Ab0ut Roxy being a trans man. I either strongly agree with it, 0r am 0n the fence.
BUT - th0se who say the Epil0gues sh0e-h0rned it in and it was 0never0 a part 0f Roxy's 0riginal character- When the last two letters 0f R0xy's name were 'intr0duced', they were described as ' chr0m0s0mal' - XY chr0m0s0mes are s0me times ass0ciated with male-ness. (C0uld that be F0reshad0wing 0n Hussie-s part?) And the 0ther thing I wanted t0 p0int 0ut is that R0xy had a crush 0n Dirk. . . Which might explain why he suppressed his trans-ness, thinking he was just making it up to justify being attracted t0 a guy wh0 is attracted t0 men 0nly. 0nlylater when R0xy is apparently 0m0ved 0n0 fr0m this crush is he able to c0me 0ut.
(I d0n't mean t0 create disc0urse, here, I wanted to share my take with y0u)
Okay, let me, say it like this: Complaining about Roxy in the Epilogues is not an argument made in good faith. It's fun to find ways these things shape the actions of the characters, in retrospect (Though I am certain Hussie didn't intend it, but definitely supports it), but don't waste your breath trying to find these links as some way to assuage the people who, at this point, would still say Enby Transmasc Roxy is bad.
I say this, as a trans woman, who not only loves trans gal Roxy, but whose name is Roxy for this explicit reason.
Any argument that Roxy's genderstuff being 'shoe-horned' or 'out of the blue' are just attempts at justifying their erasure. It's plain transphobia. And while I do sympathize with people who would prefer Roxy to be a trans woman, or would prefer not to engage with the headcanon, the outright vocal dislike or twisting the Epilogues into it being bad and negative or an outright attack on trans women with a different headcanon, are just looking for reasons to hate. They're, at best, being entitled, and at worst, divisive and hateful toward our own community.
I knwo you said you weren't here to create discourse, but like: Enjoy your headcanons, enjoy how you see these characters. But also know to identify that a lot of criticisms towards these takes on characters Do Not Come from a genuine place.
Alright, ramble over. Happy 4/13-! Couldn't be Homestuck without a little walk down Discourse Memory Lane.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
Candy Hearts
Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Words: <1k
Rating: M
A/N: Hello! Welcome to the first day of my 7 Days of Valentine’s Drabbles, the 2021 edition! Let’s warm up with something sweet, shall we.
This story contains swearing, mentions of alcohol, flirty banter, and a realisation.
Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.
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Candy Hearts
Phones ring, pencils and pens scribble against paper and low murmurings echo across the Station floor.
The day crew is starting to be replaced by the night crew, but you? Oh, you’re the lone member of the all-day crew.
Accepting the double-shift on one of the most understaffed days of the year was a no-brainer. You had absolutely no plans and didn’t intend on making any, in fact you had been delighted when Flo called the week before, sighing before she’d even started and expecting a ‘no’ like all the previous calls. Your friends had finally ceased their well-meaning pestering about going out to the bar or going over to one of theirs for a movie night or doing any number of things they could come up with at thinking you’d be miserable about being single.
They just can’t believe that you’re actually okay. Sure, sometimes you get a slight pang of longing when you see couples or watch a romantic movie or, let’s be honest, have a few alcoholic beverages, but generally you’re fine.
It’s just that the forcedness of the so-called holiday irks you. Why should one day be dedicated to doing something nice for your partner and showing them how much you love them? There’s pressure on single people, too; everyone asking what you’re up to, how you’re going to spend it, pity in their eyes and a joke on their tongue. Nope, you’d rather just spend the day being alone with peace and quiet.
... Or here surrounded by noise and people you like but who won’t bother you.
“Well, look at this.”
Well, one of them will.
Releasing a faux-exasperated sigh as you sit back, you manage to not smile as you meet Jim Hopper’s gaze.
“Oh, no, look at this. Every woman in town turn you down?”
He snorts as he sits on the edge of your desk, unwrapping a chocolate loveheart and popping it into his mouth. “I haven’t asked every woman.”
“Haa,” you say dryly as he gives you a wink. “What’re you waiting for, then, Casanova?”
“Don’t wanna get my ass kicked in the parkin’ lot later.”
Your smile breaks through, damn it, and he grins, unwrapping another loveheart.
“Yeah, there’s that smile.”
“Shut up and share your chocolate.”
“Nah, I like these too much, can’t believe they only make ‘em once a year, I’m gonna have to write a letter, but before you give me that look, I got you these...”
Pulling a tube-shaped packet out of his ‘Chief’ jacket pocket, he tosses it to you. Catching it, you raise your eyebrows as you read it before looking back up at him.
“... You bought me candy hearts?”
He shrugs, unwrapping another chocolate. “It was all that was left at the store that wasn’t a teddy sayin’ ‘I love you’ or a fake rose.”
“Oh, good choice, then.”
“Yeah, I thought so.” He watches you as you unwrap the packet and take a heart off the top. “Hey, read it out, what’s it say?”
Tilting your head, you exhale a breath as you turn it so you can read the tiny writing. “Uh... ‘Call me’.”
“Okay, what time?”
You just can’t stop your smile from returning as you side-eye him. “I can’t believe no one accepted your offer of a date...”
He chuckles, ripping up the foil wrap between his hands. “Oh, well, that might also be because I didn’t ask anyone.”
Pausing, you blink as you look at him. “What?”
This is unheard of. As is him working on Valentine’s Day for that matter. The bar is hosting its traditional Singles Night which he is practically a guest of honour at, so what the hell is he doing here?
“Yeah,” is all he says, rolling the foil up into a small ball.
“Oh.” Realising you’ve been staring a second or two longer than you should, you raise your eyebrows as you smile. “Couldn’t handle all the rejection?”
