#wizarding world fanon
impishtubist · 28 days
In 25 years of reading SBRL fic (yes I took a 17-year break but best believe I caught up real quick on all I had missed when I came back in 2020), I've only read one fic that actually addresses the fact that godfather has religious connotations to it. Like, it really is intended to be someone who guides your child in the faith. It is not automatically someone who has guardianship of your child after you die.
Idk, I'm not a religious person, but I think that should actually be explored more in fics.
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the issue with drarry
before you get angry, hear me out.
[ has mentions of sex, although not explicit; don’t read for younger audiences ]
i am a huge drarry fan. i’ve always loved the rivals-to-lovers trope (if you wanna call it enemies-to-lovers, go ahead, the line between rivals and enemies is so blurred in fanfiction) and drarry sets it up perfectly - draco, a normal boy (not some sort of miniature devil baby) who grew up surrounded by bigoted views and a controlling father (not entirely abuse, although i’m not defending lucius here, I’m just saying we don’t automatically have to make lucius abusive because he was on the wrong side) and ended up biting off more than he could chew. he joined the wrong side, and we know that draco sees this, particularly in deathly hallows and the cursed child. then we have harry, the golden boy who was automatically born into the light side, who was forced to believe the world is either inherently evil or inherently good; a black-and-white picture, if you will. either way, draco is the supposed ‘enemy’ and harry is the ‘hero’.
and while this works perfectly fine - both are compelling characters, although harry, in my opinion, isn’t as well-thought out as draco - the way the fandom pushes them into certain characterizations drives me insane.
draco is almost always the mastermind, the trickster, the feminine sub, the one who doesn’t need anybody else because they’re lesser than him, the smooth one, the one who always apologizes to the golden trio when the golden trio did some shit things too, the one who’s despicable but also has a great heart and ‘my dad told me no’, the one who never grows out of insulting harry and his friends. why is draco portrayed like this? why does he always, post-war, suddenly join the golden trio and get on his hands and knees to ask for forgiveness? where are his slytherin buddies? i thought draco saw the slytherins as his friends, not the shit image of them that dumbledore painted when the bastard was alive. yet, he almost never spends time with them in fanfictions, especially post-war. he IMMEDIATELY runs to the golden trio and gets wrapped up in the whole weasley family. what happened to his family? i do know that his parents (or just lucius) are thrown into azkaban, and half of his family is shit, but that doesn’t mean he has to completely dump them, or his friends.
speaking of family, why does harry have SO much more family lore (especially with the Blacks) than draco? draco’s the one who’s related to them! shouldn’t he have some memorable experiences with his family that aren’t just outright abuse? it drives me insane.
and why are draco’s sectumsempra scars sexualized? harry fucking outright attacked him with a spell he didn’t know how to use (kudos to hermione on this one) and then 19 years later, they’re fucking each other and moaning about how pretty his scars look. harry ATTACKED him. draco somehow ALWAYS forgets about his scars until they’re in bed together, and then when harry sees them, he’s like “oh sorry” and draco IMMEDIATELY forgives him, or doesn’t even say anything. What? this also leads towards the helpless, overdramatic princess draco who needs everything done for him. no. draco might’ve been helpless when he was younger, but that’s because his parents - especially lucius - were so controlling. he literally couldn’t do anything. draco knows how to take care of himself.
now. harry. harry is always the masculine golden boy who can’t determine his broom from his glasses, who always needs draco to apologize to him and doesn’t see the world beyond black and white, even after the war. and while harry was forced to believe this by a whole number of people (mostly the order), he never grows out of this. but at the same time, draco is always the one exception to this. draco’s the one who “isn’t like the other girls” and who harry somehow manages to forgive every time. I’m not excusing harry and the golden trio for their behavior, as they did some fucked up shit too, but draco also wasn’t a great person either. he called hermione a mudblood on several occasions, but for some reason, it’s always ron and draco who can’t get along. why is hermione so willing to forgive? in the books, ron should be the one willing to forgive, and hermione the one who doesn’t like draco. and dramione is a whole other post, along with how women are portrayed in the hp universe and in the fandom.
harry is also always putting up with draco’s shit behavior. draco calls his friend a racial slur? well, he doesn’t mean it because that’s how he was raised. draco insults his intelligence every other word he speaks? well, that’s just one of his quirks. no. canon harry would get up off of his ass and say something, but for some reason in the fandom, he’s always this doormat who can’t get over draco’s fucking nose shape when draco is actively insulting him. fanon harry never stands up for himself. he’s always saying how draco is just trying to change, he doesn’t mean to call hermione a mudblood or actively insult the weasleys and the fact they can’t afford a whole fucking mansion like draco can.
