debated making a snide remark about his best friend but the prospect of showing Tae the cracks in what was left of my relationship would hurt what was left of my pride.
“Yeah, I’m going to back to then bnb to have a nap, I’m quite tired after today” I whispered.
“What? No! its only 2pm Y/N, you promised you’d let me show you my home city!” He pleaded.
“Yah, Taehyung-ah.. I’m not in the mood, with you being all happy around me will just make me feel guilty!”
“You argued with Jimin didn’t you.” That boy could see right through me. I didn’t realise how transparent I truly was.
“I did not.”
“You did, you’re so obvious” He sighed.
“And wha-“
In moments, I felt the boy’s strong arms wrap around my torso, pulling me into his embrace. He hot breath dispersed across my scalp. Why? Just why did he have to touch me? He was contributing to the cracks in my relationship. I felt responsible for putting my guard down.
He was the puppeteer to my heartstrings, and I was the idiot allowing myself to be played.
“It’s okay, you can cry. I’m here, I’m always here.” He spoke, placing his chin on the crown of my scalp.
My ears were pressed against his broad chest, his heart was steady and calm.
“Taehyung. I don’t mean to be rude, but can you let go of me” I said brazenly.
I pushed myself away from the figure. I already felt bad for being close friends to the boy, but the tension he was causing within every dynamic I shared with the boys and myself was becoming unhealthy.
The second shoot with Taehyung took place in a studio filled with heaps of flowers.
“This is the second stage of your new relationship, you’re blossoming, figuratively and literally” he skipped searching for flowers to encase my body in.
“Imagine that this is a new chapter of your life, better yet a new volume, you’re a new person and this guy brings the best out of you”
At this point, I should’ve seen what was coming, but I was still offended by Jimin’s disregard for my being and feelings, he was purposely being spiteful because he was bitter.
“Ah, one second, Jimin’s calling me” He laughed.
Wow. They are both bastards. I’d half expect Taehyung would not pick up, but I’d also hope that Jimin would contact me back first.
“Jimin told me to tell you that you should unblock him”
Oh, I forgot... I am quite irrational when I’m irritated.
“He also said that he is sorry, and that he misses you”
Suspicious, why would Jimin provide any insight into our relationship when he detests the fact that I, too am close to his beloved Taehyung.
“Ok” Is what I chose to reply with, possibly because I wanted to be an asshole, but also because I refused to show any ounce of emotion to all parties concerned.
Before I knew it, I was on a plane to Japan. Sitting next to someone whom was beautiful even when they were drooling. Taehyung had always been irritating due to the sole fact that, that boy could be dressed in a bin bag and he’d still look like a model.
“If you’re going to stare at me like that while I sleep, I’m assuming you’re giving me permission to do the same?” He spoke with his eyes still closed.
That cocky bastard, he had eyes at the side of his head now too?
“Oh no, I was just admiring the string of drool that’s hanging from your chin” I hissed, turning my head to face the seat in front of me.
Hastily, the boy wiped his string of saliva with the back of his hand. Classy.
I refused to speak to Jimin till I had landed back in SK. Taehyung and I were booked to be in Japan for 2 and a half days after all, might as well make the most of it, right?
Wrong. That’s where I committed the sinniest sin amongst sins. [not an actual word, but in this instance... is a word]
Japan was beautiful, Taehyung seemed to have perfectly timed such a trip, or it was due to his sheer luck. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was based on luck, due to his undeniably beautiful features and personality to pair.
Sakura. The season of cherry blossoms gracing the country. Taehyung had booked a hotel in Kyoto, his demeanour changed the moment we checked in at the hotel. Something sinister yet determined, became evident in his actions.
This hotel had a bath that emulated that of the hot springs famous around Japan. He had me dressed in nothing but a large white shirt. I felt even more vulnerable than I did in the first shoot. I’d hope I wouldn’t have to be in the bath. If I had known what would’ve happened after the shoot, I would’ve protested.
“Y/N, I know this seems outrageous, but I promise you that this is only in sight of our project, I want you to submerge yourself in the water” [water is wet]
“I want you to be completely wet, this is the last stage of your relationship blossoming, you don’t have to feign innocence, you can allow your body to be possessed by lust in its rawest from”
“I’m not going to judge you nor scrutinise you, but I want you to look at the camera as though you’re seeing Jimin naked for the first time” He sang to me.
