#with the other longer ones it was easy i just couldn’t specify my aim with this one for a while.
mochiable · 4 years
— cherries & foam. (f)
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↣ summary: you've had a stressful day at work and Lucas is there to make your evening more enjoyable.
↣ pairing: boyfriend!lucas x fem!reader
↣ genre: fluff
↣ word count: +3k
↣ warnings: a bit suggestive
a/n: english is not my first language, so if you see any grammatical or spelling mistakes don't hesitate to tell me. any constructive criticism will be always welcome.
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“Hello, love," you greeted your boyfriend as you walked through the door.
Lucas was lying on the couch watching the series you had sworn to watch together. You pouted unconsciously. Letting out a sigh, you took off your shoes and left your coat on the rack at the entrance.
“Are you watching the eleventh season of Modern Family without me?,” a new pout reappeared on your lips when you turned around and faced him.
Lucas turned his head in the direction of the tv and let out a nervous laugh, "Sorry, we can always resume to the last episode we watched together."
You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your lips as you heard him talk, "Don't worry, right now all I want to do is sleep until next year."
“Mhm, bad day?,” he questioned approaching you and bringing his face close to yours. You nodded softly as you grabbed his wrists and directed his arms around your waist.
“It was the most stressful day of my life, I swear I'm not exaggerating," you whispered, draping your arms around his shoulders and around his neck.
“You've been working so hard lately," he murmured, caressing your hip with his thumb. You nodded again with your eyes closed as you rested your forehead on his chest. You noticed how one of his hands went up to your head and started stroking your hair, "Do you want me to give you a massage?"
You groaned helplessly at the relaxation you got from the thought of it, eliciting a giggle from your boyfriend, "I'll take that as a yes."
You smiled again as you rose your head and looked into his eyes. He smiled back at you and moved in to kiss you. A lingering kiss, but not erotic at all. When you pulled apart you stood with your faces so close that your noses were touching, both of you with your eyes closed.
"You'll have to wash up first though, you smell a little," he teased just inches from your mouth, gaining a scoff and a punch on the arm from you, which made him laugh more, "how about you lie down on the bed while I run you a bath? Or do you want something to eat first?"
“I prefer the bath," you answered, but your look changed from a sweet one to one full of illusion, “wait, would you really run me a bath?”
“Ouch, are you that surprised?”, he answered with mock offense, bringing one of his hands to where his heart would be, making you laugh, “I'd make you as many as you want. Aigoo, my baby works very hard”.
You chuckled again, this time hitting him in the chest, “stop fooling around and go run me that bath, ‘cmon”.
“As you wish, Captain," he replied mockingly, putting a hand to his forehead as if he were a soldier.
Once Lucas left the dining room to go to prepare your bath, you headed to the kitchen with difficulty and opened the fridge looking for some snacks. You decided on the cherries in a small bowl, assuming Lucas had gone to buy them earlier this morning. You smiled sideways and took out the bowl, sat down on the counter and started eating.
“Babe, come on, it's ready!,” you heard him call you from the bathroom. You let out a sigh, shifting your gaze between your feet and the floor, “Y/N?”
“I can't!,” you answered, putting three cherries in your mouth, chewing slowly.
“Why not? What's the matter?,” his voice got closer and closer until your boyfriend's pretty face came through the kitchen door, “what's wrong?,” he asked in a soft voice as he walked over to you and looked with amusement at the bowl of cherries, “hey, that was meant for me!”, he whined, pouting cutely. You rolled your eyes and, without saying anything, stretched your arms in his direction. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow before crossing his arms, “you don't expect me to carry you, do you?”
You smiled excited as you waved your still raised arms at him, “please~”
Lucas sighed before he let out a laugh and ruffles your hair, making you squeal, “just because I love you”.
In less than two seconds you were in his arms, bridal style. You noticed how he held you with one arm, which made you frown, and turn your head, watching him grab the bowl of cherries with one of his hands. You looked at him with both eyebrows raised, waiting for an explanation, "what? I'm hungry”.
The moment Lucas opened the bathroom door, you tried not to let your mouth brush the floor. He had decorated the bathroom with red scented candles and dipped a bath bomb in the tub, giving the water a golden color.
You stared in awe at your boyfriend as he set you down and looked up at you with a proud smile.
"Baby, you didn't have to," you said stroking his cheek with your thumb.
He directed his hand and placed it on your wrist to pull it away from his face and give it a gentle squeeze, "come here," he replied leading you to the tub. He began to remove your thin jacket, then your shirt and undershirt.
You looked at him intrigued, "Xuxi, I understand you feel like doing things, but I'm too tired".
He looked at you in confusion and, after looking at the clothes now lying on the floor, opened his mouth and then quickly closed it. He brought his gaze back up to your face and gave you a gentle smack on the forehead, “No, pabo, I don't want to do anything”.
Without waiting a second longer, he bent down and unbuttoned your pants and then started to pull them down your long legs. You couldn’t help but bristle as he left a chaste kiss on your inner thigh. You've always felt self-conscious about your legs. You weren't what was considered the perfect ideal in Korea and, although you didn't like to admit it, the looks and comments people made about you had made you insecure about that part of their body.
Lucas knew that, in fact, you didn't need to tell him. When he saw that you stopped wearing skirts or shorts he knew something was wrong, and he didn't hesitate to show you how perfect you were for him and that the only important thing was that you felt comfortable in your own body. And he had not stopped proving it to you to this day.
“Do you want me to take off your underwear?,” he asked, looking down gently at you.
You ducked your head, embarrassed and slightly blushing, but it didn’t take you long to nod. Lucas smiled in response and, as gently as he could, placed his long fingers on your hips making your skin crawl. That was adorable to him, so he deposited a small kiss this time very close to your groin. Slowly, he began to pull down the small piece of cloth still covering you and threw it on the floor along with the rest of your clothes.
He immediately stood up, placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you around, making your back face him. Delicately running his hands up your arms, he reached the clasp of your bra and nimbly unfastened it. Then he turned you again and tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear and smiled sweetly at you.
He hadn't looked down once. He kept looking into your eyes the whole time and thinking how he was so lucky to meet you and delight in sharing moments like this with you. Despite the years you've been together and the fact that this isn't the first time he's seen you without any clothes on, this moment felt, without a doubt, absolutely special.
“You are beautiful," he whispered, causing your cheeks to turn crimson red. Since the first date he hadn't stopped complimenting you and making you feel like the most special person on the planet, but you couldn’t help but feel self-conscious every time he emphasized how important you were to him.
And there he had you, completely at his mercy. You felt so small under his gaze yet so powerful. You knew it was at times like these that he would do whatever you asked, just as he knew you would do the same for him. But Lucas treated you with such affection that, even in this situation, he would never hurt you, in any way, shape or form.
“I heated the water just the way you like it, even though it's probably not as hot now as you'd prefer. Sorry about that," he smiled apologetically at you, making it inevitable that a smile took the shape of your lips, "oh, I also poured the bubble soap”.
“How could I have been so lucky?,” you asked rhetorically, hugging him by the waist but keeping your head up to see his face.
“You'll have to specify a little more, I don't know if you're referring to me or that I had to fight with an old lady for the last bottle of soap," he joked, provoking laughter from both of you.
“Thank you," you said sincerely, looking him straight in the eye.
“Don't thank me, sweetie,” he winked at you as he took you by the hand and helped you up the small step that was blocking your easy way into the bathtub. Once inside, you laid your head on the curve, where there was a towel to avoid further pain.
Lucas knelt down and began to wet your hair while you closed your eyes at the soothing sensation. Minutes passed and you had already gotten used to the temperature and pampering of your boyfriend. Lucas took the shampoo and made you sit up so he could apply the soap more easily on you.
You were hugging your knees, which were pressed to your chest. You didn't know how but, somehow or other, you still felt weak in front of him. You were so in love with him that if moments like these were to end someday you wouldn't know how to go on with your life.
After a few minutes, Lucas' soft fingers were tangled in your hair, gently massaging your skin in an attempt to clear your mind. Later, he rinsed your hair and applied vanilla soap (your favorite) on a sponge. Then he started to rub it on your back and then on your arms, chest and legs.
Some of you will say, couldn't she do this on her own? But you only say that because you don't know how romantic and tender it is to have your favorite person take such good care of you.
A splash aimed at your face snapped you out of your thoughts. You quickly brought the palms of your hands to your eyes and wiped away the traces of water that had lingered in the area. When you finally opened them you found your boyfriend holding back laughter. You raised an eyebrow and didn't hesitate to return the splash. That quickly turned into a water... and soap war.
“Ouch!," you squealed as a bit of suds got in your right eye. You immediately felt Lucas lean over the tub and pull your hands away from your face. He held your chin with his middle finger and thumb and turned your face in his direction.
He grimaced at the sight of your eye and stroked the bottom of it with the thumb of his other hand, trying to dry the area a bit, “It's a little sore, does it sting?”
You shook your head, "No, but you're going to pay for it," at the look of confusion on your boyfriend's face, you splashed him again, making him scream and provoking laughter from both of you.