and then, for some reason, harry’s always this himbo quidditch jock. while harry isn’t the brightest (“why is roonil wazlib written on the inside of your textbook?” “ah, that’s my nickname” WHAT 😭) he certainly isn’t a complete and total idiot. he’s the chosen one, and i would like to think that harry had to learn a great deal of things to protect himself. maybe harry never studied in school, but god, did he learn expecto patronum quick. just because harry was never really seen traditionally studying doesn’t mean his brain is smoother than ice. give me a harry that is constantly looking for more protection spells to protect himself and his friends, even if it isn’t through traditional means (think hermione the bookworm, if you want an example). give me a harry who spends time with neville studying the healing properties of plants in case he doesn’t have a potion on him. give me a harry who could list out how to brew a polyjuice potion off the top of his head. while i don’t like auror harry that much, i can certainly see that aurors need to have some level of intelligence if they’re actively fighting dark wizards. they need to know the aftereffects of this spell and the cure to fix it.
anyways that’s it for today because my post is so long wtf. i need sleep.
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glassy-eyed-poet · 7 months
Pov: the moment you realize that none of the mauraders fandom is canon
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littleliterarylesbian · 6 months
Oh my goddddd. Do people not know fandom edict??? If you want to talk shit on a ship you don't go out of your way to make sure people who like that ship see it, you're not going to change their minds just by adding in the fact it 'wouldn't make sense' or 'isn't realistic'
You know what also doesn't make sense and isn't realistic? Fucking wizards. Get off your JKR high horse.
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thecasscain · 6 months
reading the comics of a character after coming from fanon really does showcase how fandom so often does not use a character to its fullest potential, often defaulting to simpler, blander mischaracterisations/archetypes. more utilising the idea of a character concept than an actual character. not to be bitter, fanon can be a fun starting point to a character you don't know, but why not start to engage with the actual character after? it's so much fun?
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
You came down harsh on Hermione and I’m going to say I think the whole wizardry world sees violence as fun and probably don’t share our views because everything can mostly be easily fixed. Like the Weasley’s testing their product on the younger student population (who most likely can’t defend themselves) and sell love potions (aka date rape drugs essentially). Hermione meanness should be pointed out, but like how fanfic writers whitewash Draco (reduce him to a misunderstood kid) I think it’s fair that others do the same for her. Also, with Draco we have the knowledge that he associates with a racist and I’m not talking about blood supremacy which makes him trash already. I’m talking about Pansy worm comment to Angelina. We are aware that Draco willingly cast two unforgivables. One successfully and the other unsuccessfully. Like they are both trash, but it’s funny on how you went on a Hermione tangent when Draco himself is basura too. Seriously though Hermione should have never attack Ron she was trash for that and should have been called out by Harry or Ginny. Then again Ginny also attacks ppl so yeah.
Hello anon.
First of all, why is it a problem that I came down harshly on Hermione? I tagged my post as anti Hermione and I hate her. Well, I don't hate her really, I hate how her character is handled.
I find most characters in HP intolerable. I can count the number of characters I like/tolerate on one hand maybe. I think the wizarding world is full of disgusting people who see muggles as lesser and have a high tolerance for abuse.
Why do I need to criticize Draco when I criticize Hermione?? The point of my post is that Draco is heavily criticized already for his part in Dramione but the same is never done for Hermione. So I criticized her part in dramione since no one else will. I clearly stated in my post that Draco is not good for Hermione either. You can find multitudes of people who hate Draco and multiple anti Draco posts. I think we need more posts calling out the golden trio for being terrible people too.
Before getting into HP, I thought Harry Potter was a great hero. But after examining his character I realized Harry is an awful person and has little consideration for other people. I actually find Harry more abhorrent than Draco. Because Harry is supposed to be the hero of the story but he is clearly lacking.
I actually hate fanfics that whitewash Draco. Draco is snarky and fun and awful a lot of times. I find him very interesting and entertaining. I don't like him being made into a super victim abused by his daddy and I don't like when he is overly demonized.
So yeah. What exactly is the problem? My post was about Hermione. Not Draco. I don't care if people want to whitewash her. But I sure as hell won't be tolerating it. If girls want female role models, there are other female characters out there 1000 times better than Hermione. Female characters who don't abuse their love interests for one.
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chompe-diem · 2 months
wait so does everyone picture albin as a little brown boy or is that mostly me??
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oasis-of-stars-4 · 9 months
Barty: BWWAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, you hear that? That's the wrong opinion alarm. Mulciber: That is not something you actually have installed. Barty: Sorry, say again? I couldn't hear you over my alarm that YOU SET OFF with your WRONG-ASS OPINION.
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mentallyadinonugget · 5 months
“but james potter was a bully””he bullied snape!!!” ok? someone had to do it.
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things Snape did canonically:
•Snape was a blood supremacist who called lily a slur.
•invented a curse for enemies (marauders)
I don’t think a good person would make up a curse which mutilates someone terribly. That too, during his time in Hogwarts.