Hopper shakes his head as he straightens, a smile pulling at his lips as he looks at you. “Nah. I’d just rather be here.”
He unwraps another chocolate as he moves between the desks towards his office, and your eyes follow him the entire time.
Definitely not.
But what if...
Lips parted, you watch him as he removes his jacket and settles it on the back of his chair before sitting down, a hand running over his hair.
You’re reading into things now, stop it...
Licking your suddenly dry lips, you pull another candy heart off the top and, on instinct, read it.
‘Love Bird’.
You swiftly pop it into your mouth, feeling heat flood your cheeks.
Reblogs and comments make my day in a way I can’t describe.
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Tagged: @herb-welch, @punkpascal @davidkharboursex, @jobean12-blog, @warmbeardsandredwine, @mademoiselle-black, @scrunchinn, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @divadinag, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan, @deepsouth, @neganslittlebae, @ashphoenix105, @alahmorah, @daughterofthebrowncoats, @letsby,  @kiwiphroot, @ashmely, @sistasarah-sallysaidso, @unicornsandgliiitter, @lucifer-in-leather,  @heyjudeinthesky, @sleepylunarwolf, @ambeazyyy, @countryfire22, @sithlordslut, @mondsafari,  @norcula, @earinafae, @beltzboys2015-blog, @jinxiejenna, @justsimplevicky, @hellosupernaturaldoctor, @ginasellsbooks, @dwarvenbunnyears, @vale0413, @mrslydiaholden, @kimberliinabox, @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly, @allylupin, @cant-shake-this-feeling-off, @the-bitch-gotham-deserves, @warriorqueen1991, @thesurestthing, @zuni21798,  @quietlovelovely, @maddieisaboredable, @windinyoursnail, @happy-hopper, @yedi16, @negansdirtygirl22, @slipperywhenwetsstuff, @my-rosegold-soul @madkskillz, @im-not-great-at-making-up-names, @sergeantangel, @bitchinsinclair, @dewy-biitch, @focusonspn, @wearethebrokenones, @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge, @thatprettymvthafvcka, @pulplorrd, @gifsbysimplysonia, @opalsandlacemain @geordiequeen, @gothackedalready, @ayatimascd, @missaudreyhorney, @chiefharbour, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @saltandroot, @ollypopp @soyuncheez
Apologies to those Tumblr won’t let me tag!
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vanillann · 4 years
flashback v (spencer reid x f.reader)
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warning: swearing, mentions of crime, metaions of verbal and light abuse(nothing major i promise) and slow burn
word count: 1.8k
flashback masterlist
Penelope and I stood outside the steel doors of Star Chambers, both of us looking back at the black van parked a decent distance away.
“Okay, hit the blue button now,” Penelope spoke to the two men inside our ears, literally.
“Okay baby girl, you both stay safe in there.”
I went to open the door, Pen placed her hand over mine. I looked over at her counting out loud. After seeing said 10, she nodded to me to open the large door.
As soon as the doors opened, the light from outside flooded the dark room. Computers sat around the entire room, a small laughing sugar skull on each one.
Pen and I marched in, confidence in our walk. I felt like I was lying because there wasn’t a bit of confidence in me. Shane stood at the end of the room, his face morphing into a proud smirk.
The sound of Beyoncé played in the background, Pen and I stopped in front of Shane.
Suddenly Pen snapped her fingers and the doors behind us close. I forget how good at this shit we used to be.
Everyone in the room sat quickly, watching us from their seats. Suddenly Shane started clapping, his smirk growing as he walked closer to us.
“Wow, you lost weight.”
The first thing that Shane said to us and I was already going to knock his brains out.
“Nice one.”
Shane turned to look at me, his smirk growing larger which I didn’t think was possible.
“Little step-sissy hasn’t changed one bit, typical.”
“You wish I was typical.”
He turned back to Pen, walking closer so he was right in her face.
“Miss me?”
Pen paused, waiting a few seconds before she spoke.
I felt my hand fly up to the end of the sweater, trying to remember the feeling of safety.
“Then prove it.”
Shane went to grab Pen chin, she started moving her face closer until she turned her head at the last second.
I didn’t move, but I was definitely doing a happy dance in my head.
She walked closer to a nearby hacker. As soon as she stood in front of him he stood up.
“I’m going to kiss you,” Pen spoke as she put her hands on either side of his face. He only smiled and nodded quickly.
She then gently placed her red lips on his, the sound of a light moan fell from his lips.
I suddenly felt bad for Morgan and Spencer, since they were closer to the action than I was and they weren’t even in the room.
She then forcefully removed her lips from the shorter boy, his face held nothing but bliss.
Shane tapped his foot, looking at the two un jealousy. I looked back at the two to see the hacker boy watching me closely.
“Not look at me, I’m not getting mono.”
I heard a loud cough in my ear but I ignored it, turned back to look at Shane.
Pen stood up straight, getting back into Shane’s face.
“Us three have a lot to talk about.”
Shane looked down at her lips before looking back into her eyes.
“Yes we do.”
I walked up to the two, throwing my arms over their shoulders.
“Then let's get to talking kiddos.”
Shane nodded his head, every hacker in the room left. I sat down in the chair the hacker boy Pen made out with just had. Once every one left Shane pulled up a seat while Open sat in one not far from me.
“Why’d you take the Sam Russell file?”
I didn’t waste any time, wanting nothing more than to be in the back of the van listening to Pen crazy metaphors and Spencer new facts. I wanted to hear Derek making fun of me in a sweater and plaid skirt.
“That stupid profile thing that you do was wrong.”
I felt myself roll my eyes, him looking at me like we used to when we were kids.
Those memories came flooding back quickly. The way we used to throw lamps at each other, brushing off as a basic sibling fight.
The way he used to look at me in my room until I “figured out how to stop being a brat”.