He was playing a dangerous game, I was only wearing that t-shirt and a pair of knickers, didn’t he know that the material would cling to every orifice of my body. What was he playing at exactly?
“Umm, I don’t feel comfortable with doing that, Tae” I spoke stepping into the mist filled tub.
“Just do it Y/N” He demanded.
“Show me your sensual side, show me what else there is to you” He pleaded.
Was he talking to be directly or figuratively? Or both?
“Seriously, we flew all the way here for you to do this?”
I found myself almost completely submerged under, leaving but my nose to forehead above water.
“You’ve done this for me twice already! I just want to see the real you, okay?” He reassured the knots in my stomach, that this was for art. If I should part-take in such a project, I should at least commit completely.
The transparent liquid aided in adjusting my nerves, it was warm and comforting, I just needed to use my imagination to give the shots that was required of me.
I began posing in ways that were foreign to me, mostly using my eyes to envelope Tae into a façade that appeared real, yet was entirely fake.
I wanted to take him, he was my muse in that moment. I was not making love to the camera, I was making lust to him. He was cruel to put me in such a compromising predicament, but to his surprise, I did not falter at the task at hand.
Moments passed and we were finished with his project.
“Wow, that was beautiful” He said in awe as he looked back at some of his prized shots while I continued to sway in the liquid.
He placed his camera in a dry place, reaching for the nearest towel.
Reaching for my hand, he aided in helping me out of the safe haven. I realised later that my skin was visible through the saturated material. Nipples apparent and erect. His eyes darkened before me as he wrapped the cotton cloth around my frame. Pulling me closer, he looked down on me with eyes that had a motive.
“Forgive me for what I’m about to do”
Before I could speak, I felt pressure against my lips. Soft, subtle even pressure, against my lips. He was cruel. I found myself melting into his mouth, wanting more than just a chaste kiss. His firm hands snaked around my hips, allowing the cloth to fall at our feet. Gripping tightly, I yelped, earning him access to explore my moist cavern. Knots found their way into my abdomen. I was excited as a thick fog claimed my vision.
In that moment, I did not give Jimin a second thought. It had been so long since I’d be touched like this, felt wanted like this. Taehyung respected my space, time and individualism. He was enticing, comforting and appreciative. God, he was a bastard for that.
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foggyinjapan-blog · 7 years
3rd Nov. Birthday!!
For some reason I am up and awake at 6.30. I’m like a kid on Christmas morning. How did this happen? I have been struggling to wake up at 8.30 for the last week and now I'm up before the sun. I have to be in Kyoto at 10am to meet up with the hosts that will be showing me an authentic samurai experience. I leave plenty of time to get ready but of course, still rush out the door. I really don't want to be late for my date with a katana! As I ride my bike I’m singing, I don’t care if anyone hears because it’s my birthday and I’m bloody happy!! I see a police car has pulled someone over. The lights are flashing and the funniest thing ever! It’s like they have extender arms underneath them to lift them higher hahaha! I feel like that is super pointless but whatever, you go Glen Coco! 
An American girl meets us at the nearby station. She is wearing a kimono and will be our interpreter. We arrive at the Samurai house which was an old samurai’s house built about 200 years ago. The lady explains that the house is in very good condition for being that old and that is a very larger house to have owned back in that period; it includes bedrooms, a tea room and kitchen, plus a guest house (3 rooms), front and back garden and an outhouse. She said for someone to have built this, they must have been in a very high role. Inside is some beautiful artwork and a statue. First we are dressed in the samurai clothing that they would have worn back then. It looks really hard to tie up and it has to be precise! In the second room we enter there are 12 panels around the room. Each panel has a picture and they all represent a month of the year. November is 2 crows in the autumn leaves. Above one of the walls there are 2 symbols cut out over the wooden beam. One symbol represents the samurai's side of the family and the other one represents the woman of the house's side of the family. They are first carved separately and then together. Beautiful. Our sensei for today explains how he is worried that Japanese history is being forgotten by some as the culture modernises. (This all coming from him and then translated by the American interpreter)
We are shown the katana and a traditional performance that is done often when practicing the art. First he bows to the audience and then the sword. When he bows to the sword, the left hand is placed on the floor first and taken off last. This is in case an enemy tries to attack while you are bowing and so you can quickly grasp your sword with your right hand. He then starts to whip it around. The sounds it makes is so loud! The art of a samurai has a lot to do with meditation. You need to be focused and mentally able to face anything. I’m very impressed with his skills. And very close, I feel like if I were any closer, I would’ve gotten a hair cut. We are taken into the back garden where the samurai demonstrates what we will be doing today. A straw mat is in front of him, and in 2 seconds flat he has sliced it up like your favourite dessert. He is very good! After this it is our turn. We go to the front garden and are all given a wooden sword. When handing a katana to another person the blade has to be facing you with your hands cupped at the bottom. We practiced the foot steps first, and then the motions with our arms. Very cool!