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•oh yeah later on he became a death eater 😋 (the main goal of the death eaters wasto eliminate all muggle-borns in the wizarding world and establish voldemort as its ruler)(magical nazis basically).
Plus when voldy was going to kill lily, Snape was like yk what you can kill the husband and the INFANT just don’t hurt my lily flower teehee like okay james bullied him so him not caring about james made sense but harry was a child bro
•BULLIED CHILDREN DURING HIS TIME AS A PROFESSOR????? he was literally neville’s bogart ffs and not because “some teachers are just scary okay Neville was afraid of almost everything!!!” but because Snape bullied neville on a daily basis plus threatened to kill his pet after a failed potion thingy. plus he made fun hermione’s physical appearance (when draco made her teeth all big and Snape was like hah it’s the same there’s no difference) and he bullied for BEING GOOD AT ACADEMICS LIKE 😭😭😭???? He bullied almost everyone in Hogwarts I just know it.
•sectumsempra’d George’s year off.
•tried to out Remus Lupin as a werewolf for NO reason other than his childish misdemeanour.
•called Sirius and Remus an old married couple.
•saves Katie bell from a cursed necklace
•saves draco malfoy from a terrible curse that could’ve killed him by the counter charm “vulnera saneteur”
can someone guess which curse Snape saved draco from??? You’re right! It was sectumsempra!
•switched sides or smth
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things james did canonically:
•called Snape snivellus (was funny ngl)
•bully snape
•turned into an illegal animagus at the age of 15 so his werewolf friend (Remus) has company during his transformations.
•took sirius black in after he ran away from an abusive hoursehold.
•literally died trying to stall Voldemort so Lily and Harry have some time to escape or just live in general.
So my point is canon james was a bit of an asshole but he still did way more good deeds than Snape even though Snape was in all the seven books like one of the good things he did was literally the consequences of his own actions (healing draco).
All of this is canon btw. NONE of it is fanon.
sincerely keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth he did what should have been done.
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hyperfixationsruleme · 2 months
Fanon Drarry is so amazing to me because I wanted them to be together romantically but whatever exists of CANON DRARRY is just so important to me that it's crazy!??!!
Like Draco Malfoy is the very first (other than Hagrid but thats a specific situation where someone had to bring him in) wizard Harry meets when he is introduced to the magical world. His very first peer. It was literally fate, like hello?
‘Hullo,’ said the boy, ‘Hogwarts too?’
‘Yes,’ said Harry." :(((((
Dobby was literally a Harry Potter Wikipedia page from how much, it can be justifiably inferred, Draco spoke about Harry constantly.
Simply the amount of effort that Draco put towards getting Harry's attention. Going to shake his hand, waiting around every corner to tease him, making enchanted badges to rile him up, etc.
Draco choosing to not give up Harry's identity in Malfoy Manor.
Harry saving Draco's life in the room of requirement.
Draco, while being wandless, screaming at Crabbe and Goyle to not kill Harry in the room of requirement.
The amount of times Harry describes Draco's glittering eyes and white blonde hair:)
Harry obstructing and blurring the fact that Draco was involved with Dumbledore's death on the Astronomy Tower
The way Harry constantly clocks whether Draco is the room immediately, whether it be during an exam, Quidditch, the Courtyard.
Harry stunning the death eater threatening Draco during the Battle of Howarts, even though Draco is literally telling the death eater that he is on his side.
Harry using Draco's wand in Deathly Hallows.
I'm not saying it was always positive because they were strong rivals and it was often negative, but you cannot deny that the obsession was there. They were, since Harry's very first hour in the Wizarding World, tied together by some force. I just choose to see it as some kind of string that binds them together, and that maybe, in another universe, those undeniably strong feelings are nurtured into love.
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souryam · 20 days
I think it makes more sense that the Princes were pureblood – Snape naming himself "Half Blood Prince" indicates that he was the only half blood Prince — but half blood Princes growing on me alarmingly.. something about them not being included in the Sacred 28 because they married muggles whenever they fell in love, being into dark magic but actively against blood purism (which eventually got them killed) is so scrumptious to me. And would be refreshing from the bunch of "Pureblood Most Noble and Ancient *family name* aesthetic that people push into every single pureblood family in fanon. Also, it would tie nicely with Eileen leaving the Wizarding World: her family got targeted and killed for not supporting a rising Tom Riddle and she was scared the same would happen to her and her son unless they got out of the way
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malfack · 5 months
the thing i love most about the marauder fandom is that we don't divide characters into good and bad. even negative characters have their own backgrounds and unique stories that make them individual personalities.
i hate canon bellatrix so much because she's presented as a sick psycho without a soul. but i love fanon bellatrix. i don't defend and support her but i understand her. she still does horrible things and killed my favorite character but now she has a backstory and her own traumas, which makes her an interesting character. i can say the same about barty and evan who are some of my favorite fanon characters. in canon there's almost nothing known about them except that they were death eaters and barty suffered from his father's lack of attention. but fanon evan and barty mean the world to me. every character should have a backstory. especially the antagonist. we should see the reasons and the path that led him to these actions.
the marauders fandom is a lot more interesting and fun to be in cause it's full of colors and versatility, fantasies and thoughts that unite a lot of people. there’s also no homophobes here cause fandom based on wolfstar. i mean how homophobia can exist in the fandom of dead gay wizards ? definitely my favorite thing .