The way he used to playPen for everything that happened, then as soon as she started crying he took out his camera and recorded.
I felt myself pull harder on the yarn at the end of my jacket, my foot tapping on the stone floor.
“Just give us back the file,” I heard Pen yell, but she sounded so far away.
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, watching Shane quickly stand from the chair. I felt myself pull closer into myself, scared what might happen next.
“I refuse to work with the FBI,” Shane said, walking behind his desk.
“This isn’t about Sam Russell, this is about doing the right thing,” I spoke softly, the old me was taking over again.
“Shut up, the adults are talking,” Shane yelled, gripping onto one of the metal tables.
I wanted to hide, I wanted to run out of this room and into that black van outside.
“This is sure to give me a lot of flashbacks.”
I didn’t even think before the word fell out of my mouth, needing some familiarity to overthrow everything.
I heard shuffling my ear, and suddenly the sound of Spencer clearing his throat brought me back to reality.
“Did you know the only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.”
I watched a Pen didn’t make any more or a reaction to Spencer speaking in my ear. I knew he must have shut it off so only I could hear, which made everything feel so much more intimate.
I smiled to myself, Spencer waiting for a sign to stop.
I whisper so quietly I didn’t think Spencer could hear, but once I heard a “anytime” I knew he understood.
“I took the file because your little friends missed almost everything, maybe like the silent partner.”
Shane spoke quickly, pointing his finger in between the both of us.
“We’ve already gone over that theory.”
I knew I was lying, I knew everyone threw that away as fast as it came through the door, but I also knew Shane was a narcissist and if I gave in, I could get somewhere.
“Bullshit sissy,” he gritted his teeth as he walked closer to me. I stood up from my chair, brought to him.
“You didn’t know shit about the inside killer, I know you couldn’t figure that out.”
Shane was swinging his hands all over the place, drawing pictures in the sky.
“You wouldn’t know, you’re stuck in an underground lair like you’re a Disney villain or something.”
Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder, pushing Shane and I away from each other.
“Can we all talk like normal people for a minute.”
Shane only nodded, walking to the other side of the room as me.
“How’s your birth dad doing?”
Pen looked him up and down, sympathy in her voice.
“He died seven years ago.”
I hated Shane, but I felt my heartbreak for him a little. I knew he loved his father, he meant a lot to him.
“I posted about it, neither of you said a word.”
I looked down at my flats, the guilt seating in quickly.
“When we both joined the FBI they told us we couldn’t have contact with you anymore,” Pen answered, placing a light touch to his arm.
“Then why didn’t you do it.”
Shane stepped back into her face, I felt myself walk closer to him.
“I got us caught,” I spoke, his eyes turning from her to me.
“You got caught? Come on I know we don’t get along but I know you are smarter than to get caught.”
I felt myself roll my eyes, the whole situation was getting to me again.
“I didn’t know the FBI would show up, they tracked Pen through my phone.”
“Actually, I went to the station,” Pen turned to me with soft eyes.
Shane smirked while he looked me in the eye.
“She was too scared to stay with me so he ran after you, knowing she’d get caught.”
“I wanted a different life, I wanted my best friend and I to be able to do something that was illegal all the time.”
I felt myself laugh, the memories of everything we needed in those years were illegal, but we alway made it work.
“Well aren’t you both doing better, baby girl.”
I felt myself step back as she walked back to his desk.
“Oh and let’s not forget Mr. “Did you know”, I hope your kids don’t come out wearing sweater vests.”
I felt the anger boil inside me, the idea of him talking about Spencer made me want to go back to throwing laps.
I heard Morgan's voice in my ear, the realization of everything was kicking in.
“It’s not like that, you don’t understand the phrase,” Pen was quick to jump at Shane, trying to make him understand.
“It’s a friendship, all of it was.”
I felt my heart break, even saying those words in a dangerous situation felt wrong.
“Oh I saw text, it seems the guy you both are sleeping with are miracle workers.”
Shane slammed his hands on the table in front, looking over both of us.
“Because he somehow broke the strongest and smartest woman I ever met in my life and ruined her.,” he said pointing his finger at Pen.
“And Mr. Smarty Pants managed to turn my sweet step-sister into a cold blooded bitch.”
“Oh you want to see a bitch,” I started marching to him before Pen grabbed my upper arm and held me in place.
“We aren’t sleeping with them.”
“Well then I guess you vandalized yourself, which is ten times worse.”
I felt Pen's grip tighten one my, her eyes from liking with tears.
“You aren’t the two I saw as my family.”
“You don’t treat people you see as family like shit, get it right.”
I turned around and stormed out the large building, the sun shining down on the thick sweater. I didn’t wait for Pen and I threw the back of the van open and sat on the bench.
I didn’t do anything as Morgan or Reid spoke to me, the anger building up inside me was too much. I saw Pen join us in the back of the van, her eyes overflowing with tears.
She closed the door behind her and fell into Morgan’s arms, he sobbing took the back of the van.
“You aren’t a bitch,” Spencer said gently from beside me.
“No I am, but that’s the exact trait that's going to let me catch this asshat.”
part iv part vi
cm tag list:
flashback tag list:
@summer-writes @snitchthewitch @mortallythoughtfulgurl @l0ve-0f-my-life @101donuts @siwiecola @eldahae @hot-mess-express99 @itlittlefangirl @afuckingshituniverse @mollygetssherlockcoffee @tinylumpiaa @kermitsaysgayrights @matthewreid
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The Secret Love Letters Of Olivia Moretti by Jennifer Probst | Book Review
The Secret Love Letters Of Olivia Moretti by Jennifer Probst | Book Review
Now that I am in my mid thirties, I like to hunker down with a good woman’s fiction book from time to time. The Secret Love Letters Of Olivia Moretti by Jennifer Probst absolutely fit the bill. I mean, I should have know to expectat that after really enjoying Our Italian Summer. This book also has a significant chunk – the vast majority 0f the story taking place in Italy. It has family secrets, a…
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heytheredeann · 7 years
I was tagged by @sensitivehandsomeactionman, thank you :3 this was fun. And by ‘fun’ I mean hard. Which made it better, obviously.