After a few minutes of trying to regulate your breathing, Lucas turned around and grabbed the bowl of cherries he had brought with him. He carefully set it down on the step of the tub and directed a cherry to your mouth. You gladly took it and playfully bit his finger afterwards, to which he raised his eyebrows.
“Don't heat up what you don't want to eat," he warned, popping two cherries into his mouth. You laughed and moved a little closer to him. Luke picked up a cherry again and directed it at you, but you frowned and took it from him, leaving him confused. You made the gesture of handing it to him, bringing it closer to his mouth, but when it was already brushing his lips you quickly pushed it away and popped it in your mouth. You let out another laugh when you saw his annoyed face, "don't tempt me, y/n," he scolded you with fake annoyance, to which you stuck your tongue out at him.
Once Lucas finished bathing you he sat on the floor, resting his elbow on the step and holding your head with the palm of his hand. He smiled internally when he saw you playing with the little foam that was still left, passing it from one hand to the other and putting it back in the water. You were silent for a few seconds, feeling how his gaze never left you for a moment. You decided to raise your head, meeting the loving eyes of your boyfriend, who looked at you as if you were the most beautiful and expensive work of art in any museum.
“Why are you looking at me, Xuxi?,” you asked in a low tone of voice, closing your eyes and resting your face on your knee, which was sticking out of the water.
“How beautiful you look," he answered, holding back the urge to pull you out of the bathtub and hug you for the rest of the night. You opened your eyes and smiled broadly, making Lucas' heart pound, so much that he felt like it was going to burst out of his mouth. “Do you want me to leave so you can enjoy the bath by yourself?,” he asked with the intention of getting up and leaving the bathroom.
You quickly shook your head and pulled your arm out of the water to grab one of her hands and entwine it with yours, “stay with me, I always enjoy being with you”.
“I know, you tell me that every night," he joked, causing you to splash him again with the now cold water in the bathtub, eliciting a laugh from him.
Lucas moved his free hand to your knee that was closest to him and began to caress it, slowly lowering it until his hand was submerged in the water, continuing his caresses on the top of your thigh, very close to your hip.
You couldn't stop your skin from prickling again at such a sensation. It seemed that Lucas had some power over you, that he had somehow bewitched you so that, every time he touched you, wherever it was, you felt your legs tremble. Every time his fingers came into contact with your skin you felt soft electric shocks, which not only passed through your sensory nerves, but reached deep into your heart. You had often wondered if this was what people called "being in love", because if this sensation was the definition of being in love, then you had achieved the highest position.
“It's so cute how your skin prickles every time I touch you," he whispered, bringing his face close to yours, allowing you to smell his minty breath.
“That's the effect you have on me," you murmured back, directing your gaze to his pink lips.
“Mhm, that sounded sexy," he teased, giving you a gentle pinch on your thigh, causing an intense blush to take over your cheeks.
“You're weird," you laughed, bringing your hand in the direction of his, which was still underwater. You brought it to your mouth and placed a short but gentle kiss on his knuckles, then rested your cheek on the top of his hand. “Don't you want to get in here with me? The water is just the way you like it”.
He shook his head, "I'm fine here, I like looking at you”.
You were silent for a few minutes, looking at each other and thinking about how much you had missed each other.
“You're shaking, do you want to go out?,” Lucas asked, stroking the back of your hand.
When you nodded like a little girl, Lucas got up from the floor and walked over to the corner where your towels were on the electric towel rack. He grabbed the softest one and spread it out, shaking it gently to finish unfolding it. Then he picked up a smaller one for your feet and walked over to you, holding the one for your body with one hand and stretching the one for your feet on the edge of the tub. With his free hand he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him to lift you up, helping you cautiously out of the tub, getting your feet onto the towel that was laying on the floor. He made a gesture with his head for you to move your arms away from your sides, which you did, and, with a smile, he wrapped your body in the soft towel.
With one hand you held the towel so as not to drop it and pulled it even tighter to your body. He then bent down to open one of the drawers on the shelf and from there he pulled out another towel. He walked back over to you and turned you around, with you facing the mirror and your back to Lucas. He lifted the towel and dropped it over your head, then began to move it in gentle circles, massaging your scalp. You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to relax.
“You're the best boyfriend I've ever had," you opened your eyes wide when you heard him laugh. Had you said that out loud?
“I don't really know whether to be flattered or offended," he joked, finally dropping the towel from your head, meeting your boyfriend's amused face through the mirror.
You felt your cheeks heat up from one moment to the next and smiled apologetically at him. It was true, you had never had a boyfriend before, and it wasn't something you used to be ashamed of, not until now.
“Well, I think you should be flattered," you said, putting a clip on your towel so it wouldn't fall and turning around. You moved as close to him as possible and raised your hands to place them on his shoulders. You stood on tiptoe so you could reach his face, “even if I had a thousand boyfriends, you'd still be the best," you smiled as you watched Lucas bite his lower lip trying to hold back the huge smile that was about to escape him. Without waiting another second you pressed your lips to his, in a short and soft kiss.
“Tell me something I don't know," he teased making you both laugh before melting into another kiss, this one much longer and more passionate than the other, in which you showed each other how much you loved each other and how much you needed each other.
It was at that moment that you realized how lucky you were to be with a man like Lucas. Because he wasn't a boy, he was truly a man. And best of all, he wasn't just any man, he was your man.
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copyright © 2021 @/mochiable. all rights reserved.
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An Almost Perfect Life - 4/?
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Summary: You are a young career woman at one of the bank in London and, at the same time, attending a PhD in Statistics. Your life was perfect until your apartment was invaded by two demons.
Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x Fem!Reader x Claude Faustus
Previous Chap: Page 1 , Page 2 , Page 3
IV. Sharing Demons
The days had now reached a monotony that you didn't think possible. At work you were controlled by Sebastian but more than control he seemed to really develop a duty as an intern, helping you in the compilation of the documents and in the interviews that you used to carry out with customers who required your experience.
You never thought that kind of cohabitation would reach that level of fake tranquility. At one point, having breakfast and dinner almost became a pleasure.
Claude had become less intrusive, leaving you the space you needed during the study and no longer dared to approach your wardrobe after warning him that if he did it again you would have entered into a contract with Sebastian just out of spite.
You were sure the demon knew you had told a lie but still respected your will.
The last day before the week of your parents' visit, the golden-eyed demon even made you a preparer for a Statistics exam after studying with you and explaining some more delicate reasoning.
However, that feeling of continuous hunting didn’t seem to disappear. The two were and still seemed obsessed with entering into a contract.
Misunderstandings and attacks had happened at least a dozen times and it seemed that the two demons didn’t know how to be in company with each other. One day the house was haunted by Sebastian, the other by Claude.
It seemed as if they disappeared into thin air and when you asked about them or wanted to understand their nature, they seemed to evade your questions, leaving you with a huge question mark.
So much so that day they seemed tremendously irritated by the presence of their fellow man.
“So, my family is coming. I don't want oddities of any kind.” You explained clearly and concisely to the two demons who stood in front of the door.
You asked them politely if they could wear something more normal, like a pair of jeans and a shirt. Needless to say, they had dressed exactly the same way, so it was a matter of debate.
So you decided to offer Sebastian something that diverted attention from ordinary clothing and opted for a long black scarf.
You would have complained about that too, but you preferred to fly over.
You pointed your finger at Sebastian. “I've already explained the situation a hundred times.” And you turned your attention to Claude. “It's nothing too difficult.”
The door rang and almost made you jump on the spot.
“And absolutely no fights.”
Then with a sigh you opened the door and, first of all, you were invaded by the warm embrace of your mother. One arm closed on you while the other held up a bundle of fur. It was in extreme contact with your chest and you felt it shake a little before the woman left.
“It's nice to see you again, mom” you sighed, happy with a friendly face at last. The woman passed you and before paying attention to your father, you observed the reactions of the two demons.
When she settled in front of Sebastian, you watched him widen his eyes as a bright complexion went to cover his cheeks.
“Nice to meet you, I'm the mother of (Y / N), (Y / M / N).”
“Cat.” He said only, as he laid his red eyes on the white beast in your mother's arms.
You whitened. That particular attention on the animal made your blood rise to the brain. Did demons also eat cats?
Before the embarrassing moment could hit everyone, Claude reached out to cover your mother's, appearing in Sebastian's place.
“It's been a while” your father's voice came clear to your ears, forcing you to give your full attention to him.
At the door, with his usual bearing, he looked at you with a softened expression accompanied by a rare smile.
“Yes, it's been a while,” you agreed, letting the detachment disappear as you closed your arms around his body. You definitely missed your father.
He had always been there in difficult times and in your complicated choice of university. You would never have found the right way to thank them for all their commitment and love.
“They are Sebastian, my colleague at work ...” and you pointed to the raven who was playing with the legs of your mother's cat. “… And Claude, Sebastian's cousin. He teaches math and is helping me in the Master.”