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dragonagitator · 11 months
Timeline of major events during Gale Dekarios's lifetime
Here is my attempt to compile a timeline of major events that took place during Gale's lifetime, including his personal history, happenings in his hometown of Waterdeep, and major world events that would have affected him personally or affected everyone in Faerun. I hope this is useful in writing your Gale-centric fanfics!
The time period covered assumes that Gale is 40 years old during the events of BG3 and thus was born in the year 1452 DR. AFAIK there's no canon age given for Gale, but most fanons seem to peg him as being between 35 and 45, so I went with the middle of that range. Please feel free to adjust his estimated age for each event up or down depending on how old you think he is in BG3, e.g., if you think he's 38 then subtract 2 years, if you think he's 42 then add 2 years, etc.
Some of the more interesting implications of this timeline revolve around how much Mystra's powers and presence in the world significantly changed during Gale's lifetime. When Gale was a child or teen and first attracted the attention of Mystra, she was weak, not in contact with her Chosen, and assumed to be dead by most of the world. Gale was ~27 years old and already her lover by the time a "much diminished" Mystra called to Elminster for help, and Gale was ~35 years old when Mystra fully regained her powers as the Goddess of Magic. She seems to have dumped him shortly thereafter.
Detailed timeline and sources under the cut. It's long.
Most of the text that isn't specifically about Gale is copypasted from the Forgotten Realms wiki. See bottom for links. I haven't read all the novels and modules referenced by the wiki for these events yet and thus will likely need to revise this timeline as I work my way through those.
Birth to age ~27: until 1479 DR worldwide: Mystra was generally considered to be "dead"/missing during Gale's childhood and early adulthood because Mystra/Midnight was "murdered" by Cyric in 1385 DR (67 years before Gale was born).
However, Forgotten Realms canon of Mystra's timeline clashes with what Gale tells us about the timeline of his relationship with her:
Gale: "Once upon a time, not quite that long ago, there lived a wizard in a tower. The wizard was what one might call a prodigy, who from an early age could not only control the Weave, but compose it, much like a musician or a poet. Such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself. The Lady of Mysteries. The goddess Mystra. She revealed herself to me and she became my teacher. In time, she became my muse, and later, even my lover." PC: "What did Mystra's attention feel like?" Gale: "Love. Perhaps it was not quite love, but you see, the wizard was but a very young man. It was most certainly love to him."
Speaking as a middle-aged person myself, while most 40-year-olds would consider 27 to be "young," the modifier of "very" suggests he that was much younger than 27 when he first became Mystra's lover. I'm older than the oldest estimates for Gale's age and I still wouldn't characterize myself at age 27 as being "but a very young woman." That description seems more fitting for someone in their late teens / early 20s.
Also, if he was "but a very young man" when they became lovers, then that means he was even younger (a child or teenager) when she first revealed herself to him and started teaching him magic.
So Gale's relationship with Mystra must have started during the period that the rest of the world believed she was dead or missing. Mystra did still have some sort of disembodied "presence" during this period, so maybe she was simply not able or interested in speaking to Elminster or her other previously established Chosen. Or perhaps she was fragmented, and Gale's relationship began with one of those fragments? Part of her "presence" ended up possessing a bear, but I'm assuming not the part that Gale was fucking.
Birth to age ~30: until 1482 DR worldwide: Gale was born and grew up during the "Era of Upheaval," which was known for widespread wild magic and dead magic zones, a lot of changes in the pantheon of deities, and a lot of wars and political conflicts amongst mortals.
Age ~16: c. 1468 DR in Waterdeep: "Dagult Neverember, the richest man in the city, became Open Lord."
Age ~27: 1479 DR in Waterdeep: "By this year, the Field Ward had been established, and Skullport was no longer inhabited."
Age ~27: 1479 DR in Waterdeep: "The 8th walking statue, the Griffon, appeared in Waterdeep and to defend Ahghairon's Tower. It eventually settled down near the Peaktop Aerie on Mount Waterdeep and eventually became a landmark of the city."
Age ~27: 1479 DR in western Cormyr [roughly 1050 miles / 1690 km southeast of Waterdeep]: "While recuperating in a cabin in the King's Forest, Elminster felt Mystra's presence calling to him. He found her much diminished, possessing the body of a bear that had guarded a cache of items Mystra's still-mortal form had collected. She asked her most trusted servant to find new candidates to become Chosen and to recruit Cormyr's War Wizards. Only a few weeks later, having been restored to his full powers as a Chosen by absorbing the silver fire of the dying Symrustar Auglamyr and then that of the Simbul and Manshoon, Elminster returned to Mystra (in agony from absorbing too much of it) and returned much of it to the Lady of Mysteries, restoring much of her power and divinity. This event became known as Mystra's Return."