The interpreter asks who would like to go first. Awkward silence so I volunteer! WOOO LET’S DO IT! I am given the katana the way I just explained and have a few practice movements. It’s a lot heavier than the wooden one and it’s a little bit rickety. I move over to where the mat is standing and again, practice movements. Like when you practice your golf swing but absolutely no momentum. Right, it was time to go. The first swing was ok. I hit it really high up which meant there was a lot more mat to slice! The second one went flying over the garden, woo! By the fourth one I was a winner!! That was so much fun! I walk over to the others and I am literally shaking. What a crazy and one-of-a-kind experience!
After everyone else had had their turn, we drank some tea and headed back inside. Next to experience was meditation. I have tried many times before but haven’t actually reached full zen. It is a difficult skill for one to have. To help with today’s meditation, they have metal bowls which make a beautiful sound when played right. We face outwards and take deep breaths through the nose, out the mouth while our hosts play the sounds from the bowls. Taking in turns, a bowl is placed on our heads and played. It feels like someone is pushing really hard on your head but the sounds easily takes that feeling away. These bowls actually originate from Hong Kong (maybe?? I can’t remember!). The reason they didn’t use the Japanese version is because they were too heavy and would’ve squashed us haha! Our sensei then plays us a song on a traditional Japanese flute. It sounds exactly like historic Japan. So beautiful! I have had such an amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to do this on my birthday. November 3rd is also culture day in Japan, I have learned about the culture and history of the samurai today. Culture - check!!
I leave the samurai’s house and venture into central Kyoto. I’m pretty hungry so if I see somewhere I’d like to go for lunch, I’m going to stop. On a random side street there is a restaurant, a lot of people seem to be going in so I am intrigued. I walk in and there’s some other people waiting too; if you have to wait in a restaurant in Japan, you know it’s going to be good! I am seated on a larger table where other people are sitting too. They hand me an English and Japanese menu, brilliant! I end up ordering pork tenderloin cutlet with crab croquette which comes with rice, salad and miso. Oh, of course a beer! A couple is seated next to me and we get talking! His English is so good! I was saying how I am going to Hakuba for the winter to snowboard and he said lived in Vancouver for years. Brilliant, this is my type of person! We talked about so much shit including his eBay business and how not many people in Japan use eBay (random); ideas for my business plans in the future; how Japanese don’t speak in English a lot and it must be hard for me (it’s not); she is a DJ at a famous club in Kyoto as well! So cool! They also gave me a couple of bars to go to! Brilliant people! As we were talking they bought out sesame seeds with a mortar and pestle. No idea what to do so I start crushing them like everyone else. Once crushed, you can add your choice of sauce which are in front of you then dip your cutlets in it. Cool! The food was amazing and I’ve really stumbled onto a winner here! We cheers-ed to a great meal and I was on my way again!
I choose to do a bit of shopping after because my sister and her family sent me some money! Have a browse in the antique stores and other stores. I end up buying a shirt that says “fisherman’s club - hookers” hahaha and a brilliant hat which I am so in love with! I stop at a cafe called Cream Soda. Everything made here looks like it’s from a cartoon, cute! The girls behind me are staring at me... why! I can see you! Have you never seen a gaijin before?? (Gaijin means forgiener but literally translates to outsider haha!) I order a strawberry milk with whipped cream. It’s pretty delicious and the straw is a love heart! “I love it!”