The less distracted of the two made a slight bow and wondered where the hell it came from. A simple handshake was enough.
Your father's gaze turned from peaceful to extremely confused.
You quickly approached Claude, placing a hand behind his back and giving him a small pinch with your fingers to make him go straight.
“Well, what if we have lunch, I'm hungry.” you laughed forcedly as the demon watched you in silence.
Your mother, after playing enough with Sebastian and having had her dose of high discomfort, placed the cat in his arms and turned to face you.
“What? Already? But it's only 12 o'clock.” she returned to give her attention to the man to whom she had entrusted her creature and smiled cordially. “After all, I'm curious to know.”
Michaelis gently placed the cat on the ground and finally decided to get out of that embarrassing situation.
“Of course, I promised you after all, madame.”
Your mother laughed at the appellation and asked him to call her only by her name while escorting her to the living room, followed closely by your father who had suddenly become morbid and jealous.
“Are you allright, miss?” asked the second devil, just turning to look at you.
“I hope.” You moaned. “I really hope so.”
 “Are you serious?” chuckled (Y / M / N) as she let herself fall against the sofa.
“It was just like that. I would have expected everything but never to be mistaken for a thief.” Sebastian again confirmed as he was still pouring some tea into your mother's cup.
The two of them had secluded on the sofa closest to the window and on the other side of the table your father was starting a close conversation with Claude who seemed to respond monotonously.
For your part, you had been completely ignored during the whole aperitif, leaving you to deal with your phone.
And you couldn't have had better luck.
With the two distracted demons, you could have investigated more deeply into their nature. You had tried as much as possible to find out about how any contracts entered into worked and how the devil was able to circumvent them.
But nothing specified of devils who deliberately put themselves at the service of a human being without a lavish reward. Yours seemed to be an isolated case, not studied and not treated anywhere.
You excluded the most famous sites, certain that if something had been deliberately ousted you would never have been able to find it there and you aimed at those small anonymous sites with a macabre air.
Many spoke of how to recall a devil but few of how to expel that entity.
What you learned, however, was that the devil could only walk in the human world if close to a contractor. So if that was the case, why were those two still able to walk around like normal people?
And in history, even if they were just mythologies, nobody seemed to have been smart enough to deceive a devil.
Just when you were about to forfeit, an important word jumped into your eyes.
-Demon Slayer-
You thought that by clicking on it you would discover some mysterious coven of fanatics but only a cartoon from Japan happened to you.
Although it had been a waste of time, a vague probability of a demon hunter existence tickled your interest. But they could be anywhere.
The church certainly could have given you the answer you were looking for. Using correct and delicate words, they couldn’t have believed you mad but only persecuted.
There was only one problem.
You raised your eyes to the demons who, with their all too human faces, deceived your family with false and kind words.
Being able to leave the house without being observed by both wouldn’t have been an easy task.
Just as those thoughts invaded your head, Sebastian's eyes looked up at you and you could observe a curious frown. Faster than light, you closed the application and smiled fake.
“Well, how about sitting all at the table now? You must know that Sebastian is also an excellent cook. ”
 “It was a beautiful hour, (Y / N). We would have passed more often if there had also been such welcome companies.”
You avoided gnashing your mother's words as she warmly greeted the two demons near the door.
If only they had known...
“Don't get too used to it, I will get rid of them as soon as possible.” You wanted it to sound like a joke but it came out too much like a truth.
Sebastian turned to you, his usual innocent smile that graced his all too perfect face. “Now, now, it's not a nice thing to say.”
“Have a good return trip.” You recommended to your father, ignoring the offended comment of the red-eyed demon.
You watched them go out and walk along the avenue of your district from the window and when they disappeared from your sight you managed to breathe a sigh of relief.
The demons had done well, after all, and you never expected all that cooperativity.
Closing the light white curtains, you turned suddenly and jumped on the spot when your vision was completely obscured by a figure a few centimeters from you.
You sighed, putting a hand on your heart. “You have to stop showing up behind people...”
The golden eyes narrowed as if he were amused by your reaction, although nothing in his stoic expression seemed to show it. “I apologize. I forget how sensitive you are to heart attacks.”
“It seems like you're waiting for it to happen...” you laughed a little, trying to break that heavy feeling of blockage.
With a sigh, you let your eyes drop on the glass cup he held in his hands. Inside it still shone the dark brown liquid that your mother sipped during the aperitif. Maybe you forgot it in the living room.
“Oh, thanks.” You reached out to grab the object but when you came into contact with the demon's skin, his fingers opened letting the glass fall down.
You tried to reach it straight away, as if by an involuntary reaction, but the wrist was tightened in a painful grip that made you suddenly withdraw.
The thud and the sound of crystals dispersing on the parquet floor filled the silence inside the small room.
You could feel Claude's nails delicately tracing the inside of your wrist, caressing your flesh as if in a silent threat.
You tried to pressure yourself, as if to get back what was yours but it didn't work. The arm remained stretched to the side of the demon while his body seemed to dominate you. It wasn't too close to be annoying, but not too far away to allow you to breathe a sigh of relief.
“Claude, what's going on?”
When you found the courage to take your eyes off the floor and the grip, your eyes focused on his and you held your breath.
Behind the transparent lenses of the glasses, the unmistakable fire that had replaced the passive and detached yellow eyes shone.
You wanted to try again to say something that could make you understand the reason for his gesture but the grip that surrounded your flesh intensified suddenly letting you escape a sore groan.
Without your noticing his figure had bent over you and when his dark hair came to pinch your nose, you instinctively closed your eyes.
The unmistakable blow of a magazine on a hard object sounded a few centimeters from you, blocking the advance of the demon.
“Get a hold of yourself, Claude. You're scaring the young lady.”
You raised your head, which you had involuntarily lowered in fear, on the newcomer who was waving an old newspaper just above the spider demon's head, a sarcastic smile that graced his lips.
The demonic eyes had vanished again returning to the unmistakable gold and although they seemed to show a sort of surprise, that lasted a few moments.
Your hand was free again and you raised it in front of your chest, massaging the bruised skin. A bruise would probably come out the next day.
"I apologize." He only said, in his usual flat voice. He seemed to apologize very much that day.
Sebastian lowered his red eyes on you, holding out a hand as if to give you a rope to escape from that uncomfortable corner. You didn't know why but you relied on the second demon without thinking twice as he approached you.
“Maybe we should keep our appetite under control, don't you think?”
“I hate to admit it, but maybe you're right.”
You didn’t fully understand the allusion that the two demons had exchanged but you were sure of one thing. Claude was going to hurt you very much.
Your cell phone alarm clock rang at that moment, warning everyone that it was time to go back to work. Sebastian would follow you, as usual while Claude would stay home. Or so you thought.
Just before leaving, you turned around, confused by the sudden absence.
“Where's Claude?”
Michaelis put a finger to his lips as if to hide an all too obvious smile.
“Who knows, maybe sudden commitments.”
Unfortunately, at that time, you couldn’t understand the meaning of that phrase. But soon you would have.
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phoenotopia · 5 years
2020 March Update
Happy New Year! Well, I guess it's a bit late for that...
Much of what transpired in the past few months will fall under polish and bug-fixing. Will and I have a mutual friend who got married, so I had the occasion to visit Will to attend the wedding as well as have Will playtest the game in its most complete form yet. He logged 24 hours of playtime and just reached the entrance of the final dungeon. Then we had to call in for the night since it was 5 AM, and I had a flight to catch in the morning.
His completion rate where we stopped was 42% of Heart Pieces, 33% of Energy Gems, and 44% of Moonstones. So... I think we have a pretty lengthy game!
This will take a while to playtest & polish... Will's daytime profession is QA Engineer so he's pretty great at catching bugs. From his playtest, we jotted down 200+ items to fix/adjust. Some as small as a simple misspelling, and some more significant (like Gail being unable to jump when standing at the edge of a steep slope). I'm about half-way through fixing that list...
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(Will’s living room where much playtesting was done)
Here are some other things we've accomplished in the past few months. A lot of it falls under polish and bug-fixing, which won't sound outwardly impressive, so I'll dive in a bit under the hood.
-------------------------- Item Balancing --------------------------
There are over 200 items in the game. Of which, 90+ are healing items. While much of their flavor text was already written, their stats weren't yet finally decided. So a large effort was spent to balance them as well as possible. Initially, I balanced items by observation (ex: "The player is relying on this item a lot, so I will nerf it...") Now, I've moved to a more systematic way of doing things. I made an equation that takes in all of an item's parameters, and spits out a score. The higher an item heals, the higher the score. The longer an item takes to consume, the lower the score. And so forth.
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As usual, I used google spreadsheets, since they support equations. I could tweak the values of a healing item, and immediately see how its final score was affected. I also made use of automatic color formatting, so a field becomes highlighted red, if it's particularly bad, or green, if it's particularly good. Of course, the sheet is just a guideline. The aim wasn't to make all items have the same final score, but that they made sense for what they were and when you could get them. Late-game items tend to have higher overall scores versus early-game items. Some items, like doggy biscuits, have notoriously low scores across the board - as a joke!