I'm assuming that Elminster's acquaintance with Gale must have begun sometime after this because otherwise you'd think Gale would have mentioned "oh yeah she's not actually dead, we've been banging for a while now."
Mystra reestablishing contact Elminster, regaining some of her power, and the rest of the world learning that she was alive is pretty huge and therefore must have been a significant turning point in her relationship with Gale as well.
I'm also assuming that Gale did not become one of Mystra's official Chosen until after this, since it seems like Mystra's Chosen weren't active while she was laying low and letting the world think she was dead?
Ages ~30 to ~35: 1482 DR to 1487 DR worldwide: "The Second Sundering, also known as the Sundering of Toril and Abeir, was a great catastrophic event in the history of the worlds of Abeir and Toril."
Age ~32: 1484 DR worldwide: "Most of the gods created many Chosen among mortals, trying to gather as much power as possible to be as high in divine ranking as they could before Ao completed the new Tablets of Fate, sealing their status and portfolio. People started to claim they had been 'chosen' by the gods and granted special powers, some apparently for 'divine purposes' while others had no idea why."
It's possible that Gale was recruited to be a Chosen of Mystra by Elminster per Mystra's instructions to Elminster to find candidates, but given that the gods were also choosing people directly during this period and that Mystra had a preexisting relationship with Gale, she may have also Chosen him directly herself. Poor Elminster out there trying to find the best candidates and then Mystra surprises him by adding her boyfriend to the roster. Gale being a nepotism hire despite having otherwise been qualified would be pretty funny.
Age ~34: 1486 DR in Waterdeep: "Neverwinter and Waterdeep began to clear the rubble in their cities that had built up over a century of neglect."
Hey, remember when Gale said that he used to be able to levitate an entire tower back when he was an archmage? Maybe this is when he was doing stuff like that.
Age ~35: 1487 DR worldwide: "Stars reportedly fell from the sky, gods long thought dead walked the land and armies led by Chosen clashed everywhere. Major geological instability resulted in numerous earthquakes and volcanoes, as the worlds of Abeir and Toril were separated once again, and areas once consumed by large chasms were restored to their pre-Spellplague status. Ships arrived on the mainland continent from Evermeet, Halruaa, Lantan, and Nimbral—all realms previously thought lost to Toril."
Age ~35: 1487 DR in Candledeep [roughly 650 miles / 1050 km south of Waterdeep] : "In an attempt to fully restore the goddess Mystra and the Weave, Elminster Aumar began his search for Khelben Arunsun's writings on the Weave, heading towards Candlekeep. Laeral and Alustriel Silverhand had also been hiding within the library: the two sisters' duty was to prepare their own destruction, so that no one could use their power to gain control over the Weave." ... "The energies of the destroyed Wards were absorbed by the Shadow King, who then left for Myth Drannor, followed by the three Chosen of Mystra."
Although Gale was likely a Chosen of Mystra by this point, he wasn't one of the three mentioned here.
Age ~35: 1487 DR in Myth Drannor [roughly 1350 miles / 2170 km east of Waterdeep]: "Meanwhile in Myth Drannor, Larloch, the Netherese, and the Chosen of Mystra (allied with the elves) clashed in a catastrophic battle." ... "As Elminster defeated Tanthul in a mage duel, the Netherese enclave crashed atop Myth Drannor. Elminster himself was saved by Mystra, who gained full control over the Weave once more, stopping Shar from turning it into a new Shadow Weave."
Age ~35: 1487 DR worldwide: "As 1487 DR came to a close, the Second Sundering ended with the full return of Mystra and the Weave, the separation of the worlds Abeir and Toril."
Gale was not a character in the novel about these events so any personal involvement would have been minor, but I'm including them in his timeline because he would have been impacted by the "full return" of Mystra to the world. I imagine he would have experienced many of the same issues that spouses of someone just elected to a high-level office go through.
Gale's lack of personal involvement in Mystra's restoration despite being her Chosen AND her lover is kinda weird, which makes me wonder if things were already starting to sour between them? I really wish that I could lock Ed Greenwood and Jan Van Dosselaer in a room together until they came up with a coherent explanation for what the fuck Gale was up to while all this was going down.
Age ~35 to ~39: 1487 DR to 1491 DR: Sometime during this period must have been when Mystra dumped Gale and he went looking for a lost bit of Weave to win her back but got a Netherese orb lodged in his chest instead.