After this I need a drink. The only bar I can find that's open at this hour (3.30pm) is an Irish bar, great! Pint of beer. Cocktail for Ash because I’m missing her! Scooner, and I am pissed haha! I had a good chat with the bartender but the only other people that were in the bar were a group of middle aged tourists. Time to go home and get ready! I’m feeling some fried chicken so I stop for some of Lawson’s famous chicken. Delicious! So bad for you though.. I’m pretty drunk at this stage and I start singing and minding my own business. Are you allowed to ride a bike when you’re intoxicated? Oh well, I’m on vacaaay!! I blink and suddenly realise that I don’t recognise anything around me... I think I’ve missed the turn. This is what I get for singing and prancing about. There’s a 7/11 on the next corner so I stop, wifi, toilet, ask for directions and leave with some more chicken hahaha! Back the way I came... I missed it by a long shot!
I get ready and grab a taxi to Zaza Pub. My taxi driver is the nicest man ever! He doesn’t know much English and my Japanese isn’t great either but we still manage to make conversation. The words we understood were: Koala, kangaroo, the station where I was going, little, have a nice day, thankyou so much. I think that was it haha! I walk into the bar and grab myself 2 Heinekens - don’t want to have to come back so soon. I end up playing darts with some French guys. The French are actually so about themselves hey! I could tell that was how they were bought up though... surely they’re not doing this on purpose. I start talking to some Brazilians and this old Japanese guy. What a legend! He knows everything! Hahaha we had great conversation to my recollection and many ‘o’ beers!! We ended up drinking and talking until late. Great guys! Time for Lawson’s chicken and bed though. Lucky I didn’t ride my bike into the city... She would not have held up!
4th Nov.
It's a write off. So exhausted and hung. The only thing I can do is make spaghetti at dinner.
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epicflyingtaco17 · 4 years
"Grogu, come on. You can have it."
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eulogy34-blog · 5 years
Examine This Report on home decor
Nail stickers: A type of Synthetic nails, You will find there's large choice of nail stickers, strips and wraps that you can buy utilized to mimic nail polish with no exposing oneself into the unsafe chemical compounds located in polish. For a more conservative haircut that may be worn all over the place and each day, we endorse you receive the fohawk. Likewise, the burst fade mohawk appears super clean and hot on black fellas. These cuts can accommodate a number of different types of fades with distinct lengths on prime. When the nail polish sinks, Then you definately are likely dropping the polish from too great of a peak. Should the nail polish dries about the surface area from the h2o, and you simply are not able to govern the look by using a toothpick, consider another polish or a newer one. Textures: microbeads or caviar beads are used just prior to the nail polish gets dry. These textures provide a sand-like texture to your nail. A pleasant fashionable design for natural hair could be the temple fade with line up. This Adult males’s Lower is a great preference if you would like have shorter and workable hair with all-natural texture. Comprehensive with the Similarly great facial hairstyle. Curly hair doesn’t imply You need to shave your head – go ahead and take bravery to improve it out slightly and find out how awesome you feel. Extremely quick cuts are great for warm climate and benefit, but add some duration, whenever you’re willing to Select a completely new appear. The straightforward small fade acts as an awesome foundation for your thick, full waves. While a higher fade makes an announcement seem, a small fade is often a subtler tackle the trend. To model the highest, utilize mousse on washed hair and scrunch the longest sections assisting the texture to reveal. Shampoo – using a mild, organic and natural shampoo to your hair and beard can promote development, reduce hair reduction, and keep your locks healthful. discover the silver lining in a multifaceted metallic nail art design of chic white topped with quite silver stripes. Get this stylish seem by initial portray a darkish grey base and afterwards add some horizontal stripes by using a black nail paint. When you are gifted by nature with thick hair, you will be the envy of countless women throughout the world. You have not experienced to manage the issue of limp hair or the lack of volume in hairstyles. Remaining clean and groomed, thick locks will be the purely natural jewel that doesn’t require any refined rim regarding fancy hairstyles. When the splotches dry, draw "C" or "U" shapes within the outsides from the blobs using the darker colour. Ahead of the metrosexual development, the punk subculture also employed the black nail polish in the “dirty” way to indicate how rebel they have been from social principles, also the nail polish in a job of displaying their disdain to any policies and meant to shock the Modern society. Media[edit] Generally go in one path - it can help decrease breaking. Look up different nail shapes and judge what functions greatest in your case right before submitting.