-------------------------- Cooking Systems --------------------------
Another thing that had to be done with the healing items was finally determine their cooking sequences. 38 healing items could be cooked and will transform into something else. The way I specified that an item could be cooked was to add a a little snippet to an item's "meta data". An example would look something like, "COOK,57,62,ABXY,10,1.5,1".
In order, this specified the item_ID that would result on success (57), the item_ID that would result on failure (62), the button sequence (ABXY), the time you had to complete the sequence (10 seconds), how quickly the cursor should move (1.5x speed), and if the item multiplied on success (1). The system appears simple enough - but it was actually extremely inefficient!
For one, this system didn't allow random button sequences - all "berry fruits", when cooked would have the same button prompts and in the same order every time (ABXY). Initially, I thought having set button sequences would be a feature, but in practice, it was less fun. 
Two, this system wasn't human-readable at all. I'd see a sequence of numbers, forget what they were, and have to look them up over and over.
But the biggest problem was that you couldn't evaluate an item's cooking difficulty from these numbers without manual testing. At 1.5 cursor speed, how many times does the cursor pass the center panel in 10 seconds? Maybe that's 15 times... for a 4 button sequence, the player has 11 opportunities to miss - that's too wide a berth for failure. The system also had variable penalties - if you misspressed a button prompt you loss time on the cooking meter. If you didn't press anything, you missed the opportunity, but not the time - but the clock was still ticking, so you did lose time, just not as much. In the end, the difficulty of cooking each item was all over the place. It was also possible to create "unwinnable" scenarios if I made the button sequence too long, the time too short, or the cursor speed too slow. Testing each item manually to ensure doability was too tedious and unreliable - it was a mess!
Which is why, the underlying cooking system was revamped. The new meta data looks like : "COOK,57,62,seq_length,5,spd,1.5,ease_add,2". This is a lot more readable. Beyond the first 3 entries, the arguments could be specified in any order. And their meanings were easy to understand.
"seq_length,5" means a random button sequence of 5 will be generated (no need for me to personally generate it)
"spd,1.5" means the cursor moves at 1.5x speed. I could also leave this field out to get a default value of 1x cursor speed.
"ease_add,2" - the biggest improvement to the system is how we now approach difficulty. We streamlined a miss-press and a missed opportunity as the same level of "mistake", and difficulty is framed as, "how many mistakes is the player allowed to make and still have a successful result?" By default, the player is afforded the ability to make 2 mistakes, and "ease_add,2" bumps the number of allowable mistakes to 4. We then automatically calculate how much "time" the player should have to cook something based on its cursor speed, how long the button sequence is, and how many mistakes the player is allowed to make. This was a more sensible and efficient system that let me knock out all 38 healing item cook sequences in one sitting!
-------------------------- Badges Nearly Done --------------------------
As you may recall from the last update, I was working on implementing the badges.
Thinking up the badge and having its graphic drawn is just the first half. Underneath, the code also needs to be made to track all the relevant player stats - how many times the player fished, ate, got money, used a certain move, etc. Some badges require extra guards, because they can be spoofed. For instance, the "Treasure Hunter" badge is obtained when the player has collected XXXX RIN through the course of your journey. However, there is something like a "gold exchange" in the game, where you could circularly trade gold and RIN to boost this number artificially. It's important to guard against cases like those.
So far, 30 of 33 badges are implemented. The last three have to do with late-game things that have inter-dependencies that we're still figuring out. The Speed running badge for instance is still dependent on two things. One, I need to speed run the game a few times to see how fast it's possible to beat the game and decide finally what's a reasonable time-limit. Two, there's actually a time-keeping bug which can inflate the game time if the system is left in sleep mode. I don't expect either things will be too hard to figure out - just gotta find the time for it.
-------------------------- Script Extra Polished --------------------------
We continued to polish the script, which I thought was basically done before. We added some extra NPCs here and there, and fleshed out the world with lore text where it seemed appropriate. In the end, the game's script ballooned to over 100,000 words! Hah... It's definitely DONE now however!
Some interesting things I noted as I was polishing old text - there were quite a few instances where Gail talks. I began the game's development with the idea that Gail should definitely talk since I wanted her to be a more active participant in what she chose to do. But I discovered later that if Gail talks, but only talked a little, she comes off as a very reticent person. There's no middle lane here - you're either all in or all out.
If Gail was a silent protagonist, she still talked symbolically. She is understood to be talking based on how people react to her - kinda like Link. So that's the direction I went with in the end (again). When Gail has occasion to talk, it comes in the form of a player dialogue choice. She also has an inner voice when she needs to remind the player to do something.
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Another reason I went with this direction, is for brevity. Take this exchange for instance: QUEST GIVER : Can you help me find this super rare ingredient? GAIL : Maybe. I can't make any promises...
If Gail is silent, I can reduce those 2 lines to 1. QUEST GIVER : Can you help me find this super rare ingredient? GAIL : ...
-------------------------- Business Taxes --------------------------
Not too exciting, but new year means I gotta do taxes for the business. They're a lot more complicated than personal taxes, and more expensive! Since the game hasn't sold anything, you would think there'd be nothing to file. Hah! If only... The business is there so we can act as a legal entity and record expenses for when we do start selling. I really want to focus on making games, but there’s a small percentage of it that is sometimes boring and dreadful (-_-) ... still it needs to be done.
------------- Why no Public Beta Testing? -------------
As you may have noticed, I haven't put out any public calls for testing help despite being at that stage. Some have offered to help, which I appreciate! But sadly, I cannot accept. Here's the story for that.
Two and a half years ago, I got my hands on a console dev kit - that's very exciting, so I hurriedly took the steps to convert my dev station to be console-capable. After about two weeks, I had the console version working and integrated into my workflow, so all appeared good...
4 Months later, an artist needed an updated PC build to test some new art assets, so I went to build a new PC version. We use Unity, so generally you just need to click your desired build target, and hit "build". However, I now discovered that by attaching the console "hooks" into my work environment, I could no longer build to PC... It was possible, from my end, to test the game from the dev station in dev mode, which was why it went undiscovered for so long.
I did try to excise the hooks, but proved unsuccessful after a day of work. I decided to take this as an opportunity to focus exclusively on the console version first, which afforded me some niceties. Knowing that there's a standardized control scheme meant I could make full use of the control stick for the fishing mini-game. I also didn't need to create a rebindable keys menu - which is a MUST for PC versions... Most importantly, it lets me focus on making the one version as good as possible before moving onto the next. I have NO idea how those other guys release on all platforms at once...
Chalk it up to inexperience. In my defense, this will be my first commercial release, so bear with me. Don't worry, I still plan to make the PC version! It's a bit unconventional, but we're just going to go in the reverse direction of the usual. Console first, then PC, then other consoles. Wherever it makes financial sense, there we will be. (Sorry Ouya!)
Back to the original question - that's why I haven't sent out any public calls for playtesting. Current playable builds of the game are locked to my console dev kit. So actual playtesting unfolds in a very closed setting. Like what I did with Will, I literally sit behind the playtester, breathe down their neck, and watch them play, taking notes all the while.
But since I'm observing the player directly, even just one playthrough nets me a TON of bugs and adjustment tasks. So it evens out I think.
-------------------------- Trailers, Release Dates, etc. --------------------------
Alright, get your frowns ready...
We finished two trailers, and they're raring to go. BUT! We can't show them yet... We're sort of at an awkward spot where we're waiting on some conversational threads to conclude. Say we win a slot in a show - that'd be a HUGE plus for us - but that may also be contingent on us having NOT shown anything substantial yet. The game in its unrevealed state is a negotiating chip. So we're trying to leverage that... and you can only do the reveal once...
We also want to have some "actionable" items in the trailer - a launch date you could mark on your calendar, a wishlist, a website you can visit, etc. So since those things aren't entirely lined up yet, we can't let the trailers rip just yet...
Right now, I can only say we're *aiming* for a late Q2/early Q3 launch. But I can't commit to anything concrete yet. As soon as we know, we'll happily sing it from the rooftops. I hope I can update this blog sooner with good news, but if things move slowly again, I'll send out the next "we're alive" update 2 months from now (end of April).
I know it's frustrating to have nothing major after so long still, so I captured some gameplay footage... May it sate your hungers!
-------------------------- Footage 1 : Fishing --------------------------
You've seen pictures of the fishing, but never video of it in action. Well, here it is!
(And right after I uploaded the video, I noticed there actually was a video of fishing before. D’oh)
The idea is simple. First, get the lure in front of a fish, and assuming the fish isn't scared, it will soon bite. Then begins a fight sequence, where your energy meter is pitted against the fish's energy meter. Whoever's energy outlasts the other's wins.
The fish's resistance is represented by a red moving circular subsection. You fight the fish by pushing the control stick and keeping it on the subsection, which will dart around and try to escape you. Bigger and tougher variants of fish will do a "shake" which will reverse the wheel. When the wheel is reversed, so too are the controls, so it gets extra tricky!