Rules: tag ten people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: Single. I’m not sure how I feel about that lol.
favourite color: Blackbluegreen. It’s a color, I swear. No, it’s three colors.
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, but I rarely use it.
last movie i watched: I don’t remember, what was the last movie I watched? *much thinking later* I think it was Wonder Woman.
last song i listened to: Citizen Soldier - 3 Doors Down
top three shows: WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘THREE’ Supernatural, Suits... *starts sweating* Ugh. Mmh. *more sweating* ... *whispering* Wynonna Earp... maybe...? *feelings of guilt*
top three characters: WHAT’S WITH ‘THREE’ AGAIN Dean Winchester, Harvey Specter... somebody help me Scottie...? *more guilt*
top three ships: JUST SAY THAT YOU WANT ME DEAD COME ON Sam and Dean in whatever form, Mary/Ketch because it’s too twisted for me not to love it, and Marvey. No, just because this time I didn’t complain out loud it doesn’t mean that I didn’t spend half an hour trying to decide.
I tag (if you guys want to/feel like it/haven’t done it already, etc.) @parabataisss @optionofpeace @unknownfin @johnnwinchester @samspurpletoothbrush @sam-0f-letters @grainnecliona @fawnjensen @i-am-no-leader @poetryandoldermen
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superheroshome · 4 years
Superheros home Best Anime Movies – Top 25 Anime Movies of All Time
What are a few of the Best Anime Movies to look at? It may very well be one heck of a job since there is such a lot to choose. That’s why I made an inventory of the Best Anime Movies to look at subsequent. So, with none additional ado let’s start. We could?
Best Anime Movies 0f all the time that you must to Watch
25. Your Name – (Japanese name) Kimi no Na Wa 2016
  Highschool lady Mitsuha lives within the city of Itomori in Japan’s mountainous Hida area. She belongs to be a good-looking boy in her exchanging subsequent life. She switches physique with Taki, a high school boy in Tokyo once they wake p. They impart with notes, memos and write on one another pores and skin typically.
Taki, as Mitsuha, visits her grandmother and sister to depart the ritual alcohol kuchikamizake, to current it as a providing on the shrine on a mountaintop exterior the city. The shrine is the physique of the village guardian god who controls human experiences and connections, which is believed by people. Mitsuha’s newest be aware informs Taki a few comets to succeed in Earth on the day of her city competition.
24. A Silent Voice – (Japanese name) Eiga Koe no Katachi (2016)
  Shoya Ishida, a delinquent boy who bullied Shoko Nishimiya, his deaf classmate alongside along with his mates again at elementary college. Nevertheless, it adjustments when Nishimiya transferred, and it ends in all of his mates and lecturers are turned towards him to place him to the purpose the place he decides that mates are unimportant. Ishida reunites with Nishimura and sees that she remains to be lonely attributable to her shyness. He decides to reconnect Nishimiya with their outdated classmates which he couldn’t capable of doing earlier than.
23. When Marnie Was There – (Japanese name) Omoide no Mānī (2014)
  Anna Sassaki is a 12 years outdated introvert, who lives in Sapporo together with her foster dad and mom, Yoriko and her husband. In the future, she collapses from Bronchial asthma assault within the college. Yoriko talks to Anna’s physician and her dad and mom resolve to ship him to a rural seaside city for clear air.
Anna finds a deserted mansion around a salt marsh and enters to discover it. She walks around and will get caught by the tide until she comes upon by Toichi, an outdated fisherman. Later, she learns that the mansion was once a trip residence for some foreigners, and it’s empty for a very long time. However, from the evening, Anna desires a blonde lady within the mansion.
22. The Wind Rises – (Japanese name) Kaze Tachinu (2013)
  Jiro Horikoshi needs to develop into a pilot, however, he held again attributable to his eyesight. He reads concerning the well-known Italian plane designer Giovanni Battista Caproni, and dream about at evening. Caproni tells him that he has by no means piloted an aircraft in his life and making planes is best than flying them.
After 5 years, Jiro is touring on a practice to review aeronautical engineering at Tokyo Imperial College, and he meets a younger lady, Naoko Satomi alongside together with her maid within the journey. Because the Nice Kanto Earthquake of 1923 hits, Naoko’s maid’s leg is fractured and so, Jiro takes her to Naoko’s household and leaves the place without telling his title.
21. The Garden of Words – (Japanese name) Koto no ha no Niwa (2013)
  The Backyard garden of the city falls beneath the class of romance and drama. The area around the surrounding based mostly on a wet season in Tokyo. Within the movie Takao Akizuki, a 15-year-old high school scholar who aspires to develop into a shoemaker, that’s why more often than not he skips lessons to sketch shoe designs at his standard place, the backyard of Shinjuku Gyoen.
In the future, he comes throughout Yukari Yukino, a ravishing 27-year-old girl who was sitting there and having fun with her beer and chocolate whereas gazing on the rain. As soon as the summer time break was over, Takao comes again to high school to attend lessons, however there he notices Yukari and a good friend advised him she is a literature trainer and all the time had been the sufferer of gossip and bullying.
20. Wolf  Children – (Japanese name) Ōkami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (2012)
  Hana, a school scholar in Tokyo, Japan bought right into a relationship with a werewolf and had two kids’s, a boy: Ame and a woman: Yuki. Whereas trying to find meals for his household, Hana’s husband bought killed in an accident, sadly.