Mystra was newly back to her full power as the Goddess of Magic and laying down the law, and Gale didn't take that very well:
Gale: "We enjoyed each other's company - body, mind and soul. But even so, I desired more. You see, no matter how powerful a wizard we mortals can become, we never scratch more than the surface of the Weave. Mystra keeps us in check. There are boundaries she doesn't let us cross. Yet every time I was with her, I stood on the precipice, gazing into the wonders that lay beyond. I sought to cross her boundaries." PC: "How exactly did you try to cross those boundaries?" Gale: "I tried to convince her. I pouted, I pleaded, I swore my ambition was only to serve her better. But she only smiled and told me to be contented. As inconceivable as it seems to me now, I shared a bed with a goddess and yet I wasn't satisfied. So I sought to prove myself worthy to her instead."
Gale's description of what happened after she dumped him sounds like it took place over a multi-year period, since I'm assuming that he had to spend some time searching for the "tome of gateways":
Gale: "The goddess spurned the mortal. The veils were drawn once more, and the wizard was left behind heartbroken." ... "Poor wizard. Silly wizard too, for he wouldn't take no for an answer. Like so many of the heartbroken, he did something infinitely foolish. One has to think big if one seeks to win back a goddess. So the wizard thought big." PC: "Define big." Gale: "Here goes: Once upon a time, very long ago, a mighty lord lived in a tower. A flying tower to be precise. I'll save his story for another time, but the gist of it is that he sought to usurp the goddess of magic so that he could become a god himself. He almost managed, but not quite, and his entire empire - Netheril - came crashing down around him as he turned to stone. The magic unleashed that day was phenomenal, roiling like the prime chaos that outdates creation. A fragment of it was caught and sealed away in a book. No ordinary book, mind you: a tome of gateways that contained within it a bubble of Astral Plane. It was a fragment of primal Weave locked out of time - locked away from Mystra herself. 'What if', the silly wizard thought, 'What if after all this time, I could return this lost part of herself to the goddess?'" PC: "What was the answer to his question?" Gale: "The answer was to try, and the outcome was to fail."
Not sure how much Gale was around for the next few events, since he might have been gallivanting around the Astral Plane looking for the tome instead of spending time in Waterdeep. But one assumes he'd notice the physical changes to the city whenever he returned, and that he'd hear about local news from his mother and Tara, so he would certainly be aware that these things happened.
Age ~37: 1489 DR in Waterdeep: "In response to increasing dragon and cultist activity, the Council of Waterdeep was formed, bringing together representatives of realms from all across the Sword Coast. The threat of the Cult of the Dragon was driven home when Masked Lord Arthagast Ulbrinter was assassinated, though it inspired more resolve than fear. In the midst of these events, Open Lord Dagult Neverember was ousted by a vote of the Lords of Waterdeep, replaced by Laeral Silverhand. Although Waterdeep was largely spared due to the dragonward, the Field Ward was still burned to ashes by dragon attacks, displacing huge numbers of people."
Age ~38: 1490 DR in Waterdeep: "The cloud giant castle of Count Nimbolo and Countess Mulara appeared out of clouds and hovered over Waterdeep for a while, triggering mass panic. Heralds sent out by Lady Laeral Silverhand tried to calm citizens and promise that there was no danger. In fact, the giants wanted to research Waterdeep's history and meet its leaders, as they search for traces of the ancient giant realm of Ostoria."
Age ~39: 1491 DR in the Astral Plane (I think?): Gale finds the "tome of gateways" and becomes afflicted with the Netherese orb:
Narrator: "You see through Gale's eyes, staring down the corridors of a dread memory. A book, bound, then suddenly opened. Inside there are no pages, only a swirling mass of blackest Weave that pounces. It's teeth, it's claws, it's unstoppable as it digs through you and becomes part of you. And gods, is it ever-hungry…"
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: Gale begins a year-long isolation in his tower in Waterdeep and eventually stops communicating with anyone except Tara. Not sure exactly when his isolation began relative to the other events of this year, so he may or may not have been personally affected by or even aware of some of the Waterdeep events below.
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "The returned Eilistraee appeared under the walls of Waterdeep causing an influx in the amount of her followers in the city. They eventually sought out Remallia Haventree and asked her for a holy forest-glade in the ruins of the Field Ward. By Mirtul, the housing crisis in Waterdeep had worsened as a mysterious sickness killed or drove out all of the inhabitants of Downshadow, the Field Ward remained desolated by dragonfire, and Mistshore was burned down by agents of Masked Lord Braethan Cazondur, rendering all three unofficial wards uninhabitable."
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "Fear threatened to overtake Waterdeep once again as the cloud giant castle of Burruld hovered over the ocean near the city. After the Blackstaff Vajra Safahr panicked and threatened the giants, Open Lord Laeral Silverhand calmed the situation, negotiated with Burruld, and learned that their purpose was to search for the lost daughter of King Skyvald, Princess Irie."