While fishing, your energy meter doesn't recover, so one of the ways you level up your fishing ability is by finding energy gems to increase your max energy. There's another way - but we'll keep that a secret.
-------------- Footage 2 : Kobold Boss Fight --------------
You can actually skip the next section if you'd prefer to be surprised and you find your hunger for info sated. That's how I prefer to consume the games that I know I'm going to get. If you're still hungering for info, and you don't mind the slight spoilers, then feel free to proceed!
The next video shows the new Kobold Boss fight. Let's take a moment to reflect on the old game's visuals and how far it's come...
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(we've come a long way since the time of the flash game)
You'll notice the Kobold boss has a name now - Katash! He's a significant enough character that he's earned it. The second thing you'll notice is that he looks better!
Some people have humorously pointed out that the old boss looks like Wolf O'Donnel from Star Fox. There's a funny story behind that. Basically I asked an artist to draw me a space wolf. And the artist, whom I'm assuming wasn't familiar with Wolf O'Donnel, drew that - all of it - all the animations and everything. The first time I laid eyes on it, it was already done, so it was too late to ask for edits. So I just ran with it.
That was seven years ago. Nowadays, I know to involve myself more in the process. I ask for just the design first, and we don't move forward with animations until we're happy with the design. Life lessons!
By the way, if you like Katash’s personal boss theme, give it a lesson on Will's Sound cloud (LINK)
-------------------------- Fan Arts -------------------------- Lots of fan art came in over the past 3 months!
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This one is a pixel animation made by Pimez, and shows Gail singing a Christmas carol in various parts of the game. So cute! Years ago, I too was making little animated gifs for my favorite games, so it really brings me back!
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This one was made by cARTographer (twitter link) after a request by Deli_mage, so thank you both. Gail rocking stylish boots with a pose that shows confidence in her batting skills. Very anime - Love it!
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Another submission of laptekosz of the Last Song of Earth area. Whereas the last picture depicted the night sky, now the orange trees are lit by a rising sun. Artfully done! Kinda makes me want to eat eggs. I hope you'll like the new Last Song of Earth area just as much :D
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A new artist to the scene, Not_Quin, submitted two pictures, one of Gail and one of the Sand Drake re-imagined as a centipede. I'm always a fan of these re-imaginings! I like how it's spiky all over and appears to be wearing a skull mask. The Sand Drake is often pointed out to be too similar to Zelda's Dodongos, so maybe a long slithery body would have indeed served better. Fun fact, long ago, when we were working on Phoenotopia 2 in earnest, we actually had a giant man-eating worm planned - WIP animation depicted below. One day... one day...
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Negativus Core made two cool new arts! I'm really impressed by their use of unique perspective! Having characters run towards the screen or reaching close to the screen from afar is tricky since the proportions get all distorted - but not an issue for Negativus Core! Love the blur on Gail to show speed, with 66 in focus - really skillfully done! And the cube. Amazing!
I'm really honored by the huge fan art community. Thank you all! 
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scribbles97 · 4 years
Left Behind -- Chapter 21
In which Gaat tries to break Lucy
PART 1 /  Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21
Read on Ao3
As a hologram lit up the cockpit, Lucy turned to face it, glaring at the bald man that appeared. He chuckled as a grin spread across his face, raising an eyebrow at her, “Hello, Lucy.”
“Gaat.” She growled. 
“I see you found my Zero-X two. It’s just a shame you won’t be going anywhere on it.”
Stepping across the space she leant down over the hologram, “I gathered as much when I realised your cockpit was the wrong way around.”
Gaat chuckled, throwing his head back slightly as he did so, “My dear Lucille, it is simply a hologram. What you are stood in is an empty shell that is yet to be completed. When I found out your two friends and yourself wished to pay a visit to my ship I felt it would be improper for it to be unfinished when you arrived.”
The pieces fell into place like parts to a puzzle. 
Blood drained from her cheeks and hope from her heart. 
“You wanted us to come early, set it up so that we would come now rather than when the ship was actually finished.”
He snorted with a nod, “Well done. Now, any ideas why?”
She shook her head slowly at him, eyes wide and worried. Gaat always had a motive, there was always something more to his plan. Hugh had likened it to playing chess once. 
“I need something Lucy, something that you have on that island of yours.”
Her frown deepened, “What? How do you--”
“Anyone is free to take photos of you on rescues,” Gaat grinned, “Did you ever get a chance to ask Lee about his little jaunt out in Thunderbird Three the other day? He was quite excited about the applications of those new pressure equalising suits of yours.”
Each breath came heavier, angrier at him for whatever it was he was up to, even if she wasn’t quite sure what it was yet. 
“I wish I could say it was me that ordered the GDF escort, but unfortunately it was simply my contact there having the most excellent foresight and a little bit of good luck.” He continued, reaching for something out of the view of the comm, “It’s a lovely place you’ve got here. I do like the ocean view.”
The background of the room he was in came into focus and she immediately recognised the lounge she hadn’t seen for almost a week. 
Bile rose in her throat as her heart raced in her chest, fear, anger, and hurt all fighting for top spot as she watched him lift one of the photos from her desk to the hologram. 
“Don’t worry, I haven’t touched any of your precious family. Those that I didn’t send out on a rescue seem to have made themselves scarce.”
She shook her head, knowing what she had organised as fact before she had left, “No, they’re off duty, they wouldn’t…”
“Yes, you almost put a spanner in my works,” Gaat sighed, “But your family are heroes are they not? It was easy to persuade them the world still needed help. All it took was a capsized super yacht and some misplaced space debris. If you don’t believe me, I’ll wait whilst you check in with them.”
Checking in would lead to questions that she didn’t want, or have time to answer. Yet, she wasn’t convinced that she could simply trust what he was telling her. Gaat had always told mistruths, twisting fact until it was fiction and leaving her never quite sure of what to believe. 
“Lucy.” Kyrano spoke in her ear, “I’ve just spoken to Tanusha, it’s Gaat. He’s on the Island. I don’t know how he’s done it, but he’s lured them all away. There’s nobody there except Sally, Alan, and Brains.”
Reaching up she touched her comm, opening the line between her and the outside world, “I know, Kyrano. I’m stood talking to him.”
Somewhere off of the line, Hugh swore loudly, cursing the man facing her. 
“Why?” She asked Gaat, voice low, angry and dangerous.
From what he had already said she feared that she knew the answer. As she had said to Michael earlier, Gaat took what he wanted, when he wanted it. Except, never before had she been the one he had wanted to take so much from. 
“I want the pressurisation suits Lucy. Do you know where I might find them?”
She shook her head at him, “Why should I give them to you? You’ll only use them for your own gains and such like.”
He smiled and nodded, “And potentially for going to space also… either way, you’re going to give them to me.”
“How can you be so sure?” She spat. 
His smile fell, entire face growing serious as he watched her with blank eyes that were entirely different to those Michael had worn. 
“Because if you don’t, Lucy, a series of explosions will begin, starting with the cockpit you are currently standing in, and ending with the debris our dear friends Evangeline and Lee are clearing up in orbit.”
He didn’t need to specify that her three boys were involved somewhere between the two. The thought of something happening to any of them because of him didn’t bear thinking about. 
“You’re not going to take them.” She murmured, mind racing, trying to figure out some way to get around his ultimatum. 
He snorted, “And are you sure about that Lucille?”
“You heard her Gaat.” Kyrano’s voice cut in sounding hard and firm even through the speaker of her suit, “Tanusha has already warned the others, they’re returning to the island as we speak.”
“I wouldn’t worry about the other’s getting back,” Lee’s familiar drawl came from Gaat’s end of the comm, “Some of us never left.”
Gaat growled, his face falling into a frown. She assumed it was aimed at Lee, wherever he was in the room. She took the distraction, touching her comm to close off her voice to anyone outside of her helmet,
“Kyrano, are the others safe?”
“Sally, Alan, and Brains are locked in the labs, they’re safe. The others know they were walking into a trap and abandoned their rescues before they arrived at them.” He confirmed quickly and quietly, “From the security feed, Lee and Tanusha are in the lounge with Gaat. He’s going nowhere.”
“--my sister, you murdered my best friend. You’re done hurting this family Gaat.” Lee was saying as she refocussed on the conversation in the lounge. 
He snorted, eyes turning to her glee marring his frown, “Do you really think your brother would shoot me Lucille?”
She might have been against the use of guns and live ammunition, but that didn’t stop Lee from keeping up with his full license. Whilst Gaat had hurt her, Lee was her brother and despite being younger, that title came with a degree of protectiveness she had never been quite able to shake. There wasn’t quite any telling what he might do in response to a threat from the other man. 
“The decision ain’t down to her Gaat,” Lee responded whilst Lucy was still dwelling on her answer.
“Shoot me and the ship she is on goes boom.” Gaat murmured, “It will be years before the conditions are correct for another launch to find Jeff.”
