#wip stuff~ whole gang's gonna be here in a bit :3c
spookysorbet · 5 months
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wonderlandcrows · 5 years
hey crow what are your COG recs other than fhr and the passenger? 👀
BRO I READ SO MANY WIPS......I’ll try to recommend some finished ones if i have any but be warned its mostly wips
From a previous ask:
Monsters of New Haven High - You can play as different monsters and I just really liked the vibe of it. There’s some flirting happening but no romances per se.
From Ashes we Rise - There’s some flirting, no romance, but it kinda has a Fallen Hero vibe and I really love the story and the MC!
Empty Shell  - The MC is so cool, I really like them (but like maybe thats just me sohiosdusd) There’s 4-5 (I dont remember exactly) romance path you can take or not at all. The seriousness of that romance depends on who you pick! I only did 2 characters and my 1st run was very romance oriented and the second one was probably gonna be explored later.
Guenevere  - I think you would have already played it but just in case….It’s really good and a lot of content! (1 book and a half!) And the romance is there >:3c Right now, there’s 3 ROs that I know of.
AMYGDALA: Encode - There’s no romance (yet?) BUT its made by a friend and its super good and a whole new take of the zombies story which I love and its fantastic! So if you wanna check it out ;w;…
3150 Dahlia St. - Some romance elements , some characters more than others, there’s a lot ROs and a lot of choices. The story is good but maybe hard to follow at times (It was for me sdiosdhisdo) [it has since then been discontinued]
A Witch’s Curse - There is definitely romance but since its a wip it’s not fully developed , and the story is captivating as well!
Son of Satan: The Mortal Coil - No romance per se there will be in the final product, but lots of content and torrid flings  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fox of Sunholt - it’s really funny , there’s no romance yet but you can flirt and fluster some nobles which is always good.
Otherwise, some that are out uuhhh,,,
There’s of course, Wayhaven but you’ve played that for sure.
Evertree Inn and Sordwin (EI is the first book! There’s a third one planned); there’s romance but the mysteries in the world takes focal point! I’ve enjoyed both of them though. They’re kinda like DnD one shot stories?
Maybe Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, I’ve seen some people really like some the romance in there - personally the story doesnt interest me as much as some others and the way we gotta pay for story parts (Instead of paying the whole story you gotta pay by parts) which isnt that big of a deal bc writers gotta live and I understand that but for me it wasnt worth it.
There’s Heart of the House, I haven’t finished but it’s good so far! I know there’s some romance but where I’m at, we haven’t really delved into that completely so I can’t really say. You’re in search of your uncle in a very strange town.
Tally Ho, is another one. There’s 3 ROs I think? I haven’t finished it either but the story is nice and I love two of the ROs a LOT! You play as a butler and your life is full of Drama.
I remember liking Creatures such as We a lot but its been a couple of years since I’ve played it. There’s romance, and 4 or 5 ROs? They’re all unique and includes an older one which is kinda rare? It’s free, when I looked it for the link I noticed its free once and then you have to pay (it was free when I got it the first time like 5 years ago iodhsdiosdio) and you play as a Space Guide of sorts.
I’ve seen people highly recommend The Eagle’s Heir , personally the whole historical facet of the story kinda threw me off and I had difficulty following but it’s good its just that my brain found it Hard™ but the ROs are cute ! And I noticed it was on sale until July 9! So if it interests you, get it now!
And new stuff:
Greenwarden - MC feels a bit like sidestep, you know whole true disaster, and it has similar trigger warnings as The Passenger? Only one chapter out so far, but definitely one i would keep my eyes on!
Regrets of the traitor - Its been a bit since ive read it, i dont know if it has updated recently, I dont think so? It has a fair bit of content and I really liked it, you play a ‘villain’ if you choose to do so. And the mc is very interesting to me!
Monsters - Old, so I doubt it’ll ever be updated now, but the story has stuck with me (i read it like a few months ago), I’d be careful reading it if youre sensible to gore,violence,etc. Not a lot of character customization? but the story really pulls you in, or maybe it was just me.
Model Citizens: Unmasked - The story was really pulling me in and it finished on a cliffhanger so i was kinda smad, which is a good thing bc it means i really wanted to continue you know? Its a superhero/villain story but youre not one, you’re a bystander with a purpose.
I haven’t read finished ones in a good while (mostly bc there’s none that interests me at a first glance) but ive been really into reading Breach: The Archangel Job for the past 2 nights (3 tonight, i think ill finish today :’) ) You play someone in a gang and shit goes down! The writing style is a bit meme-y and like referential to pop culture? but it doesnt make it unreadable and there’s a D20 mechanic involved in the game so your choices can go horribly wrong like in dnd! On the more expensive side as Cogs goes 9+$
Otherwise All-World Pro Wrestling, it made me laugh a lot, but if you want a real like deep story line, this is not it. It’s gay ! Really its mostly sex and wrestling as foreplay?
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