5 Essential Elements For food recipes
Stickers can be produced at home by developing a style and design on the plastic sheet. At the time dry, use tweezers to gently pull out the design through the paper and ad here it in excess of The bottom paint. That is a straightforward nail art design and style for your rookie. Whenever you opt for a new haircut, your second thought is “Are girls gonna like it?” Chris Colfer has designed the ideal male’s haircut and hairstyle selections. The limited sides and nape, plus slightly elongated hair on prime, styled upwards warranty some added interest from the opposite sex. If the very first impact of this model entails Jim Carrey in a specific film, rest assured a Caesar cut can get to significantly past mediocre comedies and historic rulers. This special fashion is ideal for boys who may have extensive faces and/or wide foreheads – the shorter bangs bring the equilibrium. Dip a significant brush in acetone and dab it on to the drops of polish. Make use of the acetone and the brush to slim and smear the dots in excess of the white foundation coat. For anyone who is productive, you'll have an impressionistic Monet-motivated style. read more requested Andrew to cut some more inches off ✂️ i love this size!! I really like my glam!! 10 months immediately after giving delivery And that i’m at last feeling like I’m obtaining my mojo back! Woooo wooo.' One more popular substitute to acrylic or gel preparations are fiberglass or silk wraps. They may be performed by cutting items of true fiberglass or silk cloth to fit over the floor in the nail or idea after which you can it can be sealed down with a resin or glue. This sleek, twisted-bun hairstyle is so dang quite, there’s no way people today will believe that you place it jointly in ten minutes flat. Be sure you Use a gel wax available before beginning this hairstyle, since it’s vital to holding this design and style locked. With lots of incredibly hot cuts and styles from which to choose and the proper usage of a great styling products, every dude has an opportunity to get a dapper, fresh new look. Without even more ado, we present to you personally the sweetest new brief and long haircuts for fellas! A further Qualified nail artwork layout with this kind of extreme shadow results are only possible by utilizing available stickers. For an additional effect, use rhinestones as revealed in the down below graphic. You'll be able to decide on which group to center on according to what occasion you might be looking to dress for and what layer you'll want to concentrate on. If you're looking for base levels to don below a trendy jacket, sweater or cardigan, you can begin during the Tops & T-shirts segment, where you will find an assortment of various fashionable tops for every day wear or for going out on dates or Lady's evenings out. If you need much more official or Specialist appears, concentrate on the Business Put on classification. Home accents inject temperament into your decor and will tie a complete space jointly. Whilst furnishings serves as the base of your respective home’s layout, home decor components big and compact entire the seem.  With light styles, you don’t need to go as well drastic, nonetheless it’s constantly pleasant to show off some contrast. https://brightside.me/inspiration-girls-stuff/12-cute-hairstyle-ideas-for-medium-length-hair-217055/ Focus on all hair styles, especially for People blessed with pure carry and volume at their roots. This site utilizes cookies. By continuing to look through the positioning you're agreeing to our usage of cookies. More Information We tend to be the British isles’s number one food model. No matter whether you’re on the lookout for healthy recipes and guides, household projects and meal designs, the newest gadget testimonials, foodie travel inspiration or maybe the best recipe for meal tonight, we’re below to help you.