She winced at the comment, sucking in a sharp breath and holding it as she waited for Lee’s response. Anger was what she expected, most likely aimed at her for not telling him what had been going on. Disbelief wasn’t something Lee often experienced, too keen on focusing on the facts for the stray thoughts to have a chance to creep in. 
“Jeff is dead.” Lee growled, “What have you said to her to make her think otherwise?”
“He hasn’t.” She cut in before Gaat could say anything, knowing that she couldn’t let him twist the truth for her, “It was Hugh and Kyrano that found out. Gaat’s right, Jeff could be out there.”
There was silence across the comm, the moment long and full of nothing. She couldn’t even see Lee’s face to figure out just what he might have been thinking in response to the revelation. Her stomach twisted and heart thundered as she gripped the console, just waiting. 
“Uncle.” Tanusha broke the silence, “I think it’s time you left.”
“Not until I get what I came for, Tanusha.”
Lee’s tut was loud across the comm, “You ain’t gettin’ nothin’ from us, Gaat.”
Swallowing at the comment, Lucy took a slow breath knowing they had reached their final chance with the man. It was time for her to get out, to run and get away as far as she could from the ship. 
Yet, she couldn’t. 
It was her chance. 
Her one chance for how long?
“Kyrano,” She opened her private line again, “Get hold of Hiram, see if he can hack the system using your disruptor.”
“Lucy no,” Hugh responded before she could draw breath, “It’s not worth the risk, get the hell out of there.”
“Listen to Hugh Lucy,” Kyrano urged, “He’s started the countdown, you’ve got minutes--”
“No!” She snapped, cutting him off, “This is our one shot! We have to try, if we don’t we might never get this chance again.”
Jeff could be out there. For four years he could have been out there. They could have already been too late. He had launched with nothing, the chances of him surviving the take off were slim as it were, with each passing day they dropped more. 
Waiting longer could cost her her husband. 
“If you don’t I will!” She told them leaving no room for argument. 
Crouching she banged at the panelling below the console, warping it enough to be able to grip and pull it out. She was lucky it was the right panel, the one with the bomb behind, it’s digits counting down second by second. 
Shock froze her for a moment, stunned into stopping and taking stock of just where she was and what was happening.
“I have eyes on the bomb.”
“Bollocks.” Hugh hissed, “Kyrano, call Brains.”
“I-I am already h-h-here.” Hiram responded, “Mrs Tracy, can you s-s-send a scan of the d-d-device?”
She nodded, as she reached to her wrist to scan the item, “Sending it now.”
The numbers on the device weren’t reassuring her.
But she had to try. It could be Jeff’s only chance. 
It was potentially her only chance. 
“Y-y-ou need to at-t-tach the disruptor to the b-b-blue wire, from there I sh-should be able to cut off the countdown.”
She didn’t care how he did it, all she cared about was the numbers counting down to the destruction of the ship. 
She needed that ship. 
Even with it’s damned wrong-way-round cockpit. 
It was the only thing that could take her to the Oort cloud. 
“There isn’t time,” Hugh murmured, “Lucy get the hell out of there! You’re no good to any of us dead! Including Jeff.”
The comment caught her, winding her as she looked around the cockpit that Gaat had told her was all an illusion, one of his clever tricks. The ship wasn’t ready, it wouldn’t be for weeks yet. She didn’t even know if the T-drive would work in it, or if it were simply another nail for Gaat to drive in to her chest. 
Suddenly the comm was silent and there was one single voice in her ear.
“You took everything from me Lucille, and Jeff helped you. Let’s say that I am simply making us even.”
Her legs gave way as she fell from her crouch into a crumpled heap on the floor, something in her registered the scream of protest at the man she had never intended on hurting. 
“Jeff never did anything to you!” She sobbed, “He never--”
Gaat snorted, “No, you’re right. It was all your decision wasn’t it? Maybe this is all on you after all.”
The voice in her head was screaming at her in glee, reminding her that yes, she could have and should have done more. If she had tried harder she could have saved Jeff.
It suddenly felt impossible to catch her breath as she clutched at her helmet, and shook her head, trying to rid her mind of the thoughts as Gaat continued to utter blame in her direction. 
She needed space, and air. She wanted to save Jeff but she knew she would only ever fail at that objective. She needed to get out. She had to give up on the ship. 
Pulling her helmet off, she gasped in a single breath of unfiltered air that smelled of oil and paint. Around her the room flickered, the console and chairs blinking out of existence as the numbers on the bomb passed ten. 
“Lucy, Gaat has taken control of the bomb,” Hugh yelled down the comm, “Brains can’t stop it. Get out of there!”
Her helmet cracked sharply against the floor as she pushed herself to her feet and stumbled towards the hatch, half blinded by tears that had filled her eyes. She didn’t want to leave. It could be her only chance to find him. Hugh was right though, damn Hugh for always being right, if she died then she would never find Jeff.
Only when she got to the hatch did she look back to the room, the reality of just what it was sinking in as she took a shuddering breath. Gaat had tricked her. Taunted her into thinking that his ship was her only chance. 
She hoped the chip in her pocket meant otherwise. 
As her eyes passed over the helmet on the floor, her brain engaged, reminding her that she needed that helmet, she couldn’t leave without it. 
She tripped as she reached for it, knees hitting the steel floor as she gasped out. The helmet was in her reach though, close enough to grab and pull back onto her head.
“Lucy move!”
She didn’t have chance to reply as red digits vanished and the world went boom.
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erasingworlds · 4 years
a soul’s mate
Multiple side ships will be mentioned throughout, mainly Belphie x Usako. Please enjoy!
Being able to read auras came in handy very, very often. For example, often in the Devildom would a demon see Julia wandering about, and seeing how she was blind given the white cane she used to help guide her, demons would quickly view her as an easy target. So, they would approach her, waiting for the right time to snatch her up and slice her open to extract her soul. When that time came...
She would either put up a magical barrier just to protect herself and continue on her way, or turn around and beat the demon with her surprisingly durable cane, using the shape of their aura to have a good estimate of where their head was usually and aim for that. Really, it depended on her mood which treatment she gave. Oh, but if she was in a really good mood and some demon decided to try and ruin it, this witch would make sure to get something of theirs and use that to curse them because how dare they mess with her happy day?
Every aura was different in some way, the shape and movement of every aura showing their mood, and helped to give her insight on their personality. The colors in their aura also helped her differentiate human, from demon, to angel, to anything else, while the energy radiating from it told her how powerful they were. The most interesting part, though, was the core of their auras. Their souls... well, if that really was what the majority considered a soul she wasn’t sure, but she liked to call it that at least. 
Their soul told her about their morals, their thoughts, the depths of who they were. Everything revolved around it. The stronger souls seemed to even have these unique symbols in the middle of them, like the Avatars of Sins.
Speaking of them... man getting Usako and Belphie together was going to be a pain.
A fun thing she learned from when she was young and lived with her aunt and uncle were these things called a soul’s mate (to her, calling someone a soulmate really referred to the person, so to differentiate from the souls she could actually see, she would specify being able to see a soul’s true mate). Whenever someone had an interest in another, their aura would flicker and wave in the direction of said person, but a soul’s mate was something else. That was where, whenever the two people came into contact, their core, the soul itself, would draw a bit closer, but being unable to leave the center, would instead change its hue slightly, glowing in its center the core color of their mate. It was one of the few things she could say she saw and would immediately feel giddy witnessing.
Surprisingly enough, when she got to the Royal Academy of Diavolo (RAD), many of her human companions that were part of the exchange program with her had their soul’s mate here, with the Avatar of Sins. Man, did her friends really catch themselves some powerful boyfriends.
One by one, when she began noticing the change in their hues to reflect the person they had just accidentally brushed hands with, pat the other’s head playfully, hug, any physical contact, she decided to try and nudge them together, wanting her friends to be happy with the one they truly belonged with.
But, for the love of Lord Diavolo were Usako and Belphie a pain to get together.
“Usako, it is clear you two belong together. I do not understand why refrain from confessing,” the green haired witch huffed, keeping her chin up and arms out to the side as her friend helped her put on the uniform. Usually she got away with just dressing in a long sleeve, dark teal dress and a black cardigan, but apparently Lucifer wanted them all to be dressed properly in their uniforms as they were going to have a meeting with Diavolo? She had no idea, nor did she entirely care about the fact Diavolo had wanted to meet with all of them, but what she wanted answers for was why this stupid uniform was so complicated with buttons and beads and belts.
Thankfully she had friends who took pity on the girl and rather than letting her walk out with the jacket upside down, not even properly buttoned, she was taken back to her room to help get changed. “I don’t know for sure though, Julia! What if that was some, hoax? Or maybe I was just seeing things,” Usako sighed.
Julia couldn’t help but roll her eyes at this. “You have checked this string trick of yours numerous times, and even I have seen how your souls interact with one another,” she retorted, finally putting her arms down when Usako said she finished with the belt. “What more proof do you need?”