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "In mid-Mirtul, numerous Masked Lords and other people were gruesomely assassinated as part of Cazondur's conspiracy to seize control of the city. Open Lord Laeral Silverhand, assisted by Elminster and Mirt, worked to maintain order in the city while investigating the murders. While attempting to apprehend Cazondur, Laeral herself was killed and disintegrated by a surprisingly simple trap involving falling rocks, but recovered with Elminster's assistance. An exceedingly dramatic showdown at the Palace of Waterdeep between Laeral and Cazondur in front of assembled servants, nobles and guildmasters resulted in Cazondur's death at the hands of an unexpected third party, Xanathar agents Belvarra Bowmantle and Suthool. Including Cazondur, a total of thirteen Masked Lords and scores of others were slain, and several more Lords publicly unmasked."
Please note that our best guess for the location of Gale's tower puts it couple blocks away from Mirt's Mansion and Gale has mentioned being a patron of the Yawning Portal Tavern, so it seems likely that Gale and Mirt would have been acquainted. If Gale was already in isolation by the time all this went down, perhaps Elminster and Mirt tried dropping by Gale's tower at some point but were repelled by the wards that Gale had set up to keep everyone away? Gale seemed very certain that no one cared about him enough to check on him but I wonder how much of that was the depression talking.
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "A delegation from the city of Mirabar disappeared while en route to the city, having been waylaid by cultists of the Elder Elemental Eye."
Age ~40: 1492 DR in Waterdeep: Gale abruptly departs his tower and doesn't tell anyone where he's going per Tara's line in his origin, "You left the tower in such a hurry, and you didn't leave an address."
Age ~40: 1492 DR in Yartar [roughly 310 miles / 500 km north of Waterdeep as the crow flies]: Gale is kidnapped by the nautiloid. As explained in a previous post, I believe that he was headed north to find an unpopulated area to die and explode in.
FR wiki: Gale Dekarios
FR wiki: Era of Upheaval
FR wiki: Second Sundering
FR wiki: Mystra
FR wiki: Mystra (Midnight)
FR wiki: History of Waterdeep
FR wiki: Yartar
BG3 datamined dialogue transcripts
Map of Faerun
Sad headcanons posted to Tumblr by various people over the past few months that I unfortunately didn't save links to. If you saw something in here that you've posted about then I probably got the idea from you. Please feel free to drop links in the comments so people can read the original post(s) about it, thanks!
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galedekarios · 6 months
the chosen's earring & the celestial spyglass (idle champions)
with idle champions releasing gale as a hero and revealing his age and alignment, there are also a bunch of items relating to him:
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many of them have very sweet and cute descriptions, like a ball that gale tried to get tara to play with, lifting his spirits even tho tara didn't see the sense in it, or the collection of waterdhavian chapbooks that gale is glad are written at least in full sentences, the crystal ball used for divination as well as a helpful tool for shaving - but what caught my attention are two things that are more serious than the others:
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The Chosen's Earring A symbol of Mystra's faith in me. Former faith, I suppose...
i found the wording here extremely interesting. there is a popular fanon theory that the earring is gale's focus, and it very well could still be.
yet the wording makes me thing that it's not something that he got for himself, but that it was something given to him. by mystra. a symbol to mark her newest chosen. a gift, but also expectations.
while idle champions is of course only a mobile game and we should probably take everything here with a big grain of salt, it's still interesting to me.
the other item that caught my eye was the celestial spyglass and its description:
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Celestial Spyglass I like gazing at the heavens. To remember. And to forget.
this immediately stood out to me because it reminded me of gale's alternate astral sea / boat scene in act 3:
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Gale: Quite the view, isn't it? The Outer Planes are a place of potential, somtimes overwhelming possibility. I conjured this illusion often during my confinement in Waterdeep. An escape for the mind where there was none for the body. It was easier to stare at the celestial abyss than recognise the emptiness within myself. Easier to pretend my destiny lay among such stars, than work to salvage a life on solid ground. You changed all that.
we also know that gale's tent still holds such a celestial spyglass:
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he also comments on it if you explore the world and fine one, like in the abandoned wizard tower:
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the "to remember. and to forget." is also very interesting here. i think from his act iii dialogue we can infer what he means by this and it tugs on my heartstrings the same way the alternate act 3 astral sea / boat scene does.
to remember the beauty of the weave, a time where he was all but one with it, where he glimpsed at those possibilities. and to forget, to forget all that came after, the crushing loneliness, the isolation, the abject feeling of failure and loss.