As a single mom, her life turns into very powerful with two little werewolf kids’s. Ame and Yuki have been incessantly altering their human and werewolf kinds when social employees and her neighbors go to her home to test about Ame and Yuki’s well being. Hana leaves that place as quickly as doable with a purpose to maintain their identity protected. She works extraordinarily laborious to restore a damaged home and feed her kids’s with the crops they personal.
19. The Secret World of Arrietty (2010) – (Japanese name) Kari-gurashi no Arietti (2010)
  A boy named Shō tells the viewers he nonetheless remembers the week in summer time he spent at his mom’s childhood residence along with his maternal great-aunt, Sadako, and the housemaid, Haru.
At evening, Arrietty’s father, Pod, takes her on her first “borrowing” mission, to get sugar and tissue paper. After acquiring a sugar dice from the kitchen, they journey inside a hole wall to a bedroom which they enter by means of an intriguing dollhouse with working electrical lights and kitchen utensils.
18. Summer Wars – (Japanese name) Samā Wōzu (2009)
  Kenji Koiso (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is a younger scholar with a present of arithmetic and a part-time within the huge computer-simulated digital actuality world OZ along with his good friend Takashi Sakuma (Takahiro Yokokawa).
In the future, Kenji was known as by a fellow Kuonji scholar Natsuki Shinohara to take part within the 90th birthday of her great-grandmother Sakae Jinnouchi. After reaching to Sakae’s property in Ueda, Natsuki introduces Kenji as her fiance to shock them each.
17. Ponyo – (Japanese name) Gake no Ue no Ponyo (2008)
  Fujimoto was a human wizard also a scientist, who lives underwater together with her daughter, Brunhilde, and her a number of smaller sisters. Brunhilde sneaks out and floats away on the again of a jellyfish whereas her siblings went out with their father in his four-flippered submarine.
Sosuke injures his finger when he opening the jar with the rock, then Brunhilde licks his wound to heal it instantly. Sosuke provides her a reputation, Ponyo and decides to maintain her. Then again, Fujimoto seems to be for her for her misplaced daughter desperately as he thinks that she has been kidnapped.
16. 5 Centimeters per Second – (Japanese name) Byōsoku Go Senchimētoru (2007)
  Takaki Tōno rapidly turns into a good friend with Akari Shinohara when she transfers to his elementary college in Tokyo. They get together with one another attributable to similar pursuits and attitudes like they each keep contained in the recess for his or her seasonal allergy symptoms.
Aakri strikes to the close by space of Tochigi after commencement from elementary college attributable to her mum or dad’s job. Nonetheless, they each keep involved with letters, however, they start to float aside over the time.
15. The Girl Who Leapt By way of Time –  (Japanese name) Toki o Kakeru Shōjo (2006)
  Makoto Konno got a message written on a blackboard and unwittingly falls upon a walnut-shaped object. Makoro loses her bicycle brakes and ejects in the entrance of an upcoming practice. Nonetheless, she finds herself reverted again in time on the level when she was on her bicycle earlier than the accident.
Makoto begins to make use of her time to leap skill to get out the messy scenario, after that. It consists of a love confession from her finest good friend, Chiaki Mamiya. Makoto discerns that she has a numbered tattoo on her arm to point the restricted variety of leaping instances she will be able to use.
14. Tokyo Godfathers – (Japanese name) Tokyo Goddofazazu (2003)
  On Christmas Eve, three individuals discovered a new child with a be aware whereas skimming by means of the rubbish. It’s stated to take excellent care of the child together with a bag which has a clue of the infant’s dad and mom identification. Therefore, the trio begins their journey to seek out the dad and mom.
Later, the group finds a high-ranking yakuza trapped beneath his vehicle. It was likely that he was awarded of the proprietor of the membership of the place, where Kiyoko’s mom labored earlier than, and his daughter is getting married to the membership proprietor on that day.
They attend the marriage and be taught that the infant’s mom is a former bar lady, named Sachiko. He provides the trio Sachiko’s handle, however, the get together is interrupted by a maid, who’s a Latin American hit man in disguise.
13. Metropolis – (Japanese name) Metoroporisu (2001)
  People and robots both exist within the futuristic city of Metropolis, however, robots are discriminated and segregated to decrease metropolis ranges. A large number of human inhabitants was jobless, and most of the people blame it on the robots.
Duke Pink, who was the unofficial ruler of Metropolis, has supervised the development of an enormous skyscraper referred to as the Ziggurat to unfold its energy throughout the planet for mankind. A delinquent robotic intrudes the Ziggurat’s opening ceremony, solely to be shot down by Rock, adopted a son and the pinnacle of the Marduk Get together. It’s a vigilante group with a goal to evoke anti-robot attitudes.
12. Spirited Away – (Japanese name) Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (2001)
  Ten-year-old Chihiro Ogino and her dad and mom are touring to their new residence when her father takes a mistaken flip. They went into a magical world unknowingly out of Chihiro’s father want for exploring.
Later, Haku finds Chihiro and will get her a job from the bathhouse’s boiler-man, Kamaji, a spider yokai who instructions the susuwatari. Kamaji said no and refuse to work for her as he has soot spirits, however, he sends Chihiro to the witch, Yubaba, who runs the bathhouse out of sympathy.
11. Princess Mononoke – (Japanese name) Mononoke-hime (1997)
  In Muromachi Japan, A demon attacked Emishi village. The final Emishi prince, Ashitaka, eliminates it earlier than it brings havoc to the village however his arm will get a curse within the struggle. Though the curse grants him superhuman power; it’s going to unfold by means of his physique to kill him in the end.
Heading to the west, Ashitaka meets Jigo, a wandering monk, who tells Ashitaka that he could discover a remedy from the Nice Forest Spirit, a deer-like animal god by day and a large “nightwalker” by evening.