“Being able to see the string on myself...?” Usako seemed to have an interesting ability, as well, despite not being a descendant of a witch - at least, not that either of them knew about. She could see thin threads of red connecting soulmates to each other, and while she couldn’t necessarily see them be attached, the string would tug and move in the same direction as the other’s hand, as though reaching out to each other. While Usako couldn’t see her own string, she one day saw Belphie’s string follow her own hand.
Before Julia could say anything else, Usako began lightly nudging at her. Her voice held a playful tone as she asked back, “What about you, hm~? How about, rather than meddling in everyone else’s love life, you go and make yours a reality?”
“It is may be mutual attraction, but our souls are not mates,” Julia sighed, though she did feel her cheeks tingle as a blush rose to her face. “And unlike you, I do know. Barbatos has offered me his hand once before when I fell, and when we touched, his core did not change.”
“Oh, c’mon! Let me check for you! You’ll just need to touch hands again when I’m around so I can see!”
“Barbatos has mentioned he is not a very touchy person before when you tried insisting we hold hands before, so I do not believe that will happen any time soon.”
Usako pouted, about to pester her again, before hearing Mammon call from down the hall, “Yo! We gonna be late, get it movin’!”
“Belphie, I can tell you are not asleep,” Julia huffed, poking the avatar of sloth sitting next to her with her cane. Their History class was now a study hall due to the teacher being absent, so everyone was doing whatever they pleased. Well, almost everyone. Belphie wanted sleep, but Julia said no. “Belphegor.”
She suddenly felt her cane get yanked from her grasp, a low growl quickly following up with, “Poke me again and you’re going to need a new seeing stick.”
“White cane.”
"Whatever,” he grumbled, folding the cane in half before placing it back on her desk, then laying back down to try and sleep.
“... Okay, but here me out--”
“I swear you can be more annoying than Horizon and Solomon when they start belching songs,” Belphie finally groaned, turning his head to face Julia, though was still down resting on the pillow on his desk. “I already told you, no. Stop playing matchmaker with me.”
“If you truly love someone, I do not see why you should refrain yourself from confessing.”
“Because she doesn’t like me, she... she likes--”
“I have already told you she no longer does.” She remembered how Usako told her she originally had a crush on the avatar of gluttony before Sen and Beel got together, but how that attraction and interest was no longer really present (besides finding him hot when he was shirtless... but apparently everyone agreed on that, even Asmodeus, and that was his brother).
This was infuriating, and she wanted to just flat out say to Belphie that Usako admitted to her about having an interest, and how she saw how their souls reacted to each other and that Usako even saw their strings react... but that was out of the line for her. Since she could see such personal feelings, she didn’t like directly telling someone another’s emotions... but she was real close to breaking that exception. Julia technically already did with Usako, but that was different since Usako could see the strings anyways.
Actually, yeah, screw it.
“Belphie, you are speaking to someone who can read everyone’s emotions. Do you truly believe I would be encouraging you to confess so desperately if I knew it would end in pain?” she tried to reason, her voice a bit lower, sounding hurt.
She saw how the edges of Belphie’s aura spiked, startled at her tone and words. He remained silent for a moment, as though assessing her to see if she was serious, before sighing. “You better not be lying...”
“Finally!” Throwing her hands up, the human girl cheered, which was rather out of character for her. She normally was much more quiet and reserved, even when she was teasing someone else.
Belphie simply shook his head at her actions, though couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Now shut up and let me sleep.”
“Actually, no, I believe you are behind in some assignments, so you should work on though.”
“I actually hate you.”
“You seem to be in a good mood,” a voice called from behind her. 
Hearing the other, she nodded, but rather than elaborating, noted, “I am surprised you are not with Lord Diavolo.”
Barbatos sighed. “He ran off to talk with Lucifer about what we will be discussing about later at the meeting,” the demon explained, before gesturing to the space next to her on the bench. “May I?” The blind girl raised an eyebrow, pausing before she took another bite from her sandwich, missing the slight gesture. “Oh, my apologies, may I sit next to you?”
Understanding now what he meant, she nodded, before continuing to eat her lunch. She liked to escape the cafeteria and eat out in the garden area sometimes. Usually, some of the others would come and join her, but it seems everyone was taking this lunch break to meet up with their significant other. Belphie said he was going to talk to Usako during lunch, but demanded she stay far away and not peak at their auras, so she was respecting that. Julia did enjoy whenever she had time to be alone, seeing her friend group was rather big, meaning she was almost always bound to be around some of them (usually as the third wheel, but that gave her plenty of chances to tease them so she was fine with it). Since it was Barbatos, though, she didn’t mind this kind of company.
They remained silent for a little as they ate, simply enjoying the other’s company and relaxing blissfully, not hearing constant yelling or orders or complaints or fighting or obnoxious loud laughter. It was peaceful, and made Julia feel warm inside.
Once done eating, Barbatos broke the silence, questioning, “What is it that has you in such a good mood? You normally don’t swing your legs while sitting down.”
Oh. Julia didn’t even realize she was doing that. Her legs were barely swinging, to begin with, though it was true, she normally kept perfectly still and sat properly. “I finally convinced Belphie to do something that I have been begging him to do.”
Hm? She thought she saw a small spark of orange by the rim of his core, but when she did a double take, it was gone. “Belphegor? What did you need him to do?”
“Ah, that is a private matter.” There was that spark again. Jealousy. Julia had to refrain from smiling a bit. Of course, wit her abilities, she wasn’t oblivious to when someone was attracted to her. She knew Barbatos had an interest in her, just like she in him, but... she was not his soul mate. There would be no point in starting a relationship that wouldn’t last - at least, that was how she felt. Didn’t stop her from finding satisfaction at the sight of him getting jealous over her, though. “It is something only he could do. If it was not, I would most likely go to you first, seeing as I trust you the most.”
The way his aura waved indicated to her he was pleased with what she said. “I’m glad you can put such faith in me.”
“Oh, how was your double date with Lucifer and Lia, by the way?”
“Why do you...” he sighed, knowing there was no point in protesting. Similar to Lucifer, he also often got teased by everyone about having a thing for Diavolo, even more now that Lucifer found himself a girlfriend. “If ever possible, please stop Lia from suggesting anymore human world cartoons to our Lord. He wants to a pet platypus now and I can’t find a green one.”
“... Can you not just use a spell to make it green?”
“Why is that your first question rather than why he wants a platypus? That should be the stranger point.”
Julia just giggled. 
They continued talking for the remainder of their break, mainly addressing the craziness they have to go through on a daily basis. At times, she would see the occasional demon walk by, seeing a sliver of shock and curiosity rise within them that was directed at Barbatos and her. No surprise, seeing as Barbatos was normally glued to Diavolo’s hip. After the sixth person, Julia mentioned it to Barbatos, who just shrugged it off.
“Should you not be getting back to Lord Diavolo?” she questioned with a slight frown. While she wanted to continue talking to him, she didn’t want to take him away from his duties.
It surprised her when he declined, “He’s probably still speaking with Lucifer. Even if he wasn’t... I don’t always need to be right by him.” Those were words she never expected him to say, and there wasn’t even any hesitation in his aura when he spoke. She was just about to comment on that, before he added, “Besides, I would prefer to spend my free time with you.”
Okay, she did not expect that. His aura hadn’t even been hinting that he was about to say such sweet words directed towards her. It didn’t flick back or inch closer to her until just after he spoke. Okay, whoa, that really caught her off guard. She felt heat rise to her face, eyes widening and mouth slightly open, before quickly shutting it. Nope, she spoke with logic, and there was currently no logic going through her mind at the moment. In her surprise, she accidentally kicked her white cane a bit, which had been to her other side next to her. Julia didn’t even realize until she heard the soft clatter to the ground.
“Hm, oh, excuse me.” Why was Barbatos getting up to get it for her? He was sitting at her other side. She should get it herself, she kicked it! Wait, calm down, he is a gentleman and works as a butler, so this is just instinctual for him.
She bit her lower lip a bit and willed her cheeks to cool down. Ugh, she didn’t know how she looked when flustered, but she was sure it was foolish. Distracted with that thought, she didn’t pay too much attention to when he handed back to her the cane. Instead, she quickly said thanks as she accepted it back, their hands touching just momentarily since she reached a bit too far accidentally when taking it.
That was when she saw something from the corner of her eye.
“Wait, what?” she accidentally slipped out, quickly looking back up to Barbatos’s core. It had gone back to its normal turquoise with little lime green edges that outlined both his soul, and the symbol in the middle.
He was about to question what she meant, only to be taken by surprise as Julia quickly used her other hand to grab his as she placed her cane down to the side - which ended up rolling off the bench and onto the floor again, but she didn’t care. Standing as well now - way too close, not that she really noticed or cared, though it did take Barbatos off guard - she held his bare hand in hers, her gaze directed right at his chest.
“Um, is there something the matter?” he questioned slightly nervously, unsure if he should take a step back to give her space. He felt himself getting even more flustered when she brought one of her hands to his chest and rested it there, and while his face didn’t entirely show it anyways, he wouldn’t be surprised if Julia saw it in his aura. “Juliana?”
