#with Mulder and Kennedy being in the middle lol
autumn0689 · 10 months
I’ve noticed a theme regarding my comfort characters (characters who have suffered IMMENSE trauma in their life) so I’m just thinking about what it would be like to just lock these characters in a room together. What would happen?
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redheadgleek · 6 years
1-100 - Go! ;)
Did you just... do that?? LOL. I’m breaking it up by 20. 
1. What is you middle name? Since this is often a security question, I’m going to decline answering it. But it starts with C (my other fandom penname, jcd1013, is my initials and Fox Mulder’s birthday). 
2. How old are you? *sighs* 40. If one believes the calendar. 
3. When is your birthday? In November. The anniversary of President Kennedy’s assignation. 
4. What is your zodiac sign? I was a Scorpius, until they redid the calendar when I was a teenager, so now I’m a Sagittarius, which I don’t even know how to spell. Not a believer in astrology so it doesn’t really matter. 
5. What is your favorite color? Purple. Every shade, but especially the jewel color and the bluer tones. 
6. What’s your lucky number? 6. 22. 
7. Do you have any pets? Nope. I had a few cats growing up and a dog that I hated (he was mean). But I enjoy not having fur on my clothes and not dealing with litter and barf.
8. Where are you from? Arizona and Utah mostly, although I moved away years ago now 
9. How tall are you? Answered! Not quite 5′4
10. What shoe size are you? 8.5 W (US)
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4? I have my Merrell loafers that I wear pretty much all the time, a pair of walking shoes, a couple of pairs of sandals.
12. What was your last dream about? Can’t remember. I had some uneasy dreams last night. 
13. What talents do you have? I have a talent for wasting time. LOL. I think I have a talent for photography, but I don’t have the time to develop it. I like to write. I used to play the guitar. 
14. Are you psychic in any way? My one and only “psychic” behavior is that street lamps turn off when I drive up to them, on a frequent enough basis that people have remarked on it. 
15. Favorite song? Return to Pooh Corner by Kenny Loggins (shut up). 
16. Favorite movie? Lord of the Rings trilogy
17. Who would be your ideal partner? No clue. 
18. Do you want children? No. I have a genetic disease that could be passed down (plus would make pregnancy painful and possibly dangerous), so I made peace about not having children a long time ago. Plus, I really like being childfree. 
19. Do you want a church wedding? Answered! The likelihood of me ever getting married is pretty slim (I certainly wouldn’t take that bet). And I broke up with my church about 3 years ago and have no desire to find a new one, so no. (Church weddings meant something different in the Mormon faith too, which also makes this complicated to answer).
20. Are you religious? Not anymore. I broke up with my church a few years ago over several issues and now I don’t got to any church, and I’m not really spiritual anymore either (I’m much more agnostic and comfortable in the unknown). I have issues with a god of miracles, which seems to be a common belief in most religions.  
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