10. Whisper of the Hearts – (Japanese name) Mimi o Sumaseba (1995)
  Shizuku is aa 14 years outdated scholar at Mukaihara Junior Excessive College, who’s an ebook lover and enthusiastic author. She goes, so she can check out playing cards in her library books when she notices that it has been seen by Seiji Amasawa. Later, Shizuku meets a younger man, who seems to be Seiji.
Shizuku follows a cat on practice and finds out a vintage store which runs by Shiro Nishi. There’s a cat statue, “The Baron”. She sings “Take Me Residence, Nation Roads”, later in the store and seems like Seiji is the grandson of Nishi. Each of them develops into mates with one another and start their journey in direction of their dream.
9. Ghost in the Shell –  (Japanese name) Kōkaku Kidōtai Gōsuto In Za Sheru (1995)
  The human physique will be augmented or changed completely with cybernetic elements in 2029. There is one another achievement, i.e., cyber brain, a mechanical case for the human mind to entry to browse the web and different networks. The unknown time period was “ghost”, which refers to consciousness of the human physique (aka shell).
Main Motoko Kusanagi is an assault-team chief of “New Port Metropolis” in Japan for the Public Safety Part 9. Receiving a request message from Nakamura, who is chief of Part 6, she assassinates a diplomat of a overseas nation efficiently to cease a programmer referred to as Daita from defecting.
8. Ninja Scroll – (Japanese name) Jubei’s Ninja Chronicle (1993)
  In Edo period-Japan, the Yamashiro clan mines gold secretly to pay the Toyotami Shogun of darkish as a cost for his safety by means of a cargo. The Shogun of the darkish decides to make use of the gold for getting superior Spanish weapons to overturn the present authorities, the Tokugawa Shogunate.
The ship swirls right into a storm in Mochizuki territory, and the Eight Devils of Kimon, a ninja staff with supernatural powers within the make use of the Yamashiro, slaughter people from the near the village of Shimoda to maintain the gold cargo a secret.
7. Only Yesterday –  (Japanese name) Omoide Poro Poro (1991)
  Taeko, a single 27 years outdated lady lived her complete life in Tokyo. She make a choice to go to the household of the elder brother of her brother-in-law within the countryside to help with safflower harvesting and escape from metropolis life.
Through the journey at evening on a sleeper practice to Yamagata, she recollects her childhood recollections as a schoolgirl, and her utmost need to go on a trip like her classmates.
6. Kiki’s Delivery Service – (Japanese name) Majo no Takkyūbin (1989)
  It’s a custom for 13-year outdated witches to depart residence for 12 months to pursue their ability on the evening of a full moon. 13-year-old trainee witch Kiki leaves her residence together with her kindred spirit, i.e., a speaking black cat named Jiji. She went flying on her broomstick to the port metropolis of Koriko and look for a spot to remain whereas she meets Tombo, a geeky boy who admires Kiki’s flying skill utmostly.
Kiki starts a “Witch Supply Enterprise” to ship and deliver items on her broomstick. Her first supply goes completely mistaken as she caught in a gust and misplaced the black cat which she speculated to ship. Jiji the cat pretends to be the toy untill Kiki can discover and deliver the actual merchandise.
5. Akira (1988)
  In July 1988, a gravitational singularity concluded Tokyo and results in World Warfare III. Japan start seen a criminal offense wave and motion corruption particularly in “Neo-Tokyo” by 2019. One evening, hot-headed Kaneda instructions his bōsōzoku gang, the Capsules, towards their rivals, the Clowns for the struggle.
Through the brawl, Kaneda’s finest good friend, the sullen Tetsuo Shima, unwittingly crashes his bike into Takashi, who’s a psychic esper only recently escaped from a secret authorities laboratory with the assistance of a resistance group.
4. Grave of the Fireflies – (Japanese name) Hotaru no Haka (1988)
  Within the days of World Warfare II, the American military drops napalm canisters on Japanese canisters by means of firestorms. These bombs are bigger than a tin can after which a second of silence earlier than they hit the bottom and detonate, spreading explosions although environment. There’s no known way to struggle this predicament with wooden and paper homes in a Japanese residence.
Just a few months earlier; Seita and Setsuko’s home bought burned in a firebombing alongside most of Kobe. They escape the hazard; nonetheless, their mom dies within the incident. Seita and Setsuko went to reside with a distant aunt and requested to promote their mom’s kimono for rice.
Seita gathers all provides that he buried earlier than the bombing time and give it to his aunt. Their Aunt turns into stressed in direction of the youngsters as rations shrink and the variety of refugees grows and says they do nothing for meals. How the siblings battle for his or her lives kinds the story.
3. Castle in the Sky – (Japanese name) Tenkû no Shiro Rapyuta (1986)
  Sheeta, a woman who’s kidnapped by Authorities agent Muska, bought attacked by Captain Dola and her air pirate sons as they’re trying to find Sheeta’s crystal amulet. Because of this, Sheeta falls from the airship bur her first-rate bought slowed, and she or he saved by a boy later.
She falls safely in a small mining city the place she is saved by a boy named Pazu, who took her into his residence to get well. He tells Sheeta a few mysterious floating island Laputa and reveals an image taken by his father.
2. Vampire Hunter – (Japanese name) Kyûketsuki hantâ D (1985)
  The long run appears bleak for the remaining people, who inhabit an unlimited wasteland and spend the vast majority of their time making an attempt to outrun vicious vampires and different demonic beings.
A supernaturally expert swordsman often called D (Kaneto Shiozawa), is employed by mortals to seek for the villainous Rely Magnus Lee (Seizô Katô), who attacked a neighborhood lady not too long ago. A massacre begins when D rides into lee’s lair on his mechanical steed.
1. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind – (Japanese name) Kaze no Tani no Naushika (1984)
  Princess Nausicaa should struggle Princess Kushana, the chief of the Tolmekian military to retrieve a strong weapon which may erase human existence.
In the future, an airship crashes onto the cliffs near Valley of the Wind. Nausicaa goes to save lots of a shackled lady of her similar age from the burning wreck. Sadly, she passes away after telling that she is the Princess Lastelle from the Kingdom Pejite and the cargo of airship have to be destroyed. The airship belongs to Tolmekia, and the cargo is an embryo of a large warrior, which is, without doubt, one of the deadly and monstrous creatures used within the historical warfare.
You got here by means of an extended record of the Best Anime Movies based mostly on the discharge up till now. All of those are a masterpiece surely, and so that you shouldn’t miss a single one if doable. However, the place would you go to stream your favorite anime films? Let me let you know among the finest anime streaming websites with ad-free HD expertise.
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What’s your response after watching among the films from right here? Let me know your ideas and don’t overlook to share these superior anime films with your pals as effectively.
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mariamuses · 7 years
100 Reasons Why
The wonderful @queen-archeron suggested this prompt where Elain x Azriel go to their first date and have their first kiss, because I couldn’t find any inspiration lately. It’s just pure Elriel fluff because Anna and I have been sharing opinions on it lately and I’m trash. Hope you enjoy it!
Tags:  @songbirdsbooks @kaliejane26 @personpersonper @turtlesnook @the-bookish-soul @court-0f-dreamers
Word Count: 2,244
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After the war, it had taken everyone in the inner circle time to grow accustomed to their new lives, with new nightmares, new dynamics, new people...
But to Elain, that new life came with the literal sense. She had died on that Cauldron, moved across the continent and had left all her social life and the people that came with it behind. To top it off, she had been given a mate, and a handsome one at that, but he was someone she didn’t really know, and their relationship hadn’t exactly started with the right foot. 
She knew Lucien was a good man, but to her, it wasn’t reason enough to force herself to accept some bond that was thrusted upon her, when all her life she had grown up believing that you get to choose who you love, and you have to choose right, for the humans didn’t have the mating bond and the certainty it offered. She had given up enough things to now give up her beliefs and values too. Even if it was a hard choice, she wasn’t going to be one to keep a male at her knees, begging for scraps when he, and she too, could aim for so much more.
So, she had called the mating bond off. One day when Lucien had returned to the Night Court after one of his many trips as Emissary, Elain had taken him to the garden for a walk and told him everything. Lucien had been very gracious about it, after all he had been waiting for her to make a decision, but it wasn’t too difficult considering how he had Vassa as a safe net to cushion the fall. Elain had agreed, much to Lucien’s disbelief, after catching Lucien writing letters to Vassa, that keeping correspondence with her was a great idea, even while they went on a few dates, to keep his options open in case he didn’t want the mating bond, so he wouldn’t feel trapped. Of course, Lucien wasn’t as decisive as her and hadn’t dared to call it off even when he already knew what he wanted.
It was a crucial step Elain had taken, but she hadn’t been alone in that journey. Not at all.
Azriel had been there. He always was and now, she hoped, he always will.
He was different. Always quiet, in the shadows, looking, observing. But also, Elain had noticed, helping. Every time she had something to do, he was there, helping her. He wasn’t as noticeable as maybe Cassian, Rhysand or Mor were. But to Elain, that only made her look at him closely.
The first thing she had noticed was that he was beautiful, in a sharp yet delicate way. Then she noticed how she was her best self with him around her. And when the visions had started to go out of control, he had been the one at the front line, the first to know what she was, the only one who knew how to help her.
And so she started seeing him too, under another light. How this male didn’t believe he could be loved, or that he was deserving of love. She saw his shadows, but looked past them; saw his scars but only felt his hands. How he could create with them, when they cooked together; or be gentle, when he scooped her up when a vision hit her or when he took care of her garden.
And Elain saw him look at her, too. That gaze filled with hidden love, but also guilt and sadness. 
And she couldn’t bear it, so she took matters onto her own hands; and after a few days of gathering the courage after setting Lucien free, she was determined to show him what love meant and asked him out on a date. And after a lot of convincing and giving him countless reasons and explanations that she didn’t want Lucien, but him, he said yes.
And today was the day.
He was picking her up on the House of Wind because Feyre had insisted that way was more romantic, him being forced to fly her down to Velaris and all.
A sharp knock shook Elain out of her reverie and she pulled the door open, looking up to a view that melted her heart into a puddle.
In front of her was Azriel, out of his normal leathers, with a clean-shaven face, black linen pants and a black, plain t-shirt fitted so it hugged his arms and chest. Her jaw hanged, but she wasn’t the only one stunned.
In front of her, Azriel’s gaze kept flicking all over her. First her eyes and the black kohl she had lined them with; then her lips, which were plump and rose colored; and finally her body, for she was clad in a dress which did nothing to hide her breasts, as well as the curve of her hips and finished right above the knee.
After a full minute of checking each other out, Azriel chuckled, tending a hand out to her and asked, “Shall we go?”.
Elain furrowed her brow, the lack of compliment on her appearance bothering her but remembering how hard it had been for him to agree to the date, she cleared her doubts out of her mind and took his hand, letting him put his hands behind her knees and back and picking her up as if she weighted nothing.
“We shall, handsome”, she answered.
And they took off.
Elain took Azriel on a tour of the city. Of course, he already knew all the places, but what he didn’t know, or at least fully acknowledge, was the meaning behind them.
“Okay, so this”, explained Elain pointing at a restaurant, “is the first place I ate after the war was won. I had been on the townhouse for months without ever coming out other than to my garden, but you convinced me to come saying that there were flower beds with flowers from every court. It was the first time I felt I could breathe after they pulled me out from the Cauldron. And that is reason number one.”