“Y-Your... your hand feels different,” the witch muttered, her thumb softly stroking his palm. “It... is very rough. You should moisturize.” Now she was sputtering randomness.
He just blinked at the comment. “I usually remove my gloves when eating. I’m sorry if my hand... doesn’t feel pleasant?”
His questioning words and concerned tone brought her back to reality, releasing him and watching the plum purple mist fade from his soul. “No, I like the feel of your hand,” she complimented without thinking.
“Pardon me for the suddenness, but, can I be your girlfriend?”
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myriadimagines · 7 years
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. One Shot
Characters: [GENDER NEUTRAL] Reader x Napoleon Solo
Warnings: violence, theft, swearing
Request: “Napoleon Solo x reader, they are forced to work together for UNCLE but there is this tension between them because of what they heard from one another. They have a thing for each-other tho” - anonymous
Word Count: 1,582
A/N: so i know this is a one shot because you asked for one in another message but next time please specify what kind of request you want, or i’ll automatically make it a gif imagine. i hope i interpreted this correctly, and sorry for all the jumps/fragmented style, i procrastinated so badly with this piece
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
“What’s this about, Waverly?” you asked, annoyance evident in your voice as you stormed into the room, dumping your bag on a nearby chair. “I was in the middle of something-”
“Don’t tell me you were interrogating someone.” a voice cut you off, and you looked up, knowing the voice didn’t belong to Waverly. An attractive man with dark hair was sitting at the desk in the middle of the room, a file in his hand which he swiftly closed and dropped onto the table. “I just read your file, and you are pretty terrifying, y/n -- especially your interrogation methods.”
Folding your arms, you looked past the stranger to where Waverly was standing, a smirk on his face. “And who the hell of this?”
“Agent y/n,” Waverly gestured to the stranger. “Meet Napoleon Solo.”
Napoleon shot you a tense smile, which you didn’t return as you approached the table and snatched his file. You flipped the papers, your eyes scanning through the neatly printed words, before placing it back on the table and folding your arms.
“You used to be a thief.” you raised an eyebrow, and Napoleon shrugged. “And now you’re CIA’s most effective agent. I don’t know what to make of that.”
“One of CIA’s youngest agents.” Napoleon recited from your file, his eyes locked onto yours. “And one of the more… violent ones, shall I say.”
You gave Napoleon a small smirk, and Waverly finally cleared his throat, distracting the two of you.
“Well,” he stepped forward, his hands behind his back. “Shall we prepare for this mission, or are we going to marvel over one another’s achievements all day?”
“We’re going to work together?” you asked, incredulous. You usually worked with a small group of other agents whom you trusted deeply, if not alone.
“I think your skill sets combined with Solo’s would be an excellent pairing.” Waverly replied innocently, and you frowned. Reluctantly sitting opposite Napoleon at the desk, you looked up at Waverly expectantly as he projected an image onto the screen in front of you. “This is the mission…”
Napoleon raised his eyebrows as you in the rearview mirror as he watched you put together a assault rifle in the back of the car. As he turned the car around a corner, he finally spoke, “That’s a rather large gun for a covert operation.”
“If we get caught, I don’t want to be defenseless.” you retorted, not bothering to look up. Napoleon nervously gripped the steering wheel as he parked the car, shutting off all the lights and zipping up his black hoodie. “Besides, you’re the one who needs to steal the data drives. I’m only here to protect you, basically. Don’t screw up, no one will know we’re here, and I won’t need to shoot.”
“You couldn’t just use a pistol or something?” Napoleon asked, and you finally looked up and leaned forward.
“Look, Solo,” you snapped. “You do your job, and I’ll do mine. Don’t tell me how to do things I’ve been doing for years.”
You leaned back and jerked the car door open, slinging a small bag of ammo and grenades over your shoulder as you headed for the building. Sighing, Napoleon quickly followed after you. He handed you an earpiece, which you reluctantly took and put on.
“Try not to light this place up too bad.” Napoleon muttered as he began picking the lock to the door. “We want to be discreet.”
You hand tightened around your gun, and you could see Napoleon flinch. “Something the matter?”
“Just don’t point that at me.” Napoleon jerked his chin towards your gun as he pulled the lock loose and tossed it into the corner. You sniffed, as Napoleon quietly opened the door and stepped inside, you following close behind.
The two of you were sent to steal intel on a dangerous organization. Napoleon would erase and steal the information from their computers while you would stand guard, and engage if needed.
You tugged Napoleon’s shirt and pulled him into the shadows as you watched a guard pass, and Napoleon jerked himself away from you. The two of you peeked from behind the wall, and quickly jogged down the hallway. There were two more guards standing guard outside a door at the end of the hall, and you looked at Napoleon expectantly. He had a walkie-talkie which he somehow programmed to be on the same frequency as the guard’s walkie-talkies, and he held it up to his mouth as he began to speak. You didn’t know what language Napoleon was speaking, but it clearly stirred a reaction as the guards looked at each other in alarm before sprinting down the hallway, guns aimed. You and Napoleon quickly ducked into the hallway and you turned around to make sure no one was behind as Napoleon quickly punched in the passcode. You heard the door hiss open, and the two of you ducked inside.
The room was dark, the only lights emitted were from the laptops. They flickered sporadically, and you could see Napoleon’s shadow look around before scrambling to the nearest laptop. You saw him reach for a USB in his pocket and plug it in, and he began typing away as you paced around him, making sure the room was empty.
“How much longer?” you asked, an uneasy feeling swelling in your chest as you stared into the darkness.
“Sweetheart, I just started.” Napoleon chuckled, and you whipped around. You could hear a clatter as Napoleon accidentally knocked something off the desk in surprise. “Hey, easy.”
“Don’t call me ‘sweetheart’ then.” you retorted, and you heard Napoleon sigh softly as he continued typing away.
“It’s quiet.” you shook your head. “Too quiet.”
“You’re just being paranoid.” Napoleon responded, but you could hear the uncertainty in his voice. The sounds of typing filled the room before Napoleon finally spoke. “I think I’ve got it.”
You turned to look over your shoulder at the screen, which was lit up with files. Napoleon looked up at you, and you could see his smirk in the glow of the screen. He turned around to hit the enter key, and nothing happened.
Then, the screen lit up red, and alarms began to blare.
“Shit!” you exclaimed as Napoleon leapt out of his chair, looking around in confusion.
“I don’t understand.” Napoleon looked around. “Everything was-”
“Doesn’t matter.” you reached into your bag and grabbed a gun, tossing it to him. You could hear the footsteps of men outside, and the door busted open. You and Napoleon didn’t hesitate to fire, as the both of you turned over the desks to hide behind. You reached into your bag and grabbed a grenade, and pulled out the pin as you tossed it at the enemy. There was a brief explosion, before more men flooded into the room.
“There’s too many.” Napoleon yelled over the gunfire. “We’ve got to go.”
“Where?” you snarled. “In case you haven’t noticed, our only exit is blocked.”
Both you and Napoleon seemed to come to the same conclusion simultaneously, and turned to look at the window at the end of the room. You and Napoleon looked back at each other, and you shrugged.
“I’ve jumped from higher.” you said as you zipped up your bag. “Start running, I’ll cover you and catch up.”
Napoleon nodded, not bothering to question you. He took off, heading for the window as you fired a few shots at the enemy. Finally, you sprinted after Napoleon, and tossed your bag of grenades over your shoulder. You fired a shot at the bag as you managed to grab the back of Napoleon’s shirt before the explosion.
You felt yourself being blasted forward as you and Napoleon smashed through the window before tumbling onto the pavement. You groaned loudly as the pain of the landing coursed through your body, and you could see Napoleon’s face scrunched up in agony as he tried to sit up. You looked up to see the building on fire, flames protruding from the windows.
“Quick,” Napoleon managed to get onto his knees as he reached over to grab your arm. “We’ve got to move.”
He helped you to your feet and the two of you hobbled over to the car, which was thankfully not hit by any rubble. The two of you collapsed into the front seats, breathing heavy.
“That was crazy.” Napoleon managed to wheeze through coughs. “But then again, after reading your file, what was I expecting?”
“I’m not as scary as my file says I am, you know.” you said quietly. Napoleon looked up at you in surprise. “I can tell you were put off by what you read about me. You were so jumpy every time I waved a gun near you.”
“Sorry about that.” Napoleon chuckled. “In all honesty though, not that many people can scare me.”
You shot him a look in disbelief, before the two of you laughed lightly. “Sure thing, Solo.”
“I actually kinda like the fire.” Napoleon shrugged, and you looked at him in confusion. “Not the explosion you just made, although that was impressive. I meant… your fire. You’re intimidating as hell, but I like it.”
“You’d be one of the first.” you smiled, and Napoleon smiled back. “I guess you’re not too bad yourself, Solo.”
“You going soft on me, sweetheart?” Napoleon chuckled as he buckled on his seatbelt and ignited the engine, and you snorted.
“You’re still not allowed to call me sweetheart.”  
tags: @doctorwhoandrory​
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dustygertz638-blog · 7 years
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