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saintsenara · 14 days
what do you think about lucius and narcissa's marriage? are they a good match? do they fuck? do they love each other or are they only united by blood purity and their love for draco? they fascinate me
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
lucius and narcissa are absolutely a good match - and they clearly absolutely fuck. they are also clearly united predominately by their shared social values - their commitment to blood-supremacy [and i'm always amused by the tendency for fanon portrayals of narcissa to portray her as a less ardent blood-supremacist than lucius, when she's the one calling hermione "scum" in the middle of a shop...] and their commitment to the maintenance of the class system which governs the wizarding world [and the social conventions which underpin it] chief among them.
indeed, i think this interest in conformity to the expectations of the class system is the main thing lucius and narcissa have in common, and it's one of the most compelling routes into have a good look at the two of them as a couple.
narcissa is the most conventional of her sisters, and this is evidently connected to how flagrantly bellatrix and andromeda defy the norms they were raised to adhere to - andromeda by choosing to marry a muggleborn man on her own terms, bellatrix by spending the majority of her time in the exclusively male space of voldemort's inner circle.
lucius is also someone who is incredibly conventional. it's clear throughout canon that his insistence that he was under the imperius curse during the first war - rather than, like his brother- and sister-in-law, refusing to denounce voldemort - was because he didn't want to lose the comfortable, socially-prominent life he had by virtue of his name, wealth, and blood status, and voldemort goes to great lengths throughout half-blood prince and deathly hallows to punish him for this by specifically attacking the maintenance of social norms which lucius values so highly [by squatting in the malfoys' home, refusing to behave like a guest, and humiliating his host before his peers; by constantly emasculating lucius; by treating his son and heir as expendable; and so on].
and lucius and narcissa's turn against voldemort - as much as it's connected to their love for draco [and as much as they do seem to be sincerely good parents] - is also connected to their growing realisation that, if voldemort wins, they will be made pariahs, and will never again enjoy the life at the top of the pile they've had for so long.
and i find that such a compelling thread binding them together. they're immoral and venal and cruel... but, damn, they're a team.
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lurveinn · 6 months
I’m so curious about Wizarding fashion. JKR isn’t very physically descriptive- we just know that wizards wear robes, which are outlandish to muggles, and pointy hats, but what does that really mean? What kind of robe? Magical fashion clearly isn’t very gendered, since Harry remarks on a man at the Quidditch World Cup wearing a dress and insisting that it’s unisex (certainly not the case in Britain at the time), but we don’t have any other parameters. Keeping in mind the uniform from the movies, and the fact that in SWM, Snape isn’t wearing any trousers, here’s what I think wizards wear:
1. Flowing silhouettes and cloaks; clearly, wizards love a good statement cloak. Think tassels and frills (not like Ron’s Yule Ball fit!), massive extended sleeves and lots of draping.
2. Skirts: let’s be honest, just one singular robe, without any layering, doesn’t give us much to work with. Skirts go with the general silhouette, explain why the World Cup wizard thought muggle men wore dresses, and keep with the no-trousers thing from SWM. I’m South Asian, so I like to have a little fun with it and think of wizards in ghararas (my favourite item of clothing); the Wizarding World is quite insular, travel is relatively unrestricted (hello, they have magic!), everyone has a common enemy in muggles (and other species- goblins, house-elves) etcetera, so race probably doesn’t function the same way and I headcanon a lot of cross-cultural exchange. Plus, wizarding fashion isn’t restricted by weather- they have warming charms- so wearing clothes made for hot climates in England, for example, wouldn’t be a problem.
Plus, I actually think saris are a natural fancy dress option- flowy, drapey, colourful. Speaking of which-
3. If there’s one fanon idea that I hate (aside from fanon!Sirius, of course), it’s this image of wizards (specifically high society wizards) as reserved. Sorry, did we read the same books? Wizards, even posh, rich wizards, like the Malfoys and Blacks, are camp and very outlandish. They do house-elf taxidermy, they keep their wands in canes. Just because Hogwarts uniforms are black doesn’t mean that people dress like they’re in mourning all the time. People can be total snobs and obsessed with their image and still wear bright pink, insane robes, because guess what? They have different social conventions than we do. Men and women dress basically the same, so there is no reason to believe that a man wearing a flowing robe would be against the norm. I say this as someone who believes misogyny and homophobia are well and truly alive in Wizarding society, especially in pureblooded families where the emphasis is on continuing the line; they definitely exist, but they probably look different.
4. My personal obsession and headcanon: rich wizards wearing bones. Look, I might not think of them as racist in the traditional sense, but they are undeniably speciesist, if that’s a word? They think of themselves as superior, and other sentient magical species either work under (goblins) or are enslaved (house-elves) by wizards. We only see Veelas very briefly, but despite them being admired for their beauty, I doubt wizards treat them very well. So- show me blood-purists wearing corsets made of goblin bones and teeth. Show me Veelas being hunted for their blood to stain and dye clothes with. Show me exotic “magical creatures” that are humanoid and capable of reasoning and should have rights, like mermaids and werewolves, being hunted for their scales and pelts while also being ostracised for being ‘non-human’. It’s terrible, but that’s the kind of archaic jewellery and fashion the old families that the fandom likes to fetishise would like to wear.
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