“Reason number one? Of what? What do you need reasons for?”, questioned Azriel, his brow knitting.
Elain wiggled her eyebrows.
“You’ll see”, she said taking his hand and dragging him to a new location; another restaurant. Actually, their favorite restaurant of Velaris, the one they frequented the most.
“This” kept going Elain, “I was showed, but Rhys actually let me into his mind, projecting a memory for me where you took Fey here, was the first time she ate out when she came from Spring. Also, where you and Mor and Cassian invited her to dance. And that, is reason number two.”
This went on for the better part of the evening, and Azriel kept getting more and more confused because, trying to pick them common denominator to all the reasons, the only one he could find was him, but not always her, or Feyre… just him. And it drove him insane.
“Over here we have a brick wall, with a big crack. And it’s the place you killed an attor on Hybern’s first attack on Velaris, defending a woman who was holding her newborn child.”
“This fence, right here, you helped a neighbor patch up after a dog had escaped and you found it and brought it back to the owner.”
The weirdest one was a kid she pulled up while she went on, “This, is Aaron. How old are you Aaron?”
“Six, but I’m turning seven in five days”, answered the kid.
“Oh, and do you know who this is?”, asked him Elain.
“Yes! He’s the spymaster, Azriel.”
“That is right”, she continued, kneeling in front of him. “And how do you know him?”
“He saved me! I was climbing a big wall, but my foot slipped, and he caught me when I was gonna hit the floor and BAM! We flew sooo high and then he took me to mamma”.
“Thank you very much, Aaron. Happy early birthday”, Elain waved the kid goodbye and turned to Azriel again. “And that is reason number thirty.”
And so, the confusion went on.
When dawn was nearing, they arrived at the river bank, where a blanket was spread out with a picnic on top.
Carefully, Elain strayed from the paved path, and with Azriel’s hand on hers, made her way, and sat down.
Az eyed the set up suspiciously, and inquired.
“Is this another one of your mysterious reasons? Because I don’t remember ever being here before... “
Elain giggled, looking up to him, still standing.
“No, silly. This is our dinner. I made it with help from Cassian”, she said, “He helped me make some traditional illyrian dishes, supposedly, the ones you like the most”.
As she finished her explanation, Azriel sat down and eagerly started taking of the lids off the plates, eyes widening by the second at the delicious food she had so masterful prepared with the help of his brother.
Eyes shining with not yet fallen tears, he turned to her.
“Elain, this is perfect. No one has even done this for me before... Thank you.”, he whispered in awe.
“And that is reason number one hundred”, she muttered, while grabbing his face between her hands, her own eyes lined with silver.
He cocked his head, exasperation brushing his features and trying to get out of her touch; but she gripped him harder, not enough to hurt, but to hold on.
“Elain you-”
“Shhhh. Shut up and let me explain. Please. I promise you’re going to understand everything”, she interrupted.
Azriel sighed, but resigned himself and shut his gaping mouth.
“Azriel, you are the most selfless, handsome, hardworking, intelligent male I’ve ever met.” She was interrupted by a stuttering Azriel, but she hushed him again and kept going.
“You’ve been through hell and back, yet still manage to live for others, helping them, sacrificing your time and money to do it. You’ve taking care of Rhys and Cassian as if they were your own biological brothers, you’ve done their dirty work when even they weren’t able to, loved them when they didn’t love themselves, believed in them. You’ve brought Amren blood to her apartment when she was in a mood and nobody dared to. You’ve known Mor’s secret for centuries, and don’t even try to deny it, but still you’ve love her so much, so she could realize she was worthy of any kind of love she wanted. But that’s not even scraping the surface. Azriel, you’ve been to me what no male before has: a friend, without any added relationship behind it. I mean, I consider Rhys and Cass my friends, too, maybe even Lucien, but the former ones are tied to my sisters and Lucien did it for the bond that was between us. But not you, never you. You always saw me, even in those first days when no one did. You spent time with me, even when I had nothing to give back to you. And then I fell for you. And I know you don’t think yourself worthy of me, but you are. We’re not mates, but I’m grateful for that because the Cauldron has given me the opportunity to choose you, show you how much I love you. Because somehow, if the Cauldron had made us mates, you would feel as if me being your mate was a kind of obligation, but now it isn’t. Azriel, I can see the future, but I didn’t need to, not to make this decision; it’s always been crystal clear. But not for you it hasn’t, because your opinion of yourself gets in the way. So, for our first date I decided to take you on a tour of a city you know better than anyone, but instead of showing you buildings or shop I showed you the reasons why I loved you, so you wouldn’t forget. But most important, I made you food, so symbolize how I accept the bond we’ll be creating together. A bond of our own, stronger than any other by nothing more than choice and sheer will. Az, I love you because you helped my sisters, you help others, and you’ve helped me become the person I am today. And those, are the hundred reasons why I love you”, finished Elain, breathless of all the rushed talking.
A quiet moment followed before Azriel took his hands and mimicked hers, holding her face and breathed.
“You love me?”
“Yes. And I’m going to do everything in my power―“
Azriel pressed his lips to hers, silencing her. At first, she startled, but then she reacted to him, lips moving over each other in synchronization, heat rising in her stomach in realization of what she was doing, and how right it felt.
When they pulled apart, after what felt only a second, she blushed, and he pulled her into his lap, embracing her tiny frame in his arms and pushing away stray hairs from her face, as she looked up into his eyes, a contents sigh escaping her lips as he smirked at her.
“I can’t wait”, she murmured, captivated by him and how the date had developed.
“For what, flower?”, asked Az, curious of what could this precious being so expectant.
“For the rest of our lives together”, she concluded as a new vision of family and happiness formed in her mind.
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