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mianaac-blog · 5 years
Examine This Report on food recipes
Get an experienced to paint the nails with pretty in depth rose patterns and flaunt them this prom social gathering. For anyone who is among the people who don't want to spend income to get resources, You need to use them from your home supplies much too. Stickers can even be developed at home and used to the top gain. This sweet fashion is probably the major men haircuts. The textured waves with loads of quantity build a charming, romantic glimpse that’s tough to realize with spiky cuts for straight hair. department out your type with this particular linear nature & bamboo-inspired nail art style, showcasing shades in the tumble 2016 collection. The film explored the developing development of nail artwork; from women the world over to high fashion runways.[12] Largely women, but additionally Adult males generally use YouTube Instagram and Pinterest to learn the way to carry out the newest and most appealing patterns at home. Social relevance[edit] Neighborhood retail outlet rates may perhaps vary from Individuals exhibited. Solutions shown as accessible are Ordinarily stocked but inventory ranges cannot be confirmed • Pair perform with fashion. Search for household furniture that’s elegant even though giving concealed storage. Decorative storage packing containers are a good contact on cabinets or under benches. For the messy appear, utilize your styling item evenly through and then at the same time brush back again and blow dry. Afterwards, make https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/beauty/nails/g2538/summer-nail-art-ideas/ of your fingers or comb your hairs into spot as preferred. For this, you need a black nail paint and some corn starch (In case your black nail paint is shiny. Blend the two to create a matte end polish and border the nude painted nail using this black polish. Either use a dotting Software or simply a toothpick to generate the polka dot impact. Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s haircuts and hairstyles are a prosperous supply of inspiration. The British actor has tried using distinctive lengths, coming ultimately towards the stylish limited haircut with undercut and temple fade. This can be a neat haircut thought for men with curly hair. Vintage and conventional, the Ivy League haircut is yet another go-to style that any male can pull off without the need of intricate Guidelines or a military of styling solutions. https://beautyholo.com critiqued hairstyle is the top knot. read more is largely a variation of The person bun, with the key variation that the edges are Minimize shorter, though only the top rated Element of the hair is tied into a knot. For a cultured seem, try a classy slick back or quiff hairstyle using a thick, rugged beard for your masculine design that screams “alpha male”. Just don't forget to deal with your facial hair with beard oil, balm and wax. Choosing on the best Guys’s hairstyle for you personally in 2019 is less complicated than you think that. Though your sense of fashion doesn’t must be the latest, boundary-pushing search to help make a splash, these cuts provide the perfect illustration of fashionable seems that have stood the test of your time. Look into the images under for the hottest haircuts for men from the year.
Examine This Report on home decor
This season the undercut, with its countless variations, has managed to go ahead and take crown for “The most well-liked Reduce” from all Mohawk-inspired mens haircuts. Even though the design and style was initially noticed three many years ago, it built a true comeback Using the “Vikings” sequence, where protagonist, RagnarLothbrok, sports among the manliest undercuts at any time acknowledged to mankind. Depending on your wardrobe, this haircut can skew preppy or hip. To maintain it seeking easy, use a light-weight pomade on air dried hair. In case your to start with impression of the style will involve Jim Carrey in a certain movie, be assured a Caesar Slash can get to considerably over and above mediocre comedies and historical rulers. This exceptional type is perfect for boys which have long faces and/or wide foreheads – the brief bangs convey the equilibrium. Make sure to incorporate definition into the curls with a styling product or service that gained’t weigh them down. It’s a great search for a publish grad moving into the workforce. Everyone's definition of ease and comfort food varies—however it's almost always one thing Mother or Father accustomed to make. Listed here are the go-to classics from our community. A french manicure using a lavender rather than a white is what you require. It's also possible to swap the lavender with almost every other coloration. Make a thin like of silver along the lavender and use modest bouquets to stick over them. For those who have a fine hand, you may create the flowers yourself way too. Your recently considered merchandise and featured recommendations › Perspective or edit your searching historical past Approximately we love observing wild, untamed locks and man buns, We now have to admit that a cleanse hairstyle will almost always be considered classier. The instance higher than is nothing a lot more than a styled tapered Minimize, that has a very well-described facet parting. Younger boys` hair varies with lots of appears to be like to pick from. An induction Minimize is common, whether or not a boy options to enlist. Being a armed forces Minimize is probably the shortest 50 percent- shaved cuts readily available, lots of youthful Males take pleasure in its no-nonsense appear and relieve of maintenance. Im addicted to my small hair! I asked Andrew to chop a couple of more inches off ✂️ i love this length!! I like my glam!! 10 months following providing beginning And that i’m lastly feeling like I’m obtaining my mojo again! Woooo wooo Asian hair is particularly fascinating owing to its thick, smooth texture that responds nicely to cuts and styles. For this appear, keep hair up on top, location it in position with a product. If you want a quiff haircut that feels new and distinct, go with the combed again pompadour that’s unquestionably trending upward. When it comes to haircuts for men that include length to this kind of experience designs as spherical and sq., this a person is a pleasant, extremely-advisable option. The RevAir claims to make use of from zero to about Fifty percent the quantity of warmth that a normal blow dryer takes advantage of, which straight away intrigues me because heat can be very detrimental to your hair. A glitter French manicure ended with some animal print nail stickers is how to build this masterpiece.
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